2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
< ? php
include_once __DIR__ . " /class.superfpdf.php " ;
class Dokumentenvorlage extends SuperFPDF {
public $doctype ;
public $doctypeOrig ;
public $logofile ;
public $sender ;
public $recipient ;
public $corrDetails ;
public $InfoBox ;
public $endInfoBox ;
public $boldCorrDetails ;
public $textDetails ;
public $items ;
public $ust_befreit ;
public $barcode ;
public $firmendatenid ;
public $absender ;
* data aggregation functions
public function __construct ( $app , $projekt = '' ) {
$this -> app = $app ;
$this -> absender = '' ;
$this -> firmendatenid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1 " );
// $hintergrund = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hintergrund FROM firmendaten WHERE id='".$this->firmendatenid."' LIMIT 1");
$hintergrund = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT wert FROM firmendaten_werte WHERE name='hintergrund' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $hintergrund == " logo " )
$logo = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'logo' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_logo.jpg' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $logo );
fclose ( $handle );
if ( is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_logo.jpg' )){
$this -> logofile = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_logo.jpg' ;
$this -> briefpapier = '' ;
else if ( $hintergrund == " briefpapier " )
$briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'briefpapier' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier.pdf' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $briefpapier );
fclose ( $handle );
if ( is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier.pdf' )){
$this -> briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier.pdf' ;
$this -> logofile = '' ;
$briefpapier2vorhanden = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'briefpapier2vorhanden' );
$this -> briefpapier2vorhanden = $briefpapier2vorhanden ;
if ( $briefpapier2vorhanden > 0 )
$briefpapier2 = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'briefpapier2' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier2.pdf' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $briefpapier2 );
fclose ( $handle );
if ( is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier2.pdf' )){
$this -> briefpapier2 = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier2.pdf' ;
else if ( $hintergrund == " dokumentenvorlage " )
$dokumentenvorlage = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT dokumentenvorlage FROM firmendaten WHERE id=' " . $this -> firmendatenid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$filename = '/tmp/dokumentenvorlage.pdf' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , base64_decode ( $dokumentenvorlage ));
fclose ( $handle );
$this -> dokumentenvorlage = '/tmp/dokumentenvorlage.pdf' ;
$this -> logofile = '' ;
else {
$this -> logofile = '' ;
$this -> dokumentenvorlage = '' ;
$footersichtbar = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'footersichtbar' );
if ( $footersichtbar == 1 ) {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = false ;
} else {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = true ;
$seite_von_sichtbar = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'seite_von_sichtbar' );
if ( $seite_von_sichtbar == 1 ) {
$this -> seite_von_sichtbar = false ;
} else {
$this -> seite_von_sichtbar = true ;
$this -> seite_von_ausrichtung = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'seite_von_ausrichtung' );
$this -> abstand_adresszeileoben = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'abstand_adresszeileoben' );
$this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'abstand_boxrechtsoben' );
$this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'abstand_betreffzeileoben' );
$this -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'abstand_artikeltabelleoben' );
$sichtbar = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'sichtbar' );
if ( $sichtbar == 1 ) $this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = false ; else $this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true ;
$this -> barcode_sichtbar = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'barcode' );
// kann man herausfinden was fuer ein projekt angegeben ist???
$speziallieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT speziallieferschein FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $speziallieferschein > 0 )
$this -> dokumentenvorlage = " ./lib/dokumente/demo.pdf " ; //TODO
$this -> logofile = " " ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_summe = false ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_box = false ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_empfaenger = false ;
public function addItem ( $rdata ){
// add rabatt
$rdata [ 'tprice' ] = $rdata [ 'amount' ] * ( $rdata [ 'price' ] - ( $rdata [ 'price' ] / 100 * $rdata [ 'rabatt' ]) );
$this -> items [] = $rdata ;
public function setSender ( $rdata ){
$this -> sender [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 0 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 1 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'familyname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 2 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 3 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 4 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 5 ]);
if ( isset ( $rdata [ 6 ])) $this -> sender [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 6 ]);
function setInfoBox ( $infobox )
if ( is_array ( $infobox ))
$this -> InfoBox = $infobox ;
$this -> InfoBox = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infobox );
function endInfoBox ( $infobox )
if ( is_array ( $infobox ))
$this -> endInfoBox = $infobox ;
$this -> endInfoBox = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infobox );
function setRecipientRechnung ( $id )
function setRecipientLieferadresse ( $id , $table )
$this -> id = $id ;
$this -> table = $table ;
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] != " person " )
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ name ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ansprechpartner ] != " " && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ansprechpartner ]) > 1 )
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = " z.H. " . $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ansprechpartner ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ] != " " && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ]) > 1 )
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ unterabteilung ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ unterabteilung ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ]);
else {
$vorname = '' ;
if ( isset ( $tmp [ 0 ][ vorname ]) && $tmp [ 0 ][ vorname ] != '' && strlen ( trim ( $tmp [ 0 ][ vorname ])) > 0 )
$vorname = " { $tmp [ 0 ][ vorname ] } " ;
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $vorname . $tmp [ 0 ][ name ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ strasse ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ plz ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ort ]);
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'city' ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ land ]);
function setRecipientDB ( $adresse )
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id=' $adresse ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] != " person " )
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ name ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ansprechpartner ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( " z.H. " . $tmp [ 0 ][ ansprechpartner ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ] != " " && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ]) > 1 )
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ abteilung ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ unterabteilung ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ unterabteilung ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ]);
else {
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ name ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ adresszusatz ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ strasse ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ plz ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ ort ]);
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'city' ] != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ land ]);
public function setRecipient ( $rdata ){
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 0 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 1 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'familyname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 2 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 3 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 4 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 5 ]);
if ( isset ( $rdata [ 3 ])) $this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 6 ]);
public function setCorrDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> corrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setBoldCorrDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> boldCorrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setTextDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> textDetails = $rdata ;
public function setTotals ( $rdata ){
$this -> totals = $rdata ;
// Dokumentenvorlage festlegen
public function setStationery ( $stationeryfile ) {
$this -> setSourceFile ( $stationeryfile );
$tplidx = $this -> ImportPage ( 1 );
$this -> useTemplate ( $tplidx );
public function setLogo ( $logofile ) {
$this -> logofile = " ./lib/pdf/images/ " . $logofile ;
// label settings
public function setBarcode ( $barcode ) {
if ( $this -> barcode_sichtbar )
$this -> barcode = $barcode ;
else $this -> barcode = " " ;
public function Header () {
$this -> Line ( 0 , 87 , 5 , 87 );
$this -> Line ( 0 , 148 , 7 , 148 );
$this -> Line ( 0 , 192 , 5 , 192 );
if ( $this -> logofile != " " )
$this -> Image ( $this -> logofile , 15 , 10 , 110 );
if ( $this -> barcode != " " ){
$this -> Code39 ( 12 , 260 , $this -> barcode , 1 , 3 );
if ( $this -> briefpapier != " " )
$this -> setStationery ( $this -> briefpapier );
public function Footer () {
$this -> SetXY ( 12 , - 34 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 8 );
if ( $this -> seite_von_sichtbar != " 1 " )
$this -> Cell ( 0 , 8 , 'Seite ' . $this -> PageNo () . ' von {nb}' , 0 , 0 , $this -> seite_von_ausrichtung );
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_footer != true )
