2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
< ? php
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
* Xentral ( c ) Xentral E RP Sorftware GmbH , Fuggerstrasse 11 , D - 86150 Augsburg , * Germany 2019
* This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License * Version 3.1 .
* You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and / or * along with this file ; If not , please visit www . wawision . de / Lizenzhinweis
* to obtain the text of the corresponding license version .
2021-05-21 08:49:41 +02:00
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
< ? php
class Dsgvo {
var $app ;
static function TableSearch ( & $app , $name , $erlaubtevars )
// in dieses switch alle lokalen Tabellen (diese Live Tabellen mit Suche etc.) für dieses Modul
switch ( $name )
case " dsgvo_auskunft_list " :
$allowed [ 'dsgvo_auskunft' ] = array ( 'list' );
$heading = array ( '' , 'Name' , 'Kunde' , 'Lieferant' , 'Land' , 'PLZ' , 'Ort' , 'E-Mail' , 'Löschauftrag vom' , 'Projekt' , 'Menü' );
$width = array ( '1%' , '20%' , '10%' , '10%' , '10%' , '10%' , '15%' , '15%' , '10%' , '15%' , '1%' );
$findcols = array ( 'open' , 'a.name' , 'a.kundennummer' , 'a.lieferantennummer' , 'a.land' , 'a.plz' , 'a.ort' , 'a.email' , " DATE_FORMAT(d.loeschauftrag_vom, '%d.%m.%Y') " , 'p.abkuerzung' , 'a.id' );
$searchsql = array ( 'a.name' , 'a.kundennummer' , 'a.lieferantennummer' , 'a.land' , 'a.plz' , 'a.ort' , 'a.email' , 'd.loeschauftrag_vom' , 'd.kommentar' , 'p.abkuerzung' );
$defaultorder = 1 ;
$defaultorderdesc = 0 ;
$moreinfo = true ;
$menucol = 10 ;
$datecols = array ( 7 );
$menu = " <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> " ;
$menu .= " <tr> " ;
$menu .= " <td nowrap> " ;
$menu .= " <a href= \" index.php?module=dsgvo&action=pdf&id=%value% \" > " ;
$menu .= " <img src= \" themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/pdf.svg \" border= \" 0 \" > " ;
$menu .= " </a> " ;
$menu .= '<a href="javascript:;" onclick="DSGVOEdit(%value%);">' ;
$menu .= " <img src= \" themes/ { $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] } /images/edit.svg \" border= \" 0 \" > " ;
$menu .= " </a> " ;
$menu .= " </td> " ;
$menu .= " </tr> " ;
$menu .= " </table> " ;
$subwhere = " " ;
$fnurloeschauftrag = $app -> YUI -> TableSearchFilter ( $name , 5 , 'nurloeschauftrag' , '0' , 0 , 'checkbox' );
if ( $fnurloeschauftrag == 1 ){
$subwhere .= " AND (d.loeschauftrag_vom != '' OR d.loeschauftrag_vom != '0000-00-00') " ;
} else {
$subwhere .= " " ;
$where = " a.id > 0 AND a.geloescht = 0 " . $subwhere ;
$sql = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.id, '<img src=./themes/ " . $app -> Conf -> WFconf [ 'defaulttheme' ] . " /images/details_open.png class=details>' as open, a.name, a.kundennummer, a.lieferantennummer, a.land, a.plz, a.ort, a.email, IF(d.loeschauftrag_vom != '0000-00-00', DATE_FORMAT(d.loeschauftrag_vom, '%d.%m.%Y'), '-'), p.abkuerzung, a.id FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON a.projekt = p.id LEFT JOIN dsgvo_loeschauftrag d ON a.id = d.adresse " ;
$count = " SELECT count(a.id) FROM adresse a WHERE $where " ;
break ;
$erg = false ;
foreach ( $erlaubtevars as $k => $v )
if ( isset ( $$v )) $erg [ $v ] = $$v ;
return $erg ;
function __construct ( $app , $intern = false ) {
$this -> app =& $app ;
if ( $intern ) return ;
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerInit ( $this );
// ab hier alle Action Handler definieren die das Modul hat
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " list " , " DSGVOList " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " edit " , " DSGVOEdit " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " save " , " DSGVOSave " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " pdf " , " DSGVOPDF " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandler ( " minidetail " , " DSGVOMinidetail " );
$this -> app -> ActionHandlerListen ( $app );
function Install (){
