2023-01-28 13:04:28 +01:00
< ? php
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2023-01-28 13:04:28 +01:00
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
use Xentral\Components\Http\JsonResponse ;
use Xentral\Modules\SystemConfig\SystemConfigModule ;
class Appstore {
/** @var Application $app */
var $app ;
/** @var array $deactivatesModules */
protected $deactivatesModules = [];
/** @var array $cachedAppsList */
protected static $cachedAppsList = [];
/** @var array $nodeactivateable */
private $nodeactivateable = [];
/** @var mixed $buyList */
protected $buyList = null ;
/** @var mixed $buyInfo */
protected $buyInfo = null ;
const MODULE_NAME = 'Appstore' ;
public $javascript = [
'./classes/Modules/Appstore/www/js/appstore.js' ,
'./classes/Modules/Appstore/www/js/appstore_buy.js' ,
'./www/js/counter-component.js' ,
* Appstore constructor .
* @ param Application $app
* @ param bool $intern
public function __construct ( $app , $intern = false )
$this -> app = $app ;
if ( $intern ) {
return ;
$this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] = null ;
$this -> nodeactivateable = [
'appstore' ,
'firmendaten' ,
'artikel' ,
'auftrag' ,
'lieferschein' ,
'systemlog' ,
'dsgvo' ,
'dataprotection' ,
'pdfarchiv' ,
'orderstatus' ,
'welcome' ,
'ajax' ,
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerInit ( $this );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( 'list' , 'AppstoreList' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( 'testmodule' , 'AppStoreTestModule' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( 'activate' , 'AppstoreActivate' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( 'deactivate' , 'AppstoreDeactivate' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( 'testen' , 'AppstoreTesten' );
$this -> app -> DefaultActionHandler ( 'list' );
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerListen ( $app );
public function AppStoreTestModule () : void
//for user-rights do not remove
public function addFav () : void
$apps = $this -> getAppsList ();
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$module2 = $this -> getSubModule ( $id , $module );
$favModuleName = $module ;
if ( ! empty ( $apps [ 'installiert' ])) {
foreach ( $apps [ 'installiert' ] as $app ) {
if ( ! empty ( $module2 ) && $app [ 'key' ] === $module2 ) {
$favModuleName = $app [ 'Bezeichnung' ];
break ;
if ( $app [ 'key' ] === $module ) {
$favModuleName = $app [ 'Bezeichnung' ];
break ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'FAVMODULENAME' , $favModuleName );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'BODYENDE' , 'addfav.tpl' );
* @ param int $id
* @ param string $module
* @ return string
public function getSubModule ( $id , $module ) : string
$module2 = '' ;
if ( $id > 0 ) {
switch ( $module ) {
case 'onlineshops' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `modulename` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
break ;
case 'uebertragungen' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `xml_pdf` FROM `uebertragungen_account` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( strpos ( $module2 , 'Transfer' ) !== 0 ) {
$module2 = '' ;
break ;
case 'versandarten' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `modul` FROM `versandarten` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( ! empty ( $module2 )) {
$module2 = 'versandarten_' . $module2 ;
break ;
case 'zahlungsweisen' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `modul` FROM `zahlungsweisen` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( ! empty ( $module2 )) {
$module2 = 'zahlungsweise_' . $module2 ;
break ;
case 'drucker' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `anbindung` FROM `drucker` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( strpos ( $module2 , 'Printer' ) !== 0 ) {
$module2 = '' ;
break ;
case 'konten' :
$module2 = ( String ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
'SELECT `type` FROM `konten` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1' ,
if ( ! empty ( $module2 )) {
$module2 = 'konto_' . $module2 ;
break ;
return $module2 ;
* @ param bool $parameter
* @ return null | string
protected function sendBeta ( $parameter ) : ? string
$setBeta = $parameter ;
$ok = null ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ , 2 ) . '/upgradesystemclient2_includekey.php' ;
return $ok ;
* @ param array $parameter
* @ return null | string
protected function sendBuyFromDemo ( $parameter ) : ? string
$buyFromDemo = $parameter ;
$ok = null ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ , 2 ) . '/upgradesystemclient2_includekey.php' ;
return $ok ;
* @ param array $parameter
* @ return null | string
protected function sendBuy ( $parameter ) : ? string
$buy = $parameter ;
$ok = null ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ , 2 ) . '/upgradesystemclient2_includekey.php' ;
$this -> resetBuyListCache ();
return $ok ;
* @ return null | string
protected function sendGetBuyList () : ? string
$getBuyList = true ;
$ok = null ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ , 2 ) . '/upgradesystemclient2_includekey.php' ;
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buy_lasttime' , ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ));
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buy_list' , $ok );
return $ok ;
* @ return null | string
protected function sendGetBuyInfo () : ? string
$getBuyInfo = true ;
$ok = null ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ , 2 ) . '/upgradesystemclient2_includekey.php' ;
return $ok ;
* @ return JsonResponse
protected function HandleGetBuyInfoAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$data = $this -> getActualBuyInfo ();
if ( is_string ( $data )) {
$json = @ json_decode ( $data , true );
if ( ! empty ( $json )) {
$data = $json ;
$html = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'modul' ])) {
$html = '<table><tr><td><b>Modul</b></td><td><b>Preis</b></td></tr>' ;
foreach ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'modul' ] as $articleId => $module ) {
$module [ 'preis' ] = $this -> formatBuyPrice ( $module [ 'preis' ]);
$html .= ' < tr >
< td > '.htmlspecialchars($module[' bezeichnung ']).' </ td >
< td > '.number_format($module[' preis '],2,' , ',' . ').' </ td >
</ tr > ' ;
$html .= '</table>' ;
$ret = [
'message' => $data ,
'data' => $html ,
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'user' ])) {
$art = reset ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'user' ]);
$ret [ 'user' ] = ( int ) $art [ 'menge' ];
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'lightuser' ])) {
$art = reset ( $data [ 'summedAbos' ][ 'lightuser' ]);
$ret [ 'lightuser' ] = ( int ) $art [ 'menge' ];
$maxUser = erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'maxuser' );
$maxLightUser = erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'maxlightuser' );
$ret [ 'maxuser' ] = ( int ) $maxUser ;
$ret [ 'maxlightuser' ] = ( int ) $maxLightUser ;
if ( ! empty ( $data [ 'customerinfo' ])) {
$ret = array_merge ( $ret , $data [ 'customerinfo' ]);
$ret [ 'customerinfo' ] = $this -> getCustomInfoHtml ( $data [ 'customerinfo' ]);
return new JsonResponse ( $ret );
* @ param array $customerinfos
* @ return string
protected function getCustomInfoHtml ( $customerinfos ) : string
$html = '<table><tr>' ;
$rows = [];
foreach ( $customerinfos as $key => $customerinfo ) {
$rows [] = '<td>' . htmlspecialchars ( ucfirst ( $key )) . '</td><td>' . htmlspecialchars ( $customerinfo ) . '</td>' ;
return $html . implode ( '</tr><tr>' , $rows ) . '</tr></table>' ;
* @ return JsonResponse
protected function HandleGetBuyListAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$data = $this -> sendGetBuyList ();
$data = [ 'message' => $data ];
return new JsonResponse ( $data );
* @ return JsonResponse
protected function HandleSendBuyFromDemoAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$data = [
'company' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'company' , '' , '' , true ),
'name' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'name' , '' , '' , true ),
'email' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'email' , '' , '' , true ),
'street' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'street' , '' , '' , true ),
'street2' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'street2' , '' , '' , true ),
'zip' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'zip' , '' , '' , true ),
'city' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'city' , '' , '' , true ),
'country' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'country' ),
'bank' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'bank' , '' , '' , true ),
'bankname' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'bankname' , '' , '' , true ),
'iban' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'iban' , '' , '' , true ),
'bic' => $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'bic' , '' , '' , true ),
'user' => ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'user' ),
'agreement' => ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'agreement' ),
if ( $data [ 'user' ] <= 0 ) {
$data [ 'user' ] = null ;
$mapping = [
'company' => 'Firma' ,
'name' => 'Ansprechpartner' ,
'email' => 'Email' ,
'street' => 'Straße' ,
'zip' => 'PLZ' ,
'city' => 'Ort' ,
'country' => 'Land' ,
'bank' => 'Bank' ,
'bankname' => 'Kontoinhaber' ,
'iban' => 'IBAN' ,
'bic' => 'BIC' ,
'user' => 'Benutzeranzahl' ,
'agreement' => 'Einverständnis' ,
$isTestlizenz = ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'testlizenz' ));
if ( ! $isTestlizenz ) {
unset ( $mapping [ 'agreement' ]);
$field = 'add_user' ;
$new = $data [ 'user' ];
$old = erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'maxuser' );
return $this -> SendBuyInfo ( $field , $new , $old );
$error = [];
foreach ( $mapping as $field => $name ) {
if ( empty ( $data [ $field ])) {
$error [] = $field ;
$isInvalidIban = ! empty ( $data [ 'iban' ]) && ! $this -> isValidIban ( $data [ 'iban' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $error )) {
$errorMessage = 'Pflichtfelder sind nicht ausgefüllt.' ;
if ( $isInvalidIban ) {
$error [] = 'iban' ;
return new JsonResponse (
'status' => 0 ,
'errorMessage' => $errorMessage . ' IBAN ist nicht gültig.' ,
'invalidFields' => $error
return new JsonResponse (
[ 'status' => 0 , 'errorMessage' => $errorMessage , 'invalidFields' => $error ]
if ( $isInvalidIban ) {
return new JsonResponse (
[ 'status' => 0 , 'errorMessage' => 'IBAN ist nicht gültig.' , 'invalidFields' => [ 'iban' ]]
$data [ 'change' ] = ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'change' );
if ( empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'lizenz' )) || empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'schluessel' ))) {
return new JsonResponse (
[ 'status' => 0 , 'errorMessage' => 'Es sind keine Lizenzdaten in den Firmendaten eingestellt' ]
$data = $this -> sendBuyFromDemo ( $data );
if ( is_string ( $data )){
if ( $data === 'ERROR' || $data === '' ) {
return new JsonResponse (
[ 'status' => 0 , 'errorMessage' => 'Lizenz in Firmendaten scheinen nicht zu stimmen.' ]
if ( strpos ( $data , 'ERROR' ) === 0 ) {
return new JsonResponse (
[ 'status' => 0 , 'errorMessage' => trim ( substr ( $data , 5 ))]
$this -> app -> User -> SetParameter ( 'updatekey' , 1 );
$this -> resetBuyListCache ();
$this -> resetBuyInfoCache ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'appstore_customeruser' , '' );
return new JsonResponse ([ 'status' => $data ]);
* @ return JsonResponse
protected function HandleSendBuyInfoAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$field = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'field' );
$new = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'new' );
$old = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'old' );
return $this -> SendBuyInfo ( $field , $new , $old );
* @ param $field
* @ param $new
* @ param $old
* @ return JsonResponse
public function SendBuyInfo ( $field , $new , $old ) : JsonResponse
if ( $field === 'reduce_user' ) {
$possibleToChangeUser = $this -> isPossibleToChangeUser ( 'user' , $new );
if ( ! empty ( $possibleToChangeUser [ 'error' ])) {
return new JsonResponse ( $possibleToChangeUser );
if ( $field === 'reduce_lightuser' ) {
$possibleToChangeUser = $this -> isPossibleToChangeUser ( 'lightuser' , $new );
if ( ! empty ( $possibleToChangeUser [ 'error' ])) {
return new JsonResponse ( $possibleToChangeUser );
$input = [ 'field' => $field , 'value_new' => $new , 'value_old' => $old ,];
$data = $this -> sendBuy ( $input );
if ( $data === 'OK' ) {
$this -> app -> User -> SetParameter ( 'updatekey' , 1 );
if ( $field === 'add_module' ) {
