2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
< ? php
/* Author : Benedikt Sauter < sauter @ embedded - projetcs . net > 2013
* Hier werden alle Plugins , Widgets usw instanziert die
* fuer die Anwendung benoetigt werden .
* Diese Klasse ist von class . application . php abgleitet .
* Das hat den Vorteil , dass man dort bereits einiges starten kann ,
* was man eh in jeder Anwendung braucht .
* - DB Verbindung
* - Template Parser
* - Sicherheitsmodul
* - String Plugin
* - usw ....
date_default_timezone_set ( 'Europe/Berlin' );
ini_set ( 'default_charset' , 'UTF-8' );
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 'on' );
ini_set ( 'magic_quotes_runtime' , 0 );
require_once dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/phpwf/class.application.php' ;
if ( WithGUI ( true ))
define ( 'FPDF_FONTPATH' , __DIR__ . '/lib/pdf/font/' );
if ( file_exists ( __DIR__ . " /lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier_custom.php " ))
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier_custom.php' ;
} else {
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php' ;
include __DIR__ . '/function_exists.php' ;
class erpooSystem extends Application
public $obj ;
public $starttime ;
public $endtime ;
protected $laendercache ;
protected $uselaendercache ;
/** @ var e rpAPI $erp
* @ var Config $Conf
public function __construct ( $config , $group = '' )
$this -> uselaendercache = false ;
parent :: __construct ( $config , $group );
if ( WithGUI ()){
$module = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
$action = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'action' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DASHBOARDLINK' , 'index.php?module=welcome&action=start' );
$this -> help = new Help ( $this );
$companyletter = strtoupper ( substr ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'name' ), 0 , 1 ));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COMPANYLETTER' , ( $companyletter != '' ? $companyletter : 'W' ));
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'modul_mlm' ) != '1' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STARTDISABLEMLM' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ENDEDISABLEMLM' , '-->' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'modul_verband' ) != '1' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STARTDISABLEVERBAND' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ENDEDISABLEVERBAND' , '-->' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'stock' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DISABLEOPENSTOCK' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DISABLECLOSESTOCK' , '-->' );
$icons = array ( 'adresse' , 'artikel' , 'angebot' , 'auftrag' , 'lieferschein' , 'rechnung' );
foreach ( $icons as $icon ) {
if ( ! $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( $icon , 'list' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ICON' . strtoupper ( $icon ) . 'START' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ICON' . strtoupper ( $icon ) . 'ENDE' , '-->' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( strtoupper ( $module ) . 'ACTIVE' , 'active' );
if ( is_file ( 'js/' . $module . '.js' )){
$md5 = md5_file ( 'js/' . $module . '.js' );
if ( ! is_file ( 'js/' . $module . $md5 . '.js' )) {
@ copy ( 'js/' . $module . '.js' , 'js/' . $module . $md5 . '.js' );
if ( is_file ( 'js/' . $module . $md5 . '.js' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'JSSCRIPTS' , '<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/' . $module . $md5 . '.js?v=3"></script>' );
} else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'JSSCRIPTS' , '<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/' . $module . '.js?v=3"></script>' );
$this -> erp -> PrinterIcon ();
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/widgets/templates/_gen/' );
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/widgets/templates/' );
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/themes/' . $this -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] . '/templates/' );
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/pages/content/_gen/' );
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/pages/content/' );
if ( is_dir ( __DIR__ . '/lib/versandarten/content' )) {
$this -> Tpl -> ReadTemplatesFromPath ( __DIR__ . '/lib/versandarten/content/' );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'VersionsInfos' )){
$ver = $this -> erp -> VersionsInfos ();
if ( stripos ( $ver [ 'Info' ], 'Beta' ) !== false
|| stripos ( $ver [ 'Info' ], 'Alpha' ) !== false
|| stripos ( $ver [ 'Info' ], 'DEV' ) !== false
) $this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VERSIONINFO' , strtoupper ( $ver [ 'Info' ]));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ID' , $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' ));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'POPUPWIDTH' , '1200' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'POPUPHEIGHT' , '800' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'YEAR' , date ( 'Y' ));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COMMONREADONLYINPUT' , '' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COMMONREADONLYSELECT' , '' );
// templates laden
//statisch überladen
$this -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] = 'new' ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> Conf -> WFtestmode ) && $this -> Conf -> WFtestmode == true )
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BODYSTYLE' , 'style=background-color:red' );
if ( WithGUI ( true )){
$benutzername = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'benutzername' );
$passwort = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'passwort' );
$host = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'host' );
$port = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'port' );
$mailssl = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'mailssl' );
$mailanstellesmtp = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'mailanstellesmtp' );
$noauth = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'noauth' );
$overviewpage = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'overviewpage' );
$overviewpageAction = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'overviewpageaction' );
$backlinkmodule = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'backlinkmodule' );
$backlinkParameter = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'backlinkparameter' );
// templates
if ( WithGUI ()){
$this -> createSidebarNavigation ();
$layout_iconbar = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'layout_iconbar' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'stock' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STOCKOPEN' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STOCKCLOSE' , '-->' );
//nur wenn leiste nicht deaktiviert ist
if ( $layout_iconbar != 1 ){
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'iconset_dunkel' ) == '1' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'ICONBAR' , 'iconbar_dunkel.tpl' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'ICONBAR' , 'iconbar.tpl' );
} else {
$this -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'ICONBAR' , 'iconbar_empty.tpl' );
if ( $module !== 'kalender' && ( $module !== 'welcome' && $action !== 'start' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'YUICSS' , '.ui-widget-content {}' );
$overviewLink = null ;
if ( ! empty ( $overviewpage )) {
$obj = $this -> loadModule ( $overviewpage , false );
if ( $obj !== null && method_exists ( $obj , 'getOverViewLink' )) {
$overviewLink = $obj -> getOverViewLink ( $overviewpageAction );
$backlink = null ;
if ( ! empty ( $backlinkmodule )) {
$obj = $this -> loadModule ( $backlinkmodule , false );
if ( $obj !== null && method_exists ( $obj , 'getBackLink' )) {
$backlink = $obj -> getBackLink ( $backlinkParameter );
// back to overview for case apps/einstellungen
if ( $overviewLink !== null ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BACKTOOVERVIEW' , '<a href="' . $overviewLink . '" title="Zur Einstellungsübersicht" id="back-to-overview"></a>' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MODULE' , $module );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ACTION' , $action );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'THEME' , $this -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ]);
$doc_root = preg_replace ( " ! { $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ] } $ ! " , '' , $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ]); # ex: /var/www
$path = preg_replace ( " !^ { $doc_root } ! " , '' , __DIR__ );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WEBPATH' , $path );
if ( isset ( $backlink ) && strpos ( $backlink , " index.php?module= " ) !== false && strpos ( $backlink , " &action= " ) !== false ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TABSBACK' , $backlink );
} else {
if ( $action === 'list' || $action == '' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TABSBACK' , 'index.php' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TABSBACK' , " index.php?module= $module &action=list " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SAVEBUTTON' , '<input type="submit" name="speichern" value="Speichern" class="button-sticky" />' );
$this -> help -> Run ();
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TMPSCRIPT' , '' );
$msg2 = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'msg' );
$msgid = ( int ) $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'msgid' );
if ( $msgid && method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'GetTmpMessageOut' )){
$msg3 = $this -> erp -> GetTmpMessageOut ( $msgid );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , $msg3 );
} elseif ( $msg2 != '' ){
$msg2 = $this -> erp -> base64_url_decode ( $msg2 );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , $msg2 );
unset ( $msg3 );
$module = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MODULE' , $module );
if ( $module == '' ){
$module = 'welcome' ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ICON' , $module );
$id = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KID' , $id );
// pruefe welche version vorliegt
include dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/version.php' ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'REVISION' , $this -> erp -> Revision () . ' (' . $this -> erp -> Branch () . ')' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'REVISIONID' , $this -> erp -> RevisionPlain ());
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BRANCH' , $this -> erp -> Branch ());
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'LIZENZHINWEIS' , '| <a href="https://www.xentral.biz/lizenzhinweis" target="_blank">Lizenzhinweis</a>' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'OSS' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WAWIVERSION' , 'Open-Source Lizenz AGPLv3.0' );
else if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'ENT' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WAWIVERSION' , 'Enterprise Version' );
