<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\RequestQueues; use ApplicationCore; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\DatabaseExceptionInterface; use Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\Exception\HubspotException; use Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\HubspotEventService; use Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\HubspotHttpResponseService; use Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\RequestQueues\Exception\RequestQueuesException; use RuntimeException; final class HubspotRequestQueuesService { /** @var int */ const LOOP_WAITING_TIME = 10000000; /** @var int */ const LOOP_BATCH = 1; /** @var HubspotRequestQueuesGateway $gateway */ private $gateway; /** @var ApplicationCore $app */ private $app; /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** @var array $completedIds */ private $completedIds = []; /** @var HubspotEventService $eventService */ private $eventService; /** * @param HubspotRequestQueuesGateway $gateway * @param Database $database * @param ApplicationCore $app * @param HubspotEventService $eventService */ public function __construct( HubspotRequestQueuesGateway $gateway, Database $database, ApplicationCore $app, HubspotEventService $eventService ) { $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->app = $app; $this->db = $database; $this->eventService = $eventService; } /** * @param array $option * * @throws RequestQueuesException * @return int */ public function addRequest($option) { $default = ['check_sum' => '', 'command' => '', 'on_after_done' => '', 'not_before' => 0, 'call_type' => '']; $hCommand = []; if (array_key_exists('method', $option)) { $hCommand['method'] = $option['method']; unset($option['method']); } if (array_key_exists('args', $option)) { $hCommand['args'] = $option['args']; unset($option['args']); } if (!empty($hCommand)) { $option['command'] = json_encode($hCommand, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_QUOT); } if (!empty($option['check_sum'])) { $default['check_sum'] = $option['check_sum']; } else { $default['check_sum'] = array_key_exists('command', $option) ? md5($option['command']) : ''; } $option = array_merge($default, $option); if (!empty($option['on_after_done']) && is_array($option['on_after_done'])) { $option['on_after_done'] = json_encode( $option['on_after_done'], JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_AMP | JSON_HEX_QUOT ); } $check = 'SELECT EXISTS( SELECT id FROM hubspot_request_queues WHERE deleted=0 AND completed=0 AND check_sum=:check_sum AND runner=:runner )'; if (empty( $this->db->fetchValue( $check, ['runner' => $option['runner'], 'check_sum' => $option['check_sum']] ) )) { $add = 'INSERT INTO hubspot_request_queues (command, on_after_done, runner, not_before, check_sum, call_type ) VALUES (:command, :on_after_done, :runner, :not_before, :check_sum, :call_type)'; try { $this->db->perform($add, $option); } catch (DatabaseExceptionInterface $exception) { throw new RequestQueuesException(json_encode(['too' => $option, $exception->getMessage()])); } return $this->db->lastInsertId(); } return 0; } /** * @param string $callType * * @throws HubspotException * @throws RequestQueuesException * * @return void */ public function execute(string $callType): void { $jobs = $this->gateway->getNewRequestsByCallType($callType); if (empty($jobs)) { return; } $batch_loop = self::LOOP_BATCH; $iCount = 0; $bSkippWait = count($jobs) <= 1; foreach ($jobs as $job) { $this->db->perform('UPDATE `hubspot_request_queues` SET try = try+1 WHERE id =:id', ['id' => $job['id']]); $oClass = $this->app->Container->get($job['runner']); $hCommand = json_decode($job['command'], true); if (!is_array($hCommand)) { continue; } $xArg = $hCommand['args']; $sMethod = $hCommand['method']; try { $response = call_user_func_array([$oClass, $sMethod], $xArg); if (empty($response)) { continue; } } catch (RuntimeException $exception) { $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE hubspot_request_queues SET completed = 1 WHERE id = :id', ['id' => $job['id']] ); $this->completedIds[] = $job['id']; $this->eventService->add($exception->getMessage()); continue; } $this->onAfterDone($job['id'], $response, $job['on_after_done']); if ($bSkippWait === false) { if ($iCount === $batch_loop) { $batch_loop += self::LOOP_BATCH; @usleep(self::LOOP_WAITING_TIME); } echo 'Script always alive... '; } } } /** * @param int $id * @param HubspotHttpResponseService|null $response * @param string $onAfter * * @throws HubspotException * * @return void */ private function onAfterDone(int $id, ?HubspotHttpResponseService $response, string $onAfter = ''): void { $onAfterData = !empty($onAfter) ? json_decode($onAfter, true) : []; if (!empty($onAfterData) && array_key_exists('runner', $onAfterData) && array_key_exists( 'method', $onAfterData ) && array_key_exists('args', $onAfterData) && $this->app->Container->has($onAfterData['runner'])) { $oClass = $this->app->Container->get($onAfterData['runner']); if (!empty($onAfterData['replace_in_args']) && in_array($response->getStatusCode(), [200, 204], true)) { $hasDataFetcher = !empty($onAfterData['data_fetcher']) && method_exists( $this, $onAfterData['data_fetcher'] ); $jsonData = $hasDataFetcher === true ? $this->{$onAfterData['data_fetcher']}( $response ) : $response->getJson(); if (empty($jsonData)) { return; } foreach ($onAfterData['args'] as &$xArg) { if (is_string($xArg)) { foreach ($onAfterData['replace_in_args'] as $replace_with) { if (!empty($jsonData[$replace_with])) { $xArg = sprintf($xArg, $jsonData[$replace_with]); } } } } } call_user_func_array( [$oClass, $onAfterData['method']], $onAfterData['args'] ); } if (array_key_exists('event', $onAfterData) && !empty($onAfterData['event']) && is_string($onAfterData['event']) && in_array($response->getStatusCode(), [200, 204], true) ) { $this->eventService->add($onAfterData['event']); } if (array_key_exists('other_event', $onAfterData)) { $other = $onAfterData['other_event']; if (!empty($other) && $this->app->Container->has($other['runner'])) { $otherEventClass = $this->app->Container->get($other['runner']); call_user_func_array( [$otherEventClass, $other['method']], $other['args'] ); } } if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->db->perform('UPDATE hubspot_request_queues SET completed = 1 WHERE id = :id', ['id' => $id]); $this->completedIds[] = $id; } } /** * @return void */ public function cleanup() { foreach ($this->completedIds as $completedId) { echo $completedId; $this->db->perform( 'DELETE FROM hubspot_request_queues WHERE id=:id AND completed=1', ['id' => $completedId] ); } $this->eventService->deleteByInterval(); unset($this->completedIds); } /** * @param HubspotHttpResponseService $response * * @return array */ private function getEngagement(HubspotHttpResponseService $response): array { if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { return []; } $result = $response->getJson(); if (!array_key_exists('engagement', $result)) { return []; } return $result['engagement']; } }