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* Class ShopimporterBase
Class ShopimporterBase{
const CANNOT = 1;//1: kann nicht (Importer) - inaktiv,disabled
const CAN = 2;//2: kann -enabled
const MUST = 3;//3: muss -aktiv,disabled
const UNDEFINED = 4;//4: nicht definiert -
const CANNOTSHOP = 5; //5: not supported by shop
protected $articlecapability = [];
protected $canexport = true;
protected $canimport = true;
* @return array
public function importerCapability()
return $this->articlecapability;
* @return bool
public function importerCanImport()
return $this->canimport;
* @return bool
public function importerCanExport()
return $this->canexport;
* @param int $file
* @param string $name
* @param string $shopname
* @param string $url
* @param string $overWriteUrl
* @return bool|string|null
public function saveFileToServer(
$shopname = '',
$url = '',
$overWriteUrl = ''
return $this->saveFile(
* @param int $file
* @param string $name
* @param string $shopname
* @param string $url
* @param string $overWriteUrl
* @return bool|string|null
protected function saveFile(
$shopname = '',
$url = '',
$overWriteUrl = ''
if($url === '') {
$url = "https://{$this->app->Conf->updateHost}/shopimage.php";
if(empty($file) || empty($url)) {
return null;
$serial = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('lizenz');
return null;
$name = $this->app->erp->GetDateiName($file);
return null;
$content = base64_encode($this->app->erp->GetDatei($file));
return null;
$paras = [
'shopname' => $shopname,
'lasturl' => $overWriteUrl,
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, True);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $paras);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, True);
$ret = curl_exec($ch);
return $ret;
* @param $configurationArray
public function setConfiguration($configurationArray){
foreach ($configurationArray as $parameter => $value){
$this->$parameter = $value;
protected function importerLoadCapability(){
$ability['auftrag'] = array(
'name' => 'Auftrag Importieren',
'info' => 'Der Import von Aufträgen ist verfügbar',
'description' => 'Importiert Aufträge aus dem Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Wird regelmäßig vom Prozessstarter übertragen');
$ability['artikelname'] = array(
'name' => 'Artikelbezeichnung',
'info' => 'Einstellungen wurde beim Erstellen aus dem Tab "Einstellungen" übernommen',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Namen des Artikels zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Wird beim Anlegen eines neuen Artikels immer übertragen');
$ability['artikelnummer'] = array(
'name' => 'Artikelnummer',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Artikelnummer zum Shop',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['beschreibung'] = array(
'info' => '',
'name' => 'Artikelbeschreibung',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Artikelbeschreibung',
'tooltip' => 'Genaugenommen die Beschreibung aus OnlineShop Texte des Artikels');
$ability['kurztext'] = array(
'info' => '',
'name' => 'Kurztext',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Kurztext des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['aktiv'] = array(
'name' => 'Aktiv',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Aktiv/Inaktiv Status an den Shop',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['restmenge'] = array(
'name' => 'Restmenge',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Restmenge/Abverkauf an den Shop',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['umsatzsteuer'] = array(
'name' => 'Umsatzsteuer',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Umsatzsteuer des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['ean'] = array(
'name' => 'EAN',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die EAN des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['hersteller'] = array(
'name' => 'Hersteller',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Hersteller des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['herstellernummer'] = array(
'name' => 'Herstellernummer',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Artikelnummer des Herstellers',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['herstellerlink'] = array(
'name' => 'Herstellerlink',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Link zum Artikel beim Hersteller',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['zolltarifnummer'] = array(
'name' => 'Zolltarifnummer',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Zolltrarifnummer des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['gewicht'] = array(
'name' => 'Gewicht',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt das Gewicht des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['einheit'] = array(
'name' => 'Artikeleinheit',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Einheit des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['laenge'] = array(
'name' => 'Länge',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Länge des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['hoehe'] = array(
'name' => 'Gewicht',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Höhe des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['breite'] = array(