else if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'PRO' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WAWIVERSION' , 'Professional Version' );
else if ( $this -> erp -> Version () === 'PRE' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WAWIVERSION' , 'Premium Version' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'WAWIVERSION' , 'Nutzungsbedingungen' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TIMESTAMP' , time ());
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'THEME' , $this -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ]);
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'AKTIV_GEN_TAB1' , 'selected' );
if ( file_exists ( __DIR__ . '/pages/textvorlagen.php' ) && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' ) !== 'open' ){
$showing = true ;
if ( $action === 'edit' && in_array ( $module , array ( 'auftrag' , 'angebot' , 'rechnung' , 'bestellung' , 'lieferschein' ))){
$id = ( int ) $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
if ( $id && $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT count(id) FROM " . $module . " _position WHERE $module = ' $id ' " ) > 100 ) {
$showing = false ;
if ( $showing && $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'textvorlagen' , 'show' )){
/** @var \Xentral\Widgets\DataTable\Service\DataTableService $service */
$service = $this -> Container -> get ( 'DataTableService' );
$buildConfig = new \Xentral\Widgets\DataTable\DataTableBuildConfig (
'texttemplates' ,
\Xentral\Modules\TextTemplate\DataTable\TextTemplateDataTable :: class ,
'index.php?module=textvorlagen&action=show&cmd=table' ,
$htmlData = $service -> renderHtml ( $buildConfig );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABTEXTVORLAGEN' , $htmlData );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TVFILTERHEADER' , '<fieldset><legend>Textvorlage suchen und einfügen</legend></fieldset>' );
$this -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( 'textvorlageprojekt' , 'projektname' , 1 );
$this -> YUI -> CkEditor ( 'textvorlagetext' , 'belege' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'JSSCRIPTS' , $this -> Tpl -> OutputAsString ( 'textvorlagen.tpl' ));
$isTestlizenz = ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'testlizenz' ));
$isCloud = erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'iscloud' );
$isDemo = $isTestlizenz && $isCloud ;
$activateDoubleClick = false ;
/** @var Dataprotection $dataProtectionModule */
$dataProtectionModule = $this -> loadModule ( 'dataprotection' );
if ( $isCloud
&& $dataProtectionModule !== null
&& $dataProtectionModule -> isGoogleAnalyticsActive ()
$activateDoubleClick = true ;
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
' <!-- Global site tag ( gtag . js ) - Google Analytics -->
< script async src = " https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-1088253-14 " ></ script >
< script >
window . dataLayer = window . dataLayer || [];
function gtag (){ dataLayer . push ( arguments );}
gtag ( \ ' js\ ' , new Date ());
gtag ( \ ' config\ ' , \ ' UA - 1088253 - 14 \ ' );
</ script > ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'ADDITIONALCSPHEADER' , ' www.googletagmanager.com www.google-analytics.com ssl.google-analytics.com stats.g.doubleclick.net ' );
if ( $dataProtectionModule !== null && $dataProtectionModule -> isHubspotActive ()) {
$activateDoubleClick = true ;
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
'<script type="text/javascript" id="hs-script-loader" async defer src="//js.hs-scripts.com/6748263.js"></script>'
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
' js.hs-scripts.com js.hscollectedforms.net js.hsleadflows.net js.hs-banner.com js.hs-analytics.net api.hubapi.com js.hsadspixel.net '
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
'forms.hubspot.com forms.hsforms.com track.hubspot.com www.google.com www.google.de '
if ( $activateDoubleClick ) {
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'ADDITIONALCSPHEADER' , ' googleads.g.doubleclick.net ' );
$hooktpl = 'JSSCRIPTS' ;
$this -> erp -> RunHook ( 'eproosystem_ende' , 1 , $hooktpl );
* @ param { String } $path
* @ param { String } $category
* @ return String
public function getSVG ( $path , $filename ){
$filename = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , strtolower ( $filename ));
$iconPath = $path . $filename . '.svg' ;
return file_get_contents ( $iconPath );
protected function getCounterFor ( string $type )
* creates and appends sidebar navigation
public function createSidebarNavigation (){
include dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/version.php' ;
$appstore = $this -> loadModule ( 'appstore' );
$svgPath = 'themes/new/images/sidebar/' ;
$activeModule = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
$activeAction = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'action' );
$navigation = $this -> Page -> CreateNavigation ( $this -> erp -> Navigation (), true , $activeModule , $activeAction );
$activeCategory = $appstore -> GetCategoryByModule ( $activeModule , $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' ));
$appointmentCount = ( int ) $this -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
FROM kalender_event AS ke
LEFT JOIN kalender_user AS ku ON ku . event = ke . id
WHERE DATE_FORMAT ( ke . von , '%%Y-%%m-%%d' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( NOW (), '%%Y-%%m-%%d' )
ke . adresse =% d
OR ke . adresseintern =% d
OR ku . userid =% d
) " ,
$this -> User -> GetAdresse (), $this -> User -> GetAdresse (), $this -> User -> GetID ()
if ( $appointmentCount <= 0 ) {
$appointmentCount = 0 ;
if ( $this -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'wiedervorlage' ) && $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'wiedervorlage' , 'list' )) {
$resubmissionCount = ( int ) $this -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
" SELECT count(*)
FROM `wiedervorlage` AS `w`
LEFT JOIN `adresse` AS `a` ON w . adresse = a . id
LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` on p . id = a . projekt
WHERE w . abgeschlossen = 0
AND TIMESTAMP ( concat ( w . datum_erinnerung , ' ' , w . zeit_erinnerung )) < TIMESTAMP ( now ())
AND ( w . adresse_mitarbeiter = % d OR ( w . adresse_mitarbeiter = 0 AND w . bearbeiter =% d )) " ,
$this -> User -> getAdresse (), $this -> User -> getAdresse ()
) . $this -> erp -> ProjektRechte ( 'w.projekt' )
// Creates user specific items
2023-05-22 18:42:20 +02:00
$offene_tickets = $this -> erp -> AnzahlOffeneTickets ( false );
$offene_tickets_user = $this -> erp -> AnzahlOffeneTickets ( true );
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
$possibleUserItems = [
2022-07-22 11:12:41 +02:00
'Tickets' => [
'link' => 'index.php?module=ticket&action=list' ,
2023-05-22 18:42:20 +02:00
'counter' => ( $offene_tickets + $offene_tickets_user > 0 ) ? $offene_tickets_user . " / " . $offene_tickets : " "
2022-07-22 11:12:41 +02:00
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
'Aufgaben' => [
'link' => 'index.php?module=aufgaben&action=list' ,
'counter' => $this -> erp -> AnzahlOffeneAufgaben ()
2022-07-02 11:18:04 +02:00
/* 'Wiedervorlage' => [
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
'link' => 'index.php?module=wiedervorlage&action=list' ,
'counter' => $resubmissionCount ,
2022-07-02 11:18:04 +02:00
], */
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
'Kalender' => [
'link' => 'index.php?module=kalender&action=list' ,
'counter' => $appointmentCount
2022-07-02 11:18:04 +02:00
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
2022-06-12 15:59:32 +02:00
/* $possibleUserItems [ 'Apps' ] = [
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
'link' => 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=allapps'
2022-06-12 15:59:32 +02:00
]; */
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'testlizenz' )) && $this -> User -> GetType () === 'admin' ){
$possibleUserItems [ 'Starte hier!' ] = [
'link' => 'index.php?module=learningdashboard&action=list' ,
'type' => 'cta'
$userItems = '<div class="sidebar-list small-items separator-bottom">' ;
foreach ( $possibleUserItems as $title => $data ){
$classList = '' ;
$link = $data [ 'link' ];
$counter = isset ( $data [ 'counter' ]) && (( is_int ( $data [ 'counter' ]) && $data [ 'counter' ] >= 1 )
|| ( is_string ( $data [ 'counter' ]) && $data [ 'counter' ] !== '' ))
? '<div class="item-counter">' . $data [ 'counter' ] . '</div>'
: '' ;
$svg = $this -> getSVG ( $svgPath , $title );
$active = '' ;
if ( strtolower ( $title ) === strtolower ( $activeModule )){
$active = 'current-module' ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'type' ]) && $data [ 'type' ] === 'cta' ){
$classList .= 'button button-secondary' ;
$userItems .=
'<a href="' . $link . '&top=' . base64_encode ( $title ) . '" class="list-item ' . $active . ' ' . $classList . '">'
. $svg
. '<div class="title">' . $this -> Tpl -> pruefeuebersetzung ( $title ) . '</div>'
. $counter
. '</a>' ;
$userItems .= '</div>' ;
// Creates main navigation steps
$naviHtml = '<div class="sidebar-list">' ;
foreach ( $navigation as $key => $listitem ){
if ( ! empty ( $listitem )){
if ( isset ( $listitem [ 'original_title' ])) {
$svg = $this -> getSVG ( $svgPath , $listitem [ 'original_title' ]);
} else {
$svg = $this -> getSVG ( $svgPath , $listitem [ 'title' ]);
$active = '' ;
if ( $listitem [ 'active' ]) {
$active = 'current-module' ;
$naviHtml .=
'<div class="list-item ' . $active . '">'
. $svg .
'<div class="title">' . $listitem [ 'title' ] . '</div>' ;
if ( isset ( $listitem [ " sec " ])){
$naviHtml .=
' < div class = " sidebar-submenu " >
< div > ' ;
foreach ( $listitem [ " sec " ] as $subkey => $subitem ){
$naviHtml .= '<a href="' . $subitem [ 'link' ] . '">' . $subitem [ 'title' ] . '</a>' ;
$naviHtml .= ' </ div >
</ div > ' ;
$naviHtml .= '</div>' ;
$naviHtml .= '</div>' ;
/** @var Dataprotection $obj */
$obj = $this -> loadModule ( 'dataprotection' );
$showChat = method_exists ( 'erpAPI' , 'Ioncube_Property' )
&& ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'chatactive' ))
&& ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'chat' ))
&& $obj !== null
&& method_exists ( $obj , 'isZenDeskActive' )
&& $obj -> isZenDeskActive ();
$possibleFixedItems = [];
if ( ! $showChat ) {
$possibleFixedItems [ 'Hilfe' ] = 'id="showinlinehelplink"' ;
// Creates fixed bottom navigation items
2022-06-12 15:59:32 +02:00
// $possibleFixedItems['Datenschutz'] = 'index.php?module=dataprotection&action=list';
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
$fixedItems = '<div class="sidebar-list bottom">' ;
foreach ( $possibleFixedItems as $title => $link ){
$svg = $this -> getSVG ( $svgPath , $title );
$active = '' ;
if ( strtolower ( $title ) === strtolower ( $activeModule )){
$active = 'current-module' ;
if ( strpos ( $link , 'index.php?' ) !== false ){
$fixedItems .=
'<a href="' . $link . '&top=' . base64_encode ( $title ) . '" class="list-item ' . $active . '">'
. $svg .
'<div class="title">' . $this -> Tpl -> pruefeuebersetzung ( $title ) . '</div>'
. '</a>' ;
} elseif ( strpos ( $link , 'id="' ) !== false ) {
$fixedItems .=
'<div ' . $link . ' class="list-item">'
. $svg .
