mirror of https://github.com/OpenXE-org/OpenXE.git synced 2025-03-28 00:00:22 +01:00

class.yui.php refactor count(null)

This commit is contained in:
OpenXE 2023-05-04 16:39:18 +02:00
parent 30ce445ac1
commit a144e2183b

@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ class YUI {
}elseif($check[0]['sort'] < $check2[0]['pos'])
$kinderartikel = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,sort FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."' ORDER BY sort ASC");
$maxsortkind = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT max(sort) FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."'");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ID,pos FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='$module' AND doctypeid='$id' AND pos <='$maxsortkind' AND pos >= '".$check[0]['sort']."'");
$zwipos = "(".implode(",", $zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen).")";
@ -1273,13 +1273,13 @@ class YUI {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = ".$check2[0]['pos']." WHERE $module = '$id' AND id = '".$check[0]['id']."'");
$elternsort = $check[0]['sort'];
$ckinderartikel = count($kinderartikel);
$ckinderartikel = (empty($kinderartikel)?0:count($kinderartikel));
for ($i=0; $i < $ckinderartikel; $i++) {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE doctype = '".$module."' AND doctypeid = '$id' AND pos < '".($check2[0]['pos'])."' AND pos >= '".$check[0]['sort']."'");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = sort - 1 WHERE $module = '$id' AND sort > '$elternsort' AND sort <= '".$check2[0]['pos']."'");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = '".($check2[0]['pos']-$i)."' WHERE $module = '$id' AND id = '".$kinderartikel[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
$positionsanzahl = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sort-".$check[0]['sort']." FROM auftrag_position WHERE id = '".$check[0]['id']."'");
foreach ($zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen as $zkey => $zvalue) {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos = ".$zvalue['pos']." + $positionsanzahl WHERE id = '".$zvalue['ID']."'");
@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ class YUI {
$kinderartikel = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,sort FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."' ORDER BY sort ASC");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen= array(0);
$maxsortkind = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT max(sort) FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."'");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionentmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ID FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='$module' AND doctypeid='$id' AND pos <='$maxsortkind' AND pos >= '".$check[0]['sort']."'");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen = array(0);
@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ class YUI {
$elternsort = $check2[0]['pos']+1;
$zielpos = $elternsort+1;
$ckinderartikel = count($kinderartikel);
$ckinderartikel = (empty($kinderartikel)?0:count($kinderartikel));
for ($i=0; $i < $ckinderartikel; $i++) {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = sort + 1 WHERE $module = '$id' AND sort < '".$kinderartikel[$i]['sort']."' AND sort > '".($elternsort+$i)."'");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = '".($zielpos+$i)."' WHERE $module = '$id' AND id = '".$kinderartikel[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ class YUI {
$maxsort = $check[0]['sort'];
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen = '';
$kinderartikel = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,sort FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."' ORDER BY sort ASC");
$maxsortkind = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT max(sort) FROM ".$module."_position WHERE explodiert_parent ='".$check[0]['id']."'");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionentmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ID FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='$module' AND doctypeid='$id' AND pos >='$maxsort' AND pos <= '$maxsortkind'");
$zuverschiebendezwischenpositionen = array();
@ -1376,10 +1376,10 @@ class YUI {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = '".$check2[0]['sort']."' WHERE $module = '$id' AND id = '".$check[0]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
