2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
set_time_limit ( 3600 );
error_reporting ( E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../conf/main.conf.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../phpwf/plugins/class.mysql.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../phpwf/plugins/class.secure.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../phpwf/plugins/class.user.php " );
if ( file_exists ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../conf/user_defined.php' )) include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../conf/user_defined.php' );
if ( defined ( 'USEFPDF3' ) && USEFPDF3 )
if ( file_exists ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf_3.php' ))
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf_3.php' );
} else {
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf.php' );
else if ( defined ( 'USEFPDF2' ) && USEFPDF2 )
if ( file_exists ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf_2.php' ))
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf_2.php' );
} else {
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf.php' );
} else {
require_once ( __DIR__ . '/../www/lib/pdf/fpdf.php' );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/pdf/fpdf_final.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/imap.inc.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.erpapi.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.remote.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.httpclient.php " );
$aes = '' ;
$phpversion = ( String ) phpversion ();
2022-06-01 21:14:27 +02:00
if ( $phpversion [ 0 ] == '7' && ( int ) $phpversion [ 2 ] > 0 ) $aes = '2' ;
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
if ( $aes == 2 && is_file ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.aes " . $aes . " .php " ))
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.aes " . $aes . " .php " );
} else
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/class.aes.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/plugins/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/plugins/phpmailer/class.smtp.php " );
$classes = array ( 'briefpapier' , 'lieferschein' , 'auftrag' , 'anfrage' , 'gutschrift' , 'bestellung' , 'rechnung' , 'mahnwesen' );
foreach ( $classes as $class )
if ( file_exists ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class. " . $class . " _custom.php " ))
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class. " . $class . " _custom.php " );
} elseif ( file_exists ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class. " . $class . " .php " ))
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class. " . $class . " .php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.lieferschein.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.auftrag.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.angebot.php " );
if ( file_exists ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.anfrage.php " )) include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.anfrage.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.gutschrift.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.bestellung.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.rechnung.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/dokumente/class.mahnwesen.php " );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../phpwf/plugins/class.string.php " );
if ( ! class_exists ( 'app_t' )){
class app_t
var $DB ;
var $erp ;
var $User ;
var $mail ;
var $remote ;
var $Secure ;
if ( ! isset ( $app ))
$app = new app_t ();
$conf = new Config ();
$app -> Conf = $conf ;
$app -> DB = new DB ( $conf -> WFdbhost , $conf -> WFdbname , $conf -> WFdbuser , $conf -> WFdbpass , null , $conf -> WFdbport );
$erp = new erpAPI ( $app );
$app -> erp = $erp ;
$app -> String = new WawiString ();
$app -> erp -> LogFile ( " MLM gestartet " );
$app -> Secure = new Secure ( $app );
$app -> User = new User ( $app );
if ( ! defined ( 'FPDF_FONTPATH' )) define ( 'FPDF_FONTPATH' , dirname ( __FILE__ ) . " /../www/lib/pdf/font/ " );
echo " Suche nach nicht archivierten Dokumenten.. \r \n " ;
$dokumente = array ( 'auftrag' , 'angebot' , 'gutschrift' , 'rechnung' , 'bestellung' , 'lieferschein' , 'anfrage' );
foreach ( $dokumente as $table )
echo $table . " \r \n " ;
$check = $app -> DB -> Query ( " SELECT t.* FROM $table t LEFT JOIN pdfarchiv p ON p.table_id = t.id AND p.table_name = ' $table ' WHERE isnull(p.id) AND belegnr <> '' AND status <> 'storniert' AND status <> 'angelegt' AND status <> 'angelegta' AND status <> 'a' AND status <> '' " );
while ( $row = $app -> DB -> Fetch_Array ( $check ))
echo $row [ 'id' ] . " \r \n " ;
if ( $table == 'rechnung' )
$mahnwesen = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT mahnwesen FROM rechnung WHERE id=' " . $row [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $mahnwesen )
$app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = ! $app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ;
if ( class_exists ( 'MahnwesenCustom' ))
$Brief = new MahnwesenCustom ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
} else {
$Brief = new Mahnwesen ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
$Brief -> GetRechnung ( $row [ 'id' ], $mahnwesen );
$tmpfile = $Brief -> displayTMP ();
$Brief -> ArchiviereDocument ();
unlink ( $tmpfile );
$app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = ! $app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ;
if ( class_exists ( 'MahnwesenCustom' ))
$Brief = new MahnwesenCustom ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
} else {
$Brief = new Mahnwesen ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
$Brief -> GetRechnung ( $row [ 'id' ], $mahnwesen );
$tmpfile = $Brief -> displayTMP ();
$Brief -> ArchiviereDocument ();
$name = ucfirst ( $table ) . 'PDFCustom' ;
if ( ! class_exists ( $name )) $name = ucfirst ( $table ) . 'PDF' ;
$nameget = 'Get' . ucfirst ( $table );
$app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = ! $app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ;
$Brief = new $name ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
$Brief -> $nameget ( $row [ 'id' ]);
$tmpfile = $Brief -> displayTMP ();
$Brief -> ArchiviereDocument ();
unlink ( $tmpfile );
$app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable = ! $app -> erp -> BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ;
$Brief = new $name ( $app , $row [ 'projekt' ]);
$Brief -> $nameget ( $row [ 'id' ]);
$tmpfile = $Brief -> displayTMP ();
$Brief -> ArchiviereDocument ();
if ( method_exists ( $app -> erp , 'canRunCronjob' ) && ! $app -> erp -> canRunCronjob ([ 'pdfarchiv' ])) {
return ;