2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
< ? php
use Xentral\Modules\RoleSurvey\SurveyGateway ;
use Xentral\Modules\RoleSurvey\SurveyService ;
use Xentral\Components\Database\Exception\QueryFailureException ;
class Benutzer
function __construct ( $app , $intern = false )
$this -> app = $app ;
if ( $intern ) return ;
$this -> app -> erp -> inline [ 'german' ][ 'benutzer' ][ 'default' ][ 'weitereyoutube' ][] = array ( 'titel' => 'Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung mit mOTP' , 'youtube' => 'QfNbDsEQB9M' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerInit ( $this );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " create " , " UserCreate " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " delete " , " UserDelete " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " edit " , " UserEdit " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " history " , " UserHistory " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " list " , " UserList " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " chrights " , " UserChangeRights " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " download " , " UserDownload " );
$this -> app -> DefaultActionHandler ( " list " );
//$this->Templates = $this->GetTemplates();
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerListen ( $app );
public function Install ()
try {
/** @var SurveyService $surveyService */
$surveyService = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'SurveyService' );
$surveyService -> create ( 'user_create' , 'benutzer' , 'list' , false , false );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> app -> erp -> RegisterHook ( 'welcome_surveysave' , 'benutzer' , 'UserWelcomeSurveySave' );
* @ param int $surveyId
* @ param int $surveyUserId
* @ param array $resonse
public function UserWelcomeSurveySave ( $surveyId , $surveyUserId , & $response )
/** @var SurveyGateway $surveyGateway */
$surveyGateway = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'SurveyGateway' );
$survey = $surveyGateway -> getById ( $surveyId );
if ( empty ( $survey ) || $survey [ 'name' ] !== 'user_create' ) {
return ;
$dataRow = $surveyGateway -> getFilledById ( $surveyUserId );
$data = json_decode ( $dataRow [ 'data' ], true );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'name' ])) {
foreach ( $data [ 'name' ] as $key => $name ) {
if ( empty ( $name )) {
continue ;
//@todo Benutzer anlegen
/** @var SurveyService $surveyService */
$surveyService = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'SurveyService' );
$surveyService -> clearUserData ( $surveyId , $this -> app -> User -> GetID ());
$response [ 'url' ] = 'index.php?module=benutzer&action=list' ;
function UserDownload ()
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( " id " );
if ( $id > 0 )
$result = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT module,action FROM userrights WHERE `user`=' $id ' " );
$tmp [ 'bezeichnung' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT username FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$tmp [ 'beschreibung' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT description FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$tmp [ 'rechte' ] = $result ;
header ( 'Content-Type: application/json' );
header ( 'Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $tmp [ 'bezeichnung' ] . '.json"' );
echo json_encode ( $tmp );
exit ;
function UserList ()
// $this->app->Tpl->Add(KURZUEBERSCHRIFT,"Benutzer");
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=list " , " Übersicht " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=history " , " Historie " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=create " , " Neuen Benutzer anlegen " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=einstellungen&action=list " , " Zurück zur Übersicht " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> TableSearch ( 'USER_TABLE' , " userlist " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " benutzer_list.tpl " );
* @ param int $userId
* @ return bool
public function isUserLastAdmin ( int $userId ) : bool
return $this -> isUserAdmin ( $userId ) &&
( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `user` WHERE `type` = 'admin' AND `activ` = 1 AND `id` <> { $userId } "
) === 0 ;
public function isUserAdmin ( int $userId ) : bool
return $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `user` WHERE `type` = 'admin' AND `id` = { $userId } " ) > 0 ;
public function UserDelete () : void
$id = ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$isOwnAccount = $id === ( int ) $this -> app -> User -> GetId ();
if ( $isOwnAccount ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" > { |Du kannst deinen eigenen Account nicht löschen.|}</div> " );
} else {
$username = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ' { $id } ' " );
if ( ! $this -> isUserLastAdmin ( $id )){
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM `user` WHERE `id` = ' { $id } ' " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" >Der Benutzer \" $username\ " wurde gel & ouml ; scht .</ div > " );
} else {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" >Der einzige aktive Admin \" $username\ " kann nicht gel & ouml ; scht werden .</ div > " );
$this -> UserList ();
function UserCreate ()
// $this->app->Tpl->Add(KURZUEBERSCHRIFT,"Benutzer");
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=list " , " Zurück zur Übersicht " );
$input = $this -> GetInput ();
$submit = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'submituser' );
$error = '' ;
$maxlightuser = 0 ;
if ( $submit != '' ) {
if ( $input [ 'username' ] == '' && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' ) != 4 ) $error .= 'Geben Sie bitte einen Benutzernamen ein.<br>' ;