$differenzwert = $check2[0]['sort'] - $check[0]['sort']-count($kinderartikel);
$differenzwert = $check2[0]['sort'] - $check[0]['sort']-(empty($kinderartikel)?0:count($kinderartikel));
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos=pos+$differenzwert WHERE id IN $zwipos");
$elternsort = $check2[0]['sort'];
$ckinderartikel = count($kinderartikel);
$ckinderartikel = (empty($kinderartikel)?0:count($kinderartikel));
for ($i=0; $i < $ckinderartikel; $i++) {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = sort - 1 WHERE $module = '$id' AND sort > '".$kinderartikel[$i]['sort']."' AND sort < '$elternsort'");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = '$elternsort' WHERE $module = '$id' AND id = '".$kinderartikel[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ class YUI {
$differenzwert = $check[0]['sort'] - ($check2[0]['sort'] + 1);
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos=pos-$differenzwert WHERE id IN $zwipos");
$elternsort = $check2[0]['sort']+1;
$ckinderartikel = count($kinderartikel);
$ckinderartikel = (empty($kinderartikel)?0:count($kinderartikel));
for ($i=0; $i < $ckinderartikel; $i++) {
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos = pos + 1 WHERE doctype = '".$module."' AND doctypeid = '$id' AND pos >= '".$check2[0]['sort']."' AND pos <= '$maxsortkind' AND NOT id IN $zwipos");
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE ".$module."_position SET sort = sort + 1 WHERE $module = '$id' AND sort < '".$maxsortkind."' AND sort > '$elternsort'");
@ -1507,7 +1507,7 @@ class YUI {
$positionsIds = [];
foreach($prices as $priceInForm) {
$priceSplit = explode(':', $priceInForm);
if(count($priceSplit) == 2) {
if((empty($priceSplit)?0:count($priceSplit)) == 2) {
$elementId = $priceSplit[0];
$price = trim($priceSplit[1]);
$idSplit = explode('split', $elementId);
@ -1519,7 +1519,7 @@ class YUI {
foreach($quantities as $quantityInForm) {
$quantitySplittet = explode(':', $quantityInForm);
if(count($quantitySplittet) == 2) {
if((empty($quantitySplittet)?0:count($quantitySplittet)) == 2) {
$elementId = $quantitySplittet[0];
$quantity = $this->app->erp->ReplaceMenge(1, trim($quantitySplittet[1]), 1);
if(!is_numeric($quantity)) {
@ -1560,8 +1560,8 @@ class YUI {
) {
$price = rtrim(number_format($position['preis'], 8, ',', '.'), '0');
$priceSplit = explode(',', $price);
if(strlen($priceSplit[count($priceSplit)-1]) < 2) {
$price .= str_repeat('0',2-strlen($priceSplit[count($priceSplit)-1]));
if(strlen($priceSplit[(empty($priceSplit)?0:count($priceSplit))-1]) < 2) {
$price .= str_repeat('0',2-strlen($priceSplit[(empty($priceSplit)?0:count($priceSplit))-1]));
$ret[] = ['elid' => $arr[$positionId]['price_id'], 'value' => $price];
@ -2251,7 +2251,7 @@ class YUI {
$allestaffelpreise = array();
$allestaffelpreise = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM verkaufspreise WHERE artikel='$artikel_id' AND geloescht = 0 AND (gueltig_bis >= '".date("Y-m-d")."' OR gueltig_bis = '0000-00-00') AND (gueltig_ab <= '".date("Y-m-d")."' OR gueltig_ab = '0000-00-00') AND (adresse='0' OR adresse='$adresse') AND (gruppe='0') AND inbelegausblenden=0");
$anzeigepreise = array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($allestaffelpreise); $i++) {
for ($i=0; $i < (empty($allestaffelpreise)?0:count($allestaffelpreise)); $i++) {
$anzeigepreise[$allestaffelpreise[$i]['ab_menge']] = $allestaffelpreise[$i];
@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ class YUI {
$staffelpreistext = '';
$belegsprache = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sprache FROM $module WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
@ -3419,7 +3419,7 @@ class YUI {
$check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM `auftragsampel_auftrageinstellungen` LIMIT 1");
$deaktivertok = false;
if(!$this->app->DB->error())$deaktivertok = true;
$anzahl3 = count($auftragsampel);
$anzahl3 = (empty($auftragsampel)?0:count($auftragsampel));
$anzahl += $anzahl3;
$ifextra2a[] = " a.status = 'abgeschlossen' ";
foreach($auftragsampel as $k => $ampel)
@ -3440,7 +3440,7 @@ class YUI {
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'<img src=\"./themes/{$this->app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/abgeschlossen.png\" title=\"Auftragsampel deaktivert\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right:1px\">'
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'".str_repeat($_extra2icon,count($auftragsampel))."')";