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckTable ( " dsgvo_loeschauftrag " );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( " id " , " int(11) " , " dsgvo_loeschauftrag " , " NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT " );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( " adresse " , " int(11) " , " dsgvo_loeschauftrag " , " NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 " );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( " loeschauftrag_vom " , " date " , " dsgvo_loeschauftrag " , " NOT NULL " );
$this -> app -> erp -> CheckColumn ( " kommentar " , " varchar(512) " , " dsgvo_loeschauftrag " , " NOT NULL " );
function DSGVOMenu ()
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=dsgvo&action=list " , " Zurück zur Übersicht " );
$this -> app -> erp -> MenuEintrag ( " index.php?module=dsgvo&action=list " , " Details " );
function DSGVOList ()
$this -> DSGVOMenu ();
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Set ( " KURZUEBERSCHRIFT " , " DSGVO Auskunft " );
$this -> app -> YUI -> DatePicker ( 'e_loeschauftrag_vom' );
$this -> app -> YUI -> TableSearch ( 'TAB1' , 'dsgvo_auskunft_list' , " show " , " " , " " , basename ( __FILE__ ), __CLASS__ );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( " PAGE " , " dsgvo_auskunft_list.tpl " );
function DSGVOEdit ()
if ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'cmd' ) == 'get' ){
$id = ( int ) $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'id' );
$data = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT d.adresse, d.loeschauftrag_vom, d.kommentar FROM dsgvo_loeschauftrag d WHERE d.adresse = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $data ){
$data = reset ( $data );
$data [ 'id' ] = $data [ 'adresse' ];
if ( $data [ 'loeschauftrag_vom' ] == " 0000-00-00 " ){
$data [ 'loeschauftrag_vom' ] = " " ;
} else {
$data [ 'loeschauftrag_vom' ] = date ( 'd.m.Y' , strtotime ( $data [ 'loeschauftrag_vom' ]));
} else {
$data [ 'id' ] = 0 ;
$data [ 'loeschauftrag_vom' ] = '' ;
$data [ 'kommentar' ] = '' ;
echo json_encode ( $data );
exit ;
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Parse ( 'PAGE' , " dsgvo_auskunft_list.tpl " );
function DSGVOSave ()
$adresse = ( int ) trim ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'id' ));
$loeschauftrag_vom = trim ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'loeschauftrag_vom' ));
$kommentar = trim ( $this -> app -> Secure -> GetPOST ( 'kommentar' ));
$error = " " ;
if ( $loeschauftrag_vom == " " ){
$error .= " Bitte Löschauftrag vom ausfüllen " . " \n " ;
} else {
$loeschauftrag_vom = date ( 'Y-m-d' , strtotime ( $loeschauftrag_vom ));
if ( $adresse <= 0 || $adresse == " " ){
$error .= " Keine gültige Adresse gewählt " . " \n " ;
} else {
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE id = ' $adresse ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $adresse != " " && $adresse > 0 ){
} else {
$error .= " Keine gültige Adresse gewählt " . " \n " ;
if ( $error == " " ){
$id = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT id FROM dsgvo_loeschauftrag WHERE adresse = ' $adresse ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $id ){
$this -> app -> DB -> Update ( " UPDATE dsgvo_loeschauftrag SET loeschauftrag_vom = ' $loeschauftrag_vom ', kommentar = ' $kommentar ' WHERE id = ' $id ' " );
echo json_encode ( array ( 'status' => 1 ));
exit ;
} else {
$this -> app -> DB -> Insert ( " INSERT INTO dsgvo_loeschauftrag (adresse, loeschauftrag_vom, kommentar) VALUES (' $adresse ', ' $loeschauftrag_vom ', ' $kommentar ') " );
echo json_encode ( array ( 'status' => 1 ));
exit ;
} else {
echo json_encode ( array ( 'status' => 0 , 'statusText' => $error ));
exit ;
function DSGVOPDF (){
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$pdf = new SuperFPDF ( 'P' , 'mm' , 'A4' , $this -> app );
$pdf -> AddPage ();
$pdf -> SetDisplayMode ( " real " , " single " );
$pdf -> SetMargins ( 15 , 50 );
$pdf -> SetAutoPageBreak ( true , 40 );
$pdf -> AliasNbPages ( '{nb}' );
// Bei Adressstammblatt immer oben beginnen
$pdf -> abstand_betreffzeileoben = 0 ;