$footerarr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM firmendaten WHERE id=' " . $this -> firmendatenid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$footerarr = $footerarr [ 0 ];
foreach ( $footerarr as $key => $value )
$footerarr [ $key ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $value );
$this -> SetXY ( 10 , - 26 );
$this -> SetDrawColor ( 30 );
$this -> SetTextColor ( 30 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 7 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 190 , 3 , utf8_encode ( $footerarr [ 'name' ]) . " | " . 'Seite ' . $this -> PageNo () . ' von {nb} | Dokument: ' . $this -> filename , 0 , 0 , $this -> seite_von_ausrichtung , '' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( 60 , - 26 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 35 , 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_5' ] . " " ), 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( 95 , - 26 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 60 , 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_5' ] . " " ), 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( 155 , - 26 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 40 , 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_5' ] . " " ), 'L' , 'L' );
public function inlineDocument () {
$this -> renderDocument ();
// $this->archiveDocument();
header ( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
$this -> Output ();
exit ;
public function ArchiviereDocument ( $schreibschutz = false )
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . " /pdfarchiv/ " . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )){
if ( ! mkdir ( $dir , 0700 , true )) $this -> app -> erp -> LogFile ( 'Fehler beim erstellen von ' . $dir );
// echo "fehlt";
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) return false ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table ))
if ( ! mkdir ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table , 0700 , true )) $this -> app -> erp -> LogFile ( 'Fehler beim erstellen von ' . $dir . " / " . $this -> table );
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table )) return ;
$md5alt = false ;
$altesdokument = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' and table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND doctype = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctype ) . " ' AND doctypeorig = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctypeOrig ) . " ' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $altesdokument )
$altesdokument = reset ( $altesdokument );
$md5alt = $altesdokument [ 'checksum' ];
if ( ! is_file ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5alt . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename ))
if ( file_exists ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename ))
rename ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename , $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5alt . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename );
if ( file_exists ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5alt . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename ))
$md5sum_tmp = md5_file ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5alt . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename );
if ( $md5sum_tmp !== $md5alt )
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE pdfarchiv set checksum = ' $md5sum_tmp ' WHERE id = ' " . $altesdokument [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
$md5alt = $md5sum_tmp ;
$this -> Output ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename , 'F' );
if ( $this -> table ) $this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE " . $this -> table . " SET zuarchivieren = 0 WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' " );
// neue sicherung
$md5sum_tmp = md5_file ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename );
if ( $md5sum_tmp !== $md5alt || empty ( $altesdokument ) || empty ( $altesdokument [ 'dateiname' ]))
$belegnummer = str_ireplace ( '.pdf' , '' , substr ( $this -> filename , strrpos ( $this -> filename , '_' ) + 1 ));
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO pdfarchiv (zeitstempel, checksum, table_id, table_name, bearbeiter,erstesoriginal,doctype,doctypeorig,dateiname,belegnummer ) values (NOW(),' $md5sum_tmp ',' " . $this -> id . " ',' " . $this -> table . " ',' " . $this -> app -> User -> GetName () . " ', " . ( $md5alt ? 0 : 0 ) . " ,' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctype ) . " ',' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctypeOrig ) . " ',' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $md5sum_tmp . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename ) . " ',' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $belegnummer ) . " ') " );
$newid = $this -> app -> DB -> GetInsertID ();
if ( $schreibschutz || $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT schreibschutz FROM " . $this -> table . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " )) $this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE pdfarchiv SET schreibschutz = 1 WHERE id = ' $newid ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! file_exists ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5sum_tmp . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename ))
rename ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename , $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $md5sum_tmp . " _ " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename );
} elseif ( $md5alt && isset ( $altesdokument [ 'id' ]) && $altesdokument [ 'id' ])
if ( $schreibschutz || $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT schreibschutz FROM " . $this -> table . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " )) $this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE pdfarchiv SET schreibschutz = 1 WHERE id = ' " . $altesdokument [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
public function archiveDocument ()
if ( $this -> table && $this -> id )
$this -> ArchiviereDocument ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT schreibschutz FROM ` " . trim ( $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> table )) . " ` WHERE id = ' " . ( int ) $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " ) ? true : false );
} else {
$this -> ArchiviereDocument ();
return ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . " /pdfmirror/ " . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )){