if ( $input [ 'password' ] == '' && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' ) != 4 && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' ) != 5 ) $error .= 'Geben Sie bitte ein Passwort ein.<br>' ;
if ( $input [ 'repassword' ] == '' && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' ) != 4 && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' ) != 5 ) $error .= 'Wiederholen Sie bitte Ihr Passwort.<br>' ;
if ( $input [ 'password' ] != $input [ 'repassword' ]) $error .= 'Die eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.<br>' ;
if ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT '1' FROM `user` WHERE username=' { $input [ 'username' ] } ' LIMIT 1 " ) == '1' )
$error .= " Es existiert bereits ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen " ;
$input [ 'adresse' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceAdresse ( $input [ 'adresse' ], $input [ 'adresse' ], 1 );
$input [ 'projekt' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceProjekt ( $input [ 'projekt' ], $input [ 'projekt' ], 1 );
if ( $input [ 'adresse' ] <= 0 )
$error .= 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Adresse aus den Stammdaten an.<br>' ;
if ( $error !== '' )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" > $error </div> " );
else {
if ( $input [ 'hwtoken' ] == 4 && $input [ 'type' ] == 'admin' )
$input [ 'type' ] = 'standard' ;
$input [ 'startseite' ] = 'index.php?module=stechuhr&action=list' ;
$input [ 'passwordunenescaped' ] = $_POST [ 'password' ];
$id = $this -> app -> erp -> CreateBenutzer ( $input );
//$this->app->Tpl->Set('MESSAGE', "<div class=\"success\">Der Benutzer wurde erfolgreich angelegt</div>");
$msg = $this -> app -> erp -> base64_url_encode ( " <div class= \" success \" >Der Benutzer wurde erfolgreich angelegt.</div> " );
header ( " Location: index.php?module=benutzer&action=edit&id= $id &msg= $msg " );
exit ;
$this -> SetInput ( $input );
$this -> app -> YUI -> ColorPicker ( 'defaultcolor' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ACTIVCHECKED' , " checked " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VORRECHTE' , " <!-- " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'NACHRECHTE' , " --> " );
$extra = '
if ( $ ( \ ' #hwtoken\').val() == \'4\' || $(\'#hwtoken\').val() == \'5\')
message = \ ' \ ' ;
' ;
$this -> app -> YUI -> PasswordCheck ( 'password' , 'repassword' , 'username' , 'submit' , $extra );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " benutzer_create.tpl " );
function UserHistory (){
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=list " , " Übersicht " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=history " , " History " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> TableSearch ( 'USER_TABLE' , " permissionhistory " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " benutzer_list.tpl " );
function UserEdit ()
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ID' , $id );
$defaultcolor = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'defaultcolor' );
if ( $defaultcolor === 'transparent' ) $defaultcolor = '' ;
// convert value to user DB
if ( $this -> app -> User -> GetParameter ( 'welcome_defaultcolor_fuer_kalender' ) != '' ){
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE user SET defaultcolor=' $defaultcolor ' WHERE id=' " . $this -> app -> User -> GetID () . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> app -> User -> SetParameter ( 'welcome_defaultcolor_fuer_kalender' , " " );
if ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' ) == 'qrruecksetzen' && $id )
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` set stechuhrdevice = '' WHERE id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
echo json_encode ( array ( 'status' => 1 ));
exit ;
if ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' ) == 'getrfid' && $id )
$rfid = '' ;
$swhere = '' ;
$seriennummer = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'seriennummer' );
if ( $seriennummer != '' ) $swhere = " AND seriennummer = ' $seriennummer ' " ;
$deviceiddest = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT seriennummer FROM adapterbox WHERE verwendenals = 'metratecrfid' $swhere LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $deviceiddest )
$rfid = trim ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetAdapterboxAPIRFID ( $deviceiddest ));
if ( $rfid == 'no answer from device (not timeout)' ) $rfid = '' ;
if ( $rfid )
$rfida = explode ( ';' , $rfid );
if ( ! empty ( $rfida [ 1 ])) $rfid = $rfida [ 1 ];
if ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM `user` WHERE rfidtag = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $ rfid ) . " ' AND id <> ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " )) $rfid = '' ;
if ( $rfid == " 0 " ) $rfid = '' ;
echo json_encode ( array ( 'rfid' => $rfid ));
exit ;
$jsonvorlage = $_FILES [ 'jsonvorlage' ][ 'tmp_name' ];
if ( $jsonvorlage != " " )
$content = file_get_contents ( $jsonvorlage );
$tmp = json_decode ( $content );
$neuerechte = 0 ;
$anzahl = count ( $tmp -> { 'rechte' });
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $anzahl ; $i ++ )
//echo " $i M ".$tmp->{'rechte'}[$i]->{'module'}." A ".$tmp->{'rechte'}[$i]->{'action'};
$tmpmodule = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $tmp -> { 'rechte' }[ $i ] -> { 'module' });
$tmpaction = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $tmp -> { 'rechte' }[ $i ] -> { 'action' });
if ( $tmpmodule != " " && $tmpaction != " " )
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM userrights WHERE module=' " . $tmpmodule . " ' AND action=' " . $tmpaction . " ' AND user=' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $check > 0 )
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE userrights SET permission=1 WHERE module=' " . $tmpmodule . " ' AND action=' " . $tmpaction . " ' AND user=' " . $id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$neuerechte ++ ;
