From c1a56db38d5da30153305c5f37164c6e7cb51693 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xenomporio <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 21:50:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Bugfixes lieferschein
phpwf/plugins/class.yui.php | 15 +-
www/lib/class.erpapi.php | 21 +-
www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php | 8709 +++++++++---------
www/pages/ajax.php | 10709 +++++++++++-----------
www/pages/artikel.php | 9 +-
www/pages/lieferschein.php | 5136 +++++------
www/themes/new/templates/popup.tpl | 9 +-
7 files changed, 12334 insertions(+), 12274 deletions(-)
diff --git a/phpwf/plugins/class.yui.php b/phpwf/plugins/class.yui.php
index 0c8e38b3..660f7729 100644
--- a/phpwf/plugins/class.yui.php
+++ b/phpwf/plugins/class.yui.php
@@ -1870,13 +1870,21 @@ class YUI {
// schaue ob es gebuchte positionen gibt dann diese waehrung
- $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $table WHERE $module='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ $waehrung = "";
+ if (!is_null($table)) {
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table` LIKE 'waehrung'")) {
+ $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $table WHERE $module='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
$waehrung = $this->app->erp->GetStandardWaehrung($projekt);
- if($waehrung!="") $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE $module SET waehrung='$waehrung' WHERE id='$id' AND waehrung='' LIMIT 1");
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$module` LIKE 'waehrung'")) {
+ if($waehrung!="") $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE $module SET waehrung='$waehrung' WHERE id='$id' AND waehrung='' LIMIT 1");
+ }
$umsatzsteuer = $articleArr['umsatzsteuer'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT umsatzsteuer FROM artikel WHERE id='$artikel_id' LIMIT 1");
@@ -14504,7 +14512,8 @@ source: "index.php?module=ajax&action=filter&filtername=' . $filter . $extendurl
if ($module == "lieferschein" || $module == "retoure") {
$table->headings[6] = 'ausgeliefert';
- $zwischensumme = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sum(menge*preis) FROM $module"."_position WHERE $module = '$id'");
+// $zwischensumme = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sum(menge*preis) FROM $module"."_position WHERE $module = '$id'");
+// lieferschein has no preis
} else
if($module == "anfrage" || $module == "preisanfrage" ) {
$table->headings[6] = 'Aktion';
diff --git a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
index 4f09ec24..5f6bdc60 100644
--- a/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
+++ b/www/lib/class.erpapi.php
@@ -33069,7 +33069,9 @@ function MailSendFinal($from,$from_name,$to,$to_name,$betreff,$text,$files="",$p
$this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE firmendaten_werte SET wert = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($value)."' WHERE id = '".$check['id']."'");
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE firmendaten SET " . $field . "='$value' WHERE id='" . $firmendatenid . "'");
+ else {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE firmendaten SET " . $field . "='$value' WHERE id='" . $firmendatenid . "'");
+ }
$db = $this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
if(!empty($this->firmendaten[$db])) {
$this->firmendaten[$db][$field] = $value;
@@ -33087,11 +33089,14 @@ function MailSendFinal($from,$from_name,$to,$to_name,$betreff,$text,$files="",$p
if(strpos($field,'next') !== false)
$firmendatenid = (int)$this->app->DB->Select('SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1');
- $firmendaten_value = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT `%s` FROM firmendaten WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
- $field, $firmendatenid)
- );
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM firmendaten LIKE '$field'")) {
+ $firmendaten_value = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT `%s` FROM firmendaten WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
+ $field, $firmendatenid)
+ );
+ }
if(!$this->app->DB->error()) {
return $firmendaten_value;
@@ -44997,6 +45002,10 @@ function Firmendaten($field,$projekt="")
+ if(is_null($rabatt)) {
+ $rabatt = 0;
+ }
$vkarr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT v.*,if((v.adresse > 0 OR v.gruppe > 0),v.preis,(v.preis*(100-$rabatt))/100.0) as rabattpreis FROM verkaufspreise v WHERE
diff --git a/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php b/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
index 2f9d85be..2c8f955f 100644
--- a/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
+++ b/www/lib/dokumente/class.briefpapier.php
@@ -1,4346 +1,4369 @@
- //$orientation='P';$unit='mm';$format='A4';
- //parent::PDF_EPS($orientation,$unit,$format);
- $this->projekt = $projekt;
- $this->app=$app;
- $this->absender = '';
- $this->firmendatenid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT MAX(id) FROM firmendaten LIMIT 1");
- $this->parameter = '';
- $viernachkommastellen_belege = $this->getStyleElement('viernachkommastellen_belege');
- if($viernachkommastellen_belege=='1')
- {
- $this->anzahlkomma=4;
- } else {
- $this->anzahlkomma=2;
- }
- $this->ust_spalteausblende=false;
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')=='1')
- {
- $this->ust_befreit=1;
- $this->ust_spalteausblende=true;
- }
- $hintergrund = $this->getStyleElement('hintergrund');
- if(!empty(erpAPI::Ioncube_Property('isdevelopmentversion'))) {
- $this->setDevelopmentVersionBackground();
- }
- elseif($this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable)
- {
- }
- else if($hintergrund=='logo')
- {
- $logo = $this->app->erp->getSettingsFile('logo');
- $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_logo.jpg';
- if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
- fwrite($handle, $logo);
- fclose($handle);
- }
- $this->logofile = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_logo.jpg';
- $this->briefpapier='';
- }
- else if($hintergrund=='briefpapier')
- {
- $briefpapier = $this->app->erp->getSettingsFile('briefpapier');
- $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier.pdf';
- if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
- fwrite($handle, $briefpapier);
- fclose($handle);
- }
- $this->briefpapier=$this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier.pdf';
- $this->logofile = '';
- $briefpapier2vorhanden = $this->getStyleElement('briefpapier2vorhanden');
- $this->briefpapier2vorhanden = $briefpapier2vorhanden;
- if($briefpapier2vorhanden > 0)
- {
- $briefpapier2 = $this->app->erp->getSettingsFile('briefpapier2');
- $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier2.pdf';
- if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
- fwrite($handle, $briefpapier2);
- fclose($handle);
- }
- $this->briefpapier2=$this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier2.pdf';
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->logofile = '';
- $this->briefpapier='';
- }
- if(isset($this->app->Conf->WFtestmode) && $this->app->Conf->WFtestmode==true)
- {
- $this->briefpapier='./lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf';
- $this->briefpapier2='./lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf';
- }
- $this->knickfalz = $this->getStyleElement('knickfalz');
- $this->abseite2y = $this->getStyleElement('abseite2y');
- $footersichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('footersichtbar');
- if($footersichtbar==1) {
- $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = false;
- } else {
- $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = true;
- }
- $seite_von_sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('seite_von_sichtbar');
- if($seite_von_sichtbar==1) {
- $this->seite_von_sichtbar = false;
- } else {
- $this->seite_von_sichtbar = true;
- }
- $this->seite_von_ausrichtung = $this->getStyleElement('seite_von_ausrichtung');
- $this->abstand_adresszeileoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_adresszeileoben');
- $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_boxrechtsoben');
- $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr');
- $this->abstand_betreffzeileoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_betreffzeileoben');
- $this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_artikeltabelleoben');
- $this->boxausrichtung = $this->getStyleElement('boxausrichtung');
- $sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('sichtbar');
- if($sichtbar==1) {
- $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = false;
- } else {
- $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender =true;
- }
- $this->barcode_sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('barcode');
- $this->barcode_x = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_x');
- $this->barcode_y = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_y');
- $this->barcode_x_header = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_x_header');
- $this->barcode_y_header = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_y_header');
- $projekt = $this->projekt;
- $this->waehrung=$this->getStyleElement('waehrung');
- // kann man herausfinden was fuer ein projekt angegeben ist???
- $speziallieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT speziallieferschein FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $speziallieferscheinbeschriftung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT speziallieferscheinbeschriftung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $eigenesteuer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenesteuer FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($eigenesteuer=='1'){
- $this->waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($speziallieferschein>0)
- {
- if(!$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable)
- {
- $seite1 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier1' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $seite2 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier2' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if(!empty($seite1) && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite1))){
- $this->briefpapier = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite1);
- }
- if(!empty($seite2) && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2))){
- $this->briefpapier2 = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2);
- }
- if($seite2>0 && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2))){
- $this->briefpapier2vorhanden = 1;
- }
- $this->logofile = '';
- if($speziallieferscheinbeschriftung!=1){
- $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true;
- $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = true;
- $this->nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true;
- }
- }
- $this->nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true;
- $this->nichtsichtbar_summe = false;
- $this->nichtsichtbar_box=false;
- $this->nichtsichtbar_empfaenger=false;
- }
- /**
- * set Development-watermark as pdf-background
- *
- * @return void
- */
- protected function setDevelopmentVersionBackground(): void
- {
- $this->briefpapier = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().'development_version.pdf';
- $this->briefpapier2 = '';
- $this->logofile = '';
- if(is_file($this->briefpapier)) {
- return;
- }
- $waterMarkPdf = new SuperFPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
- $waterMarkPdf->filename = $this->briefpapier;
- $waterMarkPdf->AddPage();
- $waterMarkPdf->SetTextColor(200);
- $waterMarkPdf->SetFont(
- ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schriftart') ? $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schriftart') : 'Arial'),
- 'B',
- 45
- );
- $waterMarkPdf->Rotate(45, 45, 180);
- $waterMarkPdf->Text(45, 180, 'DEVELOPMENT VERSION');
- $waterMarkPdf->Rotate(0);
- $waterMarkPdf->SetTextColor(0);
- file_put_contents($waterMarkPdf->filename, $waterMarkPdf->displayAnhaenge('S'));
- }
- /**
- * @param string $language
- *
- * @return string
- */
- public function getLanguageCodeFrom($language) {
- if(empty($language)) {
- return '';
- }
- $languages = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM sprachen WHERE aktiv = 1 AND iso <> ''");
- if(empty($languages)) {
- return '';
- }
- foreach($languages as $languagesRow) {
- if(in_array(
- $language,
- [
- $languagesRow['iso'],
- $languagesRow['alias'],
- $languagesRow['bezeichnung_de'],
- $languagesRow['bezeichnung_en'
- ]
- ]
- )) {
- return $languagesRow['iso'];
- }
- }
- return '';
- }
- public function GetChargeMHDSNString($type,$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid, $returnSimpleString = false)
- {
- $lieferschein_posid = 0;
- $auftrag_position_id = 0;
- $lieferschein = 0;
- if($doctype === 'rechnung'){
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($doctype === 'rechnung' && !$lieferschein){
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE rechnungid = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($doctype === 'rechnung' && !$lieferschein)
- {
- $auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
- if($auftrag){
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE auftragid = '$auftrag' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- if($doctype === 'lieferschein'){
- $lieferschein_posid = $posid;
- }
- if($doctype === 'rechnung'){
- $auftrag_position_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id='$posid'");
- }
- if($doctype === 'gutschrift'){
- $auftrag_position_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gutschrift_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id='$posid'");
- }
- if($doctype === 'rechnung')
- {
- if(!empty($auftrag_position_id) && $auftrag_position_id > 0){
- $lieferschein_posid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id='$auftrag_position_id' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 ORDER BY lieferschein = '$lieferschein' DESC LIMIT 1");
- }
- if(!$lieferschein_posid)
- {
- $lieferschein_posarr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT lieferschein_position_id FROM `sammelrechnung_position` WHERE rechnung_position_id = '$posid' AND lieferschein_position_id <> 0 AND menge <> 0");
- if(!empty($lieferschein_posarr))
- {
- $lieferschein_posid = null;
- foreach($lieferschein_posarr as $v)
- {
- $lieferschein_posid[] = $v['lieferschein_position_id'];
- }
- if(!empty($lieferschein_posid) && count($lieferschein_posid) === 1)
- {
- $lieferschein_posid = reset($lieferschein_posid);
- if($lieferschein_posid){
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM lieferschein_position WHERE id = '$lieferschein_posid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(!empty($auftrag_position_id) && $auftrag_position_id > 0){
- $lieferschein_posid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id='$auftrag_position_id' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- if($type === 'sn' && ($doctype === 'lieferschein' || $doctype === 'rechnung' || $doctype === 'gutschrift'))
- {
- if(!empty($tmp))
- {
- $ctmp = count($tmp);
- for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++)
- {
- $tmp_string[]=$tmp[$i]['seriennummer'];
- }
- }
- }
- $belegPosCharge = $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_charge');
- $belegPosMhd = $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_mhd');
- if($returnSimpleString) {
- $belegPosCharge = 1;
- $belegPosMhd = 1;
- }
- if($belegPosCharge=='1'
- && $belegPosMhd =='1') {
- if($type === 'mhd')
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
- GROUP by wert,wert2");
- if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
- {
- if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in (".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid ).")
- GROUP by wert,wert2");
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
- GROUP by wert,wert2");
- }
- }
- }elseif($type === 'charge')
- {
- if($returnSimpleString) {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='$doctype' AND bc1.doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND bc1.pos='$posid'
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }
- else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
- ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
- AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='$doctype' AND bc1.doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND bc1.pos='$posid' AND isnull(
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }
- if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
- {
- if($returnSimpleString) {
- if(is_array($lieferschein_posid)){
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND
- bc1.pos in ('" . implode(', ', $lieferschein_posid) . "')
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.doctypeid='$lieferschein'
- AND bc1.pos='$lieferschein_posid'
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }
- }
- else{
- if(is_array($lieferschein_posid)){
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
- ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
- AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.pos in ('" . implode(', ', $lieferschein_posid) . "') AND isnull(
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
- LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
- ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
- AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
- WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND bc1.pos='$lieferschein_posid' AND isnull(
- GROUP by bc1.wert");
- }
- }
- }
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
- GROUP by wert");
- if(empty($tmp) && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
- {
- if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in ('".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid )."')
- GROUP by wert");
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
- GROUP by wert");
- }
- }
- }
- if(!empty($tmp)){
- $ctmp = count($tmp);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $ctmp; $i++) {
- if($type === 'mhd' && $tmp[$i]['wert'] != ""){
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] = ($i > 0 ? $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd') . ': ' : '') . date('d.m.Y', strtotime($tmp[$i]['wert']));
- if($tmp[$i]['wert2'] != '' && $tmp[$i]['type2'] === 'charge') {
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] .= ' ' . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert2'];
- }
- }elseif($type === 'charge'){
- if($i > 0) {
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
- }
- }elseif($type === 'sn'){
- if($i > 0) {
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
- }
- }
- if($tmp[$i]['menge'] > 1) {
- $tmp[$i]['menge'] = ' (' . (float)$tmp[$i]['menge'] . ')';
- }else {
- $tmp[$i]['menge'] = '';
- }
- $tmp_string[] = $tmp[$i]['wert'] . $tmp[$i]['menge'];
- }
- }
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
- GROUP by wert");
- if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
- {
- if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in ('".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid )."')
- GROUP by wert");
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
- FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
- WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
- GROUP by wert");
- }
- }
- if(!empty($tmp)){
- $ctmp = count($tmp);
- for ($i = 0; $i < $ctmp; $i++) {
- if($type === 'mhd' && $tmp[$i]['wert'] != ''){
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] =
- ($i > 0 && !$returnSimpleString ? $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd') . ': ' : '') .
- date('d.m.Y', strtotime($tmp[$i]['wert']));
- }
- elseif($type === 'charge'){
- if($i > 0) {
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] = (!$returnSimpleString?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ':'') . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
- }
- }
- elseif($type === 'sn'){
- if($i > 0) {
- $tmp[$i]['wert'] = (!$returnSimpleString?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer') . ': ':'') . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
- }
- }
- if($tmp[$i]['menge'] > 1) {
- $tmp[$i]['menge'] = ' (' . (float)$tmp[$i]['menge'] . ')';
- }
- else {
- $tmp[$i]['menge'] = '';
- }
- $tmp_string[] = $tmp[$i]['wert'] . $tmp[$i]['menge'];
- }
- }
- }
- if(!empty($tmp_string)){
- if($returnSimpleString) {
- return implode(', ', $tmp_string);
- }
- return implode("\r\n",$tmp_string);
- }
- return '';
- }
- function CheckPosition($value,$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid)
- {
- // ean
- if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_ean')=='1')
- {
- $ean = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ean FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($ean!='') {
- $tmpvalue['ean'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean').': '.$ean;
- }
- }
- // zolltarif // check ust id
- $ust_befreit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ust_befreit FROM $doctype WHERE id='$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
- if(($ust_befreit==2 && ($doctype=='rechnung' || $doctype=='gutschrift')) ||
- ($doctype!='proformarechnung' && $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_zolltarifnummer')=='1'))
- {
- if($value['zolltarifnummer']=='' || $value['zolltarifnummer']==0) {
- $value['zolltarifnummer'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zolltarifnummer FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($value['herkunftsland']=='' || $value['herkunftsland']==0) {
- $value['herkunftsland'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT herkunftsland FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- } else {
- $value['zolltarifnummer']='';
- $value['herkunftsland']='';
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_herkunftsland')=='1')
- {
- $value['herkunftsland']='';
- }
- $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
- // mhd
- if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_mhd')=='1')
- {
- $mhd=$this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];//$this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
- if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{MHD}') !== false) {
- $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
- '{MHD}',
- $mhd,
- $value['beschreibung']
- );
- }
- if($mhd!='') {
- $tmpvalue['mhd'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd').': '.$mhd;
- }
- }
- $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('charge',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
- // charge
- if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_charge')=='1')
- {
- $charge=$this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];
- if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{CHARGE}') !== false) {
- $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
- '{CHARGE}',
- $charge,
- $value['beschreibung']
- );
- }
- if($charge!='') {
- $tmpvalue['charge'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge').': '.$charge;
- }
- }
- $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('sn',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
- // sn
- if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_sn')=='1')
- {
- $seriennr=$this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];
- if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{SN}') !== false) {
- $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
- '{SN}',
- $seriennr,
- $value['beschreibung']
- );
- }
- if($seriennr!='') {
- $tmpvalue['sn'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer').': '.$seriennr;
- $value['seriennummer']='';
- }
- }
- if(!empty($tmpvalue)) {
- if($value['beschreibung']!=''){
- $value['beschreibung'] = $value['beschreibung'] . "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $tmpvalue);
- }
- else{
- $value['beschreibung'] = implode("\r\n", $tmpvalue);
- }
- }
- return $value;
- }
- public function addItem($rdata){
- // add rabatt
- if($rdata['price']!='-'){
- if($rdata['rabatt'] == 100){
- $rdata['tprice'] = round($rdata['amount'] * ((double)$rdata['price'] - (double)($rdata['price'] / 100.00 * (double)$rdata['rabatt'])), 13);
- }else{
- $rdata['tprice'] = $rdata['amount'] * ((double)$rdata['price'] - (double)($rdata['price'] / 100.00 * (double)$rdata['rabatt']));
- }
- }
- else {
- $rdata['tprice']='-';
- }
- $this->items[]=$rdata;
- }
- public function setSender($rdata){
- $this->sender['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[0]);
- $this->sender['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[1]);
- $this->sender['familyname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[2]);
- $this->sender['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[3]);
- $this->sender['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[4]);
- $this->sender['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[5]);
- if(isset($rdata[6])){
- $this->sender['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[6]);
- }
- }
- function setRecipientRechnung($id)
- {
- }
- function setRecipientLieferadresse($id,$table)
- {
- $this->id = $id;
- $this->table = $table;
- if($table == 'serviceauftrag'){
- $adressid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM serviceauftrag WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($adressid != "" && $adressid > 0){
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$adressid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }else{
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $titelansprechpartner="";
- $titelname="";
- if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!='' && $tmp[0]['titel']!='')
- {
- $titelansprechpartner = $tmp[0]['titel'].' ';
- }
- else if ($tmp[0]['titel']!='') {
- $titelname = $tmp[0]['titel'].' ';
- }
- if($table != 'serviceauftrag'){
- if($tmp[0]['typ']==''){
- $tmp[0]['typ'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT typ FROM adresse WHERE id='" . $tmp[0]['adresse'] . "' LIMIT 1");
- }
- }
- $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type='".$tmp[0]['typ']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($check!="")
- $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($check);
- else
- $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(ucfirst($tmp[0]['typ']));
- if($tmp[0]['typ']!="person")
- {
- $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($titelname.$tmp[0]['name']);
- if($tmp[0]['abteilung']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['abteilung']) >1){
- $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['abteilung']);
- }
- if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner'])>1){
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($titelansprechpartner . $tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
- }
- if(($table=='rechnung' || $table=='gutschrift') && $this->getStyleElement('rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner')!='1'){
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = '';
- }
- else if(($table=='angebot' || $table=='auftrag' || $table=='bestellung') && $this->getStyleElement('angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner')!='1'){
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = '';
- }
- if($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']!=''){
- $this->recipient['address3'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']);
- }
- if($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']!=''){
- $this->recipient['address4'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
- }
- }
- else {
- $vorname = '';
- if(isset($tmp[0]['vorname']) && $tmp[0]['vorname']!='' && strlen(trim($tmp[0]['vorname']))>0){
- $vorname = $tmp[0]['vorname'] . ' ';
- }
- $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($vorname.$tmp[0]['name']);
- $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
- }
- $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['strasse']);
- $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['plz']);
- $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ort']);
- //if($this->recipient['city']!="")
- $this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['land']);
- }
- function setRecipientDB($adresse)
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$adresse' LIMIT 1");
- if($tmp[0]['typ']!="person")
- {
- $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['name']);
- if($tmp[0]['abteilung']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['abteilung'])>1){
- $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['abteilung']);
- }
- $tmp[0]['anrede'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT anrede FROM adresse WHERE id='".$tmp[0]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type='".$tmp[0]['anrede']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($check!=''){
- $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($check);
- }
- else{
- $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(ucfirst($tmp[0]['anrede']));
- }
- if(($this->table=='rechnung' || $this->table=='gutschrift') && $this->getStyleElement('rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner')=='1')
- {
- if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!=''){
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
- }
- }
- else if(($this->table=='angebot' || $this->table=='auftrag' || $this->table=='bestellung') && $this->getStyleElement("angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner")=='1')
- {
- if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!=''){
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
- }
- }
- if($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']!=''){
- $this->recipient['address3'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']);
- }
- if($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']!=''){
- $this->recipient['address4'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
- }
- }
- else {
- $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['name']);
- $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
- }
- $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['strasse']);
- $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['plz']);
- $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ort']);
- //if($this->recipient['city']!="")
- $this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['land']);
- }
- public function setRecipient($rdata){
- $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[0]);
- $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[1]);
- $this->recipient['familyname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[2]);
- $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[3]);
- $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[4]);
- $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[5]);
- if(isset($rdata[3]))$this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[6]);
- }
- public function setCorrDetails($rdata, $onlyData = false){
- if($onlyData) {
- $this->corrDetails = $rdata;
- return;
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement("projektnummerimdokument")=='1'){
- $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_projekt")] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='" . $this->projekt . "' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement("internetnummerimbeleg")=='1')
- {
- switch($this->doctype)
- {
- case "rechnung":
- case "lieferschein":
- $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN ".$this->doctype." b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case "gutschrift":
- $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM gutschrift g LEFT JOIN rechnung r ON LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- break;
- case "auftrag":
- $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT internet FROM auftrag WHERE id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- break;
- default:
- $internetnummer = '';
- }
- //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftunginternetnummer")]=$internetnummer;
- $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("beschriftunginternetnummer")]=$internetnummer;
- }
- if($this->doctype=="rechnung"||$this->doctype=="lieferschein"||$this->doctype=="gutschrift"||$this->doctype=="auftrag"||$this->doctype=="angebot"||$this->doctype=="lieferschein")
- {
- if($this->doctype=='lieferschein'){
- $tabelle='lieferschein';
- }else {
- $tabelle=$this->doctype;
- }
-// $bearbeiteremail = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- // $bearbeitertelefon = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.telefon FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- $bearbeiteremail = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM ".$tabelle." a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- $bearbeitertelefon = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.telefon FROM ".$tabelle." a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('bearbeiteremailimdokument')=='1'){
- $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_email')] = $bearbeiteremail;
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('bearbeitertelefonimdokument')=='1'){
- $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_telefon')] = $bearbeitertelefon;
- }
- //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftungbearbeiteremail")]=$internetnummer;
- //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftungbearbeitertelefonnummer")]=$internetnummer;
- $this->corrDetails = $rdata;
- }
- public function setBoldCorrDetails($rdata){
- $this->boldCorrDetails = $rdata;
- }
- public function setItalicBoldCorrDetails($rdata){
- $this->italicBoldCorrDetails = $rdata;
- }
- public function setItalicCorrDetails($rdata){
- $this->italicCorrDetails = $rdata;
- }
- public function setTextDetails($rdata){
- $this->textDetails = $rdata;
- }
- public function setTotals($rdata){
- $this->totals = $rdata;
- }
- // Briefpapier festlegen
- public function setStationery($stationeryfile) {
- $this->setSourceFile($stationeryfile);
- $tplidx = $this->ImportPage(1);
- $this->useTemplate($tplidx);
- }
- /*
- public function setLogo($logofile) {
- $this->logofile = "./lib/pdf/images/".$logofile;
- }
- */
- // label settings
- public function setBarcode($barcode) {
- $barcode = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z\-]/', '', $barcode);
- if($this->barcode_sichtbar)
- $this->barcode = $barcode;
- else $this->barcode="";
- }
- public function Header() {
- if($this->knickfalz!='1'){
- $this->Line(0,105,5,105);
- $this->Line(0,148,7,148);
- $this->Line(0,210,5,210);
- }
- if($this->logofile!='')
- $this->Image($this->logofile,15,10,110);
- if($this->barcode!='' && $this->briefpapier==''){
- //$this->Rotate(90);
- $this->Code39($this->barcode_x, $this->barcode_y, $this->barcode, 1, 3);
- //$this->Rotate(0);
- }
- if($this->briefpapier!='' && $this->PageNo()<=1)
- $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier);
- // wenn
- if($this->PageNo() > 1 && $this->briefpapier2!='' && $this->briefpapier2vorhanden=='1'){
- if($this->doctype != 'produktion'){
- $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier2);
- }
- }
- else if ( $this->PageNo() > 1 && $this->briefpapier!=''){
- $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier);
- }
- if($this->PageNo() > 1)
- {
- $this->SetY($this->abseite2y);
- }
- }
- public function Footer() {
- $differenz=12;
- $this->SetXY(12,$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seiten_unten")*-1);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',8);
- if($this->seite_von_sichtbar!="1")
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement("seite_von_ausrichtung_relativ")=="1")// && $this->seite_von_ausrichtung=="C")
- {
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks"));
- $differenz = $this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks");
- }
- $tmp = $this->rMargin;
- if($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts")>0)
- $this->rMargin=$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts");
- else
- $this->rMargin=$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks");
- $tmpc = $this->cMargin;
- if($this->seite_von_ausrichtung=="R")
- $this->cMargin=-3;
- if($this->getStyleElement("seite_belegnr"))
- $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb} '.$this->zusatzfooter,0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
- else
- $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb}',0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
- $this->cMargin = $tmpc;
- $this->rMargin=$tmp;
- }
- if($this->nichtsichtbar_footer!=true)
- {
- $footerarr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM firmendaten WHERE id='".$this->firmendatenid."' LIMIT 1");
- $firmendaten_extra = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM firmendaten_werte");
- if($firmendaten_extra)
- {
- foreach($firmendaten_extra as $v)
- {
- if(!isset($footerarr[0][$v['name']]))$footerarr[0][$v['name']] = $v['wert'];
- }
- }
- $footerarr = $footerarr[0];
- foreach($footerarr as $key=>$value)
- $footerarr[$key] = utf8_decode($value);
- $this->SetXY(10,-26);
- $this->SetDrawColor($this->getStyleElement("footer_farbe"));
- $this->SetTextColor($this->getStyleElement("footer_farbe"));
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',7);
- if($this->getStyleElement("footer_zentriert")!=1)
- {
- $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite1'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_0_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_5'].""),'','L');
- $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + 10,-26); // Breite 1 + 10
- $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite2'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_1_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_5'].""),'','L');
- $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + $footerarr['footer_breite2'] + 10,-26); //breite 1 + breite 2 + 10
- $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite3'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_2_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_5'].""),'','L');
- $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + $footerarr['footer_breite2'] + $footerarr['footer_breite3'] + 10,-26); //breite 1 + breite 2 + breite 3 + 10
- $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite4'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_3_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_5'].""),'','L');
- } else {
- $this->MultiCell(0,3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_0_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_5'].""),'','C');
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $parameter
- *
- * @return array|null
- */
- protected function getOldDocument(string $parameter): ?array
- {
- return $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- FROM `pdfarchiv`
- WHERE `table_id` = '".$this->id."'
