2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
< ? php
include_once " class.superfpdf.php " ;
class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
public $doctype ;
public $doctypeOrig ;
public $logofile ;
public $sender ;
public $recipient ;
public $corrDetails ;
public $boldCorrDetails ;
public $textDetails ;
public $items ;
public $ust_befreit ;
public $barcode ;
public $firmendatenid ;
public $absender ;
public $knickfalz ;
public $projekt ;
public $filename ;
public $id ;
public $table ;
public $parameter ;
public $ausarchiv = false ;
public $waehrung ;
public $anzahlkomma ;
/** @var array */
public $mhd = [];
/** @var array */
public $charge = [];
/** @var array */
public $sn = [];
/** @var Application $app */
public $app ;
/** @var array **/
private $styleData ;
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
// Typed variables to get rid of the typos, $border omitted intenionally
function Cell_typed ( int $w , int $h = 0 , string $txt = '' , $border = 0 , int $ln = 0 , string $align = '' , bool $fill = false , string $link = '' ) {
return ( $this -> Cell ( $w , $h , $txt , $border , $ln , $align , $fill , $link ));
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
* Briefpapier constructor .
* @ param Application $app
* @ param string $projekt
* @ param array $styleData
public function __construct ( $app , $projekt = " " , $styleData = null ) {
if ( $styleData != null ) $this -> setStyleData ( $styleData );
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> projekt = $projekt ;
$this -> app = $app ;
$this -> absender = '' ;
$this -> firmendatenid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1 " );
$this -> parameter = '' ;
$viernachkommastellen_belege = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'viernachkommastellen_belege' );
if ( $viernachkommastellen_belege == '1' )
$this -> anzahlkomma = 4 ;
} else {
$this -> anzahlkomma = 2 ;
$this -> ust_spalteausblende = false ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) == '1' )
$this -> ust_befreit = 1 ;
$this -> ust_spalteausblende = true ;
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'ohne_steuer' )) {
$this -> ust_spalteausblende = true ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$hintergrund = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'hintergrund' );
2024-04-18 12:48:03 +02:00
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable )
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if ( $hintergrund == 'logo' )
$logo = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'logo' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_logo.jpg' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $logo );
fclose ( $handle );
$this -> logofile = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_logo.jpg' ;
$this -> briefpapier = '' ;
else if ( $hintergrund == 'briefpapier' )
$briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'briefpapier' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier.pdf' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $briefpapier );
fclose ( $handle );
$this -> briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier.pdf' ;
$this -> logofile = '' ;
$briefpapier2vorhanden = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'briefpapier2vorhanden' );
$this -> briefpapier2vorhanden = $briefpapier2vorhanden ;
if ( $briefpapier2vorhanden > 0 )
$briefpapier2 = $this -> app -> erp -> getSettingsFile ( 'briefpapier2' );
$filename = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier2.pdf' ;
if ( $handle = fopen ( $filename , 'w' )) {
fwrite ( $handle , $briefpapier2 );
fclose ( $handle );
$this -> briefpapier2 = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '_briefpapier2.pdf' ;
else {
$this -> logofile = '' ;
$this -> briefpapier = '' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> app -> Conf -> WFtestmode ) && $this -> app -> Conf -> WFtestmode == true )
$this -> briefpapier = './lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf' ;
$this -> briefpapier2 = './lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf' ;
$this -> knickfalz = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'knickfalz' );
$this -> abseite2y = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abseite2y' );
$footersichtbar = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'footersichtbar' );
if ( $footersichtbar == 1 ) {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = false ;
} else {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = true ;
$seite_von_sichtbar = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'seite_von_sichtbar' );
if ( $seite_von_sichtbar == 1 ) {
$this -> seite_von_sichtbar = false ;
} else {
$this -> seite_von_sichtbar = true ;
$this -> seite_von_ausrichtung = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'seite_von_ausrichtung' );
$this -> abstand_adresszeileoben = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_adresszeileoben' );
$this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_boxrechtsoben' );
$this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr' );
$this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_betreffzeileoben' );
$this -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_artikeltabelleoben' );
$this -> boxausrichtung = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'boxausrichtung' );
$sichtbar = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'sichtbar' );
if ( $sichtbar == 1 ) {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = false ;
} else {
$this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true ;
$this -> barcode_sichtbar = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'barcode' );
$this -> barcode_x = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'barcode_x' );
$this -> barcode_y = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'barcode_y' );
$this -> barcode_x_header = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'barcode_x_header' );
$this -> barcode_y_header = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'barcode_y_header' );
$projekt = $this -> projekt ;
$this -> waehrung = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'waehrung' );
// kann man herausfinden was fuer ein projekt angegeben ist???
$speziallieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT speziallieferschein FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
$speziallieferscheinbeschriftung = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT speziallieferscheinbeschriftung FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
$eigenesteuer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT eigenesteuer FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $eigenesteuer == '1' ){
$this -> waehrung = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT waehrung FROM projekt WHERE id=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $speziallieferschein > 0 )
if ( ! $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable )
$seite1 = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON d.id=ds.datei AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier1' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
$seite2 = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON d.id=ds.datei AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier2' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter=' $projekt ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! empty ( $seite1 ) && is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetDateiPfad ( $seite1 ))){
$this -> briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> GetDateiPfad ( $seite1 );
if ( ! empty ( $seite2 ) && is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetDateiPfad ( $seite2 ))){
$this -> briefpapier2 = $this -> app -> erp -> GetDateiPfad ( $seite2 );
if ( $seite2 > 0 && is_file ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetDateiPfad ( $seite2 ))){
$this -> briefpapier2vorhanden = 1 ;
$this -> logofile = '' ;
if ( $speziallieferscheinbeschriftung != 1 ){
$this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_footer = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_summe = false ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_box = false ;
$this -> nichtsichtbar_empfaenger = false ;
* set Development - watermark as pdf - background
* @ return void
protected function setDevelopmentVersionBackground () : void
$this -> briefpapier = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . 'development_version.pdf' ;
$this -> briefpapier2 = '' ;
$this -> logofile = '' ;
if ( is_file ( $this -> briefpapier )) {
return ;
$waterMarkPdf = new SuperFPDF ( 'P' , 'mm' , 'A4' );
$waterMarkPdf -> filename = $this -> briefpapier ;
$waterMarkPdf -> AddPage ();
$waterMarkPdf -> SetTextColor ( 200 );
$waterMarkPdf -> SetFont (
( $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'schriftart' ) ? $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'schriftart' ) : 'Arial' ),
'B' ,
$waterMarkPdf -> Rotate ( 45 , 45 , 180 );
$waterMarkPdf -> Text ( 45 , 180 , 'DEVELOPMENT VERSION' );
$waterMarkPdf -> Rotate ( 0 );
$waterMarkPdf -> SetTextColor ( 0 );
file_put_contents ( $waterMarkPdf -> filename , $waterMarkPdf -> displayAnhaenge ( 'S' ));
* @ param string $language
* @ return string
public function getLanguageCodeFrom ( $language ) {
if ( empty ( $language )) {
return '' ;
$languages = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM sprachen WHERE aktiv = 1 AND iso <> '' " );
if ( empty ( $languages )) {
return '' ;
foreach ( $languages as $languagesRow ) {
if ( in_array (
$language ,
$languagesRow [ 'iso' ],
$languagesRow [ 'alias' ],
$languagesRow [ 'bezeichnung_de' ],
$languagesRow [ 'bezeichnung_en'
)) {
return $languagesRow [ 'iso' ];
return '' ;
2025-01-10 13:05:03 +01:00
// OpenXE Seriennummern
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
public function GetChargeMHDSNString ( $type , $doctype , $doctypeid , $posid , $returnSimpleString = false )
2024-08-06 22:13:37 +02:00
switch ( $type ) {
case 'sn' :
$sql = " SELECT
s . seriennummer
seriennummern s
2025-01-10 13:05:03 +01:00
seriennummern_beleg_position slp ON slp . beleg_typ = '".$doctype."' AND slp . seriennummer = s . id
INNER JOIN " . $doctype . " _position dp ON dp . id = slp . beleg_position
INNER JOIN " . $doctype . " d ON d . id = dp . " . $doctype . "
2024-08-06 22:13:37 +02:00
2024-10-01 13:50:55 +02:00
slp . beleg_position = $posid
2024-08-06 22:13:37 +02:00
" ;
2024-08-06 22:52:47 +02:00
$values = ( array ) $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( $sql );
2024-08-06 22:13:37 +02:00
return ( implode ( ', ' , array_column ( $values , 'seriennummer' )));
break ;
if ( ! empty ( $values )){
if ( $returnSimpleString ) {
return implode ( ', ' , $values );
return implode ( " \r \n " , $values );
return '' ;
// XENTRAL Legacy
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$lieferschein_posid = 0 ;
$auftrag_position_id = 0 ;
$lieferschein = 0 ;
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' ){
$lieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT lieferschein FROM rechnung WHERE id = ' $doctypeid ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' && ! $lieferschein ){
$lieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE rechnungid = ' $doctypeid ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' && ! $lieferschein )
$auftrag = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT auftragid FROM rechnung WHERE id = ' $doctypeid ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $auftrag ){
$lieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE auftragid = ' $auftrag ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $doctype === 'lieferschein' ){
$lieferschein_posid = $posid ;
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' ){
$auftrag_position_id = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id=' $posid ' " );
if ( $doctype === 'gutschrift' ){
2022-05-30 21:04:38 +02:00
// $auftrag_position_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gutschrift_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id='$posid'");
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' )
if ( ! empty ( $auftrag_position_id ) && $auftrag_position_id > 0 ){
$lieferschein_posid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id=' $auftrag_position_id ' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 ORDER BY lieferschein = ' $lieferschein ' DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $lieferschein_posid )
$lieferschein_posarr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT lieferschein_position_id FROM `sammelrechnung_position` WHERE rechnung_position_id = ' $posid ' AND lieferschein_position_id <> 0 AND menge <> 0 " );
if ( ! empty ( $lieferschein_posarr ))
$lieferschein_posid = null ;
foreach ( $lieferschein_posarr as $v )
$lieferschein_posid [] = $v [ 'lieferschein_position_id' ];
if ( ! empty ( $lieferschein_posid ) && count ( $lieferschein_posid ) === 1 )
$lieferschein_posid = reset ( $lieferschein_posid );
if ( $lieferschein_posid ){
$lieferschein = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT lieferschein FROM lieferschein_position WHERE id = ' $lieferschein_posid ' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
if ( ! empty ( $auftrag_position_id ) && $auftrag_position_id > 0 ){
$lieferschein_posid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id=' $auftrag_position_id ' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $type === 'sn' && ( $doctype === 'lieferschein' || $doctype === 'rechnung' || $doctype === 'gutschrift' ))
if ( ! empty ( $tmp ))
$ctmp = count ( $tmp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ctmp ; $i ++ )
$tmp_string [] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'seriennummer' ];
$belegPosCharge = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_charge' );
$belegPosMhd = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_mhd' );
if ( $returnSimpleString ) {
$belegPosCharge = 1 ;
$belegPosMhd = 1 ;
if ( $belegPosCharge == '1'
&& $belegPosMhd == '1' ) {
if ( $type === 'mhd' )
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = '$doctype' AND doctypeid = '$doctypeid' AND pos = '$posid'
GROUP by wert , wert2 " );
if ( empty ( $tmp ) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid )
if ( is_array ( $lieferschein_posid ))
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND pos in ( " .implode(', ', $lieferschein_posid ). " )
GROUP by wert , wert2 " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND doctypeid = '$lieferschein' AND pos = '$lieferschein_posid'
GROUP by wert , wert2 " );
} elseif ( $type === 'charge' )
if ( $returnSimpleString ) {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = '$doctype' AND bc1 . doctypeid = '$doctypeid' AND bc1 . pos = '$posid'
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
ON bc1 . doctype = bc2 . doctype AND bc1 . doctypeid = bc2 . doctypeid AND bc1 . pos = bc2 . pos AND bc1 . lagerplatz = bc2 . lagerplatz
AND bc2 . type = 'mhd' AND bc2 . type2 = 'charge' AND bc2 . wert2 = bc1 . wert
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = '$doctype' AND bc1 . doctypeid = '$doctypeid' AND bc1 . pos = '$posid' AND isnull ( bc2 . id )
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
if ( empty ( $tmp ) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid )
if ( $returnSimpleString ) {
if ( is_array ( $lieferschein_posid )){
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = 'lieferschein' AND
bc1 . pos in ( '" . implode(' , ', $lieferschein_posid) . "' )
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = 'lieferschein' AND bc1 . doctypeid = '$lieferschein'
AND bc1 . pos = '$lieferschein_posid'
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
else {
if ( is_array ( $lieferschein_posid )){
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
ON bc1 . doctype = bc2 . doctype AND bc1 . doctypeid = bc2 . doctypeid AND bc1 . pos = bc2 . pos AND bc1 . lagerplatz = bc2 . lagerplatz
AND bc2 . type = 'mhd' AND bc2 . type2 = 'charge' AND bc2 . wert2 = bc1 . wert
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = 'lieferschein' AND bc1 . pos in ( '" . implode(' , ', $lieferschein_posid) . "' ) AND isnull ( bc2 . id )
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
ON bc1 . doctype = bc2 . doctype AND bc1 . doctypeid = bc2 . doctypeid AND bc1 . pos = bc2 . pos AND bc1 . lagerplatz = bc2 . lagerplatz
AND bc2 . type = 'mhd' AND bc2 . type2 = 'charge' AND bc2 . wert2 = bc1 . wert
WHERE bc1 . type = '$type' AND bc1 . doctype = 'lieferschein' AND bc1 . doctypeid = '$lieferschein' AND bc1 . pos = '$lieferschein_posid' AND isnull ( bc2 . id )
GROUP by bc1 . wert " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = '$doctype' AND doctypeid = '$doctypeid' AND pos = '$posid'
GROUP by wert " );
if ( empty ( $tmp ) && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid )
if ( is_array ( $lieferschein_posid ))
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND pos in ( '".implode(' , ',$lieferschein_posid )."' )
GROUP by wert " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND doctypeid = '$lieferschein' AND pos = '$lieferschein_posid'
GROUP by wert " );
if ( ! empty ( $tmp )){
$ctmp = count ( $tmp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ctmp ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $type === 'mhd' && $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] != " " ){
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] = ( $i > 0 ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_mhd' ) . ': ' : '' ) . date ( 'd.m.Y' , strtotime ( $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ]));
if ( $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert2' ] != '' && $tmp [ $i ][ 'type2' ] === 'charge' ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] .= ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_charge' ) . ': ' . $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert2' ];
} elseif ( $type === 'charge' ){
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_charge' ) . ': ' . $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ];
} elseif ( $type === 'sn' ){
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_seriennummer' ) . ': ' . $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ];
if ( $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] > 1 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] = ' (' . ( float ) $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] . ')' ;
} else {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] = '' ;
$tmp_string [] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] . $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ];
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = '$doctype' AND doctypeid = '$doctypeid' AND pos = '$posid'
GROUP by wert " );
if ( empty ( $tmp ) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid )
if ( is_array ( $lieferschein_posid ))
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND pos in ( '".implode(' , ',$lieferschein_posid )."' )
GROUP by wert " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
WHERE type = '$type' AND doctype = 'lieferschein' AND doctypeid = '$lieferschein' AND pos = '$lieferschein_posid'
GROUP by wert " );
if ( ! empty ( $tmp )){
$ctmp = count ( $tmp );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ctmp ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $type === 'mhd' && $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] != '' ){
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] =
( $i > 0 && ! $returnSimpleString ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_mhd' ) . ': ' : '' ) .
