DDX (Delivery Duty Paid (excl. Duties, taxes and VAT)
CPT (Carriage Paid To (within EU only))
+ are vaild values.
+ PlaceOfCommital is a Locaton the shipment is handed
+ over to DHL
+ Postage costs billed in the invoice
+ CustomsCurrency refers to all stated goods / customs
+ values as well as postage costs. The information has to match
+ the currency of the commercial invoice or the invoice for customs
+ purposes. ISO 4217 alpha, p.E.:
+ EUR for Euro
+ USD for US Dollar
+ GBP for British Pound
+ The permit number.
+ The attestation number.
+ The customs reference is used by customs authorities
+ to identify
+ economics operators an/or other persons involved. With
+ the given reference,
+ granted authorizations and/or relevant
+ processes in customs
+ clearance an/or
+ taxation can be taken into
+ account.
+ The customs reference is used by customs authorities
+ to identify
+ economics operators an/or other persons involved. With
+ the given reference,
+ granted authorizations and/or relevant
+ processes in customs
+ clearance an/or
+ taxation can be taken into
+ account.
+ Sets an electronic export notification.
+ One or more child elements for every position to be
+ defined within the Export Document. Each one contains description,
+ country code of origin, amount, net weight, customs value.
+ Multiple positions only possible for shipments using DHL Paket
+ International (V53WPAK).
+ Shipments using DHL Europaket (V54EPAK)
+ can only contain one
+ ExportDocPosition.
+ Description of the goods
+ ISO-Code (ISO 3166-2) of country the goods were
+ manufactured
+ Customs tariff number of the unit / position.
+ If the service PDDP is used, customsTariffNumber is required.
+ Quantity of the unit / position. Only positive
+ values (> 0) are allowed.
+ Net weight of the unit / position. Only positive
+ values (> 0) are allowed.The total net weight must not exceed
+ the shipment weight
+ Customs value amount of the unit /position. Only
+ positive values (> 0) are allowed.
+ Further address information
+The following data fields from the cis_base-types are processed/mandatory/optional:
+Salutation (optional) : cis:NameType->Person->salutation
+Company Name 1 (mandatory): cis:NameType->Company->name1
+Company Name 2 (optional) : cis:NameType->Company->name2
+Contact Name (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->contactPerson
+Street Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetName
+Street Number (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetNumber
+Add. Address (optional) : cis:NativeAddressType->careOfName
+Postcode (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->zip
+City Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->city
+ISO Country Code (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->Origin->CountryType->countryISOType
+Phone Number (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->phone
+Email Address (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->email
+ Mandatory if further address is to be specified.
+ Determines whether further address is one of the
+ following types.
+ Extra data for name extension.
+ Contains address data.
+ Info about communication.
+ The status of the getLabel operation and the url for
+ requesting the label
+ (if available).
+ Success status of processing retrieval of particular
+ shipment
+ label.
+ For successful and unsuccessful operations, the
+ requested
+ ShipmentNumber of the label to be retrieved is returned.
+ This is no matter
+ if it the operation could be performed or not.
+ If label output format was requested as 'URL' via
+ LabelResponseType, this element will be returned. It contains the
+ URL to
+ access the PDF label. This is default output format if not
+ specified
+ other by client in labelResponseType. Depending on
+ setting in customer
+ profile all labels or just the shipmentlabel.
+ Label as base64 encoded pdf data, depending on
+ setting in
+ customer profile all labels or just the shipmentlabel.
+ If label output format was requested as 'URL' via
+ LabelResponseType, this element will be returned. It contains the
+ URL to
+ access the PDF label. This is default output format if not
+ specified
+ other by client in labelResponseType. Depending on
+ setting in customer
+ profile all labels or just the
+ returnshipmentlabel.
+ Label as base64 encoded pdf data, depending on
+ setting in
+ customer profile all labels or just the
+ returnshipmentlabel.
+ If label output format was requested as 'URL' via
+ LabelResponseType, this element will be returned. It contains the
+ URL to
+ access the PDF label. This is default output format if not
+ specified
+ other by client in labelResponseType. Depending on
+ setting in customer
+ profile all labels or just the export
+ documents.
+ Label as base64 encoded pdf data, depending on
+ setting in
+ customer profile all labels or just the export
+ documents.
+ If label output format was requested as 'URL' via
+ LabelResponseType, this element will be returned. It contains the
+ URL to
+ access the PDF label. This is default output format if not
+ specified
+ other by client in labelResponseType. Depending on
+ setting in customer
+ profile all labels or just the cod related
+ documents.
+ Label as base64 encoded pdf data, depending on
+ setting in
+ customer profile all labels or just the cod related
+ documents.
+ The status of the getLabel operation and the url for
+ requesting the label
+ (if available)
+ ShipmentNumber
+ Status of the request (value of zero means, the
+ request was
+ processed without error; value greater than zero
+ indicates that an error
+ occurred).
+ Export doc as base64 encoded pdf data
+ URL for downloading the Export doc as pdf
+ The status of a doManifest operation.
+ ShipmentNumber
+ Status of the request (value of zero means, the
+ request was
+ processed without error; value greater than zero
+ indicates that an error
+ occurred).
+ The status of a deleteShipment operation.
+ For successful and unsuccessful operations, the
+ requested
+ ShipmentNumber to be deleted is returned. This is no
+ matter if the operation
+ could be performed or not.
+ Success status of processing the deletion of
+ particular
+ shipment.
+ The data for a pickup order.
+ The version of the webservice implementation for
+ which the
+ requesting client is developed.
+ Contains information in further leaf elements about
+ product,
+ DHL account, pickup date and time, pickup location,
+ amount of pieces,
+ pallets, and shipments, moreover weight and
+ volume weight, size.
+ The pickup address.
+ The address and contact information of the
+ orderer.
+ The data for a pickup order.
+ The version of the webservice implementation.
+ Success status after processing the request.
+ The confirmation number of the successfully created
+ pickup
+ order. It can later be used for cancelling a pickup order.
+ Confirmation
+ number is not available for each pickup type.
+ If available, a shipment number is returned.
+ The details of a pickup order.
+ Pickup date in format yyyy-mm-dd. Mandatory if
+ pickup is booked
+ along with shipment order.
+ Earliest time for pickup. Format is hh:mm.
+ Lates time for pickup. Format is hh:mm.
+ Remarks to be considered when pickup is done.
+ Area to further detail pickup location beyond
+ address.
+The pickup address. In the PickupType the following data fields are processed/mandatory/optional:
+Company Name 1 (mandatory): cis:NameType->Company->name1
+Contact Name (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->contactPerson
+Street Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetName
+Street Number (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetNumber
+Add. Address (optional) : cis:NativeAddressType->careOfName
+Postcode (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->zip
+City Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->city
+ISO Country Code (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->Origin->CountryType->countryISOType
+Phone Number (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->phone
+Email Address (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->email
+ Determines whether pickup address is one of the
+ following
+ types.
+ Data fields for pickup address.
+ Info about communication.
+Information about the pickup orderer. In the PickupOrdererType the following data fields are processed/mandatory/optional:
+Salutation (optional) : cis:NameType->Person->salutation
+Company Name 1 (mandatory): cis:NameType->Company->name1
+Company Name 2 (optional) : cis:NameType->Company->name2
+Contact Name (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->contactPerson
+Street Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetName
+Street Number (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->streetNumber
+Add. Address (optional) : cis:NativeAddressType->careOfName
+Postcode (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->zip
+City Name (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->city
+ISO Country Code (mandatory): cis:NativeAddressType->Origin->CountryType->countryISOType
+Phone Number (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->phone
+Email Address (mandatory): cis:CommunicationType->email
+ Determines whether orderer contact address is of the
+ following
+ type.
+ Optional name appendix.
+ Data fields for orderer's address.
+ Info about communication.
+ The data of the pickup order.
+ Depending on whether a DD pickup or TD pickup is
+ invoked, this
+ field contains either the 10-digit EKP number (DD
+ pickups) or the 9-digit
+ accountNumberExpress (TD pickups).
+ Pickup date in format yyyy-mm-dd.
+ Earliest time for pickup. Format is hh:mm.
+ Lates time for pickup. Format is hh:mm.
+ Remarks to be considered when pickup is done.
+ Mandatory if 'TDI'
+ is selected.
+ Area to further detail pickup location beyond
+ address. Mandatory
+ for TDN and TDI, optional for DDN and DDI.
+ Number of pieces to be picked up.
+ Number of pallets to be picked up.
+ The weight of all shipment's pieces in kg. Field
+ length must be
+ less than or equal to 22.
+ Number of shipments to be picked up.
+ The total volumetric weight of all pieces in kg.
+ Calculated by
+ piece = length x width x height in centimetres /
+ 5000. Field length must be
+ less than or equal to 22.
+ The maximum length in cm.
+ The maximum width in cm.
+ The maximum height in cm.
+ The data for cancelling a pickup order.
+ The version of the webservice implementation for
+ which the
+ requesting client is developed.
+ The confirmation number of the pickup order which
+ should be
+ cancelled. Use value from pickup response attribute
+ 'ConfirmationNumber'
+ to cancel respective pickup order. Note: only
+ one pickup can be deleted
+ at a time.
+ The status of the cancel pickup operation.
+ The version of the webservice implementation.
+ Success status after processing the request.
+ Identity data (used e.g. for ident services)
+ If driving license shall be used for verifying
+ identity.
+ ID number of the driving license. Mandatory if
+ DrivingLicense is chosen as identity
+ instrument.
+ Name of certifying authority of the driving
+ license. Mandatory if DrivingLicense is chosen as identity
+ instrument.
+ If identity card shall be used for verifying
+ identity.
+ Number of the identity card. Mandatory if
+ IdentityCard is chosen as identity instrument. Field length
+ must be less than or equal to 20.
+ Name of certifying card authority. Mandatory if
+ IdentityCard is chosen as identity instrument. Field length
+ must be less than or equal to 30.
+ If a bank card shall be used for verifying
+ identity.
+ Type of bank card. Mandatory if BankCard is
+ chosen as identity instrument.
+ Number of bank card. Mandatory if BankCard is
+ chosen as identity instrument.
+ Name of bank. Mandatory if BankCard is chosen as
+ identity instrument.
+ Bank code. Mandatory if BankCard is chosen as
+ identity instrument.
+ Type of Packstation (Receiver is in Germany)
+ includes
+ Number of the packstation
+ Post Nummer of the receiver
+ Postcode
+ City name.
+ Type of Postfiliale (Receiver is in Germany)
+ includes
+ Number of the postfiliale
+ Post Nummer of the receiver
+ Postcode
+ City name.
+ Type of ParcelShop (Receiver is in Europe)
+ includes
+ Number of the ParcelShop
+ Name of street of the ParcelShop
+ House number of the ParcelShop
+ Postcode
+ City name.
+ The status of the operation and the shipment
+ identifier (if
+ available).
+ The version of the webservice implementation.
+ Success status after processing the overall
+ request.
+ The operation's success status for every single
+ ShipmentOrder
+ will be returned by one CreationState element. It is
+ identifiable via
+ SequenceNumber.
+ The version of the webservice implementation for
+ which the requesting
+ client is developed.
+ includes
+ The number of the major release. E.g. the '3' in
+ version
+ "3.2.".
+ The number of the minor release. E.g. the '2' in version "3.2.". Please note, that if you wish to use the old error handling, you need use Version 3.2 or below
+ Optional build id to be addressed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0-schema-cis_base.xsd b/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0-schema-cis_base.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60d8e041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0-schema-cis_base.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,1126 @@
+ Country specific ISO code.
+ First 10 digit number extract from the 14 digit DHL Account Number. E.g. if DHL Account Number is "5000000008 72 01" then EKP is equal to 5000000008.
+ Field has the partner id. I.e. the last 2 digit number extract from the 14 digit DHL Account Number. E.g. if DHL Account Number is "5000000008 72 01" then Attendance is 01.
+ Procedure ID (part of account number).
+ DHL account number (14 digits).
+ Express AccountNumber (9 digits).
+ Ident code number.
+ License plate number.
+ Airway bill number.
+ route code (default).
+ The following barcode types are:
+ 1. GS1 Barcode
+ 2. ASC MH10 Barcode
+ 3. 2/5 Interleaved
+ 4. Code 128 ( UPU )
+ City name.
+ Province name.
+ Code for street name (part of routecode).
+ Code for street number (part of routecode).
+ Country.
+ Authentification.
+ The version of the webservice implementation for which the
+requesting client is developed.
+ includes
+ The number of the major release. E.g. the '3' in version "3.2.".
+ The number of the minor release. E.g. the '3' in version "3.2.".
+ Optional build id to be addressed.
+ Type of authentification
+ includes
+ username for the business customer portal (only lower case)
+ password for the business customer portal
+ Type of native address
+ includes
+ The name of the street. Optionally the house number can be passed in this field too.
+ In this case the field "streetNumber" must not be present.
+ The house number. This field is only optional when the house number is passed with
+ the field streetName.
+ Address addon, is only printed in the international area (V53WPAK)
+ DispatchingInformation, is only printed in the international area (V53WPAK)
+ Type of native address
+ includes
+ The name of the street. Optionally the house number can be passed in this field too.
+ In this case the field "streetNumber" must not be present.
+ The house number. This field is only optional when the house number is passed with
+ the field streetName.
+ Country.
+ The name of the street. Optionally the house number can be passed in this field too.
+ In this case the field "streetNumber" must not be present.
+ The house number. This field is only optional when the house number is passed with
+ the field streetName.
+ Address addon, is only printed in the international area (V53WPAK)
+ DispatchingInformation, is only printed in the international area (V53WPAK)
+ Country.
+ Type of pickup address
+ includes
+ can be
+ Default address
+ Packstation address
+ Type of delivery address
+ includes
+ can be
+ Default address
+ Postoffice address
+ Packstation address
+ Type of bank information
+ includes
+ Name of bank account owner.
+ Name of bank.
+ IBAN code of bank account.
+ Purpose of bank information.
+ Purpose of bank information.
+ Bank-Information-Code (BankCCL) of bank account.
+ Accountreferece to customer profile
+ Type of name
+ includes
+ Type of name
+ includes
+ Name of receiver (first part)
+ Name of receiver (first part)
+ Name of company (second part).
+ Name of company (third part).
+ Type of communication.
+ includes
+ Phone number.
+ If you are using delivery type CDP, the phone number and/or e-mail address are mandatory
+ Emailaddress.
+ If you are using delivery type CDP, the phone number and/or e-mail address are mandatory
+ First name and last name of contact person.
+ Type of contact.
+ includes
+ Contact communication information.
+ Contact address.
+ Contact name.
+ Type of packstation.
+ includes
+ Post Nummer of the receiver, if not set receiver e-mail and/or mobilephone number needs to be set. When sending to a packstation with "DHL Paket" (V01PAK), the postnumber must always be entered.
+ Number of the Packstation.
+ Type of Postfiliale
+ includes
+ Number of the postfiliale
+ Post Nummer of the receiver
+ Type of Postfiliale
+ includes
+ Number of the postfiliale
+ Post Nummer of the receiver or receiver e-mail-adress.
+ Country.
+ Type of ParcelShop (Receiver is in Europe)
+ includes
+ Number of the ParcelShop
+ Name of street of the ParcelShop
+ House number of the ParcelShop
+ Type of customer
+ includes
+ Name of customer.
+ VAT id.
+ Address of customer
+ Contact information
+ Bank information
+ Additional notes
+ Type of error
+ includes
+ Priority (e.g. error, warnung, .....)
+ Code
+ Occurence
+ Short description
+ Detailed description
+ Suggested solution
+ Name of application
+ Module name
+ Type of zip code
+ Type of country
+ includes
+ Name of country.
+ Country's ISO-Code (ISO-2-Alpha).
+ Name of state.
+ Type of shipment number
+ can be
+ part of webservice response
+ includes
+ statuscode value.
+ description corresponding to the statuscode
+ DHL product Key.
+ Package dimensions (length, width, height)
+ includes
+ length of package
+ width of package
+ height of package
+ unit for all measures
+ Time Frame in which actions should affect
+ includes
+ begin of timeframe
+ end of timeframe
+ Can contain any DHL shipmentnumber.
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0.wsdl b/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0.wsdl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a0fc217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/Dhl/Wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api-3.4.0.wsdl
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ The authentication data.
+ The shipmentdata for creating a shipment.
+ The status of the createShipment operation and the identifier for the
+ shipment.
+ The shipmentdata for validating a shipment.
+ The status of the validateShipment operation and the identifier for the
+ shipment.
+ The identifier for the shipment which should be
+ deleted.
+ The status of the deletion operation.
+ The identifier for the shipment which should be
+ manifested.
+ The status of the manifest operation.
+ The identifier for the DD shipment for which the label url is
+ requested.
+ The status of the operation and the label url (if
+ available).
+ The version of webservice implementation.
+ The version of webservice implementation.
+ The identifier for the DD shipment for which the label url is
+ requested.
+ The status of the operation and the label url (if
+ available).
+ Request a manifest of the given date / date range.
+ The status of the operation and the manifest url (if
+ available).
+ Request a manifest of the given date / date range.
+ The status of the operation and the manifest url (if
+ available).
+ The status of the operation and the manifest url (if
+ available).
+ Creates shipments.
+ The shipment data.
+ The status of the createShipment operation and the identifier for the
+ shipment.
+ Creates shipments.
+ The shipment data.
+ The status of the validateShipment operation and the identifier for the
+ shipment.
+ Deletes the requested shipments.
+ The identifier for the shipment which should be
+ deleted.
+ The status of the deletion operation.
+ Manifest the requested DD shipments.
+ The identifier for the shipment which should be
+ manifested.
+ The status of the manifest operation.
+ Returns the request-url for getting a label.
+ The identifier for the shipment for which the label url is
+ requested.
+ The status of the operation and the label url (if
+ available).
+ Returns the actual version of the implementation of the whole ISService
+ webservice.
+ The version of webservice implementation.
+ Returns the request-url for getting a export
+ document.
+ The identifier for the shipment for which the export document url is
+ requested.
+ The status of the operation and the export document url (if
+ available).
+ Request the manifest.
+ The request data.
+ The status of the getManifest operation and the manifest
+ url.
+ Updates a shipment order.
+ The shipment data.
+ The status of the updateShipment operation and the identifier for the
+ shipment.
+ Creates shipments.
+ The authentication data and the shipment data.
+ The status of the operation and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ Validates shipments.
+ The authentication data and the shipment data.
+ The status of the operation and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ Deletes the requested shipments.
+ The authentication data and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ The status of the operation.
+ Manifest the requested shipments.
+ The authentication data and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ The status of the operation.
+ Returns the request-url for getting a label.
+ The authentication data and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ The status of the operation and the url for requesting the
+ label.
+ Returns the actual version of the implementation of the whole ISService
+ webservice.
+ The version of the implementation.
+ Returns the request-url for getting a export
+ document.
+ The authentication data and the shipment
+ identifier.
+ The status of the operation and the url for requesting the export
+ document.
+ Requests the manifest.
+ The authentication data and the shipment data.
+ The status of the operation and the manifest url.
+ Updates a shipment order.
+ The authentication data and the shipment data.
+ The status of the operation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/Document.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/Document.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..023b6176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/Document.php
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Type = $data->type;
+ $obj->Size = $data->size;
+ $obj->Link = $data->link;
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelBase.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelBase.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3c16de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelBase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ $this->Name,
+ 'company_name' => $this->CompanyName,
+ 'address' => $this->Address,
+ 'address_2' => $this->Address2,
+ 'house_number' => $this->HouseNumber,
+ 'city' => $this->City,
+ 'postal_code' => $this->PostalCode,
+ 'telephone' => $this->Telephone,
+ 'request_label' => $this->RequestLabel,
+ 'email' => $this->EMail,
+ 'country' => $this->Country,
+ 'shipment' => ['id' => $this->ShippingMethodId],
+ 'weight' => number_format($this->Weight / 1000, 3, '.', null),
+ 'order_number' => $this->OrderNumber,
+ 'total_order_value_currency' => $this->TotalOrderValueCurrency,
+ 'total_order_value' => number_format($this->TotalOrderValue, 2, '.', null),
+ 'country_state' => $this->CountryState,
+ 'sender_address' => $this->SenderAddressId,
+ 'external_reference' => $this->ExternalReference,
+ 'total_insured_value' => $this->TotalInsuredValue ?? 0,
+ 'parcel_items' => array_map(fn(ParcelItem $item) => $item->toApiRequest(), $this->ParcelItems),
+ 'is_return' => $this->IsReturn,
+ 'length' => $this->Length,
+ 'width' => $this->Width,
+ 'height' => $this->Height,
+ ];
+ if ($this->CustomsInvoiceNr !== null)
+ $data['customs_invoice_nr'] = $this->CustomsInvoiceNr;
+ if ($this->CustomsShipmentType !== null)
+ $data['customs_shipment_type'] = $this->CustomsShipmentType;
+ return $data;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelCreationError.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelCreationError.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d202b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelCreationError.php
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ $this->HsCode,
+ 'weight' => number_format($this->Weight / 1000, 3, '.', null),
+ 'quantity' => $this->Quantity,
+ 'description' => $this->Description,
+ 'value' => $this->Price,
+ 'origin_country' => $this->OriginCountry,
+ 'sku' => $this->Sku ?? '',
+ 'product_id' => $this->ProductId ?? '',
+ ];
+ }
+ public static function fromApiResponse(object $data): ParcelItem
+ {
+ $obj = new ParcelItem();
+ $obj->HsCode = $data->hs_code;
+ $obj->Weight = intval(floatval($data->weight)*1000);
+ $obj->Quantity = $data->quantity;
+ $obj->Description = $data->description;
+ $obj->Price = $data->value;
+ $obj->OriginCountry = $data->origin_country;
+ $obj->Sku = $data->sku;
+ $obj->ProductId = $data->product_id;
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelResponse.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelResponse.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fbec442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ParcelResponse.php
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Documents as $item)
+ if ($item->Type == $type)
+ return $item;
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws Exception
+ */
+ public static function fromApiResponse(object $data): ParcelResponse
+ {
+ $obj = new ParcelResponse();
+ $obj->Address = $data->address_divided->street;
+ $obj->Address2 = $data->address_2;
+ $obj->HouseNumber = $data->address_divided->house_number;
+ $obj->CarrierCode = $data->carrier->code;
+ $obj->City = $data->city;
+ $obj->CompanyName = $data->company_name;
+ $obj->Country = $data->country->iso_2;
+ $obj->CustomsInvoiceNr = $data->customs_invoice_nr;
+ $obj->CustomsShipmentType = $data->customs_shipment_type;
+ $obj->DateCreated = new DateTimeImmutable($data->date_created);
+ $obj->DateUpdated = new DateTimeImmutable($data->date_updated);
+ $obj->DateAnnounced = new DateTimeImmutable($data->date_announced);
+ $obj->EMail = $data->email;
+ $obj->Id = $data->id;
+ $obj->Name = $data->name;
+ $obj->OrderNumber = $data->order_number;
+ $obj->ParcelItems = array_map(fn($item)=>ParcelItem::fromApiResponse($item), $data->parcel_items);
+ $obj->PostalCode = $data->postal_code;
+ $obj->ExternalReference = $data->external_reference;
+ $obj->ShippingMethodId = $data->shipment->id;
+ $obj->ShipmentMethodName = $data->shipment->name;
+ $obj->StatusId = $data->status->id;
+ $obj->StatusMessage = $data->status->message;
+ $obj->Documents = array_map(fn($item)=>Document::fromApiResponse($item), $data->documents);
+ $obj->Telephone = $data->telephone;
+ $obj->TotalInsuredValue = $data->total_insured_value;
+ $obj->TotalOrderValue = $data->total_order_value;
+ $obj->TotalOrderValueCurrency = $data->total_order_value_currency;
+ $obj->TrackingNumber = $data->tracking_number;
+ $obj->TrackingUrl = $data->tracking_url;
+ $obj->Weight = $data->weight;
+ $obj->Length = $data->length;
+ $obj->Height = $data->height;
+ $obj->Width = $data->width;
+ $obj->IsReturn = $data->is_return;
+ $obj->Errors = $data->errors->non_field_errors;
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/SenderAddress.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/SenderAddress.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e249d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/SenderAddress.php
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+CompanyName; $this->ContactName; $this->Street $this->HouseNumber; $this->PostalCode; $this->City";
+ }
+ public static function fromApiResponse(object $data): SenderAddress {
+ $obj = new SenderAddress();
+ $obj->City = $data->city;
+ $obj->CompanyName = $data->company_name;
+ $obj->ContactName = $data->contact_name;
+ $obj->Country = $data->country;
+ $obj->CountryState = $data->country_state;
+ $obj->Email = $data->email;
+ $obj->HouseNumber = $data->house_number;
+ $obj->Id = $data->id;
+ $obj->PostalBox = $data->postal_box;
+ $obj->PostalCode = $data->postal_code;
+ $obj->Street = $data->street;
+ $obj->Telephone = $data->telephone;
+ $obj->VatNumber = $data->vat_number;
+ $obj->EoriNumber = $data->eori_number;
+ $obj->BrandId = $data->brand_id;
+ $obj->Label = $data->label;
+ $obj->SignatureFullName = $data->signature_full_name;
+ $obj->SignatureInitials = $data->signature_initials;
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingMethod.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingMethod.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53b3bfd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingMethod.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Id = $data->id;
+ $obj->Name = $data->name;
+ $obj->Carrier = $data->carrier ?? null;
+ $obj->MinWeight = $data->properties->min_weight;
+ $obj->MaxWeight = $data->properties->max_weight;
+ $obj->MaxLength = $data->properties->max_dimensions->length;
+ $obj->MaxWidth = $data->properties->max_dimensions->width;
+ $obj->MaxHeight = $data->properties->max_dimensions->height;
+ $obj->Unit = $data->properties->max_dimensions->unit;
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingProduct.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingProduct.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77d5fa98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/Data/ShippingProduct.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Name = $data->name;
+ $obj->Carrier = $data->carrier;
+ $obj->ServicePointsCarrier = $data->service_points_carrier;
+ $obj->Code = $data->code;
+ $obj->MinWeight = $data->weight_range->min_weight;
+ $obj->MaxWeight = $data->weight_range->max_weight;
+ foreach ($data->methods as $method) {
+ $child = ShippingMethod::fromApiResponse($method);
+ $child->Carrier = $obj->Carrier;
+ $obj->ShippingMethods[] = $child;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendCloudApi.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendCloudApi.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc05a05a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendCloudApi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+public_key = $public_key;
+ $this->private_key = $private_key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws SendcloudApiException
+ */
+ public function GetSenderAddresses(): array
+ {
+ $uri = self::PROD_BASE_URI . '/user/addresses/sender';
+ $response = $this->sendRequest($uri);
+ foreach ($response['body']->sender_addresses as $item)
+ $res[] = SenderAddress::fromApiResponse($item);
+ return $res ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws SendcloudApiException
+ */
+ public function GetShippingProducts(string $sourceCountry, ?string $targetCountry = null, ?int $weight = null,
+ ?int $height = null, ?int $length = null, ?int $width = null): array
+ {
+ $uri = self::PROD_BASE_URI . '/shipping-products';
+ $params = ['from_country' => $sourceCountry];
+ if ($targetCountry !== null)
+ $params['to_country'] = $targetCountry;
+ if ($weight !== null && $weight > 0)
+ $params['weight'] = $weight;
+ if ($height !== null && $height > 0) {
+ $params['height'] = $height;
+ $params['height_unit'] = 'centimeter';
+ }
+ if ($length !== null && $length > 0) {
+ $params['length'] = $length;
+ $params['length_unit'] = 'centimeter';
+ }
+ if ($width !== null && $width > 0) {
+ $params['width'] = $width;
+ $params['width_unit'] = 'centimeter';
+ }
+ $response = $this->sendRequest($uri, $params);
+ return array_map(fn($x) => ShippingProduct::fromApiResponse($x), $response['body'] ?? []);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws SendcloudApiException
+ */
+ public function CreateParcel(ParcelCreation $parcel): ParcelResponse|string|null
+ {
+ $uri = self::PROD_BASE_URI . '/parcels';
+ $response = $this->sendRequest($uri, null, true, ['parcel' => $parcel->toApiRequest()], [200,400]);
+ switch ($response['code']) {
+ case 200:
+ if (isset($response['body']->parcel))
+ try {
+ return ParcelResponse::fromApiResponse($response['body']->parcel);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ throw new SendcloudApiException(previous: $e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 400:
+ if (isset($response->error))
+ return $response->error->message;
+ break;
+ }
+ throw SendcloudApiException::fromResponse($response);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws SendcloudApiException
+ */
+ public function DownloadDocument(Document $document): string
+ {
+ $curl = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($curl, [
+ CURLOPT_URL => $document->Link,
+ "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->public_key . ':' . $this->private_key)
+ ],
+ ]);
+ $output = curl_exec($curl);
+ $code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
+ if ($code != 200)
+ throw SendcloudApiException::fromResponse(['code' => $code, 'body' => $output]);
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @throws SendcloudApiException
+ */
+ function sendRequest(string $uri, array $query_params = null, bool $post = false, array $postFields = null,
+ array $allowedResponseCodes = [200]): ?array
+ {
+ if (empty($this->public_key) || empty($this->private_key))
+ return null;
+ $curl = curl_init();
+ if (is_array($query_params)) {
+ $uri .= '?' . http_build_query($query_params);
+ }
+ curl_setopt_array($curl, [
+ CURLOPT_URL => $uri,
+ "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($this->public_key . ':' . $this->private_key),
+ 'Content-Type: application/json'
+ ],
+ ]);
+ if ($post === true) {
+ curl_setopt_array($curl, [
+ CURLOPT_POST => true,
+ CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($postFields)
+ ]);
+ }
+ $output = json_decode(curl_exec($curl));
+ $code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
+ curl_close($curl);
+ $ret = [
+ 'code' => $code,
+ 'body' => $output,
+ ];
+ if (!in_array($code, $allowedResponseCodes))
+ throw SendcloudApiException::fromResponse($ret);
+ return $ret;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendcloudApiException.php b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendcloudApiException.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..effcc1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Carrier/SendCloud/SendcloudApiException.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Id = $id;
+ $obj->Name = $name;
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ public function WithLength(float $min, float $max): Product {
+ $this->LengthMin = $min;
+ $this->LengthMax = $max;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function WithWidth(float $min, float $max): Product {
+ $this->WidthMin = $min;
+ $this->WidthMax = $max;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function WithHeight(float $min, float $max): Product {
+ $this->HeightMin = $min;
+ $this->HeightMax = $max;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function WithWeight(float $min, float $max): Product {
+ $this->WeightMin = $min;
+ $this->WeightMax = $max;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ public function WithServices(array $services): Product {
+ $this->AvailableServices = $services;
+ return $this;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Modules/ShippingMethod/www/js/shipping_method_create.js b/classes/Modules/ShippingMethod/www/js/shipping_method_create.js
index a7b6a50e..7654263a 100644
--- a/classes/Modules/ShippingMethod/www/js/shipping_method_create.js
+++ b/classes/Modules/ShippingMethod/www/js/shipping_method_create.js
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Andreas Palm
+ * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Xentral (c) Xentral ERP Software GmbH, Fuggerstrasse 11, D-86150 Augsburg, Germany
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-EGPL-3.1
+ */
var ShippingMethodCreate = function ($) {
'use strict';
@@ -11,35 +18,14 @@ var ShippingMethodCreate = function ($) {
vueElementId: '#shipment-create',
search: function (el) {
- $.ajax({
- url: 'index.php?module=versandarten&action=create&cmd=suche',
- type: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- data: {
- val: $(el).val()
- }
+ let val = $(el).val().toLowerCase();
+ $('.createbutton').each(function() {
+ let desc = $(this).find('.tilegrid-tile-title').text();
+ if (desc.toLowerCase().indexOf(val)>=0)
+ $(this).show();
+ else
+ $(this).hide();
- .done(function (data) {
- if (typeof data != 'undefined' && data != null) {
- if (typeof data.ausblenden != 'undefined' && data.ausblenden != null) {
- me.storage.hideElements = data.ausblenden.split(';');
- $.each(me.storage.hideElements, function (k, v) {
- if (v != '') {
- $('#' + v).hide();
- }
- });
- }
- if (typeof data.anzeigen != 'undefined' && data.anzeigen != null) {
- me.storage.showElements = data.anzeigen.split(';');
- $.each(me.storage.showElements, function (k, v) {
- if (v != '') {
- $('#' + v).show();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
