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* # ChunkedUpload
* ## Initialisierung
* ```html
* <input type="file" id="chunky">
* <div id="files"></div>
* <script type="application/javascript">
* $('#chunky').chunkedUpload({
* chunkSize: 6291456, // 6MB
* upload: {
* url: 'index.php?module=foo&action=bar',
* },
* filesContainer: '#files'
* });
* </script>
* ```
* ## Callback
* ### `fileComplete`
* ```javascript
* $('#chunky').chunkedUpload({
* fileComplete: function(fileInfo) {
* // Do something when file upload is completed
* // fileInfo.id = Unique id; example: 'chunked_upload_2377390993'
* // fileInfo.name = Client file name
* // fileInfo.type = File mime type
* // fileInfo.size = File size in bytes
* }
* });
* ```
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var ChunkedUpload = function ($elem, options) {
var STATUS = {
WAITING: 'waiting', // Datei wurde hinzugefügt; Es wird gewartet dass Benutzer den Upload startet
UPLOADING: 'uploading', // Datei wird gerade hochgeladen
FINISHED: 'finished', // Upload verarbeitet
FAILURE: 'failure' // Fehler beim Upload
var me = {
/** @property {Object} me.options Default configuration */
options: {
chunkSize: 6291456, // 6291456 = 6MB
upload: {
url: null,
view: 'standard',
formData: {}
filesContainer: '#chunked-upload-files',
* Callback wenn Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen wurde
* @param {FileInfo} fileInfo
fileComplete: function (fileInfo) {}
/** @property {Object} me.storage Runtime storage */
storage: {
$fileInput: null,
$filesContainer: null,
$filesList: null,
uploads: {}
* @param {HTMLElement} element
* @param {Object} options
init: function (element, options) {
// Prüfen ob HTML5-File-API verfügbar
if (!me.isFileApiAvailable()) {
'Die HTML5 File-API wird von ihrem Browser nicht unterstützt. ' +
'Bitte verwenden sie einen moderneren Browser.'
// Optionen mit Defaults mergen
me.options = $.extend({}, me.options, options);
if (typeof me.options.upload.url === 'undefined' || me.options.upload.url === null) {
throw 'Initialisierung nicht möglich. Upload-URL fehlt.';
if (typeof me.options.upload.formData === 'undefined' || me.options.upload.formData === null) {
me.options.upload.formData = {};
var $fileInput = $(element);
if ($fileInput.length !== 1) {
throw 'File-Input Element wurde nicht gefunden.';
if (!$fileInput.is('input[type=file]')) {
alert('Init-Element muss ein "input"-Element vom Typ "file" sein.');
$fileInput.on('change', me.onSelectFilesEventHandler);
me.storage.$fileInput = $fileInput;
* @param {Event} event
onSelectFilesEventHandler: function (event) {
/** @var {FileList} files */
var files = event.target.files;
$.each(files, function (index, file) {
// File-Input leeren
var $input = $(this);
* @param {File} fileObject
addFileUpload: function (fileObject) {
var fileId = me.generateRandomId();
var fileSize = me.formatBytes(fileObject.size);
var uploadObject = {
id: fileId,
file: fileObject,
reader: new FileReader(),
elements: {
$progressBar: null,
$statusInfo: null,
$actionCell: null
var $removeFileButton = $('<a>');
$removeFileButton.attr('href', '#').text('Entfernen');
$removeFileButton.on('click', function (event) {
var $link = $(this);
var $row = $link.parents('tr');
var fileId = $row.data('fileId');
var $uploadFileButton = $('<a>');
$uploadFileButton.attr('href', '#').text('Hochladen');
$uploadFileButton.on('click', function (event) {
var $link = $(this);
var $row = $link.parents('tr');
var fileId = $row.data('fileId');
var $progressBar = $('<progress>').attr('min', '0').attr('max', '100').val(0);
var $row = $('<tr>').attr('id', fileId).data('fileId', fileId);
if(me.options.upload.view === 'sidebar') {
var $td = $('<td>').appendTo($row);
var $table = $('<table>').appendTo($td);
var $statusInfo = $('<td>').addClass('filestatus').html('Bereit zum Hochladen').appendTo($('<tr>').appendTo($table)).before('<td>Status:</td>');
var $actionsCell = $('<td>').addClass('fileaction').appendTo($('<tr>').data('fileId', fileId).appendTo($table));
else {
var $statusInfo = $('<td>').addClass('filestatus').html('Bereit zum Hochladen').appendTo($row);
var $actionsCell = $('<td>').addClass('fileaction').appendTo($row);
uploadObject.elements.$progressBar = $progressBar;
uploadObject.elements.$statusInfo = $statusInfo;
uploadObject.elements.$actionCell = $actionsCell;
me.storage.uploads[fileId] = uploadObject;
* @param {String} uploadId
removeFile: function (uploadId) {
var $row = $('#' + uploadId);
if ($row.length === 0) {
alert('Can not remove file upload. Element "#' + uploadId + '" not found.');
// Datei existiert nicht (mehr?)
