2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-06-01 17:15:59 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-06-01 17:15:59 +02:00
< ? php
class User
/** @var array */
var $cache ;
* User constructor .
* @ param ApplicationCore $app
public function __construct ( $app )
$this -> app = $app ;
* @ return array
public function getUserProjects ()
return $this -> getUserProjectsByParameter ( $this -> GetAdresse (), $this -> GetType ());
* @ return array
public function getPublicProjects ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'public_projects' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'public_projects' ];
$this -> loadProjectsInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'public_projects' ];
* @ return array
public function getAllProjects ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'all_projects' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'all_projects' ];
$this -> loadProjectsInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'all_projects' ];
* @ return array
public function createCache ()
$allProjects = $this -> getAllProjects ();
$file = $this -> app -> getTmpFolder () . 'cache_useronline' ;
$arr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr (
" SELECT uo.user_id, uo.sessionid, u.type, u.adresse
FROM `useronline` AS `uo`
INNER JOIN `user` AS `u` ON uo . user_id = u . id AND u . activ = 1
WHERE uo . login = 1 "
$ret = [];
if ( is_file ( $file )) {
$ret = file_get_contents ( $file );
if ( empty ( ! $ret )) {
$ret = json_decode ( $ret , true );
if ( empty ( $ret )) {
$ret = [];
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$ret [ $cacheKey ] = [];
if ( ! empty ( $arr )) {
foreach ( $arr as $row ) {
if ( $row [ 'type' ] === 'admin' ) {
$projects = $allProjects ;
} else {
$projects = $this -> getUserProjectsByParameter ( $row [ 'adresse' ], $row [ 'type' ]);
$sessionId = $row [ 'sessionid' ];
$sha1SessionId = sha1 ( $sessionId );
$ret [ $cacheKey ][ $sha1SessionId ] = [ 'type' => $row [ 'type' ], 'project' => $projects ];
file_put_contents ( $file , json_encode ( $ret ));
return $ret [ $cacheKey ];
* @ param bool $createIfEmpty
* @ return array | null
public function getUserByCache ( $createIfEmpty = true )
$file = $this -> app -> getTmpFolder () . 'cache_useronline' ;
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ]) && $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ] != '' ) {
$tmp = $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ];
} else {
$tmp = session_id ();
$sha1Tmp = sha1 ( $tmp );
$content = '' ;
if ( is_file ( $file )){
$content = file_get_contents ( $file );
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $content )) {
$content = json_decode ( $content , true );
if ( empty ( $content [ $cacheKey ])) {
$content [ $cacheKey ] = $this -> createCache ();
$content = $content [ $cacheKey ];
if ( ! empty ( $content [ $sha1Tmp ])) {
return $content [ $sha1Tmp ];
} else {
if ( ! $createIfEmpty ) {
return null ;
if ( ! empty ( $tmp )) {
$content = $this -> createCache ();
if ( ! empty ( $content [ $sha1Tmp ])) {
return $content [ $sha1Tmp ];
return null ;
* @ param int $projektId
* @ return bool
public function projectOk ( $projektId ) : ? bool
$user = $this -> getUserByCache ( false );
if ( empty ( $user )) {
return null ;
if ( $projektId <= 0 ) {
return true ;
if ( $user [ 'type' ] === 'admin' ) {
return true ;
if ( empty ( $user [ 'project' ])) {
return false ;
if ( in_array ( $projektId , $user [ 'project' ])) {
return true ;
//@todo Projekt aus Cache holen
return false ;
* @ return int
public function GetID () : int
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ]) && $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ] != '' ) {
$tmp = $_COOKIE [ 'CH42SESSION' ];
} else {
$tmp = session_id ();
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ])
|| ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'time' ]) || ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'tmp' ])
|| $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'time' ] + 10 < microtime ( true ) || $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'tmp' ] != $tmp ) {
$this -> cache = null ;
$user_id = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
" SELECT `user_id`
FROM `useronline`
WHERE `sessionid` != '' AND `sessionid` = '%s' AND `login` = 1
LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $tmp )
if ( $user_id > 0 ) {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'user_id' ] = $user_id ;
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'tmp' ] = $tmp ;
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'time' ] = microtime ( true );
return $user_id ;
return ( int ) $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'user_id' ];
* @ return string
public function GetType () : string
$userId = ( int ) $this -> GetID ();
if ( $userId <= 0 ) {
return ( string ) $this -> app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaultgroup' ];
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'type' ])) {
return ( string ) $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'type' ];
$this -> loadUserRowInCacheProperty ( $userId );
return ( string ) $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'type' ];
* @ param null | string | array $settings
function SettingsToUserKonfiguration ( $settings = null )
$id = ( int ) $this -> GetID ();
if ( ! $id ) {
return ;
if ( $settings === null ) {
$settings = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( sprintf ( 'SELECT `settings` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' , $id ));
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'settings' ] = $settings ;
if ( empty ( $settings )) {
return ;
if ( $settings != '' ) {
$settings = @ unserialize ( $settings );
if ( empty ( $settings ) || ! is_array ( $settings )) {
return ;
foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ) {
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT `id` FROM `userkonfiguration` WHERE `name` = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $k ) . " ' AND `user` = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $check ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `userkonfiguration` set `value` = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $v ) . " ' WHERE `id` = ' $check ' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO `userkonfiguration` (`user`,`name`,`value`) VALUES (' $id ',' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $k ) . " ',' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $v ) . " ') " );
