/** * Template function for Wizard objects */ var Wizard = function ($) { var me = { storage: { key: null, settings: {}, steps: null, title: null, activeStep: null, minimizedStorageKey: null, overlay: null, stepGroups: null, ajaxRunning: false, submitPrevented: null, linkPrevented: null, minimized: false }, elem: { $body: null, $container: null, $hideTrigger: null, $self: null, $highlight: null, $window: $(window), $clickByClickContainer: null }, /** * @param {Object} data */ init: function (data) { var key = data.key; me.storage.key = key; me.storage.minimized = data.minimized; me.storage.stepGroups = data.step_groups; me.storage.settings.title = data.title; me.storage.settings.subTitle = data.sub_title; me.storage.settings.skipLinkText = data.skip_link_text; me.storage.minimizedStorageKey = 'wizard_' + key + '_minimized'; me.elem.$container = $('#wizard-container'); me.elem.$hint = $('#wizard-hint'); me.elem.$hideTrigger = $('#wizard-hide-trigger'); me.elem.$body = $('body'); me.generateContainerContents(); me.nextStep(); }, show: function () { me.elem.$self.show(); }, hide: function () { me.elem.$self.slideUp(); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isMinimized: function () { return me.storage.minimized; }, /** * Minimize wizard */ minimize: function () { me.storage.minimized = true; $('a').unbind("click.wizard"); $('form').unbind("submit.wizard"); }, /** * Maximize wizard */ maximize: function () { me.storage.minimized = false; }, finishWizard: function() { var current, i, numberOfStepGroups = Object.keys(me.storage.stepGroups).length, numberOfCompletedStepGroups = 0; for (var stepGroup in me.storage.stepGroups) { if (!me.storage.stepGroups.hasOwnProperty(stepGroup)) { return; } if(me.storage.stepGroups[stepGroup].completed){ numberOfCompletedStepGroups++; } } if(numberOfStepGroups === numberOfCompletedStepGroups){ me.toggleWizardDetails(); } }, toggleWizardDetails: function(){ $('.wizard-details').toggle(); }, cancelWizard: function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?module=wizard&action=ajax&cmd=cancel_active_wizard&key=' + me.storage.key, method: 'post', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // we don't need to know }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.warn(xhr.status, thrownError); } }) }, /** * * @param {String} param * * @returns {String} */ getUrlParameter: function (param) { var sPageURL = window.location.search.substring(1), sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); if (sParameterName[0] === param) { return sParameterName[1] === undefined ? true : decodeURIComponent(sParameterName[1]); } } }, /** * Register functionality on standard and custom events */ registerEvents: function () { me.elem.$self.find('.wizard-step-group h4').on('click touch', function () { $(this).parent().toggleClass('closed'); }); me.elem.$self.find('.wizard-small-trigger').on('click touch', function () { $(this).parent().toggleClass('closed'); }); // Handle clicks on step items me.elem.$container.on('click touch', '.wizard-step', function () { var $step = $(this); var link = $step.data('link'); var stepKey = $step.data('key'); var $wizard = $step.parents('.wizard'); var wizardKey = $wizard.data('key'); var action = $step.data('action'); action = action.replace(/'/g, '"'); action = JSON.parse(action); me.storage.activeStep = { key: stepKey, node: $step }; // checks if there is a running ajax request, if($.active === 1){ $(document).ajaxStop(function () { $(this).unbind("ajaxStop"); actionHandling(); }); } else { actionHandling(); } function actionHandling(){ if (action.type === 'highlight') { me.elem.$highlight = me.findHighlightElement(action); if (me.elem.$highlight && me.elem.$highlight.length > 0) { if (me.elem.$hint.length > 0) { me.elem.$hint.remove(); } me.scrollElementIntoView(); me.createHint(); me.bindRedirectPrevention(); } else if (link !== undefined && link !== "undefined" && link.length > 0) { me.visitUrl(link, wizardKey, stepKey); } } if(action.type === 'click_by_click_assistant'){ if(link !