$pdf -> logofile = " " ; //$this->app->erp->GetTMP()."/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname."_logo.jpg";
$pdf -> briefpapier = " " ;
$schrift = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'schriftgroesse' );
$pdf -> SetFontSize ( $schrift );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , '10' );
$pdf -> SetX ( $pdf -> GetX () + 160 );
$pdf -> Cell ( 10 , 0 , date ( " d.m.Y " ), " " , " " , " L " );
$kunde = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT name,kundennummer,lieferantennummer FROM adresse WHERE id=' $id ' LIMIT 1 " );
$kunde = reset ( $kunde );
$pdf -> doctype = " adresse " ;
$pdf -> doctypeOrig = " Adresse: " . $kunde [ 'name' ];
if ( $pdf -> doctype == " brief " )
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'brieftext' );
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetY ( 20 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
//$this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> SetY ( 40 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$pdf -> SetY ( $pdf -> GetY () + $pdf -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $pdf -> doctypeOrig ));
$pdf -> SetY ( $pdf -> GetY () - $pdf -> abstand_betreffzeileoben );
$pdf -> SetY ( $pdf -> GetY () + $pdf -> abstand_artikeltabelleoben ); //Hoehe Box
$pdf -> SetY ( 30 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
$dokumententext = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'dokumententext' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $dokumententext );
$pdf -> SetY ( 50 ); //+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box*/
$adresse = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $id . " ' " );
$adresse = reset ( $adresse );
if ( $adresse [ 'typ' ] == " firma " )
$infofields [] = array ( " Firma " , $adresse [ 'name' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'ansprechpartner' ] != " " )
$infofields [] = array ( " Ansprechpartner " , $adresse [ 'ansprechpartner' ]);
} else {
$infofields [] = array ( " Name " , $adresse [ 'name' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Anschrift " , $adresse [ 'land' ] . " - " . $adresse [ 'plz' ] . " " . $adresse [ 'ort' ] . " , " . $adresse [ 'strasse' ] . " , " . $adresse [ 'adresszusatz' ]);
$felder = array ( 'telefon' , 'telefax' , 'mobil' , 'email' , 'web' );
foreach ( $felder as $feldname )
$infofields [] = array ( ucfirst ( $feldname ), $adresse [ $feldname == 'web' ? 'internetseite' : $feldname ]);
if ( $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( " modul_mlm " ) == 1 )
$mlmvertragsbeginn = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(mlmvertragsbeginn,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $mlmvertragsbeginn == " 00.00.0000 " ) $mlmvertragsbeginn = " kein Vertragsbeginn eingestellt " ;
$sponsorid = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT sponsor FROM adresse WHERE id=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' LIMIT 1 " );
if ( $sponsorid > 0 )
$sponsor = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT CONCAT(kundennummer,' ',name) FROM adresse WHERE id=' $sponsorid ' LIMIT 1 " );
$sponsor = " Kein Sponsor vorhanden " ;
$infofields [] = array ( " Sponsor " , $sponsor );
$infofields [] = array ( " Vertragsbeginn am " , $mlmvertragsbeginn );
$erfasstam = $this -> app -> DB -> Select ( " SELECT DATE_FORMAT(zeitstempel,'%d.%m.%Y') FROM objekt_protokoll WHERE objekt='adresse' AND objektid=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' AND action_long='adresse_create' LIMIT 1 " );
$infofields [] = array ( " Erfasst am " , $erfasstam );
$infofields [] = array ( " UST-ID " , $adresse [ 'ustid' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Steuernummer " , $adresse [ 'steuernummer' ]);
if ( is_null ( $adresse [ 'geburtstag' ]) || $adresse [ 'geburtstag' ] == " 0000-00-00 " ){
$infofields [] = array ( " Geburtstag " , " " );
} else {
$infofields [] = array ( " Geburtstag " , date ( 'd.m.Y' , strtotime ( $adresse [ 'geburtstag' ])));
