2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
< ? php
class Dateien {
/** @var Application $app */
var $app ;
/** @var int $id */
var $id ;
* @ param Application $app
* @ param string $name
* @ param array $erlaubtevars
* @ return array
public static function TableSearch ( $app , $name , $erlaubtevars )
if ( strpos ( $name , 'dateien_popup_' ) == 0 )
$_objekt = str_replace ( 'dateien_popup_' , '' , $name );
$id = $app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
$sid = $app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " sid " );
if ( $sid > 0 ) $id = $sid ;
// alle artikel die ein Kunde kaufen kann mit preisen netto brutto
$cmd = $app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " smodule " );
$cmd = strtolower ( $_objekt );
// headings
$heading = array ( '' , '' , '' , 'Titel' , 'Stichwort' , 'Version' , 'Größe' , 'Ersteller' , 'Version' , 'Datum' , 'Menü' );
$width = array ( '1%' , '1%' , '10' , '40%' , '15%' , '5%' , '10%' , '15%' , '10%' , '10%' , '15%' , '10%' , '5%' );
$findcols = array ( 'open' , 'd.id' , 'd.id' , 'd.titel' , 's.subjekt' , 'v.version' , 'v.size' , 'v.ersteller' , 'v.bemerkung' , 'v.datum' , 's.id' );
$searchsql = array ( 'd.titel' , 's.subjekt' , 'v.version' , 'v.size' , 'v.ersteller' , 'v.bemerkung' , 'v.dateiname' );
//$menu = "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap><a href=\"#\" onclick=editdatei(%value%,\"$cmd\")><img src=\"./themes/{$app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/edit.svg\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"index.php?module=dateien&action=send&id=%value%\"><img src=\"./themes/{$app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/download.svg\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href=\"#\" onclick=DeleteDialog(\"index.php?module=dateien&action=delete&id=%value%\")><img src=\"./themes/{$app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/delete.svg\" border=\"0\" ></a></td></tr></table>";
$menu = " <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap><a href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=send&id=%value% \" ><img src= \" ./themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/download.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a> <a href= \" # \" onclick=DeleteDialog( \" index.php?module=dateien&action=delete&cmd= " . urlencode ( $_objekt ) . " &id=%value% \" )><img src= \" ./themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/delete.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a></td></tr></table> " ;
$menucol = 10 ;
$alignright = array ( 6 , 7 );
if ( ! function_exists ( 'imagejpeg' ))
$img = " '<img src=./themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/icon_img_error.png title= \" Keine GD-Erweiterung installiert \" />' " ;
} else {
$img = " concat('<span style= \" width:100px;text-align:center;display:block; \" ><a href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=send&id=',d.id,' \" ><img src= \" index.php?module=ajax&action=thumbnail&cmd= $cmd &id=',d.id,' \" style= \" border:0;max-width:100px;max-height:100px; \" /></a></span>') " ;
// SQL statement
$sql = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS d.id,'<img src=./themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/details_open.png class=details>' as open,concat('<input type= \" checkbox \" id= \" auswahl_',d.id,' \" onchange= \" chauswahl(); \" value= \" 1 \" />'),
$img ,
if ( d . titel != '' , CONCAT ( d . titel , '<br><i style=color:#999>' , v . dateiname , '</i>' ), v . dateiname ), s . subjekt , v . version , if ( v . size != '' , if ( v . size > 1024 * 1024 , CONCAT ( ROUND ( v . size / 1024 / 1024 , 2 ), ' MB' ), CONCAT ( ROUND ( v . size / 1024 , 2 ), ' KB' )), '' ), v . ersteller , v . bemerkung , DATE_FORMAT ( v . datum , '%d.%m.%Y' ), d . id FROM
datei d LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter s ON d . id = s . datei LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON v . datei = d . id " ;
parse_str ( parse_url ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ], PHP_URL_QUERY ), $queries );
switch ( $queries [ 'module' ])
case " adresse " : $objekt = " adressen " ; break ;
default : $objekt = $queries [ 'module' ];
if ( ! preg_match ( '/[A-Za-z_]/' , $objekt )) $objekt = " " ;
$parameter = $id ;
$moreinfo = true ;
$moreinfomodule = 'dateien' ;
// fester filter
$where = " s.objekt LIKE ' $_objekt ' AND s.parameter=' $parameter ' AND d.geloescht=0 " ;
$count = " SELECT COUNT(d.id) FROM datei d LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter s ON d.id=s.datei
LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON v . datei = d . id WHERE $where " ;
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
switch ( $name ) {
case " dateien_list " :
$allowed [ 'dateien_list' ] = array ( 'list' );
$heading = array ( 'ID' , 'Titel' , 'Beschreibung' , 'Verknüpfung' , 'Geloescht' , 'Logdatei' , 'Menü' );
$width = array ( '10%' ); // Fill out manually later
2022-11-01 10:02:10 +00:00