== undefined && link !== "undefined"){ var cleanLink = ""; if(link.charAt(0) === "."){ //sent links usually start with, "./index.php..." - not compareable cleanLink = link.replace('.', ''); } if(window.location.href.indexOf(cleanLink) > -1){ // if the user is on the correct page me.createClickByClickAssistant(action.data); } else { // otherwise go to the correct page first me.visitUrl(link, wizardKey, stepKey); } } else { me.createClickByClickAssistant(action.data); } } } }); me.elem.$body.on('click touch blur change focus', '.wizard-highlight', function (e) { if (e.type === $(this).data('data-event')) { me.completeStep(); me.removeHint(); me.nextStep(); } }); $('#wizard-container .progress').on('progress-update', function () { var self = $(this); if (self.data('value') === self.data('max')) { var parentStepgroup = self.parents('.wizard-step-group'); parentStepgroup.removeClass('in-progress'); parentStepgroup.addClass(['complete', 'closed']); me.storage.stepGroups[parentStepgroup.data('name')].completed = true; } me.finishWizard(); }); // A form submit has to wait until a Ajax is done $('form').on('submit.wizard', function (e) { if(me.storage.minimized){ return; } var self = $(this); e.preventDefault(); me.storage.submitPrevented = self; if(!me.storage.ajaxRunning){ self.unbind('submit.wizard').submit(); } }); $('.close-wizard').on('click touch',function () { me.elem.$hideTrigger.trigger('click'); me.cancelWizard(); me.elem.$container.remove(); me.elem.$hideTrigger.remove(); }) }, bindRedirectPrevention: function(){ $('a').on('click.wizard', function (e) { if(me.storage.minimized){ return; } var self = $(this); e.preventDefault(); me.storage.linkPrevented = self; }); }, /** * * @param {Object} data */ createClickByClickAssistant: function(data){ me.elem.$clickByClickContainer = $('<click-by-click-assistant' + ' id="click-by-click-wizard"' + ' v-if="showAssistant"' + ' @close="showAssistant = false"' + ' :pages="pages"' + ' :allowClose="allowClose"' + ' :pagination="pagination">' + '</click-by-click-assistant>'); me.elem.$clickByClickContainer.appendTo(me.elem.$body); if(data.pagination === undefined){ data.pagination = false; } new Vue({ el: '#click-by-click-wizard', data: data }); }, scrollElementIntoView: function(){ var element = me.elem.$highlight, elementTop = element.offset().top, elementBottom = elementTop + element.outerHeight(), viewportTop = me.elem.$window.scrollTop(), viewportBottom = viewportTop + me.elem.$window.height(), elementInViewport = elementBottom > viewportTop && elementTop < viewportBottom; if(elementInViewport){ return; } var elementHeight = element.height(), viewportHeight = me.elem.$window.height(), elementOffset = element.offset().top, offset; if (elementHeight < viewportHeight) { offset = elementOffset - ((viewportHeight / 2) - (elementHeight / 2)); } window.setTimeout(function () { window.scrollTo({ top: offset, behavior: 'smooth' }); }, 100); }, /** * @param {string} url * @param {string|null} wizardKey * @param {string|null} stepKey */ visitUrl: function (url, wizardKey, stepKey) { if(url === undefined){ return; } if (typeof wizardKey === 'undefined' && typeof stepKey === 'undefined') { window.location.href = me.addParameterToUrl(url); return; } window.location.href = me.addParameterToUrl(url); }, /** * @param {string} url * * @return {string} */ addParameterToUrl: function (url) { var finalUrl, elementParam = ''; var hashCharPosition = url.lastIndexOf('#'); if (hashCharPosition === -1) { // Keine Sprungmarke in URL > Random-Parameter wird nicht benötigt finalUrl = url; } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(9999)), urlStart = url.slice(0, hashCharPosition), urlEnd = url.slice(hashCharPosition); finalUrl = urlStart + elementParam + '&rand=' + randomNumber + urlEnd; } return finalUrl + elementParam; }, /** * Creates hint box */ createHint: function () { if (me.elem.