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO userrights (id,module,action,user,permission) VALUES ('',' " . $tmpmodule . " ',' " . $tmpaction . " ',' $id ','1') " );
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $tmpmodule , $tmpaction , 1 );
$msg = $this -> app -> erp -> base64_url_encode ( " <div class= \" success \" >Es wurden $neuerechte neue Rechte dem Benutzer hinzugefügt!</div> " );
header ( " Location: index.php?module=benutzer&action=edit&id= $id &msg= $msg " );
exit ;
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=edit&id= $id " , " Details " );
$username = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT username FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' " );
// $this->app->Tpl->Add(KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2,$username);
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=benutzer&action=list " , " Zurück zur Übersicht " );
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$input = $this -> GetInput ();
if ( $input [ 'hwtoken' ] == 'totp' ){
$input [ 'hwtoken' ] = '0' ;
} else if ( $input [ 'hwtoken' ] != '' ){
/** @var \Xentral\Modules\TOTPLogin\TOTPLoginService $tokenManager */
$tokenManager = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'TOTPLoginService' );
$tokenManager -> disableTotp ( $id );
$submit = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'submituser' );
$benutzer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT description FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$name_angezeigt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT adresse FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$name = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE id=' $name_angezeigt ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $benutzer != " " ) $tmp = " ( " . $benutzer . " ) " ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2' , $name . " " . $tmp );
if ( is_numeric ( $id ) && $submit != '' ) {
$isUserLastAdmin = $this -> isUserLastAdmin (( int ) $id );
$error = '' ;
if ( $input [ 'username' ] == '' ) $error .= 'Geben Sie bitte einen Benutzernamen ein.<br>' ;
if ( $input [ 'password' ] != $input [ 'repassword' ] && $input [ 'hwtoken' ] != 5 ) $error .= 'Die eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.<br>' ;
$input [ 'adresse' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceAdresse ( 1 , $input [ 'adresse' ], 1 );
if ( $input [ 'adresse' ] <= 0 )
$error .= 'Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Adresse aus den Stammdaten an.<br>' ;
$input [ 'projekt' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceProjekt ( 1 , $input [ 'projekt' ], 1 );
$isOwnAccount = $id == $this -> app -> User -> GetId ();
if ( $isOwnAccount && empty ( $input [ 'activ' ])) {
$error .= '{|Du kannst deinen eigenen Account nicht deaktivieren.|}<br>' ;
} elseif ( $isOwnAccount && $this -> isUserAdmin (( int ) $id ) && $input [ 'type' ] !== 'admin' ) {
$error .= '{|Du kannst deinen eigenen Account nicht in einem Benutzer umwandeln.|}<br>' ;
} elseif ( $isUserLastAdmin && empty ( $input [ 'activ' ])) {
$error .= '{|Der letzte Administrator kann nicht deaktiviert werden.|}<br>' ;
} elseif ( $isUserLastAdmin && $input [ 'type' ] !== 'admin' ) {
$error .= '{|Der letzte Administrator kann nicht in einem Benutzer umgewandelt werden.|}<br>' ;
if ( $error != '' )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" > $error </div> " );
else {
//$settings = base64_encode(serialize($input['settings']));
$firma = $this -> app -> User -> GetFirma ();
if ( $input [ 'gpsstechuhr' ] != " 1 " )
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM gpsstechuhr
WHERE `user` = '".$id."'
AND DATE_FORMAT ( zeit , '%Y-%m-%d' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( NOW ( ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ) LIMIT 1 " );
if (( $input [ 'hwtoken' ] == 4 ) && $input [ 'type' ] == 'admin' )
$anzaktivadmin = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT count(*) from `user` where activ=1 and type = 'admin' and id <> ' $id ' " );
if ( $anzaktivadmin < 1 )
$error = 'Sie können den einzigen Administrator als Stechuhruer einbinden. Legen Sie dafür einen neuen User an' ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" error \" > $error </div> " );
} else {
$input [ 'type' ] = 'standard' ;
$input [ 'startseite' ] = 'index.php?module=stechuhr&action=list' ;
if ( $error == " " )
if ( $input [ 'hwtoken' ] == 4 )
$stechuhrdevice = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT stechuhrdevice from `user` where id = ' $id ' " );
if ( substr ( $input [ 'username' ], 0 , 6 ) !== substr ( $stechuhrdevice , 0 , 6 ))
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` set stechuhrdevice = '' where id = ' $id ' " );
$spracheBevorzugen = $this -> getCurrentDefaultLanguage ( $input [ 'sprachebevorzugen' ]);
$this -> app -> DB -> Update (
sprintf (
" UPDATE `user`
SET username = '%s' ,
description = '%s' ,
activ = '%d' ,
type = '%s' ,
adresse = '%d' ,
vorlage = '%s' ,
gpsstechuhr = '%d' ,
rfidtag = '%s' ,
kalender_aktiv = '%d' ,
kalender_ausblenden = '%d' ,
projekt = '%d' ,
projekt_bevorzugen = '%d' ,
sprachebevorzugen = '%s' ,
email_bevorzugen = '%d' ,
fehllogins = '%d' ,
standarddrucker = '%d' ,
standardetikett = '%d' ,
standardversanddrucker = '%d' ,
paketmarkendrucker = '%d' ,
standardfax = '%d' ,
defaultcolor = '%s' ,
startseite = '%s' ,
hwtoken = '%d' ,
hwkey = '%s' ,
hwcounter = '%d' ,
hwdatablock = '%s' ,
motppin = '%s' ,
motpsecret = '%s' ,
externlogin = '%d' ,
firma = '%d' ,
kalender_passwort = '%s' ,
docscan_aktiv = '%d' ,
docscan_passwort = '%s' ,
`role` = '%s'
WHERE id =% d
LIMIT 1 " ,
$input [ 'username' ],
$input [ 'description' ],
$input [ 'activ' ],
$input [ 'type' ],
$input [ 'adresse' ],
$input [ 'vorlage' ],
$input [ 'gpsstechuhr' ],
$input [ 'rfidtag' ],
$input [ 'kalender_aktiv' ],
$input [ 'kalender_ausblenden' ],