$findcols = array ( 'd.id' , 'd.titel' , 'd.beschreibung' , 'ds.objekt' , 'd.geloescht' , 'd.logdatei' );
$searchsql = array ( 'd.titel' , 'd.beschreibung' , 'd.nummer' , 'd.geloescht' , 'd.logdatei' , 'ds.objekt' );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$defaultorder = 1 ;
$defaultorderdesc = 0 ;
$menu = " <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td nowrap> " . " <a href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=edit&id=%value% \" ><img src= \" ./themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/edit.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a></td></tr></table> " ;
2022-11-01 10:02:10 +00:00
$sql = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS d.id, d.id, d.titel, d.beschreibung, GROUP_CONCAT(ds.objekt SEPARATOR ', ') as verknuepfung, d.geloescht, d.logdatei, d.id FROM datei d LEFT join datei_stichwoerter ds ON ds.datei = d.id " ;
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$where = " 1 " ;
$count = " SELECT count(DISTINCT id) FROM datei WHERE $where " ;
$groupby = " GROUP BY d.id " ;
break ;
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$erg = [];
foreach ( $erlaubtevars as $k => $v )
if ( isset ( $$v )) {
$erg [ $v ] = $$v ;
return $erg ;
function __construct ( $app , $intern = false ) {
$this -> app = $app ;
if ( $intern ) {
return ;
$this -> id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ID' , $this -> id );
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerInit ( $this );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " create " , " DateienCreate " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " edit " , " DateienEdit " );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " list " , " datei_list " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " archiv " , " DateienArchiv " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " artikel " , " DateienArtikel " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " send " , " DateienSend " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " delete " , " DateienDelete " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " zahlung " , " DateienZahlung " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " protokoll " , " DateienProtokoll " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " abschicken " , " DateienAbschicken " );
2024-12-11 11:40:58 +01:00
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " freigabe " , " DateienFreigabe " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " listfreigegebene " , " DateienListFreigegebene " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " kundeuebernehmen " , " DateienKundeuebernehmen " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " versand " , " DateienVersand " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " lieferadresseneu " , " DateienLieferadresseNeu " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " download " , " DateienDownload " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " minidetail " , " DateienMinidetail " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " lieferadresseauswahl " , " DateienLieferadresseAuswahl " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " popup " , " DateienPopup " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerListen ( $app );
function DateienPopup ()
$this -> app -> BuildNavigation = false ;
$this -> app -> PopupJS = true ;
$typ = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'typ' );
$typid = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'typid' );
if ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' ) === 'getanz' )
echo json_encode ( array ( 'anz' => $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT COUNT(d.id) FROM datei d LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter s ON d.id=s.datei
LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON v . datei = d . id WHERE s . objekt LIKE '$typ' AND s . parameter = '$typid' AND d . geloescht = 0 " )));
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
$this -> app -> YUI -> TableSearch ( 'TAB1' , " dateien_popup_ " . $typ , " show " , " " , " " , basename ( __FILE__ ), __CLASS__ );
$parameter = array ( 'module' => $typ , 'action' => 'popup' , 'popup' => true );
if ( is_numeric ( $typid ))
$id = $typid ;
} else {
$id = '' ;
$parameter [ 'idelement' ] = $typid ;
$this -> app -> YUI -> DateiUpload ( 'PAGE' , $typ , $id , $parameter );
function DateienMinidetail ()
$id = ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
echo " <h2>Beschreibung:</h2> " ;
echo nl2br ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT beschreibung FROM datei WHERE id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
function DateienHauptMenu ()
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( 'Dateien' );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
function datei_list () {