date ( 'd.m.Y' , strtotime ( $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ]));
elseif ( $type === 'charge' ){
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] = ( ! $returnSimpleString ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_charge' ) . ': ' : '' ) . $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ];
elseif ( $type === 'sn' ){
if ( $i > 0 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] = ( ! $returnSimpleString ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_seriennummer' ) . ': ' : '' ) . $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ];
if ( $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] > 1 ) {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] = ' (' . ( float ) $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] . ')' ;
else {
$tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ] = '' ;
$tmp_string [] = $tmp [ $i ][ 'wert' ] . $tmp [ $i ][ 'menge' ];
if ( ! empty ( $tmp_string )){
if ( $returnSimpleString ) {
return implode ( ', ' , $tmp_string );
return implode ( " \r \n " , $tmp_string );
return '' ;
2024-08-06 22:13:37 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
function CheckPosition ( $value , $doctype , $doctypeid , $posid )
// ean
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_ean' ) == '1' )
$ean = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT ean FROM artikel WHERE id=' " . $value [ 'artikel' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $ean != '' ) {
$tmpvalue [ 'ean' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_ean' ) . ': ' . $ean ;
// zolltarif // check ust id
$ust_befreit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT ust_befreit FROM $doctype WHERE id=' $doctypeid ' LIMIT 1 " );
if (( $ust_befreit == 2 && ( $doctype == 'rechnung' || $doctype == 'gutschrift' )) ||
( $doctype != 'proformarechnung' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_zolltarifnummer' ) == '1' ))
if ( $value [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] == '' || $value [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] == 0 ) {
$value [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT zolltarifnummer FROM artikel WHERE id=' " . $value [ 'artikel' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $value [ 'herkunftsland' ] == '' || $value [ 'herkunftsland' ] == 0 ) {
$value [ 'herkunftsland' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT herkunftsland FROM artikel WHERE id=' " . $value [ 'artikel' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
$value [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] = '' ;
$value [ 'herkunftsland' ] = '' ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_herkunftsland' ) == '1' )
$value [ 'herkunftsland' ] = '' ;
$this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'mhd' , $doctype , $doctypeid , $posid );
// mhd
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_mhd' ) == '1' )
$mhd = $this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ]; //$this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
if ( strpos ( $value [ 'beschreibung' ], '{MHD}' ) !== false ) {
$value [ 'beschreibung' ] = str_replace (
'{MHD}' ,
$mhd ,
$value [ 'beschreibung' ]
if ( $mhd != '' ) {
$tmpvalue [ 'mhd' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_mhd' ) . ': ' . $mhd ;
$this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'charge' , $doctype , $doctypeid , $posid );
// charge
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_charge' ) == '1' )
$charge = $this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ];
if ( strpos ( $value [ 'beschreibung' ], '{CHARGE}' ) !== false ) {
$value [ 'beschreibung' ] = str_replace (
'{CHARGE}' ,
$charge ,
$value [ 'beschreibung' ]
if ( $charge != '' ) {
$tmpvalue [ 'charge' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_charge' ) . ': ' . $charge ;
$this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'sn' , $doctype , $doctypeid , $posid );
// sn
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'beleg_pos_sn' ) == '1' )
$seriennr = $this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeid ][ $posid ];
if ( strpos ( $value [ 'beschreibung' ], '{SN}' ) !== false ) {
$value [ 'beschreibung' ] = str_replace (
'{SN}' ,
$seriennr ,
$value [ 'beschreibung' ]
if ( $seriennr != '' ) {
$tmpvalue [ 'sn' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_seriennummer' ) . ': ' . $seriennr ;
$value [ 'seriennummer' ] = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $tmpvalue )) {
if ( $value [ 'beschreibung' ] != '' ){
$value [ 'beschreibung' ] = $value [ 'beschreibung' ] . " \r \n " . implode ( " \r \n " , $tmpvalue );
else {
$value [ 'beschreibung' ] = implode ( " \r \n " , $tmpvalue );
return $value ;
public function addItem ( $rdata ){
// add rabatt
2024-02-04 22:05:12 +01:00
if ( $rdata [ 'price' ] != '-' && is_numeric ( $rdata [ 'price' ])){
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $rdata [ 'rabatt' ] == 100 ){
$rdata [ 'tprice' ] = round ( $rdata [ 'amount' ] * (( double ) $rdata [ 'price' ] - ( double )( $rdata [ 'price' ] / 100.00 * ( double ) $rdata [ 'rabatt' ])), 13 );
} else {
$rdata [ 'tprice' ] = $rdata [ 'amount' ] * (( double ) $rdata [ 'price' ] - ( double )( $rdata [ 'price' ] / 100.00 * ( double ) $rdata [ 'rabatt' ]));
else {
$rdata [ 'tprice' ] = '-' ;
$this -> items [] = $rdata ;
public function setSender ( $rdata ){
$this -> sender [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 0 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 1 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'familyname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 2 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 3 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 4 ]);
$this -> sender [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 5 ]);
if ( isset ( $rdata [ 6 ])){
$this -> sender [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 6 ]);
function setRecipientRechnung ( $id )
function setRecipientLieferadresse ( $id , $table )
$this -> id = $id ;
$this -> table = $table ;
if ( $table == 'serviceauftrag' ){
$adressid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT adresse FROM serviceauftrag WHERE id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $adressid != " " && $adressid > 0 ){
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id=' $adressid ' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$titelansprechpartner = " " ;
$titelname = " " ;
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ] != '' && $tmp [ 0 ][ 'titel' ] != '' )
$titelansprechpartner = $tmp [ 0 ][ 'titel' ] . ' ' ;
else if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'titel' ] != '' ) {
$titelname = $tmp [ 0 ][ 'titel' ] . ' ' ;
if ( $table != 'serviceauftrag' ){
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] == '' ){
$tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT typ FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresse' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type=' " . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $check != " " )
$this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $check );
$this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( ucfirst ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ]));
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] != " person " )
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $titelname . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'name' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ] != '' && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ]) > 1 ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ] != '' && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ]) > 1 ){
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $titelansprechpartner . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ]);
if (( $table == 'rechnung' || $table == 'gutschrift' ) && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner' ) != '1' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = '' ;
else if (( $table == 'angebot' || $table == 'auftrag' || $table == 'bestellung' ) && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner' ) != '1' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = '' ;
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'unterabteilung' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'unterabteilung' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ]);
else {
$vorname = '' ;
if ( isset ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'vorname' ]) && $tmp [ 0 ][ 'vorname' ] != '' && strlen ( trim ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'vorname' ])) > 0 ){
$vorname = $tmp [ 0 ][ 'vorname' ] . ' ' ;
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $vorname . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'name' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'strasse' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'plz' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ort' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'land' ]);
function setRecipientDB ( $adresse )
$tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id=' $adresse ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'typ' ] != " person " )
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'name' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ] != '' && strlen ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ]) > 1 ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'abteilung' ]);
$tmp [ 0 ][ 'anrede' ] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT anrede FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type=' " . $tmp [ 0 ][ 'anrede' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $check != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $check );
else {
$this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( ucfirst ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'anrede' ]));
if (( $this -> table == 'rechnung' || $this -> table == 'gutschrift' ) && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner' ) == '1' )
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ]);
else if (( $this -> table == 'angebot' || $this -> table == 'auftrag' || $this -> table == 'bestellung' ) && $this -> getStyleElement ( " angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner " ) == '1' )
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ansprechpartner' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'unterabteilung' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'unterabteilung' ]);
if ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ] != '' ){
$this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ]);
else {
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'name' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'adresszusatz' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'strasse' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'plz' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'ort' ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $tmp [ 0 ][ 'land' ]);
public function setRecipient ( $rdata ){
$this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 0 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 1 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'familyname' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 2 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'address1' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 3 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 4 ]);
$this -> recipient [ 'city' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 5 ]);
if ( isset ( $rdata [ 3 ])) $this -> recipient [ 'country' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $rdata [ 6 ]);
public function setCorrDetails ( $rdata , $onlyData = false ){
if ( $onlyData ) {
$this -> corrDetails = $rdata ;
return ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " projektnummerimdokument " ) == '1' ){
$rdata [ $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " dokument_projekt " )] = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id=' " . $this -> projekt . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " internetnummerimbeleg " ) == '1' )
switch ( $this -> doctype )
case " rechnung " :
case " lieferschein " :
$internetnummer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT a.internet FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN " . $this -> doctype . " b ON b.auftragid=a.id WHERE b.id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
break ;
case " gutschrift " :
$internetnummer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT a.internet FROM gutschrift g LEFT JOIN rechnung r ON r.id=g.rechnungid LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON a.id=r.auftragid WHERE g.id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
break ;
case " auftrag " :
$internetnummer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT internet FROM auftrag WHERE id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
break ;
default :
$internetnummer = '' ;
$rdata [ $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " beschriftunginternetnummer " )] = $internetnummer ;
if ( $this -> doctype == " rechnung " || $this -> doctype == " lieferschein " || $this -> doctype == " gutschrift " || $this -> doctype == " auftrag " || $this -> doctype == " angebot " || $this -> doctype == " lieferschein " )
if ( $this -> doctype == 'lieferschein' ){
$tabelle = 'lieferschein' ;
} else {
$tabelle = $this -> doctype ;
// $bearbeiteremail = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.email FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON a.adresse=adr.id LEFT JOIN adresse b ON b.id=adr.innendienst WHERE a.id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
// $bearbeitertelefon = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.telefon FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON a.adresse=adr.id LEFT JOIN adresse b ON b.id=adr.innendienst WHERE a.id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
$bearbeiteremail = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT b.email FROM " . $tabelle . " a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON b.id=a.bearbeiterid WHERE a.id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$bearbeitertelefon = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT b.telefon FROM " . $tabelle . " a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON b.id=a.bearbeiterid WHERE a.id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'bearbeiteremailimdokument' ) == '1' ){
$rdata [ $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_email' )] = $bearbeiteremail ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'bearbeitertelefonimdokument' ) == '1' ){
$rdata [ $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_telefon' )] = $bearbeitertelefon ;
$this -> corrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setBoldCorrDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> boldCorrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setItalicBoldCorrDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> italicBoldCorrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setItalicCorrDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> italicCorrDetails = $rdata ;
public function setTextDetails ( $rdata ){
$this -> textDetails = $rdata ;
public function setTotals ( $rdata ){
$this -> totals = $rdata ;
// Briefpapier festlegen
public function setStationery ( $stationeryfile ) {
$this -> setSourceFile ( $stationeryfile );
$tplidx = $this -> ImportPage ( 1 );
$this -> useTemplate ( $tplidx );
public function setLogo ( $logofile ) {
$this -> logofile = " ./lib/pdf/images/ " . $logofile ;
// label settings
public function setBarcode ( $barcode ) {
$barcode = preg_replace ( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z\-]/' , '' , $barcode );
if ( $this -> barcode_sichtbar )
$this -> barcode = $barcode ;
else $this -> barcode = " " ;
public function Header () {
if ( $this -> knickfalz != '1' ){
$this -> Line ( 0 , 105 , 5 , 105 );
$this -> Line ( 0 , 148 , 7 , 148 );
$this -> Line ( 0 , 210 , 5 , 210 );
if ( $this -> logofile != '' )
$this -> Image ( $this -> logofile , 15 , 10 , 110 );
if ( $this -> barcode != '' && $this -> briefpapier == '' ){
$this -> Code39 ( $this -> barcode_x , $this -> barcode_y , $this -> barcode , 1 , 3 );
if ( $this -> briefpapier != '' && $this -> PageNo () <= 1 )
$this -> setStationery ( $this -> briefpapier );
// wenn
if ( $this -> PageNo () > 1 && $this -> briefpapier2 != '' && $this -> briefpapier2vorhanden == '1' ){
if ( $this -> doctype != 'produktion' ){
$this -> setStationery ( $this -> briefpapier2 );
else if ( $this -> PageNo () > 1 && $this -> briefpapier != '' ){
$this -> setStationery ( $this -> briefpapier );
if ( $this -> PageNo () > 1 )
$this -> SetY ( $this -> abseite2y );
public function Footer () {
$differenz = 12 ;
$this -> SetXY ( 12 , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seiten_unten " ) *- 1 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 8 );
if ( $this -> seite_von_sichtbar != " 1 " )
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " seite_von_ausrichtung_relativ " ) == " 1 " ) // && $this->seite_von_ausrichtung=="C")
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ));
$differenz = $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " );
$tmp = $this -> rMargin ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ) > 0 )
$this -> rMargin = $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " );
$this -> rMargin = $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " );
$tmpc = $this -> cMargin ;
if ( $this -> seite_von_ausrichtung == " R " )
$this -> cMargin =- 3 ;
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " seite_belegnr " ))
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 0 , 8 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " dokument_seite " ) . ' ' . $this -> PageNo () . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " dokument_seitevon " ) . ' {nb} ' . $this -> zusatzfooter , 0 , 0 , $this -> seite_von_ausrichtung );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 0 , 8 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " dokument_seite " ) . ' ' . $this -> PageNo () . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " dokument_seitevon " ) . ' {nb}' , 0 , 0 , $this -> seite_von_ausrichtung );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> cMargin = $tmpc ;
$this -> rMargin = $tmp ;
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_footer != true )
$footerarr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM firmendaten WHERE id=' " . $this -> firmendatenid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$firmendaten_extra = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM firmendaten_werte " );
if ( $firmendaten_extra )
foreach ( $firmendaten_extra as $v )
if ( ! isset ( $footerarr [ 0 ][ $v [ 'name' ]])) $footerarr [ 0 ][ $v [ 'name' ]] = $v [ 'wert' ];
$footerarr = $footerarr [ 0 ];
foreach ( $footerarr as $key => $value )
$footerarr [ $key ] = utf8_decode ( $value );
$this -> SetXY ( 10 , - 26 );
$this -> SetDrawColor ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " footer_farbe " ));
$this -> SetTextColor ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " footer_farbe " ));
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 7 );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " footer_zentriert " ) != 1 )
$this -> MultiCell ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite1' ], 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_5' ] . " " ), '' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite1' ] + 10 , - 26 ); // Breite 1 + 10
$this -> MultiCell ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite2' ], 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_1_5' ] . " " ), '' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite1' ] + $footerarr [ 'footer_breite2' ] + 10 , - 26 ); //breite 1 + breite 2 + 10
$this -> MultiCell ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite3' ], 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_2_5' ] . " " ), '' , 'L' );
$this -> SetXY ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite1' ] + $footerarr [ 'footer_breite2' ] + $footerarr [ 'footer_breite3' ] + 10 , - 26 ); //breite 1 + breite 2 + breite 3 + 10
$this -> MultiCell ( $footerarr [ 'footer_breite4' ], 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_3_5' ] . " " ), '' , 'L' );
} else {
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 3 , utf8_encode ( " " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_0' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_1' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_2' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_3' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_4' ] . " \n " . $footerarr [ 'footer_0_5' ] . " " ), '' , 'C' );
* @ param string $parameter
* @ return array | null
protected function getOldDocument ( string $parameter ) : ? array
return $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
FROM `pdfarchiv`
WHERE `table_id` = '".$this->id."'
