diff --git a/tools/module_creator/module_creator.php b/tools/module_creator/module_creator.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d906da20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/module_creator/module_creator.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ $value) {
+ echo($value);
+ switch ($key) {
+ case 'Field':
+ $colwidth = 32;
+ if ($value != 'id') {
+ $columns[] = $value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Type':
+ $colwidth = 16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $colwidth = 8;
+ break;
+ }
+ for ($filler = strlen($value); $filler < $colwidth; $filler++) {
+ echo(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ // Build edit form
+ //
{|Bezeichnung|}:* | |
+ if ($row['Field'] != 'id') {
+ $edit_form = $edit_form . '{|' . $row['Field'] . '|}: | |
' . "\n";
+ }
+ echo("\n");
+ }
+// Create php file
+ $list_of_columns = implode(', ', $columns);
+ $list_of_columns_in_quotes = "'" . implode('\', \'', $columns) . "'";
+ foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ $get_input = $get_input . "\$input['$column'] = \$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('$column');\n\t";
+ $set_input = $set_input . "\$this->app->Tpl->Set('" . strtoupper($column) . "', \$input['$column']);\n\t";
+ }
+ $php_file_contents = file_get_contents($php_template_file_name);
+ if (empty($php_file_contents)) {
+ echo("Failed to load" . $php_template_file_name . "\n");
+ exit;
+ }
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME', $module_name, $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_MODULECLASSNAME', $module_class_name, $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_LIST', $module_name . "_list", $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_EDIT', $module_name . "_edit", $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_DELETE', $module_name . "_delete", $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SQL_LIST', "SELECT id, $list_of_columns, id FROM $module_name", $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SQL_EDIT', "INSERT INTO $module_name ($list_of_columns, id) values ('\".implode('\', \'',\$input).\"', \$id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE SET ", $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_GET_INPUT', $get_input, $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SET_INPUT', $set_input, $php_file_contents);
+ $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS', $list_of_columns_in_quotes, $php_file_contents);
+ if ($verbose) {
+ echo($php_file_contents);
+ }
+ $php_file = fopen($target_php_folder . $php_file_name, "w");
+ if (empty($php_file)) {
+ echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_php_folder . $php_file_name);
+ }
+ $template_list_file = fopen($target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name, "w");
+ if (empty($template_list_file)) {
+ echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name);
+ }
+ $template_edit_file = fopen($target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name, "w");
+ if (empty($template_edit_file)) {
+ echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name);
+ }
+ fwrite($php_file, $php_file_contents);
+ fclose($php_file);
+ $list_template_contents = file_get_contents("module_creator_list.tpl");
+ if ($verbose) {
+ echo($list_template_contents);
+ }
+ fwrite($template_list_file, $list_template_contents);
+ fclose($template_list_file);
+ $edit_template_contents = file_get_contents("module_creator_edit.tpl");
+ $edit_template_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_LEGEND', "".$module_name, $edit_template_contents);
+ $edit_template_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_FIELDS', $edit_form, $edit_template_contents);
+ if ($verbose) {
+ echo($edit_template_contents);
+ }
+ fwrite($template_edit_file, $edit_template_contents);
+ fclose($template_edit_file);
+ echo("\n\nCreated module files: \n");
+ echo ($target_php_folder . $php_file_name . "\n");
+ echo ($target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name . "\n");
+ echo ($target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name . "\n");
+} else {
+ echo("Wrong parameters\n");
diff --git a/tools/module_creator/module_creator_edit.tpl b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_edit.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af03696e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_edit.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
diff --git a/tools/module_creator/module_creator_list.tpl b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_list.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1742e34f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_list.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ [TAB1]
diff --git a/tools/module_creator/module_creator_php_template.txt b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_php_template.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d3ee704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/module_creator/module_creator_php_template.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+app = $app;
+ if ($intern)
+ return;
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("list", "PLACEHOLDER_LIST");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("create", "PLACEHOLDER_EDIT"); // This automatically adds a "New" button
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("edit", "PLACEHOLDER_EDIT");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("delete", "PLACEHOLDER_DELETE");
+ $this->app->DefaultActionHandler("list");
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
+ }
+ public function Install() {
+ /* Fill out manually later */
+ }
+ static function TableSearch(&$app, $name, $erlaubtevars) {
+ switch ($name) {
+ $allowed['PLACEHOLDER_LIST'] = array('list');
+ $heading = array(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS, 'Menü');
+ $width = array('10%'); // Fill out manually later
+ $findcols = array(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS);
+ $searchsql = array(PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS);
+ $defaultorder = 1;
+ $defaultorderdesc = 0;
+ $menu = "";
+ $where = "1
+// $groupby = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ $erg = false;
+ foreach ($erlaubtevars as $k => $v) {
+ if (isset($$v))
+ $erg[$v] = $$v;
+ }
+ return $erg;
+ }
+ function PLACEHOLDER_LIST() {
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME&action=list", "Übersicht");
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME&action=create", "Neu anlegen");
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php", "Zurück");
+ $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TAB1', 'PLACEHOLDER_LIST', "show", "", "", basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', "PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME_list.tpl");
+ }
+ public function PLACEHOLDER_DELETE() {
+ $id = (int) $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM `PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'");
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('MESSAGE', "Der Eintrag wurde gelöscht.
+ }
+ /*
+ * If id is empty, create a new one
+ */
+ function PLACEHOLDER_EDIT() {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('ID', $id);
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME&action=edit&id=$id", "Details");
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME&action=list", "Zurück zur Übersicht");
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $input = $this->GetInput();
+ $submit = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('submit');
+ if (empty($id)) {
+ // New item
+ $id = 'NULL';
+ }
+ if ($submit != '')
+ {
+ // Write to database
+ // Add checks here
+ $columns = "id, ";
+ $values = "$id, ";
+ $update = "";
+ $fix = "";
+ foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
+ $columns = $columns.$fix.$key;
+ $values = $values.$fix."'".$value."'";
+ $update = $update.$fix.$key." = '$value'";
+ $fix = ", ";
+ }
+// echo($columns."
+// echo($values."
+// echo($update."
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME (".$columns.") VALUES (".$values.") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".$update;
+ echo($sql);
+ $this->app->DB->Update($sql);
+ if ($id == 'NULL') {
+ $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Das Element wurde erfolgreich angelegt.
+ header("Location: index.php?module=PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME&action=list&msg=$msg");
+ } else {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('MESSAGE', "Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich übernommen.
+ }
+ }
+ // Load values again from database
+ $result = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("PLACEHOLDER_SQL_LIST"." WHERE id=$id");
+ foreach ($result[0] as $key => $value) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set(strtoupper($key), $value);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Add displayed items later
+ *
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2', $email);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('EMAIL', $email);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('ANGEZEIGTERNAME', $angezeigtername);
+ */
+// $this->SetInput($input);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', "PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME_edit.tpl");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all paramters from html form and save into $input
+ */
+ public function GetInput(): array {
+ $input = array();
+ //$input['EMAIL'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('email');
+ return $input;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set all fields in the page corresponding to $input
+ */
+ function SetInput($input) {
+ // $this->app->Tpl->Set('EMAIL', $input['email']);
+ }