$highlight.length === 0) { return; } var hintHtml = '<div id="wizard-hint"><div class="wizard-hint-arrow"></div>' + '<h2>' + me.storage.activeStep.node.data('hint-title') + '</h2>' + '<p>' + me.storage.activeStep.node.data('hint-content') + '</p>' + '<div class="wizard-hint-action">'; if(me.storage.activeStep.node.data('hint-cta') !== false){ hintHtml += '<button class="button button-secondary">Weiter</button>' } hintHtml += '</div>' + '</div>' me.elem.$hint = $(hintHtml).appendTo('body'); me.elem.$hint.find('.wizard-hint-action').on('click touch', function () { me.completeStep(); me.removeHint(); me.nextStep(); }); var resizeTimeout; $(window).on('resize scroll', function () { if (me.storage.overlay === null) { return; } if (!!resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); } resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { me.storage.overlay.focus(me.elem.$highlight); me.positionHintAtHighlight(); }, 10); }); me.positionHintAtHighlight(); }, removeHint: function () { if(me.elem.$hint !== undefined && me.elem.$hint !== null){ me.elem.$hint.remove(); } if(me.storage.overlay !== undefined && me.storage.overlay !== null){ me.storage.overlay.remove(); me.storage.overlay = null; } $('a').unbind('click.wizard'); $('form').unbind('submit.wizard'); }, /** * Moves hint to highlighted element */ positionHintAtHighlight: function () { if (me.storage.overlay !== null) { me.storage.overlay.focus(me.elem.$highlight); } else { me.storage.overlay = new focusOverlay; me.storage.overlay.init(me.elem.$highlight); } var hintOptions = { my: 'left-10px top+15px', at: 'left bottom', of: me.elem.$highlight } var hintArrowOptions = { my: 'left top+5', at: 'left bottom', of: me.elem.$highlight } if(me.elem.$highlight.hasClass('hasDatepicker')){ me.elem.$hint.find('.wizard-hint-arrow').addClass('point-right'); hintOptions.my = 'left-230 top-50%'; hintOptions.at = 'left bottom'; hintArrowOptions.my = 'right+5 top-24'; hintArrowOptions.at = 'left bottom'; } window.setTimeout(function () { me.elem.$hint.position(hintOptions); me.elem.$hint.find('.wizard-hint-arrow').position(hintArrowOptions); },100); me.elem.$highlight.addClass('hint-added'); me.elem.$highlight.addClass('wizard-highlight'); }, /** * Completes a step and informs the backend */ completeStep: function () { var stepName = me.storage.activeStep.node.data('step-name'), parentGroup = me.storage.activeStep.node.data('parent-group'), parentSubgroup = me.storage.activeStep.node.data('parent-sub-group'); if(me.elem.$highlight){ me.elem.$highlight.removeClass('wizard-highlight'); } me.storage.activeStep.node.addClass('checked'); me.updateProgressBar(); if (me.storage.overlay !== null) { me.storage.overlay.remove(); } me.updateSubGroupProgress(parentGroup, parentSubgroup, stepName); }, /** * * @param {String} groupName * @param {String} subGroupName * @param {String} stepName */ updateSubGroupProgress: function (groupName, subGroupName, stepName) { var steps = me.storage.stepGroups[groupName].sub_groups[subGroupName].steps; var currentStep = steps[stepName]; //set step completed in storage currentStep.completed = true; // check how many siblings the subgroup has and if they are completed var stepCounter = 0, completeSteps = 0; for (var step in steps) { if (!steps.hasOwnProperty(step)) { continue; } if (steps[step].completed) { completeSteps++; } stepCounter++; } if (stepCounter === completeSteps) { me.storage.stepGroups[groupName].sub_groups[subGroupName].completed = true; me.postCompleteStepGroup(groupName, subGroupName); } }, /** * * @param {String} groupName * @param {String} subGroupName */ postCompleteStepGroup: function(groupName, subGroupName){ me.storage.ajaxRunning = true; $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?module=wizard&action=ajax&cmd=complete_step&key=' + me.storage.key, method: 'post', data: { step: groupName + '-' + subGroupName, link: '.' + window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf('/index')) }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // we