<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2014 Michael Billington <michael.billington@gmail.com>, * with additions by Warren Doyle (wdoyle) * modified by Benedikt Sauter changed all fwrite to this->str 24.01.2016 * modified by Benedikt Sauter add qrCode,wrapperSend2dCodeData,intLowHigh from https://github.com/mike42/escpos-php/blob/master/src/Mike42/Escpos/Printer.php 05.03.2016 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * If you wish to expand this library you can use the below link: * http://content.epson.de/fileadmin/content/files/RSD/downloads/escpos.pdf */ define("DEBUG_MODE", 0); if(DEBUG_MODE == 1) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); } class phpprint { /* ASCII codes */ const NUL = "\x00"; const LF = "\x0a"; const ESC = "\x1b"; const GS = "\x1d"; /* Print mode constants */ const MODE_FONT_A = 0; const MODE_FONT_B = 1; const MODE_EMPHASIZED = 8; const MODE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT = 16; const MODE_DOUBLE_WIDTH = 32; const MODE_UNDERLINE = 128; /* Fonts */ const FONT_A = 0; const FONT_B = 1; const FONT_C = 2; /* Justifications */ const JUSTIFY_LEFT = 0; const JUSTIFY_CENTER = 1; const JUSTIFY_RIGHT = 2; /* Cut types */ const CUT_FULL = 65; const CUT_PARTIAL = 66; /* Barcode types */ const BARCODE_UPCA = 0; const BARCODE_UPCE = 1; const BARCODE_JAN13 = 2; const BARCODE_JAN8 = 3; const BARCODE_CODE39 = 4; const BARCODE_ITF = 5; const BARCODE_CODABAR = 6; private $fp; /* QR code error correction levels */ const QR_ECLEVEL_L = 0; const QR_ECLEVEL_M = 1; const QR_ECLEVEL_Q = 2; const QR_ECLEVEL_H = 3; /* QR code models */ const QR_MODEL_1 = 1; const QR_MODEL_2 = 2; const QR_MICRO = 3; /** @var string $txt */ public $txt; /** @var string $str */ public $str; protected $pdfCommands = []; function __construct($head = null) { //THIS IS THE SERIAL PORT YOU ARE OPENING //$fp = fopen($head,"w"); //$this -> fp = $fp; $this -> initialize(); } public function getPdfCommands(): array { return $this->pdfCommands; } // Funktion am 12.02.2016 durch Benedikt Sauter hinzugefuegt function uml($text) { $rw=$text; $rw=str_replace("Ä",chr(142),$rw); $rw=str_replace("Ö",chr(153),$rw); $rw=str_replace("Ü",chr(154),$rw); $rw=str_replace("ä",chr(132),$rw); $rw=str_replace("ö",chr(148),$rw); $rw=str_replace("ü",chr(129),$rw); $rw=str_replace("ß",chr(225),$rw); return $rw; } /** * Add text to the buffer * * @param string $str Text to print */ function text($str = "") { if(DEBUG_MODE == 1) echo $str; //fwrite($this -> fp, $str); $this->str .= $this->uml($str); $this->txt .= $str; $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'text', 'value' => $str]; } /** * Print and feed line / Print and feed n lines * * @param int $lines Number of lines to feed */ function feed($lines = 1) { if($lines <= 1) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::LF); $this->str .= self::LF; $this->txt .= "\r\n"; $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'text', 'value' => "\r\n"]; } else { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "d" . chr($lines)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "d" . chr($lines); } } /** * Select print mode(s). * * Arguments should be OR'd together MODE_* constants: * MODE_FONT_A * MODE_FONT_B * MODE_EMPHASIZED * MODE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT * MODE_DOUBLE_WIDTH * MODE_UNDERLINE * * @param int $mode */ function select_print_mode($mode = self::NUL) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "!" . chr($mode)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "!" . chr($mode); $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'print_mode', 'value' => $mode]; } function reverse_mode($rev = 0) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::GS . "B" . chr($rev)); $this->str .= self::GS . "B" . chr($rev); } /** * Turn underline mode on/off * * @param int $underline 0 for no underline, 1 for underline, 2 for heavy underline */ function set_underline($underline = 1) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "-". chr($underline)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "-". chr($underline); $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'underline', 'value' => $underline]; } /** * Initialize printer */ function initialize() { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "@"); $this->str .= self::ESC . "@"; } /** * Turn emphasized mode on/off * * @param boolean $on true for emphasis, false for no emphasis */ function set_emphasis($on = false) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "E". ($on ? chr(1) : chr(0))); $this->str .= self::ESC . "E". ($on ? chr(1) : chr(0)); } /** * Turn double-strike mode on/off * * @param boolean $on true for double strike, false for no double strike */ function set_double_strike($on = false) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "G". ($on ? chr(1) : chr(0))); $this->str .