return $out;
- public function WelcomeUpgrade()
- {
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=welcome&action=start','zurück zur Startseite');
- $this->app->erp->Headlines('Update für Xentral');
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('STARTBUTTON','');
- $lizenz = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('lizenz');
- $schluessel = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schluessel');
- if($lizenz=='' || $schluessel=='')
- {
- if(is_file('../wawision.inc.php'))
- {
- include_once '../wawision.inc.php';
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('lizenz',$WAWISION['serial']);
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('schluessel',$WAWISION['authkey']);
- }
- }
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=welcome&action=upgrade','Update');
- $this->XentralUpgradeFeed(5);
- $result = '';
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('upgrade'))
- {
- ob_start();
- // dringend nacheinander, sonst wird das alte upgrade nur ausgefuehrt
- if(!is_dir('.svn'))
- {
- echo "new update system\r\n";
- include '../upgradesystemclient2_include.php';
- } else {
- echo "Update in Entwicklungsversion\r\n";
- }
- $result .= "\r\n>>>>>>Bitte klicken Sie jetzt auf \"Weiter mit Schritt 2\"<<<<<<\r\n\r\n";
- $result .= ob_get_contents();
- $result .= "\r\n>>>>>>Bitte klicken Sie jetzt auf \"Weiter mit Schritt 2\"<<<<<<\r\n\r\n";
- ob_end_clean();
- if(is_dir('.svn'))
- {
- $version_revision = 'SVN';
- } else {
- include '../version.php';
- }
- $result .="\r\nIhre Version: $version_revision\r\n";
- } else {
- $result .=">>>>>Bitte auf \"Dateien aktualisieren jetzt starten\" klicken<<<<<<\r\n";
- }
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('version')==''){
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('version', $this->app->erp->RevisionPlain());
- }
- $doc_root = preg_replace("!{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}$!", '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); # ex: /var/www
- $path = preg_replace("!^{$doc_root}!", '', __DIR__);
-$this->app->Tpl->Add('TAB1',"Schritt 1 von 2: Dateien aktualisieren ");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','tabview.tpl');
- }
- public function WelcomeUpgradeDB()
- {
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=welcome&action=start','zurück zur Startseite');
- $this->app->erp->Headlines('Update für Xentral');
- $lizenz = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('lizenz');
- $schluessel = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schluessel');
- if($lizenz=='' || $schluessel=='')
- {
- if(is_file('../wawision.inc.php'))
- {
- include_once '../wawision.inc.php';
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('lizenz',$WAWISION['serial']);
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('schluessel',$WAWISION['authkey']);
- }
- }
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=welcome&action=upgradedb','Update');
- $this->XentralUpgradeFeed(5);
- $result = '';
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('upgradedb'))
- {
- ob_start();
- // include("upgradesystemclient.php");
- $result .="Starte DB Update\r\n";
- $this->app->erp->UpgradeDatabase();
- $this->app->erp->check_column_missing_run = true;
- $this->app->erp->UpgradeDatabase();
- if((!empty($this->app->erp->check_column_missing)?count($this->app->erp->check_column_missing):0) > 0)
- {
- $result .= "\r\n**** INFORMATION DATENBANK ****\r\n";
- foreach($this->app->erp->check_column_missing as $tablename=>$columns)
- {
- $result .= "\r\n";
- foreach($columns as $key=>$columname) {
- $result .= $tablename . ':' . $columname . "\r\n";
- }
- }
- $result .= "\r\n**** INFORMATION DATENBANK ****\r\n\r\n";
- }
- if((!empty($this->app->erp->check_index_missing)?count($this->app->erp->check_index_missing):0) > 0)
- {
- $result .= "\r\n**** INFORMATION DATENBANK INDEXE ****\r\n";
- foreach($this->app->erp->check_index_missing as $tablename=>$columns)
- {
- $result .= "\r\n";
- foreach($columns as $key=>$columname) {
- $result .= $tablename . ":" . $columname . "\r\n";
- }
- }
- $result .= "\r\n**** INFORMATION DATENBANK INDEXE ****\r\n\r\n";
- }
- $result .="Fertig DB Update\r\n";
- $result .="\r\n\r\nDas Datenbank Update wurde durchgeführt\r\n";
- $result .="\r\n>>>>>Sie können nun mit Xentral weiterarbeiten.<<<<<<\r\n";
- $result .= ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- } else {
- $result .="\r\n>>>>>Bitte auf \"Datenbank Anpassungen jetzt durchführen\" klicken<<<<<<\r\n";
- }
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('version')==''){
- $this->app->erp->FirmendatenSet('version', $this->app->erp->RevisionPlain());
- }
- $doc_root = preg_replace("!{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}$!", '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); # ex: /var/www
- $path = preg_replace("!^{$doc_root}!", '', __DIR__);
-$this->app->Tpl->Add('TAB1',"Schritt 2 von 2: Datenbank anpassen ");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','tabview.tpl');
- }
public function Termine($date)
$userid = $this->app->User->GetID();
diff --git a/www/update.php b/www/update.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9b87fc..00000000
--- a/www/update.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5420 +0,0 @@
-updateHost ?: 'removed.upgrade.host';
- $updateHost = 'removed.upgrade.host';
-define('XENTRAL_UPDATE_HOST', $updateHost);
-class erpAPI_Update
- function __construct($app)
- {
- $this->app=$app;
- }
- function Branch()
- {
- return '';
- }
- function Version()
- {
- return '';
- }
- function RevisionPlain()
- {
- return '';
- }
- function Revision()
- {
- return '';
- }
- function Startseite()
- {
- if($this->app->User->GetID()!='')
- {
- $rand = md5(mt_rand());
- header('Location: update.php?rand='.$rand);
- exit;
- }
- }
- function calledOnceAfterLogin()
- {
- }
- function Firmendaten($value)
- {
- $id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT max(id) FROM firmendaten");
- if($id)
- {
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT $value FROM firmendaten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * @param $name
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function GetKonfiguration($name) {
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT wert FROM konfiguration WHERE name='$name' LIMIT 1");
- }
- /**
- * @param string $name
- * @param string $value
- */
- public function SetKonfigurationValue($name, $value) {
- $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM konfiguration WHERE name='$name' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO konfiguration (name,wert,firma,adresse) VALUES ('$name','$value',1,0)");
- }
- /**
- * @param bool $active
- */
- public function setMaintainance($active = true, $mode = 'updatedb') {
- $tags = json_encode('update');
- if(!$active) {
- if($this->GetKonfiguration('update_maintenance') == '0') {
- return;
- }
- $this->SetKonfigurationValue('update_maintenance', 0);
- $this->SetKonfigurationValue('update_maintenance_mode', '');
- $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM notification_message WHERE tags = '$tags'");
- return;
- }
- if(true) {
- return;//@todo remove in 20.1
- }
- if($this->GetKonfiguration('update_maintenance') == '1') {
- $this->SetKonfigurationValue('update_maintenance_time', time());
- return;
- }
- $this->app->DB->Insert(
- "INSERT INTO notification_message (user_id, type, title, message, tags, options_json, priority, created_at)
- SELECT u.id, 'warning', 'laufender Updateprozess','Bitte schließen Sie Ihre Aufgaben','$tags','',1,NOW()
- FROM `user` AS u
- INNER JOIN useronline uo on u.id = uo.user_id AND uo.login = 1"
- );
- $this->SetKonfigurationValue('update_maintenance', 1);
- $this->SetKonfigurationValue('update_maintenance_time', time());
- }
- function ClearDataBeforeOutput($text)
- {
- $text = str_replace('form action=""','form action="#"',$text);
- $text = str_replace('NONBLOCKINGZERO','',$text);
- $text = str_replace("'","'",$text);
- return $text;
- }
- function convertToHtml($str) {
- if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.4') >= 0) {
- $trans_tbl = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
- } else {
- $trans_tbl = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_COMPAT));
- if (!empty($trans_tbl)) {
- foreach ($trans_tbl as $key => $entry) {
- $trans_tbl[$key] = utf8_encode($entry);
- }
- }
- }
- // MS Word strangeness..
- // smart single/ double quotes:
- $trans_tbl[chr(39)] = ''';
- $trans_tbl[chr(145)] = '\'';
- $trans_tbl[chr(146)] = '\'';
- //$trans_tbl[chr(147)] = '"';
- $trans_tbl[chr(148)] = '"';
- $trans_tbl[chr(142)] = 'é';
- //
- //$trans_tbl[$this->unicode_chr(65279)] = "BENE";
- //$str = str_replace("\xFF\xFE", "BENE", $str);
- return strtr ($str, $trans_tbl);
- }
- function superentities( $str ){
- // get rid of existing entities else double-escape
- $str = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($str),ENT_QUOTES| ENT_HTML5,'UTF-8');
- // $str = str_replace("'","'",$str);
- // return $str;
- $ar = preg_split('/(? 1) || /* multi-byte [unicode] */
- ($o <32 || $o > 126) || /* <- control / latin weirdos -> */
- ($o >33 && $o < 35) ||/* quotes + ambersand */
- ($o >35 && $o < 40) ||/* quotes + ambersand */
- ($o >59 && $o < 63) /* html */
- ) {
- // convert to numeric entity
- //$c = @mb_encode_numericentity($c,array (0x0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff), 'UTF-8');
- $c = $this->convertToHtml($c);
- }
- if(!isset($str2))$str2 = '';
- $str2 .= $c;
- }
- return $str2;
- }
-class UpdateerpooSystem extends UpdateApplication
- public $obj;
- public $starttime;
- public $endtime;
- public function __construct($config,$group="")
- {
- parent::__construct($config,$group);
- if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'ajax' && isset($_GET['cmd']) && 'upgradedb' == $_GET['cmd'])
- {
- $className = 'erpAPI';
- //$methodName = 'UpgradeDatabase';
- if(file_exists(__DIR__.'/lib/class.erpapi.php'))
- {
- include_once(__DIR__.'/lib/class.erpapi.php');
- }
- if(file_exists(__DIR__.'/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php'))
- {
- include_once(__DIR__.'/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php');
- $className = 'erpAPICustom';
- }
- //$r = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
- //$params = $r->getParameters();
- //$anzargs = count($params);
- $this->erp = new $className($this);
- }else{
- $this->erp = new erpAPI_Update($this);
- }
- }
- class Md5Dateien
- {
- var $Dateien;
- function __construct($quellverzeichnis)
- {
- $this->getVerzeichnis($quellverzeichnis, '', 0, '');
- }
- function getVerzeichnis($quellverzeichnis, $zielverzeichnis, $lvl, $relativ){
- //echo "Verzeichnis: ".$quellverzeichnis." ".$zielverzeichnis. "\r\n";
- $quelllast = $quellverzeichnis;
- if($quellverzeichnis[strlen($quellverzeichnis) - 1] === '/') {
- $quelllast = substr($quellverzeichnis, 0, strlen($quellverzeichnis) - 1);
- }
- $path_parts = pathinfo($quelllast);
- $quelllast = $path_parts['basename'];
- if(file_exists($quellverzeichnis))
- {
- if(($quelllast !== 'importer' && $quelllast !== 'userdata') || $lvl != 1){
- if ($handle = opendir($quellverzeichnis)) {
- while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
- if($entry !== '.' && $entry !== '..' && $entry !== '.git' && $entry !== '.svn' && $entry != 'user.inc.php' && $entry != 'user_db_version.php' && $entry != 'pygen')
- {
- if(is_dir($quellverzeichnis.'/'.$entry))
- {
- if(!($lvl == 1 && $entry === 'vorlagen' && strpos($quellverzeichnis,'www')))
- {
- $this->getVerzeichnis($quellverzeichnis.(strrpos($quellverzeichnis,'/')!==strlen($quellverzeichnis)-1?'/':'').$entry,$zielverzeichnis .(strrpos($zielverzeichnis,'/')!==strlen($zielverzeichnis)-1?'/':'').$entry, $lvl + 1,$relativ.'/'.$entry);
- }
- } else {
- if(!($lvl == 0 && ($entry === 'INSTALL' || $entry === 'LICENSE_LIST' || $entry == 'LICENSE' || $entry == 'README' || $entry == 'gitlog.txt')))
- {
- //$this->getFile($quellverzeichnis.(strrpos($quellverzeichnis,'/')!==strlen($quellverzeichnis)-1?'/':'').$entry,$zielverzeichnis .(strrpos($zielverzeichnis,'/')!==strlen($zielverzeichnis)-1?'/':'').$entry,$relativ.'/'.$entry);
- if(strtolower(substr($entry,-4)) === '.php') {
- $this->Dateien[$relativ.'/'.$entry] = md5_file($quellverzeichnis.(strrpos($quellverzeichnis,'/')!==strlen($quellverzeichnis)-1?'/':'').$entry);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @closedir($handle);
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
-class UpdateDB{
- var $dbname;
- var $connection;
- function __construct($dbhost,$dbname,$dbuser,$dbpass,&$app="",$dbport=3306)
- {
- $this->app = &$app;
- $this->dbname=$dbname;
- $this->connection = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, '', $dbport);
- mysqli_select_db($this->connection,$dbname);
- mysqli_query($this->connection,"SET NAMES 'utf8'");
- mysqli_query($this->connection,"SET SESSION SQL_MODE := ''");
- mysqli_query($this->connection,"SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'");
- mysqli_query($this->connection,'SET lc_time_names = "de_DE" ');
- }
- /**
- * @return string
- */
- public function GetVersion()
- {
- if(empty($this->connection)) {
- return '';
- }
- $version_string = mysqli_get_server_info($this->connection);
- $version_string = substr($version_string,0,3);
- $version_string = str_replace('.','',$version_string);
- if($version_string < 57) {
- $version = $this->Select('SELECT VERSION()');
- if(strripos($version, 'maria') !== false && $version[0] === '1' && str_replace('.','', substr($version,0,4)) >= 102) {
- return '57';
- }
- }
- return $version_string;
- }
- function Close()
- {
- mysqli_close($this->connection);
- }
- function SelectDB($database)
- {
- mysqli_select_db($database);
- }
- function Fetch_Assoc($sql) {
- return mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
- }
- function free($query = null){
- // Speicher freimachen
- if(is_null($query))return mysqli_free_result($this->_result);
- return mysqli_free_result($query);
- }
- function ColumnExists($table, $column)
- {
- if($table=='' || $column=='')
- return false;
- $exists = $this->Select("SELECT COUNT(*)
- FROM information_schema.columns
- WHERE table_schema = '{$this->dbname}'
- AND table_name = '$table' AND column_name = '$column'");
- return $exists;
- }
- function Select($sql){
- if(mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql)){
- $this->results = mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- /**
- * Abbrechen query mit SET beginnt
- */
- if (substr(strtolower($sql),0,3) === 'set') {
- return "";
- }
- $count = 0;
- $data = array();
- while( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->results)){
- $data[$count] = $row;
- $count++;
- }
- @mysqli_free_result($this->results);
- } else return false;
- if(is_array($data))
- {
- if(count($data) === 1) {
- return $data[0][0];
- }
- if(count($data) < 1) {
- $data='';
- }
- } else {
- $data='';
- }
- return $data;
- }
- public function SelectRow($sql)
- {
- if(empty($sql) || empty($this->connection))
- {
- return null;
- }
- $this->results = @mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- if(!$this->results)
- {
- return null;
- }
- $count = 0;
- $data = null;
- if( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->results)){
- unset($ArrData);
- // erstelle datensatz array
- foreach($row as $key=>$value){
- if(!is_numeric($key))
- {
- $ArrData[$key]=$value;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($ArrData)){
- $data = $ArrData;
- }
- $count++;
- }
- @mysqli_free_result($this->results);
- return $data;
- }
- function SelectArr($sql){
- //if(mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql)){
- if(1){
- $this->results = mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- $count = 0;
- $data = array();
- while( $row = @mysqli_fetch_array($this->results)){
- unset($ArrData);
- // erstelle datensatz array
- foreach($row as $key=>$value){
- if(!is_numeric($key)) {
- $ArrData[$key]=$value;
- }
- }
- $data[$count] = $ArrData;
- $count++;
- }
- @mysqli_free_result($this->results);
- }
- return $data;
- }
- function Result($sql){ return mysqli_result(mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql), 0);}
- function GetInsertID(){ return mysqli_insert_id($this->connection);}
- function GetArray($sql){
- $i=0;
- $result = mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- foreach ($row as $key=>$value){
- $tmp[$i][$key]=$value;
- }
- $i++;
- }
- return $tmp;
- }
- function Insert($sql){ $this->LogSQL($sql,"insert"); return mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql); }
- function InsertWithoutLog($sql){ return mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql); }
- function Update($sql){$this->LogSQL($sql,"update"); return mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql); }
- function UpdateWithoutLog($sql){ return mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql); }
- function Delete($sql){$this->LogSQL($sql,"delete"); return mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql); }
- function LogSQL($sql,$befehl)
- {
- }
- function Count($sql){
- if(mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql)){
- return mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function CheckTableExistence($table){
- $result = mysqli_query($this->connection,"SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 1");
- if (!$result) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function CheckColExistence($table,$col)
- {
- if($this->CheckTableExistence($table)){
- $result = mysqli_query($this->connection,"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
- if (!$result) {
- echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysqli_error();
- exit;
- }
- if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- if($row['Field']==$col)
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function GetColArray($table)
- {
- if($this->CheckTableExistence($table)){
- $result = mysqli_query($this->connection,"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
- if (!$result) {
- echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysqli_error();
- exit;
- }
- if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $ret[]=$row['Field'];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- }
- function GetColAssocArray($table)
- {
- if($this->CheckTableExistence($table)){
- $result = mysqli_query($this->connection,"SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
- if (!$result) {
- echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysqli_error();
- exit;
- }
- if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $ret[$row['Field']]="";
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- }
- function UpdateArr($tablename,$pk,$pkname,$ArrCols, $escape = false)
- {
- if(count($ArrCols)>0){
- $zielspalten = $this->SelectArr("show columns from `$tablename`");
- if($zielspalten)
- {
- foreach($zielspalten as $val)$ziel[$val['Field']] = true;
- }
- $sql = "UPDATE `$tablename` SET ";
- foreach($ArrCols as $key=>$value)
- {
- if($key!=$pkname && (isset($ziel[$key]) || !$zielspalten))
- {
- $sqla[] = $key." = '".($escape?$this->real_escape_string($value):$value)."' ";
- }
- }
- $sql .= implode(', ',$sqla)." WHERE `$pkname`='$pk' LIMIT 1";
- $this->Update($sql);
- if(mysqli_error($this->connection))
- {
- foreach($ArrCols as $key=>$value){
- if($key!=$pkname) {
- $this->Query("UPDATE `$tablename` SET `$key`='$value'
- WHERE `$pkname`='$pk' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function InsertArr($tablename,$pkname,$ArrCols)
- {
- // save primary than update
- $this->Query("INSERT INTO `$tablename` (id) VALUES ('')");
- $pk = $this->GetInsertID();
- $this->UpdateArr($tablename,$pk,$pkname,$ArrCols);
- }
- /// get table content with specified cols
- function SelectTable($tablename,$cols){
- $firstcol = true;
- if(count($cols)==0)
- $selection = '*';
- else
- {
- $selection = '';
- foreach($cols as $value)
- {
- if(!$firstcol)
- $selection .= ',';
- $selection .= $value;
- $firstcol=false;
- }
- }
- $sql = "SELECT $selection FROM $tablename";
- return $this->SelectArr($sql);
- }
- function Query($query){
- $ret = mysqli_query($this->connection,$query);
- if(mysqli_errno($this->connection) == 1118) {
- mysqli_query($this->connection, 'SET innodb_strict_mode = OFF');
- $ret = mysqli_query($this->connection, $query);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function Fetch_Array($sql) {
- return mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
- }
- function MysqlCopyRow($TableName, $IDFieldName, $IDToDuplicate)
- {
- if ($TableName AND $IDFieldName AND $IDToDuplicate > 0) {
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM $TableName WHERE $IDFieldName = $IDToDuplicate";
- $result = @mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- if ($result) {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO $TableName SET ";
- $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
- $RowKeys = array_keys($row);
- $RowValues = array_values($row);
- $cKey = count($RowKeys);
- for ($i=3;$i<$cKey;$i+=2) {
- if ($i!=3) { $sql .= ", "; }
- $sql .= $RowKeys[$i] . " = '" . $RowValues[$i] . "'";
- }
- @mysqli_query($this->connection,$sql);
- return $this->GetInsertID();
- }
- }
- }
- function real_escape_string($value)
- {
- return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->connection, $value);
- }
- function affected_rows()
- {
- return mysqli_affected_rows($this->connection);
- }
- function error()
- {
- return mysqli_error($this->connection);
- }
-class UpgradeClient
- var $localmd5sums;
- var $erp;
- var $http_code;
- public $errormsg;
- function __construct($conf, $app)
- {
- $this->app = $app;
- $this->erp = $app->erp;
- $this->conf = $conf;
- }
- function Connect()
- {
- // check connection then stop
- }
- function CheckCRT()
- {
- $updateHost = XENTRAL_UPDATE_HOST;
- $cert = shell_exec("openssl s_client -connect {$updateHost}:443 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -in /dev/stdin");
- if($cert==$this->conf['cert']."\n") {
- return 1;
- }
- echo "wrong\n";
- exit;
- }
- function TestModul($modul)
- {
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['module'] = $modul;
- return $this->Request('settestmodul',$parameter);
- }
- function CheckVersionen($funktionen = null, $returnfirst = false)
- {
- $phpversion = PHP_VERSION;
- $ioncube_loader_version = '';
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('PHPVERSION',$phpversion);
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('IONCUBEVERSION','');
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download')){
- if(!@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download') && !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download')){
- $message = 'Im Hauptordner von xentral kann der Ordner "download" Verzeichnis nicht angelegt werden, Prüfen Sie die Rechte';
- if($returnfirst) {
- return ['error'=>$message,'version'=>''];
- }
- return $message;
- }
- }
- if(function_exists('ioncube_loader_version'))
- {
- $ioncube_loader_version = (String)ioncube_loader_version();
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('IONCUBEVERSION',$ioncube_loader_version);
- }
- if($funktionen) {
- $parameter['funktionen'] = $funktionen;
- }
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['phpversion'] = $phpversion;
- $parameter['mysqlversion'] = $this->app->DB->GetVersion();
- if(property_exists($this->app, 'multidb')){
- $parameter['multidb'] = !empty($this->app->multidb);
- }
- $result = $this->Request('versionen',$parameter);
- if($result == ''){
- $result = $this->Request('versionen',$parameter);
- }
- if($result == ''){
- $message = 'Der Updateserver scheint nicht erreichbar zu sein Bitte prüfen Sie die Netzwerkeinstellungen';
- if($returnfirst) {
- return ['error'=>$message,'version'=>''];
- }
- return $message;
- }
- $ret = '';
- $aktvers = '';
- $masterkey1erlaubt = $ioncube_loader_version?true:false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = $ioncube_loader_version?true:false;
- $masterkey3erlaubt = $ioncube_loader_version?true:false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = $ioncube_loader_version?true:false;
- $isPhp72 = (float)substr($phpversion,0,3) >= 7.2;
- $isPhp73 = (float)substr($phpversion,0,3) >= 7.3;
- $php73Warning = false;
- $isMysql57 = $this->app->DB->GetVersion() >= 57;
- $allow201 = $isPhp72 && $isMysql57;
- if(!$allow201) {
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- if(strlen($phpversion) > 2 && $phpversion[0] == '5' && $phpversion[2] < 6) {
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey3erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- if((int)$phpversion[0] < 7) {
- $masterkey3erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- if($phpversion && $phpversion[0] === '8') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- }
- if($phpversion && $phpversion[0] === '7') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- }
- if(strlen($phpversion) > 2 && $phpversion[0] === '7' && $phpversion[2] !== '0') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- }
- if(strlen($phpversion) > 2 && $phpversion[0] === '7' && $phpversion[2] === '0') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey3erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- if(strlen($ioncube_loader_version) > 2 && $ioncube_loader_version[0]< 5 && $ioncube_loader_version[1] === '.') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- }
- $return = [];
- if(strpos($result, 'ERROR') === false) {
- $resulta = explode(';',$result);
- if($masterkey1erlaubt && $masterkey2erlaubt && $masterkey3erlaubt) //Pruefung der PHP-Version ist fehlgeschlagen => nehme aktuelle Version als Basis
- {
- $versa = explode(':',$resulta[0],2);
- $aktvers = $versa[0];
- $revision = explode('_', $aktvers);
- $revision = $revision[count($revision)-1];
- if(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey1') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey1';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey2') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey2';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey4') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey4';
- }
- else {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey3' && $revision >= 20.2 && !$allow201) {
- $aktvers = '';
- }
- elseif($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey4' && $revision >= 20.3 && !$allow201) {
- $aktvers = '';
- }
- else{
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey1') {
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey3erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- elseif($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey2') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey3erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey4erlaubt = false;
- }
- elseif($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey3') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- }
- elseif($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey4') {
- $masterkey1erlaubt = false;
- $masterkey2erlaubt = false;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach($resulta as $k => $v) {
- $versa = explode(':',$resulta[$k],2);
- $revision = explode('_', $versa[0]);
- $revision = $revision[count($revision)-1];
- if($returnfirst && empty($return)){
- $return['current_version'] = $versa[0];
- }
- if(!$masterkey1erlaubt && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey1')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif(!$masterkey2erlaubt && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey2')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif(!$masterkey3erlaubt && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey3')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif(!$masterkey4erlaubt && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey4')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif($revision >= 20.2 && !$allow201 && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey3')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif($revision >= 20.3 && !$allow201 && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey4')!== false) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif($revision >= 21.1 && !$isPhp73 && strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey4')!== false) {
- $php73Warning = true;
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- elseif($aktvers == '') {
- $aktvers = $versa[0];
- if(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey1') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey1';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey2') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey2';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey4') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey4';
- }
- else {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- }
- }
- foreach($resulta as $k => $v) {
- $versa = explode(':',$resulta[$k],2);
- if(!$aktvers) {
- $aktvers = $versa[0];
- if(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey1') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey1';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey2') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey2';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey3') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif(strpos($aktvers, 'masterkey4') !== false) {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey4';
- }
- else {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey1' && !$masterkey1erlaubt) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey2' && !$masterkey2erlaubt) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey3' && !$masterkey3erlaubt) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey4' && !$masterkey4erlaubt) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- }
- if(strpos($versa[0],'masterkey')!== false) {
- if(!$ioncube_loader_version)
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }else{
- if(strpos($versa[0],'masterkey2')!== false)
- {
- if($phpversion && $phpversion[0] == '5' && $phpversion[2] < 6)
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey2','masterkey3','masterkey4'])) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- }else{
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey3','masterkey4']) && (int)$phpversion[0] < 7) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey3','masterkey4']) && ($phpversion[0] == '7' && $phpversion[2] == '0')) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- if($ioncube_loader_version[0]< 5 && $ioncube_loader_version[1] === '.')
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey2','masterkey3','masterkey4'])) {
- $aktmasterkey = "";
- }
- }elseif($phpversion && $phpversion[0] == '7' && (int)$phpversion[2] > 0)
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey2')$aktmasterkey = "";
- }
- }
- }
- elseif(strpos($versa[0],'masterkey1')!== false)
- {
- if($phpversion && (int)$phpversion[0] >= '7')
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey1')$aktmasterkey = "";
- }
- }
- elseif(strpos($versa[0],'masterkey3')!== false)
- {
- if($phpversion && $phpversion[0] == '5' && $phpversion[2] < 6)
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey2','masterkey3','masterkey4'])) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- }else{
- if((int)$phpversion[0] < 7)
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if($aktmasterkey === 'masterkey3')$aktmasterkey = "";
- }
- if($phpversion[0] === '7' && $phpversion[2] === '0')
- {
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey3','masterkey4'])) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- if($ioncube_loader_version[0]< 5 && $ioncube_loader_version[1] === '.')
- {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- if(in_array($aktmasterkey, ['masterkey2','masterkey3','masterkey4'])) {
- $aktmasterkey = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elseif(strpos($versa[0],'masterkey4') !== false) {
- if(!$masterkey4erlaubt) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($resulta[$k])) {
- if($masterkey1erlaubt && strpos($versa[0],'masterkey1')!== false && $aktmasterkey == '')
- {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey1';
- }
- elseif($masterkey2erlaubt && strpos($versa[0],'masterkey2')!== false && $aktmasterkey == '') {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey2';
- }
- elseif($masterkey3erlaubt && strpos($versa[0],'masterkey3')!== false && $aktmasterkey == '') {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey3';
- }
- elseif($masterkey4erlaubt && strpos($versa[0],'masterkey4')!== false && $aktmasterkey == '') {
- $aktmasterkey = 'masterkey4';
- }
- $nochioncubes[$versa[0]] = $k;
- }
- }
- }
- if(count($resulta) > 1) {
- foreach($resulta as $k => $v) {
- $versa = explode(':',$resulta[$k],2);
- if(strpos($versa[0], 'masterkey') !== false) {
- if(!isset($nochioncubes[$versa[0]])) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- else{
- $key1 = str_replace(['masterkey2','masterkey3','masterkey4',],'masterkey1', $versa[0]);
- $key2 = str_replace(['masterkey1','masterkey3','masterkey4',],'masterkey2', $versa[0]);
- $key3 = str_replace(['masterkey1','masterkey2','masterkey4',],'masterkey3', $versa[0]);
- $key4 = str_replace(['masterkey1','masterkey2','masterkey3',],'masterkey4', $versa[0]);
- switch($aktmasterkey) {
- case 'masterkey1':
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key2]))
- {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key2]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key3])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key3]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key4])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key4]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key2]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key3]))
- {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key3]);
- }
- break;
- case 'masterkey2':
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key2]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key1])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key1]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key2]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key3])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key3]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key2]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key4])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key4]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key3])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key3]);
- }
- break;
- case 'masterkey3':
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key3]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key1]))
- {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key1]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key3]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key2]))
- {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key2]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key2]))
- {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key1]);
- }
- break;
- case 'masterkey4':
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key4]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key1])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key1]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key4]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key2])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key2]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key4]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key3])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key3]);
- }
- if(isset($nochioncubes[$key1]) && isset($nochioncubes[$key2])) {
- unset($nochioncubes[$key1]);
- }
- break;
- }
- if(!isset($nochioncubes[$versa[0]])) {
- unset($resulta[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(count($resulta) > 1)
- {
- $ret = '';
- $ret .= ' ';
- if($isVersion211Exists){
- $ret .= '
- Um beim Versand von Versandbestätigungen (Trackingmails) an Ihre Kunden mehr Flexibilität zu bieten,
- kann der Versand sowohl pro Projekt als auch pro Versandart aktiviert werden.
- Einstellungen in einer einzelnen Versandart stechen die aus dem Projekt.
- Es empfiehlt sich daher, die Einstellungen gemäß der eigenen Anforderungen zu überprüfen.
- Für jede Versandart, für die Versandbestätigungen per E-Mail an die Kunden gesendet werden sollen,
- ist die Einstellung in der Versandart zu setzen.
- Eine genaue Erläuterung über das aktuelle Verhalten findet sich
- hier
- }
- }
- elseif(count($resulta) == 1) {
- $resu = reset($resulta);
- //foreach($resulta as $resu)
- //{
- $versa = explode(':',$resu,2);
- if($returnfirst) {
- $return['version'] = $versa[0];
- return $return;
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('AKTVERSION', $versa[0]);
- $ret .= ' ';
- //}
- }else{
- if($ioncube_loader_version !== '' && !$masterkey1erlaubt && !$masterkey2erlaubt && !$masterkey3erlaubt)
- {
- $message = 'Die Ioncubeversion ist zu alt';
- $ret .= $message;
- }else{
- $message = 'Ioncube nicht verfügbar';
- $ret .= $message;
- }
- if($returnfirst) {
- return ['error' => $message, 'version' => ''];
- }
- }
- if($php73Warning && count($resulta) > 0) {
- $ret .= ' '.'
- Fehler: Ihre PHP-Version '
- . $phpversion
- . ' ist nicht kompatibel mit xentral 21.1 (Es wird mindestens PHP 7.3 benötigt)
- ';
- }
- }
- else{
- $this->errormsg = substr($result, 6);
- if($returnfirst) {
- return ['error'=>$this->errormsg,'version'=>''];
- }
- return $result;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function CheckMd5()
- {
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['withsize'] = 1;
- return $this->Request('md5list',$parameter);
- }
- function CopyFile($files, $maxtime = 10)
- {
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- $startzeit = microtime(true);
- if(empty($files)) {
- return array('tocopy'=>null);
- }
- foreach($files as $k => $file) {
- $file = json_decode(json_encode($file),true);
- if(isset($file['typ'])) {
- switch($file['typ']) {
- case 'getfile':
- case 'getfilecustom':
- case 'getfilemodules':
- break;
- default:
- $file['typ'] = '';
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- $file['typ'] = '';
- }
- if(!isset($file['file']) || !isset($file['md5sum']) || !$file['file'] || $file['typ'] === '') {
- unset($files[$k]);
- }
- else{
- $parameter['file']=$file['file'];
- $parameter['md5sum']=$file['md5sum'];
- $ffile = $file['file'];
- $_file = dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$ffile;
- $_fileto = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$ffile;
- $ffa = explode('/',$ffile);
- $_f = '';
- $cffa = count($ffa)-1;
- for($i = 0; $i < $cffa; $i++) {
- $_f .= $ffa[$i];
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$_f)) {
- $this->removeEmptyFile(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$_f);
- }
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$_f) &&
- !@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$_f) &&
- !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$_f)
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- $_f .= '/';
- }
- if(file_exists($_file)) {
- if(substr($file['md5sum'],0,3)=== 'DEL') {
- if($this->CheckVersandZahlungsweise($_file)) {
- @unlink($_file);
- }
- }
- elseif(md5_file($_file)==$file['md5sum']) {
- if(is_dir($_fileto) && is_file($_file)){
- $this->removeEmptyFolder($_fileto);
- }
- if(@copy($_file,$_fileto)) {
- if(md5_file($_fileto)==$file['md5sum']){
- unset($files[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(substr($file['md5sum'],0,3)=== 'DEL') {
- unset($files[$k]);
- }
- }
- if($maxtime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startzeit > $maxtime) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(empty($files)) {
- return array('tocopy'=>null);
- }
- foreach($files as $k => $file) {
- $data[] = $file;
- }
- return array('tocopy'=>$data);
- }
- function CheckVersandZahlungsweise($datei){
- if(strpos($datei, 'versandart') !== false) {
- $dateia = pathinfo($datei);
- $versandart = $dateia['filename'];
- if(strpos($versandart, 'versandarten_')) {
- $versandart = str_replace('versandarten_', '', $versandart);
- }
- if($this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT id
- FROM versandarten
- WHERE modul = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($versandart)."' AND ifnull(geloescht,0) = 0 AND aktiv = 1
- LIMIT 1"
- )) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if(strpos($datei, 'zahlungsweise') !== false) {
- $dateia = pathinfo($datei);
- $zahlungsweise = $dateia['filename'];
- if($this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT id
- FROM `zahlungsweisen`
- WHERE modul = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($zahlungsweise)."' AND ifnull(geloescht,0) = 0 AND aktiv = 1
- LIMIT 1"
- )) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if(strpos($datei, 'cronjobs') !== false) {
- $dateia = pathinfo($datei);
- $cronjob = $dateia['filename'];
- if($this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT id
- FROM `prozessstarter`
- WHERE parameter = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($cronjob)."' AND aktiv = 1
- LIMIT 1"
- )) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function ChangeVersion()
- {
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- if($parameter['versionname'] && $parameter['versionname'] != $parameter['version']) {
- $changeversion = $this->Request('changeversion',$parameter);
- }
- return $changeversion;
- }
- function removeEmptyFile($file) {
- if(is_file($file) && filesize($file) === 0) {
- @unlink($file);
- }
- }
- function removeEmptyFolder($folder)
- {
- if(empty($folder) || !is_dir($folder)){
- return;
- }
- if(!($handle = opendir($folder))) {
- return;
- }
- while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
- if($entry !== '.' && $entry !== '..') {
- closedir($handle);
- return;
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- rmdir($folder);
- }
- function DownloadFile($files, $maxtime = 15, $echo = false)
- {
- $startzeit = microtime(true);
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- if($parameter['versionname'] && $parameter['versionname'] != $parameter['version']) {
- $changeversion = $this->Request('changeversion',$parameter);
- }
- if(empty($files)) {
- return array('todownload'=>null);
- }
- $countFiles = count($files);
- $batches = [];
- $batch = [];
- $keyToBatch = [];
- foreach($files as $k => $file) {
- $file = json_decode(json_encode($file), true);
- if(isset($file['typ'])){
- switch ($file['typ']) {
- case 'getfile':
- case 'getfilecustom':
- case 'getfilemodules':
- break;
- default:
- $file['typ'] = '';
- break;
- }
- }else{
- $file['typ'] = '';
- }
- if(!isset($file['file']) || !isset($file['md5sum']) || !$file['file'] || $file['typ'] === ''){
- $files[$k]['error'] = $file['file'];
- unset($files[$k]);
- }else{
- if(substr($file['md5sum'], 0, 3) === 'DEL'){
- continue;
- }
- $parameter['file'] = $file['file'];
- $parameter['md5sum'] = $file['md5sum'];
- $ffile = $file['file'];
- $_file = dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $ffile;
- $ffa = explode('/', $ffile);
- $_f = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($ffa) - 1; $i++) {
- $_f .= $ffa[$i];
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $_f)){
- @unlink(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $_f);
- }
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $_f) &&
- !@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $_f) &&
- !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $_f)){
- continue;
- }
- $_f .= '/';
- }
- }
- switch($file['typ']) {
- case 'getfile':
- $batch[] = $k;
- $keyToBatch[$k] = count($batches);
- if(count($batch) >= 10) {
- $batches[] = $batch;
- $batch = [];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($batch)) {
- $batches[] = $batch;
- }
- foreach($files as $k => $file) {
- $file = json_decode(json_encode($file),true);
- if(isset($file['typ'])) {
- switch($file['typ']) {
- case 'getfile':
- case 'getfilecustom':
- case 'getfilemodules':
- break;
- default:
- $file['typ'] = '';
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- $file['typ'] = '';
- }
- if(!isset($file['file']) || !isset($file['md5sum']) || !$file['file'] || $file['typ'] === '') {
- $files[$k]['error'] = $file['file'];
- unset($files[$k]);
- }
- else{
- if(substr($file['md5sum'],0,3) === 'DEL') {
- continue;
- }
- $parameter['file']=$file['file'];
- $parameter['md5sum']=$file['md5sum'];
- $ffile = $file['file'];
- $_file = dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$ffile;
- $ffa = explode('/',$ffile);
- $_f = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < count($ffa)-1; $i++) {
- $_f .= $ffa[$i];
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$_f)) {
- @unlink(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$_f);
- }
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$_f) &&
- !@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$_f) &&
- !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$_f)) {
- continue;
- }
- $_f .= '/';
- }
- if($echo) {
- echo "\rDownload Files: ".($k < $countFiles?$k+1:$countFiles).' / '.$countFiles."... ";
- }
- if(isset($keyToBatch[$k]) && isset($batches[$keyToBatch[$k]])) {
- $batch = $batches[$keyToBatch[$k]];
- if(count($batch) > 1) {
- $parameter2 = $parameter;
- $parameter2['parameters'] = [];
- foreach ($batch as $key2) {
- $file2 = $files[$key2];
- $parameter2['parameters'][] = $parameter;
- $parameter2['parameters'][count($parameter2['parameters']) - 1]['file'] = $file2['file'];
- $parameter2['parameters'][count($parameter2['parameters']) - 1]['md5sum'] = $file2['md5sum'];
- }
- $result2 = explode('|', $this->Request('getfiles', $parameter2));
- if(count($result2) === count($batch)) {
- foreach ($batch as $bachKey => $key2) {
- $file2 = $files[$key2];
- if(
- @file_put_contents(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file2['file'], @base64_decode($result2[$bachKey]))
- ) {
- if(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file2['file'] === $file2['md5sum']){
- unset($files[$key2]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unset($result2);
- }
- unset($batches[$keyToBatch[$k]]);
- }
- if(is_file($_file) && md5_file($_file)==$file['md5sum']) {
- unset($files[$k]);
- continue;
- }
- $result = $this->Request($file['typ'],$parameter);
- $output = @base64_decode($result);
- if(strlen($output) > 0 && is_dir($_file)) {
- $this->removeEmptyFolder($_file);
- }
- if(@file_put_contents($_file, $output)) {
- if(md5_file($_file)==$file['md5sum']) {
- unset($files[$k]);
- }
- else {
- $files[$k]['error'] = 'md5 failed';
- }
- }
- else{
- $files[$k]['error'] = 'file_put_contents ' .$_file. ' failed '.$file['typ'].' ' .json_encode($parameter);
- }
- }
- if($maxtime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startzeit > $maxtime) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(empty($files)) {
- return array('todownload'=>null);
- }
- foreach($files as $k => $file) {
- if(substr($file['md5sum'],0,3) !== 'DEL'){
- $data[] = $file;
- }
- }
- return array('todownload'=>$data);
- }
- /**
- * @return int[]|string|string[]
- */
- public function downloadZips()
- {
- @clearstatcache();
- if(!function_exists('system')) {
- return ['zip' => 'system not found'];
- }
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(true);
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- if($parameter['versionname'] !== 'ent_masterkey4_20.3') {
- return ['zip' => 'not ent_masterkey4_20.3'];
- }
- $parameter['withsize'] = 1;
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/')) {
- if(!@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/') && !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/')) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return 'ERROR: Downloadverzeichnis konnte nicht erstellt werden';
- }
- }
- $ret = ['zip' => 0];
- foreach([
- 'ent_masterkey4_20.3_4_wo_userdata.zip' => '',
- 'ent_masterkey4_20.3_4_vendor.zip' => '/vendor',
- 'ent_masterkey4_20.3_4_www.zip' => '/zip',
- ] as $file => $subfolder
- ) {
- $parameter['file'] = $file;
- if(file_put_contents(
- dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $file,
- $this->Request('getversionzip', $parameter)
- )) {
- if(
- !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download' . $subfolder)
- && !@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/' . $subfolder)
- && !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/' . $subfolder)
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- system(
- 'cd '.dirname(__DIR__).'/download'
- .' && unzip '.$file.' -d '
- .dirname(__DIR__).'/download'.$subfolder
- );
- unlink(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/' . $subfolder);
- $ret['zip']++;
- }
- else {
- $ret['zip_error'][] = 'coudl not save '.$file;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * @param bool $updatefiles
- *
- * @return array|mixed|string
- */
- public function CheckFiles($updatefiles = false)
- {
- @clearstatcache();
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(true);
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=@$this->conf['versionname'];
- $parameter['withsize'] = 1;
- if(!is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/')) {
- if(!@mkdir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/') && !is_dir(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/')) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return 'ERROR: Downloadverzeichnis konnte nicht erstellt werden';
- }
- }
- $tmpfile = md5(microtime(true));
- if(!($fh = fopen(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$tmpfile,'w'))) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return 'ERROR: Downloadverzeichnis hat keine Schreibrechte';
- }
- fclose($fh);
- $eigenguser = fileowner(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$tmpfile);
- $eigengroup = filegroup(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$tmpfile);
- @unlink(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$tmpfile);
- $_result = $this->Request('md5list', $parameter);
- $maxRetries = 5;
- while(empty($_result) && $maxRetries > 0) {
- $maxRetries--;
- usleep(2000000);
- $_result = $this->Request('md5list', $parameter);
- }
- if(isset($this->errormsg) && $this->errormsg) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return 'ERROR: '.$this->errormsg;
- }
- if($_result==='ERROR') {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return 'ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)';
- }
- $_result2 = '';
- $_result3 = '';
- if(!$updatefiles){
- $_result2 = $this->Request('md5listmodules', $parameter);
- if(empty($_result2) && (!empty($this->http_code) && strpos($this->http_code,'5') === 0)){
- usleep(1000000);
- $_result2 = $this->Request('md5listmodules', $parameter);
- }
- if($_result2 === 'ERROR'){
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return "ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)";
- }
- $_result3 = $this->Request('md5listcustom', $parameter);
- if(empty($_result3)){
- usleep(2000000);
- $_result3 = $this->Request('md5listcustom', $parameter);
- }
- if($_result3 === 'ERROR'){
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- return "ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)";
- }
- }
- $result = '';
- $result2 = '';
- $result3 = '';
- $resulta = explode(';',$_result);
- $resulta2 = explode(';',$_result2);
- $resulta3 = explode(';',$_result3);
- unset($_result, $_result2, $_result3);
- if($resulta3) {
- foreach($resulta3 as $r) {
- if($r)
- {
- $result3.= 'getfilecustom:'.$r.';';
- $ra = explode(':',$r);
- $dats[] = $ra[0];
- }
- }
- unset($resulta3);
- }
- if($resulta2){
- foreach($resulta2 as $r) {
- if($r) {
- $ra = explode(':',$r);
- if(!isset($dats) || !in_array($ra[0], $dats)) {
- $result2.= 'getfilemodules:'.$r.';';
- $dats[] = $ra[0];
- }
- }
- }
- unset($resulta2);
- }
- if($resulta) {
- foreach($resulta as $r) {
- if($r) {
- $ra = explode(':',$r);
- if(!isset($dats) || !in_array($ra[0], $dats)) {
- $result.= 'getfile:'.$r.';';
- }
- }
- }
- unset($resulta);
- }
- $result .= $result2.$result3;
- unset($result2, $result3, $dats);
- //$rows = explode(";",$result);
- $rows = explode(';',$result);
- $res['result'] = $result;
- $res['parameter'] = $parameter;
- $downloadind = 0;
- $copyind = 0;
- if(count($rows)>0) {
- foreach($rows as $value) {
- unset($single_row);
- $single_row = explode(':',$value);
- if(!(count($single_row)>=3 && strlen($single_row[0])>4 && strlen($single_row[2])>3)) {
- continue;
- }
- $typ = $single_row[0];
- $file = $single_row[1];
- $file_lokal = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.($file);
- $md5sum = $single_row[2];
- $size = isset($single_row[3])?$single_row[3]:false;
- $parameter['file']=$file;
- $parameter['md5sum']=$md5sum;
- if($file==='./upgradesystemclient.php') {
- continue;
- }
- if(
- (!$updatefiles && ($file==="./www/update.php" ||
- $file==="./www/update.tpl" ||
- $file==="./www/updatelogin.tpl" ||
- $file === './www/jquery-update.js' ||
- $file === './www/jquery-ui-update.js' ||
- $file === 'jquery-ui.min.css'))
- || ($updatefiles && ($file!=="./www/update.php" &&
- $file!=="./www/update.tpl" &&
- $file!=="./www/updatelogin.tpl" &&
- $file !== './www/jquery-update.js' &&
- $file !== './www/jquery-ui-update.js' &&
- $file !== 'jquery-ui.min.css'))
- ){
- continue;
- }
- $bla[] = $file_lokal;
- if(is_file($file_lokal)){
- if(substr($md5sum,0,3) === 'DEL'){
- if($this->CheckVersandZahlungsweise($file_lokal)) {
- @unlink($file_lokal);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(md5_file($file_lokal)==$md5sum){
- continue;
- }
- $fileowner = fileowner($file_lokal);
- $filegroup = filegroup($file_lokal);
- $perms = fileperms($file_lokal);
- $o = ($perms & 0x0080);
- $g = ($perms & 0x0010);
- $a = ($perms & 0x0002);
- // pruefe ob datei angelegt werden kann, wenn das passt ist eh alles gut
- if(touch(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/chkrights') && file_exists(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/chkrights')) {
- @unlink(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/chkrights');
- }
- else if($eigenguser && $eigengroup){
- if($fileowner != $eigenguser){
- if($filegroup != $eigengroup){
- if(!$a){
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte in '.$file_lokal);
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$g) {
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte in '.$file_lokal);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if(!$o) {
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte in '.$file_lokal);
- }
- }
- }
- $bla[] = array(
- 'fileowner'=>$fileowner,
- 'filegroup'=>$filegroup,
- 'perms'=>$perms,
- 'o'=>$o,
- 'g'=>$g,
- 'a'=>$a,
- );
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file)){
- if(md5_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file)!=$md5sum){
- $res['download'][$downloadind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $downloadexists[$typ][$file] = $downloadind;
- $downloadind++;
- }
- else{
- $res['copy'][$copyind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $copyexists[$typ][$file] = $copyind;
- $copyind++;
- }
- }
- else{
- $res['download'][$downloadind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $downloadexists[$typ][$file] = $downloadind;
- $downloadind++;
- }
- }
- else if($file!='') {
- if(substr($md5sum,0,3) === 'DEL') {
- continue;
- }
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file)) {
- if(md5_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file)!=$md5sum) {
- $fileowner = fileowner(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.ltrim($file,'.'));
- $filegroup = filegroup(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.ltrim($file,'.'));
- $perms = fileperms(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.ltrim($file,'.'));
- $o = ($perms & 0x0080);
- $g = ($perms & 0x0010);
- $a = ($perms & 0x0002);
- // pruefe ob datei angelegt werden kann, wenn das passt ist eh alles gut
- if(touch(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/chkrights')) {
- unlink(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/chkrights');
- }
- else if($eigenguser && $eigengroup) {
- if($fileowner != $eigenguser) {
- if($filegroup != $eigengroup) {
- if(!$a) {
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte im Downloadordner');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$g) {
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte im Downloadordner');
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$o) {
- return array('error'=>'ERROR Fehlende Schreibrechte im Downloadordner');
- }
- }
- }
- $res['download'][$downloadind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $downloadexists[$typ][$file] = $downloadind;
- $downloadind++;
- }
- else{
- $res['copy'][$copyind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $copyexists[$typ][$file] = $copyind;
- $copyind++;
- }
- }
- else {
- $res['download'][$downloadind] = array('typ'=>$typ,'file'=>$file,'md5sum'=>$md5sum,'size'=>$size);
- $downloadexists[$typ][$file] = $downloadind;
- $downloadind++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!empty($res['download']) && count($res['download']) > 0) {
- foreach($res['download'] as $key => $val) {
- if(isset($val['md5sum']) && substr($val['md5sum'],0,3) === 'DEL') {
- unset($res['download'][$key]);
- }
- }
- }
- return $this->CheckRights($res, $eigenguser, $eigengroup);
- }
- protected function CheckFileFolder($file, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)
- {
- if(is_file($file)) {
- if($handle = @fopen($file,'a+')) {
- fclose($handle);
- return false;
- }
- $fileowner = fileowner($file);
- if($fileowner !== $eigenguser) {
- if(@chown($file,$eigenguser) && ($handle = @fopen($file,'a+'))) {
- fclose($handle);
- return false;
- }
- }
- $perms = fileperms($file);
- $filegroup = filegroup($file);
- if($fileowner === $eigenguser) {
- if(@chmod($file, $perms | 0600)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if($filegroup === $eigengroup) {
- if(@chmod($file, $perms | 0060)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if(@chown($file,$perms | 0006)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- if(!is_dir($file)) {
- return false;
- }
- if(is_file($file.'/chkrights')) {
- @unlink($file.'/chkrights');
- }
- if(!is_file($file.'/chkrights') && @touch($file.'/chkrights')){
- if(is_file($file.'/chkrights')){
- @unlink($file . '/chkrights');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- $fileowner = fileowner($file);
- if($fileowner !== $eigenguser) {
- if(chown($file,$eigenguser) && @touch($file.'/chkrights')) {
- @unlink($file.'/chkrights');
- return false;
- }
- }
- $perms = fileperms($file);
- $filegroup = filegroup($file);
- if($fileowner === $eigenguser) {
- if(@chmod($file, $perms | 0700) && @touch($file.'/chkrights')) {
- @unlink($file.'/chkrights');
- return false;
- }
- }
- if($filegroup === $eigengroup) {
- if(@chmod($file, $perms | 0070) && @touch($file.'/chkrights')) {
- @unlink($file.'/chkrights');
- return false;
- }
- }
- if(@chown($file,$perms | 0007) && @touch($file.'/chkrights')) {
- @unlink($file.'/chkrights');
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected function CheckRights($res, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)
- {
- $foldertocheck = [];
- if(!empty($res['download'])) {
- foreach($res['download'] as $k => $v) {
- $file = ltrim(ltrim($v['file'],'.'),'/');
- if($file === '.') {
- continue;
- }
- if($this->CheckFileFolder(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$file, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)) {
- $res['FileError'][] = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$file;
- }
- if($this->CheckFileFolder(dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)) {
- $res['FileError'][] = dirname(__DIR__).'/download/'.$file;
- }
- $dfile = dirname($file);
- if($dfile === '.') {
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__);
- }
- else{
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__) . '/' . $dfile;
- }
- $foldertocheck[substr_count($folder,'/')][$folder] = true;
- if($dfile === '.') {
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__). '/download';
- }
- else{
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/' . $dfile;
- }
- $foldertocheck[substr_count($folder,'/')][$folder] = true;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($res['copy'])) {
- foreach($res['copy'] as $k => $v) {
- $file = ltrim(ltrim($v['file'],'.'),'/');
- if($file === '.') {
- continue;
- }
- if($this->CheckFileFolder(dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$file, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)) {
- $res['FileError'][] = dirname(__DIR__).'/'.$file;
- }
- $dfile = dirname($file);
- if($dfile === '.') {
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__);
- }
- else {
- $folder = dirname(__DIR__) . '/' . $dfile;
- }
- $foldertocheck[substr_count($folder,'/')][$folder] = true;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($foldertocheck)) {
- foreach($foldertocheck as $lvl => $folderarr) {
- foreach($folderarr as $k => $v) {
- if($this->CheckFileFolder($k, $eigenguser, $eigengroup)) {
- $res['FolderError'][] = $k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $res;
- }
- function CheckUpdate()
- {
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $result = $this->Request('md5list',$parameter);
- if($result==='ERROR') {
- echo "Updates: ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)\n";
- return;
- }
- $rows = explode(";",$result);
- if(count($rows)>0)
- {
- foreach($rows as $value)
- {
- unset($single_row);
- $single_row = explode(":",$value);
- if(count($single_row)>=2 && strlen($single_row[0])>3 && strlen($single_row[1])>3)
- {
- $file = $single_row[0];
- $md5sum = $single_row[1];
- if(substr($md5sum,0,3) === 'DEL')continue;
- $parameter['file']=$file;
- $parameter['md5sum']=$md5sum;
- if($file==='./upgradesystemclient.php')
- {
- }
- else if(is_file($file))
- {
- // pruefe md5sum
- if(md5_file($file)!=$md5sum)
- {
- // wenn update dann UPD_
- echo "update <- $file\n";
- $result = $this->Request("getfile",$parameter);
- $output = (base64_decode($result));
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x22-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."UPD", $output);
- /*
- $fp = fopen($file."UPD","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- // pruefsuemme neu berechnen wenn passt umbenennen und ins archiv
- echo md5_file($file."UPD");
- echo "-".$md5sum."\n";
- if(md5_file($file."UPD")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "update ok $file\n";
- rename($file."UPD",$file);
- }
- }
- } else if($file!="") {
- echo "datei <- $file\n";
- // pruefe ob es verzeichnis gibt
- $verzeichnis = dirname($file);
- if(!is_dir($verzeichnis))
- {
- echo "verzeichnis <- $verzeichnis\n";
- mkdir($verzeichnis,0777,true);
- }
- $result = $this->Request("getfile",$parameter);
- $output = base64_decode($result);
- //$output = iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1//IGNORE",$output);
- //$output = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$output);
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."NEW", $output);
- /*$fp = fopen($file."NEW","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- if(md5_file($file."NEW")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "datei ok $file\n";
- rename($file."NEW",$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function CheckUpdateModules()
- {
- //$this->dir_rekursiv("./");
- //$parameter['md5sums'] = $this->localmd5sums;
- //shell_exec('find ./ -exec md5sum "{}" \;');
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $result = $this->Request('md5listmodules',$parameter);
- if($result==='ERROR') {
- echo "Modules: ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)\n"; return;
- }
- $rows = explode(";",$result);
- if(count($rows)>0)
- {
- foreach($rows as $value)
- {
- unset($single_row);
- $single_row = explode(":",$value);
- if(count($single_row)>=2 && strlen($single_row[0])>3 && strlen($single_row[1])>3)
- {
- $file = $single_row[0];
- $md5sum = $single_row[1];
- if(substr($md5sum,0,3) === 'DEL') {
- continue;
- }
- $parameter['file']=$file;
- $parameter['md5sum']=$md5sum;
- if($file==="./upgradesystemclient.php")
- {
- }
- else if(is_file($file))
- {
- // pruefe md5sum
- if(md5_file($file)!=$md5sum)
- {
- // wenn update dann UPD_
- echo "update (M) <- $file\n";
- $result = $this->Request("getfilemodules",$parameter);
- $output = (base64_decode($result));
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x22-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."UPD", $output);
- /*
- $fp = fopen($file."UPD","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- // pruefsuemme neu berechnen wenn passt umbenennen und ins archiv
- echo md5_file($file."UPD");
- echo "-".$md5sum."\n";
- if(md5_file($file."UPD")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "update (M) ok $file\n";
- rename($file."UPD",$file);
- }
- }
- } else if($file!='') {
- echo "datei (M) <- $file\n";
- // pruefe ob es verzeichnis gibt
- $verzeichnis = dirname($file);
- if(!is_dir($verzeichnis))
- {
- echo "verzeichnis (M) <- $verzeichnis\n";
- mkdir($verzeichnis,0777,true);
- }
- $result = $this->Request("getfilemodules",$parameter);
- $output = base64_decode($result);
- //$output = iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1//IGNORE",$output);
- //$output = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$output);
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."NEW", $output);
- /*$fp = fopen($file."NEW","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- if(md5_file($file."NEW")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "datei (M) ok $file\n";
- rename($file."NEW",$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function CheckUpdateCustom()
- {
- $parameter['version']=@$this->conf['version'];
- $result = $this->Request("md5listcustom",$parameter);
- if($result==='ERROR') {
- echo "Custom: ERROR FROM SERVER (Perhaps a wrong license?)\n"; return;
- }
- $rows = explode(";",$result);
- if(count($rows)>0)
- {
- foreach($rows as $value)
- {
- unset($single_row);
- $single_row = explode(":",$value);
- if(count($single_row)>=2 && strlen($single_row[0])>3 && strlen($single_row[1])>3)
- {
- $file = $single_row[0];
- $md5sum = $single_row[1];
- $parameter['file']=$file;
- $parameter['md5sum']=$md5sum;
- if(substr($md5sum,0,3) === 'DEL') {
- continue;
- }
- if($file==='./upgradesystemclient.php')
- {
- }
- else if(is_file($file))
- {
- // pruefe md5sum
- if(md5_file($file)!=$md5sum)
- {
- // wenn update dann UPD_
- echo "update (C) <- $file\n";
- $result = $this->Request("getfilecustom",$parameter);
- $output = (base64_decode($result));
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x22-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."UPD", $output);
- /*
- $fp = fopen($file."UPD","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- // pruefsuemme neu berechnen wenn passt umbenennen und ins archiv
- echo md5_file($file."UPD");
- echo "-".$md5sum."\n";
- if(md5_file($file."UPD")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "update (C) ok $file\n";
- rename($file."UPD",$file);
- }
- }
- } else if($file!="") {
- echo "datei (C) <- $file\n";
- // pruefe ob es verzeichnis gibt
- $verzeichnis = dirname($file);
- if(!is_dir($verzeichnis))
- {
- echo "verzeichnis (C) <- $verzeichnis\n";
- mkdir($verzeichnis,0777,true);
- }
- $result = $this->Request("getfilecustom",$parameter);
- $output = base64_decode($result);
- //$output = iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1//IGNORE",$output);
- //$output = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$output);
- //$output = preg_replace('/[^(\x20-\x7F)\x0A]*/','', $output);
- file_put_contents($file."NEW", $output);
- /*$fp = fopen($file."NEW","wb+");
- fwrite($fp,base64_decode($result));
- fclose($fp);
- */
- if(md5_file($file."NEW")==$md5sum)
- {
- echo "datei (C) ok $file\n";
- rename($file."NEW",$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function DownloadUpdate()
- {
- }
- function CheckDownloadedUpdate()
- {
- }
- function ExecuteUpdate()
- {
- }
- function Request($command,$parameter)
- {
- $erp = $this->erp;
- $auth['serial']=trim($erp->Firmendaten('lizenz'));//$this->conf['serial'];
- $auth['authkey']=trim($erp->Firmendaten('schluessel'));//$this->conf['authkey'];
- if(empty($auth['serial']) || empty($auth['authkey']))
- {
- $this->errormsg = 'Bitte tragen Sie die Lizenzdaten in den Grundeinstellungen ein.';
- return '';
- }
- if(!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] !== '') {
- }
- elseif(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
- }
- else {
- $auth['SERVER_NAME'] = '';
- }
- $auth = base64_encode(json_encode($auth));
- $parameter = base64_encode(json_encode($parameter));
- $client = new UpdateHttpClient($this->conf['host'],$this->conf['port']);
- $client->post('/upgradesystem.php', [
- 'authjson' => $auth,
- 'parameterjson'=>$parameter,
- 'command'=>(String)$command ,
- 'withdel' => 1
- ]
- );
- $pageContents = $client->getContent();
- if(!empty($client->errormsg)){
- $this->errormsg = $client->errormsg;
- }
- $this->http_code = (string)$client->getStatus();
- return $pageContents;
- }
- function dir_rekursiv($verzeichnis)
- {
- $handle = opendir($verzeichnis);
- while ($datei = readdir($handle))
- {
- if ($datei !== '.' && $datei !== '..')