- AND `table_name` = '".$this->table."'
- AND `doctype` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype)."'
- AND `doctypeorig` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig)."'
- AND CHAR_LENGTH(`belegnummer`) > 2
- AND `belegnummer` <> 'SAB'
- AND `parameter` = '$parameter'
- AND `keinhintergrund` = '".($this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable?'1':'0')."'
- ORDER BY `zeitstempel` DESC
- LIMIT 1"
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param string $path
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- protected function checkAndUpdateDocumentName(string $path): bool
- {
- if(!file_exists($path)){
- return false;
- }
- $pathInfos = explode('_', basename($path),3);
- $md5 = md5_file($path);
- if($md5 === $pathInfos[0]){
- return false;
- }
- return $this->updateDocumentEntry($pathInfos, $md5,$path);
- }
- /**
- * @param array $fileInfos
- * @param string $md5
- * @param string $filePath
- */
- protected function updateDocumentEntry(array $fileInfos, string $md5, string $filePath): bool
- {
- $fileName = basename($filePath);
- $dir = dirname($filePath);
- $newFileName = $md5 . '_' . explode('_', basename($filePath),2)[1];
- $newFilePath = $dir . '/' . $newFileName;
- $tableId = $fileInfos[1];
- if(file_exists($newFilePath)){
- $this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($newFilePath);
- }
- if(file_exists($newFilePath)){
- return false;
- }
- $this->updatePdfArchiveEntry((int)$tableId, $md5, $newFileName, $fileName);
- rename($dir . '/' . $fileName, $newFilePath);
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $tableId
- * @param string $md5
- * @param string $newFileName
- * @param string $oldFilename
- */
- protected function updatePdfArchiveEntry(int $tableId, string $md5, string $newFileName, string $oldFilename): void
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- "UPDATE `pdfarchiv`
- SET `checksum` = '{$md5}', `dateiname` = '{$newFileName}'
- WHERE `dateiname` = '{$oldFilename}' AND `table_id` = {$tableId} AND `table_name` = '{$this->table}'"
- );
- }
- /**
- * @param string $checkSum
- * @param string $fileName
- * @param string $documentNumber
- * @param string $parameter
- *
- * @return int
- */
- protected function createPdfArchiveEntry(
- string $checkSum, string $fileName, string $documentNumber, string $parameter = ''
- ): int
- {
- $userName = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName());
- $documentType = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype);
- $originalDocumentType = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig);
- $documentNumber = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($documentNumber);
- $parameter = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter);
- $noBackGround = $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ? 1 : 0;
- $this->app->DB->Insert(
- "INSERT INTO `pdfarchiv`
- (
- `schreibschutz`, `zeitstempel`, `checksum`, `table_id`, `table_name`, `bearbeiter`,
- `erstesoriginal`, `doctype`, `doctypeorig`, `dateiname`,
- `belegnummer`, `keinhintergrund`, `parameter`
- )
- (
- 1, NOW(), '{$checkSum}', '{$this->id}', '{$this->table}', '{$userName}',
- 0, '{$documentType}', '{$originalDocumentType}', '{$fileName}',
- '{$documentNumber}', '{$noBackGround}', '{$parameter}'
- )"
- );
- return (int)$this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
- }
- /**
- * @param false $schreibschutz
- * @param false $force
- * @param string $parameter
- */
- public function ArchiviereDocument($schreibschutz = false, $force = false, $parameter = ''): void
- {
- if(!$schreibschutz){
- $schreibschutz = (bool)$this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT `schreibschutz` FROM `{$this->table}` WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' LIMIT 1"
- );
- }
- if($parameter == ''){
- $parameter = $this->parameter;
- }
- if($this->ausarchiv){
- return;
- }
- $isDraft = $this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->table}` WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' AND `belegnr` <> '' AND `belegnr` <> '0' LIMIT 1"
- ) === null;
- if($isDraft){
- return;
- }
- if($force) {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET `schreibschutz` = 1 WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' LIMIT 1");
- $schreibschutz = true;
- }
- if(!$schreibschutz){
- return;
- }
- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $dir = rtrim($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata, '/') . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this->app->Conf->WFdbname . '/' . $this->table;
- if(!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0700,true) && !is_dir($dir)){
- $this->app->erp->LogFile('Fehler beim erstellen von '.$dir);
- return;
- }
- $dir = dirname(Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir, $this->id, $this->id . '_' . $this->filename, false, true));
- $absoluteFilePath = $dir . '/' .$this->id . '_' . $this->filename;
- $oldDocument = $this->getOldDocument((string)$parameter);
- $isOldDocumentFileExists = !empty($oldDocument['dateiname']) && is_file($dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname']);
- $hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum = $isOldDocumentFileExists
- && !empty($oldDocument['checksum'])
- && strpos($oldDocument['dateiname'], $oldDocument['checksum']) ===0;
- if($hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum) {
- $oldFile = $dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname'];
- if($this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($oldFile)) {
- $oldDocument = $this->getOldDocument((string)$parameter);
- $isOldDocumentFileExists = !empty($oldDocument['dateiname']) && is_file($dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname']);
- }
- }
- $oldFile = $isOldDocumentFileExists ? $dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname'] : null;
- if($oldFile !== null && !$force) {
- return;
- }
- $documentNumber = str_ireplace('.pdf', '', substr($this->filename, strrpos($this->filename, '_') + 1));
- // If the current document file does not exist
- if(!file_exists($absoluteFilePath)){
- // save this document to file
- $this->Output($absoluteFilePath, 'F');
- if(empty($oldDocument) || $oldDocument['dateiname'] !== basename($absoluteFilePath)) {
- $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
- md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
- );
- }
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- return;
- }
- // create a new temp file
- $tempFilePath = $dir . '/' .$this->id . '_temp' . $this->filename;
- $this->Output($tempFilePath, 'F');
- if($oldFile !== null && $this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($oldFile, $tempFilePath)) {
- unlink($tempFilePath);
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- return;
- }
- $md5CurrentFile = md5_file($absoluteFilePath);
- // and compare with existing file
- if($this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($absoluteFilePath, $tempFilePath)){
- //if($md5CurrentFile === md5_file($tempFilePath)){
- // If same, delete temp file and
- unlink($tempFilePath);
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- return;
- }
- // build the file name with md5_hash
- $md5FileName = $dir . '/' . $md5CurrentFile . '_' . $this->id . '_' . $this->filename;
- // check if the file exists
- $this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($md5FileName);
- if(!file_exists($md5FileName)){
- rename($absoluteFilePath, $md5FileName);
- $this->updatePdfArchiveEntry($this->id, $md5CurrentFile, basename($md5FileName), basename($absoluteFilePath));
- rename($tempFilePath, $absoluteFilePath);
- $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
- md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
- );
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- return;
- }
- if($this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($absoluteFilePath, $md5FileName)){
- rename($tempFilePath, $absoluteFilePath);
- $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
- md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
- );
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- return;
- }
- unlink($tempFilePath);
- $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
- }
- /**
- * resolve to-archive request for document, after creating new pdf-file
- */
- public function resetToArchiveFlag(): void
- {
- if(empty($this->id) || empty($this->table)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET `zuarchivieren` = 0 WHERE `id` = {$this->id} LIMIT 1");
- }
- /**
- * @param string $firstFilePath
- * @param string $secondFilePath
- * @return bool
- */
- public function areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate(string $firstFilePath, string $secondFilePath)
- {
- if(!file_exists($firstFilePath) || !file_exists($secondFilePath)){
- return false;
- }
- $pattern = '#CreationDate \(D:[0-9]+\)#';
- $contentFirstFile = preg_replace($pattern, '', @file_get_contents($firstFilePath));
- $contentSecondFile = preg_replace($pattern, '', @file_get_contents($secondFilePath));
- return md5($contentFirstFile) === md5($contentSecondFile);
- }
- public function DocumentArchiviert()
- {
- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- if(!is_dir($dir)){
- return false;
- }
- if(!is_dir($dir.'/'.$this->table)){
- return false;
- }
- $md5alt = false;
- $altesdokument = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = '".$this->id."' and table_name = '".$this->table."' AND doctype = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype)."' AND doctypeorig = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig)."' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
- if(empty($altesdokument)){
- return false;
- }
- $md5alt = $altesdokument['checksum'];
- if(!file_exists($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/'.$md5alt.'_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename)) {
- $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir.'/'.$this->table, $this->id,$md5alt.'_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
- if(!file_exists($file)){
- return false;
- }
- }
- $this->Output($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename,'F');
- $md5sum_tmp = md5_file($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
- unlink($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
- return $md5sum_tmp == $md5alt;
- }
- public function archiveDocument($parameter = '')
- {
- if($this->table && $this->id)
- {
- $this->ArchiviereDocument($this->app->DB->Select('SELECT schreibschutz FROM `'.trim($this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->table))."` WHERE id = '".(int)$this->id."' LIMIT 1")?true:false,false, $parameter);
- }else{
- $this->ArchiviereDocument();
- }
- }
- public static function getPDFfolder($folder, $tableid, $file = '', $forcenew = false, $createfolder = false)
- {
- if($file === '') {
- $file = $folder;
- $folder = dirname($folder);
- $file = substr($file, strlen($folder)+1);
- }
- if(!$forcenew && file_exists($folder.'/'.$file)) {
- return $folder.'/'.$file;
- }
- $tableida = str_split($tableid, 1);
- $newfolder = $folder. '/'.implode('/',$tableida);
- if(!$createfolder) {
- return $newfolder.'/'.$file;
- }
- if(!is_dir($newfolder) && !mkdir($newfolder,0700,true) && !is_dir($newfolder)){
- return $folder.'/'.$file;
- }
- return $newfolder.'/'.$file;
- }
- public function inlineDocument($from_archiv = false) {
- //$from_archiv=false;
- //$filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
- $content = null;
- if($from_archiv && !empty($this->table) && !empty($this->id)) {
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$this->table;
- if(is_dir($dir)) {
- if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
- $filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
- $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT dateiname
- FROM pdfarchiv
- WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
- ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
- LIMIT 1"
- );
- }
- else{
- $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT dateiname
- FROM pdfarchiv
- WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
- ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
- LIMIT 1"
- );
- }
- if(!empty($mirror)) {
- $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$this->id, $mirror);
- //if(is_file($dir.'/'.$mirror))
- if(is_file($file)) {
- //$content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
- $content = file_get_contents($file);
- if(!empty($content)) {
- header('Content-type: application/pdf');
- echo $content;
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this->renderDocument();
- $this->archiveDocument();
- header('Content-type: application/pdf');
- $this->Output();
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- /**
- * @param int $tableid
- * @param string $tablename
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- public function zuArchivieren($tableid, $tablename)
- {
- if($tablename) {
- $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zuArchivieren FROM `$tablename` WHERE id = '$tableid'");
- }
- if($check){
- return true;
- }
- $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- FROM pdfarchiv
- WHERE table_id = '".$tableid."' AND `table_name` = '".$tablename."' AND erstesoriginal = 0
- AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."'
- AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
- ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC"
- );
- if(empty($mirrors)) {
- return true;
- }
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
- if(!is_dir($dir)) {
- return true;
- }
- foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror) {
- $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$tableid,$mirror['dateiname']);
- if(!empty($mirror['dateiname']) && file_exists($dateipfad)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $id
- */
- public function movePDFArchiv($id)
- {
- $mirrors = $id <=0?null:$this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d',
- $id
- )
- );
- if(empty($mirrors) || empty($mirrors['dateiname'])) {
- return;
- }
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$mirrors['table_name'];
- if(!is_file($dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'])) {
- return;
- }
- $newfile = self::getPDFfolder($dir,$mirrors['table_id'],$mirrors['dateiname'],true,true);
- if($newfile != $dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'] && !is_file($newfile)) {
- @rename($dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'], $newfile);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param int $tableid
- * @param string $tablename
- *
- * @return array|bool
- */
- public function getArchivedFiles($tableid, $tablename)
- {
- $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = '".$tableid."' and table_name = '".$tablename."' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND keinhintergrund = 0 ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC");
- if(!$mirrors){
- return false;
- }
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
- if(!is_dir($dir)) {
- return false;
- }
- foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror) {
- $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$tableid,$mirror['dateiname']);
- if(!$mirror['dateiname'] || !file_exists($dateipfad)) {
- unset($mirrors[$k]);
- }
- else{
- $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $mirror['dateiname'];
- }
- }
- if(empty($mirrors)) {
- return false;
- }
- return $mirrors;
- }
- public function getArchivedFiles_alt($tableid, $tablename)
- {
- $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where table_id = '".$tableid."' and table_name = '".$tablename."' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC");
- if(!$mirrors)return false;
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfmirror/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
- if(is_dir($dir))
- {
- $files = glob($dir.'/*.pdf');
- if(!$files)return false;
- foreach($files as $file)
- {
- $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
- foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror)
- {
- if($mirror['checksum'])
- {
- if(strpos($path_parts['basename'],$mirror['checksum'])=== 0)
- {
- $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $path_parts['basename'];
- }
- } else {
- if(strpos($path_parts['filename'], $tableid.'_') === 0){
- $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $path_parts['basename'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror)
- {
- if(!isset($mirror['file']))unset($mirrors[$k]);
- }
- if(!isset($mirrors) || count($mirrors) < 1)return false;
- return $mirrors;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $id
- *
- * @return bool|array
- */
- public function getArchivByID($id)
- {
- $id = (int)$id;
- if($id <= 0) {
- return false;
- }
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- if(!is_dir($dir)) {
- return false;
- }
- $mirror = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1', $id));
- if(empty($mirror)){
- return false;
- }
- if(empty($mirror['dateiname'])) {
- return false;
- }
- $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir.'/'.$mirror['table_name'], $mirror['table_id'], $mirror['dateiname']);
- if(!file_exists($file)) {
- return false;
- }
- $tmpr['belegnr'] = $mirror['belegnummer'];
- $tmpr['file'] = file_get_contents($file);
- return $tmpr;
- }
- public function getArchivByID_alt($id)
- {
- $id = (int)$id;
- if(!$id)return false;
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfmirror/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- if(!is_dir($dir))return false;
- $mirror = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!$mirror)return false;
- $mirror = reset($mirror);
- $mirrors = $this->getArchivedFiles_alt($mirror['table_id'], $mirror['table_name']);
- if(!$mirrors)return false;
- foreach($mirrors as $mirror)
- {
- //echo ".";
- if($mirror['id'] == $id)
- {
- //echo ":";
- if(file_exists($dir."/".$mirror['table_name']."/".$mirror['file']))
- {
- //echo ";";
- $tmpr['belegnr'] = str_replace('.pdf','',$mirror['file']);
- $tmpr['belegnr'] = substr($tmpr['belegnr'],strrpos($tmpr['belegnr'],'_')+1);
- $tmpr['file'] = file_get_contents($dir."/".$mirror['table_name']."/".$mirror['file']);
- return $tmpr;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @param bool $from_archiv
- */
- public function displayDocument($from_archiv = false) {
- //$from_archiv=false;
- if($from_archiv) {
- $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$this->table;
- if($this->table && $this->id && is_dir($dir)) {
- if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
- $filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
- $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
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- if($mirror) {
- $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir, $this->id, $mirror);
- //if(is_file($dir.'/'.$mirror))
- if(is_file($file)) {
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- $content = file_get_contents($file);
- if(!empty($content)) {
- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- header('Content-type: application/pdf');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->filename.'"');
- echo $content;
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
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- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $this->renderDocument();
- $this->archiveDocument();
- $this->Output($this->filename,'D');
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function displayTMP($from_archiv = false) {
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- if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
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- $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
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- $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
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- if($mirror){
- $mirror2 = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$this->id, $mirror);
- if(is_file($mirror2)) {
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- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
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- if($this->addpdf){
- $files[] = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
- foreach($this->addpdf as $file){
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- $content = $this->app->erp->MergePDF($files);
- file_put_contents($this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename,$content);
- }
- $this->ausarchiv = true;
- return $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
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- }
- }
- }
- }
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- $this->archiveDocument();
- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $this->Output($this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename,'F');
- return $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
- }
- public function sendDocument($from_archiv = false) {
- $this->renderDocument();
- $this->archiveDocument();
- $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
- $this->Output($this->filename,'S');
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- /***********************************
- * public functions
- ***********************************/
- // setup relevant data for a invoice
- public function setupTax() {
- // full taxrate
- // define("USTV",0.19);
- // reduced taxrate
- // define("USTR",0.07);
- }
- public function calcTotals() {
- $total=$totalFullTax=$totalReducedTax=0;
- $citems = !empty($this->items)?count($this->items):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$citems;$i++) {
- $total += $this->items[$i]['tprice'];
- if($this->items[$i]['tax']=="USTV") {
- $totalFullTax+= $this->items[$i]['tprice']*USTV;
- }
- else {
- $totalReducedTax+= $this->items[$i]['tprice']*USTR;
- }
- }
- return array($total,$totalFullTax,$totalReducedTax);
- }
- function GetFont()
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!=''){
- return $this->getStyleElement('schriftart');
- }
- return 'Arial';
- }
- public function setStyleData($styleData){
- $this->styleData = $styleData;
- }
- private function getStyleElement($key){
- if(isset($this->styleData[$key]) && !empty($this->styleData[$key])) return $this->styleData[$key];
- return $this->app->erp->Firmendaten($key);
- }
- public function renderDocument() {
- // prepare page details
- parent::__construct('P','mm','A4');
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_document_hook1', 1, $this);
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- // $this->SetFont($this->getStyleElement("schriftart"));
- $font = $this->getStyleElement('schriftart');
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- $this->AddFont($font,'BI',strtolower($font).'bi.php');
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- }
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- $this->AddPage();
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- // render document top to bottom
- if(!$this->nichtsichtbar_empfaenger)
- {
- if(!empty($this->recipient))
- $this->renderRecipient();
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- {
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- else
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- $this->Code39($this->barcode_x, $this->barcode_y, $this->barcode, 1, 3);
- }
- //if(!empty($this->sender))
- $this->renderSender();
- if(!$this->nichtsichtbar_box)
- {
- if(!empty($this->corrDetails) || !empty($this->boldCorrDetails) || !empty($this->italicCorrDetails)
- || !empty($this->italicBoldCorrDetails))
- $this->renderCorrDetails();
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- $this->renderDoctype();
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- $this->textDetails['body']=$this->letterDetails['body'];
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- $this->renderText();
- if(!empty($this->items)) {
- $this->renderItems();
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- $this->renderTotals();
- } else $this->Cell(1,5,'',0);
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- $this->renderFooter();
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- $this->useTemplate($tplidx);
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- $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_document_hook2', 1, $this);
- }
- public function renderRecipient(){
- // $this->SetY(50);
- $this->SetY(50+$this->abstand_adresszeileoben);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',10);
- $schriftgroesse = $this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesse');
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- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$schriftgroesse);
- if($this->recipient['anrede']!="" && $this->getStyleElement('typimdokument'))
- {
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['anrede'],0,1);
- }
- $this->SetMargins($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"),50);
- if($this->recipient['enterprise']) {
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $charlimit=40;
- if(strlen($this->recipient['enterprise'])>$charlimit + 15)
- {
- $array = explode( "\n", wordwrap($this->recipient['enterprise'], $charlimit));
- foreach($array as $row)
- {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($row),0,1);
- }
- } else {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->recipient['enterprise']),0,1);
- }
- }
- if($this->recipient['firstname']!="")
- {
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname'],0,1);
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- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address2'],0,1);
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- {
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address3'],0,1);
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- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address4'],0,1);
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- //$this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['firstname']." ".$this->recipient['familyname'],0,1);
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['address1'],0,1);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',10);
- if($schriftgroesse>0)
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- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
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- {
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- if(function_exists('mb_strtoupper'))
- $this->Cell(80,5,mb_strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],"UTF-8"),0,1);
- else
- $this->Cell(80,5,strtoupper($this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city']),0,1);
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- $this->Cell(80,5,strtoupper($this->app->erp->UmlauteEntfernen($this->app->GetLandLang($this->recipient['country'],$this->sprache))),0,1);
- }
- else {
- $this->Cell(80,5,$this->recipient['areacode']." ".$this->recipient['city'],0,1);
- }
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- $this->MultiCell($freitext1breite, 5, $this->WriteHTML($freitext1inhalt), 0, 'L');
- }
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- if($freitext2aktiv){
- $freitext2inhalt = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung("freitext2inhalt");
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- $freitext2inhalt = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->table,$this->id,$freitext2inhalt);
- $freitext2inhalt = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($freitext2inhalt);
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- $this->MultiCell($freitext2breite, 5, $this->WriteHTML($freitext2inhalt), 0, 'L');
- }
- $this->SetMargins($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks"),50,$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"));
- }
- public function setAbsender($sender)
- {
- $this->absender = $sender;
- }
- public function renderSender() {
- $monthlu = array("", "Januar", "Februar", "M�rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember");
- $monthnom = date("n");
- $month = $monthlu[$monthnom];
- $date = date("j").". ".$month." ".date("Y");
- if($this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender!=true)
- {
- //abstand_adresszeileoben
- // line above address field
- $absender = (($this->absender!='') ? $this->absender : $this->getStyleElement('absender'));
- $schriftgroesse = $this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesseabsender');
- $this->SetY(43+$this->abstand_adresszeileoben);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$schriftgroesse);
- //$cellStr = $this->sender['enterprise']." � ".$this->sender['address1']." � ".$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'];
- $cellStr = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($absender);
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_adresszeilelinks"));
- if($this->getStyleElement("absenderunterstrichen")=="1")
- $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'B');
- else
- $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($cellStr)+2,5,$cellStr,'');
- }
- if($this->nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben!=true)
- {
- // detailed sender data
- $lineHeight = 4;
- $xOffset = 131;
- $absatz = 3;
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,10);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',9);
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Name der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',9);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise'],0,2);
- if(isset($this->sender['enterprise2']))
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise2'],0,2);
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',9);
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Sitz der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',9);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address1'],0,2);
- if(isset($this->sender['address2']))
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address2'],0,2);
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'],0,2);
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',9);
- if(isset($this->sender['phone1'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fon: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['phone1'],0,2);
- }
- if(isset($this->sender['fax'])) {
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fax: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['fax'],0,2);
- }
- $this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
- if(isset($this->sender['email'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Mail: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['email'],0,2);
- }
- if(isset($this->sender['web'])) {
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Web: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['web'],0,2);
- }
- $this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz); //abstand
- if(isset($this->sender['ustid'])) {
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"UST-ID: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['ustid'],0,2);
- }
- if(isset($this->sender['taxnr'])) {
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Steuer-Nr.: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['taxnr'],0,2);
- }
- if(isset($this->sender['hreg'])) {
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Handelsregister: ",0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['hreg'],0,2);
- }
- $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
- $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,utf8_encode("Gesch�ftsf�hrung: "),0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['firstname'].' '.$this->sender['familyname'],0,2);
- //$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz+2); //abstand
- //$this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
- //$this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,utf8_encode($date),0,2);
- }
- }
- // kundennummer rechnungsnummer und datum
- public function renderCorrDetails() {
- $breite_spalte_rechts = 30;
- $recht_links_verschieben = $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr;
- $startpos_links_rechts = -83 + $recht_links_verschieben;
- $boldTitleStr = $boldValueStr = $titleStr = $valueStr = "";
- $italicTitleStr = $italicValueStr = '';
- $italicBoldTitleStr = $italicBoldValueStr = '';
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- foreach($this->boldCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
- $boldTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
- $boldValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
- }
- }
- if(!empty($this->italicCorrDetails)) {
- foreach($this->italicCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
- $italicTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
- $italicValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
- }
- }
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- foreach($this->italicBoldCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
- $italicBoldTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
- $italicBoldValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
- }
- }
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- foreach($this->corrDetails as $title => $value) {
- if($value!="")
- {
- $titleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
- $valueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
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- {
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- $this->box_breite1 = $tmp_box[1];
- $this->box_breite2 = $tmp_box[2];
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- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'BI',$fontinfobox);
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- elseif($italicTitleStr != '') {
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'I',$fontinfobox);
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- }
- elseif($boldTitleStr!='') {
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$fontinfobox);
- $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts,80);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,4,$boldTitleStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentleft)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentleft):$this->boxausrichtung); //TL
- $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,80);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite2,4,$boldValueStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentright)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentright):$this->boxausrichtung); //TR
- }
- else {
- $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts,80+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,0,'','',!empty($this->boxalignmentleft)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentleft):$this->boxausrichtung); //TL
- $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,80+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite2,0,'','',!empty($this->boxalignmentright)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentright):$this->boxausrichtung); //TR
- }
- $this->SetY(80);
- $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$fontinfobox);
- $tempY = $this->GetY();
- $this->SetX($startpos_links_rechts);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,4,$titleStr,"",$this->boxausrichtung); //BL
- $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,$tempY);
- $this->MultiCell($this->box_breitexi21,4,$valueStr,"",$this->boxausrichtung); //BR
- $this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
- //$this->SetY(60);//+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
- }
- public function renderDoctype() {
- //$this->Ln(1);
- if($this->doctype=="brief")
- $betreffszeile = $this->getStyleElement('betreffszeile');
- else
- $betreffszeile = $this->getStyleElement('betreffszeile');
- $this->SetY(80);//+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
- //$this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$betreffszeile);
- $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
- //$this->Cell(85,6,$this->doctypeOrig);
- $this->MultiCell(210-83+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")-5,6,html_entity_decode($this->doctypeOrig,ENT_QUOTES),0,'L');
- $this->SetY($this->GetY()-$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
- //$this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
- $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
- }
- public function renderText() {
- if(isset($this->textDetails['body'])) {
- if($this->doctype=="brief")
- $dokumententext = $this->getStyleElement('dokumententext');
- else
- $dokumententext = $this->getStyleElement('dokumententext');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$dokumententext);
- //if($this->doctype!="brief")
- $this->Ln(11);
- $this->textDetails['body'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->table,$this->id,$this->textDetails['body']);
- if($this->getStyleElement("briefhtml")=="1")
- {
- $html = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks($this->textDetails['body']));
- $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
- } else {
