<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\SystemTemplates; use Config; use Xentral\Components\Backup\DatabaseBackup; use Xentral\Components\Backup\FileBackup; use Xentral\Components\Backup\Logger\BackupLog; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\DatabaseExceptionInterface; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Modules\Backup\BackupGateway; use Xentral\Modules\Backup\BackupService; use Xentral\Modules\SystemTemplates\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xentral\Modules\SystemTemplates\Exception\RuntimeException; use Xentral\Modules\SystemTemplates\Validator\Exception\SystemTemplateValidatorException; use Xentral\Modules\SystemTemplates\Validator\SystemTemplateValidator; use Xentral\Modules\Backup\Exception\RuntimeException As BackupModuleRuntimeException; use ZipArchive; use \Exception; final class SystemTemplatesService { /** @var BackupGateway $gateway */ private $gateway; /** @var string file */ const META_FILE = 'meta.json'; /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** @var FileBackup $oFileBackup */ private $oFileBackup; /** @var DatabaseBackup $oDbBackup */ private $oDbBackup; /** @var BackupLog $logger */ private $logger; /** @var string $templateFilePath */ private $templateFilePath; /** @var SystemTemplateValidator $validator */ private $validator; /** @var BackupService $backupService */ private $backupService; /** * SystemTemplatesService constructor. * * @param SystemTemplatesGateway $gateway * @param DatabaseBackup $oDbBackup * @param FileBackup $oFileBackup * @param BackupService $backupService * @param Database $database * @param SystemTemplateValidator $validator * @param BackupLog $logger * @param string $templateFilePath */ public function __construct( SystemTemplatesGateway $gateway, DatabaseBackup $oDbBackup, FileBackup $oFileBackup, BackupService $backupService, Database $database, SystemTemplateValidator $validator, BackupLog $logger, string $templateFilePath ) { $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->db = $database; $this->oFileBackup = $oFileBackup; $this->oDbBackup = $oDbBackup; $this->logger = $logger; $this->templateFilePath = $templateFilePath; $this->validator = $validator; $this->backupService = $backupService; } /** * @param array $templates * * @throws InvalidArgumentException * * @return bool */ public function importTemplates(array $templates = []): bool { if (empty($templates)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Templates data are missing!'); } $this->db->beginTransaction(); $this->db->perform('DELETE FROM `systemtemplates`'); try { foreach ($templates as $template) { $this->addTemplate($template); } } catch (DatabaseExceptionInterface $exception) { $this->db->rollBack(); return false; } catch (InvalidArgumentException $exception) { $this->db->rollBack(); return false; } $this->db->commit(); return true; } /** * @param array $template * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function addTemplate(array $template = []): void { if (empty($template)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Template cannot be empty'); } if (!is_array($template)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Template should be an Array'); } try { if (!$this->validator->fromMeta($template)->isValid()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(json_encode($this->validator->getErrors())); } } catch (SystemTemplateValidatorException $exception) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($exception->getMessage()); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO systemtemplates (filename, category, title, description) VALUES (:filename, :category, :title, :description)'; $this->db->perform($sql, $template); } /** * @return string */ protected function getTemplatesDir(): string { return $this->templateFilePath; } /** * @param string|null $key * * @throws InvalidArgumentException | RuntimeException * @return mixed|null */ public function getMetaContent(?string $key = null) { if (!file_exists($sMetaFile = $this->getTemplatesDir() . static::META_FILE)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot find meta file')); } if (empty($sJsonContent = file_get_contents($sMetaFile))) { throw new RuntimeException('Meta content cannot be read'); } if (($xData = json_decode($sJsonContent, true)) !== null && (json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE)) { if ($key !== null && array_key_exists($key, $xData)) { return $xData[$key]; } return $xData; } throw new RuntimeException('Reading Meta data failed'); } /** * @return bool|false|string */ public function getMetaFileCheckSum() { if (file_exists($sMetaFile = $this->getTemplatesDir() . static::META_FILE)) { return md5_file($sMetaFile); } return false; } /** * @param string $fileName * * @throws RuntimeException * * @return string */ public function getFullFilePath(string $fileName): string { if (!empty($fileName)) { return $this->getTemplatesDir() . $fileName; } throw new RuntimeException('Filename is missing'); } /** * @param Config $config * @param string $filename * @param array $options */ public function install(Config $config, string $filename, array $options = []): void { if ($sTmpDir = $this->oFileBackup->begin($this->getTemplatesDir())) { $ssid = array_key_exists('ssid', $options) ? $options['ssid'] : null; $this->logger->write('--BEGIN--'); if (null !