$input [ 'projekt' ],
$input [ 'projekt_bevorzugen' ],
$spracheBevorzugen ,
$input [ 'email_bevorzugen' ],
$input [ 'fehllogins' ],
$input [ 'standarddrucker' ],
$input [ 'standardetikett' ],
$input [ 'standardversanddrucker' ],
$input [ 'paketmarkendrucker' ],
$input [ 'standardfax' ],
$input [ 'defaultcolor' ],
$input [ 'startseite' ],
$input [ 'hwtoken' ],
$input [ 'hwkey' ],
$input [ 'hwcounter' ],
$input [ 'hwdatablock' ],
$input [ 'motppin' ],
$input [ 'motpsecret' ],
$input [ 'externlogin' ],
$firma ,
$input [ 'kalender_passwort' ],
$input [ 'docscan_aktiv' ],
$input [ 'docscan_passwort' ],
$input [ 'role' ],
if ( $input [ 'password' ] != '' && $input [ 'password' ] != '***************' ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT passwordhash FROM `user` WHERE id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $this -> app -> DB -> error ()){
$options = array (
'cost' => 12 ,
$passwordhash = @ password_hash ( $input [ 'passwordunescaped' ], PASSWORD_BCRYPT , $options );
if ( $passwordhash != '' )
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` SET passwordhash = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $passwordhash ) . " ',
password = '' , passwordmd5 = '' , salt = '' , passwordsha512 = ''
WHERE id = '".$id."' LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$salt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT salt FROM `user` WHERE id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $this -> app -> DB -> error ()){
if ( empty ( $salt )) $salt = hash ( 'sha512' , microtime ( true ));
$passwordsha512 = hash ( 'sha512' , $_POST [ 'password' ] . $salt );
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` SET password='',passwordmd5='', salt = ' $salt ', passwordsha512 = ' $passwordsha512 ' WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $salt == " " || $passwordsha512 == " " ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '', `passwordmd5` = MD5(' { $input [ 'password' ] } ') WHERE `id` = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
} //TODO rausnehmen
else {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '', `passwordmd5` = MD5(' { $input [ 'password' ] } ') WHERE `id` = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MESSAGE' , " <div class= \" success \" >Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich übernommen.</div> " );
$this -> app -> erp -> AbgleichBenutzerVorlagen ( $id );
$data = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $data )
if ( $data [ 0 ][ 'stechuhrdevice' ] != '' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BUTTONQRRESET' , '<input type="button" value="Code zurücksetzen" onclick="qrruecksetzen();" />' );
if ( is_array ( $data [ 0 ])) {
$data [ 0 ][ 'password' ] = '***************' ;
$data [ 0 ][ 'repassword' ] = '***************' ;
// $data[0]['motpsecret'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT DECRYPT('{$input[0]['motpsecret']}')");
// $data[0]['hwkey'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT DECRYPT('{$input[0]['hwkey']}')");
//$data[0]['settings'] = unserialize(base64_decode($data[0]['settings']));
if ( $data [ 0 ][ 'type' ] == " admin " ){
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HINWEISADMIN' , " <div class= \" info \" >Dieser Benutzer ist vom Typ Administrator. Administratoren haben immer Vollzugriff - daher können diesem keine Rechte genommen werden.</div> " );
} else {
2022-06-20 16:27:51 +02:00
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( " HINWEISADMIN " , " <br><i>Hinweis: Blau = erlaubt, Grau = gesperrt, Sobald eine Vorlage eingetragen ist können Rechte der Vorlage dem Benutzer nicht mehr entzogen werden.</i> " );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$this -> SetInput ( $data [ 0 ]);
$this -> UserRights ();
$rfids = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT seriennummer,bezeichnung FROM adapterbox WHERE verwendenals = 'metratecrfid' " );
if ( $rfids )
foreach ( $rfids as $v )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'SELRFID' , '<option value="' . $v [ 'seriennummer' ] . '">' . $v [ 'bezeichnung' ] . '</option>' );
$this -> app -> YUI -> ColorPicker ( 'defaultcolor' );
$extra = '
if ( $ ( \ ' #hwtoken\').val() == \'4\' || $(\'#hwtoken\').val() == \'5\')
message = \ ' \ ' ;
' ;
$this -> app -> YUI -> PasswordCheck ( 'password' , 'repassword' , 'username' , 'submit' , $extra );
$roles = $this -> getRoleOptions ();
$hasSelection = false ;
foreach ( $roles as $roleKey => $roleValue ) {
$selected = $roleKey === $data [ 0 ][ 'role' ] ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ;
if ( $selected !== '' ) {
$hasSelection = true ;
if ( ! $hasSelection && $roleKey === 'Sonstiges' ) {
$selected = ' selected="selected"' ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
sprintf (
'<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' ,
$roleKey , $selected , $roleValue
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ROLETEXT' , $data [ 0 ][ 'role' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ROLE' , $data [ 0 ][ 'role' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " benutzer_create.tpl " );
* @ return string []
public function getRoleOptions () : array
return [
'Buchhaltung' => 'Buchhaltung' ,
'Vertrieb' => 'Vertrieb' ,
'Einkauf / Produktion' => 'Einkauf / Produktion' ,
'Logistik' => 'Logistik' ,
'HR / Personalmanagement' => 'HR / Personalmanagement' ,
'Office' => 'Office' ,
'Marketing' => 'Marketing' ,
'Administration / IT' => 'Administration / IT' ,
'Management' => 'Management' ,
'Sonstiges' => 'Sonstiges' ,
* @ return array
public function GetInput () : array
// username is an array with multiple (hidden) fields, so filter the first filled one.
$usernames = ( array ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'username' );
$usernames = array_filter ( $usernames );
// make sure, at least one (empty) string is present in this array.