if (!me.storage.uploads.hasOwnProperty(uploadId)) {
// Upload läuft gerade
if (me.storage.uploads[uploadId].status === STATUS.UPLOADING) {
return; // @todo Laufenden Upload abbrechen
// Tabellenzeile entfernen
delete me.storage.uploads[uploadId];
* @ŧodo Upload starten
* @param {String} uploadId
startUpload: function (uploadId) {
if (me.storage.uploads.hasOwnProperty(uploadId)) {
var upload = me.storage.uploads[uploadId];
* @param {Object} upload Einzelner Wert aus me.storage.waiting
startSingleUpload: function (upload) {
if (upload === null) {
var fileId = upload.id;
if (typeof fileId === 'undefined') {
throw 'Upload fehlgeschlagen. Unique-ID is missing.';
var $tableRow = $('#' + fileId);
var $statusCell = $tableRow.find('.filestatus');
$statusCell.html('Bitte warten...');
me.uploadFileChunk(upload, 0);
* @param {object} upload
* @param {number} start
uploadFileChunk: function (upload, start) {
var chunkSize = me.options.chunkSize;
// ChunkSize kleiner 10KB macht keinen Sinn; Upload verhindern
if (chunkSize < 10240) {
me.displayUploadError(upload.id, 'ChunkSize ist zu gering (<= 10KB). Upload nicht möglich.');
// Im allerersten Upload die ChunkSize auf 100KB stellen
// Server schickt in seiner Antwort das PHP-Upload-Limit mit
if (start === 0) {
chunkSize = 102400; // 102400 = 100KB
var offset = start + chunkSize + 1;
var chunkBlob = upload.file.slice(start, offset);
var fileId = upload.id;
if (typeof fileId === 'undefined') {
throw 'Upload fehlgeschlagen. Unique-ID is missing.';
upload.status = STATUS.UPLOADING;
// Datei-Inhalt fertig eingelesen => Upload starten
upload.reader.onloadend = function (event) {
if (event.target.readyState !== FileReader.DONE) {
var ajaxData = me.options.upload.formData;
ajaxData.file_data = event.target.result;
ajaxData.file_name = upload.file.name;
ajaxData.file_type = upload.file.type;
ajaxData.file_size = upload.file.size;
ajaxData.file_id = upload.id;
ajaxData.file_offset = start;
upload.xhr = $.ajax({
url: me.options.upload.url,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
data: ajaxData,
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var errorMessage = 'Unbekannter Fehler #21: ' + errorThrown;
// User hat "Abbrechen" geklickt
if (textStatus === 'abort') {
errorMessage = 'Upload abgebrochen';
// PHP-Skript hat Fehler geliefert (z.b. 404)
if (textStatus === 'error') {
errorMessage = 'Unbekannter Server-Fehler';
// PHP-Skript liefer JSON-Error-Response
if (jqXHR.hasOwnProperty('responseJSON') && jqXHR.responseJSON.hasOwnProperty('error')) {
errorMessage = 'Server-Fehler: ' + jqXHR.responseJSON.error;
upload.elements.$statusInfo.html('<strong>' + errorMessage + '</strong>');
success: function (data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success === false) {
upload.elements.$statusInfo.html('<strong>Server-Fehler: ' + data.error + '</strong>');
if (!data.hasOwnProperty('file') && !data.file.hasOwnProperty('bytes')) {
alert('Fehlerhafte Antwort vom Server. #1');
if (data.file.bytes === false) {
alert('Fehlerhafte Antwort vom Server. #2');
var bytesSend = data.file.bytes;
var sizeDone = start + bytesSend;
var sizeTotal = upload.file.size;
var percentDone = Math.floor((sizeDone / sizeTotal) * 100);
// Die erste Response vom Server enthält das PHP-Upload-Limit
// => ChunkSize anpassen falls diese über dem PHP-Limit liegt
if (data.hasOwnProperty('uploadLimit')
&& typeof data.uploadLimit === 'number'
&& data.uploadLimit > 0
) {
var uploadLimit = Math.floor(data.uploadLimit / 100 * 95); // 5% als Reserve freihalten
var transferSize = me.calculateBase64SizeFromRawSize(me.options.chunkSize);