'name' => 'Breite',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Breite des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['verkaufspreis'] = array(
'name' => 'Verkaufspreis',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Verkaufspreis',
'tooltip' => 'Genaugenommen den Standardpreis des Artikels');
$ability['pseudopreis'] = array(
'name' => 'Pseudopreis',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Pseudopreis',
'tooltip' => 'Falls eingetragen');
$ability['gruppenpreise'] = array(
'name' => 'Gruppenpreise',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Gruppenpreise',
'tooltip' => 'zus&auuml;tzlich zum Standard-Verkaufspreis');
$ability['staffelpreise'] = array(
'name' => 'Staffelpreise',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Staffelpreise',
'tooltip' => 'zus&auuml;tzlich zum Standard-Verkaufspreis');
$ability['lagerzahlen'] = array(
'name' => 'Lagerzahlen',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Lagerzahlen',
'tooltip' => 'Genaugenommen den Lagerzahlen mit ggf. eingestellten Korrekturwert des Artikels');
$ability['pseudolager'] = array(
'name' => 'Pseudolagerzahl',
'info' => 'Überschreibt die tatsaechlichen Lagerzahlen',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Anzahl im Pseudolager',
'tooltip' => 'Falls eingetragen');
$ability['fremdsprachen'] = array(
'name' => 'Fremdsprache',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt sofern verfügbar Artikeldaten in Fremdsprachen zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Für alle Sprachen außer Englisch wird das Modul ArtikelTexte benötigt');
$ability['kategorie'] = array(
'name' => '(Haupt-) Kategorie',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Verschiebt den Artikel in die passende Kategorie',
'tooltip' => 'Wenn Kategoriebaum übertragen wird,wird der Artikel in die markierten Kategorien verschoben');
$ability['kategoriebaum'] = array(
'name' => 'Kategoriebaum / Artikelbaum',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Kategoriebaum zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Hat nur Auswirkung in Kombination mit den anderen Kategorieoptionen');
$ability['bilder'] = array(
'name' => 'Bilder',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Artikelbilder zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Überträgt alle Dateien die dem Artikel zugeordnet sind');
$ability['varianten'] = array(
'name' => 'Varianten',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Verianten des Artikels zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Überträgt alle Verianten die dem Artikel zugeordnet sind');
$ability['matrixeigenschaften'] = array(
'name' => 'Matrixartikel / Matrixeigenschaften',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Matrixproduktvarianten des Artikels zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Überträgt alle Matrixproduktvarianten die dem Artikel zugeordnet sind');
$ability['eigenschaften'] = array(
'name' => 'Eigenschaften',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Eigenschaften des Artikels zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Überträgt alle Eigenschaften zum Artikel');
$ability['crossselling'] = array(
'name' => 'Crossselling',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt Crosssellingartikel des Artikels zum Shop',
'tooltip' => 'Überträgt alle Crosssellingartikel die dem Artikel zugeordnet sind');
$ability['herkunftsland'] = array(
'name' => 'Herkunftsland',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt das Herkunftsland des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['metatitel'] = array(
'name' => 'Metatitel',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt den Metatitel des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['metabeschreibung'] = array(
'name' => 'Metabeschreibung',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Metabeschreibungdes Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['metakeywords'] = array(
'name' => 'Metakeywords',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Metakeywords des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
$ability['freifelder'] = array(
'name' => 'Freifelder',
'info' => '',
'description' => 'Überträgt die Freifelder des Artikels',
'tooltip' => '');
foreach ($ability as $key => $value){
$ability[$key]['createarticle'] = self::UNDEFINED;
$ability[$key]['updatearticle'] = self::UNDEFINED;
$ability[$key]['importarticle'] = self::UNDEFINED;
$ability[$key]['importorder'] = self::UNDEFINED;
$ability[$key]['createarticledefault'] = false;
$ability[$key]['updatearticledefault'] = false;
$ability[$key]['importarticledefault'] = false;
$ability[$key]['importorderdefault'] = false;
$this->articlecapability = $ability;
* @return bool
public function canGetOrderStatus(){
return method_exists( $this,'ImportGetOrderStatus');
* @param $name
* @param $createarticle
* @param $updatearticle
* @param $importarticle
* @param $importorder
protected function importerSetCapability($name, $createarticle, $updatearticle, $importarticle, $importorder){
$this->articlecapability[$name]['createarticle'] = $createarticle;
$this->articlecapability[$name]['updatearticle'] = $updatearticle;
$this->articlecapability[$name]['importarticle'] = $importarticle;