- $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['body']));
- }
- }
- }
- public function renderFooter() {
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_footer_hook1', 1, $this);
- if(isset($this->textDetails['footer'])) {
- $freitext = $this->getStyleElement('freitext');
- if($this->getStyleElement("kleinunternehmer"))
- {
- if($this->textDetails['footer']=="") $this->textDetails['footer'] ="Als Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von §19 Abs.1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet!";
- else $this->textDetails['footer'] .="\r\nAls Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von § 19 Abs. 1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet!";
- }
- $this->textDetails['footer'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->table,$this->id,$this->textDetails['footer']);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$freitext);
- // $this->Ln();
- $y = $this->GetY();
- // if($this->doctype!="lieferschein")
- // $this->SetY($y-5);
- //$parsed = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['footer']);
- if($this->getStyleElement("briefhtml")=="1")
- {
- $html = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks($this->textDetails['footer']));
- $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
- } else {
- $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['footer']));
- }
- }
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_footer_hook2', 1, $this);
- }
- public function CalcPosString($posstr, $oldpostr, $hauptnummer, $oldlvl, $newlvl)
- {
- if($oldpostr == 0)
- {
- if($hauptnummer)
- {
- return $hauptnummer.'.1';
- }
- return '1';
- }
- if($newlvl > $oldlvl)
- {
- return $oldpostr.str_repeat('.1', $newlvl - $oldlvl);
- }
- $oldpostra = explode('.', $oldpostr);
- $diff = $oldlvl - $newlvl;
- $length = count($oldpostra);
- if($hauptnummer && $hauptnummer != $oldpostra[0]){
- return (String)((int)$oldpostra[0]+1).'.1';
- }
- $ret = '';
- if($diff >= $length -1)
- {
- return (String)((int)$oldpostra[0]+1);
- }
- for($i = 0; $i < $length - 1 - $diff; $i++)
- {
- $ret .= $oldpostra[$i].'.';
- }
- return $ret.(String)((int)$oldpostra[$length - 1 - $diff]+1);
- }
- /**
- * @param string $type
- * @param int $orderId
- * @param int $orderPositionId
- * @param string $doctype
- *
- * @return string
- */
- public function getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder($type, $orderId, $orderPositionId, $doctype = 'auftrag')
- {
- if($doctype === 'rechnung') {
- $orderPositionId = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id = %d',
- $orderPositionId
- )
- );
- if($orderPositionId <= 0) {
- return '';
- }
- }
- $position = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT id, lieferschein
- FROM lieferschein_position
- WHERE auftrag_position_id = %d AND auftrag_position_id > 0
- LIMIT 1',
- $orderPositionId
- )
- );
- if(empty($position)) {
- return '';
- }
- if($type === 'mhd') {
- $this->mhd['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
- $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
- return $this->mhd['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
- }
- if($type === 'charge') {
- $this->charge['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
- $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('charge', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
- return $this->charge['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
- }
- if($type === 'sn') {
- $this->sn['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
- $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('sn', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
- return $this->sn['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
- }
- return '';
- }
- /**
- * @param string $text
- * @param string $doctype
- * @param int $doctypeId
- * @param int $positionId
- *
- * @return string
- */
- public function parseBestBeforeBatchSn($text, $doctype, $doctypeId, $positionId){
- if(strpos($text, '{MHD}') !== false) {
- $entry = !empty($this->mhd[$doctype]) && !empty($this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId])
- && !empty($this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
- $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
- if($entry === '') {
- $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
- 'mhd',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
- );
- $entry = $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
- if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
- $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('mhd', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
- }
- }
- $text = str_replace('{MHD}', $entry, $text);
- }
- if(strpos($text, '{CHARGE}') !== false) {
- $entry = !empty($this->charge[$doctype]) && !empty($this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId])
- && !empty($this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
- $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
- if($entry === '') {
- $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
- 'charge',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
- );
- $entry = $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
- if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
- $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('charge', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
- }
- }
- $text = str_replace('{CHARGE}', $entry, $text);
- }
- if(strpos($text, '{SN}') !== false) {
- $entry = !empty($this->sn[$doctype]) && !empty($this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId])
- && !empty($this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
- $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
- if($entry === '') {
- $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
- 'sn',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
- );
- $entry = $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
- if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
- $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('sn', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
- }
- }
- $text = str_replace('{SN}', $entry, $text);
- }
- return $text;
- }
- public function renderItems() {
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_renderitems',1, $this);
- // if($this->bestellungohnepreis) $this->doctype="lieferschein";
- $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
- $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
- $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
- $einheitWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_einheit");
- $descWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_artikel");
- $taxWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_steuer");
- $belege_subpositionen = $this->getStyleElement("belege_subpositionen");
- $belege_subpositionenstuecklisten = $this->getStyleElement('belege_subpositionenstuecklisten') && in_array(($this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype),array('rechnung', 'auftrag','lieferschein','gutschrift','angebot'));
- $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm = $this->getStyleElement('belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm');
- $doctype = $this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype;
- $doctypeId = $this->id;
- $docArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT projekt,adresse,steuersatz_normal,steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d',
- $doctype, $doctypeId
- )
- );
- $query = sprintf("SELECT `sprache` FROM `%s`
- WHERE `id` = %d
- LIMIT 1",
- $doctype, $doctypeId);
- $documentLanguage = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(!empty($docArr)) {
- $projekt = $docArr['projekt'];
- $adresse = $docArr['adresse'];
- }
- else{
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM " . ($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype) . " WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM " . ($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype) . " WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $inventurohnepreis = null;
- if(!in_array($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype, ['rechnung','auftrag','angebot','bestellung'])) {
- $inventurohnepreis = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT noprice
- FROM `%s`
- WHERE id = %d
- LIMIT 1',
- $this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype, $this->id
- )
- );
- }
- if($inventurohnepreis){
- $descWidth += 40;
- }
- if($this->doctype=="arbeitsnachweis")
- {
- $itemNoWidth = 20;
- $taxWidth = 40;
- $descWidth = 95;
- }
- if($this->rabatt=='1') {
- $descWidth -= 15;
- }
- $priceWidth = 20;
- $sumWidth = 20;
- $rabattWidth = 15;
- // $lineLength = $amWidth + $itemNoWidth + $descWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth + $sumWidth;
- // zwischenloesung um platz zu sparen
- if($this->ust_spalteausblende)
- {
- $taxWidth--;
- $descWidth += $taxWidth;
- $taxWidth= 1;
- }
- $cellhoehe = 5;
- // render table header
- if(isset($this->textDetails['body'])) {
- $this->Ln();
- }
- else {
- $this->Ln(8);
- }
- $tabellenbeschriftung = $this->getStyleElement('tabellenbeschriftung');
- $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandlinks')+1); // eventuell einstellbar per GUI
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$tabellenbeschriftung);
- $this->Cell($posWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_position'),0,0,'C'));
- if($this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis')
- {
- if($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis')
- {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,'Nummer');
- $this->Cell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth+$rabattWidth,6,'Beleg');
- $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'',0,0,'R');
- }
- else {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummer')));
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
- $this->Cell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell($descWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
- }
- $this->Cell($amWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_menge')),0,0,'R');
- }
- } else {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,6,'Mitarbeiter');
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,'Ort');
- $this->Cell($descWidth,6,'Tätigkeit');
- $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'Stunden',0,0,'R');
- }
- if($this->doctype!='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!='produktion' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis' && $this->doctype!='preisanfrage'){
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
- $this->Cell($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- if($this->ust_spalteausblende){
- $this->Cell($taxWidth, 6, '', 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell($taxWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mwst')), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einzel')), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_stueck'))), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- if($this->rabatt=='1') {
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,6,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_rabatt'),0,0,'R');
- $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
- }
- } else {
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
- }
- }
- }
- else if ($this->doctype=='lieferschein' || $this->doctype=='preisanfrage')
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement("artikeleinheit")=='1'){
- $this->Cell($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- else if ($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis')
- {
- $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- $this->Line($this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandlinks')+1, $this->GetY(), 210-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
- $this->Ln(2);
- // render table body
- $tabelleninhalt = $this->getStyleElement('tabelleninhalt');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
- $topos = 0;
- if(is_array($this->items))$topos = count($this->items);
- $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(distinct pos) FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->doctype."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos >= 0 AND pos <'$topos' AND (postype = 'gruppe' OR postype = 'zwischensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen') ORDER by sort");
- if($zwischenpositionen < 1)$belege_subpositionen = false;
- $hauptnummer = 0;
- $posoffset = 0;
- if($belege_subpositionen)$hauptnummer = 1;
- $oldlvl = 0;
- $oldpostr = 0;
- $langeartikelnummern = ($this->getStyleElement('langeartikelnummern')?true:false);
- if($this->doctype==='bestellung') {
- $langeartikelnummern = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT langeartikelnummern FROM bestellung WHERE id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1")?true:false;
- }
- $pos=0;
- $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent = !empty($docArr)?$docArr['steuersatz_ermaessigt']: $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,!empty($this->id)?$this->id:$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
- $umsatzsteuernormalProzent = !empty($docArr)?$docArr['steuersatz_normal']:$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,!empty($this->id)?$this->id:$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
- $umsatzsteuerermaessigt = (1+$umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent/100);
- $umsatzsteuernormal = (1+$umsatzsteuernormalProzent/100);
- $jitposfix = 0; //Die Anzahl der der Unterartikel des vorherigen Stücklistenartikels
- $jitposfixbase = 0; //Die Gesamtzahl der bisher ausgeblendeten Stücklistenartikel
- $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese = $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id);
- $docRow = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d', $this->doctype, $this->id
- )
- );
- foreach($this->items as $item){
- $this->SetTextColor(0,0,0);
- for ($l=$pos; $l <= $pos+$jitposfix ; $l++) {
- //Arbeitet die Zwischenpositionen durch falls der vorherige Artikel ein Stücklistenartikel war bei dem Teile ausgeblendet wurden
- $iszwichenpos = $this->DrawZwischenpositionen($l+$jitposfixbase);
- }
- $jitposfixbase += $jitposfix;
- if($item['keineeinzelartikelanzeigen'] == 1){
- $jitposfix = $item['anzahlunterartikel'];
- }else{
- $jitposfix = 0;
- }
- $item['name'] = ($langeartikelnummern?"\r\n\r\n":'').$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['name']);
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['desc']);
- $item['itemno'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['itemno']);
- $item['herstellernummer'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['herstellernummer']);
- $item['artikelnummerkunde'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['artikelnummerkunde']);
- $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['lieferdatum']);
- $item['hersteller'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['hersteller']);
- //TODO Soll einstellbar werden: Zeilenabstand in Tabelle normal mittel
- $cellhoehe = 3;
- //position
- if($iszwichenpos && $belege_subpositionen && $pos > $posoffset)
- {
- $hauptnummer++;
- $posoffset = $pos;
- }
- if(isset($item['posausblenden']) && $item['posausblenden']){
- $posstr = '';
- }else{
- $pos++;
- $posstr = $pos;
- }
- if($belege_subpositionen && $hauptnummer)
- {
- $posstr = $hauptnummer.'.'.($pos-$posoffset);
- }
- $newlvl = isset($item['lvl'])?(int)$item['lvl']:0;
- $itemNoWidthold = $itemNoWidth;
- $posWidthold = $posWidth;
- if($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0)
- {
- $this->Cell($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl,$cellhoehe,'');
- $posWidth -= $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl;
- if($posWidth < 2* strlen($posstr))
- {
- $diff = 2* strlen($posstr) - $posWidth;
- $posWidth += $diff;
- $itemNoWidth -= $diff;
- }
- }
- if($belege_subpositionenstuecklisten)$posstr = $this->CalcPosString($posstr,$oldpostr, $hauptnummer, $oldlvl, $newlvl);
- $oldpostr = $posstr;
- $oldlvl = isset($item['lvl'])?(int)$item['lvl']:0;
- $this->Cell($posWidth,$cellhoehe,$posstr,0,0,$belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm?'':'C');
- //artikelnummer
- if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis')
- {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,trim($item['person']),0);
- $zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$zeilenuntertext);
- // ort
- $tmpy = $this->GetY();
- $tmpx = $this->GetX();
- $this->MultiCell($itemNoWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['itemno']),0); // 4 = abstand
- $tmpy2 = $this->GetY();
- $this->SetXY($tmpx+$itemNoWidth,$tmpy);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
- }
- else {
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- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt + 3);
- }else{
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt);
- }
- if(isset($item['itemno'])) {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['itemno'],0);
- }
- else {
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
- }
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
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- $position_y = $this->GetY();
-// start am Ende der Zeile Zeichnen
- $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false,$this->getStyleElement("abstand_umbruchunten")); //2306BS
- // Artikel Name
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- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), 'B', $tabelleninhalt);
- }
- if($item['tax'] === 'hidden' && $item['ohnepreis'] == 2 && $newlvl == 0){
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), 'B', $tabelleninhalt);
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement("artikeleinheit")=='1'){
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['name'], 0, 'L', false);
- }
- else{
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['name'], 0, 'L', false);
- }
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- $this->SetAutoPageBreak(true,$this->getStyleElement('abstand_umbruchunten')); //2306BS
- $position_y_end_name = $this->GetY();
- // wenn vorhanden Artikel Einheit
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- $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth - $einheitWidth), $position_y);
- }
- else{
- $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth), $position_y);
- }
- if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis'){
- $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth), $position_y);
- }
- // Menge
- if($this->doctype==='zahlungsavis'){
- $this->Cell($amWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell($amWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['amount'], 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
- {
- if($item['unit']!='')
- $einheit = $item['unit'];
- else {
- if(!empty($item['artikel']))
- {
- $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
- id='".$item['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
- nummer='".$item['itemno']."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($einheit=='') {
- $einheit = $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit_standard');
- }
- }
- if(!empty($einheit) && !empty($documentLanguage)){
- $query = sprintf("SELECT FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
- WHERE ae.einheit_de = '%s'",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($einheit));
- $unitId = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(!empty($unitId)){
- $query = sprintf("SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
- WHERE u.sprache = '%s' AND u.label='%s'",
- $documentLanguage,'artikeleinheit_'.$unitId);
- $unitTranslation = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(!empty($unitTranslation)){
- $einheit = $unitTranslation;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->Cell($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
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- // if($item['tax']=="hidden") $item['tax']=="hidden";
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- {
- if($this->ust_befreit>0) {
- $item['tax'] = 0;
- } else {
- if($item['tax'] === 'normal') {
- $item['tax'] = $umsatzsteuernormal - 1;
- }
- else {
- $item['tax'] = $umsatzsteuerermaessigt - 1;
- }
- }
- if(isset($item['steuersatz'])){
- $item['tax'] = $item['steuersatz'] / 100;
- }
- }
- // wenn steuerfrei komplett immer 0 steuer anzeigen
- $item['tmptax'] = $item['tax'] + 1;
- // standard anzeige mit steuer
- if(!$this->ust_spalteausblende){
- if($item['tax']==='hidden'){
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- } else {
- $tax = $item['tax']; //= $tax; //="USTV"?0.19:0.07;
- $tax *= 100; $tax = $tax.'%';
- if($this->doctype==='zahlungsavis'){
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell($taxWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $tax, 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- } else {
- //kleinunternehmer
- $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
- if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
- // preis pro Artikel
- if($this->doctype!=='zahlungsavis')
- {
- if($item['tax']!=='hidden'){
- if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- //&& $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- if($item['ohnepreis']==2) {
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['price'],0,0,'R');
- }
- } // text alternativ zu preis
- else {
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
- // zentale rabatt spalte
- if($this->rabatt=='1') {
- $rabatt_string='';
- //rabatt
- if($item['grundrabatt'] > 0 || $item['rabatt1'] > 0 || $item['rabatt2'] > 0)
- {
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- $rabatt_string .= $item['grundrabatt']." %\r\n";
- }
- if($item['rabatt1']>0) {
- $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt1']." %\r\n";
- }
- if($item['rabatt2']>0) {
- $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt2']." %\r\n";
- }
- if($item['rabatt3']>0) {
- $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt3']." %\r\n";
- }
- if($item['rabatt4']>0) {
- $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt4']." %\r\n";
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- if($item['rabatt5']>0) {
- $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt5']." %\r\n";
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- $tmpx = $this->GetX();
- if($item['keinrabatterlaubt']=='1' || $item['rabatt']<=0 || $item['rabatt']==='') {
- $rabatt_or_porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
- nummer='".$item['itemno']."' AND (porto='1' OR rabatt='1') LIMIT 1");
- if($rabatt_or_porto)
- $rabatt_string='';
- else {
- if($this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1') {
- $rabatt_string='SNP';
- }
- else {
- $rabatt_string='';
- }
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- if($item['keinrabatterlaubt']=='1' && $item['rabatt']<>0){
- $rabatt_string = $item['rabatt'] . " %\r\n";
- }
- }
- // rabatt nur klein anzeigen wenn es mehr als einer ist
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- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',6);
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- }
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- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1')
- {
- $rabatt_or_porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
- nummer='".$item['itemno']."' AND (porto='1' OR rabatt='1') LIMIT 1");
- if($rabatt_or_porto){
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, 'SNP', 0, 0, 'R');
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- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // anzeige ohne zentrale rabatt spalte
- if ($item['tax']==="hidden"){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
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- if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese)
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- {
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']),0,0,'R');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
- }
- }
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- if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese)
- // if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- }
- //$this->Cell($sumWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->formatMoney($item['tprice']).' '.$item['currency'],0,0,'R');
- if($this->rabatt=='1')
- {
- //gesamt preis
- if ($item['tax']==='hidden'){
- $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,'',0,0,'R');
- }
- else {
- if($this->rabatt=='1'){
- if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
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- if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
- // if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- else{
- if(!$inventurohnepreis){
- $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(($this->doctype==='lieferschein' || $this->doctype==='preisanfrage') && $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
- {
- if($item['unit']!='')
- $einheit = $item['unit'];
- else {
- $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
- nummer='".$item['itemno']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($einheit=='') {
- $einheit = $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit_standard');
- }
- }
- if(!empty($einheit) && !empty($documentLanguage)){
- $query = sprintf("SELECT FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
- WHERE ae.einheit_de = '%s'",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($einheit));
- $unitId = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(!empty($unitId)){
- $query = sprintf("SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
- WHERE u.sprache = '%s' AND u.label='%s'",
- $documentLanguage,'artikeleinheit_'.$unitId);
- $unitTranslation = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
- if(!empty($unitTranslation)){
- $einheit = $unitTranslation;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->Cell($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- if($this->getStyleElement('herstellernummerimdokument')=='1' && $item['herstellernummer']!='')
- {
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herstellernummer') . ': ' . $item['herstellernummer'];
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herstellernummer') . ': ' . $item['herstellernummer'];
- }
- }
- $daten = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT laenge, breite, hoehe FROM artikel WHERE id = '".$item['artikel']."'");
- if($this->getStyleElement('abmessungimdokument')=='1' && (!empty($daten['laenge']) || $daten['breite']!='' || $daten['hoehe']!='')) {
- $tmp = array();
- if($daten['laenge']<>0) {
- $tmp[]=number_format($daten['laenge'],2,',','.');
- }
- if($daten['breite']<>0) {
- $tmp[]=number_format($daten['breite'],2,',','.');
- }
- if($daten['hoehe']<>0) {
- $tmp[]=number_format($daten['hoehe'],2,',','.');
- }
- if(count($tmp) > 0)
- {
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_abmessung') . ': ' . implode('x', $tmp);
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_abmessung') . ': ' . implode('x', $tmp);
- }
- }
- }
- if($item['lieferdatum']!='' && $item['lieferdatum']!='0000-00-00' && $item['lieferdatum']!=='00.00.0000')
- {
- if(strpos($item['lieferdatum'],"-")!==false){
- $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->String->Convert($item['lieferdatum'], '%1-%2-%3', '%3.%2.%1'));
- }
- if($item['lieferdatumkw']==1)
- {
- $ddate = $this->app->String->Convert($item['lieferdatum'],'%3.%2.%1','%1-%2-%3');
- $duedt = explode("-", $ddate);
- $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $duedt[1], $duedt[2], $duedt[0]);
- $week = date('W/o', $date);
- $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatumkw').' '.$week;
- }
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatum') . ': ' . $item['lieferdatum'];
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatum') . ': ' . $item['lieferdatum'];
- }
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('freifelderimdokument')=='1')
- {
- for($ifreifeld=1;$ifreifeld<=40;$ifreifeld++)
- {
- if($item['freifeld'.$ifreifeld]!='')
- {
- $freifeldbeschriftung = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('artikel_freifeld' . $ifreifeld);
- $freifeldtyp = $this->getStyleElement('freifeld' . $ifreifeld.'typ');
- if($freifeldtyp==='select')
- {
- $freifeldbeschriftung = strstr($freifeldbeschriftung, '|', true);
- }
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item['freifeld' . $ifreifeld];
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item['freifeld' . $ifreifeld];
- }
- }
- }
- if(strpos($item['desc'],'{{') !== false && $this->app->erp->ModulVorhanden('formeln')) {
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->BerechneFormel($item['desc'], $this->table, $this->id, $pos, $item);
- }
- if(strpos($item['desc'],'{') !== false) {
- if(!empty($item['belegposition']) && !empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id)) {
- $item['desc'] = $this->parseBestBeforeBatchSn($item['desc'], $this->doctype, $this->id, $item['belegposition']);
- }
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ParseIfVars($item['desc']);
- }
- }
- if(strpos($item['desc'],'{') !== false) {
- if(!empty($item['belegposition']) && !empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id)){
- $item['desc'] = $this->parseBestBeforeBatchSn(
- $item['desc'], $this->doctype, $this->id, $item['belegposition']
- );
- }
- }
- if(!empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id) && strpos($item['desc'], '{') !== false) {
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id ,$item['desc']);
- }
- if($item['artikelnummerkunde']!="" && $item['artikelnummerkunde']!='0')
- {
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummerkunde') . ': ' . $item['artikelnummerkunde'];
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummerkunde') . ': ' . $item['artikelnummerkunde'];
- }
- }
- if($item['zolltarifnummer']!='' && $item['zolltarifnummer']!='0' && $this->doctype!='proformarechnung')
- {
- if($item['desc']!='') {
- $item['desc']=$item['desc']."\r\n".$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zolltarifnummer').': '.$item['zolltarifnummer'].' '.($item['herkunftsland']!=''?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herkunftsland').': '.$item['herkunftsland']:'');
- }
- else {
- $item['desc']=$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zolltarifnummer').': '.$item['zolltarifnummer'].' '.($item['herkunftsland']!=""?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herkunftsland').': '.$item['herkunftsland']:'');
- }
- }
- if($item['ean']!='' && $item['ean']!='0')
- {
- if($item['desc']!=''){
- $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean') . ': ' . $item['ean'];
- }
- else{
- $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean') . ': ' . $item['ean'];
- }
- }
- if($item['zusammenfassen']){
- $item['desc'] = '';
- }
- $startpageBeforeDescription = $this->page;
- if($item['desc']!='' || !empty($item['steuertext'])) {
- //Herstellernummer einblenden wenn vorhanden und aktiviert
- $zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
- $this->SetY($position_y_end_name+$this->getStyleElement('abstand_name_beschreibung'));
- $yBeforeDescription = $this->GetY();
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$zeilenuntertext);
- if($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0){
- $this->Cell($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl, $cellhoehe, '');
- }
- $this->Cell($posWidth);
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
- if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis') {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- }
- if($this->doctype==='lieferschein' && $this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1'){
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt + 1);
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('briefhtml')=='1')
- {
- $html = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks($item['desc']));
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('breite_artikelbeschreibung'))
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$this->WriteHTML($html),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$this->WriteHTMLCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth,$html),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand //ALT
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('breite_artikelbeschreibung')=='1')
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$this->WriteHTML($html),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$this->WriteHTMLCell($descWidth,$html),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand //ALT
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('breite_artikelbeschreibung'))
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['desc']),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['desc']),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand //ALT
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if($this->getStyleElement('breite_artikelbeschreibung')=='1')
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['desc']),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['desc']),0,'L'); // 4 = abstand //ALT
- if(!empty($item['steuertext'])){
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- $this->Cell($amWidth);
- $this->Ln();
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
- $zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$zeilenuntertext);
- $this->Cell($posWidth);
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
- if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis') {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, 4, '', 0); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
- }
- else{
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth, 4, '', 0); // 4 = abstand zwischen Artikeln
- }
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- $this->Cell($amWidth);
- $this->Ln();
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
- $yAfterDescription = $this->GetY();
- } else {
- $zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
- $this->SetY($position_y_end_name);
- $yBeforeDescription = $this->GetY();
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$zeilenuntertext);
- $this->Cell($posWidth);
- $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
- if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis')
- {
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- }
- if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth,3,trim($item['desc']),0); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext']))
- {
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth,3,trim($item['desc']),0); // 4 = abstand
- if(!empty($item['steuertext']))
- {
- $this->SetX($this->GetX()+$posWidth+$itemNoWidth);
- $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
- }
- }
- if(!empty($staffelpreiseanzeigen)){
- $this->MultiCell($posWidth+$itemNoWidth+$descWidth+$amWidth+$taxWidth+$sumWidth+$priceWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($staffelpreistext),0,'R');
- }
- $this->Cell($taxWidth);
- $this->Cell($amWidth);
- $this->Ln();
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
- $yAfterDescription = $this->GetY();
- }
- $itemNoWidth = $itemNoWidthold;
- $posWidth = $posWidthold;
- if(
- ($this->doctype == "auftrag" && $this->getStyleElement("beleg_artikelbild")) ||
- ($this->doctype == "lieferschein" && $this->getStyleElement("lieferschein_artikelbild")) ||
- ($this->doctype == "rechnung" && $this->getStyleElement("rechnung_artikelbild")) ||
- ($this->doctype == "bestellung" && $this->getStyleElement("bestellung_artikelbild")) ||
- ($this->doctype == "gutschrift" && $this->getStyleElement("gutschrift_artikelbild")) ||
- ($this->doctype == "angebot" && $this->getStyleElement("angebot_artikelbild"))
- ){
- $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT datei FROM `datei_stichwoerter` WHERE subjekt='Shopbild' AND objekt='Artikel' AND parameter='" . $item['artikel'] . "' ORDER by sort ASC LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($datei)){
- $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = '$datei' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
- }
- $startpage = $this->page;
- if(!empty($datei)){
- $xBeforePic = $this->GetX();
- $folder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei);
- if(file_exists($folder . '/' . $datei)){
- if(!class_exists('image')) include_once(__DIR__ . '/../class.image.php');
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $breite = 20 * 10;
- $hoehe = $breite;
- [$width, $height] = getimagesize($folder . '/' . $datei);
- if($width > 0 && $height > 0){
- $scalex = $breite / $width;
- $scaley = $hoehe / $height;
- if($scalex < $scaley){
- $hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex;
- $hoehe = ceil($hoehe);
- }else{
- $breite /= $scalex / $scaley;
- $breite = ceil($breite);
- }
- $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata . '/dms/' . $this->app->Conf->WFdbname . '/cache', $datei, true) . "/";
- $dateiname = $cachefolder . $datei . '_' . $breite . '_' . $hoehe;
