<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Report; use Exception; use Xentral\Components\Http\File\FileUpload; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Data\ReportColumn; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Data\ReportColumnCollection; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Data\ReportData; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Data\ReportParameter; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Data\ReportParameterCollection; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Exception\JsonParseException; use Xentral\Modules\Report\Exception\ReportReadonlyException; final class ReportJsonImportService { /** @var ReportGateway $gateway */ private $gateway; /** @var ReportService $service */ private $service; /** * @param ReportGateway $gateway * @param ReportService $service */ public function __construct(ReportGateway $gateway, ReportService $service) { $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->service = $service; } /** * @param array $jsonData * * @return int database entry id */ public function importReport($jsonData) { if (!is_array($jsonData)) { throw new JsonParseException('Json data must be associative array.'); } if (!isset($jsonData['name']) || $jsonData['name'] === '') { throw new JsonParseException('Name of the report is required.'); } $existing = $this->gateway->findReportByName($jsonData['name']); $existingShare = []; if ($existing !== null) { $jsonData['id'] = $existing->getId(); $report = $this->parseReport($jsonData); $columns = $this->gateway->getColumnsByReportId($existing->getId()); $params = $this->gateway->getParametersByReportId($existing->getId()); $areColumnsEqual = $this->areArraysEqual( $columns->toArray(), $report->getColumns() === null ? [] : $report->getColumns() ->toArray() ); $areParamsEqual = $this->areArraysEqual( $params->toArray(), $report->getParameters() === null ? [] : $report->getParameters() ->toArray() ); if ($areColumnsEqual && $areParamsEqual) { $report->setColumns(new ReportColumnCollection()); $report->setParameters(new ReportParameterCollection()); } else { foreach ($columns as $column) { $this->service->deleteColumnById($column->getId()); } foreach ($params as $param) { $this->service->deleteParamById($param->getId()); } } $existingShare = $this->gateway->findShareArrayByReportId($existing->getId()); } else { $report = $this->parseReport($jsonData); } $insertReportId = $this->service->saveReport($report); if (array_key_exists('share', $jsonData) && $jsonData['share'] !== null) { $share = $this->parseShare($jsonData['share'], $existingShare); $share['id'] = 0; $share['report_id'] = $insertReportId; if ($existingShare !== null && count($existingShare) > 0) { $share['id'] = $existingShare['id']; } $this->service->saveShareArray($share); } return $insertReportId; } /** * @param array $jsonArray * * @return array errors */ public function findJsonStructureErrors($jsonArray) { $errors = []; $required = ['name', 'sql_query', 'columns']; $requiredInColumn = ['key_name', 'title']; $requiredInParam = ['varname', 'default_value']; foreach ($required as $key) { if (!isset($jsonArray[$key]) || empty($jsonArray[$key])) { $errors[] = sprintf('Field %s is required.', $key); } } if (isset($jsonArray['columns']) && is_array($jsonArray['columns'])) { foreach ($jsonArray['columns'] as $column) { foreach ($requiredInColumn as $key) { if (!isset($column[$key]) || $column[$key] === '') { $errors[] = sprintf('Field column>%s is required.', $key); } } } } if (isset($jsonArray['parameters']) && is_array($jsonArray['parameters'])) { foreach ($jsonArray['parameters'] as $param) { foreach ($requiredInParam as $key) { if (!isset($param[$key]) || $param[$key] === '') { $errors[] = sprintf('Field column>%s is required.', $key); } } } } return $errors; } /** * @param FileUpload $upload * @param int $currentId * * @return int */ public function importJsonUpload(FileUpload $upload, $currentId = 0) { if ($currentId > 0 && $this->gateway->isReportReadonly($currentId)) { throw new ReportReadonlyException('Cannot overwrite report by JSON import'); } if ($upload === null || !$upload->isValid() || $upload->getClientMimeType() !