$usernames [] = '' ;
// reset all indexes.
$usernames = array_values ( $usernames );
$username = $usernames [ 0 ];
$input = array ();
$input [ 'description' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'description' );
$input [ 'type' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'type' );
$input [ 'username' ] = $username ;
$input [ 'vorlage' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'vorlage' );
$input [ 'adresse' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'adresse' );
$input [ 'externlogin' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'externlogin' );
$input [ 'activ' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'activ' );
$input [ 'gpsstechuhr' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'gpsstechuhr' );
$input [ 'rfidtag' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'rfidtag' );
$input [ 'kalender_aktiv' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'kalender_aktiv' );
$input [ 'kalender_ausblenden' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'kalender_ausblenden' );
$input [ 'projekt' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'projekt' );
$input [ 'projekt_bevorzugen' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'projekt_bevorzugen' );
$input [ 'email_bevorzugen' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'email_bevorzugen' );
$input [ 'startseite' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'startseite' );
$input [ 'defaultcolor' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'defaultcolor' );
if ( $input [ 'defaultcolor' ] === 'transparent' ) $input [ 'defaultcolor' ] = '' ;
$input [ 'fehllogins' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'fehllogins' );
$input [ 'password' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'password' );
$input [ 'repassword' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'repassword' );
$input [ 'passwordunescaped' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'password' , " " , " " , " noescape " );
$input [ 'hwtoken' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwtoken' );
$input [ 'motppin' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'motppin' );
$input [ 'motpsecret' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'motpsecret' );
$input [ 'hwkey' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwkey' );
$input [ 'hwcounter' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwcounter' );
$input [ 'hwdatablock' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'hwdatablock' );
$input [ 'standarddrucker' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'standarddrucker' );
$input [ 'standardversanddrucker' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'standardversanddrucker' );
$input [ 'paketmarkendrucker' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'paketmarkendrucker' );
$input [ 'standardetikett' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'standardetikett' );
$input [ 'standardfax' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'standardfax' );
$input [ 'sprachebevorzugen' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'sprachebevorzugen' );
$input [ 'role' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'role' );
//$input['settings'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('settings');
$input [ 'kalender_passwort' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'kalender_passwort' );
$input [ 'docscan_aktiv' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'docscan_aktiv' );
$input [ 'docscan_passwort' ] = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'docscan_passwort' );
return $input ;
function SetInput ( $input )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DESCRIPTION' , $input [ 'description' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TYPESELECT' , $this -> TypeSelect ( $input [ 'type' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'USERNAME' , $input [ 'username' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'VORLAGE' , $input [ 'vorlage' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ADRESSE' , $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceAdresse ( 0 , $input [ 'adresse' ], 0 ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PROJEKT' , $this -> app -> erp -> ReplaceProjekt ( 0 , $input [ 'projekt' ], 0 ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'RFIDTAG' , $input [ 'rfidtag' ]);
$this -> app -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( " adresse " , " adresse " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( " vorlage " , " uservorlage " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> AutoComplete ( " projekt " , " projektname " , 1 );
if ( $input [ 'externlogin' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EXTERNLOGINCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'activ' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ACTIVCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'gpsstechuhr' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'GPSSTECHUHRCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'kalender_aktiv' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KALENDERAKTIVCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'kalender_ausblenden' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KALENDERAUSBLENDENCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'projekt_bevorzugen' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PROJEKTBEVORZUGENCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'email_bevorzugen' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'EMAILBEVORZUGENCHECKED' , 'checked' );