if ( ! $this -> app -> DB -> error ()) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( sprintf ( " UPDATE `user` SET `settings` = '' WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1 " , $id ));
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'settings' ] = '' ;
* @ var int | null $userId
* @ return string | null
public function GetSettings ( $userId = null )
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'settings' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'settings' ];
$this -> loadUserRowInCacheProperty ( $userId );
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'settings' ];
* @ param string | array $index
* @ return array | mixed | string | null
public function GetParameter ( $index )
$userId = ( int ) $this -> GetID ();
$settings = $this -> GetSettings ( $userId );
if ( ! empty ( $settings )) {
$this -> SettingsToUserKonfiguration ( $settings );
if (( is_array ( $index ) && count ( $index ) === 0 ) || ( ! is_array ( $index ) && ( string ) $index === '' )) {
return null ;
if ( is_array ( $index )) {
$index = array_map ( 'trim' , $index );
$indexNames = array_map ([ $this -> app -> DB , 'real_escape_string' ], $index );
$sql = sprintf (
" SELECT `name`, MAX(`value`) AS `value`
FROM `userkonfiguration`
WHERE `user` = % d AND `name` IN ( '%s' )
GROUP BY `name` " ,
$userId , implode ( " ', ' " , $indexNames )
$arr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectPairs ( $sql );
$ret = null ;
foreach ( $index as $ind ) {
if ( isset ( $arr [ $ind ])) {
$ret [] = [ 'name' => $ind , 'value' => $arr [ $ind ] ];
else {
$ret [] = [ 'name' => $ind , 'value' => '' ];
return $ret ;
return $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
" SELECT `value`
FROM `userkonfiguration`
WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `user` = % d
LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $index ), $userId
// value koennen beliebige Datentypen aus php sein (serialisiert)
* @ param string $index
* @ param mixed $value
public function SetParameter ( $index , $value )
if (( string ) $index === '' || $value === null ) {
return ;
$id = ( int ) $this -> GetID ();
$settings = $this -> GetSettings ( $id );
if ( ! empty ( $settings )) {
$this -> SettingsToUserKonfiguration ( $settings );
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
" SELECT `id`, `value`
FROM `userkonfiguration` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `user` = % d
LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $index ), $id
if ( empty ( $check )) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert (
sprintf (
" INSERT INTO `userkonfiguration` (`user`, `name`, `value`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s') " ,
$id , $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $index ), $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $value )
$this -> cache = null ;
return ;
if (( string ) $value === ( string ) $check [ 'value' ]) {
return ;
$this -> app -> DB -> Update (
sprintf (
" UPDATE `userkonfiguration`
SET `value` = '%s'
WHERE `id` = % d
LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $value ), $check [ 'id' ]
$this -> cache = null ;
* @ param string $index
public function deleteParameter ( $index )
if ( empty ( $index )) {
return ;
$id = $ this -> GetID ();
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete (
sprintf (
'DELETE FROM `userkonfiguration` WHERE `user` = %d AND `name` = \'%s\'' ,
$id , $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $index )
* @ param string $prefix
public function deleteParameterPrefix ( $prefix )
if ( empty ( $prefix )) {
return ;
$id = $this -> GetID ();
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete (
sprintf (
'DELETE FROM `userkonfiguration` WHERE `user` = %d AND `name` LIKE \'%s%%\'' ,
$id , $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $prefix )
* @ return string | null
public function GetUsername ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'username' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'username' ];
$this -> loadUserRowInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'username' ];
* @ return string | null
public function GetDescription ()
return $this -> GetName ();
* @ return string | null
public function GetMail ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ];
$this -> loadAddressRowInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ];
* @ return string | null
public function GetName ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'name' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'name' ];
$this -> loadAddressRowInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'name' ];
* @ return array
public function GetSprachen ()
$userId = ( int ) $this -> GetId ();
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) || ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'sprachebevorzugen' ])) {
$this -> loadUserRowInCacheProperty ( $userId );
$defaultLanguages = [ 'german' , 'english' ];
$languages = $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'sprachebevorzugen' ];
if ( empty ( $languages )) {
return $defaultLanguages ;
$ret = [];
$languagesArray = explode ( ';' , str_replace ( ',' , ';' , $languages ));
foreach ( $languagesArray as $language ) {
$language = trim ( $language );
if ( $language != '' ) {
$ret [] = $language ;
if ( empty ( $ret )) {
return $ret ;
return $defaultLanguages ;
* @ return string
public function GetSprache ()
$sprachen = $this -> GetSprachen ();
return reset ( $sprachen );
* @ return int | null
public function GetAdresse ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'adresse' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'adresse' ];
$this -> loadUserRowInCacheProperty ();
// return $this->cache[$cacheKey]['adresse'];
* @ return bool
function GetProjektleiter ()
$result = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
" SELECT `parameter`
FROM `adresse_rolle`
WHERE `subjekt` = 'Projektleiter' AND ( `bis` = '0000-00-00' OR `bis` <= CURDATE ())
AND `adresse` = '".$this->app->User->GetAdresse()."'