== $ssid) { $this->logger->write($ssid, null, BackupService::SESSION_FILE, false, false); } $sBackupTmpFullPath = $sTmpDir . 'backup_temp.sql'; $this->logger->write('DUMP backup table'); $this->oDbBackup->createDump($this->backupService->convertLegacyDbConf($config), $sBackupTmpFullPath, 'backup'); $sMySQLFile = $this->backupService->getMySQLFileName($filename) . '.gz'; $FullBckPath = $this->getFullFilePath($filename); $oZip = new ZipArchive; $xRes = $oZip->open($FullBckPath); $this->logger->write('Fetch Database DUMP from template archive'); if ($xRes !== true) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Database Dump not found in %s', $FullBckPath)); } $oZip->extractTo($sTmpDir, [$sMySQLFile]); $oZip->close(); $licenseData = $this->db->fetchRow( 'SELECT `lizenz`, `schluessel` FROM `firmendaten` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1' ); $asTables = $this->gateway->getTables(); $this->logger->write('DROP ALL TABLES'); foreach ($asTables as $sTable) { $this->db->perform('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $sTable); } $sMySQLFullPath = $sTmpDir . $sMySQLFile; $this->logger->write('RESTORE Template Databases'); $this->oDbBackup->restoreDump($this->backupService->convertLegacyDbConf($config), $sMySQLFullPath); // remove Backup Dump $this->logger->write('REMOVE DUMP FILE'); @unlink($sMySQLFullPath); // RESTORE Backup table $this->logger->write('RESTORE Backup table'); $this->oDbBackup->restoreDump($this->backupService->convertLegacyDbConf($config), $sBackupTmpFullPath . '.gz'); @unlink($sBackupTmpFullPath . '.gz'); if (!empty($licenseData)) { $lastId = $this->db->fetchCol('SELECT MAX(`id`) FROM `firmendaten`'); $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE `firmendaten` SET `lizenz` = :license, `schluessel` = :authkey WHERE `id` = :id', ['license' => $licenseData['lizenz'], 'authkey' => $licenseData['schluessel'], 'id' => $lastId] ); } $this->logger->write('RESTORE Local Template files '); $restoreOptions = ['template_file_dir' => $this->getTemplatesDir()]; if (array_key_exists('exclude_dir', $options) && is_array($options['exclude_dir'])) { $restoreOptions['exclude_dir'] = $options['exclude_dir']; } foreach(['dms', 'pdfarchiv', 'pdfmirror', 'emailbackup', 'uebertragung'] as $subDirectory) { @exec('rm -Rf '.$config->WFuserdata.$subDirectory.'/'.$config->WFdbname); } $this->oFileBackup->restoreFileSystem($filename, $config->WFuserdata, $restoreOptions); if (array_key_exists('user_id', $options)) { $iUserId = $options['user_id']; $ssid = array_key_exists('ssid', $options) ? $options['ssid'] : null; $ip = array_key_exists('ip', $options) ? $options['ip'] : null; $this->logger->write('RECONNECT current User'); $this->backupService->reconnectUser($iUserId, $ssid, $ip); } @unlink($config->WFuserdata.'/cronjobkey.txt'); $this->logger->write('--END--'); } } /** * @param string $templateFileName * * @return array */ public function checkSumOnAfterInstall(string $templateFileName): ?array { $hDbCheckSums = $this->gateway->getTablesChecksum(); $metaFileName = $this->oDbBackup->getMetaFileName($templateFileName); $metaPath = $this->getTemplatesDir() . $metaFileName; if (($xData = $this->oDbBackup->getMetaInfo($metaPath)) && !empty($hFileCheckSums = $xData['tables'])) { $hDiff = array_diff_assoc($this->oDbBackup->excludeCheckSumTables($hDbCheckSums), $this->oDbBackup->excludeCheckSumTables($hFileCheckSums)); return !empty($hDiff) ? array_keys($hDiff) : []; } return null; } /** * @param string $filename * @param string|null $userPath * * @return mixed|null */ public function getDumpMetaData(string $filename, ?string $userPath = null) { $userPath = null === $userPath ? $this->getTemplatesDir() : $userPath; $filePath = $this->oFileBackup->getLocalPath($filename, $userPath, false); return $this->oDbBackup->getDumpMetaData($filePath); } /** * @param string $xConfig * @param string $identifier * @param string $sParam * @param string $cronFile * * @throws RuntimeException * @throws Exception * * @return bool */ public function addToProcessStarter( string $xConfig, string $identifier = 'Vorlage/System-Backup', string $sParam = 'system_template_configuration_cron', string $cronFile = 'system_template' ): bool { try { return $this->backupService->addToProcessStarter($xConfig, $identifier, $sParam, $cronFile); } catch (BackupModuleRuntimeException $exception) { throw new RuntimeException($exception->getMessage()); } } /** * @return void */ public function removeLoggerFiles(): void { $this->backupService->removeLoggerFiles(); } }