- if(!is_file($dateiname)) $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei, $breite, $hoehe, false, 'jpg');
- if(is_file($dateiname)){
- [$width, $height] = getimagesize($dateiname);
- //$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
- $this->SetX($posWidth + (int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks") - 5);
- $dateityp = mime_content_type($dateiname);
- $dateityp = substr($dateityp,6);
- if($dateityp == ''){
- $dateityp = 'jpg';
- }
- if($startpageBeforeDescription != $this->page){
- $this->SetY($this->abseite2y);
- $this->SetX($posWidth + (int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks") - 5);
- $position_y_end_name = $this->abseite2y;
- }
- $this->Image($dateiname, $this->GetX(), $position_y_end_name + 2, $width / 10, $hoehe / 10,$dateityp);
- $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $position_y_end_name + 20);
- $yAfterPic = $this->GetY();
- }
- }
- }
- if($yAfterPic < $yAfterDescription){
- $this->SetY($yAfterDescription);
- }
- $this->SetX($xBeforePic);
- $y_nach_bild = $this->GetY();
- if($yAfterDescription < $yAfterPic+5 && $startpage == $this->page){
- $this->SetY($y_nach_bild+5);
- }
- if($this->GetY() > 240){
- $this->AddPage();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for ($l=$pos; $l <= $pos+$jitposfix ; $l++) {
- //Letzten Artikel durcharbeiten
- $this->DrawZwischenpositionen($l+$jitposfixbase, $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent,$umsatzsteuernormalProzent);
- }
- //$this->Line($this->GetX(), $this->GetY(), $this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")+195-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
- $this->Line($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")+1, $this->GetY(), 210-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
- }
- function DrawZwischenpositionen($pos,$umsatzsteuerermaessigt = null,$umsatzsteuernormal = null) {
- $ret = false;
- if(is_null($umsatzsteuerermaessigt))
- {
- $umsatzsteuerermaessigt = $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
- }
- if(is_null($umsatzsteuernormal))
- {
- $umsatzsteuernormal = $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
- }
- if($this->table != 'lieferschein' && $this->table != 'preisanfrage')
- {
- $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->table."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos='$pos' ORDER by sort");
- }else{
- $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->table."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos='$pos' AND postype <> 'gruppensumme' AND postype <> 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen' AND postype <> 'zwischensumme' ORDER by sort");
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM ".$this->table." WHERE id = '".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
- $czwischenpositionen = !empty($zwischenpositionen)?count($zwischenpositionen):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$czwischenpositionen;$i++)
- {
- $data = json_decode($zwischenpositionen[$i]['wert'], true);
- switch($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'])
- {
- case "gruppe":
- $ret = true;
- $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
- $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
- {
- $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
- }
- $fett = true;
- if(isset($data['Fett']))
- {
- if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
- if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
- }
- $unterstrichen = false;
- if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
- $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(0);
- }
- $schriftgroesse = 7;
- if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
- {
- $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $abstand_links = 0;
- if(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
- {
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
- $this->SetX($x);
- $this->Ln();
- $this->underline = false;
- if($data['kurztext']!="")
- {
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $abstand_links = 0;
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
- {
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
- $this->SetX($x);
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(10);
- }
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $this->underline = false;
- break;
- case "bild":
- if($data['bild'])
- {
- $nochtext = '';
- if($data['kurztext']!="")
- {
- $kurztexta = explode('{BILD}', $data['kurztext'], 2);
- }else {
- $kurztexta[] = '';
- }
- if(count($kurztexta) > 1)$nochtext = $kurztexta[1];
- $data['kurztext'] = $kurztexta[0];
- $__x = $this->GetX();
- //$ret = true;
- $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
- $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
- {
- $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
- }
- $fett = true;
- if(isset($data['Fett']))
- {
- if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
- if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
- }
- $unterstrichen = false;
- if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
- $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(0);
- }
- $schriftgroesse = 7;
- if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
- {
- $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $abstand_links = 0;
- if(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
- {
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
- $this->SetX($x);
- $this->Ln();
- $this->underline = false;
- if($data['kurztext']!="")
- {
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $abstand_links = 0;
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
- {
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
- $this->SetX($x);
- if($nochtext == '')
- {
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(10);
- }
- }
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $this->underline = false;
- $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
- $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
- $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
- $datei = $data['bild'];
- if(!empty($datei))
- {
- $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = '$datei' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
- }
- if(!empty($datei))
- {
- $folder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei);
- if(file_exists($folder.'/'.$datei))
- {
- if(!class_exists('image'))include_once(__DIR__.'/../class.image.php');
- $img = new image($this->app);
- if(isset($data['bildbreite']) && (int)$data['bildbreite'] > 0)
- {
- $breite = $data['bildbreite'] * 10;
- }else{
- $breite = 30 * 10;
- }
- if(isset($data['bildhoehe']) && (int)$data['bildhoehe'] > 0)
- {
- $hoehe = $data['bildhoehe'] * 10;
- }else{
- $hoehe = $breite;
- }
- [$width, $height] = getimagesize($folder.'/'.$datei);
- if($width > 0 && $height > 0)
- {
- $scalex = $breite / $width;
- $scaley = $hoehe / $height;
- if($scalex < $scaley)
- {
- $hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex;
- $hoehe = ceil($hoehe);
- }else{
- $breite /= $scalex / $scaley;
- $breite = ceil($breite);
- }
- $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/cache', $datei, true)."/";
- $dateiname = $cachefolder.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$hoehe;
- if(!is_file($dateiname))$img->scaledPicByFileId($datei, $breite, $hoehe, false, 'jpg');
- if(is_file($dateiname))
- {
- [$width, $height] = getimagesize($dateiname);
- //$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $y = $this->GetY();
- $this->SetX($posWidth+$itemNoWidth+(int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks"));
- $this->Image($dateiname, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(),$width / 10, $hoehe / 10, 'jpg');
- if($nochtext == '')
- {
- $this->Cell($picwidth,6,'',0,0,'C');
- }
- $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $y + $height / 10 + ($nochtext == ''?5:0));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this->SetXY($__x, $this->GetY());
- if($nochtext !== '')
- {
- $data['kurztext'] = $nochtext;
- $__x = $this->GetX();
- $ret = true;
- $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
- $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
- {
- $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
- }
- $fett = true;
- if(isset($data['Fett']))
- {
- if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
- if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $this->underline = false;
- if($data['kurztext']!="")
- {
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $x = $this->GetX();
- $abstand_links = 0;
- if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
- {
- $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
- $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
- }
- $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
- $this->SetX($x);
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(10);
- }
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $this->underline = false;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "seitenumbruch":
- $this->AddPage();
- break;
- case "gruppensumme":
- case "gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen":
- case "zwischensumme":
- $ret = true;
- $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
- $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
- $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
- $einheitWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_einheit");
- $descWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_artikel");
- $taxWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_steuer");
- if($this->doctype=="arbeitsnachweis")
- {
- $itemNoWidth = 20;
- $taxWidth = 40;
- $descWidth = 95;
- }
- else if($this->doctype!="lieferschein" && $this->doctype!="produktion" && $this->doctype!="preisanfrage") {
- if($descWidth <=0)
- $descWidth = 76;
- if($taxWidth <=0)
- $taxWidth = 15;
- }
- else
- {
- $itemNoWidth = 30;
- $descWidth = 91;
- if($taxWidth <=0)
- $taxWidth = 15;
- }
- $priceWidth = 20;
- $sumWidth = 20;
- $rabattWidth = 15;
- $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
- $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
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- if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 4;
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- if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
- }
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- if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
- {
- $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
- }
- $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
- switch($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'])
- {
- case "gruppensumme":
- case "gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen":
- $maxpos_untergruppedrueber = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT pos FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->doctype."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos < '$pos' AND postype='gruppe' ORDER by pos DESC LIMIT 1");
- if($this->doctype=="angebot")
- {
- $subwhere = " AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0))";
- if($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'] !== 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen'){
- $subwhere = ' AND optional!=1 '.$subwhere;
- }
- $zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'] = 'gruppensumme';
- }
- if($this->doctype=="bestellung")
- {
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM ".$this->doctype."_position WHERE ".$this->doctype."='".$this->doctypeid."' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
- }else{
- $anzeigesteuerbelege = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT anzeigesteuerbelege FROM projekt WHERE id = ".$projekt);
- if(
- (
- (
- $this->anrede=="firma" ||
- $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt,$this->table,$this->id) ||
- $this->doctype=="bestellung" ||
- $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1" ||
- $anzeigesteuerbelege =='1'
- ) &&
- $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1") ||
- $this->ust_befreit
- ) {
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
- }else{
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
- (1 + if(ifnull(steuersatz,-1) < 0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'befreit',0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt',$umsatzsteuerermaessigt,$umsatzsteuernormal)),steuersatz
- )/100) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- //zwischensumme
- if($this->doctype=="angebot")
- {
- $subwhere = " AND optional!=1 AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0))";
- }
- if($this->doctype=="bestellung")
- {
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM ".$this->doctype."_position WHERE ".$this->doctype."='".$this->doctypeid."' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
- }else{
- if((($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt,$this->table,$this->id) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1") || $this->ust_befreit ) {
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
- }else{
- $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
- (1 + if(ifnull(steuersatz,-1) < 0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'befreit',0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt',$umsatzsteuerermaessigt,$umsatzsteuernormal)),steuersatz
- )/100) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- $beschriftung_zeile = ucfirst($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype']);
- if($data['name']=="")
- $html = ($fett?"":"").$beschriftung_zeile.($fett?"":"");
- else
- $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(0);
- }
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- $this->Cell($descWidth,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
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- //$this->SetX($x);
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- $rahmen_rechts = false;
- $rahmen_oben = false;
- $rahmen_unten = false;
- if(isset($data['Rahmen_Links']))
- {
- $rahmen_links = $data['Rahmen_Links'];
- }
- if(isset($data['Rahmen_Rechts']))
- {
- $rahmen_rechts = $data['Rahmen_Rechts'];
- }
- if(isset($data['Rahmen_Oben']))
- {
- $rahmen_oben = $data['Rahmen_Oben'];
- }
- if(isset($data['Rahmen_Unten']))
- {
- $rahmen_unten = $data['Rahmen_Unten'];
- }
- $rahmen = '';
- if($rahmen_links)$rahmen .= 'L';
- if($rahmen_rechts)$rahmen .= 'R';
- if($rahmen_oben)$rahmen .= 'T';
- if($rahmen_unten)$rahmen .= 'B';
- $ausrichtung = 'R';
- if(isset($data['Text_Ausrichtung']))
- {
- $ausrichtung = $data['Text_Ausrichtung'];
- }
- $this->Cell($priceWidth+$amWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth,4,$summe,$rahmen,0,$ausrichtung);
- if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
- {
- $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
- }else{
- $this->Ln(10);
- }
- $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
- $this->underline = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /*
- totals (
- totalArticles - Summe aller Artikelpreise
- modeOfDispatch - Versandart
- priceOfDispatch - Versandkosten
- modeOfPayment - Zahlungsweise
- priceOfPayment - Kosten der Zahlungsweise
- total = totalArticles + priceOfDispatch + priceOfPayment
- totalTaxV - Summe voller Steuersatz
- totalTaxR - Summe reduzierter Steuersatz
- )
- */
- public function renderTotals() {
- if($this->doctype === 'angebot' && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gesamtsummeausblenden FROM angebot WHERE id = '".$this->doctypeid."'")){
- $this->Ln(8);
- return '';
- }
- if($this->doctype === 'inventur' && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT noprice FROM inventur WHERE id = '".$this->id."'")){
- $this->Ln(8);
- return '';
- }
- $this->SetY($this->GetY()+1);
- $differenz_wegen_abstand = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_gesamtsumme_lr');
- if($this->doctype!='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!='preisanfrage') {
- //$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190, $this->GetY());
- $this->Ln(1);
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesse_gesamt'));
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis'){
- $nettoText = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamtnetto');
- $nettoAmount = $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung;
- $doctype = $this->doctype;
- $doctypeid = !empty($this->doctypeid)?$this->doctypeid: $this->id;
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('class_briefpapier_render_netto', 4, $doctype, $doctypeid, $nettoText, $nettoAmount);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$nettoText,0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$nettoAmount,0,'L','R');
- } else {
- //kleinunzernehmer
- $this->Cell(30,5,'',0,0,'L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,'',0,'L','R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- if(isset($this->totals['modeOfDispatch'])) {
- $versand = 'Versand: '.$this->totals['modeOfDispatch'];
- }
- else {
- $versand = 'Versandkosten: ';
- }
- if(isset($this->totals['priceOfDispatch'])) {
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$versand,0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfDispatch'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
- }
- //$this->Ln();
- if(isset($this->totals['priceOfPayment']) && $this->totals['priceOfPayment']!='0.00'){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
- $this->Cell(30,5,$this->totals['modeOfPayment'],0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfPayment'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
- $this->Ln();
- }
- $this->SetY($this->GetY());
- $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$this->getStyleElement("schriftgroesse_gesamt_steuer"));
- if(isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && $this->totals['totalTaxV']!="0.00"){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
- if(!empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id) && is_numeric($this->id)){
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT projekt FROM `' . $this->doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this->id);
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT adresse FROM `' . $this->doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this->id);
- }else{
- $projekt = 0;
- $adresse = 0;
- }
- if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
- }
- else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
- }
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['totalTaxV'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
- } else {
- //kleinunternehmer
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- }
- $projekt = $this->projekt;
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM ".($this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype)." WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && $this->totals['totalTaxR']!='0.00'){
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
- if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
- }
- else {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
- }
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalTaxR'],2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
- } else {
- //kleinunternehmer
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- }
- if(!empty($this->totals['summen']))
- {
- ksort($this->totals['summen'], SORT_NUMERIC);
- foreach($this->totals['summen'] as $k => $value)
- {
- if($value == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
- if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- {
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); //1
- }else {
- //$this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); 09.12.2018 ab heute auskommentiert wegen 829087
- $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L');
- }
- $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round($value,2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
- } else {
- //kleinunternehmer
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- }
- }
- if(!isset($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && !isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && !isset($this->totals['summen']) && $this->doctype!="zahlungsavis")
- {
- $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,3,'',0);
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1')
- {
- if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
- //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
- // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
- {
- if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
- {
- $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L'); //1
- }
- }
- else {
- if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
- {
- $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
- }
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- {
- $this->Cell(40, 3, '0,00 ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
- }
- } else {
- //kleinunternehmer
- $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
- $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
- }
- $this->Ln();
- }
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- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
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- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
- else if($this->doctype=='arbeitsnachweis'){
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
- else if($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis'){
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
- }
- if($this->doctype=='arbeitsnachweis'){
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->totals['total'] . ' ', 0, 'L', 'R');
- }
- else {
- if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['total'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
- }
- else{
- $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
- }
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- /**
- * @param float $value
- * @param int|null $decimals
- *
- * @return string
- */
- protected function formatMoney($value, $decimals = null)
- {
- $decimals = $decimals !== null ? (int)$decimals : $this->anzahlkomma;
- $currency = $this->waehrung;
- return $this->app->erp->formatMoney($value, $currency,$decimals);
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+ fwrite($handle, $logo);
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+ }
+ $this->logofile = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_logo.jpg';
+ $this->briefpapier='';
+ }
+ else if($hintergrund=='briefpapier')
+ {
+ $briefpapier = $this->app->erp->getSettingsFile('briefpapier');
+ $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier.pdf';
+ if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
+ fwrite($handle, $briefpapier);
+ fclose($handle);
+ }
+ $this->briefpapier=$this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier.pdf';
+ $this->logofile = '';
+ $briefpapier2vorhanden = $this->getStyleElement('briefpapier2vorhanden');
+ $this->briefpapier2vorhanden = $briefpapier2vorhanden;
+ if($briefpapier2vorhanden > 0)
+ {
+ $briefpapier2 = $this->app->erp->getSettingsFile('briefpapier2');
+ $filename = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier2.pdf';
+ if ($handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
+ fwrite($handle, $briefpapier2);
+ fclose($handle);
+ }
+ $this->briefpapier2=$this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'_briefpapier2.pdf';
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->logofile = '';
+ $this->briefpapier='';
+ }
+ if(isset($this->app->Conf->WFtestmode) && $this->app->Conf->WFtestmode==true)
+ {
+ $this->briefpapier='./lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf';
+ $this->briefpapier2='./lib/dokumente/briefpapier_testmodus.pdf';
+ }
+ $this->knickfalz = $this->getStyleElement('knickfalz');
+ $this->abseite2y = $this->getStyleElement('abseite2y');
+ $footersichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('footersichtbar');
+ if($footersichtbar==1) {
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = false;
+ } else {
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = true;
+ }
+ $seite_von_sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('seite_von_sichtbar');
+ if($seite_von_sichtbar==1) {
+ $this->seite_von_sichtbar = false;
+ } else {
+ $this->seite_von_sichtbar = true;
+ }
+ $this->seite_von_ausrichtung = $this->getStyleElement('seite_von_ausrichtung');
+ $this->abstand_adresszeileoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_adresszeileoben');
+ $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_boxrechtsoben');
+ $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr');
+ $this->abstand_betreffzeileoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_betreffzeileoben');
+ $this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_artikeltabelleoben');
+ $this->boxausrichtung = $this->getStyleElement('boxausrichtung');
+ $sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('sichtbar');
+ if($sichtbar==1) {
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = false;
+ } else {
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender =true;
+ }
+ $this->barcode_sichtbar = $this->getStyleElement('barcode');
+ $this->barcode_x = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_x');
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+ $this->barcode_x_header = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_x_header');
+ $this->barcode_y_header = $this->getStyleElement('barcode_y_header');
+ $projekt = $this->projekt;
+ $this->waehrung=$this->getStyleElement('waehrung');
+ // kann man herausfinden was fuer ein projekt angegeben ist???
+ $speziallieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT speziallieferschein FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $speziallieferscheinbeschriftung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT speziallieferscheinbeschriftung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $eigenesteuer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenesteuer FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if($eigenesteuer=='1'){
+ $this->waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($speziallieferschein>0)
+ {
+ if(!$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable)
+ {
+ $seite1 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier1' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $seite2 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ds.datei FROM datei_stichwoerter ds INNER JOIN datei d ON AND IFNULL(d.geloescht,0)=0 WHERE ds.subjekt LIKE 'Briefpapier2' AND ds.objekt LIKE 'Projekt' AND ds.parameter='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if(!empty($seite1) && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite1))){
+ $this->briefpapier = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite1);
+ }
+ if(!empty($seite2) && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2))){
+ $this->briefpapier2 = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2);
+ }
+ if($seite2>0 && is_file($this->app->erp->GetDateiPfad($seite2))){
+ $this->briefpapier2vorhanden = 1;
+ }
+ $this->logofile = '';
+ if($speziallieferscheinbeschriftung!=1){
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender = true;
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_footer = true;
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_rechtsoben = true;
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_summe = false;
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_box=false;
+ $this->nichtsichtbar_empfaenger=false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * set Development-watermark as pdf-background
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ protected function setDevelopmentVersionBackground(): void
+ {
+ $this->briefpapier = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().'development_version.pdf';
+ $this->briefpapier2 = '';
+ $this->logofile = '';
+ if(is_file($this->briefpapier)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $waterMarkPdf = new SuperFPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
+ $waterMarkPdf->filename = $this->briefpapier;
+ $waterMarkPdf->AddPage();
+ $waterMarkPdf->SetTextColor(200);
+ $waterMarkPdf->SetFont(
+ ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schriftart') ? $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schriftart') : 'Arial'),
+ 'B',
+ 45
+ );
+ $waterMarkPdf->Rotate(45, 45, 180);
+ $waterMarkPdf->Text(45, 180, 'DEVELOPMENT VERSION');
+ $waterMarkPdf->Rotate(0);
+ $waterMarkPdf->SetTextColor(0);
+ file_put_contents($waterMarkPdf->filename, $waterMarkPdf->displayAnhaenge('S'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $language
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLanguageCodeFrom($language) {
+ if(empty($language)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $languages = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM sprachen WHERE aktiv = 1 AND iso <> ''");
+ if(empty($languages)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ foreach($languages as $languagesRow) {
+ if(in_array(
+ $language,
+ [
+ $languagesRow['iso'],
+ $languagesRow['alias'],
+ $languagesRow['bezeichnung_de'],
+ $languagesRow['bezeichnung_en'
+ ]
+ ]
+ )) {
+ return $languagesRow['iso'];
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ public function GetChargeMHDSNString($type,$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid, $returnSimpleString = false)
+ {
+ $lieferschein_posid = 0;
+ $auftrag_position_id = 0;
+ $lieferschein = 0;
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung'){
+ $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung' && !$lieferschein){
+ $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE rechnungid = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung' && !$lieferschein)
+ {
+ $auftrag = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM rechnung WHERE id = '$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
+ if($auftrag){
+ $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein WHERE auftragid = '$auftrag' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'lieferschein'){
+ $lieferschein_posid = $posid;
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung'){
+ $auftrag_position_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id='$posid'");
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'gutschrift'){
+ $auftrag_position_id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gutschrift_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id='$posid'");
+ }
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung')
+ {
+ if(!empty($auftrag_position_id) && $auftrag_position_id > 0){
+ $lieferschein_posid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id='$auftrag_position_id' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 ORDER BY lieferschein = '$lieferschein' DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if(!$lieferschein_posid)
+ {
+ $lieferschein_posarr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT lieferschein_position_id FROM `sammelrechnung_position` WHERE rechnung_position_id = '$posid' AND lieferschein_position_id <> 0 AND menge <> 0");
+ if(!empty($lieferschein_posarr))
+ {
+ $lieferschein_posid = null;
+ foreach($lieferschein_posarr as $v)
+ {
+ $lieferschein_posid[] = $v['lieferschein_position_id'];
+ }
+ if(!empty($lieferschein_posid) && count($lieferschein_posid) === 1)
+ {
+ $lieferschein_posid = reset($lieferschein_posid);
+ if($lieferschein_posid){
+ $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferschein FROM lieferschein_position WHERE id = '$lieferschein_posid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(!empty($auftrag_position_id) && $auftrag_position_id > 0){
+ $lieferschein_posid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM lieferschein_position WHERE auftrag_position_id='$auftrag_position_id' AND auftrag_position_id <> 0 LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ if($type === 'sn' && ($doctype === 'lieferschein' || $doctype === 'rechnung' || $doctype === 'gutschrift'))
+ {
+ if(!empty($tmp))
+ {
+ $ctmp = count($tmp);
+ for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++)
+ {
+ $tmp_string[]=$tmp[$i]['seriennummer'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $belegPosCharge = $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_charge');
+ $belegPosMhd = $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_mhd');
+ if($returnSimpleString) {
+ $belegPosCharge = 1;
+ $belegPosMhd = 1;
+ }
+ if($belegPosCharge=='1'
+ && $belegPosMhd =='1') {
+ if($type === 'mhd')
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
+ GROUP by wert,wert2");
+ if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
+ {
+ if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in (".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid ).")
+ GROUP by wert,wert2");
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2 ,type2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
+ GROUP by wert,wert2");
+ }
+ }
+ }elseif($type === 'charge')
+ {
+ if($returnSimpleString) {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='$doctype' AND bc1.doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND bc1.pos='$posid'
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }
+ else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
+ ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
+ AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='$doctype' AND bc1.doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND bc1.pos='$posid' AND isnull(
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }
+ if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
+ {
+ if($returnSimpleString) {
+ if(is_array($lieferschein_posid)){
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND
+ bc1.pos in ('" . implode(', ', $lieferschein_posid) . "')
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.doctypeid='$lieferschein'
+ AND bc1.pos='$lieferschein_posid'
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(is_array($lieferschein_posid)){
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
+ ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
+ AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.pos in ('" . implode(', ', $lieferschein_posid) . "') AND isnull(
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(bc1.menge) as menge,bc1.wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd bc1
+ LEFT JOIN beleg_chargesnmhd bc2
+ ON bc1.doctype = bc2.doctype AND bc1.doctypeid = bc2.doctypeid AND bc1.pos = bc2.pos AND bc1.lagerplatz = bc2.lagerplatz
+ AND bc2.type = 'mhd' AND bc2.type2 = 'charge' AND bc2.wert2 = bc1.wert
+ WHERE bc1.type='$type' AND bc1.doctype='lieferschein' AND bc1.doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND bc1.pos='$lieferschein_posid' AND isnull(
+ GROUP by bc1.wert");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
+ GROUP by wert");
+ if(empty($tmp) && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
+ {
+ if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in ('".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid )."')
+ GROUP by wert");
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
+ GROUP by wert");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($tmp)){
+ $ctmp = count($tmp);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $ctmp; $i++) {
+ if($type === 'mhd' && $tmp[$i]['wert'] != ""){
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] = ($i > 0 ? $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd') . ': ' : '') . date('d.m.Y', strtotime($tmp[$i]['wert']));
+ if($tmp[$i]['wert2'] != '' && $tmp[$i]['type2'] === 'charge') {
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] .= ' ' . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert2'];
+ }
+ }elseif($type === 'charge'){
+ if($i > 0) {
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
+ }
+ }elseif($type === 'sn'){
+ if($i > 0) {
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer') . ': ' . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($tmp[$i]['menge'] > 1) {
+ $tmp[$i]['menge'] = ' (' . (float)$tmp[$i]['menge'] . ')';
+ }else {
+ $tmp[$i]['menge'] = '';
+ }
+ $tmp_string[] = $tmp[$i]['wert'] . $tmp[$i]['menge'];
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='$doctype' AND doctypeid='$doctypeid' AND pos='$posid'
+ GROUP by wert");
+ if(empty($tmp) && $doctype === 'rechnung' && $lieferschein && $lieferschein_posid)
+ {
+ if(is_array($lieferschein_posid))
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND pos in ('".implode(', ',$lieferschein_posid )."')
+ GROUP by wert");
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT SUM(menge) as menge,wert, wert2
+ FROM beleg_chargesnmhd
+ WHERE type='$type' AND doctype='lieferschein' AND doctypeid='$lieferschein' AND pos='$lieferschein_posid'
+ GROUP by wert");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($tmp)){
+ $ctmp = count($tmp);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $ctmp; $i++) {
+ if($type === 'mhd' && $tmp[$i]['wert'] != ''){
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] =
+ ($i > 0 && !$returnSimpleString ? $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd') . ': ' : '') .
