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namespace Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Service;
use Exception;
use Xentral\Components\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Xentral\Components\Http\Request;
use Xentral\Components\Http\Session\Session;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\Exception\ClientErrorException;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\Exception\ServerErrorException;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\Exception\TransferErrorExceptionInterface;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\HttpClient;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;
use Xentral\Components\HttpClient\Request\ClientRequest;
use Xentral\Components\Logger\LoggerAwareTrait;
use Xentral\Components\Util\StringUtil;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccessTokenData;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleAccountData;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleCredentialsData;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Data\GoogleTokenResponseData;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\AuthorizationExpiredException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\CsrfViolationException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\GoogleAccountNotFoundException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\GoogleCredentialsException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\NoAccessTokenException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\NoRefreshTokenException;
use Xentral\Modules\GoogleApi\Exception\UserConsentException;
final class GoogleAuthorizationService
use LoggerAwareTrait;
/** @var string SESSION_SEGMENT */
private const SESSION_SEGMENT = 'googleapiauth';
/** @var string CSRF_KEY */
private const CSRF_KEY = 'google_user_authorization';
/** @var string SESSION_KEY_URI */
private const SESSION_KEY_URI = 'uri_after_authorization';
/** @var string URL_AUTHORIZATION_CODE */
private const URL_AUTHORIZATION_CODE = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth';
/** @var string URL_TOKEN_FETCH */
private const URL_TOKEN_FETCH = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token';
/** @var string URL_TOKEN_REFRESH */
private const URL_TOKEN_REFRESH = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token';
/** @var string URL_TOKEN_REVOKE */
private const URL_TOKEN_REVOKE = 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke';
/** @var GoogleAccountGateway $gateway */
private $gateway;
/** @var GoogleAccountService $service */
private $service;
/** @var HttpClient $httpClient */
private $httpClient;
/** @var string $baseUrl */
private $baseUrl;
/** @var GoogleCredentialsData $credentials */
private $credentials;
* @param GoogleAccountGateway $gateway
* @param GoogleAccountService $service
* @param HttpClientInterface $httpClient
* @param GoogleCredentialsData $credentials
* @param string $requestBaseUrl
public function __construct(
GoogleAccountGateway $gateway,
GoogleAccountService $service,
HttpClientInterface $httpClient,
GoogleCredentialsData $credentials,
string $requestBaseUrl
) {
$this->gateway = $gateway;
$this->service = $service;
$this->httpClient = $httpClient;
$this->baseUrl = $requestBaseUrl;
$this->credentials = $credentials;
* @param Session $session
* @param string[] $scopes
* @param string $uriAfterRedirect
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws GoogleCredentialsException
* @return RedirectResponse
public function requestScopeAuthorization(
Session $session,
array $scopes = [],
string $uriAfterRedirect = 'index.php?module=welcome&action=settings'
): RedirectResponse {
if (count($scopes) === 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('No scopes for Google authorization defined.');
$clientId = $this->credentials->getClientId();
$session->setValue(self::SESSION_SEGMENT, self::SESSION_KEY_URI, $uriAfterRedirect);
$csrfToken = $session->createCsrfToken(self::CSRF_KEY);
$redirectUri = $this->credentials->getRedirectUri();
if ($redirectUri === null || $redirectUri === '') {
$redirectUri = $this->getDefaultRedirectUri();
$scopeParam = implode(' ', $scopes);
$queryParams = [
'client_id' => $clientId,
'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri,
'response_type' => 'code',
'scope' => $scopeParam,
'access_type' => 'offline',
'include_granted_scopes' => 'true',
'state' => $csrfToken,
$url = sprintf('%s?%s', self::URL_AUTHORIZATION_CODE, http_build_query($queryParams));
return RedirectResponse::createFromUrl($url);
* @param Session $session
* @param Request $request
* @param int $userId
* @throws Exception
* @return RedirectResponse
public function authorizationCallback(Session $session, Request $request, int $userId): RedirectResponse
$code = $request->get->get('code');
$scopes = explode(' ', $request->get->get('scope', ''));
$error = $request->get->get('error');
$csrfToken = $request->get->get('state');
if (
$csrfToken === null
|| !$session->isCsrfTokenValid(self::CSRF_KEY, $csrfToken, true)
) {
throw new CsrfViolationException('Invalid CSRF token in authorization.');