== 'application/json') { throw new InvalidArgumentException('uploaded file is invalid'); } if ($upload->hasError()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($upload->getErrorMessage(), $upload->getErrorCode()); } $stringContent = $upload->getContent(); $dataArray = json_decode($stringContent, true); if (empty($dataArray)) { throw new JsonParseException('Error parsing JSON structure'); } if (isset($dataArray['name'])) { $dataArray['name'] = $this->service->generateIncrementedReportName($dataArray['name'], $currentId); } return $this->importReport($dataArray); } /** * @param array $reportData * * @throws JsonParseException * * @return ReportData */ private function parseReport($reportData) { try { $report = ReportData::fromFormData($reportData); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new JsonParseException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if (isset($reportData['readonly']) && $reportData['readonly'] === true) { $report->setReadonly(true); } $columnObjects = []; if (isset($reportData['columns']) && is_array($reportData['columns'])) { $sequence = 1; foreach ($reportData['columns'] as $columnData) { $parsedCol = $this->parseColumn($columnData); if ($parsedCol->getSequence() === 0) { $parsedCol = new ReportColumn( $parsedCol->getKey(), $parsedCol->getTitle(), $parsedCol->getWidth(), $parsedCol->getAlignment(), $parsedCol->isSumColumn(), $parsedCol->getId(), $sequence, $parsedCol->getSorting(), $parsedCol->getFormatType(), $parsedCol->getFormatStatement() ); } $columnObjects[] = $parsedCol; $sequence++; } } $colCollection = new ReportColumnCollection($columnObjects); $report->setColumns($colCollection); $paramObjects = []; if (isset($reportData['parameters']) && is_array($reportData['parameters'])) { foreach ($reportData['parameters'] as $paramData) { $paramObjects[] = $this->parseParam($paramData); } } $paramCollection = new ReportParameterCollection($paramObjects); $report->setParameters($paramCollection); return $report; } /** * @param array $colData * * @throws JsonParseException * * @return ReportColumn */ private function parseColumn($colData) { try { $column = ReportColumn::fromDbState($colData); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new JsonParseException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if ($column === null) { throw new JsonParseException('Error while parsing Column.'); } return $column; } /** * @param array $paramData * * @throws JsonParseException * * @return ReportParameter */ private function parseParam($paramData) { try { $parameter = ReportParameter::fromDbState($paramData); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new JsonParseException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } if ($parameter === null) { throw new JsonParseException('Error while parsing Column.'); } return $parameter; } /** * @param array $share * @param array $existingShare * * @return array */ private function parseShare($share, $existingShare = []) { $data = [ 'chart_public' => 0, 'chart_axislabel' => '', 'chart_dateformat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'chart_type' => 'line', 'chart_x_column' => '', 'data_columns' => '', 'chart_group_column' => '', 'chart_interval_value' => 0, 'chart_interval_mode' => 'day', 'file_public' => 0, 'file_pdf_enabled' => 0, 'file_csv_enabled' => 0, 'file_xls_enabled' => 0, 'menu_public' => 0, 'menu_doctype' => '', 'menu_label' => '', 'menu_format' => 'csv', 'tab_public' => 0, 'tab_module' => '', 'tab_action' => '', 'tab_label' => '', 'tab_position' => 'nach_freifeld', ]; $data = array_merge($data, $existingShare); $data = array_merge($data, $share); $boolkeys = [ 'chart_public', 'file_public', 'file_pdf_enabled', 'file_csv_enabled', 'file_xls_enabled', 'menu_public', 'tab_public', ]; foreach ($boolkeys as $booleanKey) { if (array_key_exists($booleanKey, $share) && $share[$booleanKey] === true) { $data[$booleanKey] = 1; } else { $data[$booleanKey] = 0; } } return $data; } /** * @param array $collection * @param array $collectionToTest * * @return bool */ private function areArraysEqual(array $collection, array $collectionToTest): bool { $collectionWithOutIds = array_map( static function (array $array) { unset($array['id']); if(isset($array['sum'])) { $array['sum'] = (int)$array['sum']; } return $array; }, $collection ); $collectionToTestWithOutIds = array_map( static function (array $array) { unset($array['id']); if(isset($array['sum'])) { $array['sum'] = (int)$array['sum']; } return $array; }, $collectionToTest ); return json_encode($collectionToTestWithOutIds) === json_encode($collectionWithOutIds); } }