+ date('d.m.Y', strtotime($tmp[$i]['wert']));
+ }
+ elseif($type === 'charge'){
+ if($i > 0) {
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] = (!$returnSimpleString?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge') . ': ':'') . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($type === 'sn'){
+ if($i > 0) {
+ $tmp[$i]['wert'] = (!$returnSimpleString?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer') . ': ':'') . $tmp[$i]['wert'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($tmp[$i]['menge'] > 1) {
+ $tmp[$i]['menge'] = ' (' . (float)$tmp[$i]['menge'] . ')';
+ }
+ else {
+ $tmp[$i]['menge'] = '';
+ }
+ $tmp_string[] = $tmp[$i]['wert'] . $tmp[$i]['menge'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($tmp_string)){
+ if($returnSimpleString) {
+ return implode(', ', $tmp_string);
+ }
+ return implode("\r\n",$tmp_string);
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ function CheckPosition($value,$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid)
+ {
+ // ean
+ if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_ean')=='1')
+ {
+ $ean = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ean FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($ean!='') {
+ $tmpvalue['ean'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean').': '.$ean;
+ }
+ }
+ // zolltarif // check ust id
+ $ust_befreit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ust_befreit FROM $doctype WHERE id='$doctypeid' LIMIT 1");
+ if(($ust_befreit==2 && ($doctype=='rechnung' || $doctype=='gutschrift')) ||
+ ($doctype!='proformarechnung' && $this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_zolltarifnummer')=='1'))
+ {
+ if($value['zolltarifnummer']=='' || $value['zolltarifnummer']==0) {
+ $value['zolltarifnummer'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zolltarifnummer FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($value['herkunftsland']=='' || $value['herkunftsland']==0) {
+ $value['herkunftsland'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT herkunftsland FROM artikel WHERE id='".$value['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $value['zolltarifnummer']='';
+ $value['herkunftsland']='';
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_herkunftsland')=='1')
+ {
+ $value['herkunftsland']='';
+ }
+ $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
+ // mhd
+ if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_mhd')=='1')
+ {
+ $mhd=$this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];//$this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
+ if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{MHD}') !== false) {
+ $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
+ '{MHD}',
+ $mhd,
+ $value['beschreibung']
+ );
+ }
+ if($mhd!='') {
+ $tmpvalue['mhd'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mhd').': '.$mhd;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('charge',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
+ // charge
+ if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_charge')=='1')
+ {
+ $charge=$this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];
+ if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{CHARGE}') !== false) {
+ $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
+ '{CHARGE}',
+ $charge,
+ $value['beschreibung']
+ );
+ }
+ if($charge!='') {
+ $tmpvalue['charge'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_charge').': '.$charge;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('sn',$doctype,$doctypeid,$posid);
+ // sn
+ if($this->getStyleElement('beleg_pos_sn')=='1')
+ {
+ $seriennr=$this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeid][$posid];
+ if(strpos($value['beschreibung'], '{SN}') !== false) {
+ $value['beschreibung'] = str_replace(
+ '{SN}',
+ $seriennr,
+ $value['beschreibung']
+ );
+ }
+ if($seriennr!='') {
+ $tmpvalue['sn'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_seriennummer').': '.$seriennr;
+ $value['seriennummer']='';
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($tmpvalue)) {
+ if($value['beschreibung']!=''){
+ $value['beschreibung'] = $value['beschreibung'] . "\r\n" . implode("\r\n", $tmpvalue);
+ }
+ else{
+ $value['beschreibung'] = implode("\r\n", $tmpvalue);
+ }
+ }
+ return $value;
+ }
+ public function addItem($rdata){
+ // add rabatt
+ if($rdata['price']!='-'){
+ if($rdata['rabatt'] == 100){
+ $rdata['tprice'] = round($rdata['amount'] * ((double)$rdata['price'] - (double)($rdata['price'] / 100.00 * (double)$rdata['rabatt'])), 13);
+ }else{
+ $rdata['tprice'] = $rdata['amount'] * ((double)$rdata['price'] - (double)($rdata['price'] / 100.00 * (double)$rdata['rabatt']));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $rdata['tprice']='-';
+ }
+ $this->items[]=$rdata;
+ }
+ public function setSender($rdata){
+ $this->sender['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[0]);
+ $this->sender['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[1]);
+ $this->sender['familyname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[2]);
+ $this->sender['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[3]);
+ $this->sender['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[4]);
+ $this->sender['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[5]);
+ if(isset($rdata[6])){
+ $this->sender['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[6]);
+ }
+ }
+ function setRecipientRechnung($id)
+ {
+ }
+ function setRecipientLieferadresse($id,$table)
+ {
+ $this->id = $id;
+ $this->table = $table;
+ if($table == 'serviceauftrag'){
+ $adressid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM serviceauftrag WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if($adressid != "" && $adressid > 0){
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$adressid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }else{
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $titelansprechpartner="";
+ $titelname="";
+ if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!='' && $tmp[0]['titel']!='')
+ {
+ $titelansprechpartner = $tmp[0]['titel'].' ';
+ }
+ else if ($tmp[0]['titel']!='') {
+ $titelname = $tmp[0]['titel'].' ';
+ }
+ if($table != 'serviceauftrag'){
+ if($tmp[0]['typ']==''){
+ $tmp[0]['typ'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT typ FROM adresse WHERE id='" . $tmp[0]['adresse'] . "' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type='".$tmp[0]['typ']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($check!="")
+ $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($check);
+ else
+ $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(ucfirst($tmp[0]['typ']));
+ if($tmp[0]['typ']!="person")
+ {
+ $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($titelname.$tmp[0]['name']);
+ if($tmp[0]['abteilung']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['abteilung']) >1){
+ $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['abteilung']);
+ }
+ if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner'])>1){
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($titelansprechpartner . $tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
+ }
+ if(($table=='rechnung' || $table=='gutschrift') && $this->getStyleElement('rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner')!='1'){
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = '';
+ }
+ else if(($table=='angebot' || $table=='auftrag' || $table=='bestellung') && $this->getStyleElement('angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner')!='1'){
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = '';
+ }
+ if($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['address3'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']);
+ }
+ if($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['address4'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $vorname = '';
+ if(isset($tmp[0]['vorname']) && $tmp[0]['vorname']!='' && strlen(trim($tmp[0]['vorname']))>0){
+ $vorname = $tmp[0]['vorname'] . ' ';
+ }
+ $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($vorname.$tmp[0]['name']);
+ $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
+ }
+ $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['strasse']);
+ $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['plz']);
+ $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ort']);
+ //if($this->recipient['city']!="")
+ $this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['land']);
+ }
+ function setRecipientDB($adresse)
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$adresse' LIMIT 1");
+ if($tmp[0]['typ']!="person")
+ {
+ $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['name']);
+ if($tmp[0]['abteilung']!='' && strlen($tmp[0]['abteilung'])>1){
+ $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['abteilung']);
+ }
+ $tmp[0]['anrede'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT anrede FROM adresse WHERE id='".$tmp[0]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT bezeichnung FROM adresse_typ WHERE type='".$tmp[0]['anrede']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($check!=''){
+ $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($check);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->recipient['anrede'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF(ucfirst($tmp[0]['anrede']));
+ }
+ if(($this->table=='rechnung' || $this->table=='gutschrift') && $this->getStyleElement('rechnung_gutschrift_ansprechpartner')=='1')
+ {
+ if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(($this->table=='angebot' || $this->table=='auftrag' || $this->table=='bestellung') && $this->getStyleElement("angebot_auftrag_bestellung_ansprechpartner")=='1')
+ {
+ if($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ansprechpartner']);
+ }
+ }
+ if($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['address3'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['unterabteilung']);
+ }
+ if($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']!=''){
+ $this->recipient['address4'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['name']);
+ $this->recipient['address2'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['adresszusatz']);
+ }
+ $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['strasse']);
+ $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['plz']);
+ $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['ort']);
+ //if($this->recipient['city']!="")
+ $this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($tmp[0]['land']);
+ }
+ public function setRecipient($rdata){
+ $this->recipient['enterprise'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[0]);
+ $this->recipient['firstname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[1]);
+ $this->recipient['familyname'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[2]);
+ $this->recipient['address1'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[3]);
+ $this->recipient['areacode'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[4]);
+ $this->recipient['city'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[5]);
+ if(isset($rdata[3]))$this->recipient['country'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($rdata[6]);
+ }
+ public function setCorrDetails($rdata, $onlyData = false){
+ if($onlyData) {
+ $this->corrDetails = $rdata;
+ return;
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement("projektnummerimdokument")=='1'){
+ $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_projekt")] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='" . $this->projekt . "' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement("internetnummerimbeleg")=='1')
+ {
+ switch($this->doctype)
+ {
+ case "rechnung":
+ case "lieferschein":
+ $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN ".$this->doctype." b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ case "gutschrift":
+ $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT a.internet FROM gutschrift g LEFT JOIN rechnung r ON LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ case "auftrag":
+ $internetnummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT internet FROM auftrag WHERE id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ break;
+ default:
+ $internetnummer = '';
+ }
+ //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftunginternetnummer")]=$internetnummer;
+ $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("beschriftunginternetnummer")]=$internetnummer;
+ }
+ if($this->doctype=="rechnung"||$this->doctype=="lieferschein"||$this->doctype=="gutschrift"||$this->doctype=="auftrag"||$this->doctype=="angebot"||$this->doctype=="lieferschein")
+ {
+ if($this->doctype=='lieferschein'){
+ $tabelle='lieferschein';
+ }else {
+ $tabelle=$this->doctype;
+ }
+// $bearbeiteremail = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ // $bearbeitertelefon = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.telefon FROM ".$this->doctype." a LEFT JOIN adresse adr ON LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ $bearbeiteremail = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM ".$tabelle." a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ $bearbeitertelefon = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.telefon FROM ".$tabelle." a LEFT JOIN adresse b ON WHERE'".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement('bearbeiteremailimdokument')=='1'){
+ $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_email')] = $bearbeiteremail;
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement('bearbeitertelefonimdokument')=='1'){
+ $rdata[$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_telefon')] = $bearbeitertelefon;
+ }
+ //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftungbearbeiteremail")]=$internetnummer;
+ //$rdata[$this->getStyleElement("beschriftungbearbeitertelefonnummer")]=$internetnummer;
+ $this->corrDetails = $rdata;
+ }
+ public function setBoldCorrDetails($rdata){
+ $this->boldCorrDetails = $rdata;
+ }
+ public function setItalicBoldCorrDetails($rdata){
+ $this->italicBoldCorrDetails = $rdata;
+ }
+ public function setItalicCorrDetails($rdata){
+ $this->italicCorrDetails = $rdata;
+ }
+ public function setTextDetails($rdata){
+ $this->textDetails = $rdata;
+ }
+ public function setTotals($rdata){
+ $this->totals = $rdata;
+ }
+ // Briefpapier festlegen
+ public function setStationery($stationeryfile) {
+ $this->setSourceFile($stationeryfile);
+ $tplidx = $this->ImportPage(1);
+ $this->useTemplate($tplidx);
+ }
+ /*
+ public function setLogo($logofile) {
+ $this->logofile = "./lib/pdf/images/".$logofile;
+ }
+ */
+ // label settings
+ public function setBarcode($barcode) {
+ $barcode = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z\-]/', '', $barcode);
+ if($this->barcode_sichtbar)
+ $this->barcode = $barcode;
+ else $this->barcode="";
+ }
+ public function Header() {
+ if($this->knickfalz!='1'){
+ $this->Line(0,105,5,105);
+ $this->Line(0,148,7,148);
+ $this->Line(0,210,5,210);
+ }
+ if($this->logofile!='')
+ $this->Image($this->logofile,15,10,110);
+ if($this->barcode!='' && $this->briefpapier==''){
+ //$this->Rotate(90);
+ $this->Code39($this->barcode_x, $this->barcode_y, $this->barcode, 1, 3);
+ //$this->Rotate(0);
+ }
+ if($this->briefpapier!='' && $this->PageNo()<=1)
+ $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier);
+ // wenn
+ if($this->PageNo() > 1 && $this->briefpapier2!='' && $this->briefpapier2vorhanden=='1'){
+ if($this->doctype != 'produktion'){
+ $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier2);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( $this->PageNo() > 1 && $this->briefpapier!=''){
+ $this->setStationery($this->briefpapier);
+ }
+ if($this->PageNo() > 1)
+ {
+ $this->SetY($this->abseite2y);
+ }
+ }
+ public function Footer() {
+ $differenz=12;
+ $this->SetXY(12,$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seiten_unten")*-1);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',8);
+ if($this->seite_von_sichtbar!="1")
+ {
+ if($this->getStyleElement("seite_von_ausrichtung_relativ")=="1")// && $this->seite_von_ausrichtung=="C")
+ {
+ $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks"));
+ $differenz = $this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks");
+ }
+ $tmp = $this->rMargin;
+ if($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts")>0)
+ $this->rMargin=$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts");
+ else
+ $this->rMargin=$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks");
+ $tmpc = $this->cMargin;
+ if($this->seite_von_ausrichtung=="R")
+ $this->cMargin=-3;
+ if($this->getStyleElement("seite_belegnr"))
+ $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb} '.$this->zusatzfooter,0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
+ else
+ $this->Cell(0,8,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seite").' '.$this->PageNo().' '.$this->app->erp->Beschriftung("dokument_seitevon").' {nb}',0,0,$this->seite_von_ausrichtung);
+ $this->cMargin = $tmpc;
+ $this->rMargin=$tmp;
+ }
+ if($this->nichtsichtbar_footer!=true)
+ {
+ $footerarr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM firmendaten WHERE id='".$this->firmendatenid."' LIMIT 1");
+ $firmendaten_extra = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM firmendaten_werte");
+ if($firmendaten_extra)
+ {
+ foreach($firmendaten_extra as $v)
+ {
+ if(!isset($footerarr[0][$v['name']]))$footerarr[0][$v['name']] = $v['wert'];
+ }
+ }
+ $footerarr = $footerarr[0];
+ foreach($footerarr as $key=>$value)
+ $footerarr[$key] = utf8_decode($value);
+ $this->SetXY(10,-26);
+ $this->SetDrawColor($this->getStyleElement("footer_farbe"));
+ $this->SetTextColor($this->getStyleElement("footer_farbe"));
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',7);
+ if($this->getStyleElement("footer_zentriert")!=1)
+ {
+ $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite1'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_0_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_5'].""),'','L');
+ $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + 10,-26); // Breite 1 + 10
+ $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite2'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_1_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_1_5'].""),'','L');
+ $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + $footerarr['footer_breite2'] + 10,-26); //breite 1 + breite 2 + 10
+ $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite3'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_2_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_2_5'].""),'','L');
+ $this->SetXY($footerarr['footer_breite1'] + $footerarr['footer_breite2'] + $footerarr['footer_breite3'] + 10,-26); //breite 1 + breite 2 + breite 3 + 10
+ $this->MultiCell($footerarr['footer_breite4'],3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_3_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_3_5'].""),'','L');
+ } else {
+ $this->MultiCell(0,3,utf8_encode(" ".$footerarr['footer_0_0']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_1']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_2']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_3']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_4']."\n ".$footerarr['footer_0_5'].""),'','C');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $parameter
+ *
+ * @return array|null
+ */
+ protected function getOldDocument(string $parameter): ?array
+ {
+ return $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ FROM `pdfarchiv`
+ WHERE `table_id` = '".$this->id."'
+ AND `table_name` = '".$this->table."'
+ AND `doctype` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype)."'
+ AND `doctypeorig` = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig)."'
+ AND CHAR_LENGTH(`belegnummer`) > 2
+ AND `belegnummer` <> 'SAB'
+ AND `parameter` = '$parameter'
+ AND `keinhintergrund` = '".($this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable?'1':'0')."'
+ ORDER BY `zeitstempel` DESC
+ LIMIT 1"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $path
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ protected function checkAndUpdateDocumentName(string $path): bool
+ {
+ if(!file_exists($path)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $pathInfos = explode('_', basename($path),3);
+ $md5 = md5_file($path);
+ if($md5 === $pathInfos[0]){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $this->updateDocumentEntry($pathInfos, $md5,$path);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $fileInfos
+ * @param string $md5
+ * @param string $filePath
+ */
+ protected function updateDocumentEntry(array $fileInfos, string $md5, string $filePath): bool
+ {
+ $fileName = basename($filePath);
+ $dir = dirname($filePath);
+ $newFileName = $md5 . '_' . explode('_', basename($filePath),2)[1];
+ $newFilePath = $dir . '/' . $newFileName;
+ $tableId = $fileInfos[1];
+ if(file_exists($newFilePath)){
+ $this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($newFilePath);
+ }
+ if(file_exists($newFilePath)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->updatePdfArchiveEntry((int)$tableId, $md5, $newFileName, $fileName);
+ rename($dir . '/' . $fileName, $newFilePath);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $tableId
+ * @param string $md5
+ * @param string $newFileName
+ * @param string $oldFilename
+ */
+ protected function updatePdfArchiveEntry(int $tableId, string $md5, string $newFileName, string $oldFilename): void
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Update(
+ "UPDATE `pdfarchiv`
+ SET `checksum` = '{$md5}', `dateiname` = '{$newFileName}'
+ WHERE `dateiname` = '{$oldFilename}' AND `table_id` = {$tableId} AND `table_name` = '{$this->table}'"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $checkSum
+ * @param string $fileName
+ * @param string $documentNumber
+ * @param string $parameter
+ *
+ * @return int
+ */
+ protected function createPdfArchiveEntry(
+ string $checkSum, string $fileName, string $documentNumber, string $parameter = ''
+ ): int
+ {
+ $userName = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName());
+ $documentType = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype);
+ $originalDocumentType = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig);
+ $documentNumber = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($documentNumber);
+ $parameter = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($parameter);
+ $noBackGround = $this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable ? 1 : 0;
+ $this->app->DB->Insert(
+ "INSERT INTO `pdfarchiv`
+ (
+ `schreibschutz`, `zeitstempel`, `checksum`, `table_id`, `table_name`, `bearbeiter`,
+ `erstesoriginal`, `doctype`, `doctypeorig`, `dateiname`,
+ `belegnummer`, `keinhintergrund`, `parameter`
+ )
+ (
+ 1, NOW(), '{$checkSum}', '{$this->id}', '{$this->table}', '{$userName}',
+ 0, '{$documentType}', '{$originalDocumentType}', '{$fileName}',
+ '{$documentNumber}', '{$noBackGround}', '{$parameter}'
+ )"
+ );
+ return (int)$this->app->DB->GetInsertID();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param false $schreibschutz
+ * @param false $force
+ * @param string $parameter
+ */
+ public function ArchiviereDocument($schreibschutz = false, $force = false, $parameter = ''): void
+ {
+ if(!$schreibschutz){
+ $schreibschutz = (bool)$this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT `schreibschutz` FROM `{$this->table}` WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' LIMIT 1"
+ );
+ }
+ if($parameter == ''){
+ $parameter = $this->parameter;
+ }
+ if($this->ausarchiv){
+ return;
+ }
+ $isDraft = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT `id` FROM `{$this->table}` WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' AND `belegnr` <> '' AND `belegnr` <> '0' LIMIT 1"
+ ) === null;
+ if($isDraft){
+ return;
+ }
+ if($force) {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET `schreibschutz` = 1 WHERE `id` = '{$this->id}' LIMIT 1");
+ $schreibschutz = true;
+ }
+ if(!$schreibschutz){
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $dir = rtrim($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata, '/') . '/pdfarchiv/' . $this->app->Conf->WFdbname . '/' . $this->table;
+ if(!is_dir($dir) && !mkdir($dir, 0700,true) && !is_dir($dir)){
+ $this->app->erp->LogFile('Fehler beim erstellen von '.$dir);
+ return;
+ }
+ $dir = dirname(Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir, $this->id, $this->id . '_' . $this->filename, false, true));
+ $absoluteFilePath = $dir . '/' .$this->id . '_' . $this->filename;
+ $oldDocument = $this->getOldDocument((string)$parameter);
+ $isOldDocumentFileExists = !empty($oldDocument['dateiname']) && is_file($dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname']);
+ $hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum = $isOldDocumentFileExists
+ && !empty($oldDocument['checksum'])
+ && strpos($oldDocument['dateiname'], $oldDocument['checksum']) ===0;
+ if($hasOldDocumentFileMd5Sum) {
+ $oldFile = $dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname'];
+ if($this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($oldFile)) {
+ $oldDocument = $this->getOldDocument((string)$parameter);
+ $isOldDocumentFileExists = !empty($oldDocument['dateiname']) && is_file($dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname']);
+ }
+ }
+ $oldFile = $isOldDocumentFileExists ? $dir . '/' . $oldDocument['dateiname'] : null;
+ if($oldFile !== null && !$force) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $documentNumber = str_ireplace('.pdf', '', substr($this->filename, strrpos($this->filename, '_') + 1));
+ // If the current document file does not exist
+ if(!file_exists($absoluteFilePath)){
+ // save this document to file
+ $this->Output($absoluteFilePath, 'F');
+ if(empty($oldDocument) || $oldDocument['dateiname'] !== basename($absoluteFilePath)) {
+ $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
+ md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
+ );
+ }
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ return;
+ }
+ // create a new temp file
+ $tempFilePath = $dir . '/' .$this->id . '_temp' . $this->filename;
+ $this->Output($tempFilePath, 'F');
+ if($oldFile !== null && $this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($oldFile, $tempFilePath)) {
+ unlink($tempFilePath);
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ return;
+ }
+ $md5CurrentFile = md5_file($absoluteFilePath);
+ // and compare with existing file
+ if($this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($absoluteFilePath, $tempFilePath)){
+ //if($md5CurrentFile === md5_file($tempFilePath)){
+ // If same, delete temp file and
+ unlink($tempFilePath);
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ return;
+ }
+ // build the file name with md5_hash
+ $md5FileName = $dir . '/' . $md5CurrentFile . '_' . $this->id . '_' . $this->filename;
+ // check if the file exists
+ $this->checkAndUpdateDocumentName($md5FileName);
+ if(!file_exists($md5FileName)){
+ rename($absoluteFilePath, $md5FileName);
+ $this->updatePdfArchiveEntry($this->id, $md5CurrentFile, basename($md5FileName), basename($absoluteFilePath));
+ rename($tempFilePath, $absoluteFilePath);
+ $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
+ md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
+ );
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ return;
+ }
+ if($this->areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate($absoluteFilePath, $md5FileName)){
+ rename($tempFilePath, $absoluteFilePath);
+ $this->createPdfArchiveEntry(
+ md5_file($absoluteFilePath), basename($absoluteFilePath), $documentNumber, (string)$parameter
+ );
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ return;
+ }
+ unlink($tempFilePath);
+ $this->resetToArchiveFlag();
+ }
+ /**
+ * resolve to-archive request for document, after creating new pdf-file
+ */
+ public function resetToArchiveFlag(): void
+ {
+ if(empty($this->id) || empty($this->table)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE `{$this->table}` SET `zuarchivieren` = 0 WHERE `id` = {$this->id} LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $firstFilePath
+ * @param string $secondFilePath
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function areFilesEqualExceptCreationDate(string $firstFilePath, string $secondFilePath)
+ {
+ if(!file_exists($firstFilePath) || !file_exists($secondFilePath)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $pattern = '#CreationDate \(D:[0-9]+\)#';
+ $contentFirstFile = preg_replace($pattern, '', @file_get_contents($firstFilePath));
+ $contentSecondFile = preg_replace($pattern, '', @file_get_contents($secondFilePath));
+ return md5($contentFirstFile) === md5($contentSecondFile);
+ }
+ public function DocumentArchiviert()
+ {
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
+ if(!is_dir($dir)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!is_dir($dir.'/'.$this->table)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $md5alt = false;
+ $altesdokument = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = '".$this->id."' and table_name = '".$this->table."' AND doctype = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctype)."' AND doctypeorig = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->doctypeOrig)."' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
+ if(empty($altesdokument)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $md5alt = $altesdokument['checksum'];
+ if(!file_exists($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/'.$md5alt.'_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename)) {
+ $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir.'/'.$this->table, $this->id,$md5alt.'_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
+ if(!file_exists($file)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->Output($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename,'F');
+ $md5sum_tmp = md5_file($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
+ unlink($dir.'/'.$this->table.'/TEMP_'.$this->id.'_'.$this->filename);
+ return $md5sum_tmp == $md5alt;
+ }
+ public function archiveDocument($parameter = '')
+ {
+ if($this->table && $this->id)
+ {
+ $this->ArchiviereDocument($this->app->DB->Select('SELECT schreibschutz FROM `'.trim($this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->table))."` WHERE id = '".(int)$this->id."' LIMIT 1")?true:false,false, $parameter);
+ }else{
+ $this->ArchiviereDocument();
+ }
+ }
+ public static function getPDFfolder($folder, $tableid, $file = '', $forcenew = false, $createfolder = false)
+ {
+ if($file === '') {
+ $file = $folder;
+ $folder = dirname($folder);
+ $file = substr($file, strlen($folder)+1);
+ }
+ if(!$forcenew && file_exists($folder.'/'.$file)) {
+ return $folder.'/'.$file;
+ }
+ $tableida = str_split($tableid, 1);
+ $newfolder = $folder. '/'.implode('/',$tableida);
+ if(!$createfolder) {
+ return $newfolder.'/'.$file;
+ }
+ if(!is_dir($newfolder) && !mkdir($newfolder,0700,true) && !is_dir($newfolder)){
+ return $folder.'/'.$file;
+ }
+ return $newfolder.'/'.$file;
+ }
+ public function inlineDocument($from_archiv = false) {
+ //$from_archiv=false;
+ //$filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
+ $content = null;
+ if($from_archiv && !empty($this->table) && !empty($this->id)) {
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$this->table;
+ if(is_dir($dir)) {
+ if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
+ $filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT dateiname
+ FROM pdfarchiv
+ WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
+ ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
+ LIMIT 1"
+ );
+ }
+ else{
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT dateiname
+ FROM pdfarchiv
+ WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
+ ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC
+ LIMIT 1"
+ );
+ }
+ if(!empty($mirror)) {
+ $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$this->id, $mirror);
+ //if(is_file($dir.'/'.$mirror))
+ if(is_file($file)) {
+ //$content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
+ $content = file_get_contents($file);
+ if(!empty($content)) {
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ echo $content;
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->renderDocument();
+ $this->archiveDocument();
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ $this->Output();
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $tableid
+ * @param string $tablename
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function zuArchivieren($tableid, $tablename)
+ {
+ if($tablename) {
+ $check = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT zuArchivieren FROM `$tablename` WHERE id = '$tableid'");
+ }
+ if($check){
+ return true;
+ }
+ $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ FROM pdfarchiv
+ WHERE table_id = '".$tableid."' AND `table_name` = '".$tablename."' AND erstesoriginal = 0
+ AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."'
+ AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."'
+ ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC"
+ );
+ if(empty($mirrors)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
+ if(!is_dir($dir)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror) {
+ $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$tableid,$mirror['dateiname']);
+ if(!empty($mirror['dateiname']) && file_exists($dateipfad)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $id
+ */
+ public function movePDFArchiv($id)
+ {
+ $mirrors = $id <=0?null:$this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d',
+ $id
+ )
+ );
+ if(empty($mirrors) || empty($mirrors['dateiname'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$mirrors['table_name'];
+ if(!is_file($dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $newfile = self::getPDFfolder($dir,$mirrors['table_id'],$mirrors['dateiname'],true,true);
+ if($newfile != $dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'] && !is_file($newfile)) {
+ @rename($dir.'/'.$mirrors['dateiname'], $newfile);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $tableid
+ * @param string $tablename
+ *
+ * @return array|bool
+ */
+ public function getArchivedFiles($tableid, $tablename)
+ {
+ $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfarchiv where table_id = '".$tableid."' and table_name = '".$tablename."' AND CHAR_LENGTH(belegnummer) > 2 AND belegnummer <> 'SAB' AND keinhintergrund = 0 ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC");
+ if(!$mirrors){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
+ if(!is_dir($dir)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror) {
+ $dateipfad = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$tableid,$mirror['dateiname']);
+ if(!$mirror['dateiname'] || !file_exists($dateipfad)) {
+ unset($mirrors[$k]);
+ }
+ else{
+ $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $mirror['dateiname'];
+ }
+ }
+ if(empty($mirrors)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return $mirrors;
+ }
+ public function getArchivedFiles_alt($tableid, $tablename)
+ {
+ $mirrors = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where table_id = '".$tableid."' and table_name = '".$tablename."' ORDER BY zeitstempel DESC");
+ if(!$mirrors)return false;
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfmirror/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$tablename;
+ if(is_dir($dir))
+ {
+ $files = glob($dir.'/*.pdf');
+ if(!$files)return false;
+ foreach($files as $file)
+ {
+ $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
+ foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror)
+ {
+ if($mirror['checksum'])
+ {
+ if(strpos($path_parts['basename'],$mirror['checksum'])=== 0)
+ {
+ $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $path_parts['basename'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(strpos($path_parts['filename'], $tableid.'_') === 0){
+ $mirrors[$k]['file'] = $path_parts['basename'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($mirrors as $k => $mirror)
+ {
+ if(!isset($mirror['file']))unset($mirrors[$k]);
+ }
+ if(!isset($mirrors) || count($mirrors) < 1)return false;
+ return $mirrors;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $id
+ *
+ * @return bool|array
+ */
+ public function getArchivByID($id)
+ {
+ $id = (int)$id;
+ if($id <= 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
+ if(!is_dir($dir)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM pdfarchiv WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1', $id));
+ if(empty($mirror)){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(empty($mirror['dateiname'])) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir.'/'.$mirror['table_name'], $mirror['table_id'], $mirror['dateiname']);
+ if(!file_exists($file)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $tmpr['belegnr'] = $mirror['belegnummer'];
+ $tmpr['file'] = file_get_contents($file);
+ return $tmpr;
+ }
+ public function getArchivByID_alt($id)
+ {
+ $id = (int)$id;
+ if(!$id)return false;
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata."/pdfmirror/".$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
+ if(!is_dir($dir))return false;
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * from pdfmirror_md5pool where id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!$mirror)return false;
+ $mirror = reset($mirror);
+ $mirrors = $this->getArchivedFiles_alt($mirror['table_id'], $mirror['table_name']);
+ if(!$mirrors)return false;
+ foreach($mirrors as $mirror)
+ {
+ //echo ".";
+ if($mirror['id'] == $id)
+ {
+ //echo ":";
+ if(file_exists($dir."/".$mirror['table_name']."/".$mirror['file']))
+ {
+ //echo ";";
+ $tmpr['belegnr'] = str_replace('.pdf','',$mirror['file']);
+ $tmpr['belegnr'] = substr($tmpr['belegnr'],strrpos($tmpr['belegnr'],'_')+1);
+ $tmpr['file'] = file_get_contents($dir."/".$mirror['table_name']."/".$mirror['file']);
+ return $tmpr;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $from_archiv
+ */
+ public function displayDocument($from_archiv = false) {
+ //$from_archiv=false;
+ if($from_archiv) {
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$this->table;
+ if($this->table && $this->id && is_dir($dir)) {
+ if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
+ $filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ else{
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($mirror) {
+ $file = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir, $this->id, $mirror);
+ //if(is_file($dir.'/'.$mirror))
+ if(is_file($file)) {
+ //$content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
+ $content = file_get_contents($file);
+ if(!empty($content)) {
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->filename.'"');
+ echo $content;
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $this->renderDocument();
+ $this->archiveDocument();
+ $this->Output($this->filename,'D');
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function displayTMP($from_archiv = false) {
+ //if(!$from_archiv && $this->table && $this->id)$from_archiv = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT schreibschutz FROM `".$this->table."` WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($from_archiv) {
+ $dir = $this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/pdfarchiv/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/'.$this->table;
+ if($this->table && $this->id && is_dir($dir)) {
+ if($this->table === 'rechnung') {
+ $filenameprefix = substr($this->filename,9,2);
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND substring(belegnummer,1,2) = '$filenameprefix' AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ else{
+ $mirror = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT dateiname FROM pdfarchiv WHERE table_name = '".$this->table."' AND table_id = '".$this->id."' AND schreibschutz = 1 AND parameter = '".$this->parameter."' AND keinhintergrund = '".(int)$this->app->erp->BriefpapierHintergrunddisable."' ORDER by zeitstempel DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($mirror){
+ $mirror2 = Briefpapier::getPDFfolder($dir,$this->id, $mirror);
+ if(is_file($mirror2)) {
+ $mirror = substr($mirror2, strlen($dir)+1);
+ }
+ if(is_file($dir.'/'.$mirror)){
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $content = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$mirror);
+ if($content != '' && file_put_contents($this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename,$content)){
+ if($this->addpdf){
+ $files[] = $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
+ foreach($this->addpdf as $file){
+ $files[] = $file;
+ }
+ $content = $this->app->erp->MergePDF($files);
+ file_put_contents($this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename,$content);
+ }
+ $this->ausarchiv = true;
+ return $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->renderDocument();
+ $this->archiveDocument();
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $this->Output($this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename,'F');
+ return $this->app->erp->GetTMP().$this->filename;
+ }
+ public function sendDocument($from_archiv = false) {
+ $this->renderDocument();
+ $this->archiveDocument();
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $this->Output($this->filename,'S');
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ /***********************************
+ * public functions
+ ***********************************/
+ // setup relevant data for a invoice
+ public function setupTax() {
+ // full taxrate
+ // define("USTV",0.19);
+ // reduced taxrate
+ // define("USTR",0.07);
+ }
+ public function calcTotals() {
+ $total=$totalFullTax=$totalReducedTax=0;
+ $citems = !empty($this->items)?count($this->items):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$citems;$i++) {
+ $total += $this->items[$i]['tprice'];
+ if($this->items[$i]['tax']=="USTV") {
+ $totalFullTax+= $this->items[$i]['tprice']*USTV;
+ }
+ else {
+ $totalReducedTax+= $this->items[$i]['tprice']*USTR;
+ }
+ }
+ return array($total,$totalFullTax,$totalReducedTax);
+ }
+ function GetFont()
+ {
+ if($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!=''){
+ return $this->getStyleElement('schriftart');
+ }
+ return 'Arial';
+ }
+ public function setStyleData($styleData){
+ $this->styleData = $styleData;
+ }
+ private function getStyleElement($key){
+ if(isset($this->styleData[$key]) && !empty($this->styleData[$key])) return $this->styleData[$key];
+ return $this->app->erp->Firmendaten($key);
+ }
+ public function renderDocument() {
+ // prepare page details
+ parent::__construct('P','mm','A4');
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_document_hook1', 1, $this);
+ // if($this->getStyleElement("schriftart")!="")
+ // $this->SetFont($this->getStyleElement("schriftart"));
+ $font = $this->getStyleElement('schriftart');
+ if(!in_array($font, ['', 'Arial', 'Courier', 'Helvetica', 'Times'])){
+ $this->AddFont($font,'',strtolower($font).'.php');
+ if(is_file("lib/pdf/font/".strtolower($font).'i.php'))
+ $this->AddFont($font,'I',strtolower($font).'i.php');
+ else
+ $this->AddFont($font,'I',strtolower($font).'.php');
+ if(is_file("lib/pdf/font/".strtolower($font).'b.php'))
+ $this->AddFont($font,'B',strtolower($font).'b.php');
+ else
+ $this->AddFont($font,'B',strtolower($font).'.php');
+ if(is_file("lib/pdf/font/".strtolower($font).'bi.php'))
+ $this->AddFont($font,'BI',strtolower($font).'bi.php');
+ else
+ $this->AddFont($font,'BI',strtolower($font).'.php');
+ }
+ // invoke Header() and Footer() by adding a new page
+ $this->AddPage();
+ //$this->setStationery("/home/eproo/eproo-master/app/main/www/lib/dokumente/demo.pdf");
+ $this->SetDisplayMode("real","single");
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+ $this->renderSender();
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+ {
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+ || !empty($this->italicBoldCorrDetails))
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+ public function renderRecipient(){
+ // $this->SetY(50);
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+ {
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+ }
+ public function setAbsender($sender)
+ {
+ $this->absender = $sender;
+ }
+ public function renderSender() {
+ $monthlu = array("", "Januar", "Februar", "M�rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember");
+ $monthnom = date("n");
+ $month = $monthlu[$monthnom];
+ $date = date("j").". ".$month." ".date("Y");
+ if($this->nichtsichtbar_zeileabsender!=true)
+ {
+ //abstand_adresszeileoben
+ // line above address field
+ $absender = (($this->absender!='') ? $this->absender : $this->getStyleElement('absender'));
+ $schriftgroesse = $this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesseabsender');
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+ $cellStr = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($absender);
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+ else
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+ }
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+ {
+ // detailed sender data
+ $lineHeight = 4;
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+ $absatz = 3;
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,10);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',9);
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Name der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',9);
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise'],0,2);
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+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['enterprise2'],0,2);
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',9);
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Sitz der Gesellschaft: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',9);
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address1'],0,2);
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+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['address2'],0,2);
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['areacode']." ".$this->sender['city'],0,2);
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+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fon: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['phone1'],0,2);
+ }
+ if(isset($this->sender['fax'])) {
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Fax: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['fax'],0,2);
+ }
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+ if(isset($this->sender['email'])) {
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Mail: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['email'],0,2);
+ }
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+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Web: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['web'],0,2);
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+ if(isset($this->sender['ustid'])) {
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"UST-ID: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['ustid'],0,2);
+ }
+ if(isset($this->sender['taxnr'])) {
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Steuer-Nr.: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['taxnr'],0,2);
+ }
+ if(isset($this->sender['hreg'])) {
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Handelsregister: ",0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['hreg'],0,2);
+ }
+ $this->SetXY($xOffset,$this->GetY());
+ $this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,utf8_encode("Gesch�ftsf�hrung: "),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,$this->sender['firstname'].' '.$this->sender['familyname'],0,2);
+ //$this->SetXY($xOffset, $this->GetY()+$absatz+2); //abstand
+ //$this->Cell(30,$lineHeight,"Datum: ",0,0,'R');
+ //$this->Cell(60,$lineHeight,utf8_encode($date),0,2);
+ }
+ }
+ // kundennummer rechnungsnummer und datum
+ public function renderCorrDetails() {
+ $breite_spalte_rechts = 30;
+ $recht_links_verschieben = $this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr;
+ $startpos_links_rechts = -83 + $recht_links_verschieben;
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+ $italicBoldTitleStr = $italicBoldValueStr = '';
+ if(isset($this->boldCorrDetails)){
+ foreach($this->boldCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
+ $boldTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
+ $boldValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->italicCorrDetails)) {
+ foreach($this->italicCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
+ $italicTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
+ $italicValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->italicBoldCorrDetails)) {
+ foreach($this->italicBoldCorrDetails as $title => $value) {
+ $italicBoldTitleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
+ $italicBoldValueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($this->corrDetails)){
+ foreach($this->corrDetails as $title => $value) {
+ if($value!="")
+ {
+ $titleStr .= $title !== ''?$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($title).": \n":" \n";
+ $valueStr .= $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value)."\n";
+ }
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+ if($pos > 0)
+ {
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+ }
+ elseif($italicTitleStr != '') {
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'I',$fontinfobox);
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts,80);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,4,$italicTitleStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentleft)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentleft):$this->boxausrichtung); //TL
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+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite2,4,$italicValueStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentright)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentright):$this->boxausrichtung);
+ }
+ elseif($boldTitleStr!='') {
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$fontinfobox);
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts,80);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,4,$boldTitleStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentleft)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentleft):$this->boxausrichtung); //TL
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,80);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite2,4,$boldValueStr,'',!empty($this->boxalignmentright)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentright):$this->boxausrichtung); //TR
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts,80+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,0,'','',!empty($this->boxalignmentleft)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentleft):$this->boxausrichtung); //TL
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,80+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite2,0,'','',!empty($this->boxalignmentright)?strtoupper($this->boxalignmentright):$this->boxausrichtung); //TR
+ }
+ $this->SetY(80);
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$fontinfobox);
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+ $this->SetX($startpos_links_rechts);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breite1,4,$titleStr,"",$this->boxausrichtung); //BL
+ $this->SetXY($startpos_links_rechts+$breite_spalte_rechts,$tempY);
+ $this->MultiCell($this->box_breitexi21,4,$valueStr,"",$this->boxausrichtung); //BR
+ $this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
+ //$this->SetY(60);//+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
+ }
+ public function renderDoctype() {
+ //$this->Ln(1);
+ if($this->doctype=="brief")
+ $betreffszeile = $this->getStyleElement('betreffszeile');
+ else
+ $betreffszeile = $this->getStyleElement('betreffszeile');
+ $this->SetY(80);//+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
+ //$this->SetY(80+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$betreffszeile);
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
+ //$this->Cell(85,6,$this->doctypeOrig);
+ $this->MultiCell(210-83+$this->abstand_boxrechtsoben_lr-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")-5,6,html_entity_decode($this->doctypeOrig,ENT_QUOTES),0,'L');
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()-$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
+ //$this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_betreffzeileoben);
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+$this->abstand_artikeltabelleoben); //Hoehe Box
+ }
+ public function renderText() {
+ if(isset($this->textDetails['body'])) {
+ if($this->doctype=="brief")
+ $dokumententext = $this->getStyleElement('dokumententext');
+ else
+ $dokumententext = $this->getStyleElement('dokumententext');
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$dokumententext);
+ //if($this->doctype!="brief")
+ $this->Ln(11);
+ $this->textDetails['body'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->table,$this->id,$this->textDetails['body']);
+ if($this->getStyleElement("briefhtml")=="1")
+ {
+ $html = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks($this->textDetails['body']));
+ $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
+ } else {
+ $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['body']));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function renderFooter() {
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_footer_hook1', 1, $this);
+ if(isset($this->textDetails['footer'])) {
+ $freitext = $this->getStyleElement('freitext');
+ if($this->getStyleElement("kleinunternehmer"))
+ {
+ if($this->textDetails['footer']=="") $this->textDetails['footer'] ="Als Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von §19 Abs.1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet!";
+ else $this->textDetails['footer'] .="\r\nAls Kleinunternehmer im Sinne von § 19 Abs. 1 UStG wird Umsatzsteuer nicht berechnet!";
+ }
+ $this->textDetails['footer'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->table,$this->id,$this->textDetails['footer']);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$freitext);
+ // $this->Ln();
+ $y = $this->GetY();
+ // if($this->doctype!="lieferschein")
+ // $this->SetY($y-5);
+ //$parsed = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['footer']);
+ if($this->getStyleElement("briefhtml")=="1")
+ {
+ $html = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->RemoveNewlineAfterBreaks($this->textDetails['footer']));
+ $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
+ } else {
+ $this->MultiCell(180,4,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->textDetails['footer']));
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_render_footer_hook2', 1, $this);
+ }
+ public function CalcPosString($posstr, $oldpostr, $hauptnummer, $oldlvl, $newlvl)
+ {
+ if($oldpostr == 0)
+ {
+ if($hauptnummer)
+ {
+ return $hauptnummer.'.1';
+ }
+ return '1';
+ }
+ if($newlvl > $oldlvl)
+ {
+ return $oldpostr.str_repeat('.1', $newlvl - $oldlvl);
+ }
+ $oldpostra = explode('.', $oldpostr);
+ $diff = $oldlvl - $newlvl;
+ $length = count($oldpostra);
+ if($hauptnummer && $hauptnummer != $oldpostra[0]){
+ return (String)((int)$oldpostra[0]+1).'.1';
+ }
+ $ret = '';
+ if($diff >= $length -1)
+ {
+ return (String)((int)$oldpostra[0]+1);
+ }
+ for($i = 0; $i < $length - 1 - $diff; $i++)
+ {
+ $ret .= $oldpostra[$i].'.';
+ }
+ return $ret.(String)((int)$oldpostra[$length - 1 - $diff]+1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $type
+ * @param int $orderId
+ * @param int $orderPositionId
+ * @param string $doctype
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder($type, $orderId, $orderPositionId, $doctype = 'auftrag')
+ {
+ if($doctype === 'rechnung') {
+ $orderPositionId = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT auftrag_position_id FROM rechnung_position WHERE id = %d',
+ $orderPositionId
+ )
+ );
+ if($orderPositionId <= 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ $position = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT id, lieferschein
+ FROM lieferschein_position
+ WHERE auftrag_position_id = %d AND auftrag_position_id > 0
+ LIMIT 1',
+ $orderPositionId
+ )
+ );
+ if(empty($position)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if($type === 'mhd') {
+ $this->mhd['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
+ $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('mhd', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
+ return $this->mhd['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
+ }
+ if($type === 'charge') {
+ $this->charge['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
+ $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('charge', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
+ return $this->charge['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
+ }
+ if($type === 'sn') {
+ $this->sn['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']] =
+ $this->GetChargeMHDSNString('sn', 'lieferschein', $position['lieferschein'], $position['id']);
+ return $this->sn['lieferschein'][$position['lieferschein']][$position['id']];
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $text
+ * @param string $doctype
+ * @param int $doctypeId
+ * @param int $positionId
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function parseBestBeforeBatchSn($text, $doctype, $doctypeId, $positionId){
+ if(strpos($text, '{MHD}') !== false) {
+ $entry = !empty($this->mhd[$doctype]) && !empty($this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId])
+ && !empty($this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
+ $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
+ if($entry === '') {
+ $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
+ 'mhd',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
+ );
+ $entry = $this->mhd[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
+ if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
+ $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('mhd', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
+ }
+ }
+ $text = str_replace('{MHD}', $entry, $text);
+ }
+ if(strpos($text, '{CHARGE}') !== false) {
+ $entry = !empty($this->charge[$doctype]) && !empty($this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId])
+ && !empty($this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
+ $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
+ if($entry === '') {
+ $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
+ 'charge',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
+ );
+ $entry = $this->charge[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
+ if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
+ $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('charge', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
+ }
+ }
+ $text = str_replace('{CHARGE}', $entry, $text);
+ }
+ if(strpos($text, '{SN}') !== false) {
+ $entry = !empty($this->sn[$doctype]) && !empty($this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId])
+ && !empty($this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId])?
+ $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId]:'';
+ if($entry === '') {
+ $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId] = $this->GetChargeMHDSNString(
+ 'sn',$doctype,$doctypeId,$positionId, true
+ );
+ $entry = $this->sn[$doctype][$doctypeId][$positionId];
+ if($entry === '' && ($doctype === 'auftrag' || $doctype === 'rechnung')) {
+ $entry = $this->getDeliveryNoteBestBeforeBatchSnFromOrder('sn', $doctypeId, $positionId, $doctype);
+ }
+ }
+ $text = str_replace('{SN}', $entry, $text);
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ public function renderItems() {
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('briefpapier_renderitems',1, $this);
+ // if($this->bestellungohnepreis) $this->doctype="lieferschein";
+ $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
+ $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
+ $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
+ $einheitWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_einheit");
+ $descWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_artikel");
+ $taxWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_steuer");
+ $belege_subpositionen = $this->getStyleElement("belege_subpositionen");
+ $belege_subpositionenstuecklisten = $this->getStyleElement('belege_subpositionenstuecklisten') && in_array(($this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype),array('rechnung', 'auftrag','lieferschein','gutschrift','angebot'));
+ $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm = $this->getStyleElement('belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm');
+ $doctype = $this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype;
+ $doctypeId = $this->id;
+ $has_steuer = $this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$doctype` LIKE 'steuersatz_normal'");
+ if ($has_steuer) {
+ $docArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT projekt,adresse,steuersatz_normal,steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d',
+ $doctype, $doctypeId
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ $docArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT projekt,adresse, 0 AS steuersatz_normal, 0 AS steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d',
+ $doctype, $doctypeId
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT `sprache` FROM `%s`
+ WHERE `id` = %d
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $doctype, $doctypeId);
+ $documentLanguage = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(!empty($docArr)) {
+ $projekt = $docArr['projekt'];
+ $adresse = $docArr['adresse'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM " . ($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype) . " WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM " . ($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype) . " WHERE id = '" . $this->id . "' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $inventurohnepreis = null;
+ if(!in_array($this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype, ['rechnung','auftrag','angebot','bestellung'])) {
+ $from = $this->table ? $this->table : $this->doctype;
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$from` LIKE 'noprice'")) {
+ $inventurohnepreis = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT noprice
+ FROM `%s`
+ WHERE id = %d
+ LIMIT 1',
+ $from,
+ $this->id
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ $inventurohnepreis = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if($inventurohnepreis){
+ $descWidth += 40;
+ }
+ if($this->doctype=="arbeitsnachweis")
+ {
+ $itemNoWidth = 20;
+ $taxWidth = 40;
+ $descWidth = 95;
+ }
+ if($this->rabatt=='1') {
+ $descWidth -= 15;
+ }
+ $priceWidth = 20;
+ $sumWidth = 20;
+ $rabattWidth = 15;
+ // $lineLength = $amWidth + $itemNoWidth + $descWidth + $taxWidth + $priceWidth + $sumWidth;
+ // zwischenloesung um platz zu sparen
+ if($this->ust_spalteausblende)
+ {
+ $taxWidth--;
+ $descWidth += $taxWidth;
+ $taxWidth= 1;
+ }
+ $cellhoehe = 5;
+ // render table header
+ if(isset($this->textDetails['body'])) {
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->Ln(8);
+ }
+ $tabellenbeschriftung = $this->getStyleElement('tabellenbeschriftung');
+ $this->SetX($this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandlinks')+1); // eventuell einstellbar per GUI
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$tabellenbeschriftung);
+ $this->Cell($posWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_position'),0,0,'C'));
+ if($this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis')
+ {
+ if($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis')
+ {
+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,'Nummer');
+ $this->Cell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth+$rabattWidth,6,'Beleg');
+ $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'',0,0,'R');
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummer')));
+ if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
+ $this->Cell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell($descWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikel')));
+ }
+ $this->Cell($amWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_menge')),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth,6,'Mitarbeiter');
+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,6,'Ort');
+ $this->Cell($descWidth,6,'Tätigkeit');
+ $this->Cell($amWidth,6,'Stunden',0,0,'R');
+ }
+ if($this->doctype!='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!='produktion' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis' && $this->doctype!='preisanfrage'){
+ if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
+ $this->Cell($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ if($this->ust_spalteausblende){
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth, 6, '', 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_mwst')), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einzel')), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_stueck'))), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->rabatt=='1') {
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth,6,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_rabatt'),0,0,'R');
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($this->doctype=='lieferschein' || $this->doctype=='preisanfrage')
+ {
+ if($this->getStyleElement("artikeleinheit")=='1'){
+ $this->Cell($einheitWidth, 6, $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_einheit')), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis')
+ {
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth,6,$this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt'))),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ $this->Line($this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandlinks')+1, $this->GetY(), 210-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
+ $this->Ln(2);
+ // render table body
+ $tabelleninhalt = $this->getStyleElement('tabelleninhalt');
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
+ $topos = 0;
+ if(is_array($this->items))$topos = count($this->items);
+ $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(distinct pos) FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->doctype."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos >= 0 AND pos <'$topos' AND (postype = 'gruppe' OR postype = 'zwischensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensumme' OR postype = 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen') ORDER by sort");
+ if($zwischenpositionen < 1)$belege_subpositionen = false;
+ $hauptnummer = 0;
+ $posoffset = 0;
+ if($belege_subpositionen)$hauptnummer = 1;
+ $oldlvl = 0;
+ $oldpostr = 0;
+ $langeartikelnummern = ($this->getStyleElement('langeartikelnummern')?true:false);
+ if($this->doctype==='bestellung') {
+ $langeartikelnummern = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT langeartikelnummern FROM bestellung WHERE id='".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1")?true:false;
+ }
+ $pos=0;
+ $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent = !empty($docArr)?$docArr['steuersatz_ermaessigt']: $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,!empty($this->id)?$this->id:$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
+ $umsatzsteuernormalProzent = !empty($docArr)?$docArr['steuersatz_normal']:$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,!empty($this->id)?$this->id:$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
+ $umsatzsteuerermaessigt = (1+$umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent/100);
+ $umsatzsteuernormal = (1+$umsatzsteuernormalProzent/100);
+ $jitposfix = 0; //Die Anzahl der der Unterartikel des vorherigen Stücklistenartikels
+ $jitposfixbase = 0; //Die Gesamtzahl der bisher ausgeblendeten Stücklistenartikel
+ $anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese = $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id);
+ $docRow = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE id = %d', $this->doctype, $this->id
+ )
+ );
+ foreach($this->items as $item){
+ $this->SetTextColor(0,0,0);
+ for ($l=$pos; $l <= $pos+$jitposfix ; $l++) {
+ //Arbeitet die Zwischenpositionen durch falls der vorherige Artikel ein Stücklistenartikel war bei dem Teile ausgeblendet wurden
+ $iszwichenpos = $this->DrawZwischenpositionen($l+$jitposfixbase);
+ }
+ $jitposfixbase += $jitposfix;
+ if($item['keineeinzelartikelanzeigen'] == 1){
+ $jitposfix = $item['anzahlunterartikel'];
+ }else{
+ $jitposfix = 0;
+ }
+ $item['name'] = ($langeartikelnummern?"\r\n\r\n":'').$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['name']);
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['desc']);
+ $item['itemno'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['itemno']);
+ $item['herstellernummer'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['herstellernummer']);
+ $item['artikelnummerkunde'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['artikelnummerkunde']);
+ $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['lieferdatum']);
+ $item['hersteller'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($item['hersteller']);
+ //TODO Soll einstellbar werden: Zeilenabstand in Tabelle normal mittel
+ $cellhoehe = 3;
+ //position
+ if($iszwichenpos && $belege_subpositionen && $pos > $posoffset)
+ {
+ $hauptnummer++;
+ $posoffset = $pos;
+ }
+ if(isset($item['posausblenden']) && $item['posausblenden']){
+ $posstr = '';
+ }else{
+ $pos++;
+ $posstr = $pos;
+ }
+ if($belege_subpositionen && $hauptnummer)
+ {
+ $posstr = $hauptnummer.'.'.($pos-$posoffset);
+ }
+ $newlvl = isset($item['lvl'])?(int)$item['lvl']:0;
+ $itemNoWidthold = $itemNoWidth;
+ $posWidthold = $posWidth;
+ if($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm && $newlvl > 0)
+ {
+ $this->Cell($belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl,$cellhoehe,'');
+ $posWidth -= $belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm * $newlvl;
