<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Api\Resource; use Aura\SqlQuery\Exception; use Xentral\Components\Database\SqlQuery\DeleteQuery; use Xentral\Components\Database\SqlQuery\InsertQuery; use Xentral\Components\Database\SqlQuery\SelectQuery; use Xentral\Components\Database\SqlQuery\UpdateQuery; use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; class DeliveryAddressResource extends AbstractResource { const TABLE_NAME = 'lieferadressen'; protected function configure() { $this->setTableName(self::TABLE_NAME); $this->registerFilterParams([ 'adresse' => 'l.adresse =', 'typ' => 'l.typ =', 'name' => 'l.name %LIKE%', 'name_equals' => 'l.name LIKE', 'name_startswith' => 'l.name LIKE%', 'name_endswith' => 'l.name %LIKE', 'standardlieferadresse' => 'l.standardlieferadresse =', 'land' => 'l.land =', 'id_ext' => 'am.id_ext =', ]); $this->registerSortingParams([ 'typ' => 'l.typ', 'name' => 'l.name', 'plz' => 'l.plz', 'land' => 'l.land', ]); $this->registerValidationRules([ 'id' => 'not_present', 'id_ext' => 'not_present', 'name' => 'required', 'adresse' => 'numeric|db_value:adresse,id', 'typ' => 'db_value:adresse_typ,type', 'land' => 'upper|length:2|db_value:laender,iso', 'ust_befreit' => 'in:0,1,2,3', 'standardlieferadresse' => 'in:0,1', ]); } /** * @return SelectQuery * * @throws Exception */ protected function selectAllQuery() { return $this->db->select() ->cols([ 'l.id', 'l.typ', //'l.sprache', // Nicht änderbar über Formular 'l.name', 'l.abteilung', 'l.unterabteilung', 'l.strasse', 'l.ort', 'l.plz', 'l.land', 'l.telefon', 'l.telefax', 'l.email', //'l.sonstiges', // Nicht änderbar über Formular 'l.adresszusatz', //'l.steuer', // Nicht änderbar über Formular 'l.adresse', //'l.ansprechpartner', // Nicht änderbar über Formular 'l.standardlieferadresse', 'l.gln', 'l.ustid', 'l.lieferbedingung', 'l.ust_befreit', 'l.interne_bemerkung', 'am.id_ext', ]) ->from(self::TABLE_NAME . ' AS l') ->leftJoin( 'api_mapping AS am', 'am.id_int = l.id AND am.tabelle = ' . $this->db->escapeString(self::TABLE_NAME) ); } /** * @return SelectQuery * * @throws Exception */ protected function selectOneQuery() { return $this->selectAllQuery()->where('l.id = :id'); } /** * @return SelectQuery * * @throws Exception */ protected function selectIdsQuery() { return $this->selectAllQuery()->where('l.id IN (:ids)'); } /** * @return InsertQuery */ protected function insertQuery() { return $this->db->insert()->into(self::TABLE_NAME); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function insert($inputVars) { // SQL-Fehler umgehen: Field 'sprache' doesn't have a default value if (!isset($inputVars['abteilung'])) { $inputVars['abteilung'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['unterabteilung'])) { $inputVars['unterabteilung'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['strasse'])) { $inputVars['strasse'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['ort'])) { $inputVars['ort'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['plz'])) { $inputVars['plz'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['telefon'])) { $inputVars['telefon'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['telefax'])) { $inputVars['telefax'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['email'])) { $inputVars['email'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['steuer'])) { $inputVars['steuer'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['sprache'])) { $inputVars['sprache'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['sonstiges'])) { $inputVars['sonstiges'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['adresszusatz'])) { $inputVars['adresszusatz'] = ''; } if (!isset($inputVars['lieferbedingung'])) { $inputVars['lieferbedingung'] = ''; } // Angelegte Daten aus dem Result holen $result = parent::insert($inputVars); $data = $result->getData(); // Es darf nur eine Standard-Lieferadresse pro Hauptadresse geben! if ((int)$data['standardlieferadresse'] === 1) { $addressId = (int)$data['adresse']; $deliveryAddressId = (int)$data['id']; if ($addressId === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('AdressID can not be empty'); } if ($deliveryAddressId === 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('ID can not be empty'); } // Vorhandene Standard-Lieferadresse zur "nicht-Standard"-Lieferadresse machen $updateQuery = $this->db->update() ->table(self::TABLE_NAME) ->cols(['standardlieferadresse' => 0]) ->where('standardlieferadresse = :eins') ->where('adresse = :adresse') ->where('id != :id') ->bindValues([ 'eins' => 1, 'adresse' => $addressId, 'id' => $deliveryAddressId, ]); $this->db->perform( $updateQuery->getStatement(), $updateQuery->getBindValues() ); } return $result; } /** * @return UpdateQuery */ protected function updateQuery() { return $this->db->update()->table(self::TABLE_NAME)->where('id = :id'); } /** * @return DeleteQuery */ protected function deleteQuery() { return $this->db->delete()->from(self::TABLE_NAME)->where('id = :id'); } }