if ( $input [ 'docscan_aktiv' ] == '1' ) $this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DOCSCANAKTIVCHECKED' , 'checked' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STARTSEITE' , $input [ 'startseite' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DEFAULTCOLOR' , $input [ 'defaultcolor' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SPRACHEBEVORZUGEN' , $this -> languageSelectOptions ( $input [ 'sprachebevorzugen' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'FEHLLOGINS' , $input [ 'fehllogins' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PASSWORD' , $input [ 'password' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'REPASSWORD' , $input [ 'repassword' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'TOKENSELECT' , $this -> TokenSelect ( $input [ 'hwtoken' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MOTPPIN' , $input [ 'motppin' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MOTPSECRET' , $input [ 'motpsecret' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HWKEY' , $input [ 'hwkey' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HWCOUNTER' , $input [ 'hwcounter' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'HWDATABLOCK' , $input [ 'hwdatablock' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STANDARDDRUCKER' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectDrucker ( $input [ 'standarddrucker' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STANDARDVERSANDDRUCKER' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectVersanddrucker ( $input [ 'standardversanddrucker' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PAKETMARKENDRUCKER' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectVersanddrucker ( $input [ 'paketmarkendrucker' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STANDARDETIKETT' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectEtikettenDrucker ( $input [ 'standardetikett' ]));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'STANDARDFAX' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectFax ( $input [ 'standardfax' ]));
//$this->app->Tpl->Set('SETTINGS', $input['settings']);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'SERVERNAME' , $this -> app -> erp -> UrlOrigin ( $_SERVER ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'KALENDERPASSWORT' , $input [ 'kalender_passwort' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'DOCSCANPASSWORT' , $input [ 'docscan_passwort' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ROLE' , $input [ 'role' ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'ROLETEXT' , $input [ 'role' ]);
function TypeSelect ( $select = 'admin' )
$data = array ( 'standard' => 'Benutzer' , 'admin' => 'Administrator' );
//, 'verwaltung'=>'Verwaltung', 'vollzugriff'=>'Vollzugriff', 'mitarbeiter'=>'Mitarbeiter', 'produktion'=>'Produktion');
$out = " " ;
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$selected = (( $select == $key ) ? 'selected' : '' );
$out .= " <option value= \" $key\ " $selected > $value </ option > " ;
return $out ;
private function getCurrentDefaultLanguage ( $fromPost ){
if ( empty ( $fromPost )){
$fromPost = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'preferredLanguage' );
if ( empty ( $fromPost )){
$fromPost = 'deutsch' ;
return $fromPost ;
* Liefert einen String aus HTML - Optionen zurück
* @ param string $fromPost
* @ return string
private function languageSelectOptions ( $fromPost = '' ){
$select = $this -> getCurrentDefaultLanguage ( $fromPost );
$out = " " ;
$sprachen = $this -> getLanguages ();
foreach ( $sprachen as $sprache ) {
$selected = (( $select == $sprache ) ? 'selected' : '' );
$out .= " <option value= \" $sprache\ " $selected > $sprache </ option > " ;
return $out ;
* Liefert einen Array aus Strings zurück . Immer mindestens 'deutsch' enthalten
* @ return array
private function getLanguages (){
$sprachen [] = 'deutsch' ;
$folder = __DIR__ . '/../../languages' ;
if ( is_dir ( $folder ))
$handle = opendir ( $folder );
if ( $handle ){
while ( $file = readdir ( $handle ))
if ( $file [ 0 ] !== '.' )
if ( is_dir ( $folder . '/' . $file ) && ( file_exists ( $folder . '/' . $file . '/variablen.php' ) || file_exists ( $folder . '/' . $file . '/variablen_custom.php' )))
if ( $file == 'german' ) $file = 'deutsch' ;
if ( ! in_array ( $file , $sprachen )) $sprachen [] = $file ;
closedir ( $handle );
return $sprachen ;
* @ param string $select
* @ return string
public function TokenSelect ( $select = '0' )
//$data = array('0'=>'Benutzername + Passwort', '1'=>'Benutzername + Passwort + mOTP', '2'=>'Benutzername + Passwort + Picosafe Login','3'=>'WaWision OTP + Passwort');
$data = array ( '0' => 'Benutzername + Passwort' ,
'3' => 'WaWision LoginKey + Benutzername + Passwort' ,
'5' => 'LDAP Verzeichnis'
/** @var \Xentral\Modules\TOTPLogin\TOTPLoginService $tokenManager */
$tokenManager = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'TOTPLoginService' );
$user = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
try {
if ( $user != null && $user != '' && $tokenManager -> isTOTPEnabled ( $user )){
$data [ 'totp' ] = 'Benutzername + Passwort + TOTP 2FA' ;
$select = 'totp' ;
catch ( QueryFailureException $e ) {
$this -> app -> erp -> InstallModul ( 'totp' );
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'stechuhrdevice' , 'list' ) || $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'mitarbeiterzeiterfassung' , 'list' ))
$data [ '4' ] = 'Mitarbeiterzeiterfassung QR-Code' ;
$out = " " ;
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$selected = (( $select == $key ) ? 'selected' : '' );
$out .= " <option value= \" $key\ " $selected > $value </ option > " ;
return $out ;
function UserRights ()
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$template = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'usertemplate' );
$copytemplate = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'copyusertemplate' );
$hwtoken = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT hwtoken FROM `user` where id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$modules = $this -> ScanModules ();
if ( $hwtoken == 4 )
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
$modulecount = ( ! empty ( $modules ) ? count ( $modules ) : 0 );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$curModule = 0 ;
foreach ( $modules as $module => $actions ) {
$lower_m = strtolower ( $module );
$curModule ++ ;
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
$actioncount = ( ! empty ( $actions ) ? count ( $actions ) : 0 );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $actioncount ; $i ++ ) {
$delimiter = (( $curModule < $modulecount || $i + 1 < $actioncount ) ? ', ' : ';' );
$active = 0 ;
if ( $lower_m == 'stechuhr' && ( $actions [ $i ] == 'list' || $actions [ $i ] == 'change' )) $active = 1 ;
if ( $active == 1 ){
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO userrights (`user`, module, action, permission) VALUES (' $id ', ' $lower_m ', ' { $actions [ $i ] } ', ' $active ') " );