= self::ESC . "G". ($on ? chr(1) : chr(0)); } /** * Select character font. * Font must be FONT_A, FONT_B, or FONT_C. * * @param int $font */ function set_font($font = self::FONT_A) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "M" . chr($font)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "M" . chr($font); $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'font', 'value' => $font]; } /** * Select justification * Justification must be JUSTIFY_LEFT, JUSTIFY_CENTER, or JUSTIFY_RIGHT. */ function set_justification($justification = self::JUSTIFY_LEFT) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "a" . chr($justification)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "a" . chr($justification); $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'justification', 'value' => $justification]; } /** * Print and reverse feed n lines * * @param int $lines number of lines to feed */ function feed_reverse($lines = 1) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "e" . chr($lines)); $this->str .= self::ESC . "e" . chr($lines); } /** * Cut the paper * * @param int $mode Cut mode, either CUT_FULL or CUT_PARTIAL * @param int $lines Number of lines to feed */ function cut($mode = self::CUT_FULL, $lines = 3) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::GS . "V" . chr($mode) . chr($lines)); $this->str .= self::GS . "V" . chr($mode) . chr($lines); } function qrCode($content, $ec = self::QR_ECLEVEL_L, $size = 3, $model = self::QR_MODEL_2) { if($content == "") { return; } $cn = '1'; // Code type for QR code // Select model: 1, 2 or micro. $this -> wrapperSend2dCodeData(chr(65), $cn, chr(48 + $model) . chr(0)); // Set dot size. $this -> wrapperSend2dCodeData(chr(67), $cn, chr($size)); // Set error correction level: L, M, Q, or H $this -> wrapperSend2dCodeData(chr(69), $cn, chr(48 + $ec)); // Send content & print $this -> wrapperSend2dCodeData(chr(80), $cn, $content, '0'); $this -> wrapperSend2dCodeData(chr(81), $cn, '', '0'); $this->pdfCommands[] = ['type' => 'qr_code', 'value' => $content, 'ec' => $ec, 'size' => $size, 'model' => $model]; } /** * Wrapper for GS ( k, to calculate and send correct data length. * * @param string $fn Function to use * @param string $cn Output code type. Affects available data * @param string $data Data to send. * @param string $m Modifier/variant for function. Often '0' where used. * @throws InvalidArgumentException Where the input lengths are bad. */ private function wrapperSend2dCodeData($fn, $cn, $data = '', $m = '') { $header = $this -> intLowHigh(strlen($data) + strlen($m) + 2, 2); $this->str .= self::GS . "(k" . $header . $cn . $fn . $m . $data; } /** * Generate two characters for a number: In lower and higher parts, or more parts as needed. * @param int $int Input number * @param int $length The number of bytes to output (1 - 4). */ private static function intLowHigh($input, $length) { $maxInput = (256 << ($length * 8) - 1); $outp = ""; for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $outp .= chr($input % 256); $input = (int)($input / 256); } return $outp; } /** * Set barcode height * * @param int $height Height in dots */ function set_barcode_height($height = 8) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::GS . "h" . chr($height)); $this->str .= self::GS . "h" . chr($height); } /** * Print a barcode * * @param string $content * @param int $type */ function barcode($content, $type = self::BARCODE_CODE39) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::GS . "k" . chr($type) . $content . self::NUL); $this->str .= self::GS . "k" . chr($type) . $content . self::NUL; } /** * This will generate a Barcode and print it directly to the Printer * * @param string $content * @param int $type * @param int $height * */ function generateBarcode($content, $type, $height) { $this->set_barcode_height($height); $this->barcode($content, $type); $this->feed(); } /* * * This will increase the font used on the page whilst it is true * @param bool $on * */ function enlargePrint($on = false) { if($on == true) $this->select_print_mode(self::MODE_DOUBLE_HEIGHT); else $this->select_print_mode(); } /* * This will print an empty line */ function newline() { $this->text("\n"); } /** * Generate a pulse, for opening a cash drawer if one is connected. * The default settings should open an Epson drawer. * * @param int $pin 0 or 1, for pin 2 or pin 5 kick-out connector respectively. * @param int $on_ms pulse ON time, in milliseconds. * @param int $off_ms pulse OFF time, in milliseconds. */ function pulse($pin = 0, $on_ms = 120, $off_ms = 240) { //fwrite($this -> fp, self::ESC . "p" . chr($m + 48) . chr($t1 / 2) . chr($t2 / 2)); $this->str .= chr(27). chr(112). chr(0). chr(100). chr(250); //self::ESC . "p" . chr($m + 48) . chr($t1 / 2) . chr($t2 / 2); } }