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var DataTableColumnFilter = (function ($) {
"use strict";
var me = {
storage: {
/** @property {object} Assoziative Identity-Map der bereits initialisierten DataTables */
tables: {}
* Initialize column filter feature
* @param {String} tableName
* @param {Array} settings
init: function (tableName, settings) {
var $table = $('#' + tableName);
var table = $table.DataTable();
if ($table.length === 0) {
console.warn('DataTableColumnFilter: Table not found.', '#' + tableName);
if (typeof settings !== 'object' || !Array.isArray(settings)) {
console.warn('DataTableColumnFilter Filter not active.', '#' + tableName);
if (settings.length === 0) {
console.warn('DataTableColumnFilter: Filter not defined.', '#' + tableName);
me.storage.tables[tableName] = table;
// Create filter elements
me.createFilterRow(tableName, settings);
// Show/hide filter cells on responsive resize
table.on('responsive-resize', me.onResponsiveResize);
// Move filter cells on column reorder
//table.on('column-reorder', me.onColumnReorder)
* @param {string} columName
* @param {array} filterSettings
* @return {object} Filter settings for given column
getFilterSettingsByName: function (columName, filterSettings) {
return filterSettings.find(function (setting) {
if (setting.hasOwnProperty('name') && setting.name === columName) {
return setting;
* Create header row with filter elements
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {array} filterTypes Types [none|text|number_range]
createFilterRow: function (tableName, filterTypes) {
var $table = me.storage.tables[tableName];
var $thead = $($table.table().header());
var $filterRow = $('<tr role="row" class="column-filter-row"></tr>');
$table.columns().every(function (index) {
var that = this;
var node = $(that.header());
var columnName = node.data('name');
var setting = me.getFilterSettingsByName(columnName, filterTypes);
if (typeof setting === 'undefined') {
setting = {type: 'none', name: columnName}; // Keine Filter-Einstellung vorhanden
var filterType = setting.type;
var $inputWrapper;
var searchValue = that.search();
var title = $(that.header()).html();
var $filterHead = $('<th colspan="1" rowspan="1" aria-controls="' + tableName + '"></th>');
if (filterType === 'none') {
$inputWrapper = $('<div class="column-filter column-filter-none"></div>');
if (filterType === 'text') {
$inputWrapper = $('<div class="column-filter column-filter-text"></div>');
var $inputField = $('<input type="text" class="column-filter-input">');
.attr('placeholder', title)
.val(searchValue !== '' ? searchValue : '')
.data('title', title)
.data('index', index)
.on('keyup', function () {
var $me = $(this);
var value = $me.val();
if (that.search() !== value) {
me.debounce(function () { that.search(value).draw(); }, 350, that);
if (filterType === 'number_range') {
$inputWrapper = $('<div class="column-filter column-filter-numberrange"></div>');
var $inputField1 = $('<input type="text" class="column-filter-input" placeholder="von">');
var $inputField2 = $('<input type="text" class="column-filter-input" placeholder="bis">');
// Split search value: example "number_range:42|123" or "number_range:null|null"
var searchParts = searchValue
.replace('number_range:', '')
.split('|', 2);
if (typeof searchParts[0] !== 'undefined' && searchParts[0] === 'null') {
searchParts[0] = '';
if (typeof searchParts[1] !== 'undefined' && searchParts[1] === 'null') {
searchParts[1] = '';
if (typeof searchParts[1] === 'undefined') {
searchParts[1] = '';
.data('index', index);
.data('index', index);
.on('keyup', function () {
var valueFrom = $inputField1.val();
var valueTo = $inputField2.val();
var searchValue = 'number_range:' + valueFrom + '|' + valueTo;
me.debounce(function () {
}, 350, that);
.on('keyup', function () {
var valueFrom = $inputField1.val() || null;