mkdir ( $dir , 0700 , true );
// echo "fehlt";
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table ))
mkdir ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table , 0700 , true );
$this -> Output ( $dir . " / " . $this -> table . " / " . $this -> id . " _ " . $this -> filename , 'F' );
2024-06-11 19:45:39 +02:00
public function displayDocument ( $archive = true ) {
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
$this -> renderDocument ();
2024-06-11 19:45:39 +02:00
if ( $archive ) {
$this -> archiveDocument ();
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
$this -> Output ( $this -> filename , 'D' );
exit ;
public function displayTMP () {
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
$this -> Output ( " /tmp/ " . $this -> filename , 'F' );
return " /tmp/ " . $this -> filename ;
public function sendDocument () {
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
$this -> Output ( $this -> filename , 'S' );
exit ;
* public functions
// setup relevant data for a invoice
public function setupTax () {
// full taxrate
define ( " USTV " , 0.19 );
// reduced taxrate
define ( " USTR " , 0.07 );
public function calcTotals () {
$total = $totalFullTax = $totalReducedTax = 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $this -> items ); $i ++ ) {
$total += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ];
if ( $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tax' ] == " USTV " ) $totalFullTax += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ] * USTV ;
else $totalReducedTax += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ] * USTR ;
return array ( $total , $totalFullTax , $totalReducedTax );
function GetFont ()
// return $this->app->erp->Firmendaten("schriftart");
return 'Arial' ;
public function renderRecipient (){
$this -> SetY ( 50 + $this -> abstand_adresszeileoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 10 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ]) {
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ], 0 , 1 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] != " " )
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ], 0 , 1 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] != " " )
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address2' ], 0 , 1 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] != " " )
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address3' ], 0 , 1 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] != " " )
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address4' ], 0 , 1 );
//$this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname']." ".$this->recipient['familyname'],0,1);
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address1' ], 0 , 1 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 11 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'country' ] != " " )
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'country' ] . " - " . $this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> recipient [ 'city' ], 0 , 1 );
$this -> Cell ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> recipient [ 'city' ], 0 , 1 );
public function setAbsender ( $sender )
$this -> absender = $sender ;
public function renderSender () {
$monthlu = array ( " " , " Januar " , " Februar " , " M<EFBFBD> rz " , " April " , " Mai " , " Juni " , " Juli " , " August " , " September " , " Oktober " , " November " , " Dezember " );
$monthnom = date ( " n " );
$month = $monthlu [ $monthnom ];
$date = date ( " j " ) . " . " . $month . " " . date ( " Y " );
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender != true )
// line above address field
$absender = (( $this -> absender != '' ) ? $this -> absender : $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT absender FROM firmendaten WHERE id=' " . $this -> firmendatenid . " ' LIMIT 1 " ));
$schriftgroesse = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT schriftgroesse FROM firmendaten WHERE id=' " . $this -> firmendatenid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> SetY ( 43 + $this -> abstand_adresszeileoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $schriftgroesse );
//$cellStr = $this->sender['enterprise']." <20> ".$this->sender['address1']." <20> ".$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'];
$cellStr = $absender ;
$this -> Cell ( $this -> GetStringWidth ( $cellStr ) + 2 , 5 , $cellStr , 'B' );
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben != true )
// detailed sender data
$lineHeight = 4 ;
$xOffset = 131 ;
$absatz = 3 ;
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , 10 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Name der Gesellschaft: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'enterprise' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'enterprise2' ]))
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'enterprise2' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Sitz der Gesellschaft: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'address1' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'address2' ]))
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'address2' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> sender [ 'city' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'phone1' ])) {
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Fon: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'phone1' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'fax' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Fax: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'fax' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'email' ])) {
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Mail: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'email' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'web' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Web: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'web' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'ustid' ])) {