init: function () {
if ($(me.selector.vueElementId).length === 0) {
diff --git a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Bootstrap.php b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Bootstrap.php
index 8e5fdb0b..9e1cd737 100644
--- a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Bootstrap.php
+++ b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Bootstrap.php
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
'SubscriptionCycleFullTask' => 'onInitSubscriptionCycleFullTask',
'TaskMutexService' => 'onInitTaskMutexService',
+ 'SubscriptionModule' => 'onInitSubscriptionModule'
@@ -60,20 +68,12 @@ final class Bootstrap
public static function onInitSubscriptionCycleManualJobTask(ContainerInterface $container
): SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask {
- $legacyApp = $container->get('LegacyApplication');
- $subscriptionCycleModule = $legacyApp->loadModule('rechnungslauf');
- $subscriptionModule = new Aboabrechnung($legacyApp);
- $subscriptionModule->cronjob = true;
return new SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask(
- $legacyApp,
+ $container->get('LegacyApplication'),
- $subscriptionCycleModule,
- $subscriptionModule,
- !empty($legacyApp->erp->GetKonfiguration('rechnungslauf_gruppen'))
+ $container->get('SubscriptionModule')
@@ -210,22 +210,10 @@ final class Bootstrap
- /**
- * @param SchemaCollection $collection
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public static function registerTableSchemas(SchemaCollection $collection): void
- {
- $subscriptionCycleJob = new TableSchema('subscription_cycle_job');
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(Type\Integer::asAutoIncrement('id'));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(new Type\Integer('address_id'));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(new Type\Varchar('document_type', 32));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(new Type\Varchar('job_type', 32));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(new Type\Integer('printer_id'));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addColumn(new Type\Timestamp('created_at', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addIndex(new Index\Primary(['id']));
- $subscriptionCycleJob->addIndex(new Index\Index(['address_id']));
- $collection->add($subscriptionCycleJob);
+ public static function onInitSubscriptionModule(ContainerInterface $container): SubscriptionModule {
+ return new SubscriptionModule(
+ $container->get('LegacyApplication'),
+ $container->get('Database')
+ );
diff --git a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Scheduler/SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask.php b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Scheduler/SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask.php
index b7b4b03a..89064062 100644
--- a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Scheduler/SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask.php
+++ b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Scheduler/SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask.php
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
app = $app;
$this->db = $db;
$this->taskMutexService = $taskMutexService;
$this->cycleJobService = $cycleJobService;
- $this->subscriptionCycleModule = $subscriptionCycleModule;
$this->subscriptionModule = $subscriptionModule;
- $this->useGroups = $useGroups;
public function execute(): void
@@ -71,77 +57,16 @@ final class SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask
$jobs = $this->cycleJobService->listAll(100);
- $simulatedDays = $this->getSimulatedDates($jobs);
- if (empty($jobs)) {
- return;
- }
- foreach (['auftrag', 'rechnung'] as $doctype) {
- foreach ($simulatedDays as $simulatedDay) {
- if ($simulatedDay === '') {
- $simulatedDay = null;
- } else {
- try {
- $simulatedDay = new DateTimeImmutable($simulatedDay);
- } catch (Exception $exception) {
- $simulatedDay = null;
- }
- }
- $addresses = $this->getAddressesByTypeFromJobs($jobs, $doctype, $simulatedDay);
- foreach ($jobs as $job) {
- $job = $this->cycleJobService->getJob((int)$job['id']);
- if (empty($job)) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($job['document_type'] !== $doctype) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($job['simulated_day'] === null && $simulatedDay !== null) {
- continue;
- }
- if (
- $job['simulated_day'] !== null
- && ($simulatedDay === null || $simulatedDay->format('Y-m-d') !== $job['simulated_day'])
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!in_array($job['address_id'], $addresses, false)) {
- $this->cycleJobService->delete((int)$job['id']);
- continue;
- }
- $simulatedDay = null;
- if ($job['simulated_day'] !== null) {
- try {
- $simulatedDay = new DateTimeImmutable($job['simulated_day']);
- } catch (Exception $exception) {
- $simulatedDay = null;
- }
- }
- if ($this->useGroups) {
- $this->subscriptionCycleModule->generateAndSendSubscriptionCycleGroups(
- $this->subscriptionModule,
- [$job['address_id']],
- $doctype,
- $job['job_type'],
- $job['printer_id'],
- $simulatedDay
- );
- } else {
- $this->subscriptionCycleModule->generateAndSendSubscriptionCycle(
- $this->subscriptionModule,
- [$job['address_id']],
- $doctype,
- $job['printer_id'],
- $job['job_type'],
- $simulatedDay
- );
- }
- $this->cycleJobService->delete((int)$job['id']);
- if ($this->taskMutexService->isTaskInstanceRunning('rechnungslauf')) {
- return;
- }
- $this->taskMutexService->setMutex('rechnungslauf_manual');
- }
- }
+ foreach ($jobs as $job) {
+ switch ($job['document_type']) {
+ case 'rechnung':
+ $this->subscriptionModule->CreateInvoice((int)$job['address_id']);
+ break;
+ case 'auftrag':
+ $this->subscriptionModule->CreateOrder((int)$job['address_id']);
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->cycleJobService->delete((int)$job['id']);
@@ -149,52 +74,4 @@ final class SubscriptionCycleManualJobTask
$this->taskMutexService->setMutex('rechnungslauf_manual', false);
- /**
- * @param array $jobs
- * @param string $documentType
- * @param DateTimeInterface|null $simulatedDay
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function getAddressesByTypeFromJobs(
- array $jobs,
- string $documentType,
- ?DateTimeInterface $simulatedDay = null
- ): array {
- $addresses = [];
- foreach ($jobs as $job) {
- if ($job['document_type'] === $documentType) {
- $addresses[] = (int)$job['address_id'];
- }
- }
- if (empty($addresses)) {
- return [];
- }
- $addressesWithSubscriptions = array_keys(
- (array)$this->subscriptionModule->GetRechnungsArray($documentType, true)
- );
- return array_intersect($addresses, $addressesWithSubscriptions);
- }
- /**
- * get all Dates from Setting "Vergangenes Datum für Abrechnungserstellung" to calc old Subscription cycles
- *
- * @param array $jobs
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function getSimulatedDates(array $jobs): array
- {
- $simulatedDates = [];
- foreach ($jobs as $job) {
- $simulatedDates[] = (string)$job['simulated_day'];
- }
- return array_unique($simulatedDates);
- }
diff --git a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Service/SubscriptionCycleJobService.php b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Service/SubscriptionCycleJobService.php
index 802d138f..a115c768 100644
--- a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Service/SubscriptionCycleJobService.php
+++ b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/Service/SubscriptionCycleJobService.php
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
'INSERT INTO `subscription_cycle_job`
- (`address_id`, `document_type`, `job_type`, `printer_id`, `created_at`, `simulated_day`)
- VALUES (:address_id, :document_type, :job_type, :printer_id, NOW(), :simulated_day)',
+ (`address_id`, `document_type`, `job_type`, `printer_id`, `created_at`)
+ VALUES (:address_id, :document_type, :job_type, :printer_id, NOW())',
'address_id' => $addressId,
'document_type' => $documentType,
'job_type' => $jobType,
'printer_id' => $printerId,
- 'simulated_day' => $simulatedDay === null ? null : $simulatedDay->format('Y-m-d'),
- return (int)$this->db->lastInsertId();
+ return $this->db->lastInsertId();
diff --git a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModule.php b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModule.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef31098a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModule.php
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+app = $app;
+ $this->db = $db;
+ }
+ public function GetPositions(int $address, string $documentType, DateTimeInterface $calculationDate = null): array
+ {
+ if ($calculationDate === null)
+ $calculationDate = new DateTimeImmutable('today');
+ $sql = "SELECT
+ aa.id,
+ @start := GREATEST(aa.startdatum, aa.abgerechnetbis) as start,
+ @end := IF(aa.enddatum = '0000-00-00' OR aa.enddatum > :calcdate, :calcdate, aa.enddatum) as end,
+ @cycles := CASE
+ WHEN aa.preisart = 'monat' THEN
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(MONTH, @start, @end)
+ WHEN aa.preisart = 'jahr' THEN
+ TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, @start, @end)
+ WHEN aa.preisart = '30tage' THEN
+ FLOOR(TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, @start, @end) / 30)
+ END+1 as cycles,
+ WHEN aa.preisart = 'monat' THEN
+ DATE_ADD(@start, INTERVAL @cycles MONTH)
+ WHEN aa.preisart = 'jahr' THEN
+ DATE_ADD(@start, INTERVAL @cycles YEAR)
+ WHEN aa.preisart = '30tage' THEN
+ DATE_ADD(@start, INTERVAL @cycles*30 DAY )
+ END as newend,
+ aa.preisart,
+ aa.adresse,
+ aa.preis,
+ aa.rabatt,
+ aa.bezeichnung,
+ aa.beschreibung,
+ aa.artikel,
+ aa.menge,
+ aa.waehrung
+ FROM abrechnungsartikel aa
+ JOIN artikel a on aa.artikel = a.id
+ WHERE aa.dokument = :doctype
+ AND greatest(aa.startdatum, aa.abgerechnetbis) <= :calcdate
+ AND (aa.enddatum = '0000-00-00' OR aa.abgerechnetbis < aa.enddatum)
+ AND aa.adresse = :address";
+ return $this->db->fetchAll($sql, [
+ 'doctype' => $documentType,
+ 'calcdate' => $calculationDate->format('Y-m-d'),
+ 'address' => $address]);
+ }
+ public function CreateInvoice(int $address, DateTimeInterface $calculationDate = null) {
+ $positions = $this->GetPositions($address, 'rechnung', $calculationDate);
+ if(empty($positions))
+ return;
+ $invoice = $this->app->erp->CreateRechnung($address);
+ $this->app->erp->LoadRechnungStandardwerte($invoice, $address);
+ foreach ($positions as $pos) {
+ $beschreibung = $pos['beschreibung'];
+ $starts = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pos['start'])->format('d.m.Y');
+ $newends = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pos['newend'])->format('d.m.Y');
+ $beschreibung .= " Zeitraum: $starts - $newends";
+ $this->app->erp->AddRechnungPositionManuell($invoice, $pos['artikel'], $pos['preis'],
+ $pos['menge']*$pos['cycles'], $pos['bezeichnung'], $beschreibung, $pos['waehrung'], $pos['rabatt']);
+ $this->db->exec("UPDATE abrechnungsartikel SET abgerechnetbis='{$pos['newend']}' WHERE id={$pos['id']}");
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->RechnungNeuberechnen($invoice);
+ //$this->app->erp->BelegFreigabe('rechnung', $invoice);
+ }
+ public function CreateOrder(int $address, DateTimeInterface $calculationDate = null) {
+ $positions = $this->GetPositions($address, 'auftrag', $calculationDate);
+ if(empty($positions))
+ return;
+ $orderid = $this->app->erp->CreateAuftrag($address);
+ $this->app->erp->LoadAuftragStandardwerte($orderid, $address);
+ foreach ($positions as $pos) {
+ $beschreibung = $pos['beschreibung'];
+ $starts = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pos['start'])->format('d.m.Y');
+ $newends = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $pos['newend'])->format('d.m.Y');
+ $beschreibung .= " Zeitraum: $starts - $newends";
+ $this->app->erp->AddAuftragPositionManuell($orderid, $pos['artikel'], $pos['preis'],
+ $pos['menge']*$pos['cycles'], $pos['bezeichnung'], $beschreibung, $pos['waehrung'], $pos['rabatt']);
+ $this->db->exec("UPDATE abrechnungsartikel SET abgerechnetbis='{$pos['newend']}' WHERE id={$pos['id']}");
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->AuftragNeuberechnen($orderid);
+ //$this->app->erp->BelegFreigabe('auftrag', $orderid);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModuleInterface.php b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModuleInterface.php
index f30a97af..23ccf7f6 100644
--- a/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModuleInterface.php
+++ b/classes/Modules/SubscriptionCycle/SubscriptionModuleInterface.php
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- $ret .= '
+ $ret = sprintf('
', $class, $text);
if($_var === 'return')
- {
return $ret;
- }
- return $this->app->Tpl->Add($_var, $ret);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Add($_var, $ret);
public function addSelect($_var, $id, $name, $options, $selected = '', $class = '')
diff --git a/upgrade/data/db_schema.json b/upgrade/data/db_schema.json
index 9423364a..8ba15a42 100644
--- a/upgrade/data/db_schema.json
+++ b/upgrade/data/db_schema.json
@@ -101123,7 +101123,7 @@
"Collation": null,
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "PRI",
- "Default": null,
+ "Default": "",
"Extra": "auto_increment",
"Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
"Comment": ""
@@ -101134,7 +101134,7 @@
"Collation": null,
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "MUL",
- "Default": null,
+ "Default": "",
"Extra": "",
"Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
"Comment": ""
@@ -101145,7 +101145,7 @@
"Collation": "utf8mb4_general_ci",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
- "Default": null,
+ "Default": "",
"Extra": "",
"Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
"Comment": ""
@@ -101156,7 +101156,7 @@
"Collation": "utf8mb4_general_ci",
"Null": "YES",
"Key": "",
- "Default": null,
+ "Default": "",
"Extra": "",
"Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
"Comment": ""
@@ -101164,10 +101164,10 @@
"Field": "printer_id",
"Type": "int(11)",
- "Collation": null,
+ "Collation": "",
"Null": "YES",
"Key": "",
- "Default": null,
+ "Default": "",
"Extra": "",
"Privileges": "select,insert,update,references",
"Comment": ""
@@ -101175,7 +101175,7 @@
"Field": "created_at",
"Type": "timestamp",
- "Collation": null,
+ "Collation": "",
"Null": "NO",
"Key": "",
"Default": "current_timestamp()",
@@ -101187,22 +101187,18 @@
"keys": [
"Key_name": "PRIMARY",
- "Index_type": "BTREE",
- "Non_unique": "",
"columns": [
"Key_name": "address",
- "Index_type": "BTREE",
- "Non_unique": "UNIQUE",
"columns": [
- },
+ },
"name": "supersearch_index_group",
"collation": "utf8mb4_general_ci",
diff --git a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
index ef781c3b..9e223247 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
//@refactor ApplicationCore
-function LoadVersandModul($modul, $id)
+function LoadVersandModul(string $modul, int $id): Versanddienstleister
- if(empty($modul) ||
- strpos($modul,'..') !== false ||
- !@is_file(__DIR__.'/versandarten/'.$modul.'.php')
- )
- {
- return;
- }
- $class_name = 'Versandart_'.$modul;
- $class_name_custom = 'Versandart_'.$modul.'Custom';
- if(!class_exists($class_name))
- {
- if(@is_file(__DIR__.'/versandarten/'.$modul.'_custom.php'))
- {
- include_once(__DIR__.'/versandarten/'.$modul.'_custom.php');
- }else{
- include_once(__DIR__.'/versandarten/'.$modul.'.php');
- }
- }
- if(class_exists($class_name_custom))
- {
- return new $class_name_custom($this->app, $id);
- }elseif(class_exists($class_name))
- {
- return new $class_name($this->app, $id);
- }
+ /** @var Versandarten $versandarten */
+ $versandarten = $this->app->loadModule('versandarten');
+ return $versandarten->loadModule($modul, $id);
//@refactor versanddiestleister Modul
@@ -15329,131 +15314,131 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- // falche tracingnummer bei DHL da wir in der Funktion PaketmarkeDHLEmbedded sind
- if((strlen($tracking) < 12 || strlen($tracking) > 21) && $trackingsubmitcancel=="" && ($typ=="DHL" || $typ=="Intraship"))
+ if($sid=="versand")
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=frankieren&id=$id&land=$land&tracking_again=1");
- exit;
- }
- else
- {
-/* $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul,bezeichnung FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($typ)."' AND modul != '' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
- if($versandartenmodul && @is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
+ // falche tracingnummer bei DHL da wir in der Funktion PaketmarkeDHLEmbedded sind
+ if((strlen($tracking) < 12 || strlen($tracking) > 21) && $trackingsubmitcancel=="" && ($typ=="DHL" || $typ=="Intraship"))
- $obj = $this->LoadVersandModul($versandartenmodul[0]['modul'], $versandartenmodul[0]['id']);
- if(!empty($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'TrackingReplace'))
- {
- $tracking = $obj->TrackingReplace($tracking);
- }
+ header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=frankieren&id=$id&land=$land&tracking_again=1");
+ exit;
+ else
+ {
+ /* $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul,bezeichnung FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($typ)."' AND modul != '' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
+ if($versandartenmodul && @is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
+ {
+ $obj = $this->LoadVersandModul($versandartenmodul[0]['modul'], $versandartenmodul[0]['id']);
+ if(!empty($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'TrackingReplace'))
+ {
+ $tracking = $obj->TrackingReplace($tracking);
+ }
+ }
- $trackingUser = !empty($this->app->User) && method_exists($this->app->User,'GetParameter')?
- $this->app->User->GetParameter('versand_lasttracking'):'';
+ $trackingUser = !empty($this->app->User) && method_exists($this->app->User,'GetParameter')?
+ $this->app->User->GetParameter('versand_lasttracking'):'';
- if(!empty($trackingUser) && in_array($trackingUser,[$trackingBefore,$tracking])) {
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking','');
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link','');
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_versand', '');
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_lieferschein', '');
- }
+ if(!empty($trackingUser) && in_array($trackingUser,[$trackingBefore,$tracking])) {
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking','');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link','');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_versand', '');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_lieferschein', '');
+ }
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versand', tracking='$tracking',
- versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(), abgeschlossen='1',logdatei=NOW() WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1")) {
- $this->app->erp->LieferscheinProtokoll($lieferschein,'Verarbeitung im Versandzentrum');
- }
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnung FROM versand WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($lieferschein && ($auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$lieferschein'"))) {
- $this->app->erp->AuftragProtokoll($auftrag,'Verarbeitung im Versandzentrum');
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versand', tracking='$tracking',
+ versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(), abgeschlossen='1',logdatei=NOW() WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if($lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1")) {
+ $this->app->erp->LieferscheinProtokoll($lieferschein,'Verarbeitung im Versandzentrum');
+ }
+ $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnung FROM versand WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if($lieferschein && ($auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$lieferschein'"))) {
+ $this->app->erp->AuftragProtokoll($auftrag,'Verarbeitung im Versandzentrum');
- if(empty($rechnung)) {
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE auftragid = %d AND status <> 'storniert' AND belegnr <> '' LIMIT 1",
- $auftrag
- )
- );
- if($rechnung) {
- $this->app->DB->Update(
+ if(empty($rechnung)) {
+ $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select(
- 'UPDATE versand SET rechnung = %d WHERE id = %d AND rechnung = 0',
- $rechnung, $id
+ "SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE auftragid = %d AND status <> 'storniert' AND belegnr <> '' LIMIT 1",
+ $auftrag
+ if($rechnung) {
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ sprintf(
+ 'UPDATE versand SET rechnung = %d WHERE id = %d AND rechnung = 0',
+ $rechnung, $id
+ )
+ );
+ }
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- if($lieferschein) {
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
+ if($lieferschein) {
- $this->PDFArchivieren('lieferschein', $lieferschein, true);
- }
- $proformaPrinted = false;
- $druckennachtracking = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,'druckennachtracking');
- if($druckennachtracking
- && !($proformarechnung = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT id FROM proformarechnung WHERE lieferschein = %d LIMIT 1',
- $lieferschein
+ $this->PDFArchivieren('lieferschein', $lieferschein, true);
+ }
+ $proformaPrinted = false;
+ $druckennachtracking = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,'druckennachtracking');
+ if($druckennachtracking
+ && !($proformarechnung = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT id FROM proformarechnung WHERE lieferschein = %d LIMIT 1',
+ $lieferschein
+ )
- )
- )
- ) {
- /** @var Versanderzeugen $versandObj */
- $versandObj = $this->LoadModul('versanderzeugen');
- if($versandObj !== null && method_exists($versandObj, 'checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice')) {
- $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ )
+ ) {
+ /** @var Versanderzeugen $versandObj */
+ $versandObj = $this->LoadModul('versanderzeugen');
+ if($versandObj !== null && method_exists($versandObj, 'checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice')) {
+ $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($druckercode <=0) {
- $druckercode = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('standardversanddrucker'); // standard = 3 // 2 buchhaltung // 1 empfang
+ if($druckercode <=0) {
+ $druckercode = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('standardversanddrucker'); // standard = 3 // 2 buchhaltung // 1 empfang
+ }
+ $userversanddrucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardversanddrucker FROM user WHERE id='".$this->app->User->GetID()."'");
+ if($userversanddrucker>0) {
+ $druckercode = $userversanddrucker;
+ }
+ $deliveryArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf('SELECT land FROM lieferschein WHERE id = %d', $lieferschein)
+ );
+ $country = $deliveryArr['land'];
+ $versandObj->checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice($lieferschein,$country,$projekt,$druckercode,true);
+ $proformaPrinted = $druckercode > 0;
- $userversanddrucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardversanddrucker FROM user WHERE id='".$this->app->User->GetID()."'");
- if($userversanddrucker>0) {
- $druckercode = $userversanddrucker;
- }
- $deliveryArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf('SELECT land FROM lieferschein WHERE id = %d', $lieferschein)
+ }
+ if($rechnung) {
+ $this->PDFArchivieren('rechnung', $rechnung, true);
+ }
+ elseif($auftrag && $druckennachtracking
+ && $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT id FROM auftrag WHERE id = %d AND art <> 'lieferung'",
+ $auftrag
+ )
+ )
+ ) {
+ $rechnung = $this->WeiterfuehrenAuftragZuRechnung($auftrag);
+ $this->BelegFreigabe('rechnung', $rechnung);
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ sprintf(
+ 'UPDATE versand SET rechnung = %d WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
+ $rechnung, $id
+ )
- $country = $deliveryArr['land'];
- $versandObj->checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice($lieferschein,$country,$projekt,$druckercode,true);
- $proformaPrinted = $druckercode > 0;
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ sprintf(
+ "UPDATE rechnung SET schreibschutz = 1, status = 'versendet' WHERE id = %d",
+ $rechnung
+ )
+ );
+ $this->PDFArchivieren('rechnung', $rechnung, true);
- }
- if($rechnung) {
- $this->PDFArchivieren('rechnung', $rechnung, true);
- }
- elseif($auftrag && $druckennachtracking
- && $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT id FROM auftrag WHERE id = %d AND art <> 'lieferung'",
- $auftrag
- )
- )
- ) {
- $rechnung = $this->WeiterfuehrenAuftragZuRechnung($auftrag);
- $this->BelegFreigabe('rechnung', $rechnung);
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- sprintf(
- 'UPDATE versand SET rechnung = %d WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
- $rechnung, $id
- )
- );
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- sprintf(
- "UPDATE rechnung SET schreibschutz = 1, status = 'versendet' WHERE id = %d",
- $rechnung
- )
- );
- $this->PDFArchivieren('rechnung', $rechnung, true);
- }
- if($rechnung > 0 && $druckennachtracking
- && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM versand WHERE lieferschein = '$lieferschein'") <= 1) {
- $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if($rechnung > 0 && $druckennachtracking
+ && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM versand WHERE lieferschein = '$lieferschein'") <= 1) {
+ $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
if($druckercode <=0)
$druckercode = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten("standardversanddrucker"); // standard = 3 // 2 buchhaltung // 1 empfang
@@ -15462,32 +15447,12 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
$druckercode = $userversanddrucker;
- $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrundDisable($druckercode);
+ $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrundDisable($druckercode);
- $addressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `adresse` FROM `rechnung` WHERE `id` = '{$rechnung}' LIMIT 1");
- $printInvoice = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `rechnung_papier` FROM `adresse` WHERE `id` = '{$addressId}' LIMIT 1");
- $amountPrintedInvoices = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `rechnung_anzahlpapier` FROM `adresse` WHERE `id` = '{$addressId}' LIMIT 1");
- if($printInvoice === '1' && $amountPrintedInvoices > 0){
- if(class_exists('RechnungPDFCustom'))
- {
- $Brief = new RechnungPDFCustom($this->app,$projekt);
- }else{
- $Brief = new RechnungPDF($this->app,$projekt);
- }
- $Brief->GetRechnung($rechnung);
- $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP();
- for($i = 1; $i <= $amountPrintedInvoices; $i++) {
- $this->app->printer->Drucken($druckercode,$tmpfile);
- }
- } else {
- $autodruckrechnungmenge = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"autodruckrechnungmenge");
- $autodruckrechnung= $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"autodruckrechnung");
- if($autodruckrechnungmenge < 0)$autodruckrechnungmenge = 1;
- if($autodruckrechnung > 0)
- {
+ $addressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `adresse` FROM `rechnung` WHERE `id` = '{$rechnung}' LIMIT 1");
+ $printInvoice = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `rechnung_papier` FROM `adresse` WHERE `id` = '{$addressId}' LIMIT 1");
+ $amountPrintedInvoices = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `rechnung_anzahlpapier` FROM `adresse` WHERE `id` = '{$addressId}' LIMIT 1");
+ if($printInvoice === '1' && $amountPrintedInvoices > 0){
$Brief = new RechnungPDFCustom($this->app,$projekt);
@@ -15497,88 +15462,108 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
$tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP();
- for($i = 1; $i <= $autodruckrechnungmenge; $i++) {
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $amountPrintedInvoices; $i++) {
+ } else {
+ $autodruckrechnungmenge = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"autodruckrechnungmenge");
+ $autodruckrechnung= $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"autodruckrechnung");
+ if($autodruckrechnungmenge < 0)$autodruckrechnungmenge = 1;
+ if($autodruckrechnung > 0)
+ {
+ if(class_exists('RechnungPDFCustom'))
+ {
+ $Brief = new RechnungPDFCustom($this->app,$projekt);
+ }else{
+ $Brief = new RechnungPDF($this->app,$projekt);
+ }
+ $Brief->GetRechnung($rechnung);
+ $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP();
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $autodruckrechnungmenge; $i++) {
+ $this->app->printer->Drucken($druckercode,$tmpfile);
+ }
+ }
- }
- // Print additional invoices for export
- $exportdruckrechnung = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"exportdruckrechnung");
- if($exportdruckrechnung)
- {
- $exportland = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT land FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
- $exportdruckrechnung = $this->app->erp->Export($exportland);
+ // Print additional invoices for export
+ $exportdruckrechnung = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"exportdruckrechnung");
- $mengedruck = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"exportdruckrechnungmenge");
- for($mengedruck;$mengedruck > 0;$mengedruck--)
+ $exportland = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT land FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
+ $exportdruckrechnung = $this->app->erp->Export($exportland);
+ if($exportdruckrechnung)
- $this->app->printer->Drucken($druckercode,$tmpfile);
+ $mengedruck = $this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"exportdruckrechnungmenge");
+ for($mengedruck;$mengedruck > 0;$mengedruck--)
+ {
+ $this->app->printer->Drucken($druckercode,$tmpfile);
+ }
- }
- unlink($tmpfile);
- if($this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"automailrechnung")=="1")
- {
- // aber nur das erste mal also wenn es einen eintrag in der versand tabelle gibt
- $rechnungbereitsversendet = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT versendet FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
- if($rechnungbereitsversendet!="1")
+ unlink($tmpfile);
+ if($this->app->erp->Projektdaten($projekt,"automailrechnung")=="1")
- $this->app->erp->Rechnungsmail($rechnung);
- }
- }
- $this->BriefpapierHintergrundEnable();
- }
- if($druckennachtracking && $lieferschein && $this->Export($land)
- && $this->Projektdaten($projekt, 'proformainvoice_amount') && $proformaRechnungId = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT id FROM proformarechnung WHERE lieferschein = %d AND status <> 'storniert' LIMIT 1",
- $lieferschein
- ))
- ) {
- /** @var Versanderzeugen $objProforma */
- $objVersand = $this->LoadModul('versanderzeugen');
- if($objVersand && method_exists($objVersand,'checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice')){
- if(empty($druckercode)) {
- $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($druckercode <= 0) {
- $druckercode = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('standardversanddrucker'); // standard = 3 // 2 buchhaltung // 1 empfang
- }
- $userversanddrucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardversanddrucker FROM user WHERE id='" . $this->app->User->GetID() . "'");
- if($userversanddrucker > 0) {
- $druckercode = $userversanddrucker;
+ // aber nur das erste mal also wenn es einen eintrag in der versand tabelle gibt
+ $rechnungbereitsversendet = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT versendet FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
+ if($rechnungbereitsversendet!="1")
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->Rechnungsmail($rechnung);
- $objVersand->checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice($lieferschein, $land, $projekt, $druckercode, empty($proformaPrinted));
+ $this->BriefpapierHintergrundEnable();
- }
- if(!$this->app->erp->Firmendaten('versandmail_zwischenspeichern') || !$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE parameter = 'versandmailsundrueckmeldung' AND aktiv = 1"))
- {
- $this->VersandAbschluss($id);
- $this->RunHook('versanderzeugen_frankieren_hook1', 1, $id);
- //versand mail an kunden
- $this->Versandmail($id);
- }else{
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET cronjob = 1 WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $weiterespaket=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("weiterespaket");
- $lieferscheinkopie=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("lieferscheinkopie");
- if($weiterespaket=="1")
- {
- if($lieferscheinkopie=="1") $lieferscheinkopie=0; else $lieferscheinkopie=1;
- //$this->app->erp->LogFile("Lieferscheinkopie $lieferscheinkopie");
- $all = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,adresse,rechnung,lieferschein,versandart,projekt,bearbeiter,versender,versandunternehmen,firma,
- keinetrackingmail,gelesen,paketmarkegedruckt,papieregedruckt,weitererlieferschein)
- VALUES ('','{$all[0]['adresse']}','{$all[0]['rechnung']}','{$all[0]['lieferschein']}','{$all[0]['versandart']}','{$all[0]['projekt']}',
- '{$all[0]['bearbeiter']}','{$all[0]['versender']}','{$all[0]['versandunternehmen']}',
- '{$all[0]['firma']}','{$all[0]['keinetrackingmail']}','{$all[0]['gelesen']}',0,$lieferscheinkopie,1)");
+ if($druckennachtracking && $lieferschein && $this->Export($land)
+ && $this->Projektdaten($projekt, 'proformainvoice_amount') && $proformaRechnungId = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT id FROM proformarechnung WHERE lieferschein = %d AND status <> 'storniert' LIMIT 1",
+ $lieferschein
+ ))
+ ) {
+ /** @var Versanderzeugen $objProforma */
+ $objVersand = $this->LoadModul('versanderzeugen');
+ if($objVersand && method_exists($objVersand,'checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice')){
+ if(empty($druckercode)) {
+ $druckercode = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT druckerlogistikstufe2 FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if($druckercode <= 0) {
+ $druckercode = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('standardversanddrucker'); // standard = 3 // 2 buchhaltung // 1 empfang
+ }
+ $userversanddrucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardversanddrucker FROM user WHERE id='" . $this->app->User->GetID() . "'");
+ if($userversanddrucker > 0) {
+ $druckercode = $userversanddrucker;
+ }
+ }
+ $objVersand->checkPrintCreateProformaInvoice($lieferschein, $land, $projekt, $druckercode, empty($proformaPrinted));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$this->app->erp->Firmendaten('versandmail_zwischenspeichern') || !$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE parameter = 'versandmailsundrueckmeldung' AND aktiv = 1"))
+ {
+ $this->VersandAbschluss($id);
+ $this->RunHook('versanderzeugen_frankieren_hook1', 1, $id);
+ //versand mail an kunden
+ $this->Versandmail($id);
+ }else{
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET cronjob = 1 WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $weiterespaket=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("weiterespaket");
+ $lieferscheinkopie=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("lieferscheinkopie");
+ if($weiterespaket=="1")
+ {
+ if($lieferscheinkopie=="1") $lieferscheinkopie=0; else $lieferscheinkopie=1;
+ //$this->app->erp->LogFile("Lieferscheinkopie $lieferscheinkopie");
+ $all = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,adresse,rechnung,lieferschein,versandart,projekt,bearbeiter,versender,versandunternehmen,firma,
+ keinetrackingmail,gelesen,paketmarkegedruckt,papieregedruckt,weitererlieferschein)
+ VALUES ('','{$all[0]['adresse']}','{$all[0]['rechnung']}','{$all[0]['lieferschein']}','{$all[0]['versandart']}','{$all[0]['projekt']}',
+ '{$all[0]['bearbeiter']}','{$all[0]['versender']}','{$all[0]['versandunternehmen']}',
+ '{$all[0]['firma']}','{$all[0]['keinetrackingmail']}','{$all[0]['gelesen']}',0,$lieferscheinkopie,1)");
$newid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
@@ -15616,7 +15601,7 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
$this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,versandunternehmen, tracking,
- VALUES ('','$versand','$tracking',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."','$adresse','$projekt','$kg','1','1') ");
+ VALUES ('','$versand','$tracking',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."','$adresse','$projekt','$kg','1','1') ");
$versandid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT automailversandbestaetigung FROM projekt WHERE id = '$projekt' LIMIT 1"))$this->Versandmail($versandid);
@@ -15645,23 +15630,6 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
if($kg=="") {
$kg = $this->VersandartMindestgewicht($id);
- //Brauchen wir nicht
- $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul,bezeichnung FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($versand)."' AND modul != '' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
- if($versandartenmodul && @is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
- {
- $class_name = 'Versandart_'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'];
- if(!class_exists($class_name))include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php');
- if(class_exists($class_name))
- {
- $obj = new $class_name($this->app, $versandartenmodul[0]['id']);
- if(method_exists($obj, 'TrackingReplace')){
- $tracking = $obj->TrackingReplace($tracking);
- }
- }
- }
$trackingUser = !empty($this->app->User) && method_exists($this->app->User,'GetParameter')?