AND `table_name` = '".$this->table."'
AND `doctype` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype)."'
AND `doctypeorig` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig)."'
AND CHAR_LENGTH ( `belegnummer` ) > 2
AND `belegnummer` <> 'SAB'
AND `parameter` = '$parameter'
AND `keinhintergrund` = '".($this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable?' 1 ':' 0 ')."'
ORDER BY `zeitstempel` DESC
* @ param string $path
* @ return bool
protected function checkAndUpdateDocumentName ( string $path ) : bool
if ( ! file_exists ( $path )){
return false ;
$pathInfos = explode ( '_' , basename ( $path ), 3 );
$md5 = md5_file ( $path );
if ( $md5 === $pathInfos [ 0 ]){
return false ;
return $this -> updateDocumentEntry ( $pathInfos , $md5 , $path );
* @ param array $fileInfos
* @ param string $md5
* @ param string $filePath
protected function updateDocumentEntry ( array $fileInfos , string $md5 , string $filePath ) : bool
$fileName = basename ( $filePath );
$dir = dirname ( $filePath );
$newFileName = $md5 . '_' . explode ( '_' , basename ( $filePath ), 2 )[ 1 ];
$newFilePath = $dir . '/' . $newFileName ;
$tableId = $fileInfos [ 1 ];
if ( file_exists ( $newFilePath )){
$this -> checkAndUpdateDocumentName ( $newFilePath );
if ( file_exists ( $newFilePath )){
return false ;
$this -> updatePdfArchiveEntry (( int ) $tableId , $md5 , $newFileName , $fileName );
rename ( $dir . '/' . $fileName , $newFilePath );
return true ;
* @ param int $tableId
* @ param string $md5
* @ param string $newFileName
* @ param string $oldFilename
protected function updatePdfArchiveEntry ( int $tableId , string $md5 , string $newFileName , string $oldFilename ) : void
$this -> app -> DB -> Update (
" UPDATE `pdfarchiv`
SET `checksum` = '{$md5}' , `dateiname` = '{$newFileName}'
WHERE `dateiname` = '{$oldFilename}' AND `table_id` = { $tableId } AND `table_name` = '{$this->table}' "
* @ param string $checkSum
* @ param string $fileName
* @ param string $documentNumber
* @ param string $parameter
* @ return int
protected function createPdfArchiveEntry (
string $checkSum , string $fileName , string $documentNumber , string $parameter = ''
) : int
$userName = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> app -> User -> GetName ());
$documentType = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctype );
$originalDocumentType = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctypeOrig );
$documentNumber = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $documentNumber );
$parameter = $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $parameter );
$noBackGround = $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ? 1 : 0 ;
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert (
" INSERT INTO `pdfarchiv`
`schreibschutz` , `zeitstempel` , `checksum` , `table_id` , `table_name` , `bearbeiter` ,
`erstesoriginal` , `doctype` , `doctypeorig` , `dateiname` ,
`belegnummer` , `keinhintergrund` , `parameter`
1 , NOW (), '{$checkSum}' , '{$this->id}' , '{$this->table}' , '{$userName}' ,
0 , '{$documentType}' , '{$originalDocumentType}' , '{$fileName}' ,
'{$documentNumber}' , '{$noBackGround}' , '{$parameter}'
) "
return ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> GetInsertID ();
* @ param false $schreibschutz
* @ param false $force
* @ param string $parameter
public function ArchiviereDocument ( $schreibschutz = false , $force = false , $parameter = '' ) : void
if ( ! $schreibschutz ){
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> table )) {
$schreibschutz = ( bool ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT `schreibschutz` FROM ` { $this -> table } ` WHERE `id` = ' { $this -> id } ' LIMIT 1 "
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $parameter == '' ){
$parameter = $this -> parameter ;
if ( $this -> ausarchiv ){
return ;
2022-05-30 21:39:00 +02:00
if ( ! is_null ( $this -> table )) {
$isDraft = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT `id` FROM ` { $this -> table } ` WHERE `id` = ' { $this -> id } ' AND `belegnr` <> '' AND `belegnr` <> '0' LIMIT 1 "
) === null ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $isDraft ){
return ;
if ( $force ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE ` { $this -> table } ` SET `schreibschutz` = 1 WHERE `id` = ' { $this -> id } ' LIMIT 1 " );
$schreibschutz = true ;
if ( ! $schreibschutz ){
return ;
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$dir = rtrim ( $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata , '/' ) . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $this -> table ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir ) && ! mkdir ( $dir , 0700 , true ) && ! is_dir ( $dir )){
$this -> app -> erp -> LogFile ( 'Fehler beim erstellen von ' . $dir );
return ;
$dir = dirname ( Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $this -> id , $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename , false , true ));
$absoluteFilePath = $dir . '/' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename ;
$oldDocument = $this -> getOldDocument (( string ) $parameter );
$isOldDocumentFileExists = ! empty ( $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ]) && is_file ( $dir . '/' . $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ]);
$hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum = $isOldDocumentFileExists
&& ! empty ( $oldDocument [ 'checksum' ])
&& strpos ( $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ], $oldDocument [ 'checksum' ]) === 0 ;
if ( $hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum ) {
$oldFile = $dir . '/' . $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ];
if ( $this -> checkAndUpdateDocumentName ( $oldFile )) {
$oldDocument = $this -> getOldDocument (( string ) $parameter );
$isOldDocumentFileExists = ! empty ( $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ]) && is_file ( $dir . '/' . $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ]);
$oldFile = $isOldDocumentFileExists ? $dir . '/' . $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ] : null ;
if ( $oldFile !== null && ! $force ) {
return ;
$documentNumber = str_ireplace ( '.pdf' , '' , substr ( $this -> filename , strrpos ( $this -> filename , '_' ) + 1 ));
// If the current document file does not exist
if ( ! file_exists ( $absoluteFilePath )){
// save this document to file
$this -> Output ( $absoluteFilePath , 'F' );
if ( empty ( $oldDocument ) || $oldDocument [ 'dateiname' ] !== basename ( $absoluteFilePath )) {
$this -> createPdfArchiveEntry (
md5_file ( $absoluteFilePath ), basename ( $absoluteFilePath ), $documentNumber , ( string ) $parameter
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
return ;
// create a new temp file
$tempFilePath = $dir . '/' . $this -> id . '_temp' . $this -> filename ;
$this -> Output ( $tempFilePath , 'F' );
if ( $oldFile !== null && $this -> areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate ( $oldFile , $tempFilePath )) {
unlink ( $tempFilePath );
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
return ;
$md5CurrentFile = md5_file ( $absoluteFilePath );
// and compare with existing file
if ( $this -> areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate ( $absoluteFilePath , $tempFilePath )){
//if($md5CurrentFile === md5_file($tempFilePath)){
// If same, delete temp file and
unlink ( $tempFilePath );
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
return ;
// build the file name with md5_hash
$md5FileName = $dir . '/' . $md5CurrentFile . '_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename ;
// check if the file exists
$this -> checkAndUpdateDocumentName ( $md5FileName );
if ( ! file_exists ( $md5FileName )){
rename ( $absoluteFilePath , $md5FileName );
$this -> updatePdfArchiveEntry ( $this -> id , $md5CurrentFile , basename ( $md5FileName ), basename ( $absoluteFilePath ));
rename ( $tempFilePath , $absoluteFilePath );
$this -> createPdfArchiveEntry (
md5_file ( $absoluteFilePath ), basename ( $absoluteFilePath ), $documentNumber , ( string ) $parameter
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
return ;
if ( $this -> areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate ( $absoluteFilePath , $md5FileName )){
rename ( $tempFilePath , $absoluteFilePath );
$this -> createPdfArchiveEntry (
md5_file ( $absoluteFilePath ), basename ( $absoluteFilePath ), $documentNumber , ( string ) $parameter
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
return ;
unlink ( $tempFilePath );
$this -> resetToArchiveFlag ();
* resolve to - archive request for document , after creating new pdf - file
public function resetToArchiveFlag () : void
if ( empty ( $this -> id ) || empty ( $this -> table )) {
return ;
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE ` { $this -> table } ` SET `zuarchivieren` = 0 WHERE `id` = { $this -> id } LIMIT 1 " );
* @ param string $firstFilePath
* @ param string $secondFilePath
* @ return bool
public function areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate ( string $firstFilePath , string $secondFilePath )
if ( ! file_exists ( $firstFilePath ) || ! file_exists ( $secondFilePath )){
return false ;
$pattern = '#CreationDate \(D:[0-9]+\)#' ;
$contentFirstFile = preg_replace ( $pattern , '' , @ file_get_contents ( $firstFilePath ));
$contentSecondFile = preg_replace ( $pattern , '' , @ file_get_contents ( $secondFilePath ));
return md5 ( $contentFirstFile ) === md5 ( $contentSecondFile );
public function DocumentArchiviert ()
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )){
return false ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table )){
return false ;
$md5alt = false ;
$altesdokument = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow ( " SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' and table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND doctype = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctype ) . " ' AND doctypeorig = ' " . $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> doctypeOrig ) . " ' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = ' " . $this -> parameter . " ' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( empty ( $altesdokument )){
return false ;
$md5alt = $altesdokument [ 'checksum' ];
if ( ! file_exists ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table . '/' . $md5alt . '_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename )) {
$file = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table , $this -> id , $md5alt . '_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename );
if ( ! file_exists ( $file )){
return false ;
$this -> Output ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table . '/TEMP_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename , 'F' );
$md5sum_tmp = md5_file ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table . '/TEMP_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename );
unlink ( $dir . '/' . $this -> table . '/TEMP_' . $this -> id . '_' . $this -> filename );
return $md5sum_tmp == $md5alt ;
public function archiveDocument ( $parameter = '' )
if ( $this -> table && $this -> id )
$this -> ArchiviereDocument ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( 'SELECT schreibschutz FROM `' . trim ( $this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $this -> table )) . " ` WHERE id = ' " . ( int ) $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " ) ? true : false , false , $parameter );
} else {
$this -> ArchiviereDocument ();
public static function getPDFfolder ( $folder , $tableid , $file = '' , $forcenew = false , $createfolder = false )
if ( $file === '' ) {
$file = $folder ;
$folder = dirname ( $folder );
$file = substr ( $file , strlen ( $folder ) + 1 );
if ( ! $forcenew && file_exists ( $folder . '/' . $file )) {
return $folder . '/' . $file ;
$tableida = str_split ( $tableid , 1 );
$newfolder = $folder . '/' . implode ( '/' , $tableida );
if ( ! $createfolder ) {
return $newfolder . '/' . $file ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $newfolder ) && ! mkdir ( $newfolder , 0700 , true ) && ! is_dir ( $newfolder )){
return $folder . '/' . $file ;
return $newfolder . '/' . $file ;
public function inlineDocument ( $from_archiv = false ) {
//$filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
$content = null ;
if ( $from_archiv && ! empty ( $this -> table ) && ! empty ( $this -> id )) {
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $this -> table ;
if ( is_dir ( $dir )) {
if ( $this -> table === 'rechnung' ) {
$filenameprefix = substr ( $this -> filename , 9 , 2 );
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT dateiname
FROM pdfarchiv
WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring ( belegnummer , 1 , 2 ) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
else {
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT dateiname
FROM pdfarchiv
WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
if ( ! empty ( $mirror )) {
$file = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $this -> id , $mirror );
if ( is_file ( $file )) {
//$content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
$content = file_get_contents ( $file );
if ( ! empty ( $content )) {
header ( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
echo $content ;
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
header ( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
$this -> Output ();
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
* @ param int $tableid
* @ param string $tablename
* @ return bool
public function zuArchivieren ( $tableid , $tablename )
if ( $tablename ) {
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT zuArchivieren FROM ` $tablename ` WHERE id = ' $tableid ' " );
if ( $check ){
return true ;
$mirrors = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr (
FROM pdfarchiv
WHERE table_id = '".$tableid."' AND `table_name` = '".$tablename."' AND erstesoriginal = 0
AND CHAR_LENGTH ( belegnummer ) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."'
AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC "
if ( empty ( $mirrors )) {
return true ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $tablename ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) {
return true ;
foreach ( $mirrors as $k => $mirror ) {
$dateipfad = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $tableid , $mirror [ 'dateiname' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $mirror [ 'dateiname' ]) && file_exists ( $dateipfad )) {
return false ;
return true ;
* @ param int $id
public function movePDFArchiv ( $id )
$mirrors = $id <= 0 ? null : $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
'SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d' ,
if ( empty ( $mirrors ) || empty ( $mirrors [ 'dateiname' ])) {
return ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $mirrors [ 'table_name' ];
if ( ! is_file ( $dir . '/' . $mirrors [ 'dateiname' ])) {
return ;
$newfile = self :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $mirrors [ 'table_id' ], $mirrors [ 'dateiname' ], true , true );
if ( $newfile != $dir . '/' . $mirrors [ 'dateiname' ] && ! is_file ( $newfile )) {
@ rename ( $dir . '/' . $mirrors [ 'dateiname' ], $newfile );
* @ param int $tableid
* @ param string $tablename
* @ return array | bool
public function getArchivedFiles ( $tableid , $tablename )
$mirrors = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = ' " . $tableid . " ' and table_name = ' " . $tablename . " ' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND keinhintergrund = 0 ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC " );
if ( ! $mirrors ){
return false ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $tablename ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) {
return false ;
foreach ( $mirrors as $k => $mirror ) {
$dateipfad = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $tableid , $mirror [ 'dateiname' ]);
if ( ! $mirror [ 'dateiname' ] || ! file_exists ( $dateipfad )) {
unset ( $mirrors [ $k ]);
else {
$mirrors [ $k ][ 'file' ] = $mirror [ 'dateiname' ];
if ( empty ( $mirrors )) {
return false ;
return $mirrors ;
public function getArchivedFiles_alt ( $tableid , $tablename )
$mirrors = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where table_id = ' " . $tableid . " ' and table_name = ' " . $tablename . " ' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC " );
if ( ! $mirrors ) return false ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . " /pdfmirror/ " . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $tablename ;
if ( is_dir ( $dir ))
$files = glob ( $dir . '/*.pdf' );
if ( ! $files ) return false ;
foreach ( $files as $file )
$path_parts = pathinfo ( $file );
foreach ( $mirrors as $k => $mirror )
if ( $mirror [ 'checksum' ])
if ( strpos ( $path_parts [ 'basename' ], $mirror [ 'checksum' ]) === 0 )
$mirrors [ $k ][ 'file' ] = $path_parts [ 'basename' ];
} else {
if ( strpos ( $path_parts [ 'filename' ], $tableid . '_' ) === 0 ){
$mirrors [ $k ][ 'file' ] = $path_parts [ 'basename' ];
foreach ( $mirrors as $k => $mirror )
if ( ! isset ( $mirror [ 'file' ])) unset ( $mirrors [ $k ]);
if ( ! isset ( $mirrors ) || count ( $mirrors ) < 1 ) return false ;
return $mirrors ;
return false ;
* @ param int $id
* @ return bool | array
public function getArchivByID ( $id )
$id = ( int ) $id ;
if ( $id <= 0 ) {
return false ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) {
return false ;
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow ( sprintf ( 'SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1' , $id ));
if ( empty ( $mirror )){
return false ;
if ( empty ( $mirror [ 'dateiname' ])) {
return false ;
$file = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir . '/' . $mirror [ 'table_name' ], $mirror [ 'table_id' ], $mirror [ 'dateiname' ]);
if ( ! file_exists ( $file )) {
return false ;
$tmpr [ 'belegnr' ] = $mirror [ 'belegnummer' ];
$tmpr [ 'file' ] = file_get_contents ( $file );
return $tmpr ;
public function getArchivByID_alt ( $id )
$id = ( int ) $id ;
if ( ! $id ) return false ;
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . " /pdfmirror/ " . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $dir )) return false ;
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where id = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! $mirror ) return false ;
$mirror = reset ( $mirror );
$mirrors = $this -> getArchivedFiles_alt ( $mirror [ 'table_id' ], $mirror [ 'table_name' ]);
if ( ! $mirrors ) return false ;
foreach ( $mirrors as $mirror )
//echo ".";
if ( $mirror [ 'id' ] == $id )
//echo ":";
if ( file_exists ( $dir . " / " . $mirror [ 'table_name' ] . " / " . $mirror [ 'file' ]))
//echo ";";
$tmpr [ 'belegnr' ] = str_replace ( '.pdf' , '' , $mirror [ 'file' ]);
$tmpr [ 'belegnr' ] = substr ( $tmpr [ 'belegnr' ], strrpos ( $tmpr [ 'belegnr' ], '_' ) + 1 );
$tmpr [ 'file' ] = file_get_contents ( $dir . " / " . $mirror [ 'table_name' ] . " / " . $mirror [ 'file' ]);
return $tmpr ;
return false ;
return false ;
* @ param bool $from_archiv
public function displayDocument ( $from_archiv = false ) {
if ( $from_archiv ) {
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $this -> table ;
if ( $this -> table && $this -> id && is_dir ( $dir )) {
if ( $this -> table === 'rechnung' ) {
$filenameprefix = substr ( $this -> filename , 9 , 2 );
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = ' $filenameprefix ' AND parameter = ' " . $this -> parameter . " ' AND keinhintergrund = ' " . ( int ) $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable . " ' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = ' " . $this -> parameter . " ' AND keinhintergrund = ' " . ( int ) $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable . " ' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $mirror ) {
$file = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $this -> id , $mirror );
if ( is_file ( $file )) {
//$content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
$content = file_get_contents ( $file );
if ( ! empty ( $content )) {
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
header ( 'Content-type: application/pdf' );
header ( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this -> filename . '"' );
echo $content ;
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
$this -> Output ( $this -> filename , 'D' );
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
public function displayTMP ( $from_archiv = false ) {
//if(!$from_archiv && $this->table && $this->id)$from_archiv = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT schreibschutz FROM `".$this->table."` WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
if ( $from_archiv ) {
$dir = $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/' . $this -> table ;
if ( $this -> table && $this -> id && is_dir ( $dir )) {
if ( $this -> table === 'rechnung' ) {
$filenameprefix = substr ( $this -> filename , 9 , 2 );
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = ' $filenameprefix ' AND parameter = ' " . $this -> parameter . " ' AND keinhintergrund = ' " . ( int ) $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable . " ' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
else {
$mirror = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = ' " . $this -> table . " ' AND table_id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = ' " . $this -> parameter . " ' AND keinhintergrund = ' " . ( int ) $this -> app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable . " ' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $mirror ){
$mirror2 = Briefpapier :: getPDFfolder ( $dir , $this -> id , $mirror );
if ( is_file ( $mirror2 )) {
$mirror = substr ( $mirror2 , strlen ( $dir ) + 1 );
if ( is_file ( $dir . '/' . $mirror )){
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$content = file_get_contents ( $dir . '/' . $mirror );
if ( $content != '' && file_put_contents ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename , $content )){
if ( $this -> addpdf ){
$files [] = $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename ;
foreach ( $this -> addpdf as $file ){
$files [] = $file ;
$content = $this -> app -> erp -> MergePDF ( $files );
file_put_contents ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename , $content );
$this -> ausarchiv = true ;
return $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename ;
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$this -> Output ( $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename , 'F' );
return $this -> app -> erp -> GetTMP () . $this -> filename ;
public function sendDocument ( $from_archiv = false ) {
$this -> renderDocument ();
$this -> archiveDocument ();
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$this -> Output ( $this -> filename , 'S' );
$this -> app -> ExitXentral ();
* public functions
// setup relevant data for a invoice
public function setupTax () {
// full taxrate
// define("USTV",0.19);
// reduced taxrate
// define("USTR",0.07);
public function calcTotals () {
$total = $totalFullTax = $totalReducedTax = 0 ;
$citems = ! empty ( $this -> items ) ? count ( $this -> items ) : 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $citems ; $i ++ ) {
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
if ( ! $this -> items [ $i ][ 'optional' ]) {
$total += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ];
} else {
$totalOptional += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ];
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tax' ] == " USTV " ) {
$totalFullTax += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ] * USTV ;
else {
$totalReducedTax += $this -> items [ $i ][ 'tprice' ] * USTR ;
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
return array ( $total , $totalFullTax , $totalReducedTax , $totalOptional );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
function GetFont ()
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != '' ){
return $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' );
return 'Arial' ;
public function setStyleData ( $styleData ){
$this -> styleData = $styleData ;
2023-03-26 13:26:49 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
private function getStyleElement ( $key ){
2023-03-26 13:26:49 +02:00
$result = null ;
if ( isset ( $this -> styleData [ $key ]) && ! empty ( $this -> styleData [ $key ])) {
$result = $this -> styleData [ $key ];
} else {
$result = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( $key );
if ( empty ( $result )) {
2024-02-27 10:19:59 +01:00
$result = null ;
2023-03-26 13:26:49 +02:00
return ( $result );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
public function renderDocument () {
// prepare page details
parent :: __construct ( 'P' , 'mm' , 'A4' );
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'briefpapier_render_document_hook1' , 1 , $this );
// if($this->getStyleElement("schriftart")!="")
// $this->SetFont($this->getStyleElement("schriftart"));
$font = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' );
if ( ! in_array ( $font , [ '' , 'Arial' , 'Courier' , 'Helvetica' , 'Times' ])){
$this -> AddFont ( $font , '' , strtolower ( $font ) . '.php' );
if ( is_file ( " lib/pdf/font/ " . strtolower ( $font ) . 'i.php' ))
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'I' , strtolower ( $font ) . 'i.php' );
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'I' , strtolower ( $font ) . '.php' );
if ( is_file ( " lib/pdf/font/ " . strtolower ( $font ) . 'b.php' ))
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'B' , strtolower ( $font ) . 'b.php' );
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'B' , strtolower ( $font ) . '.php' );
if ( is_file ( " lib/pdf/font/ " . strtolower ( $font ) . 'bi.php' ))
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'BI' , strtolower ( $font ) . 'bi.php' );
$this -> AddFont ( $font , 'BI' , strtolower ( $font ) . '.php' );
// invoke Header() and Footer() by adding a new page
$this -> AddPage ();
$this -> SetDisplayMode ( " real " , " single " );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ) == " " )
$this -> getStyleElementSet ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetMargins ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ), 50 , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ));
$this -> SetAutoPageBreak ( true , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_umbruchunten " ));
$this -> AliasNbPages ( '{nb}' );
// render document top to bottom
if ( ! $this -> nichtsichtbar_empfaenger )
if ( ! empty ( $this -> recipient ))
$this -> renderRecipient ();
if ( $this -> doctype == " lieferschein " && ! empty ( $this -> barcode ))
if ( $this -> barcode_y_header != 0 )
$y = $this -> barcode_y_header ;
$y = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> Code39 ( $this -> barcode_x_header , $y + 1 , $this -> barcode , 1 , 5 );
if ( $this -> barcode != " " && $this -> briefpapier != " " ){
$this -> Code39 ( $this -> barcode_x , $this -> barcode_y , $this -> barcode , 1 , 3 );
$this -> renderSender ();
if ( ! $this -> nichtsichtbar_box )
if ( ! empty ( $this -> corrDetails ) || ! empty ( $this -> boldCorrDetails ) || ! empty ( $this -> italicCorrDetails )
|| ! empty ( $this -> italicBoldCorrDetails ))
2025-02-06 20:42:13 +01:00
$corrDetailsY = $this -> renderCorrDetails ();
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> renderDoctype ();
if ( $this -> doctype == " brief " )
$this -> SetY ( 95 );
$this -> textDetails [ 'body' ] = $this -> letterDetails [ 'body' ];
2025-02-06 20:42:13 +01:00
if ( $corrDetailsY > $this -> GetY ()) {
$this -> SetY ( $corrDetailsY );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> renderText ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> items )) {
$this -> renderItems ();
$this -> SetTextColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
if ( $this -> doctype != " lieferschein " && $this -> doctype != " preisanfrage " && ! $this -> nichtsichtbar_summe ) {
$this -> renderTotals ();
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
} else $this -> Cell_typed ( 1 , 5 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> renderFooter ();
$this -> logofile = " " ;
$this -> briefpapier = " " ;
2025-02-06 20:42:13 +01:00
$this -> briefpapier2 = " " ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> addpdf )
foreach ( $this -> addpdf as $addpdf )
$filename = $addpdf ;
$this -> AddPage ();
$this -> SetXY ( 0 , 0 );
$anz = $this -> setSourceFile ( $filename );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $anz ; $i ++ )
if ( $i > 1 )
$this -> AddPage ();
$this -> SetXY ( 0 , 0 );
$tplidx = $this -> ImportPage ( $i );
$this -> useTemplate ( $tplidx );
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'briefpapier_render_document_hook2' , 1 , $this );
public function renderRecipient (){
// $this->SetY(50);
$this -> SetY ( 50 + $this -> abstand_adresszeileoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 10 );
$schriftgroesse = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftgroesse' );
if ( $schriftgroesse > 0 )
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $schriftgroesse );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ] != " " && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'typimdokument' ))
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'anrede' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetMargins ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ), 50 );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ]) {
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
$charlimit = 40 ;
if ( strlen ( $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ]) > $charlimit + 15 )
$array = explode ( " \n " , wordwrap ( $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ], $charlimit ));
foreach ( $array as $row )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $row ), 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> recipient [ 'enterprise' ]), 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ] != " " )
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'firstname' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address2' ] != " " ) {
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address2' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address3' ] != " " )
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address3' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'address4' ] != " " )
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address4' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//$this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname']." ".$this->recipient['familyname'],0,1);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'address1' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 10 );
if ( $schriftgroesse > 0 )
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $schriftgroesse );
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
$inland = $this -> getStyleElement ( " land " );
if ( $this -> recipient [ 'country' ] != $inland )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//$this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['country']."-".$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( function_exists ( 'mb_strtoupper' ))
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , mb_strtoupper ( $this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> recipient [ 'city' ], " UTF-8 " ), 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , strtoupper ( $this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> recipient [ 'city' ]), 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , strtoupper ( $this -> app -> erp -> UmlauteEntfernen ( $this -> app -> GetLandLang ( $this -> recipient [ 'country' ], $this -> sprache ))), 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 80 , 5 , $this -> recipient [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> recipient [ 'city' ], 0 , 1 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//if(isset($this->recipient['country'])) $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['country'],0,1);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$freitext1aktiv = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1aktiv' );
if ( $freitext1aktiv ){
2024-02-27 10:19:59 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$freitext1inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " freitext1inhalt " );
2024-02-27 10:19:59 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $freitext1inhalt == " " ) $freitext1inhalt = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1inhalt' );
2024-02-26 21:29:20 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> table )) {
$freitext1inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> table , $this -> id , $freitext1inhalt );
2024-02-27 10:19:59 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$freitext1inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $freitext1inhalt );
$freitext1schriftgroesse = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1schriftgroesse' );
$freitext1y = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1y' );
$freitext1x = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1x' );
$freitext1breite = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext1breite' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $freitext1schriftgroesse );
$this -> SetY ( $freitext1y );
$this -> SetX ( $freitext1x );
$this -> MultiCell ( $freitext1breite , 5 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $freitext1inhalt ), 0 , 'L' );
$freitext2aktiv = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2aktiv' );
if ( $freitext2aktiv ){
$freitext2inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( " freitext2inhalt " );
if ( $freitext2inhalt == " " ) $freitext1inhalt = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2inhalt' );
2024-02-26 21:29:20 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> table )) {
$freitext2inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> table , $this -> id , $freitext2inhalt );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$freitext2inhalt = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $freitext2inhalt );
$freitext2schriftgroesse = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2schriftgroesse' );
$freitext2y = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2y' );
$freitext2x = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2x' );
$freitext2breite = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext2breite' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $freitext2schriftgroesse );
$this -> SetY ( $freitext2y );
$this -> SetX ( $freitext2x );
$this -> MultiCell ( $freitext2breite , 5 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $freitext2inhalt ), 0 , 'L' );
$this -> SetMargins ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ), 50 , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ));
public function setAbsender ( $sender )
$this -> absender = $sender ;
public function renderSender () {
$monthlu = array ( " " , " Januar " , " Februar " , " M<EFBFBD> rz " , " April " , " Mai " , " Juni " , " Juli " , " August " , " September " , " Oktober " , " November " , " Dezember " );
$monthnom = date ( " n " );
$month = $monthlu [ $monthnom ];
$date = date ( " j " ) . " . " . $month . " " . date ( " Y " );
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender != true )
// line above address field
