<?php /** * @property string WFdbhost * @property int WFdbport * @property string WFdbname * @property string WFdbuser * @property string WFdbpass * @property string WFuserdata Absolute path to userdata directory * @property array WFconf */ class Config { /** @var string */ public $updateHost; public function __construct() { $this->updateHost = getenv('XENTRAL_UPDATE_HOST') ?: 'removed.upgrade.host'; include("user.inc.php"); if (!isset($this->WFdbport) || empty($this->WFdbport)) { $this->WFdbport = 3306; } // define defaults $this->WFconf['defaultpage'] = 'adresse'; $this->WFconf['defaultpageaction'] = 'list'; $this->WFconf['defaulttheme'] = 'new'; //$this->WFconf['defaulttheme'] = 'default_redesign'; $this->WFconf['defaultgroup'] = 'web'; // allow that cols where dynamically added so structure $this->WFconf['autoDBupgrade'] = true; // time how long a user can be connected in seconds genau 8 stunden $this->WFconf['logintimeout'] = 3600 * 4; } }