don't need to know console.info('ajax done') }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.warn(xhr.status, thrownError); } }).always(function () { me.storage.ajaxRunning = false; if(me.storage.submitPrevented){ me.storage.submitPrevented.unbind('submit.wizard').submit(); me.storage.submitPrevented = null; } if(me.storage.linkPrevented){ window.location.href = me.storage.linkPrevented.attr('href'); me.storage.linkPrevented = null; } }); }, /** * Finds and triggers the next open step * @param {String|null} presetHighlight */ nextStep: function (presetHighlight) { if(me.storage.minimized){ return; } $('.wizard-step').removeClass('next-step'); // regular next step var incompleteSteps = $('.wizard-step:not(.checked)'), nextStep = incompleteSteps[0]; $(nextStep).addClass('next-step').trigger('click'); $(nextStep).parents('.wizard-step-group').removeClass("closed"); $(nextStep).parents('.wizard-step-group').addClass("in-progress"); }, /** * Looks for a element in DOM * @param {String} selector * @returns {jQuery|HTMLElement} */ findHighlightElement: function (selector) { var selectorString = '', element; if (selector.node.parent) { addSelectors(selector.node.parent); } if (selector.node.previous_sibling) { var initialLength = selectorString.length, processedLength = 0; selectorString += initialLength > 0 ? ' ' : ''; addSelectors(selector.node.previous_sibling); processedLength = selectorString.length; if (initialLength < processedLength) { selectorString += ' +'; } } if (selector.node.self) { selectorString += selectorString.length > 0 ? ' ' : ''; addSelectors(selector.node.self); } element = $(selectorString).filter(function () { return $(this).css('display') !== 'none'; }); if (element.length === 0) { console.warn('element not found in dom', selectorString); return ''; } else { element.data('data-event', selector.complete_event); } /** * Combines * @param object */ function addSelectors(object) { for (key in object) { if(!object.hasOwnProperty(key)){ continue; } var current = object[key]; if (key === 'node_name' && current.length > 0) { selectorString += current; } else if (key === 'class' && current.length > 0) { if(current.indexOf(' ') > - 1){ current = current.split(' '); for(var i = 0; i < current.length; i++){ selectorString += '.' + current[i] } } else { selectorString += '.' + current; } } else if(key === 'contains') { selectorString += ':contains("' + current + '")'; } else if(key === 'css_selector'){ selectorString += current; } else if (current.length > 0) { selectorString += '[' + key + '="' + current + '"]'; } } } if(element.length > 1){ element = $(element[0]); } return element; }, /** * Updates progress bar on step group */ updateProgressBar: function () { var progress = $('.wizard-progress'); if (progress.length === 0) { return; } var totalSteps = 0; for (var j = 0; j < progress.length; j++) { var steps = $(progress[j]).parent('ul').find('li'), progressEle = $(progress[j]).find('.progress'), count = 0; totalSteps = steps.length; for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { if ($(steps[i]).hasClass('checked')) { count++; } } progressEle.css('width', count / totalSteps * 100 + '%'); progressEle.attr('data-value', count); progressEle.trigger('progress-update'); } }, /** * Generates the HTML content of a step group * @param {string} groupName * @param {Object} group * @param {Number} groupIndex * * @returns {string} */ generateStepGroupHtml: function (groupName, group, groupIndex) { var stepsTotal = 0, stepsFinished = 0, self = this, groupHtml = '<div data-name="' + groupName + '" class="wizard-step-group {{groupActive}} {{groupComplete}} {{groupClosed}}">' + '<h4 data-number="{{groupIndex}}">{{groupTitle}}</h4><div class="wizard-group-content"><ul>'; // subgroup var subGroupIndex = 0; for (var subGroup in group.sub_groups) { if (!group.sub_groups.hasOwnProperty(subGroup)) { continue; } var subGroupComplete = ''; if(group.sub_groups[subGroup].completed){ subGroupComplete = 'sub-group-complete'; stepsFinished += Object.keys(group.sub_groups[subGroup].steps).length; } groupHtml += '<div class="wizard-sub-group '+ subGroupComplete +'">'; // create steps var stepIndex = 0; for (var step in group.sub_groups[subGroup].steps) { if (!group.sub_groups[subGroup].steps.hasOwnProperty(step)) { continue; } groupHtml += self.generateStepHTML(group.sub_groups[subGroup].steps[step], stepIndex, groupName, subGroup, step, group.sub_groups[subGroup].completed); stepsTotal++; stepIndex++; } groupHtml += '</div>'; subGroupIndex++; } groupHtml += '<div class="wizard-progress">' + ' <div class="progress" style="width: {{progress}}%" data-value="{{stepsFinished}}" data-max="{{stepsTotal}}"></div>' + ' </div></ul></div></div>'; groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{progress}}', stepsFinished / stepsTotal * 100); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{stepsFinished}}', stepsFinished); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{stepsTotal}}', stepsTotal); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{groupIndex}}', groupIndex + 1); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{groupTitle}}', group.title); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{groupActive}}', group.active ? 'active' : ''); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{groupComplete}}', group.complete || group.completed ? 'complete closed' : ''); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace('{{groupClosed}}', group.closed ? 'closed' : ''); return groupHtml; }, /** * * @param {Object} item * @param {Number} index * @param {String} parentGroup * @param {String} parentSubGroup * @param {String} stepName * * @returns {*} */ generateStepHTML: function (item, index, parentGroup, parentSubGroup, stepName, parentSubgroupCompleted) { var captionHtml = '', classes = item.completed === true || parentSubgroupCompleted === true ? 'wizard-step checked' : 'wizard-step'; if(item.visible !== undefined && item.visible === false){ classes += ' invisible'; } if (typeof item.title !== 'undefined' && item.title !== null) { captionHtml = '<span class="caption">' + item.title + '</span>'; } var itemHtml = '<li ' + 'id="{{id}}" ' + 'class="{{classes}}" ' + 'data-key="{{key}}" ' + 'data-link="{{link}}" ' + 'data-step-index="{{stepIndex}}" ' + 'data-action="{{action}}" ' + 'data-hint-title="{{hintTitle}}" ' + 'data-hint-cta="{{hintCta}}" ' + 'data-hint-content="{{hintContent}}"' + 'data-parent-group="{{parent-group}}"' + 'data-step-name="{{step-name}}"' + 'data-parent-sub-group="{{parent-sub-group}}">' + '{{captionLine}}' + '</li>'; itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{id}}', me.storage.key + '_' + item.position); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{classes}}', classes); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{link}}', item.link); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{key}}', item.position); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{stepIndex}}', index); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{captionLine}}', captionHtml); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{step-name}}', stepName); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{parent-sub-group}}', parentSubGroup); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{parent-group}}', parentGroup); if (item.action) { item.action = JSON.stringify(item.action).replace(/"/g, '\''); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{action}}', item.action); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{hintTitle}}', item.caption); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{hintContent}}', item.description); itemHtml = itemHtml.replace('{{hintCta}}', item.hint_cta); } return itemHtml; }, /** * Generates the content of the wizard */ generateContainerContents: function () { var settings = me.storage.settings, subTitle, groupsHtml = '', content, iterationIndex = 0, previousGroupComplete = false; for (var stepGroup in me.storage.stepGroups) { if (!me.storage.stepGroups.hasOwnProperty(stepGroup)) { return; } if(iterationIndex > 0){ me.storage.stepGroups[stepGroup].closed = !previousGroupComplete; } groupsHtml += me.generateStepGroupHtml(stepGroup, me.storage.stepGroups[stepGroup], iterationIndex); previousGroupComplete = me.storage.stepGroups[stepGroup].completed; iterationIndex++; } content = '<div class="wizard-small-trigger"></div>'+ '<div class="wizard-details">' + ' <h2>{{titleMinimized}}</h2>' + ' <h3>{{subTitle}}</h3>' + ' {{groupsHtml}}' + ' <span class="close-wizard">Wizard beenden</span>' + '</div>'; content += '<div class="wizard-details wizard-overlay">' + '<h2>Wizard erfolgreich beendet!</h2>' + ' <p>Du kannst nun zurück zum Learning Dashboard oder hier bleiben</p>' + ' <a title="Zurück zum Learning Dashboard" href="index.php?module=learningdashboard&action=list" class="button button-primary">Zurück zum Learning Dashboard</a>' + '</div>'; if (typeof currentStepDescription !== 'undefined' && currentStepDescription !== null) { subTitle = '<div class="wizard-description">' + currentStepDescription + '</div>'; } content = content.replace('{{titleMinimized}}', settings.title); content = content.replace('{{titleMaximized}}', settings.title); content = content.replace('{{groupsHtml}}', groupsHtml); content = content.replace('{{subTitle}}', settings.subTitle); // Wizard-Element erzeugen und in Wizard-Box packen me.elem.$self = $('<div>') .addClass('wizard closed') .attr('id', 'wizard_' + me.storage.key) .data('key', me.storage.key) .html(content); me.elem.$self.appendTo(me.elem.$container); me.registerEvents(); }, /** * @return {object|null} */ getCurrentStepSettings: function () { var currentStep = null; // rand-Parameter aus aktueller URL entfernen var currentUrl = window.location.href.replace(/&rand=[\d]*/, ''); me.storage.stepGroups.forEach(function (group) { group.steps.forEach(function (step) { // Führenden Punkt aus Schritt-URL entfernen: './index.php?foo' => '/index.php?foo' // Ansonsten ist Vergleich mit aktueller URL nicht möglich var dotPrefixRegex = /\.\/index\.php/; var stepUrl = step.link.replace(dotPrefixRegex, '/index.php'); var isCurrentStep = me.stringEndsWith(currentUrl, stepUrl); if (isCurrentStep) { currentStep = step; } }); }); return currentStep; }, /** * @param {string} haystack * @param {string} needle * @return {boolean} */ stringEndsWith: function (haystack, needle) { var position = haystack.length - needle.length; if (position < 0) { return false; } var lastIndex = haystack.indexOf(needle, position); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position; } }; return { init: me.init, show: me.show, hide: me.hide, completeStep: me.completeStep, nextStep: me.nextStep, minimize: me.minimize, maximize: me.maximize, isMinimized: me.isMinimized, removeHint: me.removeHint }; }; var WizardContainer = (function ($) { var me = { elem: { $container: null, $hint: null, $hideTrigger: null }, storage: { initialized: false, fetchedWizardData: null, minimized: false, wizards: {} // Loaded wizard instances }, init: function () { if (!me.isEnabled()) { console.info('Wizard ist deaktiviert.'); return; } if (me.isInitialized()) { console.warn('Wizard ist bereits initialisiert!'); return; } me.storage.initialized = true; me.fetchWizards().then(me.createContainerPromise).then(me.createWizards); }, show: function () { me.elem.$hideTrigger.removeClass('is-hidden'); me.elem.$container.removeClass('is-hidden'); me.elem.$container.css({ opacity: '1', display: 'block' }); me.setWizardMinimizedState(false); me.storage.minimized = false; }, hide: function () { me.elem.$hideTrigger.addClass('is-hidden'); me.elem.$container.addClass('is-hidden'); me.elem.