<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Service; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Data\FreeTextFieldConfigData; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Data\FreeTextFieldContentData; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\TextFieldConfigNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\TextFieldRequiredException; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\ValidationFailedException; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\ResubmissionNotFoundException; final class ResubmissionTextFieldService { /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** @var ResubmissionTextFieldGateway $textFieldGateway */ private $textFieldGateway; /** @var ResubmissionGateway $resubmissionGateway */ private $resubmissionGateway; /** * @param Database $database * @param ResubmissionTextFieldGateway $textFieldGateway * @param ResubmissionGateway $resubmissionGateway */ public function __construct( Database $database, ResubmissionTextFieldGateway $textFieldGateway, ResubmissionGateway $resubmissionGateway ) { $this->db = $database; $this->textFieldGateway = $textFieldGateway; $this->resubmissionGateway = $resubmissionGateway; } /** * @param FreeTextFieldConfigData $config * * @throws ValidationFailedException * * @return int Inserted id */ public function createConfig(FreeTextFieldConfigData $config) { if ($config->id !== null) { $errorMsg = sprintf('The "id" property must be null. Given value: "%s".', $config->id); throw ValidationFailedException::fromErrors(['id' => [$errorMsg]]); } // @todo 1. Prüfen ob available_from_stage_id vor required_from_stage_id kommt; // @todo Nur wenn available_from_stage_id > 0 UND required_from_stage_id > 0 // Prüfen ob available_from_stage_id und required_from_stage_id im gleichen View sind if ($config->availableFromStageId > 0 && $config->requiredFromStageId > 0) { $availableFromViewId = $this->resubmissionGateway->getViewIdByStage($config->availableFromStageId); $requiredFromViewId = $this->resubmissionGateway->getViewIdByStage($config->requiredFromStageId); if ($availableFromViewId !== $requiredFromViewId) { $errorMsg = 'The "available_from_stage_id" and the "required_from_stage_id" must be '; $errorMsg .= 'on the same View.'; throw ValidationFailedException::fromErrors(['available_from_stage_id' => [$errorMsg]]); } } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `wiedervorlage_freifeld_konfiguration` ( `id`, `title`, `show_in_pipeline`, `show_in_tables`, `available_from_stage_id`, `required_from_stage_id`, `created_at`, `updated_at` ) VALUES ( NULL, :title, :show_in_pipeline, :show_in_tables, :available_from_stage_id, :required_from_stage_id, NOW(), NULL )'; $bindValues = [ 'title' => $config->title, 'show_in_pipeline' => $config->showInPipeline === true ? 1 : 0, 'show_in_tables' => $config->showInTables === true ? 1 : 0, 'available_from_stage_id' => $config->availableFromStageId, 'required_from_stage_id' => $config->requiredFromStageId, ]; $this->db->perform($sql, $bindValues); $configId = $this->db->lastInsertId(); // Sicherstellen dass Freitext-Spalte existiert $this->checkCreateContentColumn($configId); return $configId; } /** * @param FreeTextFieldConfigData $config * * @throws TextFieldConfigNotFoundException * @throws ValidationFailedException * * @return void */ public function modifyConfig(FreeTextFieldConfigData $config) { if (!$this->textFieldGateway->existsConfig($config->id)) { throw new TextFieldConfigNotFoundException(sprintf( 'Text field config not found: ID%s', $config->id )); } // @todo Prüfen ob available_from_stage_id vor required_from_stage_id kommt; // @todo Nur wenn available_from_stage_id > 0 UND required_from_stage_id > 0 // Prüfen ob available_from_stage_id und required_from_stage_id im gleichen View sind if ($config->availableFromStageId > 0 && $config->requiredFromStageId > 0) { $availableFromViewId = $this->resubmissionGateway->getViewIdByStage($config->availableFromStageId); $requiredFromViewId = $this->resubmissionGateway->getViewIdByStage($config->requiredFromStageId); if ($availableFromViewId !== $requiredFromViewId) { $errorMsg = 'The "available_from_stage_id" and the "required_from_stage_id" must be '; $errorMsg .= 'on the same View.'; throw ValidationFailedException::fromErrors(['available_from_stage_id' => [$errorMsg]]); } } // Sicherstellen dass Freitext-Spalte existiert $this->checkCreateContentColumn($config->id); $sql = 'UPDATE `wiedervorlage_freifeld_konfiguration` SET `title` = :title, `show_in_pipeline` = :show_in_pipeline, `show_in_tables` = :show_in_tables, `available_from_stage_id` = :available_from_stage_id, `required_from_stage_id` = :required_from_stage_id, `updated_at` = NOW() WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1'; $bindValues = [ 'id' => $config->id, 'title' => $config->title, 'show_in_pipeline' => $config->showInPipeline === true ? 