$this -> addModuleForUpdateInfo ( $new );
if ( $field === 'delete_module' ) {
$this -> removeModuleForUpdateInfo ( $new );
$this -> resetBuyListCache ();
$this -> resetBuyInfoCache ();
$msg = $this -> app -> erp -> base64_url_encode (
'<div class="info">Anfrage erfolgreich ausgeführt. Sie können in etwa 15 Minuten ein Update herunterladen</div>'
return new JsonResponse ([ 'status' => true , 'url' => 'index.php?module=appstore&action=buy&msg=' . $msg ]);
return new JsonResponse ([ 'status' => false , 'error' => $data ]);
* @ param string $module
protected function addModuleForUpdateInfo ( $module ) : void
$modules = $this -> getModulesForUpdateInfo ();
if ( in_array ( $module , $modules )) {
return ;
$modules [] = $module ;
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_modules_for_update_info' ,
json_encode ( $modules )
* @ param string $module
protected function removeModuleForUpdateInfo ( $module ) : void
$modules = $this -> getModulesForUpdateInfo ( false );
if ( ! in_array ( $module , $modules )) {
return ;
$modules = array_diff ( $modules , [ $module ]);
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_modules_for_update_info' ,
json_encode ( $modules )
* @ var bool $removeIfModuleExists
* @ return array
protected function getModulesForUpdateInfo ( $removeIfModuleExists = true ) : array
$modules = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_modules_for_update_info' );
if ( empty ( $modules )) {
return [];
$modules = json_decode ( $modules , true );
if ( empty ( $modules ) || ! is_array ( $modules )) {
return [];
if ( ! $removeIfModuleExists ) {
return $modules ;
foreach ( $modules as $key => $module ) {
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $module , true )) {
$this -> removeModuleForUpdateInfo ( $module );
unset ( $modules [ $key ]);
return $modules ;
public function resetBuyListCache () : void
$this -> buyList = null ;
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buy_lasttime' , '' );
public function resetBuyInfoCache () : void
$this -> buyInfo = null ;
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buyinfo_lasttime' , '' );
* @ param string $key
* @ param mixed $value
public function SetKonfigurationValue ( string $key , $value ) : void
if ( strpos ( $key , 'appstore_' ) === 0 ) {
$key = substr ( $key , 9 );
try {
/** @var SystemConfigModule $systemConfigModule */
$systemConfigModule = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'SystemConfigModule' );
$systemConfigModule -> setValue ( 'appstore' , $key , ( string ) $value );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
* @ param string $key
* @ return string | null
public function GetKonfiguration ( string $key ) : ? string
if ( strpos ( $key , 'appstore_' ) === 0 ) {
$key = substr ( $key , 9 );
/** @var SystemConfigModule $systemConfigModule */
$systemConfigModule = $this -> app -> Container -> get ( 'SystemConfigModule' );
return $systemConfigModule -> tryGetValue ( 'appstore' , $key );
* @ return mixed | string | null
public function getActualBuyInfo ()
if ( $this -> buyInfo !== null ) {
return $this -> buyInfo ;
$lastBuyInfo = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buyinfo_lasttime' );
try {
if ( ! empty ( $lastBuyInfo )) {
$lastBuyInfo = new DateTime ( $lastBuyInfo );
if ( $lastBuyInfo > new DateTime ( '-1 hour' )) {
$lastBuyInfo = null ;
else {
$lastBuyInfo = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
else {
$lastBuyInfo = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$lastBuyInfo = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$buyInfo = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buyinfo_list' );
$buyInfoDecoded = ! empty ( $buyInfo ) ? json_decode ( $buyInfo , true ) : [];
$buyInfoCustomerBuy = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buyinfo_customer_buy' );
$buyInfoCustomerBuy = empty ( $buyInfoCustomerBuy ) ? [] : json_decode ( $buyInfoCustomerBuy , true );
$moduleMapping = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buyinfo_module_mapping' );
$moduleMapping = empty ( $moduleMapping ) ? [] : json_decode ( $moduleMapping , true );
$buyInfoDecoded [ 'customer_buy' ] = $buyInfoCustomerBuy ;
$buyInfoDecoded [ 'module_mapping' ] = $moduleMapping ;
$buyInfo = json_encode ( $buyInfoDecoded );
if ( ! empty ( $lastBuyInfo )) {
$buyInfo = $this -> sendGetBuyInfo ();
$buyInfoDecoded = json_decode ( $buyInfo , true );
$buyInfoCustomerBuy = null ;
$moduleMapping = null ;
if ( isset ( $buyInfoDecoded [ 'customer_buy' ])){
$buyInfoCustomerBuy = $buyInfoDecoded [ 'customer_buy' ];
unset ( $buyInfoDecoded [ 'customer_buy' ]);
if ( isset ( $buyInfoDecoded [ 'module_mapping' ])){
$moduleMapping = $buyInfoDecoded [ 'module_mapping' ];
unset ( $buyInfoDecoded [ 'module_mapping' ]);
$buyInfoCustomerBuy = json_encode ( $buyInfoCustomerBuy );
$moduleMapping = json_encode ( $moduleMapping );
$buyInfoPart = json_encode ( $buyInfoDecoded );
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_buyinfo_lasttime' , $lastBuyInfo
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_buyinfo_list' , $buyInfoPart
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_buyinfo_customer_buy' , $buyInfoCustomerBuy
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue (
'appstore_buyinfo_module_mapping' , $moduleMapping
if ( is_string ( $buyInfo )){
$json = json_decode ( $buyInfo , true );
if ( ! empty ( $json )) {
$buyInfo = $json ;
if ( ! is_array ( $buyInfo )) {
$this -> buyList = $buyInfo ;
return $buyInfo ;
$this -> buyList = $buyInfo ;
return $buyInfo ;
* @ param string $key
* @ return string
public function GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( string $key ) : string
$value = ( string ) $this -> GetKonfiguration ( $key );
if ( strpos ( $value , 'ERROR' ) === 0 ) {
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( $key , '' );
return '' ;
return $value ;
* @ return mixed | string | null
public function getActualBuyList ()
if ( $this -> buyList !== null ) {
return $this -> buyList ;
$lastBuyList = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buy_lasttime' );
try {
if ( ! empty ( $lastBuyList )) {
$lastBuyList = new DateTime ( $lastBuyList );
if ( $lastBuyList > new DateTime ( '-1 hour' )) {
$lastBuyList = null ;
else {
$lastBuyList = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
else {
$lastBuyList = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
catch ( Exception $e ) {
$lastBuyList = ( new DateTime ()) -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$buyList = $this -> GetBuyKonfigurationWithResetOnError ( 'appstore_buy_list' );
if ( ! empty ( $lastBuyList )) {
$buyList = $this -> sendGetBuyList ();
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buy_lasttime' , $lastBuyList );
$this -> SetKonfigurationValue ( 'appstore_buy_list' , $buyList );
if ( is_string ( $buyList )){
$json = json_decode ( $buyList , true );
if ( ! empty ( $json )) {
$buyList = $json ;
if ( ! is_array ( $buyList )) {
$this -> buyList = $buyList ;
return $buyList ;
$ret = [
'user' => [],
'lightuser' => [],
'modules' => [],
'modulearticle' => [],
'cloud' => [],
foreach ( $buyList as $buyItem ) {
if ( $buyItem [ 'typ' ] === 'version' ) {
$ret [ 'user' ] = $buyItem ;
continue ;
if ( $buyItem [ 'typ' ] === 'lightuser' ) {
$ret [ 'lightuser' ] = $buyItem ;
continue ;
if ( $buyItem [ 'typ' ] === 'cloud' ) {
$ret [ 'cloud' ] = $buyItem ;
continue ;
$ret [ 'modulearticle' ][] = $buyItem ;
$modules = explode ( ',' , $buyItem [ 'parameter' ]);
foreach ( $modules as $module ) {
$module = trim ( $module );
if ( empty ( $module ) || in_array ( $module , $ret [ 'modules' ])) {
continue ;
$ret [ 'modules' ][] = $module ;
$this -> buyList = $ret ;
return $ret ;
* @ param string $type
* @ param int $count
* @ return array
private function isPossibleToChangeUser ( $type , $count )
$oldUser = ( int ) erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'maxuser' );
$oldLightUser = ( int ) erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'maxlightuser' );
$maxUser = $oldUser ;
$maxLightUser = $oldLightUser ;
if ( $type === 'user' ) {
$maxUser = $count ;
elseif ( $type === 'lightuser' ) {
$maxLightUser = $count ;
$maxTimeUser = $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( 'mitarbeiterzeiterfassung' ) ? $maxUser : 0 ;
$countActiveLightUser = 0 ;
if ( $maxLightUser > 0 ) {
$countActiveLightUser = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) FROM `user` AS `u` WHERE u.activ = 1 AND u.type = 'lightuser' "
$countActiveStandardUser = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(u.id) FROM `user` AS `u` WHERE u.activ = 1 AND u.hwtoken IS NOT NULL AND u.hwtoken <> 4 "
) - $countActiveLightUser ;
$countActiveTimeAccountUser = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user` AS `u` WHERE u.activ = 1 AND u.hwtoken = 4 AND u.type != 'lightuser' "
else {
$countActiveStandardUser = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user` AS `u` WHERE u.activ = 1 AND u.hwtoken <> 4 "
$countActiveTimeAccountUser = ( int ) $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `user` AS `u` WHERE u.activ = 1 AND u.hwtoken = 4 "
$isStandardUserOK = $countActiveStandardUser <= $maxUser ;
$isLightUserOK = $countActiveStandardUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser + $countActiveLightUser
<= $maxTimeUser + $maxUser + $maxLightUser ;
$isTimeUserOk = ( $countActiveStandardUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser )
<= $maxTimeUser + $maxUser ;
if ( $isLightUserOK && $isStandardUserOK && $isTimeUserOk ) {
return [ 'status' => true ];
if ( $type === 'user' ) {
$minStandard = $countActiveStandardUser ;
if ( $maxTimeUser > 0 ) {
$minStandard2 = ( int ) ceil (( $countActiveStandardUser
+ $countActiveTimeAccountUser
+ $countActiveLightUser
- $maxLightUser ) / 2 );
$minStandard3 = ( int ) ceil (( $countActiveStandardUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser ) / 2 );
else {
$minStandard2 = $countActiveStandardUser
+ $countActiveTimeAccountUser
+ $countActiveLightUser
- $maxLightUser ;
$minStandard3 = $countActiveStandardUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser ;
if ( $minStandard2 > $minStandard ) {
$minStandard = $minStandard2 ;
if ( $minStandard3 > $minStandard ) {
$minStandard = $minStandard3 ;
if ( $minStandard > $maxUser ) {
if ( $minStandard >= $oldUser ) {
return [
'status' => false ,
'error' => sprintf (
' Es sind % d Benutzer aktiv , Sie können keine Benutzer kündigen .
Deaktivieren Sie nicht benötigte Accounts . ' ,
$countActiveLightUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser + $countActiveStandardUser
return [
'status' => false ,
'error' => sprintf (
' Es sind % d Benutzer aktiv , sie können die Benutzerzahl auf % d reduzieren oder
nicht benötigte Accounts deaktivieren . ' ,
$countActiveLightUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser + $countActiveStandardUser ,
elseif ( $type === 'lightuser' ) {
$minLight = $countActiveLightUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser + $countActiveStandardUser
- $maxUser - $maxTimeUser ;
if ( $minLight > $maxLightUser ) {
if ( $minLight >= $oldLightUser ) {
return [
'status' => false ,
'error' => sprintf (
'Es sind %d Light-User aktiv. Deaktivieren Sie nicht benötigte Accounts um fortzusetzen.' ,
return [
'status' => false ,
'error' => sprintf (
' Es sind % d Light - User aktiv , sie können die Benutzerzahl auf % d reduzieren oder
nicht benötigte Accounts deaktivieren . ' ,
$countActiveLightUser ,
return [
'status' => false ,
'error' => sprintf (
'Es sind %d Benutzer aktiv' ,
$countActiveLightUser + $countActiveTimeAccountUser + $countActiveStandardUser
* @ param string $key
* @ return array | null
public function getBuyModuleFromModuleKey ( $key )
$buyList = $this -> getActualBuyList ();
if ( empty ( $buyList [ 'modulearticle' ])) {
return null ;
foreach ( $buyList [ 'modulearticle' ] as $mod ) {
if ( $mod [ 'parameter' ] === $key ) {
return $mod ;
return null ;
* @ param string $price
* @ return string
public function formatBuyPrice ( $price )
if ( empty ( $price )) {
return $price ;
if ( substr ( $price , - 3 ) === '.00' ) {
return substr ( $price , 0 , - 3 );
return $price ;
public function AppstoreBuy ()
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( 'index.php?module&appstore&action=list' );
* @ return string []
protected static function getHubspotEvents ()
return [
protected function showUpdateMessage () : void
if ( ! $this -> canBuy ()) {
return ;
if ( $this -> app -> User -> GetType () !== 'admin' ) {
return ;
$moduleForInfos = $this -> getModulesForUpdateInfo ();
if ( empty ( $moduleForInfos )) {
return ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set (
' < div class = " info " > Es sind Module zum Herunterladen verfügbar . Sie können nun ein Update installieren .