$absender = (( $this -> absender != '' ) ? $this -> absender : $this -> getStyleElement ( 'absender' ));
$schriftgroesse = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftgroesseabsender' );
$this -> SetY ( 43 + $this -> abstand_adresszeileoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $schriftgroesse );
//$cellStr = $this->sender['enterprise']." <20> ".$this->sender['address1']." <20> ".$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'];
$cellStr = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $absender );
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_adresszeilelinks " ));
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " absenderunterstrichen " ) == " 1 " )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $this -> GetStringWidth ( $cellStr ) + 2 , 5 , $cellStr , 'B' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $this -> GetStringWidth ( $cellStr ) + 2 , 5 , $cellStr , '' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben != true )
// detailed sender data
$lineHeight = 4 ;
$xOffset = 131 ;
$absatz = 3 ;
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , 10 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Name der Gesellschaft: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'enterprise' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'enterprise2' ]))
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'enterprise2' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Sitz der Gesellschaft: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , 9 );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'address1' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'address2' ]))
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'address2' ], 0 , 2 );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'areacode' ] . " " . $this -> sender [ 'city' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 9 );
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'phone1' ])) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Fon: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'phone1' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'fax' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Fax: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'fax' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'email' ])) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Mail: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'email' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'web' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Web: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'web' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY () + $absatz ); //abstand
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'ustid' ])) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " UST-ID: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'ustid' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'taxnr' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Steuer-Nr.: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'taxnr' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> sender [ 'hreg' ])) {
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , " Handelsregister: " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'hreg' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $xOffset , $this -> GetY ());
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , $lineHeight , utf8_encode ( " Gesch<EFBFBD> ftsf<EFBFBD> hrung: " ), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 60 , $lineHeight , $this -> sender [ 'firstname' ] . ' ' . $this -> sender [ 'familyname' ], 0 , 2 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
//$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz+2); //abstand
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//$this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
// kundennummer rechnungsnummer und datum
public function renderCorrDetails () {
$breite_spalte_rechts = 30 ;
$recht_links_verschieben = $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr ;
$startpos_links_rechts = - 83 + $recht_links_verschieben ;
$boldTitleStr = $boldValueStr = $titleStr = $valueStr = " " ;
$italicTitleStr = $italicValueStr = '' ;
$italicBoldTitleStr = $italicBoldValueStr = '' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> boldCorrDetails )){
foreach ( $this -> boldCorrDetails as $title => $value ) {
$boldTitleStr .= $title !== '' ? $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $title ) . " : \n " : " \n " ;
$boldValueStr .= $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $value ) . " \n " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> italicCorrDetails )) {
foreach ( $this -> italicCorrDetails as $title => $value ) {
$italicTitleStr .= $title !== '' ? $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $title ) . " : \n " : " \n " ;
$italicValueStr .= $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $value ) . " \n " ;
if ( ! empty ( $this -> italicBoldCorrDetails )) {
foreach ( $this -> italicBoldCorrDetails as $title => $value ) {
$italicBoldTitleStr .= $title !== '' ? $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $title ) . " : \n " : " \n " ;
$italicBoldValueStr .= $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $value ) . " \n " ;
if ( isset ( $this -> corrDetails )){
foreach ( $this -> corrDetails as $title => $value ) {
if ( $value != " " )
$titleStr .= $title !== '' ? $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $title ) . " : \n " : " \n " ;
$valueStr .= $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $value ) . " \n " ;
if ( $this -> boxausrichtung == " " ) $this -> boxausrichtung = " R " ;
$pos = strpos ( $this -> boxausrichtung , ';' );
if ( $pos > 0 )
$tmp_box = explode ( " ; " , $this -> boxausrichtung );
$this -> boxausrichtung = $tmp_box [ 0 ];
$this -> box_breite1 = $tmp_box [ 1 ];
$this -> box_breite2 = $tmp_box [ 2 ];
if ( $this -> box_breite1 == " " ) $this -> box_breite1 = 34 ;
if ( $this -> box_breite2 == " " ) $this -> box_breite2 = 38 ;
$fontinfobox = $this -> getStyleElement ( " infobox " );
if ( $italicBoldTitleStr != '' ) {
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'BI' , $fontinfobox );
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite1 , 4 , $italicBoldTitleStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TL
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts + $breite_spalte_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite2 , 4 , $italicBoldValueStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TR
elseif ( $italicTitleStr != '' ) {
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'I' , $fontinfobox );
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite1 , 4 , $italicTitleStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TL
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts + $breite_spalte_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite2 , 4 , $italicValueStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) : $this -> boxausrichtung );
elseif ( $boldTitleStr != '' ) {
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $fontinfobox );
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite1 , 4 , $boldTitleStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TL
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts + $breite_spalte_rechts , 80 );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite2 , 4 , $boldValueStr , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TR
else {
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts , 80 + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite1 , 0 , '' , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentleft ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TL
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts + $breite_spalte_rechts , 80 + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite2 , 0 , '' , '' , ! empty ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) ? strtoupper ( $this -> boxalignmentright ) : $this -> boxausrichtung ); //TR
$this -> SetY ( 80 );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $fontinfobox );
$tempY = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetX ( $startpos_links_rechts );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breite1 , 4 , $titleStr , " " , $this -> boxausrichtung ); //BL
$this -> SetXY ( $startpos_links_rechts + $breite_spalte_rechts , $tempY );
$this -> MultiCell ( $this -> box_breitexi21 , 4 , $valueStr , " " , $this -> boxausrichtung ); //BR
2025-02-06 20:42:13 +01:00
return ( $this -> GetY ());
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
public function renderDoctype () {
if ( $this -> doctype == " brief " )
$betreffszeile = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'betreffszeile' );
$betreffszeile = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'betreffszeile' );
$this -> SetY ( 80 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
//$this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> MultiCell ( 210 - 83 + $this -> abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr - $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ) - 5 , 6 , html_entity_decode ( $this -> doctypeOrig , ENT_QUOTES ), 0 , 'L' );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () - $this -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + $this -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben ); //Hoehe Box
public function renderText () {
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ])) {
if ( $this -> doctype == " brief " )
$dokumententext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'dokumententext' );
$dokumententext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'dokumententext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $dokumententext );
$this -> Ln ( 11 );
$this -> textDetails [ 'body' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> table , $this -> id , $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ]);
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " briefhtml " ) == " 1 " )
$html = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ]));
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ));
} else {
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ]));
public function renderFooter () {
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'briefpapier_render_footer_hook1' , 1 , $this );
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ])) {
$freitext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freitext' );
2024-11-05 12:41:54 +01:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " kleinunternehmer " ) == '1' )
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ] == " " ) $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ] = " Als Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von §19 Abs.1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet! " ;
else $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ] .= " \r \n Als Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von § 19 Abs. 1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet! " ;
$this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> table , $this -> id , $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ]);
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $freitext );
// $this->Ln();
$y = $this -> GetY ();
// if($this->doctype!="lieferschein")
// $this->SetY($y-5);
//$parsed = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['footer']);
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " briefhtml " ) == " 1 " )
$html = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ]));
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ));
} else {
$this -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> textDetails [ 'footer' ]));
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'briefpapier_render_footer_hook2' , 1 , $this );
public function CalcPosString ( $posstr , $oldpostr , $hauptnummer , $oldlvl , $newlvl )
if ( $oldpostr == 0 )
if ( $hauptnummer )
return $hauptnummer . '.1' ;
return '1' ;
if ( $newlvl > $oldlvl )
return $oldpostr . str_repeat ( '.1' , $newlvl - $oldlvl );
$oldpostra = explode ( '.' , $oldpostr );
$diff = $oldlvl - $newlvl ;
$length = count ( $oldpostra );
if ( $hauptnummer && $hauptnummer != $oldpostra [ 0 ]){
return ( String )(( int ) $oldpostra [ 0 ] + 1 ) . '.1' ;
$ret = '' ;
if ( $diff >= $length - 1 )
return ( String )(( int ) $oldpostra [ 0 ] + 1 );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $length - 1 - $diff ; $i ++ )
$ret .= $oldpostra [ $i ] . '.' ;
return $ret . ( String )(( int ) $oldpostra [ $length - 1 - $diff ] + 1 );
* @ param string $type
* @ param int $orderId
* @ param int $orderPositionId
* @ param string $doctype
* @ return string
public function getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder ( $type , $orderId , $orderPositionId , $doctype = 'auftrag' )
if ( $doctype === 'rechnung' ) {
$orderPositionId = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id = %d' ,
if ( $orderPositionId <= 0 ) {
return '' ;
$position = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
' SELECT id , lieferschein
FROM lieferschein_position
WHERE auftrag_position_id = % d AND auftrag_position_id > 0
LIMIT 1 ' ,
if ( empty ( $position )) {
return '' ;
if ( $type === 'mhd' ) {
$this -> mhd [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]] =
$this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'mhd' , 'lieferschein' , $position [ 'lieferschein' ], $position [ 'id' ]);
return $this -> mhd [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]];
if ( $type === 'charge' ) {
$this -> charge [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]] =
$this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'charge' , 'lieferschein' , $position [ 'lieferschein' ], $position [ 'id' ]);
return $this -> charge [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]];
if ( $type === 'sn' ) {
$this -> sn [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]] =
$this -> GetChargeMHDSNString ( 'sn' , 'lieferschein' , $position [ 'lieferschein' ], $position [ 'id' ]);
return $this -> sn [ 'lieferschein' ][ $position [ 'lieferschein' ]][ $position [ 'id' ]];
return '' ;
* @ param string $text
* @ param string $doctype
* @ param int $doctypeId
* @ param int $positionId
* @ return string
public function parseBestBeforeBatchSn ( $text , $doctype , $doctypeId , $positionId ){
if ( strpos ( $text , '{MHD}' ) !== false ) {
$entry = ! empty ( $this -> mhd [ $doctype ]) && ! empty ( $this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ])
&& ! empty ( $this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ]) ?
$this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] : '' ;
if ( $entry === '' ) {
$this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString (
'mhd' , $doctype , $doctypeId , $positionId , true
$entry = $this -> mhd [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ];
if ( $entry === '' && ( $doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung' )) {
$entry = $this -> getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder ( 'mhd' , $doctypeId , $positionId , $doctype );
$text = str_replace ( '{MHD}' , $entry , $text );
if ( strpos ( $text , '{CHARGE}' ) !== false ) {
$entry = ! empty ( $this -> charge [ $doctype ]) && ! empty ( $this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ])
&& ! empty ( $this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ]) ?
$this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] : '' ;
if ( $entry === '' ) {
$this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString (
'charge' , $doctype , $doctypeId , $positionId , true
$entry = $this -> charge [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ];
if ( $entry === '' && ( $doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung' )) {
$entry = $this -> getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder ( 'charge' , $doctypeId , $positionId , $doctype );
$text = str_replace ( '{CHARGE}' , $entry , $text );
if ( strpos ( $text , '{SN}' ) !== false ) {
$entry = ! empty ( $this -> sn [ $doctype ]) && ! empty ( $this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ])
&& ! empty ( $this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ]) ?
$this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] : '' ;
if ( $entry === '' ) {
$this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ] = $this -> GetChargeMHDSNString (
'sn' , $doctype , $doctypeId , $positionId , true
$entry = $this -> sn [ $doctype ][ $doctypeId ][ $positionId ];
if ( $entry === '' && ( $doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung' )) {
$entry = $this -> getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder ( 'sn' , $doctypeId , $positionId , $doctype );
$text = str_replace ( '{SN}' , $entry , $text );
return $text ;
public function renderItems () {
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'briefpapier_renderitems' , 1 , $this );
// if($this->bestellungohnepreis) $this->doctype="lieferschein";
$posWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_position " );
$amWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_menge " );
$itemNoWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_nummer " );
$einheitWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_einheit " );
$descWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_artikel " );
$taxWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_steuer " );
$belege_subpositionen = $this -> getStyleElement ( " belege_subpositionen " );
$belege_subpositionenstuecklisten = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'belege_subpositionenstuecklisten' ) && in_array (( $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ), array ( 'rechnung' , 'auftrag' , 'lieferschein' , 'gutschrift' , 'angebot' ));
$belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm' );
$doctype = $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ;
$doctypeId = $this -> id ;
$has_steuer = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SHOW COLUMNS FROM ` $doctype ` LIKE 'steuersatz_normal' " );
if ( $has_steuer ) {
$docArr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
'SELECT projekt,adresse,steuersatz_normal,steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d' ,
$doctype , $doctypeId
} else {
$docArr = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
'SELECT projekt,adresse, 0 AS steuersatz_normal, 0 AS steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d' ,
$doctype , $doctypeId
$query = sprintf ( " SELECT `sprache` FROM `%s`
WHERE `id` = % d
LIMIT 1 " ,
$doctype , $doctypeId );
$documentLanguage = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $docArr )) {
$projekt = $docArr [ 'projekt' ];
$adresse = $docArr [ 'adresse' ];
else {
$projekt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT projekt FROM " . ( $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ) . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT adresse FROM " . ( $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ) . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$inventurohnepreis = null ;
if ( ! in_array ( $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype , [ 'rechnung' , 'auftrag' , 'angebot' , 'bestellung' ])) {
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
$from = $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ;
if ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SHOW COLUMNS FROM ` $from ` LIKE 'noprice' " )) {
$inventurohnepreis = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
' SELECT noprice
FROM `%s`
WHERE id = % d
LIMIT 1 ' ,
$from ,
$this -> id
else {
$inventurohnepreis = false ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " preise_ausblenden " )) {
$inventurohnepreis = true ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $inventurohnepreis ){
$descWidth += 40 ;
if ( $this -> doctype == " arbeitsnachweis " )
$itemNoWidth = 20 ;
$taxWidth = 40 ;
$descWidth = 95 ;
if ( $this -> rabatt == '1' ) {
$descWidth -= 15 ;
$priceWidth = 20 ;
$sumWidth = 20 ;
$rabattWidth = 15 ;
// $lineLength = $amWidth + $itemNoWidth + $descWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth + $sumWidth;
// zwischenloesung um platz zu sparen
if ( $this -> ust_spalteausblende )
$taxWidth -- ;
$descWidth += $taxWidth ;
$taxWidth = 1 ;
$cellhoehe = 5 ;
// render table header
if ( isset ( $this -> textDetails [ 'body' ])) {
$this -> Ln ();
else {
$this -> Ln ( 8 );
$tabellenbeschriftung = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'tabellenbeschriftung' );
$this -> SetX ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_seitenrandlinks' ) + 1 ); // eventuell einstellbar per GUI
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $tabellenbeschriftung );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $posWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_position' ), 0 , 0 , 'C' ));
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype != 'arbeitsnachweis' )
if ( $this -> doctype == 'zahlungsavis' )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth , 6 , 'Nummer' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth + $rabattWidth , 6 , 'Beleg' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth , 6 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_artikelnummer' )));
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_artikel' )));