return ! empty ( $result );
* @ return int
function DefaultProjekt ()
$adresse = $this -> GetAdresse ();
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) || ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'projekt' ])) {
$this -> loadAddressRowInCacheProperty ( $adresse );
$projekt = $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'projekt' ];
else {
$projekt = $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'projekt' ];
if ( $projekt <= 0 ){
$projekt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT `standardprojekt` FROM `firma` WHERE `id`=' " . $this -> app -> User -> GetFirma () . " ' LIMIT 1 "
return $projekt ;
* @ return string | null
function GetEmail ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ];
$this -> loadAddressRowInCacheProperty ();
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'email' ];
* @ return int
public function GetFirma () : int
return 1 ;
* @ return string
function GetFirmaName ()
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ]) && isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'firmaname' ])) {
return $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'firmaname' ];
$name = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( sprintf ( 'SELECT `name` FROM `firma` WHERE `id` = %d' , $this -> GetFirma ()));
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'firmaname' ] = $name ;
return $name ;
* @ param string $field
* @ return mixed
public function GetField ( $field )
$value = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `%s` FROM `user` WHERE id = %d ' ,
$field , $this -> GetID ()
if ( in_array ( $value , [ 'settings' , 'type' , 'username' , 'adresse' , 'sprachebevorzugen' ])) {
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ $field ] = $value ;
return $value ;
* @ param int | null $userId
protected function loadUserRowInCacheProperty ( ? int $userId = null ) : void
if ( $userId === null ){
$userId = ( int ) $this -> GetID ();
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$userData = ( array ) $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
'SELECT `settings`, `type`, `username`, `adresse`, `sprachebevorzugen` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ])) {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ] = $userData ;
else {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ] = array_merge ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ], $userData );
* @ param int | null $addressId
protected function loadAddressRowInCacheProperty ( ? int $addressId = null ) : void
if ( $addressId === null ){
$addressId = ( int ) $this -> GetAdresse ();
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$addressData = ( array ) $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf ( 'SELECT `name`, `email`, `projekt` FROM `adresse` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' , $addressId )
if ( ! isset ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ])) {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ] = $addressData ;
else {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ] = array_merge ( $this -> cache [ $cacheKey ], $addressData );
* @ return string
protected function getCacheKey () : string
return ( string ) $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
protected function loadProjectsInCacheProperty () : void
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
$projects = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectPairs ( 'SELECT `id`, `oeffentlich` FROM `projekt` WHERE `geloescht` <> 1' );
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'all_projects' ] = array_keys ( $projects );
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'public_projects' ] = [];
foreach ( $projects as $projectId => $public ) {
if ( $public ) {
$this -> cache [ $cacheKey ][ 'public_projects' ][] = $projectId ;
* @ param int $addressId
* @ param string $type
* @ return array
protected function getUserProjectsByParameter ( $addressId , $type )
if ( $type === 'admin' ||
$this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT `id`
FROM `adresse_rolle`
WHERE ( `bis` IS NULL OR `bis` = '0000-00-00' OR `bis` <= CURDATE ()) AND `adresse` = '".$addressId."'
AND ( `parameter` = '' OR `parameter` = '0' ) "
) {
return $this -> getAllProjects ();
$public = $this -> getPublicProjects ();
$roles = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectFirstCols (
sprintf (
" SELECT DISTINCT `parameter`
FROM `adresse_rolle`
WHERE ( `bis` IS NULL OR `bis` = '0000-00-00' OR `bis` <= CURDATE ()) AND `adresse` = % d
AND `parameter` >= 0 AND `objekt` LIKE 'Projekt' " ,
$projects = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectFirstCols (
sprintf (
FROM `adresse_rolle`
WHERE ( `bis` IS NULL OR `bis` = '0000-00-00' OR bis <= CURDATE ()) AND `adresse` = % d AND `projekt` > 0 " ,
return array_unique ( array_merge ( $public , $roles , $projects ));