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " UST-ID: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'ustid' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'taxnr' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Steuer-Nr.: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'taxnr' ], 0 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'hreg' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Handelsregister: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'hreg' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Cell ( 30 , $lineHeight , utf8_encode ( " Gesch<EFBFBD> ftsf<EFBFBD> hrung: " ), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'firstname' ] . ' ' . $this -> sender [ 'familyname' ], 0 , 2 );
//$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz+2); //abstand
//$this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
// kundennummer rechnungsnummer und datum
public function renderCorrDetails () {
return ;
$boldTitleStr = $boldValueStr = $titleStr = $valueStr = " " ;
if ( isset ( $this -> boldCorrDetails )){
foreach ( $this -> boldCorrDetails as $title => $value ) {
$boldTitleStr .= $title . " : \n " ;
$boldValueStr .= $value . " \n " ;
if ( isset ( $this -> corrDetails )){
foreach ( $this -> corrDetails as $title => $value ) {
$titleStr .= $title . " : \n " ;
$valueStr .= $value . " \n " ;
if ( $boldTitleStr != " " )
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
$this -> SetXY ( - 85 , 20 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 37 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $boldTitleStr ), " TL " , 'R' );
$this -> SetXY ( - 48 , 20 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 33 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $boldValueStr ), " TR " , 'R' );
} else {
$this -> SetXY ( - 85 , 20 + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> MultiCell ( 37 , 0 , " " , " TL " , 'R' );
$this -> SetXY ( - 48 , 20 + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> MultiCell ( 33 , 0 , " " , " TR " , 'R' );
$this -> SetY ( 20 );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
$tempY = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetX ( - 85 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 37 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $titleStr ), " BL " , 'R' );
$this -> SetXY ( - 48 , $tempY );
$this -> MultiCell ( 33 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $valueStr ), " RB " , 'R' );
$this -> SetY ( 20 + $this -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben ); //Hoehe Box
//$this->SetY(60);//+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
public function renderDoctype () {
if ( $this -> doctype == " brief " )
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'brieftext' );
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$this -> SetY ( 20 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
//$this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$this -> SetY ( 40 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
$this -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> doctypeOrig ));
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () - $this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben ); //Hoehe Box
$this -> SetY ( 30 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$dokumententext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'dokumententext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $dokumententext );
$this -> SetY ( 50 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$this -> MultiCell ( 90 , 5 , " Mitarbeiter: Benedikt Sauter " , " LR " , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( 90 , 5 , " Termin: 11.11.2013 - 17.12.2013 " , " LR " , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( 95 , 5 , " Von: 08:00 " , " L " , 'L' );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () - 5 ); $this -> SetX ( 95 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 10 , 5 , " 18:00 " , " R " , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( 90 , 5 , " Reiseanlass: Musik machen mit lustigen Leuten " , " LR " , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( 90 , 5 , " Kunde (optional): Mueller AG " , " BLR " , 'L' );
public function renderText () {
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ])) {
if ( $this -> doctype == " brief " )
$dokumententext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'brieftext' );
$dokumententext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'dokumententext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $dokumententext );
$this -> Ln ( 11 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ]));
public function renderFooter () {
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ])) {
$freitext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'freitext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $freitext );
$this -> Ln ( 5 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ]));
public function renderReisekostenItems () {
$posWidth = 10 ;
$amWidth = 20 ;
$itemNoWidth = 20 ;
$descWidth = 80 ;
$taxWidth = 15 ;
$priceWidth = 15 ;
$sumWidth = 15 ;
$rabattWidth = 15 ;
// $lineLength = $amWidth + $itemNoWidth + $descWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth + $sumWidth;
$cellhoehe = 5 ;
// render table header
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ])) $this -> Ln ();
else $this -> Ln ( 8 );
$tabellenbeschriftung = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'tabellenbeschriftung' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $tabellenbeschriftung );
if ( $this -> doctype == " reisekosten " )
$this -> Cell ( $posWidth , 6 , 'Pos' );
$this -> Cell ( $descWidth , 6 , 'Beschreibung' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , 6 , 'Brutto (EUR)' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , 6 , 'MwSt' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , 6 , 'Netto' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , 6 , 'Bezahlt' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> Line ( $this -> GetX (), $this -> GetY (), 190 , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Ln ( 2 );
// render table body
$tabelleninhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'tabelleninhalt' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$pos = 0 ;
foreach ( $this -> items as $item ){
$cellhoehe = 3 ;
$this -> Cell ( $posWidth , $cellhoehe , ++ $pos , 0 , 0 , 'C' );
$position_x = $this -> GetX ();
$position_y = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth , $cellhoehe , trim ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'name' ])), 0 , Alignment . LEFT , false );
