<?php /** * @see https://github.com/laminas/laminas-loader for the canonical source repository * @copyright https://github.com/laminas/laminas-loader/blob/master/COPYRIGHT.md * @license https://github.com/laminas/laminas-loader/blob/master/LICENSE.md New BSD License */ namespace Laminas\Loader; use Traversable; if (class_exists('Laminas\Loader\AutoloaderFactory')) { return; } abstract class AutoloaderFactory { const STANDARD_AUTOLOADER = 'Laminas\Loader\StandardAutoloader'; /** * @var array All autoloaders registered using the factory */ protected static $loaders = []; /** * @var StandardAutoloader StandardAutoloader instance for resolving * autoloader classes via the include_path */ protected static $standardAutoloader; /** * Factory for autoloaders * * Options should be an array or Traversable object of the following structure: * <code> * array( * '<autoloader class name>' => $autoloaderOptions, * ) * </code> * * The factory will then loop through and instantiate each autoloader with * the specified options, and register each with the spl_autoloader. * * You may retrieve the concrete autoloader instances later using * {@link getRegisteredAutoloaders()}. * * Note that the class names must be resolvable on the include_path or via * the Laminas library, using PSR-0 rules (unless the class has already been * loaded). * * @param array|Traversable $options (optional) options to use. Defaults to Laminas\Loader\StandardAutoloader * @return void * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for invalid options * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for unloadable autoloader classes * @throws Exception\DomainException for autoloader classes not implementing SplAutoloader */ public static function factory($options = null) { if (null === $options) { if (! isset(static::$loaders[static::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER])) { $autoloader = static::getStandardAutoloader(); $autoloader->register(); static::$loaders[static::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER] = $autoloader; } // Return so we don't hit the next check's exception (we're done here anyway) return; } if (! is_array($options) && ! ($options instanceof Traversable)) { require_once __DIR__ . '/Exception/InvalidArgumentException.php'; throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Options provided must be an array or Traversable' ); } foreach ($options as $class => $autoloaderOptions) { if (! isset(static::$loaders[$class])) { $autoloader = static::getStandardAutoloader(); if (! class_exists($class) && ! $autoloader->autoload($class)) { require_once 'Exception/InvalidArgumentException.php'; throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Autoloader class "%s" not loaded', $class) ); } if (! is_subclass_of($class, 'Laminas\Loader\SplAutoloader')) { require_once 'Exception/InvalidArgumentException.php'; throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Autoloader class %s must implement Laminas\\Loader\\SplAutoloader', $class) ); } if ($class === static::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER) { $autoloader->setOptions($autoloaderOptions); } else { $autoloader = new $class($autoloaderOptions); } $autoloader->register(); static::$loaders[$class] = $autoloader; } else { static::$loaders[$class]->setOptions($autoloaderOptions); } } } /** * Get a list of all autoloaders registered with the factory * * Returns an array of autoloader instances. * * @return array */ public static function getRegisteredAutoloaders() { return static::$loaders; } /** * Retrieves an autoloader by class name * * @param string $class * @return SplAutoloader * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException for non-registered class */ public static function getRegisteredAutoloader($class) { if (! isset(static::$loaders[$class])) { require_once 'Exception/InvalidArgumentException.php'; throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Autoloader class "%s" not loaded', $class)); } return static::$loaders[$class]; } /** * Unregisters all autoloaders that have been registered via the factory. * This will NOT unregister autoloaders registered outside of the fctory. * * @return void */ public static function unregisterAutoloaders() { foreach (static::getRegisteredAutoloaders() as $class => $autoloader) { spl_autoload_unregister([$autoloader, 'autoload']); unset(static::$loaders[$class]); } } /** * Unregister a single autoloader by class name * * @param string $autoloaderClass * @return bool */ public static function unregisterAutoloader($autoloaderClass) { if (! isset(static::$loaders[$autoloaderClass])) { return false; } $autoloader = static::$loaders[$autoloaderClass]; spl_autoload_unregister([$autoloader, 'autoload']); unset(static::$loaders[$autoloaderClass]); return true; } /** * Get an instance of the standard autoloader * * Used to attempt to resolve autoloader classes, using the * StandardAutoloader. The instance is marked as a fallback autoloader, to * allow resolving autoloaders not under the "Laminas" namespace. * * @return SplAutoloader */ protected static function getStandardAutoloader() { if (null !== static::$standardAutoloader) { return static::$standardAutoloader; } if (! class_exists(static::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER)) { // Extract the filename from the classname $stdAutoloader = substr(strrchr(static::STANDARD_AUTOLOADER, '\\'), 1); require_once __DIR__ . "/$stdAutoloader.php"; } $loader = new StandardAutoloader(); static::$standardAutoloader = $loader; return static::$standardAutoloader; } /** * Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents * * @see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=53727 * @see https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/pull/1807 * * @deprecated since laminas 2.3 requires PHP >= 5.3.23 * * @param string $className * @param string $type * @return bool */ protected static function isSubclassOf($className, $type) { return is_subclass_of($className, $type); } }