@@ -15672,9 +15640,9 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
$this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_lieferschein', '');
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,versandunternehmen, tracking, tracking_link,
- versendet_am,abgeschlossen,lieferschein,
- freigegeben,firma,adresse,projekt,gewicht,paketmarkegedruckt,anzahlpakete)
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,versandunternehmen, tracking, tracking_link,
+ versendet_am,abgeschlossen,lieferschein,
+ freigegeben,firma,adresse,projekt,gewicht,paketmarkegedruckt,anzahlpakete)
VALUES ('','$versand','$tracking', '{$trackingLink}',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."','$adresse','$projekt','$kg','1','1') ");
$versandid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
@@ -15695,8 +15663,7 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
'SELECT zahlweise FROM rechnung WHERE id = %d', $rechnung
- }
- else{
+ } else {
$rechnung_projekt = $this->app->DB->Select(
'SELECT projekt FROM auftrag WHERE id = %d', $auftrag
@@ -15831,176 +15798,17 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
if($kg=="") $kg=$this->VersandartMindestgewicht($lieferschein);
- //$versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul FROM versanddienstleister WHERE aktiv = 1 AND modul = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($typ)."' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
- $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul,bezeichnung, einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($typ)."' AND modul != '' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
- if($versandartenmodul && @is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
- {
- $obj = $this->LoadVersandModul($versandartenmodul[0]['modul'], $versandartenmodul[0]['id']);
- $this->app->Tpl->Set("ZUSATZ",$versandartenmodul[0]['bezeichnung']);
- if(!empty($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'Paketmarke'))
+ $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul,bezeichnung, einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($typ)."' AND modul != '' AND (projekt = 0 OR projekt = '$projekt') ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
+ if($versandartenmodul && @is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
- $error = $obj->Paketmarke($sid!=''?$sid:'lieferschein',$id);
- }else $error[] = 'Versandmodul '.$typ.' fehlerhaft!';
- }else{
- switch($typ)
- {
- case "DHL":
- if($nachnahme=="" && $versichert=="" && $extraversichert=="")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarkeStandard($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg);
- } else if ($nachnahme=="1" && $versichert=="" && $extraversichert=="")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarkeNachnahme($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer);
- } else if ($versichert=="1" && $extraversichert=="" && $nachnahme=="")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarke2500($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg);
- } else if ($versichert=="1" && $extraversichert=="" && $nachnahme=="1")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarkeNachnahme2500($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer);
- } else if ($versichert=="" && $extraversichert=="1" && $nachnahme=="1")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarkeNachnahme25000($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer);
- } else if ($extraversichert=="1" && $versichert=="" && $nachnahme=="")
- {
- $this->EasylogPaketmarke25000($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg);
- }
- break;
- case "Intraship":
- $kg = (float)str_replace(',','.',$kg);
+ $obj = $this->LoadVersandModul($versandartenmodul[0]['modul'], $versandartenmodul[0]['id']);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set("ZUSATZ",$versandartenmodul[0]['bezeichnung']);
- $abholdatum = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("abholdatum");
- $retourenlabel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- if($retourenlabel)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('RETOURENLABEL', ' checked="checked" ');
- $zusaetzlich['retourenlabel'] = 1;
- }
- if($abholdatum){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ABHOLDATUM',$abholdatum);
- $zusaetzlich['abholdatum'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($abholdatum));
- $this->app->User->SetParameter("paketmarke_abholdatum",$zusaetzlich['abholdatum']);
- }
- if($altersfreigabe)$zusaetzlich['altersfreigabe'] = 1;
- if($nachnahme=="1")
- $error = $this->IntrashipPaketmarkeNachnahme($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer,$zusaetzlich);
- else
- $error = $this->IntrashipPaketmarkeStandard($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,"",$rechnungsnummer,$zusaetzlich);
- break;
- case "UPS":
- $error = $this->UPSPaketmarke($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer);
- break;
- case "FEDEX":
- $error = $this->FEDEXPaketmarke($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer);
- break;
- case 'Go':
- if($name && $strasse && $plz && $ort && (($hausnummer && (!$land || $land == 'DE') || ($land && $land != 'DE'))))
- {
- $kg = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("kg");
- if($kg=="") $kg=$this->VersandartMindestgewicht($lieferschein);
- $kg = str_replace(',','.',$kg);
- $frei = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("frei")==1?1:0;
- $auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein where id = ".(int)$lieferschein." limit 1");
- if($frei){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('FREI',' checked="checked" ');
- $zusaetzlich['frei'] = 1;
- }
- $selbstabholung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("selbstabholung");
- if($selbstabholung){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('SELBSTABHOLUNG',' checked="checked" ');
- $zusaetzlich['selbstabholung'] = 1;
- }
- $landesvorwahl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("landesvorwahl");
- if($landesvorwahl){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LANDESVORWAHL',$landesvorwahl);
- $zusaetzlich['landesvorwahl'] = $landesvorwahl;
- }
- $ortsvorwahl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("ortsvorwahl");
- if($ortsvorwahl){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ORTSVORWAHL',$ortsvorwahl);
- $zusaetzlich['ortsvorwahl'] = $ortsvorwahl;
- }
- if($telefon)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('TELEFON',$telefon);
- $zusaetzlich['telefon'] = $telefon;
- }
- if($email)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('EMAIL',trim($email));
- $zusaetzlich['email'] = trim($email);
- }
- $selbstanlieferung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("selbstanlieferung");
- if($selbstanlieferung){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('SELBSTANLIEFERUNG',' checked="checked" ');
- $zusaetzlich['selbstanlieferung'] = 1;
- }
- $abholdatum = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("abholdatum");
- if($abholdatum){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ABHOLDATUM',$abholdatum);
- $zusaetzlich['abholdatum'] = $abholdatum;
- $this->app->User->SetParameter("paketmarke_abholdatum",$zusaetzlich['abholdatum']);
- }
- $zustelldatum = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("zustelldatum");
- if(!$zustelldatum)
- {
- //$zustelldatum = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferdatum FROM rechnung where id = ".(int)$rechnungid." and lieferdatum > now() limit 1");
- $zustelldatum = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferdatum FROM auftrag where id = ".(int)$auftragid." limit 1");
- }
- if($zustelldatum){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSTELLDATUM',$zustelldatum);
- $zusaetzlich['zustelldatum'] = $zustelldatum;
- }
- if(!$abholdatum)
- {
- //$abholdatum = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT tatsaechlicheslieferdatum FROM rechnung where id = ".(int)$rechnungid." and tatsaechlicheslieferdatum > now() limit 1");
- $abholdatum = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT date_format(now(),'%d.%m.%Y')");
- /*if(!$abholdatum)
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' LIMIT 1");
- $differenztage = $this->Projektdaten($projekt,"differenz_auslieferung_tage");
- if($differenztage<0) $differenztage=2;
- $abholdatum = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT DATE_SUB(lieferdatum, INTERVAL $differenztage DAY) from auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' and DATE_SUB(lieferdatum, INTERVAL $differenztage DAY) > now() LIMIT 1");
- }*/
- if($abholdatum)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ABHOLDATUM',$abholdatum);
- $zusaetzlich['abholdatum'] = $abholdatum;
- $this->app->User->SetParameter("paketmarke_abholdatum",$zusaetzlich['abholdatum']);
- }
- }
- $Zustellhinweise = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("Zustellhinweise");
- if($Zustellhinweise){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSTELLHINWEISE',$Zustellhinweise);
- $zusaetzlich['Zustellhinweise'] = $Zustellhinweise;
- }
- $Abholhinweise = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("Abholhinweise");
- if($Abholhinweise){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ABHOLHINWEISE',$Abholhinweise);
- $zusaetzlich['Abholhinweise'] = $Abholhinweise;
- }
- if($anzahl)$zusaetzlich['menge'] = $anzahl;
- $inhalt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("inhalt");
- if($inhalt){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('INHALT',$inhalt);
- $zusaetzlich['inhalt'] = $inhalt;
- }
- if(isset($nachnahme))$zusaetzlich['nachnahme'] = $nachnahme;
- $this->GoPaketmarke($id,$name,$name2,$name3,$strasse,$hausnummer,$plz,$ort,$land,$kg,$betrag,$rechnungsnummer, $zusaetzlich);
- } else header("Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=paketmarke&id=$id");
- break;
- }
+ if(!empty($obj) && method_exists($obj, 'Paketmarke'))
+ {
+ $error = $obj->Paketmarke($sid!=''?$sid:'lieferschein',$id);
+ }else $error[] = 'Versandmodul '.$typ.' fehlerhaft!';
if(!isset($error) || !$error)$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET gewicht='$kg',paketmarkegedruckt=1,anzahlpakete='$anzahl' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
@@ -16033,8 +15841,7 @@ function Paketmarke($parsetarget,$sid="",$zusatz="",$typ="DHL")
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versandpakete (id,versand,gewicht,nr,versender) VALUES ('','$id','$kg','$anzahli','".$this->app->User->GetName()."')");
- }
+ $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versandpakete (id,versand,gewicht,nr,versender) VALUES ('','$id','$kg','$anzahli','".$this->app->User->GetName()."')"); }
@@ -28322,31 +28129,15 @@ function Firmendaten($field,$projekt="")
$modul = "";
$tmp = array(
- 'DHL'=>'DHL','DPD'=>'DPD',
- 'express_dpd'=>'Express DPD',
- 'export_dpd'=>'Export DPD',
- 'gls'=>'GLS',
'keinversand'=>'Kein Versand',
- 'versandunternehmen'=>'Sonstige',
- 'Go'=>'GO!',
- 'post'=>'Post'
foreach($tmp as $key=>$value)
- if($key == 'DHL'){$modul='intraship';}
- if($key == 'DPD'){$modul='dpdapi';}
- if($key == 'express_dpd'){$modul='';}
- if($key == 'export_dpd'){$modul='';}
- if($key == 'gls'){$modul='glsapi';}
if($key == 'keinversand'){$modul='';}
if($key == 'selbstabholer'){$modul='selbstabholer';}
- if($key == 'versandunternehmen'){$modul='';}
if($key == 'spedition'){$modul='';}
- if($key == 'Go'){$modul='';}
- if($key == 'post'){$modul='post';}
$this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versandarten (id,type,bezeichnung,aktiv,modul) VALUES ('','$key','$value','1','$modul')");
@@ -29461,11 +29252,23 @@ function Firmendaten($field,$projekt="")
$process_lock = $this->app->erp->ProzessLock("erpapi_getnextnummer");
- $eigenernummernkreis = 0;
+ $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $belegnr = '';
+ $allowedtypes = ['angebot', 'auftrag', 'rechnung', 'lieferschein', 'arbeitsnachweis', 'reisekosten',
+ 'bestellung', 'gutschrift', 'kundennummer', 'lieferantennummer', 'mitarbeiternummer', 'waren',
+ 'produktion', 'sonstiges', 'anfrage', 'artikelnummer', 'kalkulation', 'preisanfrage', 'proformarechnung',
+ 'retoure', 'verbindlichkeit', 'goodspostingdocument', 'receiptdocument'];
- } else {
+ $dbfield = "next_$type";
+ $belegnr = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT $dbfield FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if (!empty($belegnr)) {
+ $newbelegnr = $this->CalcNextNummer($belegnr);
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE projekt SET $dbfield='$newbelegnr' WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ if (empty($belegnr)) {
// naechste
diff --git a/www/lib/class.remote.php b/www/lib/class.remote.php
index 8fa23b2c..9dbfd069 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.remote.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.remote.php
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
app->erp->CreateDatei($path_parts['basename'], 'Shopbild', '', '', base64_decode($v['content']), 'Cronjob');
+ $tmpfilename = tempnam($this->app->erp->GetTMP(), 'img');
+ file_put_contents($tmpfilename, base64_decode($v['content']));
+ $fileid = $this->app->erp->CreateDatei($path_parts['basename'], 'Shopbild', '', '', $tmpfilename, 'Cronjob');
$this->app->erp->AddDateiStichwort($fileid, 'Shopbild', 'artikel', $articleid);
+ if (@is_file($tmpfilename))
+ unlink($tmpfilename);
}elseif($dateien[0]['subjekt'] === 'shopbild'){
@@ -766,12 +777,16 @@ class Remote
if($v['path'] != '' && $v['content'] != '')
$path_parts = pathinfo($v['path']);
- $fileid = $this->app->erp->CreateDatei($path_parts['basename'], 'Shopbild', '', '', base64_decode($v['content']), 'Cronjob');
+ $tmpfilename = tempnam($this->app->erp->GetTMP(), 'img');
+ file_put_contents($tmpfilename, base64_decode($v['content']));
+ $fileid = $this->app->erp->CreateDatei($path_parts['basename'], 'Shopbild', '', '', $tmpfilename, 'Cronjob');
$this->ShopexportMappingSet($id, 'datei', $fileid, $v['id'], $articleid);
$this->app->erp->AddDateiStichwort($fileid, 'Shopbild', 'artikel', $articleid);
+ if (@is_file($tmpfilename))
+ unlink($tmpfilename);
diff --git a/www/lib/class.versanddienstleister.php b/www/lib/class.versanddienstleister.php
index 9ebae57e..44743e27 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.versanddienstleister.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.versanddienstleister.php
@@ -1,371 +1,324 @@
-app = $app;
+ if ($id === null || $id === 0)
+ return;
+ $this->id = $id;
+ $row = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT * FROM versandarten WHERE id=$this->id");
+ $this->type = $row['type'];
+ $this->projectId = $row['projekt'];
+ $this->labelPrinterId = $row['paketmarke_drucker'];
+ $this->documentPrinterId = $row['export_drucker'];
+ $this->shippingMail = $row['versandmail'];
+ $this->businessLetterTemplateId = $row['geschaeftsbrief_vorlage'];
+ $this->settings = json_decode($row['einstellungen_json']);
+ }
- if($sid==='versand')
- {
- $tid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnung FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ public function isEtikettenDrucker(): bool
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public abstract function GetName(): string;
+ public function GetAdressdaten($id, $sid): array
+ {
+ $auftragId = $lieferscheinId = $rechnungId = $versandId = 0;
+ if ($sid === 'rechnung')
+ $rechnungId = $id;
+ if ($sid === 'lieferschein') {
+ $lieferscheinId = $id;
+ $auftragId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id=$lieferscheinId LIMIT 1");
+ $rechnungId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein = '$lieferscheinId' LIMIT 1");
+ if ($rechnungId <= 0)
+ $rechnungId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnungid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinId' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if ($sid === 'versand') {
+ $versandId = $id;
+ $lieferscheinId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id='$versandId' LIMIT 1");
+ $rechnungId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnung FROM versand WHERE id='$versandId' LIMIT 1");
$sid = 'lieferschein';
- } else {
- $tid = $id;
- if($sid === 'lieferschein'){
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein = '$tid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($rechnung<=0) {
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rechnungid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- $ret['tid'] = $tid;
- $ret['rechnung'] = $rechnung;
- if($rechnung){
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM rechnung_position WHERE rechnung='$rechnung'");
- } else {
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = %d',$sid.'_position',$sid,$tid));
- if($sid==='rechnung' || $sid==='lieferschein' || $sid==='adresse')
- {
- $docArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',$sid, $tid));
+ if ($auftragId <= 0 && $rechnungId > 0)
+ $auftragId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM rechnung WHERE id=$rechnungId LIMIT 1");
- $name = trim($docArr['name']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT name FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $name2 = trim($docArr['adresszusatz']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresszusatz FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $abt = 0;
- if($name2==='')
- {
- $name2 = trim($docArr['abteilung']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abteilung FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $abt=1;
- }
- $name3 = trim($docArr['ansprechpartner']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ansprechpartner FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- if($name3==='' && $abt!==1){
- $name3 = trim($docArr['abteilung']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abteilung FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- }
+ if ($sid === 'rechnung' || $sid === 'lieferschein' || $sid === 'adresse') {
+ $docArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT * FROM `$sid` WHERE id = $id LIMIT 1");
+ $ret['addressId'] = $docArr['adresse'];
+ $ret['auftragId'] = $auftragId;
+ $ret['rechnungId'] = $rechnungId;
+ $ret['lieferscheinId'] = $lieferscheinId;
- //unterabteilung versuchen einzublenden
- if($name2==='') {
- $name2 = trim($docArr['unterabteilung']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT unterabteilung FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- } else if ($name3==='') {
- $name3 = trim($docArr['unterabteilung']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT unterabteilung FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- }
+ $addressfields = ['name', 'adresszusatz', 'abteilung', 'ansprechpartner', 'unterabteilung', 'ort', 'plz',
+ 'strasse', 'land'];
+ $ret['original'] = array_filter($docArr, fn($key) => in_array($key, $addressfields), ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
- if($name3!=='' && $name2==='') {
- $name2=$name3;
- $name3='';
- }
+ $ret['name'] = empty(trim($docArr['ansprechpartner'])) ? trim($docArr['name']) : trim($docArr['ansprechpartner']);
+ $ret['name2'] = !empty(trim($docArr['ansprechpartner'])) ? trim($docArr['name']) : '';
+ $ret['name3'] = join(';', array_filter([
+ $docArr['abteilung'],
+ $docArr['unterabteilung']
+ ], fn(string $item) => !empty(trim($item))));
+ $ret['address2'] = $docArr['adresszusatz'];
- $ort = trim($docArr['ort']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ort FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $plz = trim($docArr['plz']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT plz FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $land = trim($docArr['land']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT land FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $strasse = trim($docArr['strasse']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT strasse FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $strassekomplett = $strasse;
+ $ret['city'] = $docArr['ort'];
+ $ret['zip'] = $docArr['plz'];
+ $ret['country'] = $docArr['land'];
+ $ret['phone'] = $docArr['telefon'];
+ $ret['email'] = $docArr['email'];
+ $ret['addresstype'] = 0;
+ $strasse = trim($docArr['strasse']);
+ $ret['streetwithnumber'] = $strasse;
$hausnummer = trim($this->app->erp->ExtractStreetnumber($strasse));
+ $strasse = trim(str_replace($hausnummer, '', $strasse));
+ $strasse = str_replace('.', '', $strasse);
- $strasse = trim(str_replace($hausnummer,'',$strasse));
- $strasse = str_replace('.','',$strasse);
- if($strasse=='')
- {
+ if ($strasse == '') {
$strasse = trim($hausnummer);
$hausnummer = '';
- $telefon = trim($docArr['telefon']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT telefon FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
- $email = trim($docArr['email']);//trim($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT email FROM $sid WHERE id='$tid' LIMIT 1"));
+ $ret['street'] = $strasse;
+ $ret['streetnumber'] = $hausnummer;
+ if (str_contains($docArr['strasse'], 'Packstation')) {
+ $ret['addresstype'] = 1;
+ $ret['parcelstationNumber'] = $hausnummer;
+ } else if (str_contains($docArr['strasse'], 'Postfiliale')) {
+ $ret['addresstype'] = 2;
+ $ret['postofficeNumber'] = $hausnummer;
+ }
+ $tmp = join(' ', [$docArr['ansprechpartner'], $docArr['abteilung'], $docArr['unterabteilung']]);
+ if (preg_match("/\d{6,10}/", $tmp, $match)) {
+ $ret['postnumber'] = $match[0];
+ }
+ if ($auftragId > 0) {
+ $internet = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT internet FROM auftrag WHERE id = $auftragId LIMIT 1");
+ if (!empty($internet))
+ $orderNumberParts[] = $internet;
+ }
+ if (!empty($docArr['ihrebestellnummer'])) {
+ $orderNumberParts[] = $docArr['ihrebestellnummer'];
+ }
+ $orderNumberParts[] = $docArr['belegnr'];
+ $ret['order_number'] = implode(' / ', $orderNumberParts);
// wenn rechnung im spiel entweder durch versand oder direkt rechnung
- if($rechnung >0)
- {
- $zahlungsweise = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zahlungsweise FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
- $soll = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT soll FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
+ if ($rechnungId > 0) {
+ $invoice_data = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT zahlungsweise, soll, belegnr FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnungId' LIMIT 1");
+ $ret['zahlungsweise'] = $invoice_data['zahlungsweise'];
+ $ret['betrag'] = $invoice_data['soll'];
+ $ret['invoice_number'] = $invoice_data['belegnr'];
- if($zahlungsweise==='nachnahme'){
- $nachnahme = true;
- }
- if($soll >= 500 && $soll <= 2500){
- $versichert = true;
- }
- if($soll > 2500) {
- $extraversichert = true;
+ if ($invoice_data['zahlungsweise'] === 'nachnahme') {
+ $ret['nachnahme'] = true;
- if(isset($frei))$ret['frei'] = $frei;
- if(isset($inhalt))$ret['inhalt'] = $inhalt;
- if(isset($keinealtersabfrage))$ret['keinealtersabfrage'] = $keinealtersabfrage;
- if(isset($altersfreigabe))$ret['altersfreigabe'] = $altersfreigabe;
- if(isset($zahlungsweise))$ret['zahlungsweise'] = $zahlungsweise;
- if(isset($versichert))$ret['versichert'] = $versichert;
- if(isset($soll))$ret['betrag'] = $soll;
- if(isset($extraversichert))$ret['extraversichert'] = $extraversichert;
- if(isset($nachnahme))$ret['nachnahme'] = $nachnahme;
- $ret['name'] = $name;
- $ret['name2'] = $name2;
- $ret['name3'] = $name3;
- $ret['ort'] = $ort;
- $ret['plz'] = $plz;
- $ret['strasse'] = $strasse;
- $ret['strassekomplett'] = $strassekomplett;
- $ret['hausnummer'] = $hausnummer;
- $ret['land'] = $land;
- $ret['telefon'] = $telefon;
- $ret['phone'] = $telefon;
- $ret['email'] = trim($email," \t\n\r\0\x0B\xc2\xa0");
+ $sql = "SELECT
+ lp.bezeichnung,
+ lp.menge,
+ coalesce(nullif(lp.zolltarifnummer, '0'), nullif(rp.zolltarifnummer, '0'), nullif(a.zolltarifnummer, '')) as zolltarifnummer,
+ coalesce(nullif(lp.herkunftsland, '0'), nullif(rp.herkunftsland, '0'), nullif(a.herkunftsland, '')) as herkunftsland,
+ coalesce(nullif(lp.zolleinzelwert, '0'), rp.preis *(1-rp.rabatt/100), 0) as zolleinzelwert,
+ coalesce(nullif(lp.zolleinzelgewicht, 0), a.gewicht) as zolleinzelgewicht,
+ lp.zollwaehrung
+ FROM lieferschein_position lp
+ JOIN artikel a on lp.artikel = a.id
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN auftrag_position ap on lp.auftrag_position_id = ap.id
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN rechnung_position rp on ap.id = rp.auftrag_position_id
+ LEFT OUTER JOIN rechnung r on rp.rechnung = r.id
+ WHERE lp.lieferschein = $lieferscheinId
+ AND a.lagerartikel = 1
+ AND r.status != 'storniert'
+ ORDER BY lp.sort";
+ $ret['positions'] = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql) ?? [];
- $check_date = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT date_format(now(),'%Y-%m-%d')");
- $ret['abholdaumt'] = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($check_date));
- $anzahl = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("anzahl");
- if($anzahl <= 0)
- {
- $anzahl=1;
- }
- if($sid==="lieferschein"){
- $standardkg = $this->app->erp->VersandartMindestgewicht($tid);
- }
- else{
+ if ($sid === "lieferschein") {
+ $standardkg = $this->app->erp->VersandartMindestgewicht($lieferscheinId);
+ } else {
$standardkg = $this->app->erp->VersandartMindestgewicht();
- //$this->app->erp->PaketmarkeGewichtForm($anzahl, $standardkg, $this->VersandartMindestgewicht());
- $ret['standardkg'] = $standardkg;
- $ret['anzahl'] = $anzahl;
+ $ret['weight'] = $standardkg;
return $ret;
- * @param string $target
+ * Returns an array of additional field definitions to be stored for this module:
+ * [
+ * 'field_name' => [
+ * 'typ' => text(default)|textarea|checkbox|select
+ * 'default' => default value
+ * 'optionen' => just for selects [key=>value]
+ * 'size' => size attribute for text fields
+ * 'placeholder' => placeholder attribute for text fields
+ * ]
+ * ]
- * @return string
+ * @return array
- public function Einstellungen($target = 'return')
+ public function AdditionalSettings(): array
- if(!$this->id)
- {
- return '';
- }
- //$id = $this->id;
- $struktur = $this->EinstellungenStruktur();
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('speichern'))
- {
- $json = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
- $modul = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT modul FROM versandarten WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($json))
- {
+ return [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Renders all additional settings as fields into $target
+ * @param string $target template placeholder for rendered output
+ * @param array $form data for form values (from database or form submit)
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function RenderAdditionalSettings(string $target, array $form): void
+ {
+ $fields = $this->AdditionalSettings();
+ if ($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('speichern')) {
+ $json = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
+ $modul = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT modul FROM versandarten WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
+ if (!empty($json)) {
$json = @json_decode($json, true);
- }else{
+ } else {
$json = array();
- foreach($struktur as $name => $val)
- {
- if(isset($val['default']))
- {
+ foreach ($fields as $name => $val) {
+ if (isset($val['default'])) {
$json[$name] = $val['default'];
- if(empty($json))
- {
+ if (empty($json)) {
$json = null;
- foreach($struktur as $name => $val)
- {
+ foreach ($fields as $name => $val) {
- if($modul === $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('modul_name'))
- {
- $json[$name] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST($name, '','', 1);
+ if ($modul === $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('modul_name')) {
+ $json[$name] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST($name, '', '', 1);
- if(isset($val['replace']))
- {
- switch($val['replace'])
- {
+ if (isset($val['replace'])) {
+ switch ($val['replace']) {
case 'lieferantennummer':
- $json[$name] = $this->app->erp->ReplaceLieferantennummer(1,$json[$name],1);
- break;
+ $json[$name] = $this->app->erp->ReplaceLieferantennummer(1, $json[$name], 1);
+ break;
$json_str = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(json_encode($json));
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versandarten SET einstellungen_json = '$json_str' WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versandarten SET einstellungen_json = '$json_str' WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
- $id = $this->id;
$html = '';
- $json = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($json)
- {
- $json = json_decode($json, true);
- }else{
- $json = null;
- }
- $changed = false;
- foreach($struktur as $name => $val)
+ foreach ($fields as $name => $val) // set missing default values
- if(isset($val['default']) && !isset($json[$name]))
- {
- $changed = true;
- $json[$name] = $val['default'];
+ if (isset($val['default']) && !isset($form[$name])) {
+ $form[$name] = $val['default'];
- if($changed)
- {
- $json_str = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(json_encode($json));
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versandarten SET einstellungen_json = '$json_str' WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $first = true;
- foreach($struktur as $name => $val)
- {
- if(isset($val['heading']))
- {
- $html .= '
- $first = false;
- }
- if($target === 'return') {
- return $html;
$this->app->Tpl->Add($target, $html);
- return '';
- /**
- * @param string $target
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- public function checkInputParameters($target = '')
+ /**
+ * Validate form data for this module
+ * Form data is passed by reference so replacements (id instead of text) can be performed here as well
+ * @param array $form submitted form data
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function ValidateSettings(array &$form): array
- $error = '';
- if (trim($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('bezeichnung')) === '') {
- $error = 'Bitte alle Pflichtfelder ausfüllen!';
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('MSGBEZEICHNUNG','Pflichtfeld!');
- }
- if (trim($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ')) === '') {
- $error = 'Bitte alle Pflichtfelder ausfüllen!';
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('MSGTYP','Pflichtfeld!');
- }
- if ($error !== '') {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add($target, sprintf('
', $error));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ return [];
* @param string $tracking
- * @param int $versand
- * @param int $lieferschein
+ * @param int $versand
+ * @param int $lieferschein
- public function SetTracking($tracking,$versand=0,$lieferschein=0, $trackingLink = '')
+ public function SetTracking($tracking, $versand = 0, $lieferschein = 0, $trackingLink = '')
//if($versand > 0) $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET tracking=CONCAT(tracking,if(tracking!='',';',''),'".$tracking."') WHERE id='$versand' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking',$tracking);
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link',$trackingLink);
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking', $tracking);
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link', $trackingLink);
$this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_versand', $versand);
$this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_lieferschein', $lieferschein);
@@ -375,17 +328,17 @@ class Versanddienstleister {
public function deleteTrackingFromUserdata($tracking)
- if(empty($tracking)) {
+ if (empty($tracking)) {
- $trackingUser = !empty($this->app->User) && method_exists($this->app->User,'GetParameter')?