$this->articlecapability[$name]['importorder'] = $importorder;
* @return bool
public function canExportAdress(){
return method_exists( $this,'ImportSendAdresse');
* @return bool
public function canImportAdress(){
return method_exists( $this,'ImportGetAdresse');
* @return bool
public function canExportArticleTree(){
return method_exists( $this,'ImportSendArtikelbaum');
* @param string $value
public function CatchRemoteCommandAES($value)
* @param string $value
* @return mixed
public function CatchRemoteCommand($value)
return $this->data;
public function CatchRemoteAuth()
* @param string $value
* @return mixed
public function SendResponse($value)
return $value;
* @param string $value
public function SendResponseAES($value)
* @param int $shopId
* @param int $articleId
* @param string $name
* @return array|string
public function GetShopArtikel($shopId, $articleId, $name = '')
if(empty($name)) {
return $this->getShopexportArticleValues($shopId, $articleId);
return $this->getShopexportArticleValue($shopId, $articleId, $name);
* @param int $shopId
* @param int $articleId
* @param string $name
* @return string
public function getShopexportArticleValue($shopId, $articleId, $name) {
return (String)$this->app->DB->Select(
sprintf('SELECT sa.`wert`
FROM `shopexport_artikel` AS sa
WHERE sa.`shopid` = %d AND sa.`artikel` = %d AND sa.`name` <> \'\' AND sa.`name` = \'%s\'
$shopId, $articleId, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($name)
* @param int $shopId
* @param int $articleId
* @return array
public function getShopexportArticleValues($shopId, $articleId) {
$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
sprintf('SELECT sa.`name`, sa.`wert`
FROM `shopexport_artikel` AS sa
WHERE sa.`shopid` = %d AND sa.`artikel` = %d AND sa.`name` <> \'\'',
$shopId, $articleId
$shopexportArticleValues = [];
if(!empty($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $keyRow => $row) {
$shopexportArticleValues[$row['name']] = $row['wert'];
return $shopexportArticleValues;
* @param int $shopId
* @param int $articleId
* @return array
public function getNotEmptyShopexportArticleValues($shopId, $articleId) {
$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
sprintf('SELECT sa.`name`, sa.`wert`
FROM `shopexport_artikel` AS sa
WHERE sa.`shopid` = %d AND sa.`artikel` = %d AND sa.`name` <> \'\'
AND sa.`wert`<> \'\'',
$shopId, $articleId
$shopexportArticleValues = [];
if(!empty($arr)) {
foreach($arr as $keyRow => $row) {
$shopexportArticleValues[$row['name']] = $row['wert'];
return $shopexportArticleValues;
* @param int $shopId
* @return bool
public function isInDemoMode($shopId = 0){
if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT demomodus FROM shopexport WHERE id = $shopId")){
return true;
return false;
* @param int $shopid
* @param string $typ
* @param string $nummer
* @param string $parameter2
* @param string $parameter3
* @param string $parameter4
public function shopLog($shopid,$typ,$nummer,$parameter2,$parameter3='',$parameter4=''){
$this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO shopexport_log(shopid,typ,bearbeiter,parameter1,parameter2,parameter3,parameter4,zeitstempel)
VALUES ($shopid,'$typ','".$this->app->User->GetUsername()."','$nummer',
* Es werden Werte nur hinzugefuegt falls der Wert noch nicht existiert bzw. leer ist
* @refactor in ShopImporter Module
* @param int $shopId Shopid
* @param int $articleId Artikelid
* @param array $arr Array zum Einfuegen / Updaten
* @param bool $escape Werte werden fuer DB escaped
* @return bool wenn Daten OK true sonst falsch
public function UpdateShopArtikel($shopId, $articleId, $arr, $escape = true)
if(empty($articleId) || empty($shopId) || empty($arr)){
return false;
$bearbeiter = $this->app->erp->GetBearbeiter(true);
$oldarr = array();
$old = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT min(id) as id, name,wert FROM shopexport_artikel
WHERE shopid = '$shopId' AND artikel = '$articleId' GROUP BY name,wert");
foreach($old as $v)
$oldarr[$v['name']] = array('id'=>$v['id'],'wert'=>$v['wert']);
foreach($arr as $k => $v)
$check = !empty($oldarr[$k])?$oldarr[$k]['id']:0;
//$check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM shopexport_artikel WHERE shopid = '$shop' AND artikel = '$artikel' AND name = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($k)."' LIMIT 1");
$this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO shopexport_artikel (shopid, artikel, name) VALUES ('$shopId','$articleId','".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($k)."')");
$new = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
$check = $new;
$new = null;
if(!empty($new) || $oldarr[$k]['wert'] != $v){
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE shopexport_artikel SET bearbeiter = '$bearbeiter', wert = '" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($v) . "' WHERE id = '$check' LIMIT 1");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE shopexport_artikel SET bearbeiter = '$bearbeiter', wert = '$v' WHERE id = '$check' LIMIT 1");
return true;
* @var string $moduleName
* @return string[]
public static function storageNotNeededElements(string $moduleName): array
$notNeededElementsByModule = [
'shopimporter_ebay' => [