'<div class="title">' . $this -> Tpl -> pruefeuebersetzung ( $title ) . '</div>'
. '</div>' ;
$fixedItems .= '</div>' ;
$version = '' ;
if ( isset ( $version_revision ) && $version_revision != '' ) {
2022-10-14 14:18:26 +02:00
$version .= '<div class="sidebar-software-version">OpenXE V.' . $version_revision . '</div>' ;
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
if ( $userId = $this -> User -> GetID ()){
/** @var \Xentral\Modules\User\Service\UserConfigService $userConfig */
$userConfig = $this -> Container -> get ( 'UserConfigService' );
$sidebarCollapsed = $userConfig -> tryGet ( 'sidebar_collapsed' , $userId );
$sidebarClasses = $sidebarCollapsed === true ? 'class="collapsed"' : '' ;
} else {
$sidebarClasses = '' ;
// set generated HTML to template
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'USERITEMS' , $userItems );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NAVIGATIONITEMS' , $naviHtml );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'FIXEDITEMS' , $fixedItems );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'XENTRALVERSION' , $version );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SIDEBAR_CLASSES' , $sidebarClasses );
$isDevelopmentVersion = method_exists ( 'erpAPI' , 'Ioncube_Property' )
&& ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'isdevelopmentversion' ));
if ( $isDevelopmentVersion ) {
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
@ file_get_contents ( __DIR__ . '/themes/new/templates/sidebar_development_version_logo.svg' )
$this -> Tpl -> Add (
'<img class="development" src="themes/new/templates/development_version_logo.png" alt="logo" />'
else {
2022-10-14 14:18:26 +02:00
// $this->Tpl->Add('SIDEBARLOGO', @file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/themes/new/templates/sidebar_logo.svg'));
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'SIDEBARLOGO' , '<div class="sidebar_logo">' .@ file_get_contents ( __DIR__ . '/themes/new/templates/sidebar_logo.svg' ) . '</div>' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'SIDEBARLOGO' , '<div class="sidebar_icon_logo">' .@ file_get_contents ( __DIR__ . '/themes/new/templates/sidebar_icon_logo.svg' ) . '</div>' );
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
$this -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'SIDEBAR' , 'sidebar.tpl' );
$this -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PROFILE_MENU' , 'profile_menu.tpl' );
* @ return string
public function CheckUserdata ()
$isSecure = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] === 'on' ) {
$isSecure = true ;
elseif (( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO' ] === 'https' ) || ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL' ] == 'on' )) {
$isSecure = true ;
$REQUEST_PROTOCOL = $isSecure ? 'https' : 'http' ;
if ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_URI' ]))
$weburl = $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_URI' ];
} elseif ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]) && ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] !== '::1' && ( empty ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ]) || strpos ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], 'nginx' ) === false ))
$weburl = ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] ? $REQUEST_PROTOCOL . '://' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_ADDR' ] . ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ] != 80 && $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ] != 443 ? ':' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ] : '' ) : '' ) . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
} elseif ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ])) //MAMP auf macos
$weburl = str_replace ( array ( 'setup/setup.php?step=5' , 'setup/setup.php' ), '' , $REQUEST_PROTOCOL . '://' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . " : " . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_PORT' ] . $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ] . $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ]);
} else {
$weburl = '' ;
$userdatadir = $this -> Conf -> WFuserdata ;
$tmpfile = md5 ( microtime ( true )) . '.html' ;
$ret = '' ;
if ( ! file_put_contents ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile , 'TEST' )){
$ret = 'Das Verzeichnis userdata ist nicht schreibbar (Rechte) oder die Festplatte ist voll' ;
if ( ! empty ( $weburl ) && stripos ( $weburl , 'http' ) !== 0 )
if ( is_file ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile )){
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , ! empty ( $ret ) ? 'warning' : 'ok' , $ret );
return $ret ;
$pos = strpos ( $weburl , 'index.php' );
if ( $pos ){
$weburl = rtrim ( substr ( $weburl , 0 , $pos ), '/' );
$thisfoldera = explode ( '/' , __DIR__ );
$userdataa = explode ( '/' , $this -> Conf -> WFuserdata );
foreach ( $thisfoldera as $k => $v )
if ( isset ( $userdataa [ $k ]) && $userdataa [ $k ] == $v )
unset ( $userdataa [ $k ], $thisfoldera [ $k ]);
$userdata = trim ( implode ( '/' , $userdataa ), '/' );
$thisfolder = trim ( implode ( '/' , $thisfoldera ), '/' );
if ( substr ( $weburl , - strlen ( $thisfolder )) == $thisfolder )
$userdata = substr ( $weburl , 0 , strlen ( $weburl ) - strlen ( $thisfolder )) . $userdata . '/' ;
} else
if ( is_file ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile )){
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , 'ok' );
return $ret ;
if ( is_dir ( $userdatadir )) {
$content = @ file_get_contents ( $userdata );
if ( $content != '' ) {
if ( is_file ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile )){
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
$ret = 'Sicherheitswarnung: Verzeichnis userdata ist von extern einsehbar' . ( $ret === '' ? '' : ' und nicht beschreibbar' ) . '!' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , 'error' , $ret );
return $ret ;
if ( file_put_contents ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile , 'TEST' )) {
if ( @ file_get_contents ( $userdata . $tmpfile ) === 'TEST' ) {
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
$ret = 'Sicherheitswarnung: Verzeichnis userdata ist von extern einsehbar' . ( $ret === '' ? '' : ' und nicht beschreibbar' ) . '!' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , 'error' , $ret );
return $ret ;
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , 'ok' );
return '' ;
if ( is_file ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile )){
unlink ( rtrim ( $userdatadir , '/' ) . '/' . $tmpfile );
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'server' , 'userdata_writeable' , 'ok' );
return $ret ;
public function calledBeforeFinish ()
public function Laender ( $module , $action , $id , $lid )
/*********** select field for projekt ***************/
$selectid = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'projekt' );
if ( $selectid == '' && $module !== 'projekt' ) {
Removed because of module tables that have no projekt id
if ( ! empty ( $this -> Conf -> WFdbType ) && $this -> Conf -> WFdbType === 'postgre' )
//POSTGRE --> dringend bei statements wo es die tabelle gibt machen!
$selectid = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT projekt FROM ` $module ` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
$selectid = $id > 0 ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT projekt FROM ` $module ` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " ) : NULL ;
} */
$color_selected = '' ;
$options = $this -> erp -> GetProjektSelect ( $selectid , '' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_PROJEKT' , " <select name= \" projekt \"
style = \ " background-color: $color_selected ; \"
onChange = \ " this.style.backgroundColor=this.options[this.selectedIndex].style.backgroundColor \" > $options </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_UNTERPROJEKT' , ' < div id = " selectunterprojekt " >
< select name = " unterprojekt " >
</ select >
</ div > ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'LESEZEICHEN' , '<a title="Angebot" href="index.php?module=angebot&action=search">Angebotssuche</a> ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'LESEZEICHEN' , '<a title="Auftrag" href="index.php?module=auftrag&action=search">Auftragssuche</a> ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'LESEZEICHEN' , '<a title="Rechnung" href="index.php?module=rechnung&action=search">Rechnungssuche</a> ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'LESEZEICHEN' , '<a title="Adresse" href="index.php?module=adresse&action=search">Adressensuche</a> ' );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'LESEZEICHEN' , '<a title="Adresse" href="index.php?module=wareneingang&action=paketannahme">Paket Annahme</a>' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KURZUEBERSCHRIFT' , $module );
if ( $action === 'edit' ){
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'KURZUEBERSCHRIFT1' , 'BEARBEITEN' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KURZUEBERSCHRIFTFIRSTUPPER' , ucfirst ( $module ));
/*********** select field for projekt ***************/
if ( $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'land' ) == '' && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'land' ) == '' )
if ( in_array ( $module , array ( 'adresse' , 'adresse_import' , 'anfrage' , 'angebot' , 'ansprechpartner' , 'arbeitsnachweis' , 'auftrag' , 'belege' , 'belegegesamt' , 'belegeregs' , 'bestellung' , 'bundesstaaten' , 'dokumente' , 'gutschrift' , 'inventur' , 'laendersteuersaetze' , 'lieferadressen' , 'lieferschein' , 'preisanfrage' , 'produktion' , 'proformarechnung' , 'projekt' , 'rechnung' , 'retoure' , 'serviceauftrag' , 'shopexport_sprachen' , 'shopexport_versandarten' , 'spedition' , 'spedition_packstuecke' , 'steuertexte' , 'ustprf' , 'verpackungen_details' )))
$countryField = 'land' ;
if ( $module === 'retoure' ) {
$countryField = 'lieferland' ;
$sqlCountry = sprintf ( 'SELECT %s FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1' , $countryField , $module , $id );
$selectid = $id ? $this -> DB -> Select ( $sqlCountry ) : '' ;
} else {
$selectid = '' ;
if ( empty ( $selectid )) {
$selectid = $lid ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT land FROM `lieferadressen` WHERE id=' $lid ' LIMIT 1 " ) : '' ;
else if ( $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'land' ) != '' ){
$selectid = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'land' );
else {
$selectid = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'land' );
/*********** select field for projekt ***************/
if ( $module === 'adresse' && $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'rechnung_land' ) == '' && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'rechnung_land' ) == '' )