- {
- if (is_dir($verzeichnis.$datei)) // Wenn Verzeichniseintrag ein Verzeichnis ist
- {
- // Erneuter Funktionsaufruf, um das aktuelle Verzeichnis auszulesen
- $this->dir_rekursiv($verzeichnis.$datei.'/');
- }
- else
- {
- // Wenn Verzeichnis-Eintrag eine Datei ist, diese ausgeben
- $this->localmd5sums[$verzeichnis.$datei] = md5_file($verzeichnis.$datei);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
-/* Version 0.9, 6th April 2003 - Simon Willison ( http://simon.incutio.com/ )
- Manual: http://scripts.incutio.com/httpclient/
-class UpdateHttpClient {
- // Request vars
- var $host;
- var $port;
- var $path;
- var $method;
- var $postdata = '';
- var $cookies = array();
- var $referer;
- var $accept = 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/plain,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif,*/*';
- var $accept_encoding = 'gzip';
- var $accept_language = 'en-us';
- var $user_agent = 'Incutio HttpClient v0.9';
- // Options
- var $timeout = 20;
- var $use_gzip = true;
- var $persist_cookies = true; // If true, received cookies are placed in the $this->cookies array ready for the next request
- // Note: This currently ignores the cookie path (and time) completely. Time is not important,
- // but path could possibly lead to security problems.
- var $persist_referers = true; // For each request, sends path of last request as referer
- var $debug = false;
- var $handle_redirects = true; // Auaomtically redirect if Location or URI header is found
- var $max_redirects = 5;
- var $headers_only = false; // If true, stops receiving once headers have been read.
- // Basic authorization variables
- var $username;
- var $password;
- // Response vars
- var $status;
- var $headers = array();
- var $content = '';
- var $errormsg;
- // Tracker variables
- var $redirect_count = 0;
- var $cookie_host = '';
- function __construct($host, $port=80) {
- $this->host = $host;
- $this->port = $port;
- }
- function get($path, $data = false) {
- $this->path = $path;
- $this->method = 'GET';
- if ($data) {
- $this->path .= '?'.$this->buildQueryString($data);
- }
- return $this->doRequest();
- }
- function post($path, $data) {
- $this->path = $path;
- $this->method = 'POST';
- $this->postdata = $this->buildQueryString($data);
- return $this->doRequest();
- }
- function buildQueryString($data) {
- $querystring = '';
- if (is_array($data)) {
- // Change data in to postable data
- foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
- if (is_array($val)) {
- foreach ($val as $val2) {
- $querystring .= urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($val2).'&';
- }
- } else {
- $querystring .= urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($val).'&';
- }
- }
- $querystring = substr($querystring, 0, -1); // Eliminate unnecessary &
- } else {
- $querystring = $data;
- }
- return $querystring;
- }
- function doRequest() {
- // Performs the actual HTTP request, returning true or false depending on outcome
- if(!@fsockopen('ssl://'.$this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout) && $this->port==443)
- {
- $this->port=80;
- }
- if($this->port==443){
- $url = 'ssl://' . $this->host;
- }
- else{
- $url = $this->host;
- }
- if (!$fp = @fsockopen($url, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout)) {
- // Set error message
- switch($errno) {
- case -3:
- $this->errormsg = 'Socket creation failed (-3)';
- $this->errormsg .= ' '.$errstr;
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- break;
- case -4:
- $this->errormsg = 'DNS lookup failure (-4)';
- $this->errormsg .= ' '.$errstr;
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- break;
- case -5:
- $this->errormsg = 'Connection refused or timed out (-5)';
- $this->errormsg .= ' '.$errstr;
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- break;
- default:
- $this->errormsg = 'Connection failed ('.$errno.')';
- $this->errormsg .= ' '.$errstr;
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- }
- return false;
- }
- stream_set_timeout($fp, $this->timeout);
- $request = $this->buildRequest();
- $this->debug('Request', $request);
- fwrite($fp, $request);
- // Reset all the variables that should not persist between requests
- $this->headers = array();
- $this->content = '';
- $this->errormsg = '';
- // Set a couple of flags
- $inHeaders = true;
- $atStart = true;
- // Now start reading back the response
- while (!feof($fp)) {
- $line = fgets($fp, 4096);
- if ($atStart) {
- // Deal with first line of returned data
- $atStart = false;
- if (!preg_match('/HTTP\/(\\d\\.\\d)\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
- $this->errormsg = "Status code line invalid: ".htmlentities($line);
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- //return false;
- }
- $http_version = $m[1]; // not used
- $this->status = $m[2];
- $status_string = $m[3]; // not used
- $this->debug(trim($line));
- continue;
- }
- if ($inHeaders) {
- if (trim($line) == '') {
- $inHeaders = false;
- $this->debug('Received Headers', $this->headers);
- if ($this->headers_only) {
- break; // Skip the rest of the input
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (!preg_match('/([^:]+):\\s*(.*)/', $line, $m)) {
- // Skip to the next header
- continue;
- }
- $key = strtolower(trim($m[1]));
- $val = trim($m[2]);
- // Deal with the possibility of multiple headers of same name
- if (isset($this->headers[$key])) {
- if (is_array($this->headers[$key])) {
- $this->headers[$key][] = $val;
- } else {
- $this->headers[$key] = array($this->headers[$key], $val);
- }
- } else {
- $this->headers[$key] = $val;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // We're not in the headers, so append the line to the contents
- $this->content .= $line;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- // If data is compressed, uncompress it
- if (isset($this->headers['content-encoding']) && $this->headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
- $this->debug('Content is gzip encoded, unzipping it');
- $this->content = substr($this->content, 10); // See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.gzencode.php
- $this->content = gzinflate($this->content);
- }
- // If $persist_cookies, deal with any cookies
- if ($this->persist_cookies && isset($this->headers['set-cookie']) && $this->host == $this->cookie_host) {
- $cookies = $this->headers['set-cookie'];
- if (!is_array($cookies)) {
- $cookies = array($cookies);
- }
- foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
- if (preg_match('/([^=]+)=([^;]+);/', $cookie, $m)) {
- $this->cookies[$m[1]] = $m[2];
- }
- }
- // Record domain of cookies for security reasons
- $this->cookie_host = $this->host;
- }
- // If $persist_referers, set the referer ready for the next request
- if ($this->persist_referers) {
- $this->debug('Persisting referer: '.$this->getRequestURL());
- $this->referer = $this->getRequestURL();
- }
- // Finally, if handle_redirects and a redirect is sent, do that
- if ($this->handle_redirects) {
- if (++$this->redirect_count >= $this->max_redirects) {
- $this->errormsg = 'Verbindung konnte nicht aufgebaut werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihre IT. Eventuell sind SSL-Zertifikate nicht vorhanden bzw. abgelaufen';
- $this->debug($this->errormsg);
- $this->redirect_count = 0;
- return false;
- }
- $location = isset($this->headers['location']) ? $this->headers['location'] : '';
- $uri = isset($this->headers['uri']) ? $this->headers['uri'] : '';
- if ($location || $uri) {
- $url = parse_url($location.$uri);
- // This will FAIL if redirect is to a different site
- return $this->get($url['path']);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function buildRequest() {
- $headers = array();
- $headers[] = "{$this->method} {$this->path} HTTP/1.0"; // Using 1.1 leads to all manner of problems, such as "chunked" encoding
- $headers[] = "Host: {$this->host}";
- $headers[] = "User-Agent: {$this->user_agent}";
- $headers[] = "Accept: {$this->accept}";
- if ($this->use_gzip) {
- $headers[] = "Accept-encoding: {$this->accept_encoding}";
- }
- $headers[] = "Accept-language: {$this->accept_language}";
- if ($this->referer) {
- $headers[] = "Referer: {$this->referer}";
- }
- // Cookies
- if ($this->cookies) {
- $cookie = 'Cookie: ';
- foreach ($this->cookies as $key => $value) {
- $cookie .= "$key=$value; ";
- }
- $headers[] = $cookie;
- }
- // Basic authentication
- if ($this->username && $this->password) {
- $headers[] = 'Authorization: BASIC '.base64_encode($this->username.':'.$this->password);
- }
- // If this is a POST, set the content type and length
- if ($this->postdata) {
- $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
- $headers[] = 'Content-Length: '.strlen($this->postdata);
- }
- $request = implode("\r\n", $headers)."\r\n\r\n".$this->postdata;
- return $request;
- }
- function getStatus() {
- return $this->status;
- }
- function getContent() {
- return $this->content;
- }
- function getHeaders() {
- return $this->headers;
- }
- function getHeader($header) {
- $header = strtolower($header);
- if (isset($this->headers[$header])) {
- return $this->headers[$header];
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getError() {
- return $this->errormsg;
- }
- function getCookies() {
- return $this->cookies;
- }
- function getRequestURL() {
- $url = 'http://'.$this->host;
- if ($this->port != 80) {
- $url .= ':'.$this->port;
- }
- $url .= $this->path;
- return $url;
- }
- // Setter methods
- function setUserAgent($string) {
- $this->user_agent = $string;
- }
- function setAuthorization($username, $password) {
- $this->username = $username;
- $this->password = $password;
- }
- function setCookies($array) {
- $this->cookies = $array;
- }
- // Option setting methods
- function useGzip($boolean) {
- $this->use_gzip = $boolean;
- }
- function setPersistCookies($boolean) {
- $this->persist_cookies = $boolean;
- }
- function setPersistReferers($boolean) {
- $this->persist_referers = $boolean;
- }
- function setHandleRedirects($boolean) {
- $this->handle_redirects = $boolean;
- }
- function setMaxRedirects($num) {
- $this->max_redirects = $num;
- }
- function setHeadersOnly($boolean) {
- $this->headers_only = $boolean;
- }
- function setDebug($boolean) {
- $this->debug = $boolean;
- }
- // "Quick" static methods
- function quickGet($url) {
- $bits = parse_url($url);
- $host = $bits['host'];
- $port = isset($bits['port']) ? $bits['port'] : 80;
- $path = isset($bits['path']) ? $bits['path'] : '/';
- if (isset($bits['query'])) {
- $path .= '?'.$bits['query'];
- }
- $client = new UpdateHttpClient($host, $port);
- if (!$client->get($path)) {
- return false;
- }
- return $client->getContent();
- }
- function quickPost($url, $data) {
- $bits = parse_url($url);
- $host = $bits['host'];
- $port = isset($bits['port']) ? $bits['port'] : 80;
- $path = isset($bits['path']) ? $bits['path'] : '/';
- $client = new UpdateHttpClient($host, $port);
- if (!$client->post($path, $data)) {
- return false;
- }
- return $client->getContent();
- }
- function debug($msg, $object = false) {
- if ($this->debug) {
- print 'HttpClient Debug: '.$msg;
- if ($object) {
- ob_start();
- print_r($object);
- $content = htmlentities(ob_get_contents());
- ob_end_clean();
- print '
'.$content.' ';
- }
- print '
- }
- }
-class UpdatePage
- var $engine;
- function __construct(&$app)
- {
- $this->app = &$app;
- //$this->engine = &$engine;
- }
- /// load a themeset set
- function LoadTheme($theme)
- {
- //$this->app->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath("themes/$theme/templates/");
- $this->app->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath("themes/$theme/templates/");
- }
- /// show complete page
- function Show()
- {
- return $this->app->Tpl->FinalParse('update.tpl');
- }
-class UpdateSession {
- // set check to true when user have permissions
- private $check = false;
- public $module;
- public $action;
- // application object
- public $app;
- public $reason;
- function __construct()
- {
- }
- function Check($appObj)
- {
- $this->app = $appObj;
- $this->check = true;
- if(!$this->app->acl->CheckTimeOut()){
- $this->check = false;
- $this->reason = 'PLEASE_LOGIN';
- } else {
- //benutzer ist schon mal erfolgreich angemeldet
- if($this->app->User->GetType()==='admin'){
- $this->check = true;
- } else {
- $this->reason = 'NO_PERMISSIONS';
- $this->check = false;
- }
- }
- }
- function GetCheck() {
- return $this->check;
- }
- function UserSessionCheck()
- {
- $this->check=false;
- $this->reason='PLEASE_LOGIN';
- //$this->reason="SESSION_TIMEOUT";
- return true;
- }
-class UpdateWawiString
- function __construct()
- {
- }
- function Convert($value,$input,$output)
- {
- if($input==''){
- return $value;
- }
- $array = $this->FindPercentValues($input);
- $regexp = $this->BuildRegExp($array);
- $elements =
- preg_split($regexp,$value,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
- // input und elements stimmmen ueberein
- $newout = $output;
- $i = 0;
- foreach($array as $key=>$v)
- {
- $newout = str_replace($key,$elements[$i],$newout);
- $i++;
- }
- return $newout;
- }
- function BuildRegExp($array)
- {
- $regexp = '/^';
- foreach($array as $value)
- {
- $value = str_replace('.','\.',$value);
- $value = str_replace('+','\+',$value);
- $value = str_replace('*','\*',$value);
- $value = str_replace('?','\?',$value);
- $regexp .= '(\S+)'.$value;
- }
- $regexp .= '/';
- return $regexp;
- }
- function FindPercentValues($pattern)
- {
- $hash = '';
- $collect = '';
- preg_match_all('/(?:(%[0-9]+)|.)/i', $pattern, $matches);
- $hash = '';
- $collect = '';
- $start = true;
- foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value)
- {
- if($value==''){
- $collecting = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $collecting = false;
- $oldhash = $hash;
- $hash = $value;
- }
- if(!$collecting)
- {
- if(!$start){
- $replace[$oldhash] = $collect;
- }
- $collect='';
- }
- else{
- $collect .= $matches[0][$key];
- }
- $start = false;
- }
- $replace[$hash] = $collect;
- return $replace;
- }
- function encodeText($string)
- {
- $string = str_replace("\\r\\n","#BR#",$string);
- $string = str_replace("\n","#BR#",$string);
- $encoded = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($string), ENT_QUOTES);
- return $encoded;
- }
- function decodeText($_str, $_form=true)
- {
- if ($_form) {
- $_str = str_replace("#BR#", "\r\n", $_str);
- }
- else {
- $_str = str_replace("#BR#", " ", $_str);
- }
- return($_str);
- }
- function valid_utf8( $string )
- {
- return !((bool)preg_match('~\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF\xC0\xC1~ms',$string));
- }
-class UpdatephpWFAPI
- function __construct(&$app)
- {
- $this->app=&$app;
- }
- function ReBuildPageFrame()
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->ResetParser();
- $this->BuildPageFrame();
- }
- function BuildPageFrame()
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath("phpwf/defaulttemplates/");
- // build template tree
- $this->app->Page->LoadTheme($this->app->WFconf[defaulttheme]);
- // start acutally application instance
- $this->app->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath("pages/content/_gen");
- $this->app->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath("pages/content/");
- }
- function StartRequestedCommand()
- {
- $defaultpage = $this->app->WFconf['defaultpage'];
- $defaultpageaction = $this->app->WFconf['defaultpageaction'];
- $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module','alpha');
- $action = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('action','alpha');
- if(!file_exists("pages/".$module.".php"))
- $module = $defaultpage;
- if($action=='') {
- $action = $defaultpageaction;
- }
- if(!$this->app->acl->Check($this->app->User->GetType(),$module,$action))
- return;
- // start module
- if(file_exists("pages/".$module.".php"))
- {
- include("pages/".$module.".php");
- //create dynamical an object
- $constr=strtoupper($module[0]).substr($module, 1);
- $myApp = new $constr($this->app);
- }
- else
- {
- echo $this->app->WFM->Error("Module $module doesn't exists in pages/");
- }
- $this->app->acl->CheckTimeOut();
- }
- /// mit dem "erstellen Formular" einfach bearbeiten liste + formular anzeigen
- function EasyTableList($tablename,$cols,$parsetarget,$pkname,$delmsg,$delmsgcol)
- {
- // show list
- // create html table
- $table = new HTMLTable("0","100%");
- $table->AddRowAsHeading($cols);
- $all = $this->app->DB->SelectTable($tablename,$cols);
- $table->AddField($all);
- $action = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("action","alpha");
- $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("module","alpha");
- $table->AddCompleteCol(0,
- "bearbeiten ");
- $table->AddCompleteCol(0,
- "
- loeschen ",$delmsgcol);
- $table->ChangingRowColors('#ffffff','#dddddd');
- $this->app->Tpl->Set($parsetarget,$table->Get());
- }
- function Message($msg,$parsetarget='MSGBOX')
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('MSGBOXTEXT',$msg);
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse($parsetarget,"messagebox.tpl");
- }
- // emailvorlage aus db senden
- function EmailFromTemplate($template,$to,$values)
- {
- $betreff = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT betreff
- FROM emailvorlagen WHERE name='$template' LIMIT 1");
- $nachricht = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT nachricht
- FROM emailvorlagen WHERE name='$template' LIMIT 1");
- if(count($values) > 0)
- {
- foreach($values as $key=>$value)
- {
- $nachricht = str_replace("%".$key."%",$value,$nachricht);
- $betreff = str_replace("%".$key."%",$value,$betreff);
- }
- }
- $nachricht = str_replace('#BR#',"\n",$nachricht);
- mail($to,$betreff,$nachricht,"From: ActConnect Team ");
- }
-class UpdateSecure
- var $GET;
- var $POST;
- function __construct(&$app){
- $this->app = &$app;
- // clear global variables, that everybody have to go over secure layer
- $this->GET = $_GET;
- // $_GET="";
- $this->POST = $_POST;
- // $_POST="";
- $this->AddRule('notempty','reg','.'); // at least one sign
- $this->AddRule('alpha','reg','[a-zA-Z]');
- $this->AddRule('digit','reg','[0-9]');
- $this->AddRule('space','reg','[ ]');
- $this->AddRule('specialchars','reg','[_-]');
- $this->AddRule('email','reg','^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$');
- $this->AddRule('datum','reg','([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{4})');
- $this->AddRule('username','glue','alpha+digit');
- $this->AddRule('password','glue','alpha+digit+specialchars');
- }
- function GetGET($name,$rule="",$maxlength="",$sqlcheckoff="")
- {
- return $this->Syntax(isset($this->GET[$name])?$this->GET[$name]:'',$rule,$maxlength,$sqlcheckoff);
- }
- function GetPOST($name,$rule="",$maxlength="",$sqlcheckoff="")
- {
- return $this->Syntax(isset($this->POST[$name])?$this->POST[$name]:'',$rule,$maxlength,$sqlcheckoff);
- }
- function GetPOSTForForms($name,$rule="",$maxlength="",$sqlcheckoff="")
- {
- return $this->SyntaxForForms($this->POST[$name],$rule,$maxlength,$sqlcheckoff);
- }
- function GetPOSTArray()
- {
- if(count($this->POST)>0)
- {
- foreach($this->POST as $key=>$value)
- {
- $key = $this->GetPOST($key,"alpha+digit+specialchars",20);
- $ret[$key]=$this->GetPOST($value);
- }
- }
- if(isset($ret))return $ret;
- }
- function GetGETArray()
- {
- if(count($this->GET)>0)
- {
- foreach($this->GET as $key=>$value)
- {
- $key = $this->GetGET($key,"alpha+digit+specialchars",20);
- $ret[$key]=$this->GetGET($value);
- }
- }
- if(isset($ret)) {
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- function stripallslashes($string) {
- while(strstr($string,'\\')) {
- $string = stripslashes($string);
- }
- return $string;
- }
- function smartstripslashes($str) {
- $cd1 = substr_count($str, "\"");
- $cd2 = substr_count($str, "\\\"");
- $cs1 = substr_count($str, "'");
- $cs2 = substr_count($str, "\\'");
- $tmp = strtr($str, array("\\\"" => "", "\\'" => ""));
- $cb1 = substr_count($tmp, "\\");
- $cb2 = substr_count($tmp, "\\\\");
- if ($cd1 == $cd2 && $cs1 == $cs2 && $cb1 == 2 * $cb2) {
- return strtr($str, array("\\\"" => "\"", "\\'" => "'", "\\\\" => "\\"));
- }
- return $str;
- }
- function SyntaxForForms($value,$rule,$maxlength="",$sqlcheckoff="")
- {
- return $value;//mysqli_real_escape_string($this->app->DB->connection,$value);//mysqli_real_escape_string($value);
- }
- // check actual value with given rule
- function Syntax($value,$rule,$maxlength="",$sqlcheckoff="")
- {
- $value = str_replace("\xef\xbb\xbf","NONBLOCKINGZERO",$value);
- if(is_array($value))
- {
- return $value;
- }
- $value = $this->stripallslashes($value);
- $value = $this->smartstripslashes($value);
- $value = $this->app->erp->superentities($value);
- if($rule=='' && $sqlcheckoff == '')
- {
- return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->app->DB->connection,$value);//mysqli_real_escape_string($value);
- }
- if($rule=='' && $sqlcheckoff != '')
- {
- return $value;
- }
- // build complete regexp
- // check if rule exists
- if($this->GetRegexp($rule)!=""){
- //$v = '/^['.$this->GetRegexp($rule).']+$/';
- $v = $this->GetRegexp($rule);
- if (preg_match_all('/'.$v.'/i', $value, $teffer) )
- {
- if($sqlcheckoff==""){
- return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->app->DB->connection, $value);//mysqli_real_escape_string($value);
- }
- return $value;
- }
- return '';
- }
- echo "
- Rule $rule doesn't exists!
- return '';
- }
- function RuleCheck($value,$rule)
- {
- $v = $this->GetRegexp($rule);
- if (preg_match_all('/'.$v.'/i', $value, $teffer) ){
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function AddRule($name,$type,$rule)
- {
- // type: reg = regular expression
- // type: glue ( already exists rules copy to new e.g. number+digit)
- $this->rules[$name]=array('type'=>$type,'rule'=>$rule);
- }
- // get complete regexp by rule name
- function GetRegexp($rule)
- {
- $rules = explode("+",$rule);
- $ret = '';
- foreach($rules as $key)
- {
- // check if rule is last in glue string
- if($this->rules[$key]['type']==="glue")
- {
- $subrules = explode("+",$this->rules[$key]['rule']);
- if(count($subrules)>0)
- {
- foreach($subrules as $subkey)
- {
- $ret .= $this->GetRegexp($subkey);
- }
- }
- }
- elseif($this->rules[$key]['type']==="reg")
- {
- $ret .= $this->rules[$key]['rule'];
- }
- }
- if($ret=="")
- $ret = "none";
- return $ret;
- }
-class UpdateAcl
- /** @var UpdateApplication */
- public $app;
- public function __construct($app)
- {
- $this->app = $app;
- if(!empty($_COOKIE['DBSELECTED']))
- {
- $this->app->changeDbConf($_COOKIE['DBSELECTED']);
- }
- }
- function CheckTimeOut()
- {
- $this->session_id = session_id();
- if(isset($_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']) && $_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']!='')
- {
- $this->session_id = $_COOKIE["CH42SESSION"];
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE useronline SET time=NOW(),login=1 WHERE sessionid='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($_COOKIE["CH42SESSION"])."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- // check if user is applied
- // $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM useronline WHERE user_id='".$this->app->User->GetID()."' AND sessionid!='".$this->session_id."'");
- $sessid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sessionid FROM useronline,user WHERE
- login='1' AND sessionid='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->session_id)."' AND user.id=useronline.user_id AND user.activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->session_id == $sessid)
- {
- // check if time is expired
- $time = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) FROM useronline,user WHERE
- login='1' AND sessionid='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->session_id)."' AND user.id=useronline.user_id AND user.activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if((time()-$time) > $this->app->Conf->WFconf['logintimeout'])
- {
- if(!isset($_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']) || $_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']=='')
- {
- //$this->app->WF->ReBuildPageFrame();
- $this->Logout("Ihre Zeit ist abgelaufen, bitte melden Sie sich erneut an.",true);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- // update time
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE useronline,user SET useronline.time=NOW() WHERE
- login='1' AND sessionid='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->session_id)."' AND user.id=useronline.user_id AND user.activ='1'");
- session_write_close(); // Blockade wegnehmen
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- function Check($usertype,$module='',$action='', $userid='')
- {
- return $usertype==='admin';
- }
- function Login()
- {
- $multidbs = $this->app->getDbs();
- if(count($multidbs) > 1)
- {
- $options = '';
- foreach($multidbs as $k => $v)
- {
- $options .= ''.$v.'';
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('MULTIDB','Datenbank: '.$options.' ');
- }
- $db = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('db');
- if(!empty($db))
- {
- if($this->app->changeDbConf($db))
- {
- setcookie('DBSELECTED', $db);
- }
- }
- $username = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->Secure->GetPOST("username"));
- $password = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('password');
- $passwordunescaped = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('password','','','noescape');
- $stechuhrdevice = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('stechuhrdevice');
- $token = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('token');
- if($username=='' && ($password=='' || $token=='') && $stechuhrdevice == ''){
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LOGINMSG',"Bitte geben Sie Benutzername und Passwort ein.");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"updatelogin.tpl");
- }
- else {
- // Benutzer hat Daten angegeben
- $encrypted = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT password FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $encrypted_md5 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordmd5 FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $fehllogins= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT fehllogins FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $type= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT type FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $externlogin= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT externlogin FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $hwtoken = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwtoken FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $usesha512 = true;
- $salt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT salt FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $passwordsha512 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordsha512 FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->app->DB->error())$usesha512 = false;
- $usepasswordhash = true;
- $passwordhash = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordhash FROM `user` WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->app->DB->error())$usepasswordhash = false;
- $stechuhrdevicelogin = false;
- $code = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('code');
- $devices = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from stechuhrdevice where aktiv = 1 and code = '$code'");
- if($devices)
- {
- foreach($devices as $device)
- {
- $IP = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- $devIP = ip2long($device['IP']);
- $submask = ip2long($device['submask']);
- $maskIP = $IP & $submask;
- $dbIP = $devIP & $submask;
- if($maskIP == $dbIP)
- {
- $stechuhrdevicelogin = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if($code && !$stechuhrdevicelogin)
- {
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('RESETSTORAGE','
- var devicecode = localStorage.getItem("devicecode");
- if(devicecode)
- {
- localStorage.setItem("devicecode", "");
- }
- ');
- }
- $user_id="";
- $userip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
- $ip_arr = explode('.',$userip);
- if($ip_arr[0]=="192" || $ip_arr[0]=="10" || $ip_arr[0]=="127")
- $localconnection = 1;
- else
- $localconnection = 0;
- //HACK intern immer Passwort
- //if($localconnection==1)
- // $hwtoken=0;
- if($stechuhrdevicelogin && $stechuhrdevice)
- {
- $nr = substr($stechuhrdevice,0,6);
- if(is_numeric($nr) && strlen($stechuhrdevice) > 200)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = '$nr' and hwtoken = 4 LIMIT 1");
- if($user_id)
- {
- $encrypted = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT password FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $encrypted_md5 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordmd5 FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $fehllogins= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT fehllogins FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- //$fehllogins=0;
- $type= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT type FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $externlogin= $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT externlogin FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $hwtoken = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwtoken FROM user
- WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $usesha512 = true;
- $salt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT salt FROM user WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $passwordsha512 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordsha512 FROM user WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->app->DB->error())
- {
- $usesha512 = false;
- }
- $usepasswordhash = true;
- $passwordhash = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordhash FROM `user` WHERE id='".$user_id."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->app->DB->error())$usepasswordhash = false;
- $stechuhruser = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT stechuhrdevice FROM user WHERE id = '$user_id'");
- {
- if($stechuhrdevice == $stechuhruser)
- {
- setcookie('nonavigation',true);
- } elseif($stechuhruser == "") {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user set stechuhrdevice = '$stechuhrdevice' where id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- setcookie('nonavigation',true);
- } else {
- $user_id = "";
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- elseif($hwtoken==1) //motp
- {
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- $pin = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT motppin FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $secret = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT motpsecret FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($this->mOTP($pin,$token,$secret) && $fehllogins<8 && (md5($password ) == $encrypted_md5 || md5($passwordunescaped ) == $encrypted_md5))
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- } else { $user_id = ""; }
- }
- //picosafe login
- else if ($hwtoken==2)
- {
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- //include("/var/www/wawision/trunk/phpwf/plugins/class.picosafelogin.php");
- $myPicosafe = new PicosafeLogin();
- $aes = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwkey FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $datablock = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwdatablock FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $counter = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwcounter FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $myPicosafe->SetUserAES($aes);
- $myPicosafe->SetUserDatablock($datablock);
- $myPicosafe->SetUserCounter($counter);
- if($encrypted_md5!="")
- {
- if ( $myPicosafe->LoginOTP($token) && (md5($password) == $encrypted_md5 || md5($passwordunescaped) == $encrypted_md5) && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- // Update counter
- $newcounter = $myPicosafe->GetLastValidCounter();
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET hwcounter='$newcounter' WHERE id='$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- //echo $myPicosafe->error_message;
- $user_id = "";
- }
- } else {
- if ( $myPicosafe->LoginOTP($token) && (crypt( $password, $encrypted ) == $encrypted || crypt( $passwordunescaped, $encrypted ) == $encrypted) && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- // Update counter
- $newcounter = $myPicosafe->GetLastValidCounter();
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET hwcounter='$newcounter' WHERE id='$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- //echo $myPicosafe->error_message;
- $user_id = '';
- }
- }
- }
- //wawision otp
- else if ($hwtoken==3)
- {
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- $wawi = new WaWisionOTP();
- $hwkey = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwkey FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $hwcounter = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwcounter FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- $hwdatablock = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT hwdatablock FROM user WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- //$wawi->SetKey($hwkey);
- //$wawi->SetCounter($hwcounter);
- $serial =$hwdatablock;
- //$key = pack('V*', 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04);
- $hwkey = trim(str_replace(' ','',$hwkey));
- $hwkey_array = explode(",",$hwkey);
- $key = pack('V*', $hwkey_array[0], $hwkey_array[1], $hwkey_array[2], $hwkey_array[3]);
- $check = (int)$wawi->wawision_pad_verify($token,$key,$serial);
- // Fix fuer HW
- if($check >= 2147483647) $check = 0;
- if($encrypted_md5!="")
- {
- if ( $check > 0 && (md5($password) == $encrypted_md5 || md5($passwordunescaped) == $encrypted_md5) && $fehllogins<8 && $check > $hwcounter)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- // Update counter
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET hwcounter='$check' WHERE id='$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->erp->SystemLog("xentral Login OTP Success User: $username Token: $token");
- } else {
- if($check===false)
- {
- $this->app->erp->SystemLog("xentral Login OTP Falscher Key (Unkown Key) User: $username Token: $token");
- } else if ($check < $hwcounter && $check > 0)
- {
- $this->app->erp->SystemLog("xentral Login OTP Counter Fehler (Replay Attacke) User: $username Token: $token");
- }
- //echo $myPicosafe->error_message;
- $user_id = "";
- }
- } else {
- if ( $wawi->LoginOTP($token) && crypt( $password, $encrypted ) == $encrypted && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- // Update counter
- $newcounter = $wawi->GetLastValidCounter();
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET hwcounter='$newcounter' WHERE id='$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- //echo $myPicosafe->error_message;
- $user_id = '';
-// }
- }
- }
- else {
- setcookie('nonavigation',false);
- if(isset($passwordhash) && $passwordhash != '' && $usepasswordhash)
- {
- $checkunescaped = password_verify ( $passwordunescaped , $passwordhash );
- if(!$checkunescaped)
- {
- $checkescaped = password_verify ( $password , $passwordhash );
- }else {
- $checkescaped = false;
- }
- if($checkunescaped || $checkescaped)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM `user`
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- if($checkescaped && $user_id)
- {
- $options = array(
- 'cost' => 12,
- );
- $passwordhash = @password_hash($passwordunescaped, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, $options);
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE `user` SET passwordhash = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($passwordhash)."',
- password='',passwordmd5='', salt = '', passwordsha512 = ''
- WHERE id = '".$user_id."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }else{
- $user_id = '';
- }
- }elseif(!empty($passwordsha512) && $usesha512)
- {
- if(hash('sha512',$passwordunescaped.$salt) === $passwordsha512 && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $user_id = '';
- }
- }elseif($encrypted_md5!=''){
- if ((md5($password ) == $encrypted_md5 || md5($passwordunescaped) == $encrypted_md5) && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- if(isset($this->app->Conf->WFdbType) && $this->app->Conf->WFdbType=="postgre"){
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM \"user\"
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($user_id && $usesha512)
- {
- $salt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT salt FROM user WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- $sha512 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordsha512 FROM user WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- if(empty($salt) && empty($sha512))
- {
- $salt = hash('sha512',microtime(true));
- $sha512 = hash('sha512',$passwordunescaped.$salt);
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET salt = '$salt', passwordsha512 = '$sha512' WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- }
- else { $user_id = ""; }
- } else {
- if (((crypt( $password, $encrypted ) == $encrypted) || (crypt( $passwordunescaped, $encrypted ) == $encrypted)) && $fehllogins<8)
- {
- if(isset($this->app->Conf->WFdbType) && $this->app->Conf->WFdbType=="postgre"){
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM \"user\"
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM user
- WHERE username='".$username."' AND activ='1' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($user_id && $usesha512)
- {
- $salt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT salt FROM user WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- $sha512 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT passwordsha512 FROM user WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- if(empty($salt) && empty($sha512))
- {
- $salt = hash('sha512',microtime(true));
- $sha512 = hash('sha512',$passwordunescaped.$salt);
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET salt = '$salt', passwordsha512 = '$sha512' WHERE id = '$user_id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $user_id = '';
- }
- }
- }
- //$password = substr($password, 0, 8); //TODO !!! besseres verfahren!!
- //pruefen ob extern login erlaubt ist!!
- // wenn keine externerlogin erlaubt ist und verbindung extern
- if($externlogin==0 && $localconnection==0)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LOGINERRORMSG',"Es ist kein externer Login mit diesem Account erlaubt.");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','updatelogin.tpl');
- }
- else if(is_numeric($user_id))
- {
- $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM useronline WHERE user_id='".$user_id."'");
- if($this->session_id != ''){
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO useronline (user_id, sessionid, ip, login, time)
- VALUES ('" . $user_id . "','" . $this->session_id . "','" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "','1',NOW())");
- } else {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LOGINERRORMSG','Session ID can not be empty');
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','updatelogin.tpl');
- return;
- }
- $this->app->DB->Select("UPDATE user SET fehllogins=0
- WHERE username='".$username."' LIMIT 1");
- if(method_exists($this->app->User,'createCache')) {
- $this->app->User->createCache();
- }
- header('Location: update.php?rand='.md5(mt_rand()));
- exit;
- }
- else if ($fehllogins>=8)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LOGINERRORMSG',"Max. Anzahl an Fehllogins erreicht. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator.");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"updatelogin.tpl");
- }
- else
- {
- if(isset($this->app->Conf->WFdbType) && $this->app->Conf->WFdbType=="postgre")
- $this->app->DB->Select("UPDATE \"user\" SET fehllogins=fehllogins+1 WHERE username='".$username."'");
- else
- $this->app->DB->Select("UPDATE user SET fehllogins=fehllogins+1 WHERE username='".$username."' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LOGINERRORMSG',"Benutzername oder Passwort falsch.");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"updatelogin.tpl");
- }
- }
- }
- function Logout($msg="",$logout=false)
- {
- setcookie('DBSELECTED','');
- if($logout)
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"sessiontimeout.tpl");
- $username = $this->app->User->GetName();
- $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM useronline WHERE user_id='".$this->app->User->GetID()."'");
- if(method_exists($this->app->User,'createCache')) {
- $this->app->User->createCache();
- }
- session_destroy();
- session_start();
- session_regenerate_id(true);
- $_SESSION['database']="";
- if(!$logout)
- {
- header("Location: ".$this->app->http."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),'/'));
- exit;
- }
- //$this->app->Tpl->Set(LOGINERRORMSG,$msg);
- //$this->app->Tpl->Parse(PAGE,"updatelogin.tpl");
- }
- function CreateAclDB()
- {
- }
- function mOTP($pin,$otp,$initsecret)
- {
- $maxperiod = 3*60; // in seconds = +/- 3 minutes
- $time=gmdate("U");
- for($i = $time - $maxperiod; $i <= $time + $maxperiod; $i++)
- {
- $md5 = substr(md5(substr($i,0,-1).$initsecret.$pin),0,6);
- if($otp == $md5) {
- return(true);
- }
- }
- return(false);
- }
-class UpdateUser
- var $cache;
- function __construct(&$app)
- {
- $this->app = &$app;
- }
- function GetID()
- {
- if(!empty($_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']) && $_COOKIE['CH42SESSION']!='') {
- $tmp = $_COOKIE['CH42SESSION'];
- } else {
- $tmp = session_id();
- }
- if($tmp == '') {
- return 0;
- }
- if(!$this->cache || $this->cache['time'] +10 < microtime(true) || $this->cache['tmp'] != $tmp)
- {
- $this->cache = null;
- $user_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT user_id FROM useronline WHERE sessionid='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($tmp)."' AND login ='1'");
- if($user_id)
- {
- $this->cache['user_id'] = $user_id;
- $this->cache['tmp'] = $tmp;
- $this->cache['time'] = microtime(true);
- }
- return $user_id;
- }
- return $this->cache['user_id'];
- }
- function GetType()
- {
- if($this->GetID()<=0){
- return $this->app->Conf->WFconf['defaultgroup'];
- }
- if(isset($this->cache['type'])) {
- return $this->cache['type'];
- }
- $type = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT type FROM user WHERE id='".$this->GetID()."'");
- $this->cache['type'] = $type;
- if($type=="")
- {
- $type = $this->app->Conf->WFconf['defaultgroup'];
- $this->cache['type'] = $type;
- }
- return $type;
- }
- function GetParameter($index)
- {
- $id = $this->GetID();
- if($index!="")
- {
- $settings = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT settings FROM user WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $settings = unserialize($settings);
- if(isset($settings[$index]))
- return $settings[$index];
- }
- }
- // value koennen beliebige Datentypen aus php sein (serialisiert)
- function SetParameter($index,$value)
- {
- $id = $this->GetID();
- if($index!="" && isset($value))
- {
- $settings = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT settings FROM user WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $settings = unserialize($settings);
- $settings[$index] = $value;
- $settings = serialize($settings);
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE user SET settings='$settings' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->cache = null;
- }
- }
- function GetUsername()
- {
- if(isset($this->cache['username'])) {
- return $this->cache['username'];
- }
- $username = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT username FROM user WHERE id='".$this->GetID()."'");
- $this->cache['username'] = $username;
- return $username;
- }
- function GetDescription()
- {
- return $this->GetName();
- }
- function GetMail()
- {
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE id='".$this->GetAdresse()."'");
- }
- function GetName()
- {
- if(isset($this->cache['name']))return $this->cache['name'];
- $name = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE id='".$this->GetAdresse()."'");
- $this->cache['name'] = $name;
- return $name;
- }
- function GetSprachen()
- {
- $sprachen = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sprachen FROM user WHERE id = '".(int)$this->GetId()."' LIMIT 1");
- if($sprachen)
- {
- $sprachena = explode(';',str_replace(',',';',$sprachen));
- foreach($sprachena as $sprache)
- {
- $sprache = trim($sprache);
- if($sprache != '')$ret[] = $sprache;
- }
- if(isset($ret)) {
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- return array('german','english');
- }
- function GetSprache()
- {
- $sprachen = $this->GetSprachen();
- return $sprachen[0];
- }
- function GetAdresse()
- {
- if(isset($this->cache['adresse'])) {
- return $this->cache['adresse'];
- }
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM user WHERE id='".$this->GetID()."'");
- $this->cache['adresse'] = $adresse;
- return $adresse;
- }
- function GetProjektleiter()
- {
- $result = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT parameter FROM adresse_rolle WHERE subjekt='Projektleiter' AND (bis='0000-00-00' OR bis < NOW()) AND adresse='".$this->app->User->GetAdresse()."'");
- if(!empty($result)){
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function DefaultProjekt()
- {
- $adresse = $this->GetAdresse();
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM adresse WHERE id='".$adresse."'");
- if($projekt <=0)
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardprojekt FROM firma WHERE id='".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."' LIMIT 1");
- return $projekt;
- }
- function GetEmail()
- {
- $adresse = $this->GetAdresse();
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE id='".$adresse."'");
- }
- function GetFirma()
- {
- return 1;
- }
- function GetFirmaName()
- {
- if(isset($this->cache['firmaname']))return $this->cache['firmaname'];
- $name = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT name FROM firma WHERE id='".$this->GetFirma()."'");
- $this->cache['firmaname'] = $name;
- return $name;
- }
- function GetField($field)
- {
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT $field FROM user WHERE id='".$this->GetID()."'");
- }
-class UpdateThemeTemplate {
- var $NAME; //Name des Templates
- var $PATH; //PFAD des Templates
- var $parsed; //Zustand
- var $ORIGINAL; //Parse - Text Vorlage
- var $VARS; //assoziatives Array mit Variablennamen als Index
- var $Elements;
- var $vararraycreated;
- function __construct($_path, $_file){
- $this->vararraycreated = false;
- $this->PATH=$_path;
- $this->NAME=$_file;
- $this->readFile();
- }
- function readFile()
- {
- $_path = $this->PATH;
- $_file = $this->NAME;
- $fp=@fopen($_path.$_file,"r");
- if($fp){
- if(filesize($_path.$_file)>0)
- $contents = fread ($fp, filesize($_path.$_file));
- fclose($fp);
- }else die($_path.$_file.' not found');
- $this->ORIGINAL=isset($contents)?$contents:'';
- //$this->CreateVarArray();
- }
- function CreateVarArray(){
- $this->vararraycreated = true;
- $this->SetVar('','');
- $pattern = '/((\[[A-Z0-9_]+\]))/';
- preg_match_all($pattern,$this->ORIGINAL,$matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
- //TODO Parser umbauen, damit Variablen nicht doppelt genommen werden.
- if(count($matches[0]) > 0)
- {
- $cmatches = count($matches[0]);
- for($i=0;$i<$cmatches;$i++)
- {
- $this->Elements[$i]['before'] = substr($this->ORIGINAL, $i==0?0:($matches[0][$i-1][1] +strlen($matches[0][$i-1][0]) ), $matches[0][$i][1] - ($i==0 ?0 : ($matches[0][$i-1][1]+strlen($matches[0][$i-1][0])) ) );
- $this->Elements[$i]['el'] = $matches[0][$i][0];
- $this->Elements[$i]['el'] = str_replace('[','',$this->Elements[$i]['el']);
- $this->Elements[$i]['el'] = str_replace(']','',$this->Elements[$i]['el']);
- if($i > 0)$this->Elements[$i-1]['nach'] = $this->Elements[$i]['before'];
- }
- $this->Elements[count($matches[0])-1]['nach'] = substr($this->ORIGINAL, $matches[0][count($matches[0])-1][1]+strlen($matches[0][count($matches[0])-1][0]));
- }
- $cmatches = count($matches[0]);
- for($i=0;$i<$cmatches;$i++)
- {
- $matches[0][$i][0] = str_replace('[','',$matches[0][$i][0]);
- $matches[0][$i][0] = str_replace(']','',$matches[0][$i][0]);
- if(!isset($this->VARS[$matches[0][$i][0]]))
- {
- $this->SetVar($matches[0][$i][0],'');
- }
- }
- }
- function Parsed()
- {
- return 1;
- }
- function AddVar($_var, $_value){ $this->VARS[$_var]=$this->VARS[$_var].$_value; }
- function SetVar($_var, $_value){ $this->VARS[$_var]=$_value; }
-/*********************** Class PcmsTemplate ****************************/
-/// Main Parser for building the html skin (gui)
-class UpdateTemplateParser {
- var $VARARRAY;
- function __construct(&$app){
- $this->app = &$app;
- $this->TEMPLATELIST=null;
- $this->VARVARARRAY = null;
- $this->ReadTemplatesFromPath('');
- }
- function GetVars($tplfile)
- {
- $fp=@fopen($tplfile,"r");
- if($fp){
- $contents = fread ($fp, filesize($tplfile));
- fclose($fp);
- }
- $suchmuster = '/[\[][A-Z_]+[\]]/';
- preg_match_all($suchmuster, $contents, $treffer);
- return $treffer[0];
- }
- function ResetParser()
- {
- unset($this->TEMPLATELIST);
- unset($this->VARARRAY);
- }
- function ReadTemplatesFromPath($_path){
- if(is_file(__DIR__.'/update.tpl'))
- {
- $this->TEMPLATELIST['update.tpl'] = new UpdateThemeTemplate(__DIR__.'/','update.tpl');
- }else die(__DIR__.'/update.tpl nicht gefunden');
- if(is_file(__DIR__.'/updatelogin.tpl'))
- {
- $this->TEMPLATELIST['updatelogin.tpl'] = new UpdateThemeTemplate(__DIR__.'/','updatelogin.tpl');
- }else die(__DIR__.'/updatelogin.tpl nicht gefunden');
- }
- function CreateVarArray(){
- foreach($this->TEMPLATELIST as $template=>$templatename){
- if(count($this->TEMPLATELIST[$template]->VARS) > 0){
- foreach($this->TEMPLATELIST[$template]->VARS as $key=>$value){
- $this->VARARRAY[$key]=$value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function ShowVariables(){
- foreach($this->VARARRAY as $key=>$value)
- echo "$key => ".htmlspecialchars($value)." ";
- }
- function ParseVariables($text){
- foreach($this->VARARRAY as $key=>$value)
- {
- if($key=!"")