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'".str_repeat($_extra2icon,(empty($auftragsampel)?0:count($auftragsampel)))."')";
$extra3 .= ",'".$abgeschlossen."'";
$ifextra2a[] = "
substring(ifnull(aac.status,'".str_repeat('0', $anzahl3)."'),$k2,1) = '1' ";
@ -3452,7 +3452,7 @@ class YUI {
$check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM `auftragsampel_auftrageinstellungen` LIMIT 1");
$deaktivertok = false;
if(!$this->app->DB->error())$deaktivertok = true;
$anzahl3 = count($auftragsampel);
$anzahl3 = (empty($auftragsampel)?0:count($auftragsampel));
$anzahl += $anzahl3;
$ifextra2a[] = " a.status = 'abgeschlossen' ";
foreach($auftragsampel as $ampel)
@ -3462,7 +3462,7 @@ class YUI {
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2a = ",if(isnull((SELECT aae.id FROM auftragsampel_auftrageinstellungen aae WHERE aae.auftrag = a.id AND aae.deaktiviert = 1 LIMIT 1)),concat(''";
$extra2 .= "IF(isnull( (SELECT aampa.id FROM auftragsampel_auftrag aampa WHERE aampa.auftrag = a.id AND aampa.auftragsampel = '".$ampel['id']."' AND aampa.erledigt = 1) ), "."'<img src=\"./pages/icons/".str_replace('_go_','_stop_',$ampel['icon'])."\" title=\"".$ampel['beschriftung']."\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right:1px\">'".","."'<img src=\"./pages/icons/".$ampel['icon']."\" title=\"".$ampel['beschriftung']."\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right:1px\">'". ") ";
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'<img src=\"./themes/{$this->app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/abgeschlossen.png\" title=\"Auftragsampel deaktivert\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right:1px\">')";
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'".str_repeat($_extra2icon,count($auftragsampel))."')";
if($deaktivertok) $_extra2e = "),'".str_repeat($_extra2icon,(empty($auftragsampel)?0:count($auftragsampel)))."')";
$extra3 .= ",'".$abgeschlossen."'";
$ifextra2a[] = "
not isnull( (SELECT aampa.id FROM auftragsampel_auftrag aampa WHERE aampa.auftrag = a.id AND aampa.auftragsampel = '".$ampel['id']."' AND aampa.erledigt = 1) ) ";
@ -3747,7 +3747,7 @@ class YUI {
$module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("module");
$this->app->Tpl->Add('JAVASCRIPT', 'function ' . $name . 'fnFormatDetails ( nTr ) {
//var aData = oTable' . $name . '.fnGetData( nTr );
var str = aData[' . (isset($menucol)?$menucol:count($heading)-1) . '];
var str = aData[' . (isset($menucol)?$menucol:(empty($heading)?0:count($heading))-1) . '];
var match = str.match(/[1-9]{1}[0-9]*/);
@ -3770,14 +3770,14 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
$colspan = count($heading);
$colspan = (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));
//<tr><th colspan="' . $colspan . '"><br></th></tr>
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="' . $name . '">
for ($i = 0;$i < count($heading);$i++) {
for ($i = 0;$i < (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));$i++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '<th width="' . $width[$i] . '">' . $heading[$i] . '</th>');
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '</tr>
@ -3791,7 +3791,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
for ($i = 0;$i < count($heading);$i++) {
for ($i = 0;$i < (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));$i++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '<th>' . $heading[$i] . '</th>');
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '
@ -5816,7 +5816,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
if ($more_data3 == 1) $subwhere[] = " l.lieferantenretoure=1 ";
// ENDE EXTRA more
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " l.id!='' AND l.status!='angelegt' $tmp " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('p.id', true, 'l.vertriebid');
@ -6184,7 +6184,7 @@ r.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, r.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
$tmp = '';
if (!is_null($subwhere)) {
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " r.status!='angelegt' AND r.id!='' ".$tmp ." ". $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('p.id', true, 'r.vertriebid');
@ -6611,7 +6611,7 @@ r.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, r.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if ($more_data4 == 1) {
$subwhere[] = " r.status='storniert' ";
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?count($subwhere):0;
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?(empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere)):0;