$container.css({ opacity: '0', display: 'none' }); $('a').unbind('click.wizard'); $('form').unbind('submit.wizard'); me.setWizardMinimizedState(true); me.storage.minimized = true; for(var wizard in me.storage.wizards){ me.storage.wizards[wizard].removeHint(); } }, completeStep: function(){ for(var wizard in me.storage.wizards){ me.storage.wizards[wizard].completeStep(); me.storage.wizards[wizard].nextStep(); } }, /** * * @param {Boolean} isMinimized */ setWizardMinimizedState: function(isMinimized) { $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?module=wizard&action=ajax&cmd=set_minimized&value=' + isMinimized, method: 'post', success: function(data){ }, error: function (jqXhr) { console.warn('Fehler: ' + jqXhr.responseJSON.error); } }); }, enable: function () { localStorage.setItem('wizard_enabled', 'true'); me.init(); }, isMinimized: function(){ return me.storage.minimized; }, disable: function () { me.hide(); me.storage.initialized = false; me.elem.$container.remove(); me.elem.$container = null; localStorage.setItem('wizard_enabled', 'false'); }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isEnabled: function () { var store = localStorage.getItem('wizard_enabled'); return typeof store !== 'undefined' && store !== 'false'; }, /** * @return {boolean} */ isInitialized: function () { return me.storage.initialized; }, /** * Creates wizard container only if there is at least one wizard * * @return {Promise} */ createContainerPromise: function () { return $.Deferred(function (dfd) { if (me.storage.fetchedWizardData === null) { console.info('No active wizards found.'); dfd.fail(); return; } me.storage.minimized = me.storage.fetchedWizardData.minimized; me.createContainerElement(); dfd.resolve(); }).promise(); }, /** * Creates wizard container and events */ createContainerElement: function () { me.elem.$container = $('<div id="wizard-container"></div>').appendTo('body'); me.elem.$container.css({ opacity: '0', display: 'none' }); // Make container draggable me.elem.$container.draggable({ start: function () { $(this).css({transition: 'none'}); }, stop: function () { $(this).css({height: 'auto'}); // otherwise jQuery would set a fixed height } }); // Hide/Show wizard container me.elem.$hideTrigger = $( '<div id="wizard-hide-trigger">' + '<div class="wizard-trigger-overlay"></div>' + '<div class="wizard-close-x"></div>' + '</div>').appendTo('body'); if(me.storage.minimized){ me.elem.$hideTrigger.addClass('is-hidden'); } me.elem.$hideTrigger.on('click touch', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (me.elem.$hideTrigger.hasClass('is-hidden')) { me.show(); me.storage.minimized = false; } else { me.hide(); me.storage.minimized = true; } }); }, /** * Fetch active wizards * * @return {Deferred} jQuery Promise Object */ fetchWizards: function () { var activeWizardEle = $('#active-wizard'), key; if (activeWizardEle.length > 0) { key = JSON.parse(activeWizardEle.text()); } if (key === undefined || typeof key.key !== 'string') { return $.Deferred(function (dfd) { dfd.reject(); }).promise(); } else { return $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?module=wizard&action=ajax&cmd=get_by_key&key=' + key.key, method: 'get', success: function (data) { me.storage.fetchedWizardData = data; } }); } }, /** * */ createWizards: function () { me.createWizard(me.storage.fetchedWizardData); if(!me.storage.minimized){ me.show(); } }, /** * @param {Object} data */ createWizard: function (data) { var wizardInstance = new Wizard($); var wizardKey = data.key; wizardInstance.init(data); me.storage.wizards[wizardKey] = wizardInstance; }, /** * @param {string} key * * @return {boolean} */ hasWizard: function (key) { return me.storage.wizards.hasOwnProperty(key); }, /** * @param {string} key * * @return {Wizard} */ getWizard: function (key) { return me.storage.wizards[key]; }, /** * @param {String} wizardKey */ skipWizard: function (wizardKey) { if (!me.hasWizard(wizardKey)) { return; } $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?module=wizard&action=ajax&cmd=deactivate_wizard', method: 'post', data: { wizard: wizardKey }, dataType: 'json', success: function () { me.getWizard(wizardKey).hide(); }, error: function (jqXhr) { alert('Fehler: ' + jqXhr.responseJSON.error); } }); } }; return { init: me.init, show: me.show, hide: me.hide, enable: me.enable, disable: me.disable, completeStep: me.completeStep, isMinimized: me.isMinimized }; })(jQuery); $(document).ready(function () { WizardContainer.init(); }); var focusOverlay = function () { var me = { storage: { target: {}, window: {}, targetOffset: null, settings: null, platesPositions: ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'] }, elem: { $container: null, $target: null, $self: null, $window: null, $plates: [] }, init: function (element) { if (element === undefined || element.length === 0) { console.warn('Please pass an element to focus'); return; } me.elem.$container = $('<div id="focus-overlay"></div>').appendTo('body'); me.addEventHandler(); me.focus(element); }, addEventHandler: function () { var resizeTimeout; $(window).on('resize scroll', function () { if (!!resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(resizeTimeout); } resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { me.storeWindow(); me.focus(); }, 10); }); }, storeElement: function (element) { me.elem.$target = element; me.storage.target.offset = element.offset(); me.storage.target.width = element.outerWidth(); me.storage.target.height = element.outerHeight(); }, storeWindow: function () { me.elem.$window = $(window); me.storage.window.width = me.elem.$window.outerWidth(); me.storage.window.height = me.elem.$window.outerHeight(); me.storage.window.scrollTop = me.elem.$window.scrollTop(); }, focus: function (element) { element = element || me.elem.$target; me.storeElement(element); me.storeWindow(); me.addOverlay(); }, remove: function () { me.elem.$container.remove(); }, addOverlay: function () { var current, overlay, finishedOptions = [], overlayTemplate = $('<div class="focus-overlay-plate"></div>'); for (var i = 0; i < me.storage.platesPositions.length; i++) { current = me.storage.platesPositions[i]; if (me.elem.$plates.length < 4) { overlay = overlayTemplate.clone(); } else { overlay = me.elem.$plates[i]; } var options = { 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'top': 0, 'right': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'left': 0 }; if(finishedOptions[0] !== undefined){ var topEleHeigt = finishedOptions[0].height; } if(finishedOptions[1] !== undefined){ var rightEleWidth = finishedOptions[1].width; } if(finishedOptions[2] !== undefined){ var bottomEleHeight = finishedOptions[2].height; } var elementViewportOffset = me.storage.target.offset.top - me.storage.window.scrollTop; if (current === 'top') { options.width = '100%'; options.height = elementViewportOffset - 10; } if (current === 'right') { options.width = me.storage.window.width - me.storage.target.offset.left - me.storage.target.width - 10; options.height = me.storage.window.height - topEleHeigt; options.top = topEleHeigt; options.left = me.storage.target.offset.left + me.storage.target.width + 10; } if (current === 'bottom') { options.width = me.storage.window.width - rightEleWidth; options.height = me.storage.window.height - elementViewportOffset - me.storage.target.height - 10; options.top = elementViewportOffset + me.storage.target.height + 10; if(me.elem.$target.hasClass('hasDatepicker')){ options.top += 150; options.height -= 150; } } if (current === 'left') { options.width = me.storage.target.offset.left - 10; options.height = me.storage.window.height - topEleHeigt - bottomEleHeight; options.top = topEleHeigt; } finishedOptions.push(options) if (me.elem.$plates.length < 4) { overlay.addClass(current); overlay.appendTo(me.elem.$container); me.elem.$plates.push(overlay); } } // options are not pushed in for loop, in order to add them all at once. (animation issues) me.elem.$plates[0].css(finishedOptions[0]); me.elem.$plates[1].css(finishedOptions[1]); me.elem.$plates[2].css(finishedOptions[2]); me.elem.$plates[3].css(finishedOptions[3]); } }; return { init: me.init, focus: me.focus, remove: me.remove }; };