- $text = str_replace('['.$key.']',$value,$text);
- }
- // fill empty vars
- return $text;
- }
- function ShowTemplates(){
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST as $key=> $value){
- foreach ($value as $key1=> $text){
- if(!is_array($text))echo "$key ".htmlspecialchars($text)." ";
- if(is_array($text))foreach($text as $key2=>$value2) echo $key2." ".$value2;
- }
- echo " ";
- }
- }
- function Set($_var,$_value, $variable = false){ $this->VARARRAY[$_var]=$_value; if($variable)$this->VARVARARRAY[$_var] = $variable;}
- function Add($_var,$_value, $variable = false){
- $this->VARARRAY[$_var]=isset($this->VARARRAY[$_var])?$this->VARARRAY[$_var].$_value:$_value;
- if($variable)$this->VARVARARRAY[$_var] = $variable;
- }
- function Get($_var){
- return $this->VARARRAY[$_var]." ";
- }
- function Output($_template)
- {
- echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($this->Parse("",$_template,1));
- }
- function OutputAsString($_template)
- {
- return $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($this->Parse("",$_template,1));
- }
- function Parse($_var, $_template,$return=0){
- //$this->AjaxParse();
- //if($_var == 'PAGE')$this->app->erp->ParseMenu();
- $this->ParseVarVars();
- if($_template!=""){
- if(isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]) && !($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->vararraycreated))
- {
- $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->CreateVarArray();
- }
- //alle template variablen aufuellen mit den werten aus VARARRAY
- if(isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]) && isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS) && count($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS)>0){
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS as $key=> $value){
- $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->SetVar($key,isset($this->VARARRAY[$key])?$this->VARARRAY[$key]:'');
- }
- //ORIGINAL auffuellen
- $tmptpl = $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->ORIGINAL;
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS as $key=>$value){
- if(!is_numeric($key) && $key!="")
- $tmptpl = str_replace("[".$key."]",$value, $tmptpl);
- }
- } else $tmptpl = '';
- //aufgefuelltes ORIGINAL in $t_var add($_var,ORIGINAL)
- if($return==1)
- return $tmptpl;
- else
- $this->Add($_var,$tmptpl);
- }
- }
- function AddAndParse($_var, $_value, $_varparse, $_templateparse){
- $this->Set($_var, $_value);
- $this->Parse($_varparse,$_templateparse);
- }
- function ParseVarVars()
- {
- $pattern = '/((\[[A-Z0-9_]+\]))/';
- if(!empty($this->VARVARARRAY) && is_array($this->VARVARARRAY))
- {
- foreach($this->VARVARARRAY as $k => $el)
- {
- preg_match_all($pattern,$this->VARARRAY[$k],$matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
- $cmatches = $matches[0]?count($matches[0]):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$cmatches;$i++)
- {
- $matches[0][$i][0] = str_replace('[','',$matches[0][$i][0]);
- $matches[0][$i][0] = str_replace(']','',$matches[0][$i][0]);
- if(isset($this->VARARRAY[$matches[0][$i][0]]))
- {
- $this->VARARRAY[$k] = str_replace('['.$matches[0][$i][0].']',$this->VARARRAY[$matches[0][$i][0]],$this->VARARRAY[$k]);
- }
- }
- unset($matches);
- }
- }
- }
- function FinalParse($_template){
- $this->ParseVarVars();
- if(isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]) && !($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->vararraycreated))
- {
- $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->CreateVarArray();
- }
- $print = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("print");
- $printcontent = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("printcontent");
- if($printcontent=="") $printcontent="TAB1";
- if($print=="true") {
- $out = str_replace("[PRINT]",$this->VARARRAY[$printcontent],$this->TEMPLATELIST['print.tpl']->ORIGINAL);
- echo $out;
- exit;
- }
- if($_template!="" && isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]) && isset($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS)){
- //alle template variablen aufuellen mit den werten aus VARARRAY
- if(count($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS)>0){
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS as $key=> $value)
- {
- $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->SetVar($key,(isset($this->VARARRAY[$key])?$this->VARARRAY[$key]:''));
- }
- }
- }
- //ORIGINAL auffuellen
- $new = false;
- if($new)
- {
- //macht Noch Probleme
- $tmptpl = '';
- if(!empty($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->Elements))
- {
- foreach($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->Elements as $k)
- {
- $tmptpl .= $k['before'];
- if(!empty($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS[$k['el']]))
- {
- $tmptpl .= $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS[$k['el']];
- }
- }
- $tmptpl .= $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->Elements[count($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->Elements)-1]['nach'];
- }else $tmptpl = $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->ORIGINAL;
- }else
- {
- $tmptpl = $this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->ORIGINAL;
- if(count($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS)>0){
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST[$_template]->VARS as $key=>$value)
- {
- if($key!="")
- $tmptpl = str_replace("[".$key."]",$value, $tmptpl);
- }
- }
- if(count($this->VARARRAY)>0)
- foreach($this->VARARRAY as $key=>$value)
- {
- if($key!="")
- $tmptpl = str_replace('['.$key.']',$value,$tmptpl);
- }
- }
- $tmptpl = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($tmptpl);
- return $tmptpl;
- }
- function AjaxParse()
- {
- }
- function KeywordParse()
- {
- foreach($this->TEMPLATELIST as $key=>$value)
- {
- foreach ($this->TEMPLATELIST[$key]->VARS as $var=>$tmp)
- if(strstr($var,"AJAX"))
- {
- echo $var;
- }
- }
- }
-class UpdateApplication
- var $ActionHandlerList;
- var $ActionHandlerDefault;
- public $Conf;
- protected $multidb;
- public function __construct($config, $group='')
- {
- session_cache_limiter('private');
- @session_start();
- $this->Conf= $config;
- if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__) .'/conf/multidb.conf.php'))
- {
- $multidb = include dirname(__DIR__) .'/conf/multidb.conf.php';
- if(!empty($multidb))
- {
- $this->Conf->origDB = $this->Conf->WFdbname;
- foreach($multidb as $key => $value)
- {
- if(is_array($value))
- {
- if(is_numeric($key) && !empty($value['dbname']))
- {
- $this->multidb[] = [
- 'dbname'=>$value['dbname'],
- 'dbhost'=>!empty($value['dbhost'])?$value['dbhost']:$this->Conf->WFdbhost,
- 'dbport'=>!empty($value['dbport'])?$value['dbport']:$this->Conf->WFdbport,
- 'dbuser'=>!empty($value['dbuser'])?$value['dbuser']:$this->Conf->WFdbuser,
- 'dbpass'=>!empty($value['dbpass'])?$value['dbpass']:$this->Conf->WFdbpass,
- 'description'=>!empty($value['description'])?$value['description']:$value['dbname'],
- 'cronjob'=>!empty($value['cronjob'])?$value['cronjob']:0
- ];
- }elseif(!is_numeric($key)){
- $this->multidb[] = [
- 'dbname'=>!empty($value['dbname'])?$value['dbname']:$key,
- 'dbhost'=>!empty($value['dbhost'])?$value['dbhost']:$this->Conf->WFdbhost,
- 'dbport'=>!empty($value['dbport'])?$value['dbport']:$this->Conf->WFdbport,
- 'dbuser'=>!empty($value['dbuser'])?$value['dbuser']:$this->Conf->WFdbuser,
- 'dbpass'=>!empty($value['dbpass'])?$value['dbpass']:$this->Conf->WFdbpass,
- 'description'=>!empty($value['description'])?$value['description']:(!empty($value['dbname'])?$value['dbname']:$key),
- 'cronjob'=>!empty($value['cronjob'])?$value['cronjob']:0
- ];
- }
- }else{
- if(is_numeric($key))
- {
- $this->multidb[] = [
- 'dbname'=>$value,
- 'dbhost'=>$this->Conf->WFdbhost,
- 'dbport'=>$this->Conf->WFdbport,
- 'dbuser'=>$this->Conf->WFdbuser,
- 'dbpass'=>$this->Conf->WFdbpass,
- 'description'=>$value,
- 'cronjob'=>0
- ];
- }else{
- $this->multidb[] = [
- 'dbname'=>$key,
- 'dbhost'=>$this->Conf->WFdbhost,
- 'dbport'=>$this->Conf->WFdbport,
- 'dbuser'=>$this->Conf->WFdbuser,
- 'dbpass'=>$this->Conf->WFdbpass,
- 'description'=>$key,
- 'cronjob'=>0
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']=="on")
- $this->http = "https";
- else
- $this->http = "http";
- $this->Secure = new UpdateSecure($this); // empty $_GET, and $_POST so you
- // have to need the secure layer always
- $this->Tpl = new UpdateTemplateParser($this);
- $this->User = new UpdateUser($this);
- $this->acl = new UpdateAcl($this);
- $this->WF = new UpdatephpWFAPI($this);
- $this->String = new UpdateWawiString();
- $this->BuildNavigation = true;
- $this->DB = new UpdateDB($this->Conf->WFdbhost,$this->Conf->WFdbname,$this->Conf->WFdbuser,$this->Conf->WFdbpass,$this,$this->Conf->WFdbport);
- $this->Tpl->ReadTemplatesFromPath('');
- }
- public function getDbs()
- {
- $ret = [];
- $ret[$this->Conf->WFdbname] = $this->Conf->WFdbname;
- if(!empty($this->multidb))
- {
- foreach($this->multidb as $key => $value)
- {
- if($this->Conf->WFdbname !== $value['dbname']){
- $ret[$value['dbname']] = $value['description'];
- }elseif(!empty($value['description']) && $value['description'] !== $this->Conf->WFdbname){
- $ret[$this->Conf->WFdbname] = $value['description'];
- }
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public function getCronjobDbs()
- {
- $ret = [];
- if(!empty($this->multidb))
- {
- $nocron = [];
- foreach($this->multidb as $key => $value)
- {
- if($value['cronjob']){
- $ret[] = $value['dbname'];
- }else{
- $nocron[] = $value['dbname'];
- }
- }
- if(empty($ret[$this->Conf->WFdbname]) && empty($nocron[$this->Conf->WFdbname]))
- {
- $ret[] = $this->Conf->WFdbname;
- }
- }else{
- $ret[] = $this->Conf->WFdbname;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public function changeDbConf($dbname)
- {
- if(empty($dbname))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if($this->Conf->WFdbname === $dbname)
- {
- return false;
- }
- if(!empty($this->multidb))
- {
- foreach($this->multidb as $value)
- {
- if($value['dbname'] === $dbname)
- {
- $this->Conf->WFdbname = $dbname;
- $this->Conf->WFdbhost = $value['dbhost'];
- $this->Conf->WFdbport = $value['dbport'];
- $this->Conf->WFdbuser = $value['dbuser'];
- $this->Conf->WFdbpass = $value['dbpass'];
- $this->DB = new DB($this->Conf->WFdbhost,$this->Conf->WFdbname,$this->Conf->WFdbuser,$this->Conf->WFdbpass,$this,$this->Conf->WFdbport);
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function __destruct() {
- $this->DB->Close();
- }
- function ActionHandlerInit(&$caller)
- {
- $this->caller = &$caller;
- }
- function ActionHandler($command,$function)
- {
- $this->ActionHandlerList[$command]=$function;
- }
- function DefaultActionHandler($command)
- {
- $this->ActionHandlerDefault=$command;
- }
- function ActionHandlerListen(&$app)
- {
- $fkt = '';
- $action = $app->Secure->GetGET("action","alpha");
- if($action!="")
- {
- if(isset($this->ActionHandlerList[$action]))$fkt = $this->ActionHandlerList[$action];
- }
- else
- {
- if(empty($this->ActionHandlerDefault) && isset($this->ActionHandlerList['list']))
- {
- if(empty($action))$app->Secure->GET['action'] = 'list';
- $this->ActionHandlerDefault = 'list';
- }
- if(isset($this->ActionHandlerDefault))$fkt = $this->ActionHandlerList[$this->ActionHandlerDefault];
- }
- // check permissions
- if($fkt)@$this->caller->$fkt();
- }
-class UpdatePlayer {
- public $DefautTemplates;
- public $DefautTheme;
- /** @var UpdateApplication $app */
- public $app;
- function __construct()
- {
- $this->DefautTemplates='defaulttemplates';
- $this->DefautTheme='default';
- }
- /**
- * @param UpdateSession $sessionObj
- */
- function Run($sessionObj)
- {
- $this->app = $sessionObj->app;
- // play application only when layer 2 said that its ok
- if(!$sessionObj->GetCheck()) {
- if($sessionObj->reason==='PLEASE_LOGIN')
- {
- $action = 'login';
- $this->app->Secure->GET['action']='login';
- } else {
- $action = 'login';
- }
- } else {
- $action = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('action','alpha');
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('YEAR',date('Y'));
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('BENUTZER',$this->app->User->GetName());
- //$this->app->Tpl->Set('REVISION',$this->app->erp->Revision(). " (".$this->app->erp->Branch().")");
- //$this->app->Tpl->Set('REVISIONID',$this->app->erp->RevisionPlain());
- //$this->app->Tpl->Set('BRANCH',$this->app->erp->Branch());
- $this->app->Tpl->Set(
- 'LIZENZHINWEIS',' Lizenzhinweis '
- );
- switch($action)
- {
- case 'login':
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('UEBERSCHRIFT',"xentral · Enterprise Warehouse Management");
- $this->app->acl->Login();
- echo $this->app->Tpl->FinalParse('update.tpl');
- break;
- case 'ajax':
- $data = null;
- $WAWISION['port']="443";
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- switch($cmd){
- case 'checkforupdate':
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(true);
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- if(empty($_data) || (is_string($_data) && strpos($_data, 'ERROR') === 0)) {
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- }
- if(is_string($_data) && strpos($_data, 'ERROR') === 0) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- $data['error'] = $_data;
- }
- else {
- if(isset($_data['download']) && count($_data['download']) > 0) {
- $files = $_data['download'];
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($files);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- if(isset($_data['download']) && count($_data['download']) > 0) {
- $files = $_data['download'];
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($files);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- }
- elseif(empty($_data['copy'])) {
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- }
- if(!isset($_data['download']) || count($_data['download']) == 0) {
- $data['reload'] = 1;
- }
- }
- if(isset($_data['copy']) && count($_data['copy']) > 0) {
- $files = $_data['copy'];
- $data3 = $myUpd->CopyFile($files);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles(true);
- if(!isset($_data['copy']) || count($_data['copy']) == 0) {
- $data['reload'] = 1;
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate(__FILE__);
- opcache_invalidate(__DIR__ . '/update.tpl');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'changeversion':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $data['version'] = $myUpd->ChangeVersion();
- }
- else {
- $data['error']= 'Fehler: Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'checkfiles':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $data = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- }
- else {
- $data['error'] = 'Fehler: Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'checkfileszip':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version){
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $data['zip'] = 0;
- $data['copy'] = isset($_data['copy']) && isset($_data['copy'][0]) ? count($_data['copy']) : 0;
- $data['download'] = isset($_data['download']) && isset($_data['download'][0]) ? count($_data['download']) : 0;
- if($data['download'] > 500) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $zipResonse = $myUpd->downloadZips();
- if(is_array($zipResonse)) {
- $data = array_merge($data, $zipResonse);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $data = 'Fehler: Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'checkfiles2':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $_data = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $data['copy'] = isset($_data['copy']) && isset($_data['copy'][0])?count($_data['copy']):0;
- $data['download'] = isset($_data['download']) && isset($_data['download'][0])?count($_data['download']):0;
- if(!empty($_data['FileError'])) {
- $data['FileError'] = $_data['FileError'];
- }
- if(!empty($_data['FolderError'])) {
- $data['FolderError'] = $_data['FolderError'];
- }
- if(isset($_data['error'])){
- $data['error'] = $_data['error'];
- }
- //$data = 'download '.(isset($data['download']) && isset($data['download'][0])?count($data['download']).' :'.$data['download'][0]['file']:0).' copy '.(isset($data['copy']) && isset($data['copy'][0])?count($data['copy']).' :'.$data['copy'][0]['file']:0);
- }
- else {
- $data = 'Fehler: Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'downloadfiles2':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $files = false;
- if($version) {
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['download']))$files = $data2['download'];
- }
- if($version && $files) {
- $data3 = $myUpd->DownloadFile($files);
- $data['todownload'] = (isset($data3['todownload']) && is_array($data3['todownload']))?count($data3['todownload']):0;
- }
- else {
- $data['todownload'] = null;
- }
- }
- else{
- $data['error'] = 'Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'downloadfiles':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- if($version) {
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $files = json_decode(json_encode($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('files')),true);
- if($version && !$files)
- {
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['todownload']))$files = $data2['todownload'];
- }
- if($version && $files) {
- $data = $myUpd->DownloadFile($files);
- }
- else {
- $data['todownload'] = null;
- }
- }
- else{
- $data['error'] = 'Keine Version';
- }
- break;
- case 'copyfiles':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $files = json_decode(json_encode($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('files')),true);
- if($version && !$files) {
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['todownload'])) {
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['todownload']);
- }
- elseif(isset($data2['tocopy'])) {
- $files = $data2['tocopy'];
- }
- }
- if($version && $files) {
- $data = $myUpd->CopyFile($files);
- }
- elseif(!$version) {
- $data = array('error'=>'Keine Version');
- }
- else{
- $data = array('error'=>'Keine Version');
- }
- break;
- case 'copyfiles2':
- $version = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('version');
- $WAWISION['versionname'] = $version;
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $files = false;
- if($version) {
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['download'])) {
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['download']);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- }
- if(isset($data2['copy'])) {
- $files = $data2['copy'];
- }
- }
- if($version && $files){
- $data3 = $myUpd->CopyFile($files);
- $data['tocopy'] = (isset($data3['tocopy']) && is_array($data3['tocopy']))?count($data3['tocopy']) : 0;
- if($data['tocopy'] === 0 && function_exists('opcache_reset')) {
- echo json_encode($data);
- opcache_reset();
- exit;
- }
- }
- elseif(!$version) {
- $data = array('error'=>'Keine Version');
- }
- else{
- $data['tocopy'] = 0;
- }
- break;
- case 'upgradedb':
- $nummer = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('nummer');
- $tmp = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata . '/tmp/' . $this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/';
- if(!empty($tmp)) {
- $oldTmp = dirname($tmp).'/';
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- // Aktuelle Cache-Dateien (MultiDB) löschen
- if(file_exists($tmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- // Cache-Dateien aus Zeiten vor MultiDB löschen
- if(file_exists($oldTmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($oldTmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($oldTmp.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- $className = 'erpAPI';
- if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) {
- $className = 'erpAPICustom';
- }
- $this->app = new ApplicationCore();
- $methodName = 'UpgradeDatabase';
- try {
- $r = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
- $params = $r->getParameters();
- $anzargs = count($params);
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $anzargs = 0;
- }
- $obj = new $className($this->app);
- if($obj) {
- $this->app->erp = $obj;
- if(method_exists($obj,'GetTMP')) {
- $tmp = $obj->GetTMP();
- if(!empty($tmp)) {
- $oldTmp = dirname($tmp).'/';
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- // Aktuelle Cache-Dateien (MultiDB) löschen
- if(file_exists($tmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- // Cache-Dateien aus Zeiten vor MultiDB löschen
- if(file_exists($oldTmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($oldTmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($oldTmp.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if($anzargs > 0) {
- ob_start();
- $data['nr'] = $obj->$methodName($nummer);
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- else{
- ob_start();
- $data['nr'] = $obj->$methodName();
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- echo json_encode($data);
- try {
- $multiDbConfs = ConfigLoader::loadAll();
- $dbname = $this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- //$cronjobDbs = $this->app->getDbs();
- //if(!empty($cronjobDbs)){
- if(!empty($multiDbConfs)){
- //$first = true;
- foreach ($multiDbConfs as $multiDbKey => $multiDbConf) {
- if($multiDbConf->WFdbname === $dbname) {
- continue;
- }
- $tmp = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata . '/tmp/' . $multiDbConf->WFdbname.'/';
- if(!empty($tmp)) {
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- // Aktuelle Cache-Dateien (MultiDB) löschen
- if(file_exists($tmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- unset($this->app);
- $this->app = new ApplicationCore($multiDbConf);
- $this->app->DB = new DB(
- $multiDbConf->WFdbhost,
- $multiDbConf->WFdbname,
- $multiDbConf->WFdbuser,
- $multiDbConf->WFdbpass,
- $this->app,
- $multiDbConf->WFdbport
- );
- $obj->app->DB = $this->app->DB;
- //foreach ($cronjobDbs as $cronjobDb => $cronjobValue) {
- //if($first) {
- // $first = false;
- // continue;
- //}
- //$this->app->changeDbConf($cronjobDb);
- if($anzargs > 0){
- ob_start();
- $obj->app->DatabaseUpgrade->emptyTableCache();
- $obj->$methodName($nummer);
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- else{
- ob_start();
- $obj->app->DatabaseUpgrade->emptyTableCache();
- $obj->$methodName();
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- if($anzargs > 0 && $nummer < 12) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(true);
- }
- else {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false);
- }
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('welcome_changelog_last_save', '');
- $obj->SetKonfigurationValue('welcome_changelog_last_save', '');
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception $e) {
- }
- if($anzargs > 0 && $nummer < 12) {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(true, 'updatedb');
- }
- else {
- $this->app->erp->setMaintainance(false, 'updatedb');
- }
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('welcome_changelog_last_save', '');
- exit;
- break;
- }
- echo json_encode($data);
- exit;
- break;
- default:
- $this->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/www',dirname(__DIR__).'/www_oss');
- $this->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf',dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf_oss');
- $this->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/version.php',dirname(__DIR__).'/version_oss.php');
- if(empty($_GET['rand'])) {
- $rand = md5(mt_rand());
- header('Location: update.php?rand='.$rand);
- exit;
- }
- $WAWISION['port']='443';
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $dateien = new Md5Dateien(dirname(__DIR__).'/www/');
- $dateien2 = new Md5Dateien(dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf/');
- if(isset($dateien2->Dateien)) {
- if($dateien->Dateien && is_array($dateien->Dateien)) {
- $dateien->Dateien = array_merge($dateien->Dateien, $dateien2->Dateien);
- }
- else{
- $dateien = $dateien2;
- }
- }
- $lines = [];
- $request['dateien'] = $dateien->Dateien;
- $funktions_ind = [];
- $funktions = [];
- if(!empty($dateien->Dateien) && is_array($dateien->Dateien)) {
- foreach($dateien->Dateien as $k => $v) {
- if(
- strtolower(substr($k,-4)) !== '.php'
- || strpos($k, '_custom') === false
- || strpos($k,'/vendor/') !== false
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- $datei = __DIR__.'/..'.$k;
- if(!file_exists($datei)) {
- continue;
- }
- $fh = fopen($datei, 'r');
- if(!$fh) {
- continue;
- }
- $f_ind = -1;
- $i = -1;
- while(($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
- $i++;
- $lines[$i] = $line;
- if(!empty($funktions_ind) && !empty($funktions_ind[$k])) {
- foreach($funktions_ind[$k] as $k2 => $v2) {
- if($v2 + 5 >= $i) {
- $funktions[$k][$k2][] = $line;
- }
- }
- }
- if(strpos($line, 'function') === false) {
- continue;
- }
- $f_ind++;
- $newBorder = 0;
- for($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
- if(strpos($lines[$j],'*') !== false) {
- $newBorder = $i - $j;
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- $border = 5;
- if($newBorder > 5) {
- $border = $newBorder;
- if($border > 25) {
- $border = 25;
- }
- }
- for($j = $i-$border; $j <= $i; $j++) {
- if($j > -1) {
- $funktions[$k][$f_ind][] = $lines[$j];
- }
- }
- $funktions_ind[$k][$f_ind] = $i;
- }
- if(isset($lines)) {
- unset($lines);
- }
- fclose($fh);
- }
- }
- $res = $myUpd->CheckVersionen(!empty($funktions)?$funktions:null);
- if(!empty($myUpd->errormsg)) {
- if(is_string($myUpd->errormsg)) {
- if($myUpd->errormsg === 'ERROR') {
- $myUpd->errormsg = 'Fehler: Die Lizenzdaten sind fehlerhaft / Lizenz abgelaufen';
- }
- $res = 'Fehler: '.$myUpd->errormsg.' ';
- }
- else{
- $res = json_encode($myUpd->errormsg);
- }
- }
- if($res === 'ERROR') {
- $res = 'Fehler: Die Lizenzdaten sind fehlerhaft / Lizenz abgelaufen ';
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('PAGE',"".$res." ");
- echo $this->app->Tpl->FinalParse('update.tpl');
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $quelle
- * @param string $ziel
- */
- public function KopiereOrdner($quelle, $ziel){
- if(!file_exists($quelle)) {
- return;
- }
- if(is_dir($quelle)) {
- if(!is_dir($ziel)&& !@mkdir($ziel) && !is_dir($ziel)) {
- return;
- }
- $handle = opendir($quelle);
- if(!$handle) {
- return;
- }
- $entries = [];
- while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
- if($entry === '.' || $entry === '..') {
- continue;
- }
- $entries[] = $entry;
- }
- closedir($handle);
- if(empty($entries)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach($entries as $entry) {
- $this->KopiereOrdner(rtrim($quelle,'/').'/'.$entry, rtrim($ziel,'/').'/'.$entry);
- }
- return;
- }
- if(file_exists($ziel)) {
- return;
- }
- @copy($quelle, $ziel);
- }
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/conf/main.conf.php')){
- error_reporting(0);
- include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/conf/main.conf.php';
- $config = new Config();
- $tmp = $config->WFuserdata . '/tmp/' . $config->WFdbname.'/';
- $app = new UpdateerpooSystem($config);
- $player = new UpdatePlayer();
- $player->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/www',dirname(__DIR__).'/www_oss');
- $player->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf',dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf_oss');
- $player->KopiereOrdner(dirname(__DIR__).'/version.php',dirname(__DIR__).'/version_oss.php');
- $WAWISION['port']='443';
- if(!empty($createversion)) {
- $WAWISION['version'] = $createversion;
- }
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $app);
- $dateien = new Md5Dateien(dirname(__DIR__).'/www/');
- $dateien2 = new Md5Dateien(dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf/');
- if(isset($dateien2->Dateien)) {
- if($dateien->Dateien && is_array($dateien->Dateien)) {
- $dateien->Dateien = array_merge($dateien->Dateien, $dateien2->Dateien);
- }
- else{
- $dateien = $dateien2;
- }
- }
- $request['dateien'] = $dateien->Dateien;
- $funktions_ind = [];
- if(!empty($dateien->Dateien) && is_array($dateien->Dateien)) {
- foreach($dateien->Dateien as $k => $v) {
- if(!(strtolower(substr($k,-4)) === '.php' &&
- strpos($k, '_custom') !== false)) {
- continue;
- }
- $datei = __DIR__.'/..'.$k;
- if(!file_exists($datei)) {
- continue;
- }
- $fh = fopen($datei, 'r');
- if(!$fh) {
- continue;
- }
- $f_ind = -1;
- $i = -1;
- while(($line = fgets($fh)) !== false) {
- $i++;
- $lines[$i] = $line;
- if(!empty($funktions_ind) && !empty($funktions_ind[$k])) {
- foreach($funktions_ind[$k] as $k2 => $v2) {
- if($v2 + 5 >= $i) {
- $funktions[$k][$k2][] = $line;
- }
- }
- }
- if(strpos($line, 'function') !== false) {
- $f_ind++;
- for($j = $i-5; $j <= $i; $j++) {
- if($j > -1) {
- $funktions[$k][$f_ind][] = $lines[$j];
- }
- }
- $funktions_ind[$k][$f_ind] = $i;
- }
- }
- if(isset($lines)) {
- unset($lines);
- }
- fclose($fh);
- }
- }
- $res = $myUpd->CheckVersionen(null,true);
- if(empty($res) || (is_string($res) && stripos($res,'Error') === 0) || !empty($res['error'])) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $res = $myUpd->CheckVersionen(null,true);
- }
- if(!empty($res['current_version'])) {
- $WAWISION['version'] = $res['current_version'];
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $app);
- }
- elseif(!empty($res['version'])) {
- $WAWISION['version'] = $res['version'];
- }
- $res = $myUpd->CheckVersionen(null,true);
- if(empty($res) || (is_string($res) && stripos($res,'Error') === 0) || !empty($res['error'])) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $res = $myUpd->CheckVersionen(null,true);
- }
- if(!empty($res['current_version'] && !empty($res['version']) && $res['current_version'] !== $res['version'])) {
- if(empty($allowChangeVersion)) {
- echo 'Version '.$res['version'].' ist nicht kompatibel zur eingestellten '.$res['current_version'].": abgebrochen\r\n";
- echo "benutzen Sie\n";
- echo "php upgradesystem changeversion\n";
- echo "um die Version umsustellen\n";
- return;
- }
- $parameter['version']=$res['current_version'];
- $parameter['versionname']=$res['version'];
- if($parameter['versionname'] && $parameter['versionname'] != $parameter['version']) {
- $changeversion = $myUpd->Request('changeversion',$parameter);
- if(empty($changeversion) || (is_string($changeversion) && stripos($changeversion,'Error') === 0)) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $changeversion = $myUpd->Request('changeversion',$parameter);
- }
- if(!empty($changeversion)) {
- $res['version'] = $changeversion;
- }
- }
- }
- $version = '';
- if(!empty($res['version'])) {
- $version = $res['version'];
- }
- elseif(!empty($res['error'])) {
- print_r($res['error']);
- echo "\n";
- return;
- }
- $files = false;
- if($version) {
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $maxRetries = 3;
- while((is_string($data2) && stripos($data2,'Error') === 0) || !isset($data2['download'])){
- usleep(1000000);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $maxRetries--;
- if($maxRetries <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(isset($data2['download'])){
- echo 'Download Files: ...';
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['download'], 0, true);
- if(!is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . '/key.php') && !is_file(dirname(__DIR__) . '/download/key.php')) {
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['download'], 0, true);
- }
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $maxRetries = 3;
- while(is_string($data2) && stripos($data2,'Error') === 0) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- $maxRetries--;
- if($maxRetries <= 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($data2['download'])) {
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['download'], 0, true);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- }
- echo "done\n";
- }
- if((is_string($data2) && stripos($data2,'Error') === 0) || !isset($data2['copy'])) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- }
- if(isset($data2['copy'])) {
- $files = $data2['copy'];
- }
- }
- if($version && $files) {
- echo 'Copy Files...';
- $data3 = $myUpd->CopyFile($files, 0);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['download'])){
- $myUpd->DownloadFile($data2['download'], 0, true);
- $data2 = $myUpd->CheckFiles();
- if(isset($data2['copy'])) {
- $files = $data2['copy'];
- $data3 = $myUpd->CopyFile($files, 0);
- }
- }
- $data['tocopy'] = (isset($data3['tocopy']) && is_array($data3['tocopy']))?count($data3['tocopy']):0;
- echo "done\n";
- }
- elseif(!$version) {
- $data = array('error'=>'Keine Version');
- }
- else{
- $data['tocopy'] = 0;
- }
- if(!empty($tmp)) {
- $tmpOld = dirname($tmp).'/';
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- if(file_exists($tmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- if(file_exists($tmpOld.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmpOld . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmpOld.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- if(file_exists(dirname(__DIR__).'/xentral_autoloader.php')){
- $app = new ApplicationCore($config);
- }
- $className = 'erpAPI';
- if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) {
- $className = 'erpAPICustom';
- }
- $methodName = 'UpgradeDatabase';
- $nummer = 0;
- $r = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
- $params = $r->getParameters();
- $anzargs = count($params);
- $obj = new $className($app);
- if($obj) {
- $app->erp = $obj;
- if(method_exists($obj,'GetTMP')) {
- $tmp = $obj->GetTMP();
- $tmpOld = dirname($tmp).'/';
- if(!empty($tmp)) {
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- if(file_exists($tmp.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- if(file_exists($tmpOld.$file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmpOld . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmpOld.$file);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- echo 'Upgrade DB...';
- if($anzargs > 0) {
- ob_start();
- $data['nr'] = $obj->$methodName($nummer);
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- else {
- ob_start();
- $data['nr'] = $obj->$methodName();
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- echo "done\n";
- }
-elseif(!empty($testapp)) {
- $WAWISION['port']='443';
- $myUpd = new UpgradeClient($WAWISION, $this->app);
- $result = $myUpd->TestModul($testapp);
- if(empty($result) || (is_string($result) && stripos($result,'Error') === 0)) {
- usleep(1000000);
- $result = $myUpd->TestModul($testapp);
- }
- if(is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/conf/main.conf.php')) {
- include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/conf/main.conf.php';
- if(empty($_GET['action'])) {
- header('Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT');
- header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
- header('Pragma: no-cache');
- }
- if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'ajax' && isset($_GET['cmd']) && 'upgradedb' === $_GET['cmd']){
- $config = new Config();
- $tmp = $config->WFuserdata.'/tmp/';
- foreach(['cache_services.php','cache_javascript.php','cache_classmap.php'] as $file) {
- if(file_exists($tmp . $file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp.$file);
- }
- if(file_exists($tmp . $config->WFdbname . '/' . $file)) {
- if(function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) {
- opcache_invalidate($tmp . $config->WFdbname . '/' . $file, true);
- }
- @unlink($tmp . $config->WFdbname . '/' . $file);
- }
- }
- $config = ConfigLoader::load();
- }
- else {
- $config = new Config();
- }
- $app = new UpdateerpooSystem($config);
- $session = new UpdateSession();
- $session->Check($app);
- $player = new UpdatePlayer();
- $player->Run($session);
- }
diff --git a/www/update.tpl b/www/update.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 814d8244..00000000
--- a/www/update.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,886 +0,0 @@
-OpenXE Update
OpenXE Update
Datenbank Update:
diff --git a/www/updatelogin.tpl b/www/updatelogin.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index be7b05f0..00000000
--- a/www/updatelogin.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
From d6dcc9f4c6397c99e261493b5e36fa2d43353ad8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 11:31:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 072/149] bugfix ClearSqlCache TIMESTAMPDIFF
www/lib/class.erpapi.php | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
index b915d780..88460bb0 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
@@ -7403,7 +7403,7 @@ function ClearSqlCache($shortcode, $seconds = 0)
if($seconds > 0) {
- 'DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE DATE_DIFF(zeitstempel, INTERVAL %d SECOND) < NOW()',
+ "DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,zeitstempel, NOW()) > %d",
@@ -7415,7 +7415,7 @@ function ClearSqlCache($shortcode, $seconds = 0)
if($seconds > 0) {
- "DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE shortcode = '%s' AND DATE_DIFF(zeitstempel, INTERVAL %d SECOND) < NOW()",
+ "DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE shortcode = 'artikel' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,zeitstempel, NOW()) > %d",
$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($shortcode), $seconds
From 8c1eb6c3ccf8800286101e1138ab0ffad9bff658 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:04:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 073/149] Bugfixes www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php | 339 ++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 173 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php b/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
index 5910d29a..464fe186 100644
--- a/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
+++ b/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
/** @var array **/
private $styleData;
+ // Typed variables to get rid of the typos, $border omitted intenionally
+ function Cell_typed(int $w, int $h = 0, string $txt = '', $border = 0, int $ln = 0, string $align = '', bool $fill = false, string $link = '') {
+ return($this->Cell($w,$h,$txt,$border,$ln,$align,$fill,$link));
+ }
* Briefpapier constructor.
@@ -1006,9 +1011,9 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb} '.$this->zusatzfooter,0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
+ $this->Cell_typed(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb} '.$this->zusatzfooter,0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
- $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb}',0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
+ $this->Cell_typed(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb}',0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
$this->cMargin = $tmpc;
@@ -1836,8 +1841,10 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
@@ -1886,7 +1893,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if($this->doctype!="lieferschein" && $this->doctype!="preisanfrage" && !$this->nichtsichtbar_summe) {
- } else $this->Cell(1,5,'',0);
+ } else $this->Cell_typed(1,5,'',0);
$this->logofile = "";
@@ -1928,7 +1935,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if($this->recipient['anrede']!="" && $this->getStyleElement('typimdokument'))
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['anrede'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['anrede'],0,1);
@@ -1940,10 +1947,10 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$array = explode( "\n", wordwrap($this->recipient['enterprise'], $charlimit));
foreach($array as $row)
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($row),0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($row),0,1);
} else {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->recipient['enterprise']),0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->recipient['enterprise']),0,1);
@@ -1952,30 +1959,30 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname'],0,1);
if($this->recipient['address2']!="") {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address2'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['address2'],0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address3'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['address3'],0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address4'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['address4'],0,1);
- //$this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname']." ".$this->recipient['familyname'],0,1);
+ //$this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname']." ".$this->recipient['familyname'],0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address1'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['address1'],0,1);
@@ -1987,22 +1994,22 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$inland = $this->getStyleElement("land");
- //$this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['country']."-".$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
+ //$this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['country']."-".$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,mb_strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],"UTF-8"),0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,mb_strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],"UTF-8"),0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city']),0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city']),0,1);
- $this->Cell(80,5,strtoupper($this->app->erp->UmlauteEntfernen($this->app->GetLandLang($this->recipient['country'],$this->sprache))),0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,strtoupper($this->app->erp->UmlauteEntfernen($this->app->GetLandLang($this->recipient['country'],$this->sprache))),0,1);
else {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
+ $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
- //if(isset($this->recipient['country'])) $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['country'],0,1);
+ //if(isset($this->recipient['country'])) $this->Cell_typed(80,5,$this->recipient['country'],0,1);
@@ -2074,9 +2081,9 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'B');
+ $this->Cell_typed($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'B');
- $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'');
+ $this->Cell_typed($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'');
@@ -2088,70 +2095,70 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Name der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Name der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise2'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise2'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Sitz der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Sitz der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address1'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address1'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address2'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address2'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'],0,2);
$this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
if(isset($this->sender['phone1'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fon: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['phone1'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Fon: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['phone1'],0,2);
if(isset($this->sender['fax'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fax: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['fax'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Fax: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['fax'],0,2);
$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
if(isset($this->sender['email'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Mail: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['email'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Mail: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['email'],0,2);
if(isset($this->sender['web'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Web: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['web'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Web: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['web'],0,2);
$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
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- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"UST-ID: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['ustid'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"UST-ID: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['ustid'],0,2);
if(isset($this->sender['taxnr'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Steuer-Nr.: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['taxnr'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Steuer-Nr.: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['taxnr'],0,2);
if(isset($this->sender['hreg'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Handelsregister: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['hreg'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Handelsregister: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['hreg'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,utf8_encode("Gesch�ftsf�hrung: "),0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['firstname'].' '.$this->sender['familyname'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,utf8_encode("Gesch�ftsf�hrung: "),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['firstname'].' '.$this->sender['familyname'],0,2);
//$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz+2); //abstand
- //$this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
- //$this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,utf8_encode($date),0,2);
+ //$this->Cell_typed(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
+ //$this->Cell_typed(60,$lineHeight,utf8_encode($date),0,2);
@@ -2270,7 +2277,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- //$this->Cell(85,6,$this->doctypeOrig);
+ //$this->Cell_typed(85,6,$this->doctypeOrig);
@@ -2593,76 +2600,76 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$this->SetX($this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandlinks')+1); // eventuell einstellbar per GUI
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- $this->Cell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth+$rabattWidth,6,'Beleg');
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth,6,'Nummer');
+ $this->Cell_typed($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth+$rabattWidth,6,'Beleg');
- $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'',0,0,'R');
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- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummer')));
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- $this->Cell($descWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
+ $this->Cell_typed($descWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
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- $this->Cell($taxWidth,6,'Mitarbeiter');
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,'Ort');
- $this->Cell($descWidth,6,'Tätigkeit');
- $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'Stunden',0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth,6,'Mitarbeiter');
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth,6,'Ort');
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if($this->doctype!='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!='produktion' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis' && $this->doctype!='preisanfrage'){
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- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,6,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_rabatt'),0,0,'R');
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- $this->Cell($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
else if ($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis')
- $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
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@@ -2748,7 +2755,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$posWidthold = $posWidth;
if($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0)
- $this->Cell($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl,$cellhoehe,'');
+ $this->Cell_typed($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl,$cellhoehe,'');
$posWidth -= $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl;
if($posWidth < 2* strlen($posstr))
@@ -2760,11 +2767,11 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if($belege_subpositionenstuecklisten)$posstr = $this->CalcPosString($posstr,$oldpostr, $hauptnummer, $oldlvl, $newlvl);
$oldpostr = $posstr;
$oldlvl = isset($item['lvl'])?(int)$item['lvl']:0;
- $this->Cell($posWidth,$cellhoehe,$posstr,0,0,$belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm?'':'C');
+ $this->Cell_typed($posWidth,$cellhoehe,$posstr,0,0,$belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm?'':'C');
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,trim($item['person']),0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,trim($item['person']),0);
$zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
@@ -2785,10 +2792,10 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt);
if(isset($item['itemno'])) {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['itemno'],0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['itemno'],0);
else {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth);
@@ -2837,10 +2844,10 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
// Menge
- $this->Cell($amWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($amWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
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+ $this->Cell_typed($amWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['amount'], 0, 0, 'R');
if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
@@ -2877,7 +2884,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
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+ $this->Cell_typed($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
// if($item['tax']=="hidden") $item['tax']=="hidden";
@@ -2905,21 +2912,21 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
// standard anzeige mit steuer
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
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$tax = $item['tax']; //= $tax; //="USTV"?0.19:0.07;
$tax *= 100; $tax = $tax.'%';
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell($taxWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $tax, 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $tax, 0, 0, 'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
@@ -2933,29 +2940,29 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
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//&& $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
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+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']), 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
} else
if($item['ohnepreis']==2) {
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['price'],0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['price'],0,0,'R');
} // text alternativ zu preis
else {
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
// zentale rabatt spalte
@@ -3023,7 +3030,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
} else {
// && $item['keinrabatterlaubt']!="1")
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+ $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $item['rabatt'] . " %", 0, 0, 'R');
@@ -3032,13 +3039,13 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$rabatt_or_porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
nummer='".$item['itemno']."' AND (porto='1' OR rabatt='1') LIMIT 1");
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, 'SNP', 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, 'SNP', 0, 0, 'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
@@ -3046,7 +3053,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
else {
// anzeige ohne zentrale rabatt spalte
if ($item['tax']==="hidden"){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
else {
@@ -3054,16 +3061,16 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
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+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']),0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
@@ -3072,20 +3079,20 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
// if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- //$this->Cell($sumWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->formatMoney($item['tprice']).' '.$item['currency'],0,0,'R');
+ //$this->Cell_typed($sumWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->formatMoney($item['tprice']).' '.$item['currency'],0,0,'R');
//gesamt preis
if ($item['tax']==='hidden'){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,'',0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,'',0,0,'R');
else {
@@ -3093,12 +3100,12 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
@@ -3107,12 +3114,12 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
// if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
@@ -3148,7 +3155,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
@@ -3298,12 +3305,12 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
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if($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0){
- $this->Cell($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl, $cellhoehe, '');
+ $this->Cell_typed($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl, $cellhoehe, '');
- $this->Cell($posWidth);
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($posWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth);
if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis') {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
if($this->doctype==='lieferschein' && $this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1'){
@@ -3392,17 +3399,17 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- $this->Cell($amWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($amWidth);
$zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
- $this->Cell($posWidth);
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($posWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth);
if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis') {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
$this->MultiCell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, 4, '', 0); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
@@ -3410,8 +3417,8 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$this->MultiCell($descWidth, 4, '', 0); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
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- $this->Cell($amWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($amWidth);
$yAfterDescription = $this->GetY();
@@ -3421,11 +3428,11 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$yBeforeDescription = $this->GetY();
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- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($posWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($itemNoWidth);
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
@@ -3450,8 +3457,8 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- $this->Cell($amWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell_typed($amWidth);
$yAfterDescription = $this->GetY();
@@ -3805,7 +3812,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$this->Image($dateiname, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(),$width / 10, $hoehe / 10, 'jpg');
if($nochtext == '')
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+ $this->Cell_typed($picwidth,6,'',0,0,'C');
$this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $y + $height / 10 + ($nochtext == ''?5:0));
@@ -4016,7 +4023,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
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+ $this->Cell_typed($descWidth,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
@@ -4050,7 +4057,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
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+ $this->Cell_typed($priceWidth+$amWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth,4,$summe,$rahmen,0,$ausrichtung);
@@ -4098,19 +4105,19 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
//$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190, $this->GetY());
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis'){
$nettoText = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamtnetto');
$nettoAmount = $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung;
$doctype = $this->doctype;
$doctypeid = !empty($this->doctypeid)?$this->doctypeid: $this->id;
$this->app->erp->RunHook('class_briefpapier_render_netto', 4, $doctype, $doctypeid, $nettoText, $nettoAmount);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$nettoText,0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$nettoAmount,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,5,$nettoText,0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,5,$nettoAmount,0,0,'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell(30,5,'',0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,'',0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,5,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,5,'',0,0,'R');
@@ -4121,16 +4128,16 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
$versand = 'Versandkosten: ';
if(isset($this->totals['priceOfDispatch'])) {
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$versand,0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfDispatch'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,5,$versand,0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfDispatch'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,0,'R');
if(isset($this->totals['priceOfPayment']) && $this->totals['priceOfPayment']!='0.00'){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$this->totals['modeOfPayment'],0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfPayment'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,5,$this->totals['modeOfPayment'],0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfPayment'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,0,'R');
@@ -4139,7 +4146,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if(isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && $this->totals['totalTaxV']!="0.00"){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
if(!empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id) && is_numeric($this->id)){
@@ -4154,23 +4161,23 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,0,'L'); //1
else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['totalTaxV'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['totalTaxV'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,0,'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,'',0,0,'R');
$projekt = $this->projekt;
$adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM ".($this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype)." WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
if(!empty($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && $this->totals['totalTaxR']!='0.00'){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
@@ -4178,17 +4185,17 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,0,'L'); //1
else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalTaxR'],2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalTaxR'],2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,0,'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,"",0,0,'R');
@@ -4203,24 +4210,24 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
//if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
// && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,0,'L'); //1
}else {
- //$this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); 09.12.2018 ab heute auskommentiert wegen 829087
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L');
+ //$this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); 09.12.2018 ab heute auskommentiert wegen 829087
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round($value,2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round($value,2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,0,'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,"",0,0,'R');
@@ -4231,7 +4238,7 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if(!isset($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && !isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && !isset($this->totals['summen']) && $this->doctype!="zahlungsavis")
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,3,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,3,'',0);
@@ -4241,24 +4248,24 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
- $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L'); //1
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 0, 'L'); //1
else {
if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
- $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 0, 'L');
if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
- $this->Cell(40, 3, '0,00 ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40, 3, '0,00 ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 0, 'R');
} else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30,3,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40,3,'',0,0,'R');
@@ -4267,32 +4274,32 @@ class Briefpapier extends SuperFPDF {
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,5,'',0);
+ $this->Cell_typed($differenz_wegen_abstand,5,'',0);
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 0, 'L');
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 0, 'L');
else if($this->doctype=='arbeitsnachweis'){
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 0, 'L');
else if($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis'){
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 0, 'L');
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ $this->Cell_typed(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 0, 'L');
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->totals['total'] . ' ', 0, 'L', 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40, 5, $this->totals['total'] . ' ', 0, 0, 'R');
else {
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['total'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['total'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 0, 'R');
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ $this->Cell_typed(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 0, 'R');
From d41745ceda4e9846c8db87dfbd8fc2a06a728ceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:13:49 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 074/149] Bugfix of bugfix ClearSqlCache TIMESTAMPDIFF
www/lib/class.erpapi.php | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
index 88460bb0..9c07f3cd 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
@@ -7415,7 +7415,7 @@ function ClearSqlCache($shortcode, $seconds = 0)
if($seconds > 0) {
- "DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE shortcode = 'artikel' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,zeitstempel, NOW()) > %d",
+ "DELETE FROM sqlcache WHERE shortcode = '%s' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,zeitstempel, NOW()) > %d",
$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($shortcode), $seconds
From b5926ee039cfb490c6393b7daa84325eef717f76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:19:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 075/149] Bugfix www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php | 7634 +++++++++++++-------------
1 file changed, 3817 insertions(+), 3817 deletions(-)
diff --git a/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php b/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
index 3189b694..c6cfa630 100644
--- a/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
+++ b/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
@@ -1,3820 +1,3820 @@
-app = $app;
- $this->intern = true;
- if ($intern) {
- return;
- }
- $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
- $this->app->ActionHandler('list', 'Shopimporter_Shopware6List');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('auth', 'ImportAuth');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('sendlistlager', 'ImportSendListLager');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('getauftraegeanzahl', 'ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('getauftrag', 'ImportGetAuftrag');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('deleteauftrag', 'ImportDeleteAuftrag');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('updateauftrag', 'ImportUpdateAuftrag');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('storniereauftrag','ImportStorniereAuftrag');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('getarticle','ImportGetArticle');
- $this->app->ActionHandler('getarticlelist','ImportGetArticleList');
- $this->app->ActionHandler("updatezahlungsstatus","ImportUpdateZahlungsstatus");
- $this->app->DefaultActionHandler('list');
- $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $productId
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function addSyncCustomFieldToProduct(string $productId)
- {
- $customField = [
- 'customFields' => [
- 'wawision_shopimporter_syncstate' => 1
- ]
- ];
- return $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', "product/{$productId}", $customField);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $orderId
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function addCustomFieldToOrder(string $orderId)
- {
- $customField = [
- 'customFields' => [
- 'wawision_shopimporter_syncstate' => 1
- ]
- ];
- return $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', "order/{$orderId}", $customField);
- }
- public function ImportGetArticleList()
- {
- $page = 1;
- $limit = 500;
- do {
- $productIdsToAdd = [];
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => $limit,
- 'page' => $page,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'product.parentId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => null
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $productsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/product', $searchdata);
- if (!empty($productsInShop['data'])) {
- foreach ($productsInShop['data'] as $productInShop) {
- $productIdsToAdd[] = $productInShop['id'];
- }
- }
- foreach ($productIdsToAdd as $productId) {
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO shopexport_getarticles (shop, nummer) VALUES ('$this->shopid', '" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($productId) . "')");
- }
- $page++;
- } while (count($productsInShop['data']) === $limit);
- $anzahl = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM shopexport_getarticles WHERE shop=$this->shopid");
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('artikelimportanzahl_' . $this->shopid, $anzahl);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $method
- * @param string $endpoint
- * @param string $data
- *
- * @param array $headerInformation
- * @return mixed
- */
- public function shopwareRequest($method, $endpoint, $data = '', $headerInformation = [])
- {
- $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
- $url = $this->ShopUrl;
- $url .= 'v2/' . $endpoint;
- $ch = curl_init();
- $headerInformation[] = 'Content-Type:application/json';
- $headerInformation[] = 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token'];
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
- }
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerInformation);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- $response = curl_exec($ch);
- if (curl_error($ch)) {
- $this->error[] = curl_error($ch);
- }
- curl_close($ch);
- return json_decode($response, true);
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- protected function shopwareToken()
- {
- $result = [];
- $result['success'] = true;
- $result['token'] = $this->accessToken;
- $result['message'] = 'Keine Antwort von API erhalten.';
- if (!empty($result['token'])) {
- return $result;
- }
- $result['success'] = false;
- $data = [
- 'username' => $this->UserName,
- 'password' => $this->Password,
- 'grant_type' => 'password',
- 'scopes' => 'write',
- 'client_id' => 'administration',
- ];
- $ch = curl_init($this->ShopUrl . 'oauth/token');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
- 'Accept: application/json',
- 'Content-Type: application/json',
- 'Cache-Control: no-cache',
- ]
- );
- $response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
- if (!empty((string)$response['title'])) {
- $result['message'] = $response['title'];
- }
- if (!empty($response['access_token'])) {
- $result['success'] = true;
- $this->accessToken = $response['access_token'];
- $result['token'] = $response['access_token'];
- }
- return $result;
- }
- public function ImportGetArticle()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- if (isset($tmp['nummerintern'])) {
- $nummer = $tmp['nummerintern'];
- $response = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $nummer);
- if (empty($response['data'])) {
- $this->error[] = 'Artikel in der Shop Datenbank nicht gefunden!';
- return;
- }
- $nummer = $response['data']['attributes']['productNumber'];
- } else {
- $nummer = $tmp['nummer'];
- }
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer .
- '&associations[manufacturer][]&associations[properties][]');
- if (empty($articleInfo['data'][0])) {
- $this->error[] = 'Artikel in der Shop Datenbank nicht gefunden!';
- return;
- }
- $articleIdInShop = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
- if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields'])
- || empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
- $this->addSyncCustomFieldToProduct((string)$articleIdInShop);
- }
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer .
- '&associations[manufacturer][]&associations[properties][]');
- $associatedInformation = [];
- $properties = [];
- foreach ($articleInfo['included'] as $includedInformation) {
- if ($includedInformation['type'] === 'property_group_option') {
- $properties[$includedInformation['id']] = $includedInformation['attributes'];
- } else {
- $associatedInformation[$includedInformation['id']] = $includedInformation['attributes'];
- }
- }
- $groups = [];
- if (!empty($properties)) {
- $groupsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'property-group');
- foreach ($groupsInShop['data'] as $groupInShop) {
- $groups[$groupInShop['id']] = $groupInShop['attributes']['name'];
- }
- }
- $media = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdInShop . '/media');
- $imagesToAdd = [];
- if (!empty($media['included'])) {
- foreach ($media['included'] as $mediaInfo) {
- if ($mediaInfo['type'] === 'media') {
- $imagesToAdd[] = [
- 'content' => base64_encode(@file_get_contents($mediaInfo['attributes']['url'])),
- 'path' => $mediaInfo['attributes']['url'],
- 'id' => $mediaInfo['id']
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- $articleInfo = $articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes'];
- $data = [];
- $data['name'] = $articleInfo['name'];
- if (isset($tmp['nummerintern'])) {
- $data['nummer'] = $articleInfo['productNumber'];
- }
- $data['artikelnummerausshop'] = $articleInfo['productNumber'];
- $data['restmenge'] = $articleInfo['stock'];
- $data['uebersicht_de'] = $articleInfo['description'];
- $data['preis_netto'] = $articleInfo['price'][0]['net'];
- if (!empty($articleInfo['price'][0]['listPrice'])) {
- $data['pseudopreis'] = $articleInfo['price'][0]['listPrice'];
- }
- $data['aktiv'] = $articleInfo['active'];
- if (!empty($articleInfo['weight'])) {
- $data['gewicht'] = $articleInfo['weight'];
- }
- if (!empty($articleInfo['manufacturerNumber'])) {
- $data['herstellernummer'] = $articleInfo['manufacturerNumber'];
- }
- if (!empty($articleInfo['ean'])) {
- $data['ean'] = $articleInfo['ean'];
- }
- if (!empty($articleInfo['manufacturerId'])) {
- $data['hersteller'] = $associatedInformation[$articleInfo['manufacturerId']]['name'];
- }
- if (!empty($articleInfo['taxId'])) {
- $data['umsatzsteuer'] = $associatedInformation[$articleInfo['taxId']]['taxRate'];
- }
- if (!empty($properties)) {
- foreach ($properties as $property) {
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
- $data['eigenschaften'][] = [
- 'name' => $groups[$property['groupId']],
- 'values' => $property['name'],
- ];
- }
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $data['freifeld_' . $groups[$property['groupId']]] = $property['name'];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($articleInfo['customFields'])) {
- foreach ($articleInfo['customFields'] as $customFieldName => $customFieldValue) {
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
- $data['eigenschaften'][] = [
- 'name' => $customFieldName,
- 'values' => $customFieldValue
- ];
- }
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $data['freifeld_' . $customFieldName] = $customFieldValue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($imagesToAdd)) {
- $data['bilder'] = $imagesToAdd;
- }
- if ($articleInfo['childCount'] > 0) {
- $data = [$data];
- $limit = 50;
- $page = 1;
- $optionInfo = [];
- $optionGroupInfo = [];
- do {
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => $limit,
- 'page' => $page,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'product.parentId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $articleIdInShop
- ]
- ],
- 'sort' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'product.options.groupId',
- 'naturalSorting' => false,
- 'order' => 'ASC'
- ],
- [
- 'field' => 'product.options.id',
- 'naturalSorting' => false,
- 'order' => 'ASC'
- ]
- ],
- 'associations' => [
- 'options' => [
- 'sort' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'groupId',
- 'naturalSorting' => false,
- 'order' => 'ASC'
- ],
- [
- 'field' => 'id',
- 'naturalSorting' => false,
- 'order' => 'ASC'
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $variantsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/product', $searchdata);
- foreach ($variantsInShop['included'] as $includedInfo) {
- if ($includedInfo['type'] === 'property_group_option') {
- $optionInfo[$includedInfo['id']] = $includedInfo['attributes'];
- if (empty($optionGroupInfo[$includedInfo['attributes']['groupId']])) {
- $optionGroupInfo[$includedInfo['attributes']['groupId']] = (!empty($optionGroupInfo)?count($optionGroupInfo):0) + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($variantsInShop['data'] as $variantInShop) {
- $variantData = [];
- $variantName = $data[0]['name'];
- foreach ($variantInShop['attributes']['optionIds'] as $optionId) {
- $variantData['matrixprodukt_wert' . $optionGroupInfo[$optionInfo[$optionId]['groupId']]] =
- $optionInfo[$optionId]['name'];
- $variantName .= ' - ' . $optionInfo[$optionId]['name'];
- }
- $variantData['name'] = $variantName;
- $variantData['nummer'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['productNumber'];
- $variantData['artikelnummerausshop'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['productNumber'];
- $variantData['restmenge'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['stock'];
- $variantData['uebersicht_de'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['description'];
- if (empty($variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['net'])) {
- $variantData['preis_netto'] = $data[0]['preis_netto'];
- } else {
- $variantData['preis_netto'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['net'];
- }
- if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['listPrice'])) {
- $variantData['pseudopreis'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['listPrice'];
- }
- $variantData['aktiv'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['active'];
- if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['weight'])) {
- $variantData['gewicht'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['weight'];
- }
- if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['manufacturerNumber'])) {
- $variantData['herstellernummer'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['manufacturerNumber'];
- }
- if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['ean'])) {
- $variantData['ean'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['ean'];
- }
- if (!empty($data[0]['umsatzsteuer'])) {
- $variantData['umsatzsteuer'] = $data[0]['umsatzsteuer'];
- }
- $data[] = $variantData;
- }
- $page++;
- } while (count($variantsInShop['data']) > $limit);
- foreach ($optionGroupInfo as $groupId => $sorting) {
- $data[0]['matrixprodukt_gruppe' . $sorting] = $groups[$groupId];
- }
- foreach ($optionInfo as $optionData) {
- $data[0]['matrixprodukt_optionen' . $optionGroupInfo[$optionData['groupId']]][] = $optionData['name'];
- }
- }
- //TODO Staffelpreise
- //TODO Kategorien
- //TODO Freifelder
- //TODO Crossselling
- return $data;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $data
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function checkApiApp($data)
- {
- foreach (['shopwareUserName', 'shopwarePassword', 'shopwareUrl'] as $field) {
- if (empty($data['data'][$field])) {
- return ['success' => false, 'error' => sprintf('%s is empty', $field)];
- }
- }
- $shops = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT `einstellungen_json`, `bezeichnung`,`id`
- FROM `shopexport`
- WHERE `modulename` = 'shopimporter_shopware6'
- AND `einstellungen_json` IS NOT NULL AND `einstellungen_json` <> ''"
- )
- );
- if (empty($shops)) {
- return [
- 'info' => [
- 'Shop' => 'Shopware',
- 'info' => 'Url ' . $data['data']['shopwareUrl'],
- ]
- ];
- }
- foreach ($shops as $shop) {
- if (empty($shop['einstellungen_json'])) {
- continue;
- }
- $json = @json_decode($shop['einstellungen_json'], true);
- if (empty($json['felder']) || empty($json['felder']['shopwareUrl'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($json['felder']['shopwareUrl'] === $data['data']['shopwareUrl']) {
- return [
- 'success' => false,
- 'error' => sprintf('Shop with url %s allready exists', $data['data']['shopwareUrl'])
- ];
- }
- }
- return [
- 'info' => [
- 'Shop' => 'Shopware',
- 'info' => 'Url ' . $data['data']['shopwareUrl'],
- ]
- ];
- }
- /**
- *
- */
- public function Shopimporter_Shopware6List()
- {
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode('Sie können hier die Shops einstellen
- header('Location: index.php?module=onlineshops&action=list&msg=' . $msg);
- exit;
- }
- /**
- * @param $shopid
- * @param $data
- */
- public function getKonfig($shopid, $data)
- {
- $this->shopid = $shopid;
- $this->data = $data;
- $importerSettings = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT `einstellungen_json`, `kategorienuebertragen` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = '$shopid' LIMIT 1");
- $importerSettings = reset($importerSettings);
- $this->exportCategories = (bool) $importerSettings['kategorienuebertragen'];
- $einstellungen = [];
- if (!empty($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'])) {
- $einstellungen = json_decode($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'], true);
- }
- $this->protocol = $einstellungen['felder']['protocol'];
- $this->UserName = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareUserName'];
- $this->Password = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwarePassword'];
- $this->ShopUrl = rtrim($einstellungen['felder']['shopwareUrl'], '/') . '/';
- $this->createManufacturerAllowed = false;
- if ($einstellungen['felder']['shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer'] === '1') {
- $this->createManufacturerAllowed = true;
- }
- $this->defaultManufacturer = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultManufacturer'];
- $this->defaultRuleName = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultRuleName'];
- $this->statesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['statesToFetch'];
- $this->deliveryStatesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['deliveryStatesToFetch'];
- $this->transactionStatesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['transactionStatesToFetch'];
- $this->salesChannelToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['salesChannelToFetch'];
- $this->orderSearchLimit = $einstellungen['felder']['orderSearchLimit'];
- $this->freeFieldOption = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareFreeFieldOption'];
- $this->propertyOption = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwarePropertyOption'];
- $this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultSalesChannel'];
- $this->shopwareMediaFolder = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareMediaFolder'];
- $query = sprintf('SELECT `steuerfreilieferlandexport` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = %d', $this->shopid);
- $this->taxationByDestinationCountry = !empty($this->app->DB->Select($query));
- $this->client = $this->app->Container->get('Shopware6Client');
- $this->client->setCredentials(
- $this->UserName,
- $this->Password,
- $this->ShopUrl
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function EinstellungenStruktur()
- {
- return
- [
- 'ausblenden' => ['abholmodus' => ['ab_nummer']],
- 'functions' => ['exportartikelbaum','getarticlelist','updatezahlungsstatus'],
- 'felder' => [
- 'protocol' => [
- 'typ' => 'checkbox',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Protokollierung im Logfile|}:',
- ],
- 'shopwareUserName' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Benutzername|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- ],
- 'shopwarePassword' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Passwort|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- ],
- 'shopwareUrl' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop API URL|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- ],
- 'shopwareDefaultManufacturer' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Standard Hersteller|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'Keine Herstellerinformation',
- ],
- 'shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer' => [
- 'typ' => 'checkbox',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Bei Artikelexport Hersteller anlegen|}:',
- ],
- 'shopwareDefaultRuleName' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Name der Standardpreisgruppe|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'All customers',
- ],
- 'shopwarePropertyOption' => [
- 'heading' => '{|Eigenschaften / Freifeld Zuordnung|}',
- 'typ' => 'select',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Xentral Artikel Eigenschaften|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'toProperties',
- 'optionen' => ['toProperties' => '{|Shopware Eigenschaften|}', 'toCustomFields' => '{|Shopware Zusatzfelder|}', 'doNotExport' => '{|Nicht übertragen|}']
- ],
- 'shopwareFreeFieldOption' => [
- 'typ' => 'select',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Xentral Artikel Freifelder|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'toCustomFields',
- 'optionen' => ['toProperties' => '{|Shopware Eigenschaften|}', 'toCustomFields' => '{|Shopware Zusatzfelder|}', 'doNotExport' => '{|Nicht übertragen|}']
- ],
- 'shopwareDefaultSalesChannel' => [
- 'heading' => '{|Artikelexport Standardeinstellungen|}',
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Standard Sichtbarkeit|}:',
- 'size' => 40
- ],
- 'shopwareMediaFolder' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Media Folder für Artikelbilder|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'Product Media'
- ],
- 'statesToFetch' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Abzuholender Bestellstatus|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => 'open',
- 'col' => 2,
- 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;in_progress;completed;cancelled'
- ],
- 'deliveryStatesToFetch' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Lieferstatus|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => '',
- 'col' => 2,
- 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;shipped_partially;shipped;returned;returned_partially;cancelled'
- ],
- 'transactionStatesToFetch' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Bezahlstatus|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => '',
- 'col' => 2,
- 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;paid;authorized;paid_partially;refunded;refunded_partially;reminded;cancelled'
- ],
- 'salesChannelToFetch' => [
- 'typ' => 'text',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Sales Channel|}:',
- 'size' => 40,
- 'default' => '',
- 'col' => 2,
- 'info' => ' Klicke auf "Verbindung prüfen" um die verfügbaren Channels (bitte die Id verwenden) anzuzeigen.'
- ],
- 'orderSearchLimit' => [
- 'typ' => 'select',
- 'bezeichnung' => '{|Anzahl Aufträge abholen|}:',
- 'optionen' => [
- '25' => '25',
- '50' => '50',
- '75' => '75',
- '100' => '100',
- ],
- 'default' => '25',
- 'col' => 2
- ],
- ],
- ];
- }
- public function ImportUpdateZahlungsstatus()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
- $transactions = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/'.$auftrag.'/transactions');
- $transactionId = $transactions['data'][0]['id'];
- if(empty($transactionId)){
- return;
- }
- $response = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order_transaction/'.$transactionId.'/state/paid');
- if (!empty($response['id'])) {
- return 'ok';
- }
- }
- public function ImportSendArtikelbaum(){
- $xentralCategoryTree = [];
- $this->app->erp->GetKategorienbaum($xentralCategoryTree, 0, 0, $this->shopid);
- $xentralCategoryIdToParentId = [];
- foreach ($xentralCategoryTree as $key => $value) {
- $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['erledigt'] = false;
- $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['shopid'] = '';
- $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['aktiv'] = false;
- $xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$value['id']] = $key;
- }
- $parentCategoryId = null;
- foreach ($xentralCategoryTree as $index => $categoryData) {
- $this->createCategoryTree($index, $xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId);
- }
- }
- protected function createCategoryTree($id, &$xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId)
- {
- $parentId = $parentCategoryId;
- if ($xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']) {
- $parentId = $xentralCategoryTree[$xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']]]['shopid'];
- }
- if ($xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent'] && !$xentralCategoryTree[$xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']]]['erledigt']) {
- $this->createCategoryTree($xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']], $xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId);
- }
- $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['erledigt'] = true;
- $categoryName = $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['bezeichnung'];
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'category.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $categoryName
- ],
- [
- 'field' => 'category.parentId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $parentId
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $categoriesInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
- $categoryId = '';
- if (!empty($categoriesInShop['data'])) {
- $categoryId = $categoriesInShop['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- if (!$categoryId) {
- $categoryData = [
- 'parentId' => $parentId,
- 'name' => $categoryName
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'category?_response=true', $categoryData);
- if ($result['data']['id']) {
- $categoryId = $result['data']['id'];
- }
- }
- if ($categoryId) {
- $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['shopid'] = $categoryId;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return int
- */
- public function ImportSendListLager()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $count = 0;
- foreach ($tmp as $article) {
- $artikel = $article['artikel'];
- if ($artikel === 'ignore') {
- continue;
- }
- $nummer = $article['nummer'];
- $fremdnummer = $article['fremdnummer'];
- if (!empty($fremdnummer)) {
- $nummer = $fremdnummer;
- }
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer);
- if (empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Artikel wurde nicht im Shop gefunden: ' . $nummer, $articleInfo);
- continue;
- }
- if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields'])
- || empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
- $this->addSyncCustomFieldToProduct((string)$articleInfo['data'][0]['id']);
- }
- $active = true;
- if ($article['inaktiv']) {
- $active = false;
- }
- $stock = $article['anzahl_lager'];
- if (!empty($article['pseudolager'])) {
- $stock = $article['pseudolager'];
- }
- $stock = $this->getCorrectedStockFromAvailable($active, (int)$stock, $articleInfo);
- $data = [
- 'stock' => $stock,
- 'active' => $active,
- ];
- $response = $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'product/' . $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'], $data);
- $this->Shopware6Log('Lagerbestand konnte nicht uebertragen werden fuer Artikel: ' . $nummer, $response);
- $count++;
- }
- return $count;
- }
- /**
- * @param bool $isStockActive
- * @param int $stock
- * @param array|null $articleInfo
- *
- * @return int
- */
- public function getCorrectedStockFromAvailable(bool $isStockActive, int $stock, ?array $articleInfo): int
- {
- if(!$isStockActive) {
- return $stock;
- }
- if(empty($articleInfo)) {
- return $stock;
- }
- if(!isset($articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'])) {
- return $stock;
- }
- if(!isset($articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'])) {
- return $stock;
- }
- $reserved = (int)$articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['stock']
- - (int)$articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'];
- if($reserved <= 0) {
- return $stock;
- }
- return $stock + $reserved;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $message
- * @param mixed $dump
- */
- public function Shopware6Log($message, $dump = '')
- {
- if ($this->protocol) {
- $this->app->erp->Logfile($message, print_r($dump, true));
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return int
- */
- public function ImportSendList()
- {
- $articleList = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $successCounter = 0;
- foreach ($articleList as $article) {
- $number = $article['nummer'];
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- sprintf('product?filter[product.productNumber]=%s', $number)
- );
- $articleIdShopware = '';
- if (!empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $articleIdShopware = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- $quantity = $article['anzahl_lager'];
- if (!empty($article['pseudolager'])) {
- $quantity = $article['pseudolager'];
- }
- $inaktiv = $article['inaktiv'];
- $active = true;
- if (!empty($inaktiv)) {
- $active = false;
- }
- $quantity = $this->getCorrectedStockFromAvailable($active, (int)$quantity, $articleInfo);
- $taxRate = (float)$article['steuersatz'];
- $taxId = $this->getTaxIdByRate($taxRate);
- $mediaToAdd = $this->mediaToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $categoriesToAdd = [];
- if($this->exportCategories){
- $categoriesToAdd = $this->categoriesToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- }
- $propertiesToAdd = $this->propertiesToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $crosselingToAdd = $this->crosssellingToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $systemFieldsToAdd = $this->systemFieldsToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $deliveryTimeId = null;
- if(!empty($article['lieferzeitmanuell'])){
- $deliveryTimeId = $this->getDeliveryTimeId($article['lieferzeitmanuell']);
- }
- if (empty($systemFieldsToAdd['visibilities']) && !empty($this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel)) {
- $systemFieldsToAdd['visibilities'] = $this->modifySalesChannel(explode(',', $this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel), $articleIdShopware);
- }
- if(empty($systemFieldsToAdd['unitId']) && !empty($article['einheit']) ){
- $systemFieldsToAdd['unitId'] = $this->unitToAdd($article['einheit']);
- }
- //Hersteller in Shopware suchen bzw. Anlegen
- $manufacturerName = $article['hersteller'];
- $manufacturerId = $this->getManufacturerIdByName($manufacturerName);
- if ($manufacturerId === null && $this->createManufacturerAllowed === true) {
- $manufacturerId = $this->createManufacturer($manufacturerName);
- }
- if (empty($manufacturerId)) {
- return 'error: Für den Artikelexport ist die Herstellerinformation zwingend erforderlich';
- }
- $isCloseOut = false;
- if(!empty($article['restmenge'])){
- $isCloseOut = true;
- }
- $description = $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_de']);
- $ean = $article['ean'];
- $metaTitle = $article['metatitle_de'];
- $metaDescription = $article['metadescription_de'];
- $metaKeywords = $article['metakeywords_de'];
- $manufacturerNumber = $article['herstellernummer'];
- if (empty($manufacturerNumber)) {
- $manufacturerNumber = '';
- }
- $weight = (float)$article['gewicht'];
- $length = (float)$article['laenge'] * 10;
- $height = (float)$article['hoehe'] * 10;
- $width = (float)$article['breite'] * 10;
- $purchasePrice = (float)$article['einkaufspreis'];
- $currencyId = $this->findCurrencyId($article['waehrung']);
- $price = [
- 'net' => $article['preis'],
- 'gross' => $article['bruttopreis'],
- 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
- 'linked' => true];
- if (!empty($article['pseudopreis'])) {
- $price['listPrice'] = [
- 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
- 'gross' => $article['pseudopreis'],
- 'linked' => true,
- 'net' => $article['pseudopreis']/(1+$taxRate/100)
- ];
- }
- $data = [
- 'name' => $article['name_de'],
- 'isCloseout' => $isCloseOut,
- 'productNumber' => $number,
- 'manufacturerId' => $manufacturerId,
- 'stock' => (int)$quantity,
- 'taxId' => $taxId,
- 'active' => $active,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'ean' => $ean,
- 'metaTitle' => $metaTitle,
- 'metaDescription' => $metaDescription,
- 'keywords' => $metaKeywords,
- 'manufacturerNumber' => $manufacturerNumber,
- 'length' => $length,
- 'width' => $width,
- 'height' => $height,
- 'weight' => $weight,
- 'purchasePrice' => $purchasePrice,
- 'price' => [$price],
- 'categories' => $categoriesToAdd,
- 'properties' => $propertiesToAdd,
- 'crossSellings' => $crosselingToAdd,
- 'media' => $mediaToAdd,
- 'deliveryTimeId' => $deliveryTimeId
- ];
- $data = array_merge($data, $systemFieldsToAdd);
- if(empty($data['customFields'])
- || empty($data['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
- $data['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'] = 1;
- }
- if (empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST',
- 'product?_response=true', $data);
- if (!empty($result['data']['id'])) {
- $articleIdShopware = $result['data']['id'];
- $articleInfo['data'][0] = $result['data'];
- }
- } else {
- $headerInformation = [];
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
- if (!empty($languageId)) {
- $headerInformation[] = 'sw-language-id: ' . $languageId;
- }
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH',
- sprintf('product/%s?_response=true', $articleIdShopware), $data, $headerInformation);
- }
- if(!empty($articleIdShopware)){
- $this->exportTranslationsForArticle($article, $articleIdShopware);
- }
- $this->addCoverImage($article, $articleIdShopware);
- if (empty($result['data']) || is_array($result['errors'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Artikelexport fehlgeschlagen', ['data:' => $data, 'response' => $result]);
- continue;
- }
- $this->exportSeoUrls($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $this->exportVariants($article, $articleIdShopware, $currencyId);
- if (empty($result['data']) || is_array($result['errors'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Artikelexport bei Bildübertragung fehlgeschlagen', ['data:' => $data, 'response' => $result]);
- continue;
- }
- $defaultPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($article['staffelpreise_standard'] ?? []);
- $groupPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($article['staffelpreise_gruppen'] ?? []);
- if (!empty($defaultPrices) || !empty($groupPrices)) {
- $this->deleteOldBulkPrices($articleIdShopware);
- }
- if (!empty($defaultPrices)) {
- foreach ($defaultPrices as $priceData) {
- $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($articleIdShopware, $this->defaultRuleName, $priceData);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($groupPrices)) {
- foreach ($groupPrices as $priceData) {
- $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($articleIdShopware, $priceData->getGroupName(), $priceData);
- }
- }
- $successCounter++;
- }
- return $successCounter;
- }
- protected function exportBulkPriceForGroup(string $productId, string $groupName, PriceData $priceData): void
- {
- $currencyId = $this->findCurrencyId($priceData->getCurrency());
- $groupRuleId = $this->client->getGroupRuleId($groupName);
- if (empty($groupRuleId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log("Fehler: Gruppe {$groupName} konnte im Shop nicht gefunden werden");
- return;
- }
- $result = $this->client->saveBulkPrice($productId, $groupRuleId, $currencyId, $priceData);
- if (empty($result['data'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log("Fehler: Staffelpreis für Gruppe {$groupName} konnte nicht exportiert werden", $result);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $deliveryTimeText
- *
- * @return string|null
- */
- protected function getDeliveryTimeId(string $deliveryTimeText): ?string
- {
- $searchCommand = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $deliveryTimeText
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/delivery-time', $searchCommand);
- if (empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
- return null;
- }
- return $result['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $description
- * @return string
- */
- protected function prepareDescription($description): string
- {
- $markupSubstitute = [
- '/"/' => '"',
- '/<([^&]+)>/' => '<\1>',
- '/\\/' => '',
- '/\\<\/strong>/' => ' ',
- '/\\/' => '',
- '/\\<\/em>/' => ' ',
- '/&/' => '&',
- ];
- return (string)preg_replace(array_keys($markupSubstitute), array_values($markupSubstitute), $description);
- }
- /**
- * @param array $article
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- */
- protected function exportTranslationsForArticle(array $article, string $articleIdShopware): void
- {
- $customFieldsToAdd = $this->customFieldsToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
- $preparedTranslations = [];
- $preparedTranslations['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $article['name_de'],
- 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_de']),
- 'metaTitle' => $article['metatitle_de'],
- 'metaDescription' => $article['metadescription_de'],
- 'keywords' => $article['metakeywords_de'],
- 'customFields' => []
- ];
- if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd['DE'])){
- $preparedTranslations['DE']['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd['DE'];
- }
- $preparedTranslations['GB'] = [
- 'name' => $article['name_en'],
- 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_en']),
- 'metaTitle' => $article['metatitle_en'],
- 'metaDescription' => $article['metadescription_en'],
- 'keywords' => $article['metakeywords_en'],
- 'customFields' => [],
- ];
- if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd['GB'])){
- $preparedTranslations['GB']['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd['GB'];
- }
- foreach ($article['texte'] as $translation) {
- if ($translation['sprache'] === 'EN') {
- $translation['sprache'] = 'GB';
- }
- $preparedTranslations[$translation['sprache']] = [
- 'name' => $translation['name'],
- 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($translation['beschreibung_online']),
- 'metaTitle' => $translation['meta_title'],
- 'metaDescription' => $translation['meta_description'],
- 'keywords' => $translation['meta_keywords'],
- ];
- if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd[$translation['sprache']])){
- $preparedTranslations[$translation['sprache']]['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd[$translation['sprache']];
- }
- }
- foreach ($preparedTranslations as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
- if (empty($languageId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Language Id not found for country: ' . $countryIsoCode);
- continue;
- }
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'PATCH',
- sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
- $translation, $headerInformation
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $countryIso
- *
- * @return string|null
- */
- protected function getLanguageIdByCountryIso(string $countryIso): ?string
- {
- if(array_key_exists($countryIso, $this->knownShopLanguageIds)){
- return $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso];
- }
- $searchCommand = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'country.iso',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $countryIso
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $countryInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/country', $searchCommand);
- foreach ($countryInformation['data'] as $country){
- $searchCommand = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'locale.territory',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $country['attributes']['name']
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $localeInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/locale', $searchCommand);
- foreach ($localeInformation['data'] as $locale) {
- $searchCommand = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'language.localeId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $locale['id']
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $languageInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/language', $searchCommand);
- if (!empty($languageInformation['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso] = $languageInformation['data'][0]['id'];
- return $languageInformation['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- }
- }
- $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso] = null;
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $manufacturerName
- *
- * @return null|string
- */
- protected function createManufacturer(string $manufacturerName): ?string
- {
- $data = ['name' => $manufacturerName];
- $response = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'product-manufacturer?_response=true', $data);
- $manufacturerId = null;
- if(!empty($response['data']['id'])){
- $manufacturerId = $response['data']['id'];
- $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName] = $manufacturerId;
- }
- return $manufacturerId;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $manufacturerName
- *
- * @return null|string
- */
- protected function getManufacturerIdByName(string $manufacturerName): ?string
- {
- if (!empty($this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName])) {
- return $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName];
- }
- $manufacturerId = null;
- if (empty($manufacturerName)) {
- $manufacturerName = $this->defaultManufacturer;
- }
- $manufacturer = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- 'product-manufacturer?filter[product_manufacturer.name]=' . urlencode($manufacturerName)
- );
- $manufacturerId = $manufacturer['data'][0]['id'];
- $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName] = $manufacturerId;
- return $manufacturerId;
- }
- /**
- * @param float $taxRate
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getTaxIdByRate(float $taxRate): string{
- if(empty($this->taxesInShop)){
- $this->taxesInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'tax');
- }
- foreach ($this->taxesInShop['data'] as $taxData) {
- if (abs(($taxData['attributes']['taxRate']-$taxRate)) < 0.0001 ) {
- return $taxData['id'];
- }
- }
- return $this->taxesInShop['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param array $internalArticleData
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function mediaToExport($internalArticleData, $articleIdShopware)
- {
- $mediaToAdd = [
- ];
- if (empty($internalArticleData['Dateien'])) {
- return $mediaToAdd;
- }
- $internalMediaIds = [];
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 1,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $this->shopwareMediaFolder
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $mediaFolderData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media-folder', $searchdata);
- if(empty($mediaFolderData['data'][0]['id'])){
- $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('Kein Media Folder gefunden für: ', $this->shopwareMediaFolder);
- return [];
- }
- $mediaFolderId = $mediaFolderData['data'][0]['id'];
- foreach ($internalArticleData['Dateien'] as $internalFile) {
- $filename = explode('.', $internalFile['filename']);
- unset($filename[(!empty($filename)?count($filename):0) - 1]);
- $filename = $internalFile['id'].'_'.implode($filename);
- $extension = $internalFile['extension'];
- $imageTitle = (string)$internalFile['titel'];
- $imageAltText = (string)$internalFile['beschreibung'];
- $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'media.fileName',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $filename
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media', $searchdata);
- if (!empty($mediaData['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $internalMediaIds[] = $mediaData['data'][0]['id'];
- if($mediaData['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] !== $imageTitle
- || $mediaData['data'][0]['attributes']['alt'] !== $imageAltText){
- $this->setMediaTitleAndAltText($mediaData['data'][0]['id'], $imageTitle, $imageAltText);
- }
- continue;
- }
- $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'media?_response=true', []);
- if(empty($mediaData['data']['id'])){
- $this->Shopware6Log('Error when creating media for sku: ' . $internalArticleData['nummer'],
- ['mediaData' => $mediaData, 'title' => $imageTitle, 'text' => $imageAltText]);
- continue;
- }
- $mediaId = $mediaData['data']['id'];
- $this->setMediaTitleAndAltText($mediaId, $imageTitle, $imageAltText);
- $mediaAssociationData = [
- [
- 'action' => 'upsert',
- 'entity' => 'media',
- 'payload' => [
- [
- 'id' => $mediaId,
- 'mediaFolderId' => $mediaFolderId
- ]
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/sync?_response=true', $mediaAssociationData);
- $url = $this->ShopUrl . 'v2/_action/media/' . $mediaId . '/upload?extension=' . $extension . '&fileName=' . $filename;
- $ch = curl_init();
- $setHeaders = [
- 'Content-Type:image/' . $extension,
- 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token']
- ];
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, base64_decode($internalFile['datei']));
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $setHeaders);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- curl_exec($ch);
- $internalMediaIds[] = $mediaId;
- }
- $existingMediaConnection = [];
- if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- $existingMediaConnection = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media?limit=100');
- foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $existingConnection) {
- if (!in_array($existingConnection['attributes']['mediaId'], $internalMediaIds, false)) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media/' . $existingConnection['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- $alreadyAddedMediaIDs = [];
- if (!empty($existingMediaConnection)) {
- foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $existingConnection) {
- $alreadyAddedMediaIDs[$existingConnection['attributes']['mediaId']] = $existingConnection['id'];
- }
- }
- $position = 0;
- foreach ($internalMediaIds as $mediaId) {
- $mediaDataSet = [
- 'mediaId' => $mediaId,
- 'position' => $position
- ];
- if (array_key_exists($mediaId, $alreadyAddedMediaIDs)) {
- $mediaDataSet['id'] = $alreadyAddedMediaIDs[$mediaId];
- }
- $mediaToAdd[] = $mediaDataSet;
- $position++;
- }
- return $mediaToAdd;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $mediaId
- * @param string $title
- * @param string $altText
- */
- protected function setMediaTitleAndAltText(string $mediaId, string $title, string $altText): void
- {
- $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'media/' . $mediaId,
- ['title' => $title,
- 'alt' => $altText
- ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleInXentral
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- */
- protected function addCoverImage($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware){
- if(empty($articleIdShopware)){
- return;
- }
- if(empty($articleInXentral['Dateien'])){
- return;
- }
- $existingMediaConnection = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media?limit=100');
- if(empty($existingMediaConnection['data'])){
- return;
- }
- foreach ($articleInXentral['Dateien'] as $xentralFile) {
- $filename = explode('.', $xentralFile['filename']);
- unset($filename[(!empty($filename)?count($filename):0) - 1]);
- $filename = $xentralFile['id'].'_'.implode($filename);
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 5,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'media.fileName',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $filename
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media', $searchdata);
- $mediaId = $mediaData['data'][0]['id'];
- foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $mediaConnection){
- if($mediaId === $mediaConnection['attributes']['mediaId']){
- $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH',
- sprintf('product/%s?_response=true', $articleIdShopware),['coverId' => $mediaConnection['id']]);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleInXentral
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- * @return array
- */
- protected function categoriesToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware)
- {
- $categoryName = $articleInXentral['kategoriename'];
- $categoryTree = $articleInXentral['kategorien'];
- $categoriesToAdd = [];
- if (empty($categoryName) && empty($categoryTree)) {
- return $categoriesToAdd;
- }
- $categoriesInXentral = [];
- if (!empty($categoryTree)) {
- $rootcategory = null;
- $categoryTreeid = [];
- foreach ($categoryTree as $categoryData) {
- $categoryData['shopwareparent'] = 0;
- if (!$categoryData['parent']) {
- $categoryData['shopwareid'] = $rootcategory;
- }
- $categoryTreeid[$categoryData['id']] = $categoryData;
- }
- foreach ($categoryTree as $categoryData) {
- $parentid = $rootcategory;
- if (!empty($categoryData['parent'])) {
- $parentid = $this->getCategoryParentId($categoryData, $categoryTreeid);
- }
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'category.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $categoryData['name']
- ]
- ]
- ];
- if (!empty($parentid)) {
- $searchdata['filter'][] = [
- 'field' => 'category.parentId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $parentid
- ];
- }
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
- if (!empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $categoryTreeid[$categoryData['id']]['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
- $categoriesInXentral[] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- }
- } else if (!empty($categoryName)) {
- $searchdata = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'category.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $categoryName
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
- if (!empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $categoriesInXentral[] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- }
- if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- $existingCategories = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/categories?limit=50');
- foreach ($existingCategories['data'] as $existingCategory) {
- if (!in_array($existingCategory['id'], $categoriesInXentral, false)) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/categories/' . $existingCategory['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($categoriesInXentral as $categoryId) {
- $categoriesToAdd[] = ['id' => $categoryId];
- }
- return $categoriesToAdd;
- }
- /**
- * @param $categoryData
- * @param $categoryTreeId
- * @return string|null
- */
- protected function getCategoryParentId($categoryData, &$categoryTreeId)
- {
- $parentId = $categoryTreeId[$categoryData['parent']]['shopwareid'];
- if (!empty($parentId)) {
- return $parentId;
- }
- $parentCategoryData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT id,parent,bezeichnung AS name FROM artikelkategorien WHERE id<>'' AND id<>'0' AND id='" . $categoryData['parent'] . "' LIMIT 1");
- if (empty($parentCategoryData)) {
- return null;
- }
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'category.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $parentCategoryData['name']
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchData);
- if (count($result['data']) < 1) {
- return null;
- }
- if (count($result['data']) === 1) {
- $parentCategoryData['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
- $categoryTreeId[$parentCategoryData['id']] = $parentCategoryData;
- return $result['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- $grandparentId = $this->getCategoryParentId($parentCategoryData, $categoryTreeId);
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'category.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $parentCategoryData['name']
- ],
- [
- 'field' => 'category.parentId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $grandparentId
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchData);
- if (count($result['data']) === 1) {
- $parentCategoryData['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
- $categoryTreeId[$parentCategoryData['id']] = $parentCategoryData;
- return $result['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $propertyName
- *
- * @return string|null
- */
- protected function getPropertyGroupId($propertyName): ?string
- {
- if(array_key_exists($propertyName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)){
- return $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName];
- }
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'property_group.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $propertyName
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $germanLanguageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $germanLanguageId];
- $propertyData = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'search/property-group',
- $searchData,
- $headerInformation);
- if (empty($propertyData['data'][0]['id'])) {
- return null;
- }
- $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName] = $propertyData['data'][0]['id'];
- return $propertyData['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $propertyName
- * @return null|string
- */
- protected function createPropertyGroup($propertyName): ?string
- {
- $propertyGroupData = [
- 'displayType' => 'text',
- 'name' => $propertyName,
- 'sortingType' => 'alphanumeric'
- ];
- $propertyGroup = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'property-group?_response=true',
- $propertyGroupData);
- $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName] = $propertyGroup['data']['id'];
- if (empty($propertyGroup['data']['id'])) {
- return null;
- }
- return $propertyGroup['data']['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $propertyGroupId
- * @param string $propertyName
- * @param string $countryIsoCode
- */
- protected function createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $propertyName, $countryIsoCode): void
- {
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
- if (empty($languageId)) {
- return;
- }
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $translation = [
- 'name' => $propertyName,
- ];
- $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'PATCH',
- sprintf('property-group/%s', $propertyGroupId),
- $translation,
- $headerInformation);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $propertyGroupId
- * @param string $propertyOptionName
- * @param string $countryIsoCode
- * @return mixed|null
- */
- protected function getPropertyOptionId($propertyGroupId, $propertyOptionName, $countryIsoCode = 'DE'): ?string
- {
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'property_group_option.name',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $propertyOptionName
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $optionData = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'search/property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options',
- $searchData,
- $headerInformation);
- if (empty($optionData['data'][0]['id'])) {
- return null;
- }
- return $optionData['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $propertyGroupId
- * @param string $propertyOptionName
- * @return null|string
- */
- protected function createPropertyOption($propertyGroupId, $propertyOptionName): ?string
- {
- $propertyOptionData = [
- 'id' => '',
- 'name' => $propertyOptionName
- ];
- $createdPropertyOption = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?_response=true',
- $propertyOptionData);
- if (empty($createdPropertyOption['data']['id'])) {
- return null;
- }
- return $createdPropertyOption['data']['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param string $optionId
- * @param string $optionName
- * @param string $countryIsoCode
- */
- protected function createTranslationForPropertyOption($optionId, $optionName, $countryIsoCode): void
- {
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
- if (empty($languageId)) {
- return;
- }
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $translation = [
- 'name' => $optionName,
- ];
- $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'PATCH',
- sprintf('property-group-option/%s', $optionId),
- $translation,
- $headerInformation);
- }
- /**
- * @param array $internalArticle
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- * @return array
- */
- protected function propertiesToExport($internalArticle, $articleIdShopware): array
- {
- $propertiesToAdd = $this->getPropertiesFromArticle($internalArticle);
- if (empty($propertiesToAdd)) {
- return [];
- }
- $assignedProperties = [];
- foreach ($propertiesToAdd as $propertyDefaultName => $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation) {
- if (empty($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE'])) {
- continue;
- }
- $propertyGroupId = '';
- if (array_key_exists($propertyDefaultName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyDefaultName];
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->getPropertyGroupId($propertyDefaultName);
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->createPropertyGroup($propertyDefaultName);
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('PropertyGroup kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $propertyDefaultName);
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $translation['name'], $countryIsoCode);
- }
- $optionId = $this->getPropertyOptionId($propertyGroupId, $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value'], 'DE');
- if (empty($optionId)) {
- $optionId = $this->createPropertyOption($propertyGroupId, $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value']);
- }
- if (empty($optionId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Option kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value']);
- continue;
- }
- $assignedProperties[] = $optionId;
- foreach ($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption($optionId, $translation['value'], $countryIsoCode);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- $existingProperties = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/properties?limit=100');
- foreach ($existingProperties['data'] as $existingProperty) {
- if (!in_array($existingProperty['id'], $assignedProperties, false)) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/properties/' . $existingProperty['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- $propertiesToAdd = [];
- foreach ($assignedProperties as $propertyOptionId) {
- $propertiesToAdd[] = ['id' => $propertyOptionId];
- }
- return $propertiesToAdd;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $name
- * @param string $value
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function propertyMustBeIgnored(string $name, string $value): bool
- {
- return empty($value) ||
- strpos($name, 'customField_') === 0 ||
- stripos($name, 'shopware6_') !== false;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $internalArticleData
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getPropertiesFromArticle($internalArticleData): array
- {
- //'Farbe' => [['DE' => ['name' => 'Farbe, 'value' => 'Gelb']],
- // ['EN' => ['name' => 'Colour, 'value' => 'Yellow']]]
- $propertiesToAdd = [];
- if (!empty($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'])) {
- foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
- if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($property['name'], $property['values'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($property['name'], 'property_') === 0) {
- $propertyName = substr($property['name'], 9);
- $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $propertyName,
- 'value' => $property['values']];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
- $propertiesToAdd[$property['name']]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $property['name'],
- 'value' => $property['values']];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'])) {
- foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $translatedProperty) {
- if ($translatedProperty['language_to'] === 'EN') {
- $translatedProperty['language_to'] = 'GB';
- }
- if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($translatedProperty['property_to'], $translatedProperty['property_value_to'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($translatedProperty['property_to'], 'property_') === 0) {
- $propertiesToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_from']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
- 'name' => substr($translatedProperty['property_to'], 9),
- 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
- $propertiesToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_from']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
- 'name' => $translatedProperty['property_to'],
- 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($internalArticleData['freifelder'])) {
- foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldKey => $freeFieldValue) {
- if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($freeFieldKey, $freeFieldValue)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($freeFieldKey, 'property_') === 0) {
- $propertyName = substr($freeFieldKey, 9);
- $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $propertyName,
- 'value' => $freeFieldValue
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
- $propertiesToAdd[$freeFieldKey]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $freeFieldKey,
- 'value' => $freeFieldValue
- ];
- }
- }
- foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder'] as $languageIso => $freeFields) {
- if ($languageIso === 'DE') {
- continue;
- }
- if ($languageIso === 'EN') {
- $languageIso = 'GB';
- }
- foreach ($freeFields as $freeFieldData) {
- if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($freeFieldData['mapping'], $freeFieldData['wert'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($freeFieldData['mapping'], 'property_') === 0) {
- $propertyName = substr($freeFieldData['mapping'], 9);
- $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName][$languageIso] = [
- 'name' => $propertyName,
- 'value' => $freeFieldData['wert']
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
- $propertiesToAdd[$freeFieldData['mapping']][$languageIso] = [
- 'name' => $freeFieldData['mapping'],
- 'value' => $freeFieldData['wert']
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $propertiesToAdd;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleInXentral
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function customFieldsToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware): array
- {
- $customFieldsToAdd = $this->getCustomFieldsFromArticle($articleInXentral);
- if (empty($customFieldsToAdd)) {
- return [];
- }
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $customFields = [];
- if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware,
- [],
- $headerInformation);
- $customFields['DE'] = $articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields'];
- if ($customFields === null) {
- $customFields = [];
- }
- }
- foreach ($customFieldsToAdd as $defaultFieldName => $countryIsoCodeToCustomFieldData) {
- $customFieldDefinition = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- sprintf('custom-field?filter[custom_field.name]=%s', $defaultFieldName),
- [],
- $headerInformation
- );
- if (empty($customFieldDefinition)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Freifeld entspricht keinem shopware Freifeld', $defaultFieldName);
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($countryIsoCodeToCustomFieldData as $countryIsoCode => $customFieldData) {
- $name = $customFieldData['name'];
- $value = $customFieldData['value'];
- if ($value === '') {
- continue;
- }
- if($countryIsoCode === 'EN'){
- $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
- }
- $fieldType = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['type'];
- $controlType = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['config']['componentName'];
- switch ($fieldType) {
- case 'text':
- case 'html':
- if ($controlType === 'sw-media-field') {
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- 'Warnung: Freifelder vom Type "medium" werden nicht unterstützt.'
- );
- } else {
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (string)$value;
- }
- break;
- case 'bool':
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
- break;
- case 'int':
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (int)$value;
- break;
- case 'float':
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (float)$value;
- break;
- case 'select':
- $options = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['config']['options'];
- $allowedValues = [];
- foreach ($options as $option) {
- $allowedValues[] = $option['value'];
- }
- if ($controlType === 'sw-single-select') {
- if (in_array($value, $allowedValues, true)) {
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = $value;
- } else {
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- sprintf('Warnung: Freifeld "%s"="%s"; ungültiger Wert', $name, $value),
- ['allowed values' => $allowedValues]
- );
- }
- }
- if ($controlType === 'sw-multi-select') {
- $value = explode(',', $value);
- foreach ($value as &$item) {
- $item = trim($item);
- }
- unset($item);
- if (array_intersect($value, $allowedValues) === $value) {
- $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = $value;
- } else {
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- sprintf('Warnung: Freifeld "%s"; ungültiger Wert', $name),
- ['values' => $value, 'allowed values' => $allowedValues]
- );
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- 'Warnung: Freifeld enthält falschen Typ.',
- ['freifeld' => $name, 'wert' => $value]
- );
- continue 2;
- }
- }
- }
- return $customFields;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $name
- * @param string $value
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function customFieldMustBeIgnored(string $name, string $value): bool
- {
- return empty($value) ||
- strpos($name, 'property_') === 0 ||
- stripos($name, 'shopware6_') !== false;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleInXentral
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getCustomFieldsFromArticle($articleInXentral): array
- {
- $customFieldsToAdd = [];
- if (!empty($articleInXentral['eigenschaften'])) {
- foreach ($articleInXentral['eigenschaften'] as $propertyInXentral) {
- if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($propertyInXentral['name'], $propertyInXentral['values'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($propertyInXentral['name'], 'customField_') === 0) {
- $customFieldName = substr($propertyInXentral['name'], 12);
- $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $customFieldName,
- 'value' => $propertyInXentral['values']
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $customFieldsToAdd[$propertyInXentral['name']]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $propertyInXentral['name'],
- 'value' => $propertyInXentral['values']
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($articleInXentral['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'])) {
- foreach ($articleInXentral['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $translatedProperty) {
- if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($translatedProperty['property_to'], $translatedProperty['property_value_to'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($translatedProperty['property_to'], 'customField_') === 0) {
- $customFieldName = substr($translatedProperty['property_to'], 12);
- $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
- 'name' => $customFieldName,
- 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $customFieldsToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_to']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
- 'name' => $translatedProperty['property_to'],
- 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($articleInXentral['freifelder'])) {
- foreach ($articleInXentral['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldKey => $freeFieldValue) {
- if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($freeFieldKey, $freeFieldValue)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (strpos($freeFieldKey, 'customField_') === 0) {
- $customFieldName = substr($freeFieldKey, 12);
- $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $customFieldName,
- 'value' => $freeFieldValue
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $customFieldsToAdd[$freeFieldKey]['DE'] = [
- 'name' => $freeFieldKey,
- 'value' => $freeFieldValue
- ];
- }
- }
- foreach ($articleInXentral['freifelder'] as $countryIsoCode => $freeFieldTranslations) {
- if ($countryIsoCode === 'DE') {
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($freeFieldTranslations as $freeFieldTranslation){
- if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], $freeFieldTranslation['wert'])) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
- $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
- }
- if (strpos($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], 'customField_') === 0) {
- $customFieldName = substr($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], 12);
- $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName][$countryIsoCode] = [
- 'name' => $customFieldName,
- 'value' => $freeFieldTranslation['wert']
- ];
- continue;
- }
- if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
- $customFieldsToAdd[$freeFieldTranslation['mapping']][$countryIsoCode] = [
- 'name' => $freeFieldTranslation['mapping'],
- 'value' => $freeFieldTranslation['wert']
- ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $customFieldsToAdd;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleInXentral
- * @param int $articleIdShopware
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function crosssellingToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware){
- if (empty($articleInXentral['crosssellingartikel'])) {
- return [];
- }
- $crosssellingArticles = [];
- foreach ($articleInXentral['crosssellingartikel'] as $crosssellingArticle){
- $type = 'Ähnlich';
- if($crosssellingArticle['art'] == 2){
- $type = 'Zubehör';
- }
- $crosssellingArticles[$type][] = $crosssellingArticle['nummer'];
- }
- $crossselingInformation = [];
- foreach ($crosssellingArticles as $type => $articles){
- if(!empty($articleIdShopware)){
- $existingCrossSellings = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', sprintf('product/%s/cross-sellings/',
- $articleIdShopware));
- if(!empty($existingCrossSellings['data'])){
- foreach ($existingCrossSellings['data'] as $existingCrossSelling){
- if($existingCrossSelling['attributes']['name'] === $type){
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', sprintf('product/%s/cross-sellings/%s/',
- $articleIdShopware, $existingCrossSelling['id']));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $crosselingToAdd = [];
- foreach ($articles as $articleNumber) {
- $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- sprintf('product?filter[product.productNumber]=%s', $articleNumber)
- );
- if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])){
- continue;
- }
- $crosselingToAdd[] = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- if(empty($crosselingToAdd)){
- continue;
- }
- $crossselingInformationForType = [
- 'active' => true,
- 'name' => $type,
- 'assignedProducts' => [],
- 'type' => 'productList',
- 'sortBy' => 'name',
- 'limit' => 24,
- 'position' => 1
- ];
- $position = 1;
- foreach ($crosselingToAdd as $articleId){
- $crossselingInformationForType['assignedProducts'][] = [
- 'productId' => $articleId,
- 'position' => $position,
- ];
- $position++;
- }
- $crossselingInformation[] = $crossselingInformationForType;
- }
- return $crossselingInformation;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $unitShortCode
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function unitToAdd(string $unitShortCode): string{
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => 25,
- 'source' => [
- 'id'
- ],
- 'filter' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'unit.shortCode',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $unitShortCode
- ]
- ]
- ];
- $unitInShopware = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'search/unit',
- $searchData);
- if(!empty($unitInShopware['data'][0]['id'])){
- return $unitInShopware['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- $query = sprintf("SELECT `internebemerkung` FROM `artikeleinheit` WHERE `einheit_de` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- $unitShortCode);
- $unitName = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(empty($unitName)){
- $unitName = $unitShortCode;
- }
- $unitInformation = [
- 'name' => $unitName,
- 'shortCode' => $unitShortCode
- ];
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'unit?_response=true', $unitInformation);
- if(empty($result['data']['id'])){
- return '';
- }
- return $result['data']['id'];
- }
- /**
- * @param array $internArticle
- * @param int $articleIdShopware
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function systemFieldsToExport($internArticle, $articleIdShopware): array
- {
- $internalSpecialFields = [];
- foreach ($internArticle['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldName => $freeFieldValue) {
- if (stripos($freeFieldName, 'shopware6_') !== false) {
- $internalSpecialFields[$freeFieldName] = $freeFieldValue;
- }
- }
- foreach ($internArticle['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
- if (stripos($property['name'], 'shopware6_') !== false) {
- $internalSpecialFields[$property['name']] = $property['values'];
- }
- }
- $systemFields = [];
- foreach ($internalSpecialFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
- switch (strtolower($fieldName)) {
- case 'shopware6_sales_channel':
- $systemFields['visibilities'] = $this->modifySalesChannel(explode(',', $fieldValue), $articleIdShopware);
- break;
- case 'shopware6_purchase_unit':
- $systemFields['purchaseUnit'] = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $fieldValue);
- break;
- case 'shopware6_reference_unit':
- $systemFields['referenceUnit'] = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $fieldValue);
- break;
- case 'shopware6_unit':
- $systemFields['unitId'] = $this->unitToAdd($fieldValue);
- break;
- case 'shopware6_pack_unit':
- $systemFields['packUnit'] = (string)$fieldValue;
- break;
- case 'shopware6_restock_time':
- $systemFields['restockTime'] = (int)$fieldValue;
- break;
- case 'shopware6_pack_unit_plural':
- $systemFields['packUnitPlural'] = (string)$fieldValue;
- break;
- }
- }
- return $systemFields;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $salesChannelNames
- * @param string $articleIdInShopware
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function modifySalesChannel($salesChannelNames, $articleIdInShopware)
- {
- $salesChannelInXentralIds = [];
- foreach ($salesChannelNames as $salesChannelName) {
- $salesChannelInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET',
- sprintf('sales-channel?filter[sales_channel.name]=%s', urlencode(trim($salesChannelName)))
- );
- if (!empty($salesChannelInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
- $salesChannelInXentralIds[] = $salesChannelInfo['data'][0]['id'];
- }
- }
- $existingVisibilities = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- sprintf('product/%s/visibilities', $articleIdInShopware)
- );
- $existingSalesChannelIds = [];
- if (!empty($existingVisibilities['data'])) {
- foreach ($existingVisibilities['data'] as $visibility) {
- $existingSalesChannelIds[$visibility['id']] = $visibility['attributes']['salesChannelId'];
- }
- }
- foreach ($existingSalesChannelIds as $associationId => $existingSalesChannelId){
- if (!in_array($existingSalesChannelId, $salesChannelInXentralIds,true)) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', sprintf('product/%s/visibilities/%s/',
- $articleIdInShopware, $associationId));
- }
- }
- $salesChannelsToAdd = [];
- foreach ($salesChannelInXentralIds as $salesChannelInXentralId){
- if (!in_array($salesChannelInXentralId, $existingSalesChannelIds,true)) {
- $salesChannelsToAdd[] = $salesChannelInXentralId;
- }
- }
- $visibilities = [];
- foreach ($salesChannelsToAdd as $salesChannelIdToAdd) {
- $visibilities[] = [
- 'salesChannelId' => $salesChannelIdToAdd,
- 'visibility' => 30
- ];
- }
- return $visibilities;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $isoCode
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function findCurrencyId($isoCode)
- {
- $this->requestCurrencyMappingLazy();
- if (isset($this->currencyMapping[strtoupper($isoCode)])) {
- return $this->currencyMapping[strtoupper($isoCode)];
- }
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- sprintf('Warnung: Kein Mapping für Waehrung "%s" gefunden.', $isoCode),
- $this->currencyMapping
- );
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * request currency mapping only once
- */
- protected function requestCurrencyMappingLazy()
- {
- if ($this->currencyMapping !== null) {
- return;
- }
- $currencies = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'currency');
- if (!isset($currencies['data'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Kann Währungsmapping nicht abrufen', $currencies);
- }
- foreach ($currencies['data'] as $currency) {
- $isoCode = strtoupper($currency['attributes']['isoCode']);
- $this->currencyMapping[$isoCode] = $currency['id'];
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param array $internalArticleData
- * @param string $articleIdInShopware
- * @return bool
- */
- public function exportSeoUrls(array $internalArticleData, string $articleIdInShopware): bool
- {
- if (empty($articleIdInShopware)) {
- return false;
- }
- $preparedSeoInformation = [];
- foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder'] as $countryIsoCode => $freeFieldInformation) {
- if($countryIsoCode === 'EN'){
- $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
- }
- if($countryIsoCode === 'DE'){
- foreach ($freeFieldInformation as $freeFieldName => $freeFieldValue) {
- if (stripos($freeFieldName, 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
- $preparedSeoInformation[$countryIsoCode][$freeFieldName] = $freeFieldValue;
- }
- }
- }else{
- foreach ($freeFieldInformation as $freeFieldData) {
- if (stripos($freeFieldData['mapping'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
- $preparedSeoInformation[$countryIsoCode][$freeFieldData['mapping']] = $freeFieldData['wert'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
- if (stripos($property['name'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
- $preparedSeoInformation['DE'][$property['name']] = $property['values'];
- }
- }
- foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $propertyTranslation) {
- if($propertyTranslation['language_to'] === 'EN'){
- $propertyTranslation['language_to'] = 'GB';
- }
- if (stripos($propertyTranslation['property_to'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
- $preparedSeoInformation[$propertyTranslation['language_to']][$propertyTranslation['property_to']] = $propertyTranslation['property_value_to'];
- }
- }
- $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls = [];
- $defaultSeoUrls = [];
- foreach ($preparedSeoInformation as $countryIsoCode => $channelAssociations) {
- foreach ($channelAssociations as $fieldName => $fieldValue){
- if(strtolower($fieldName) === 'shopware6_seo_url'){
- $defaultSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode] = $fieldValue;
- }else{
- $seoInformation = explode('|', $fieldName);
- $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][array_pop($seoInformation)] = $fieldValue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (empty($specificSalesChannelSeoUrls) && empty($defaultSeoUrls)) {
- return false;
- }
- $salesChannelsIdToName = [];
- $salesChannels = $this->shopwareRequest('GET','sales-channel');
- foreach ($salesChannels['data'] as $salesChannel) {
- $salesChannelsIdToName[$salesChannel['id']] = $salesChannel['attributes']['name'];
- }
- foreach ($preparedSeoInformation as $countryIsoCode => $x){
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
- if (empty($languageId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Language Id not found for country: ' . $countryIsoCode);
- continue;
- }
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- foreach ($salesChannelsIdToName as $salesChannelId => $salesChannelName) {
- $seoUrlToUse = $defaultSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode];
- if (!empty($specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][$salesChannelName])) {
- $seoUrlToUse = $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][$salesChannelsIdToName[$salesChannelName]];
- }
- if (empty($seoUrlToUse)) {
- continue;
- }
- $seoDataToSend = [
- 'seoPathInfo' => $seoUrlToUse,
- '_isNew' => true,
- 'isModified' => true,
- 'isCanonical' => true,
- 'isDeleted' => false,
- 'routeName' => 'frontend.detail.page',
- 'foreignKey' => $articleIdInShopware,
- 'pathInfo' => '/detail/'.$articleIdInShopware,
- 'languageId' => $languageId,
- 'salesChannelId' => $salesChannelId];
- $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', '_action/seo-url/canonical', $seoDataToSend, $headerInformation);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $article
- * @param string $articleIdShopware
- * @param string $currencyId
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function exportVariants($article, $articleIdShopware, $currencyId): bool
- {
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
- if (empty($languageId)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (empty($article['matrix_varianten']) || empty($articleIdShopware)) {
- return false;
- }
- $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId = [];
- foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['gruppen'] as $propertyGroupName => $internalPropertyGroupValues) {
- $propertyGroupId = '';
- if (array_key_exists($propertyGroupName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyGroupName];
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->getPropertyGroupId($propertyGroupName);
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $propertyGroupId = $this->createPropertyGroup($propertyGroupName);
- }
- if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
- $this->Shopware6Log('PropertyGroup kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $propertyGroupName);
- return false;
- }
- if (!empty($article['matrix_varianten']['texte'])) {
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $propertyGroupName, 'DE');
- foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['texte']['gruppen'] as $countryIsoCode => $matrixGroupTranslation) {
- if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
- $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
- }
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $matrixGroupTranslation[$propertyGroupName], $countryIsoCode);
- }
- }
- $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
- $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
- $shopwarePropertyGroupOptions = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?limit=100',
- $headerInformation);
- foreach ($shopwarePropertyGroupOptions['data'] as $shopwarePropertyGroupOption) {
- $propertyValue = $shopwarePropertyGroupOption['attributes']['name'];
- $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$propertyValue] = $shopwarePropertyGroupOption['id'];
- }
- foreach ($internalPropertyGroupValues as $internalPropertyGroupValue => $valueNotNeeded) {
- if (!array_key_exists($internalPropertyGroupValue, $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName])) {
- $newOptionData = [
- 'name' => (string)$internalPropertyGroupValue
- ];
- $optionData = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'POST',
- 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?_response=true',
- $newOptionData);
- $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$internalPropertyGroupValue] = $optionData['data']['id'];
- }
- }
- if (!empty($article['matrix_varianten']['texte'])) {
- foreach ($internalPropertyGroupValues as $optionValue => $valueNotNeeded) {
- $optionId = $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$optionValue];
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption(
- $optionId,
- $optionValue,
- 'DE');
- foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['texte']['werte'] as $countryIsoCode => $matrixOptionTranslations) {
- if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
- $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
- }
- if (array_key_exists($optionValue, $matrixOptionTranslations)) {
- $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption(
- $optionId,
- $matrixOptionTranslations[$optionValue],
- $countryIsoCode);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $existingCombinations = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- '_action/product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/combinations');
- $existingCombinationsByNumber = [];
- foreach ($existingCombinations as $combinationId => $combinationInfo) {
- $existingCombinationsByNumber[$combinationInfo['productNumber']] = [
- 'id' => $combinationId,
- 'options' => [],
- ];
- foreach ($combinationInfo['options'] as $combinationOption) {
- $existingCombinationsByNumber[$combinationInfo['productNumber']]['options'][$combinationOption] = $combinationOption;
- }
- }
- foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
- $internalVariantMatrixData = $article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']];
- $productNumber = $internalVariantMatrixData[0]['nummer'];
- $name = $variant['name_de'];
- $stock = $variant['lag'];
- $ean = $variant['ean'];
- $weight = (float)$variant['gewicht'];
- $pseudoPrice = $variant['pseudopreis'];
- if (empty($pseudoPrice)) {
- $pseudoPrice = 0;
- }
- if (!empty($variant['pseudolager'])) {
- $stock = $variant['pseudolager'];
- }
- $active = true;
- if (!empty($variant['inaktiv'])) {
- $active = false;
- }
- $isCloseOut = false;
- if (!empty($variant['restmenge'])) {
- $isCloseOut = true;
- }
- $variantProductData = [
- 'active' => $active,
- 'isCloseout' => $isCloseOut,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'description' => null,
- 'weight' => null,
- 'price' => [
- [
- 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
- 'gross' => $variant['bruttopreis'],
- 'net' => $variant['preis'],
- 'linked' => true,
- 'listPrice' => [
- 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
- 'gross' => $pseudoPrice,
- 'linked' => true,
- 'net' => $pseudoPrice / (1 + $variant['steuersatz'] / 100)
- ]
- ]
- ],
- 'stock' => (int)$stock,
- 'ean' => null,
- 'taxId' => $this->getTaxIdByRate($variant['steuersatz']),
- ];
- if(!empty($weight)){
- $variantProductData['weight'] = $weight;
- }
- if(!empty($ean)){
- $variantProductData['ean'] = $ean;
- }
- if (!empty($variant['uebersicht_de'])) {
- $variantProductData['description'] = $variant['uebersicht_de'];
- }
- $renewVariant = false;
- $options = [];
- foreach ($internalVariantMatrixData as $expression) {
- if (!in_array(
- $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']],
- $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'],
- false)) {
- $renewVariant = true;
- } else {
- unset($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'][$internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']]]);
- }
- $options[] = ['id' => $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']]];
- }
- if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'])) {
- $renewVariant = true;
- }
- $variantImageData = [
- 'Dateien' => []
- ];
- $variantProductId = '';
- if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id']) && !$renewVariant) {
- $variantProductId = $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'];
- }
- if (!empty($variant['Dateien']['id'])) {
- foreach ($variant['Dateien']['id'] as $index => $fileId) {
- $variantImageData['Dateien'][] = [
- 'filename' => $variant['Dateien']['filename'][$index],
- 'extension' => $variant['Dateien']['extension'][$index],
- 'datei' => $variant['Dateien']['datei'][$index],
- 'beschreibung' => $variant['Dateien']['beschreibung'][$index],
- 'titel' => $variant['Dateien']['titel'][$index],
- 'id' => $fileId,
- ];
- }
- }
- $mediaToAdd = $this->mediaToExport($variantImageData, $variantProductId);
- $variantProductData['media'] = $mediaToAdd;
- if ($renewVariant) {
- if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'])) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id']);
- }
- $variantProductData['productNumber'] = $productNumber;
- $variantProductData['parentId'] = $articleIdShopware;
- $variantProductData['options'] = $options;
- $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'product?_response=true', $variantProductData);
- $variantProductId = $result['data']['id'];
- } else {
- $variantProductId = $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'];
- $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'product/' . $variantProductId, $variantProductData);
- }
- $defaultPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($variant['staffelpreise_standard'] ?? []);
- $groupPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($variant['staffelpreise_gruppen'] ?? []);
- $this->deleteOldBulkPrices($variantProductId);
- if (!empty($defaultPrices)) {
- foreach ($defaultPrices as $priceData) {
- $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($variantProductId, $this->defaultRuleName, $priceData);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($groupPrices)) {
- foreach ($groupPrices as $priceData) {
- $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($variantProductId, $priceData->getGroupName(), $priceData);
- }
- }
- $this->addCoverImage($variantImageData, $variantProductId);
- }
- $existingConfigurations = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/configuratorSettings');
- $optionIdsToAdd = [];
- foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
- foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']] as $matrixInfo) {
- $configurationExists = false;
- foreach ($existingConfigurations['data'] as $configuration) {
- if ($configuration['attributes']['optionId'] === $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']]) {
- $configurationExists = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!$configurationExists) {
- $optionIdsToAdd[] = $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']];
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($optionIdsToAdd)) {
- $optionIdsToAdd = array_flip(array_flip($optionIdsToAdd));
- $configurationData = [
- 'configuratorSettings' => []
- ];
- foreach ($optionIdsToAdd as $id) {
- $configurationData['configuratorSettings'][] = ['optionId' => $id];
- }
- $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'PATCH',
- sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
- $configurationData
- );
- $existingConfigurations = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/configuratorSettings');
- $optionsToSort = [];
- foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
- foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']] as $matrixInfo) {
- foreach ($existingConfigurations['data'] as $configuration) {
- if ($configuration['attributes']['optionId'] === $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']]) {
- $optionsToSort[] = $configuration['id'];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!empty($optionsToSort)) {
- $optionsToSort = array_flip(array_flip($optionsToSort));
- $configurationData = [
- 'configuratorSettings' => []
- ];
- $position = 1;
- foreach ($optionsToSort as $id) {
- $configurationData['configuratorSettings'][] = [
- 'id' => $id,
- 'position' => $position];
- $position++;
- }
- $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'PATCH',
- sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
- $configurationData
- );
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @param $priceArray
- * @return PriceData[]
- */
- protected function getPricesFromArray($priceArray): array{
- return array_map(static function($price){
- return new PriceData(
- (int)$price['ab_menge'],
- (float)$price['preis'],
- (float)$price['bruttopreis'],
- $price['waehrung'],
- $price['gruppeextern'] ?? '') ;
- },$priceArray);
- }
- /**
- * delete all old price entries for a product
- *
- * @param string $productId
- */
- protected function deleteOldBulkPrices($productId)
- {
- //TODO Instead of deleting all old prices we should rather check first whether they are still in order
- $oldPrices = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- sprintf('product-price?filter[product_price.productId]=%s', $productId)
- );
- if (is_array($oldPrices)) {
- foreach ($oldPrices['data'] as $deletePrice) {
- $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product-price/' . $deletePrice['id']);
- }
- } else {
- $this->Shopware6Log('Fehler: Alte Preise wurden nicht gelöscht', $productId);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return int
- */
- public function getOrderSearchLimit(): int
- {
- if(in_array($this->orderSearchLimit, ['50', '75', '100'])) {
- return (int)$this->orderSearchLimit;
- }
- return 25;
- }
- /**
- * @return int
- */
- public function ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl()
- {
- $order = null;
- $dataToGet = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- if (empty($this->statesToFetch)) {
- return false;
- }
- $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
- return count($ordersToProcess['data']);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $parameter1
- * @param string $parameter2
- */
- public function Shopware6ErrorLog($parameter1, $parameter2 = '')
- {
- $this->app->DB->Insert(
- sprintf(
- "INSERT INTO `shopexport_log`
- (shopid, typ, parameter1, parameter2, bearbeiter, zeitstempel)
- VALUES (%d, 'fehler', '%s','%s','%s',NOW())",
- $this->shopid,
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter1),
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter2),
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName())
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param array $stateMachinesIds
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getTransactionStateIdsToFetch($stateMachinesIds): array
- {
- $transactionStateIdsToFetch = [];
- if (!empty($this->transactionStatesToFetch)) {
- $transactionStatesToFetch = explode(';', $this->transactionStatesToFetch);
- foreach ($transactionStatesToFetch as $transactionStateToFetch) {
- $stateInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'state-machine-state?filter[technicalName]=' .