< a target = " _blank " href = " update.php?rand='.sha1(uniqid('', true)).' " >< input type = " button " value = " Update starten " /></ a ></ div > '
* @ return bool
public function canBuy () : bool
return method_exists ( 'erpAPI' , 'Ioncube_Property' ) && ! empty ( erpAPI :: Ioncube_Property ( 'canbuy' ));
* @ param string $iban
* @ return bool
public function isValidIban ( $iban ) : bool
$iban = str_replace ( ' ' , '' , strtolower ( $iban ));
$countries = [
'al' => 28 , 'ad' => 24 , 'at' => 20 , 'az' => 28 , 'bh' => 22 , 'be' => 16 , 'ba' => 20 , 'br' => 29 , 'bg' => 22 ,
'cr' => 21 , 'hr' => 21 , 'cy' => 28 , 'cz' => 24 , 'dk' => 18 , 'do' => 28 , 'ee' => 20 , 'fo' => 18 , 'fi' => 18 ,
'fr' => 27 , 'ge' => 22 , 'de' => 22 , 'gi' => 23 , 'gr' => 27 , 'gl' => 18 , 'gt' => 28 , 'hu' => 28 , 'is' => 26 ,
'ie' => 22 , 'il' => 23 , 'it' => 27 , 'jo' => 30 , 'kz' => 20 , 'kw' => 30 , 'lv' => 21 , 'lb' => 28 , 'li' => 21 ,
'lt' => 20 , 'lu' => 20 , 'mk' => 19 , 'mt' => 31 , 'mr' => 27 , 'mu' => 30 , 'mc' => 27 , 'md' => 24 , 'me' => 22 ,
'nl' => 18 , 'no' => 15 , 'pk' => 24 , 'ps' => 29 , 'pl' => 28 , 'pt' => 25 , 'qa' => 29 , 'ro' => 24 , 'sm' => 27 ,
'sa' => 24 , 'rs' => 22 , 'sk' => 24 , 'si' => 19 , 'es' => 24 , 'se' => 24 , 'ch' => 21 , 'tn' => 24 , 'tr' => 26 ,
'ae' => 23 , 'gb' => 22 , 'vg' => 24
$chars = [
'a' => 10 , 'b' => 11 , 'c' => 12 , 'd' => 13 , 'e' => 14 , 'f' => 15 , 'g' => 16 , 'h' => 17 , 'i' => 18 ,
'j' => 19 , 'k' => 20 , 'l' => 21 , 'm' => 22 , 'n' => 23 , 'o' => 24 , 'p' => 25 , 'q' => 26 , 'r' => 27 ,
's' => 28 , 't' => 29 , 'u' => 30 , 'v' => 31 , 'w' => 32 , 'x' => 33 , 'y' => 34 , 'z' => 35
if ( strlen ( $iban ) !== $countries [ substr ( $iban , 0 , 2 ) ]) {
return false ;
$movedChar = substr ( $iban , 4 ) . substr ( $iban , 0 , 4 );
$movedCharArray = str_split ( $movedChar );
$newString = '' ;
foreach ( $movedCharArray as $k => $v ) {
if ( ! is_numeric ( $movedCharArray [ $k ]) ) {
$movedCharArray [ $k ] = $chars [ $movedCharArray [ $k ]];
$newString .= $movedCharArray [ $k ];
if ( function_exists ( 'bcmod' )) {
return bcmod ( $newString , '97' ) == 1 ;
$take = 5 ;
$mod = 0 ;
do {
$a = $mod . substr ( $newString , 0 , $take );
$newString = substr ( $newString , $take );
$mod = ( int ) $a % 97 ;
while ( strlen ( $newString ));
return $mod === 1 ;
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isModulePossibleToBuy ( $module ) : bool
if ( ! $this -> canBuy ()) {
return false ;
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $module )) {
return false ;
$buyList = $this -> getActualBuyList ();
if ( empty ( $buyList [ 'modules' ]) || ! is_array ( $buyList [ 'modules' ])) {
return false ;
return in_array ( $module , $buyList [ 'modules' ]);
//return !empty(erpAPI::Ioncube_Property('canbuymodule'.str_replace('_','X', $module)));
* @ param bool $intern
* @ return bool | void
public function AppstoreActivate ( $intern = false )
$smodule = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'smodule' );
$activated = $this -> activateModule ( $smodule );
if ( $intern ) {
return $activated ;
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' );
* @ param bool $intern
* @ return bool | void
public function AppstoreDeactivate ( $intern = false )
$smodule = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'smodule' );
$deactivated = $this -> deactivateModule ( $smodule );
if ( $intern ) {
return $deactivated ;
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' );
public function addBetaToHeadline () : void
if ( empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 )) {
return ;
if ( stripos ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 , 'BETA' ) !== false ) {
return ;
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 . ' <span class="beta">BETA</span>' );
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isBeta ( $module ) : bool
if ( empty ( $module )) {
return false ;
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $module ])) {
return false ;
if ( ! isset ( $apps [ $module ][ 'beta' ]) || ! empty ( $apps [ $module ][ 'beta' ])) {
return true ;
return false ;
* @ param string $module
* @ param int $parameter
* @ return null | string
public function GetCategoryByModule ( $module , $parameter = 0 ) : ? string
if ( empty ( $module )) {
return null ;
if ( $parameter > 0 ) {
$module2 = $this -> app -> erp -> getSubModule ( $parameter , $module );
if ( ! empty ( $module2 )) {
$module = ( string ) $module2 ;
$apps = $this -> GetApps ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ 'installiert' ])) {
return null ;
$apps = $apps [ 'installiert' ];
$modul = null ;
foreach ( $apps as $app ) {
if ( $app [ 'key' ] === $module ) {
$modul = $app ;
break ;
if ( $modul === null ) {
return null ;
if ( empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) {
return null ;
$category = ( string ) $modul [ 'kategorie' ];
if ( strpos ( $category , '{|' ) === 0 ) {
$category = substr ( $category , 2 );
if ( substr ( $category , - 2 ) === '|}' ) {
$category = substr ( $category , 0 , - 2 );
return ( string ) $category ;
public function addLegacyToHeadline () : void
if ( empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 )){
return ;
if ( stripos ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 , 'LEGACY' ) !== false ){
return ;
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 . '<span class="legacy">LEGACY</span>' );
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isPopular ( $module ) : bool
if ( empty ( $module )){
return false ;
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $module ])){
return false ;
return ! empty ( $apps [ $module ][ 'popular' ]);
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isLegacy ( $module ) : bool
if ( empty ( $module )){
return false ;
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $module ])){
return false ;
return ! empty ( $apps [ $module ][ 'legacy' ]);
public function addSpecialToHeadline () : void
if ( empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 )){
return ;
if ( stripos ( $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 , 'SPECIAL' ) !== false ){
return ;
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $this -> app -> erp -> kurzueberschrift1 . '<span class="special">SPECIAL</span>' );
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isSpecial ( $module ) : bool
if ( empty ( $module )){
return false ;
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $module ])){
return false ;
return isset ( $apps [ $module ][ 'special' ]) && ! empty ( $apps [ $module ][ 'special' ]);
* @ param string $module
* @ return bool
public function isProjectSensitive ( $module ) : bool
if ( empty ( $module )){
return false ;
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $module ])){
return false ;
if ( isset ( $apps [ $module ][ 'project_sensitive' ]) && ! empty ( $apps [ $module ][ 'project_sensitive' ])){
return $apps [ $module ][ 'project_sensitive' ];
return false ;
* @ return string
protected function getCacheKey () : string
return ( string ) $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ;
protected function clearCache () : void
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if ( isset ( self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ])) {
unset ( self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ]);
* @ param string $prefix
* @ param bool $withDeactivated
* @ return array | null
public function getAppsListWithPrefix ( $prefix , $withDeactivated = false ) : ? array
$apps = $this -> getAppsList ( $withDeactivated );
if ( empty ( $apps )) {
return $apps ;
$filteredApps = [];
if ( ! empty ( $apps [ 'installiert' ])) {
$filteredApps [ 'installiert' ] = [];
foreach ( $apps [ 'installiert' ] as $app ) {
if ( strpos ( $app [ 'key' ], $prefix ) === 0 ) {
$filteredApps [ 'installiert' ][] = $app ;
if ( ! empty ( $apps [ 'kauf' ])) {
$filteredApps [ 'kauf' ] = [];
foreach ( $apps [ 'kauf' ] as $app ) {
if ( strpos ( $app [ 'key' ], $prefix ) === 0 ) {
$filteredApps [ 'kauf' ][] = $app ;
return $filteredApps ;
* @ param string $link
* @ return array | null []
public function getModuleActionByLink ( $link ) : array
$module = null ;
$action = null ;
$linkArray = explode ( '?' , $link );
foreach ( $linkArray as $linkParts ) {
$linka2 = explode ( '&' , $linkParts );
foreach ( $linka2 as $k2 => $v2 ) {
$linka3 = explode ( '=' , $v2 );
if ( $linka3 [ 0 ] === 'module' ){
$module = $linka3 [ 1 ];
if ( $linka3 [ 0 ] === 'action' ){
$action = $linka3 [ 1 ];
return [ 'module' => $module , 'action' => $action ,];
* @ param array $app
* @ return bool
public function hasAppUserRights ( $app ) : bool
$link = ! empty ( $app [ 'Link' ]) ? $app [ 'Link' ] : '' ;
$moduleAction = $this -> getModuleActionByLink ( $link );
$module = $moduleAction [ 'module' ];
$action = $moduleAction [ 'action' ];
return ! empty ( $module ) && ! empty ( $action ) && $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( $module , $action );
* @ param string $key
* @ return null | string
public function getAppNameByKey ( $key ) : ? string
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
if ( empty ( $apps [ $key ]) || ! isset ( $apps [ $key ][ 'Bezeichnung' ])) {
return null ;
return $apps [ $key ][ 'Bezeichnung' ];
* @ param bool $withDeactivated
* @ return null | array
public function getAppsList ( $withDeactivated = false ) : ? array
$cacheKey = $this -> getCacheKey ();
if (
! empty ( self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ])
&& ! empty ( self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ][( int ) $withDeactivated ])
) {
return self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ][( int ) $withDeactivated ];
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
$res = null ;
$version = $this -> app -> erp -> Version ();
if ( empty ( $apps )){
return null ;
foreach ( $apps as $key => $app ) {
$app [ 'key' ] = $key ;
if ( ! isset ( $app [ 'beta' ])) {
$app [ 'beta' ] = true ;
if ( ! isset ( $app [ 'legacy' ])){
$app [ 'legacy' ] = false ;
if ( ! isset ( $app [ 'special' ])){
$app [ 'special' ] = false ;
if ( ! isset ( $app [ 'project_sensitive' ])){
$app [ 'project_sensitive' ] = false ;
$ablaufdatum = $this -> app -> erp -> IoncubeProperty ( 'moduleablaufdatumX' . str_replace ( '_' , 'X' , $key ));
$test = $this -> app -> erp -> IoncubeProperty ( 'testmoduleX' . str_replace ( '_' , 'X' , $key ));
if ( ! empty ( $ablaufdatum )) {
$app [ 'ablaufdatum' ] = $ablaufdatum ;
if ( $test ) {
$app [ 'test' ] = $test ;
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $key , $withDeactivated )) {
if ( $app [ 'Versionen' ] == '' || $app [ 'Versionen' ] === 'ALL' ) {
$res [ 'installiert' ][] = $app ;
if ( ! empty ( $app [ 'Link2' ])) {
$res [ 'installiert' ][] = $app ;
$appIndex = count ( $res [ 'installiert' ]) - 1 ;
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'key' ] .= 'booster' ;
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Link' ] = $app [ 'Link2' ];
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Bezeichnung' ] = $app [ 'Bezeichnung2' ];
unset ( $res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Link2' ], $res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Bezeichnung2' ]);
else {
$versionen = explode ( ',' , $app [ 'Versionen' ]);
if ( in_array ( $version , $versionen )) {
$res [ 'installiert' ][] = $app ;
if ( ! empty ( $app [ 'Link2' ])) {
$res [ 'installiert' ][] = $app ;
$appIndex = count ( $res [ 'installiert' ]) - 1 ;
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'key' ] .= 'booster' ;
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Link' ] = $app [ 'Link2' ];
$res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Bezeichnung' ] = $app [ 'Bezeichnung2' ];
unset ( $res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Link2' ], $res [ 'installiert' ][ $appIndex ][ 'Bezeichnung2' ]);
elseif ( empty ( $app [ 'showonlywheninstalled' ])) {
$res [ 'kauf' ][] = $app ;
else {
if ( empty ( $app [ 'showonlywheninstalled' ])) {
$app [ 'Link' ] = '' ;
$res [ 'kauf' ][] = $app ;
self :: $cachedAppsList [ $cacheKey ][( int ) $withDeactivated ] = $res ;
return $res ;
* @ param string $prefix
* @ return array
public function getAppListWithPrefix ( $prefix ) : array
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
foreach ( $apps as $appKey => $app ) {
if ( strpos ( $appKey , $prefix ) !== 0 ) {
unset ( $apps [ $appKey ]);
return $apps ;
* @ param string $prefix
* @ return array
public function getBetaModulesByPrefix ( $prefix ) : array
$ret = [];
$apps = $this -> getAppListWithPrefix ( $prefix );
foreach ( $apps as $moduleName => $app ) {
if ( ! isset ( $app [ 'beta' ]) || ! empty ( $app [ 'beta' ])) {
$ret [] = $moduleName ;
return $ret ;
* @ return array
public function getAppList () : array
$apps = array (
'taxdoo' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Taxdoo Schnittstelle' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=taxdoo&action=log' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'cronjob_paqato' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Paqato Schnittstelle' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=paqato&action=log' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'aufgaben' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Aufgaben' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=aufgaben&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Team Funktionen|}' ),
'chat' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Chat' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=chat&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Team Funktionen|}' ),
'docscan' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Dokumenten Scanner' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=docscan&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' ),
'vertriebscockpit' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Vertriebscockpit' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=vertriebscockpit&action=wiedervorlagen' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'popular' => true ,
'datanorm' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Datanorm Importer' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=datanorm&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' ),
'adresse_typ' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Adresse Typ' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=adresse_typ&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'wiedervorlage' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Wiedervorlage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=wiedervorlage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
/* 'stammdatenbereinigen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Stammdaten Bereinigung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=stammdatenbereinigen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ), */
'lagerpruefung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Lagerprüfung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagerpruefung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ),
'layoutvorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Layoutvorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'zertifikatgenerator' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Zertifikatgenerator' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zertifikatgenerator&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ),
'systemlog' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Systemlog' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=systemlog&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ),
'filiallieferung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Filiallieferung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=filiallieferung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'lagermindestmengen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Lagermindestmengen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagermindestmengen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'rechnung_stratedi' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'EDI Stratedi' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=rechnung_stratedi&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'lieferschwelle' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Lieferschwelle' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lieferschwelle&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'gefahrgut' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Gefahrgut' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=gefahrgut&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'freearticle' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Kostenloser Artikel (Probe, Neukunde, Flyer, Geschenk)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=freearticle&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
'extendedapproval' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Erweiterte Freigabe' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=extendedapproval&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'eangenerator' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'EAN Generator' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=eangenerator&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' , 'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'internalsupport' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Interner Support' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=internalsupport&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ),
'productionscanner' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Produktionsscanner' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=productionscanner&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' ),
'xcs' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Xentral Customizing Suite (XCS)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=xcs&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ),
'receiptprotocolitems' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Belegprotokolleinträge' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=receiptprotocolitems&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'itemtemplate' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=itemtemplate&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=mandatoryfields&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'layouttemplateattachment' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Layoutvorlagen Anhang' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=layouttemplateattachment&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'ups' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'UPS Accounts' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ups&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' ),
'gls' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'GLS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=gls&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'settings' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=packagedeliverylist&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'bmd' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'BMD Buchhaltungsexport' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bmd&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=standardpackages&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=supplierdeliveryreport&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ),
'maximumdiscount' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Maximalrabatt' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=maximumdiscount&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=filelink&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ),
'inventur' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Inventur' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=inventur&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'waage' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Waage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=waage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'paymentslip_swiss' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Einzahlungsschein Schweiz (ESR)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=paymentslip_swiss&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'rechnungslauf' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Abolauf / Abosystem' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=rechnungslauf&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true , 'install' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=meiapps&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'stechuhrdevice' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Mitarbeiterzeiterfassung Geräteeinstellungen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=stechuhrdevice&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=berichte&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=preisanfrage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=tagespreise&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=waage_artikel&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=ueberzahlterechnungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=serienbrief&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Marketing|}' ),
'pos_kassierer' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'POS (Konfiguration)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=pos_kassierer&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'pos' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'POS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=pos&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'popular' => true ,
'reisekostenart' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Reisekostenart' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=reisekostenart&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_19.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'reisekosten' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Reisekosten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=reisekosten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_19.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'aktionscode_liste' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Aktionscodes' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=aktionscode_liste&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'aktionscodes' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Aktionscodes Auswertung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=aktionscodes&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ,),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikeleigenschaften&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'showonlywheninstalled' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'sammelrechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Sammelrechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=sammelrechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'schnellproduktion' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Schnellproduktion' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=schnellproduktion&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'einkaufabgleich' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'EK-API (Farnell / Conrad)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=einkaufabgleich&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' ),
'waehrungumrechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Währung Umrechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=waehrungumrechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=propertytranslation&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=rahmenvertrag&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ),
'frameagreement' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Rahmenvertrag (Kunden)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=frameagreement&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=pdfarchiv&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_22.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=kommissionierlauf&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelbaum&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=verkaufkarte&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=verkaufszahlen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ),
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Grundeinstellungen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=firmendaten&action=edit' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Benutzer' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=benutzer&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Geschäftsbrief Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_3.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
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'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'E-Mail Accounts' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=emailbackup&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_4.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true
'ticket_vorlage' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Ticket Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ticket_vorlage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_5.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Warteschlangen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=warteschlangen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_5.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelkategorien&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel Einheiten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikeleinheit&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Gruppen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=gruppen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true
'uservorlage' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Benutzer Vorlage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uservorlage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'laender' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Länderliste' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=laender&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
/* 'kalendergruppen' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Kalender Gruppen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=kalender&action=gruppenlist' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
], */
'prozessstarter' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Prozessstarter' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=prozessstarter&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_22.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=welcome&action=info' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_23.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
], */
'drucker' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Drucker' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=drucker&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_24.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'adapterbox' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Adapterbox' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=adapterbox&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'protokoll' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Protokoll' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=protokoll&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_22.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'etiketten' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Etiketten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=etiketten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'uebersetzung' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Übersetzungen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebersetzung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}'
'api_account' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'API-Account' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=api_account&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
'umkreissuche' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Karte: Umkreissuche Kunden' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=umkreissuche&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
'wissensdatenbank' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Wissensdatenbank' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=wissensdatenbank&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Team Funktionen|}' ),
'lagermobil' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Mobile Lagerverwaltung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagermobil&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagermobilold&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'matrixprodukt' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Matrixprodukt' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=matrixprodukt&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'massenbearbeitung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Massenbearbeiten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=massenbearbeitung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=massenartikel&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'tagesbedarf' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tagesbedarf' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=tagesbedarf&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikel_texte&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=verpackungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'adressabhaengigesetikett' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Adressabhängiges Etikett' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=adressabhaengigesetikett&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'zmmeldung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'ZM Meldung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zmmeldung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ),
'serviceauftragscan' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Serviceauftrag Scan' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=serviceauftragscan&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
'adresssucheerweitert' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Adresssuche Erweitert' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=adresssucheerweitert&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'anfrage' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Anfrage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=anfrage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'arbeitsnachweis' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Arbeitsnachweis' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=arbeitsnachweis&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'tagesabschluss' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tagesabschluss' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=tagesabschluss&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' ),
'lagerchargen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Lager Chargen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagerchargen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ),
'mailausgang' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Mailausgang Log' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=mailausgang&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ),
'ftpbackup' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'FTP-Backup' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ftpbackup&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'netstock' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Netstock CSV Export' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=netstock&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'exporttabelle' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Export der Tabellen ohne Bewegungsdaten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=exporttabelle&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => true ),
'placetel' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Placetel Anbindung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=placetel&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'vorlage' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Vorlage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=vorlage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ),
'uebertragungen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Übertragungen (CSV/XML/EDI/PDF)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' ),
'intrastat_meldung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Intrastat Meldung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=intrastat_meldung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'auftragforecast' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftragforecast' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragforecast&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ),
'zeiterfassungvorlage' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Zeiterfassung Vorlage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zeiterfassungvorlage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'datei_stichwortvorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Datei Stichwort Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=datei_stichwortvorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'ratenzahlung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Ratenzahlung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ratenzahlung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ),
'doppelte_nummern' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Doppelte Nummern' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=doppelte_nummern&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ),
'auftragautoversand' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tages-Auto-Versand' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragautoversand&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_10.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'kassescannen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Kasse Scannen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=kassescannen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ),
'belegeimport' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Belege Importer' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=belegeimport&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' ),
'gruppenrechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Gruppenrechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=gruppenrechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'einfachelohnauszahlung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Einfache Lohnauszahlung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=einfachelohnauszahlung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'zeiterfassung_stundenuebersicht' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Zeiterfassung Stundenübersicht' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zeiterfassung_stundenuebersicht&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'zeiterfassung_kosten' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Zeiterfassung Kosten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zeiterfassung_kosten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'auftragsampel' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftragsampel' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragsampel&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'prozess_monitor' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Prozess Monitor' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=prozess_monitor&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'preisanpassung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Preisanpassungen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=preisanpassung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'steuersaetze' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Steuersätze' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=steuersaetze&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true ,
'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'eigenschaften_vorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Eigenschaften Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=eigenschaften_vorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'rma_vorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Retouren Gründe' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=rma_vorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'dateibrowser' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Dateibrowser' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dateibrowser&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ),
'formeln' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Formeln' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=formeln&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' ),
'multilabelprint' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Multilabelprint' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=multilabelprint&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel Arbeitsanweisung Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'transus' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'EDI Transus' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=transus&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel Funktionsprotokoll Vorlagen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'sprachen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Sprachenliste' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=sprachen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' , 'settings' => true ),
'artikel_fremdnummern' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel Fremdnummern' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikel_fremdnummern&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ),
'telefonrueckruf' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Telefonrückruf' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=telefonrueckruf&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' )
, 'ticket' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tickets' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ticket&action=offene' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Team Funktionen|}' )
, 'zahlungseingang' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Zahlungseingang' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungseingang&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' )
, 'verbindlichkeit' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Verbindlichkeiten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=verbindlichkeit&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=service&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Team Funktionen|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellvorschlagapp&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
, 'bestellvorschlagtag' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bestellvorschlag Tag' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellvorschlagtag&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
, 'bestellvorschlagemail' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bestellvorschlag E-Mail' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellvorschlagemail&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
, 'bestellvorschlagfiliale' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bestellvorschlag Filiale' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellvorschlagfiliale&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
, 'belegeinauslagern' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Belege ein- auslagern' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=belegeinauslagern&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
, 'serviceauftrag' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Serviceauftrag' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=serviceauftrag&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=gesamtrabatte&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_11.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=lieferkette&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_11.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ),
'spedition' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Spedition' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=spedition&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'sevensenders' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'SevenSenders' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=sevensenders&action=log' ,
'install' => true ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' ,
'settings' => true
'produktion' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Produktion' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=produktion&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'produktionszentrum' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Produktionszentrum' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=produktionszentrum&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'mitarbeiterzeiterfassung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Mitarbeiterzeiterfassung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=mitarbeiterzeiterfassung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'auftragzubestellung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftrag/Preisanfrage zu Bestellung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragzubestellung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'schneller_wareneingang' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Schneller Wareneingang' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=schneller_wareneingang&action=einstellungen' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'proformarechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Proformarechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=proformarechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true ),
'fahrtenbuch' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Fahrtenbuch' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=fahrtenbuch&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_11.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ),
'scheck' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Scheck' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=scheck&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_11.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ),
'mhdumlagern' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'MHD Umlagern mit neuem Datum' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=mhdumlagern&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'kommissionskonsignationslager' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Kommissions-/Konsignationslager' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=kommissionskonsignationslager&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ),
'liefertermine' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Liefertermine' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=liefertermine&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_22.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'bestellung_einlagern' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bestellung Einlagern' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellung_einlagern&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=amazon&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=arbeitsplatzgruppen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelkalkulation&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=belegevorlagen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
, 'preisliste' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Preisliste' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=preisliste&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'positionenaktualisieren' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Positionen Aktualisieren' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=positionenaktualisieren&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'wawision_uebersetzung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Oberflächen Übersetzung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=wawision_uebersetzung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' )
, 'bestellungzuproduktion' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bestellung zu Produktion' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestellungzuproduktion&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' )
, 'TransferAmazonMfn' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Amazon MFN' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferAmazonVendor' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Amazon Vendor' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferApp4sales' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In App4Sales' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferDS' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In DS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferNetstock' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Netstock' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferOpentrans' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Opentrans' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferPixi' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Pixi' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferSmarty' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Smarty' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'TransferBrickfox' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Transfer Plug-In Brickfox' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=uebertragungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'onlineshops' => array (
'Bezeichnung' => 'Online-Shops' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_20.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' ,
'settings' => true )
