2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2024-06-11 19:45:39 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2024-06-11 19:45:39 +02:00
< ? php
class AdressstammblattPDF extends Dokumentenvorlage {
public $doctype ;
function __construct ( $app , $projekt = " " )
$this -> app = $app ;
$this -> doctype = " adresse " ;
$this -> table = " adresse " ;
$this -> doctypeOrig = " Adressstammblatt " ;
parent :: __construct ( $this -> app , $projekt );
public function renderDocument () {
// prepare page details
SuperFPDF :: __construct ( 'P' , 'mm' , 'A4' );
$this -> AddPage ();
$this -> SetDisplayMode ( " real " , " single " );
$this -> SetMargins ( 15 , 50 );
$this -> SetAutoPageBreak ( true , 40 );
$this -> AliasNbPages ( '{nb}' );
// Bei Adressstammblatt immer oben beginnen
$this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben = 0 ;
$this -> logofile = " " ; //$this->app->erp->GetTMP()."/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname."_logo.jpg";
$this -> briefpapier = " " ;
$schrift = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'schriftgroesse' );
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schrift );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , '10' );
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + 160 );
$this -> Cell ( 10 , 0 , date ( " d.m.Y " ), " " , " " , " L " );
$this -> renderDoctype ();
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $this -> id . " ' " );
$adresse = reset ( $adresse );
if ( $adresse [ 'typ' ] == " firma " )
$infofields [] = array ( " Firma " , $adresse [ 'name' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'ansprechpartner' ] != " " )
$infofields [] = array ( " Ansprechpartner " , $adresse [ 'ansprechpartner' ]);
} else {
$infofields [] = array ( " Name " , $adresse [ 'name' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Anschrift " , $adresse [ 'land' ] . " - " . $adresse [ 'plz' ] . " " . $adresse [ 'ort' ] . " , " . $adresse [ 'strasse' ]);
$felder = array ( 'telefon' , 'telefax' , 'mobil' , 'email' , 'web' );
foreach ( $felder as $feldname )
$infofields [] = array ( ucfirst ( $feldname ), $adresse [ $feldname == 'web' ? 'internetseite' : $feldname ]);
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( " modul_mlm " ) == 1 )
$mlmvertragsbeginn = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(mlmvertragsbeginn,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $mlmvertragsbeginn == " 00.00.0000 " ) $mlmvertragsbeginn = " kein Vertragsbeginn eingestellt " ;
$sponsorid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT sponsor FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $sponsorid > 0 )
$sponsor = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT CONCAT(kundennummer,' ',name) FROM adresse WHERE id=' $sponsorid ' LIMIT 1 " );
$sponsor = " Kein Sponsor vorhanden " ;
$erfasstam = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(zeitstempel,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM objekt_protokoll WHERE objekt='adresse' AND objektid=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' AND action_long='adresse_create' LIMIT 1 " );
$infofields [] = array ( " Sponsor " , $sponsor );
$infofields [] = array ( " Erfasst am " , $erfasstam );
$infofields [] = array ( " Vertragsbeginn am " , $mlmvertragsbeginn );
$infofields [] = array ( " UST-ID " , $adresse [ 'ustid' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'kundennummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Kunden Nr. " , $adresse [ 'kundennummer' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'lieferantennummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Lieferanten Nr. " , $adresse [ 'lieferantennummer' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'mitarbeiternummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Mitarbeiter Nr. " , $adresse [ 'mitarbeiternummer' ]);
if ( $numbers ? count ( $numbers ) : 0 > 0 )
$this -> renderInfoBox ( $numbers );
$this -> Ln ( 5 );
$this -> renderHeading ( " Adressstammblatt " , 8 );
$this -> renderInfoBox ( $infofields );
$ansprechpartner_tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT CONCAT(name,', ',if(bereich='','-',bereich),
', Telefon: ' , telefon ,
', Mobil: ' , mobil ,
', E-Mail: ' , email
) as 'value' FROM ansprechpartner WHERE adresse = '".$adresse[' id ']."' " );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( $ansprechpartner_tmp ? count ( $ansprechpartner_tmp ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) $ansprechpartner [] = $ansprechpartner_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ];
if ( $ansprechpartner_tmp ? count ( $ansprechpartner ) : 0 > 0 )
$this -> Ln ( 5 );
$this -> renderHeading ( " Ansprechpartner " , 8 );
$this -> renderInfoBoxSingle ( $ansprechpartner );
$lieferadressen_tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT name,abteilung,unterabteilung,adresszusatz,strasse,plz,ort,land,
telefon , email
FROM lieferadressen WHERE adresse = '".$adresse[' id ']."' ORDER by standardlieferadresse DESC " );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( $lieferadressen_tmp ? count ( $lieferadressen_tmp ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) {
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] = " " ;
foreach ( $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ] as $key => $value )
switch ( $key )
case " email " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " E-Mail: $value , " ;
break ;
case " telefon " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " Telefon: $value , " ;
break ;
case " telefax " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " Telefax: $value , " ;
break ;
default :
if ( $value != " " )
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " $value , " ;
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] = trim ( $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ], ', ' );
if ( $i == 0 ) $standard = " (Standard) " ; else $standard = " " ;
$lieferadressen [] = $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] . $standard ;
if ( $lieferadressen ? count ( $lieferadressen ) : 0 > 0 )
$this -> Ln ( 5 );
$this -> renderHeading ( " Lieferadressen " , 8 );
$this -> renderInfoBoxSingle ( $lieferadressen );
$this -> Ln ( 5 );
if ( $adresse [ 'sonstiges' ] != " " )
$this -> renderHeading ( " Sonstiges " , 8 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 7 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $adresse [ 'sonstiges' ]));
$this -> renderFooter ();
function GetAdressstammblatt ( $id , $info = " " , $extrafreitext = " " )
$this -> id = $id ;
// das muss vom reisekosten sein!!!!
// OfferNo, customerId, OfferDate
/* $auftrag = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT auftragid FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$auftrag = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE id=' $auftrag ' LIMIT 1 " );
$bearbeiter = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT bearbeiter FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$prefix = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT prefix FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$bestellbestaetigung = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT bestellbestaetigung FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> datum = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> von = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(von,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> bis = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(bis,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> von_zeit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT von_zeit FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> bis_zeit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT bis_zeit FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$belegnr = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT belegnr FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> anlass = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT anlass FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> freitext = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT freitext FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$projekt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT projekt FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$mitarbeiter = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT mitarbeiter FROM reisekosten WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " ); */
$kunde = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT name,kundennummer,lieferantennummer FROM adresse WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$kunde = reset ( $kunde );
$kundennummer = $kunde [ 'kundennummer' ];
$this -> name = $kunde [ 'name' ];
$this -> projektabkuerzung = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' " );
$this -> firmenname = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'name' );
$this -> doctypeOrig = " Adresse: " . $kunde [ 'name' ];
$this -> barcode = $belegnr ;
//$ohne_briefpapier = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ohne_briefpapier FROM reisekosten WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
//$artikel = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y') as datum, CONCAT(rk.nummer,'- ',rk.beschreibung) as reisekostenart FROM reisekosten_position rp LEFT JOIN reisekostenart rk ON rk.id=rp.reisekostenart WHERE rp.reisekosten='$id' ORDER By rp.sort");
//$waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM reisekosten_position WHERE reisekosten='$id' LIMIT 1");
/* Dateiname */
$this -> filename = date ( 'Ymd' ) . " _STAMMDATEN_ADRESSE_ " . $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $kunde [ 'name' ]) . " .pdf " ;
$this -> setBarcode ( $id );