- trim($transactionStateToFetch) . '&filter[stateMachineId]=' . $stateMachinesIds['order_transaction.state']);
- if (empty($stateInformation['data'])) {
- $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('Zahlungsstatus für Abholung nicht gefunden', $transactionStateToFetch);
- return false;
- }
- foreach ($stateInformation['data'] as $state) {
- $transactionStateIdsToFetch[] = $state['id'];
- }
- }
- }
- return $transactionStateIdsToFetch;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $limit
- *
- * @return mixed
- */
- protected function getOrdersToProcess(int $limit)
- {
- $searchData = [
- 'limit' => $limit,
- 'includes' => [
- 'order' => ['id']
- ],
- 'sort' => [
- [
- 'field' => 'order.createdAt',
- 'direction' => 'DESC'
- ]
- ],
- 'filter' => []
- ];
- $searchData['filter'][] = [
- 'field' => 'stateMachineState.technicalName',
- 'type' => 'equalsAny',
- 'value' => explode(';', $this->statesToFetch)
- ];
- if (!empty($this->deliveryStatesToFetch)) {
- $searchData['filter'][] = [
- 'field' => 'deliveries.stateMachineState.technicalName',
- 'type' => 'equalsAny',
- 'value' => explode(';', $this->deliveryStatesToFetch)
- ];
- }
- if (!empty($this->transactionStatesToFetch)) {
- $searchData['filter'][] = [
- 'field' => 'transactions.stateMachineState.technicalName',
- 'type' => 'equalsAny',
- 'value' => explode(';', $this->transactionStatesToFetch)
- ];
- }
- if (!empty($this->salesChannelToFetch)) {
- $searchData['filter'][] = [
- 'field' => 'order.salesChannelId',
- 'type' => 'equals',
- 'value' => $this->salesChannelToFetch
- ];
- }
- return $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/order', $searchData);
- }
- /**
- * @return int|mixed
- */
- public function ImportGetAuftrag()
- {
- $voucherArticleId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT s.artikelrabatt FROM `shopexport` AS `s` WHERE s.id='$this->shopid' LIMIT 1");
- $voucherArticleNumber = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.nummer FROM `artikel` AS `a` WHERE a.id='$voucherArticleId' LIMIT 1");
- $dataToGet = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- if (empty($this->statesToFetch)) {
- return false;
- }
- $expectOrderArray = !empty($dataToGet['anzgleichzeitig']) && (int)$dataToGet['anzgleichzeitig'] > 1;
- $expectNumber = !empty($dataToGet['nummer']);
- $order = null;
- if($expectNumber) {
- $order = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $dataToGet['nummer'] . '?associations[currency][]');
- if(empty($order['data'])) {
- return false;
- }
- $ordersToProcess = ['data' => [ ['id' => $dataToGet['nummer']] ]];
- $orderIncludedData = $order['included'];
- $order = $order['data'];
- }
- elseif(!$expectOrderArray) {
- $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess(1);
- }
- elseif(!$expectNumber) {
- $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
- }
- if (empty($ordersToProcess['data'])) {
- return false;
- }
- $fetchedOrders = [];
- if (isset($ordersToFetch['data']['id']) && !isset($ordersToFetch['data'][0])) {
- $ordersToFetch['data'] = [$ordersToFetch['data']];
- }
- foreach ($ordersToProcess['data'] as $currentlyOpenOrder) {
- $orderIdToFetch = $currentlyOpenOrder['id'];
- if (empty($dataToGet['nummer']) || empty($order)) {
- $order = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $orderIdToFetch.'?associations[currency][]');
- $orderIncludedData = $order['included'];
- $order = $order['data'];
- }
- $cart = [];
- try {
- $timestamp = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+', $order['attributes']['createdAt']);
- $cart['zeitstempel'] = $timestamp->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- } catch (Exception $ex) {
- }
- $cart['auftrag'] = $order['id'];
- $cart['subshop'] = $order['attributes']['salesChannelId'];
- $cart['order'] = $order;
- $cart['onlinebestellnummer'] = $order['attributes']['orderNumber'];
- $cart['gesamtsumme'] = $order['attributes']['amountTotal'];
- $cart['versandkostenbrutto'] = $order['attributes']['shippingTotal'];
- $cart['bestelldatum'] = substr($order['attributes']['orderDate'], 0, 10);
- if (!empty($order['attributes']['customerComment'])) {
- $cart['freitext'] = $order['attributes']['customerComment'];
- }
- foreach ($orderIncludedData as $includedDataSet){
- if($includedDataSet['type'] === 'currency'){
- $cart['waehrung'] = $includedDataSet['attributes']['isoCode'];
- }
- }
- $deliveryInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/deliveries');
- $shippingMethod = $this->shopwareRequest('GET',
- 'order-delivery/' . $deliveryInfo['data'][0]['id'] . '/shipping-method');
- $order['shippingMethod'] = $shippingMethod;
- $cart['lieferung'] = $shippingMethod['data'][0]['attributes']['name'];
- $customer = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/order-customer');
- $order['customer'] = $customer;
- $cart['email'] = $customer['data']['0']['attributes']['email'];
- $addresses = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/addresses?associations[salutation][]&associations[country][]');
- $order['addresses'] = $addresses;
- $deliveryCountryId = '';
- $billingCountryId = '';
- $billingSalutationId = '';
- foreach ($addresses['data'] as $address) {
- if ($address['id'] === $order['attributes']['billingAddressId']) {
- if (!empty($address['attributes']['vatId'])) {
- $cart['ustid'] = $address['attributes']['vatId'];
- }
- $cart['name'] = $address['attributes']['firstName'] . ' ' . $address['attributes']['lastName'];
- if (!empty($address['attributes']['company'])) {
- $cart['ansprechpartner'] = $cart['name'];
- $cart['name'] = $address['attributes']['company'];
- }
- $cart['strasse'] = $address['attributes']['street'];
- $cart['abteilung'] = $address['attributes']['department'];
- $cart['adresszusatz'] = trim($address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine1'].' '.
- $address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine2']);
- $cart['telefon'] = $address['attributes']['phoneNumber'];
- $cart['plz'] = $address['attributes']['zipcode'];
- $cart['ort'] = $address['attributes']['city'];
- $billingCountryId = $address['attributes']['countryId'];
- $billingSalutationId = $address['attributes']['salutationId'];
- }
- if ($address['id'] !== $order['attributes']['billingAddressId']) {
- $cart['abweichendelieferadresse'] = 1;
- if (!empty($address['attributes']['vatId'])) {
- $cart['lieferadresse_ustid'] = $address['attributes']['vatId'];
- }
- $cart['lieferadresse_name'] = $address['attributes']['firstName'] . ' ' . $address['attributes']['lastName'];
- if (!empty($address['attributes']['company'])) {
- $cart['lieferadresse_ansprechpartner'] = $cart['lieferadresse_name'];
- $cart['lieferadresse_name'] = $address['attributes']['company'];
- }
- $cart['lieferadresse_strasse'] = $address['attributes']['street'];
- $cart['lieferadresse_abteilung'] = $address['attributes']['department'];
- $cart['lieferadresse_adresszusatz'] = trim($address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine1'].' '.
- $address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine2']);
- $cart['lieferadresse_plz'] = $address['attributes']['zipcode'];
- $cart['lieferadresse_ort'] = $address['attributes']['city'];
- $deliveryCountryId = $address['attributes']['countryId'];
- }
- }
- $anrede = 'herr';
- $land = 'DE';
- $lieferadresseLand = 'DE';
- foreach ($addresses['included'] as $includedInfo) {
- if ($includedInfo['id'] === $billingCountryId) {
- $land = $includedInfo['attributes']['iso'];
- }
- if ($includedInfo['id'] === $deliveryCountryId) {
- $lieferadresseLand = $includedInfo['attributes']['iso'];
- }
- if ($includedInfo['id'] === $billingSalutationId) {
- $salutation = $includedInfo['attributes']['salutationKey'];
- if ($salutation === 'ms' || $salutation === 'mrs') {
- $anrede = 'frau';
- }
- }
- }
- $cart['anrede'] = $anrede;
- $cart['land'] = $land;
- if (!empty($cart['abweichendelieferadresse'])) {
- $cart['lieferadresse_land'] = $lieferadresseLand;
- }
- $transactionData = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/transactions');
- $cart['transacion_data'] = $transactionData;
- if (!empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_pui_payment_instruction']['reference_number'])) {
- $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_pui_payment_instruction']['reference_number'];
- }
- if (empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'] && !empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_order_id']))) {
- $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = (string)$transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_order_id'];
- }
- if (empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'] && !empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_transaction_id']))) {
- $livePayPalData = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'paypal/payment-details/' . $order['id'] . '/' . $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_transaction_id']);
- if (!empty($livePayPalData['transactions'])) {
- foreach ($livePayPalData['transactions'] as $payPalData) {
- foreach ($payPalData['related_resources'] as $ressources) {
- if ($ressources['sale']['state'] === 'completed') {
- $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $ressources['sale']['id'];
- break 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(
- empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'])
- && isset($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['stripe_payment_context']['payment']['payment_intent_id'])
- ){
- $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['stripe_payment_context']['payment']['payment_intent_id'];
- }
- $paymentMethodId = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['paymentMethodId'];
- $paymentMethod = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'payment-method/' . $paymentMethodId);
- $cart['zahlungsweise'] = $paymentMethod['data']['attributes']['name'];
- $taxedCountry = $land;
- if($this->taxationByDestinationCountry){
- $taxedCountry = $lieferadresseLand;
- }
- if($order['attributes']['amountTotal'] === $order['attributes']['amountNet']){
- if($this->app->erp->IstEU($taxedCountry)){
- $cart['ust_befreit'] = 1;
- }elseif($this->app->erp->Export($taxedCountry)){
- $cart['ust_befreit'] = 2;
- }else{
- $cart['ust_befreit'] = 3;
- }
- }
- $lineItems = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/line-items');
- $order['lineItems'] = $lineItems;
- $cart['articlelist'] = [];
- $taxRate = 0;
- foreach ($lineItems['data'] as $lineItem) {
- if ($lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'] > $taxRate) {
- $taxRate = $lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'];
- }
- }
- $orderPriceType = 'price';
- if(in_array($order['attributes']['taxStatus'], ['net', 'tax-free'])) {
- $orderPriceType = 'price_netto';
- $cart['versandkostennetto'] = $cart['versandkostenbrutto'];
- unset($cart['versandkostenbrutto']);
- }
- foreach ($lineItems['data'] as $lineItem) {
- $productPriceType = $orderPriceType;
- if(empty($lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'])){
- $productPriceType = 'price_netto';
- }
- $articleId = null;
- if($lineItem['attributes']['price']['unitPrice'] < 0) {
- $articleId = $voucherArticleNumber;
- }
- elseif(isset($lineItem['attributes']['payload']['productNumber'])){
- $articleId = $lineItem['attributes']['payload']['productNumber'];
- }
- $product = [
- 'articleid' => $articleId,
- 'name' => $lineItem['attributes']['label'],
- 'quantity' => $lineItem['attributes']['quantity'],
- $productPriceType => $lineItem['attributes']['price']['unitPrice'],
- 'steuersatz' => $lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'],
- ];
- $cart['articlelist'][] = $product;
- }
- $cart['order'] = $order;
- $fetchedOrders[] = [
- 'id' => $cart['auftrag'],
- 'sessionid' => '',
- 'logdatei' => '',
- 'warenkorb' => base64_encode(serialize($cart)),
- 'warenkorbjson' => base64_encode(json_encode($cart)),
- ];
- $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Auftrag', $order);
- $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Adresse', $addresses);
- $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Positionen', $lineItems);
- }
- return $fetchedOrders;
- }
- /**
- * @return void
- */
- public function ImportDeleteAuftrag()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
- $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/process');
- $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
- }
- /**
- * @return void
- */
- public function ImportUpdateAuftrag()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
- $tracking = $tmp['tracking'];
- $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/complete');
- $deliveries = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/'.$auftrag.'/deliveries');
- $deliveryId = $deliveries['data'][0]['id'];
- if(!empty($deliveryId)){
- $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order_delivery/'.$deliveryId.'/state/ship');
- $deliveryData = [
- 'trackingCodes' => [$tracking]
- ];
- $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'order-delivery/'.$deliveryId,$deliveryData);
- }
- $this->sendInvoce($auftrag);
- $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
- if(empty($tmp['orderId'])) {
- return;
- }
- $this->updateStorageForOrderIntId((int)$tmp['orderId']);
- }
- public function ImportStorniereAuftrag()
- {
- $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
- $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
- $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/cancel');
- $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $extOrderId
- */
- protected function sendInvoce($extOrderId)
- {
- $order = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT `rechnungid`, `id` FROM `auftrag` WHERE shopextid='%s'",
- $extOrderId
- )
- );
- $invoiceId = 0;
- if (!empty($order['rechnungid'])) {
- $invoiceId = $order['rechnungid'];
- $sql = sprintf("SELECT projekt, belegnr FROM rechnung WHERE id='%s'", $invoiceId);
- $invoiceData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow($sql);
- }
- if (empty($invoiceId) && !empty($order['id'])) {
- $invoiceData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT `id`, `projekt`, `belegnr`
- FROM `rechnung`
- WHERE `auftragid` = %d AND `status` <> 'storniert' AND `status` <> 'angelegt'
- LIMIT 1",
- $order['id']
- )
- );
- if (!empty($invoiceData)) {
- $invoiceId = $invoiceData['id'];
- }
- }
- if (!empty($invoiceData['belegnr'])) {
- $projekt = $invoiceData['projekt'];
- if (class_exists('RechnungPDFCustom')) {
- $Brief = new RechnungPDFCustom($this->app, $projekt);
- } else {
- $Brief = new RechnungPDF($this->app, $projekt);
- }
- $Brief->GetRechnung($invoiceId);
- $filePath = $Brief->displayTMP(true);
- $documentNumber = $invoiceData['belegnr'];
- $invoiceDocumentData = [
- 'config' => [
- 'custom' => [
- 'invoiceNumber' => $documentNumber,
- ],
- 'documentComment' => 'Aus Xentral heraus erstellte Rechnung',
- 'documentNumber' => $documentNumber,
- ],
- 'referenced_document_id' => null,
- 'static' => true
- ];
- $documentData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/' . $extOrderId . '/document/invoice', $invoiceDocumentData);
- $documentId = $documentData['documentId'];
- $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
- $url = $this->ShopUrl . 'v2/_action/document/' . $documentId . '/upload?_response=true&extension=pdf&fileName=' . $documentNumber;
- $ch = curl_init();
- $setHeaders = [
- 'Content-Type:application/pdf',
- 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token']
- ];
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, file_get_contents($filePath));
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $setHeaders);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- $response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
- curl_close($ch);
- if (!empty($response['errors'])) {
- $this->Shopware6Log(
- 'Fehler bei Rechnugnsübertragung für ' . $documentNumber, $response['errors']
- );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @return string
- */
- public function ImportAuth()
- {
- $tokeninfo = $this->shopwareToken();
- if (!$tokeninfo['success']) {
- return 'failed: ' . $tokeninfo['message'];
- }
- if($this->data === 'info'){
- $salesChannelsInShopware = $this->client->getAllSalesChannels();
- $salesChannelsToShow = ['subshops' => []];
- foreach ($salesChannelsInShopware['data'] as $salesChannelInShopware){
- $salesChannelsToShow['subshops'][] = [
- 'id'=>$salesChannelInShopware['id'],
- 'name'=>$salesChannelInShopware['name'],
- 'aktiv'=>$salesChannelInShopware['active']
- ];
- }
- return $salesChannelsToShow;
- }
- return 'success';
- }
- /**
- * Build category tree as displayed in article info
- * May be useful for setting category in the future
- * but probably obsolete
- *
- * @param string $categoryName
- * @param array $categoryTree
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function appendCategoryTree($categoryName, $categoryTree = [])
- {
- $shopwareCategory = $this->shopwareRequest(
- 'GET',
- 'category?filter[category.name]=' . urlencode($categoryName)
- );
- if (!isset($shopwareCategory['data'][0]['id'])) {
- return $categoryTree;
- }
- $categoryInfo = $shopwareCategory['data'][0]['attributes'];
- $categories[] = [(int)$categoryInfo['level'], $shopwareCategory['data'][0]['id']];
- $path = $categoryInfo['path'];
- if (!empty($path)) {
- $pathArray = explode('|', $path);
- foreach ($pathArray as $nodeId) {
- if ($nodeId === '') {
- continue;
- }
- $nodeCategory = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'category/' . $nodeId);
- if (isset($nodeCategory['data']['id'])) {
- $categories[] = [(int)$nodeCategory['data']['attributes']['level'], $nodeId];
- unset($nodeCategory);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($categories as $category) {
- $level = $category[0];
- if (!isset($categoryTree[$level])) {
- $categoryTree[$level] = [];
- }
- if (!in_array($category, $categoryTree[$level], true)) {
- $categoryTree[$level][] = $category[1];
- }
- }
- ksort($categoryTree);
- return $categoryTree;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $postData
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function updatePostDataForAssistent($postData)
- {
- if(!empty($this->ShopUrl)) {
- $postData['shopwareUrl'] = $this->ShopUrl;
- }
- return $postData;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $shopArr
- * @param array $postData
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function updateShopexportArr($shopArr, $postData)
- {
- $shopArr['stornoabgleich'] = 1;
- $shopArr['demomodus'] = 0;
- return $shopArr;
- }
- /**
- * @return JsonResponse|null
- */
- public function AuthByAssistent()
- {
- $shopwareUrl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwareUrl');
- $shopwareUserName = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwareUserName');
- $shopwarePassword = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwarePassword');
- $step = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('step');
- if($step <= 1){
- if(empty($shopwareUrl)){
- return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte die URL des Shops angeben.'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
- }
- if(empty($shopwareUserName)){
- return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte den Benutzernamen angeben'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
- }
- if(empty($shopwarePassword)){
- return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte das Passwort angeben'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
- }
- $this->UserName = $shopwareUserName;
- $this->Password = $shopwarePassword;
- $shopwareUrl = rtrim($shopwareUrl, '/') . '/';
- $testUrls = [];
- $hasNoHttp = strpos($shopwareUrl,'http') !== 0;
- if(substr($shopwareUrl, -5) !== '/api/') {
- if($hasNoHttp) {
- $testUrls[] = 'https://'.$shopwareUrl.'api/';
- $testUrls[] = 'http://'.$shopwareUrl.'api/';
- }
- $testUrls[] = $shopwareUrl.'api/';
- }
- elseif($hasNoHttp) {
- $testUrls[] = 'https://'.$shopwareUrl;
- $testUrls[] = 'http://'.$shopwareUrl;
- }
- else {
- $testUrls[] = $shopwareUrl;
- }
- foreach($testUrls as $testUrl) {
- $this->ShopUrl = $testUrl;
- $tokeninfo = $this->shopwareToken();
- if(!empty($tokeninfo['success'])) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!$tokeninfo['success']){
- return new JsonResponse(['error' => $tokeninfo['message']], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @return string
- */
- public function getClickByClickHeadline()
- {
- return 'Bitte im Shopware Backend einen eigenen Benutzer für Xentral anlegen und diese
- Zugangsdaten hier eintragen.';
- }
- /**
- * @return array
- */
- public function getStructureDataForClickByClickSave()
- {
- return [
- 'shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer' => 1,
- ];
- }
- /**
- * @return array[]
- */
- public function getCreateForm()
- {
- return [
- [
- 'id' => 0,
- 'name' => 'urls',
- 'inputs' => [
- [
- 'label' => 'URL des Shops',
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'name' => 'shopwareUrl',
- 'validation' => true,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 1,
- 'name' => 'username',
- 'inputs' => [
- [
- 'label' => 'Benutzername aus Shopware',
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'name' => 'shopwareUserName',
- 'validation' => true,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- [
- 'id' => 2,
- 'name' => 'password',
- 'inputs' => [
- [
- 'label' => 'Passwort aus Shopware',
- 'type' => 'password',
- 'name' => 'shopwarePassword',
- 'validation' => true,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- }
- public function getBoosterHeadline(): string
- {
- return 'Shopware 6 Business Booster App';
- }
- public function getBoosterSubHeadline(): string
- {
- return 'Bitte gehe auf Shopware 6 und installiere dort das Plugin Xentral Business Booster App.
- Dort kann man sich dann mit ein paar Klicks mit Xentral verbinden.';
- }
- /**
- * @param int $intOrderId
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function getArticleShopLinks(int $intOrderId): array
- {
- return $this->app->DB->SelectPairs(
- "SELECT DISTINCT ao.artikel, a.nummer
- FROM `auftrag_position` AS `ap`
- INNER JOIN `auftrag` AS `ab` ON ap.auftrag = ab.id
- INNER JOIN `artikel` AS `a` ON ap.artikel = a.id
- INNER JOIN `artikel_onlineshops` AS `ao` ON ab.shop = ao.shop AND a.id = ao.artikel
- WHERE ab.id = {$intOrderId} AND ao.aktiv = 1"
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleIds
- */
- protected function updateArticleCacheToSync(array $articleIds): void
- {
- if(empty($articleIds)) {
- return;
- }
- $articleIdsString = implode(', ', $articleIds);
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- "UPDATE `artikel`
- SET `laststorage_changed` = DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
- WHERE `id` IN ({$articleIdsString})"
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param array $articleIds
- */
- protected function updateArticleOnlineShopCache(array $articleIds): void
- {
- if(empty($articleIds)) {
- return;
- }
- $articleIdsString = implode(', ', $articleIds);
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- "UPDATE `artikel_onlineshops`
- SET `storage_cache` = -999, `pseudostorage_cache` = -999
- WHERE `artikel` IN ({$articleIdsString}) AND `aktiv` = 1 AND `shop` = {$this->shopid}"
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param int $intOrderId
- */
- protected function updateStorageForOrderIntId(int $intOrderId): void
- {
- $articles = $this->getArticleShopLinks($intOrderId);
- if(empty($articles)) {
- return;
- }
- $articleIds = array_keys($articles);
- $this->updateArticleCacheToSync($articleIds);
- $this->updateArticleOnlineShopCache($articleIds);
- $isStorageSyncCronjobActive = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `prozessstarter` WHERE `aktiv` = 1 AND `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen'"
- ) > 0;
- if(!$isStorageSyncCronjobActive) {
- return;
- }
- foreach($articleIds as $articleId) {
- try {
- $this->app->erp->LagerSync($articleId, false, [$this->shopid]);
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
- $articleNumber = $articles[$articleId];
- $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('LagerSync konnte nicht ausgeführt werden', $articleNumber);
- }
- }
- $this->updateArticleCacheToSync($articleIds);
- }
+app = $app;
+ $this->intern = true;
+ if ($intern) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('list', 'Shopimporter_Shopware6List');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('auth', 'ImportAuth');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('sendlistlager', 'ImportSendListLager');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('getauftraegeanzahl', 'ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('getauftrag', 'ImportGetAuftrag');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('deleteauftrag', 'ImportDeleteAuftrag');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('updateauftrag', 'ImportUpdateAuftrag');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('storniereauftrag','ImportStorniereAuftrag');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('getarticle','ImportGetArticle');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler('getarticlelist','ImportGetArticleList');
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("updatezahlungsstatus","ImportUpdateZahlungsstatus");
+ $this->app->DefaultActionHandler('list');
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $productId
+ *
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ public function addSyncCustomFieldToProduct(string $productId)
+ {
+ $customField = [
+ 'customFields' => [
+ 'wawision_shopimporter_syncstate' => 1
+ ]
+ ];
+ return $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', "product/{$productId}", $customField);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $orderId
+ *
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ public function addCustomFieldToOrder(string $orderId)
+ {
+ $customField = [
+ 'customFields' => [
+ 'wawision_shopimporter_syncstate' => 1
+ ]
+ ];
+ return $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', "order/{$orderId}", $customField);
+ }
+ public function ImportGetArticleList()
+ {
+ $page = 1;
+ $limit = 500;
+ do {
+ $productIdsToAdd = [];
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => $limit,
+ 'page' => $page,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'product.parentId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => null
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $productsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/product', $searchdata);
+ if (!empty($productsInShop['data'])) {
+ foreach ($productsInShop['data'] as $productInShop) {
+ $productIdsToAdd[] = $productInShop['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($productIdsToAdd as $productId) {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO shopexport_getarticles (shop, nummer) VALUES ('$this->shopid', '" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($productId) . "')");
+ }
+ $page++;
+ } while (count($productsInShop['data']) === $limit);
+ $anzahl = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM shopexport_getarticles WHERE shop=$this->shopid");
+ $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('artikelimportanzahl_' . $this->shopid, $anzahl);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $method
+ * @param string $endpoint
+ * @param string $data
+ *
+ * @param array $headerInformation
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ public function shopwareRequest($method, $endpoint, $data = '', $headerInformation = [])
+ {
+ $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
+ $url = $this->ShopUrl;
+ $url .= 'v2/' . $endpoint;
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ $headerInformation[] = 'Content-Type:application/json';
+ $headerInformation[] = 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token'];
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ if (!empty($data)) {
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
+ }
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headerInformation);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ $response = curl_exec($ch);
+ if (curl_error($ch)) {
+ $this->error[] = curl_error($ch);
+ }
+ curl_close($ch);
+ return json_decode($response, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function shopwareToken()
+ {
+ $result = [];
+ $result['success'] = true;
+ $result['token'] = $this->accessToken;
+ $result['message'] = 'Keine Antwort von API erhalten.';
+ if (!empty($result['token'])) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $result['success'] = false;
+ $data = [
+ 'username' => $this->UserName,
+ 'password' => $this->Password,
+ 'grant_type' => 'password',
+ 'scopes' => 'write',
+ 'client_id' => 'administration',
+ ];
+ $ch = curl_init($this->ShopUrl . 'oauth/token');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, [
+ 'Accept: application/json',
+ 'Content-Type: application/json',
+ 'Cache-Control: no-cache',
+ ]
+ );
+ $response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
+ if (!empty((string)$response['title'])) {
+ $result['message'] = $response['title'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($response['access_token'])) {
+ $result['success'] = true;
+ $this->accessToken = $response['access_token'];
+ $result['token'] = $response['access_token'];
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public function ImportGetArticle()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ if (isset($tmp['nummerintern'])) {
+ $nummer = $tmp['nummerintern'];
+ $response = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $nummer);
+ if (empty($response['data'])) {
+ $this->error[] = 'Artikel in der Shop Datenbank nicht gefunden!';
+ return;
+ }
+ $nummer = $response['data']['attributes']['productNumber'];
+ } else {
+ $nummer = $tmp['nummer'];
+ }
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer .
+ '&associations[manufacturer][]&associations[properties][]');
+ if (empty($articleInfo['data'][0])) {
+ $this->error[] = 'Artikel in der Shop Datenbank nicht gefunden!';
+ return;
+ }
+ $articleIdInShop = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
+ if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields'])
+ || empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
+ $this->addSyncCustomFieldToProduct((string)$articleIdInShop);
+ }
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer .
+ '&associations[manufacturer][]&associations[properties][]');
+ $associatedInformation = [];
+ $properties = [];
+ foreach ($articleInfo['included'] as $includedInformation) {
+ if ($includedInformation['type'] === 'property_group_option') {
+ $properties[$includedInformation['id']] = $includedInformation['attributes'];
+ } else {
+ $associatedInformation[$includedInformation['id']] = $includedInformation['attributes'];
+ }
+ }
+ $groups = [];
+ if (!empty($properties)) {
+ $groupsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'property-group');
+ foreach ($groupsInShop['data'] as $groupInShop) {
+ $groups[$groupInShop['id']] = $groupInShop['attributes']['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ $media = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdInShop . '/media');
+ $imagesToAdd = [];
+ if (!empty($media['included'])) {
+ foreach ($media['included'] as $mediaInfo) {
+ if ($mediaInfo['type'] === 'media') {
+ $imagesToAdd[] = [
+ 'content' => base64_encode(@file_get_contents($mediaInfo['attributes']['url'])),
+ 'path' => $mediaInfo['attributes']['url'],
+ 'id' => $mediaInfo['id']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $articleInfo = $articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes'];
+ $data = [];
+ $data['name'] = $articleInfo['name'];
+ if (isset($tmp['nummerintern'])) {
+ $data['nummer'] = $articleInfo['productNumber'];
+ }
+ $data['artikelnummerausshop'] = $articleInfo['productNumber'];
+ $data['restmenge'] = $articleInfo['stock'];
+ $data['uebersicht_de'] = $articleInfo['description'];
+ $data['preis_netto'] = $articleInfo['price'][0]['net'];
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['price'][0]['listPrice'])) {
+ $data['pseudopreis'] = $articleInfo['price'][0]['listPrice'];
+ }
+ $data['aktiv'] = $articleInfo['active'];
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['weight'])) {
+ $data['gewicht'] = $articleInfo['weight'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['manufacturerNumber'])) {
+ $data['herstellernummer'] = $articleInfo['manufacturerNumber'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['ean'])) {
+ $data['ean'] = $articleInfo['ean'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['manufacturerId'])) {
+ $data['hersteller'] = $associatedInformation[$articleInfo['manufacturerId']]['name'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['taxId'])) {
+ $data['umsatzsteuer'] = $associatedInformation[$articleInfo['taxId']]['taxRate'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($properties)) {
+ foreach ($properties as $property) {
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $data['eigenschaften'][] = [
+ 'name' => $groups[$property['groupId']],
+ 'values' => $property['name'],
+ ];
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $data['freifeld_' . $groups[$property['groupId']]] = $property['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['customFields'])) {
+ foreach ($articleInfo['customFields'] as $customFieldName => $customFieldValue) {
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $data['eigenschaften'][] = [
+ 'name' => $customFieldName,
+ 'values' => $customFieldValue
+ ];
+ }
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $data['freifeld_' . $customFieldName] = $customFieldValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($imagesToAdd)) {
+ $data['bilder'] = $imagesToAdd;
+ }
+ if ($articleInfo['childCount'] > 0) {
+ $data = [$data];
+ $limit = 50;
+ $page = 1;
+ $optionInfo = [];
+ $optionGroupInfo = [];
+ do {
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => $limit,
+ 'page' => $page,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'product.parentId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $articleIdInShop
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'sort' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'product.options.groupId',
+ 'naturalSorting' => false,
+ 'order' => 'ASC'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'field' => 'product.options.id',
+ 'naturalSorting' => false,
+ 'order' => 'ASC'
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'associations' => [
+ 'options' => [
+ 'sort' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'groupId',
+ 'naturalSorting' => false,
+ 'order' => 'ASC'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'field' => 'id',
+ 'naturalSorting' => false,
+ 'order' => 'ASC'
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $variantsInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/product', $searchdata);
+ foreach ($variantsInShop['included'] as $includedInfo) {
+ if ($includedInfo['type'] === 'property_group_option') {
+ $optionInfo[$includedInfo['id']] = $includedInfo['attributes'];
+ if (empty($optionGroupInfo[$includedInfo['attributes']['groupId']])) {
+ $optionGroupInfo[$includedInfo['attributes']['groupId']] = (!empty($optionGroupInfo)?count($optionGroupInfo):0) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($variantsInShop['data'] as $variantInShop) {
+ $variantData = [];
+ $variantName = $data[0]['name'];
+ foreach ($variantInShop['attributes']['optionIds'] as $optionId) {
+ $variantData['matrixprodukt_wert' . $optionGroupInfo[$optionInfo[$optionId]['groupId']]] =
+ $optionInfo[$optionId]['name'];
+ $variantName .= ' - ' . $optionInfo[$optionId]['name'];
+ }
+ $variantData['name'] = $variantName;
+ $variantData['nummer'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['productNumber'];
+ $variantData['artikelnummerausshop'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['productNumber'];
+ $variantData['restmenge'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['stock'];
+ $variantData['uebersicht_de'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['description'];
+ if (empty($variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['net'])) {
+ $variantData['preis_netto'] = $data[0]['preis_netto'];
+ } else {
+ $variantData['preis_netto'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['net'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['listPrice'])) {
+ $variantData['pseudopreis'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['price'][0]['listPrice'];
+ }
+ $variantData['aktiv'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['active'];
+ if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['weight'])) {
+ $variantData['gewicht'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['weight'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['manufacturerNumber'])) {
+ $variantData['herstellernummer'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['manufacturerNumber'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variantInShop['attributes']['ean'])) {
+ $variantData['ean'] = $variantInShop['attributes']['ean'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($data[0]['umsatzsteuer'])) {
+ $variantData['umsatzsteuer'] = $data[0]['umsatzsteuer'];
+ }
+ $data[] = $variantData;
+ }
+ $page++;
+ } while (count($variantsInShop['data']) > $limit);
+ foreach ($optionGroupInfo as $groupId => $sorting) {
+ $data[0]['matrixprodukt_gruppe' . $sorting] = $groups[$groupId];
+ }
+ foreach ($optionInfo as $optionData) {
+ $data[0]['matrixprodukt_optionen' . $optionGroupInfo[$optionData['groupId']]][] = $optionData['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO Staffelpreise
+ //TODO Kategorien
+ //TODO Freifelder
+ //TODO Crossselling
+ return $data;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $data
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function checkApiApp($data)
+ {
+ foreach (['shopwareUserName', 'shopwarePassword', 'shopwareUrl'] as $field) {
+ if (empty($data['data'][$field])) {
+ return ['success' => false, 'error' => sprintf('%s is empty', $field)];
+ }
+ }
+ $shops = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT `einstellungen_json`, `bezeichnung`,`id`
+ FROM `shopexport`
+ WHERE `modulename` = 'shopimporter_shopware6'
+ AND `einstellungen_json` IS NOT NULL AND `einstellungen_json` <> ''"
+ )
+ );
+ if (empty($shops)) {
+ return [
+ 'info' => [
+ 'Shop' => 'Shopware',
+ 'info' => 'Url ' . $data['data']['shopwareUrl'],
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ foreach ($shops as $shop) {
+ if (empty($shop['einstellungen_json'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $json = @json_decode($shop['einstellungen_json'], true);
+ if (empty($json['felder']) || empty($json['felder']['shopwareUrl'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($json['felder']['shopwareUrl'] === $data['data']['shopwareUrl']) {
+ return [
+ 'success' => false,
+ 'error' => sprintf('Shop with url %s allready exists', $data['data']['shopwareUrl'])
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ return [
+ 'info' => [
+ 'Shop' => 'Shopware',
+ 'info' => 'Url ' . $data['data']['shopwareUrl'],
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ public function Shopimporter_Shopware6List()
+ {
+ $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode('Sie können hier die Shops einstellen
+ header('Location: index.php?module=onlineshops&action=list&msg=' . $msg);
+ exit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $shopid
+ * @param $data
+ */
+ public function getKonfig($shopid, $data)
+ {
+ $this->shopid = $shopid;
+ $this->data = $data;
+ $importerSettings = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT `einstellungen_json`, `kategorienuebertragen` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = '$shopid' LIMIT 1");
+ $importerSettings = reset($importerSettings);
+ $this->exportCategories = (bool) $importerSettings['kategorienuebertragen'];
+ $einstellungen = [];
+ if (!empty($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'])) {
+ $einstellungen = json_decode($importerSettings['einstellungen_json'], true);
+ }
+ $this->protocol = $einstellungen['felder']['protocol'];
+ $this->UserName = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareUserName'];
+ $this->Password = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwarePassword'];
+ $this->ShopUrl = rtrim($einstellungen['felder']['shopwareUrl'], '/') . '/';
+ $this->createManufacturerAllowed = false;
+ if ($einstellungen['felder']['shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer'] === '1') {
+ $this->createManufacturerAllowed = true;
+ }
+ $this->defaultManufacturer = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultManufacturer'];
+ $this->defaultRuleName = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultRuleName'];
+ $this->statesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['statesToFetch'];
+ $this->deliveryStatesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['deliveryStatesToFetch'];
+ $this->transactionStatesToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['transactionStatesToFetch'];
+ $this->salesChannelToFetch = $einstellungen['felder']['salesChannelToFetch'];
+ $this->orderSearchLimit = $einstellungen['felder']['orderSearchLimit'];
+ $this->freeFieldOption = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareFreeFieldOption'];
+ $this->propertyOption = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwarePropertyOption'];
+ $this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareDefaultSalesChannel'];
+ $this->shopwareMediaFolder = $einstellungen['felder']['shopwareMediaFolder'];
+ $query = sprintf('SELECT `steuerfreilieferlandexport` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id` = %d', $this->shopid);
+ $this->taxationByDestinationCountry = !empty($this->app->DB->Select($query));
+ $this->client = $this->app->Container->get('Shopware6Client');
+ $this->client->setCredentials(
+ $this->UserName,
+ $this->Password,
+ $this->ShopUrl
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function EinstellungenStruktur()
+ {
+ return
+ [
+ 'ausblenden' => ['abholmodus' => ['ab_nummer']],
+ 'functions' => ['exportartikelbaum','getarticlelist','updatezahlungsstatus'],
+ 'felder' => [
+ 'protocol' => [
+ 'typ' => 'checkbox',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Protokollierung im Logfile|}:',
+ ],
+ 'shopwareUserName' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Benutzername|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ ],
+ 'shopwarePassword' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Passwort|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ ],
+ 'shopwareUrl' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Shop API URL|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ ],
+ 'shopwareDefaultManufacturer' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Standard Hersteller|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'Keine Herstellerinformation',
+ ],
+ 'shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer' => [
+ 'typ' => 'checkbox',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Bei Artikelexport Hersteller anlegen|}:',
+ ],
+ 'shopwareDefaultRuleName' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Name der Standardpreisgruppe|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'All customers',
+ ],
+ 'shopwarePropertyOption' => [
+ 'heading' => '{|Eigenschaften / Freifeld Zuordnung|}',
+ 'typ' => 'select',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Xentral Artikel Eigenschaften|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'toProperties',
+ 'optionen' => ['toProperties' => '{|Shopware Eigenschaften|}', 'toCustomFields' => '{|Shopware Zusatzfelder|}', 'doNotExport' => '{|Nicht übertragen|}']
+ ],
+ 'shopwareFreeFieldOption' => [
+ 'typ' => 'select',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Xentral Artikel Freifelder|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'toCustomFields',
+ 'optionen' => ['toProperties' => '{|Shopware Eigenschaften|}', 'toCustomFields' => '{|Shopware Zusatzfelder|}', 'doNotExport' => '{|Nicht übertragen|}']
+ ],
+ 'shopwareDefaultSalesChannel' => [
+ 'heading' => '{|Artikelexport Standardeinstellungen|}',
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Standard Sichtbarkeit|}:',
+ 'size' => 40
+ ],
+ 'shopwareMediaFolder' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Media Folder für Artikelbilder|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'Product Media'
+ ],
+ 'statesToFetch' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Abzuholender Bestellstatus|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => 'open',
+ 'col' => 2,
+ 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;in_progress;completed;cancelled'
+ ],
+ 'deliveryStatesToFetch' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Lieferstatus|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'col' => 2,
+ 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;shipped_partially;shipped;returned;returned_partially;cancelled'
+ ],
+ 'transactionStatesToFetch' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Bezahlstatus|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'col' => 2,
+ 'info' => ' Erlaubte Werte: open;paid;authorized;paid_partially;refunded;refunded_partially;reminded;cancelled'
+ ],
+ 'salesChannelToFetch' => [
+ 'typ' => 'text',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Eingrenzen auf Sales Channel|}:',
+ 'size' => 40,
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'col' => 2,
+ 'info' => ' Klicke auf "Verbindung prüfen" um die verfügbaren Channels (bitte die Id verwenden) anzuzeigen.'