+ if($posWidth < 2* strlen($posstr))
+ {
+ $diff = 2* strlen($posstr) - $posWidth;
+ $posWidth += $diff;
+ $itemNoWidth -= $diff;
+ }
+ }
+ if($belege_subpositionenstuecklisten)$posstr = $this->CalcPosString($posstr,$oldpostr, $hauptnummer, $oldlvl, $newlvl);
+ $oldpostr = $posstr;
+ $oldlvl = isset($item['lvl'])?(int)$item['lvl']:0;
+ $this->Cell($posWidth,$cellhoehe,$posstr,0,0,$belege_stuecklisteneinrueckenmm?'':'C');
+ //artikelnummer
+ if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis')
+ {
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,trim($item['person']),0);
+ $zeilenuntertext = $this->getStyleElement('zeilenuntertext');
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$zeilenuntertext);
+ // ort
+ $tmpy = $this->GetY();
+ $tmpx = $this->GetX();
+ $this->MultiCell($itemNoWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),trim($item['itemno']),0); // 4 = abstand
+ $tmpy2 = $this->GetY();
+ $this->SetXY($tmpx+$itemNoWidth,$tmpy);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
+ }
+ else {
+ if($this->doctype==='lieferschein' && $this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1'){
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt + 3);
+ }else{
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), '', $tabelleninhalt);
+ }
+ if(isset($item['itemno'])) {
+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['itemno'],0);
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
+ }
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
+ }
+ $position_x = $this->GetX();
+ $position_y = $this->GetY();
+// start am Ende der Zeile Zeichnen
+ $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false,$this->getStyleElement("abstand_umbruchunten")); //2306BS
+ // Artikel Name
+ if($item['tax']!=='hidden' && $newlvl == 0){
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), 'B', $tabelleninhalt);
+ }
+ if($item['tax'] === 'hidden' && $item['ohnepreis'] == 2 && $newlvl == 0){
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(), 'B', $tabelleninhalt);
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement("artikeleinheit")=='1'){
+ $this->MultiCell($descWidth - $einheitWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['name'], 0, 'L', false);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->MultiCell($descWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['name'], 0, 'L', false);
+ }
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
+ $this->SetAutoPageBreak(true,$this->getStyleElement('abstand_umbruchunten')); //2306BS
+ $position_y_end_name = $this->GetY();
+ // wenn vorhanden Artikel Einheit
+ if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1'){
+ $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth - $einheitWidth), $position_y);
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth), $position_y);
+ }
+ if($this->doctype==='arbeitsnachweis'){
+ $this->SetXY(($position_x + $descWidth), $position_y);
+ }
+ // Menge
+ if($this->doctype==='zahlungsavis'){
+ $this->Cell($amWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell($amWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['amount'], 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
+ if($this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
+ {
+ if($item['unit']!='')
+ $einheit = $item['unit'];
+ else {
+ if(!empty($item['artikel']))
+ {
+ $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
+ id='".$item['artikel']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }else{
+ $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
+ nummer='".$item['itemno']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($einheit=='') {
+ $einheit = $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit_standard');
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($einheit) && !empty($documentLanguage)){
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
+ WHERE ae.einheit_de = '%s'",
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($einheit));
+ $unitId = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(!empty($unitId)){
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
+ WHERE u.sprache = '%s' AND u.label='%s'",
+ $documentLanguage,'artikeleinheit_'.$unitId);
+ $unitTranslation = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(!empty($unitTranslation)){
+ $einheit = $unitTranslation;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->Cell($einheitWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($einheit),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ // if($item['tax']=="hidden") $item['tax']=="hidden";
+ if($item['tax']!=='hidden')
+ {
+ if($this->ust_befreit>0) {
+ $item['tax'] = 0;
+ } else {
+ if($item['tax'] === 'normal') {
+ $item['tax'] = $umsatzsteuernormal - 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $item['tax'] = $umsatzsteuerermaessigt - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(isset($item['steuersatz'])){
+ $item['tax'] = $item['steuersatz'] / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ // wenn steuerfrei komplett immer 0 steuer anzeigen
+ $item['tmptax'] = $item['tax'] + 1;
+ // standard anzeige mit steuer
+ if(!$this->ust_spalteausblende){
+ if($item['tax']==='hidden'){
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ } else {
+ $tax = $item['tax']; //= $tax; //="USTV"?0.19:0.07;
+ $tax *= 100; $tax = $tax.'%';
+ if($this->doctype==='zahlungsavis'){
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $tax, 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //kleinunternehmer
+ $this->Cell($taxWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
+ if($this->doctype!=='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!=='produktion' && $this->doctype!=='preisanfrage') {
+ // preis pro Artikel
+ if($this->doctype!=='zahlungsavis')
+ {
+ if($item['tax']!=='hidden'){
+ if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ //&& $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
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+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ if($item['ohnepreis']==2) {
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['price'],0,0,'R');
+ }
+ } // text alternativ zu preis
+ else {
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
+ // zentale rabatt spalte
+ if($this->rabatt=='1') {
+ $rabatt_string='';
+ //rabatt
+ if($item['grundrabatt'] > 0 || $item['rabatt1'] > 0 || $item['rabatt2'] > 0)
+ {
+ if($item['grundrabatt']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['grundrabatt']." %\r\n";
+ }
+ if($item['rabatt1']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt1']." %\r\n";
+ }
+ if($item['rabatt2']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt2']." %\r\n";
+ }
+ if($item['rabatt3']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt3']." %\r\n";
+ }
+ if($item['rabatt4']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt4']." %\r\n";
+ }
+ if($item['rabatt5']>0) {
+ $rabatt_string .= $item['rabatt5']." %\r\n";
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+ $tmpx = $this->GetX();
+ if($item['keinrabatterlaubt']=='1' || $item['rabatt']<=0 || $item['rabatt']==='') {
+ $rabatt_or_porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
+ nummer='".$item['itemno']."' AND (porto='1' OR rabatt='1') LIMIT 1");
+ if($rabatt_or_porto)
+ $rabatt_string='';
+ else {
+ if($this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1') {
+ $rabatt_string='SNP';
+ }
+ else {
+ $rabatt_string='';
+ }
+ }
+ if($item['keinrabatterlaubt']=='1' && $item['rabatt']<>0){
+ $rabatt_string = $item['rabatt'] . " %\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // rabatt nur klein anzeigen wenn es mehr als einer ist
+ if(strstr(trim($rabatt_string), PHP_EOL)) {
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',6);
+ }
+ if($item['tax']!=='hidden'){
+ $this->MultiCell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe - 1, $rabatt_string, 0, 0);
+ }
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+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
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+ if($item['rabatt']<>0){
+ // && $item['keinrabatterlaubt']!="1")
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $item['rabatt'] . " %", 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($this->getStyleElement('modul_verband')=='1')
+ {
+ $rabatt_or_porto = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE
+ nummer='".$item['itemno']."' AND (porto='1' OR rabatt='1') LIMIT 1");
+ if($rabatt_or_porto){
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, '', 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth, $cellhoehe, 'SNP', 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // anzeige ohne zentrale rabatt spalte
+ if ($item['tax']==="hidden"){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
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+ if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese)
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ {
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->Cell($rabattWidth,$cellhoehe,"",0,0,'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese)
+ // if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,$item['ohnepreis']?'':$this->formatMoney((double)$item['price']),0,0,'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['price'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //$this->Cell($sumWidth,$cellhoehe,$this->formatMoney($item['tprice']).' '.$item['currency'],0,0,'R');
+ if($this->rabatt=='1')
+ {
+ //gesamt preis
+ if ($item['tax']==='hidden'){
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth,$cellhoehe,'',0,0,'R');
+ }
+ else {
+ if($this->rabatt=='1'){
+ if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
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+ else {
+ if($anzeigeBelegNettoAdrese){
+ // if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if(!$inventurohnepreis){
+ $this->Cell($sumWidth, $cellhoehe, $item['ohnepreis'] ? '' : $this->formatMoney((double)$item['tprice'] * $item['tmptax']), 0, 0, 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(($this->doctype==='lieferschein' || $this->doctype==='preisanfrage') && $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit')=='1')
+ {
+ if($item['unit']!='')
+ $einheit = $item['unit'];
+ else {
+ $einheit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT einheit FROM artikel WHERE
+ nummer='".$item['itemno']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($einheit=='') {
+ $einheit = $this->getStyleElement('artikeleinheit_standard');
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($einheit) && !empty($documentLanguage)){
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT FROM `artikeleinheit` AS `ae`
+ WHERE ae.einheit_de = '%s'",
+ $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($einheit));
+ $unitId = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(!empty($unitId)){
+ $query = sprintf("SELECT u.beschriftung FROM `uebersetzung` AS `u`
+ WHERE u.sprache = '%s' AND u.label='%s'",
+ $documentLanguage,'artikeleinheit_'.$unitId);
+ $unitTranslation = $this->app->DB->Select($query);
+ if(!empty($unitTranslation)){
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+ }
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+ {
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+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herstellernummer') . ': ' . $item['herstellernummer'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herstellernummer') . ': ' . $item['herstellernummer'];
+ }
+ }
+ $daten = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT laenge, breite, hoehe FROM artikel WHERE id = '".$item['artikel']."'");
+ if($this->getStyleElement('abmessungimdokument')=='1' && (!empty($daten['laenge']) || $daten['breite']!='' || $daten['hoehe']!='')) {
+ $tmp = array();
+ if($daten['laenge']<>0) {
+ $tmp[]=number_format($daten['laenge'],2,',','.');
+ }
+ if($daten['breite']<>0) {
+ $tmp[]=number_format($daten['breite'],2,',','.');
+ }
+ if($daten['hoehe']<>0) {
+ $tmp[]=number_format($daten['hoehe'],2,',','.');
+ }
+ if(count($tmp) > 0)
+ {
+ if($item['desc']!=''){
+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_abmessung') . ': ' . implode('x', $tmp);
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_abmessung') . ': ' . implode('x', $tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($item['lieferdatum']!='' && $item['lieferdatum']!='0000-00-00' && $item['lieferdatum']!=='00.00.0000')
+ {
+ if(strpos($item['lieferdatum'],"-")!==false){
+ $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($this->app->String->Convert($item['lieferdatum'], '%1-%2-%3', '%3.%2.%1'));
+ }
+ if($item['lieferdatumkw']==1)
+ {
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+ $duedt = explode("-", $ddate);
+ $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $duedt[1], $duedt[2], $duedt[0]);
+ $week = date('W/o', $date);
+ $item['lieferdatum'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatumkw').' '.$week;
+ }
+ if($item['desc']!=''){
+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatum') . ': ' . $item['lieferdatum'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_lieferdatum') . ': ' . $item['lieferdatum'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->getStyleElement('freifelderimdokument')=='1')
+ {
+ for($ifreifeld=1;$ifreifeld<=40;$ifreifeld++)
+ {
+ if($item['freifeld'.$ifreifeld]!='')
+ {
+ $freifeldbeschriftung = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('artikel_freifeld' . $ifreifeld);
+ $freifeldtyp = $this->getStyleElement('freifeld' . $ifreifeld.'typ');
+ if($freifeldtyp==='select')
+ {
+ $freifeldbeschriftung = strstr($freifeldbeschriftung, '|', true);
+ }
+ if($item['desc']!=''){
+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item['freifeld' . $ifreifeld];
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $freifeldbeschriftung . ': ' . $item['freifeld' . $ifreifeld];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(strpos($item['desc'],'{{') !== false && $this->app->erp->ModulVorhanden('formeln')) {
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->BerechneFormel($item['desc'], $this->table, $this->id, $pos, $item);
+ }
+ if(strpos($item['desc'],'{') !== false) {
+ if(!empty($item['belegposition']) && !empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id)) {
+ $item['desc'] = $this->parseBestBeforeBatchSn($item['desc'], $this->doctype, $this->id, $item['belegposition']);
+ }
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ParseIfVars($item['desc']);
+ }
+ }
+ if(strpos($item['desc'],'{') !== false) {
+ if(!empty($item['belegposition']) && !empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id)){
+ $item['desc'] = $this->parseBestBeforeBatchSn(
+ $item['desc'], $this->doctype, $this->id, $item['belegposition']
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id) && strpos($item['desc'], '{') !== false) {
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->ParseUserVars($this->doctype, $this->id ,$item['desc']);
+ }
+ if($item['artikelnummerkunde']!="" && $item['artikelnummerkunde']!='0')
+ {
+ if($item['desc']!=''){
+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummerkunde') . ': ' . $item['artikelnummerkunde'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_artikelnummerkunde') . ': ' . $item['artikelnummerkunde'];
+ }
+ }
+ if($item['zolltarifnummer']!='' && $item['zolltarifnummer']!='0' && $this->doctype!='proformarechnung')
+ {
+ if($item['desc']!='') {
+ $item['desc']=$item['desc']."\r\n".$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zolltarifnummer').': '.$item['zolltarifnummer'].' '.($item['herkunftsland']!=''?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herkunftsland').': '.$item['herkunftsland']:'');
+ }
+ else {
+ $item['desc']=$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zolltarifnummer').': '.$item['zolltarifnummer'].' '.($item['herkunftsland']!=""?$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_herkunftsland').': '.$item['herkunftsland']:'');
+ }
+ }
+ if($item['ean']!='' && $item['ean']!='0')
+ {
+ if($item['desc']!=''){
+ $item['desc'] = $item['desc'] . "\r\n" . $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean') . ': ' . $item['ean'];
+ }
+ else{
+ $item['desc'] = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_ean') . ': ' . $item['ean'];
+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ //Herstellernummer einblenden wenn vorhanden und aktiviert
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+ }
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+ $this->Cell($itemNoWidth);
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+ }
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ {
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+ $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
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+ $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
+ }
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+ {
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+ $this->MultiCell($descWidth-$einheitWidth+$taxWidth + $sumWidth + $rabattWidth,($zeilenuntertext/2),$item['steuertext'],0,'L');
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+ }
+ else{
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+ $this->Cell($taxWidth);
+ $this->Cell($amWidth);
+ $this->Ln();
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$tabelleninhalt);
+ $yAfterDescription = $this->GetY();
+ }
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+ $posWidth = $posWidthold;
+ if(
+ ($this->doctype == "auftrag" && $this->getStyleElement("beleg_artikelbild")) ||
+ ($this->doctype == "lieferschein" && $this->getStyleElement("lieferschein_artikelbild")) ||
+ ($this->doctype == "rechnung" && $this->getStyleElement("rechnung_artikelbild")) ||
+ ($this->doctype == "bestellung" && $this->getStyleElement("bestellung_artikelbild")) ||
+ ($this->doctype == "gutschrift" && $this->getStyleElement("gutschrift_artikelbild")) ||
+ ($this->doctype == "angebot" && $this->getStyleElement("angebot_artikelbild"))
+ ){
+ $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT datei FROM `datei_stichwoerter` WHERE subjekt='Shopbild' AND objekt='Artikel' AND parameter='" . $item['artikel'] . "' ORDER by sort ASC LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($datei)){
+ $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = '$datei' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $startpage = $this->page;
+ if(!empty($datei)){
+ $xBeforePic = $this->GetX();
+ $folder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei);
+ if(file_exists($folder . '/' . $datei)){
+ if(!class_exists('image')) include_once(__DIR__ . '/../class.image.php');
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $breite = 20 * 10;
+ $hoehe = $breite;
+ [$width, $height] = getimagesize($folder . '/' . $datei);
+ if($width > 0 && $height > 0){
+ $scalex = $breite / $width;
+ $scaley = $hoehe / $height;
+ if($scalex < $scaley){
+ $hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex;
+ $hoehe = ceil($hoehe);
+ }else{
+ $breite /= $scalex / $scaley;
+ $breite = ceil($breite);
+ }
+ $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata . '/dms/' . $this->app->Conf->WFdbname . '/cache', $datei, true) . "/";
+ $dateiname = $cachefolder . $datei . '_' . $breite . '_' . $hoehe;
+ if(!is_file($dateiname)) $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei, $breite, $hoehe, false, 'jpg');
+ if(is_file($dateiname)){
+ [$width, $height] = getimagesize($dateiname);
+ //$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
+ $this->SetX($posWidth + (int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks") - 5);
+ $dateityp = mime_content_type($dateiname);
+ $dateityp = substr($dateityp,6);
+ if($dateityp == ''){
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+ }
+ if($startpageBeforeDescription != $this->page){
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+ $this->SetX($posWidth + (int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks") - 5);
+ $position_y_end_name = $this->abseite2y;
+ }
+ $this->Image($dateiname, $this->GetX(), $position_y_end_name + 2, $width / 10, $hoehe / 10,$dateityp);
+ $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $position_y_end_name + 20);
+ $yAfterPic = $this->GetY();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($yAfterPic < $yAfterDescription){
+ $this->SetY($yAfterDescription);
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+ $this->SetX($xBeforePic);
+ $y_nach_bild = $this->GetY();
+ if($yAfterDescription < $yAfterPic+5 && $startpage == $this->page){
+ $this->SetY($y_nach_bild+5);
+ }
+ if($this->GetY() > 240){
+ $this->AddPage();
+ }
+ }
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+ //Letzten Artikel durcharbeiten
+ $this->DrawZwischenpositionen($l+$jitposfixbase, $umsatzsteuerermaessigtProzent,$umsatzsteuernormalProzent);
+ }
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+ $this->Line($this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks")+1, $this->GetY(), 210-$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandrechts"), $this->GetY());
+ }
+ function DrawZwischenpositionen($pos,$umsatzsteuerermaessigt = null,$umsatzsteuernormal = null) {
+ $ret = false;
+ if(is_null($umsatzsteuerermaessigt))
+ {
+ $umsatzsteuerermaessigt = $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
+ }
+ if(is_null($umsatzsteuernormal))
+ {
+ $umsatzsteuernormal = $this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->doctypeid,$this->table);
+ }
+ if($this->table != 'lieferschein' && $this->table != 'preisanfrage')
+ {
+ $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->table."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos='$pos' ORDER by sort");
+ }else{
+ $zwischenpositionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->table."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos='$pos' AND postype <> 'gruppensumme' AND postype <> 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen' AND postype <> 'zwischensumme' ORDER by sort");
+ }
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM ".$this->table." WHERE id = '".$this->doctypeid."' LIMIT 1");
+ $czwischenpositionen = !empty($zwischenpositionen)?count($zwischenpositionen):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$czwischenpositionen;$i++)
+ {
+ $data = json_decode($zwischenpositionen[$i]['wert'], true);
+ switch($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'])
+ {
+ case "gruppe":
+ $ret = true;
+ $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
+ $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
+ }
+ $fett = true;
+ if(isset($data['Fett']))
+ {
+ if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
+ if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
+ }
+ $unterstrichen = false;
+ if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
+ $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(0);
+ }
+ $schriftgroesse = 7;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $abstand_links = 0;
+ if(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
+ {
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+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
+ $this->SetX($x);
+ $this->Ln();
+ $this->underline = false;
+ if($data['kurztext']!="")
+ {
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $abstand_links = 0;
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
+ {
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
+ $this->SetX($x);
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(10);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $this->underline = false;
+ break;
+ case "bild":
+ if($data['bild'])
+ {
+ $nochtext = '';
+ if($data['kurztext']!="")
+ {
+ $kurztexta = explode('{BILD}', $data['kurztext'], 2);
+ }else {
+ $kurztexta[] = '';
+ }
+ if(count($kurztexta) > 1)$nochtext = $kurztexta[1];
+ $data['kurztext'] = $kurztexta[0];
+ $__x = $this->GetX();
+ //$ret = true;
+ $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
+ $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
+ }
+ $fett = true;
+ if(isset($data['Fett']))
+ {
+ if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
+ if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
+ }
+ $unterstrichen = false;
+ if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
+ $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(0);
+ }
+ $schriftgroesse = 7;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $abstand_links = 0;
+ if(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
+ {
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
+ $this->SetX($x);
+ $this->Ln();
+ $this->underline = false;
+ if($data['kurztext']!="")
+ {
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $abstand_links = 0;
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
+ {
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
+ $this->SetX($x);
+ if($nochtext == '')
+ {
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(10);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $this->underline = false;
+ $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
+ $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
+ $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
+ $datei = $data['bild'];
+ if(!empty($datei))
+ {
+ $datei = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM datei_version WHERE datei = '$datei' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if(!empty($datei))
+ {
+ $folder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei);
+ if(file_exists($folder.'/'.$datei))
+ {
+ if(!class_exists('image'))include_once(__DIR__.'/../class.image.php');
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ if(isset($data['bildbreite']) && (int)$data['bildbreite'] > 0)
+ {
+ $breite = $data['bildbreite'] * 10;
+ }else{
+ $breite = 30 * 10;
+ }
+ if(isset($data['bildhoehe']) && (int)$data['bildhoehe'] > 0)
+ {
+ $hoehe = $data['bildhoehe'] * 10;
+ }else{
+ $hoehe = $breite;
+ }
+ [$width, $height] = getimagesize($folder.'/'.$datei);
+ if($width > 0 && $height > 0)
+ {
+ $scalex = $breite / $width;
+ $scaley = $hoehe / $height;
+ if($scalex < $scaley)
+ {
+ $hoehe /= $scaley / $scalex;
+ $hoehe = ceil($hoehe);
+ }else{
+ $breite /= $scalex / $scaley;
+ $breite = ceil($breite);
+ }
+ $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname.'/cache', $datei, true)."/";
+ $dateiname = $cachefolder.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$hoehe;
+ if(!is_file($dateiname))$img->scaledPicByFileId($datei, $breite, $hoehe, false, 'jpg');
+ if(is_file($dateiname))
+ {
+ [$width, $height] = getimagesize($dateiname);
+ //$value['datei'] = array('file'=>$folder.'/cache/'.$datei.'_'.$breite.'_'.$breite,'width'=>$width/10,'height'=>$height/10);
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $y = $this->GetY();
+ $this->SetX($posWidth+$itemNoWidth+(int)$this->getStyleElement("abstand_seitenrandlinks"));
+ $this->Image($dateiname, $this->GetX(), $this->GetY(),$width / 10, $hoehe / 10, 'jpg');
+ if($nochtext == '')
+ {
+ $this->Cell($picwidth,6,'',0,0,'C');
+ }
+ $this->SetXY($this->GetX(), $y + $height / 10 + ($nochtext == ''?5:0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SetXY($__x, $this->GetY());
+ if($nochtext !== '')
+ {
+ $data['kurztext'] = $nochtext;
+ $__x = $this->GetX();
+ $ret = true;
+ $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
+ $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 7;
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
+ }
+ $fett = true;
+ if(isset($data['Fett']))
+ {
+ if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
+ if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $this->underline = false;
+ if($data['kurztext']!="")
+ {
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $this->underline = $data['Kurztext_Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ $abstand_links = 0;
+ if(isset($data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'])){
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Kurztext_Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ elseif(isset($data['Abstand_Links']))
+ {
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }
+ $this->MultiCell(0,4,$this->WriteHTML($data['kurztext']));
+ $this->SetX($x);
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(10);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $this->underline = false;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "seitenumbruch":
+ $this->AddPage();
+ break;
+ case "gruppensumme":
+ case "gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen":
+ case "zwischensumme":
+ $ret = true;
+ $posWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_position");
+ $amWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_menge");
+ $itemNoWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_nummer");
+ $einheitWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_einheit");
+ $descWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_artikel");
+ $taxWidth = $this->getStyleElement("breite_steuer");
+ if($this->doctype=="arbeitsnachweis")
+ {
+ $itemNoWidth = 20;
+ $taxWidth = 40;
+ $descWidth = 95;
+ }
+ else if($this->doctype!="lieferschein" && $this->doctype!="produktion" && $this->doctype!="preisanfrage") {
+ if($descWidth <=0)
+ $descWidth = 76;
+ if($taxWidth <=0)
+ $taxWidth = 15;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $itemNoWidth = 30;
+ $descWidth = 91;
+ if($taxWidth <=0)
+ $taxWidth = 15;
+ }
+ $priceWidth = 20;
+ $sumWidth = 20;
+ $rabattWidth = 15;
+ $schriftgroesse = $this->FontSizePt;
+ $schriftgroesse_alt = $schriftgroesse;
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 4;
+ if(!empty($data['Schriftgroesse']))
+ {
+ $schriftgroesse = $data['Schriftgroesse'];
+ if($schriftgroesse == 0)$schriftgroesse = 4;
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse);
+ }
+ $fett = true;
+ if(isset($data['Fett']))
+ {
+ if($data['Fett'] === false || $data['Fett'] === 'false')$fett = false;
+ if($data['Fett'] === true || $data['Fett'] === 'true')$fett = true;
+ }
+ $unterstrichen = false;
+ if(isset($data['Unterstrichen']))
+ {
+ $unterstrichen = $data['Unterstrichen'];
+ }
+ $this->underline = $unterstrichen;
+ switch($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'])
+ {
+ case "gruppensumme":
+ case "gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen":
+ $maxpos_untergruppedrueber = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT pos FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype='".$this->doctype."' AND doctypeid='".$this->doctypeid."' AND pos < '$pos' AND postype='gruppe' ORDER by pos DESC LIMIT 1");
+ if($this->doctype=="angebot")
+ {
+ $subwhere = " AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0))";
+ if($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'] !== 'gruppensummemitoptionalenpreisen'){
+ $subwhere = ' AND optional!=1 '.$subwhere;
+ }
+ $zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype'] = 'gruppensumme';
+ }
+ if($this->doctype=="bestellung")
+ {
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM ".$this->doctype."_position WHERE ".$this->doctype."='".$this->doctypeid."' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
+ }else{
+ $anzeigesteuerbelege = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT anzeigesteuerbelege FROM projekt WHERE id = ".$projekt);
+ if(
+ (
+ (
+ $this->anrede=="firma" ||
+ $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt,$this->table,$this->id) ||
+ $this->doctype=="bestellung" ||
+ $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1" ||
+ $anzeigesteuerbelege =='1'
+ ) &&
+ $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1") ||
+ $this->ust_befreit
+ ) {
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
+ }else{
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
+ (1 + if(ifnull(steuersatz,-1) < 0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'befreit',0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt',$umsatzsteuerermaessigt,$umsatzsteuernormal)),steuersatz
+ )/100) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' AND sort >'$maxpos_untergruppedrueber' $subwhere"));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //zwischensumme
+ if($this->doctype=="angebot")
+ {
+ $subwhere = " AND optional!=1 AND (explodiert_parent = 0 OR 0 = ifnull((SELECT id FROM angebot_position WHERE id = ap.explodiert_parent AND berechnen_aus_teile = 1 LIMIT 1),0))";
+ }
+ if($this->doctype=="bestellung")
+ {
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(preis*menge) FROM ".$this->doctype."_position WHERE ".$this->doctype."='".$this->doctypeid."' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
+ }else{
+ if((($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt,$this->table,$this->id) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1") || $this->ust_befreit ) {
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
+ }else{
+ $summe = $this->formatMoney($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM((preis-(preis/100*rabatt))*menge)*
+ (1 + if(ifnull(steuersatz,-1) < 0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'befreit',0,if(umsatzsteuer = 'ermaessigt',$umsatzsteuerermaessigt,$umsatzsteuernormal)),steuersatz
+ )/100) FROM " . $this->doctype . "_position ap WHERE " . $this->doctype . "='" . $this->doctypeid . "' AND sort <='$pos' $subwhere"));
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ $beschriftung_zeile = ucfirst($zwischenpositionen[$i]['postype']);
+ if($data['name']=="")
+ $html = ($fett?"":"").$beschriftung_zeile.($fett?"":"");
+ else
+ $html = ($fett?"":"").$data['name'].($fett?"":"");
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Oben']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Oben']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(0);
+ }
+ $x = $this->GetX();
+ if(isset($data['Abstand_Links']) && $data['Abstand_Links'] > 0)
+ {
+ $abstand_links = (int)$data['Abstand_Links'];
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ }else{
+ $abstand_links = $posWidth +$itemNoWidth;
+ }
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links);
+ $this->Cell($descWidth,4,$this->WriteHTML($html));
+ $this->SetX($x+$abstand_links+$descWidth);
+ //$this->SetX($x);
+ $rahmen_links = false;
+ $rahmen_rechts = false;
+ $rahmen_oben = false;
+ $rahmen_unten = false;
+ if(isset($data['Rahmen_Links']))
+ {
+ $rahmen_links = $data['Rahmen_Links'];
+ }
+ if(isset($data['Rahmen_Rechts']))
+ {
+ $rahmen_rechts = $data['Rahmen_Rechts'];
+ }
+ if(isset($data['Rahmen_Oben']))
+ {
+ $rahmen_oben = $data['Rahmen_Oben'];
+ }
+ if(isset($data['Rahmen_Unten']))
+ {
+ $rahmen_unten = $data['Rahmen_Unten'];
+ }
+ $rahmen = '';
+ if($rahmen_links)$rahmen .= 'L';
+ if($rahmen_rechts)$rahmen .= 'R';
+ if($rahmen_oben)$rahmen .= 'T';
+ if($rahmen_unten)$rahmen .= 'B';
+ $ausrichtung = 'R';
+ if(isset($data['Text_Ausrichtung']))
+ {
+ $ausrichtung = $data['Text_Ausrichtung'];
+ }
+ $this->Cell($priceWidth+$amWidth+$taxWidth+$priceWidth,4,$summe,$rahmen,0,$ausrichtung);
+ if(!empty($data['Abstand_Unten']))
+ {
+ $this->Ln((int)$data['Abstand_Unten']);
+ }else{
+ $this->Ln(10);
+ }
+ $this->SetFontSize($schriftgroesse_alt);
+ $this->underline = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ totals (
+ totalArticles - Summe aller Artikelpreise
+ modeOfDispatch - Versandart
+ priceOfDispatch - Versandkosten
+ modeOfPayment - Zahlungsweise
+ priceOfPayment - Kosten der Zahlungsweise
+ total = totalArticles + priceOfDispatch + priceOfPayment
+ totalTaxV - Summe voller Steuersatz
+ totalTaxR - Summe reduzierter Steuersatz
+ )
+ */
+ public function renderTotals() {
+ if($this->doctype === 'angebot' && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT gesamtsummeausblenden FROM angebot WHERE id = '".$this->doctypeid."'")){
+ $this->Ln(8);
+ return '';
+ }
+ if($this->doctype === 'inventur' && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT noprice FROM inventur WHERE id = '".$this->id."'")){
+ $this->Ln(8);
+ return '';
+ }
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+1);
+ $differenz_wegen_abstand = $this->getStyleElement('abstand_gesamtsumme_lr');
+ if($this->doctype!='lieferschein' && $this->doctype!='arbeitsnachweis' && $this->doctype!='preisanfrage') {
+ //$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190, $this->GetY());
+ $this->Ln(1);
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesse_gesamt'));
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1' && $this->doctype!='zahlungsavis'){
+ $nettoText = $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamtnetto');
+ $nettoAmount = $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung;
+ $doctype = $this->doctype;
+ $doctypeid = !empty($this->doctypeid)?$this->doctypeid: $this->id;
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('class_briefpapier_render_netto', 4, $doctype, $doctypeid, $nettoText, $nettoAmount);
+ $this->Cell(30,5,$nettoText,0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell(40,5,$nettoAmount,0,'L','R');
+ } else {
+ //kleinunzernehmer
+ $this->Cell(30,5,'',0,0,'L');
+ $this->Cell(40,5,'',0,'L','R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ if(isset($this->totals['modeOfDispatch'])) {