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $module , $actions [ $i ], $active );
} else {
if ( $template != '' ) {
$mytemplate = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'permissions' ][ $template ];
$permissions = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT module,action FROM userrights WHERE user= $id " );
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM userrights WHERE `user`=' $id ' " );
foreach ( $permissions as $permission ){
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $permission [ 'module' ], $permission [ 'action' ], 0 );
//$sql = 'INSERT INTO userrights (user, module, action, permission) VALUES ';
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
$modulecount = ( ! empty ( $modules ) ? count ( $modules ) : 0 );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$curModule = 0 ;
foreach ( $modules as $module => $actions ) {
$lower_m = strtolower ( $module );
$curModule ++ ;
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
$actioncount = ( ! empty ( $actions ) ? count ( $actions ) : 0 );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $actioncount ; $i ++ ) {
$delimiter = (( $curModule < $modulecount || $i + 1 < $actioncount ) ? ', ' : ';' );
$active = (( isset ( $mytemplate [ $lower_m ]) && in_array ( $actions [ $i ], $mytemplate [ $lower_m ])) ? '1' : '0' );
if ( $active == 1 ){
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO userrights (`user`, module, action, permission) VALUES (' $id ', ' $lower_m ', ' { $actions [ $i ] } ', ' $active ') " );
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $module , $actions [ $i ], $active );
if ( $copytemplate != '' ) {
$ok = true ;
// echo "User $id $copytemplate";
if ( $ok )
$permissions = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT module,action FROM userrights WHERE user= $id " );
foreach ( $permissions as $permission ){
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $permission [ 'module' ], $permission [ 'action' ], 0 );
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM userrights WHERE `user`=' $id ' " );
$permissions = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT module,action FROM userrights WHERE user= $copytemplate " );
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " INSERT INTO userrights (`user`, module,action,permission) (SELECT ' $id ',module, action,permission FROM userrights WHERE user=' " . $copytemplate . " ') " );
foreach ( $permissions as $permission ){
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $id , $permission [ 'module' ], $permission [ 'action' ], 1 );
$dbrights = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT module, action, permission FROM userrights WHERE `user`=' $id ' ORDER BY module " );
$group = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT `type` FROM `user` WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$rights = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'permissions' ][ $group ];
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
if ( is_array ( $dbrights ) && ( ! empty ( $dbrights ) ? count ( $dbrights ) : 0 ) > 0 )
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$rights = $this -> AdaptRights ( $dbrights , $rights , $group );
$modules = $this -> ScanModules ();
$table = $this -> CreateTable ( $id , $modules , $rights );
//$this->app->Tpl->Set('USERTEMPLATES', $this->TemplateSelect());
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'USERNAMESELECT' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetSelectUser ( " " , $id ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MODULES' , $table );
function UserChangeRights ()
$user = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'b_user' );
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'b_module' );
$action = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'b_action' );
$value = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'b_value' );
if ( is_numeric ( $user ) && $module != '' && $action != '' && $value != '' ) {
$id = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM userrights WHERE user=' $user ' AND module=' $module ' AND action=' $action ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $value && $this -> app -> erp -> isIoncube () && method_exists ( 'erpAPI' , 'Ioncube_getMaxLightusersRights' ) && method_exists ( 'erpAPI' , 'Ioncube_LightuserRechteanzahl' ))
$lightuser = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM `user` WHERE id = ' $user ' AND type='lightuser' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $lightuser )
$anzerlaubt = erpAPI :: Ioncube_getMaxLightusersRights ();
$anzvorhanden = erpAPI :: Ioncube_LightuserRechteanzahl ( $this -> app , $user );
if ( $anzvorhanden >= $anzerlaubt )
exit ;
if ( $id )
if ( ! $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT permission FROM userrights WHERE id = ' $id ' " )) exit ;
} else {
if ( $anzvorhanden + 1 > $anzerlaubt ) exit ;
if ( $value && method_exists ( $this -> app -> erp , 'ModuleBenutzeranzahlLizenzFehler' ) && ( $err = $this -> app -> erp -> ModuleBenutzeranzahlLizenzFehler ( $module )))
if ( isset ( $err [ 'Error' ]))
if ( is_array ( $err [ 'Error' ]))
echo " Error " . implode ( '<br />' , $err [ 'Error' ]);
} else {
echo " Error " . $err [ 'Error' ];
exit ;
if ( is_numeric ( $id ) && $id > 0 )
if ( $value == " 1 " )
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE userrights SET permission=' $value ' WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
2022-06-20 16:27:51 +02:00
$sql = "
INNER JOIN `uservorlage` INNER JOIN `user` ON `uservorlagerights` . `vorlage` = `uservorlage` . `id` AND `user` . `vorlage` = `uservorlage` . `bezeichnung`
`user` . `id` = '$user' AND `uservorlagerights` . `module` = '$module' AND `uservorlagerights` . `action` = '$action' LIMIT 1 " ;
$uservorlageright = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $sql );
$fromtemplate = false ;
if ( ! empty ( $uservorlageright )) {
if ( $uservorlageright [ 0 ] == '1' ) {
$fromtemplate = true ;
if ( ! $fromtemplate ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Delete ( " DELETE FROM userrights WHERE user=' $user ' AND module=' $module ' AND action=' $action ' " );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
2022-06-20 16:27:51 +02:00
else {