$selectidrechnung = $id ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT rechnung_land FROM adresse WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " ) : '' ;
else {
$selectidrechnung = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'rechnung_land' );
/*********** select field for projekt ***************/
$lid = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'lid' );
if ( $module === 'adresse' && $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'ansprechpartner_land' ) == '' && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'ansprechpartner_land' ) == '' )
$selectidansprechpartner = $lid ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT ansprechpartner_land FROM ansprechpartner WHERE id=' $lid ' LIMIT 1 " ) : '' ;
if ( empty ( $selectidansprechpartner )) {
$selectidansprechpartner = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT land FROM adresse WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
//if($selectid<=0 && $module=="lieferadressepopup") $this->DB->Select("SELECT land FROM `lieferadressen` WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
else {
$selectidansprechpartner = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'ansprechpartner_land' );
if ( $module === 'adresse' && $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'land' ) == '' && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'land' ) == '' )
$selectidlieferadresse = $lid ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT land FROM lieferadressen WHERE id=' $lid ' LIMIT 1 " ) : '' ;
if ( $selectidlieferadresse == '' ) {
$selectidlieferadresse = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT land FROM adresse WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$selectidlieferadresse = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'land' );
if ( $module === 'proformarechnung' && $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'verzollungland' ) == '' && $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'verzollungland' ) == '' )
$selectidverzollung = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT verzollungland FROM proformarechnung WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$selectidverzollung = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'land' );
$this -> uselaendercache = true ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LAND' , " <select name= \" land \" id= \" land \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectid ) . " </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LIEFERLAND' , " <select name= \" lieferland \" id= \" lieferland \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectid ) . " </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LAND_RECHNUNG' , " <select name= \" rechnung_land \" id= \" rechnung_land \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectidrechnung ) . " </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LAND_ANSPRECHPARTNER' , " <select name= \" ansprechpartner_land \" id= \" ansprechpartner_land \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectidansprechpartner ) . " </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LAND_LIEFERADRESSEN' , " <select name= \" land \" id= \" land \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectidlieferadresse ) . " </select> " );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LAND_VERZOLLUNG' , " <select name= \" verzollungland \" id= \" land \" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]> " . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectidverzollung ) . " </select> " );
$this -> uselaendercache = false ;
if ( $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'lieferland' ) == '' )
if ( in_array ( $module , array ( 'amazon_inboundshipmentplan' , 'angebot' , 'auftrag' , 'bestellung' , 'produktion' , 'proformarechnung' , 'retoure' , 'serviceauftrag' , 'spedition' )))
$selectid = $id ? $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT lieferland FROM ` $module ` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " ) : '' ;
} else {
$selectid = '' ;
else {
$selectid = $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'lieferland' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EPROO_SELECT_LIEFERLAND' , '<select name="lieferland" id="lieferland" [COMMONREADONLYSELECT]>' . $this -> SelectLaenderliste ( $selectid ) . '</select>' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VORGAENGELINK' , " <a href= \" # \" onclick= \" var ergebnistext=prompt('Lesezeichen:',' " . ucfirst ( $module ) . " '); if(ergebnistext!='' && ergebnistext!=null) window.location.href='index.php?module=welcome&action=vorgang&titel='+ergebnistext; \" >*</a> " );
if ( $module === 'adresse' || $module === 'artikel' || $module === 'angebot' || $module === 'rechnung' || $module === 'auftrag' || $module === 'gutschrift' || $module === 'lieferschein'
|| $module === 'onlineshops' || $module === 'geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen' || $module === 'emailbackup' || $module === 'ticket_vorlage' )
// module auf richtige tabellen mappen
if ( $module === 'onlineshops' ) {
$this -> erp -> Standardprojekt ( 'shopexport' , $id );
else {
$this -> erp -> Standardprojekt ( $module , $id );
$bezeichnungaktionscodes = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'bezeichnungaktionscodes' );
if (( String ) $bezeichnungaktionscodes === '' ){
$bezeichnungaktionscodes = 'Aktionscode' ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BEZEICHNUNGAKTIONSCODE' , $bezeichnungaktionscodes );
* @ param string $module
* @ param string $action
* @ param int $id
public function addPollJs ( $module , $action , $id )
$noTimeoutUserEdit = 0 ;
$startTime = 3000 ;
$repeatTime = 5000 ;
$firmendaten_repeattime = 1000 * ( int ) $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'poll_repeattime' );
if ( $firmendaten_repeattime > $repeatTime ) {
$repeatTime = $firmendaten_repeattime ;
if ( $repeatTime > 25000 ) {
$repeatTime = 25000 ;
$invisibleTime = 25000 ;
if ( empty ( $id )
|| (
in_array ( $module , [ 'auftrag' , 'rechnung' , 'gutschrift' , 'angebot' , 'lieferschein' ], false )
$this -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT schreibschutz FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d' ,
$module ,
) {
$noTimeoutUserEdit = 1 ;
if ( $action !== 'positionen' ){
$pollUid = sha1 ( uniqid ( 'poll' , true ));
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'JAVASCRIPT' , "
var logErrorCount = 0 ;
var hidden , visibilityChange ;
if ( typeof document . hidden !== \ " undefined \" ) { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support
hidden = \ " hidden \" ;
visibilityChange = \ " visibilitychange \" ;
} else if ( typeof document . msHidden !== \ " undefined \" ) {
hidden = \ " msHidden \" ;
visibilityChange = \ " msvisibilitychange \" ;
} else if ( typeof document . webkitHidden !== \ " undefined \" ) {
hidden = \ " webkitHidden \" ;
visibilityChange = \ " webkitvisibilitychange \" ;
function showLockScreen ( errorMsg ) {
logErrorCount ++ ;
if ( typeof errorMsg !== 'undefined' && errorMsg !== null ) {
console . error ( 'Polling error: ' + errorMsg );
if ( typeof LockScreen === 'undefined' ) {
return ;
if ( logErrorCount <= 2 ) {
return ;
LockScreen . show ();
function hideLockScreen () {
if ( typeof LockScreen === 'undefined' ) { return ; }
LockScreen . hide ();
// Benutzer hat Sperrbildschirm per Button geschlossen
// => Sperrbildschirm schliessen und Counter zurücksetzen
function resetLockScreen () {
if ( typeof LockScreen === 'undefined' ) { return ; }
LockScreen . hide ();
logErrorCount = 0 ;
var isloggedin = true ;
function executeQuery () {
if ( typeof generate == 'undefined' ){
return ;
$ . ajax ({
url : ' index . php ? module = welcome & action = poll & smodule = $module & cmd = messages & saction = $action & sid = $id & user = " .
$this -> User -> GetID () . ( ! empty ( $noTimeoutUserEdit ) ? '&nousertimeout=1' : '' ) . " &uid= " . $pollUid . " ',
type : 'POST' ,
data : {
invisible : typeof document . hidden != 'undefined' ?
( document . hidden ? 1 : 0 ) :
( typeof document . msHidden !== 'undefined' ?
( document . msHidden ? 1 : 0 ) : ( typeof document . webkitHidden != 'undefined' ? ( document . webkitHidden ? 1 : 0 ) : 2 ))
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data === '' ) {
showLockScreen ( 'Polling result is empty.' );
return ;
// do something with the return value here if you like
try {
var meinelist = JSON . parse ( data );
} catch ( err ) {
showLockScreen ( 'JSON parse error (' + err + ')' );
return ;
logErrorCount = 0 ;
// Hide lock screen on successful request
hideLockScreen ();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < meinelist . length ; i ++ )
obj = meinelist [ i ];
if ( typeof obj . event !== 'undefined' ) {
switch ( obj . event )
case 'logout' :
isloggedin = false ;
break ;
case 'chatbox' :
generate ( 'chatbox' , obj . message );
break ;
case 'notification' :
if ( typeof Notify === 'undefined' ) {
console . warn ( 'Notify not found.' );
return ;
// Benachrichtigung erstellen
Notify . create ( obj . type , obj . title , obj . message , obj . priority , obj . options );
break ;
error : function ( XMLHttpRequest , textStatus , errorThrown ) {
if ( XMLHttpRequest . readyState === 4 ) {
// HTTP error
var statusCode = XMLHttpRequest . status ;
var statusText = XMLHttpRequest . statusText ;
showLockScreen ( 'HTTP error (' + statusCode + ' ' + statusText + ')' );
} else if ( XMLHttpRequest . readyState === 0 ) {
// Network error (connection refused, connection lost, access denied, ...)
showLockScreen ( 'Network error.' );
} else {
// Something weird is happening
showLockScreen ( 'Unknown request error.' );
if ( isloggedin ){
setTimeout ( executeQuery , ( typeof hidden == 'undefined' || ! document [ hidden ]) ? " . $repeatTime . " : " . $invisibleTime . " ); // you could choose not to continue on failure...
else {
logErrorCount = 3 ;
showLockScreen ( 'logged out.' );
$ ( document ) . ready ( function () {
// run the first time; all subsequent calls will take care of themselves
setTimeout ( executeQuery , " . $startTime . " );
// Benutzer kann Sperrbildschirm per Button schliessen
$ ( document ) . on ( 'click' , '#lockscreen-close-button' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ();
resetLockScreen ();
" );
* @ return string
protected function getShortenedUsername (){
$username = $this -> User -> GetName ();
$usernameArray = explode ( ' ' , $username );
$usernameWordsLength = count ( $usernameArray );
// Replace the last part of the username by it's abbreviation; example "Sepp Maier" => "Sepp M."