$infofields [] = array ( " Bankname " , $adresse [ 'bank' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Kontoinhaber " , $adresse [ 'inhaber' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " IBAN " , $adresse [ 'iban' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " BIC " , $adresse [ 'swift' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Paypal Kontoinhaber " , $adresse [ 'paypalinhaber' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Paypal Account " , $adresse [ 'paypal' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Paypal Währung " , $adresse [ 'paypalwaehrung' ]);
$infofields [] = array ( " Mandatsreferenz " , $adresse [ 'Mandatsreferenz' ]);
if ( is_null ( $adresse [ 'mandatsreferenzdatum' ]) || $adresse [ 'mandatsreferenzdatum' ] == " 0000-00-00 " ){
$infofields [] = array ( " Mandatsreferenzdatum " , " " );
} else {
$infofields [] = array ( " Mandatsreferenzdatum " , date ( 'd.m.Y' , strtotime ( $adresse [ 'mandatsreferenzdatum' ])));
if ( $adresse [ 'kundennummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Kunden Nr. " , $adresse [ 'kundennummer' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'lieferantennummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Lieferanten Nr. " , $adresse [ 'lieferantennummer' ]);
if ( $adresse [ 'mitarbeiternummer' ] != " " )
$numbers [] = array ( " Mitarbeiter Nr. " , $adresse [ 'mitarbeiternummer' ]);
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
if (( ! empty ( $numbers ) ? count ( $numbers ) : 0 ) > 0 ){
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$height = 5 ;
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $numbers ) ? count ( $numbers ) : 0 ); $i ++ )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 50 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $numbers [ $i ][ 0 ]) . " : " , " BTL " , 'L' );
$pdf -> SetY ( $pdf -> GetY () - $height ); $pdf -> SetX ( 50 ); $pdf -> MultiCell ( 140 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $numbers [ $i ][ 1 ]), " BTR " , 'L' );
$pdf -> Ln ( 5 );
$height = 8 ;
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( " Adressstammblatt " ));
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Ln ( $height );
$height = 5 ;
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $infofields ) ? count ( $infofields ) : 0 ); $i ++ )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 50 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infofields [ $i ][ 0 ]) . " : " , " BTL " , 'L' );
$pdf -> SetY ( $pdf -> GetY () - $height ); $pdf -> SetX ( 50 ); $pdf -> MultiCell ( 140 , $height , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $infofields [ $i ][ 1 ]), " BTR " , 'L' );
$accounts_tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT CONCAT('Bezeichnung: ', bezeichnung, ', ', 'Art: ', art, ', URL: ', url, ', Benutzername: ', benutzername) as 'value' FROM adresse_accounts WHERE adresse=' " . $adresse [ 'id' ] . " ' " );
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $accounts_tmp ) ? count ( $accounts_tmp ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) $accounts [] = $accounts_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ];
if (( ! empty ( $accounts ) ? count ( $accounts ) : 0 ) > 0 ){
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> Ln ( 5 );
$height = 8 ;
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( " Accounts " ));
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Ln ( $height );
$height = 5 ;
if ( is_array ( $accounts ))
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $accounts ) ? count ( $accounts ) : 0 ); $i ++ )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $accounts [ $i ])), " " , 'L' );
} else {
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $accounts )), " BTLR " , 'L' );
$ansprechpartner_tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT CONCAT(name,
', Titel: ' , titel , ', ' , if ( bereich = '' , 'Bereich: -' , CONCAT ( 'Bereich: ' , bereich )),
', Abteilung: ' , abteilung ,
', Unterabteilung: ' , unterabteilung ,
', Adresszusatz: ' , adresszusatz ,
', Straße: ' , strasse ,
', PLZ: ' , plz ,
', Ort: ' , ort ,
', Land: ' , land ,