if (uploadLimit < transferSize) {
var maxChunkSize = me.calculateRawSizeFromBase64Size(uploadLimit);
me.options.chunkSize = maxChunkSize;
console.warn('ChunkedUpload: PHP upload limit is ' + data.uploadLimit + ' bytes.');
console.warn('ChunkedUpload: Chunk size set to ' + maxChunkSize + ' bytes.');
if (offset < sizeTotal) {
me.uploadFileChunk(upload, offset);
} else {
// Datei einlesen starten
* Erfolgreichen Upload abschließen
* @param {String} uploadId
finishUpload: function (uploadId) {
if (me.storage.uploads.hasOwnProperty(uploadId)) {
var upload = me.storage.uploads[uploadId];
upload.elements.$statusInfo.html('Upload erfolgreich');
upload.status = STATUS.FINISHED;
// Callback aufrufen
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(upload.id, upload.file.name, upload.file.type, upload.file.size);
* Upload als fehlerhaft markieren
* @param {String} uploadId
* @param {String} errorMessage
displayUploadError: function (uploadId, errorMessage) {
if (me.storage.uploads.hasOwnProperty(uploadId)) {
var upload = me.storage.uploads[uploadId];
upload.elements.$statusInfo.html('Upload-Fehler: ' + errorMessage);
upload.status = STATUS.FAILURE;
* Datei-Tabelle erzeugen
createFilesContainer: function () {
var template = '<table>';
if(me.options.upload.view === 'sidebar') {
template +=
'<thead><th></th><th></th>' +
'<tbody></tbody>' +
else {
template +=
'<thead><th align="left">Dateiname</th><th>Größe</th>' +
'<th>Fortschritt</th><th>Status</th><th>Aktionen</th></tr></thead>' +
'<tbody></tbody>' +
var $list = $(template).hide();
var $filesContainer = $(me.options.filesContainer);
if ($filesContainer.length === 0) {
$filesContainer = $('<div>').insertAfter(me.storage.$fileInput);
me.storage.$filesContainer = $filesContainer;
me.storage.$filesList = $list.find('tbody');
* HTML5 File-API vorhanden? Oder Uralt-Browser?
* @return {boolean}
isFileApiAvailable: function () {
return typeof window.File !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.FileList !== 'undefined' &&
typeof window.FileReader !== 'undefined';
* Zufällige ID generieren
* @return {string}
generateRandomId: function () {
return 'chunked_upload_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(9999999999));
* @param {string|number} value
* @return {string}
formatBytes: function (value) {
var bytes = parseInt(value, 10);
if (bytes === 0) {
return '0 Bytes';
var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
var decimalString = (bytes / Math.pow(1024, exponent)).toFixed(1) + '';
return decimalString.replace('.', ',') + ' ' + sizes[exponent];
* @param {number} rawSize Größe der Binärdaten (in Bytes)
* @return {number} Größe in Bytes wenn Base64-kodiert
calculateBase64SizeFromRawSize: function (rawSize) {
return Math.floor(rawSize / 3 * 4);
* @param {number} encodedSize Größe eines Base64-kodierten Strings (in Bytes)
* @return {number} Größe in Bytes nach Base64-Dekodierung
calculateRawSizeFromBase64Size: function (encodedSize) {
return Math.floor(encodedSize / 4 * 3);
* @param {string} id Unique id; example: 'chunked_upload_2377390993'
* @param {string} name file name
* @param {string} type Mime type
* @param {number} size File size in bytes
* @constructor
var FileInfo = function (id, name, type, size) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.size = size;
me.init($elem, options);
* Return public api
return {};
// Dokumentation: Siehe Dateianfang
$.fn.chunkedUpload = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
var $elem = $(this);
if (!$elem.data('chunkedUpload')) {
var api = new ChunkedUpload(this, options);
$elem.data('chunkedUpload', api);