if ( $usernameWordsLength > 1 ){
$lastName = array_pop ( $usernameArray );
$lastName = mb_substr ( $lastName , 0 , 1 ) . '.' ;
$username = implode ( ' ' , $usernameArray ) . ' ' . $lastName ;
return $username ;
public function calledWhenAuth ( $type )
if ( ! WithGUI ()){
return ;
$id = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$lid = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'lid' );
$module = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
$action = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'action' );
// Check Timeout Users
$this -> DB -> Update ( 'UPDATE useronline SET login=0 WHERE DATE_ADD(time,INTERVAL ' . ( int ) $this -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'logintimeout' ] . ' second) < NOW() AND login=1' );
if ( $this -> DB -> affected_rows () > 0 ) {
$this -> User -> createCache ();
// userd edit ajax call
2024-05-07 10:15:47 +02:00
$poll = true ;
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
if ( $poll ) {
$this -> addPollJs ( $module , $action , $id );
2024-05-07 10:15:47 +02:00
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
/** @var Ajax $ajax */
$ajax = $this -> loadModule ( 'ajax' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PROFILEPICTURE' , $ajax -> getProfileHtml ( $this -> User -> GetID (), 'Profilbild' , null , 38 ));
$this -> Tpl -> SetText ( 'USERID' , $this -> User -> GetID ());
$this -> Tpl -> SetText ( 'USERNAME_SHORTENED' , $this -> getShortenedUsername ());
$this -> Tpl -> SetText ( 'BENUTZER' , $this -> User -> GetName ());
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CALENDERWEEK' , date ( 'W' ));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CALENDERWEEKMAX' , date ( 'W' , date ( mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , date ( 'Y' ) + 1 ) - 4 * 86400 )));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VERSIONUNDSTATUS' , 'Server: ' . $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_NAME' ] . ' | Client: ' . $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] . ' | User: ' . $this -> User -> GetDescription ());
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SERVERDATE' , 'Serverzeit: ' . date ( 'd.m.Y H:i' ) . ' Uhr' );
$this -> Tpl -> SetText ( 'MODUL' , ucfirst ( $module ));
2022-10-14 14:18:26 +02:00
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HTMLTITLE' , '{|[MODUL]|} | OpenXE ' );
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
switch ( $module )
case 'artikel' :
switch ( $action ) {
case 'einkaufeditpopup' :
$artikeltmpid = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT artikel FROM einkaufspreise WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
break ;
case 'verkaufeditpopup' :
$artikeltmpid = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT artikel FROM verkaufspreise WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
break ;
default : $artikeltmpid = $id ;
2022-06-12 15:59:32 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $artikeltmpid )) {
$this -> Tpl -> AddText ( 'HTMLTITLE' , '| ' . $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) FROM artikel WHERE id=' $artikeltmpid ' LIMIT 1 " ));
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
break ;
case 'angebot' :
case 'auftrag' :
case 'rechnung' :
case 'lieferschein' :
case 'gutschrift' :
case 'bestellung' :
case 'anfrage' :
2022-06-12 15:59:32 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $id )) {
$this -> Tpl -> AddText ( 'HTMLTITLE' , '| ' . $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT CONCAT(if(belegnr!='',belegnr,'ENTWURF'),' ',name) FROM $module WHERE id=' $id ' lIMIT 1 " ));
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
break ;
$firmenname = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'name' );
$firmenfarbe = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'firmenfarbe' );
$this -> Tpl -> SetText ( 'FIRMENNAME' , $firmenname );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBBREITE' , '275' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBPROZ' , '25' );
$class = '' ;
$checkkommen = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT kommen FROM stechuhr WHERE adresse=' " . $this -> User -> GetAdresse () . " ' ORDER by datum DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $checkkommen != 0 )
$kommen = '<a href="#" onclick="if(confirm(\'Status von Arbeit auf Pause / Freizeit ändern?\')) window.location.href=\'index.php?module=stechuhr&action=change&cmd=pause&smodule=' . $module . '&saction=' . $action . ( $id ? '&sid=' . $id : '' ) . ' \ ' ; "
>& nbsp ; Arbeit & nbsp ; </ a > ' ;
$class = 'red' ;
$kommen = '<a href="#" onclick="if(confirm(\'Status von Pause / Freizeit auf Arbeit ändern?\')) window.location.href=\'index.php?module=stechuhr&action=change&cmd=arbeit\';"> Pause</a>' ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STECHUHRCLASS' , $class );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STECHUHR' , $kommen );
$tmpfirmendatenfkt = 'Firmendaten' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'TplFirmendaten' )){
$tmpfirmendatenfkt = 'TplFirmendaten' ;
$firmenfarbe = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'firmenfarbe' );
if ( $firmenfarbe == '' ){
$firmenfarbe = '#48494b' ;
$firmenfarbehell = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'firmenfarbehell' );
if ( $firmenfarbehell == '' ){
$firmenfarbehell = '#c2e3ea' ;
$firmenfarbedunkel = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'firmenfarbedunkel' );
if ( $firmenfarbedunkel == '' ){
$firmenfarbedunkel = '#53bed0' ;
$firmenfarbeganzdunkel = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'firmenfarbeganzdunkel' );
if ( $firmenfarbeganzdunkel == '' ){
$firmenfarbeganzdunkel = '#018fa3' ;
$navigationfarbeschrift = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'navigationfarbeschrift' );
if ( $navigationfarbeschrift == '' ){
$navigationfarbeschrift = '#c9c9cb' ;
$navigationfarbe = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'navigationfarbe' );
if ( $navigationfarbe == '' ){
$navigationfarbe = $firmenfarbe ;
$navigationfarbeschrift2 = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'navigationfarbeschrift2' );
if ( $navigationfarbeschrift2 == '' )
$navigationfarbeschrift2 = $navigationfarbe ;
$navigationfarbe2 = $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'navigationfarbe2' );
if ( $navigationfarbe2 == '' ){
$navigationfarbe2 = $navigationfarbeschrift ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COLORCSS' , '--color1: ' . $firmenfarbehell . ';' . " \r \n " );
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'COLORCSS' , '--color2: ' . $firmenfarbedunkel . ';' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'firmenhoherformularkontrast' ))
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'COLORCSS' , '--textfield-border: #666;' );
} else {
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'COLORCSS' , '--textfield-border: #d9d9d9;' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COLORCSSFILE' , 'color3.css' );
if (( $module !== 'welcome' && $action !== 'start' ) && is_file ( './themes/new/css/grid_cache.css' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'CSSLINKS' , '<link href="./themes/new/css/grid_cache.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'CSSLINKS' , '<link href="./index.php?module=welcome&action=css&file=grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
if (( $module !== 'welcome' && $action !== 'start' ) && ( $module !== 'kalender' && $action !== 'list' ) && is_file ( './themes/new/css/style_cache.css' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'CSSLINKS' , '<link href="./themes/new/css/style_cache.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'CSSLINKS' , '<link href="./index.php?module=welcome&action=css&file=style.css&submodule=[MODULE]&subaction=[ACTION]&v=2.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
if (( $module !== 'welcome' && $action !== 'start' ) && ( $module !== 'kalender' && $action !== 'list' ) && is_file ( './themes/new/css/popup_cache.css' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CSSLINKSPOPUP' , '<link href="./themes/new/css/popup_cache.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CSSLINKSPOPUP' , '<link href="./index.php?module=welcome&action=css&file=popup.css&submodule=[MODULE]&subaction=[ACTION]" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
if ( is_file ( './themes/new/css/custom.css' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'FINALCSSLINKS' , '<link href="./themes/new/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
if ( is_file ( './js/custom.js' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'CSSLINKS' , '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./js/custom.js"></script>' );
if ( is_file ( './themes/new/css/custom_popup.css' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'FINALCSSLINKSPOPUP' , '<link href="./themes/new/css/custom_popup.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />' );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> Conf -> WFtestmode ) && $this -> Conf -> WFtestmode == true )
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLLOGOFIRMA' , './themes/new/images/xentral_logo_testmode.png' );
} elseif ( is_file ( './themes/new/images/logo_cache.png' )){
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLLOGOFIRMA' , './themes/new/images/logo_cache.png' );
} elseif ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'firmenlogoaktiv' ) != '1' )
2022-10-14 14:18:26 +02:00
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLLOGOFIRMA' , './themes/new/images/openxe_logo.svg' );
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
} else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLLOGOFIRMA' , './index.php?module=welcome&action=logo' );
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'iconset_dunkel' ) != '1' )
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HAMBURGERICON' , 'menue_hgr.png' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HAMBURGERICONALT' , 'menue_gr.png' );
} else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HAMBURGERICON' , 'menue_gr.png' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HAMBURGERICONALT' , 'menue_gr.png' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLNAVIGATIONFARBE' , $navigationfarbe );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLNAVIGATIONFARBE2' , $navigationfarbe2 );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLNAVIGATIONFARBESCHRIFT' , $navigationfarbeschrift );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLNAVIGATIONFARBESCHRIFT2' , $navigationfarbeschrift2 );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLUNTERNAVIGATIONFARBE' , $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'unternavigationfarbe' ));
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLUNTERNAVIGATIONFARBESCHRIFT' , $this -> erp -> $tmpfirmendatenfkt ( 'unternavigationfarbeschrift' ));
$bordertabnav = 0 ;
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'bordertabnav' )){
$bordertabnav = 1 ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TPLBORDERTABNAV' , $bordertabnav );
* Draw Warning and Info - Boxes
public function HeaderBoxen ()
$themeheader = '' ;
if ( $this -> User -> GetType () === 'admin' ) {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$letzteraufruf = $this -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'prozessstarter_letzteraufruf' );
$diff = time () - strtotime ( $letzteraufruf );
$lastRunning = date ( 'd.m.Y H:i:s' , strtotime ( $letzteraufruf ));
if ( $diff > 60 * 5 + 1 ) // mit sicherheitsabstand :-)
$status = 'warning' ;
else {
$status = 'ok' ;
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'cronjobs' , 'lastrunning' , $status , 'Letzte Ausführung: ' . $lastRunning
if ( $this -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'eproosystem_skipcheckuserdata' ) != '1' ) {
$time = microtime ( true );
$this -> CheckUserdata ();
if ( microtime ( true ) - $time > 5 ) {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_skipcheckuserdata' , '1' );
if ( ! $this -> erp -> ServerOK ()) {
$serverlist = $this -> erp -> GetIoncubeServerList ();
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'server' ,
'ioncube' ,
'error' ,
'Die Ioncube-Lizenz ist nur gültig für folgene' .
( count ( $serverlist ) == 1 ? 'n' : '' ) . ' Server: ' . implode ( ', ' , $serverlist )
else {
$expDays = erpAPI :: Ioncube_ExpireInDays ();
$testLicence = erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'testlizenz' );
if ( ! $testLicence && $expDays !== false && $expDays < 14 ) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'server' ,
'ioncube' ,
'error' ,
sprintf (
'Die Lizenz am %s aus.' ,
erpAPI :: Ioncube_ExpireDate ()
else {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'server' ,
'ioncube' ,
'ok' ,
if ( $this -> ModuleScriptCache -> IsCacheDirWritable () === false ) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'server' ,
'cache' ,
'error' ,
'Cache-Verzeichnis ist nicht beschreibbar! Bitte <code>/www/cache/</code> beschreibbar machen.</div >'
else {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'server' ,
'cache' ,
'ok' ,
'Cache-Verzeichnis ist beschreibbar.'