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=dateien&action=list " , " Übersicht " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=dateien&action=create " , " Neu anlegen " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php " , " Zurück " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> TableSearch ( 'TAB1' , 'dateien_list' , " show " , " " , " " , basename ( __FILE__ ), __CLASS__ );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " dateien_list.tpl " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
function DateienDownload ()
$typ = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'typ' );
$id = ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$erlaubt = false ;
if ( $typ && $id )
switch ( $typ )
case " bestellung " :
case " angebot " :
case " lieferschein " :
case " rechnung " :
case " gutschrift " :
case " auftrag " :
case " arbeitsnachweis " :
case " brieffax " :
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( $typ , 'edit' )) $erlaubt = true ;
break ;
case " brieffax " :
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'adresse' , 'brief' )) $erlaubt = true ;
$typ = " dokument " ;
break ;
if ( $erlaubt )
$dateianhang = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT ds.id, ds.datei, d.titel FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d on ds.datei = d.id where d.geloescht <> 1 AND ds.datei = ' $id ' AND objekt like ' $typ ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $dateianhang )
$dateianhang = reset ( $dateianhang );
$this -> app -> erp -> SendDatei ( $id );
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
} else {
echo " Fehlende Rechte " ;
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
echo " Fehler " ;
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
function DateienMenu ()
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=edit&id= $id\ " > Dateien </ a >& nbsp ; " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=artikel&id= $id\ " > Artikel </ a >& nbsp ; " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=zahlung&id= $id\ " > Zahlungsinformation </ a >& nbsp ; " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=versand&id= $id\ " > Versand </ a >& nbsp ; " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=abschicken&id= $id\ " > Abschicken </ a >& nbsp ; " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TABS' , " <a class= \" tab \" href= \" index.php?module=dateien&action=list \" >Zurück zur Übersicht</a> " );
function DateienCreate ()
$id = $this -> id ;
$this -> DateienHauptMenu ();
$speichern = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " speichern " );
if ( $speichern != '' )
$titel = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " titel " );
$beschreibung = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " beschreibung " );
$nummer = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " nummer " );
$subjekt = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " subjekt " );
$objekt = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " objekt " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TITLE' , $titel );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BESCHREIBUNG' , $beschreibung );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NUMMER' , $nummer );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SUBJEKT' , $subjekt );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'OBJEKT' , $objekt );
if ( $_FILES [ 'upload' ][ 'tmp_name' ] == '' )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ERROR' , " <div class= \" info \" >Bitte wählen Sie eine Datei aus und laden Sie diese herauf!</div> " );
} else {
// nach /tmp
$fileid = $this -> app -> erp -> CreateDatei ( $_FILES [ 'upload' ][ 'name' ], $titel , $beschreibung , $nummer , $_FILES [ 'upload' ][ 'tmp_name' ], $this -> app -> User -> GetName ());
// stichwoerter hinzufuegen
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$this -> app -> erp -> AddDateiStichwort ( $fileid , $subjekt , $objekt , $nummer );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( 'index.php?module=dateien&action=edit&id=' . $fileid );
//loeschen von /tmp
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HEADING' , " Datei (Neu) " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " datei_neu.tpl " );
function DateienEdit ()
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
$this -> DateienHauptMenu ();
2024-12-11 11:40:58 +01:00
$geschuetzt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT geschuetzt FROM datei WHERE id = ' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $geschuetzt ) {
$this -> DateiUploadNeuVersion ( 'NEUEVERSION' , $id );
$speichern = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " titel_beschreibung_speichern " );
if ( $titel_beschreibung_speichern != " " )
$titel = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " titel " );
$beschreibung = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " beschreibung " );
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE datei SET titel=' $titel ', beschreibung=' $beschreibung ' WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
2024-12-11 11:40:58 +01:00