for ($j = 0;$j < $csubwhere;$j++) {
$tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
@ -6880,7 +6880,7 @@ r.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, r.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if ($more_data1 == 1) $subwhere[] = " a.lagerartikel='1' ";
$tmp = '';
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?count($subwhere):0;
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?(empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere)):0;
for ($j = 0;$j < $csubwhere;$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
@ -7217,7 +7217,7 @@ r.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, r.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if (!is_null($subwhere)) {
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
@ -7672,7 +7672,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if($fteilprojektfilter) {
$subwhere[] = " a.teilprojekt = '$fteilprojektfilter' ";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " a.projekt='" . $id."'".$tmp;
$count = "SELECT COUNT(a.id) FROM aufgabe a WHERE $where ";
@ -7760,7 +7760,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " (z.adresse_abrechnung='" . $id . "' OR p.kunde='$id') $tmp";
$count = "SELECT COUNT(z.id) FROM zeiterfassung z LEFT JOIN adresse a ON a.id=z.adresse LEFT JOIN projekt p ON p.id=z.projekt WHERE $where";
@ -7851,7 +7851,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
$subwhere[] = " z.abgerechnet <> 1 ";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " z.projekt ='" . $id . "' $tmp";
$count = "SELECT COUNT(z.id) FROM zeiterfassung z LEFT JOIN arbeitspaket arb ON z.arbeitspaket = arb.id WHERE $where";
@ -7991,7 +7991,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
$tmp = '';
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?count($subwhere):0;
$csubwhere = !empty($subwhere)?(empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere)):0;
for ($j = 0;$j < $csubwhere;$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " a.id!='' AND a.status!='angelegt' $tmp " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte();
@ -8351,7 +8351,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
// $more_data2 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data2"); if($more_data2==1) $subwhere[] = " a.datum=CURDATE() AND a.status='freigegeben'";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
$where = " ap.aufgabe IS NOT NULL $tmp AND ap.projekt='$id' GROUP by Datum,ap.id ";
@ -8414,7 +8414,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
$more_data1 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data1");
if ($more_data1 == 1) $subwhere[] = " OR ( ap.abgenommen='1') ";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " " . $subwhere[$j];
// if($tmp!="")$tmp .= " AND e.geloescht='1' ";
@ -8633,7 +8633,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if (!is_null($subwhere))
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
if ($more_data1 == 1)
@ -8699,7 +8699,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if ($more_data1 == 1) $subwhere[] = " AND ap.status='abgerechnet' ";
else $subwhere[] = " AND ap.status!='abgerechnet' ";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " " . $subwhere[$j];
// Fester filter
@ -8792,7 +8792,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if ($more_data1 == 1) $subwhere[] = " z.abrechnen='1' AND z.abgerechnet!='1' ";
// $more_data2 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("more_data2"); if($more_data2==1) $subwhere[] = " a.datum=CURDATE() AND a.status='freigegeben'";
for ($j = 0;$j < count($subwhere);$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
for ($j = 0;$j < (empty($subwhere)?0:count($subwhere));$j++) $tmp.= " AND " . $subwhere[$j];
$where = " z.id!='' AND z.adresse='" . $id . "' $tmp";
$count = "SELECT COUNT(z.id) FROM zeiterfassung z WHERE z.adresse='" . $id . "'";
$moreinfo = true;
@ -9821,7 +9821,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
$this->app->User->SetParameter('stammdatenbereinigen_list_param', implode(';',$paramsGroupBy));
$groupby = '
GROUP BY ' . implode(',', $groupABy) . '
@ -10844,7 +10844,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($aligni = 0;$aligni < count($alignright);$aligni++) {
for ($aligni = 0;$aligni < (empty($alignright)?0:count($alignright));$aligni++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
#' . $name . ' > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(' . $alignright[$aligni] . ') {