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'THEMEHEADER' , $themeheader );
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob = $this -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE parameter = 'doppeltenummerncheck' AND aktiv = 1 LIMIT 1 "
if ( ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob
&& $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'mhdwarning' , 'list' ) && $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'modul_mhd' ) == '1' ) {
$checkmhd = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
' SELECT ROUND ( SUM ( menge ), 0 )
FROM lager_mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum
WHERE DATEDIFF ( NOW (), mhddatum ) > 0 ' ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 300 ,
if ( ! empty ( $checkmhd )) {
$checkmhd = reset ( $checkmhd );
if ( ! empty ( $checkmhd )) {
$checkmhd = reset ( $checkmhd );
$checkmhd = round ( $checkmhd );
$checkmhdwarnung = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
' SELECT ROUND ( SUM ( menge ), 0 )
FROM lager_mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum
WHERE DATEDIFF ( NOW (), mhddatum ) + '.($this->erp->Firmendaten(' mhd_warnung_tage ')+1).' > 0 ' ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 3600 ,
if ( ! empty ( $checkmhdwarnung )) {
$checkmhdwarnung = reset ( $checkmhdwarnung );
if ( ! empty ( $checkmhdwarnung )) {
$checkmhdwarnung = reset ( $checkmhdwarnung );
$checkmhdwarnung = round ( $checkmhdwarnung );
$checkmhdwarnung -= $checkmhd ;
if ( $checkmhd > 0 || $checkmhdwarnung > 0 ) {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_mhdwarning' , 1 );
$module = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
if ( ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ) {
if ( $module === 'lager' || $module === 'mhdwarning' || $module === 'lagermobil' ){
if ( $this -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'eproosystem_mhdwarning' )){
$this -> erp -> ClearSqlCache ( 'mhdwarning' , 120 );
} else {
$this -> erp -> ClearSqlCache ( 'mhdwarning' , 600 );
if ( $checkmhd <= 0 ) {
$checkmhd = 0 ;
if ( $checkmhd == 1 ) {
$ist = 'ist' ;
else {
$ist = 'sind' ;
$type = 'warning' ;
$link = '<a href="index.php?module=mhdwarning&action=list">Prüfen</a>' ;
if ( $checkmhdwarnung ) {
$text = " $checkmhdwarnung Artikel laufen bald ab. " ;
if ( $checkmhd ) {
$type = 'error' ;
$text2 = " $checkmhd Artikel $ist abgelaufen! " ;
if ( ! empty ( $text ) && ! empty ( $text2 )) {
$text_out = $text . '<br>' . $text2 . ' ' . $link ;
elseif ( ! empty ( $text ) && empty ( $text2 )) {
$text_out = $text . ' ' . $link ;
else {
$text_out = $text2 . ' ' . $link ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'bestbeforebatchsn' , 'bestbefore' , $type ,
'<b>Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum:</b> ' . $text_out
else {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'bestbeforebatchsn' , 'bestbefore' , 'ok' );
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_mhdwarning' , 0 );
if ( $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'warnung_doppelte_nummern' ) == '1' ) {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'ClearSqlCache' )
&& $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'action' ) === 'edit'
&& ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob
) {
$module = $this -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
switch ( $module ) {
case 'artikel' :
case 'rechnung' :
case 'gutschrift' :
case 'adresse' :
if ( $this -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'eproosystem_' . $module )) {
$this -> erp -> ClearSqlCache ( $module , 60 );
else {
$this -> erp -> ClearSqlCache ( $module , 120 );
break ;
$link = '<a href="index.php?module=doppelte_nummern&action=list" target="_blank">' ;
$belege = '' ;
$gutschrift_check = 0 ;
$rechnung_check = 0 ;
$kundennummer_check = 0 ;
if ( ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ){
$check_double_doppeltekundennummer = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
" SELECT adr.kundennummer,count(adr.id) as NumOccurrences
FROM adresse adr
LEFT JOIN projekt pr ON adr . projekt = pr . id
WHERE adr . geloescht = 0 AND ( adr . projekt = 0 OR pr . eigenernummernkreis = 0 ) AND adr . kundennummer <> ''
GROUP BY adr . kundennummer
HAVING COUNT ( adr . kundennummer ) > 1
LIMIT 100 " ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 300 ,
if ( $check_double_doppeltekundennummer && count ( $check_double_doppeltekundennummer ) > 0 ) {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_adresse' , 1 );
$ccheck_double_doppeltekundennummer = count ( $check_double_doppeltekundennummer );
for ( $icheck = 0 ; $icheck < $ccheck_double_doppeltekundennummer ; $icheck ++ ) {
$belege .= ' ' . $check_double_doppeltekundennummer [ $icheck ][ 'kundennummer' ];
$gesamt_gutschrift = count ( $check_double_doppeltekundennummer );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_customernumber' , 'error' ,
$link . '<b>Achtung: Doppelte Kundennummern!</b> (Gesamt ' .
$gesamt_gutschrift . ') <span title="Kundennummern: ' . $belege . '">*</span>' .
( $link ? '</a>' : '' )
$kundennummer_check = 1 ;
else {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_adresse' , 0 );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )) {
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_customernumber' , 'ok' );
if ( ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ){
$check_double_gutschrift = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
" SELECT b.belegnr, COUNT(b.belegnr) AS NumOccurrences
FROM gutschrift b
LEFT JOIN projekt pr ON b . projekt = pr . id
WHERE b . status != 'angelegt' AND b . belegnr <> ''
GROUP BY b . belegnr , if ( ifnull ( pr . eigenernummernkreis , 0 ) = 0 , 0 , pr . id )
HAVING ( COUNT ( b . belegnr ) > 1 ) " ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 600 ,
if ( $check_double_gutschrift && count ( $check_double_gutschrift ) > 0 ){
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_gutschrift' , 1 );
$ccheck_double_gutschrift = count ( $check_double_gutschrift );
for ( $icheck = 0 ; $icheck < $ccheck_double_gutschrift ; $icheck ++ ) {
$belege .= ' ' . $check_double_gutschrift [ $icheck ][ 'belegnr' ];
if ( trim ( $belege ) == '' ){
$belege = 'ohne Nummer' ;
$gesamt_gutschrift = count ( $check_double_gutschrift );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'masterdata' , 'double_return_order' , 'error' ,
$link . '<b>Achtung: Doppelte Gutschriftsnummern!</b> (Gesamt ' .
$gesamt_gutschrift . ') <span title="Belege: ' . $belege . '">*</span>' .
( $link ? '</a>' : '' )
$gutschrift_check = 1 ;
} else {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_return_order' , 'ok' , '' );
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_gutschrift' , 0 );
$check_double_gutschrift = null ;
$check_double_rechnungen = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
" SELECT b.belegnr, COUNT(b.belegnr) AS NumOccurrences
FROM rechnung b
LEFT JOIN projekt pr ON b . projekt = pr . id WHERE b . status != 'angelegt' AND b . belegnr <> ''
GROUP BY b . belegnr , if ( ifnull ( pr . eigenernummernkreis , 0 ) = 0 , 0 , pr . id )
HAVING ( COUNT ( b . belegnr ) > 1 ) " ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 120 ,
if ( $check_double_rechnungen && count ( $check_double_rechnungen ) > 0 ){
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_rechnung' , 1 );
$gesamt_rechnungen = count ( $check_double_rechnungen );
for ( $icheck = 0 ; $icheck < $gesamt_rechnungen ; $icheck ++ ) {
$belege .= ' ' . $check_double_rechnungen [ $icheck ][ 'belegnr' ];
if ( trim ( $belege ) === '' ){
$belege = 'ohne Nummer' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'masterdata' , 'double_invoice' , 'error' ,
$link . '<b>Achtung: Doppelte Rechnungsnummern!</b> (Gesamt ' .
$gesamt_rechnungen . ') <span title="Belege: ' . $belege . '">*</span></div>' .
( $link ? '</a>' : '' )
$rechnung_check = 1 ;
} else {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_rechnung' , 0 );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_invoice' , 'ok' , '' );
$check_double_rechnungen = null ;
if ( $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache ( " SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer = '' AND ifnull(geloescht,0) = 0 LIMIT 1 " , 120 , 'artikel' )){
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'empty_articlenumber' , 'error' , 'Achtung Es existieren Artikel ohne Artikelnummer' );
} else {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'empty_articlenumber' , 'ok' , '' );
$check_double_artikel = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache (
" SELECT art.nummer, count(art.nummer) as NumOccurrences
FROM artikel art
LEFT JOIN projekt pr ON art . projekt = pr . id
WHERE art . geloescht <> '1' AND art . nummer <> '' AND art . nummer <> 'DEL'
GROUP BY art . nummer , if ( ifnull ( pr . eigenernummernkreis , 0 ) = 0 , 0 , pr . id )
HAVING ( COUNT ( art . nummer ) > 1 )
LIMIT 101 " ,
$doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 600 ,
if ( ! empty ( $check_double_artikel ) && count ( $check_double_artikel ) > 0 ){
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_artikel' , 1 );
$gesamt_artikel = count ( $check_double_artikel );
$gcount = $gesamt_artikel ;
if ( $gcount > 10 ){
$gcount = 10 ;
for ( $icheck = 0 ; $icheck < $gcount ; $icheck ++ ) {
$belege .= ' ' . $check_double_artikel [ $icheck ][ 'nummer' ];
if ( $gesamt_artikel > $gcount ){
$belege .= ' ...' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_articlenumber' , 'error' ,
$link . '<b>Achtung: Doppelte Artikelnummern!</b> (Gesamt ' .
$gesamt_artikel . ') <span title="Artikelnummern: ' . $belege . '">*</span>' .
( $link ? '</a>' : '' )
} else {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_artikel' , 0 );
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'masterdata' , 'double_articlenumber' , 'ok' , '' );
if ( ! $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob && $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'warnung_doppelte_seriennummern' ) == '1' ) {
$sql = " SELECT art.id,art.nummer,
s . seriennummer , s . anzahl
FROM artikel art INNER JOIN (
SELECT artikel , seriennummer , count ( id ) as anzahl , 0 as lieferschein , '' as belegnr FROM lager_seriennummern WHERE seriennummer <> ''
GROUP BY seriennummer , artikel HAVING count ( id ) > 1
SELECT t3 . artikel , t3 . wert , sum ( t3 . anzahl ) , max ( t3 . lieferschein ), max ( t3 . belegnr ) FROM
SELECT lp . artikel , s . wert , count ( s . id ) as anzahl , max ( l . id ) as lieferschein , max ( l . belegnr ) as belegnr
FROM `beleg_chargesnmhd` s
INNER JOIN lieferschein_position lp ON s . doctype = 'lieferschein' AND s . pos = lp . id AND s . type = 'sn' AND s . wert <> ''
INNER JOIN lieferschein l ON lp . lieferschein = l . id AND l . status <> 'storniert'
GROUP BY s . wert , lp . artikel
SELECT lp . artikel , s . seriennummer as wert , count ( s . id ) as anzahl , max ( l . id ) as lieferschein , max ( l . belegnr ) as belegnr
FROM `seriennummern` s
INNER JOIN lieferschein_position lp ON s . lieferscheinpos = lp . id
2023-12-29 12:58:38 +01:00
INNER JOIN lieferschein l ON lp . lieferschein = l . id WHERE s . seriennummer <> ''
2022-05-23 13:11:45 +02:00
GROUP BY s . seriennummer , lp . artikel
)) t3 GROUP BY t3 . artikel , t3 . wert HAVING sum ( t3 . anzahl ) > 1
) s ON art . id = s . artikel GROUP BY art . id , s . seriennummer HAVING max ( anzahl ) > 1 " ;
$doppeltebelege = $this -> DB -> SelectArrCache ( $sql , $doppeltenummerncheckCronjob ? 86400 : 300 , 'artikel' );
if ( ! empty ( $doppeltebelege )) {
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'eproosystem_artikel' , 1 );
$gesamt_artikel = 0 ;
$gcount = 0 ;
$gesamt_artikel2 = count ( $doppeltebelege );
if ( $gcount < 10 ) {
$gcount2 = $gesamt_artikel2 ;
if ( $gesamt_artikel2 + $gcount > 10 ){
$gcount2 = 10 - $gcount ;
for ( $icheck = 0 ; $icheck < $gcount2 ; $icheck ++ ) {
if ( ! isset ( $arts )){
$arts = '' ;
$arts .= ' ' . $doppeltebelege [ $icheck ][ 'nummer' ] . ':' . $doppeltebelege [ $icheck ][ 'seriennummer' ];
$link = '' ;
if ( $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'doppelte_nummern' , 'list' )) {
$link = '<a href="index.php?module=doppelte_nummern&action=list#tabs-2" target="_blank">' ;
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth (
'bestbeforebatchsn' , 'sn' , 'error' ,
$link . '<b>Achtung: Doppelte Seriennummern!</b> (Gesamt ' .