- $this->app->User->GetParameter('versand_lasttracking'):'';
- if(empty($trackingUser) || $trackingUser !== $tracking) {
+ $trackingUser = !empty($this->app->User) && method_exists($this->app->User, 'GetParameter') ?
+ $this->app->User->GetParameter('versand_lasttracking') : '';
+ if (empty($trackingUser) || $trackingUser !== $tracking) {
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking','');
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link','');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking', '');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_link', '');
$this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_versand', '');
$this->app->User->SetParameter('versand_lasttracking_lieferschein', '');
@@ -402,17 +355,86 @@ class Versanddienstleister {
* @param string $tracking
- * @param int $notsend
+ * @param int $notsend
* @param string $link
* @param string $rawlink
* @return bool
- public function Trackinglink($tracking, &$notsend, &$link, &$rawlink) {
+ public function Trackinglink($tracking, &$notsend, &$link, &$rawlink)
+ {
$notsend = 0;
$rawlink = '';
$link = '';
return true;
+ public function Paketmarke(string $target, string $docType, int $docId): void
+ {
+ $address = $this->GetAdressdaten($docId, $docType);
+ if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) && ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] === 'application/json')) {
+ $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
+ $ret = [];
+ if ($json->submit == 'print') {
+ $result = $this->CreateShipment($json, $address);
+ if ($result->Success) {
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO versand
+ (adresse, lieferschein, versandunternehmen, gewicht, tracking, tracking_link, anzahlpakete)
+ ({$address['addressId']}, {$address['lieferscheinId']}, '$this->type',
+ '$json->weight', '$result->TrackingNumber', '$result->TrackingUrl', 1)";
+ $this->app->DB->Insert($sql);
+ $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP() . join('_', [$this->type, 'Label', $result->TrackingNumber]) . '.pdf';
+ file_put_contents($filename, $result->Label);
+ $this->app->printer->Drucken($this->labelPrinterId, $filename);
+ if (isset($result->ExportDocuments)) {
+ $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP() . join('_', [$this->type, 'ExportDoc', $result->TrackingNumber]) . '.pdf';
+ file_put_contents($filename, $result->ExportDocuments);
+ $this->app->printer->Drucken($this->documentPrinterId, $filename);
+ }
+ $ret['messages'][] = ['class' => 'info', 'text' => "Paketmarke wurde erfolgreich erstellt: $result->TrackingNumber"];
+ } else {
+ $ret['messages'] = array_map(fn(string $item) => ['class' => 'error', 'text' => $item], array_unique($result->Errors));
+ }
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($ret);
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ $address['shipment_type'] = CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_GOODS;
+ $products = $this->GetShippingProducts();
+ $products = array_combine(array_column($products, 'Id'), $products);
+ $address['product'] = $products[0]->Id ?? '';
+ $countries = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT iso, bezeichnung_de name, eu FROM laender ORDER BY bezeichnung_de");
+ $countries = array_combine(array_column($countries, 'iso'), $countries);
+ $json['form'] = $address;
+ $json['countries'] = $countries;
+ $json['products'] = $products;
+ $json['customs_shipment_types'] = [
+ CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_GIFT => 'Geschenk',
+ CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_DOCUMENTS => 'Dokumente',
+ CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_GOODS => 'Handelswaren',
+ CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_SAMPLE => 'Erprobungswaren',
+ CustomsInfo::CUSTOMS_TYPE_RETURN => 'Rücksendung'
+ ];
+ $json['messages'] = [];
+ $json['form']['services'] = [
+ Product::SERVICE_PREMIUM => false
+ ];
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('JSON', json_encode($json));
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('CARRIERNAME', $this->GetName());
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse($target, 'createshipment.tpl');
+ }
+ public abstract function CreateShipment(object $json, array $address): CreateShipmentResult;
+ /**
+ * @return Product[]
+ */
+ public abstract function GetShippingProducts(): array;
diff --git a/www/lib/intraship.php b/www/lib/intraship.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 916d7e14..00000000
--- a/www/lib/intraship.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1501 +0,0 @@
-id = $id;
- $this->app = &$app;
- $einstellungen_json = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->paketmarke_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT paketmarke_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->export_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT export_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($einstellungen_json)
- {
- $this->einstellungen = json_decode($einstellungen_json,true);
- }else{
- $this->einstellungen = array();
- }
- $this->einstellungen = $this->einstellungen;
- if(isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_partnerid']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_partnerid'] )$this->einstellungen['partnerid'] = $this->einstellungen['intraship_partnerid'];
- if(!isset($this->einstellungen['partnerid']))
- {
- $this->einstellungen['partnerid'] = '01';
- }
- if(!isset($this->einstellungen['partnerid']) || $this->einstellungen['partnerid']=="")
- {
- $this->einstellungen['partnerid'] = '01';
- }
- $this->errors = array();
- $data = $this->einstellungen;
- $this->info = array(
- 'company_name' => $data['intraship_company_name'],
- 'street_name' => $data['intraship_street_name'],
- 'street_number' => $data['intraship_street_number'],
- 'zip' => $data['intraship_zip'],
- 'country' => $data['intraship_country'],
- 'city' => $data['intraship_city'],
- 'email' => $data['intraship_email'],
- 'phone' => $data['intraship_phone'],
- 'internet' => $data['intraship_internet'],
- 'contact_person' => $data['intraship_contact_person'],
- 'export_reason' => $data['intraship_exportgrund']
- );
- //function __construct($api_einstellungen, $customer_info) {
- if($land!=$this->app->erp->Firmendaten("land"))
- {
- if(!empty($data['intraship_partnerid_welt']) && !empty($data['intraship_partnerid_welt']))$einstellungen['partnerid'] = $data['intraship_partnerid_welt'];
- }
- if(isset($data['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $data['intraship_retourenaccount'])$einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'] = $data['intraship_retourenaccount'];
- /*
- $this->einstellungen = $api_einstellungen;
- $this->info = $customer_info;
- if($this->einstellungen['partnerid']=="") $this->einstellungen['partnerid'] = '01';
- $this->errors = array();
- */
- }
- public function GetBezeichnung()
- {
- return 'DHL Instrahship';
- }
- function EinstellungenStruktur()
- {
- return array(
- 'user' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Benutzer:','info'=>'geschaeftskunden_api (Versenden/Intraship-Benutzername)'),
- 'signature' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Signature:','info'=>'Dhl_ep_test1 (Versenden/IntrashipPasswort)'),
- 'ekp' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'EKP','info'=>'5000000000 (gültige DHL Kundennummer)'),
- 'partnerid' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Partner ID Inland:','info'=>'meist 01, manchmal 02, 03 etc.'),
- 'partnerid_welt' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Partner ID Welt:','info'=>'falls leer wird die inländische Partner ID verwendet.'),
- 'api_user' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'API User:','info'=>'Bitte anfragen beim Support'),
- 'api_password' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'API Passwort:','info'=>'Bitte anfragen beim Support'),
- 'intraship_retourenaccount' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Retouren Account:','info'=>'14 Stellige DHL-Retoure Abrechnungsnummer'),
- 'intraship_retourenlabel'=>array('typ'=>'checkbox','bezeichnung'=>'Vorauswahl Retourenlabel:','info'=>'Druckt Retourenlabel mit'),
- 'intraship_company_name' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Firma:'),
- 'intraship_street_name' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Strasse:'),
- 'intraship_street_number' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Strasse Nr.:'),
- //'intraship_name' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Ansprechpartner:'),
- 'intraship_zip' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender PLZ:'),
- 'intraship_city' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Stadt:'),
- 'intraship_country' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Land:','info'=>'germany'),
- 'intraship_email' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender E-Mail:'),
- 'intraship_phone' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Telefon:'),
- 'intraship_internet' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Web:'),
- 'intraship_contact_person' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Versender Ansprechpartner:'),
- 'intraship_account_owner' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme Bank Inhaber:'),
- 'intraship_account_number' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme Kontonummer:'),
- 'intraship_code' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme BLZ:'),
- 'intraship_bank_name' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme Bank Name:'),
- 'intraship_iban' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme IBAN:'),
- 'intraship_bic' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Nachnahme BIC:'),
- 'intraship_exportgrund' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Export:','info'=>'z.B. Computer Zubehör'),
- 'intraship_WeightInKG' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Standard Gewicht:','info'=>'in KG'),
- 'intraship_LengthInCM' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Standard Länge:','info'=>'in cm'),
- 'intraship_WidthInCM' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Standard Breite:','info'=>'in cm'),
- 'intraship_HeightInCM' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Standard Höhe:','info'=>'in cm'),
- 'intraship_PackageType' => array('typ'=>'text','bezeichnung'=>'Standard Paket:','info'=>'z.B. PL'),
- 'log'=>array('typ'=>'checkbox','bezeichnung'=>'Logging')
- );
- }
- public function Paketmarke($doctyp, $docid, $target = '', $error = false)
- {
- $id = $docid;
- $drucken = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("drucken");
- $anders = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("anders");
- $land = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("land");
- $tracking_again = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("tracking_again");
- $versandmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmit");
- $trackingsubmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmit");
- $versandmitbutton = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmitbutton");
- $tracking= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("tracking");
- $trackingsubmitcancel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmitcancel");
- $retourenlabel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- $kg= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("kg1");
- $name= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name");
- $name2= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name2");
- $name3= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name3");
- $strasse= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("strasse");
- $hausnummer= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("hausnummer");
- $plz= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("plz");
- $ort= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("ort");
- $email= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("email");
- $phone= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("phone");
- $nummeraufbeleg= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("nummeraufbeleg");
- if($sid=="")
- $sid= $this->app->Secure->GetGET("sid");
- if($zusatz=="express")
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSATZ',"Express");
- if($zusatz=="export")
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSATZ',"Export");
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $drucken = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("drucken");
- $anders = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("anders");
- $land = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("land");
- if($land=="") $land = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("land");
- $tracking_again = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("tracking_again");
- $versandmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmit");
- $trackingsubmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmit");
- $versandmitbutton = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmitbutton");
- $tracking= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("tracking");
- $trackingsubmitcancel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmitcancel");
- $retourenlabel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- if($typ=="DHL" || $typ=="dhl")
- $versand = "dhl";
- else if($typ=="Intraship")
- $versand = "intraship";
- else $versand = $typ;
- if($sid == "versand")
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $intraship_weightinkg = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT intraship_weightinkg FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($trackingsubmit!="" || $trackingsubmitcancel!="")
- {
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- // falche tracingnummer bei DHL da wir in der Funktion PaketmarkeDHLEmbedded sind
- if((strlen($tracking) < 12 || strlen($tracking) > 20) && $trackingsubmitcancel=="" && ($typ=="DHL" || $typ=="Intraship"))
- {
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=frankieren&id=$id&land=$land&tracking_again=1");
- exit;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versand', tracking='$tracking',
- versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(), abgeschlossen='1',logdatei=NOW() WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->erp->VersandAbschluss($id);
- //versand mail an kunden
- $this->app->erp->Versandmail($id);
- $weiterespaket=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("weiterespaket");
- $lieferscheinkopie=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("lieferscheinkopie");
- if($weiterespaket=="1")
- {
- if($lieferscheinkopie=="1") $lieferscheinkopie=0; else $lieferscheinkopie=1;
- //$this->app->erp->LogFile("Lieferscheinkopie $lieferscheinkopie");
- $all = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,adresse,rechnung,lieferschein,versandart,projekt,bearbeiter,versender,versandunternehmen,firma,
- keinetrackingmail,gelesen,paketmarkegedruckt,papieregedruckt,weitererlieferschein)
- VALUES ('','{$all[0]['adresse']}','{$all[0]['rechnung']}','{$all[0]['lieferschein']}','{$all[0]['versandart']}','{$all[0]['projekt']}',
- '{$all[0]['bearbeiter']}','{$all[0]['versender']}','{$all[0]['versandunternehmen']}',
- '{$all[0]['firma']}','{$all[0]['keinetrackingmail']}','{$all[0]['gelesen']}',0,$lieferscheinkopie,1)");
- $newid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=einzel&id=$newid");
- } else {
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=offene");
- }
- }
- exit;
- } else {
- //direkt aus dem Lieferschein
- if($id > 0)
- {
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $kg = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("kg1");
- if($kg=="") {
- $kg = $this->app->erp->VersandartMindestgewicht($id);
- }
- $auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$id'");
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,versandunternehmen, tracking,
- versendet_am,abgeschlossen,lieferschein,
- freigegeben,firma,adresse,projekt,gewicht,paketmarkegedruckt,anzahlpakete)
- VALUES ('','$versand','$tracking',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."',
- '$adresse','$projekt','$kg','1','1') ");
- $versandId = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $shop = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT shop FROM auftrag WHERE id = '$auftrag' LIMIT 1");
- $auftragabgleich=$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragabgleich FROM shopexport WHERE id='$shop' LIMIT 1");
- if($shop > 0 && $auftragabgleich=="1")
- {
- //$this->LogFile("Tracking gescannt");
- $this->app->remote->RemoteUpdateAuftrag($shop,$auftrag);
- }
- $this->app->erp->sendPaymentStatus($versandId);
- $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=paketmarke&id='.$id);
- }
- }
- }
- if($versandmitbutton!="")
- {
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versandmit',
- versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(),abgeschlossen='1' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->VersandAbschluss($id);
- //versand mail an kunden
- $this->Versandmail($id);
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=offene");
- exit;
- }
- }
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- // wenn paketmarke bereits gedruckt nur tracking scannen
- $paketmarkegedruckt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT paketmarkegedruckt FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($paketmarkegedruckt>=1)
- $tracking_again=1;
- }
- if($anders!="")
- {
- }
- else if(($drucken!="" || $tracking_again=="1") && !$error)
- {
- if($tracking_again!="1")
- {
- $kg = (float)str_replace(',','.',$kg);
- $abholdatum = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("abholdatum");
- $retourenlabel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- if($retourenlabel)
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('RETOURENLABEL', ' checked="checked" ');
- $zusaetzlich['retourenlabel'] = 1;
- }
- if($abholdatum){
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ABHOLDATUM',$abholdatum);
- $zusaetzlich['abholdatum'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($abholdatum));
- $this->app->User->SetParameter("paketmarke_abholdatum",$zusaetzlich['abholdatum']);
- }
- $kg = (float)(str_replace(',','.',$kg));
- $kg = round($kg,2);
- $name = substr($this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name),0,30);
- $name2 = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name2);
- $name3 = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name3);
- $strasse = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($strasse);
- $hausnummer = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($hausnummer);
- $plz = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($plz);
- $ort = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(html_entity_decode($ort));
- $land = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($land);
- //SetKonfigurationValue($name,$value)
- $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("module");
- //TODO Workarrond fuer lieferschein
- if($module=="lieferschein")
- {
- $lieferschein = $id;
- }
- else {
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($lieferschein <=0) $lieferschein=$id;
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- $lieferscheinnummer = "LS".$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- //pruefe ob es auftragsnummer gibt dann nehmen diese
- $auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- if($auftragid > 0)
- {
- $nummeraufbeleg = "AB".$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- $nummeraufbeleg = $lieferscheinnummer;
- }
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- $rechnung_data = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
- // fuer export
- $email = $rechnung_data[0]['email']; //XXX
- $phone = $rechnung_data[0]['telefon']; //XXX
- $rechnungssumme = $rechnung_data[0]['soll']; //XXX
- if($rechnung){
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM rechnung_position WHERE rechnung='$rechnung'");
- } else {
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferschein_position WHERE lieferschein='$lieferschein'");
- }
- $altersfreigabe = 0;
- for($i=0;$i<(!empty($artikel_positionen)?count($artikel_positionen):0);$i++)
- {
- $artikelaltersfreigabe = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT altersfreigabe FROM artikel WHERE id = '".$artikel_positionen[$i]['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($artikelaltersfreigabe > $altersfreigabe)$altersfreigabe = $artikelaltersfreigabe;
- //$lagerartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lagerartikel FROM artikel WHERE id='".$artikel_positionen[$i]['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- //if($lagerartikel=="1")
- {
- if($artikel_positionen[$i]['waehrung']=="") {
- $artikel_positionen[$i]['waehrung']="EUR";
- }
- $gewicht = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gewicht FROM artikel WHERE id='".$artikel_positionen[$i]['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- $porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT porto FROM artikel WHERE id='".$artikel_positionen[$i]['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($gewicht <=0) $gewicht=0;
- //if($gewicht > 0) $gewicht = $artikel_positionen[$i]['menge']*$gewicht;
- //else $gewicht = 1.1*$artikel_positionen[$i]['menge'];
- if($porto!="1")
- {
- $artikel[] = array( 'description'=>substr($artikel_positionen[$i]['bezeichnung'],0,40),
- 'countrycode'=>'DE',
- 'commodity_code'=>'95061110', // zoll nummer?
- 'amount'=>round($artikel_positionen[$i]['menge']),
- 'netweightinkg'=>$gewicht,
- 'grossweightinkg'=>$gewicht,
- 'value'=>$artikel_positionen[$i]['preis'],
- 'currency'=>$artikel_positionen[$i]['waehrung']);
- }
- }
- }
- $data = $this->einstellungen;
- if($phone=="") $phone=$data['intraship_phone'];
- if($land!=$this->app->erp->Firmendaten("land"))
- {
- if(!empty($data['partnerid_welt']) && !empty($data['partnerid_welt']))$this->einstellungen['partnerid'] = $data['partnerid_welt'];
- }
- if(isset($data['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $data['intraship_retourenaccount'])$einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'] = $data['intraship_retourenaccount'];
- // your company info
- $info = array(
- 'company_name' => $data['intraship_company_name'],
- 'street_name' => $data['intraship_street_name'],
- 'street_number' => $data['intraship_street_number'],
- 'zip' => $data['intraship_zip'],
- 'country' => $data['intraship_country'],
- 'city' => $data['intraship_city'],
- 'email' => $data['intraship_email'],
- 'phone' => $data['intraship_phone'],
- 'internet' => $data['intraship_internet'],
- 'contact_person' => $data['intraship_contact_person'],
- 'export_reason' => $data['intraship_exportgrund']
- );
- // receiver details
- $customer_details = array(
- 'name1' => $name,
- 'name2' => $name2,
- 'c/o' => $name3,
- 'name3' => $name3,
- 'street_name' => $strasse,
- 'street_number' => $hausnummer,
- // 'country' => 'germany',
- 'country_code' => $land,
- 'zip' => $plz,
- 'city' => $ort,
- 'email' => $email,
- 'phone' => $phone,
- 'ordernumber' => $nummeraufbeleg,
- 'weight' => $kg,
- 'amount' => str_replace(",",".",$rechnungssumme),
- 'currency' => 'EUR'
- );
- if(!is_null($zusatz) && isset($zusatz['abholdatum']))$customer_details['abholdatum'] = $zusatz['abholdatum'];
- if(!is_null($zusatz) && isset($zusatz['retourenlabel']))$customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] = $zusatz['retourenlabel'];
- if($altersfreigabe > 0)$customer_details['altersfreigabe'] = $altersfreigabe;
- //$dhl = new DHLBusinessShipment($einstellungen, $info);
- $shipment_details['WeightInKG'] = $data['intraship_WeightInKG'];
- $shipment_details['LengthInCM'] = $data['intraship_LengthInCM'];
- $shipment_details['WidthInCM'] = $data['intraship_WidthInCM'];
- $shipment_details['HeightInCM'] = $data['intraship_HeightInCM'];
- $shipment_details['PackageType'] = $data['intraship_PackageType'];
- if($data['intraship_note']=="") $data['intraship_note'] = $rechnungsnummer;
- if($land==$this->app->erp->Firmendaten("land"))
- {
- if($nachnahme && $betrag > 0)
- {
- $bank_details = array(
- 'account_owner' => $data['intraship_account_owner'],
- 'account_number' => $data['intraship_account_number'],
- 'bank_code' => $data['intraship_bank_code'],
- 'bank_name' => $data['intraship_bank_name'],
- 'note' => $data['intraship_note'],
- 'iban' => $data['intraship_iban'],
- 'bic' => $data['intraship_bic']
- );
- $cod_details = array(
- 'amount'=>str_replace(",",".",$betrag),
- 'currency'=>'EUR'
- );
- $response = $this->createNationalShipment($customer_details,$shipment_details,$bank_details,$cod_details,$rechnungsnummer);
- } else {
- //$customer_details['ordernumber']="";
- $response = $this->createNationalShipment($customer_details,$shipment_details);
- }
- } else {
- $customer_details['EU'] = $this->app->erp->IstEU($land)?1:0;
- $response = $this->createWeltShipment($customer_details,null,$bank_details,$cod_details,$artikel);
- if($response)
- {
- // Zoll Papiere
- //$dhl = new DHLBusinessShipment($einstellungen, $info);
- $response_export = $this->GetExportDocDD($response['shipment_number']);
- }else{
- $dump = $this->app->erp->VarAsString($this->errors);
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Fehler Intraship API beim Erstellen Label fuer Versand $id LS $lieferschein",$dump);
- }
- }
- $data['intraship_drucker'] = $this->paketmarke_drucker;
- $data['druckerlogistikstufe2'] = $this->export_drucker;
- if(!$data['intraship_drucker'])
- {
- if($this->app->erp->GetStandardPaketmarkendrucker()>0)
- $data['intraship_drucker'] = $this->app->erp->GetStandardPaketmarkendrucker();
- }
- if(!$data['druckerlogistikstufe2'])
- {
- if($this->app->erp->GetInstrashipExport($projekt)>0)
- $data['druckerlogistikstufe2'] = $this->app->erp->GetInstrashipExport($projekt);
- }
- if($response)
- {
- //$response['label_url']
- //$response['shipment_number']
- $tmppdf = $this->app->erp->DownloadFile($response['label_url'],"Intraship_Versand_".$id."_","pdf");
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Erfolg Paketmarke Drucker ".$data['intraship_drucker']," Datei: $tmppdf URL: ".$response['label_url']);
- $this->app->printer->Drucken($data['intraship_drucker'],$tmppdf);
- unlink($tmppdf);
- } else {
- $dump = $this->app->erp->VarAsString($this->errors);
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Fehler Intraship API beim Erstellen Label fuer Versand $id LS $lieferschein",$dump);
- }
- if($response_export)
- {
- $tmppdf = $this->app->erp->DownloadFile($response_export['export_url'],"Export_Intraship_Versand_".$id."_");
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Erfolg Export Dokumente Drucker ".$data['druckerlogistikstufe2']," Datei: $tmppdf URL: ".$response_export['export_url']);
- $this->app->printer->Drucken($data['druckerlogistikstufe2'],$tmppdf);
- unlink($tmppdf);
- } else {
- $dump = $this->app->erp->VarAsString($this->errors);
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Fehler Intraship Export Dokument API beim Erstellen fuer Versand $id LS $lieferschein",$dump);
- }
- if($response)return false;
- return $this->errors;
- }
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('drucken') || $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('anders'))
- {
- }else{
- if(empty($this->Eintellungen['retourenaccount']) || !$this->Eintellungen['retourenaccount'])
- {
- $this->app->Tpl->Add('VORRETOURENLABEL', '');
- }
- if(isset($this->Eintellungen['retourenlabel']) && $this->Eintellungen['retourenlabel'])$this->app->Tpl->Add('RETOURENLABEL',' checked="checked" ');
- }
- }
- //$this->info = $customer_info;
- if($target)$this->app->Tpl->Parse($target,'versandarten_intraship.tpl');
- }
- public function Export($daten)
- {
- }
- function Trackinglink($tracking, &$notsend, &$link, &$rawlink)
- {
- $notsend = 0;
- $rawlink = 'http://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/set_identcodes.do?lang=de&idc='.$tracking;
- $link = 'DHL Versand: '.$tracking.' ('.$rawlink.')';
- return true;
- }
- private function log($message) {
- if (isset($this->einstellungen['log'])) {
- if (is_array($message) || is_object($message)) {
- error_log(print_r($message, true));
- } else {
- error_log($message);
- }
- }
- }
- function buildClient($retoure, $altersfreigabe = false) {
- $header = $this->buildAuthHeader();
- $location = self::PRODUCTION_URL;
- //$location = self::SANDBOX_URL;
- $auth_params = array(
- 'login' => $this->einstellungen['api_user'],
- 'password' => $this->einstellungen['api_password'],
- 'location' => $location,
- 'trace' => 1,
- 'connection_timeout' => 30
- );
- $this->log($auth_params);
- try {
- $this->client = new SoapClient($altersfreigabe?self::API_URL22:($retoure?self::API_URL2:self::API_URL), $auth_params);
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- die("Verbindungsfehler: ".$exception->getMessage());
- $this->errors[] = "Verbindungsfehler: ".$exception->getMessage();
- return;
- }
- try {
- $this->client->__setSoapHeaders($header);
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- die("Verbindungsfehler: ".$exception->getMessage());
- $this->errors[] = "Verbindungsfehler: ".$exception->getMessage();
- return;
- }
- $this->log($this->client);
- }
- function createNationalShipment($customer_details, $shipment_details = null, $bank_details = null, $cod_details = null) {
- $api2 = false;
- $api22 = isset($customer_details['altersfreigabe']) && $customer_details['altersfreigabe'];
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])$api2 = true;
- if(isset($this->einstellungen['leitcodierung']) && $this->einstellungen['leitcodierung'])$api22 = true;
- $this->buildClient($api2, $api22);
- $shipment = array();
- // Version
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '1', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $shipment['Version']['minorRelease'] = '1';
- }
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '2', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- }
- if($customer_details['country_code']=="" || $customer_details['country_code']=="DE")
- {
- $customer_details['country_code']="DE";
- $customer_details['country_zip']="germany";
- } else if ($customer_details['country_code']=="UK"){
- $customer_details['country_zip']="england";
- } else {
- $customer_details['country_zip']="other";
- }
- // Order
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder'] = array();
- // Fixme
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['sequenceNumber'] = '01';
- }else{
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['SequenceNumber'] = '1';
- }
- // Shipment
- $s = array();
- if($api22)
- {
- $s['product'] = "V01PAK";
- }else{
- $s['ProductCode'] = 'EPN';
- }
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $s['ReturnShipmentBillingNumber'] = $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'];
- }
- if($api22)
- {
- if(!empty($customer_details['abholdatum']) && $customer_details['abholdatum']!="0000-00-00")
- $s['shipmentDate'] = $customer_details['abholdatum'];
- else
- $s['shipmentDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- }else{
- if(!empty($customer_details['abholdatum']) && $customer_details['abholdatum']!="0000-00-00")
- $s['ShipmentDate'] = $customer_details['abholdatum'];
- else
- $s['ShipmentDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- }
- if($api22)
- {
- $s['accountNumber'] = $this->einstellungen['ekp'].(strlen($this->einstellungen['partnerid'] <= 2)?$this->einstellungen['partnerid']."01":$this->einstellungen['partnerid']);
- if ($shipment_details == null) {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['weightInKG'] = '5';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['lengthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['widthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['heightInCM'] = '50';
- } else {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['weightInKG'] = $shipment_details['WeightInKG'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['lengthInCM'] = $shipment_details['LengthInCM'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['widthInCM'] = $shipment_details['WidthInCM'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['heightInCM'] = $shipment_details['HeightInCM'];
- }
- // Falls ein Gewicht angegeben worden ist
- if($customer_details['weight']!="")
- $s['ShipmentItem']['weightInKG'] = $customer_details['weight'];
- }else{
- $s['EKP'] = $this->einstellungen['ekp'];
- $s['Attendance'] = array();
- $s['Attendance']['partnerID'] = substr($this->einstellungen['partnerid'],0,2);
- if ($shipment_details == null) {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WeightInKG'] = '5';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['LengthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WidthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['HeightInCM'] = '50';
- // FIXME: What is this
- $s['ShipmentItem']['PackageType'] = 'PL';
- } else {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WeightInKG'] = $shipment_details['WeightInKG'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['LengthInCM'] = $shipment_details['LengthInCM'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WidthInCM'] = $shipment_details['WidthInCM'];
- $s['ShipmentItem']['HeightInCM'] = $shipment_details['HeightInCM'];
- // FIXME: What is this
- $s['ShipmentItem']['PackageType'] = $shipment_details['PackageType'];
- }
- // Falls ein Gewicht angegeben worden ist
- if($customer_details['weight']!="")
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WeightInKG'] = $customer_details['weight'];
- }
- if($bank_details != null)
- {
- $s['BankData'] = array();
- $s['BankData']['accountOwner'] = $bank_details['account_owner'];
- $s['BankData']['accountNumber'] = $bank_details['account_number'];
- $s['BankData']['bankCode'] = $bank_details['bank_code'];
- $s['BankData']['bankName'] = $bank_details['bank_name'];
- $s['BankData']['iban'] = $bank_details['iban'];
- $s['BankData']['bic'] = $bank_details['bic'];
- $s['BankData']['note'] = $bank_details['note'];
- }
- if($cod_details != null)
- {
- //$s['Service'] = array();
- //$s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther'] = array();
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD'] = array();
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD']['CODAmount'] = $cod_details['amount'];
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD']['CODCurrency'] = $cod_details['currency'];
- }
- // Auftragnummer auf Label
- if($api22)
- {
- $s['customerReference']=$customer_details['ordernumber'];
- if($customer_details['altersfreigabe'] >= 16)
- {
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge'] = array();
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge']['active'] = 1;
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge']['type'] = $customer_details['altersfreigabe'] > 16?'A18':'A16';
- }
- }else{
- $s['CustomerReference']=$customer_details['ordernumber'];
- }
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ShipmentDetails'] = $s;
- //$shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ShipmentDetails'] = $s;
- $shipper = array();
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipper['Name'] = array();
- $shipper['Name']['name1'] = $this->info['company_name'];
- }else{
- $shipper['Company'] = array();
- $shipper['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $shipper['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $this->info['company_name'];
- }
- $shipper['Address'] = array();
- $shipper['Address']['streetName'] = $this->info['street_name'];
- $shipper['Address']['streetNumber'] = $this->info['street_number'];
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipper['Address']['zip'] = $this->info['zip'];
- }else{
- $shipper['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $shipper['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($this->info['country'])] = $this->info['zip'];
- }
- $shipper['Address']['city'] = $this->info['city'];
- $shipper['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => 'DE');
- $shipper['Communication'] = array();