, 'shopimporter_hhg' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'H.H.G. Multistore' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_hhg' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_modified' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Modified' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_amazon' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Amazon' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_amazon' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' ,
'popular' => true ,
, 'shopimporter_magento' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Magento 1.9' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_magento' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_magento2' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Magento 2' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_magento2' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_shopware' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Shopware 5' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_shopware' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_shopware6' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Shopware 6 API Advanced' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_shopware6' ,
'Bezeichnung2' => 'Shopware 6 Business Booster App' ,
'Link2' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_shopware6&sid=booster' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_getcore' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Getcore' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_getcore' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_woocommerce' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Woocommerce' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_woocommerce' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_spryker' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Spryker' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_spryker' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_oxid' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Oxid' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_oxid' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_gambio' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Gambio' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_gambio' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_xtcommerce' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'XTCommerce' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_xtcommerce' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_channeladvisor' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Channeladvisor' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_channeladvisor' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_epages' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'ePages' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_epages' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'retailpricetemplate' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikelpreisvorlage' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=retailpricetemplate&action=template' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'shopimporter_billbee' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Billbee' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_billbee' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_hood' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Hood' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_hood' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_manomano' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Manomano' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_manomano' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_ebay' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Ebay' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_ebay' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_etsy' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Etsy' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_etsy' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'ebay' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Ebay App' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=ebay&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_presta' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Presta' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_presta' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
2023-01-28 13:04:28 +01:00
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
, 'shopimporter_shopify' => array (
'Bezeichnung' => 'Shopify API Advanced' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_shopify' ,
'Bezeichnung2' => 'Shopify Business Booster App' ,
'Link2' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_shopify&sid=booster' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' ,
'popular' => true ,
, 'shopimporter_real' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Real' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_real' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_tillhub' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tillhub' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_tillhub' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'showonlyoninstall' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
, 'shopimporter_rakuten' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Rakuten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_rakuten' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' , 'legacy' => true )
, 'alkoholsteuerrechner' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Alkoholsteuerrechner' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=alkoholsteuerrechner&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' )
, 'documenttoproject' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Belege zu Projekt' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=documenttoproject&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'showonlywheninstalled' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' )
, 'crossselling' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Crossselling' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=crossselling&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' )
, 'dekodinexus' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Nexus' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dekodinexus&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
, 'cronjob_autoversand_plus' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Autoversand Plus' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=cronjob_autoversand_plus&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_10.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
, 'unterproduktionen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Unterproduktionen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=unterproduktionen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' )
, 'dokumentation' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Dokumentation' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dokumentation&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' )
, 'bundesstaaten' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Bundesstaaten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=bundesstaaten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|System|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'datenbankbereinigen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Gelöschte Datensätze wiederherstellen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=datenbankbereinigen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' )
, 'artikelforecast' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikelforecast' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikelforecast&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' )
, 'artikel_verfuegbarkeit' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel Verfügbarkeit' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=artikel_verfuegbarkeit&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' )
, 'multiorderpicking' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Multi-Order Picking' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=multiorderpicking&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
, 'managementboard_liquiditaet' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Managementboard Liquidität' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=managementboard_liquiditaet&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}' )
, 'elo' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'ELO DMS Archiv' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=elo&action=einstellungen' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'dropshipping' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Dropshipping Lieferant' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dropshipping&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'dropshippinglager' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Dropshipping Lager' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dropshippinglager&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'rabatte' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Erweiterte Rabatte' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=rabatte&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'angebot_stueckliste' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Angebot Stückliste einfügen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=angebot_stueckliste&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'cryptoweb' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'CryptoWeb' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=cryptoweb&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
, 'lagerstueckliste' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Lagerstückliste' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=lagerstueckliste&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
, 'zahlungsweise_tagxmonat' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Tag X Monat' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'zahlungsweise_payone' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'BS Payone' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'zahlungsweise_billpay' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Billpay' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'zahlungsweise_klarna' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Klarna' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'zahlungsweise_secupay' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Secupay' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'zahlungsweise_paypalplus' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Paypalplus' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'settings' => true ,
'popular' => true ,
, 'zahlungsweise_rechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Rechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_logoix' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'LogoiX' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_addresslabel' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Adress Aufkleber' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_dhlexpress' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'DHL Express' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_dpd_at' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'DPD AT' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_dhlversenden' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'DHL Versenden' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_dpdapi' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'DPD (API)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_ups' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'UPS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_glsapi' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'GLS (API)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
, 'versandarten_fedexapi' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Fedex' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' , 'beta' => false , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=verpackungsmaterial&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_10.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=abschlagsrechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=arbeitsfreietage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=produktionkorrektur&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Produktion|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=provisionenartikelvertreter&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'auftragoffenepositionen' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftrag offene Positionen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragoffenepositionen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
, 'auftragoffenepositionendienstleistung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftrag offene Dienstleistungen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=auftragoffenepositionendienstleistung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=rechnungzuverbindlichkeit&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=dsgvo&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}' )
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Datenschutz' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=dataprotection&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}' ,
, 'stuecklistendetails' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Stücklistendetails' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=stuecklistendetails&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' )
, 'kopiebelegempfaenger' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Kopie Belege Empfänger' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=kopiebelegempfaenger&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' , 'settings' => true )
, 'verleih' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Verleih' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=verleih&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
, 'belegpositionberechnung' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Belege Positionen Berechnung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=belegpositionberechnung&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'install' => true , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Belege|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=iaaplus&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=singleshipment&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=trackingscan&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
, 'retoure' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Retouren Belege' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=retoure&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'install' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=fulfillment&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' )
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=realsms&action=list' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=receiptdocument&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' , 'install' => true , 'showonlyoninstall' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'project_sensitive' => true )
, 'orderstatus' => array ( 'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftrag Status' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=orderstatus&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false ,
'special' => true , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=lastprices&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=bestbeforebatchtoposition&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=voucher&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=slacknotification&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => false ,
'legacy' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Konto: HBCI/FinTS (HBCI4PHP)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'beta' => false
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Konto: Paypal' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'beta' => false
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => false ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => false ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => false ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true )
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Konto: EbayPayment (API)' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'special' => false ,
'beta' => true ,
'showonlyoninstall' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Zahlungsweisen|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=sage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'showonlyoninstall' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' , 'settings' => true )
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=shippingtaxsplit&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=snapaddy&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=sipgate&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' , 'install' => false ,
'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=wizard&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => false ,
'special' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=merge_order&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' , 'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=replenishmentmobile&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=zolltarifnummer&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=lieferbedingungen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=pseudostorage&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=goodspostingdocument&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=goodspostingdocumentscan&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
'docuvitasolutions' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'docuvita DMS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=docuvitasolutions' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'beta' => true ,
'special' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=datatablelabels&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=loqate&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}'
'caldav' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'CalDAV Schnittstelle' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=caldav&action=config' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'legacy' => true ,
'special' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Differenzenbesteuerung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=differentialtaxation&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Batches' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=batches&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'settings' => true
'datev' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'DATEVconnect online' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=datev&action=export' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Sammeldebitoren' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=collectivedebitors&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Google API' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=googleapi&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'settings' => true
, 'log' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Log File' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=log&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}'
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Beta Programm' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=einstellungen&action=betaprogram' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => '' , 'beta' => false , 'kategorie' => '{|Einkauf|}' ,
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
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'kategorie' => '{|Sonstiges|}'
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'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'beta' => false ,
'kategorie' => '{|Workflows|}'
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'Versionen' => '' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Controlling und Statistik|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|System|}'
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'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Auftragsblocker' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=vatreduction2020&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_18.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Datenbank Ansicht' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=databaseviewer&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_14.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'beta' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=zapier&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=sellerlogic&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Artikel QuickScan' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=quickscan&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Schnittstellen|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Lager und Logistik|}'
'totp' => [
'Bezeichnung' => '2 Faktor Authentifizierung' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=dataprotect&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_15.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}'
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'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_17.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
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'Bezeichnung' => ' Zahlungsweisen' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
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'Versionen' => '' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
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'project_sensitive' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => ' Geschäftskonten' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=konten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_16.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
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'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'settings' => true ,
'project_sensitive' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Gutschein-App ohne POS' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=voucherpos&action=create' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Verkauf|}' ,
'settings' => true
'getmyinvoices' => [
'Bezeichnung' => 'GetMyInvoices' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=getmyinvoices&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'Versionen' => '' ,
'kategorie' => '{|Buchhaltung|}'
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=pipedrive&action=settings' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Amazon Vendor DF' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=create&cmd=shopimporter_amazonvendordf' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_1.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'install' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' ,