var valueTo = $inputField2.val() || null;
var searchValue = 'number_range:' + valueFrom + '|' + valueTo;
me.debounce(function () {
}, 350, that);
* Show/hide filter cells on responsive resize
* @see https://datatables.net/reference/event/responsive-resize
* @param {Event} e jQuery event object
* @param {object} datatable DataTable API instance for the table in question
* @param {Array} colVisible An array of boolean values that represent the visibility of the columns
onResponsiveResize: function (e, datatable, colVisible) {
var $filterCells = $(datatable.header()).find('tr:nth-child(2) th');
$filterCells.each(function (index) {
* Move filter cells on column reorder
* @param {Event} e
* @param {object} settings
* @param {object} details
onColumnReorder: function (e, settings, details) {
// @todo Filter-Spalten verschieben bei ColReorder
* Puffer-Funktion um Events erst nach einer bestimmten Zeit auszuführen
* @param {function} callback
* @param {number} delay
* @param {object|null} contextParam
debounce: function (callback, delay, contextParam) {
var context = typeof contextParam !== 'undefined' && contextParam !== null ? contextParam : this;
var args = arguments;
me.storage.debounceBuffer = window.setTimeout(function () {
callback.apply(context, args);
}, delay || 250);
return {
init: me.init
var DataTableExporter = (function ($) {
"use strict";
var me = {
* @param {Event} e
* @param {DataTable} dt
* @param {jQuery} node
* @param {object} buttonConfig
onClickExportButton: function (e, dt, node, buttonConfig) {
var exportFormat = null;
var exportResult = null;
var ajaxUrl = dt.ajax.url();
var ajaxParams = me.cloneObject(dt.ajax.params());
var buttonName = buttonConfig.hasOwnProperty('name') ? buttonConfig.name : null;
switch (buttonName) {
case 'export-csv-all':
exportFormat = 'csv';
exportResult = 'all';
case 'export-csv-page':
exportFormat = 'csv';
exportResult = 'page';
if (exportFormat === null || exportResult === null) {
alert('Export nicht möglich. Fehlkonfiguration');
throw 'Invalid export settings. Format or Result setting is empty.';
ajaxParams.draw = 1;
ajaxParams.export = {
format: exportFormat,
result: exportResult
var paramsString = $.param(ajaxParams);
window.location = ajaxUrl + '&' + paramsString;
* @param {object} options
prepareButtonOptions: function (options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty('buttons')) {
options.buttons.forEach(function (button) {
if (button.hasOwnProperty('action')) {
if (button.action === 'export-csv-all') {
button.name = 'export-csv-all';
button.action = DataTableExporter.handleExportButtonClick;
if (button.action === 'export-csv-page') {
button.name = 'export-csv-page';
button.action = DataTableExporter.handleExportButtonClick;
if (button.hasOwnProperty('extend') && button.extend === 'collection') {
* @param {object} source
* @return {object}
cloneObject: function (source) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source));
return {
handleExportButtonClick: me.onClickExportButton,
prepareButtonOptions: me.prepareButtonOptions
var DataTableHelper = function ($, ColumnFilter, Exporter) {
"use strict";
var me = {
storage: {
debounceBuffer: null,
filterParams: {},
filterElements: [],
/** @property {Array} filterStorage Filter-Informationen die im LocalStorage abgelegt werden */
filterStorage: [],
/** @property {Object} Assoziative Identity-Map der bereits initialisierten DataTables */
tables: {},
/** @property {Array} tablesConfig Init-Options wegspeichern */
tablesConfig: {},
/** @property {Object} Assoziative Map der zusätzlichen AJAX-Parameter aus der Initialisierung */
ajaxParams: {}
init: function () {
// Filter vor den DataTables initialisieren
// DataTables autom. initialisieren; außer bei <table data-autoinit="false">
// Filter-Events erst nach der Initialisierung registrieren!