text-align: right;
@ -10854,7 +10854,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($aligni = 0;$aligni < count($aligncenter);$aligni++) {
for ($aligni = 0;$aligni < (empty($aligncenter)?0:count($aligncenter));$aligni++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
#' . $name . ' > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(' . $aligncenter[$aligni] . ') {
text-align: center;
@ -10864,7 +10864,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($h = 0;$h < count($hide320);$h++) {
for ($h = 0;$h < (empty($hide320)?0:count($hide320));$h++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
@media screen and (max-width: 320px){
#' . $name . ' > thead > tr > th:nth-child(' . $hide320[$h] . ') {
@ -10883,7 +10883,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if(isset($nowrap) && is_array($nowrap))
for ($h = 0;$h < count($nowrap);$h++) {
for ($h = 0;$h < (empty($nowrap)?0:count($nowrap));$h++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
@media screen and (max-width: 767px){
#' . $name . ' > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(' . $hide767[$h] . '){
@ -10897,7 +10897,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($h = 0;$h < count($hide767);$h++) {
for ($h = 0;$h < (empty($hide767)?0:count($hide767));$h++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
@media screen and (max-width: 767px){
#' . $name . ' > thead > tr > th:nth-child(' . $hide767[$h] . ') {
@ -10916,7 +10916,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
for ($h = 0;$h < count($hide480);$h++) {
for ($h = 0;$h < (empty($hide480)?0:count($hide480));$h++) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add('YUICSS', '
@media screen and (max-width: 479px){
#' . $name . ' > thead > tr > th:nth-child(' . $hide480[$h] . ') {
@ -10961,7 +10961,7 @@ a.land as land, p.abkuerzung as projekt, a.zahlungsweise as zahlungsweise,
if(isset($hidecolumns) && $hidecolumns && is_array($hidecolumns) && count($hidecolumns) > 2)
if(isset($hidecolumns) && $hidecolumns && is_array($hidecolumns) && (empty($hidecolumns)?0:count($hidecolumns)) > 2)
$hidecolumnsitem = $hidecolumns[0];
if(!is_array($hidecolumns[2]))$hidecolumns[2][0] = $hidecolumns[2];
@ -11328,7 +11328,7 @@ $directlink=0;
if( (($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($_module,"edit") && $_action=="list") ||
(!empty($forcerowclick))) && !empty($rowclick))
if($menucol > 0 || count($heading) > 0) {
if($menucol > 0 || (empty($heading)?0:count($heading)) > 0) {
$doppelteids = '\-[1-9]{1}[0-9]*';
@ -11338,11 +11338,11 @@ if( (($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($_module,"edit") && $_action=="list") ||
} else {
if(!empty($menucol) && $menucol > 0 || count($heading) > 0) {
if(!empty($menucol) && $menucol > 0 || (empty($heading)?0:count($heading)) > 0) {
if(isset($doppelteids)&& $doppelteids){
$doppelteids = '\-[1-9]{1}[0-9]*';
@ -11353,7 +11353,7 @@ if(!empty($menucol) && $menucol > 0 || count($heading) > 0) {
} else {
if(empty($rowclickaction) || $rowclickaction=="")
@ -11411,7 +11411,7 @@ if((isset($extra_anzahl_datensaetze) && (int)$extra_anzahl_datensaetze > 0) || (
if($aLengthMenuArr[count($aLengthMenuArr)-1] < $maxrows)
if($aLengthMenuArr[(empty($aLengthMenuArr)?0:count($aLengthMenuArr))-1] < $maxrows)
$aLengthMenuArr[] = (int)$maxrows;
@ -12050,7 +12050,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
$colspan = !empty($heading)?count($heading):1;
$colspan = !empty($heading)?(empty($heading)?0:count($heading)):1;
//<tr><th colspan="' . $colspan . '"><br></th></tr>
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '
<div class="table-responsive">
@ -12058,7 +12058,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
$cHeading = count($heading);
$cHeading = (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));
for ($i = 0; $i < $cHeading; $i++) {
@ -12072,7 +12072,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
if(empty($columnfilter) && !(isset($columnfilter) && $columnfilter === false)) {
$this->app->Tpl->Add($parsetarget, '</tr><tr>');
$cHeading = count($heading);
$cHeading = (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));
for ($i = 0; $i < $cHeading; $i++) {
@ -12095,7 +12095,7 @@ url:strUrl, success:function(html){strReturn = html;}, async:false
$cheader = count($heading);
$cheader = (empty($heading)?0:count($heading));
for ($i = 0; $i < $cheader; $i++) {
@ -13837,7 +13837,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