- if (preg_match("/^( [a-zA-Z0-9] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] )*@( [a-zA-Z0-9_-] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] +)+$/" , $this->info['email'])) {
- $shipper['Communication']['email'] = $this->info['email'];
- }
- $shipper['Communication']['phone'] = $this->info['phone'];
- $shipper['Communication']['internet'] = $this->info['internet'];
- $shipper['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $this->info['contact_person'];
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['Shipper'] = $shipper;
- if($api22)
- {
- $receiver = array();
- $receiver['name1'] = $customer_details['name1'];
- if($customer_details['name2']!="")
- $receiver['name2'] = $customer_details['name2'];
- if($customer_details['name3']!="")
- $receiver['name3'] = $customer_details['name3'];
- $receiver['Address'] = array();
- if($customer_details['name2']!="")
- $receiver['Address']['addressAddition'] = $customer_details['name2'];
- $receiver['Address']['streetName'] = $customer_details['street_name'];
- $receiver['Address']['streetNumber'] = $customer_details['street_number'];
- $receiver['Address']['zip'] = $customer_details['zip'];
- $receiver['Address']['city'] = $customer_details['city'];
- $receiver['Communication'] = array();
- if($customer_details['c/o']!="")
- $receiver['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $customer_details['c/o'];
- $receiver['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => $customer_details['country_code']);
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['Receiver'] = $receiver;
- }else{
- $receiver = array();
- $receiver['Company'] = array();
- /*
- $receiver['Company']['Person'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['firstname'] = $customer_details['first_name'];
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['lastname'] = $customer_details['last_name'];
- */
- $receiver['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $customer_details['name1'];
- $receiver['Company']['Company']['name2'] = $customer_details['name2'];
- $receiver['Address'] = array();
- $receiver['Address']['streetName'] = $customer_details['street_name'];
- $receiver['Address']['streetNumber'] = $customer_details['street_number'];
- $receiver['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $receiver['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($customer_details['country_zip'])] = $customer_details['zip'];
- $receiver['Address']['city'] = $customer_details['city'];
- $receiver['Communication'] = array();
- $receiver['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $customer_details['c/o'];
- $receiver['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => $customer_details['country_code']);
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['Receiver'] = $receiver;
- }
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $ReturnReceiver = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $this->info['company_name'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['streetName'] = $this->info['street_name'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['streetNumber'] = $this->info['street_number'];
- if($api22)
- {
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['zip'] = $this->info['zip'];
- }else{
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($this->info['country'])] = $this->info['zip'];
- }
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['city'] = $this->info['city'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => 'DE');
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication'] = array();
- if (preg_match("/^( [a-zA-Z0-9] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] )*@( [a-zA-Z0-9_-] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] +)+$/" , $this->info['email'])) {
- $shipper['Communication']['email'] = $this->info['email'];
- }
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['phone'] = $this->info['phone'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['internet'] = $this->info['internet'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $this->info['contact_person'];
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ReturnReceiver'] = $ReturnReceiver;
- }
- try {
- if($api22)
- {
- $response = $this->client->createShipmentOrder($shipment);
- }
- else{
- $response = $this->client->CreateShipmentDD($shipment);
- }
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- if(trim($exception->getMessage()) == 'Authorization Required')
- {
- $this->errors[] = 'Fehlerhafte Intraship Zugangsdaten';
- return false;
- }
- $this->errors[] = "Fehler von Intraship: ".$exception->getMessage();
- return;
- }
- if (is_soap_fault($response) || (isset($response->status) && $response->status->StatusCode != 0 || isset($response->Status) && $response->Status->statusCode != 0)) {
- $this->errors[] = "Fehlermeldung von DHL:";
- if (is_soap_fault($response)) {
- $this->errors[] = $response->faultstring;
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = isset($response->status)?$response->status->StatusMessage:$response->Status->statusMessage;
- }
- if($response->CreationState->StatusMessage)
- {
- foreach($response->CreationState->StatusMessage as $v)
- {
- $found = false;
- if($this->errors && is_array($this->errors))
- {
- foreach($this->errors as $err)
- {
- if($err == $v)$found = true;
- }
- }
- if(!$found)$this->errors[] = $v;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- $r = array();
- if($api22)
- {
- $r['shipment_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->LabelData->shipmentNumber;
- $r['piece_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->LabelData->licensePlate;
- $r['label_url'] = (String) $response->CreationState->LabelData->labelUrl;
- $r['gesamt'] = $response;
- }else{
- $r['shipment_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->ShipmentNumber->shipmentNumber;
- $r['piece_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->PieceInformation->PieceNumber->licensePlate;
- $r['label_url'] = (String) $response->CreationState->Labelurl;
- }
- return $r;
- }
- }
- function createWeltShipment($customer_details, $shipment_details = null, $bank_details = null, $cod_details = null,$artikel=null) {
- $api2 = false;
- $api22 = isset($customer_details['altersfreigabe']) && $customer_details['altersfreigabe'];
- //if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])$api2 = true;
- $api22 = false;
- $this->buildClient($api2);
- $shipment = array();
- if($customer_details['country_code']=="DE")
- {
- $customer_details['country']="germany";
- } else if ($customer_details['country_code']=="UK")
- {
- $customer_details['country']="england";
- } else {
- $customer_details['country']="other";
- }
- // Version
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '2', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- }else{
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '1', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $shipment['Version']['minorRelease'] = '1';
- }
- }
- // Order
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder'] = array();
- $s = array();
- // Fixme
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['sequenceNumber'] = '01';
- if(!empty($customer_details['abholdatum']) && $customer_details['abholdatum']!="0000-00-00")
- $s['shipmentDate'] = $customer_details['abholdatum'];
- else
- $s['shipmentDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- $s['product'] = isset($customer_details['EU'])&&$customer_details['EU']?"V54EPAK": "V53WPAK";
- $s['accountNumber'] =$this->einstellungen['ekp'].$this->einstellungen['partnerid']."01";
- }else{
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['SequenceNumber'] = '1';
- $s['ProductCode'] = 'BPI';
- if(!empty($customer_details['abholdatum']) && $customer_details['abholdatum']!="0000-00-00")
- $s['ShipmentDate'] = $customer_details['abholdatum'];
- else
- $s['ShipmentDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- $s['EKP'] = $this->einstellungen['ekp'];
- $s['Attendance'] = array();
- $s['Attendance']['partnerID'] = $this->einstellungen['partnerid'];
- }
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $s['ReturnShipmentBillingNumber'] = $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'];
- }
- if($api22)
- {
- if ($shipment_details == null) {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['weightInKG'] = '3';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['lengthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['widthInCM'] = '30';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['heightInCM'] = '15';
- }
- }else{
- if ($shipment_details == null) {
- $s['ShipmentItem'] = array();
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WeightInKG'] = '3';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['LengthInCM'] = '50';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WidthInCM'] = '30';
- $s['ShipmentItem']['HeightInCM'] = '15';
- // FIXME: What is this
- $s['ShipmentItem']['PackageType'] = 'PK';
- }
- // Falls ein Gewicht angegeben worden ist
- if($customer_details['weight']!="")
- $s['ShipmentItem']['WeightInKG'] = $customer_details['weight'];
- }
- //$s['Service']['ServiceGroupBusinessPackInternational']['Economy'] = 'true';
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupBusinessPackInternational']['Premium'] = 'true';
- if($bank_details != null)
- {
- $s['BankData'] = array();
- $s['BankData']['accountOwner'] = $bank_details['account_owner'];
- $s['BankData']['accountNumber'] = $bank_details['account_number'];
- $s['BankData']['bankCode'] = $bank_details['bank_code'];
- $s['BankData']['bankName'] = $bank_details['bank_name'];
- $s['BankData']['iban'] = $bank_details['iban'];
- $s['BankData']['bic'] = $bank_details['bic'];
- $s['BankData']['note'] = $bank_details['note'];
- }
- if($cod_details != null)
- {
- //$s['Service'] = array();
- //$s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther'] = array();
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD'] = array();
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD']['CODAmount'] = $cod_details['amount'];
- $s['Service']['ServiceGroupOther']['COD']['CODCurrency'] = $cod_details['currency'];
- }
- // Auftragnummer auf Label
- if($api22)
- {
- $s['customerReference']=$customer_details['ordernumber'];
- if($customer_details['altersfreigabe'] >= 16)
- {
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge'] = array();
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge']['active'] = 1;
- $s['Service']['VisualCheckOfAge']['type'] = $customer_details['altersfreigabe'] > 16?'A18':'A16';
- }
- }else{
- $s['CustomerReference']=$customer_details['ordernumber'];
- }
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ShipmentDetails'] = $s;
- //$shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ShipmentDetails'] = $s;
- $shipper = array();
- $shipper['Company'] = array();
- $shipper['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $shipper['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $this->info['company_name'];
- $shipper['Address'] = array();
- $shipper['Address']['streetName'] = $this->info['street_name'];
- $shipper['Address']['streetNumber'] = $this->info['street_number'];
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipper['Address']['zip'] = $this->info['zip'];
- }else{
- $shipper['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $shipper['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($this->info['country'])] = $this->info['zip'];
- }
- $shipper['Address']['city'] = $this->info['city'];
- $shipper['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => 'DE');
- $shipper['Communication'] = array();
- if (preg_match("/^( [a-zA-Z0-9] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] )*@( [a-zA-Z0-9_-] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] +)+$/" , $this->info['email'])) {
- $shipper['Communication']['email'] = $this->info['email'];
- }
- if(empty($this->info['phone']))$this->info['phone'] = '0';
- $this->info['phone'] = str_replace('+','00',trim($this->info['phone']));
- $this->info['phone'] = preg_replace('![^0-9]!', '', $this->info['phone']);
- if(empty($this->info['phone']))$this->info['phone'] = '0';
- $shipper['Communication']['phone'] = $this->info['phone'];
- $shipper['Communication']['internet'] = $this->info['internet'];
- $shipper['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $this->info['contact_person'];
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['Shipper'] = $shipper;
- $receiver = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $customer_details['name1'];
- if($customer_details['name2'])$receiver['Company']['Company']['name2'] = $customer_details['name2'];
- if($customer_details['name2']!="")
- $tmp_name = explode(' ',$customer_details['name2'],2);
- else
- $tmp_name = explode(' ',$customer_details['name1'],2);
- if(isset($tmp_name[2]) && $tmp_name[2]){
- $receiver['Company']['Person'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['firstname'] = $tmp_name[0];
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['lastname'] = $tmp_name[1];
- }
- /*
- $receiver['Company'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Person'] = array();
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['firstname'] = $customer_details['first_name'];
- $receiver['Company']['Person']['lastname'] = $customer_details['last_name'];
- */
- $receiver['Address'] = array();
- $receiver['Address']['streetName'] = $customer_details['street_name'];
- $receiver['Address']['streetNumber'] = $customer_details['street_number'];
- if($api22)
- {
- $receiver['Address']['zip'] = $customer_details['zip'];
- }else{
- $receiver['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $receiver['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($customer_details['country'])] = $customer_details['zip'];
- }
- $receiver['Address']['city'] = $customer_details['city'];
- $receiver['Communication'] = array();
- if (preg_match("/^( [a-zA-Z0-9] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] )*@( [a-zA-Z0-9_-] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] +)+$/" , $customer_details['email'])) {
- $receiver['Communication']['email'] = $customer_details['email'];
- }
- if(empty($customer_details['phone']))$customer_details['phone'] = '0';
- $customer_details['phone'] = str_replace('+','00',trim($customer_details['phone']));
- $customer_details['phone'] = preg_replace('![^0-9]!', '', $customer_details['phone']);
- if(empty($customer_details['phone']))$customer_details['phone'] = '0';
- $receiver['Communication']['phone'] = $customer_details['phone'];
- if($customer_details['c/o']=="") $customer_details['c/o'] = $customer_details['name2'];
- if($customer_details['c/o']=="") $customer_details['c/o'] = $customer_details['name1'];
- $receiver['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $customer_details['c/o'];
- $receiver['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => $customer_details['country_code']);
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['Receiver'] = $receiver;
- if(isset($customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel']) && $customer_details['intraship_retourenlabel'] && isset($this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount']) && $this->einstellungen['intraship_retourenaccount'])
- {
- $ReturnReceiver = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company']['Company'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Company']['Company']['name1'] = $this->info['company_name'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['streetName'] = $this->info['street_name'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['streetNumber'] = $this->info['street_number'];
- if($api22)
- {
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['zip'] = $this->info['zip'];
- }else{
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Zip'] = array();
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Zip'][strtolower($this->info['country'])] = $this->info['zip'];
- }
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['city'] = $this->info['city'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Address']['Origin'] = array('countryISOCode' => $customer_details['country_code']);
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication'] = array();
- if (preg_match("/^( [a-zA-Z0-9] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] )*@( [a-zA-Z0-9_-] )+( [a-zA-Z0-9._-] +)+$/" , $this->info['email'])) {
- $shipper['Communication']['email'] = $this->info['email'];
- }
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['phone'] = $this->info['phone'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['internet'] = $this->info['internet'];
- $ReturnReceiver['Communication']['contactPerson'] = $this->info['contact_person'];
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ReturnReceiver'] = $ReturnReceiver;
- }
- if($api22)
- {
- //$export['invoiceType'] = "commercial";
- //$export['invoiceDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- $export['invoiceNumber'] = $customer_details['ordernumber'];
- $export['exportType'] = 0;
- $export['exportTypeDescription'] = $this->info['export_reason'];
- $export['commodityCode'] = "";
- $export['termsOfTrade'] = "DDP";
- $export['amount'] = (!empty($artikel)?count($artikel):0);
- //$export['Description'] = $this->info['export_reason'];
- //$export['CountryCodeOrigin'] = "DE";
- $export['additionalFee'] = "10";
- $export['customsValue'] = number_format($customer_details['amount'],2,".","");
- $export['customsCurrency'] = $customer_details['currency'];
- //$export['permitNumber'] = "";
- }else{
- $export['InvoiceType'] = "commercial";
- $export['InvoiceDate'] = date('Y-m-d');
- $export['InvoiceNumber'] = $customer_details['ordernumber'];
- $export['ExportType'] = 0;
- $export['ExportTypeDescription'] = $this->info['export_reason'];
- $export['CommodityCode'] = "";
- $export['TermsOfTrade'] = "DDP";
- $export['Amount'] = (!empty($artikel)?count($artikel):0);
- $export['Description'] = $this->info['export_reason'];
- $export['CountryCodeOrigin'] = "DE";
- $export['AdditionalFee'] = "10";
- $export['CustomsValue'] = number_format($customer_details['amount'],2,".","");
- $export['CustomsCurrency'] = $customer_details['currency'];
- $export['PermitNumber'] = "";
- }
- $p=0;
- for($i=0;$i<(!empty($artikel)?count($artikel):0);$i++)
- {
- if($p>4 && (($export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['CustomsValue'] + $artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount']) > 0)) {
- if($artikel[$i]['currency']=="") $artikel[$i]['currency']="EUR";
- if($api22)
- {
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['description'] = "Additional Positions";
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['countryCodeOrigin'] = $artikel[$i]['countrycode'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['commodityCode'] = $artikel[$i]['commodity_code'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['amount'] += $artikel[$i]['amount'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['netWeightInKG'] += $artikel[$i]['netweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['grossWeightInKG'] += $artikel[$i]['grossweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['customsValue'] += number_format($artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount'],2,".","");
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['customsCurrency'] = $artikel[$i]['currency'];
- }else{
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['Description'] = "Additional Positions";
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['CountryCodeOrigin'] = $artikel[$i]['countrycode'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['CommodityCode'] = $artikel[$i]['commodity_code'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['Amount'] += $artikel[$i]['amount'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['NetWeightInKG'] += $artikel[$i]['netweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['GrossWeightInKG'] += $artikel[$i]['grossweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['CustomsValue'] += number_format($artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount'],2,".","");
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][4]['CustomsCurrency'] = $artikel[$i]['currency'];
- }
- } else {
- if($artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount'] > 0)
- {
- if($artikel[$i]['currency']=="") $artikel[$i]['currency']="EUR";
- if($api22)
- {
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['description'] = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-.\ \]\[\)\(]/i",'',str_replace(array('ä','Ä','ö','Ö','ü','Ü','ß'),array('ae','Ae','oe','Oe','ue','Ue','ss'),$artikel[$i]['description']));
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['countryCodeOrigin'] = $artikel[$i]['countrycode'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['commodityCode'] = $artikel[$i]['commodity_code'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['amount'] = round($artikel[$i]['amount']);
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['netWeightInKG'] = $artikel[$i]['netweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['grossWeightInKG'] = $artikel[$i]['grossweightinkg'];
- }else{
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['Description'] = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-.\ \]\[\)\(]/i",'',str_replace(array('ä','Ä','ö','Ö','ü','Ü','ß'),array('ae','Ae','oe','Oe','ue','Ue','ss'),$artikel[$i]['description']));
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['CountryCodeOrigin'] = $artikel[$i]['countrycode'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['CommodityCode'] = $artikel[$i]['commodity_code'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['Amount'] = round($artikel[$i]['amount']);
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['NetWeightInKG'] = $artikel[$i]['netweightinkg'];
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['GrossWeightInKG'] = $artikel[$i]['grossweightinkg'];
- }
- if($artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount'] > 0)
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['CustomsValue'] = number_format($artikel[$i]['value']*$artikel[$i]['amount'],2,".","");
- $export['ExportDocPosition'][$p]['CustomsCurrency'] = $artikel[$i]['currency'];
- $p++;
- }
- }
- }
- $shipment['ShipmentOrder']['Shipment']['ExportDocument'] = $export;
- try {
- if($api22)
- {
- $response = $this->client->createShipmentOrder($shipment);
- }else{
- $response = $this->client->CreateShipmentDD($shipment);
- }
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- if(trim($exception->getMessage()) == 'Authorization Required')
- {
- $this->errors[] = 'Fehlerhafte Intraship Zugangsdaten';
- return false;
- }
- $this->errors[] = "Fehler von Intraship: ".$exception->getMessage();
- return;
- }
- file_put_contents("request.xml",$this->client->__getLastRequest());
- file_put_contents("response.xml",$this->client->__getLastResponse());
- if (is_soap_fault($response) || (isset($response->status) && $response->status->StatusCode != 0 || isset($response->Status) && $response->Status->statusCode != 0)) {
- $this->errors[] = "Fehlermeldung von DHL:";
- if (is_soap_fault($response)) {
- $this->errors[] = $response->faultstring;
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = isset($response->status)?$response->status->StatusMessage:$response->Status->statusMessage;
- }
- if($response->CreationState->StatusMessage)
- {
- foreach($response->CreationState->StatusMessage as $v)
- {
- $found = false;
- if($this->errors && is_array($this->errors))
- {
- foreach($this->errors as $err)
- {
- if($err == $v)$found = true;
- }
- }
- if(!$found)$this->errors[] = $v;
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- $r = array();
- $r['shipment_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->ShipmentNumber->shipmentNumber;
- $r['piece_number'] = (String) $response->CreationState->PieceInformation->PieceNumber->licensePlate;
- $r['label_url'] = (String) $response->CreationState->Labelurl;
- return $r;
- }
- }
- function GetExportDocDD($shippment_number, $api22 = false) {
- $this->buildClient();
- $shipment = array();
- // Version
- if($api22)
- {
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '2', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- }else{
- $shipment['Version'] = array('majorRelease' => '1', 'minorRelease' => '0');
- }
- // Order
- $shipment['ShipmentNumber'] = array('shipmentNumber'=>$shippment_number);
- //$shipment['DocType'] = 'PDF';
- $shipment['DocType'] = 'URL';
- // Fixme
- try {
- $response = $this->client->GetExportDocDD($shipment);
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- if(trim($exception->getMessage()) == 'Authorization Required')
- {
- $this->errors[] = 'Fehlerhafte Intraship Zugangsdaten';
- return false;
- }
- $this->errors[] = "Fehler von Intraship: ".$exception->getMessage();
- return false;
- }
- if (is_soap_fault($response) || (isset($response->status) && $response->status->StatusCode != 0 || isset($response->Status) && $response->Status->statusCode != 0)) {
- $this->errors[] = "Fehlermeldung von DHL:";
- if (is_soap_fault($response)) {
- $this->errors[] = $response->faultstring;
- } else {
- $this->errors[] = isset($response->status)?$response->status->StatusMessage:$response->Status->statusMessage;
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- $r = array();
- $r['export_pdf'] = (String) $response->ExportDocData->ExportDocPDFData;
- $r['export_url'] = (String) $response->ExportDocData->ExportDocURL;
- return $r;
- }
- }
- private function buildAuthHeader() {
- $head = $this->einstellungen;
- $auth_params = array(
- 'user' => $this->einstellungen['user'],
- 'signature' => $this->einstellungen['signature'],
- 'type' => 0
- );
- try{
- $erg = new SoapHeader('http://dhl.de/webservice/cisbase','Authentification', $auth_params);
- } catch(SoapFault $exception)
- {
- $erg = false;
- $this->errors[] = "Authentifizierungsfehler: ".$exception->getMessage();
- }
- return $erg;
- }
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/ShipService_v12.wsdl b/www/lib/versandarten/ShipService_v12.wsdl
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c2463a..00000000
--- a/www/lib/versandarten/ShipService_v12.wsdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6097 +0,0 @@
- Specifies additional labels to be produced. All required labels for shipments will be produced without the need to request additional labels. These are only available as thermal labels.
- The type of additional labels to return.
- The number of this type label to return
- Identifies the type of additional labels.
- Descriptive data for a physical location. May be used as an actual physical address (place to which one could go), or as a container of "address parts" which should be handled as a unit (such as a city-state-ZIP combination within the US).
- Combination of number, street name, etc. At least one line is required for a valid physical address; empty lines should not be included.
- Name of city, town, etc.
- Identifying abbreviation for US state, Canada province, etc. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.
- Identification of a region (usually small) for mail/package delivery. Format and presence of this field will vary, depending on country.
- Relevant only to addresses in Puerto Rico.
- The two-letter code used to identify a country.
- The fully spelt out name of a country.
- Indicates whether this address residential (as opposed to commercial).
- Specifies the tracking id for the payment on the return.
- Specifies additional customer reference data about the associated shipment.
- Specifies shipment level operational information.
- Specifies package level operational information on the associated shipment. This information is not tied to an individual outbound package.
- Specifies which filing option is being exercised by the customer.
- Required for non-document shipments originating in Canada destined for any country other than Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
- Identification of the type of barcode (symbology) used on FedEx documents and labels.
- Each instance of this data type represents a barcode whose content must be represented as binary data (i.e. not ASCII text).
- The kind of barcode data in this instance.
- The data content of this instance.
- Descriptive data sent to FedEx by a customer in order to Cancel a Pending shipment.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Identification of a FedEx operating company (transportation).
- The instructions indicating how to print the Certificate of Origin ( e.g. whether or not to include the instructions, image type, etc ...)
- Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
- Specifies the type of brokerage to be applied to a shipment.
- Descriptive data for the client submitting a transaction.
- The FedEx account number associated with this transaction.
- This number is assigned by FedEx and identifies the unique device from which the request is originating
- Only used in transactions which require identification of the Fed Ex Office integrator.
- The language to be used for human-readable Notification.localizedMessages in responses to the request containing this ClientDetail object. Different requests from the same client may contain different Localization data. (Contrast with TransactionDetail.localization, which governs data payload language/translation.)
- Select the type of rate from which the element is to be selected.
- Specifies the type of adjustment was performed to the COD collection amount during rating.
- Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon shipment delivery.
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx COD (Collect-On-Delivery) shipment.
- Specifies the details of the charges are to be added to the COD collect amount.
- Identifies the type of funds FedEx should collect upon package delivery
- For Express this is the descriptive data that is used for the recipient of the FedEx Letter containing the COD payment. For Ground this is the descriptive data for the party to receive the payment that prints the COD receipt.
- When the FedEx COD payment type is not CASH, indicates the contact and address of the financial institution used to service the payment of the COD.
- Specifies the name of person or company receiving the secured/unsecured funds payment
- Indicates which type of reference information to include on the COD return shipping label.
- Only used with multi-piece COD shipments sent in multiple transactions. Required on last transaction only.
- Specifies the information associated with a package that has COD special service in a ground shipment.
- The COD amount (after any accumulations) that must be collected upon delivery of a package shipped using the COD special service.
- Contains the data which form the Astra and 2DCommon barcodes that print on the COD return label.
- The label image or printer commands to print the label.
- Indicates which type of reference information to include on the COD return shipping label.
- CommercialInvoice element is required for electronic upload of CI data. It will serve to create/transmit an Electronic Commercial Invoice through the FedEx Systems. Customers are responsible for printing their own Commercial Invoice.If you would likeFedEx to generate a Commercial Invoice and transmit it to Customs. for clearance purposes, you need to specify that in the ShippingDocumentSpecification element. If you would like a copy of the Commercial Invoice that FedEx generated returned to you in reply it needs to be specified in the ETDDetail/RequestedDocumentCopies element. Commercial Invoice support consists of maximum of 99 commodity line items.
- Any comments that need to be communicated about this shipment.
- Any freight charges that are associated with this shipment.
- Any taxes or miscellaneous charges(other than Freight charges or Insurance charges) that are associated with this shipment.
- Specifies which kind of charge is being recorded in the preceding field.
- Any packing costs that are associated with this shipment.
- Any handling costs that are associated with this shipment.
- Free-form text.
- Free-form text.
- Free-form text.
- The reason for the shipment. Note: SOLD is not a valid purpose for a Proforma Invoice.
- Additional customer reference data.
- Name of the International Expert that completed the Commercial Invoice different from Sender.
- Required for dutiable international Express or Ground shipment. This field is not applicable to an international PIB(document) or a non-document which does not require a Commercial Invoice
- The instructions indicating how to print the Commercial Invoice( e.g. image type) Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Specifies the usage and identification of a customer supplied image to be used on this document.
- For international multiple piece shipments, commodity information must be passed in the Master and on each child transaction.
- If this shipment cotains more than four commodities line items, the four highest valued should be included in the first 4 occurances for this request.
- Name of this commodity.
- Total number of pieces of this commodity
- Complete and accurate description of this commodity.
- 450
- Country code where commodity contents were produced or manufactured in their final form.
- 2
- Unique alpha/numeric representing commodity item.
- At least one occurrence is required for US Export shipments if the Customs Value is greater than $2500 or if a valid US Export license is required.
- 14
- Total weight of this commodity. 1 explicit decimal position. Max length 11 including decimal.
- This field is used for enterprise transactions.
- Unit of measure used to express the quantity of this commodity line item.
- 3
- Contains only additional quantitative information other than weight and quantity to calculate duties and taxes.
- Value of each unit in Quantity. Six explicit decimal positions, Max length 18 including decimal.
- Total customs value for this line item.
- It should equal the commodity unit quantity times commodity unit value.
- Six explicit decimal positions, max length 18 including decimal.
- Defines additional characteristic of commodity used to calculate duties and taxes
- Applicable to US export shipping only.
- 12
- Date of expiration. Must be at least 1 day into future.
- The date that the Commerce Export License expires. Export License commodities may not be exported from the U.S. on an expired license.
- Applicable to US Export shipping only.
- Required only if commodity is shipped on commerce export license, and Export License Number is supplied.
- An identifying mark or number used on the packaging of a shipment to help customers identify a particular shipment.
- 15
- All data required for this commodity in NAFTA Certificate of Origin.
- Specifies the results of processing for the COD special service.
- The identifier for all clearance documents associated with this shipment.
- Completed package-level hazardous commodity information for a single package.
- A unique reference id that matches the package to a package configuration. This is populated if the client provided a package configuration for several packages that have the exact same dangerous goods content.
- When true indicates that the package can be transported only on a cargo aircraft.
- Specifies the maximum radiation level from the package (measured in microSieverts per hour at a distance of one meter from the external surface of the package, divided by 10).
- Specifies the label that is to be put on a package containing radioactive material. The label type is determined in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and indicates the type of radioactive material being handled as well as the relative risk.
- Documents the kinds and quantities of all hazardous commodities in the current package.
- Computed shipment level hazardous commodity information.
- Specifies the total number of packages containing hazardous commodities in small exceptions.
- Identifies the branded location name, the hold at location phone number and the address of the location.
- Identifies the type of FedEx location.