* DataTable-Filter initialisieren
initFilter: function () {
$('input[data-datatable-filter]').each(function () {
var that = this;
var filterType = $(this).attr('type');
if (filterType === 'checkbox') {
if (filterType === 'text') {
$('select[data-datatable-filter]').each(function () {
var that = this;
* Benötigte Events für Filter registrieren
registerFilterEvents: function () {
$(document).on('change', 'select.datatable-filter', function () {
$(document).on('change', 'input[type="checkbox"].datatable-filter', function () {
$(document).on('keyup', 'input[type="text"].datatable-filter', function () {
var that = this;
me.debounce(function () {
}, 100);
* @param {HTMLElement} element
onChangeFilterValueListener: function (element) {
var $element = $(element);
var filterId = $element.attr('id');
var filterName = $element.data('datatable-filter');
var targetTable = $element.data('datatable-target');
var filterType = null;
var filterValue = null;
if (typeof filterId === 'undefined' || filterId === null) {
console.warn('Filter element is unusable. Required property "id" is empty.', $element.get(0));
if (typeof filterName === 'undefined' || filterName === null) {
console.warn('Filter element is unusable. Required property "data-datatable-filter" is empty.',
if (typeof targetTable === 'undefined' || targetTable === null) {
console.warn('Filter element is unusable. Required property "data-datatable-target" is empty.',
if ($element.is('select')) {
filterType = 'select';
if ($element.is('input')) {
filterType = $element.attr('type');
if (filterType === 'checkbox') {
filterValue = $element.prop('checked');
if (filterType === 'select') {
filterValue = $element.val();
if (filterType === 'text') {
filterValue = $element.val();
// Filter-Eigenschaften merken; für Speicherung in LocalStorage
me.storage.filterParams[filterName] = filterValue;
me.addFilterToLocalStorage(filterType, filterId, filterName, filterValue);
// DataTable-Ergenisse neu laden
* @param {HTMLElement} element
initCheckboxFilter: function (element) {
var $checkbox = $(element);
var filterId = $checkbox.attr('id');
var filterName = $checkbox.data('datatable-filter');
var filterValue = $checkbox.prop('checked');
if (filterId === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "id" is empty.', element);
if (filterName === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "datatable-filter" is empty.', element);
me.storage.filterParams[filterName] = filterValue;
me.addFilterToLocalStorage('checkbox', filterId, filterName, filterValue);
* @param {HTMLElement} element
initTextFilter: function (element) {
var $textInput = $(element);
var filterId = $textInput.attr('id');
var filterName = $textInput.data('datatable-filter');
var filterValue = $textInput.val();
if (filterId === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "id" is empty.', element);
if (filterName === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "datatable-filter" is empty.', element);
me.storage.filterParams[filterName] = filterValue;
me.addFilterToLocalStorage('text', filterId, filterName, filterValue);
* @param {HTMLElement} element
initSelectFilter: function (element) {
var $select = $(element);
var filterId = $select.attr('id');
var filterName = $select.data('datatable-filter');
var filterValue = $select.val();
if (filterId === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "id" is empty.', element);
if (filterName === '') {
console.warn('Required attribute "datatable-filter" is empty.', element);
me.storage.filterParams[filterName] = filterValue;
me.addFilterToLocalStorage('select', filterId, filterName, filterValue);
* DataTable automatisch initialisieren
* Struktur:
* <div class="datatable-container">
* <table id="example" class="dataTable"></table>
* <script type="application/json"></script>
* </div>
autoInitDataTables: function () {
$('.datatable-container').each(function () {
var $container = $(this);
var $table = $container.children('table').first();
var tableId = $table.attr('id');
// data-autoinit="false"
var autoInit = $table.data('autoinit');
if (typeof autoInit !== 'undefined' && autoInit === false) {