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STARTDISABLE' , " <!-- " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ENDEDISABLE' , " --> " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'NEUEVERSION' , " datei_neudirekt.tpl " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$titel = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT titel FROM datei WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$beschreibung = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT beschreibung FROM datei WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$nummer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT nummer FROM datei WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TITEL' , $titel );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2' , $titel );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BESCHREIBUNG' , $beschreibung );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NUMMER' , $nummer );
$table = new EasyTable ( $this -> app );
$table -> Query ( " SELECT version,dateiname,datum,ersteller,bemerkung,id FROM datei_version WHERE datei=' $id ' " , 0 , " " );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
/* $table -> DisplayNew ( 'VERSIONEN' , "
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
<!--< a href = \ " index.php?module=adresse&action=dateiversion&id= $id &lid=%value% \" >edit</a>-->
< a href = \ " # \" onclick= \" if(!confirm('Wirklich löschen?')) return false; else window.location.href='index.php?module=dateien&action=delete&fid=%value%&version=true&id= $id '; \" ><img src= \" ./themes/new/images/delete.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a>
< a href = \ " index.php?module=dateien&action=send&fid=%value%&id= $id\ " >< img src = \ " ./themes/new/images/download.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a>
" ,
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
" <!--<a href= \" index.php?module=adresse&action=lieferadresseneu&id= $id\ " > Neue Version anlegen </ a >--> " );*/
$table -> DisplayNew ( 'VERSIONEN' , "
< a href = \ " index.php?module=dateien&action=send&fid=%value%&id= $id\ " >< img src = \ " ./themes/new/images/download.svg \" border= \" 0 \" ></a>
" );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$table = new EasyTable ( $this -> app );
$table -> Query ( " SELECT subjekt,objekt,parameter FROM datei_stichwoerter WHERE datei=' $id ' " , 0 , " " );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
$table -> DisplayNew ( 'STICHWOERTER' , " Parameter " , " noAction " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( " auftrag_zuordnen " , " auftrag " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( " verbindlichkeit_zuordnen " , " verbindlichkeit " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HEADING' , " Datei (Bearbeiten) " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " datei.tpl " );
function DateienSend ()
$fid = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'fid' );
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$this -> app -> erp -> SendDatei ( $id , $fid );
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
function DateienDelete ()
$fid = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " fid " );
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
$cmd = urldecode ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " cmd " ));
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'LayouttemplateAttachmentItemsDelete' , 2 , $id , $cmd );
2022-08-12 20:13:15 +02:00
// Deletion of files removed, they only get marketd
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
2024-12-11 11:40:58 +01:00
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE datei SET geloescht=1 WHERE id=' $id ' AND NOT geschuetzt " );
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00
$refer = $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ];
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( $refer );
function DateienProtokoll ()
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PROTOKOLL' , " pro tabelle " );
$this -> DateienMenu ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HEADING' , " Dateien (Protokoll) " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " dateien_protokoll.tpl " );
2024-12-11 11:40:58 +01:00
function DateiUploadNeuVersion ( $parsetarget , $datei ) {
$speichern = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( " speichern " );
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " module " );
$action = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " action " );
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
if ( $id ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ID' , $id );
// Get files here
if ( $speichern != " " ) {
$retval = $this -> app -> YUI -> FilesFromUploadtoDMS ( null , null , $datei );
if ( $retval !== true ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ERROR' , implode ( ', ' , $retval ));
$this -> app -> erp -> EnableTab ( " tabs-2 " );
} else {
// header("Location: index.php?module=$module&action=$action&id=$id");
2022-05-24 08:50:43 +02:00