'beta' => true ,
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_9.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'showonlyoninstall' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Versandarten|}' ,
'settings' => true
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'Bezeichnung' => 'Fiskaly Anbindung' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=fiskaly' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_2.gif' ,
'install' => true ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
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'beta' => true
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'Link' => 'index.php?module=coppersurcharge&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_13.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ALL' ,
'install' => true ,
'beta' => true ,
'kategorie' => '{|Stammdaten|}'
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$apps [ 'developmentprogram' ] = [
'Bezeichnung' => 'Development Programm' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=developmentprogram&action=list' ,
'Icon' => 'Icons_dunkel_25.gif' ,
'Versionen' => 'ENT' ,
'kategorie' => '{|System|}' ,
'beta' => false ,
if ( ! empty ( $this -> app -> Tpl ) && method_exists ( $this -> app -> Tpl , 'pruefeuebersetzung' )) {
foreach ( $apps as $k => $v ) {
if ( strpos ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ], '<' ) === false ) {
$apps [ $k ][ 'Bezeichnung' ] = $this -> app -> Tpl -> pruefeuebersetzung ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ], 'appstore' );
return $apps ;
public function AppstoreTesten () : void
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=appstore&action=list " , " Übersicht " );
// nur wenn OSS und keine Testversion
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=appstore&action=testen " , " Jetzt Business kostenlos testen " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TAB1' , '<iframe src="https://' . $this -> app -> Conf -> updateHost . '/xentralanfrage/" width="100%" border="0" style="border:0px;" height="700"></iframe>' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , 'tabview.tpl' );
* @ param string $haystack
* @ param string $needle
* @ return bool
public function match ( $haystack , $needle ) : bool
$needle = strtolower ( $this -> app -> erp -> UmlauteEntfernen ( $needle ));
$haystack = strtolower ( $this -> app -> erp -> UmlauteEntfernen ( $haystack ));
$needleWords = explode ( ' ' , $needle );
foreach ( $needleWords as $word ) {
if ( $word !== '' ) {
if ( strpos ( $haystack , $word ) === false ) {
return false ;
return true ;
* @ param array | null $apps
* @ return array | null
public function markGetAppsWithUserRights ( $apps ) : ? array
if ( empty ( $apps ) || empty ( $apps [ 'installiert' ])) {
return $apps ;
foreach ( $apps [ 'installiert' ] as $key => $app ) {
$apps [ 'installiert' ][ $key ][ 'my_app' ] = $this -> hasAppUserRights ( $app );
return $apps ;
* @ param string $val
* @ param string | null $filterCategory
* @ return null | array
public function GetApps ( $val = '' , $filterCategory = null ) : ? array
$val = ( string ) $val ;
$module = $this -> getAppsList ( true );
if ( empty ( $module )) {
return $module ;
$sprachen = [ 'german' , 'english' ,];
if ( method_exists ( $this -> app -> User , 'GetSprachen' )) {
$sprachen = $this -> app -> User -> GetSprachen ();
if ( in_array ( 'deutsch' , $sprachen , true ) && ! in_array ( 'german' , $sprachen , true )) {
$sprachen [] = 'german' ;
if ( ! is_array ( $sprachen )) {
return [];
$sprachen = array_reverse ( $sprachen );
$inline = [];
foreach ( $sprachen as $sprache ) {
if ( preg_match_all ( '/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/' , $sprache , $erg )) {
if ( is_file ( dirname ( dirname ( __DIR__ )) . '/languages/' . $sprache . '/inline.php' )) {
include_once dirname ( dirname ( __DIR__ )) . '/languages/' . $sprache . '/inline.php' ;
if ( isset ( $module [ 'installiert' ])) {
foreach ( $module [ 'installiert' ] as $k => $v ) {
$moduleInstallKey = $module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'key' ];
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'md5' ] = md5 ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ]);
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'helpdesk' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ] : '' ;
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'beschreibung' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ] : '' ;
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'screenshots' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'screenshots' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'screenshots' ] : array ();
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'youtube' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ] : '' ;
if ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'shop' ])) {
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'shop' ] = $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'shop' ];
if ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ])) {
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'kategorie' ] = $inline [ $moduleInstallKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ];
$v [ 'kategorie' ] = $module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'kategorie' ];
$kategorien [ 'installiert' ][ $k ] = isset ( $v [ 'kategorie' ]) ? $v [ 'kategorie' ] : '' ;
$bezeichnung [ 'installiert' ][ $k ] = str_replace ( array ( 'Ü' , 'Ä' , 'Ö' , 'ä' , 'ü' , 'ö' ), array ( 'Ue' , 'Ae' , 'Oe' , 'ae' , 'ue' , 'oe' ), $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ]);
$matchBezeichnung = $this -> match ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ], $val );
$matchKategorie = ( ! empty ( $v [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $this -> match ( $v [ 'kategorie' ], $val ) : false ;
if ( ! empty ( $filterCategory )
&& $v [ 'kategorie' ] !== $filterCategory
&& $v [ 'kategorie' ] !== '{|' . $filterCategory . '|}'
) {
$matchBezeichnung = false ;
$matchKategorie = false ;
$module [ 'installiert' ][ $k ][ 'match' ] = $matchBezeichnung || $matchKategorie ;
array_multisort ( $kategorien [ 'installiert' ], SORT_ASC , $bezeichnung [ 'installiert' ], SORT_ASC , $module [ 'installiert' ]);
if ( empty ( $module [ 'kauf' ])) {
return $module ;
foreach ( $module [ 'kauf' ] as $k => $v ) {
$moduleKaufKey = $module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'key' ];
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'md5' ] = md5 ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ]);
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'helpdesk' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ] : '' ;
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'beschreibung' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ] : '' ;
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'screenshots' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'screenshots' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'screenshots' ] : array ();
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'youtube' ] = ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ]))
? $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ] : '' ;
if ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'shop' ])){
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'shop' ] = $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'shop' ];
if ( isset ( $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ])){
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'kategorie' ] = $inline [ $moduleKaufKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ];
$v [ 'kategorie' ] = $module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'kategorie' ];
$kategorien [ 'kauf' ][ $k ] = isset ( $v [ 'kategorie' ]) ? $v [ 'kategorie' ] : '' ;
$bezeichnung [ 'kauf' ][ $k ] = str_replace ( array ( 'Ü' , 'Ä' , 'Ö' , 'ä' , 'ü' , 'ö' ), array ( 'Ue' , 'Ae' , 'Oe' , 'ae' , 'ue' , 'oe' ), $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ]);
$matchBezeichnung = $this -> match ( $v [ 'Bezeichnung' ], $val );
$matchKategorie = ( ! empty ( $v [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $this -> match ( $v [ 'kategorie' ], $val ) : false ;
if ( ! empty ( $filterCategory )
&& $v [ 'kategorie' ] !== $filterCategory
&& $v [ 'kategorie' ] !== '{|' . $filterCategory . '|}'
) {
$matchBezeichnung = false ;
$matchKategorie = false ;
$module [ 'kauf' ][ $k ][ 'match' ] = $matchBezeichnung || $matchKategorie ;
array_multisort ( $kategorien [ 'kauf' ], SORT_ASC , $bezeichnung [ 'kauf' ], SORT_ASC , $module [ 'kauf' ]);
return $module ;
* @ return JsonResponse
public function GetSearchResults () : JsonResponse
$filterCategory = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'category' );
if ( empty ( $filterCategory )) {
$filterCategory = null ;
$module = $this -> GetApps ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'val' ), $filterCategory );
$anzeigen = array ();
$ausblenden = array ();
$kateinblenden = array ();
$katausblenden = array ();
$kaufbarGefunden = 0 ;
$installiertGefunden = 0 ;
if ( $module ) {
if ( ! empty ( $module [ 'installiert' ])) {
foreach ( $module [ 'installiert' ] as $modul ) {
if ( empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) {
$modul [ 'kategorie' ] = '{|Allgemein|}' ;
$katausblendenIndex = 'i' . md5 ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ]);
if ( $modul [ 'match' ]) {
$installiertGefunden ++ ;
$anzeigen [ 'm' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])] = true ;
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) {
$kateinblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ] = true ;
if ( isset ( $katausblenden ) && isset ( $katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ])) {
unset ( $katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ]);
else {
$ausblenden [ 'm' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])] = true ;
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ]) && ( ! isset ( $kateinblenden ) || ! isset ( $kateinblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ]))) {
$katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ] = true ;
if ( ! empty ( $module [ 'kauf' ])) {
foreach ( $module [ 'kauf' ] as $modul ) {
if ( empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) {
$modul [ 'kategorie' ] = '{|Allgemein|}' ;
$katausblendenIndex = 'k' . md5 ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ]);
if ( $modul [ 'match' ]) {
$kaufbarGefunden ++ ;
$anzeigen [ 'm' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])] = true ;
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) {
$kateinblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ] = true ;
if ( isset ( $katausblenden ) && isset ( $katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ])){
unset ( $katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ]);
else {
$ausblenden [ 'm' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])] = true ;
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ]) && ( ! isset ( $kateinblenden ) || ! isset ( $kateinblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ]))) {
$katausblenden [ $katausblendenIndex ] = true ;
return new JsonResponse (
'anzeigen' => $anzeigen ,
'ausblenden' => $ausblenden ,
'kateinblenden' => $kateinblenden ,
'katausblenden' => $katausblenden ,
'kaufbargefunden' => $kaufbarGefunden ,
'installiertgefunden' => $installiertGefunden ,
* @ return JsonResponse
public function HandleActivateAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'module' );
$ret = [ 'status' => 0 , 'module' => $module ];
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'appstore' , 'activate' )) {
if ( $this -> activateModule ( $module )) {
$ret [ 'status' ] = 1 ;
else {
$ret [ 'error' ] = 'Das Modul konnte nicht aktiviert werden' ;
else {
$ret [ 'error' ] = 'Sie haben keine Rechte um das Modul zu aktivieren' ;
return new JsonResponse ( $ret );
* @ return JsonResponse
public function HandleDeactivateAjaxAction () : JsonResponse
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'module' );
$ret = [ 'status' => 0 , 'module' => $module ];
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'appstore' , 'deactivate' )) {
if ( ! empty ( $module ) && ! in_array ( $module , $this -> nodeactivateable )) {
if ( $this -> deactivateModule ( $module )) {
$ret [ 'status' ] = 1 ;
else {
$ret [ 'error' ] = 'Das Modul konnte nicht deaktiviert werden' ;
else {
$ret [ 'error' ] = 'Das Modul kann nicht deaktiviert werden' ;
else {
$ret [ 'error' ] = 'Sie haben keine Rechte um das Modul zu deaktivieren' ;
return new JsonResponse ( $ret );
public function setTabItemActive ( $filter ){
if ( $filter === " userapps " ){
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'ACTIVEINSTALLED' , 'appstore-tab-active' );
} else {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'ACTIVEALL' , 'appstore-tab-active' );
public function appTypeVisibility ( $filter ){
$hide = 'display: none' ;
if ( $filter === " userapps " ){
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'POPULARVISIBILITY' , $hide );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'AVAILABLEVISIBILITY' , $hide );
public function AppstoreList ()
$filter = $this -> app -> User -> GetParameter ( 'appstore_filter' );
$this -> setTabItemActive ( $filter );
$this -> appTypeVisibility ( $filter );
$cmd = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' );
if ( $cmd === 'allapps' ) {
$this -> app -> User -> SetParameter ( 'appstore_filter' , '' );
$this -> app -> Location -> execute ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' );
if ( $cmd === 'activate' ) {
return $this -> HandleActivateAjaxAction ();
if ( $cmd === 'deactivate' ) {
return $this -> HandleDeactivateAjaxAction ();
$isDetail = $cmd === 'detail' ;
if ( $isDetail ) {
$app = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'app' );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app=' . $app , '{|Übersicht|}' , true );
else {
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' , '{|Übersicht|}' );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=testen' , '{|14 Tage Business testen|}' );
// Detail-Seite anzeigen
if ( $isDetail ) {
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' , '{|zurück zur Übersicht|}' );
$this -> DisplayAppDetailPage ();
return ;
// Suche wurde ausgefüllt
if ( $cmd === 'suche' ) {
return $this -> GetSearchResults ();
$module = $this -> GetApps ();
$canUserTestModule = $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'appstore' , 'testmodule' );
if ( $canUserTestModule && $this -> app -> erp -> isIoncube () && $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'testen' )) {
$modul = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'modul' );
$get = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'modulbestaetigen' );
$json = false ;
if ( $modul == '' && $get != '' ) {
$json = true ;
$message = '' ;
if ( $module && ! empty ( $module [ 'kauf' ])) {
foreach ( $module [ 'kauf' ] as $k => $v ) {
if ( $v [ 'md5' ] === $get ) {
$mods = $this -> app -> erp -> getAppList ();
foreach ( $mods as $k2 => $v2 ) {
if ( md5 ( $v2 [ 'Bezeichnung' ]) === $get ) {
$modul = $k2 ;
break ;
if ( $modul ) {
$testapp = $modul ;
if ( is_file ( dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/update.php' )) {
$result = '' ;
include_once dirname ( __DIR__ ) . '/update.php' ;
if ( $result === 'OK' ) {
$message = '<div class="info">Das Modul wurde zum Testen angefragt. Bitte ziehen Sie sich über den Update-Prozess in ca 10 Minuten ein Update. Sie erhalten mit diesem das Modul zum Testen.</div>' ;
if ( ! $json ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MESSAGE' , $message );
else {
$message = '<div class="error">Es ist ein Fehler beim Senden der Anfrage aufgetreten: ' . $result . '</div>' ;
if ( ! $json ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MESSAGE' , $message );
if ( $json ) {
return new JsonResponse ([ 'html' => $message ]);
$this -> clearCache ();
elseif ( $canUserTestModule && ! empty ( $get = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'get' )) && ! empty ( $module [ 'kauf' ])) {
foreach ( $module [ 'kauf' ] as $v ) {
if ( $v [ 'md5' ] === $get ) {
$mods = $this -> app -> erp -> getAppList ();
foreach ( $mods as $k2 => $v2 ) {
if ( md5 ( $v2 [ 'Bezeichnung' ]) === $get ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
' < div class = " info " > Bitte best & auml ; tigen :
< form method = " POST " action = " index.php?module=appstore&action=list " >
< input type = " hidden " name = " modul " value = " '
. $k2 . '" /><input type="submit" style="float:right;" value="Testmodul '
. $v2 [ 'Bezeichnung' ] . ' anfragen " name= " testen " />
</ form >
</ div > '
break ;
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'appstoreModulelistToShow' , 1 , $module );
$module = $this -> markGetAppsWithUserRights ( $module );
$categoryFilter = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'category' );
if ( ! empty ( $categoryFilter )) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'PAGETYPE' , " category-page " );
foreach ( $module as $type => $apps ) {
foreach ( $apps as $appKey => $app ) {
if ( empty ( $app [ 'kategorie' ]) || str_replace ([ '{|' , '|}' ], '' , $app [ 'kategorie' ]) !== $categoryFilter ) {
unset ( $module [ $type ][ $appKey ]);
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'CATEGORYFILTER' , $categoryFilter );
if ( $categoryFilter === '' ){
$categoryFilter = null ;
$filterCategory = null ;
// HTML für installierte/gekaufte Module generieren
if ( count ( $module [ 'installiert' ]) === 1 ){
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'INSTALLIERTEAUSBLENDEN' , 'display: none;' );
else {
$moduleInstalliert = $this -> GenerateInstallierteModuleHtml ( $module [ 'installiert' ], $categoryFilter );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MODULEINSTALLIERT' , $moduleInstalliert );
// HTML für verfügbare/kaufbare Module generieren
$moduleVerfuegbar = $this -> GenerateVerfuegbareModuleHtml ( $module [ 'kauf' ], $categoryFilter );
$numberAvailableModules = strlen ( $moduleVerfuegbar );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MODULEVERFUEGBAR' , $moduleVerfuegbar );
// Suchfilter generieren
$suchFilterHtml = $this -> GenerateSuchfilterHtml ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'SUCHFILTER' , $suchFilterHtml );
// Highlight-Boxen generieren
$highlightsHtml = $this -> GenerateHighlightsHtml ( $categoryFilter );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'HIGHLIGHTS' , $highlightsHtml );
// Detail-Seite ausblenden
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'APPSTOREDETAILSEITEAUSBLENDEN' , 'display: none;' );
$this -> showUpdateMessage ();
/** @var Welcome $welcome */
$welcome = $this -> app -> loadModule ( 'welcome' );
$welcome -> loadChangeLogByTime ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COUNTUPDATES' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'welcome_changelog_count' ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'TAB1' , 'appstore.tpl' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TAB1' , '<script id="modulesJson" type="application/json">' . json_encode ( $module ) . '</script>' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , 'tabview.tpl' );
* @ param array $module
* @ return string
public function GenerateVerfuegbareModuleHtml ( $module , $filterCategory = null ) : string
$html = '' ;
$kategorieVorher = '' ;
foreach ( $module as $modul ) {
// Externen AppStore nicht unter verfügbare anzeigen
if ( $modul [ 'key' ] === 'appstore_extern' ) {
continue ;
if ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'showonlyoninstall' ])) {
continue ;
// Kategorie-Überschriften einfügen
$kategorie = ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $modul [ 'kategorie' ] : '{|Allgemein|}' ;
if (
$filterCategory !== null
&& $kategorie !== $filterCategory
&& $kategorie !== '{|' . $filterCategory . '|}'
) {
continue ;
if ( $kategorie !== $kategorieVorher ) {
$html .= '<h3 id="k' . md5 ( $kategorie ) . '">' . $kategorie . '</h3>' ;
$showTestVersion = ( empty ( $modul [ 'test' ]) || empty ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ])) && stripos ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ], 'AppStore' ) === false ;
$contentlink = 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app=' . $modul [ 'key' ];
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $kategorie );
$html .=
'<a href="index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app='
. $modul [ 'key' ] . '&overviewpage=appstore&overviewpageaction=list" class="module" id="m' . $modul [ 'md5' ] . '">' .
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>' .
'<div class="content">' .
'<div class="title">' .
strip_tags ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])
. '</div>' .
( ! empty ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ])
? '<small>{|Ablauf am|} '
. $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ], '%1-%2-%3' , '%3.%2.%1' ) . '</small>'
: '' )
. '<div>'
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'beta' ]) ? ' <span class="beta">BETA</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'legacy' ]) && $modul [ 'legacy' ] ? ' <span class="legacy">LEGACY</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'special' ]) && $modul [ 'special' ] ? ' <span class="special">SPECIAL</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'project_sensitive' ]) && $modul [ 'project_sensitive' ] ? ' <span class="project_sensitive">PROJEKT</span>' : '' )
. '</div>'
. '<button class="install">{|Installieren|}</button>'
. '</div>'
. '</a>' ;
$kategorieVorher = $kategorie ;
return $html ;
* @ param array $module
* @ return string
public function GenerateInstallierteModuleHtml ( $module , $filterCategory = null ) : string
$html = '' ;
$kategorieVorher = '' ;
foreach ( $module as $modul ) {
// AppStore-Modul nicht in "Käufe" anzeigen
if ( stripos ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ], 'AppStore' ) !== false ) {
continue ;
$kategorie = ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $modul [ 'kategorie' ] : '{|Allgemein|}' ;
if (
$filterCategory !== null
&& $kategorie !== $filterCategory
&& $kategorie !== '{|' . $filterCategory . '|}'
) {
continue ;
// Kategorie-Überschriften einfügen
if ( $kategorie !== $kategorieVorher ) {
$html .= '<h3 id="i' . md5 ( $kategorie ) . '">' . $kategorie . '</h3>' ;
$contentlink = 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app=' . $modul [ 'key' ];
if ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'Link' ])) {
$contentlink = $modul [ 'Link' ];
$moduleDeactivated = $this -> isModuleDeactivated ( $modul [ 'key' ]);
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $kategorie );
$html .=
'<a href="index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app='
. $modul [ 'key' ] . '&overviewpage=appstore&overviewpageaction=list" class="module installed-app" id="m' . $modul [ 'md5' ] . '">' .
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>' .
'<div class="content">' .
'<div class="title">' .
strip_tags ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ])
. '</div>' .