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $descWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_artikel' )));
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_menge' )), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , 6 , 'Mitarbeiter' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth , 6 , 'Ort' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $descWidth , 6 , 'Tätigkeit' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth , 6 , 'Stunden' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype != 'lieferschein' && $this -> doctype != 'arbeitsnachweis' && $this -> doctype != 'produktion' && $this -> doctype != 'zahlungsavis' && $this -> doctype != 'preisanfrage' ){
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $einheitWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_einheit' )), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> ust_spalteausblende ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , 6 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_mwst' )), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_einzel' )), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_stueck' ))), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> rabatt == '1' ) {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $rabattWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_rabatt' ), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $sumWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt' ))), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $sumWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt' ))), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if ( $this -> doctype == 'lieferschein' || $this -> doctype == 'preisanfrage' )
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " artikeleinheit " ) == '1' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $einheitWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_einheit' )), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if ( $this -> doctype == 'zahlungsavis' )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $sumWidth , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt' ))), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> Line ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_seitenrandlinks' ) + 1 , $this -> GetY (), 210 - $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ), $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Ln ( 2 );
// render table body
$tabelleninhalt = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'tabelleninhalt' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$topos = 0 ;
if ( is_array ( $this -> items )) $topos = count ( $this -> items );
$zwischenpositionen = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT count(distinct pos) FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype=' " . $this -> doctype . " ' AND doctypeid=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND pos >= 0 AND pos <' $topos ' AND (postype = 'gruppe' OR postype = 'zwischensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen') ORDER by sort " );
if ( $zwischenpositionen < 1 ) $belege_subpositionen = false ;
$hauptnummer = 0 ;
$posoffset = 0 ;
if ( $belege_subpositionen ) $hauptnummer = 1 ;
$oldlvl = 0 ;
$oldpostr = 0 ;
$langeartikelnummern = ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'langeartikelnummern' ) ? true : false );
if ( $this -> doctype === 'bestellung' ) {
$langeartikelnummern = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT langeartikelnummern FROM bestellung WHERE id=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " ) ? true : false ;
$pos = 0 ;
$umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent = ! empty ( $docArr ) ? $docArr [ 'steuersatz_ermaessigt' ] : $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzErmaessigt ( false , ! empty ( $this -> id ) ? $this -> id : $this -> doctypeid , $this -> table );
$umsatzsteuernormalProzent = ! empty ( $docArr ) ? $docArr [ 'steuersatz_normal' ] : $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzNormal ( false , ! empty ( $this -> id ) ? $this -> id : $this -> doctypeid , $this -> table );
$umsatzsteuerermaessigt = ( 1 + $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent / 100 );
$umsatzsteuernormal = ( 1 + $umsatzsteuernormalProzent / 100 );
$jitposfix = 0 ; //Die Anzahl der der Unterartikel des vorherigen Stücklistenartikels
$jitposfixbase = 0 ; //Die Gesamtzahl der bisher ausgeblendeten Stücklistenartikel
$anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese = $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse ( $this -> anrede , $this -> doctype , $projekt , $adresse , $this -> id );
$docRow = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow (
sprintf (
'SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d' , $this -> doctype , $this -> id
foreach ( $this -> items as $item ){
$this -> SetTextColor ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
for ( $l = $pos ; $l <= $pos + $jitposfix ; $l ++ ) {
//Arbeitet die Zwischenpositionen durch falls der vorherige Artikel ein Stücklistenartikel war bei dem Teile ausgeblendet wurden
2024-05-28 20:28:44 +02:00
if ( $has_steuer ) {
$iszwichenpos = $this -> DrawZwischenpositionen ( $l + $jitposfixbase );
} else {
$iszwichenpos = $this -> DrawZwischenpositionen ( $l + $jitposfixbase , '' , '' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$jitposfixbase += $jitposfix ;
if ( $item [ 'keineeinzelartikelanzeigen' ] == 1 ){
$jitposfix = $item [ 'anzahlunterartikel' ];
} else {
$jitposfix = 0 ;
$item [ 'name' ] = ( $langeartikelnummern ? " \r \n \r \n " : '' ) . $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'name' ]);
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'desc' ]);
$item [ 'itemno' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'itemno' ]);
$item [ 'herstellernummer' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'herstellernummer' ]);
$item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ]);
$item [ 'lieferdatum' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'lieferdatum' ]);
$item [ 'hersteller' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $item [ 'hersteller' ]);
//TODO Soll einstellbar werden: Zeilenabstand in Tabelle normal mittel
$cellhoehe = 3 ;
if ( $iszwichenpos && $belege_subpositionen && $pos > $posoffset )
$hauptnummer ++ ;
$posoffset = $pos ;
if ( isset ( $item [ 'posausblenden' ]) && $item [ 'posausblenden' ]){
$posstr = '' ;
} else {
$pos ++ ;
$posstr = $pos ;
if ( $belege_subpositionen && $hauptnummer )
$posstr = $hauptnummer . '.' . ( $pos - $posoffset );
$newlvl = isset ( $item [ 'lvl' ]) ? ( int ) $item [ 'lvl' ] : 0 ;
$itemNoWidthold = $itemNoWidth ;
$posWidthold = $posWidth ;
if ( $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0 )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl , $cellhoehe , '' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$posWidth -= $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl ;
if ( $posWidth < 2 * strlen ( $posstr ))
$diff = 2 * strlen ( $posstr ) - $posWidth ;
$posWidth += $diff ;
$itemNoWidth -= $diff ;
if ( $belege_subpositionenstuecklisten ) $posstr = $this -> CalcPosString ( $posstr , $oldpostr , $hauptnummer , $oldlvl , $newlvl );
$oldpostr = $posstr ;
$oldlvl = isset ( $item [ 'lvl' ]) ? ( int ) $item [ 'lvl' ] : 0 ;
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $posWidth , $cellhoehe , $posstr , 0 , 0 , $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm ? '' : 'C' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype === 'arbeitsnachweis' )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , $cellhoehe , trim ( $item [ 'person' ]), 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$zeilenuntertext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'zeilenuntertext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $zeilenuntertext );
// ort
$tmpy = $this -> GetY ();
$tmpx = $this -> GetX ();
$this -> MultiCell ( $itemNoWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $item [ 'itemno' ]), 0 ); // 4 = abstand
$tmpy2 = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetXY ( $tmpx + $itemNoWidth , $tmpy );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
else {
if ( $this -> doctype === 'lieferschein' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'modul_verband' ) == '1' ){
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt + 3 );
} else {
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
if ( isset ( $item [ 'itemno' ])) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'itemno' ], 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$position_x = $this -> GetX ();
$position_y = $this -> GetY ();
// start am Ende der Zeile Zeichnen
$this -> SetAutoPageBreak ( false , $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_umbruchunten " )); //2306BS
// Artikel Name
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] !== 'hidden' && $newlvl == 0 ){
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $tabelleninhalt );
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] === 'hidden' && $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] == 2 && $newlvl == 0 ){
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $tabelleninhalt );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " artikeleinheit " ) == '1' ){
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'name' ], 0 , 'L' , false );
else {
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'name' ], 0 , 'L' , false );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$this -> SetAutoPageBreak ( true , $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_umbruchunten' )); //2306BS
$position_y_end_name = $this -> GetY ();
// wenn vorhanden Artikel Einheit
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' ){
$this -> SetXY (( $position_x + $descWidth - $einheitWidth ), $position_y );
else {
$this -> SetXY (( $position_x + $descWidth ), $position_y );
if ( $this -> doctype === 'arbeitsnachweis' ){
$this -> SetXY (( $position_x + $descWidth ), $position_y );
// Menge
if ( $this -> doctype === 'zahlungsavis' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'amount' ], 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype !== 'lieferschein' && $this -> doctype !== 'arbeitsnachweis' && $this -> doctype !== 'produktion' && $this -> doctype !== 'preisanfrage' ) {
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' )
if ( $item [ 'unit' ] != '' )
$einheit = $item [ 'unit' ];
else {
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'artikel' ]))
$einheit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
id = '".$item[' artikel ']."' LIMIT 1 " );
} else {
$einheit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
nummer = '".$item[' itemno ']."' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $einheit == '' ) {
$einheit = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit_standard' );
if ( ! empty ( $einheit ) && ! empty ( $documentLanguage )){
$query = sprintf ( " SELECT ae.id FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
WHERE ae . einheit_de = '%s' " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $einheit ));
$unitId = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $unitId )){
$query = sprintf ( " SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
WHERE u . sprache = '%s' AND u . label = '%s' " ,
$documentLanguage , 'artikeleinheit_' . $unitId );
$unitTranslation = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $unitTranslation )){
$einheit = $unitTranslation ;
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $einheitWidth , $cellhoehe , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $einheit ), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
// if($item['tax']=="hidden") $item['tax']=="hidden";
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] !== 'hidden' )
if ( $this -> ust_befreit > 0 ) {
$item [ 'tax' ] = 0 ;
} else {
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] === 'normal' ) {
$item [ 'tax' ] = $umsatzsteuernormal - 1 ;
else {
$item [ 'tax' ] = $umsatzsteuerermaessigt - 1 ;
if ( isset ( $item [ 'steuersatz' ])){
$item [ 'tax' ] = $item [ 'steuersatz' ] / 100 ;
// wenn steuerfrei komplett immer 0 steuer anzeigen
2022-06-13 19:50:44 +02:00
$item [ 'tmptax' ] = ( float ) $item [ 'tax' ] + 1 ;
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
// standard anzeige mit steuer
if ( ! $this -> ust_spalteausblende ){
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] === 'hidden' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
$tax = $item [ 'tax' ]; //= $tax; //="USTV"?0.19:0.07;
$tax *= 100 ; $tax = $tax . '%' ;
if ( $this -> doctype === 'zahlungsavis' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $tax , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype !== 'lieferschein' && $this -> doctype !== 'produktion' && $this -> doctype !== 'preisanfrage' ) {
// preis pro Artikel
if ( $this -> doctype !== 'zahlungsavis' )
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] !== 'hidden' ){
if ( $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese ){
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
//&& $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'price' ]), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'price' ] * $item [ 'tmptax' ]), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else
if ( $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] == 2 ) {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'price' ], 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} // text alternativ zu preis
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'price' ]), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
// zentale rabatt spalte
if ( $this -> rabatt == '1' ) {
$rabatt_string = '' ;
if ( $item [ 'grundrabatt' ] > 0 || $item [ 'rabatt1' ] > 0 || $item [ 'rabatt2' ] > 0 )
if ( $item [ 'grundrabatt' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'grundrabatt' ] . " % \r \n " ;
if ( $item [ 'rabatt1' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'rabatt1' ] . " % \r \n " ;
if ( $item [ 'rabatt2' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'rabatt2' ] . " % \r \n " ;
if ( $item [ 'rabatt3' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'rabatt3' ] . " % \r \n " ;
if ( $item [ 'rabatt4' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'rabatt4' ] . " % \r \n " ;
if ( $item [ 'rabatt5' ] > 0 ) {
$rabatt_string .= $item [ 'rabatt5' ] . " % \r \n " ;
$tmpy = $this -> GetY ();
$tmpx = $this -> GetX ();
if ( $item [ 'keinrabatterlaubt' ] == '1' || $item [ 'rabatt' ] <= 0 || $item [ 'rabatt' ] === '' ) {
$rabatt_or_porto = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
nummer = '".$item[' itemno ']."' AND ( porto = '1' OR rabatt = '1' ) LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $rabatt_or_porto )
$rabatt_string = '' ;
else {
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'modul_verband' ) == '1' ) {
$rabatt_string = 'SNP' ;
else {
$rabatt_string = '' ;
if ( $item [ 'keinrabatterlaubt' ] == '1' && $item [ 'rabatt' ] <> 0 ){
$rabatt_string = $item [ 'rabatt' ] . " % \r \n " ;
// rabatt nur klein anzeigen wenn es mehr als einer ist
if ( strstr ( trim ( $rabatt_string ), PHP_EOL )) {
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , 6 );
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] !== 'hidden' ){
$this -> MultiCell ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe - 1 , $rabatt_string , 0 , 0 );
else {
$this -> MultiCell ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe - 1 , " " , 0 , 0 );
$this -> SetXY ( $tmpx + $rabattWidth , $tmpy );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
} else {
if ( $item [ 'rabatt' ] <> 0 ){
// && $item['keinrabatterlaubt']!="1")
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $item [ 'rabatt' ] . " % " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'modul_verband' ) == '1' )
$rabatt_or_porto = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
nummer = '".$item[' itemno ']."' AND ( porto = '1' OR rabatt = '1' ) LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $rabatt_or_porto ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe , 'SNP' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $rabattWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
// anzeige ohne zentrale rabatt spalte
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] === " hidden " ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese )
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']),0,0,'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ] * $item [ 'tmptax' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese )
// if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'price' ]), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'price' ] * $item [ 'tmptax' ]), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//$this->Cell_typed($sumWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->formatMoney($item['tprice']).' '.$item['currency'],0,0,'R');
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> rabatt == '1' )
//gesamt preis
if ( $item [ 'tax' ] === 'hidden' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth , $cellhoehe , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( $this -> rabatt == '1' ){
if ( $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese ){
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ] * $item [ 'tmptax' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese ){
// if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! $inventurohnepreis ){
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
$price_displayed = $item [ 'ohnepreis' ] ? '' : $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $item [ 'tprice' ] * $item [ 'tmptax' ]);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
// OpenXE add price here
if ( ! empty ( $price_displayed )) {
if ( $item [ 'optional' ]) {
$this -> Cell_typed ( $sumWidth , $cellhoehe , " ( " . $price_displayed . " ) " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
} else {
$this -> Cell_typed ( $sumWidth , $cellhoehe , $price_displayed , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if (( $this -> doctype === 'lieferschein' || $this -> doctype === 'preisanfrage' ) && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' )
if ( $item [ 'unit' ] != '' )
$einheit = $item [ 'unit' ];
else {
$einheit = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
nummer = '".$item[' itemno ']."' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $einheit == '' ) {
$einheit = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit_standard' );
if ( ! empty ( $einheit ) && ! empty ( $documentLanguage )){
$query = sprintf ( " SELECT ae.id FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
WHERE ae . einheit_de = '%s' " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $einheit ));
$unitId = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $unitId )){
$query = sprintf ( " SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
WHERE u . sprache = '%s' AND u . label = '%s' " ,
$documentLanguage , 'artikeleinheit_' . $unitId );
$unitTranslation = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( $query );
if ( ! empty ( $unitTranslation )){
$einheit = $unitTranslation ;
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $einheitWidth , $cellhoehe , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $einheit ), 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'herstellernummerimdokument' ) == '1' && $item [ 'herstellernummer' ] != '' )
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_herstellernummer' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'herstellernummer' ];
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_herstellernummer' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'herstellernummer' ];
$daten = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectRow ( " SELECT laenge, breite, hoehe FROM artikel WHERE id = ' " . $item [ 'artikel' ] . " ' " );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abmessungimdokument' ) == '1' && ( ! empty ( $daten [ 'laenge' ]) || $daten [ 'breite' ] != '' || $daten [ 'hoehe' ] != '' )) {
$tmp = array ();
if ( $daten [ 'laenge' ] <> 0 ) {
$tmp [] = number_format ( $daten [ 'laenge' ], 2 , ',' , '.' );
if ( $daten [ 'breite' ] <> 0 ) {
$tmp [] = number_format ( $daten [ 'breite' ], 2 , ',' , '.' );
if ( $daten [ 'hoehe' ] <> 0 ) {
$tmp [] = number_format ( $daten [ 'hoehe' ], 2 , ',' , '.' );
if ( count ( $tmp ) > 0 )
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_abmessung' ) . ': ' . implode ( 'x' , $tmp );
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_abmessung' ) . ': ' . implode ( 'x' , $tmp );
if ( $item [ 'lieferdatum' ] != '' && $item [ 'lieferdatum' ] != '0000-00-00' && $item [ 'lieferdatum' ] !== '00.00.0000' )
if ( strpos ( $item [ 'lieferdatum' ], " - " ) !== false ){
$item [ 'lieferdatum' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $item [ 'lieferdatum' ], '%1-%2-%3' , '%3.%2.%1' ));
if ( $item [ 'lieferdatumkw' ] == 1 )
$ddate = $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $item [ 'lieferdatum' ], '%3.%2.%1' , '%1-%2-%3' );
$duedt = explode ( " - " , $ddate );
$date = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $duedt [ 1 ], $duedt [ 2 ], $duedt [ 0 ]);
$week = date ( 'W/o' , $date );
$item [ 'lieferdatum' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_lieferdatumkw' ) . ' ' . $week ;