// error in callback means the user declined access
if ($error !== null) {
'User consent rejected by "user_id={user}" original error: "{error}"',
['user_id' => $userId, 'error' => $error]
throw new UserConsentException($error);
// find/create account
try {
$account = $this->gateway->getAccountByUser($userId);
} catch (GoogleAccountNotFoundException $e) {
$account = $this->service->createAccount($userId, null);
// store granted scopes
foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
$this->service->saveAccountScope($account->getId(), $scope);
// fetch and save refresh token
$array = $this->fetchTokenByAuthCode($code);
$tokenResponse = GoogleTokenResponseData::createfromResponseArray($array);
if ($tokenResponse->hasRefreshToken()) {
$account = new GoogleAccountData(
// cache access token
$accessToken = new GoogleAccessTokenData(
// read redirect uri from session
$redirectUri = $session->getValue(
return RedirectResponse::createFromUrl($redirectUri);
* @param GoogleAccountData $account
* @throws NoRefreshTokenException
* @throws GoogleCredentialsException
* @throws AuthorizationExpiredException
* @return GoogleAccessTokenData
public function refreshAccessToken(GoogleAccountData $account): GoogleAccessTokenData
$refresh_token = $account->getRefreshToken();
if ($refresh_token === null) {
'User "id={user_id} has no Google refresh token.',
['user_id' => $account->getUserId()]
try {
$refresh_token = $this->gateway->getAccessToken($account->getId())->getToken();
} catch (NoAccessTokenException $e) {
throw new NoRefreshTokenException('Account not authorized.');
$postData = [
'refresh_token' => $refresh_token,
'client_id' => $this->credentials->getClientId(),
'client_secret' => $this->credentials->getClientSecret(),
'grant_type' => 'refresh_token',
try {
$array = $this->apiRequest('POST', self::URL_TOKEN_REFRESH, $postData);
} catch (ClientErrorException $e) {
'Fetching new Google access token failed. Repeat the Authorization process!',
['exception' => $e]
throw new AuthorizationExpiredException(
'Failed to fetch access token. Try to repeat the Google authorization process.',
$tokenResponse = GoogleTokenResponseData::createfromResponseArray($array);
$accessToken = new GoogleAccessTokenData(
return $accessToken;
* @param GoogleAccountData $account
* @return GoogleAccountData
public function revokeAuthorization(GoogleAccountData $account): GoogleAccountData
try {
$accessToken = $this->gateway->getAccessToken($account->getId());
} catch (NoAccessTokenException $e) {
if ($account->getRefreshToken() !== null) {
$account = new GoogleAccountData(
return $account;
* @return string
public function getDefaultRedirectUri(): string
return sprintf('%s/index.php?module=googleapi&action=redirect', $this->baseUrl);
* @param string $token refresh_token or access_token
* @return bool success
public function revokeToken(string $token): bool
$url = sprintf('%s?token=%s', self::URL_TOKEN_REVOKE, $token);
try {
$this->apiRequest('GET', $url, null, []);
} catch (ClientErrorException $e) {
return true;
} catch (ServerErrorException $e) {
return false;
return true;
* @param string $authorizationCode
* @throws GoogleCredentialsException
* @return array
private function fetchTokenByAuthCode(string $authorizationCode): array
$redirectUri = $this->credentials->getRedirectUri();
if (empty($redirectUri)) {
$redirectUri = $this->getDefaultRedirectUri();
$postData = [
'code' => $authorizationCode,
'client_id' => $this->credentials->getClientId(),
'client_secret' => $this->credentials->getClientSecret(),
'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri,
'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
return $this->apiRequest('POST', self::URL_TOKEN_FETCH, $postData, []);
* @param string $method
* @param string $url
* @param array|null $data
* @param array $headers
* @throws ClientErrorException
* @throws ServerErrorException
* @return array
private function apiRequest($method, $url, $data = null, $headers = []): array
$requestBody = null;
if ($data !== null) {
$headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
$requestBody = json_encode($data);
$request = new ClientRequest($method, $url, $headers, $requestBody);
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request);
'Google authorization request succeeded: {uri}',
['uri' => $request->getUri(), 'request' => $request, 'response' => $response]
} catch (TransferErrorExceptionInterface $e) {
$code = $e->getCode();
'Google authorization request failed: {uri} ERROR {code}',
'uri' => $request->getUri(),
'code' => $code,
'request' => $request,
'response' => $e->getResponse(),
if ($code > 399 && $code < 500) {
throw new ClientErrorException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
if ($code > 499 && $code < 600) {
throw new ServerErrorException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e);
$contentType = $response->getHeaderLine('content-type');
$responseBody = $response->getBody()->getContents();
$result = [];
if ($responseBody !== '' && StringUtil::startsWith($contentType, 'application/json')) {
$result = json_decode($responseBody, true);
return $result;