+ ],
+ 'orderSearchLimit' => [
+ 'typ' => 'select',
+ 'bezeichnung' => '{|Anzahl Aufträge abholen|}:',
+ 'optionen' => [
+ '25' => '25',
+ '50' => '50',
+ '75' => '75',
+ '100' => '100',
+ ],
+ 'default' => '25',
+ 'col' => 2
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public function ImportUpdateZahlungsstatus()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
+ $transactions = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/'.$auftrag.'/transactions');
+ $transactionId = $transactions['data'][0]['id'];
+ if(empty($transactionId)){
+ return;
+ }
+ $response = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order_transaction/'.$transactionId.'/state/paid');
+ if (!empty($response['id'])) {
+ return 'ok';
+ }
+ }
+ public function ImportSendArtikelbaum(){
+ $xentralCategoryTree = [];
+ $this->app->erp->GetKategorienbaum($xentralCategoryTree, 0, 0, $this->shopid);
+ $xentralCategoryIdToParentId = [];
+ foreach ($xentralCategoryTree as $key => $value) {
+ $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['erledigt'] = false;
+ $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['shopid'] = '';
+ $xentralCategoryTree[$key]['aktiv'] = false;
+ $xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$value['id']] = $key;
+ }
+ $parentCategoryId = null;
+ foreach ($xentralCategoryTree as $index => $categoryData) {
+ $this->createCategoryTree($index, $xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId);
+ }
+ }
+ protected function createCategoryTree($id, &$xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId)
+ {
+ $parentId = $parentCategoryId;
+ if ($xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']) {
+ $parentId = $xentralCategoryTree[$xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']]]['shopid'];
+ }
+ if ($xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent'] && !$xentralCategoryTree[$xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']]]['erledigt']) {
+ $this->createCategoryTree($xentralCategoryIdToParentId[$xentralCategoryTree[$id]['parent']], $xentralCategoryTree, $xentralCategoryIdToParentId, $parentCategoryId);
+ }
+ $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['erledigt'] = true;
+ $categoryName = $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['bezeichnung'];
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $categoryName
+ ],
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.parentId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $parentId
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $categoriesInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
+ $categoryId = '';
+ if (!empty($categoriesInShop['data'])) {
+ $categoryId = $categoriesInShop['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ if (!$categoryId) {
+ $categoryData = [
+ 'parentId' => $parentId,
+ 'name' => $categoryName
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'category?_response=true', $categoryData);
+ if ($result['data']['id']) {
+ $categoryId = $result['data']['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if ($categoryId) {
+ $xentralCategoryTree[$id]['shopid'] = $categoryId;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function ImportSendListLager()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $count = 0;
+ foreach ($tmp as $article) {
+ $artikel = $article['artikel'];
+ if ($artikel === 'ignore') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $nummer = $article['nummer'];
+ $fremdnummer = $article['fremdnummer'];
+ if (!empty($fremdnummer)) {
+ $nummer = $fremdnummer;
+ }
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product?filter[product.productNumber]=' . $nummer);
+ if (empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Artikel wurde nicht im Shop gefunden: ' . $nummer, $articleInfo);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields'])
+ || empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
+ $this->addSyncCustomFieldToProduct((string)$articleInfo['data'][0]['id']);
+ }
+ $active = true;
+ if ($article['inaktiv']) {
+ $active = false;
+ }
+ $stock = $article['anzahl_lager'];
+ if (!empty($article['pseudolager'])) {
+ $stock = $article['pseudolager'];
+ }
+ $stock = $this->getCorrectedStockFromAvailable($active, (int)$stock, $articleInfo);
+ $data = [
+ 'stock' => $stock,
+ 'active' => $active,
+ ];
+ $response = $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'product/' . $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'], $data);
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Lagerbestand konnte nicht uebertragen werden fuer Artikel: ' . $nummer, $response);
+ $count++;
+ }
+ return $count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $isStockActive
+ * @param int $stock
+ * @param array|null $articleInfo
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getCorrectedStockFromAvailable(bool $isStockActive, int $stock, ?array $articleInfo): int
+ {
+ if(!$isStockActive) {
+ return $stock;
+ }
+ if(empty($articleInfo)) {
+ return $stock;
+ }
+ if(!isset($articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'])) {
+ return $stock;
+ }
+ if(!isset($articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'])) {
+ return $stock;
+ }
+ $reserved = (int)$articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['stock']
+ - (int)$articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['availableStock'];
+ if($reserved <= 0) {
+ return $stock;
+ }
+ return $stock + $reserved;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $message
+ * @param mixed $dump
+ */
+ public function Shopware6Log($message, $dump = '')
+ {
+ if ($this->protocol) {
+ $this->app->erp->Logfile($message, print_r($dump, true));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function ImportSendList()
+ {
+ $articleList = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $successCounter = 0;
+ foreach ($articleList as $article) {
+ $number = $article['nummer'];
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ sprintf('product?filter[product.productNumber]=%s', $number)
+ );
+ $articleIdShopware = '';
+ if (!empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $articleIdShopware = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ $quantity = $article['anzahl_lager'];
+ if (!empty($article['pseudolager'])) {
+ $quantity = $article['pseudolager'];
+ }
+ $inaktiv = $article['inaktiv'];
+ $active = true;
+ if (!empty($inaktiv)) {
+ $active = false;
+ }
+ $quantity = $this->getCorrectedStockFromAvailable($active, (int)$quantity, $articleInfo);
+ $taxRate = (float)$article['steuersatz'];
+ $taxId = $this->getTaxIdByRate($taxRate);
+ $mediaToAdd = $this->mediaToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $categoriesToAdd = [];
+ if($this->exportCategories){
+ $categoriesToAdd = $this->categoriesToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ }
+ $propertiesToAdd = $this->propertiesToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $crosselingToAdd = $this->crosssellingToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $systemFieldsToAdd = $this->systemFieldsToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $deliveryTimeId = null;
+ if(!empty($article['lieferzeitmanuell'])){
+ $deliveryTimeId = $this->getDeliveryTimeId($article['lieferzeitmanuell']);
+ }
+ if (empty($systemFieldsToAdd['visibilities']) && !empty($this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel)) {
+ $systemFieldsToAdd['visibilities'] = $this->modifySalesChannel(explode(',', $this->shopwareDefaultSalesChannel), $articleIdShopware);
+ }
+ if(empty($systemFieldsToAdd['unitId']) && !empty($article['einheit']) ){
+ $systemFieldsToAdd['unitId'] = $this->unitToAdd($article['einheit']);
+ }
+ //Hersteller in Shopware suchen bzw. Anlegen
+ $manufacturerName = $article['hersteller'];
+ $manufacturerId = $this->getManufacturerIdByName($manufacturerName);
+ if ($manufacturerId === null && $this->createManufacturerAllowed === true) {
+ $manufacturerId = $this->createManufacturer($manufacturerName);
+ }
+ if (empty($manufacturerId)) {
+ return 'error: Für den Artikelexport ist die Herstellerinformation zwingend erforderlich';
+ }
+ $isCloseOut = false;
+ if(!empty($article['restmenge'])){
+ $isCloseOut = true;
+ }
+ $description = $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_de']);
+ $ean = $article['ean'];
+ $metaTitle = $article['metatitle_de'];
+ $metaDescription = $article['metadescription_de'];
+ $metaKeywords = $article['metakeywords_de'];
+ $manufacturerNumber = $article['herstellernummer'];
+ if (empty($manufacturerNumber)) {
+ $manufacturerNumber = '';
+ }
+ $weight = (float)$article['gewicht'];
+ $length = (float)$article['laenge'] * 10;
+ $height = (float)$article['hoehe'] * 10;
+ $width = (float)$article['breite'] * 10;
+ $purchasePrice = (float)$article['einkaufspreis'];
+ $currencyId = $this->findCurrencyId($article['waehrung']);
+ $price = [
+ 'net' => $article['preis'],
+ 'gross' => $article['bruttopreis'],
+ 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
+ 'linked' => true];
+ if (!empty($article['pseudopreis'])) {
+ $price['listPrice'] = [
+ 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
+ 'gross' => $article['pseudopreis'],
+ 'linked' => true,
+ 'net' => $article['pseudopreis']/(1+$taxRate/100)
+ ];
+ }
+ $data = [
+ 'name' => $article['name_de'],
+ 'isCloseout' => $isCloseOut,
+ 'productNumber' => $number,
+ 'manufacturerId' => $manufacturerId,
+ 'stock' => (int)$quantity,
+ 'taxId' => $taxId,
+ 'active' => $active,
+ 'description' => $description,
+ 'ean' => $ean,
+ 'metaTitle' => $metaTitle,
+ 'metaDescription' => $metaDescription,
+ 'keywords' => $metaKeywords,
+ 'manufacturerNumber' => $manufacturerNumber,
+ 'length' => $length,
+ 'width' => $width,
+ 'height' => $height,
+ 'weight' => $weight,
+ 'purchasePrice' => $purchasePrice,
+ 'price' => [$price],
+ 'categories' => $categoriesToAdd,
+ 'properties' => $propertiesToAdd,
+ 'crossSellings' => $crosselingToAdd,
+ 'media' => $mediaToAdd,
+ 'deliveryTimeId' => $deliveryTimeId
+ ];
+ $data = array_merge($data, $systemFieldsToAdd);
+ if(empty($data['customFields'])
+ || empty($data['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'])){
+ $data['customFields']['wawision_shopimporter_syncstate'] = 1;
+ }
+ if (empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST',
+ 'product?_response=true', $data);
+ if (!empty($result['data']['id'])) {
+ $articleIdShopware = $result['data']['id'];
+ $articleInfo['data'][0] = $result['data'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $headerInformation = [];
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
+ if (!empty($languageId)) {
+ $headerInformation[] = 'sw-language-id: ' . $languageId;
+ }
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH',
+ sprintf('product/%s?_response=true', $articleIdShopware), $data, $headerInformation);
+ }
+ if(!empty($articleIdShopware)){
+ $this->exportTranslationsForArticle($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ }
+ $this->addCoverImage($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ if (empty($result['data']) || is_array($result['errors'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Artikelexport fehlgeschlagen', ['data:' => $data, 'response' => $result]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->exportSeoUrls($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $this->exportVariants($article, $articleIdShopware, $currencyId);
+ if (empty($result['data']) || is_array($result['errors'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Artikelexport bei Bildübertragung fehlgeschlagen', ['data:' => $data, 'response' => $result]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $defaultPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($article['staffelpreise_standard'] ?? []);
+ $groupPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($article['staffelpreise_gruppen'] ?? []);
+ if (!empty($defaultPrices) || !empty($groupPrices)) {
+ $this->deleteOldBulkPrices($articleIdShopware);
+ }
+ if (!empty($defaultPrices)) {
+ foreach ($defaultPrices as $priceData) {
+ $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($articleIdShopware, $this->defaultRuleName, $priceData);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($groupPrices)) {
+ foreach ($groupPrices as $priceData) {
+ $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($articleIdShopware, $priceData->getGroupName(), $priceData);
+ }
+ }
+ $successCounter++;
+ }
+ return $successCounter;
+ }
+ protected function exportBulkPriceForGroup(string $productId, string $groupName, PriceData $priceData): void
+ {
+ $currencyId = $this->findCurrencyId($priceData->getCurrency());
+ $groupRuleId = $this->client->getGroupRuleId($groupName);
+ if (empty($groupRuleId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log("Fehler: Gruppe {$groupName} konnte im Shop nicht gefunden werden");
+ return;
+ }
+ $result = $this->client->saveBulkPrice($productId, $groupRuleId, $currencyId, $priceData);
+ if (empty($result['data'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log("Fehler: Staffelpreis für Gruppe {$groupName} konnte nicht exportiert werden", $result);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $deliveryTimeText
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ protected function getDeliveryTimeId(string $deliveryTimeText): ?string
+ {
+ $searchCommand = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $deliveryTimeText
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/delivery-time', $searchCommand);
+ if (empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $description
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function prepareDescription($description): string
+ {
+ $markupSubstitute = [
+ '/"/' => '"',
+ '/<([^&]+)>/' => '<\1>',
+ '/\\/' => '',
+ '/\\<\/strong>/' => ' ',
+ '/\\/' => '',
+ '/\\<\/em>/' => ' ',
+ '/&/' => '&',
+ ];
+ return (string)preg_replace(array_keys($markupSubstitute), array_values($markupSubstitute), $description);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $article
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ */
+ protected function exportTranslationsForArticle(array $article, string $articleIdShopware): void
+ {
+ $customFieldsToAdd = $this->customFieldsToExport($article, $articleIdShopware);
+ $preparedTranslations = [];
+ $preparedTranslations['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $article['name_de'],
+ 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_de']),
+ 'metaTitle' => $article['metatitle_de'],
+ 'metaDescription' => $article['metadescription_de'],
+ 'keywords' => $article['metakeywords_de'],
+ 'customFields' => []
+ ];
+ if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd['DE'])){
+ $preparedTranslations['DE']['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd['DE'];
+ }
+ $preparedTranslations['GB'] = [
+ 'name' => $article['name_en'],
+ 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($article['uebersicht_en']),
+ 'metaTitle' => $article['metatitle_en'],
+ 'metaDescription' => $article['metadescription_en'],
+ 'keywords' => $article['metakeywords_en'],
+ 'customFields' => [],
+ ];
+ if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd['GB'])){
+ $preparedTranslations['GB']['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd['GB'];
+ }
+ foreach ($article['texte'] as $translation) {
+ if ($translation['sprache'] === 'EN') {
+ $translation['sprache'] = 'GB';
+ }
+ $preparedTranslations[$translation['sprache']] = [
+ 'name' => $translation['name'],
+ 'description' => $this->prepareDescription($translation['beschreibung_online']),
+ 'metaTitle' => $translation['meta_title'],
+ 'metaDescription' => $translation['meta_description'],
+ 'keywords' => $translation['meta_keywords'],
+ ];
+ if(!empty($customFieldsToAdd[$translation['sprache']])){
+ $preparedTranslations[$translation['sprache']]['customFields'] = $customFieldsToAdd[$translation['sprache']];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($preparedTranslations as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
+ if (empty($languageId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Language Id not found for country: ' . $countryIsoCode);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'PATCH',
+ sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
+ $translation, $headerInformation
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $countryIso
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ protected function getLanguageIdByCountryIso(string $countryIso): ?string
+ {
+ if(array_key_exists($countryIso, $this->knownShopLanguageIds)){
+ return $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso];
+ }
+ $searchCommand = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'country.iso',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $countryIso
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $countryInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/country', $searchCommand);
+ foreach ($countryInformation['data'] as $country){
+ $searchCommand = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'locale.territory',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $country['attributes']['name']
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $localeInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/locale', $searchCommand);
+ foreach ($localeInformation['data'] as $locale) {
+ $searchCommand = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'language.localeId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $locale['id']
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $languageInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/language', $searchCommand);
+ if (!empty($languageInformation['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso] = $languageInformation['data'][0]['id'];
+ return $languageInformation['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->knownShopLanguageIds[$countryIso] = null;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $manufacturerName
+ *
+ * @return null|string
+ */
+ protected function createManufacturer(string $manufacturerName): ?string
+ {
+ $data = ['name' => $manufacturerName];
+ $response = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'product-manufacturer?_response=true', $data);
+ $manufacturerId = null;
+ if(!empty($response['data']['id'])){
+ $manufacturerId = $response['data']['id'];
+ $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName] = $manufacturerId;
+ }
+ return $manufacturerId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $manufacturerName
+ *
+ * @return null|string
+ */
+ protected function getManufacturerIdByName(string $manufacturerName): ?string
+ {
+ if (!empty($this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName])) {
+ return $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName];
+ }
+ $manufacturerId = null;
+ if (empty($manufacturerName)) {
+ $manufacturerName = $this->defaultManufacturer;
+ }
+ $manufacturer = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ 'product-manufacturer?filter[product_manufacturer.name]=' . urlencode($manufacturerName)
+ );
+ $manufacturerId = $manufacturer['data'][0]['id'];
+ $this->knownManufacturerIds[$manufacturerName] = $manufacturerId;
+ return $manufacturerId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param float $taxRate
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function getTaxIdByRate(float $taxRate): string{
+ if(empty($this->taxesInShop)){
+ $this->taxesInShop = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'tax');
+ }
+ foreach ($this->taxesInShop['data'] as $taxData) {
+ if (abs(($taxData['attributes']['taxRate']-$taxRate)) < 0.0001 ) {
+ return $taxData['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->taxesInShop['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $internalArticleData
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function mediaToExport($internalArticleData, $articleIdShopware)
+ {
+ $mediaToAdd = [
+ ];
+ if (empty($internalArticleData['Dateien'])) {
+ return $mediaToAdd;
+ }
+ $internalMediaIds = [];
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 1,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $this->shopwareMediaFolder
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $mediaFolderData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media-folder', $searchdata);
+ if(empty($mediaFolderData['data'][0]['id'])){
+ $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('Kein Media Folder gefunden für: ', $this->shopwareMediaFolder);
+ return [];
+ }
+ $mediaFolderId = $mediaFolderData['data'][0]['id'];
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['Dateien'] as $internalFile) {
+ $filename = explode('.', $internalFile['filename']);
+ unset($filename[(!empty($filename)?count($filename):0) - 1]);
+ $filename = $internalFile['id'].'_'.implode($filename);
+ $extension = $internalFile['extension'];
+ $imageTitle = (string)$internalFile['titel'];
+ $imageAltText = (string)$internalFile['beschreibung'];
+ $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'media.fileName',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $filename
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media', $searchdata);
+ if (!empty($mediaData['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $internalMediaIds[] = $mediaData['data'][0]['id'];
+ if($mediaData['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] !== $imageTitle
+ || $mediaData['data'][0]['attributes']['alt'] !== $imageAltText){
+ $this->setMediaTitleAndAltText($mediaData['data'][0]['id'], $imageTitle, $imageAltText);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'media?_response=true', []);
+ if(empty($mediaData['data']['id'])){
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Error when creating media for sku: ' . $internalArticleData['nummer'],
+ ['mediaData' => $mediaData, 'title' => $imageTitle, 'text' => $imageAltText]);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $mediaId = $mediaData['data']['id'];
+ $this->setMediaTitleAndAltText($mediaId, $imageTitle, $imageAltText);
+ $mediaAssociationData = [
+ [
+ 'action' => 'upsert',
+ 'entity' => 'media',
+ 'payload' => [
+ [
+ 'id' => $mediaId,
+ 'mediaFolderId' => $mediaFolderId
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/sync?_response=true', $mediaAssociationData);
+ $url = $this->ShopUrl . 'v2/_action/media/' . $mediaId . '/upload?extension=' . $extension . '&fileName=' . $filename;
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ $setHeaders = [
+ 'Content-Type:image/' . $extension,
+ 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token']
+ ];
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, base64_decode($internalFile['datei']));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $setHeaders);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ curl_exec($ch);
+ $internalMediaIds[] = $mediaId;
+ }
+ $existingMediaConnection = [];
+ if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ $existingMediaConnection = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media?limit=100');
+ foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $existingConnection) {
+ if (!in_array($existingConnection['attributes']['mediaId'], $internalMediaIds, false)) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media/' . $existingConnection['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $alreadyAddedMediaIDs = [];
+ if (!empty($existingMediaConnection)) {
+ foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $existingConnection) {
+ $alreadyAddedMediaIDs[$existingConnection['attributes']['mediaId']] = $existingConnection['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ $position = 0;
+ foreach ($internalMediaIds as $mediaId) {
+ $mediaDataSet = [
+ 'mediaId' => $mediaId,
+ 'position' => $position
+ ];
+ if (array_key_exists($mediaId, $alreadyAddedMediaIDs)) {
+ $mediaDataSet['id'] = $alreadyAddedMediaIDs[$mediaId];
+ }
+ $mediaToAdd[] = $mediaDataSet;
+ $position++;
+ }
+ return $mediaToAdd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $mediaId
+ * @param string $title
+ * @param string $altText
+ */
+ protected function setMediaTitleAndAltText(string $mediaId, string $title, string $altText): void
+ {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'media/' . $mediaId,
+ ['title' => $title,
+ 'alt' => $altText
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleInXentral
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ */
+ protected function addCoverImage($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware){
+ if(empty($articleIdShopware)){
+ return;
+ }
+ if(empty($articleInXentral['Dateien'])){
+ return;
+ }
+ $existingMediaConnection = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/media?limit=100');
+ if(empty($existingMediaConnection['data'])){
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['Dateien'] as $xentralFile) {
+ $filename = explode('.', $xentralFile['filename']);
+ unset($filename[(!empty($filename)?count($filename):0) - 1]);
+ $filename = $xentralFile['id'].'_'.implode($filename);
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 5,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'media.fileName',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $filename
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $mediaData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/media', $searchdata);
+ $mediaId = $mediaData['data'][0]['id'];
+ foreach ($existingMediaConnection['data'] as $mediaConnection){
+ if($mediaId === $mediaConnection['attributes']['mediaId']){
+ $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH',
+ sprintf('product/%s?_response=true', $articleIdShopware),['coverId' => $mediaConnection['id']]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleInXentral
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function categoriesToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware)
+ {
+ $categoryName = $articleInXentral['kategoriename'];
+ $categoryTree = $articleInXentral['kategorien'];
+ $categoriesToAdd = [];
+ if (empty($categoryName) && empty($categoryTree)) {
+ return $categoriesToAdd;
+ }
+ $categoriesInXentral = [];
+ if (!empty($categoryTree)) {
+ $rootcategory = null;
+ $categoryTreeid = [];
+ foreach ($categoryTree as $categoryData) {
+ $categoryData['shopwareparent'] = 0;
+ if (!$categoryData['parent']) {
+ $categoryData['shopwareid'] = $rootcategory;
+ }
+ $categoryTreeid[$categoryData['id']] = $categoryData;
+ }
+ foreach ($categoryTree as $categoryData) {
+ $parentid = $rootcategory;
+ if (!empty($categoryData['parent'])) {
+ $parentid = $this->getCategoryParentId($categoryData, $categoryTreeid);
+ }
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $categoryData['name']
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ if (!empty($parentid)) {
+ $searchdata['filter'][] = [
+ 'field' => 'category.parentId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $parentid
+ ];
+ }
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
+ if (!empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $categoryTreeid[$categoryData['id']]['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ $categoriesInXentral[] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (!empty($categoryName)) {
+ $searchdata = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $categoryName
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchdata);
+ if (!empty($result['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $categoriesInXentral[] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ $existingCategories = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/categories?limit=50');
+ foreach ($existingCategories['data'] as $existingCategory) {
+ if (!in_array($existingCategory['id'], $categoriesInXentral, false)) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/categories/' . $existingCategory['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($categoriesInXentral as $categoryId) {
+ $categoriesToAdd[] = ['id' => $categoryId];
+ }
+ return $categoriesToAdd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $categoryData
+ * @param $categoryTreeId
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ protected function getCategoryParentId($categoryData, &$categoryTreeId)
+ {
+ $parentId = $categoryTreeId[$categoryData['parent']]['shopwareid'];
+ if (!empty($parentId)) {
+ return $parentId;
+ }
+ $parentCategoryData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT id,parent,bezeichnung AS name FROM artikelkategorien WHERE id<>'' AND id<>'0' AND id='" . $categoryData['parent'] . "' LIMIT 1");
+ if (empty($parentCategoryData)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $parentCategoryData['name']
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchData);
+ if (count($result['data']) < 1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (count($result['data']) === 1) {
+ $parentCategoryData['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ $categoryTreeId[$parentCategoryData['id']] = $parentCategoryData;
+ return $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ $grandparentId = $this->getCategoryParentId($parentCategoryData, $categoryTreeId);
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $parentCategoryData['name']
+ ],
+ [
+ 'field' => 'category.parentId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $grandparentId
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/category', $searchData);
+ if (count($result['data']) === 1) {
+ $parentCategoryData['shopwareid'] = $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ $categoryTreeId[$parentCategoryData['id']] = $parentCategoryData;
+ return $result['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $propertyName
+ *
+ * @return string|null
+ */
+ protected function getPropertyGroupId($propertyName): ?string
+ {
+ if(array_key_exists($propertyName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)){
+ return $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName];
+ }
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'property_group.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $propertyName
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $germanLanguageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $germanLanguageId];
+ $propertyData = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'search/property-group',
+ $searchData,
+ $headerInformation);
+ if (empty($propertyData['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName] = $propertyData['data'][0]['id'];
+ return $propertyData['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $propertyName
+ * @return null|string
+ */
+ protected function createPropertyGroup($propertyName): ?string
+ {
+ $propertyGroupData = [
+ 'displayType' => 'text',
+ 'name' => $propertyName,
+ 'sortingType' => 'alphanumeric'
+ ];
+ $propertyGroup = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'property-group?_response=true',
+ $propertyGroupData);
+ $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyName] = $propertyGroup['data']['id'];
+ if (empty($propertyGroup['data']['id'])) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $propertyGroup['data']['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $propertyGroupId
+ * @param string $propertyName
+ * @param string $countryIsoCode
+ */
+ protected function createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $propertyName, $countryIsoCode): void
+ {
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
+ if (empty($languageId)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $translation = [
+ 'name' => $propertyName,
+ ];
+ $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'PATCH',
+ sprintf('property-group/%s', $propertyGroupId),
+ $translation,
+ $headerInformation);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $propertyGroupId
+ * @param string $propertyOptionName
+ * @param string $countryIsoCode
+ * @return mixed|null
+ */
+ protected function getPropertyOptionId($propertyGroupId, $propertyOptionName, $countryIsoCode = 'DE'): ?string
+ {
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'property_group_option.name',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $propertyOptionName
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $optionData = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'search/property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options',
+ $searchData,
+ $headerInformation);
+ if (empty($optionData['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $optionData['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $propertyGroupId
+ * @param string $propertyOptionName
+ * @return null|string
+ */
+ protected function createPropertyOption($propertyGroupId, $propertyOptionName): ?string
+ {
+ $propertyOptionData = [
+ 'id' => '',
+ 'name' => $propertyOptionName
+ ];
+ $createdPropertyOption = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?_response=true',
+ $propertyOptionData);
+ if (empty($createdPropertyOption['data']['id'])) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $createdPropertyOption['data']['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $optionId
+ * @param string $optionName
+ * @param string $countryIsoCode
+ */
+ protected function createTranslationForPropertyOption($optionId, $optionName, $countryIsoCode): void
+ {
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
+ if (empty($languageId)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $translation = [
+ 'name' => $optionName,
+ ];
+ $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'PATCH',
+ sprintf('property-group-option/%s', $optionId),
+ $translation,
+ $headerInformation);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $internalArticle
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function propertiesToExport($internalArticle, $articleIdShopware): array
+ {
+ $propertiesToAdd = $this->getPropertiesFromArticle($internalArticle);
+ if (empty($propertiesToAdd)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $assignedProperties = [];
+ foreach ($propertiesToAdd as $propertyDefaultName => $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation) {
+ if (empty($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $propertyGroupId = '';
+ if (array_key_exists($propertyDefaultName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyDefaultName];
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->getPropertyGroupId($propertyDefaultName);
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->createPropertyGroup($propertyDefaultName);
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('PropertyGroup kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $propertyDefaultName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $translation['name'], $countryIsoCode);
+ }
+ $optionId = $this->getPropertyOptionId($propertyGroupId, $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value'], 'DE');
+ if (empty($optionId)) {
+ $optionId = $this->createPropertyOption($propertyGroupId, $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value']);
+ }
+ if (empty($optionId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Option kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $countryIsoToPropertyTranslation['DE']['value']);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $assignedProperties[] = $optionId;
+ foreach ($countryIsoToPropertyTranslation as $countryIsoCode => $translation) {
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption($optionId, $translation['value'], $countryIsoCode);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ $existingProperties = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/properties?limit=100');
+ foreach ($existingProperties['data'] as $existingProperty) {
+ if (!in_array($existingProperty['id'], $assignedProperties, false)) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/properties/' . $existingProperty['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $propertiesToAdd = [];
+ foreach ($assignedProperties as $propertyOptionId) {
+ $propertiesToAdd[] = ['id' => $propertyOptionId];
+ }
+ return $propertiesToAdd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param string $value
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function propertyMustBeIgnored(string $name, string $value): bool
+ {
+ return empty($value) ||
+ strpos($name, 'customField_') === 0 ||
+ stripos($name, 'shopware6_') !== false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $internalArticleData
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getPropertiesFromArticle($internalArticleData): array
+ {
+ //'Farbe' => [['DE' => ['name' => 'Farbe, 'value' => 'Gelb']],
+ // ['EN' => ['name' => 'Colour, 'value' => 'Yellow']]]
+ $propertiesToAdd = [];
+ if (!empty($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'])) {
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
+ if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($property['name'], $property['values'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($property['name'], 'property_') === 0) {
+ $propertyName = substr($property['name'], 9);
+ $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $propertyName,
+ 'value' => $property['values']];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $propertiesToAdd[$property['name']]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $property['name'],
+ 'value' => $property['values']];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'])) {
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $translatedProperty) {
+ if ($translatedProperty['language_to'] === 'EN') {
+ $translatedProperty['language_to'] = 'GB';
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($translatedProperty['property_to'], $translatedProperty['property_value_to'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($translatedProperty['property_to'], 'property_') === 0) {
+ $propertiesToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_from']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
+ 'name' => substr($translatedProperty['property_to'], 9),
+ 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $propertiesToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_from']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
+ 'name' => $translatedProperty['property_to'],
+ 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($internalArticleData['freifelder'])) {
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldKey => $freeFieldValue) {
+ if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($freeFieldKey, $freeFieldValue)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($freeFieldKey, 'property_') === 0) {
+ $propertyName = substr($freeFieldKey, 9);
+ $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $propertyName,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldValue
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $propertiesToAdd[$freeFieldKey]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $freeFieldKey,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldValue
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder'] as $languageIso => $freeFields) {
+ if ($languageIso === 'DE') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($languageIso === 'EN') {
+ $languageIso = 'GB';
+ }
+ foreach ($freeFields as $freeFieldData) {
+ if ($this->propertyMustBeIgnored($freeFieldData['mapping'], $freeFieldData['wert'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($freeFieldData['mapping'], 'property_') === 0) {
+ $propertyName = substr($freeFieldData['mapping'], 9);
+ $propertiesToAdd[$propertyName][$languageIso] = [
+ 'name' => $propertyName,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldData['wert']
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toProperties') {
+ $propertiesToAdd[$freeFieldData['mapping']][$languageIso] = [
+ 'name' => $freeFieldData['mapping'],
+ 'value' => $freeFieldData['wert']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $propertiesToAdd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleInXentral
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function customFieldsToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware): array
+ {
+ $customFieldsToAdd = $this->getCustomFieldsFromArticle($articleInXentral);
+ if (empty($customFieldsToAdd)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $customFields = [];
+ if (!empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware,
+ [],
+ $headerInformation);
+ $customFields['DE'] = $articleInfo['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields'];
+ if ($customFields === null) {
+ $customFields = [];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($customFieldsToAdd as $defaultFieldName => $countryIsoCodeToCustomFieldData) {
+ $customFieldDefinition = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ sprintf('custom-field?filter[custom_field.name]=%s', $defaultFieldName),
+ [],
+ $headerInformation
+ );
+ if (empty($customFieldDefinition)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Freifeld entspricht keinem shopware Freifeld', $defaultFieldName);
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($countryIsoCodeToCustomFieldData as $countryIsoCode => $customFieldData) {
+ $name = $customFieldData['name'];
+ $value = $customFieldData['value'];
+ if ($value === '') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if($countryIsoCode === 'EN'){
+ $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
+ }
+ $fieldType = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['type'];
+ $controlType = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['config']['componentName'];
+ switch ($fieldType) {
+ case 'text':
+ case 'html':
+ if ($controlType === 'sw-media-field') {
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ 'Warnung: Freifelder vom Type "medium" werden nicht unterstützt.'
+ );
+ } else {
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (string)$value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'bool':
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
+ break;
+ case 'int':
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (int)$value;
+ break;
+ case 'float':
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = (float)$value;
+ break;
+ case 'select':
+ $options = $customFieldDefinition['data'][0]['attributes']['config']['options'];
+ $allowedValues = [];
+ foreach ($options as $option) {
+ $allowedValues[] = $option['value'];
+ }
+ if ($controlType === 'sw-single-select') {
+ if (in_array($value, $allowedValues, true)) {
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = $value;
+ } else {
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ sprintf('Warnung: Freifeld "%s"="%s"; ungültiger Wert', $name, $value),
+ ['allowed values' => $allowedValues]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ($controlType === 'sw-multi-select') {
+ $value = explode(',', $value);
+ foreach ($value as &$item) {
+ $item = trim($item);
+ }
+ unset($item);
+ if (array_intersect($value, $allowedValues) === $value) {
+ $customFields[$countryIsoCode][$name] = $value;
+ } else {
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ sprintf('Warnung: Freifeld "%s"; ungültiger Wert', $name),
+ ['values' => $value, 'allowed values' => $allowedValues]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ 'Warnung: Freifeld enthält falschen Typ.',
+ ['freifeld' => $name, 'wert' => $value]
+ );
+ continue 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $customFields;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param string $value
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function customFieldMustBeIgnored(string $name, string $value): bool
+ {
+ return empty($value) ||
+ strpos($name, 'property_') === 0 ||
+ stripos($name, 'shopware6_') !== false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleInXentral
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getCustomFieldsFromArticle($articleInXentral): array
+ {
+ $customFieldsToAdd = [];
+ if (!empty($articleInXentral['eigenschaften'])) {
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['eigenschaften'] as $propertyInXentral) {
+ if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($propertyInXentral['name'], $propertyInXentral['values'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($propertyInXentral['name'], 'customField_') === 0) {
+ $customFieldName = substr($propertyInXentral['name'], 12);
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $customFieldName,
+ 'value' => $propertyInXentral['values']
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$propertyInXentral['name']]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $propertyInXentral['name'],
+ 'value' => $propertyInXentral['values']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInXentral['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'])) {
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $translatedProperty) {
+ if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($translatedProperty['property_to'], $translatedProperty['property_value_to'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($translatedProperty['property_to'], 'customField_') === 0) {
+ $customFieldName = substr($translatedProperty['property_to'], 12);
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
+ 'name' => $customFieldName,
+ 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->propertyOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$translatedProperty['property_to']][$translatedProperty['language_to']] = [
+ 'name' => $translatedProperty['property_to'],
+ 'value' => $translatedProperty['property_value_to']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($articleInXentral['freifelder'])) {
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldKey => $freeFieldValue) {
+ if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($freeFieldKey, $freeFieldValue)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strpos($freeFieldKey, 'customField_') === 0) {
+ $customFieldName = substr($freeFieldKey, 12);
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $customFieldName,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldValue
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$freeFieldKey]['DE'] = [
+ 'name' => $freeFieldKey,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldValue
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['freifelder'] as $countryIsoCode => $freeFieldTranslations) {
+ if ($countryIsoCode === 'DE') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($freeFieldTranslations as $freeFieldTranslation){
+ if ($this->customFieldMustBeIgnored($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], $freeFieldTranslation['wert'])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
+ $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
+ }
+ if (strpos($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], 'customField_') === 0) {
+ $customFieldName = substr($freeFieldTranslation['mapping'], 12);
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$customFieldName][$countryIsoCode] = [
+ 'name' => $customFieldName,
+ 'value' => $freeFieldTranslation['wert']
+ ];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($this->freeFieldOption === 'toCustomFields') {
+ $customFieldsToAdd[$freeFieldTranslation['mapping']][$countryIsoCode] = [
+ 'name' => $freeFieldTranslation['mapping'],
+ 'value' => $freeFieldTranslation['wert']
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $customFieldsToAdd;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleInXentral
+ * @param int $articleIdShopware
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function crosssellingToExport($articleInXentral, $articleIdShopware){
+ if (empty($articleInXentral['crosssellingartikel'])) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $crosssellingArticles = [];
+ foreach ($articleInXentral['crosssellingartikel'] as $crosssellingArticle){
+ $type = 'Ähnlich';
+ if($crosssellingArticle['art'] == 2){
+ $type = 'Zubehör';
+ }
+ $crosssellingArticles[$type][] = $crosssellingArticle['nummer'];
+ }
+ $crossselingInformation = [];
+ foreach ($crosssellingArticles as $type => $articles){
+ if(!empty($articleIdShopware)){
+ $existingCrossSellings = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', sprintf('product/%s/cross-sellings/',
+ $articleIdShopware));
+ if(!empty($existingCrossSellings['data'])){
+ foreach ($existingCrossSellings['data'] as $existingCrossSelling){
+ if($existingCrossSelling['attributes']['name'] === $type){
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', sprintf('product/%s/cross-sellings/%s/',
+ $articleIdShopware, $existingCrossSelling['id']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $crosselingToAdd = [];
+ foreach ($articles as $articleNumber) {
+ $articleInfo = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ sprintf('product?filter[product.productNumber]=%s', $articleNumber)
+ );
+ if(empty($articleInfo['data'][0]['id'])){
+ continue;
+ }
+ $crosselingToAdd[] = $articleInfo['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ if(empty($crosselingToAdd)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ $crossselingInformationForType = [
+ 'active' => true,
+ 'name' => $type,
+ 'assignedProducts' => [],
+ 'type' => 'productList',
+ 'sortBy' => 'name',
+ 'limit' => 24,
+ 'position' => 1
+ ];
+ $position = 1;
+ foreach ($crosselingToAdd as $articleId){
+ $crossselingInformationForType['assignedProducts'][] = [
+ 'productId' => $articleId,
+ 'position' => $position,
+ ];
+ $position++;
+ }
+ $crossselingInformation[] = $crossselingInformationForType;
+ }
+ return $crossselingInformation;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $unitShortCode
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function unitToAdd(string $unitShortCode): string{
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => 25,
+ 'source' => [
+ 'id'
+ ],
+ 'filter' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'unit.shortCode',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $unitShortCode
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ $unitInShopware = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'search/unit',
+ $searchData);
+ if(!empty($unitInShopware['data'][0]['id'])){
+ return $unitInShopware['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT `internebemerkung` FROM `artikeleinheit` WHERE `einheit_de` = '%s' LIMIT 1",
+ $unitShortCode);
+ $unitName = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(empty($unitName)){
+ $unitName = $unitShortCode;
+ }
+ $unitInformation = [
+ 'name' => $unitName,
+ 'shortCode' => $unitShortCode
+ ];
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'unit?_response=true', $unitInformation);
+ if(empty($result['data']['id'])){
+ return '';
+ }
+ return $result['data']['id'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $internArticle
+ * @param int $articleIdShopware
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function systemFieldsToExport($internArticle, $articleIdShopware): array
+ {
+ $internalSpecialFields = [];
+ foreach ($internArticle['freifelder']['DE'] as $freeFieldName => $freeFieldValue) {
+ if (stripos($freeFieldName, 'shopware6_') !== false) {
+ $internalSpecialFields[$freeFieldName] = $freeFieldValue;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($internArticle['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
+ if (stripos($property['name'], 'shopware6_') !== false) {
+ $internalSpecialFields[$property['name']] = $property['values'];
+ }
+ }
+ $systemFields = [];
+ foreach ($internalSpecialFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) {
+ switch (strtolower($fieldName)) {
+ case 'shopware6_sales_channel':
+ $systemFields['visibilities'] = $this->modifySalesChannel(explode(',', $fieldValue), $articleIdShopware);
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_purchase_unit':
+ $systemFields['purchaseUnit'] = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $fieldValue);
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_reference_unit':
+ $systemFields['referenceUnit'] = (float)str_replace(',', '.', $fieldValue);
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_unit':
+ $systemFields['unitId'] = $this->unitToAdd($fieldValue);
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_pack_unit':
+ $systemFields['packUnit'] = (string)$fieldValue;
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_restock_time':
+ $systemFields['restockTime'] = (int)$fieldValue;
+ break;
+ case 'shopware6_pack_unit_plural':
+ $systemFields['packUnitPlural'] = (string)$fieldValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $systemFields;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $salesChannelNames
+ * @param string $articleIdInShopware
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function modifySalesChannel($salesChannelNames, $articleIdInShopware)
+ {
+ $salesChannelInXentralIds = [];
+ foreach ($salesChannelNames as $salesChannelName) {
+ $salesChannelInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET',
+ sprintf('sales-channel?filter[sales_channel.name]=%s', urlencode(trim($salesChannelName)))
+ );
+ if (!empty($salesChannelInfo['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ $salesChannelInXentralIds[] = $salesChannelInfo['data'][0]['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ $existingVisibilities = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ sprintf('product/%s/visibilities', $articleIdInShopware)
+ );
+ $existingSalesChannelIds = [];
+ if (!empty($existingVisibilities['data'])) {
+ foreach ($existingVisibilities['data'] as $visibility) {
+ $existingSalesChannelIds[$visibility['id']] = $visibility['attributes']['salesChannelId'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($existingSalesChannelIds as $associationId => $existingSalesChannelId){
+ if (!in_array($existingSalesChannelId, $salesChannelInXentralIds,true)) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', sprintf('product/%s/visibilities/%s/',
+ $articleIdInShopware, $associationId));
+ }
+ }
+ $salesChannelsToAdd = [];
+ foreach ($salesChannelInXentralIds as $salesChannelInXentralId){
+ if (!in_array($salesChannelInXentralId, $existingSalesChannelIds,true)) {
+ $salesChannelsToAdd[] = $salesChannelInXentralId;
+ }
+ }
+ $visibilities = [];
+ foreach ($salesChannelsToAdd as $salesChannelIdToAdd) {
+ $visibilities[] = [
+ 'salesChannelId' => $salesChannelIdToAdd,
+ 'visibility' => 30
+ ];
+ }
+ return $visibilities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $isoCode
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function findCurrencyId($isoCode)
+ {
+ $this->requestCurrencyMappingLazy();
+ if (isset($this->currencyMapping[strtoupper($isoCode)])) {
+ return $this->currencyMapping[strtoupper($isoCode)];
+ }
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ sprintf('Warnung: Kein Mapping für Waehrung "%s" gefunden.', $isoCode),
+ $this->currencyMapping
+ );
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * request currency mapping only once
+ */
+ protected function requestCurrencyMappingLazy()
+ {
+ if ($this->currencyMapping !== null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $currencies = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'currency');
+ if (!isset($currencies['data'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Kann Währungsmapping nicht abrufen', $currencies);
+ }
+ foreach ($currencies['data'] as $currency) {
+ $isoCode = strtoupper($currency['attributes']['isoCode']);
+ $this->currencyMapping[$isoCode] = $currency['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $internalArticleData
+ * @param string $articleIdInShopware
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function exportSeoUrls(array $internalArticleData, string $articleIdInShopware): bool
+ {
+ if (empty($articleIdInShopware)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $preparedSeoInformation = [];
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['freifelder'] as $countryIsoCode => $freeFieldInformation) {
+ if($countryIsoCode === 'EN'){
+ $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
+ }
+ if($countryIsoCode === 'DE'){
+ foreach ($freeFieldInformation as $freeFieldName => $freeFieldValue) {
+ if (stripos($freeFieldName, 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
+ $preparedSeoInformation[$countryIsoCode][$freeFieldName] = $freeFieldValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ foreach ($freeFieldInformation as $freeFieldData) {
+ if (stripos($freeFieldData['mapping'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
+ $preparedSeoInformation[$countryIsoCode][$freeFieldData['mapping']] = $freeFieldData['wert'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaften'] as $property) {
+ if (stripos($property['name'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
+ $preparedSeoInformation['DE'][$property['name']] = $property['values'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($internalArticleData['eigenschaftenuebersetzungen'] as $propertyTranslation) {
+ if($propertyTranslation['language_to'] === 'EN'){
+ $propertyTranslation['language_to'] = 'GB';
+ }
+ if (stripos($propertyTranslation['property_to'], 'shopware6_seo_url') !== false) {
+ $preparedSeoInformation[$propertyTranslation['language_to']][$propertyTranslation['property_to']] = $propertyTranslation['property_value_to'];
+ }
+ }
+ $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls = [];
+ $defaultSeoUrls = [];
+ foreach ($preparedSeoInformation as $countryIsoCode => $channelAssociations) {
+ foreach ($channelAssociations as $fieldName => $fieldValue){
+ if(strtolower($fieldName) === 'shopware6_seo_url'){
+ $defaultSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode] = $fieldValue;
+ }else{
+ $seoInformation = explode('|', $fieldName);
+ $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][array_pop($seoInformation)] = $fieldValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($specificSalesChannelSeoUrls) && empty($defaultSeoUrls)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $salesChannelsIdToName = [];
+ $salesChannels = $this->shopwareRequest('GET','sales-channel');
+ foreach ($salesChannels['data'] as $salesChannel) {
+ $salesChannelsIdToName[$salesChannel['id']] = $salesChannel['attributes']['name'];
+ }
+ foreach ($preparedSeoInformation as $countryIsoCode => $x){
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso($countryIsoCode);
+ if (empty($languageId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Language Id not found for country: ' . $countryIsoCode);
+ continue;
+ }
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ foreach ($salesChannelsIdToName as $salesChannelId => $salesChannelName) {
+ $seoUrlToUse = $defaultSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode];
+ if (!empty($specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][$salesChannelName])) {
+ $seoUrlToUse = $specificSalesChannelSeoUrls[$countryIsoCode][$salesChannelsIdToName[$salesChannelName]];
+ }
+ if (empty($seoUrlToUse)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $seoDataToSend = [
+ 'seoPathInfo' => $seoUrlToUse,
+ '_isNew' => true,
+ 'isModified' => true,
+ 'isCanonical' => true,
+ 'isDeleted' => false,
+ 'routeName' => 'frontend.detail.page',
+ 'foreignKey' => $articleIdInShopware,
+ 'pathInfo' => '/detail/'.$articleIdInShopware,
+ 'languageId' => $languageId,
+ 'salesChannelId' => $salesChannelId];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', '_action/seo-url/canonical', $seoDataToSend, $headerInformation);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $article
+ * @param string $articleIdShopware
+ * @param string $currencyId
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function exportVariants($article, $articleIdShopware, $currencyId): bool
+ {
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
+ if (empty($languageId)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (empty($article['matrix_varianten']) || empty($articleIdShopware)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId = [];
+ foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['gruppen'] as $propertyGroupName => $internalPropertyGroupValues) {
+ $propertyGroupId = '';
+ if (array_key_exists($propertyGroupName, $this->knownPropertyGroupIds)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->knownPropertyGroupIds[$propertyGroupName];
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->getPropertyGroupId($propertyGroupName);
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $propertyGroupId = $this->createPropertyGroup($propertyGroupName);
+ }
+ if (empty($propertyGroupId)) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('PropertyGroup kann nicht erstellt werden: ' . $propertyGroupName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!empty($article['matrix_varianten']['texte'])) {
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $propertyGroupName, 'DE');
+ foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['texte']['gruppen'] as $countryIsoCode => $matrixGroupTranslation) {
+ if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
+ $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
+ }
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyGroup($propertyGroupId, $matrixGroupTranslation[$propertyGroupName], $countryIsoCode);
+ }
+ }
+ $languageId = $this->getLanguageIdByCountryIso('DE');
+ $headerInformation = ['sw-language-id: ' . $languageId];
+ $shopwarePropertyGroupOptions = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?limit=100',
+ $headerInformation);
+ foreach ($shopwarePropertyGroupOptions['data'] as $shopwarePropertyGroupOption) {
+ $propertyValue = $shopwarePropertyGroupOption['attributes']['name'];
+ $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$propertyValue] = $shopwarePropertyGroupOption['id'];
+ }
+ foreach ($internalPropertyGroupValues as $internalPropertyGroupValue => $valueNotNeeded) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($internalPropertyGroupValue, $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName])) {
+ $newOptionData = [
+ 'name' => (string)$internalPropertyGroupValue
+ ];
+ $optionData = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'POST',
+ 'property-group/' . $propertyGroupId . '/options?_response=true',
+ $newOptionData);
+ $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$internalPropertyGroupValue] = $optionData['data']['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($article['matrix_varianten']['texte'])) {
+ foreach ($internalPropertyGroupValues as $optionValue => $valueNotNeeded) {
+ $optionId = $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$propertyGroupName][$optionValue];
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption(
+ $optionId,
+ $optionValue,
+ 'DE');
+ foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['texte']['werte'] as $countryIsoCode => $matrixOptionTranslations) {
+ if ($countryIsoCode === 'EN') {
+ $countryIsoCode = 'GB';
+ }
+ if (array_key_exists($optionValue, $matrixOptionTranslations)) {
+ $this->createTranslationForPropertyOption(
+ $optionId,
+ $matrixOptionTranslations[$optionValue],
+ $countryIsoCode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $existingCombinations = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ '_action/product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/combinations');
+ $existingCombinationsByNumber = [];
+ foreach ($existingCombinations as $combinationId => $combinationInfo) {
+ $existingCombinationsByNumber[$combinationInfo['productNumber']] = [
+ 'id' => $combinationId,
+ 'options' => [],
+ ];
+ foreach ($combinationInfo['options'] as $combinationOption) {
+ $existingCombinationsByNumber[$combinationInfo['productNumber']]['options'][$combinationOption] = $combinationOption;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
+ $internalVariantMatrixData = $article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']];
+ $productNumber = $internalVariantMatrixData[0]['nummer'];
+ $name = $variant['name_de'];
+ $stock = $variant['lag'];
+ $ean = $variant['ean'];
+ $weight = (float)$variant['gewicht'];
+ $pseudoPrice = $variant['pseudopreis'];
+ if (empty($pseudoPrice)) {
+ $pseudoPrice = 0;
+ }
+ if (!empty($variant['pseudolager'])) {
+ $stock = $variant['pseudolager'];
+ }
+ $active = true;
+ if (!empty($variant['inaktiv'])) {
+ $active = false;
+ }
+ $isCloseOut = false;
+ if (!empty($variant['restmenge'])) {
+ $isCloseOut = true;
+ }
+ $variantProductData = [
+ 'active' => $active,
+ 'isCloseout' => $isCloseOut,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'description' => null,
+ 'weight' => null,
+ 'price' => [
+ [
+ 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
+ 'gross' => $variant['bruttopreis'],
+ 'net' => $variant['preis'],
+ 'linked' => true,
+ 'listPrice' => [
+ 'currencyId' => $currencyId,
+ 'gross' => $pseudoPrice,
+ 'linked' => true,
+ 'net' => $pseudoPrice / (1 + $variant['steuersatz'] / 100)
+ ]
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'stock' => (int)$stock,
+ 'ean' => null,
+ 'taxId' => $this->getTaxIdByRate($variant['steuersatz']),
+ ];
+ if(!empty($weight)){
+ $variantProductData['weight'] = $weight;
+ }
+ if(!empty($ean)){
+ $variantProductData['ean'] = $ean;
+ }
+ if (!empty($variant['uebersicht_de'])) {
+ $variantProductData['description'] = $variant['uebersicht_de'];
+ }
+ $renewVariant = false;
+ $options = [];
+ foreach ($internalVariantMatrixData as $expression) {
+ if (!in_array(
+ $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']],
+ $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'],
+ false)) {
+ $renewVariant = true;
+ } else {
+ unset($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'][$internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']]]);
+ }
+ $options[] = ['id' => $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$expression['name']][$expression['values']]];
+ }
+ if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['options'])) {
+ $renewVariant = true;
+ }
+ $variantImageData = [
+ 'Dateien' => []
+ ];
+ $variantProductId = '';
+ if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id']) && !$renewVariant) {
+ $variantProductId = $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'];
+ }
+ if (!empty($variant['Dateien']['id'])) {
+ foreach ($variant['Dateien']['id'] as $index => $fileId) {
+ $variantImageData['Dateien'][] = [
+ 'filename' => $variant['Dateien']['filename'][$index],
+ 'extension' => $variant['Dateien']['extension'][$index],
+ 'datei' => $variant['Dateien']['datei'][$index],
+ 'beschreibung' => $variant['Dateien']['beschreibung'][$index],
+ 'titel' => $variant['Dateien']['titel'][$index],
+ 'id' => $fileId,
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ $mediaToAdd = $this->mediaToExport($variantImageData, $variantProductId);
+ $variantProductData['media'] = $mediaToAdd;
+ if ($renewVariant) {
+ if (!empty($existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'])) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product/' . $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id']);
+ }
+ $variantProductData['productNumber'] = $productNumber;
+ $variantProductData['parentId'] = $articleIdShopware;
+ $variantProductData['options'] = $options;
+ $result = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'product?_response=true', $variantProductData);
+ $variantProductId = $result['data']['id'];
+ } else {
+ $variantProductId = $existingCombinationsByNumber[$productNumber]['id'];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'product/' . $variantProductId, $variantProductData);
+ }
+ $defaultPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($variant['staffelpreise_standard'] ?? []);
+ $groupPrices = $this->getPricesFromArray($variant['staffelpreise_gruppen'] ?? []);
+ $this->deleteOldBulkPrices($variantProductId);
+ if (!empty($defaultPrices)) {
+ foreach ($defaultPrices as $priceData) {
+ $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($variantProductId, $this->defaultRuleName, $priceData);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($groupPrices)) {
+ foreach ($groupPrices as $priceData) {
+ $this->exportBulkPriceForGroup($variantProductId, $priceData->getGroupName(), $priceData);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->addCoverImage($variantImageData, $variantProductId);
+ }
+ $existingConfigurations = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/configuratorSettings');
+ $optionIdsToAdd = [];
+ foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
+ foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']] as $matrixInfo) {
+ $configurationExists = false;
+ foreach ($existingConfigurations['data'] as $configuration) {
+ if ($configuration['attributes']['optionId'] === $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']]) {
+ $configurationExists = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$configurationExists) {
+ $optionIdsToAdd[] = $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($optionIdsToAdd)) {
+ $optionIdsToAdd = array_flip(array_flip($optionIdsToAdd));
+ $configurationData = [
+ 'configuratorSettings' => []
+ ];
+ foreach ($optionIdsToAdd as $id) {
+ $configurationData['configuratorSettings'][] = ['optionId' => $id];
+ }
+ $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'PATCH',
+ sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
+ $configurationData
+ );
+ $existingConfigurations = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET', 'product/' . $articleIdShopware . '/configuratorSettings');
+ $optionsToSort = [];
+ foreach ($article['artikel_varianten'] as $variant) {
+ foreach ($article['matrix_varianten']['artikel'][$variant['artikel']] as $matrixInfo) {
+ foreach ($existingConfigurations['data'] as $configuration) {
+ if ($configuration['attributes']['optionId'] === $internalGroupPropertiesToShopwareId[$matrixInfo['name']][$matrixInfo['values']]) {
+ $optionsToSort[] = $configuration['id'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($optionsToSort)) {
+ $optionsToSort = array_flip(array_flip($optionsToSort));
+ $configurationData = [
+ 'configuratorSettings' => []
+ ];
+ $position = 1;
+ foreach ($optionsToSort as $id) {
+ $configurationData['configuratorSettings'][] = [
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'position' => $position];
+ $position++;
+ }
+ $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'PATCH',
+ sprintf('product/%s', $articleIdShopware),
+ $configurationData
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $priceArray
+ * @return PriceData[]
+ */
+ protected function getPricesFromArray($priceArray): array{
+ return array_map(static function($price){
+ return new PriceData(
+ (int)$price['ab_menge'],
+ (float)$price['preis'],
+ (float)$price['bruttopreis'],
+ $price['waehrung'],
+ $price['gruppeextern'] ?? '') ;
+ },$priceArray);
+ }
+ /**
+ * delete all old price entries for a product
+ *
+ * @param string $productId
+ */
+ protected function deleteOldBulkPrices($productId)
+ {
+ //TODO Instead of deleting all old prices we should rather check first whether they are still in order
+ $oldPrices = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ sprintf('product-price?filter[product_price.productId]=%s', $productId)
+ );
+ if (is_array($oldPrices)) {
+ foreach ($oldPrices['data'] as $deletePrice) {
+ $this->shopwareRequest('DELETE', 'product-price/' . $deletePrice['id']);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Fehler: Alte Preise wurden nicht gelöscht', $productId);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getOrderSearchLimit(): int
+ {
+ if(in_array($this->orderSearchLimit, ['50', '75', '100'])) {
+ return (int)$this->orderSearchLimit;
+ }
+ return 25;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function ImportGetAuftraegeAnzahl()
+ {
+ $order = null;
+ $dataToGet = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ if (empty($this->statesToFetch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
+ return (!empty(count($ordersToProcess['data'])?count($ordersToProcess['data']):0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $parameter1
+ * @param string $parameter2
+ */
+ public function Shopware6ErrorLog($parameter1, $parameter2 = '')
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert(
+ sprintf(
+ "INSERT INTO `shopexport_log`
+ (shopid, typ, parameter1, parameter2, bearbeiter, zeitstempel)
+ VALUES (%d, 'fehler', '%s','%s','%s',NOW())",
+ $this->shopid,
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter1),
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter2),
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName())
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $stateMachinesIds
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getTransactionStateIdsToFetch($stateMachinesIds): array
+ {
+ $transactionStateIdsToFetch = [];
+ if (!empty($this->transactionStatesToFetch)) {
+ $transactionStatesToFetch = explode(';', $this->transactionStatesToFetch);
+ foreach ($transactionStatesToFetch as $transactionStateToFetch) {
+ $stateInformation = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'state-machine-state?filter[technicalName]=' .