$position_y_end_name = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetXY (( $position_x + $descWidth ), $position_y );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'brutto' ], 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'tax' ] . " % " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'netto' ], 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'bezahlt_wie' ], 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
$zeilenuntertext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'zeilenuntertext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $zeilenuntertext );
$this -> Cell ( $posWidth );
//if($this->doctype=="arbeitsnachweis") $this->Cell($taxWidth);
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'desc' ])), 0 ); // 4 = abstand
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$this -> Line ( $this -> GetX (), $this -> GetY (), 190 , $this -> GetY ());
public function renderHeading ( $heading , $height = 5 )
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$this -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $heading ));
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $betreffszeile );
$this -> Ln ( $height );
public function renderTextBox ( $infoBox , $height = 5 )
if ( is_array ( $infoBox ))
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $infoBox ); $i ++ )
$this -> MultiCell ( 190 , $height , $this -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox [ $i ])), " " , 'L' );
} else {
$this -> MultiCell ( 190 , $height , $this -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox )), " " , 'L' );
public function renderInfoBoxSingle ( $infoBox , $height = 5 )
if ( is_array ( $infoBox ))
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $infoBox ); $i ++ )
$this -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $this -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox [ $i ])), " " , 'L' );
} else {
$this -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $this -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox )), " BTLR " , 'L' );
public function renderInfoBox ( $infoBox , $height = 5 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $infoBox ); $i ++ )
$this -> MultiCell ( 50 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox [ $i ][ 0 ]) . " : " , " BTL " , 'L' );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () - $height ); $this -> SetX ( 50 ); $this -> MultiCell ( 140 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infoBox [ $i ][ 1 ]), " BTR " , 'L' );
public function renderTotals () {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $this -> endInfoBox ); $i ++ )
$this -> MultiCell ( 50 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> endInfoBox [ $i ][ 0 ]) . " : " , " BTL " , 'L' ); $this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () - 5 ); $this -> SetX ( 50 );
$this -> MultiCell ( 140 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> endInfoBox [ $i ][ 1 ]), " BTR " , 'L' );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 10 );
if ( $this -> doctype != " deliveryreceipt " && $this -> doctype != " arbeitsnachweis " ) {
$this -> Line ( 110 , $this -> GetY (), 190 , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Ln ( 1 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 5 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , 'Gesamt netto' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 5 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'totalArticles' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'modeOfDispatch' ])) $versand = 'Versand: ' . $this -> totals [ 'modeOfDispatch' ];
else $versand = 'Versandkosten: ' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfDispatch' ])) {
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 5 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , $versand , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 5 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfDispatch' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ] != '0.00' ){
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 5 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , $this -> totals [ 'modeOfPayment' ], 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 5 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY ());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 8 );
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ] != " 0.00 " ){
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 3 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 3 , 'zzgl. MWSt. 19 %' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 3 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ] != " 0.00 " ){
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 3 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 3 , 'zzgl. MWSt. 7 %' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 3 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
if ( ! isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ]) && ! isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ]))
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 3 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 3 , 'zzgl. MWSt. 0 %' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 3 , '0,00 EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 2 );
$this -> Line ( 110 , $this -> GetY (), 190 , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
$this -> Cell ( 100 , 5 , '' , 0 );
if ( $this -> doctype == " offer " )
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , 'Angebotssumme' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
elseif ( $this -> doctype == " creditnote " )
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , 'Gutschriftbetrag' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
else if ( $this -> doctype == " arbeitsnachweis " )
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , 'Stunden' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell ( 30 , 5 , 'Rechnungsbetrag' , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
if ( $this -> doctype == " arbeitsnachweis " )
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 5 , $this -> totals [ 'total' ] . ' ' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Cell ( 40 , 5 , number_format ( $this -> totals [ 'total' ], 2 , ',' , '' ) . ' EUR' , 0 , 'L' , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> Line ( 110 , $this -> GetY (), 190 , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Line ( 110 , $this -> GetY () + 1 , 190 , $this -> GetY () + 1 );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 10 );