1 : 0, 'show_in_tables' => $config->showInTables === true ? 1 : 0, 'available_from_stage_id' => $config->availableFromStageId, 'required_from_stage_id' => $config->requiredFromStageId, ]; $this->db->perform($sql, $bindValues); } /** * @param int $configId * * @throws TextFieldConfigNotFoundException * * @return void */ public function deleteConfigById($configId) { if (!$this->textFieldGateway->existsConfig($configId)) { throw new TextFieldConfigNotFoundException(sprintf( 'Text field config not found: ID%s', $configId )); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM `wiedervorlage_freifeld_konfiguration` WHERE `id` = :id LIMIT 1'; $bindValues = ['id' => (int)$configId]; // Inhalts-Tabelle `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` nicht anpassen, sonst Datenverlust $this->db->perform($sql, $bindValues); } /** * Alle Freifeld-Inhalte für eine Wiedervorlage speichern * * WICHTIG: Es müssen alle Pflicht-Freitexte mitgeschickt werden * Optionale Felder die nicht mitgeschickt werden, werden nicht verändert. * * @example $contents = [123 => 'Inhalt für das Freifeld mit der Freifeld-Config-ID 123'] * * @param int $resubmissionId * @param array $contents * * @throws ResubmissionNotFoundException * @throws TextFieldRequiredException * * @return void */ public function saveAllFieldContents($resubmissionId, array $contents) { if (!$this->resubmissionGateway->existsResubmission($resubmissionId)) { throw new ResubmissionNotFoundException(sprintf('Resubmission not found: ID%s', $resubmissionId)); } $stage = $this->resubmissionGateway->getStageByResubmission($resubmissionId); $requiredFields = $this->textFieldGateway->getRequiredTextFieldsForStage($stage['id']); // Prüfen ob Pflichtfeld leer foreach ($requiredFields as $requiredField) { $configId = (int)$requiredField['config_id']; if (empty($contents[$configId])) { throw TextFieldRequiredException::onEmpty( $requiredField['label'], $requiredField['required_from_stage_name'] ); } } foreach ($contents as $configId => $content) { $textfield = new FreeTextFieldContentData(); $textfield->resubmissionId = (int)$resubmissionId; $textfield->configId = (int)$configId; $textfield->content = (string)$content; $this->updateFieldContent($textfield); } } /** * Vorhandenen Freifeld-Inhalt bearbeiten * * @param FreeTextFieldContentData $textfield * * @throws ValidationFailedException * * @return void */ private function updateFieldContent(FreeTextFieldContentData $textfield) { $errors = $textfield->validate(); if (!empty($errors)) { throw ValidationFailedException::fromErrors($errors); } // Sicherstellen dass Freitext-Zeile für Wiedervorlage existiert $contentId = $this->getCreateContentRowId($textfield->resubmissionId); $columnName = sprintf('freifeld%s', (int)$textfield->configId); $sql = sprintf( 'UPDATE `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` SET %s = :content WHERE `id` = :content_id AND `resubmission_id` = :resubmission_id LIMIT 1', $this->db->escapeIdentifier($columnName) ); $bindValues = [ 'content_id' => $contentId, 'resubmission_id' => $textfield->resubmissionId, 'content' => !empty($textfield->content) ? $textfield->content : null, ]; $this->db->perform($sql, $bindValues); } /** * Holt die ID einer Freifeld-Zeile; Zeile wird angelegt wenn nicht vorhanden * * @param int $resubmissionId * * @return int Primary ID aus Freifeld-Inhalts-Tabelle */ private function getCreateContentRowId($resubmissionId) { $sql = 'SELECT wfi.id FROM `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` AS `wfi` WHERE resubmission_id = :resubmission_id'; $contentId = (int)$this->db->fetchValue($sql, ['resubmission_id' => (int)$resubmissionId]); if ($contentId === 0) { $this->db->perform( 'INSERT INTO `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` (`id`, `resubmission_id`) VALUES (NULL, :resubmission_id)', ['resubmission_id' => (int)$resubmissionId] ); $contentId = (int)$this->db->lastInsertId(); } return $contentId; } /** * Stellt sicher dass eine Freifeld-Spalte für eine Config-ID existiert * * @param int $configId * * @return void */ private function checkCreateContentColumn($configId) { if (!$this->textFieldGateway->existsConfig($configId)) { return; } if ($this->existsContentColumn($configId)) { return; } $this->db->exec(sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` ADD `freifeld%s` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL; ', (int)$configId )); } /** * Prüft ob die Freifeld-Spalte für eine Config-ID existiert * * @param int $configId * * @return bool */ private function existsContentColumn($configId) { $columnName = 'freifeld' . (int)$configId; $exists = $this->db->fetchAll(sprintf( 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `wiedervorlage_freifeld_inhalt` LIKE %s;', $this->db->escapeString($columnName) )); return count($exists) === 1; } }