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO userrights (user, module, action, permission) VALUES (' $user ', ' $module ', ' $action ', ' $value ') " );
2022-06-20 16:27:51 +02:00
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
$this -> permissionLog ( $this -> app -> User -> GetID (), $user , $module , $action , $value );
echo $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT permission FROM userrights WHERE user=' $user ' AND module=' $module ' AND action=' $action ' LIMIT 1 " );
exit ;
public function permissionLog ( $grantingUserId , $receivingUserId , $module , $action , $permission ){
$grantingUserName = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT username FROM user WHERE id= $grantingUserId " );
$receivingUserName = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT username FROM user WHERE id= $receivingUserId " );
$permission = ! empty ( $permission );
try {
$userPermission = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'UserPermissionService' );
$userPermission -> log ( $grantingUserId , $grantingUserName , $receivingUserId , $receivingUserName , $module , $action , $permission );
} catch ( Exception $ex ){
$this -> app -> erp -> LogFile ( 'Fehler bei Zuweisung Rechtehistore' , $ex -> getMessage ());
function AdaptRights ( $dbarr , $rights )
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
$cnt = ( ! empty ( $dbarr ) ? count ( $dbarr ) : 0 );
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $cnt ; $i ++ ) {
$module = $dbarr [ $i ][ 'module' ];
$action = $dbarr [ $i ][ 'action' ];
$perm = $dbarr [ $i ][ 'permission' ];
if ( isset ( $rights [ $module ])) {
if ( $perm == '1' && ! in_array ( $action , $rights [ $module ]))
$rights [ $module ][] = $action ;
if ( $perm == '0' && in_array ( $action , $rights [ $module ])) {
$index = array_search ( $action , $rights [ $module ]);
unset ( $rights [ $module ][ $index ]);
$rights [ $module ] = array_values ( $rights [ $module ]);
} else if ( $perm == '1' ) $rights [ $module ][] = $action ;
return $rights ;
function CreateTable ( $user , $modules , $rights )
$maxcols = 6 ;
$width = 100 / $maxcols ;
$out = '' ;
foreach ( $modules as $key => $value ) {
if ( strtolower ( $key ) == 'api' || strtolower ( $key ) == 'ajax' ) continue ;
$out .= " <tr><td class= \" name \" > $key </td></tr> " ;
$out .= " <tr><td><table class= \" action \" > " ;
$module = strtolower ( $key );
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $maxcols || $i < ( ! empty ( $value ) ? count ( $value ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) {
2022-05-30 14:48:41 +02:00
if ( $i % $maxcols == 0 ) $out .= " <tr> " ;
if ( gettype ( $rights [ $module ]) == 'array' ) {
if ( isset ( $value [ $i ]) && in_array ( $value [ $i ], $rights [ $module ])) {
$class = 'class="blue"' ;
$active = '1' ;
} else {
$class = 'class="grey"' ;
$active = 0 ;
} else {
$class = 'class="grey"' ;
$active = 0 ;
$class = (( isset ( $value [ $i ])) ? $class : '' );
$action = (( isset ( $value [ $i ])) ? strtolower ( $value [ $i ]) : '' );
$onclick = (( isset ( $value [ $i ])) ? " onclick= \" ChangeRights(this, ' $user ',' $module ',' $action ') \" " : '' );
$out .= " <td width= \" $width % \" $class value= \" $active\ " $onclick > { $action } </ td > " ;
if ( $i % $maxcols == ( $maxcols - 1 )) $out .= " </tr> " ;
$out .= " </table></td></tr> " ;
return $out ;
* @ param string $page
* @ param array $actions
* @ return array
public function getActionsFromFile ( $page , $actions = [])
if ( substr ( $page , - 8 ) === '.src.php' ) {
return $actions ;
$content = file_get_contents ( $page );
$foundItems = preg_match_all ( '/ActionHandler\([\"|\\\'][[:alnum:]].*[\"|\\\'],/' , $content , $matches );
if ( $foundItems <= 0 ) {
return $actions ;
$action = str_replace ( array ( 'ActionHandler("' , 'ActionHandler(\'' , '",' , '\',' ), '' , $matches [ 0 ]);
if ( empty ( $action ) || ! is_array ( $action )) {
return $actions ;
if ( isset ( $actions )) {
$actionsCount = $action ? count ( $action ) : 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $actionsCount ; $i ++ ) {
if ( empty ( $action [ $i ])) {
continue ;
$found = false ;
foreach ( $actions as $v ) {
if ( $v == $action [ $i ]){
$found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! $found ){
$actions [] = $action [ $i ];
else {
$actionsCount = $action ? count ( $action ) : 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $actionsCount ; $i ++ ) {
$actions [] = $action [ $i ];
sort ( $actions );
return $actions ;
* @ return array
public function ScanModules ()
//$files = glob('./pages/*.php');
$files = glob ( __DIR__ . '/*.php' );
$encodedActions = [];
if ( method_exists ( $this -> app -> erp , 'getEncModullist' )) {
$encodedActions = $this -> app -> erp -> getEncModullist ();
if ( empty ( $encodedActions )) {
$encodedActions = [];
$modules = array ();
if ( empty ( $files )) {
return $encodedActions ;
foreach ( $files as $page ) {
$name = ucfirst ( str_replace ( '_custom' , '' , basename ( $page , '.php' )));
if ( substr ( $page , - 8 ) === '.src.php' ) {
continue ;
$modules [ $name ] = $this -> getActionsFromFile ( $page , isset ( $modules [ $name ]) ? $modules [ $name ] : []);
if ( ! empty ( $encodedActions [ $name ]) && is_array ( $encodedActions [ $name ]) && count ( $encodedActions [ $name ]) > 0 ) {
if ( isset ( $modules [ $name ])) {
$encodedActionsCount = $encodedActions [ $name ] ? count ( $encodedActions [ $name ]) : 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $encodedActionsCount ; $i ++ ) {
$found = false ;
foreach ( $modules [ $name ] as $moduleAction ) {
if ( $moduleAction == $encodedActions [ $name ][ $i ]) {
$found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! $found ) {
$modules [ $name ][] = $encodedActions [ $name ][ $i ];
else {
$modules [ $name ] = $encodedActions [ $name ];
sort ( $modules [ $name ]);
foreach ( $modules as $name => $actions ) {
if ( empty ( $actions )) {
unset ( $modules [ $name ]);
return $modules ;
function TemplateSelect ()
$options = " <option value= \" \" >-- Bitte auswählen --</option> " ;
foreach ( $this -> Templates as $key => $value ) {
if ( $key != " web " )
$options .= " <option value= \" $key\ " > " .ucfirst( $key ). " </ option > " ;
return $options ;
function GetTemplates ()
return $this -> app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'permissions' ];