<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Service; use Exception; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Components\Database\SqlQuery\SelectQuery; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccessTokenData; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccountPropertyValue; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccountPropertyCollection; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccountData; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\GoogleAccountGatewayException; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\GoogleAccountNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\NoAccessTokenException; use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\GoogleScope; final class GoogleAccountGateway { /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** * @param Database $database */ public function __construct(Database $database) { $this->db = $database; } /** * @param int $id * * @return bool */ public function existsAccount(int $id): bool { $sql = 'SELECT ga.id FROM `google_account` AS `ga` WHERE ga.id = :id'; $resultId = $this->db->fetchValue($sql, ['id' => $id]); return $resultId === $id; } /** * @param int $id * * @throws GoogleAccountNotFoundException * * @return GoogleAccountData */ public function getAccount(int $id): GoogleAccountData { $query = $this->buildAccountQuery() ->where('ga.id = :id'); $values = ['id' => $id]; $account = $this->queryAccount($query, $values); if ($account === null) { throw new GoogleAccountNotFoundException('Google Account not Available.'); } return $account; } /** * @param int $userId * * @throws GoogleAccountNotFoundException * * @return GoogleAccountData */ public function getAccountByUser(int $userId): GoogleAccountData { $query = $this->buildAccountQuery() ->where('ga.user_id = :user_id'); $values = ['user_id' => $userId]; $account = $this->queryAccount($query, $values); if ($account === null) { throw new GoogleAccountNotFoundException( sprintf('No Google account found for user "%s"', $userId) ); } return $account; } /** * @param string $email * * @throws GoogleAccountNotFoundException * * @return GoogleAccountData */ public function getAccountByGmailAddress(string $email): GoogleAccountData { try { $query = $this->buildAccountQuery() ->join('', 'google_account_property AS gp', 'ga.id = gp.google_account_id') ->where("gp.varname = :varname AND gp.value = :email"); $values = ['varname' => 'gmail_address', 'email' => $email]; $account = $this->queryAccount($query, $values); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new GoogleAccountNotFoundException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if ($account === null) { throw new GoogleAccountNotFoundException( sprintf('No Google Account found for email address "%s"', $email) ); } return $account; } /** * Gets all accounts that have a certain scope * * @param string $scope * * @return GoogleAccountData[]|array */ public function getAccountsByScope(string $scope): array { try { $query = $this->buildAccountQuery() ->join('', 'google_account_scope AS gs', 'ga.id = gs.google_account_id') ->where('gs.scope = :scope'); $values = ['scope' => $scope]; $rows = $this->db->fetchAll($query->getStatement(), $values); $accounts = []; foreach ($rows as $row) { $accounts[] = GoogleAccountData::fromDbState($row); } return $accounts; } catch (Exception $e) { throw new GoogleAccountGatewayException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } /** * @param int $addressId * * @throws GoogleAccountGatewayException * * @return GoogleAccountData|null */ public function tryGetAccountByAddress(int $addressId): ?GoogleAccountData { try { $query = $this->buildAccountQuery() ->join('', 'user AS u', 'ga.user_id = u.id') ->where('u.adresse = :address_id'); $values = ['address_id' => $addressId]; return $this->queryAccount($query, $values); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new GoogleAccountGatewayException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } /** * @param int $accountId * * @throws NoAccessTokenException * * @return GoogleAccessTokenData */ public function getAccessToken(int $accountId): GoogleAccessTokenData { $query = $this->buildTokenQuery() ->where('gt.google_account_id = :account_id'); $values = ['account_id' => $accountId]; $token = $this->queryToken($query, $values); if ($token === null) { throw new NoAccessTokenException( sprintf('No access token for account "%s" available.', $accountId) ); } return $token; } /** * @param int $accountId * @param string $scope * * @return bool */ public function hasAccountScope(int $accountId, string $scope): bool { $scopes = $this->getScopes($accountId); if (in_array($scope, $scopes, true)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param int $accountId * * @return string[] available scopes of the account */ public function getScopes(int $accountId): array { $sql = 'SELECT gs.id, gs.scope FROM `google_account_scope` AS `gs` WHERE gs.google_account_id = :account_id'; $pairs = $this->db->fetchPairs($sql, ['account_id' => $accountId]); if (!is_array($pairs) || count($pairs) === 0) { return []; } return array_values($pairs); } /** * @param int $accountId * * @return GoogleAccountPropertyCollection */ public function getAccountProperties(int $accountId): GoogleAccountPropertyCollection { $sql = 'SELECT gp.id, gp.google_account_id, gp.varname, gp.value FROM `google_account_property` AS `gp` WHERE gp.google_account_id = :account_id'; $result = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, ['account_id'=> $accountId]); if (!is_array($result) || count($result) === 0) { return new GoogleAccountPropertyCollection([]); } $properties = []; foreach ($result as $row) { $properties[] = GoogleAccountPropertyValue::fromDbState($row); } return new GoogleAccountPropertyCollection($properties); } /** * @return SelectQuery */ private function buildAccountQuery(): SelectQuery { return $this->db->select() ->cols( [ 'ga.id', 'ga.user_id', 'ga.refresh_token', 'ga.identifier', ] ) ->from('google_account AS ga'); } /** * @param SelectQuery $query * @param array $bindValues * * @return GoogleAccountData|null */ private function queryAccount(SelectQuery $query, $bindValues = []): ?GoogleAccountData { $sql = $query->getStatement(); $resultSet = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, $bindValues); if (empty($resultSet)) { return null; } return GoogleAccountData::fromDbState($resultSet); } /** * @return SelectQuery */ private function buildTokenQuery(): SelectQuery { return $this->db->select() ->cols( [ 'gt.google_account_id', 'gt.token', 'gt.expires', ] ) ->from('google_access_token AS gt'); } /** * @param SelectQuery $query * @param array $bindValues * * @return GoogleAccessTokenData|null */ private function queryToken(SelectQuery $query, $bindValues = []): ?GoogleAccessTokenData { $sql = $query->getStatement(); $resultSet = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, $bindValues); if (empty($resultSet)) { return null; } return GoogleAccessTokenData::fromDbState($resultSet); } }