( ! empty ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ])
? '<small>{|Ablauf am|} '
. $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ], '%1-%2-%3' , '%3.%2.%1' ) . '</small>'
: '' )
. '<div>'
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'beta' ]) ? ' <span class="beta">BETA</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'legacy' ]) && $modul [ 'legacy' ] ? ' <span class="legacy">LEGACY</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'special' ]) && $modul [ 'special' ] ? ' <span class="special">SPECIAL</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'project_sensitive' ]) && $modul [ 'project_sensitive' ] ? ' <span class="project_sensitive">PROJEKT</span>' : '' )
. '</div>'
. '<button>{|Öffnen|}</button></div>'
. '</a>' ;
$kategorieVorher = $kategorie ;
return $html ;
* @ param string $category
* @ return array | null
public function getOverViewFromCategory ( $category ) : ? array
switch ( $category ) {
case 'Shop Schnittstelle' :
return [
'key' => 'onlineshops' ,
'Bezeichnung' => '{|Übersicht|}' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=onlineshops&action=list' ,
case 'Versandarten' :
return [
'key' => 'versandarten' ,
'Bezeichnung' => '{|Übersicht|}' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=list' ,
case 'Zahlungsweisen' :
return [
'key' => 'zahlungsweisen' ,
'Bezeichnung' => '{|Übersicht|}' ,
'Link' => 'index.php?module=zahlungsweisen&action=list' ,
return null ;
* @ param string $category
* @ return string
public function GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $category ) : string
static $categoryIconMap = [
'{|Allgemein|}' => 'general' ,
'{|Belege|}' => 'documents' ,
'{|Buchhaltung|}' => 'accounting-calculator' ,
'{|Controlling und Statistik|}' => 'controlling' ,
'{|Einkauf|}' => 'buying' ,
'{|Lager und Logistik|}' => 'warehouse' ,
'{|Marketing|}' => 'marketing' ,
'{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' => 'employees' ,
'{|Produktion|}' => 'production' ,
'{|Schnittstelle|}' => 'interface' ,
'{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' => 'shop-interface' ,
'{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}' => 'security' ,
'{|Sonstiges|}' => 'misc' ,
'{|Stammdaten|}' => 'master-data' ,
'{|System|}' => 'system' ,
'{|Team Funktionen|}' => 'team-functions' ,
'{|Verkauf|}' => 'sales' ,
'{|Versandarten|}' => 'shipping' ,
'{|Workflows|}' => 'workflows' ,
'{|Zahlungsweisen|}' => 'payment' ,
if ( isset ( $categoryIconMap [ $category ])) {
return $categoryIconMap [ $category ];
return 'general' ; // Fallback, falls Mapping fehlt
* @ return string
public function GenerateSuchfilterHtml () : string
$html = '' ;
$filterArray = array (
'{|Belege|}' ,
'{|Buchhaltung|}' ,
'{|Controlling und Statistik|}' ,
'{|Einkauf|}' ,
'{|Lager und Logistik|}' ,
'{|Marketing|}' ,
'{|Mitarbeiter Verwaltung|}' ,
'{|Produktion|}' ,
'{|Schnittstelle|}' ,
'{|Shop Schnittstelle|}' ,
'{|Sicherheit und Datenschutz|}' ,
'{|Sonstiges|}' ,
'{|Stammdaten|}' ,
'{|System|}' ,
'{|Team Funktionen|}' ,
'{|Verkauf|}' ,
'{|Versandarten|}' ,
'{|Workflows|}' ,
foreach ( $filterArray as $filter ) {
$icon = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $filter );
$html .= sprintf (
'<a href="index.php?module=appstore&action=list&category=%s" data-category="%s" class="category-link app-category-icon-' . $icon . '"><span>%s</span></a>' ,
urlencode ( substr ( $filter , 2 , - 2 )) , substr ( $filter , 2 , - 2 ) , $filter
return $html ;
* @ var string | null $categoryFilter
* @ return string
public function GenerateHighlightsHtml ( ? string $categoryFilter = null ) : string
$highlightApps = [
'aufgaben' ,
'chat' ,
'vertriebscockpit' ,
'wiedervorlage' ,
'layoutvorlagen' ,
'zertifikatgenerator' ,
'filiallieferung' ,
'sammelrechnung' ,
$highlights = [];
$appList = $this -> getAppsList ();
foreach ( $appList [ 'installiert' ] as $appKey => $appVal ) {
$appList [ 'installiert' ][ $appKey ][ 'installiert' ] = true ;
$appListKomplett = array_merge ( $appList [ 'kauf' ], $appList [ 'installiert' ]);
foreach ( $appListKomplett as $appItem ) {
if ( in_array ( $appItem [ 'key' ], $highlightApps )) {
$highlights [] = $appItem ;
$html = '' ;
foreach ( $highlights as $key => $highlight ) {
$kategorie = ( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $highlight [ 'kategorie' ] : '{|Allgemein|}' ;
if ( ! empty ( $categoryFilter ) && ! empty ( $kategorie )
&& str_replace ([ '{|' , '|}' ], '' , $kategorie ) !== $categoryFilter ) {
continue ;
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $kategorie );
$html .=
'<a href="index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app='
. $highlight [ 'key' ] . '&overviewpage=appstore&overviewpageaction=list" class="module" id="m' . md5 ( $highlight [ 'key' ]) . '">' .
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>' .
'<div class="content">' .
'<div class="title">' .
strip_tags ( $highlight [ 'Bezeichnung' ])
. '</div>' .
( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'ablaufdatum' ])
? '<small>{|Ablauf am|} '
. $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $highlight [ 'ablaufdatum' ], '%1-%2-%3' , '%3.%2.%1' ) . '</small>'
: '' )
. '<div>'
. ( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'beta' ]) ? ' <span class="beta">BETA</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'legacy' ]) && $highlight [ 'legacy' ] ? ' <span class="legacy">LEGACY</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'special' ]) && $highlight [ 'special' ] ? ' <span class="special">SPECIAL</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $highlight [ 'project_sensitive' ]) && $highlight [ 'project_sensitive' ] ? ' <span class="project_sensitive">PROJEKT</span>' : '' )
. '</div>'
. ( $highlight [ 'installiert' ] ? '<button class="">{|Öffnen|}</button>' : '<button class="install">{|Installieren|}</button>' ) . '</div>'
. '</a>' ;
return $html ;
function DisplayAppDetailPage ()
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'app' );
$appList = $this -> GetApps ();
foreach ( $appList [ 'kauf' ] as $appItem ) {
if ( $module === $appItem [ 'key' ]) {
$appInfo = $appItem ;
$appInfo [ 'kaufbar' ] = true ;
break ;
foreach ( $appList [ 'installiert' ] as $appItem ) {
if ( $module === $appItem [ 'key' ]) {
$appInfo = $appItem ;
$appInfo [ 'installiert' ] = true ;
break ;
$sprache = 'german' ;
$inline = [];
include_once dirname ( dirname ( __DIR__ )) . '/languages/' . $sprache . '/inline.php' ;
if ( empty ( $appInfo [ 'beschreibung' ]) && ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'key' ]) && ! empty ( $inline [ $appInfo [ 'key' ]])) {
$appInfo [ 'beschreibung' ] = ! empty ( $inline [ $appInfo [ 'key' ]][ 'default' ][ 'description' ]) ?
$inline [ $appInfo [ 'key' ]][ 'default' ][ 'description' ] : '' ;
if ( $appInfo [ 'Versionen' ] == '' ) {
$appInfo [ 'version' ] = 'OSS,FREE,PRO,ENT,PRE' ;
else {
$appInfo [ 'version' ] = $appInfo [ 'Versionen' ];
$tmpversion = $appInfo [ 'version' ];
$tmpversion = str_replace ( 'ALL' , 'Extra im App-Store' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = str_replace ( 'OSS' , 'Open-Source' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = str_replace ( 'PRO' , 'Starter' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = str_replace ( 'ENT' , 'Business' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = str_replace ( 'PRE' , 'Enterprise (Neues Preismodell)' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = str_replace ( ',' , ', ' , $tmpversion );
$tmpversion = rtrim ( $tmpversion , ',' );
$appInfo [ 'version' ] = $tmpversion ;
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $appInfo [ 'key' ], true ))
$appInfo [ 'kaufbar' ] = false ;
$appInfo [ 'installiert' ] = true ;
$this -> app -> erp -> RunHook ( 'appstoreModuleDetailToShow' , 1 , $appInfo );
$appInfo [ 'beschreibung' ] = $appInfo [ 'beschreibung' ] . " <br><br><i>Inkl. ab Version: " . $appInfo [ 'version' ] . " </i> " ;
$zusatzInfos = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'beta' ])){
$zusatzInfos .= '<span class="beta">BETA</span>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'legacy' ]) && $appInfo [ 'legacy' ]){
$zusatzInfos .= '<span class="legacy">LEGACY</span>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'special' ]) && $appInfo [ 'special' ]){
$zusatzInfos .= '<span class="special">SPECIAL</span>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'project_sensitive' ]) && $appInfo [ 'project_sensitive' ]){
$zusatzInfos .= '<span class="project_sensitive">PROJEKT</span>' ;
$price = null ;
if ( isset ( $appInfo )) {
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $appInfo [ 'kategorie' ]);
$html =
'<div class="information-left">' .
'<div class="app-icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>' .
'</div>' .
'<div class="information-right">' .
'<h1 class="title">' . $appInfo [ 'Bezeichnung' ]
. ( empty ( $price ) ? '' : ' (pro Monat ' . $price . ' EUR zzgl. ges. USt.)' )
. '</h1>' .
'<div class="description">' . $appInfo [ 'beschreibung' ] . '<br>' . $zusatzInfos . '</div>' .
'<div class="dropdown primary">' ;
if ( $appInfo [ 'kaufbar' ]){
if ( $appInfo [ 'installiert' ]){
$moduleDeactivated = $this -> isModuleDeactivated ( $appInfo [ 'key' ]);
$html .=
'<a class="dropdown-link button button-primary' . ( $moduleDeactivated ? ' deactivated' : ' activated' ) . '" href="' . ( $moduleDeactivated ? '#' : $appInfo [ 'Link' ]) . '" target="_blank">' .
'{|Zum Modul|}' .
'</a>' ;
$html .= '<ul class="dropdown-menu">' ;
if ( ! empty ( $price )) {
$html .=
'<li><a class="dropdown-link buybutton" data-type="add_module" data-newvalue="' . $appInfo [ 'key' ]
. '" data-oldvalue="" data-info="pro Monat ' . $price . ' EUR zzgl. ges. USt." data-price="' . $price . '" href="#">' .
'{|Modul mieten|}' .
'</a></li>' ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'UPDATEKEY' , '' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'MODALBUYPOPUP' , 'appstore_modulbuypopup.tpl' );
if ( ! in_array ( $appInfo [ 'key' ], $this -> nodeactivateable )) {
if ( $moduleDeactivated && $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'appstore' , 'activate' )){
$html .= '<li><a class="dropdown-sublink activate" target="_blank" data-module="' . $appInfo [ 'key' ] . '" href="index.php?module=appstore&action=activate&smodule=' . $appInfo [ 'key' ] . '">aktivieren</a></li>' ;
} elseif ( ! $moduleDeactivated && $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( 'appstore' , 'deactivate' )){
$html .= '<li><a class="dropdown-sublink deactivate" target="_blank" data-module="' . $appInfo [ 'key' ] . '" href="index.php?module=appstore&action=deactivate&smodule=' . $appInfo [ 'key' ] . '">deaktivieren</a></li>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'shop' ])){
$html .= '<li><a class="dropdown-sublink" target="_blank" href="' . $appInfo [ 'shop' ] . '">{|Zum AppStore|}</a></li>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'helpdesk' ])){
$html .= '<li><a class="dropdown-sublink" target="_blank" href="' . $appInfo [ 'helpdesk' ] . '">{|Handbuch|}</a></li>' ;
if ( ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'youtube' ])){
$html .= '<li><a class="dropdown-sublink" target="_blank" href="https://youtu.be/' . $appInfo [ 'youtube' ] . '">{|Video|}</a></li>' ;
$html .= '</ul></div></div>' ;
$screenshots = '' ;
if ( is_array ( $appInfo [ 'screenshots' ]) && ! empty ( $appInfo [ 'screenshots' ])) {
foreach ( $appInfo [ 'screenshots' ] as $screenshot ) {
$screenshots .= '<div class="screenshot"><img src="' . $screenshot . '" alt=""></div>' ;
else {
$html = '<h1>{|App wurde nicht gefunden|}</h1>' ;
$screenshots = '' ;
// Übersichtsseite ausblenden
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'APPSTOREUEBERSICHTAUSBLENDEN' , 'display: none;' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MODULINFORMATION' , $html );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'MODULSCREENSHOTS' , $screenshots );
/** @var Welcome $welcome */
$welcome = $this -> app -> loadModule ( 'welcome' );
$welcome -> loadChangeLogByTime ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'COUNTUPDATES' , $this -> app -> erp -> GetKonfiguration ( 'welcome_changelog_count' ));
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'TAB1' , 'appstore.tpl' );
$module = $this -> GetApps ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'TAB1' , '<script id="modulesJson" type="application/json">' . json_encode ( $module ) . '</script>' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , 'tabview.tpl' );
public function getOverViewLink ( $overviewPageAction ) : ? string
if ( ! in_array ( $overviewPageAction , [ '' , 'list' ])) {
return null ;
return 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list' ;
* @ param array $modullist
* @ param string $prefix
* @ param string | null $link
* @ param array | null $customIcon
public function AddModuleHtml ( $modullist , $prefix = '' , $link = null , $customIcon = null )
$this -> AddModuleInstalledHtml ( $modullist , $prefix );
if ( $customIcon !== null ){
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<a href="' . $customIcon [ 'link' ] . '" class="modulecol tilegrid-tile" id="m' . md5 ( 'Extern' ) . '">'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-general"></div>'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div><div> ' . $customIcon [ 'title' ] . '</div></div>'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'</a>' . " \n " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div class="clear"></div></div>' . " \n " );
$this -> AddModuleBuyHtml ( $modullist , $prefix , $link );
* @ param array $modullist
* @ param string $prefix
* @ param string | null $link
public function AddModuleBuyHtml ( $modullist , $prefix = '' , $link = null )
if ( $link === null ) {
$link = 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app=' ;
if ( $modullist && isset ( $modullist [ 'kauf' ])) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MODULEVERFUEGBAR' , '<div class="modulediv tilegrid-container">' . " \n " );
$countBuyModules = 0 ;
foreach ( $modullist [ 'kauf' ] as $modul ) {
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'key' ]) && ( $prefix === '' || strpos ( $modul [ 'key' ], $prefix ) === 0 )) {
$countBuyModules ++ ;
$kategorie = ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $modul [ 'kategorie' ] : '{|Allgemein|}' ;
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $kategorie );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<a href="' . $link . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ]) . '" class="modulecol tilegrid-tile" id="m' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ]) . '">'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div class="tilegrid-tile-title">'
. $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ]
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'beta' ]) ? '<br><span class="beta">Beta</span>' : '' )
. '</div>'