'shopimporter_amazon' => [
'shopimporter_presta' => [
'shopimporter_shopify' => [
'shopimporter_shopware' => [
'shopimporter_shopware6' => [
'shopimporter_magento' => [
'shopimporter_magento2' => [
'shopimporter_gambio' => [
'shopimporter_woocommerce' => [
'shopimporter_tillhub' => [
'shopimporter_real' => [
'shopimporter_hood' => [
'shopimporter_spryker' => [
if(isset($notNeededElementsByModule[$moduleName])) {
return $notNeededElementsByModule[$moduleName];
return [];
* @return int[][][]
public static function shopCapabilities()
return [
'shopimporter_hood' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_gambio' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_ebay' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_real' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_shopify' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importorder' => self::CANNOTSHOP],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importorder' => self::CANNOTSHOP],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOTSHOP, 'importorder' => self::CANNOTSHOP],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_spryker' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_shopware6' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_hhg' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_billbee' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_manomano' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_magento2' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_shopware' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_xtcommerce' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_presta' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_modified' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_magento' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_rakuten' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_amazon' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CAN, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_epages' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::MUST, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_tillhub' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_woocommerce' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CAN, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_oxid' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CAN, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::MUST, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::MUST, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'shopimporter_getcore' => [
'auftrag' => ['createarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'updatearticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importarticle' => self::UNDEFINED, 'importorder' => self::UNDEFINED],
'artikelname' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'artikelnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'aktiv' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'restmenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'beschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'ean' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hersteller' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellerlink' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herstellernummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'zolltarifnummer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gewicht' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'einheit' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'laenge' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'hoehe' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'breite' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'verkaufspreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CAN],
'pseudopreis' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'lagerzahlen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'pseudolager' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'staffelpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'gruppenpreise' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'fremdsprachen' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategorie' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kategoriebaum' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'bilder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'matrixeigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'über 5000 Varianten' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'eigenschaften' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'crossselling' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'kurztext' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'herkunftsland' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'umsatzsteuer' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metatitel' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metabeschreibung' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'metakeywords' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],
'freifelder' => ['createarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'updatearticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importarticle' => self::CANNOT, 'importorder' => self::CANNOT],