+ trim($transactionStateToFetch) . '&filter[stateMachineId]=' . $stateMachinesIds['order_transaction.state']);
+ if (empty($stateInformation['data'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('Zahlungsstatus für Abholung nicht gefunden', $transactionStateToFetch);
+ return false;
+ }
+ foreach ($stateInformation['data'] as $state) {
+ $transactionStateIdsToFetch[] = $state['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $transactionStateIdsToFetch;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $limit
+ *
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ protected function getOrdersToProcess(int $limit)
+ {
+ $searchData = [
+ 'limit' => $limit,
+ 'includes' => [
+ 'order' => ['id']
+ ],
+ 'sort' => [
+ [
+ 'field' => 'order.createdAt',
+ 'direction' => 'DESC'
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'filter' => []
+ ];
+ $searchData['filter'][] = [
+ 'field' => 'stateMachineState.technicalName',
+ 'type' => 'equalsAny',
+ 'value' => explode(';', $this->statesToFetch)
+ ];
+ if (!empty($this->deliveryStatesToFetch)) {
+ $searchData['filter'][] = [
+ 'field' => 'deliveries.stateMachineState.technicalName',
+ 'type' => 'equalsAny',
+ 'value' => explode(';', $this->deliveryStatesToFetch)
+ ];
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->transactionStatesToFetch)) {
+ $searchData['filter'][] = [
+ 'field' => 'transactions.stateMachineState.technicalName',
+ 'type' => 'equalsAny',
+ 'value' => explode(';', $this->transactionStatesToFetch)
+ ];
+ }
+ if (!empty($this->salesChannelToFetch)) {
+ $searchData['filter'][] = [
+ 'field' => 'order.salesChannelId',
+ 'type' => 'equals',
+ 'value' => $this->salesChannelToFetch
+ ];
+ }
+ return $this->shopwareRequest('POST', 'search/order', $searchData);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return int|mixed
+ */
+ public function ImportGetAuftrag()
+ {
+ $voucherArticleId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT s.artikelrabatt FROM `shopexport` AS `s` WHERE s.id='$this->shopid' LIMIT 1");
+ $voucherArticleNumber = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.nummer FROM `artikel` AS `a` WHERE a.id='$voucherArticleId' LIMIT 1");
+ $dataToGet = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ if (empty($this->statesToFetch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $expectOrderArray = !empty($dataToGet['anzgleichzeitig']) && (int)$dataToGet['anzgleichzeitig'] > 1;
+ $expectNumber = !empty($dataToGet['nummer']);
+ $order = null;
+ if($expectNumber) {
+ $order = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $dataToGet['nummer'] . '?associations[currency][]');
+ if(empty($order['data'])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $ordersToProcess = ['data' => [ ['id' => $dataToGet['nummer']] ]];
+ $orderIncludedData = $order['included'];
+ $order = $order['data'];
+ }
+ elseif(!$expectOrderArray) {
+ $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess(1);
+ }
+ elseif(!$expectNumber) {
+ $ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
+ }
+ if (empty($ordersToProcess['data'])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $fetchedOrders = [];
+ if (isset($ordersToFetch['data']['id']) && !isset($ordersToFetch['data'][0])) {
+ $ordersToFetch['data'] = [$ordersToFetch['data']];
+ }
+ foreach ($ordersToProcess['data'] as $currentlyOpenOrder) {
+ $orderIdToFetch = $currentlyOpenOrder['id'];
+ if (empty($dataToGet['nummer']) || empty($order)) {
+ $order = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $orderIdToFetch.'?associations[currency][]');
+ $orderIncludedData = $order['included'];
+ $order = $order['data'];
+ }
+ $cart = [];
+ try {
+ $timestamp = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s+', $order['attributes']['createdAt']);
+ $cart['zeitstempel'] = $timestamp->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ } catch (Exception $ex) {
+ }
+ $cart['auftrag'] = $order['id'];
+ $cart['subshop'] = $order['attributes']['salesChannelId'];
+ $cart['order'] = $order;
+ $cart['onlinebestellnummer'] = $order['attributes']['orderNumber'];
+ $cart['gesamtsumme'] = $order['attributes']['amountTotal'];
+ $cart['versandkostenbrutto'] = $order['attributes']['shippingTotal'];
+ $cart['bestelldatum'] = substr($order['attributes']['orderDate'], 0, 10);
+ if (!empty($order['attributes']['customerComment'])) {
+ $cart['freitext'] = $order['attributes']['customerComment'];
+ }
+ foreach ($orderIncludedData as $includedDataSet){
+ if($includedDataSet['type'] === 'currency'){
+ $cart['waehrung'] = $includedDataSet['attributes']['isoCode'];
+ }
+ }
+ $deliveryInfo = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/deliveries');
+ $shippingMethod = $this->shopwareRequest('GET',
+ 'order-delivery/' . $deliveryInfo['data'][0]['id'] . '/shipping-method');
+ $order['shippingMethod'] = $shippingMethod;
+ $cart['lieferung'] = $shippingMethod['data'][0]['attributes']['name'];
+ $customer = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/order-customer');
+ $order['customer'] = $customer;
+ $cart['email'] = $customer['data']['0']['attributes']['email'];
+ $addresses = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/addresses?associations[salutation][]&associations[country][]');
+ $order['addresses'] = $addresses;
+ $deliveryCountryId = '';
+ $billingCountryId = '';
+ $billingSalutationId = '';
+ foreach ($addresses['data'] as $address) {
+ if ($address['id'] === $order['attributes']['billingAddressId']) {
+ if (!empty($address['attributes']['vatId'])) {
+ $cart['ustid'] = $address['attributes']['vatId'];
+ }
+ $cart['name'] = $address['attributes']['firstName'] . ' ' . $address['attributes']['lastName'];
+ if (!empty($address['attributes']['company'])) {
+ $cart['ansprechpartner'] = $cart['name'];
+ $cart['name'] = $address['attributes']['company'];
+ }
+ $cart['strasse'] = $address['attributes']['street'];
+ $cart['abteilung'] = $address['attributes']['department'];
+ $cart['adresszusatz'] = trim($address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine1'].' '.
+ $address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine2']);
+ $cart['telefon'] = $address['attributes']['phoneNumber'];
+ $cart['plz'] = $address['attributes']['zipcode'];
+ $cart['ort'] = $address['attributes']['city'];
+ $billingCountryId = $address['attributes']['countryId'];
+ $billingSalutationId = $address['attributes']['salutationId'];
+ }
+ if ($address['id'] !== $order['attributes']['billingAddressId']) {
+ $cart['abweichendelieferadresse'] = 1;
+ if (!empty($address['attributes']['vatId'])) {
+ $cart['lieferadresse_ustid'] = $address['attributes']['vatId'];
+ }
+ $cart['lieferadresse_name'] = $address['attributes']['firstName'] . ' ' . $address['attributes']['lastName'];
+ if (!empty($address['attributes']['company'])) {
+ $cart['lieferadresse_ansprechpartner'] = $cart['lieferadresse_name'];
+ $cart['lieferadresse_name'] = $address['attributes']['company'];
+ }
+ $cart['lieferadresse_strasse'] = $address['attributes']['street'];
+ $cart['lieferadresse_abteilung'] = $address['attributes']['department'];
+ $cart['lieferadresse_adresszusatz'] = trim($address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine1'].' '.
+ $address['attributes']['additionalAddressLine2']);
+ $cart['lieferadresse_plz'] = $address['attributes']['zipcode'];
+ $cart['lieferadresse_ort'] = $address['attributes']['city'];
+ $deliveryCountryId = $address['attributes']['countryId'];
+ }
+ }
+ $anrede = 'herr';
+ $land = 'DE';
+ $lieferadresseLand = 'DE';
+ foreach ($addresses['included'] as $includedInfo) {
+ if ($includedInfo['id'] === $billingCountryId) {
+ $land = $includedInfo['attributes']['iso'];
+ }
+ if ($includedInfo['id'] === $deliveryCountryId) {
+ $lieferadresseLand = $includedInfo['attributes']['iso'];
+ }
+ if ($includedInfo['id'] === $billingSalutationId) {
+ $salutation = $includedInfo['attributes']['salutationKey'];
+ if ($salutation === 'ms' || $salutation === 'mrs') {
+ $anrede = 'frau';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cart['anrede'] = $anrede;
+ $cart['land'] = $land;
+ if (!empty($cart['abweichendelieferadresse'])) {
+ $cart['lieferadresse_land'] = $lieferadresseLand;
+ }
+ $transactionData = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/transactions');
+ $cart['transacion_data'] = $transactionData;
+ if (!empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_pui_payment_instruction']['reference_number'])) {
+ $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_pui_payment_instruction']['reference_number'];
+ }
+ if (empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'] && !empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_order_id']))) {
+ $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = (string)$transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_order_id'];
+ }
+ if (empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'] && !empty($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_transaction_id']))) {
+ $livePayPalData = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'paypal/payment-details/' . $order['id'] . '/' . $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['swag_paypal_transaction_id']);
+ if (!empty($livePayPalData['transactions'])) {
+ foreach ($livePayPalData['transactions'] as $payPalData) {
+ foreach ($payPalData['related_resources'] as $ressources) {
+ if ($ressources['sale']['state'] === 'completed') {
+ $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $ressources['sale']['id'];
+ break 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(
+ empty($cart['transaktionsnummer'])
+ && isset($transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['stripe_payment_context']['payment']['payment_intent_id'])
+ ){
+ $cart['transaktionsnummer'] = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['customFields']['stripe_payment_context']['payment']['payment_intent_id'];
+ }
+ $paymentMethodId = $transactionData['data'][0]['attributes']['paymentMethodId'];
+ $paymentMethod = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'payment-method/' . $paymentMethodId);
+ $cart['zahlungsweise'] = $paymentMethod['data']['attributes']['name'];
+ $taxedCountry = $land;
+ if($this->taxationByDestinationCountry){
+ $taxedCountry = $lieferadresseLand;
+ }
+ if($order['attributes']['amountTotal'] === $order['attributes']['amountNet']){
+ if($this->app->erp->IstEU($taxedCountry)){
+ $cart['ust_befreit'] = 1;
+ }elseif($this->app->erp->Export($taxedCountry)){
+ $cart['ust_befreit'] = 2;
+ }else{
+ $cart['ust_befreit'] = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ $lineItems = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/' . $order['id'] . '/line-items');
+ $order['lineItems'] = $lineItems;
+ $cart['articlelist'] = [];
+ $taxRate = 0;
+ foreach ($lineItems['data'] as $lineItem) {
+ if ($lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'] > $taxRate) {
+ $taxRate = $lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'];
+ }
+ }
+ $orderPriceType = 'price';
+ if(in_array($order['attributes']['taxStatus'], ['net', 'tax-free'])) {
+ $orderPriceType = 'price_netto';
+ $cart['versandkostennetto'] = $cart['versandkostenbrutto'];
+ unset($cart['versandkostenbrutto']);
+ }
+ foreach ($lineItems['data'] as $lineItem) {
+ $productPriceType = $orderPriceType;
+ if(empty($lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'])){
+ $productPriceType = 'price_netto';
+ }
+ $articleId = null;
+ if($lineItem['attributes']['price']['unitPrice'] < 0) {
+ $articleId = $voucherArticleNumber;
+ }
+ elseif(isset($lineItem['attributes']['payload']['productNumber'])){
+ $articleId = $lineItem['attributes']['payload']['productNumber'];
+ }
+ $product = [
+ 'articleid' => $articleId,
+ 'name' => $lineItem['attributes']['label'],
+ 'quantity' => $lineItem['attributes']['quantity'],
+ $productPriceType => $lineItem['attributes']['price']['unitPrice'],
+ 'steuersatz' => $lineItem['attributes']['price']['calculatedTaxes'][0]['taxRate'],
+ ];
+ $cart['articlelist'][] = $product;
+ }
+ $cart['order'] = $order;
+ $fetchedOrders[] = [
+ 'id' => $cart['auftrag'],
+ 'sessionid' => '',
+ 'logdatei' => '',
+ 'warenkorb' => base64_encode(serialize($cart)),
+ 'warenkorbjson' => base64_encode(json_encode($cart)),
+ ];
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Auftrag', $order);
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Adresse', $addresses);
+ $this->Shopware6Log('Ergebnis: Positionen', $lineItems);
+ }
+ return $fetchedOrders;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function ImportDeleteAuftrag()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/process');
+ $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function ImportUpdateAuftrag()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
+ $tracking = $tmp['tracking'];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/complete');
+ $deliveries = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'order/'.$auftrag.'/deliveries');
+ $deliveryId = $deliveries['data'][0]['id'];
+ if(!empty($deliveryId)){
+ $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order_delivery/'.$deliveryId.'/state/ship');
+ $deliveryData = [
+ 'trackingCodes' => [$tracking]
+ ];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('PATCH', 'order-delivery/'.$deliveryId,$deliveryData);
+ }
+ $this->sendInvoce($auftrag);
+ $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
+ if(empty($tmp['orderId'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->updateStorageForOrderIntId((int)$tmp['orderId']);
+ }
+ public function ImportStorniereAuftrag()
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->CatchRemoteCommand('data');
+ $auftrag = $tmp['auftrag'];
+ $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/'.$auftrag.'/state/cancel');
+ $this->addCustomFieldToOrder((string)$auftrag);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $extOrderId
+ */
+ protected function sendInvoce($extOrderId)
+ {
+ $order = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT `rechnungid`, `id` FROM `auftrag` WHERE shopextid='%s'",
+ $extOrderId
+ )
+ );
+ $invoiceId = 0;
+ if (!empty($order['rechnungid'])) {
+ $invoiceId = $order['rechnungid'];
+ $sql = sprintf("SELECT projekt, belegnr FROM rechnung WHERE id='%s'", $invoiceId);
+ $invoiceData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow($sql);
+ }
+ if (empty($invoiceId) && !empty($order['id'])) {
+ $invoiceData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT `id`, `projekt`, `belegnr`
+ FROM `rechnung`
+ WHERE `auftragid` = %d AND `status` <> 'storniert' AND `status` <> 'angelegt'
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $order['id']
+ )
+ );
+ if (!empty($invoiceData)) {
+ $invoiceId = $invoiceData['id'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($invoiceData['belegnr'])) {
+ $projekt = $invoiceData['projekt'];
+ if (class_exists('RechnungPDFCustom')) {
+ $Brief = new RechnungPDFCustom($this->app, $projekt);
+ } else {
+ $Brief = new RechnungPDF($this->app, $projekt);
+ }
+ $Brief->GetRechnung($invoiceId);
+ $filePath = $Brief->displayTMP(true);
+ $documentNumber = $invoiceData['belegnr'];
+ $invoiceDocumentData = [
+ 'config' => [
+ 'custom' => [
+ 'invoiceNumber' => $documentNumber,
+ ],
+ 'documentComment' => 'Aus Xentral heraus erstellte Rechnung',
+ 'documentNumber' => $documentNumber,
+ ],
+ 'referenced_document_id' => null,
+ 'static' => true
+ ];
+ $documentData = $this->shopwareRequest('POST', '_action/order/' . $extOrderId . '/document/invoice', $invoiceDocumentData);
+ $documentId = $documentData['documentId'];
+ $accessToken = $this->shopwareToken();
+ $url = $this->ShopUrl . 'v2/_action/document/' . $documentId . '/upload?_response=true&extension=pdf&fileName=' . $documentNumber;
+ $ch = curl_init();
+ $setHeaders = [
+ 'Content-Type:application/pdf',
+ 'Authorization:Bearer ' . $accessToken['token']
+ ];
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, file_get_contents($filePath));
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $setHeaders);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ $response = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ if (!empty($response['errors'])) {
+ $this->Shopware6Log(
+ 'Fehler bei Rechnugnsübertragung für ' . $documentNumber, $response['errors']
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function ImportAuth()
+ {
+ $tokeninfo = $this->shopwareToken();
+ if (!$tokeninfo['success']) {
+ return 'failed: ' . $tokeninfo['message'];
+ }
+ if($this->data === 'info'){
+ $salesChannelsInShopware = $this->client->getAllSalesChannels();
+ $salesChannelsToShow = ['subshops' => []];
+ foreach ($salesChannelsInShopware['data'] as $salesChannelInShopware){
+ $salesChannelsToShow['subshops'][] = [
+ 'id'=>$salesChannelInShopware['id'],
+ 'name'=>$salesChannelInShopware['name'],
+ 'aktiv'=>$salesChannelInShopware['active']
+ ];
+ }
+ return $salesChannelsToShow;
+ }
+ return 'success';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build category tree as displayed in article info
+ * May be useful for setting category in the future
+ * but probably obsolete
+ *
+ * @param string $categoryName
+ * @param array $categoryTree
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function appendCategoryTree($categoryName, $categoryTree = [])
+ {
+ $shopwareCategory = $this->shopwareRequest(
+ 'GET',
+ 'category?filter[category.name]=' . urlencode($categoryName)
+ );
+ if (!isset($shopwareCategory['data'][0]['id'])) {
+ return $categoryTree;
+ }
+ $categoryInfo = $shopwareCategory['data'][0]['attributes'];
+ $categories[] = [(int)$categoryInfo['level'], $shopwareCategory['data'][0]['id']];
+ $path = $categoryInfo['path'];
+ if (!empty($path)) {
+ $pathArray = explode('|', $path);
+ foreach ($pathArray as $nodeId) {
+ if ($nodeId === '') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $nodeCategory = $this->shopwareRequest('GET', 'category/' . $nodeId);
+ if (isset($nodeCategory['data']['id'])) {
+ $categories[] = [(int)$nodeCategory['data']['attributes']['level'], $nodeId];
+ unset($nodeCategory);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($categories as $category) {
+ $level = $category[0];
+ if (!isset($categoryTree[$level])) {
+ $categoryTree[$level] = [];
+ }
+ if (!in_array($category, $categoryTree[$level], true)) {
+ $categoryTree[$level][] = $category[1];
+ }
+ }
+ ksort($categoryTree);
+ return $categoryTree;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $postData
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function updatePostDataForAssistent($postData)
+ {
+ if(!empty($this->ShopUrl)) {
+ $postData['shopwareUrl'] = $this->ShopUrl;
+ }
+ return $postData;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $shopArr
+ * @param array $postData
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function updateShopexportArr($shopArr, $postData)
+ {
+ $shopArr['stornoabgleich'] = 1;
+ $shopArr['demomodus'] = 0;
+ return $shopArr;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return JsonResponse|null
+ */
+ public function AuthByAssistent()
+ {
+ $shopwareUrl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwareUrl');
+ $shopwareUserName = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwareUserName');
+ $shopwarePassword = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shopwarePassword');
+ $step = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('step');
+ if($step <= 1){
+ if(empty($shopwareUrl)){
+ return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte die URL des Shops angeben.'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ if(empty($shopwareUserName)){
+ return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte den Benutzernamen angeben'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ if(empty($shopwarePassword)){
+ return new JsonResponse(['error' => 'Bitte das Passwort angeben'], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ $this->UserName = $shopwareUserName;
+ $this->Password = $shopwarePassword;
+ $shopwareUrl = rtrim($shopwareUrl, '/') . '/';
+ $testUrls = [];
+ $hasNoHttp = strpos($shopwareUrl,'http') !== 0;
+ if(substr($shopwareUrl, -5) !== '/api/') {
+ if($hasNoHttp) {
+ $testUrls[] = 'https://'.$shopwareUrl.'api/';
+ $testUrls[] = 'http://'.$shopwareUrl.'api/';
+ }
+ $testUrls[] = $shopwareUrl.'api/';
+ }
+ elseif($hasNoHttp) {
+ $testUrls[] = 'https://'.$shopwareUrl;
+ $testUrls[] = 'http://'.$shopwareUrl;
+ }
+ else {
+ $testUrls[] = $shopwareUrl;
+ }
+ foreach($testUrls as $testUrl) {
+ $this->ShopUrl = $testUrl;
+ $tokeninfo = $this->shopwareToken();
+ if(!empty($tokeninfo['success'])) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$tokeninfo['success']){
+ return new JsonResponse(['error' => $tokeninfo['message']], JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getClickByClickHeadline()
+ {
+ return 'Bitte im Shopware Backend einen eigenen Benutzer für Xentral anlegen und diese
+ Zugangsdaten hier eintragen.';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getStructureDataForClickByClickSave()
+ {
+ return [
+ 'shopwareAllowCreateManufacturer' => 1,
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array[]
+ */
+ public function getCreateForm()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'id' => 0,
+ 'name' => 'urls',
+ 'inputs' => [
+ [
+ 'label' => 'URL des Shops',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'name' => 'shopwareUrl',
+ 'validation' => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'id' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'username',
+ 'inputs' => [
+ [
+ 'label' => 'Benutzername aus Shopware',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'name' => 'shopwareUserName',
+ 'validation' => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ [
+ 'id' => 2,
+ 'name' => 'password',
+ 'inputs' => [
+ [
+ 'label' => 'Passwort aus Shopware',
+ 'type' => 'password',
+ 'name' => 'shopwarePassword',
+ 'validation' => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public function getBoosterHeadline(): string
+ {
+ return 'Shopware 6 Business Booster App';
+ }
+ public function getBoosterSubHeadline(): string
+ {
+ return 'Bitte gehe auf Shopware 6 und installiere dort das Plugin Xentral Business Booster App.
+ Dort kann man sich dann mit ein paar Klicks mit Xentral verbinden.';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $intOrderId
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function getArticleShopLinks(int $intOrderId): array
+ {
+ return $this->app->DB->SelectPairs(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT ao.artikel, a.nummer
+ FROM `auftrag_position` AS `ap`
+ INNER JOIN `auftrag` AS `ab` ON ap.auftrag = ab.id
+ INNER JOIN `artikel` AS `a` ON ap.artikel = a.id
+ INNER JOIN `artikel_onlineshops` AS `ao` ON ab.shop = ao.shop AND a.id = ao.artikel
+ WHERE ab.id = {$intOrderId} AND ao.aktiv = 1"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleIds
+ */
+ protected function updateArticleCacheToSync(array $articleIds): void
+ {
+ if(empty($articleIds)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $articleIdsString = implode(', ', $articleIds);
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ "UPDATE `artikel`
+ SET `laststorage_changed` = DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
+ WHERE `id` IN ({$articleIdsString})"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $articleIds
+ */
+ protected function updateArticleOnlineShopCache(array $articleIds): void
+ {
+ if(empty($articleIds)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $articleIdsString = implode(', ', $articleIds);
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ "UPDATE `artikel_onlineshops`
+ SET `storage_cache` = -999, `pseudostorage_cache` = -999
+ WHERE `artikel` IN ({$articleIdsString}) AND `aktiv` = 1 AND `shop` = {$this->shopid}"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $intOrderId
+ */
+ protected function updateStorageForOrderIntId(int $intOrderId): void
+ {
+ $articles = $this->getArticleShopLinks($intOrderId);
+ if(empty($articles)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $articleIds = array_keys($articles);
+ $this->updateArticleCacheToSync($articleIds);
+ $this->updateArticleOnlineShopCache($articleIds);
+ $isStorageSyncCronjobActive = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `prozessstarter` WHERE `aktiv` = 1 AND `parameter` = 'lagerzahlen'"
+ ) > 0;
+ if(!$isStorageSyncCronjobActive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach($articleIds as $articleId) {
+ try {
+ $this->app->erp->LagerSync($articleId, false, [$this->shopid]);
+ }
+ catch (Exception $e) {
+ $articleNumber = $articles[$articleId];
+ $this->Shopware6ErrorLog('LagerSync konnte nicht ausgeführt werden', $articleNumber);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->updateArticleCacheToSync($articleIds);
+ }
From a3c253a13b5a89557d1c534cc679b348482c6975 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 12:22:23 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 076/149] Bugfix when using multidb.conf.php Error when using
cronjob # /usr/bin/php8.1 /var/www/html/openxe-v.1.6/cronjobs/starter2.php
classes/Core/LegacyConfig/MultiDbArrayHydrator.php | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/classes/Core/LegacyConfig/MultiDbArrayHydrator.php b/classes/Core/LegacyConfig/MultiDbArrayHydrator.php
index 653812be..e701f6ff 100644
--- a/classes/Core/LegacyConfig/MultiDbArrayHydrator.php
+++ b/classes/Core/LegacyConfig/MultiDbArrayHydrator.php
@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ final class MultiDbArrayHydrator
$description = !empty($item['description']) ? $item['description'] : $defaultConfig->WFdbname;
// Cronjobs nur aktivieren, wenn Einstellung vorhanden und gesetzt (Default `false`).
- $cronjobsActive = (int)$item['cronjob'] === 1;
+ if (array_key_exists('cronjob',$item)) {
+ $cronjobsActive = (int)$item['cronjob'] === 1;
+ } else {
+ $cronjobsActive = false;
+ }
if(!empty($item['dbname']) && $defaultConfig->WFdbname === $item['dbname']) {
$item = [];
From 6df7be74b793ac8c0367b433a65d794fd7ef362d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 13:20:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 077/149] Bugfixes for project specific PDF background ->
UPGRADE DB with database_compare
tools/database_compare/db_schema.json | 8781 ++++++++++++------------
www/lib/class.erpapi.php | 2 +-
www/pages/layoutvorlagen.php | 1824 ++---
www/widgets/templates/_gen/projekt.tpl | 14 +
4 files changed, 5323 insertions(+), 5298 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json
index fc849271..f8e99755 100644
--- a/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json
+++ b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"Field": "bezeichnung",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"Field": "nummer",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"Field": "steuerklasse",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"Field": "rabatt",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"Field": "status",
"Type": "varchar(64)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
"Field": "bemerkung",
"Type": "text",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
"Field": "beschreibung",
"Type": "text",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
"Field": "dokument",
"Type": "varchar(64)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
"Field": "preisart",
"Type": "varchar(64)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
"Field": "waehrung",
"Type": "varchar(10)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
"Field": "beschreibung",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
"Field": "beschreibung2",
"Type": "text",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
"Field": "ansprechpartner",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
"Field": "bezeichnung",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
"Field": "name",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
"Field": "target",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
"Field": "bezeichnung",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
"Field": "verwendenals",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
"Field": "baudrate",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
"Field": "model",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
"Field": "seriennummer",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@
"Field": "ipadresse",
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"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114422,7 +114433,7 @@
"Field": "bearbeiter",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114433,7 +114444,7 @@
"Field": "preis_eur_retail",
"Type": "varchar(128)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114480,7 +114491,7 @@
"Field": "nummer",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "YES",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114491,7 +114502,7 @@
"Field": "beschreibung",
"Type": "varchar(512)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "YES",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114502,7 +114513,7 @@
"Field": "internebemerkung",
"Type": "text",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "YES",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114538,7 +114549,7 @@
"Field": "bearbeiter",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114582,7 +114593,7 @@
"Field": "vpe",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114593,7 +114604,7 @@
"Field": "grund",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114604,7 +114615,7 @@
"Field": "lager_von",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114615,7 +114626,7 @@
"Field": "lager_nach",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114626,7 +114637,7 @@
"Field": "richtung",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114648,7 +114659,7 @@
"Field": "objekt",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
@@ -114659,7 +114670,7 @@
"Field": "parameter",
"Type": "varchar(255)",
- "Collation": "utf8_general_ci",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "",
diff --git a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
index 9c07f3cd..a4083cd2 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
@@ -41012,7 +41012,7 @@ function Firmendaten($field,$projekt="")
$orderBy = '';
if($projekt > 0) {
- $orderBy = sprintf(' ORDER BY %d DESC ', (int)$projekt);
+ $orderBy = ' ORDER BY projekt DESC';
return (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
diff --git a/www/pages/layoutvorlagen.php b/www/pages/layoutvorlagen.php
index 0b7a58c1..c7663c50 100644
--- a/www/pages/layoutvorlagen.php
+++ b/www/pages/layoutvorlagen.php
@@ -1,915 +1,915 @@
-app = $app;
- if($intern) {
- return;
- }
- $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
- $this->app->ActionHandler("list", "LayoutvorlagenList");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("edit", "LayoutvorlagenEdit");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("create", "LayoutvorlagenCreate");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("copy", "LayoutvorlagenCopy");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("getposition", "LayoutvorlagenGetPosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("saveposition", "LayoutvorlagenSavePosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("createposition", "LayoutvorlagenCreatePosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("deleteposition", "LayoutvorlagenDeletePosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("delete", "LayoutvorlagenDelete");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("download", "LayoutvorlagenDownload");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("export", "LayoutvorlagenExport");
- //$this->app->ActionHandler("import", "LayoutvorlagenImport");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("imgvorschau", "LayoutvorlagenImgVorschau");
- $this->app->erp->Headlines('Layoutvorlagen');
- $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenCopy()
- {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id)
- {
- $layoutvorlage = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = '$id'");
- if($layoutvorlage)
- {
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen (id) VALUES('')");
- $newvorlage = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $layoutvorlage[0]['name'] .= ' (Kopie)';
- $this->app->FormHandler->ArrayUpdateDatabase("layoutvorlagen",$newvorlage,$layoutvorlage[0],true);
- $positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE layoutvorlage = '$id'");
- if($positionen)
- {
- foreach($positionen as $position)
- {
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen_positionen (id) VALUES('')");
- $newvorlagepos = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $position['layoutvorlage'] = $newvorlage;
- $this->app->FormHandler->ArrayUpdateDatabase("layoutvorlagen_positionen",$newvorlagepos,$position, true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- header('Location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list');
- exit;
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenDownload($id = 0)
- {
- if(!$id)$id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- // mit infos aus zertifikat und konkreten inhalten
- $projekt = "";
- $Brief = new LayoutvorlagenPDF($this->app, $projekt);
- $Brief->GetLayoutvorlage($id);
- $Brief->inlineDocument();
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenMenu() {
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list","Übersicht");
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenList() {
- //$this->LayoutvorlagenMenu();
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list","Übersicht");
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Neu");
- $layoutanlegen = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutanlegen');
- if ($layoutanlegen) {
- $row['name'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- //$row['name'] = preg_replace('#[^-A-Za-z0-9]#', '-', $row['name']);
- $row['typ'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $row['format'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('format');
- $row['kategorie'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kategorie');
- if ($row['name']) {
- $this->app->DB->Insert('
- layoutvorlagen
- name = "' . $row['name'] . '",
- typ = "' . $row['typ'] . '",
- format = "' . $row['format'] . '",
- kategorie = "' . $row['kategorie'] . '"
- ');
- $id = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- if ($id) {
- header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $id);
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('cmd') === 'import') {
- if (!empty($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'])) {
- $string = file_get_contents($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name']);
- $ret = $this->importJson($string, $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('ueberschreiben'));
- if(!empty($ret['message'])) {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('ERRORMSG', $ret['message']);
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('ERRORMSG', "Keine Datei ausgewält");
- }
- }
- $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TABELLE', 'layoutvorlagen_list');
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"layoutvorlagen_list.tpl");
- }
- /**
- * @param string $string
- * @param bool $overwrite
- *
- * @return array
- */
- public function importJson($string, $overwrite = false)
- {
- $ret = [];
- if(!(NULL !== $json = json_decode($string))) {
- return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei'];
- }
- if(empty($json->Layout) && empty($json->Layout->name)) {
- return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei Fehlendes Element: Layout'];
- }
- $altesLayout = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- sprintf(
- "select * from layoutvorlagen where name like '%s'",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($json->Layout->name)
- )
- );
- if(!empty($altesLayout) && !$overwrite) {
- return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Es existiert bereis ein Layout mit dem Namen','id' => $altesLayout['id']];
- }
- if(isset($json->Layout->id)) {
- unset($json->Layout->id);
- }
- $columns = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW COLUMNS FROM layoutvorlagen');
- $error = false;
- foreach($json->Layout as $k => $v) {
- $found = false;
- foreach($columns as $k2 => $v2) {
- if($v2['Field'] == $k) {
- $found = true;
- }
- }
- if(!$found) {
- $error = true;
- }
- }
- $columnspos = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW COLUMNS FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen');
- if(!empty($json->Layoutpositionen)) {
- foreach($json->Layoutpositionen as $k => $pos) {
- if(isset($pos->id)) {
- unset($json->Layoutpositionen[$k]->id);
- }
- if(isset($pos->layoutvorlage)) {
- unset($json->Layoutpositionen[$k]->id);
- }
- foreach($pos as $kp => $vp) {
- $found = false;
- foreach($columnspos as $k2 => $v2) {
- if($v2['Field'] == $kp) {
- $found = true;
- }
- }
- if(!$found) {
- $error = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!empty($error)) {
- return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei: falsche Elemente'];
- }
- $query = "insert into layoutvorlagen (";
- $i = 0;
- foreach($columns as $k => $v) {
- if($v['Field'] !== 'id') {
- $i++;
- if($i > 1) {
- $query .= ', ';
- }
- $query .= $v['Field'];
- }
- }
- $query .= ') values (';
- $i = 0;
- foreach($columns as $k => $v) {
- if($v['Field'] !== 'id') {
- $i++;
- if($i > 1) {
- $query .= ', ';
- }
- $query .= "'";
- $fieldName = $v['Field'];
- if(isset($json->Layout->$fieldName)) {
- $query .= $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($json->Layout->$fieldName);
- }
- $query .= "'";
- }
- }
- $query .= ')';
- //alte Löschen falls existiert
- if($altesLayout) {
- foreach($altesLayout as $l) {
- if($l['id']) {
- $this->app->DB->Delete("delete from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$l['id']);
- $this->app->DB->Delete("delete from layoutvorlagen where id = ".$l['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- //
- $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
- $newid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- if(empty($newid)) {
- return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Fehler beim Erstellen des Layouts'];
- }
- $j = 0;
- foreach ($json->Layoutpositionen as $kpos => $pos) {
- $querypos[$j] = "insert into layoutvorlagen_positionen (layoutvorlage";
- $i = 0;
- foreach($columnspos as $k => $v) {
- if($v['Field'] !== 'id' && $v['Field'] !== 'layoutvorlage') {
- $i++;
- $querypos[$j] .= ', ';
- $querypos[$j] .= $v['Field'];
- }
- }
- $querypos[$j] .= ") values ('".$newid."'";
- $i = 0;
- foreach($columnspos as $k => $v) {
- if($v['Field'] !== 'id' && $v['Field'] !== 'layoutvorlage') {
- $i++;
- $querypos[$j] .= ', ';
- $querypos[$j] .= "'";
- $fieldName = $v['Field'];
- if(isset($pos->$fieldName)) {
- $querypos[$j] .= $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($pos->$fieldName);
- }
- $querypos[$j] .= "'";
- }
- }
- $querypos[$j] .= ")";
- $j++;
- }
- if(isset($querypos)) {
- $fehler = false;
- foreach($querypos as $qp) {
- $this->app->DB->Insert($qp);
- if($this->app->DB->error()){
- $ret['error'] = $this->app->DB->error();
- $fehler = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if($fehler) {
- return [
- 'status' => 0,
- 'message' => (empty($ret['error'])?'':$ret['error'].' ')
- . 'Fehler beim Erstellen von einer oder mehreren Layoutposition(en)'
- ];
- }
- return [
- 'message' => 'Layout ' .$json->Layout->name. ' erfolgreich erstellt',
- 'status' => true, 'id' => $newid
- ];
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenEdit() {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $speichern = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutspeichern');
- if ($speichern) {
- $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $format = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('format');
- $kategorie = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kategorie');
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlagen_projekt');
- $delete_hintergrund = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('delete_hintergrund')==''?false:true;
- $pdf_hintergrund = $_FILES['pdf_hintergrund'];
- if (isset($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']) && ($pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/force-download' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] =='binary/octet-stream' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/octetstream')) {
- $fp = fopen($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name'], 'r');
- $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']));
- fclose($fp);
- $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
- } elseif($delete_hintergrund) {
- $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = ""';
- }
- $sets[] = 'name = "' . $name . '" ';
- $sets[] = 'typ = "' . $typ . '" ';
- $sets[] = 'format = "' . $format . '" ';
- $sets[] = 'kategorie = "' . $kategorie . '" ';
- if ($sets) {
- $this->app->DB->Insert('UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
- }
- if($projekt != ''){
- $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $projektid = 0;
- }
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET projekt = '$projektid' WHERE id = '$id'");
- }
- $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("kategorie","layoutvorlagenkategorie");
- $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("layoutvorlagen_projekt", "projektname", 1);
- //$this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Neu");
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=" . $id . "","Details");
- $vorlage = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- $vorlage = reset($vorlage);
- if ($cmd) {
- switch ($cmd) {
- case 'pdfvorschau':
- $pdf_hintergrund = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT pdf_hintergrund FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- $pdf_hintergrund = base64_decode($pdf_hintergrund);
- header("Content-type: application/pdf");
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="pdf_hintergrund.pdf"');
- print $pdf_hintergrund;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- exit;
- }
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('layoutvorlagen_id', $id);
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('NAME', $vorlage['name']);
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('KATEGORIE', $vorlage['kategorie']);
- if($vorlage['projekt'] > 0){
- $projektname = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id = '".$vorlage['projekt']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($projektname != ""){
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('PROJEKT', $projektname);
- }
- }
- if ($vorlage['pdf_hintergrund']) {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('PDFVORSCHAU', ' ');
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('TAB3', '');
- /*
- $schriftarten = $this->app->erp->GetSchriftarten();
- //Test
- $schriftarten['times'] = "Times";
- $schriftarten['juliusc'] = 'juliusc';
- $schriftarten['bernard'] = 'Bernard';
- $schriftarten['HLBC____'] = 'HLBC____';
- */
- $schriftartena = $this->app->erp->GetFonts();
- foreach($schriftartena as $kk => $vv)
- {
- $schriftarten[$kk] = $vv['name'];
- }
- //Test End
- $schriftartenTpl = '';
- if ($schriftarten) {
- foreach ($schriftarten as $schriftartKey => $schriftart) {
- $schriftartenTpl .= '' . $schriftart . ' ';
- }
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Add(SCHRIFTARTEN, $schriftartenTpl);
- $rahmenbreiten = array(
- '0' => 'Kein Rahmen',
- '1' => '1',
- '2' => '2',
- '3' => '3',
- '4' => '4',
- '5' => '5',
- '6' => '6',
- '7' => '7',
- '8' => '8',
- '9' => '9',
- '10' => '10'
- );
- $rahmenTpl = '';
- if ($rahmenbreiten) {
- foreach ($rahmenbreiten as $rahmenbreiteKey => $rahmenbreite) {
- $rahmenTpl .= '' . $rahmenbreite . ' ';
- }
- }
- $positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('
- id,
- name,
- typ
- layoutvorlagen_positionen
- layoutvorlage = "' . $id . '"
- ');
- $positionenTpl = '';
- $positionenTpl .= 'Keine ';
- if ($positionen) {
- foreach ($positionen as $position) {
- $positionenTpl .= '' . $position['name'] . ' (' . $position['typ'] . ') ';
- }
- }
- $schriftausrichtungen = array('left' => 'Links', 'center' => 'Zentriert', 'right' => 'Rechts');
- $schriftausrichtungenTpl = '';
- if ($schriftausrichtungen) {
- foreach($schriftausrichtungen as $schriftausrichtungKey => $schriftausrichtung) {
- $schriftausrichtungenTpl .= '' . $schriftausrichtung . ' ';
- }
- }
- $formate = array('A4' => 'DIN A4 Hoch', 'A4L' => 'DIN A4 Quer','A5' => 'DIN A5 Hoch', 'A5L' => 'DIN A5 Quer','A6' => 'DIN A6 Hoch', 'A6L' => 'DIN A6 Quer');
- $formatTpl = '';
- if ($formate) {
- foreach($formate as $formatKey => $formatBeschriftung) {
- $formatTpl .= '' . $formatBeschriftung . ' ';
- }
- }
- $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("schrift_farbe");
- $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("hintergrund_farbe");
- $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("rahmen_farbe");
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('SCHRIFTAUSRICHTUNGEN', $schriftausrichtungenTpl);
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('POSITIONPARENT', $positionenTpl);
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('FORMAT', $formatTpl);
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('RAHMEN', $rahmenTpl);
- $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TABELLE', 'layoutvorlagen_edit');
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"layoutvorlagen_edit.tpl");
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenCreate() {
- $speichern = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layouterstellen');
- if ($speichern) {
- $felder = array('name', 'typ', 'format', 'kategorie');
- $sets = array();
- if ($felder) {
- foreach ($felder as $feld) {
- $sets[] = $feld . ' = "' . $this->app->Secure->GetPOST($feld) . '"';
- }
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlagen_projekt');
- if($projekt != ''){
- $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $projektid = 0;
- }
- $query = ('INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' ');
- $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
- $layoutvorlagenId = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET projekt = '$projektid' WHERE id = '$layoutvorlagenId'");
- $delete_hintergrund = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('delete_hintergrund')==''?false:true;
- $pdf_hintergrund = $_FILES['pdf_hintergrund'];
- if (isset($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']) && ($pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/force-download' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] =='binary/octet-stream' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/octetstream')) {
- $fp = fopen($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name'], 'r');
- $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']));
- fclose($fp);
- $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
- } elseif($delete_hintergrund) {
- $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = ""';
- }
- if ($sets) {
- $this->app->DB->Insert('UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $layoutvorlagenId);
- }
- if ($layoutvorlagenId) {
- header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlagenId);
- exit;
- }
- }
- $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("kategorie","layoutvorlagenkategorie");
- $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("layoutvorlagen_projekt", "projektname", 1);
- $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Erstellen");
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','layoutvorlagen_create.tpl');
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenGetPosition() {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
- $row = $this->app->DB->SelectRow('SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- if ($row['bild_deutsch']) {
- $bilddata['bild_deutsch'] = 'VORSCHAU ';
- unset($row['bild_deutsch']);
- }
- if ($row['bild_englisch']) {
- $bilddata['bild_englisch'] = 'VORSCHAU ';
- unset($row['bild_englisch']);
- }
- echo json_encode(array(
- 'status' => 1,
- 'statusText' => '',
- 'row' => $row,
- 'bilddata' => $bilddata
- ));
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenSavePosition() {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
- $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- $name = strtolower($name);
- $name = preg_replace('#[^-A-Za-z0-9]#', '-', $name);
- $beschreibung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung');
- $position_typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_typ');
- $position_x = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_x');
- $position_y = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_y');
- $position_parent = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_parent');
- $breite = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('breite');
- $hoehe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('hoehe');
- $schrift_art = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_art');
- $schrift_groesse = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_groesse');
- $zeilen_hoehe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeilen_hoehe');
- $schrift_align = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_align');
- $schrift_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_farbe');
- $hintergrund_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('hintergrund_farbe');
- $rahmen = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rahmen');
- $rahmen_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rahmen_farbe');
- $sichtbar = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('sichtbar')=='')?'0':'1';
- $schrift_fett = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_fett')=='')?'0':'1';
- $schrift_kursiv = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_kursiv')=='')?'0':'1';
- $schrift_underline = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_underline')=='')?'0':'1';
- //$this->app->erp->LogFile("sichtbar: ".$sichtbar.".");
- $inhalt_deutsch = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('inhalt_deutsch');
- $inhalt_englisch = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('inhalt_englisch');
- $layoutvorlage = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlage');
- $sort = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('sort');
- $zeichenbegrenzung = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeichenbegrenzung');
- $zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl');
- $layoutvorlagenpos = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select id, sort from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$layoutvorlage." and id <> ".$id." order by sort");
- $i = 0;
- if(isset($layoutvorlagenpos[0]))
- {
- foreach($layoutvorlagenpos as $key => $pos)
- {
- $i++;
- if($i < $sort && $i != $pos['sort'] )
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("update layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = ".$i." where id = ".$pos['id']);
- }
- if($i >= $sort && $i + 1 != $pos['sort'])
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("update layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = ".($i + 1)." where id = ".$pos['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- if($sort < 1)
- {
- $sort = 1;
- }
- if($sort > $i + 1)
- {
- $sort = $i + 1;
- }
- $sets = array();
- $sets[] = 'typ = "' . $typ . '"';
- $sets[] = 'name = "' . $name . '"';
- $sets[] = 'beschreibung = "' . $beschreibung . '"';
- $sets[] = 'position_typ = "' . $position_typ . '"';
- $sets[] = 'position_x = "' . $position_x . '"';
- $sets[] = 'position_y = "' . $position_y . '"';
- $sets[] = 'position_parent = "' . $position_parent . '"';
- $sets[] = 'breite = "' . $breite . '"';
- $sets[] = 'hoehe = "' . $hoehe . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_art = "' . $schrift_art . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_groesse = "' . $schrift_groesse . '"';
- $sets[] = 'zeilen_hoehe = "' . $zeilen_hoehe . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_fett = "' . $schrift_fett . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_kursiv = "' . $schrift_kursiv . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_underline = "' . $schrift_underline . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_align = "' . $schrift_align . '"';
- $sets[] = 'schrift_farbe = "' . $schrift_farbe . '"';
- $sets[] = 'hintergrund_farbe = "' . $hintergrund_farbe . '"';
- $sets[] = 'rahmen = "' . $rahmen . '"';
- $sets[] = 'rahmen_farbe = "' . $rahmen_farbe . '"';
- $sets[] = 'sichtbar = "' . $sichtbar . '"';
- $sets[] = 'inhalt_deutsch = "' . $inhalt_deutsch . '"';
- $sets[] = 'inhalt_englisch = "' . $inhalt_englisch . '"';
- $sets[] = 'layoutvorlage = "' . $layoutvorlage . '"';
- $sets[] = 'sort = "' . $sort . '"';
- $sets[] = 'zeichenbegrenzung = "' . $zeichenbegrenzung . '"';
- $sets[] = 'zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl = "' . $zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl . '"';
- if (isset($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name'])) {
- if ($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['bild_deutsch']['type'] == 'image/png') {
- $imgtype = exif_imagetype($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']);
- $img_type = '';
- switch($imgtype)
- {
- $img_type = 'GIF';
- break;
- $img_type = 'JPEG';
- break;
- $img_type = 'PNG';
- break;
- $img_type = 'ICO';
- break;
- $img_type = 'BMP';
- break;
- }
- $fp = fopen($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name'], 'r');
- $sets[] = 'bild_deutsch_typ = "' . $img_type . '"';
- $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']));
- fclose($fp);
- $sets[] = 'bild_deutsch = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
- }
- }
- if (isset($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name'])) {
- if ($_FILES['bild_englisch']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['bild_englisch']['type'] == 'image/png') {
- $imgtype = exif_imagetype($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']);
- $img_type = '';
- switch($imgtype)
- {
- $img_type = 'GIF';
- break;
- $img_type = 'JPEG';
- break;
- $img_type = 'PNG';
- break;
- $img_type = 'ICO';
- break;
- $img_type = 'BMP';
- break;
- }
- $sets[] = 'bild_englisch_typ = "' . $img_type . '"';
- $fp = fopen($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name'], 'r');
- $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name']));
- fclose($fp);
- $sets[] = 'bild_englisch = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
- }
- }
- if($id) {
- $query = ('UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen SET ' . implode(',', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
- $saveType = 'UPDATE';
- } else {
-// $layoutvorlage = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT layoutvorlage FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id='$id'");
- $checkname = $this->app->DB->Select('
- SELECT id FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE name = "' . $name . '" AND layoutvorlage="'.$layoutvorlage.'"
- ');
- if ($checkname) {
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Name bereits vergeben.
- header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlage . '&msg=' . $msg);
- exit;
- }
- $query = ('INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen_positionen SET ' . implode(' , ', $sets));
- $saveType = 'INSERT';
- }
- $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
- header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlage."#tabs-2");
- exit;
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenDelete() {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id > 0){
- $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE layoutvorlage = ' . $id);
- }
- echo json_encode(array(
- 'status' => 1,
- 'statusText' => 'Gelöscht.'
- ));
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenDeletePosition() {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id <= 0){
- echo json_encode(array(
- 'status' => 0,
- 'statusText' => 'ID ungültig: nicht Gelöscht.'
- ));
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- $parent = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT sort, position_parent, layoutvorlage from layoutvorlagen_positionen where id = ".$id);
- if($parent[0]['position_parent'] !== false)
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen SET parent = ".$parent[0]['position_parent']." where parent = ".$id);
- }
- $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- $this->app->DB->Update('UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = sort - 1 where sort > '.$parent[0]['sort'].' and layoutvorlage = '.$parent[0]['layoutvorlage']);
- echo json_encode(array(
- 'status' => 1,
- 'statusText' => 'Gelöscht.'