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_lieferdatum' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'lieferdatum' ];
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_lieferdatum' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'lieferdatum' ];
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freifelderimdokument' ) == '1' )
for ( $ifreifeld = 1 ; $ifreifeld <= 40 ; $ifreifeld ++ )
if ( $item [ 'freifeld' . $ifreifeld ] != '' )
$freifeldbeschriftung = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'artikel_freifeld' . $ifreifeld );
$freifeldtyp = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'freifeld' . $ifreifeld . 'typ' );
2024-11-21 12:28:10 +01:00
if ( $freifeldtyp === 'select' && str_contains ( $freifeldbeschriftung , '|' ))
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$freifeldbeschriftung = strstr ( $freifeldbeschriftung , '|' , true );
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item [ 'freifeld' . $ifreifeld ];
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item [ 'freifeld' . $ifreifeld ];
if ( strpos ( $item [ 'desc' ], '{{' ) !== false && $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'formeln' )) {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> BerechneFormel ( $item [ 'desc' ], $this -> table , $this -> id , $pos , $item );
if ( strpos ( $item [ 'desc' ], '{' ) !== false ) {
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'belegposition' ]) && ! empty ( $this -> doctype ) && ! empty ( $this -> id )) {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> parseBestBeforeBatchSn ( $item [ 'desc' ], $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $item [ 'belegposition' ]);
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseIfVars ( $item [ 'desc' ]);
if ( strpos ( $item [ 'desc' ], '{' ) !== false ) {
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'belegposition' ]) && ! empty ( $this -> doctype ) && ! empty ( $this -> id )){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> parseBestBeforeBatchSn (
$item [ 'desc' ], $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $item [ 'belegposition' ]
2025-01-10 13:05:03 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> doctype ) && ! empty ( $this -> id ) && strpos ( $item [ 'desc' ], '{' ) !== false ) {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> ParseUserVars ( $this -> doctype , $this -> id , $item [ 'desc' ]);
if ( $item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ] != " " && $item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ] != '0' )
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_artikelnummerkunde' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ];
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_artikelnummerkunde' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'artikelnummerkunde' ];
if ( $item [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] != '' && $item [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] != '0' && $this -> doctype != 'proformarechnung' )
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ) {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zolltarifnummer' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] . ' ' . ( $item [ 'herkunftsland' ] != '' ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_herkunftsland' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'herkunftsland' ] : '' );
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zolltarifnummer' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'zolltarifnummer' ] . ' ' . ( $item [ 'herkunftsland' ] != " " ? $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_herkunftsland' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'herkunftsland' ] : '' );
if ( $item [ 'ean' ] != '' && $item [ 'ean' ] != '0' )
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' ){
$item [ 'desc' ] = $item [ 'desc' ] . " \r \n " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_ean' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'ean' ];
else {
$item [ 'desc' ] = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_ean' ) . ': ' . $item [ 'ean' ];
if ( $item [ 'zusammenfassen' ]){
$item [ 'desc' ] = '' ;
$startpageBeforeDescription = $this -> page ;
if ( $item [ 'desc' ] != '' || ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])) {
//Herstellernummer einblenden wenn vorhanden und aktiviert
$zeilenuntertext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'zeilenuntertext' );
$this -> SetY ( $position_y_end_name + $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_name_beschreibung' ));
$yBeforeDescription = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $zeilenuntertext );
if ( $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0 ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl , $cellhoehe , '' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $posWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype === 'arbeitsnachweis' ) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype === 'lieferschein' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'modul_verband' ) == '1' ){
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt + 1 );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'briefhtml' ) == '1' )
$html = $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $this -> app -> erp -> RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks ( $item [ 'desc' ]));
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' )
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'breite_artikelbeschreibung' ))
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $this -> WriteHTMLCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth , $html ), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand //ALT
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'breite_artikelbeschreibung' ) == '1' )
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $this -> WriteHTMLCell ( $descWidth , $html ), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand //ALT
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
} else {
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' )
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'breite_artikelbeschreibung' ))
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand //ALT
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'breite_artikelbeschreibung' ) == '1' )
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 , 'L' ); // 4 = abstand //ALT
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ])){
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$zeilenuntertext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'zeilenuntertext' );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $zeilenuntertext );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $posWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype === 'arbeitsnachweis' ) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' ){
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth , 4 , '' , 0 ); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
else {
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth , 4 , '' , 0 ); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$yAfterDescription = $this -> GetY ();
} else {
$zeilenuntertext = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'zeilenuntertext' );
$this -> SetY ( $position_y_end_name );
$yBeforeDescription = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $zeilenuntertext );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $posWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $itemNoWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype === 'arbeitsnachweis' )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'artikeleinheit' ) == '1' )
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth , 3 , trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ]))
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth , 3 , trim ( $item [ 'desc' ]), 0 ); // 4 = abstand
if ( ! empty ( $item [ 'steuertext' ]))
$this -> SetX ( $this -> GetX () + $posWidth + $itemNoWidth );
$this -> MultiCell ( $descWidth - $einheitWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), $item [ 'steuertext' ], 0 , 'L' );
if ( ! empty ( $staffelpreiseanzeigen )){
$this -> MultiCell ( $posWidth + $itemNoWidth + $descWidth + $amWidth + $taxWidth + $sumWidth + $priceWidth ,( $zeilenuntertext / 2 ), trim ( $staffelpreistext ), 0 , 'R' );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $taxWidth );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $amWidth );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $tabelleninhalt );
$yAfterDescription = $this -> GetY ();
$itemNoWidth = $itemNoWidthold ;
$posWidth = $posWidthold ;
if (
( $this -> doctype == " auftrag " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " beleg_artikelbild " )) ||
( $this -> doctype == " lieferschein " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " lieferschein_artikelbild " )) ||
( $this -> doctype == " rechnung " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " rechnung_artikelbild " )) ||
( $this -> doctype == " bestellung " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " bestellung_artikelbild " )) ||
( $this -> doctype == " gutschrift " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " gutschrift_artikelbild " )) ||
( $this -> doctype == " angebot " && $this -> getStyleElement ( " angebot_artikelbild " ))
2024-08-27 14:04:07 +02:00
$datei = $this -> app -> erp -> GetArtikelStandardbild ( $item [ 'artikel' ], true );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $datei )){
$datei = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = ' $datei ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 " );
$startpage = $this -> page ;
if ( ! empty ( $datei )){
$xBeforePic = $this -> GetX ();
$folder = $this -> app -> erp -> GetDMSPath ( $datei );
if ( file_exists ( $folder . '/' . $datei )){
if ( ! class_exists ( 'image' )) include_once ( __DIR__ . '/../class.image.php' );
$img = new image ( $this -> app );
$breite = 20 * 10 ;
$hoehe = $breite ;
[ $width , $height ] = getimagesize ( $folder . '/' . $datei );
if ( $width > 0 && $height > 0 ){
$scalex = $breite / $width ;
$scaley = $hoehe / $height ;
if ( $scalex < $scaley ){
$hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex ;
$hoehe = ceil ( $hoehe );
} else {
$breite /= $scalex / $scaley ;
$breite = ceil ( $breite );
$cachefolder = $this -> app -> erp -> CreateDMSPath ( $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/dms/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/cache' , $datei , true ) . " / " ;
$dateiname = $cachefolder . $datei . '_' . $breite . '_' . $hoehe ;
if ( ! is_file ( $dateiname )) $img -> scaledPicByFileId ( $datei , $breite , $hoehe , false , 'jpg' );
if ( is_file ( $dateiname )){
[ $width , $height ] = getimagesize ( $dateiname );
//$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
$this -> SetX ( $posWidth + ( int ) $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ) - 5 );
$dateityp = mime_content_type ( $dateiname );
$dateityp = substr ( $dateityp , 6 );
if ( $dateityp == '' ){
$dateityp = 'jpg' ;
if ( $startpageBeforeDescription != $this -> page ){
$this -> SetY ( $this -> abseite2y );
$this -> SetX ( $posWidth + ( int ) $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ) - 5 );
$position_y_end_name = $this -> abseite2y ;
$this -> Image ( $dateiname , $this -> GetX (), $position_y_end_name + 2 , $width / 10 , $hoehe / 10 , $dateityp );
$this -> SetXY ( $this -> GetX (), $position_y_end_name + 20 );
$yAfterPic = $this -> GetY ();
if ( $yAfterPic < $yAfterDescription ){
$this -> SetY ( $yAfterDescription );
$this -> SetX ( $xBeforePic );
$y_nach_bild = $this -> GetY ();
if ( $yAfterDescription < $yAfterPic + 5 && $startpage == $this -> page ){
$this -> SetY ( $y_nach_bild + 5 );
if ( $this -> GetY () > 240 ){
$this -> AddPage ();
for ( $l = $pos ; $l <= $pos + $jitposfix ; $l ++ ) {
//Letzten Artikel durcharbeiten
$this -> DrawZwischenpositionen ( $l + $jitposfixbase , $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent , $umsatzsteuernormalProzent );
//$this->Line($this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")+195-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
$this -> Line ( $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ) + 1 , $this -> GetY (), 210 - $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandrechts " ), $this -> GetY ());
function DrawZwischenpositionen ( $pos , $umsatzsteuerermaessigt = null , $umsatzsteuernormal = null ) {
$ret = false ;
if ( is_null ( $umsatzsteuerermaessigt ))
$umsatzsteuerermaessigt = $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzErmaessigt ( false , $this -> doctypeid , $this -> table );
if ( is_null ( $umsatzsteuernormal ))
$umsatzsteuernormal = $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzNormal ( false , $this -> doctypeid , $this -> table );
if ( $this -> table != 'lieferschein' && $this -> table != 'preisanfrage' )
$zwischenpositionen = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype=' " . $this -> table . " ' AND doctypeid=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND pos=' $pos ' ORDER by sort " );
} else {
$zwischenpositionen = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype=' " . $this -> table . " ' AND doctypeid=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND pos=' $pos ' AND postype <> 'gruppensumme' AND postype <> 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen' AND postype <> 'zwischensumme' ORDER by sort " );
$projekt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT projekt FROM " . $this -> table . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
$czwischenpositionen = ! empty ( $zwischenpositionen ) ? count ( $zwischenpositionen ) : 0 ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $czwischenpositionen ; $i ++ )
$data = json_decode ( $zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'wert' ], true );
switch ( $zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'postype' ])
case " gruppe " :
$ret = true ;
$schriftgroesse = $this -> FontSizePt ;
$schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse ;
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse );
$fett = true ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Fett' ]))
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === false || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'false' ) $fett = false ;
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === true || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'true' ) $fett = true ;
$unterstrichen = false ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ]))
$unterstrichen = $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ];
$this -> underline = $unterstrichen ;
$html = ( $fett ? " <b> " : " " ) . $data [ 'name' ] . ( $fett ? " </b> " : " " );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 0 );
$schriftgroesse = 7 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$abstand_links = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]))
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ));
$this -> SetX ( $x );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> underline = false ;
if ( $data [ 'kurztext' ] != " " )
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ]))
$this -> underline = $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ];
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$abstand_links = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ])){
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
elseif ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]))
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $data [ 'kurztext' ]));
$this -> SetX ( $x );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 10 );
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$this -> underline = false ;
break ;
case " bild " :
if ( $data [ 'bild' ])
$nochtext = '' ;
if ( $data [ 'kurztext' ] != " " )
$kurztexta = explode ( '{BILD}' , $data [ 'kurztext' ], 2 );
} else {
$kurztexta [] = '' ;
if ( count ( $kurztexta ) > 1 ) $nochtext = $kurztexta [ 1 ];
$data [ 'kurztext' ] = $kurztexta [ 0 ];
$__x = $this -> GetX ();
//$ret = true;
$schriftgroesse = $this -> FontSizePt ;
$schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse ;
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse );
$fett = true ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Fett' ]))
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === false || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'false' ) $fett = false ;
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === true || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'true' ) $fett = true ;
$unterstrichen = false ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ]))
$unterstrichen = $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ];
$this -> underline = $unterstrichen ;
$html = ( $fett ? " <b> " : " " ) . $data [ 'name' ] . ( $fett ? " </b> " : " " );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 0 );
$schriftgroesse = 7 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$abstand_links = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]))
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $html ));
$this -> SetX ( $x );
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> underline = false ;
if ( $data [ 'kurztext' ] != " " )
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ]))
$this -> underline = $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ];
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$abstand_links = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ])){
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
elseif ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]))
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $data [ 'kurztext' ]));
$this -> SetX ( $x );
if ( $nochtext == '' )
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 10 );
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$this -> underline = false ;
$posWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_position " );
$amWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_menge " );
$itemNoWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_nummer " );
$datei = $data [ 'bild' ];
if ( ! empty ( $datei ))
$datei = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = ' $datei ' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! empty ( $datei ))
$folder = $this -> app -> erp -> GetDMSPath ( $datei );
if ( file_exists ( $folder . '/' . $datei ))
if ( ! class_exists ( 'image' )) include_once ( __DIR__ . '/../class.image.php' );
$img = new image ( $this -> app );
if ( isset ( $data [ 'bildbreite' ]) && ( int ) $data [ 'bildbreite' ] > 0 )
$breite = $data [ 'bildbreite' ] * 10 ;
} else {
$breite = 30 * 10 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'bildhoehe' ]) && ( int ) $data [ 'bildhoehe' ] > 0 )
$hoehe = $data [ 'bildhoehe' ] * 10 ;
} else {
$hoehe = $breite ;
[ $width , $height ] = getimagesize ( $folder . '/' . $datei );
if ( $width > 0 && $height > 0 )
$scalex = $breite / $width ;
$scaley = $hoehe / $height ;
if ( $scalex < $scaley )
$hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex ;
$hoehe = ceil ( $hoehe );
} else {
$breite /= $scalex / $scaley ;
$breite = ceil ( $breite );
$cachefolder = $this -> app -> erp -> CreateDMSPath ( $this -> app -> Conf -> WFuserdata . '/dms/' . $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname . '/cache' , $datei , true ) . " / " ;
$dateiname = $cachefolder . $datei . '_' . $breite . '_' . $hoehe ;
if ( ! is_file ( $dateiname )) $img -> scaledPicByFileId ( $datei , $breite , $hoehe , false , 'jpg' );
if ( is_file ( $dateiname ))
[ $width , $height ] = getimagesize ( $dateiname );
//$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$y = $this -> GetY ();
$this -> SetX ( $posWidth + $itemNoWidth + ( int ) $this -> getStyleElement ( " abstand_seitenrandlinks " ));
$this -> Image ( $dateiname , $this -> GetX (), $this -> GetY (), $width / 10 , $hoehe / 10 , 'jpg' );
if ( $nochtext == '' )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $picwidth , 6 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'C' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetXY ( $this -> GetX (), $y + $height / 10 + ( $nochtext == '' ? 5 : 0 ));
$this -> SetXY ( $__x , $this -> GetY ());
if ( $nochtext !== '' )
$data [ 'kurztext' ] = $nochtext ;
$__x = $this -> GetX ();
$ret = true ;
$schriftgroesse = $this -> FontSizePt ;
$schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse ;
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 7 ;
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse );
$fett = true ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Fett' ]))
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === false || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'false' ) $fett = false ;
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === true || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'true' ) $fett = true ;
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$this -> underline = false ;
if ( $data [ 'kurztext' ] != " " )
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ]))
$this -> underline = $data [ 'Kurztext_Unterstrichen' ];
$x = $this -> GetX ();
$abstand_links = 0 ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ])){
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Kurztext_Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