( $gesamt_artikel + $gesamt_artikel2 ) . ')' . ( $link ? '</a>' : '' )
else {
if ( method_exists ( $this -> erp , 'setSystemHealth' )){
$this -> erp -> setSystemHealth ( 'bestbeforebatchsn' , 'sn' , 'ok' , '' );
if ( $this -> erp instanceof erpAPICustom
&& $this -> User -> GetType () === 'admin'
&& method_exists ( 'erpAPICustom' , 'AllowedVersion' )) {
try {
$allowedmethod = new ReflectionMethod ( 'erpAPICustom' , 'AllowedVersion' );
if ( $allowedmethod -> isStatic ()){
$allowed = erpAPICustom :: AllowedVersion ();
$version_revision = null ;
include dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/version.php' ;
if ( isset ( $version_revision ) && (( isset ( $allowed [ 'max' ]) && (( float ) $allowed [ 'max' ] < ( float ) $version_revision ))
( isset ( $allowed [ 'versionen' ]) && (
( is_array ( $allowed [ 'versionen' ]) && ! in_array ( $version_revision , $allowed [ 'versionen' ]))
|| ( ! is_array ( $allowed [ 'versionen' ]) && $allowed [ 'versionen' ] != $version_revision )
$this -> Tpl -> Add ( 'THEMEHEADER' , '<div class="headererror">Die Datei class.erpapi_custom.php auf Ihrem System, ist nicht für Ihre Version geeignet</div>' );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
if ( $this -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'deactivate_maintenance' )) {
$tags = json_encode ( 'update' );
$this -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM notification_message WHERE tags = ' $tags ' " );
$this -> erp -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'update_maintenance' , 0 );
$anznachrichtenboxen = 0 ;
$this -> erp -> RunHook ( 'eproosystem_iconboxes_start' , 1 , $anznachrichtenboxen );
if ( $this -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'chat' ) && $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'chat' , 'list' )) {
$userId = $this -> User -> GetID ();
$registrierDatum = $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT u.logdatei FROM `user` AS u WHERE u.id=' " . $userId . " ' " );
$ungelesenOeffentlich = ( int ) $this -> DB -> Select (
FROM chat AS c
LEFT JOIN chat_gelesen AS g ON c . id = g . message AND ( g . user = '".$userId."' OR g . user = 0 )
WHERE c . user_to = '0' AND c . zeitstempel > '".$registrierDatum."'
AND g . id IS NULL "
$ungelesenPrivat = ( int ) $this -> DB -> Select (
FROM chat AS c
INNER JOIN `user` AS u ON c . user_from = u . id
LEFT JOIN chat_gelesen AS g ON c . id = g . message
WHERE u . activ = 1 AND c . user_to = '".$userId."'
AND g . id IS NULL "
$anzchat = $ungelesenOeffentlich + $ungelesenPrivat ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CHATNACHRICHTENBOXCOUNTER' , $anzchat > 0 ? $anzchat : '' );
if ( $this -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT chat_popup FROM `user` WHERE id = ' " . $userId . " ' LIMIT 1 " )) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CHATLINK' , 'href="index.php?module=chat&action=list" target="_blank" ' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CHATLINK' , 'href="index.php?module=chat&action=list"' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VORCHATNACHRICHTENBOX' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NACHCHATNACHRICHTENBOX' , '-->' );
if ( ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'testlizenz' ))){
$upgradeButton = '<li id="upgrade-licence"><a href="./index.php?module=appstore&action=buy">' .
' < svg width = " 18 " height = " 16 " viewBox = " 0 0 18 16 " fill = " none " xmlns = " http://www.w3.org/2000/svg " >
< path d = " M4.47287 12.0104C2.04566 9.80074 1.66708 6.11981 3.59372 3.46237C5.52036 0.804943 9.13654 0.0202146 11.9914 1.64005 " stroke = " white " stroke - linecap = " round " stroke - linejoin = " round " />
< path d = " M2.21273 11.9649C1.39377 13.3996 1.11966 14.513 1.58214 14.9761C2.2843 15.6776 4.48124 14.6858 7.02522 12.6684 " stroke = " white " stroke - linecap = " round " stroke - linejoin = " round " />
< path fill - rule = " evenodd " clip - rule = " evenodd " d = " M9.93719 12.1581L7.52014 9.74109L12.8923 4.3689C13.3305 3.93091 13.8797 3.62049 14.481 3.47095L15.863 3.12392C16.0571 3.07558 16.2623 3.1325 16.4037 3.27392C16.5451 3.41534 16.602 3.62054 16.5537 3.8146L16.208 5.19732C16.0578 5.7984 15.7469 6.34731 15.3087 6.78527L9.93719 12.1581Z " stroke = " white " stroke - linecap = " round " stroke - linejoin = " round " />
< path fill - rule = " evenodd " clip - rule = " evenodd " d = " M7.51976 9.7409L5.54021 9.08128C5.44619 9.05019 5.37505 8.97252 5.35233 8.87613C5.32961 8.77974 5.35857 8.67847 5.42881 8.60867L6.11882 7.91866C6.7306 7.30697 7.63548 7.09343 8.45619 7.36706L9.53644 7.72625L7.51976 9.7409Z " stroke = " white " stroke - linecap = " round " stroke - linejoin = " round " />
< path fill - rule = " evenodd " clip - rule = " evenodd " d = " M9.93713 12.1584L10.5968 14.1386C10.6278 14.2326 10.7055 14.3038 10.8019 14.3265C10.8983 14.3492 10.9996 14.3203 11.0694 14.25L11.7594 13.56C12.3711 12.9482 12.5846 12.0434 12.311 11.2226L11.9518 10.1424L9.93713 12.1584Z " stroke = " white " stroke - linecap = " round " stroke - linejoin = " round " />
</ svg >
' .
'<span>Upgrade</span></a></li>' ;
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'UPGRADELICENCECTA' , $upgradeButton );
if ( ! $this -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'aufgaben' ) || ! $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'aufgaben' , 'list' )) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'AUFGABENVOR' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'AUFGABENNACH' , '-->' );
else {
$anznachrichtenboxen ++ ;
if ( $this -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'ticket' ) || $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'ticket' , 'offene' )) {
$anznachrichtenboxen ++ ;
if ( ! $this -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'telefonrueckruf' ) || ! $this -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'telefonrueckruf' , 'list' )) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TELEFONVOR' , '<!--' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TELEFONNACH' , '-->' );
else {
$anznachrichtenboxen ++ ;
$this -> erp -> RunHook ( 'eproosystem_iconboxes' , 1 , $anznachrichtenboxen );
if ( $anznachrichtenboxen < 3 ) {
if ( $anznachrichtenboxen == 2 ) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBBREITE' , '207' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBPROZ' , '33' );
elseif ( $anznachrichtenboxen == 1 ) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBBREITE' , '139' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBPROZ' , '50' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBBREITE' , '71' );
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NBPROZ' , '100' );
$anzahltickets = $this -> erp -> AnzahlOffeneAufgaben ();
if ( $anzahltickets <= 0 ) {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ANZAHLAUFGABEN' , '' );
else {
$this -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ANZAHLAUFGABEN' , $anzahltickets );
* @ param string $isocode
* @ param string $sprache
* @ return string
public function GetLandLang ( $isocode , $sprache = '' )
$flipped = array_flip ( $this -> GetLaender ( $sprache ));
if ( isset ( $flipped [ $isocode ])){
return $flipped [ $isocode ];
return '' ;