console.info('Auto init for table "' + tableId + '" disabled.');
if (typeof tableId === 'undefined' || tableId === null || tableId === '') {
console.error('DataTable can not be initialized. Required attribute "id" is empty.', $table.get(0));
// DataTable initialisieren
* DataTable initialisieren (wenn nicht autoInit)
* @param {string} tableName
* @throws
initDataTable: function (tableName) {
if (me.isInitialized(tableName)) {
console.warn('Can not reinitialize DataTable #' + tableName + '. DataTable is already initialized.');
var $table = $('#' + tableName);
var $wrapper = $table.parent();
var $config = $wrapper.children('script');
try {
var configJson = JSON.parse($config.html());
if (typeof configJson !== 'object') {
throw 'JSON settings are invalid.';
var tableNameRequested = null;
if (configJson.hasOwnProperty('ajax') &&
configJson.ajax.hasOwnProperty('data') &&
configJson.ajax.data.hasOwnProperty('tablename')) {
tableNameRequested = configJson.ajax.data.tablename;
if (tableNameRequested !== tableName) {
throw 'Table names does not match.';
// Save config before modifing (for debugging only)
me.storage.tablesConfig[tableName] = me.cloneObject(configJson);
// Save additional ajax parameter
me.storage.ajaxParams[tableName] = me.cloneObject(configJson.ajax.data);
// Attach additional filter params
configJson.ajax.data = me.fetchFilterParams;
// Register state saving and loading callbacks
configJson.stateLoadParams = me.onStateLoadParams;
configJson.stateSaveParams = me.onStateSaveParams;
// Initialize DataTable
me.storage.tables[tableName] = $table.DataTable(configJson);
// Add Column filters
if (configJson.hasOwnProperty('columnFilter')) {
var colFilterSettings = configJson.columnFilter;
ColumnFilter.init(tableName, colFilterSettings);
catch (err) {
console.error('Can not init datatable "' + tableName + '". Error: ' + err);
* DataTable-Inhalte neu laden (per AJAX)
* @param {string} tableName
* @param {boolean} resetPaging Auf die erste Seite springen? (Default: true)
refreshDataTable: function (tableName, resetPaging) {
if (!me.isInitialized(tableName)) {
console.warn('Can not refresh DataTable #' + tableName + '. DataTable is not initialized.');
resetPaging = (typeof resetPaging === 'boolean') ? resetPaging : true;
me.storage.tables[tableName].ajax.reload(null, resetPaging);
* DataTable-Instanz zerstören
* @param {string} tableName
destroyDataTable: function (tableName) {
if (!me.isInitialized(tableName)) {
console.warn('Can not destroy DataTable #' + tableName + '. DataTable is not initialized.');
delete me.storage.tables[tableName];
delete me.storage.tablesConfig[tableName];
addFilterToLocalStorage: function (filterType, elementId, filterName, filterValue) {
var foundInStorage = false;
// Versuche vorhandenen Eintrag zu aktualisieren
me.storage.filterStorage.forEach(function (storage) {
if (storage.elementId === elementId) {
storage.value = filterValue;
foundInStorage = true;
// Eintrag fehlt > Anlegen
if (!foundInStorage) {
elementId: elementId,
filterType: filterType,
filterParam: filterName,
value: filterValue
* Filterwerte aus LocalStorage wiederherstellen
* @param {Object} settings
* @param {Object} data
onStateLoadParams: function (settings, data) {
if (typeof data === 'undefined' || typeof settings === 'undefined') {
if (typeof settings.sTableId === 'undefined') {
if (typeof data.filter === 'undefined') {
// console.log('onStateLoadParams');
// var newRevision = null;
// var lastRevision = null;
// if (data.hasOwnProperty('revision')) {
// lastRevision = data.revision;
// }
// if (settings.hasOwnProperty('oInit') && settings.oInit.hasOwnProperty('revision')) {
// newRevision = settings.oInit.revision;
// }
// console.log({lastRevision:lastRevision,newRevision:newRevision});
// if (lastRevision !== newRevision) {
// // alert('Einstellungen werden zurückgesetzt.');
// // return false;
// }
// Filterwerte merken
me.storage.filterStorage = data.filter;
// Filterwerte in HTML-Elemente schreiben
me.restoreFilterElements(data.filter); // @todo evtl in onStateLoaded
* Filter-Informationen im LocalStorage speichern
* @param {Object} settings
* @param {Object} data