', Telefon: ' , telefon ,
', Telefax: ' , telefax ,
', Mobil: ' , mobil ,
', E-Mail: ' , email
) as 'value' FROM ansprechpartner WHERE adresse = '".$adresse[' id ']."' " );
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $ansprechpartner_tmp ) ? count ( $ansprechpartner_tmp ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) $ansprechpartner [] = $ansprechpartner_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ];
if (( ! empty ( $ansprechpartner ) ? count ( $ansprechpartner ) : 0 ) > 0 )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> Ln ( 5 );
$height = 8 ;
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( " Ansprechpartner " ));
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Ln ( $height );
$height = 5 ;
if ( is_array ( $ansprechpartner ))
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $ansprechpartner ) ? count ( $ansprechpartner ) : 0 ); $i ++ )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $ansprechpartner [ $i ])), " " , 'L' );
} else {
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $ansprechpartner )), " BTLR " , 'L' );
$lieferadressen_tmp = $this -> app -> DB -> SelectArr ( " SELECT name,abteilung,unterabteilung,adresszusatz,strasse,plz,ort,land,
telefon , email
FROM lieferadressen WHERE adresse = '".$adresse[' id ']."' ORDER by standardlieferadresse DESC " );
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $lieferadressen_tmp ) ? count ( $lieferadressen_tmp ) : 0 ); $i ++ ) {
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] = " " ;
foreach ( $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ] as $key => $value )
switch ( $key )
case " email " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " E-Mail: $value , " ;
break ;
case " telefon " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " Telefon: $value , " ;
break ;
case " telefax " :
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " Telefax: $value , " ;
break ;
default :
if ( $value != " " )
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] .= " $value , " ;
$lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] = trim ( $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ], ', ' );
if ( $i == 0 ) $standard = " (Standard) " ; else $standard = " " ;
$lieferadressen [] = $lieferadressen_tmp [ $i ][ 'value' ] . $standard ;
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
if (( ! empty ( $lieferadressen ) ? count ( $lieferadressen ) : 0 ) > 0 )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> Ln ( 5 );
$height = 8 ;
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( " Lieferadressen " ));
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Ln ( $height );
$height = 8 ;
if ( is_array ( $lieferadressen ))
2022-06-10 11:28:28 +02:00
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < ( ! empty ( $lieferadressen ) ? count ( $lieferadressen ) : 0 ); $i ++ )
2022-05-24 16:53:33 +02:00
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $lieferadressen [ $i ])), " " , 'L' );
} else {
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 175 , $height , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $lieferadressen )), " BTLR " , 'L' );
$pdf -> Ln ( 5 );
if ( $adresse [ 'sonstiges' ] != " " )
$height = 8 ;
$betreffszeile = $this -> app -> erp -> Firmendaten ( 'betreffszeile' );
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , 'B' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Cell ( 85 , 6 , $this -> app -> erp -> ReadyForPDF ( $heading ));
$pdf -> SetFont ( 'Arial' , '' , $betreffszeile );
$pdf -> Ln ( $height );
$pdf -> MultiCell ( 180 , 4 , $pdf -> WriteHTML ( $adresse [ 'sonstiges' ]));
$pdf -> Output ( date ( 'Ymd' ) . " _ " . " DSGVO_Auskunft " . " .pdf " , 'D' );
function DSGVOMinidetail (){
$id = $this -> app -> Secure -> GetGET ( 'id' );
$table = new EasyTable ( $this -> app );
$table -> Query ( " SELECT kommentar FROM dsgvo_loeschauftrag WHERE adresse = ' $id ' LIMIT 1 " , 0 , " " );
$table -> DisplayNew ( " TABELLE " , " Grund " , " noAction " );
$this -> app -> Tpl -> Output ( " dsgvo_minidetail.tpl " );
exit ;