- The package sequence number of this package in a multiple piece shipment.
- The Tracking number and form id for this package.
- Used with request containing PACKAGE_GROUPS, to identify which group of identical packages was used to produce a reply item.
- Oversize class for this package.
- All package-level rating data for this package, which may include data for multiple rate types.
- The label image or printer commands to print the label.
- All package-level shipping documents (other than labels and barcodes). For use in loads after January, 2008.
- Specifies the information associated with this package that has COD special service in a ground shipment.
- Actual signature option applied, to allow for cases in which the original value conflicted with other service features in the shipment.
- Documents the kinds and quantities of all hazardous commodities in the current package, using updated hazardous commodity description data.
- Indicates whether or not this is a US Domestic shipment.
- Indicates the carrier that will be used to deliver this shipment.
- The master tracking number and form id of this multiple piece shipment. This information is to be provided for each subsequent of a multiple piece shipment.
- Description of the FedEx service used for this shipment. Currently not supported.
- 70
- Description of the packaging used for this shipment. Currently not supported.
- 40
- Only used with pending shipments.
- Only used in the reply to tag requests.
- Provides reply information specific to SmartPost shipments.
- Computed shipment level information about hazarous commodities.
- All shipment-level rating data for this shipment, which may include data for multiple rate types.
- Returns the default holding location information when HOLD_AT_LOCATION special service is requested and the client does not specify the hold location address.
- Returns any defaults or updates applied to RequestedShipment.exportDetail.exportComplianceStatement.
- All shipment-level shipping documents (other than labels and barcodes).
- Package level details about this package.
- Provides reply information specific to SmartPost shipments.
- Identifies the carrier that will pick up the SmartPost shipment.
- Indicates whether the shipment is deemed to be machineable, based on dimensions, weight, and packaging.
- Provides reply information specific to a tag request.
- .
- As of June 2007, returned only for FedEx Express services.
- As of June 2007, returned only for FedEx Express services.
- As of June 2007, returned only for FedEx Express services.
- As of June 2007, returned only for FedEx Express services.
- Defines additional data to print in the Configurable portion of the label, this allows you to print the same type information on the label that can also be printed on the doc tab.
- 1 of 12 possible zones to position data.
- The identifiying text for the data in this zone.
- A reference to a field in either the request or reply to print in this zone following the header.
- A literal value to print after the header in this zone.
- The descriptive data for a point-of-contact person.
- Client provided identifier corresponding to this contact information.
- Identifies the contact person's name.
- Identifies the contact person's title.
- Identifies the company this contact is associated with.
- Identifies the phone number associated with this contact.
- Identifies the phone extension associated with this contact.
- Identifies a toll free number, if any, associated with this contact.
- Identifies the pager number associated with this contact.
- Identifies the fax number associated with this contact.
- Identifies the email address associated with this contact.
- Content Record.
- Part Number.
- Item Number.
- Received Quantity.
- Description.
- Reply to the Close Request transaction. The Close Reply bring back the ASCII data buffer which will be used to print the Close Manifest. The Manifest is essential at the time of pickup.
- Identifies the highest severity encountered when executing the request; in order from high to low: FAILURE, ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, SUCCESS.
- The descriptive data detailing the status of a sumbitted transaction.
- Descriptive data that governs data payload language/translations. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- The reply payload. All of the returned information about this shipment/package.
- Create Pending Shipment Request
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- The descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- The descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Descriptive data about the shipment being sent by the requestor.
- Currency exchange rate information.
- The currency code for the original (converted FROM) currency.
- The currency code for the final (converted INTO) currency.
- Multiplier used to convert fromCurrency units to intoCurrency units.
- Indicates the type of custom delivery being requested.
- Time by which delivery is requested.
- Range of dates for custom delivery request; only used if type is BETWEEN.
- Date for custom delivery request; only used for types of ON, BETWEEN, or AFTER.
- Data required to produce a custom-specified document, either at shipment or package level.
- Common information controlling document production.
- Applicable only to documents produced on thermal printers with roll stock.
- Applicable only to documents produced on thermal printers with roll stock.
- Identifies the formatting specification used to construct this custom document.
- Identifies the individual document specified by the client.
- If provided, thermal documents will include specified doc tab content. If omitted, document will be produced without doc tab content.
- Constructed string, based on format and zero or more data fields, printed in specified barcode symbology.
- Width of thinnest bar/space element in the barcode.
- Solid (filled) rectangular area on label.
- Valid values for CustomLabelCoordinateUnits
- Image to be included from printer's memory, or from a local file for offline clients.
- Printer-specific index of graphic image to be printed.
- Fully-qualified path and file name for graphic image to be printed.
- Horizontal position, relative to left edge of custom area.
- Vertical position, relative to top edge of custom area.
- Constructed string, based on format and zero or more data fields, printed in specified printer font (for thermal labels) or generic font/size (for plain paper labels).
- Printer-specific font name for use with thermal printer labels.
- Generic font name for use with plain paper labels.
- Generic font size for use with plain paper labels.
- Reference information to be associated with this package.
- The reference type to be associated with this reference data.
- The types of references available for use.
- Allows customer-specified control of label content.
- If omitted, no doc tab will be produced (i.e. default is former NONE type).
- Defines any custom content to print on the label.
- Defines additional data to print in the Configurable portion of the label, this allows you to print the same type information on the label that can also be printed on the doc tab.
- Controls which data/sections will be suppressed.
- For customers producing their own Ground labels, this field specifies which secondary barcode will be printed on the label; so that the primary barcode produced by FedEx has the correct SCNC.
- Controls the number of additional copies of supplemental labels.
- This value reduces the default quantity of destination/consignee air waybill labels. A value of zero indicates no change to default. A minimum of one copy will always be produced.
- Interacts both with properties of the shipment and contractual relationship with the shipper.
- Specifies how the recipient is identified for customs purposes; the requirements on this information vary with destination country.
- Identifies responsibilities with respect to loss, damage, etc.
- Documents amount paid to third party for coverage of shipment content.
- Specifies additional description about customs options. This is a required field when the customs options type is "OTHER".
- Describes an approved container used to package dangerous goods commodities. This does not describe any individual inner receptacles that may be within this container.
- Indicates whether there are additional inner receptacles within this container.
- Indicates the type of this dangerous goods container, as specified by the IATA packing instructions. For example, steel cylinder, fiberboard box, plastic jerrican and steel drum.
- Indicates the packaging type of the container used to package the radioactive materials.
- Indicates the number of occurrences of this container with identical dangerous goods configuration.
- Documents the kinds and quantities of all hazardous commodities in the current container.
- The descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment containing dangerous goods (hazardous materials).
- Identifies whether or not the products being shipped are required to be accessible during delivery.
- Shipment is packaged/documented for movement ONLY on cargo aircraft.
- Indicates which kinds of hazardous content are in the current package.
- Indicates whether there is additional customer provided packaging enclosing the approved dangerous goods containers.
- Identifies the configuration of this dangerous goods package. The common configuration is represented at the shipment level.
- Indicates one or more containers used to pack dangerous goods commodities.
- Description of the packaging of this commodity, suitable for use on OP-900 and OP-950 forms.
- Name, title and place of the signatory for this shipment.
- Telephone number to use for contact in the event of an emergency.
- Offeror's name or contract number, per DOT regulation.
- Specifies the contact of the party responsible for handling the infectious substances, if any, in the dangerous goods shipment.
- Specifies additional handling information for the current package.
- Specifies the radioactivity detail for the current package, if the package contains radioactive materials.
- The instructions indicating how to print the 1421c form for dangerous goods shipment.
- Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
- Specifies that name, title and place of the signatory responsible for the dangerous goods shipment.
- Indicates the place where the form is signed.
- The beginning date in a date range.
- The end date in a date range.
- Valid values for DayofWeekType
- Descriptive data sent to FedEx by a customer in order to delete a package.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- The timestamp of the shipment request.
- Identifies the FedEx tracking number of the package being cancelled.
- Determines the type of deletion to be performed in relation to package level vs shipment level.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Only used for tags which had FedEx Express services.
- Only used for tags which had FedEx Express services.
- If the original ProcessTagRequest specified third-party payment, then the delete request must contain the same pay type and payor account number for security purposes.
- Also known as Pickup Confirmation Number or Dispatch Number
- Specifies the type of deletion to be performed on a shipment.
- Specifies the tracking id for the return, if preassigned.
- Data required to complete the Destionation Control Statement for US exports.
- List of applicable Statment types.
- Comma-separated list of up to four country codes, required for DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE statement.
- Name of end user, required for DEPARTMENT_OF_STATE statement.
- Used to indicate whether the Destination Control Statement is of type Department of Commerce, Department of State or both.
- The dimensions of this package and the unit type used for the measurements.
- The DocTabContentType options available.
- The DocTabContentType should be set to ZONE001 to specify additional Zone details.
- The DocTabContentType should be set to BARCODED to specify additional BarCoded details.
- Zone number can be between 1 and 12.
- Header value on this zone.
- Reference path to the element in the request/reply whose value should be printed on this zone.
- Free form-text to be printed in this zone.
- Justification for the text printed on this zone.
- Identifies the method by which the package is to be tendered to FedEx. This element does not dispatch a courier for package pickup.
- Describes specific information about the email label shipment.
- Notification email will be sent to this email address
- Message to be sent in the notification email
- Information describing email notifications that will be sent in relation to events that occur during package movement
- Specifies whether/how email notifications are grouped.
- A message that will be included in the email notifications
- Information describing the destination of the email, format of the email and events to be notified on
- The format of the email
- The descriptive data for a FedEx email notification recipient.
- Identifies the relationship this email recipient has to the shipment.
- The email address to send the notification to
- The types of email notifications being requested for this recipient.
- The format of the email notification.
- The language/locale to be used in this email notification.
- Identifies the set of valid email notification recipient types. For SHIPPER, RECIPIENT and BROKER the email address asssociated with their definitions will be used, any email address sent with the email notification for these three email notification recipient types will be ignored.
- Customer-declared value, with data type and legal values depending on excise condition, used in defining the taxable value of the item.
- Specifies the types of Estimated Duties and Taxes to be included in a rate quotation for an international shipment.
- Electronic Trade document references used with the ETD special service.
- Indicates the types of shipping documents produced for the shipper by FedEx (see ShippingDocumentSpecification) which should be copied back to the shipper in the shipment result data.
- Country specific details of an International shipment.
- Specifies which filing option is being exercised by the customer.
- Required for non-document shipments originating in Canada destined for any country other than Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
- General field for exporting-country-specific export data (e.g. B13A for CA, FTSR Exemption or AES Citation for US).
- This field is applicable only to Canada export non-document shipments of any value to any destination. No special characters allowed.
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- Department of Commerce/Department of State information about this shipment.
- Details specific to an Express freight shipment.
- Indicates whether or nor a packing list is enclosed.
- Total shipment pieces.
- e.g. 3 boxes and 3 pallets of 100 pieces each = Shippers Load and Count of 303.
- Applicable to International Priority Freight and International Economy Freight.
- Values must be in the range of 1 - 99999
- Required for International Freight shipping. Values must be 8- 12 characters in length.
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- Identifies a kind of FedEx facility.
- Data required to produce the Freight handling-unit-level address labels. Note that the number of UNIQUE labels (the N as in 1 of N, 2 of N, etc.) is determined by total handling units.
- Indicates the number of copies to be produced for each unique label.
- Specifies the quadrant of the page on which the label printing will start.
- If omitted, no doc tab will be produced (i.e. default = former NONE type).
- Individual charge which contributes to the total base charge for the shipment.
- Freight class for this line item.
- Effective freight class used for rating this line item.
- NMFC Code for commodity.
- Customer-provided description for this commodity or class line.
- Weight for this commodity or class line.
- Rate or factor applied to this line item.
- Identifies the manner in which the chargeRate for this line item was applied.
- The net or extended charge for this line item.
- Specifies the way in which base charges for a Freight shipment or shipment leg are calculated.
- These values represent the industry-standard freight classes used for FedEx Freight and FedEx National Freight shipment description. (Note: The alphabetic prefixes are required to distinguish these values from decimal numbers on some client platforms.)
- Date for all Freight guarantee types.
- Identifies responsibilities with respect to loss, damage, etc.
- Rate data specific to FedEx Freight or FedEx National Freight services.
- A unique identifier for a specific rate quotation.
- Specifies whether the rate quote was automated or manual.
- Specifies how total base charge is determined.
- Freight charges which accumulate to the total base charge for the shipment.
- Human-readable descriptions of additional information on this shipment rating.
- Additional non-monetary data returned with Freight rates.
- Unique identifier for notation.
- Human-readable explanation of notation.
- Specifies the type of rate quote
- Data applicable to shipments using FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY and FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY services.
- Account number used with FEDEX_FREIGHT service.
- Used for validating FedEx Freight account number and (optionally) identifying third party payment on the bill of lading.
- Used in connection with "Send Bill To" (SBT) identification of customer's account used for billing.
- Identification values to be printed during creation of a Freight bill of lading.
- Indicates the role of the party submitting the transaction.
- Designates the terms of the "collect" payment for a Freight Shipment.
- Identifies the declared value for the shipment
- Identifies the declared value units corresponding to the above defined declared value
- Identifiers for promotional discounts offered to customers.
- Total number of individual handling units in the entire shipment (for unit pricing).
- Estimated discount rate provided by client for unsecured rate quote.
- Total weight of pallets used in shipment.
- Overall shipment dimensions.
- Description for the shipment.
- Specifies which party will pay surcharges for any special services which support split billing.
- Must be populated if any line items contain hazardous materials.
- Details of the commodities in the shipment.
- Description of an individual commodity or class of content in a shipment.
- Freight class for this line item.
- FEDEX INTERNAL USE ONLY: for FedEx system that estimate freight class from customer-provided dimensions and weight.
- Number of individual handling units to which this line applies. (NOTE: Total of line-item-level handling units may not balance to shipment-level total handling units.)
- Specification of handling-unit packaging for this commodity or class line.
- Number of pieces for this commodity or class line.
- NMFC Code for commodity.
- Indicates the kind of hazardous material content in this line item.
- For printed reference per line item.
- Customer-provided description for this commodity or class line.
- Weight for this commodity or class line.
- FED EX INTERNAL USE ONLY - Individual line item dimensions.
- Volume (cubic measure) for this commodity or class line.
- Indicates the role of the party submitting the transaction.
- Specifies which party will be responsible for payment of any surcharges for Freight special services for which split billing is allowed.
- Identifies the special service.
- Indicates who will pay for the special service.
- Data required to produce a General Agency Agreement document. Remaining content (business data) to be defined once requirements have been completed.
- Represents features of FedEx Ground delivery for which the shipment is eligible.
- Documents the kind and quantity of an individual hazardous commodity in a package.
- Identifies and describes an individual hazardous commodity.
- Specifies the amount of the commodity in alternate units.
- Customer-provided specifications for handling individual commodities.
- Specifies the details of any radio active materials within the commodity.
- Identifies and describes an individual hazardous commodity.
- Regulatory identifier for a commodity (e.g. "UN ID" value).
- In conjunction with the regulatory identifier, this field uniquely identifies a specific hazardous materials commodity.
- Indicates any special processing options to be applied to the description of the dangerous goods commodity.
- Information related to quantity limitations and operator or state variations as may be applicable to the dangerous goods commodity.
- Specifies any special processing to be applied to the dangerous goods commodity description validation.
- Specifies how the commodity is to be labeled.
- Customer-provided specifications for handling individual commodities.
- Specifies how the customer wishes the label text to be handled for this commodity in this package.
- Text used in labeling the commodity under control of the labelTextOption field.
- Indicates which kind of hazardous content (as defined by DOT) is being reported.
- Identifies number and type of packaging units for hazardous commodities.
- Number of units of the type below.
- Units in which the hazardous commodity is packaged.
- Specifies documentation and limits for validation of an individual packing group/category.
- Coded specification for how commodity is to be packed.
- Identifies DOT packing group for a hazardous commodity.
- Identifies amount and units for quantity of hazardous commodities.
- Number of units of the type below.
- Units by which the hazardous commodity is measured. For IATA commodity, the units values are restricted based on regulation type.
- Specifies which measure of quantity is to be validated.
- Specifies the measure of quantity to be validated against a prescribed limit.
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment that is to be held at the destination FedEx location for pickup by the recipient.
- Contact phone number for recipient of shipment.
- Contact and address of FedEx facility at which shipment is to be held.
- Type of facility at which package/shipment is to be held.
- The descriptive data required by FedEx for home delivery services.
- The type of Home Delivery Premium service being requested.
- Required for Date Certain Home Delivery.
- Required for Date Certain and Appointment Home Delivery.
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- The type of Home Delivery Premium service being requested.
- The type of International shipment.
- Specifies the type of label to be returned.
- Names for data elements / areas which may be suppressed from printing on labels.
- This indicates if the top or bottom of the label comes out of the printer first.
- Relative to normal orientation for the printer.
- Description of shipping label to be returned in the reply
- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document.
- Specify type of label to be returned
- Specifies the image format used for a shipping document.
- For thermal printer lables this indicates the size of the label and the location of the doc tab if present.
- This indicates if the top or bottom of the label comes out of the printer first.
- If present, this contact and address information will replace the return address information on the label.
- Allows customer-specified control of label content.
- For thermal printer labels this indicates the size of the label and the location of the doc tab if present.
- Identifies the Liability Coverage Amount. For Jan 2010 this value represents coverage amount per pound
- Represents a one-dimensional measurement in small units (e.g. suitable for measuring a package or document), contrasted with Distance, which represents a large one-dimensional measurement (e.g. distance between cities).
- The numerical quantity of this measurement.
- The units for this measurement.
- CM = centimeters, IN = inches
- Identifies the representation of human-readable text.
- Two-letter code for language (e.g. EN, FR, etc.)
- Two-letter code for the region (e.g. us, ca, etc..).
- Identifies which type minimum charge was applied.
- The descriptive data for the medium of exchange for FedEx services.
- Identifies the currency of the monetary amount.
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- Identifies the monetary amount.
- Data required to produce a Certificate of Origin document. Remaining content (business data) to be defined once requirements have been completed.
- Indicates which Party (if any) from the shipment is to be used as the source of importer data on the NAFTA COO form.
- Contact information for "Authorized Signature" area of form.
- This element is currently not supported and is for the future use.
- Defined by NAFTA regulations.
- Defined by NAFTA regulations.
- Identification of which producer is associated with this commodity (if multiple producers are used in a single shipment).
- Date range over which RVC net cost was calculated.
- Net cost method used.
- See instructions for NAFTA Certificate of Origin for code definitions.
- This element is currently not supported and is for the future use.
- See instructions for NAFTA Certificate of Origin for code definitions.
- This element is currently not supported and is for the future use.
- The descriptive data regarding the result of the submitted transaction.
- The severity of this notification. This can indicate success or failure or some other information about the request. The values that can be returned are SUCCESS - Your transaction succeeded with no other applicable information. NOTE - Additional information that may be of interest to you about your transaction. WARNING - Additional information that you need to know about your transaction that you may need to take action on. ERROR - Information about an error that occurred while processing your transaction. FAILURE - FedEx was unable to process your transaction at this time due to a system failure. Please try again later
- Indicates the source of this notification. Combined with the Code it uniquely identifies this notification
- A code that represents this notification. Combined with the Source it uniquely identifies this notification.
- Human-readable text that explains this notification.
- The translated message. The language and locale specified in the ClientDetail. Localization are used to determine the representation. Currently only supported in a TrackReply.
- A collection of name/value pairs that provide specific data to help the client determine the nature of an error (or warning, etc.) witout having to parse the message string.
- Identifies the type of data contained in Value (e.g. SERVICE_TYPE, PACKAGE_SEQUENCE, etc..).
- The value of the parameter (e.g. PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT, 2, etc..).
- Identifies the set of severity values for a Notification.
- The instructions indicating how to print the OP-900 form for hazardous materials packages.
- Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Identifies which reference type (from the package's customer references) is to be used as the source for the reference on this OP-900.
- Specifies the usage and identification of customer supplied images to be used on this document.
- Data field to be used when a name is to be printed in the document instead of (or in addition to) a signature image.
- Position of operational instruction element.
- Content corresponding to the operational instruction.
- The oversize class types.
- Each instance of this data type represents the set of barcodes (of all types) which are associated with a specific package.
- Binary-style barcodes for this package.
- String-style barcodes for this package.
- Package-level data required for labeling and/or movement.
- Human-readable text for pre-January 2011 clients.
- Human-readable content for use on a label.
- The operational barcodes pertaining to the current package.
- The FedEx internal code that represents the service and/or features of service for the current package moving under a FedEx Ground service.
- Data for a package's rates, as calculated per a specific rate type.
- Type used for this specific set of rate data.
- Indicates which weight was used.
- The weight that was used to calculate the rate.
- The dimensional weight of this package (if greater than actual).
- The oversize weight of this package (if the package is oversize).
- The transportation charge only (prior to any discounts applied) for this package.
- The sum of all discounts on this package.
- This package's baseCharge - totalFreightDiscounts.
- The sum of all surcharges on this package.
- This package's netFreight + totalSurcharges (not including totalTaxes).
- The sum of all taxes on this package.
- This package's netFreight + totalSurcharges + totalTaxes.
- The total sum of all rebates applied to this package.
- All rate discounts that apply to this package.
- All rebates that apply to this package.
- All surcharges that apply to this package (either because of characteristics of the package itself, or because it is carrying per-shipment surcharges for the shipment of which it is a part).
- All taxes applicable (or distributed to) this package.
- The variable handling charges calculated based on the type variable handling charges requested.
- This class groups together for a single package all package-level rate data (across all rate types) as part of the response to a shipping request, which groups shipment-level data together and groups package-level data by package.
- This rate type identifies which entry in the following array is considered as presenting the "actual" rates for the package.
- The "list" net charge minus "actual" net charge.
- Each element of this field provides package-level rate data for a specific rate type.
- Identifies the collection of special service offered by FedEx. BROKER_SELECT_OPTION should be used for Ground shipments only.
- These special services are available at the package level for some or all service types. If the shipper is requesting a special service which requires additional data, the package special service type must be present in the specialServiceTypes collection, and the supporting detail must be provided in the appropriate sub-object below.
- The types of all special services requested for the enclosing shipment or package.
- For use with FedEx Ground services only; COD must be present in shipment's special services.
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment containing dangerous materials. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.DANGEROUS_GOODS or HAZARDOUS_MATERIAL is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment containing dry ice. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.DRY_ICE is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- The descriptive data required for FedEx signature services. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.SIGNATURE_OPTION is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- The descriptive data required for FedEx Priority Alert service. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.PRIORITY_ALERT is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- Identifies the collection of available FedEx or customer packaging options.
- The descriptive data for a person or company entitiy doing business with FedEx.
- Identifies the FedEx account number assigned to the customer.
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- Descriptive data identifying the point-of-contact person.
- The descriptive data for a physical location.
- The descriptive data for the monetary compensation given to FedEx for services rendered to the customer.
- Identifies the method of payment for a service. See PaymentType for list of valid enumerated values.
- Descriptive data identifying the party responsible for payment for a service.
- Identifies the method of payment for a service.
- The descriptive data identifying the party responsible for payment for a service.
- This information describes how and when a pending shipment may be accessed for completion.
- Only for pending shipment type of "EMAIL"
- Only for pending shipment type of "EMAIL"
- Only for pending shipment type of "EMAIL"
- This element is currently not supported and is for the future use.
- This information describes the kind of pending shipment being requested.
- Identifies the type of FedEx pending shipment
- Date after which the pending shipment will no longer be available for completion.
- Only used with type of EMAIL.
- Identifies the type of service for a pending shipment.
- This enumeration rationalizes the former FedEx Express international "admissibility package" types (based on ANSI X.12) and the FedEx Freight packaging types. The values represented are those common to both carriers.
- This class describes the pickup characteristics of a shipment (e.g. for use in a tag request).
- Identifies the type of Pickup request
- Identifies the type of source for Pickup request
- Identifies the type of source for pickup request service.
- Identifies the type of pickup request service.
- Identifies the type of pricing used for this shipment.
- Represents a reference identifier printed on Freight bills of lading
- Identifies a particular reference identifier printed on a Freight bill of lading.
- This indicates the highest level of severity of all the notifications returned in this reply
- The descriptive data regarding the results of the submitted transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- The reply payload. All of the returned information about this shipment/package.
- Empty unless error label behavior is PACKAGE_ERROR_LABELS and one or more errors occured during transaction processing.
- Descriptive data sent to FedEx by a customer in order to ship a package.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Descriptive data about the shipment being sent by the requestor.
- Descriptive data sent to FedEx by a customer in order to ship a package.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Descriptive data about the shipment being sent by the requestor.
- Test for the Commercial Invoice. Note that Sold is not a valid Purpose for a Proforma Invoice.
- Indicates the packaging type of the container used to package radioactive hazardous materials.
- Indicates whether packaging type "EXCEPTED" or "EXCEPTED_PACKAGE" is for radioactive material in reportable quantity.
- Indicates the reason that a dim divisor value was chose.
- Identifies a discount applied to the shipment.
- Identifies the type of discount applied to the shipment.
- The amount of the discount applied to the shipment.
- The percentage of the discount applied to the shipment.
- The type of the discount.
- Selects the value from a set of rate data to which the percentage is applied.
- Identifies the type(s) of rates to be returned in the reply.
- Select the type of rate from which the element is to be selected.
- The weight method used to calculate the rate.
- Specifies how the recipient is identified for customs purposes; the requirements on this information vary with destination country.
- Specifies the kind of identification being used.
- Contains the actual ID value, of the type specified above.
- Type of Brazilian taxpayer identifier provided in Recipient/TaxPayerIdentification/Number. For shipments bound for Brazil this overrides the value in Recipient/TaxPayerIdentification/TinType
- FOOD_OR_PERISHABLE is required by FDA/BTA; must be true for food/perishable items coming to US or PR from non-US/non-PR origin
- This class rationalizes RequestedPackage and RequestedPackageSummary from previous interfaces.
- Used only with INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGE, as a unique identifier of each requested package.
- Used only with PACKAGE_GROUPS, as a unique identifier of each group of identical packages.
- Used only with PACKAGE_GROUPS, as a count of packages within a group of identical packages.
- Only used for INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGES and PACKAGE_GROUPS. Ignored for PACKAGE_SUMMARY, in which case totalInsuredValue and packageCount on the shipment will be used to determine this value.
- Only used for INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGES and PACKAGE_GROUPS. Ignored for PACKAGE_SUMMARY, in which case total weight and packageCount on the shipment will be used to determine this value.
- Provides additional detail on how the customer has physically packaged this item. As of June 2009, required for packages moving under international and SmartPost services.
- Human-readable text describing the package.
- The descriptive data for the shipment being tendered to FedEx.
- Identifies the date and time the package is tendered to FedEx. Both the date and time portions of the string are expected to be used. The date should not be a past date or a date more than 10 days in the future. The time is the local time of the shipment based on the shipper's time zone. The date component must be in the format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2006-06-26). The time component must be in the format: HH:MM:SS using a 24 hour clock (e.g. 11:00 a.m. is 11:00:00, whereas 5:00 p.m. is 17:00:00). The date and time parts are separated by the letter T (e.g. 2006-06-26T17:00:00). There is also a UTC offset component indicating the number of hours/mainutes from UTC (e.g 2006-06-26T17:00:00-0400 is defined form June 26, 2006 5:00 pm Eastern Time).
- Identifies the method by which the package is to be tendered to FedEx. This element does not dispatch a courier for package pickup. See DropoffType for list of valid enumerated values.
- Identifies the FedEx service to use in shipping the package. See ServiceType for list of valid enumerated values.
- Identifies the packaging used by the requestor for the package. See PackagingType for list of valid enumerated values.
- Identifies the total weight of the shipment being conveyed to FedEx.This is only applicable to International shipments and should only be used on the first package of a mutiple piece shipment.This value contains 1 explicit decimal position
- Total insured amount.
- This attribute indicates the currency the caller requests to have used in all returned monetary values (when a choice is possible).
- Descriptive data identifying the party responsible for shipping the package. Shipper and Origin should have the same address.
- Descriptive data identifying the party receiving the package.
- A unique identifier for a recipient location
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- Physical starting address for the shipment, if different from shipper's address.
- Descriptive data indicating the method and means of payment to FedEx for providing shipping services.
- Descriptive data regarding special services requested by the shipper for this shipment. If the shipper is requesting a special service which requires additional data (e.g. COD), the special service type must be present in the specialServiceTypes collection, and the supporting detail must be provided in the appropriate sub-object. For example, to request COD, "COD" must be included in the SpecialServiceTypes collection and the CodDetail object must contain the required data.
- Details specific to an Express freight shipment.
- Data applicable to shipments using FEDEX_FREIGHT_ECONOMY and FEDEX_FREIGHT_PRIORITY services.
- Used with Ground Home Delivery and Freight.
- Details about how to calculate variable handling charges at the shipment level.
- Customs clearance data, used for both international and intra-country shipping.
- For use in "process tag" transaction.
- Specifies the characteristics of a shipment pertaining to SmartPost services.
- If true, only the shipper/payor will have visibility of this shipment.
- Details about the image format and printer type the label is to returned in.
- Contains data used to create additional (non-label) shipping documents.
- Specifies whether and what kind of rates the customer wishes to have quoted on this shipment. The reply will also be constrained by other data on the shipment and customer.
- Specifies whether the customer wishes to have Estimated Duties and Taxes provided with the rate quotation on this shipment. Only applies with shipments moving under international services.
- Only used with multiple-transaction shipments, to identify the master package in a multi-piece shipment.
- The total number of packages in the entire shipment (even when the shipment spans multiple transactions.)
- Specifies data structures that may be re-used multiple times with s single shipment.
- One or more package-attribute descriptions, each of which describes an individual package, a group of identical packages, or (for the total-piece-total-weight case) common characteristics all packages in the shipment.
- Specifies the tracking number of the master associated with the return shipment.
- These values are used to control the availability of certain special services at the time when a customer uses the e-mail label link to create a return shipment.
- Return Email Details
- Phone number of the merchant
- Identifies the allowed (merchant-authorized) special services which may be selected when the subsequent shipment is created. Only services represented in EMailLabelAllowedSpecialServiceType will be controlled by this list.
- The instructions indicating how to print the return instructions( e.g. image type) Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Specifies additional customer provided text to be inserted into the return document.
- Information relating to a return shipment.
- The type of return shipment that is being requested.
- Return Merchant Authorization
- Describes specific information about the email label for return shipment.
- The type of return shipment that is being requested.