public function GetLaender ( $sprache = 'deutsch' )
if ( $sprache !== 'deutsch' && $sprache !== 'englisch' ){
$sprache = 'deutsch' ;
if ( $sprache === 'deutsch' ){
if ( empty ( $this -> uselaendercache ) || empty ( $this -> laendercache [ 'deutsch' ])){
$tmp = $this -> DB -> SelectArr ( 'SELECT bezeichnung_de,iso FROM laender ORDER by bezeichnung_de' );
$this -> laendercache [ 'deutsch' ] = $tmp ;
} else {
$tmp = $this -> laendercache [ 'deutsch' ];
elseif ( empty ( $this -> uselaendercache ) || empty ( $this -> laendercache [ 'englisch' ])){
$tmp = $this -> DB -> SelectArr ( 'SELECT bezeichnung_en,iso FROM laender ORDER by bezeichnung_en' );
$this -> laendercache [ 'englisch' ] = $tmp ;
} else {
$tmp = $this -> laendercache [ 'englisch' ];
if ( ! empty ( $tmp )){
$ctmp = count ( $tmp );
$laender = [];
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ctmp ; $i ++ ) {
switch ( $sprache ) {
case 'deutsch' :
$laender [ $tmp [ $i ][ 'bezeichnung_de' ]] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'iso' ];
break ;
case 'englisch' :
$laender [ $tmp [ $i ][ 'bezeichnung_en' ]] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'iso' ];
break ;
default :
$laender [ $tmp [ $i ][ 'bezeichnung_de' ]] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'iso' ];
return $laender ;
$laender = array (
'Afghanistan' => 'AF' ,
'Ägypten' => 'EG' ,
'Albanien' => 'AL' ,
'Algerien' => 'DZ' ,
'Amerikanische Jungferninseln' => 'VI' ,
'Andorra' => 'AD' ,
'Angola' => 'AO' ,
'Anguilla' => 'AI' ,
'Antarktis' => 'AQ' ,
'Antigua und Barbuda' => 'AG' ,
'Äquatorialguinea' => 'GQ' ,
'Argentinien' => 'AR' ,
'Armenien' => 'AM' ,
'Aruba' => 'AW' ,
'Aserbaidschan' => 'AZ' ,
'Äthiopien' => 'ET' ,
'Australien' => 'AU' ,
'Bahamas' => 'BS' ,
'Bahrain' => 'BH' ,
'Bangladesch' => 'BD' ,
'Barbados' => 'BB' ,
'Belgien' => 'BE' ,
'Belize' => 'BZ' ,
'Benin' => 'BJ' ,
'Bermuda' => 'BM' ,
'Bhutan' => 'BT' ,
'Bolivien' => 'BO' ,
'Bosnien und Herzegowina' => 'BA' ,
'Botswana' => 'BW' ,
'Bouvetinsel' => 'BV' ,
'Brasilien' => 'BR' ,
'Britisch-Indischer Ozean' => 'IO' ,
'Britische Jungferninseln' => 'VG' ,
'Brunei Darussalam' => 'BN' ,
'Bulgarien' => 'BG' ,
'Burkina Faso' => 'BF' ,
'Burundi' => 'BI' ,
'Chile' => 'CL' ,
'China' => 'CN' ,
'Cookinseln' => 'CK' ,
'Costa Rica' => 'CR' ,
'Dänemark' => 'DK' ,
'Deutschland' => 'DE' ,
'Dominica' => 'DM' ,
'Dominikanische Republik' => 'DO' ,
'Dschibuti' => 'DJ' ,
'Ecuador' => 'EC' ,
'El Salvador' => 'SV' ,
'Elfenbeinküste' => 'CI' ,
'Eritrea' => 'ER' ,
'Estland' => 'EE' ,
'Falklandinseln' => 'FK' ,
'Färöer Inseln' => 'FO' ,
'Fidschi' => 'FJ' ,
'Finnland' => 'FI' ,
'Frankreich' => 'FR' ,
'Französisch-Guayana' => 'GF' ,
'Französisch-Polynesien' => 'PF' ,
'Französisches Süd-Territorium' => 'TF' ,
'Gabun' => 'GA' ,
'Gambia' => 'GM' ,
'Georgien' => 'GE' ,
'Ghana' => 'GH' ,
'Gibraltar' => 'GI' ,
'Grenada' => 'GD' ,
'Griechenland' => 'GR' ,
'Grönland' => 'GL' ,
'Großbritannien' => 'GB' ,
'Guadeloupe' => 'GP' ,
'Guam' => 'GU' ,
'Guatemala' => 'GT' ,
'Guinea' => 'GN' ,
'Guinea-Bissau' => 'GW' ,
'Guyana' => 'GY' ,
'Haiti' => 'HT' ,
'Heard und McDonaldinseln' => 'HM' ,
'Honduras' => 'HN' ,
'Hongkong' => 'HK' ,
'Indien' => 'IN' ,
'Indonesien' => 'ID' ,
'Irak' => 'IQ' ,
'Iran' => 'IR' ,
'Irland' => 'IE' ,
'Island' => 'IS' ,
'Israel' => 'IL' ,
'Italien' => 'IT' ,
'Jamaika' => 'JM' ,
'Japan' => 'JP' ,
'Jemen' => 'YE' ,
'Jordanien' => 'JO' ,
'Kaimaninseln' => 'KY' ,
'Kambodscha' => 'KH' ,
'Kamerun' => 'CM' ,
'Kanada' => 'CA' ,
'Kap Verde' => 'CV' ,
'Kasachstan' => 'KZ' ,
'Katar' => 'QA' ,
'Kenia' => 'KE' ,
'Kirgisistan' => 'KG' ,
'Kiribati' => 'KI' ,
'Kokosinseln' => 'CC' ,
'Kolumbien' => 'CO' ,
'Komoren' => 'KM' ,
'Kongo' => 'CG' ,
'Kongo, Demokratische Republik' => 'CD' ,
'Kroatien' => 'HR' ,
'Kuba' => 'CU' ,
'Kuwait' => 'KW' ,
'Laos' => 'LA' ,
'Lesotho' => 'LS' ,
'Lettland' => 'LV' ,
'Libanon' => 'LB' ,
'Liberia' => 'LR' ,
'Libyen' => 'LY' ,
'Liechtenstein' => 'LI' ,
'Litauen' => 'LT' ,
'Luxemburg' => 'LU' ,
'Macau' => 'MO' ,
'Madagaskar' => 'MG' ,
'Malawi' => 'MW' ,
'Malaysia' => 'MY' ,
'Malediven' => 'MV' ,
'Mali' => 'ML' ,
'Malta' => 'MT' ,
'Marianen' => 'MP' ,
'Marokko' => 'MA' ,
'Marshallinseln' => 'MH' ,
'Martinique' => 'MQ' ,
'Mauretanien' => 'MR' ,
'Mauritius' => 'MU' ,
'Mayotte' => 'YT' ,
'Mazedonien' => 'MK' ,
'Mexiko' => 'MX' ,
'Mikronesien' => 'FM' ,
'Moldawien' => 'MD' ,
'Monaco' => 'MC' ,
'Mongolei' => 'MN' ,
'Montenegro' => 'ME' ,
'Montserrat' => 'MS' ,
'Mosambik' => 'MZ' ,
'Myanmar' => 'MM' ,
'Namibia' => 'NA' ,
'Nauru' => 'NR' ,
'Nepal' => 'NP' ,
'Neukaledonien' => 'NC' ,
'Neuseeland' => 'NZ' ,
'Nicaragua' => 'NI' ,
'Niederlande' => 'NL' ,
'Niger' => 'NE' ,
'Nigeria' => 'NG' ,
'Niue' => 'NU' ,
'Nordkorea' => 'KP' ,
'Norfolkinsel' => 'NF' ,
'Norwegen' => 'NO' ,
'Oman' => 'OM' ,
'Österreich' => 'AT' ,
'Pakistan' => 'PK' ,
'Palästina' => 'PS' ,
'Palau' => 'PW' ,
'Panama' => 'PA' ,
'Papua-Neuguinea' => 'PG' ,
'Paraguay' => 'PY' ,
'Peru' => 'PE' ,
'Philippinen' => 'PH' ,
'Pitcairninseln' => 'PN' ,
'Polen' => 'PL' ,
'Portugal' => 'PT' ,
'Puerto Rico' => 'PR' ,
'Réunion' => 'RE' ,
'Ruanda' => 'RW' ,
'Rumänien' => 'RO' ,
'Russland' => 'RU' ,
'Salomonen' => 'SB' ,
'Sambia' => 'ZM' ,
'Samoa, amerikanisch' => 'AS' ,
'Samoa' => 'WS' ,
'San Marino' => 'SM' ,
'São Tomé und Príncipe' => 'ST' ,
'Saudi-Arabien' => 'SA' ,
'Schweden' => 'SE' ,
'Schweiz' => 'CH' ,
'Senegal' => 'SN' ,
'Serbien' => 'RS' ,
'Seychellen' => 'SC' ,
'Sierra Leone' => 'SL' ,
'Simbabwe' => 'ZW' ,
'Singapur' => 'SG' ,
'Slowakei' => 'SK' ,
'Slowenien' => 'SI' ,
'Somalia' => 'SO' ,
'Südgeorgien, südliche Sandwichinseln' => 'GS' ,
'Spanien' => 'ES' ,
'Sri Lanka' => 'LK' ,
'St. Helena' => 'SH' ,
'St. Kitts und Nevis' => 'KN' ,
'St. Lucia' => 'LC' ,
'St. Pierre und Miquelon' => 'PM' ,
'St. Vincent und die Grenadinen' => 'VC' ,
'Südkorea' => 'KR' ,
'Südafrika' => 'ZA' ,
'Sudan' => 'SD' ,
'Suriname' => 'SR' ,
'Svalbard und Jan Mayen' => 'SJ' ,
'Swasiland' => 'SZ' ,
'Syrien' => 'SY' ,
'Tadschikistan' => 'TJ' ,
'Taiwan' => 'TW' ,
'Tansania' => 'TZ' ,
'Thailand' => 'TH' ,
'Togo' => 'TG' ,
'Tokelau' => 'TK' ,
'Tonga' => 'TO' ,
'Trinidad und Tobago' => 'TT' ,
'Tschad' => 'TD' ,
'Tschechien' => 'CZ' ,
'Tunesien' => 'TN' ,
'Türkei' => 'TR' ,
'Turkmenistan' => 'TM' ,
'Turks- und Caicosinseln' => 'TC' ,
'Tuvalu' => 'TV' ,
'Uganda' => 'UG' ,
'Ukraine' => 'UA' ,
'Ungarn' => 'HU' ,
'Uruguay' => 'UY' ,
'Usbekistan' => 'UZ' ,
'Vanuatu' => 'VU' ,
'Vatikanstadt' => 'VA' ,
'Venezuela' => 'VE' ,
'Vereinigte Arabische Emirate' => 'AE' ,
'Vereinigtes Königreich' => 'UK' ,
'Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika' => 'US' ,
'Vietnam' => 'VN' ,
'Wallis und Futuna' => 'WF' ,
'Weihnachtsinsel' => 'CX' ,
'Weißrussland' => 'BY' ,
'Westsahara' => 'EH' ,
'Zentralafrikanische Republik' => 'CF' ,
'Zypern' => 'CY'
return $laender ;
public function SelectLaenderliste ( $selected = '' )
if ( empty ( $selected )) {
$selected = $this -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'land' );
if ( empty ( $selected )) {
$selected = 'DE' ;
$options = '' ;
$laender = $this -> GetLaender ();
foreach ( $laender as $land => $kuerzel ) {
$options .= '<option value="' . $kuerzel . '"' ;
if ( $selected === $kuerzel ) {
$options .= ' selected' ;
$options .= '>' . $land . " </option> \n " ;
return $options ;