elseif ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]))
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$this -> MultiCell ( 0 , 4 , $this -> WriteHTML ( $data [ 'kurztext' ]));
$this -> SetX ( $x );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 10 );
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$this -> underline = false ;
break ;
case " seitenumbruch " :
$this -> AddPage ();
break ;
case " gruppensumme " :
case " gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen " :
case " zwischensumme " :
$ret = true ;
$posWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_position " );
$amWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_menge " );
$itemNoWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_nummer " );
$einheitWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_einheit " );
$descWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_artikel " );
$taxWidth = $this -> getStyleElement ( " breite_steuer " );
if ( $this -> doctype == " arbeitsnachweis " )
$itemNoWidth = 20 ;
$taxWidth = 40 ;
$descWidth = 95 ;
else if ( $this -> doctype != " lieferschein " && $this -> doctype != " produktion " && $this -> doctype != " preisanfrage " ) {
if ( $descWidth <= 0 )
$descWidth = 76 ;
if ( $taxWidth <= 0 )
$taxWidth = 15 ;
$itemNoWidth = 30 ;
$descWidth = 91 ;
if ( $taxWidth <= 0 )
$taxWidth = 15 ;
$priceWidth = 20 ;
$sumWidth = 20 ;
$rabattWidth = 15 ;
$schriftgroesse = $this -> FontSizePt ;
$schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse ;
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 4 ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ]))
$schriftgroesse = $data [ 'Schriftgroesse' ];
if ( $schriftgroesse == 0 ) $schriftgroesse = 4 ;
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse );
$fett = true ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Fett' ]))
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === false || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'false' ) $fett = false ;
if ( $data [ 'Fett' ] === true || $data [ 'Fett' ] === 'true' ) $fett = true ;
$unterstrichen = false ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ]))
$unterstrichen = $data [ 'Unterstrichen' ];
$this -> underline = $unterstrichen ;
switch ( $zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'postype' ])
case " gruppensumme " :
case " gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen " :
$maxpos_untergruppedrueber = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT pos FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype=' " . $this -> doctype . " ' AND doctypeid=' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND pos < ' $pos ' AND postype='gruppe' ORDER by pos DESC LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $this -> doctype == " angebot " )
$subwhere = " AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0)) " ;
if ( $zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'postype' ] !== 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen' ){
$subwhere = ' AND optional!=1 ' . $subwhere ;
$zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'postype' ] = 'gruppensumme' ;
if ( $this -> doctype == " bestellung " )
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM " . $this -> doctype . " _position WHERE " . $this -> doctype . " =' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND sort <=' $pos ' AND sort >' $maxpos_untergruppedrueber ' $subwhere " ));
} else {
$anzeigesteuerbelege = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT anzeigesteuerbelege FROM projekt WHERE id = " . $projekt );
if (
$this -> anrede == " firma " ||
$this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNetto ( $this -> anrede , $projekt , $this -> table , $this -> id ) ||
$this -> doctype == " bestellung " ||
$this -> getStyleElement ( " immernettorechnungen " , $projekt ) == " 1 " ||
$anzeigesteuerbelege == '1'
) &&
$this -> getStyleElement ( " immerbruttorechnungen " , $projekt ) != " 1 " ) ||
$this -> ust_befreit
) {
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this -> doctype . " _position ap WHERE " . $this -> doctype . " =' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND sort <=' $pos ' AND sort >' $maxpos_untergruppedrueber ' $subwhere " ));
} else {
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
( 1 + if ( ifnull ( steuersatz , - 1 ) < 0 , if ( umsatzsteuer = 'befreit' , 0 , if ( umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt' , $umsatzsteuerermaessigt , $umsatzsteuernormal )), steuersatz
) / 100 ) FROM " . $this->doctype . " _position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . " = '" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <= '$pos' AND sort > '$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere " ));
break ;
default :
if ( $this -> doctype == " angebot " )
$subwhere = " AND optional!=1 AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0)) " ;
if ( $this -> doctype == " bestellung " )
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM " . $this -> doctype . " _position WHERE " . $this -> doctype . " =' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND sort <=' $pos ' $subwhere " ));
} else {
if ((( $this -> anrede == " firma " || $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNetto ( $this -> anrede , $projekt , $this -> table , $this -> id ) || $this -> doctype == " bestellung " || $this -> getStyleElement ( " immernettorechnungen " , $projekt ) == " 1 " )
&& $this -> getStyleElement ( " immerbruttorechnungen " , $projekt ) != " 1 " ) || $this -> ust_befreit ) {
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this -> doctype . " _position ap WHERE " . $this -> doctype . " =' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' AND sort <=' $pos ' $subwhere " ));
} else {
$summe = $this -> formatMoney ( $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
( 1 + if ( ifnull ( steuersatz , - 1 ) < 0 , if ( umsatzsteuer = 'befreit' , 0 , if ( umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt' , $umsatzsteuerermaessigt , $umsatzsteuernormal )), steuersatz
) / 100 ) FROM " . $this->doctype . " _position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . " = '" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <= '$pos' $subwhere " ));
break ;
$beschriftung_zeile = ucfirst ( $zwischenpositionen [ $i ][ 'postype' ]);
2024-02-04 22:05:12 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $data [ 'name' ] == " " )
$html = ( $fett ? " <b> " : " " ) . $beschriftung_zeile . ( $fett ? " </b> " : " " );
$html = ( $fett ? " <b> " : " " ) . $data [ 'name' ] . ( $fett ? " </b> " : " " );
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Oben' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 0 );
$x = $this -> GetX ();
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ]) && $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ] > 0 )
$abstand_links = ( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Links' ];
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
} else {
$abstand_links = $posWidth + $itemNoWidth ;
2024-02-04 22:05:12 +01:00
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links );
$text = $this -> WriteHTML ( $html );
$text = empty ( $text ) ? " " : $text ;
2023-05-05 09:58:15 +02:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $descWidth , 4 ,);
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetX ( $x + $abstand_links + $descWidth );
$rahmen_links = false ;
$rahmen_rechts = false ;
$rahmen_oben = false ;
$rahmen_unten = false ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Rahmen_Links' ]))
$rahmen_links = $data [ 'Rahmen_Links' ];
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Rahmen_Rechts' ]))
$rahmen_rechts = $data [ 'Rahmen_Rechts' ];
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Rahmen_Oben' ]))
$rahmen_oben = $data [ 'Rahmen_Oben' ];
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Rahmen_Unten' ]))
$rahmen_unten = $data [ 'Rahmen_Unten' ];
$rahmen = '' ;
if ( $rahmen_links ) $rahmen .= 'L' ;
if ( $rahmen_rechts ) $rahmen .= 'R' ;
if ( $rahmen_oben ) $rahmen .= 'T' ;
if ( $rahmen_unten ) $rahmen .= 'B' ;
$ausrichtung = 'R' ;
if ( isset ( $data [ 'Text_Ausrichtung' ]))
$ausrichtung = $data [ 'Text_Ausrichtung' ];
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $priceWidth + $amWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth , 4 , $summe , $rahmen , 0 , $ausrichtung );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]))
$this -> Ln (( int ) $data [ 'Abstand_Unten' ]);
} else {
$this -> Ln ( 10 );
$this -> SetFontSize ( $schriftgroesse_alt );
$this -> underline = false ;
break ;
return $ret ;
totals (
totalArticles - Summe aller Artikelpreise
modeOfDispatch - Versandart
priceOfDispatch - Versandkosten
modeOfPayment - Zahlungsweise
priceOfPayment - Kosten der Zahlungsweise
total = totalArticles + priceOfDispatch + priceOfPayment
totalTaxV - Summe voller Steuersatz
totalTaxR - Summe reduzierter Steuersatz
public function renderTotals () {
if ( $this -> doctype === 'angebot' && $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT gesamtsummeausblenden FROM angebot WHERE id = ' " . $this -> doctypeid . " ' " )){
$this -> Ln ( 8 );
return '' ;
if ( $this -> doctype === 'inventur' && $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT noprice FROM inventur WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' " )){
$this -> Ln ( 8 );
return '' ;
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 1 );
$differenz_wegen_abstand = $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_gesamtsumme_lr' );
if ( $this -> doctype != 'lieferschein' && $this -> doctype != 'arbeitsnachweis' && $this -> doctype != 'preisanfrage' ) {
//$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190, $this->GetY());
$this -> Ln ( 1 );
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftgroesse_gesamt' ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 2 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' && $this -> doctype != 'zahlungsavis' ){
$nettoText = $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamtnetto' );
$nettoAmount = $this -> formatMoney ( round (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'totalArticles' ], 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung ;
$doctype = $this -> doctype ;
$doctypeid = ! empty ( $this -> doctypeid ) ? $this -> doctypeid : $this -> id ;
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'class_briefpapier_render_netto' , 4 , $doctype , $doctypeid , $nettoText , $nettoAmount );
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $nettoText , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $nettoAmount , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'modeOfDispatch' ])) {
$versand = 'Versand: ' . $this -> totals [ 'modeOfDispatch' ];
else {
$versand = 'Versandkosten: ' ;
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfDispatch' ])) {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 2 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $versand , 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'priceOfDispatch' ], 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ] != '0.00' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 2 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> totals [ 'modeOfPayment' ], 0 , 'L' , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'priceOfPayment' ], 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY ());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $this -> getStyleElement ( " schriftgroesse_gesamt_steuer " ));
if ( isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ] != " 0.00 " ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 1 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' ){
if ( ! empty ( $this -> doctype ) && ! empty ( $this -> id ) && is_numeric ( $this -> id )){
$projekt = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( 'SELECT projekt FROM `' . $this -> doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this -> id );
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( 'SELECT adresse FROM `' . $this -> doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this -> id );
} else {
$projekt = 0 ;
$adresse = 0 ;
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse ( $this -> anrede , $this -> doctype , $projekt , $adresse , $this -> id ))
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zzglmwst' ) . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzNormal ( false , $this -> id , $this -> table ) . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' ); //1
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_inklmwst' ) . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzNormal ( false , $this -> id , $this -> table ) . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , $this -> formatMoney (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ], 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
$projekt = $this -> projekt ;
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT adresse FROM " . ( $this -> table ? $this -> table : $this -> doctype ) . " WHERE id = ' " . $this -> id . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ]) && $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ] != '0.00' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 1 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' ){
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse ( $this -> anrede , $this -> doctype , $projekt , $adresse , $this -> id ))
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zzglmwst' ) . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzErmaessigt ( false , $this -> id , $this -> table ) . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' ); //1
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_inklmwst' ) . ' ' . $this -> app -> erp -> GetSteuersatzErmaessigt ( false , $this -> id , $this -> table ) . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , $this -> formatMoney ( round (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ], 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
if ( ! empty ( $this -> totals [ 'summen' ]))
ksort ( $this -> totals [ 'summen' ], SORT_NUMERIC );
foreach ( $this -> totals [ 'summen' ] as $k => $value )
if ( $value == 0 )
continue ;
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 1 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' ){
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse ( $this -> anrede , $this -> doctype , $projekt , $adresse , $this -> id ))
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zzglmwst' ) . ' ' . $k . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' ); //1
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
//$this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); 09.12.2018 ab heute auskommentiert wegen 829087
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zzglmwst' ) . ' ' . $k . ' %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , $this -> formatMoney ( round ( $value , 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , " " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
if ( ! isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxR' ]) && ! isset ( $this -> totals [ 'totalTaxV' ]) && ! isset ( $this -> totals [ 'summen' ]) && $this -> doctype != " zahlungsavis " )
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 3 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' )
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse ( $this -> anrede , $this -> doctype , $projekt , $adresse , $this -> id ))
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
if ( ! ( $this -> ust_befreit == 3 && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden' ) == '1' )) //steuerfrei inland
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_zzglmwst' ) . ' 0.00 %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' ); //1
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( ! ( $this -> ust_befreit == 3 && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden' ) == '1' )) //steuerfrei inland
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_inklmwst' ) . ' 0.00 %' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( ! ( $this -> ust_befreit == 3 && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden' ) == '1' )) //steuerfrei inland
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , '0,00 ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
} else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 3 , '' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 2 );
//$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190,$this->GetY());
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), 'B' , $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftgroesse_gesamt' ));
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 5 , '' , 0 );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype == 'offer' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_total' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
elseif ( $this -> doctype == 'creditnote' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_total' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if ( $this -> doctype == 'arbeitsnachweis' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_total' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else if ( $this -> doctype == 'zahlungsavis' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_total' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_total' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
if ( $this -> doctype == 'arbeitsnachweis' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> totals [ 'total' ] . ' ' , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'kleinunternehmer' ) != '1' ){
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> formatMoney ( round (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'total' ], 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
else {
2022-12-02 12:04:23 +00:00
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> formatMoney ( round (( double ) $this -> totals [ 'totalArticles' ], 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> Ln ();
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'briefpapier_ohnedoppelstrich' ) != '1' )
$this -> Line ( $differenz_wegen_abstand + 5 , $this -> GetY (), 210 - $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_seitenrandrechts' ), $this -> GetY ());
$this -> Line ( $differenz_wegen_abstand + 5 , $this -> GetY () + 1 , 210 - $this -> getStyleElement ( 'abstand_seitenrandrechts' ), $this -> GetY () + 1 );
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
2024-02-23 17:25:11 +01:00
if ( ! empty ( $this -> totals [ 'optional' ])) {
2024-02-07 20:45:34 +01:00
$this -> SetFont ( $this -> GetFont (), '' , $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftgroesse_gesamt' ));
$this -> Ln ( 2 );
$this -> Cell_typed ( $differenz_wegen_abstand , 1 , '' , 0 );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 30 , 5 , " ( " . $this -> app -> erp -> Beschriftung ( 'dokument_gesamt_optional' ), 0 , 0 , 'L' );
$this -> Cell_typed ( 40 , 5 , $this -> formatMoney ( round ( $this -> totals [ 'optional' ], 2 ), 2 ) . ' ' . $this -> waehrung . " ) " , 0 , 0 , 'R' );
$this -> Ln ();
2022-05-24 21:50:35 +02:00
$this -> SetY ( $this -> GetY () + 10 );
function displayAnhaenge ( $output = 'D' )
SuperFPDF :: __construct ( 'P' , 'mm' , 'A4' );
$this -> seite_von_sichtbar = 1 ;
// if($this->getStyleElement("schriftart")!="")
// $this->SetFont($this->getStyleElement("schriftart"));
if ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != '' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != 'Arial' &&
$this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != 'Courier' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != 'Helvetica'
&& $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != 'Times' && $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ) != 'Arial' ){
$this -> AddFont ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ), '' , strtolower ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' )) . '.php' );
$this -> AddFont ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ), 'I' , strtolower ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' )) . '.php' );
$this -> AddFont ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' ), 'B' , strtolower ( $this -> getStyleElement ( 'schriftart' )) . '.php' );
if ( ! empty ( $this -> addpdf ) && is_array ( $this -> addpdf ))
foreach ( $this -> addpdf as $addpdf )
$filename = $addpdf ;
$pn = $this -> setSourceFile ( $filename );
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $pn ; $i ++ )
$fn =& $this -> current_filename ;
$mediabox = $this -> parsers [ $fn ] -> getPageMediaBox ( $i );
if ( $i >= 1 )
if ( isset ( $mediabox [ 'w' ]) && ( float ) $mediabox [ 'w' ] > 210.1 )
$this -> AddPage ( 'L' );
} else {
$this -> AddPage ();
$this -> SetXY ( 0 , 0 );
$tplidx = $this -> ImportPage ( $i );
$this -> useTemplate ( $tplidx );
$this -> filename = $this -> app -> erp -> Dateinamen ( $this -> filename );
$this -> Output ( $this -> filename , $output );
exit ;
* @ param float $value
* @ param int | null $decimals
* @ return string
protected function formatMoney ( $value , $decimals = null )
$decimals = $decimals !== null ? ( int ) $decimals : $this -> anzahlkomma ;
$currency = $this -> waehrung ;
return $this -> app -> erp -> formatMoney ( $value , $currency , $decimals );