onStateSaveParams: function (settings, data) {
if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
if (typeof data.filter === 'undefined') {
data.filter = {};
data.filter = me.storage.filterStorage;
//var revision = null;
// Revision speichern, zum Zurücksetzen der Einstellungen
//if (settings.hasOwnProperty('oInit') && settings.oInit.hasOwnProperty('revision')) {
// data.revision = settings.oInit.revision;
//data.revision = revision;
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} settings DataTables.Settings object
fetchFilterParams: function (data, settings) {
if (typeof data !== 'object' || typeof settings !== 'object') {
// Add additional ajax parameter from initialisation object
var tableName = settings.sTableId;
var ajaxParams = me.storage.ajaxParams[tableName];
Object.keys(ajaxParams).forEach(function (key) {
data[key] = ajaxParams[key];
// Add filter params and values to ajax data
if (typeof data.filter === 'undefined') {
data.filter = {};
data.filter = me.storage.filterParams;
* Filter-Elemente (HTML) aus LocalStorage wiederherstellen
* @param {Object} data
restoreFilterElements: function (data) {
data.forEach(function (item) {
var $element = $('#' + item.elementId);
if ($element.length !== 1) {
switch (item.filterType) {
case 'checkbox':
$element.prop('checked', item.value);
case 'text':
case 'select':
me.storage.filterParams[item.filterParam] = item.value;
* @param {string} tableName
* @return {object|null}
getInitConfig: function (tableName) {
if (!me.storage.tablesConfig.hasOwnProperty(tableName)) {
return null;
return me.storage.tablesConfig[tableName];
* DataTable neu laden
* @param {string} tableName
reloadDataTable: function (tableName) {
if (!me.isInitialized(tableName)) {
* @param {string} tableName
* @return {boolean}
isInitialized: function (tableName) {
return me.storage.tables.hasOwnProperty(tableName) && me.storage.tables[tableName] !== null;
* Puffer-Funktion um Events erst nach einer bestimmten Zeit auszuführen
* @param {function} callback
* @param {number} delay
debounce: function (callback, delay) {
var context = this;
var args = arguments;
me.storage.debounceBuffer = window.setTimeout(function () {
callback.apply(context, args);
}, delay || 250);
* @param {object} source
* @return {object}
cloneObject: function (source) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source));
return {
init: me.init,
isInitialized: me.isInitialized,
initDataTable: me.initDataTable,
destroyDataTable: me.destroyDataTable,
refreshDataTable: me.refreshDataTable,
getInitConfig: me.getInitConfig
}(jQuery, DataTableColumnFilter, DataTableExporter);
var DataTableDebugger = (function ($, Helper) {
"use strict";
var me = {
storage: {
/** @property {object} Assoziative Identity-Map der bereits initialisierten DataTables */
tables: {}
init: function () {
$(document).on('init.dt', function (e, settings) {
var api = new $.fn.dataTable.Api(settings);
var $table = $(api.table().node());
if ($table.hasClass('datatable-debug')) {
* @param {jQuery} $table jQuery element
registerTable: function ($table) {
var tableName = $table.attr('id');
me.storage.tables[tableName] = $table;
* @param {jQuery} $table jQuery element
appendDebugElements: function ($table) {
var $wrapper = $table.closest('.dataTables_wrapper');
if ($wrapper.length === 0) {
var api = $table.dataTable().api();
var stateLoadedString = JSON.stringify(api.state.loaded(), undefined, 4);
var $debugSql = $('<pre class="datatable-debug-sql">');
var $row1Left = $('<div class="debug-col-8">')
.append('<h3>Statement <small>(sql query)</small></h3>', $debugSql);
var $debugBind = $('<pre class="datatable-debug-bind">');
var $debugDuration = $('<pre class="datatable-debug-profiler">');
var $row1Right = $('<div class="debug-col-4">')
.append('<h3>Bind values <small>(sql query)</small></h3>', $debugBind)
.append('<h3>Profiler <small>(sql query)</small></h3>', $debugDuration);
var $row1 = $('<div class="debug-row">').append($row1Left).append($row1Right);
var $debugConfig = $('<pre class="datatable-debug-config">');
var $row2Left = $('<div class="debug-col-8">')
.append('<h3>Config options <small>(onInit)</small></h3>', $debugConfig);