. '</a>' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MODULEVERFUEGBAR' , '<div class="clear"></div> </div>' . " \r \n " );
if ( $countBuyModules === 0 ) {
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'BEFOREMODULESTOBUY' , '<!--' );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( 'AFTERMODULESTOBUY' , '-->' );
* @ param array $modullist
* @ param string $prefix
public function AddModuleInstalledHtml ( $modullist , $prefix = '' )
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add ( 'MODULEINSTALLIERT' , '<div class="modulediv tilegrid-container">' . " \n " );
if ( $modullist && ! empty ( $modullist [ 'installiert' ])) {
foreach ( $modullist [ 'installiert' ] as $modul ) {
if ( isset ( $modul [ 'key' ]) && strpos ( $modul [ 'key' ], $prefix ) === 0 ) {
$kategorie = ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'kategorie' ])) ? $modul [ 'kategorie' ] : '{|Allgemein|}' ;
$iconTag = $this -> GetAppIconTagByCategory ( $kategorie );
$link = '#' ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<a data-module="' . $modul [ 'key' ] . '" href="' . $link . '" class="createbutton modulecol tilegrid-tile" id="m' . md5 ( $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ]) . '">'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div class="icon app-category-icon-' . $iconTag . '"></div>'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'<div><div> <span class="tilegrid-tile-title">' . $modul [ 'Bezeichnung' ] . '</span><br>'
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'beta' ]) ? ' <span class="beta">Beta</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'legacy' ]) ? ' <span class="legacy">Legacy</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'special' ]) ? ' <span class="special">Special</span>' : '' )
. ( ! empty ( $modul [ 'test' ]) ? ' (Testversion Ablauf am ' . $this -> app -> String -> Convert ( $modul [ 'ablaufdatum' ], " %1-%2-%3 " , " %3.%2.%1 " ) . ')' : '' ) . '</div></div>'
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Add (
'</a>' . " \n "
public function Install () : void
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckTable ( 'module_status' );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( 'module' , 'VARCHAR(64)' , 'module_status' , " DEFAULT '' NOT NULL " );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( 'active' , 'TINYINT(1)' , 'module_status' , 'DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL' );
$this -> app -> erp -> RegisterHook ( 'supersearch_detail' , 'appstore' , 'AppstoreSupersearchDetail' );
$this -> app -> erp -> RegisterHook ( 'HeadLines' , 'appstore' , 'AppstoreHeadLines' );
* @ param string $headline
* @ param string $headline1
* @ param string | array $headline2
public function AppstoreHeadLines ( $headline , $headline1 , $headline2 ) : void
if (( empty ( $headline )) && empty ( $headline1 )) {
return ;
if ( stripos ( $headline , 'BETA' ) !== false || stripos ( $headline1 , 'BETA' ) !== false ||
stripos ( $headline , 'LEGACY' ) !== false || stripos ( $headline1 , 'LEGACY' ) !== false ||
stripos ( $headline , 'SPECIAL' ) !== false || stripos ( $headline1 , 'SPECIAL' ) !== false ||
stripos ( $headline , 'PROJEKT' ) !== false || stripos ( $headline1 , 'PROJEKT' ) !== false ) {
return ;
if ( ! empty ( $headline2 ) && is_string ( $headline2 ) && ( stripos ( $headline2 , 'BETA' ) !== false &&
stripos ( $headline2 , 'LEGACY' ) !== false && stripos ( $headline2 , 'SPECIAL' ) !== false ) &&
stripos ( $headline2 , 'PROJEKT' ) !== false ) {
return ;
if ( ! empty ( $headline2 ) && is_array ( $headline2 ) && ( stripos ( implode ( ' ' , $headline2 ), 'BETA' ) !== false &&
stripos ( implode ( ' ' , $headline2 ), 'LEGACY' ) !== false && stripos ( implode ( ' ' , $headline2 ), 'SPECIAL' ) !== false &&
stripos ( implode ( ' ' , $headline2 ), 'PROJEKT' ) !== false )) {
return ;
if ( empty ( $this -> app -> Secure )) {
return ;
$module = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'module' );
if ( empty ( $module )) {
return ;
if ( in_array ( $module ,[ 'onlineshops' , 'shopexport' , 'uebertragungen' , 'versandarten' , 'zahlungsweisen' ])) {
return ;
if ( ! $this -> isBeta ( $module ) && ! $this -> isLegacy ( $module ) && ! $this -> isSpecial ( $module ) && ! $this -> isProjectSensitive ( $module )) {
return ;
if ( ! empty ( $headline )) {
if ( $this -> isBeta ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( $headline . ' <span class="beta">Beta</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isLegacy ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( $headline . ' <span class="legacy">Legacy</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isSpecial ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( $headline . ' <span class="special">Special</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isProjectSensitive ( $module )){
//$this->app->erp->Headlines($headline.' <span class="project_sensitive">Projekt</span>');
return ;
if ( ! empty ( $headline1 )) {
if ( $this -> isBeta ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $headline1 . ' <span class="beta">Beta</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isLegacy ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $headline1 . ' <span class="legacy">Legacy</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isSpecial ( $module )){
$this -> app -> erp -> Headlines ( '' , $headline1 . ' <span class="special">Special</span>' );
return ;
if ( $this -> isProjectSensitive ( $module )){
//$this->app->erp->Headlines('', $headline1.'<span class="project_sensitive">Projekt</span>');
return ;
* @ param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Query\DetailQuery $detailQuery
* @ param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Result\ResultDetail $detailResult
* @ return void
public function AppstoreSupersearchDetail ( $detailQuery , $detailResult ) : void
if ( $detailQuery -> getGroupKey () !== 'apps' ) {
return ;
$modules = $this -> BuildModuleList ();
$moduleKey = $detailQuery -> getItemIdentifier ();
// Wiki-Inhalte aufbereiten
/** @var Wiki $wiki */
$wiki = $this -> app -> erp -> LoadModul ( 'wiki' );
$workspace = $wiki -> getWorkspaceByName ( 'XentralHandbuch' );
$workspaceId = ! empty ( $workspace ) ? ( int ) $workspace [ 'id' ] : 0 ;
$wikiArticle = $wiki -> getArticleByName ( $moduleKey , $workspaceId );
list ( $wikiMenuArray , $wikiArticleContent ) = $wiki -> parseMenuFromHtml ( $wikiArticle [ 'content' ], 3 , 'supersearch' );
$wikiMenuHtml = '<h2>Inhaltsverzeichnis</h2>' . $wiki -> drawMenuFromArray ( $wikiMenuArray , 'supersearch' );
$wikiContent = $wikiMenuHtml . $wikiArticleContent ;
$wikiLink = ! empty ( $wikiArticle ) ? sprintf ( 'index.php?module=wiki&action=list&workspace=%s&cmd=%s' , $workspaceId , $moduleKey ) : null ;
// ENDE Wiki-Inhalte aufbereiten
$moduleData = isset ( $modules [ $moduleKey ]) ? $modules [ $moduleKey ] : false ;
if ( is_array ( $moduleData ) && $moduleData [ 'key' ] === $moduleKey ) {
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $moduleData [ 'key' ])){
if ( ! empty ( $moduleData [ 'module_link' ])) {
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Zum Modul' , $moduleData [ 'module_link' ]);
} else {
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Zum Modul' , 'index.php?module=appstore&action=list&cmd=detail&app=' . $moduleData [ 'key' ]);
// Einstellungs-Button deaktivieren, falls Action-Liste leer
// Grund: Modul wurde dann noch nie aufgerufen und erpApi::RechteVorhanden() würde ein falsches Ergebnis liefern
$disableSettingsButton = empty ( $this -> app -> erp -> getActionsByModule ( $moduleKey )) ? true : false ;
// Einstellungs-Button hinzufügen
if ( ! $disableSettingsButton ){
$hasSettingsPermission1 = $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( $moduleKey , 'einstellungen' );
$hasSettingsPermission2 = $this -> app -> erp -> RechteVorhanden ( $moduleKey , 'settings' );
if ( $hasSettingsPermission1 || $hasSettingsPermission2 ){
$settingsAction = $hasSettingsPermission1 ? 'einstellungen' : 'settings' ;
$settingsLink = sprintf ( 'index.php?module=%s&action=%s' , $moduleKey , $settingsAction );
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Einstellungen' , $settingsLink , [ 'target' => '_blank' , 'data-icon' => 'settings' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $wikiLink )) {
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Handbuch' , $wikiLink , [ 'target' => '_blank' , 'data-icon' => 'help' , 'class' => 'button button-secondary' ]);
if ( empty ( $wikiLink ) && ! empty ( $moduleData [ 'helpdesk_link' ])){
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Handbuch' , $moduleData [ 'helpdesk_link' ], [ 'target' => '_blank' , 'data-icon' => 'help' , 'class' => 'button button-secondary' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $moduleData [ 'youtube_link' ])){
$detailResult -> addButton ( 'Video' , $moduleData [ 'youtube_link' ], [ 'target' => '_blank' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $moduleData [ 'description' ])){
$detailResult -> setDescription ( $moduleData [ 'description' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $wikiArticle [ 'content' ])) {
$detailResult -> setDescription ( $wikiContent );
$detailResult -> setTitle ( $moduleData [ 'title' ]);
* @ return array
public function BuildModuleList () : array
$apps = $this -> getAppList ();
// ANFANG inline.php einlesen
$sprachen = [ 'german' , 'english' ];
if ( method_exists ( $this -> app -> User , 'GetSprachen' )) {
$sprachen = $this -> app -> User -> GetSprachen ();
if ( in_array ( 'deutsch' , $sprachen , true ) && ! in_array ( 'german' , $sprachen , true )) {
$sprachen [] = 'german' ;
if ( ! is_array ( $sprachen )) {
return [];
$sprachen = array_reverse ( $sprachen );
$inline = [];
foreach ( $sprachen as $sprache ) {
if ( preg_match_all ( '/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/' , $sprache , $erg )) {
$inlineFilePath = dirname ( dirname ( __DIR__ )) . sprintf ( '/languages/%s/inline.php' , $sprache );
if ( is_file ( $inlineFilePath )) {
include_once $inlineFilePath ;
// ENDE inline.php einlesen
$modules = [];
foreach ( $apps as $appKey => $app ) {
$modules [ $appKey ] = [
'key' => $appKey ,
'title' => $app [ 'Bezeichnung' ],
'title2' => empty ( $app [ 'Bezeichnung2' ]) ? '' : $app [ 'Bezeichnung2' ],
'module_link' => $app [ 'Link' ],
'module_link2' => empty ( $app [ 'Link2' ]) ? '' : $app [ 'Link2' ],
'description' => isset ( $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ]) ? $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'description' ] : null ,
'category' => isset ( $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ]) ? $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'kategorie' ] : null ,
'helpdesk_link' => isset ( $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ]) ? $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'link' ] : null ,
'youtube_link' => isset ( $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ]) ? 'https://youtu.be/' . $inline [ $appKey ][ 'default' ][ 'youtube' ] : null ,
'beta' => isset ( $app [ 'beta' ]) ? $app [ 'beta' ] : null ,
'legacy' => isset ( $app [ 'legacy' ]) ? $app [ 'legacy' ] : false ,
'special' => isset ( $app [ 'special' ]) ? $app [ 'special' ] : false ,
'popular' => ! empty ( $app [ 'popular' ]),
'project_sensitive' => isset ( $app [ 'project_sensitive' ]) ? $app [ 'project_sensitive' ] : false
return $modules ;
* @ param string $moduleName
* @ return bool
public function deactivateModule ( $moduleName ) : bool
if ( empty ( $moduleName ) || in_array ( $moduleName , $this -> nodeactivateable )) {
return false ;
if ( ! $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $moduleName , true )) {
return false ;
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
" SELECT `id` FROM `module_status` WHERE `module` = '%s' LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $moduleName )
if ( $check ){
$this -> app -> DB -> Update (
sprintf (
'UPDATE `module_status` SET `active` = 0 WHERE `id` = %d' , $check
else {
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert (
sprintf (
'INSERT INTO `module_status` (`module`, `active`) VALUES (\'%s\', 0)' ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $moduleName )
if ( ! isset ( $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ])
|| $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] === null ) {
$this -> loadDeactivatedModules ();
elseif ( ! in_array ( $moduleName , $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ])) {
$this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ][] = $moduleName ;
$obj = $this -> app -> loadModule ( $moduleName );
if ( ! empty ( $obj ) && method_exists ( $obj , 'Uninstall' )) {
$obj -> Uninstall ();
return true ;
* @ param string $moduleName
* @ return bool
public function activateModule ( $moduleName ) : bool
if ( empty ( $moduleName )) {
return false ;
if ( ! $this -> app -> erp -> ModulVorhanden ( $moduleName , true )) {
return false ;
$check = $this -> app -> DB -> Select (
sprintf (
" SELECT `id` FROM `module_status` WHERE `module` = '%s' LIMIT 1 " ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $moduleName )
if ( $check ) {
$this -> app -> DB -> Update (
sprintf (
'UPDATE `module_status` SET `active` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d' , $check
else {
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert (
sprintf (
'INSERT INTO `module_status` (`module`, `active`) VALUES (\'%s\', 1)' ,
$this -> app -> DB -> real_escape_string ( $moduleName )
if ( ! isset ( $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ])
|| $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] === null ) {
$this -> loadDeactivatedModules ();
elseif ( in_array ( $moduleName , $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ])) {
$this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] =
array_diff ( $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ], [ $moduleName ]);
$this -> app -> erp -> InstallModul ( $moduleName );
return true ;
* @ param string $moduleName
* @ return bool
public function isModuleDeactivated ( $moduleName ) : bool
if ( empty ( $moduleName ) || in_array ( $moduleName , $this -> nodeactivateable )) {
return false ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ])
|| $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] === null ) {
$this -> loadDeactivatedModules ();
return in_array ( $moduleName , $this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ]);
* @ return void
protected function loadDeactivatedModules () : void
$deactivatedModules = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectFirstCols (
'SELECT DISTINCT `module` FROM `module_status` WHERE `active` = 0 AND `module` <> \'\''
$this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] = [];
if ( empty ( $deactivatedModules )) {
return ;
$this -> deactivatesModules [ $this -> app -> Conf -> WFdbname ] = array_diff ( $deactivatedModules , $this -> nodeactivateable );