- The "PAYOR..." rates are expressed in the currency identified in the payor's rate table(s). The "RATED..." rates are expressed in the currency of the origin country. Former "...COUNTER..." values have become "...RETAIL..." values, except for PAYOR_COUNTER and RATED_COUNTER, which have been removed.
- Shipping document type.
- June 2011 ITG 121203 IR-RMA number has been removed from this structure and added as a new customer reference type. The structure remains because of the reason field below.
- The reason for the return.
- 60
- Identifies the collection of available FedEx service options.
- Specifies data structures that may be re-used multiple times with s single shipment.
- Specifies the data that is common to dangerous goods packages in the shipment. This is populated when the shipment contains packages with identical dangerous goods commodities.
- Shipment-level totals of dry ice data across all packages.
- Total number of packages in the shipment that contain dry ice.
- Total shipment dry ice weight for all packages.
- Data for a single leg of a shipment's total/summary rates, as calculated per a specific rate type.
- Human-readable text describing the shipment leg.
- Origin for this leg.
- Specifies the location id the origin of shipment leg.
- Destination for this leg.
- Specifies the location id the destination of shipment leg.
- Type used for this specific set of rate data.
- Indicates the rate scale used.
- Indicates the rate zone used (based on origin and destination).
- Indicates which weight was used.
- Specifies the currency exchange performed on financial amounts for this rate.
- Indicates which special rating cases applied to this shipment.
- Identifies the type of dim divisor that was applied.
- Sum of dimensional weights for all packages.
- This shipment's totalNetFreight + totalSurcharges (not including totalTaxes).
- Total of the transportation-based taxes.
- Total of all values under this shipment's dutiesAndTaxes; only provided if estimated duties and taxes were calculated for this shipment.
- This shipment's totalNetCharge + totalDutiesAndTaxes; only provided if estimated duties and taxes were calculated for this shipment AND duties, taxes and transportation charges are all paid by the same sender's account.
- Rate data specific to FedEx Freight and FedEx National Freight services.
- All rate discounts that apply to this shipment.
- All rebates that apply to this shipment.
- All surcharges that apply to this shipment.
- All transportation-based taxes applicable to this shipment.
- All commodity-based duties and taxes applicable to this shipment.
- The "order level" variable handling charges.
- The total of all variable handling charges at both shipment (order) and package level.
- This is the state of the destination location ID, and is not necessarily the same as the postal state.
- Expected/estimated date of delivery.
- Expected/estimated day of week of delivery.
- Delivery time, as published in Service Guide.
- Committed date of delivery.
- Committed day of week of delivery.
- Standard transit time per origin, destination, and service.
- Maximum expected transit time
- Transit time based on customer eligibility.
- Indicates that this shipment is not eligible for money back guarantee.
- FedEx Ground delivery features for which this shipment may be eligible.
- Text describing planned delivery.
- Data for a shipment's total/summary rates, as calculated per a specific rate type. The "total..." fields may differ from the sum of corresponding package data for Multiweight or Express MPS.
- Type used for this specific set of rate data.
- Indicates the rate scale used.
- Indicates the rate zone used (based on origin and destination).
- Identifies the type of pricing used for this shipment.
- Indicates which weight was used.
- Specifies the currency exchange performed on financial amounts for this rate.
- Indicates which special rating cases applied to this shipment.
- The value used to calculate the weight based on the dimensions.
- Identifies the type of dim divisor that was applied.
- Specifies a fuel surcharge percentage.
- The weight used to calculate these rates.
- Sum of dimensional weights for all packages.
- The total freight charge that was calculated for this package before surcharges, discounts and taxes.
- The total discounts used in the rate calculation.
- The freight charge minus discounts.
- The total amount of all surcharges applied to this shipment.
- This shipment's totalNetFreight + totalSurcharges (not including totalTaxes).
- Total of the transportation-based taxes.
- The net charge after applying all discounts and surcharges.
- The total sum of all rebates applied to this shipment.
- Total of all values under this shipment's dutiesAndTaxes; only provided if estimated duties and taxes were calculated for this shipment.
- This shipment's totalNetCharge + totalDutiesAndTaxes; only provided if estimated duties and taxes were calculated for this shipment AND duties, taxes and transportation charges are all paid by the same sender's account.
- Identifies the Rate Details per each leg in a Freight Shipment
- Rate data specific to FedEx Freight and FedEx National Freight services.
- All rate discounts that apply to this shipment.
- All rebates that apply to this shipment.
- All surcharges that apply to this shipment.
- All transportation-based taxes applicable to this shipment.
- All commodity-based duties and taxes applicable to this shipment.
- The "order level" variable handling charges.
- The total of all variable handling charges at both shipment (order) and package level.
- This class groups together all shipment-level rate data (across all rate types) as part of the response to a shipping request, which groups shipment-level data together and groups package-level data by package.
- This rate type identifies which entry in the following array is considered as presenting the "actual" rates for the shipment.
- The "list" total net charge minus "actual" total net charge.
- Each element of this field provides shipment-level rate totals for a specific rate type.
- This indicates the highest level of severity of all the notifications returned in this reply
- The descriptive data regarding the results of the submitted transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Identifies the collection of special service offered by FedEx. BROKER_SELECT_OPTION should be used for Express shipments only.
- These special services are available at the shipment level for some or all service types. If the shipper is requesting a special service which requires additional data (such as the COD amount), the shipment special service type must be present in the specialServiceTypes collection, and the supporting detail must be provided in the appropriate sub-object below.
- The types of all special services requested for the enclosing shipment (or other shipment-level transaction).
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx COD (Collect-On-Delivery) shipment. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.COD is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- Descriptive data required for a FedEx shipment that is to be held at the destination FedEx location for pickup by the recipient. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.HOLD_AT_LOCATION is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- Descriptive data required for FedEx to provide email notification to the customer regarding the shipment. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.EMAIL_NOTIFICATION is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection.
- The descriptive data required for FedEx Printed Return Label. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.PRINTED_RETURN_LABEL is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection
- This field should be populated for pending shipments (e.g. e-mail label) It is required by a PENDING_SHIPMENT special service type.
- Number of packages in this shipment which contain dry ice and the total weight of the dry ice for this shipment.
- The descriptive data required for FedEx Home Delivery options. This element is required when SpecialServiceType.HOME_DELIVERY_PREMIUM is present in the SpecialServiceTypes collection
- Electronic Trade document references.
- Specification for date or range of dates on which delivery is to be attempted.
- All package-level shipping documents (other than labels and barcodes).
- Shipping Document Type
- Specifies how this document image/file is organized.
- The name under which a STORED or DEFERRED document is written.
- Specifies the image type of this shipping document.
- Specifies the image resolution in DPI (dots per inch).
- Can be zero for documents whose disposition implies that no content is included.
- One or more document parts which make up a single logical document, such as multiple pages of a single form.
- Each occurrence of this class specifies a particular way in which a kind of shipping document is to be produced and provided.
- Values in this field specify how to create and return the document.
- Specifies how to organize all documents of this type.
- Specifies how to e-mail document images.
- Specifies how a queued document is to be printed.
- Specifies how to return a shipping document to the caller.
- Specifies how to e-mail shipping documents.
- Provides the roles and email addresses for e-mail recipients.
- Identifies the convention by which documents are to be grouped as e-mail attachments.
- Specifies an individual recipient of e-mailed shipping document(s).
- Identifies the relationship of this recipient in the shipment.
- Address to which the document is to be sent.
- Specifies characteristics of a shipping document to be produced.
- Specifies how to create, organize, and return the document.
- Specifies how far down the page to move the beginning of the image; allows for printing on letterhead and other pre-printed stock.
- For those shipping document types which have both a "form" and "instructions" component (e.g. NAFTA Certificate of Origin and General Agency Agreement), this field indicates whether to provide the instructions.
- Governs the language to be used for this individual document, independently from other content returned for the same shipment.
- Identifies the individual document specified by the client.
- Specifies how to organize all shipping documents of the same type.
- Specifies the image format used for a shipping document.
- A single part of a shipping document, such as one page of a multiple-page document whose format requires a separate image per page.
- The one-origin position of this part within a document.
- Graphic or printer commands for this image within a document.
- Specifies printing options for a shipping document.
- Provides environment-specific printer identification.
- Contains all data required for additional (non-label) shipping documents to be produced in conjunction with a specific shipment.
- Indicates the types of shipping documents requested by the shipper.
- Specifies the production of each package-level custom document (the same specification is used for all packages).
- Specifies the production of a shipment-level custom document.
- This element is currently not supported and is for the future use. (Details pertaining to the GAA.)
- Specifies the production of the OP-900 document for hazardous materials packages.
- Specifies the production of the 1421c document for dangerous goods shipment.
- Specifies the production of the OP-900 document for hazardous materials.
- Specifies the production of the return instructions document.
- Specifies the type of paper (stock) on which a document will be printed.
- The descriptive data required for FedEx delivery signature services.
- Identifies the delivery signature services option selected by the customer for this shipment. See OptionType for the list of valid values.
- Identifies the delivery signature release authorization number.
- 10
- Identifies the delivery signature services options offered by FedEx.
- These values are mutually exclusive; at most one of them can be attached to a SmartPost shipment.
- Data required for shipments handled under the SMART_POST and GROUND_SMART_POST service types.
- The CustomerManifestId is used to group Smart Post packages onto a manifest for each trailer that is being prepared. If you do not have multiple trailers this field can be omitted. If you have multiple trailers, you
- must assign the same Manifest Id to each SmartPost package as determined by its trailer. In other words, all packages on a trailer must have the same Customer Manifest Id. The manifest Id must be unique to your account number for a minimum of 6 months
- and cannot exceed 8 characters in length. We recommend you use the day of year + the trailer id (this could simply be a sequential number for that trailer). So if you had 3 trailers that you started loading on Feb 10
- the 3 manifest ids would be 041001, 041002, 041003 (in this case we used leading zeros on the trailer numbers).
- Special circumstance rating used for this shipment.
- Each instance of this data type represents a barcode whose content must be represented as ASCII text (i.e. not binary data).
- The kind of barcode data in this instance.
- The data content of this instance.
- Identifies each surcharge applied to the shipment.
- The type of surcharge applied to the shipment.
- The amount of the surcharge applied to the shipment.
- The type of the surcharge.
- Identifies each tax applied to the shipment.
- The type of tax applied to the shipment.
- The amount of the tax applied to the shipment.
- The type of the tax.
- Specifice the kind of tax or miscellaneous charge being reported on a Commercial Invoice.
- The descriptive data for taxpayer identification information.
- Identifies the category of the taxpayer identification number. See TinType for the list of values.
- Identifies the taxpayer identification number.
- 15
- Identifies the usage of Tax Identification Number in Shipment processing
- Required for dutiable international express or ground shipment. This field is not applicable to an international PIB (document) or a non-document which does not require a commercial invoice express shipment.
- CFR_OR_CPT (Cost and Freight/Carriage Paid TO)
- CIF_OR_CIP (Cost Insurance and Freight/Carraige Insurance Paid)
- DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
- DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)
- EXW (Ex Works)
- FOB_OR_FCA (Free On Board/Free Carrier)
- Identifies the category of the taxpayer identification number.
- For use with SmartPost tracking IDs only
- TrackingIdType
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Free form text to be echoed back in the reply. Used to match requests and replies.
- Governs data payload language/translations (contrasted with ClientDetail.localization, which governs Notification.localizedMessage language selection).
- Identifies the set of valid shipment transit time values.
- Descriptive data sent to FedEx by a customer in order to validate a shipment.
- Descriptive data to be used in authentication of the sender's identity (and right to use FedEx web services).
- Descriptive data identifying the client submitting the transaction.
- Descriptive data for this customer transaction. The TransactionDetail from the request is echoed back to the caller in the corresponding reply.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Descriptive data about the shipment being sent by the requestor.
- Documents the kind and quantity of an individual hazardous commodity in a package.
- Identifies and describes an individual hazardous commodity.
- Specifies the amount of the commodity in alternate units.
- Customer-provided specifications for handling individual commodities.
- Identifies and describes an individual hazardous commodity. For 201001 load, this is based on data from the FedEx Ground Hazardous Materials Shipping Guide.
- Regulatory identifier for a commodity (e.g. "UN ID" value).
- In conjunction with the regulatory identifier, this field uniquely identifies a specific hazardous materials commodity.
- Fully-expanded descriptive text for a hazardous commodity.
- Coded indications for special requirements or constraints.
- Specifies the concept of a container used to package dangerous goods commodities.
- Indicates that the quantity of the dangerous goods packaged is permissible for shipping. This is used to ensure that the dangerous goods commodities do not exceed the net quantity per package restrictions.
- Documents the kinds and quantities of all hazardous commodities in the current package.
- This definition of variable handling charge detail is intended for use in Jan 2011 corp load.
- Used with Variable handling charge type of FIXED_VALUE.
- Contains the amount to be added to the freight charge.
- Contains 2 explicit decimal positions with a total max length of 10 including the decimal.
- Actual percentage (10 means 10%, which is a mutiplier of 0.1)
- Select the value from a set of rate data to which the percentage is applied.
- Select the type of rate from which the element is to be selected.
- The variable handling charges calculated based on the type variable handling charges requested.
- The variable handling charge amount calculated based on the requested variable handling charge detail.
- The calculated varibale handling charge plus the net charge.
- Three-dimensional volume/cubic measurement.
- Units of three-dimensional volume/cubic measure.
- The descriptive data for the heaviness of an object.
- Identifies the unit of measure associated with a weight value.
- Identifies the weight value of a package/shipment.
- Identifies the unit of measure associated with a weight value. See the list of enumerated types for valid values.
- Used in authentication of the sender's identity.
- Credential used to authenticate a specific software application. This value is provided by FedEx after registration.
- Two part authentication string used for the sender's identity
- Identifying part of authentication credential. This value is provided by FedEx after registration
- Secret part of authentication key. This value is provided by FedEx after registration.
- Identifies the version/level of a service operation expected by a caller (in each request) and performed by the callee (in each reply).
- Identifies a system or sub-system which performs an operation.
- Identifies the service business level.
- Identifies the service interface level.
- Identifies the service code level.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/content/createshipment.tpl b/www/lib/versandarten/content/createshipment.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ece01dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/lib/versandarten/content/createshipment.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/content/versandarten_dhlversenden.tpl b/www/lib/versandarten/content/versandarten_dhlversenden.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index a0b10c35..00000000
--- a/www/lib/versandarten/content/versandarten_dhlversenden.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
- return false;
- }
- // lieferschein, retoure & versand contain all an 'adresse' field.
- $document = $this->getDocumentByID($doctyp, $id);
- if (!array_key_exists('adresse', $document)) {
- throw new MissingArgumentException(sprintf(
- 'Missed field for adresse in %s.', $doctyp
- ));
- }
- $lieferscheinID = $id;
- if (array_key_exists('lieferscheinid', $document)) {
- $lieferscheinID = $document['lieferscheinid'];
- }
- $address = $this->loadAddress($document['adresse']);
- $items = $this->loadDeliveryPositions($id, $doctyp);
- $auftragnummer = $this->getAuftragNummer($lieferscheinID);
- $projektabkuerzung = $this->getProjectShortName($lieferscheinID);
- // Source: ups.php
- $ihrebestellnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ihrebestellnummer FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
- $lieferscheinnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
- $internet = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM lieferschein l LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON a.id=l.auftragid WHERE l.id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
- $replacer = new ParcelOneReplacer([
- 'IHREBESTELLNUMMER' => $ihrebestellnummer,
- 'LIEFERSCHEIN' => $lieferscheinnummer,
- 'PROJEKT' => $projektabkuerzung,
- 'AUFTRAG' => $auftragnummer,
- 'INTERNET' => $internet
- ]);
- /*
- * ShipTo Reference provided by client, string, max length 20
- */
- $clientsReference = $this->einstellungen['ref2'];
- $clientsReference = $replacer->handle((string) $clientsReference);
- $clientsReference = substr($clientsReference, 0, 20);
- /*
- * Private Address = 1, B2B = 0
- */
- $private = $address['firma'] !== '1' ? 1 : 0;
- /*
- * ReturnShipmentIndicator: required -
- * 0 = Forward Shipment,
- * all values > 0 = Return Shipment.
- *
- * For UPS the following are available:
- * 2-Print and Mail Return Label by UPS;
- * 3-Return Service 1-Attempt;
- * 5-Return Service 3-Attempt;
- * 8-Electronic Return Label by URL;
- * 9-Print Return Label.
- *
- * For DHL and Parcel One so far not available.
- *
- * We only support Parcel One, so:
- * 0 -> forward,
- * 1 -> return
- */
- $returnShipment = (int)$doctyp === 'retoure';
- /*
- * Parcel ID assigned at Shipping.
- * will be reassigned at successfully shipping.
- */
- $packageID = '';
- /*
- * Shipment Reference field provided by client for identification, string, max length 20.
- */
- $shipmentRef = $this->einstellungen['ref1']; // $packageData['shipment_reference'];
- $shipmentRef = $replacer->handle((string) $shipmentRef);
- $shipmentRef = substr($shipmentRef, 0, 20);
- /*
- * Certificate No to print on CN23.
- */
- $certificateNo = '';
- /*
- * optional - Invoice No to print on CN23. max. length: 20
- * $lieferschein['belegnummer'] // 'ihrebestellnummer'
- */
- $invoiceNo = '';
- /*
- * optional item category
- * possible values:
- * - 1: Gift
- * - 2: Documents
- * - 3: Commercial Sample
- * - 4: Returned Goods
- * - 5: Other
- */
- $itemCategory = $returnShipment ? 4 : 5;
- $weight = $this->getWeight($packageData);
- if (!$weight) {
- foreach ($items as $item) {
- $weight += (float) $item['NetWeight'];
- }
- }
- $weight = number_format($weight, 3);
- $product = $this->einstellungen['product'];
- $international = $this->getInternationalDocumentType($adressdaten['land']);
- $destinationCountry = $adressdaten['land'];
- $originCountry = $this->einstellungen['country'];
- $printInternationalDocuments = 0;
- if($destinationCountry != $originCountry){
- $printInternationalDocuments = (int)(!$this->app->erp->IsEU($destinationCountry));
- }
- $shipment = [
- 'ProductID' => $product,
- 'ShipmentRef' => $shipmentRef,
- 'ReturnShipmentIndicator' => $returnShipment,
- 'ShipToData' => [
- 'Name1' => $adressdaten['name'],
- 'Name2' => $adressdaten['name2'],
- 'Name3' => $adressdaten['name3'],
- /*
- * PrivateAddressIndicator: optional/required
- * - 1 Private Address,
- * - 0 B2B-Address.
- */
- 'PrivateAddressIndicator' => $private,
- 'ShipmentAddress' => [
- 'City' => $adressdaten['ort'],
- 'PostalCode' => $adressdaten['plz'],
- 'Street' => $adressdaten['street'],
- 'Streetno' => $adressdaten['street_no'],
- 'Country' => $adressdaten['land'],
-// 'State' => '',
-// 'District' => '',
- ],
- 'Reference' => $clientsReference,
- ],
- 'Packages' => [
- [
- 'PackageWeight' => [
- 'Value' => $weight,
- ],
- 'PackageID' => $packageID,
- 'IntDocData' => [
- 'ContentsDesc' => $items,
- 'ShipToRef' => $shipmentRef,
- 'ItemCategory' => $itemCategory,
- 'InvoiceNo' => (string)$invoiceNo,
- 'Invoice' => (int)(bool)$invoiceNo,
- 'PrintInternationalDocuments' => (int) ! empty($international),
- 'Explanation' => $clientsReference,
- 'ConsignerCustomsID' => '',
- 'CertificateNo' => (string)$certificateNo,
- 'Certificate' => (int)(bool)$certificateNo,
- 'TotalWeightkg' => $weight, // $weight, // '34.000', // "34.000",
- // 'Postage' => '2.45', // "2.45", // optional - Postage Amount // Porto
- 'InternationalDocumentFormat' => [
- 'Type' => 'PDF',
- 'Size' => $international,
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ],
- ];
- $service = $packageData['service'];
- if (!empty($service) && is_array($service)) {
- $services = [];
- foreach ($service as $serviceID) {
-// Parameter Services - Array of ShipmentService:
-// Parameters: optional - so far not in use, for future use.
-// ServiceID: required - Service ID, e.g. NN for COD, WERT for insurance, SA for Saturday Delivery, etc.
-// Value: optional - Currency and Value specification, e.g. for Insurance or COD. Exception for DHL-BulkyGoods: Amount determines kind of bulkgoods: 0=Lang, 1=L, 2=XL, 3=XXL, default=XXL
- $services[] = ['ServiceID' => $serviceID];
- }
- $shipment['Services'] = $services;
- }
- $request = ParcelOneRequest::getInstance($this->einstellungen);
- $response = $request->registerShipments($shipment);
- if (!array_key_exists('ActionResult', $response)) {
- throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('ActionResult');
- }
- $number = $this->extractActionResultID($response);
- if ($this->einstellungen['autotracking'] === '1') {
- $lieferscheinID = $id;
- if (array_key_exists('lieferschein', $document)) {
- $lieferscheinID = $document['lieferschein'];
- }
- $versandID = $doctyp === 'versand' ? $id : 0;
- $this->SetTracking($number, $versandID, $lieferscheinID);
- unset($versandID, $lieferscheinID);
- }
- if (!$packageData['drucken'] && !$packageData['tracking_again']) {
- return [];
- }
- /*
- * Let's print the two documents.
- */
- if (array_key_exists('LabelsAvailable', $response) && $response['LabelsAvailable'] === 1) {
- $label = 'Label_' . $number . '.pdf';
- $content = $response['PackageResults']['ShipmentPackageResult']['Label'];
- $content = base64_decode($content, true);
- $this->printFile($label, $content, $versandId);
- unset($label, $content);
- }
- if (array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsNeeded', $response) &&
- array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsResults', $response) &&
- array_key_exists('InternationalDocumentsAvailable', $response) &&
- is_array($response['InternationalDocumentsResults']) &&
- !empty($response['InternationalDocumentsResults']) &&
- $response['InternationalDocumentsNeeded'] === 1 &&
- $response['InternationalDocumentsAvailable'] === 1 && !empty($response['InternationalDocumentsResults'])) {
- $internationalFile = $international . '_' . $number . '.pdf';
- $content = $response['InternationalDocumentsResults']['ShipmentDocumentsResult']['Document'];
- $content = base64_decode($content, true);
- $this->printFile($internationalFile, $content, $versandId);
- }
- return [];
- }
- /**
- * Get the custom documents format.
- *
- * @param string $country like 'DE'
- *
- * @return string of '', 'CN22' or 'CN23';
- */
- protected function getInternationalDocumentType($country)
- {
- $senderCountry = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('land');
- if ($country === $senderCountry) {
- // no custom documents required
- return '';
- }
- if ($this->app->erp->IstEU($country)) {
- // no custom documents required
- return '';
- }
- $international = $this->einstellungen['international'];
- if (in_array($international, ['CN22', 'CN23'], true)) {
- return $international;
- }
- return 'CN23';
- }
- /**
- * Load contents & quantity for all items of one delivery.