var $debugStorage = $('<pre class="datatable-debug-storage">').html(stateLoadedString);
var $row2Right = $('<div class="debug-col-4">')
.append('<h3>State loaded <small>(onInit)</small></h3>', $debugStorage);
var $row2 = $('<div class="debug-row">').append($row2Left).append($row2Right);
$('<div class="debug-container">').append($row1, $row2).appendTo($wrapper);
var ajaxResult = api.ajax.json();
me.fillDebugElements($table, ajaxResult);
* @param {jQuery} $table jQuery element
registerEventListener: function ($table) {
$table.on('xhr.dt', function (e, settings, data) {
me.fillDebugElements($table, data);
$table.on('preXhr.dt', function (e, settings, data) {
me.fillDebugElements($table, data);
* @param {jQuery} $table jQuery element
* @param {object} ajaxResult
fillDebugElements: function ($table, ajaxResult) {
if (!ajaxResult.hasOwnProperty('debug')) {
var $wrapper = $table.parents('.dataTables_wrapper').first();
var tableName = $table.attr('id');
var initConfigOptions = Helper.getInitConfig(tableName);
if (initConfigOptions !== null) {
var initConfigString = JSON.stringify(initConfigOptions, undefined, 4);
if (ajaxResult.debug.hasOwnProperty('query')) {
if (ajaxResult.debug.hasOwnProperty('profiler')) {
var profilerString = JSON.stringify(ajaxResult.debug.profiler, undefined, 4);
return {
init: me.init
})(jQuery, DataTableHelper);
var DataTableRowDetails = (function ($) {
"use strict";
var me = {
storage: {
urls: {},
methods: {}
init: function () {
registerEvents: function () {
$(document).on('init.dt', function (e, settings) {
var tableName = settings.sTableId;
var initOptions = settings.oInit;
if (!initOptions.hasOwnProperty('rowDetails')) {
if (!initOptions.rowDetails.hasOwnProperty('ajax')) {
if (!initOptions.rowDetails.ajax.hasOwnProperty('url')) {
// Ajax-Url pro DataTable speichern
me.storage.urls[tableName] = initOptions.rowDetails.ajax.url;
me.storage.methods[tableName] = initOptions.rowDetails.ajax.method || 'POST';
* @param {string} tableName
registerTableEvents: function (tableName) {
var $table = $('#' + tableName);
if ($table.length === 0) {
var ajaxMethod = me.storage.methods[tableName];
var ajaxUrl = me.storage.urls[tableName];
if (typeof ajaxUrl === 'undefined') {
$table.on('click', '.dt-details .details', function (e) {
var $opener = $(this);
var $parentRow = $opener.closest('tr');
var $table = $opener.closest('table.dataTable');
var api = $table.dataTable().api();
var row = api.row($parentRow);
var child = row.child;
if (child.isShown()) {
// Details ausblenden
} else {
// Details laden und einblenden
var ajaxData = $opener.data();
me.fetchChildRow(ajaxMethod, ajaxUrl, ajaxData).then(function (htmlContent) {
row.child(htmlContent, 'child').show();
* @param {string} ajaxMethod
* @param {string} ajaxUrl
* @param {Object} ajaxParams
* @return {Deferred}
fetchChildRow: function (ajaxMethod, ajaxUrl, ajaxParams) {
return $.ajax({
method: ajaxMethod,
url: ajaxUrl,
data: ajaxParams,
dataType: 'html'
return {
init: me.init
* Client-side formatter
// var DataTableFormatter = (function ($) {
// "use strict";
// var me = {
// formatBytes: function (data, type, rowData, meta) {
// console.log('formatBytes', data, type);
// switch (type) {
// case 'display':
// return me.formatBytesForDisplay(data);
// case 'sort':
// return me.formatBytesForSorting(data);
// case 'type':
// return 'num';
// default:
// return data;
// }
// },
// /**
// * @param {string} value
// *
// * @return {string}
// */
// formatBytesForDisplay: function(value) {
// var bytes = parseInt(value);
// if (bytes === 0) {
// return '0 Bytes';
// }
// var sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
// var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(1024));
// var decimalString = parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(1024, exponent)).toFixed(1)) + '';
// return decimalString.replace('.', ',') + ' ' + sizes[exponent];
// },
// /**
// * @param {string} value
// *
// * @return {number}
// */
// formatBytesForSorting: function (value) {
// return parseInt(value);
// }
// };
// return {
// formatBytes: me.formatBytes
// };
// })(jQuery);
$(document).ready(function () {