function ChartDB($sql, $parsetarget, $width, $height, $limitmin = 0, $limitmax = 100, $gridy = 5) {
$result = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($result);$i++) {
for ($i = 0;$i < (empty($result)?0:count($result));$i++) {
$lables[] = $result[$i]['legende'];
$values[] = $result[$i]['wert'];
@ -13850,7 +13850,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
function Chart($parsetarget, $labels, $width = 400, $height = 200, $limitmin = 0, $limitmax = 100, $gridy = 5) {
$werte = '';
$values = $labels;
for ($i = 0;$i < count($values) - 1;$i++) {
for ($i = 0;$i < (empty($values)?0:count($values)) - 1;$i++) {
$werte = $werte . "'" . $values[$i] . "',";
$werte = $werte . "'" . $values[$i + 1] . "'";
@ -13859,7 +13859,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
$this->app->Tpl->Set('CHART_HEIGHT', $height);
$this->app->Tpl->Set('LIMITMIN', $limitmin);
$this->app->Tpl->Set('LIMITMAX', $limitmax);
$this->app->Tpl->Set('GRIDX', count($values));
$this->app->Tpl->Set('GRIDX', (empty($values)?0:count($values)));
$this->app->Tpl->Set('GRIDY', $gridy);
$this->app->Tpl->Parse($parsetarget, "chart.tpl");
@ -13888,7 +13888,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
function ChartAdd($color, $values) {
$werte = '';
for ($i = 0;$i < count($values) - 1;$i++) {
for ($i = 0;$i < (empty($values)?0:count($values)) - 1;$i++) {
$werte = $werte . $values[$i] . ",";
$werte = $werte . $values[$i + 1];
@ -13953,7 +13953,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON v.datei=v2.datei AND v.version = v2.version WHERE $where ORDER BY s.sort DESC LIMIT 2 ";
$query = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
$status = 0;
if($query && count($query) == 2)
if($query && (empty($query)?0:count($query)) == 2)
$status = 1;
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei_stichwoerter SET sort = '".$query[1]['sort']."' WHERE id = '".$query[0]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
@ -13986,7 +13986,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON v.datei=v2.datei AND v.version = v2.version WHERE $where ORDER BY s.sort LIMIT 2 ";
$query = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
$status = 0;
if($query && count($query) == 2)
if($query && (empty($query)?0:count($query)) == 2)
$status = 1;
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei_stichwoerter SET sort = '".$query[1]['sort']."' WHERE id = '".$query[0]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
@ -14097,7 +14097,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
if(!$auswahl || count($auswahl) == 0)
if(!$auswahl || (empty($auswahl)?0:count($auswahl)) == 0)
echo 'Keine PDF-Dateien ausgew&auml;hlt!';
@ -14168,7 +14168,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
if(!$auswahl || count($auswahl) == 0)
if(!$auswahl || (empty($auswahl)?0:count($auswahl)) == 0)
echo 'Keine Dateien ausgew&auml;hlt!';
@ -14289,7 +14289,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
$tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM datei_stichwortvorlagen WHERE modul='' ORDER by beschriftung");
$this->app->Tpl->Add('EXTRASTICHWOERTER','<option value="'.$tmp[$i]['beschriftung'].'">'.$tmp[$i]['beschriftung'].'</option>');
$maxsize = 0;
@ -15102,7 +15102,7 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
$summenarray[] = '<input type="hidden" id="mcol" value="'.$mengencol.'" /><input type="hidden" id="rcol" value="'.$rabattcol.'" /><input type="hidden" id="scol" value="'.$summencol.'" /><span id="zwischensumme">'.number_format($zwischensumme,4,'.','').'</span>';
if($module != 'verbindlichkeit')$summenarray[] = '';
$summenarray[] = '';
$summenarray[count($summenarray)-1] .= $js;
$summenarray[(empty($summenarray)?0:count($summenarray))-1] .= $js;
if($mengencol && $summencol && $module!='produktion')$table->AddRow($summenarray);
@ -15624,11 +15624,11 @@ function IframeDialog($width, $height, $src = "") {
<div id=\"preistabellediv\" style=\"display:none;\"><div id=\"preiserror\">".(count($waehrungen) > 1?"":"Bitte legen Sie erst W&auml;hrungen an!")."</div>
<div id=\"preistabellediv\" style=\"display:none;\"><div id=\"preiserror\">".((empty($waehrungen)?0:count($waehrungen)) > 1?"":"Bitte legen Sie erst W&auml;hrungen an!")."</div>
$i = -1;
if(count($waehrungen) > 1)
if((empty($waehrungen)?0:count($waehrungen)) > 1)
$htmltabelle .= "<table><tr><th>W&auml;hrung</th><th>Kurs</th><th>umgerechnter Preis</th><th>Aktion</th></tr>";
foreach($waehrungen as $waehrung => $kurs)