- *
- * @param int|string $id delivery note id
- * @param string $table
- *
- * @return array
- */
- private function loadDeliveryPositions($id, $table)
- {
- if (is_string($id) && is_numeric($id)) {
- $id = (int)$id;
- }
- if (!is_int($id)) {
- $type = gettype($id);
- throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected order id as int, got ' . $type);
- }
-// $sql = '
-// lp.menge,
-// lp.bezeichnung,
-// if(lp.zolleinzelwert >0 , lp.zolleinzelwert , ( ap.preis - (ap.preis / 100 * ap.rabatt ) ) ) as preis,
-// lp.zolltarifnummer,
-// if(lp.zollwaehrung != \'\' , lp.zollwaehrung, ap.waehrung) as waehrung,
-// lp.artikel,
-// lp.zolltarifnummer
-// lieferschein_position lp
-// auftrag_position ap
-// ap.id = lp.auftrag_position_id
-// artikel a
-// ON
-// a.id = lp.artikel
-// lp.lieferschein=\'%s\'
-// AND
-// ap.explodiert != 1
-// AND
-// a.lagerartikel = 1';
- switch ($table) {
- case 'versand':
- $sql = '
- lp.bezeichnung as Contents,
- lp.menge as Quantity,
- lp.zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
- lp.zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
- lp.herkunftsland as Origin,
- lp.zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
- lp.zollwaehrung as Currency
- lieferschein_position as lp,
- versand as v
- lp.lieferschein = v.lieferschein
- v.id =\'%s\'';
- break;
- case 'lieferschein':
- $sql = '
- bezeichnung as Contents,
- menge as Quantity,
- zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
- zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
- herkunftsland as Origin,
- zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
- zollwaehrung as Currency
- lieferschein_position
- lieferschein =\'%s\'';
- break;
- case 'retoure':
- $sql = '
- bezeichnung as Contents,
- menge as Quantity,
- herkunftsland as Origin,
- zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber
- retoure_position
- retoure =\'%s\'';
-// zolleinzelgewicht as NetWeight,
-// zolleinzelwert as ItemValue,
-// zollwaehrung as Currency
- break;
- case 'auftrag':
- $sql = '
- bezeichnung as Contents,
- menge as Quantity,
- zollgesamtgewicht as NetWeight,
- zollgesamtwert as ItemValue,
- herkunftsland as Origin,
- zolltarifnummer as TariffNumber,
- zollwaehrung as Currency
- auftrag_position
- auftrag =\'%s\'';
- break;
- default:
- throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown table \'%s\'.', $table));
- }
- $sql = sprintf($sql, $id);
- $positions = $this->app->DB->Query($sql);
- $error = $this->app->DB->error();
- if ($error) {
- $error = htmlspecialchars($error);
- $msg = sprintf('SQL query error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
- throw new RuntimeException($msg);
- }
- $positions = $positions->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
- $error = $this->app->DB->error();
- if ($error) {
- $error = htmlspecialchars($error);
- $msg = sprintf('SQL query error: \'%s\', query was \'%s\'', $error, $sql);
- throw new RuntimeException($msg);
- }
- if (!is_array($positions)) {
- $type = gettype($positions);
- throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected positions as array, got ' . $type);
- }
- return (array)$positions;
- }
- /**
- * Return a tracking number / package id
- *
- * @param $response
- *
- * @throws MissingResponseFieldException
- *
- * @return string|int
- */
- private function extractActionResultID($response)
- {
- $number = null;
- if (!is_array($response)) {
- $type = gettype($response);
- throw new ArgumentTypeException('Expected response as array, got ' . $type);
- }
- if (!array_key_exists('ActionResult', $response)) {
- throw new MissingResponseFieldException('Field \'ActionResult\' in response is missing');
- }
- $actionResult = $response['ActionResult'];
- if (array_key_exists('TrackingID', $actionResult)) {
- return $actionResult['TrackingID'];
- }
- if (array_key_exists('ShipmentID', $actionResult)) {
- return $actionResult['ShipmentID'];
- }
- if (array_key_exists('ShipmentRef', $actionResult)) {
- return $actionResult['ShipmentRef'];
- }
- throw MissingResponseFieldException::fromFieldName('TrackingID/ShipmentID/ShipmentRef is missing.');
- }
- /**
- * Source: ups.php
- *
- * @param int $lieferscheinID
- * @return string
- */
- public function getProjectShortName($lieferscheinID)
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- }
- /**
- * Source: ups.php
- *
- * @param int $lieferscheinID
- * @return int
- */
- public function getAuftragNummer($lieferscheinID)
- {
- $auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferscheinID' LIMIT 1");
- if ($auftragid > 0 ) {
- return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- return '';
- }
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/ppl_480.csv b/www/lib/versandarten/ppl_480.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 43fddcc4..00000000
--- a/www/lib/versandarten/ppl_480.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-01.01.2021;;1;N;Standardbrief;0,8;Standardbrief;0,8;;;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 20 g. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;11;N;Kompaktbrief;0,95;Kompaktbrief;0,95;;;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 50 g. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;21;N;Grobrief;1,55;Grobrief;1,55;;;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 500 g.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;31;N;Maxibrief;2,7;Maxibrief;2,7;;;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;1000;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 1000 g.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;41;N;Maxibrief bis 2000 g + Zusatzentgelt MBf;4,9;Maxibrief;2,7;Zusatzentgelt MBf;2,2;100;70;0;600;300;150;0;2000;;;Hchstmae alternativ: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 2000 g mit einem berformat.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;51;N;Postkarte;0,6;Postkarte;0,6;;;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/brief_postkarte.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;195;N;Standardbrief + Prio;1,8;Standardbrief;0,8;Prio;1;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Kombi-Produkt aus Standardbrief (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;196;N;Kompaktbrief + Prio;1,95;Kompaktbrief;0,95;Prio;1;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Kombi-Produkt aus Kompaktbrief (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;197;N;Grobrief + Prio;2,55;Grobrief;1,55;Prio;1;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Kombi-Produkt aus Grobrief (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;198;N;Maxibrief + Prio;3,7;Maxibrief;2,7;Prio;1;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;1000;;;;Kombi-Produkt aus Maxibrief (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;199;N;Maxibrief bis 2000 g + Zusatzentgelt MBf + Prio;5,9;Maxibrief;2,7;Zusatzentgelt MBf + Prio;3,2;100;70;0;600;300;150;0;2000;;;Hchstmae alternativ: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Kombi-Produkt aus Maxibrief bis 2000 g mit einem berformat (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;200;N;Postkarte + Prio;1,6;Postkarte;0,6;Prio;1;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Kombi-Produkt aus Postkarte (umsatzsteuerfrei) und Zusatzleistung Prio (umsatzsteuerfrei). Sendungsverfolgung per T&T. Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/prio.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;282;N;Bcher- und Warensendung 500;1,9;BCHER- UND WARENSENDUNG 500;1,9;;;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Bcher- und Warenversand bis 500 g, 35,3 x 25 x 5 cm. Zustellung bis 4 Werktage. Verschlossener Versand. Keine brieflichen Mitteilungen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/w/buecherundwarensendung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;290;N;Bcher- und Warensendung 1000;2,2;BCHER- UND WARENSENDUNG 1000;2,2;;;100;70;0;353;250;50;501;1000;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Bcher- und Warenversand bis 1000 g, 35,3 x 25 x 5 cm. Zustellung bis 4 Werktage. Verschlossener Versand. Keine brieflichen Mitteilungen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/w/buecherundwarensendung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;401;N;Streifbandzeitung bis 50 g;0,89;Streifbandzeitung bis 50 g;0,89;;;140;90;0;353;250;50;0;50;;;Einlieferung in Filiale oder Groannahmestelle, bei mehr als 500 Stck immer in Groannahmestelle. Mit Produkt- oder Internetmarke ist die Einlieferung ber Briefkasten mglich.;Nutzung exklusiv fr Vertragspartner der Deutsche Post Presse Distribution oder gewerbliche Einrichtungen des Pressehandels.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/presse-distribution/produkte/streifbandzeitung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;402;N;Streifbandzeitung bis 100 g;1,19;Streifbandzeitung ber 50 g bis 100 g;1,19;;;140;90;0;353;250;50;51;100;;;Einlieferung in Filiale oder Groannahmestelle, bei mehr als 500 Stck immer in Groannahmestelle. Mit Produkt- oder Internetmarke ist die Einlieferung ber Briefkasten mglich.;Nutzung exklusiv fr Vertragspartner der Deutsche Post Presse Distribution oder gewerbliche Einrichtungen des Pressehandels.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/presse-distribution/produkte/streifbandzeitung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;403;N;Streifbandzeitung bis 250 g;1,37;Streifbandzeitung ber 100 g bis 250 g;1,37;;;140;90;0;353;250;50;101;250;;;Einlieferung in Filiale oder Groannahmestelle, bei mehr als 500 Stck immer in Groannahmestelle. Mit Produkt- oder Internetmarke ist die Einlieferung ber Briefkasten mglich.;Nutzung exklusiv fr Vertragspartner der Deutsche Post Presse Distribution oder gewerbliche Einrichtungen des Pressehandels.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/presse-distribution/produkte/streifbandzeitung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;404;N;Streifbandzeitung bis 500 g;1,67;Streifbandzeitung ber 250 g bis 500 g;1,67;;;140;90;0;353;250;50;251;500;;;Einlieferung in Filiale oder Groannahmestelle, bei mehr als 500 Stck immer in Groannahmestelle. Mit Produkt- oder Internetmarke ist die Einlieferung ber Briefkasten mglich.;Nutzung exklusiv fr Vertragspartner der Deutsche Post Presse Distribution oder gewerbliche Einrichtungen des Pressehandels.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/presse-distribution/produkte/streifbandzeitung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;405;N;Streifbandzeitung bis 1000 g;2,5;Streifbandzeitung ber 500 g bis 1000 g;2,5;;;140;90;0;353;250;50;501;1000;;;Einlieferung in Filiale oder Groannahmestelle, bei mehr als 500 Stck immer in Groannahmestelle. Mit Produkt- oder Internetmarke ist die Einlieferung ber Briefkasten mglich.;Nutzung exklusiv fr Vertragspartner der Deutsche Post Presse Distribution oder gewerbliche Einrichtungen des Pressehandels.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/p/presse-distribution/produkte/streifbandzeitung.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1002;N;Standardbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;3;Standardbrief;0,8;EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,2;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Standardbrief bis 20 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1007;N;Standardbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;3,3;Standardbrief;0,8;EINSCHREIBEN;2,5;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Standardbrief bis 20 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1009;N;Standardbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;5,5;Standardbrief;0,8;EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;4,7;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Standardbrief bis 20 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1012;N;Kompaktbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;3,15;Kompaktbrief;0,95;EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,2;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Kompaktbrief bis 50 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1017;N;Kompaktbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;3,45;Kompaktbrief;0,95;EINSCHREIBEN;2,5;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Kompaktbrief bis 50 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1019;N;Kompaktbrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;5,65;Kompaktbrief;0,95;EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;4,7;100;70;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Kompaktbrief bis 50 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1022;N;Grobrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;3,75;Grobrief;1,55;EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,2;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Grobrief bis 500 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1027;N;Grobrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;4,05;Grobrief;1,55;EINSCHREIBEN;2,5;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Grobrief bis 500 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1029;N;Grobrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;6,25;Grobrief;1,55;EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;4,7;100;70;0;353;250;20;0;500;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Grobrief bis 500 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1032;N;Maxibrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;4,9;Maxibrief;2,7;EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,2;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;1000;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 1000 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1037;N;Maxibrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;5,2;Maxibrief;2,7;EINSCHREIBEN;2,5;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;1000;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 1000 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1039;N;Maxibrief Integral + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;7,4;Maxibrief;2,7;EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;4,7;100;70;0;353;250;50;0;1000;;;;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 1000 g, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1042;N;Maxibrief Integral + Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;7,1;Maxibrief;2,7;Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;4,4;100;70;0;600;300;150;0;2000;;;Hchstmae alternativ: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 2000 g mit einem berformat, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1047;N;Maxibrief Integral + Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN;7,4;Maxibrief;2,7;Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN;4,7;100;70;0;600;300;150;0;2000;;;Hchstmae alternativ: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 2000 g mit einem berformat, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1049;N;Maxibrief Integral + Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;9,6;Maxibrief;2,7;Zusatzentgelt MBf + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;6,9;100;70;0;600;300;150;0;2000;;;Hchstmae alternativ: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief bis 2000 g mit einem berformat, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1052;N;Postkarte Integral + EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,8;Postkarte;0,6;EINSCHREIBEN EINWURF;2,2;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Eine Postkarte, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 20 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1057;N;Postkarte Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;3,1;Postkarte;0,6;EINSCHREIBEN;2,5;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Eine Postkarte, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;1059;N;Postkarte Integral + EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;5,3;Postkarte;0,6;EINSCHREIBEN + EIGENHNDIG;4,7;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Eine Postkarte, Zustellnachweis durch Postmitarbeiter, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung bis 25 EUR, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/e/einschreiben.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10001;I;Standardbrief Intern. GK;1,1;Standardbrief Intern. GK;1,1;;;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 20 g. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10011;I;Kompaktbrief Intern. GK;1,7;Kompaktbrief Intern. GK;1,7;;;140;90;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 50 g. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10051;I;Grobrief Intern. GK;3,7;Grobrief Intern. GK;3,7;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 500 g. Keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10071;I;Maxibrief Intern. bis 1.000g GK;7;Maxibrief Intern. bis 1.000g GK;7;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 1000 g. Keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10091;I;Maxibrief Intern. bis 2.000g GK;17;Maxibrief Intern. bis 2.000g GK;17;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde bis 2000 g. Keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;10162;I;Brief Kilotarif international ohne USt + EINSCHREIBEN;4,29;Frankierung Brief Kilotarif Stckentgelt;0,79;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-international-kilotarif.html;ja;nein
-01.01.2021;;10166;I;Brief Kilotarif international ohne USt.;0,79;Frankierung Brief Kilotarif Stckentgelt;0,79;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Fr Briefe, Schriftstcke und kleinere Gegenstnde. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-international-kilotarif.html;ja;nein
-01.01.2021;;10201;I;Postkarte Intern. GK;0,95;Postkarte Intern. GK;0,95;;;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/brief-postkarte-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;10246;I;Warenpost International XS;3,8;Warenpost International XS;3,8;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10247;I;Warenpost International S;5;Warenpost International S;5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10248;I;Warenpost International M;9;Warenpost International M;9;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10249;I;Warenpost International L;19,9;Warenpost International L;19,9;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10250;I;Warenpost International XS Tracked;6,15;Warenpost International XS Tracked;6,15;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10251;I;Warenpost International S Tracked;7,35;Warenpost International S Tracked;7,35;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10252;I;Warenpost International M Tracked;11,35;Warenpost International M Tracked;11,35;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10253;I;Warenpost International L Tracked;22,25;Warenpost International L Tracked;22,25;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10254;I;Warenpost International XS (EU/USt.);3,81;Warenpost International XS (EU/USt.);3,81;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10255;I;Warenpost International S (EU/USt.);4,4;Warenpost International S (EU/USt.);4,4;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10256;I;Warenpost International M (EU/USt.);8,33;Warenpost International M (EU/USt.);8,33;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10257;I;Warenpost International L (EU/USt.);20,23;Warenpost International L (EU/USt.);20,23;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10258;I;Warenpost International XS Tracked (EU/USt.);6,6;Warenpost International XS Tracked (EU/USt.);6,6;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10259;I;Warenpost International S Tracked (EU/USt.);7,2;Warenpost International S Tracked (EU/USt.);7,2;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10260;I;Warenpost International M Tracked (EU/USt.);11,13;Warenpost International M Tracked (EU/USt.);11,13;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10261;I;Warenpost International L Tracked (EU/USt.);23,03;Warenpost International L Tracked (EU/USt.);23,03;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10270;I;Warenpost Int. KT (EU/USt.) fr Internetmarke;1,5;WARENPOST INT KT EU Internetmarke;1,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10271;I;Warenpost Int. KT Tracked (EU/USt.) fr Internetmarke;3,6;WARENPOST INT KT TRACKED EU Internetmarke;3,6;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;;10272;I;Warenpost Int. KT (Non EU) fr Internetmarke;2;WARENPOST INT KT NON EU Internetmarke;2;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;1;10273;I;Warenpost Int. KT Tracked (Non EU) fr Internetmarke;4,1;WARENPOST INT KT TRACKED NON EU Internetmarke;4,1;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;;10280;I;Warenpost International XS Unterschrift;7,3;Warenpost International XS Unterschrift;7,3;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10281;I;Warenpost International S Unterschrift;8,5;Warenpost International S Unterschrift;8,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10282;I;Warenpost International M Unterschrift;12,5;Warenpost International M Unterschrift;12,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10283;I;Warenpost International L Unterschrift;23,4;Warenpost International L Unterschrift;23,4;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10284;I;Warenpost International XS Unterschrift (EU/USt.);7,97;Warenpost International XS Unterschrift (EU/USt.);7,97;;;140;90;0;353;250;30;0;500;;;;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10285;I;Warenpost International S Unterschrift (EU/USt.);8,57;Warenpost International S Unterschrift (EU/USt.);8,57;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10286;I;Warenpost International M Unterschrift (EU/USt.);12,5;Warenpost International M Unterschrift (EU/USt.);12,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10287;I;Warenpost International L Unterschrift (EU/USt.);24,4;Warenpost International L Unterschrift (EU/USt.);24,4;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;nein;ja
-01.01.2021;;10292;I;Warenpost Int. KT Unterschrift (EU/USt.) fr Internetmarke;4,75;WARENPOST INT KT UNTERSCHRIFT EU Internetmarke;4,75;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerpflichtig. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;;10293;I;Warenpost Int. KT Unterschrift (Non EU) fr Internetmarke;5,25;WARENPOST INT KT UNTERSCHRIFT NON EU Internetmarke;5,25;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Vertragsprodukt. Umsatzsteuerfrei. Nur Waren als Inhalt, keine schriftlichen Mitteilungen zulssig, eine auf den Inhalt bezogene Rechnung ist zulssig, fr Versande in Lnder auerhalb der EU ist immer eine Zollinhaltserklrung auf der Sendung anzubringen.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/warenpost-international.html;ja;ja
-01.01.2021;1;11006;I;Standardbrief Intern. GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;4,6;Standardbrief Intern. GK;1,1;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;235;125;5;0;20;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Standardbrief INTERNATIONAL bis 20 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;11016;I;Kompaktbrief Intern. GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;5,2;Kompaktbrief Intern. GK;1,7;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;235;125;10;0;50;;;Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Kompaktbrief INTERNATIONAL bis 50 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;11056;I;Grobrief Intern. GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;7,2;Grobrief Intern. GK;3,7;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Grobrief INTERNATIONAL bis 500 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;11076;I;Maxibrief Intern. bis 1.000g GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;10,5;Maxibrief Intern. bis 1.000g GK;7;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief INTERNATIONAL bis 1000 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;11096;I;Maxibrief Intern. bis 2.000g GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;20,5;Maxibrief Intern. bis 2.000g GK;17;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Ein Maxibrief INTERNATIONAL bis 2000 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;11202;I;Postkarte Intern. GK Integral + EINSCHREIBEN;4,45;Postkarte Intern. GK;0,95;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;235;125;2;;;;;Flchengewicht: 150 g/m2 bis 500 g/m2. Die Lnge muss mindestens das 1,4-fache der Breite betragen.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Eine Postkarte INTERNATIONAL, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/einschreiben-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30092;I;Presse Eco 500g;3,5;Presse Eco 500g;3,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Eco 500g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30112;I;Presse Eco 1000g;6,5;Presse Eco 1000g;6,5;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Eco 1000g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30132;I;Presse Eco 2000g;14;Presse Eco 2000g;14;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Eco 2000g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30202;I;Presse Prio 500g;3,7;Presse Prio 500g;3,7;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Prio 500 g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;30207;I;Presse Prio 500g + EINSCHREIBEN;7,2;Presse Prio 500g;3,7;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;0;500;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Presse Prio 500g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung. ;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30222;I;Presse Prio 1000g;7;Presse Prio 1000g;7;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Prio 1000 g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;30227;I;Presse Prio 1000g + EINSCHREIBEN;10,5;Presse Prio 1000g;7;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;501;1000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Presse Prio 1000 g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;;30242;I;Presse Prio 2000g;17;Presse Prio 2000g;17;;;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Mit Presse Prio 2000 g versenden Sie Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung.;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
-01.01.2021;1;30247;I;Presse Prio 2000g + EINSCHREIBEN;20,5;Presse Prio 2000g;17;EINSCHREIBEN;3,5;140;90;0;600;600;600;1001;2000;;;Hchstmae: L + B + H = 900 mm, dabei keine Seite lnger als 600 mm.;Preis nach UStG umsatzsteuerfrei. Presse Prio 2000g, nachgewiesene bergabe an Empfnger, Sendungsverfolgung per T&T, Haftung, Einlieferung ber die Filialen der Deutschen Post. Bitte beachten Sie die Kennzeichnungspflicht der Sendung. ;https://www.deutschepost.de/de/b/briefe-ins-ausland/presse-international.html;nein;nein
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/sendcloud.php b/www/lib/versandarten/sendcloud.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdda1cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/lib/versandarten/sendcloud.php
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ return;
+ $this->api = new SendCloudApi($this->settings->public_key, $this->settings->private_key);
+ }
+ public function GetName(): string
+ {
+ return "SendCloud";
+ }
+ protected function FetchOptionsFromApi()
+ {
+ if (isset($this->options))
+ return;
+ try {
+ $list = $this->api->GetSenderAddresses();
+ foreach ($list as $item) {
+ /* @var SenderAddress $item */
+ $senderAddresses[$item->Id] = $item;
+ }
+ $senderCountry = $senderAddresses[$this->settings->sender_address]->Country ?? 'DE';
+ $list = $this->api->GetShippingProducts($senderCountry);
+ foreach ($list as $item) {
+ /* @var ShippingProduct $item */
+ $shippingProducts[$item->Code] = $item;
+ }
+ } catch (SendcloudApiException $e) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->addMessage('error', $e->getMessage());
+ }
+ $this->options['senders'] = array_map(fn(SenderAddress $x) => strval($x), $senderAddresses ?? []);
+ $this->options['products'] = array_map(fn(ShippingProduct $x) => $x->Name, $shippingProducts ?? []);
+ $this->options['products'][0] = '';
+ $this->options['selectedProduct'] = $shippingProducts[$this->settings->shipping_product] ?? [];
+ natcasesort($this->options['products']);
+ }
+ public function AdditionalSettings(): array
+ {
+ $this->FetchOptionsFromApi();
+ return [
+ 'public_key' => ['typ' => 'text', 'bezeichnung' => 'API Public Key:'],
+ 'private_key' => ['typ' => 'text', 'bezeichnung' => 'API Private Key:'],
+ 'sender_address' => ['typ' => 'select', 'bezeichnung' => 'Absender-Adresse:', 'optionen' => $this->options['senders']],
+ 'shipping_product' => ['typ' => 'select', 'bezeichnung' => 'Versand-Produkt:', 'optionen' => $this->options['products']],
+ ];
+ }
+ public function CreateShipment(object $json, array $address): CreateShipmentResult
+ {
+ $parcel = new ParcelCreation();
+ $parcel->SenderAddressId = $this->settings->sender_address;
+ $parcel->ShippingMethodId = $json->product;
+ $parcel->Name = $json->name;
+ switch ($json->addresstype) {
+ case 0:
+ $parcel->CompanyName = trim("$json->name2 $json->name3");
+ $parcel->Address = $json->street;
+ $parcel->Address2 = $json->address2;
+ $parcel->HouseNumber = $json->streetnumber;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ $parcel->CompanyName = $json->postnumber;
+ $parcel->Address = "Packstation";
+ $parcel->HouseNumber = $json->parcelstationNumber;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $parcel->CompanyName = $json->postnumber;
+ $parcel->Address = "Postfiliale";
+ $parcel->HouseNumber = $json->postofficeNumber;
+ break;
+ }
+ $parcel->Country = $json->country;
+ $parcel->PostalCode = $json->zip;
+ $parcel->City = $json->city;
+ $parcel->EMail = $json->email;
+ $parcel->Telephone = $json->phone;
+ $parcel->CountryState = $json->state;
+ $parcel->TotalInsuredValue = $json->total_insured_value;
+ $parcel->OrderNumber = $json->order_number;
+ if (!$this->app->erp->IsEU($json->country)) {
+ $parcel->CustomsInvoiceNr = $json->invoice_number;
+ $parcel->CustomsShipmentType = $json->shipment_type;
+ foreach ($json->positions as $pos) {
+ $item = new ParcelItem();
+ $item->HsCode = $pos->zolltarifnummer ?? '';
+ $item->Description = $pos->bezeichnung;
+ $item->Quantity = $pos->menge;
+ $item->OriginCountry = $pos->herkunftsland ?? '';
+ $item->Price = $pos->zolleinzelwert;
+ $item->Weight = $pos->zolleinzelgewicht * 1000;
+ $parcel->ParcelItems[] = $item;
+ }
+ }
+ $parcel->Weight = floatval($json->weight) * 1000;
+ $ret = new CreateShipmentResult();
+ try {
+ $result = $this->api->CreateParcel($parcel);
+ if ($result instanceof ParcelResponse) {
+ $ret->Success = true;
+ $ret->TrackingNumber = $result->TrackingNumber;
+ $ret->TrackingUrl = $result->TrackingUrl;
+ $doc = $result->GetDocumentByType(Document::TYPE_LABEL);
+ $ret->Label = $this->api->DownloadDocument($doc);
+ $doc = $result->GetDocumentByType(Document::TYPE_CN23);
+ if ($doc)
+ $ret->ExportDocuments = $this->api->DownloadDocument($doc);
+ } else {
+ $ret->Errors[] = $result;
+ }
+ } catch (SendcloudApiException $e) {
+ $ret->Errors[] = strval($e);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ public function GetShippingProducts(): array
+ {
+ $this->FetchOptionsFromApi();
+ /** @var ShippingProduct $product */
+ $product = $this->options['selectedProduct'];
+ $result = [];
+ /** @var ShippingMethod $item */
+ foreach ($product->ShippingMethods as $item) {
+ $p = new Product();
+ $p->Id = $item->Id;
+ $p->Name = $item->Name;
+ $p->WeightMin = $item->MinWeight / 1000;
+ $p->WeightMax = $item->MaxWeight / 1000;
+ $result[] = $p;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/lib/versandarten/sonstiges.php b/www/lib/versandarten/sonstiges.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ed8de0b..00000000
--- a/www/lib/versandarten/sonstiges.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-id = $id;
- $this->app = &$app;
- $einstellungen_json = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einstellungen_json FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->paketmarke_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT paketmarke_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->export_drucker = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT export_drucker FROM versandarten WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($einstellungen_json)
- {
- $this->einstellungen = json_decode($einstellungen_json,true);
- }else{
- $this->einstellungen = array();
- }
- $this->credentials = $this->einstellungen;
- //$this->errors = array();
- $data = $this->einstellungen;
- $this->info = $this->einstellungen;
- }
- public function GetBezeichnung()
- {
- return 'UPS';
- }
- function EinstellungenStruktur()
- {
- return array();
- }
- public function VersandartMindestgewicht()
- {
- if(!isset($this->einstellungen['WeightInKG']))return 1;
- if($this->einstellungen['WeightInKG'] === '')return 1;
- return str_replace(',','.',$this->einstellungen['WeightInKG']);
- }
- public function Paketmarke($doctyp, $docid, $target = '', $error = false)
- {
- $id = $docid;
- $drucken = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("drucken");
- $anders = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("anders");
- $land = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("land");
- $tracking_again = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("tracking_again");
- $versandmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmit");
- $trackingsubmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmit");
- $versandmitbutton = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmitbutton");
- $tracking= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("tracking");
- $trackingsubmitcancel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmitcancel");
- $retourenlabel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- $kg= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("kg1");
- $name= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name");
- $name2= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name2");
- $name3= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("name3");
- $strasse= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("strasse");
- $hausnummer= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("hausnummer");
- $plz= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("plz");
- $ort= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("ort");
- $email= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("email");
- $phone= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("telefon");
- $nummeraufbeleg= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("nummeraufbeleg");
- if($sid=="")
- $sid= $this->app->Secure->GetGET("sid");
- if($zusatz=="express")
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSATZ',"Express");
- if($zusatz=="export")
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('ZUSATZ',"Export");
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $drucken = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("drucken");
- $anders = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("anders");
- $land = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("land");
- if($land=="")$land = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("land");
- if($name3=="" && $land!=$this->app->erp->Firmendaten("land")) $name3=$name;
- $tracking_again = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("tracking_again");
- $versandmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmit");
- $trackingsubmit= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmit");
- $versandmitbutton = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("versandmitbutton");
- $tracking= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("tracking");
- $trackingsubmitcancel= $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("trackingsubmitcancel");
- $retourenlabel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("retourenlabel");
- if($typ=="DHL" || $typ=="dhl")
- $versand = "dhl";
- else if($typ=="Intraship")
- $versand = "intraship";
- else $versand = $typ;
- if($sid == "versand")
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($trackingsubmit!="" || $trackingsubmitcancel!="")
- {
- if($sid==='versand') {
- // falche tracingnummer bei DHL da wir in der Funktion PaketmarkeDHLEmbedded sind
- if((strlen($tracking) < 12 || strlen($tracking) > 20) && $trackingsubmitcancel=='' && ($typ==='DHL' || $typ==='Intraship')) {
- $this->app->Location->execute("index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=frankieren&id=$id&land=$land&tracking_again=1");
- }
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versand', tracking='$tracking',
- versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(), abgeschlossen='1',logdatei=NOW() WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->erp->VersandAbschluss($id);
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('versanderzeugen_frankieren_hook1', 1, $id);
- //versand mail an kunden
- $this->app->erp->Versandmail($id);
- $weiterespaket=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("weiterespaket");
- $lieferscheinkopie=$this->app->Secure->GetPOST("lieferscheinkopie");
- if($weiterespaket=='1') {
- if($lieferscheinkopie=='1') {
- $lieferscheinkopie=0;
- }
- else {
- $lieferscheinkopie=1;
- }
- //$this->app->erp->LogFile("Lieferscheinkopie $lieferscheinkopie");
- $all = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,adresse,rechnung,lieferschein,versandart,projekt,bearbeiter,versender,versandunternehmen,firma,
- keinetrackingmail,gelesen,paketmarkegedruckt,papieregedruckt,weitererlieferschein)
- VALUES ('','{$all[0]['adresse']}','{$all[0]['rechnung']}','{$all[0]['lieferschein']}','{$all[0]['versandart']}','{$all[0]['projekt']}',
- '{$all[0]['bearbeiter']}','{$all[0]['versender']}','{$all[0]['versandunternehmen']}',
- '{$all[0]['firma']}','{$all[0]['keinetrackingmail']}','{$all[0]['gelesen']}',0,$lieferscheinkopie,1)");
- $newid = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=einzel&id='.$newid);
- }
- $url = 'index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=offene';
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select(sprintf('SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id = %d', $id));
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('paketmarke_abschluss_url', 2, $lieferschein, $url);
- $this->app->Location->execute($url);
- }
- //direkt aus dem Lieferschein
- if($id > 0) {
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $kg = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("kg1");
- if($kg=="") {
- $kg = $this->app->erp->VersandartMindestgewicht($id);
- }
- $this->app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO versand (id,versandunternehmen, tracking,
- versendet_am,abgeschlossen,lieferschein,
- freigegeben,firma,adresse,projekt,gewicht,paketmarkegedruckt,anzahlpakete)
- VALUES ('','$versand','$tracking',NOW(),1,'$id',1,'".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."','$adresse','$projekt','$kg','1','1') ");
- $versandId = $this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- $auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$id'");
- $shop = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT shop FROM auftrag WHERE id = '$auftrag' LIMIT 1");
- $auftragabgleich=$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragabgleich FROM shopexport WHERE id='$shop' LIMIT 1");
- if($shop > 0 && $auftragabgleich=="1")
- {
- //$this->LogFile("Tracking gescannt");
- $this->app->remote->RemoteUpdateAuftrag($shop,$auftrag);
- }
- $this->app->erp->sendPaymentStatus($versandId);
- $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=paketmarke&id='.$id);
- }
- }
- if($versandmitbutton!="")
- {
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE versand SET versandunternehmen='$versandmit',
- versendet_am=NOW(),versendet_am_zeitstempel=NOW(),abgeschlossen='1' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->VersandAbschluss($id);
- //versand mail an kunden
- $this->Versandmail($id);
- header("Location: index.php?module=versanderzeugen&action=offene");
- exit;
- }
- }
- if($sid=="versand")
- {
- // wenn paketmarke bereits gedruckt nur tracking scannen
- $paketmarkegedruckt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT paketmarkegedruckt FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($paketmarkegedruckt>=1)
- $tracking_again=1;
- }
- if($anders!="")
- {
- }
- else if(($drucken!="" || $tracking_again=="1") && !$error )
- {
- if($tracking_again!="1")
- {
- $kg = (float)(str_replace(',','.',$kg));
- $kg = round($kg,2);
- $name = substr($this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name),0,30);
- $name2 = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name2);
- $name3 = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($name3);
- $strasse = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($strasse);
- $hausnummer = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($hausnummer);
- $plz = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($plz);
- $ort = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(html_entity_decode($ort));
- $land = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($land);
- $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("module");
- //TODO Workarrond fuer lieferschein
- if($module=="lieferschein")
- {
- $lieferschein = $id;
- }
- else {
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM versand WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($lieferschein <=0) $lieferschein=$id;
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- $lieferscheinnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- //pruefe ob es auftragsnummer gibt dann nehmen diese
- /*
- $auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- if($auftragid > 0)
- {
- $nummeraufbeleg = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE id='$auftragid' LIMIT 1");
- } else {
- $nummeraufbeleg = $lieferscheinnummer;
- }
- */
- $nummeraufbeleg = $lieferscheinnummer;
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein='$lieferschein' LIMIT 1");
- $rechnung_data = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM rechnung WHERE id='$rechnung' LIMIT 1");
- // fuer export
- $email = $rechnung_data[0]['email']; //XXX
- if($phone=="")
- $phone = $rechnung_data[0]['telefon']; //XXX
- $rechnungssumme = $rechnung_data[0]['soll']; //XXX
- if($rechnung){
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM rechnung_position WHERE rechnung='$rechnung'");
- } else {
- $artikel_positionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferschein_position WHERE lieferschein='$lieferschein'");
- }
- $data = $this->einstellungen;
- // your customer and api credentials from/for dhl
- $credentials = array(
- 'api_user' => $data['api_user'],
- 'api_password' => $data['api_password'],
- 'api_accountnumber' => $data['accountnumber'],
- 'api_key' => $data['api_key'],
- 'log' => true
- );
- // your company info
- $info = array(
- 'company_name' => $data['company_name'],
- 'street_name' => $data['street_name'],
- 'street_number' => $data['street_number'],
- 'zip' => $data['zip'],
- 'country' => $data['country'],
- 'city' => $data['city'],
- 'email' => $data['email'],
- 'phone' => $data['phone'],
- 'internet' => $data['internet'],
- 'contact_person' => $data['contact_person'],
- 'export_reason' => $data['exportgrund']
- );
- // receiver details
- $customer_details = array(
- 'name1' => $name,
- 'name2' => $name2,
- 'c/o' => $name3,
- 'street_name' => $strasse,
- 'street_number' => $hausnummer,
- //'country' => 'germany',
- 'country_code' => $land,
- 'zip' => $plz,
- 'city' => $ort,
- 'email' => $email,
- 'phone' => $phone,
- 'ordernumber' => $nummeraufbeleg,
- 'ordernumber2' => $lieferscheinnummer,
- 'weight' => $kg,
- 'amount' => str_replace(",",".",$rechnungssumme),
- 'currency' => 'EUR'
- );
- $shipment_details['WeightInKG'] = $data['WeightInKG'];
- $shipment_details['LengthInCM'] = $data['LengthInCM'];
- $shipment_details['WidthInCM'] = $data['WidthInCM'];
- $shipment_details['HeightInCM'] = $data['HeightInCM'];
- $shipment_details['PackageType'] = $data['PackageType'];
- $shipment_details['service_code'] = $data['service_code'];
- $shipment_details['service_description'] = $data['service_description'];
- $shipment_details['package_code'] = $data['package_code'];
- $shipment_details['package_description'] = $data['package_description'];
- $shipment_details['exportgrund'] = $data['exportgrund'];
- if($data['note']=="") $data['note'] = $rechnungsnummer;
- //$response = $this->createShipment($customer_details,$shipment_details);
- $data['sonstiges_drucker'] = $this->paketmarke_drucker;
- $data['druckerlogistikstufe2'] = $this->export_drucker;
- if($this->app->erp->GetStandardPaketmarkendrucker()>0)
- $data['sonstiges_drucker'] = $this->app->erp->GetStandardPaketmarkendrucker();
- if($this->app->erp->GetStandardVersanddrucker($projekt)>0)
- $data['druckerlogistikstufe2'] = $this->app->erp->GetStandardVersanddrucker($projekt);
- }
- if($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('drucken') || $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('anders'))
- {
- }else{
- }
- }
- //$this->info = $customer_info;
- if($target)$this->app->Tpl->Parse($target,'versandarten_sonstiges.tpl');
- }
- public function Export($daten)
- {
- }
- private function log($message) {
- if (isset($this->einstellungen['log'])) {
- if (is_array($message) || is_object($message)) {
- error_log(print_r($message, true));
- } else {
- error_log($message);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/www/pages/appstore.php b/www/pages/appstore.php
index ad3f857b..6c9c7c89 100644
--- a/www/pages/appstore.php
+++ b/www/pages/appstore.php
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
- 'Versionen'=>'ENT','install'=>true, 'beta' => false,'kategorie'=>'{|Shop Schnittstelle|}')
+ 'Versionen'=>'ALL','install'=>true, 'beta' => false,'kategorie'=>'{|Shop Schnittstelle|}')
'Bezeichnung'=>'Shopify API Advanced',
diff --git a/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_abos.tpl b/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_abos.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7f1363a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_abos.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ [TAB1]
diff --git a/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_list.tpl b/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_list.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0a0f53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/pages/content/rechnungslauf_list.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@