- ));
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenImgVorschau() {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- if ($cmd == 'de') {
- $bildA = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT bild_deutsch, bild_deutsch_typ FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- if(!isset($bildA[0]))
- {
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- $bild = $bildA[0]['bild_deutsch'];
- $type = $bildA[0]['bild_deutsch_typ'];
- } else if ($cmd == 'en') {
- $bildA = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT bild_englisch, bild_englisch_typ FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
- if(!isset($bildA[0]))
- {
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- $bild = $bildA[0]['bild_englisch'];
- $type = $bildA[0]['bild_englisch_typ'];
- }
- $bild = base64_decode($bild);
- if ($bild) {
- $im = imagecreatefromstring($bild);
- if ($im !== false) {
- //$type = strtolower($type);
- $type = '';
- if($type == '')$type = $this->get_img_type($bild);
- if($type == 'jpg')
- {
- $type = 'jpeg';
- }
- header('Content-Type: image/'.$type);
- switch(strtolower($type)){
- case "png":
- imagepng($im); break;
- case "jpeg": case "jpg":
- imagejpeg($im); break;
- case "gif":
- imagegif($im); break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- imagedestroy($im);
- }
- }
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- function get_img_type($data) {
- $magics = array(
- 'ffd8ff' => 'jpg',
- '89504e470d0a1a0a' => 'png',
- );
- foreach ($magics as $str => $ext) {
- if (strtolower(bin2hex(substr($data, 0, strlen($str)/2))) == $str)
- {
- return $ext;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- public function LayoutvorlagenExport()
- {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id > 0)
- {
- if($Layout = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select * from layoutvorlagen where id = ".$id." limit 1"))
- {
- $Layout = reset($Layout);
- $Layoutpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select * from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$id);
- header('Conent-Type: application/json');
- header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Layout".$this->app->erp->Dateinamen((trim($Layout['name'])!= ''?'_'.$Layout['name']:(trim($Layout['beschreibung']) != ''?'_'.$Layout['beschreibung']:''))).".json\"");
- $Datei['Layout'] = $Layout;
- if(!empty($Layoutpositionen))
- {
- $Datei['Layoutpositionen'] = $Layoutpositionen;
- }
- echo json_encode($Datei);
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- }
- }
+app = $app;
+ if($intern) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("list", "LayoutvorlagenList");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("edit", "LayoutvorlagenEdit");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("create", "LayoutvorlagenCreate");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("copy", "LayoutvorlagenCopy");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("getposition", "LayoutvorlagenGetPosition");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("saveposition", "LayoutvorlagenSavePosition");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("createposition", "LayoutvorlagenCreatePosition");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("deleteposition", "LayoutvorlagenDeletePosition");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("delete", "LayoutvorlagenDelete");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("download", "LayoutvorlagenDownload");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("export", "LayoutvorlagenExport");
+ //$this->app->ActionHandler("import", "LayoutvorlagenImport");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("imgvorschau", "LayoutvorlagenImgVorschau");
+ $this->app->erp->Headlines('Layoutvorlagen');
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenCopy()
+ {
+ $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id)
+ {
+ $layoutvorlage = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = '$id'");
+ if($layoutvorlage)
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen (id) VALUES('')");
+ $newvorlage = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ $layoutvorlage[0]['name'] .= ' (Kopie)';
+ $this->app->FormHandler->ArrayUpdateDatabase("layoutvorlagen",$newvorlage,$layoutvorlage[0],true);
+ $positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE layoutvorlage = '$id'");
+ if($positionen)
+ {
+ foreach($positionen as $position)
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen_positionen (id) VALUES('')");
+ $newvorlagepos = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ $position['layoutvorlage'] = $newvorlage;
+ $this->app->FormHandler->ArrayUpdateDatabase("layoutvorlagen_positionen",$newvorlagepos,$position, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ header('Location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list');
+ exit;
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenDownload($id = 0)
+ {
+ if(!$id)$id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ // mit infos aus zertifikat und konkreten inhalten
+ $projekt = "";
+ $Brief = new LayoutvorlagenPDF($this->app, $projekt);
+ $Brief->GetLayoutvorlage($id);
+ $Brief->inlineDocument();
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenMenu() {
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list","Übersicht");
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenList() {
+ //$this->LayoutvorlagenMenu();
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=list","Übersicht");
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Neu");
+ $layoutanlegen = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutanlegen');
+ if ($layoutanlegen) {
+ $row['name'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ //$row['name'] = preg_replace('#[^-A-Za-z0-9]#', '-', $row['name']);
+ $row['typ'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $row['format'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('format');
+ $row['kategorie'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kategorie');
+ if ($row['name']) {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert('
+ layoutvorlagen
+ name = "' . $row['name'] . '",
+ typ = "' . $row['typ'] . '",
+ format = "' . $row['format'] . '",
+ kategorie = "' . $row['kategorie'] . '"
+ ');
+ $id = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ if ($id) {
+ header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $id);
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('cmd') === 'import') {
+ if (!empty($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name'])) {
+ $string = file_get_contents($_FILES['importfile']['tmp_name']);
+ $ret = $this->importJson($string, $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('ueberschreiben'));
+ if(!empty($ret['message'])) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('ERRORMSG', $ret['message']);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('ERRORMSG', "Keine Datei ausgewält");
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TABELLE', 'layoutvorlagen_list');
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"layoutvorlagen_list.tpl");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $string
+ * @param bool $overwrite
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function importJson($string, $overwrite = false)
+ {
+ $ret = [];
+ if(!(NULL !== $json = json_decode($string))) {
+ return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei'];
+ }
+ if(empty($json->Layout) && empty($json->Layout->name)) {
+ return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei Fehlendes Element: Layout'];
+ }
+ $altesLayout = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ sprintf(
+ "select * from layoutvorlagen where name like '%s'",
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($json->Layout->name)
+ )
+ );
+ if(!empty($altesLayout) && !$overwrite) {
+ return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Es existiert bereis ein Layout mit dem Namen','id' => $altesLayout['id']];
+ }
+ if(isset($json->Layout->id)) {
+ unset($json->Layout->id);
+ }
+ $columns = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW COLUMNS FROM layoutvorlagen');
+ $error = false;
+ foreach($json->Layout as $k => $v) {
+ $found = false;
+ foreach($columns as $k2 => $v2) {
+ if($v2['Field'] == $k) {
+ $found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$found) {
+ $error = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $columnspos = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW COLUMNS FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen');
+ if(!empty($json->Layoutpositionen)) {
+ foreach($json->Layoutpositionen as $k => $pos) {
+ if(isset($pos->id)) {
+ unset($json->Layoutpositionen[$k]->id);
+ }
+ if(isset($pos->layoutvorlage)) {
+ unset($json->Layoutpositionen[$k]->id);
+ }
+ foreach($pos as $kp => $vp) {
+ $found = false;
+ foreach($columnspos as $k2 => $v2) {
+ if($v2['Field'] == $kp) {
+ $found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$found) {
+ $error = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($error)) {
+ return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Keine gültige Datei: falsche Elemente'];
+ }
+ $query = "insert into layoutvorlagen (";
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($columns as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['Field'] !== 'id') {
+ $i++;
+ if($i > 1) {
+ $query .= ', ';
+ }
+ $query .= $v['Field'];
+ }
+ }
+ $query .= ') values (';
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($columns as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['Field'] !== 'id') {
+ $i++;
+ if($i > 1) {
+ $query .= ', ';
+ }
+ $query .= "'";
+ $fieldName = $v['Field'];
+ if(isset($json->Layout->$fieldName)) {
+ $query .= $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($json->Layout->$fieldName);
+ }
+ $query .= "'";
+ }
+ }
+ $query .= ')';
+ //alte Löschen falls existiert
+ if($altesLayout) {
+ foreach($altesLayout as $l) {
+ if($l['id']) {
+ $this->app->DB->Delete("delete from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$l['id']);
+ $this->app->DB->Delete("delete from layoutvorlagen where id = ".$l['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
+ $newid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ if(empty($newid)) {
+ return ['status' => 0, 'message' => 'Fehler beim Erstellen des Layouts'];
+ }
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach ($json->Layoutpositionen as $kpos => $pos) {
+ $querypos[$j] = "insert into layoutvorlagen_positionen (layoutvorlage";
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($columnspos as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['Field'] !== 'id' && $v['Field'] !== 'layoutvorlage') {
+ $i++;
+ $querypos[$j] .= ', ';
+ $querypos[$j] .= $v['Field'];
+ }
+ }
+ $querypos[$j] .= ") values ('".$newid."'";
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach($columnspos as $k => $v) {
+ if($v['Field'] !== 'id' && $v['Field'] !== 'layoutvorlage') {
+ $i++;
+ $querypos[$j] .= ', ';
+ $querypos[$j] .= "'";
+ $fieldName = $v['Field'];
+ if(isset($pos->$fieldName)) {
+ $querypos[$j] .= $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($pos->$fieldName);
+ }
+ $querypos[$j] .= "'";
+ }
+ }
+ $querypos[$j] .= ")";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ if(isset($querypos)) {
+ $fehler = false;
+ foreach($querypos as $qp) {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert($qp);
+ if($this->app->DB->error()){
+ $ret['error'] = $this->app->DB->error();
+ $fehler = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($fehler) {
+ return [
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'message' => (empty($ret['error'])?'':$ret['error'].' ')
+ . 'Fehler beim Erstellen von einer oder mehreren Layoutposition(en)'
+ ];
+ }
+ return [
+ 'message' => 'Layout ' .$json->Layout->name. ' erfolgreich erstellt',
+ 'status' => true, 'id' => $newid
+ ];
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenEdit() {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $speichern = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutspeichern');
+ if ($speichern) {
+ $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $format = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('format');
+ $kategorie = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kategorie');
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlagen_projekt');
+ $delete_hintergrund = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('delete_hintergrund')==''?false:true;
+ $pdf_hintergrund = $_FILES['pdf_hintergrund'];
+ if (isset($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']) && ($pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/force-download' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] =='binary/octet-stream' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/octetstream')) {
+ $fp = fopen($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name'], 'r');
+ $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']));
+ fclose($fp);
+ $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
+ } elseif($delete_hintergrund) {
+ $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = ""';
+ }
+ $sets[] = 'name = "' . $name . '" ';
+ $sets[] = 'typ = "' . $typ . '" ';
+ $sets[] = 'format = "' . $format . '" ';
+ $sets[] = 'kategorie = "' . $kategorie . '" ';
+ if ($sets) {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert('UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ }
+ if($projekt != ''){
+ $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ }else{
+ $projektid = 0;
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET projekt = '$projektid' WHERE id = '$id'");
+ }
+ $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("kategorie","layoutvorlagenkategorie");
+ $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("layoutvorlagen_projekt", "projektname", 1);
+ //$this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Neu");
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=" . $id . "","Details");
+ $vorlage = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ $vorlage = reset($vorlage);
+ if ($cmd) {
+ switch ($cmd) {
+ case 'pdfvorschau':
+ $pdf_hintergrund = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT pdf_hintergrund FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ $pdf_hintergrund = base64_decode($pdf_hintergrund);
+ header("Content-type: application/pdf");
+ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="pdf_hintergrund.pdf"');
+ print $pdf_hintergrund;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('layoutvorlagen_id', $id);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('NAME', $vorlage['name']);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('KATEGORIE', $vorlage['kategorie']);
+ if($vorlage['projekt'] > 0){
+ $projektname = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id = '".$vorlage['projekt']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projektname != ""){
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('PROJEKT', $projektname);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($vorlage['pdf_hintergrund']) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('PDFVORSCHAU', ' ');
+ }
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('TAB3', '');
+ /*
+ $schriftarten = $this->app->erp->GetSchriftarten();
+ //Test
+ $schriftarten['times'] = "Times";
+ $schriftarten['juliusc'] = 'juliusc';
+ $schriftarten['bernard'] = 'Bernard';
+ $schriftarten['HLBC____'] = 'HLBC____';
+ */
+ $schriftartena = $this->app->erp->GetFonts();
+ foreach($schriftartena as $kk => $vv)
+ {
+ $schriftarten[$kk] = $vv['name'];
+ }
+ //Test End
+ $schriftartenTpl = '';
+ if ($schriftarten) {
+ foreach ($schriftarten as $schriftartKey => $schriftart) {
+ $schriftartenTpl .= '' . $schriftart . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('SCHRIFTARTEN', $schriftartenTpl);
+ $rahmenbreiten = array(
+ '0' => 'Kein Rahmen',
+ '1' => '1',
+ '2' => '2',
+ '3' => '3',
+ '4' => '4',
+ '5' => '5',
+ '6' => '6',
+ '7' => '7',
+ '8' => '8',
+ '9' => '9',
+ '10' => '10'
+ );
+ $rahmenTpl = '';
+ if ($rahmenbreiten) {
+ foreach ($rahmenbreiten as $rahmenbreiteKey => $rahmenbreite) {
+ $rahmenTpl .= '' . $rahmenbreite . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('
+ id,
+ name,
+ typ
+ layoutvorlagen_positionen
+ layoutvorlage = "' . $id . '"
+ ');
+ $positionenTpl = '';
+ $positionenTpl .= 'Keine ';
+ if ($positionen) {
+ foreach ($positionen as $position) {
+ $positionenTpl .= '' . $position['name'] . ' (' . $position['typ'] . ') ';
+ }
+ }
+ $schriftausrichtungen = array('left' => 'Links', 'center' => 'Zentriert', 'right' => 'Rechts');
+ $schriftausrichtungenTpl = '';
+ if ($schriftausrichtungen) {
+ foreach($schriftausrichtungen as $schriftausrichtungKey => $schriftausrichtung) {
+ $schriftausrichtungenTpl .= '' . $schriftausrichtung . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $formate = array('A4' => 'DIN A4 Hoch', 'A4L' => 'DIN A4 Quer','A5' => 'DIN A5 Hoch', 'A5L' => 'DIN A5 Quer','A6' => 'DIN A6 Hoch', 'A6L' => 'DIN A6 Quer');
+ $formatTpl = '';
+ if ($formate) {
+ foreach($formate as $formatKey => $formatBeschriftung) {
+ $formatTpl .= '' . $formatBeschriftung . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("schrift_farbe");
+ $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("hintergrund_farbe");
+ $this->app->YUI->ColorPicker("rahmen_farbe");
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('SCHRIFTAUSRICHTUNGEN', $schriftausrichtungenTpl);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('POSITIONPARENT', $positionenTpl);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('FORMAT', $formatTpl);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add('RAHMEN', $rahmenTpl);
+ $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TABELLE', 'layoutvorlagen_edit');
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"layoutvorlagen_edit.tpl");
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenCreate() {
+ $speichern = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layouterstellen');
+ if ($speichern) {
+ $felder = array('name', 'typ', 'format', 'kategorie');
+ $sets = array();
+ if ($felder) {
+ foreach ($felder as $feld) {
+ $sets[] = $feld . ' = "' . $this->app->Secure->GetPOST($feld) . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlagen_projekt');
+ if($projekt != ''){
+ $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ }else{
+ $projektid = 0;
+ }
+ $query = ('INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' ');
+ $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
+ $layoutvorlagenId = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET projekt = '$projektid' WHERE id = '$layoutvorlagenId'");
+ $delete_hintergrund = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('delete_hintergrund')==''?false:true;
+ $pdf_hintergrund = $_FILES['pdf_hintergrund'];
+ if (isset($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']) && ($pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/pdf' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/force-download' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] =='binary/octet-stream' || $pdf_hintergrund['type'] == 'application/octetstream')) {
+ $fp = fopen($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name'], 'r');
+ $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($pdf_hintergrund['tmp_name']));
+ fclose($fp);
+ $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
+ } elseif($delete_hintergrund) {
+ $sets[] = 'pdf_hintergrund = ""';
+ }
+ if ($sets) {
+ $this->app->DB->Insert('UPDATE layoutvorlagen SET ' . implode(', ', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $layoutvorlagenId);
+ }
+ if ($layoutvorlagenId) {
+ header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlagenId);
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("kategorie","layoutvorlagenkategorie");
+ $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("layoutvorlagen_projekt", "projektname", 1);
+ $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=create","Erstellen");
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE','layoutvorlagen_create.tpl');
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenGetPosition() {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
+ $row = $this->app->DB->SelectRow('SELECT * FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ if ($row['bild_deutsch']) {
+ $bilddata['bild_deutsch'] = 'VORSCHAU ';
+ unset($row['bild_deutsch']);
+ }
+ if ($row['bild_englisch']) {
+ $bilddata['bild_englisch'] = 'VORSCHAU ';
+ unset($row['bild_englisch']);
+ }
+ echo json_encode(array(
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'statusText' => '',
+ 'row' => $row,
+ 'bilddata' => $bilddata
+ ));
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenSavePosition() {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
+ $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ $name = strtolower($name);
+ $name = preg_replace('#[^-A-Za-z0-9]#', '-', $name);
+ $beschreibung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung');
+ $position_typ = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_typ');
+ $position_x = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_x');
+ $position_y = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_y');
+ $position_parent = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('position_parent');
+ $breite = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('breite');
+ $hoehe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('hoehe');
+ $schrift_art = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_art');
+ $schrift_groesse = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_groesse');
+ $zeilen_hoehe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeilen_hoehe');
+ $schrift_align = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_align');
+ $schrift_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_farbe');
+ $hintergrund_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('hintergrund_farbe');
+ $rahmen = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rahmen');
+ $rahmen_farbe = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rahmen_farbe');
+ $sichtbar = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('sichtbar')=='')?'0':'1';
+ $schrift_fett = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_fett')=='')?'0':'1';
+ $schrift_kursiv = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_kursiv')=='')?'0':'1';
+ $schrift_underline = ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('schrift_underline')=='')?'0':'1';
+ //$this->app->erp->LogFile("sichtbar: ".$sichtbar.".");
+ $inhalt_deutsch = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('inhalt_deutsch');
+ $inhalt_englisch = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('inhalt_englisch');
+ $layoutvorlage = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('layoutvorlage');
+ $sort = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('sort');
+ $zeichenbegrenzung = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeichenbegrenzung');
+ $zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl');
+ $layoutvorlagenpos = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select id, sort from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$layoutvorlage." and id <> ".$id." order by sort");
+ $i = 0;
+ if(isset($layoutvorlagenpos[0]))
+ {
+ foreach($layoutvorlagenpos as $key => $pos)
+ {
+ $i++;
+ if($i < $sort && $i != $pos['sort'] )
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("update layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = ".$i." where id = ".$pos['id']);
+ }
+ if($i >= $sort && $i + 1 != $pos['sort'])
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("update layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = ".($i + 1)." where id = ".$pos['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($sort < 1)
+ {
+ $sort = 1;
+ }
+ if($sort > $i + 1)
+ {
+ $sort = $i + 1;
+ }
+ $sets = array();
+ $sets[] = 'typ = "' . $typ . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'name = "' . $name . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'beschreibung = "' . $beschreibung . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'position_typ = "' . $position_typ . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'position_x = "' . $position_x . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'position_y = "' . $position_y . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'position_parent = "' . $position_parent . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'breite = "' . $breite . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'hoehe = "' . $hoehe . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_art = "' . $schrift_art . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_groesse = "' . $schrift_groesse . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'zeilen_hoehe = "' . $zeilen_hoehe . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_fett = "' . $schrift_fett . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_kursiv = "' . $schrift_kursiv . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_underline = "' . $schrift_underline . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_align = "' . $schrift_align . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'schrift_farbe = "' . $schrift_farbe . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'hintergrund_farbe = "' . $hintergrund_farbe . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'rahmen = "' . $rahmen . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'rahmen_farbe = "' . $rahmen_farbe . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'sichtbar = "' . $sichtbar . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'inhalt_deutsch = "' . $inhalt_deutsch . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'inhalt_englisch = "' . $inhalt_englisch . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'layoutvorlage = "' . $layoutvorlage . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'sort = "' . $sort . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'zeichenbegrenzung = "' . $zeichenbegrenzung . '"';
+ $sets[] = 'zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl = "' . $zeichenbegrenzung_anzahl . '"';
+ if (isset($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name'])) {
+ if ($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['bild_deutsch']['type'] == 'image/png') {
+ $imgtype = exif_imagetype($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']);
+ $img_type = '';
+ switch($imgtype)
+ {
+ $img_type = 'GIF';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'JPEG';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'PNG';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'ICO';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'BMP';
+ break;
+ }
+ $fp = fopen($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name'], 'r');
+ $sets[] = 'bild_deutsch_typ = "' . $img_type . '"';
+ $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']));
+ fclose($fp);
+ $sets[] = 'bild_deutsch = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ if (isset($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name'])) {
+ if ($_FILES['bild_englisch']['type'] == 'image/jpeg' || $_FILES['bild_englisch']['type'] == 'image/png') {
+ $imgtype = exif_imagetype($_FILES['bild_deutsch']['tmp_name']);
+ $img_type = '';
+ switch($imgtype)
+ {
+ $img_type = 'GIF';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'JPEG';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'PNG';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'ICO';
+ break;
+ $img_type = 'BMP';
+ break;
+ }
+ $sets[] = 'bild_englisch_typ = "' . $img_type . '"';
+ $fp = fopen($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name'], 'r');
+ $imgContent = fread($fp, filesize($_FILES['bild_englisch']['tmp_name']));
+ fclose($fp);
+ $sets[] = 'bild_englisch = "' . base64_encode($imgContent) . '"';
+ }
+ }
+ if($id) {
+ $query = ('UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen SET ' . implode(',', $sets) . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ $saveType = 'UPDATE';
+ } else {
+// $layoutvorlage = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT layoutvorlage FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id='$id'");
+ $checkname = $this->app->DB->Select('
+ SELECT id FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE name = "' . $name . '" AND layoutvorlage="'.$layoutvorlage.'"
+ ');
+ if ($checkname) {
+ $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Name bereits vergeben.
+ header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlage . '&msg=' . $msg);
+ exit;
+ }
+ $query = ('INSERT INTO layoutvorlagen_positionen SET ' . implode(' , ', $sets));
+ $saveType = 'INSERT';
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Insert($query);
+ header('location: index.php?module=layoutvorlagen&action=edit&id=' . $layoutvorlage."#tabs-2");
+ exit;
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenDelete() {
+ $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id > 0){
+ $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE layoutvorlage = ' . $id);
+ }
+ echo json_encode(array(
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'statusText' => 'Gelöscht.'
+ ));
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenDeletePosition() {
+ $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id <= 0){
+ echo json_encode(array(
+ 'status' => 0,
+ 'statusText' => 'ID ungültig: nicht Gelöscht.'
+ ));
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ $parent = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT sort, position_parent, layoutvorlage from layoutvorlagen_positionen where id = ".$id);
+ if($parent[0]['position_parent'] !== false)
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen SET parent = ".$parent[0]['position_parent']." where parent = ".$id);
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ $this->app->DB->Update('UPDATE layoutvorlagen_positionen set sort = sort - 1 where sort > '.$parent[0]['sort'].' and layoutvorlage = '.$parent[0]['layoutvorlage']);
+ echo json_encode(array(
+ 'status' => 1,
+ 'statusText' => 'Gelöscht.'
+ ));
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenImgVorschau() {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ if ($cmd == 'de') {
+ $bildA = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT bild_deutsch, bild_deutsch_typ FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ if(!isset($bildA[0]))
+ {
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ $bild = $bildA[0]['bild_deutsch'];
+ $type = $bildA[0]['bild_deutsch_typ'];
+ } else if ($cmd == 'en') {
+ $bildA = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT bild_englisch, bild_englisch_typ FROM layoutvorlagen_positionen WHERE id = ' . $id);
+ if(!isset($bildA[0]))
+ {
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ $bild = $bildA[0]['bild_englisch'];
+ $type = $bildA[0]['bild_englisch_typ'];
+ }
+ $bild = base64_decode($bild);
+ if ($bild) {
+ $im = imagecreatefromstring($bild);
+ if ($im !== false) {
+ //$type = strtolower($type);
+ $type = '';
+ if($type == '')$type = $this->get_img_type($bild);
+ if($type == 'jpg')
+ {
+ $type = 'jpeg';
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: image/'.$type);
+ switch(strtolower($type)){
+ case "png":
+ imagepng($im); break;
+ case "jpeg": case "jpg":
+ imagejpeg($im); break;
+ case "gif":
+ imagegif($im); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ imagedestroy($im);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ function get_img_type($data) {
+ $magics = array(
+ 'ffd8ff' => 'jpg',
+ '89504e470d0a1a0a' => 'png',
+ );
+ foreach ($magics as $str => $ext) {
+ if (strtolower(bin2hex(substr($data, 0, strlen($str)/2))) == $str)
+ {
+ return $ext;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ public function LayoutvorlagenExport()
+ {
+ $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id > 0)
+ {
+ if($Layout = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select * from layoutvorlagen where id = ".$id." limit 1"))
+ {
+ $Layout = reset($Layout);
+ $Layoutpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("select * from layoutvorlagen_positionen where layoutvorlage = ".$id);
+ header('Conent-Type: application/json');
+ header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Layout".$this->app->erp->Dateinamen((trim($Layout['name'])!= ''?'_'.$Layout['name']:(trim($Layout['beschreibung']) != ''?'_'.$Layout['beschreibung']:''))).".json\"");
+ $Datei['Layout'] = $Layout;
+ if(!empty($Layoutpositionen))
+ {
+ $Datei['Layoutpositionen'] = $Layoutpositionen;
+ }
+ echo json_encode($Datei);
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/www/widgets/templates/_gen/projekt.tpl b/www/widgets/templates/_gen/projekt.tpl
index b833e355..7786073f 100644
--- a/www/widgets/templates/_gen/projekt.tpl
+++ b/www/widgets/templates/_gen/projekt.tpl
@@ -43,6 +43,20 @@
From 1a343b4b55ab8e6a3e8a7bf23213a0d935f26e9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 10:03:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 078/149] Bugfix www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php typo
www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php b/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
index c6cfa630..7abc8e8e 100644
--- a/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
+++ b/www/pages/shopimporter_shopware6.php
@@ -3017,7 +3017,7 @@ class Shopimporter_Shopware6 extends ShopimporterBase
$ordersToProcess = $this->getOrdersToProcess($this->getOrderSearchLimit());
- return (!empty(count($ordersToProcess['data'])?count($ordersToProcess['data']):0);
+ return (!empty(count($ordersToProcess['data'])?count($ordersToProcess['data']):0));
From 4815e61883cfc48de20b71aedd2c736e7cdf2d4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 22:55:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 079/149] Upgrade system with git and database upgrade
tools/database_compare/database_compare.php | 581 +-
upgrade/UPGRADE.md | 16 +
upgrade/data/db_schema.json | 114725 +++++++++++++++++
upgrade/data/remote.json | 4 +
upgrade/upgrade.php | 207 +
5 files changed, 114965 insertions(+), 568 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 upgrade/UPGRADE.md
create mode 100644 upgrade/data/db_schema.json
create mode 100644 upgrade/data/remote.json
create mode 100644 upgrade/upgrade.php
diff --git a/tools/database_compare/database_compare.php b/tools/database_compare/database_compare.php
index 3d726b86..c6f1a244 100644
--- a/tools/database_compare/database_compare.php
+++ b/tools/database_compare/database_compare.php
@@ -53,9 +53,7 @@ MariaDB [openxe]> show keys from wiki;
-function implode_with_quote(string $quote, string $delimiter, array $array_to_implode) : string {
- return($quote.implode($quote.$delimiter.$quote, $array_to_implode).$quote);
$connection_info_file_name = "connection_info.json";
$target_folder = ".";
@@ -71,12 +69,6 @@ $color_green = "\033[32m";
$color_yellow = "\033[33m";
$color_default = "\033[39m";
-// These default values will not be in quotes
-$replacers = [
- ['current_timestamp','current_timestamp()'],
- ['on update current_timestamp','on update current_timestamp()']
// -------------------------------- START
@@ -144,7 +136,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
$schema = $connection_info['database'];
echo("--------------- Loading from database '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
- $db_def = load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $replacers);
+ $db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers);
if (empty($db_def)) {
echo ("Could not load from $schema@$host\n");
@@ -157,7 +149,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
echo("--------------- Export to JSON... ---------------\n");
// $result = save_tables_to_csv($db_def, $target_folder, $tables_file_name_wo_folder, $delimiter, $quote, $keys_postfix, $force);
- $result = save_tables_to_json($db_def, $target_folder, $tables_file_name_wo_folder, $force);
+ $result = mustal_save_tables_to_json($db_def, $target_folder, $tables_file_name_wo_folder, $force);
if ($result != 0) {
@@ -177,7 +169,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
$compare_differences = array();
echo("--------------- Loading from JSON... ---------------\n");
- $compare_def = load_tables_from_json($target_folder, $tables_file_name_wo_folder);
+ $compare_def = mustal_load_tables_from_json($target_folder, $tables_file_name_wo_folder);
if (empty($compare_def)) {
echo ("Could not load from JSON $tables_file_name_w_folder\n");
@@ -205,7 +197,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n");
- $compare_differences = compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
+ $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
echo((empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n");
if ($verbose) {
@@ -227,194 +219,14 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
echo("--------------- Calculating database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
$upgrade_sql = array();
- if (count($compare_differences) > 0) {
- $upgrade_sql[] = ("SET SQL_MODE='ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';");
+ $result = mustal_calculate_db_upgrade($compare_def, $db_def, $upgrade_sql);
+ if ($result != 0) {
+ echo("Error: $result\n");
+ exit;
- $compare_differences = compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
- foreach ($compare_differences as $compare_difference) {
- switch ($compare_difference['type']) {
- case 'Table existance':
- // Get table definition from JSON
- $table_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
- $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
- if ($table_key !== false) {
- $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
- switch ($table['type']) {
- case 'BASE TABLE':
- // Create table in DB
- $sql = "";
- $sql = "CREATE TABLE `".$table['name']."` (";
- $comma = "";
- foreach ($table['columns'] as $column) {
- $sql .= $comma."`".$column['Field']."` ".column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1));
- $comma = ", ";
- }
- // Add keys
- $comma = ", ";
- foreach ($table['keys'] as $key) {
- if ($key['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
- $keystring = "PRIMARY KEY ";
- } else {
- if(array_key_exists('Index_type', $key)) {
- $index_type = $key['Index_type'];
- } else {
- $index_type = "";
- }
- $keystring = $index_type." KEY `".$key['Key_name']."` ";
- }
- $sql .= $comma.$keystring."(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`) ";
- }
- $sql .= ")";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- break;
- default:
- echo("Upgrade type '".$table['type']."' on table '".$table['name']."' not supported.\n");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- echo("Error table_key while creating upgrade for table existance `$table_name`.\n");
- }
- break;
- case 'Column existance':
- $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
- $column_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
- $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
- if ($table_key !== false) {
- $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
- $columns = $table['columns'];
- $column_key = array_search($column_name,array_column($columns,'Field'));
- if ($column_key !== false) {
- $column = $table['columns'][$column_key];
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD COLUMN `".$column_name."` ";
- $sql .= column_sql_definition($table_name, $column, array_column($replacers,1));
- $sql .= ";";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- }
- else {
- echo("Error column_key while creating column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- echo("Error table_key while creating upgrade for column existance '$column_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
- }
- // Add Column in DB
- break;
- case 'Column definition':
- $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
- $column_name = $compare_difference['column'];
- $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
- if ($table_key !== false) {
- $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
- $columns = $table['columns'];
- $column_names = array_column($columns,'Field');
- $column_key = array_search($column_name,$column_names);
- if ($column_key !== false) {
- $column = $table['columns'][$column_key];
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` MODIFY COLUMN `".$column_name."` ";
- $sql .= column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1));
- $sql .= ";";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- }
- else {
- echo("Error column_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
- exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- echo("Error table_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
- }
- // Modify Column in DB
- break;
- case "Key definition":
- $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
- $key_name = $compare_difference['key'];
- $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
- if ($table_key !== false) {
- $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
- $keys = $table['keys'];
- $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name');
- $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names);
- if ($key_key !== false) {
- $key = $table['keys'][$key_key];
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` DROP KEY `".$key_name."`;";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` ";
- $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)";
- $sql .= ";";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- }
- else {
- echo("Error key_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
- exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- echo("Error table_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
- }
- break;
- case 'Key existance':
- $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
- $key_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
- $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
- if ($table_key !== false) {
- $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
- $keys = $table['keys'];
- $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name');
- $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names);
- if ($key_key !== false) {
- $key = $table['keys'][$key_key];
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` ";
- $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)";
- $sql .= ";";
- $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
- }
- else {
- echo("Error key_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
- exit;
- }
- }
- else {
- echo("Error table_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
- }
- break;
- case 'Table count':
- // Nothing to do
- break;
- case 'Table type':
- echo("Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' on table '".$compare_difference['table']."' not supported.\n");
- break;
- default:
- echo("Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' not supported.\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- $upgrade_sql = array_unique($upgrade_sql);
echo("--------------- Database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
if ($verbose) {
foreach($upgrade_sql as $statement) {
@@ -426,8 +238,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
echo("--------------- Database upgrade calculated for '$schema@$host' (show SQL with -v). ---------------\n");
if ($doupgrade) {
- echo("--------------- Executing database upgrade for '$schema@$host' database will be written! ---------------\n");
+ echo("--------------- Executing database upgrade for '$schema@$host' database will be written! ---------------\n");
// First get the contents of the database table structure
$mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema);
@@ -467,7 +278,7 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
echo("--------------- Executing database upgrade for '$schema@$host' done. ---------------\n");
echo("--------------- Checking database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
- $db_def = load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $replacers);
+ $db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers);
echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n");
$compare_differences = compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
@@ -488,372 +299,6 @@ if ($argc > 1) {
-// Load all db_def from a DB connection into a db_def array
-function load_tables_from_db(string $host, string $schema, string $user, string $passwd, $replacers) : array {
- // First get the contents of the database table structure
- $mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema);
- /* Check if the connection succeeded */
- if (!$mysqli) {
- return(array());
- }
- // Get db_def and views
- $sql = "SHOW FULL tables";
- $query_result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);
- if (!$query_result) {
- return(array());
- }
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
- $table = array();
- $table['name'] = $row['Tables_in_'.$schema];
- $table['type'] = $row['Table_type'];
- $tables[] = $table; // Add table to list of tables
- }
- // Get and add columns of the table
- foreach ($tables as &$table) {
- $sql = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".$table['name'];
- $query_result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);
- if (!$query_result) {
- return(array());
- }
- $columns = array();
- while ($column = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
- // Do some harmonization
- if ($column['Default'] !== NULL) {
- sql_replace_reserved_functions($column,$replacers);
- $column['Default'] = mysql_put_text_type_in_quotes($column['Type'],$column['Default']);
- }
- $columns[] = $column; // Add column to list of columns
- }
- $table['columns'] = $columns;
- $sql = "SHOW KEYS FROM ".$table['name'];
- $query_result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);
- if (!$query_result) {
- return(array());
- }
- $keys = array();
- while ($key = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
- $keys[] = $key; // Add key to list of keys
- }
- // Compose comparable format for keys
- $composed_keys = array();
- foreach ($keys as $key) {
- // Check if this key exists already
- $key_pos = array_search($key['Key_name'],array_column($composed_keys,'Key_name'));
- if ($key_pos == false) {
- // New key
- $composed_key = array();
- $composed_key['Key_name'] = $key['Key_name'];
- $composed_key['Index_type'] = $key['Index_type'];
- $composed_key['columns'][] = $key['Column_name'];
- $composed_keys[] = $composed_key;
- } else {
- // Given key, add column
- $composed_keys[$key_pos]['columns'][] .= $key['Column_name'];
- }
- }
- unset($key);
- $table['keys'] = $composed_keys;
- unset($composed_keys);
- }
- unset($table);
- $result = array();
- $result['host'] = $host;
- $result['database'] = $schema;
- $result['user'] = $user;
- $result['tables'] = $tables;
- return($result);
-function save_tables_to_json(array $db_def, string $path, string $tables_file_name, bool $force) : int {
- // Prepare db_def file
- if (!is_dir($path)) {
- mkdir($path);
- }
- if (!$force && file_exists($path."/".$tables_file_name)) {
- return(2);
- }
- $tables_file = fopen($path."/".$tables_file_name, "w");
- if (empty($tables_file)) {
- return(2);
- }
- fwrite($tables_file, json_encode($db_def,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
- fclose($tables_file);
- return(0);
-// Load all db_def from JSON file
-function load_tables_from_json(string $path, string $tables_file_name) : array {
- $db_def = array();
- $contents = file_get_contents($path."/".$tables_file_name);
- if (!$contents) {
- return(array());
- }
- $db_def = json_decode($contents, true);
- if (!$db_def) {
- return(array());
- }
- return($db_def);
-// Compare two definitions
-// Report based on the first array
-// Return Array
-function compare_table_array(array $nominal, string $nominal_name, array $actual, string $actual_name, bool $check_column_definitions) : array {
- $compare_differences = array();
- if (count($nominal['tables']) != count($actual['tables'])) {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Table count";
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = count($nominal['tables']);
- $compare_difference[$actual_name] = count($actual['tables']);
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- foreach ($nominal['tables'] as $database_table) {
- $found_table = array();
- foreach ($actual['tables'] as $compare_table) {
- if ($database_table['name'] == $compare_table['name']) {
- $found_table = $compare_table;
- break;
- }
- }
- unset($compare_table);
- if ($found_table) {
- // Check type table vs view
- if ($database_table['type'] != $found_table['type']) {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Table type";
- $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $database_table['type'];
- $compare_difference[$actual_name] = $found_table['type'];
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- // Only BASE TABLE supported now
- if ($found_table['type'] != 'BASE TABLE') {
- continue;
- }
- // Check columns
- $compare_table_columns = array_column($found_table['columns'],'Field');
- foreach ($database_table['columns'] as $column) {
- $column_name_to_find = $column['Field'];
- $column_key = array_search($column_name_to_find,$compare_table_columns,true);
- if ($column_key !== false) {
- // Compare the properties of the columns
- if ($check_column_definitions) {
- $found_column = $found_table['columns'][$column_key];
- foreach ($column as $key => $value) {
- if ($found_column[$key] != $value) {
- if ($key != 'Key') { // Keys will be handled separately
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Column definition";
- $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_difference['column'] = $column['Field'];
- $compare_difference['property'] = $key;
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $value;
- $compare_difference[$actual_name] = $found_column[$key];
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- }
- }
- unset($value);
- } // $check_column_definitions
- } else {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Column existance";
- $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $column['Field'];
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- }
- unset($column);
- // Check keys
- $compare_table_sql_indexs = array_column($found_table['keys'],'Key_name');
- foreach ($database_table['keys'] as $sql_index) {
- $sql_index_name_to_find = $sql_index['Key_name'];
- $sql_index_key = array_search($sql_index_name_to_find,$compare_table_sql_indexs,true);
- if ($sql_index_key !== false) {
- // Compare the properties of the sql_indexs
- if ($check_column_definitions) {
- $found_sql_index = $found_table['keys'][$sql_index_key];
- foreach ($sql_index as $key => $value) {
- if ($found_sql_index[$key] != $value) {
-// if ($key != 'permissions') {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Key definition";
- $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_difference['key'] = $sql_index['Key_name'];
- $compare_difference['property'] = $key;
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = implode(',',$value);
- $compare_difference[$actual_name] = implode(',',$found_sql_index[$key]);
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
-// }
- }
- }
- unset($value);
- } // $check_sql_index_definitions
- } else {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Key existance";
- $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $sql_index['Key_name'];
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- }
- unset($sql_index);
- } else {
- $compare_difference = array();
- $compare_difference['type'] = "Table existance";
- $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $database_table['name'];
- $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
- }
- }
- unset($database_table);
- return($compare_differences);
-// Generate SQL to create or modify column
-function column_sql_definition(string $table_name, array $column, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string {
- foreach($column as $key => &$value) {
- $value = (string) $value;
- $value = column_sql_create_property_definition($key,$value,$reserved_words_without_quote);
- }
- // Default handling here
- if ($column['Default'] == " DEFAULT ''") {
- $column['Default'] = "";
- }
- $sql =
- $column['Type'].
- $column['Null'].
- $column['Default'].
- $column['Extra'].
- $column['Collation'];
- return($sql);
-// Generate SQL to modify a single column property
-function column_sql_create_property_definition(string $property, string $property_value, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string {
- switch ($property) {
- case 'Type':
- break;
- case 'Null':
- if ($property_value == "NO") {
- $property_value = " NOT NULL"; // Idiotic...
- }
- if ($property_value == "YES") {
- $property_value = " NULL"; // Also Idiotic...
- }
- break;
- case 'Default':
- // Check for MYSQL function call as default
- if (in_array(strtolower($property_value),$reserved_words_without_quote)) {
- $quote = "";
- } else {
- // Remove quotes if there are
- $property_value = trim($property_value,"'");
- $quote = "'";
- }
- $property_value = " DEFAULT $quote".$property_value."$quote";
- break;
- case 'Extra':
- if ($property_value != '') {
- $property_value = " ".$property_value;
- }
- break;
- case 'Collation':
- if ($property_value != '') {
- $property_value = " COLLATE ".$property_value;
- }
- break;
- default:
- $property_value = "";
- break;
- }
- return($property_value);
-// Replaces different variants of the same function to allow comparison
-function sql_replace_reserved_functions(array &$column, array $replacers) {
- $result = strtolower($column['Default']);
- foreach ($replacers as $replace) {
- if ($result == $replace[0]) {
- $result = $replace[1];
- }
- }
- $column['Default'] = $result;
- $result = strtolower($column['Extra']);
- foreach ($replacers as $replace) {
- if ($result == $replace[0]) {
- $result = $replace[1];
- }
- }
- $column['Extra'] = $result;
-// Is it a text type? -> Use quotes then
-function mysql_put_text_type_in_quotes(string $checktype, string $value) : string {
- $types = array('char','varchar','tinytext','text','mediumtext','longtext');
- foreach($types as $type) {
- if (stripos($checktype, $type) !== false) {
- return("'".$value."'");
- }
- }
- return($value);
function info() {
echo("OpenXE database compare\n");
echo("Copyright 2022 (c) OpenXE project\n");
diff --git a/upgrade/UPGRADE.md b/upgrade/UPGRADE.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c796103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upgrade/UPGRADE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Upgrade the OpenXE system.
+The upgrade system is for use in LINUX only and needs to have git installed.
+1. get files from git
+2. run database upgrade
+Files in this directory:
+UPGRADE.md -> This file
+upgrade.php -> The upgrade program
+Files in the data subdirectory:
+.in_progress.flag -> if this file exists, an upgrade is in progress, system will be locked
+db_schema.json -> Contains the nominal database structure
+remote.json -> Contains the git remote & branch which should be used for upgrade
diff --git a/upgrade/data/db_schema.json b/upgrade/data/db_schema.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8e99755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upgrade/data/db_schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,114725 @@
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "database": "openxe",
+ "user": "openxe",
+ "tables": [
+ {
+ "name": "abrechnungsartikel",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "sort",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "artikel",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bezeichnung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "nummer",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "menge",
+ "Type": "float",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,4)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "steuerklasse",
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+ "Field": "aufgabe_id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "auftrag",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "auftragpositionid",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "produktion",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "stundensatz",
+ "Type": "decimal(5,2)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0.00",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "arbeitsanweisung",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "serviceauftrag",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "anz_mitarbeiter",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "1",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "adresse_abrechnung",
+ "columns": [
+ "adresse_abrechnung"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "abgerechnet",
+ "columns": [
+ "abgerechnet"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "abrechnen",
+ "columns": [
+ "abrechnen"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "adresse",
+ "columns": [
+ "adresse"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "zeiterfassungvorlage",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "vorlage",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "ausblenden",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "vorlagedetail",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "art",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "projekt",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "teilprojekt",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "kunde",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abrechnen",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "zertifikatgenerator",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "artikel",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung_deutsch",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung_englisch",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bestell_anmerkung_deutsch",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bestell_anmerkung_englisch",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "interne_anmerkung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "unterschrift",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "dateofsale_stamp",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preisfaktor",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,2)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0.00",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "kurs_usd",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,2)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0.00",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "typ",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "1",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "typ_text",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "adresse_kunde",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "adresse_absender",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "layout",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "zertifikate",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "1",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis_eur",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis_usd",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "erstellt_datum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bearbeiter",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis_eur_retail",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "datei",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "zolltarifnummer",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "nummer",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung",
+ "Type": "varchar(512)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "internebemerkung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "zwischenlager",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bearbeiter",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "projekt",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "artikel",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "menge",
+ "Type": "decimal(14,4)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "vpe",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "grund",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "lager_von",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "lager_nach",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "richtung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "erledigt",
+ "Type": "int(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "objekt",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "parameter",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "firma",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "logdatei",
+ "Type": "datetime",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "paketannahme",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/upgrade/data/remote.json b/upgrade/data/remote.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d8567241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upgrade/data/remote.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "host": "https://github.com/openxe-org/openxe.git",
+ "branch": "master"
diff --git a/upgrade/upgrade.php b/upgrade/upgrade.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdda4268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upgrade/upgrade.php
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+$user = $dbci->WFdbuser;
+$passwd = $dbci->WFdbpass;
+$schema = $dbci->WFdbname;
+$lockfile_name = "data/.in_progress.flag";
+$remote_file_name = "data/remote.json";
+$datafolder = "data";
+$schema_file_name = "db_schema.json";
+function git(string $command, array &$output, bool $verbose) {
+ $output = array();
+ if ($verbose) {
+ echo("git ".$command."\n");
+ }
+ exec("git ".$command,$output,$retval);
+ return($retval);
+function echo_output(array $output) {
+ echo("\n".implode("\n",$output)."\n");
+function abort(string $message) {
+ echo($message."\n");
+ echo("--------------- Aborted! ---------------\n");
+ exit(-1);
+// -------------------------------- START
+if (in_array('-v', $argv)) {
+ $verbose = true;
+} else {
+ $verbose = false;
+if (in_array('-f', $argv)) {
+ $force = true;
+} else {
+ $force = false;
+echo("--------------- OpenXE upgrade ---------------\n");
+if (basename(getcwd()) != 'upgrade') {
+ abort("Must be executed from 'upgrade' directory.");
+$remote_info_contents = file_get_contents($remote_file_name);
+if (!$remote_info_contents) {
+ abort("Unable to load $remote_file_name");
+$remote_info = json_decode($remote_info_contents, true);
+// Get changed files on system -> Should be empty
+$output = array();
+$retval = git("ls-files -m", $output,$verbose);
+if ($retval != 0) {
+ abort("Error while executing git!");
+if (!empty($output)) {
+ echo("There are modifed files:");
+ echo_output($output);
+ if (!$force) {
+ abort("Clear modified files or use -f");
+ }
+echo("--------------- Locking system ---------------\n");
+if (file_exists($lockfile_name)) {
+ echo("System is already locked.\n");
+} else {
+ file_put_contents($lockfile_name," ");
+echo("--------------- Pulling files... ---------------\n");
+if ($force) {
+ $retval = git("stash",$output,$verbose);
+ if ($retval != 0) {
+ echo_output($output);
+ abort("Error while stashing files!");
+ }
+$retval = git("pull ".$remote_info['host']." ".$remote_info['branch'],$output,$verbose);
+if ($retval != 0) {
+ echo_output($output);
+ abort("Error while pulling files!");
+echo("--------------- Files upgrade completed ---------------\n");
+$retval = git("log -1 ",$output,$verbose);
+if ($retval != 0) {
+ echo_output($output);
+ abort("Error while pulling files!");
+echo("--------------- Loading from database '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
+$db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers);
+if (empty($db_def)) {
+ echo ("Could not load from $schema@$host\n");
+ exit;
+$compare_differences = array();
+echo("--------------- Loading from JSON... ---------------\n");
+$compare_def = mustal_load_tables_from_json($datafolder, $schema_file_name);
+if (empty($compare_def)) {
+ echo ("Could not load from JSON $schema_file_name\n");
+ exit;
+echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n");
+$compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
+echo((empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n");
+echo("--------------- Calculating database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
+$upgrade_sql = array();
+$result = mustal_calculate_db_upgrade($compare_def, $db_def, $upgrade_sql);
+if ($result != 0) {
+ echo("Error: $result\n");
+ exit;
+echo(count($upgrade_sql)." upgrade statements\n");
+echo("--------------- Executing database upgrade for '$schema@$host' database... ---------------\n");
+ // First get the contents of the database table structure
+$mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema);
+/* Check if the connection succeeded */
+if (!$mysqli) {
+ echo ("Failed to connect!\n");
+} else {
+ $counter = 0;
+ $error_counter = 0;
+ $number_of_statements = count($upgrade_sql);
+ foreach ($upgrade_sql as $sql) {
+ $counter++;
+ echo("\rUpgrade step $counter of $number_of_statements... ");
+ $query_result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);
+ if (!$query_result) {
+ $error = " not ok: ". mysqli_error($mysqli)."\n";
+ echo($error);
+ file_put_contents("./errors.txt",date()." ".$error.$sql."\n",FILE_APPEND);
+ $error_counter++;
+ } else {
+ echo("ok.\r");
+ }
+ }
+ echo("$error_counter errors.\n");
+ if ($error_counter > 0) {
+ echo("See 'errors.txt'\n");
+ }
+ echo("--------------- Checking database upgrade for '$schema@$host'... ---------------\n");
+ $db_def = mustal_load_tables_from_db($host, $schema, $user, $passwd, $mustal_replacers);
+ echo("--------------- Comparing database '$schema@$host' vs. JSON '".$compare_def['database']."@".$compare_def['host']."' ---------------\n");
+ $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
+ echo((empty($compare_differences)?0:count($compare_differences))." differences.\n");
+echo("--------------- Unlocking system ---------------\n");
+echo("--------------- Done! ---------------\n");
From c1c963624d131c9115a6c7dfcb4f020393f372ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 12:06:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 080/149] Mustal upgrade tool & utf8mb3 definition
tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3 | 114725 +++++++++++++++
.../mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php | 654 +
2 files changed, 115379 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
create mode 100644 tools/database_compare/mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php
diff --git a/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3 b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8e99755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
@@ -0,0 +1,114725 @@
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "database": "openxe",
+ "user": "openxe",
+ "tables": [
+ {
+ "name": "abrechnungsartikel",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "sort",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "artikel",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bezeichnung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "nummer",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "menge",
+ "Type": "float",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,4)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "steuerklasse",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rabatt",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgerechnet",
+ "Type": "int(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "startdatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "lieferdatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgerechnetbis",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "wiederholend",
+ "Type": "int(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "zahlzyklus",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgrechnetam",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rechnung",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "projekt",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "adresse",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "MUL",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "status",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bemerkung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "logdatei",
+ "Type": "timestamp",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "current_timestamp()",
+ "Extra": "on update current_timestamp()",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "dokument",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preisart",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "enddatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "angelegtvon",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "angelegtam",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "experte",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "waehrung",
+ "Type": "varchar(10)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibungersetzten",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "gruppe",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "adresse",
+ "columns": [
+ "adresse",
+ "artikel"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "abrechnungsartikel_gruppe",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung2",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rabatt",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,2)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0.00",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "ansprechpartner",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "extrarechnung",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "gruppensumme",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "adresse",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "projekt",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "sort",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rechnungadresse",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "sammelrechnung",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "abschlagsrechnung_rechnung",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rechnung",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "MUL",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "auftrag",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "MUL",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bezeichnung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "rechnung",
+ "columns": [
+ "rechnung"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "auftrag",
+ "columns": [
+ "auftrag"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "accordion",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11) unsigned",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "name",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "target",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "position",
+ "Type": "int(2)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "adapterbox",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bezeichnung",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "verwendenals",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "baudrate",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "model",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "seriennummer",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "ipadresse",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "netmask",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "gateway",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "dns",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "dhcp",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "1",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "wlan",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "ssid",
+ "Type": "varchar(128)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "passphrase",
+ "Type": "varchar(256)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "letzteverbindung",
+ "Type": "datetime",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "YES",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "tmpip",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "adapterbox_log",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "ip",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
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index 00000000..d7196877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/database_compare/mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+ $value) {
+ if ($found_column[$key] != $value) {
+ if ($key != 'Key') { // Keys will be handled separately
+ $compare_difference = array();
+ $compare_difference['type'] = "Column definition";
+ $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
+ $compare_difference['column'] = $column['Field'];
+ $compare_difference['property'] = $key;
+ $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $value;
+ $compare_difference[$actual_name] = $found_column[$key];
+ $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($value);
+ } // $check_column_definitions
+ } else {
+ $compare_difference = array();
+ $compare_difference['type'] = "Column existence";
+ $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
+ $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $column['Field'];
+ $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($column);
+ // Check keys
+ $compare_table_sql_indexs = array_column($found_table['keys'],'Key_name');
+ foreach ($database_table['keys'] as $sql_index) {
+ $sql_index_name_to_find = $sql_index['Key_name'];
+ $sql_index_key = array_search($sql_index_name_to_find,$compare_table_sql_indexs,true);
+ if ($sql_index_key !== false) {
+ // Compare the properties of the sql_indexs
+ if ($check_column_definitions) {
+ $found_sql_index = $found_table['keys'][$sql_index_key];
+ foreach ($sql_index as $key => $value) {
+ if ($found_sql_index[$key] != $value) {
+// if ($key != 'permissions') {
+ $compare_difference = array();
+ $compare_difference['type'] = "Key definition";
+ $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
+ $compare_difference['key'] = $sql_index['Key_name'];
+ $compare_difference['property'] = $key;
+ $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = implode(',',$value);
+ $compare_difference[$actual_name] = implode(',',$found_sql_index[$key]);
+ $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
+// }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($value);
+ } // $check_sql_index_definitions
+ } else {
+ $compare_difference = array();
+ $compare_difference['type'] = "Key existence";
+ $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name'];
+ $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $sql_index['Key_name'];
+ $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($sql_index);
+ } else {
+ $compare_difference = array();
+ $compare_difference['type'] = "Table existence";
+ $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $database_table['name'];
+ $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference;
+ }
+ }
+ unset($database_table);
+ return($compare_differences);
+// Generate SQL to create or modify column
+function mustal_column_sql_definition(string $table_name, array $column, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string {
+ foreach($column as $key => &$value) {
+ $value = (string) $value;
+ $value = mustal_column_sql_create_property_definition($key,$value,$reserved_words_without_quote);
+ }
+ // Default handling here
+ if ($column['Default'] == " DEFAULT ''") {
+ $column['Default'] = "";
+ }
+ $sql =
+ $column['Type'].
+ $column['Null'].
+ $column['Default'].
+ $column['Extra'].
+ $column['Collation'];
+ return($sql);
+// Generate SQL to modify a single column property
+function mustal_column_sql_create_property_definition(string $property, string $property_value, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string {
+ switch ($property) {
+ case 'Type':
+ break;
+ case 'Null':
+ if ($property_value == "NO") {
+ $property_value = " NOT NULL"; // Idiotic...
+ }
+ if ($property_value == "YES") {
+ $property_value = " NULL"; // Also Idiotic...
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Default':
+ // Check for MYSQL function mustal_call as default
+ if (in_array(strtolower($property_value),$reserved_words_without_quote)) {
+ $quote = "";
+ } else {
+ // Remove quotes if there are
+ $property_value = trim($property_value,"'");
+ $quote = "'";
+ }
+ $property_value = " DEFAULT $quote".$property_value."$quote";
+ break;
+ case 'Extra':
+ if ($property_value != '') {
+ $property_value = " ".$property_value;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Collation':
+ if ($property_value != '') {
+ $property_value = " COLLATE ".$property_value;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $property_value = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ return($property_value);
+// Replaces different variants of the same function mustal_to allow comparison
+function mustal_sql_replace_reserved_functions(array &$column, array $replacers) {
+ $result = strtolower($column['Default']);
+ foreach ($replacers as $replace) {
+ if ($result == $replace[0]) {
+ $result = $replace[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $column['Default'] = $result;
+ $result = strtolower($column['Extra']);
+ foreach ($replacers as $replace) {
+ if ($result == $replace[0]) {
+ $result = $replace[1];
+ }
+ }
+ $column['Extra'] = $result;
+// Is it a text type? -> Use quotes then
+function mustal_mysql_put_text_type_in_quotes(string $checktype, string $value) : string {
+ $types = array('char','varchar','tinytext','text','mediumtext','longtext');
+ foreach($types as $type) {
+ if (stripos($checktype, $type) !== false) {
+ return("'".$value."'");
+ }
+ }
+ return($value);
+function mustal_implode_with_quote(string $quote, string $delimiter, array $array_to_implode) : string {
+ return($quote.implode($quote.$delimiter.$quote, $array_to_implode).$quote);
+// Calculate the sql neccessary to update the database
+// Error codes:
+// 0 ok
+// 1 Upgrade type of table not supported
+// 2 Error on table upgrade
+// 3 Error on column existence upgrade
+// 4 Error on column existence upgrade
+// 5 Error on column definition upgrade
+// 6 Error on column definition upgrade
+// 7 Error on key existence upgrade
+// 8 Error on key existence upgrade
+// 9 Error on key definition upgrade
+// 10 Error on key definition upgrade
+// 11 Table type upgrade not supported
+// 12 Upgrade type not supported
+function mustal_calculate_db_upgrade(array $compare_def, array $db_def, array &$upgrade_sql) : int {
+ $upgrade_sql = array();
+ $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true);
+ if (count($compare_differences) > 0) {
+ $upgrade_sql[] = ("SET SQL_MODE='ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';");
+ }
+ foreach ($compare_differences as $compare_difference) {
+ switch ($compare_difference['type']) {
+ case 'Table existence':
+ // Get table definition from JSON
+ $table_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
+ $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
+ if ($table_key !== false) {
+ $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
+ switch ($table['type']) {
+ case 'BASE TABLE':
+ // Create table in DB
+ $sql = "";
+ $sql = "CREATE TABLE `".$table['name']."` (";
+ $comma = "";
+ foreach ($table['columns'] as $column) {
+ $sql .= $comma."`".$column['Field']."` ".mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1));
+ $comma = ", ";
+ }
+ // Add keys
+ $comma = ", ";
+ foreach ($table['keys'] as $key) {
+ if ($key['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') {
+ $keystring = "PRIMARY KEY ";
+ } else {
+ if(array_key_exists('Index_type', $key)) {
+ $index_type = $key['Index_type'];
+ } else {
+ $index_type = "";
+ }
+ $keystring = $index_type." KEY `".$key['Key_name']."` ";
+ }
+ $sql .= $comma.$keystring."(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`) ";
+ }
+ $sql .= ")";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ break;
+ default:
+ //echo("Upgrade type '".$table['type']."' on table '".$table['name']."' not supported.\n");
+ return(1);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // echo("Error table_key while creating upgrade for table existence `$table_name`.\n");
+ return(2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Column existence':
+ $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
+ $column_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
+ $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
+ if ($table_key !== false) {
+ $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
+ $columns = $table['columns'];
+ $column_key = array_search($column_name,array_column($columns,'Field'));
+ if ($column_key !== false) {
+ $column = $table['columns'][$column_key];
+ $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD COLUMN `".$column_name."` ";
+ $sql .= mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column, array_column($replacers,1));
+ $sql .= ";";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ }
+ else {
+ // echo("Error column_key while creating column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
+ return(3);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // echo("Error table_key while creating upgrade for column existence '$column_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
+ return(4);
+ }
+ // Add Column in DB
+ break;
+ case 'Column definition':
+ $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
+ $column_name = $compare_difference['column'];
+ $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
+ if ($table_key !== false) {
+ $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
+ $columns = $table['columns'];
+ $column_names = array_column($columns,'Field');
+ $column_key = array_search($column_name,$column_names);
+ if ($column_key !== false) {
+ $column = $table['columns'][$column_key];
+ $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` MODIFY COLUMN `".$column_name."` ";
+ $sql .= mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1));
+ $sql .= ";";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ }
+ else {
+ //echo("Error column_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
+ return(5);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // echo("Error table_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
+ return(6);
+ }
+ // Modify Column in DB
+ break;
+ case 'Key existence':
+ $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
+ $key_name = $compare_difference['in JSON'];
+ $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
+ if ($table_key !== false) {
+ $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
+ $keys = $table['keys'];
+ $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name');
+ $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names);
+ if ($key_key !== false) {
+ $key = $table['keys'][$key_key];
+ $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` ";
+ $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)";
+ $sql .= ";";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ }
+ else {
+ //echo("Error key_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
+ return(7);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //echo("Error table_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
+ return(8);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "Key definition":
+ $table_name = $compare_difference['table'];
+ $key_name = $compare_difference['key'];
+ $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name'));
+ if ($table_key !== false) {
+ $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key];
+ $keys = $table['keys'];
+ $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name');
+ $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names);
+ if ($key_key !== false) {
+ $key = $table['keys'][$key_key];
+ $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` DROP KEY `".$key_name."`;";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` ";
+ $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)";
+ $sql .= ";";
+ $upgrade_sql[] = $sql;
+ }
+ else {
+ //echo("Error key_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'\n");
+ return(9);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // echo("Error table_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'.\n");
+ return(10);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Table count':
+ // Nothing to do
+ break;
+ case 'Table type':
+ // echo("Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' on table '".$compare_difference['table']."' not supported.\n");
+ return(11);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // echo("Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' not supported.\n");
+ return(12);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $upgrade_sql = array_unique($upgrade_sql);
+ return(0);
From 36501a5013be9992a5d275121f182edf560d27ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OpenXE <>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 12:06:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 081/149] Mustal upgrade tool & utf8mb3 definition
tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3 | 114725 +++++++++++++++
.../mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php | 654 +
upgrade/upgrade.php | 20 +-
3 files changed, 115393 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
create mode 100644 tools/database_compare/mustal_mysql_upgrade_tool.php
diff --git a/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3 b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8e99755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/database_compare/db_schema.json.mb3
@@ -0,0 +1,114725 @@
+ "host": "localhost",
+ "database": "openxe",
+ "user": "openxe",
+ "tables": [
+ {
+ "name": "abrechnungsartikel",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "sort",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "artikel",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bezeichnung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "nummer",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "menge",
+ "Type": "float",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preis",
+ "Type": "decimal(10,4)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "steuerklasse",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rabatt",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgerechnet",
+ "Type": "int(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "startdatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "lieferdatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgerechnetbis",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "wiederholend",
+ "Type": "int(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "zahlzyklus",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "abgrechnetam",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "rechnung",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "projekt",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "adresse",
+ "Type": "int(10)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "MUL",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "status",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "bemerkung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "logdatei",
+ "Type": "timestamp",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "current_timestamp()",
+ "Extra": "on update current_timestamp()",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung",
+ "Type": "text",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "dokument",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "preisart",
+ "Type": "varchar(64)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "enddatum",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "angelegtvon",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "angelegtam",
+ "Type": "date",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "experte",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "waehrung",
+ "Type": "varchar(10)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibungersetzten",
+ "Type": "tinyint(1)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "gruppe",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "0",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ {
+ "Key_name": "PRIMARY",
+ "columns": [
+ "id"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Key_name": "adresse",
+ "columns": [
+ "adresse",
+ "artikel"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "abrechnungsartikel_gruppe",
+ "type": "BASE TABLE",
+ "columns": [
+ {
+ "Field": "id",
+ "Type": "int(11)",
+ "Collation": null,
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "PRI",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "auto_increment",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "Field": "beschreibung",
+ "Type": "varchar(255)",
+ "Collation": "utf8mb3_general_ci",
+ "Null": "NO",
+ "Key": "",
+ "Default": "",
+ "Extra": "",
+ "Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
+ "Comment": ""
+ },
+ {
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