+ $versand = 'Versand: '.$this->totals['modeOfDispatch'];
+ }
+ else {
+ $versand = 'Versandkosten: ';
+ }
+ if(isset($this->totals['priceOfDispatch'])) {
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ $this->Cell(30,5,$versand,0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfDispatch'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ }
+ //$this->Ln();
+ if(isset($this->totals['priceOfPayment']) && $this->totals['priceOfPayment']!='0.00'){
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,2,'',0);
+ $this->Cell(30,5,$this->totals['modeOfPayment'],0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,5,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['priceOfPayment'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY());
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'',$this->getStyleElement("schriftgroesse_gesamt_steuer"));
+ if(isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && $this->totals['totalTaxV']!="0.00"){
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
+ if(!empty($this->doctype) && !empty($this->id) && is_numeric($this->id)){
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT projekt FROM `' . $this->doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this->id);
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT adresse FROM `' . $this->doctype . '` WHERE id = ' . $this->id);
+ }else{
+ $projekt = 0;
+ $adresse = 0;
+ }
+ if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ {
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzNormal(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
+ }
+ $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney((double)$this->totals['totalTaxV'], 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ } else {
+ //kleinunternehmer
+ $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ $projekt = $this->projekt;
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM ".($this->table?$this->table:$this->doctype)." WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && $this->totals['totalTaxR']!='0.00'){
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
+ if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ {
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ }
+ else {
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$this->app->erp->GetSteuersatzErmaessigt(false,$this->id,$this->table).' %',0,'L','L');
+ }
+ $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalTaxR'],2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ } else {
+ //kleinunternehmer
+ $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->totals['summen']))
+ {
+ ksort($this->totals['summen'], SORT_NUMERIC);
+ foreach($this->totals['summen'] as $k => $value)
+ {
+ if($value == 0)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,1,'',0);
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
+ if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ {
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); //1
+ }else {
+ //$this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L'); 09.12.2018 ab heute auskommentiert wegen 829087
+ $this->Cell(30,3,$this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst').' '.$k.' %',0,'L','L');
+ }
+ $this->Cell(40,3,$this->formatMoney(round($value,2), 2).' '.$this->waehrung,0,'L','R');
+ } else {
+ //kleinunternehmer
+ $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,3,"",0,'L','R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ }
+ if(!isset($this->totals['totalTaxR']) && !isset($this->totals['totalTaxV']) && !isset($this->totals['summen']) && $this->doctype!="zahlungsavis")
+ {
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,3,'',0);
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1')
+ {
+ if($this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNettoAdresse($this->anrede, $this->doctype, $projekt, $adresse,$this->id))
+ //if(($this->anrede=="firma" || $this->app->erp->AnzeigeBelegNetto($this->anrede,$projekt) || $this->doctype=="bestellung" || $this->getStyleElement("immernettorechnungen",$projekt)=="1")
+ // && $this->getStyleElement("immerbruttorechnungen",$projekt)!="1")
+ {
+ if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
+ {
+ $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_zzglmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L'); //1
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
+ {
+ $this->Cell(30, 3, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_inklmwst') . ' 0.00 %', 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ }
+ if(!($this->ust_befreit==3 && $this->getStyleElement('steuerfrei_inland_ausblenden')=='1')) //steuerfrei inland
+ {
+ $this->Cell(40, 3, '0,00 ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ }
+ } else {
+ //kleinunternehmer
+ $this->Cell(30,3,'',0,'L','L');
+ $this->Cell(40,3,'',0,'L','R');
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ }
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+2);
+ //$this->Line(110, $this->GetY(), 190,$this->GetY());
+ }
+ $this->SetFont($this->GetFont(),'B',$this->getStyleElement('schriftgroesse_gesamt'));
+ $this->Cell($differenz_wegen_abstand,5,'',0);
+ if($this->doctype=='offer'){
+ $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ elseif($this->doctype=='creditnote'){
+ $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ else if($this->doctype=='arbeitsnachweis'){
+ $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ else if($this->doctype=='zahlungsavis'){
+ $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell(30, 5, $this->app->erp->Beschriftung('dokument_gesamt_total'), 0, 'L', 'L');
+ }
+ if($this->doctype=='arbeitsnachweis'){
+ $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->totals['total'] . ' ', 0, 'L', 'R');
+ }
+ else {
+ if($this->getStyleElement('kleinunternehmer')!='1'){
+ $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['total'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ }
+ else{
+ $this->Cell(40, 5, $this->formatMoney(round((double)$this->totals['totalArticles'], 2), 2) . ' ' . $this->waehrung, 0, 'L', 'R');
+ }
+ }
+ $this->Ln();
+ if($this->getStyleElement('briefpapier_ohnedoppelstrich')!='1')
+ {
+ $this->Line($differenz_wegen_abstand+5, $this->GetY(), 210-$this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandrechts'),$this->GetY());
+ $this->Line($differenz_wegen_abstand+5, $this->GetY()+1, 210-$this->getStyleElement('abstand_seitenrandrechts'),$this->GetY()+1);
+ }
+ $this->SetY($this->GetY()+10);
+ }
+ function displayAnhaenge($output='D')
+ {
+ SuperFPDF::__construct('P','mm','A4');
+ $this->seite_von_sichtbar = 1;
+ // if($this->getStyleElement("schriftart")!="")
+ // $this->SetFont($this->getStyleElement("schriftart"));
+ if($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='' && $this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='Arial' &&
+ $this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='Courier' && $this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='Helvetica'
+ && $this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='Times' && $this->getStyleElement('schriftart')!='Arial'){
+ $this->AddFont($this->getStyleElement('schriftart'),'',strtolower($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')).'.php');
+ $this->AddFont($this->getStyleElement('schriftart'),'I',strtolower($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')).'.php');
+ $this->AddFont($this->getStyleElement('schriftart'),'B',strtolower($this->getStyleElement('schriftart')).'.php');
+ }
+ if(!empty($this->addpdf) && is_array($this->addpdf))
+ {
+ foreach($this->addpdf as $addpdf)
+ {
+ $filename = $addpdf;
+ $pn = $this->setSourceFile($filename);
+ //$this->AddPage();
+ //$this->SetXY(0,0);
+ for($i = 1; $i <= $pn ; $i++)
+ {
+ $fn =& $this->current_filename;
+ $mediabox = $this->parsers[$fn]->getPageMediaBox($i);
+ //$this->app->erp->LogFile(addslashes(json_encode($mediabox)));
+ if($i >= 1)
+ {
+ if(isset($mediabox['w']) && (float)$mediabox['w'] > 210.1 )
+ {
+ $this->AddPage('L');
+ } else {
+ $this->AddPage();
+ }
+ $this->SetXY(0,0);
+ }
+ $tplidx = $this->ImportPage($i);
+ $this->useTemplate($tplidx);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->filename = $this->app->erp->Dateinamen($this->filename);
+ $this->Output($this->filename,$output);
+ exit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param float $value
+ * @param int|null $decimals
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ protected function formatMoney($value, $decimals = null)
+ {
+ $decimals = $decimals !== null ? (int)$decimals : $this->anzahlkomma;
+ $currency = $this->waehrung;
+ return $this->app->erp->formatMoney($value, $currency,$decimals);
+ }
diff --git a/www/pages/ajax.php b/www/pages/ajax.php
index bb6b9791..36137e01 100644
--- a/www/pages/ajax.php
+++ b/www/pages/ajax.php
@@ -1,5356 +1,5359 @@
- if($intern) {
- return;
- }
- $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
- $this->app->ActionHandler("filter","AjaxFilter");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("table","AjaxTable");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("labels","AjaxLabels");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("validator","AjaxValidator");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("ansprechpartner","AjaxAnsprechpartner");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("lieferadresse","AjaxLieferadresse");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("verzolladresse","AjaxVerzolladresse");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("adressestammdaten","AjaxAdresseStammdaten");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("tooltipsuche","AjaxTooltipSuche");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("tableposition","AjaxTablePosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("tablefilter", "AjaxTableFilter");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("articlematrixselection", "AjaxArticleMatrixSelection");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("moduleunlock", "AjaxModuleUnlock");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("thumbnail", "AjaxThumbnail");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("autosavekonfiguration", "AjaxAutoSaveKonfiguration");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("autosaveuserparameter", "AjaxAutoSaveUserParameter");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("getuserparameter","AjaxGetUserParameter");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("getdateititel","AjaxGetDateiTitel");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("editdateititel","AjaxEditDateiTitel");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("profilbild","AjaxProfilbild");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("getgewicht","AjaxGetGewicht");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("upload","AjaxUpload");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("sidebar","AjaxSidebar");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("livetable","AjaxLiveTable");
- $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
- }
- /**
- * @return JsonResponse
- */
- public function AjaxSidebar(): JsonResponse
- {
- $userId = $this->app->User->GetID();
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- switch ($cmd) {
- case 'set_collapsed':
- $state = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('value') === 'true';
- /** @var Xentral\Modules\User\Service\UserConfigService $userConfig */
- $userConfig = $this->app->Container->get('UserConfigService');
- $userConfig->set('sidebar_collapsed', $state,$userId);
- $data = ['success' => true, 'collapsed' => $state];
- break;
- default:
- $data = ['success' => false, 'error' => 'Incomplete request'];
- break;
- }
- return new JsonResponse(
- $data,
- $data['success'] === false ? JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST : JsonResponse::HTTP_OK
- );
- }
- public function AjaxUpload()
- {
- $fromUrl = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromurl');
- $fromUrl = pathinfo($fromUrl);
- $fromUrl = $fromUrl['basename'];
- if(strpos($fromUrl, 'index.php?') === 0) {
- $fromUrl = substr($fromUrl, 10);
- }
- $fromUrl = explode('&', $fromUrl);
- $parts = [];
- foreach($fromUrl as $urlpart) {
- $urlpartA = explode('=', $urlpart);
- $parts[$urlpartA[0]] = isset($urlpartA[1])?$urlpartA[1]:'';
- }
- if(!empty($_FILES)) {
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('ajaxupload', 1, $parts);
- }
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode([]);
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function AjaxGetGewicht()
- {
- $seriennummer = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('seriennummer');
- ///$mindestgewicht = (float)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('mindestgewicht');
- $gewicht = str_replace(',','.',$this->app->erp->GetAdapterboxAPIWaage($seriennummer));
- if(!is_numeric($gewicht)) {
- $gewicht = 0;
- }
- //if($gewicht < $mindestgewicht)$gewicht = $mindestgewicht;
- echo json_encode(array('gewicht'=>number_format($gewicht ,1,'.','')));
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function AjaxLabels()
- {
- /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
- $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- switch ($cmd) {
- case 'collect':
- // Aktive Labels für eine DataTable-Seite abrufen
- $collection = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('collection');
- $data = $this->FindLabelsByCollection($collection);
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- break;
- case 'list':
- // Label-Typen auflisten + Zugewiesene Typen markieren
- $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
- $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
- $labelTypes = $this->FindLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode($labelTypes);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- break;
- case 'assign':
- // Label-Zuweisung erstellen
- $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
- $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
- $labelType = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('type');
- try {
- $labelModule->assignLabel($referenceTable, $referenceId, $labelType);
- } catch (LabelExceptionInterface $exception) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Zuweisung nicht möglich. Fehler: ' . $exception->getMessage()]);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- return;
- }
- // Ausgabe
- $data = $this->FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- break;
- case 'unassign':
- // Label-Zuweisung löschen
- $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
- $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
- $labelType = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('type');
- try {
- $labelModule->unassignLabel($referenceTable, $referenceId, $labelType);
- } catch (LabelExceptionInterface $exception) {
- header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Zuweisung löschen nicht möglich. Fehler: ' . $exception->getMessage()]);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- return;
- }
- // Ausgabe
- $data = $this->FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param string $referenceTable
- * @param int $referenceId
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId)
- {
- /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
- $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
- $labels = $labelModule->findLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
- $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $referenceTable, $referenceId);
- $result = [$target => []];
- foreach ($labels as $item) {
- $item['target'] = $target;
- $item['title'] = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
- $item['bgcolor'] = $item['hexcolor'];
- unset($item['hexcolor']);
- unset($item['id']);
- $result[$target][] = $item;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * @param array $collection
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function FindLabelsByCollection($collection)
- {
- /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
- $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
- $result = [];
- foreach ($collection as $referenceTable => $referenceIds) {
- $referenceTable = (string)$referenceTable;
- if (empty($referenceTable)) {
- continue;
- }
- // Für jede angefragte Referenz ein Ergebnis liefern; Leeres Ergebnis als Default
- foreach ($referenceIds as $referenceId) {
- $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $referenceTable, $referenceId);
- $result[$target] = [];
- }
- // Label-Gruppen anlegen
- $labelGroupId = $this->app->DB->Select(
- "SELECT FROM label_group AS lg WHERE lg.group_table = '{$referenceTable}'"
- );
- if (empty($labelGroupId)) {
- $groupTitle = ucwords($referenceTable);
- $this->app->DB->Insert(
- "INSERT INTO label_group (id, group_table, title, created_at)
- VALUES (NULL, '{$referenceTable}', '{$groupTitle}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"
- );
- }
- $labels = $labelModule->findLabelsByReferences($referenceTable, $referenceIds);
- foreach ($labels as $item) {
- $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $item['reference_table'], $item['reference_id']);
- if (!isset($result[$target])) {
- $result[$target] = [];
- }
- $item['target'] = $target;
- $item['title'] = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
- $item['bgcolor'] = $item['hexcolor'];
- $item['referenceTable'] = $item['reference_table'];
- $item['referenceId'] = $item['reference_id'];
- unset($item['reference_table']);
- unset($item['reference_id']);
- unset($item['hexcolor']);
- unset($item['id']);
- $result[$target][] = $item;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $referenceTable
- * @param int $referenceId
- *
- * @return array
- */
- protected function FindLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId)
- {
- /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
- $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
- $labelTypes = $labelModule->findLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
- foreach ($labelTypes as &$labelType) {
- $labelType['id'] = (int)$labelType['id'];
- $labelType['target'] = 'labels-' . $referenceTable . '-' . $referenceId;
- $labelType['selected'] = !empty($labelType['label_id']);
- if ((int)$labelType['label_id'] > 0) {
- $labelType['key'] = 'label-' . (int)$labelType['label_id'];
- }
- $labelType['bgcolor'] = $labelType['hexcolor'];
- $labelType['referenceTable'] = $referenceTable;
- $labelType['referenceId'] = $referenceId;
- unset($labelType['hexcolor']);
- }
- return $labelTypes;
- }
- public function AjaxValidator()
- {
- $rule = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rule');
- $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
- $mandatoryId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('mandatoryid');
- /** @var \Xentral\Modules\MandatoryFields\MandatoryFieldsModule $mandatoryFields */
- $mandatoryFields = $this->app->Container->get('MandatoryFieldsModule');
- try{
- $data = $mandatoryFields->validate($rule,$value,$mandatoryId)->toArray();
- } catch(UnknownTypeException $e){
- $data = ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Validatorregel nicht gültig.'];
- } catch(MandatoryFieldNotFoundException $e){
- $data = ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Die Validierungsregel konnte nicht gefunden werden.'];
- }
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode($data);
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- public function AjaxGetDateiTitel()
- {
- $status = 0;
- $cmds = $this->CmdList();
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $data = null;
- if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd, 'dateien'))
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
- $objekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $parameter = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('parameter');
- if($objekt === 'adresse'){
- $objekt = 'Adressen';
- }
- $data = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- "SELECT d.*, s.subjekt
- FROM datei AS d
- LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter AS s ON
- LEFT JOIN datei_version AS v ON
- WHERE s.objekt LIKE '$objekt' AND s.parameter='$parameter' AND d.geloescht=0 AND = '$id'
- LIMIT 1"
- );
- $module = strtolower($objekt);
- if($module === 'adressen'){
- $module = 'adresse';
- }
- $typen = $this->app->erp->getDateiTypen($module);
- $found = false;
- foreach($typen as $typ) {
- if($typ['wert'] === $data['subjekt']) {
- $found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- $subjekthtml = '';
- if(!$found) {
- $subjekthtml = '';
- }
- foreach($typen as $typ) {
- $subjekthtml .= '';
- }
- /*
- $subjekthtml = '';
- if($module==='adresse')
- {
- $subjekthtml .= '';
- }
- if($module!='')
- {
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM datei_stichwortvorlagen WHERE modul='$module' ORDER by beschriftung");
- $ctmp = $tmp?count($tmp):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++) {
- $subjekthtml .= '';
- }
- }
- $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM datei_stichwortvorlagen WHERE modul='' ORDER by beschriftung");
- $ctmp = $tmp?count($tmp):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++) {
- $subjekthtml .= '';
- }
- */
- if($data){
- $data['subjekthtml'] = $subjekthtml;
- }
- }
- echo json_encode($data);
- exit;
- }
- public function AjaxEditDateiTitel()
- {
- $status = 0;
- $cmds = $this->CmdList();
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $data = null;
- if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd, 'dateien'))
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
- $objekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
- $parameter = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('parameter');
- $titel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('titel');
- $beschreibung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung');
- $subjekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('subjekt');
- if($objekt == 'adresse')
- {
- $objekt = 'Adressen';
- }
- $ersteller = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName());
- $datei = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT, as sid FROM datei d LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter s ON LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON WHERE s.objekt LIKE '$objekt' AND s.parameter='$parameter' AND d.geloescht=0 AND = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($datei)
- {
- $sid = $datei[0]['sid'];
- if($subjekt && $sid)
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei_stichwoerter SET subjekt = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($subjekt)."' WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei SET titel = '$titel', beschreibung = '$beschreibung' WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($_FILES['datei']) && $_FILES['datei']['tmp_name']!='')
- {
- $dateiname = $_FILES['datei']['name'];
- $this->app->erp->AddDateiVersion($id,$ersteller,$dateiname, $beschreibung,$_FILES['datei']['tmp_name']);
- }
- $status = 1;
- }
- }
- echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status));
- exit;
- }
- protected function CmdList()
- {
- return array('artikel','adresse','angebot','auftrag','rechnung','gutschrift','lieferschein','bestellung','projekt','produktion','anfrage','reisekosten','kalkulation','serviceauftrag','verbindlichkeit','kasse','geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen','wiedervorlage','wiki');
- }
- /**
- * @param int $userId
- * @param string|null $alt
- * @param string|null $imgClass
- * @param int|null $widthHeight
- *
- * @return string
- */
- public function getProfileHtml($userId, $alt = null, $imgClass=null, $widthHeight = null): string
- {
- $userId = (int)$userId;
- $addressId = 0;
- $shortUserName = '';
- $user = $userId <= 0?null:$this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT u.adresse, u.`username`
- FROM `user` AS `u`
- LIMIT 1",
- $userId
- )
- );
- if(!empty($user)) {
- $addressId = $user['adresse'];
- $shortUserName = substr($user['username'],0,2);
- }
- $fileId = $this->getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId);
- if($this->getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($fileId) !== null) {
- $imgString = sprintf(
- '';
- }
- return sprintf('%s', $shortUserName);
- }
- /**
- * @param int $addressId
- *
- * @return int|null
- */
- public function getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId): ?int
- {
- $addressId = (int)$addressId;
- if($addressId <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- $fileVersionId = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- FROM `datei_stichwoerter` AS `ds`
- INNER JOIN `datei` AS `d` ON ds.datei =
- INNER JOIN `datei_version` AS `dv` ON dv.datei =
- WHERE d.geloescht = 0 AND objekt LIKE 'Adressen' AND parameter = '%d' AND subjekt LIKE 'Profilbild'
- LIMIT 1",
- $addressId
- )
- );
- if($fileVersionId <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- return $fileVersionId;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $fileVersionId
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- public function getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($fileVersionId): ?array
- {
- $fileVersionId = (int)$fileVersionId;
- if($fileVersionId <= 0) {
- return null;
- }
- $userdata = isset($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata)?$this->app->Conf->WFuserdata:str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])."../userdata";
- $path = $userdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- $cachefolder = $path.'/cache';
- $path = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($fileVersionId, $path);
- $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($fileVersionId.'_100_100', $cachefolder, true);
- if(!file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$fileVersionId.'_100_100')) {
- if(file_exists($path.'/'.$fileVersionId)) {
- $type = mime_content_type($path.'/'.$fileVersionId);
- switch($type) {
- case 'image/jpg':
- case 'image/jpeg':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
- if((string)$str === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- 'header' => 'Content-type: image/jpg',
- 'image' => $str,
- ];
- break;
- case 'image/png':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
- if((string)$str === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- 'header' => 'Content-type: image/png',
- 'image' => $str,
- ];
- break;
- case 'image/gif':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
- if((string)$str === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- 'header' => 'Content-type: image/gif',
- 'image' => $str,
- ];
- break;
- case 'application/pdf':
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
- if((string)$str === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- 'header' => 'Content-type: image/svg',
- 'picture' => $str,
- ];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$fileVersionId.'_100_100')){
- $type = mime_content_type($cachefolder . '/' . $fileVersionId . '_100_100');
- if(strpos($type, 'image') !== false){
- $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder . '/' . $fileVersionId . '_100_100');
- if((string)$str === '') {
- return null;
- }
- return [
- 'header' => 'Content-type: ' . $type,
- 'picture' => $str,
- ];
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public function AjaxProfilbild()
- {
- $userId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $addressId = $userId === $this->app->User->GetID()
- ?$this->app->User->GetAdresse():
- (int)$this->app->DB->Select(sprintf('SELECT `adresse` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = %d', $userId));
- $dateiversion = $this->getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId);
- $picture = $this->getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($dateiversion);
- if($picture !== null) {
- header($picture['header']);
- echo $picture['picture'];
- exit;
- }
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/profil.png');
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- public function AjaxThumbnail()
- {
- $cmds = $this->CmdList();
- $cmd = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd'));
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if(!empty($cmd) && $id
- && (!in_array($cmd, $cmds) || (in_array($cmd, $cmds) && $this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd,'dateien')))) {
- $datei = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT, ds.parameter, dv.dateiname
- FROM datei_version AS dv
- INNER JOIN datei_stichwoerter ds ON ds.datei = dv.datei
- WHERE dv.datei = %d AND (ds.objekt like '%s'".($cmd === 'adresse'?" OR ds.objekt like 'Adressen' ":'').")
- ORDER BY dv.datei DESC, dv.version DESC
- LIMIT 1",
- $id, $cmd
- )
- );
- if(empty($datei)) {
- if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
- } else {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
- }
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- if(!empty($datei['parameter'])) {
- if($cmd === 'projekt') {
- if(!$this->app->erp->UserProjektRecht($datei['parameter'])) {
- if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
- } else {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
- }
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- }
- else{
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT `projekt` FROM `%s` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1',
- $cmd, $datei[0]['parameter']
- )
- );
- if(!$this->app->erp->UserProjektRecht($projekt)) {
- if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
- }
- else {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
- }
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- //Rechte prüfen
- $userdata = isset($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata)
- ?$this->app->Conf->WFuserdata
- :(str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'../userdata');
- $path = $userdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
- $cachefolder = $path.'/cache';
- $_cachefolder = $cachefolder;
- $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei['id'].'_100_100', $cachefolder, true);
- if(!file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100')) {
- $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($_cachefolder, $datei['id']);
- $datei_orig = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfadVersion($datei['id']);
- if(file_exists($datei_orig)) {
- $type = mime_content_type($datei_orig);
- switch($type)
- {
- case 'image/jpg':
- case 'image/jpeg':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
- header('Content-type: image/jpg');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- break;
- case 'image/png':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- break;
- case 'image/gif':
- $img = new image($this->app);
- $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
- header('Content-type: image/gif');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- break;
- case 'application/pdf':
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- break;
- default:
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.gif'){
- header('Content-type: image/gif');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.png'){
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.jpg'
- || substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === 'jpeg'){
- header('Content-type: image/jpg');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100')) {
- $type = is_file($path.'/'.$datei['id'])? false : mime_content_type($path.'/'.$datei['id']);
- if($type === false) {
- $type = mime_content_type($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
- }
- if(strpos($type,'image') !== false) {
- header('Content-type: '.$type);
- $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.gif') {
- header('Content-type: image/gif');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.png') {
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.jpg'
- || substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-5) === '.jpeg') {
- header('Content-type: image/jpg');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- }
- else{
- if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
- } else {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
- }
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- exit;
- }
- }
- else{
- if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
- } else {
- $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
- }
- header('Content-type: image/png');
- echo $str;
- }
- exit;
- }
- public function AjaxModuleUnlock() {
- if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('welcome','unlock') &&
- ($salt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('salt')))
- {
- $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE from module_lock where salt = '".$salt."'");
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxTableFilter() {
- /*header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");*/
- $do = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('do');
- $filter = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('filter');
- switch ($do) {
- case 'getParameters':
- $params = $this->app->User->GetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter);
- echo base64_decode($params);
- break;
- case 'setParameters':
- $params = base64_encode(json_encode($_GET));
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter, $params);
- break;
- case 'clearParameters':
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter,'');
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- break;
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxArticleMatrixSelection()
- {
- $menge = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('menge');
- $auswahl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('auswahl');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $vorgangsId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $vorgangsTyp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('typ');
- if ($vorgangsId === 0) {
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- if ($cmd === 'get') {
- $articleMatrixSelection = $this->GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId);
- header('Content-Type: application/json');
- echo json_encode($articleMatrixSelection);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- if ($cmd === 'set') {
- // Vorhandene Auswahl laden und aktuelle Auswahl hinzufügen
- // Notwendig, da sich der Auswahlprozess über mehrere Seiten erstrecken kann.
- $articleMatrix = $this->GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId);
- foreach ($menge as $artikelId => $artikelAnzahl) {
- // Nur Mengen größer Null merken
- if (!empty($artikelAnzahl)) {
- $articleMatrix['menge'][(int)$artikelId] = (int)$artikelAnzahl;
- }
- // Auswahl wurde entfernt > Menge ebenfalls leeren
- if (isset($menge[$artikelId]) && !isset($auswahl[$artikelId])) {
- unset($articleMatrix['auswahl'][(int)$artikelId],$articleMatrix['menge'][(int)$artikelId]);
- }
- }
- // Nur aktive Checkboxen merken
- foreach ($auswahl as $artikelId => $artikelAuswahl) {
- if ($artikelAuswahl === 'on') {
- $articleMatrix['auswahl'][(int)$artikelId] = true;
- }
- }
- $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, $articleMatrix);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- // Artikelmatrix-Auswahl zurücksetzen
- if ($cmd === "reset") {
- $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, []);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- }
- protected function GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId)
- {
- if (empty($vorgangsTyp) || (int)$vorgangsId === 0) {
- return [
- 'auswahl' => [],
- 'menge' => [],
- ];
- }
- $selection = $this->app->User->GetParameter("article_matrix_selection_{$vorgangsTyp}_{$vorgangsId}");
- $matrix = json_decode($selection, true);
- if (empty($matrix)) {
- $matrix = [];
- }
- // Alter des Eintrags kontrollieren; nach 24 Stunden ohne Änderung > Eintrag verwerfen
- $yesterday = time() - (60 * 60 * 24);
- if (empty($matrix['time']) || (int)$matrix['time'] < $yesterday) {
- $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, []);
- $matrix = [];
- }
- if (empty($matrix['auswahl'])) {
- $matrix['auswahl'] = [];
- }
- if (empty($matrix['menge'])) {
- $matrix['menge'] = [];
- }
- return $matrix;
- }
- protected function SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, $data = [])
- {
- if ((int)$vorgangsId === 0) {
- return;
- }
- if (empty($vorgangsTyp)) {
- return;
- }
- if (!is_array($data)) {
- $data = [];
- }
- // Aktuellen Timestamp hinzufügen/überschreiben
- $data['time'] = time();
- // Auswahl pro User und Vorgang merken
- $this->app->User->SetParameter("article_matrix_selection_{$vorgangsTyp}_{$vorgangsId}", json_encode($data));
- }
- public function AjaxTooltipSuche()
- {
- $term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('term');
- if(is_numeric($term))
- {
- $rechnung = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr,soll,ist FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr='$term'");
- $gutschrift = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr,soll,ist FROM gutschrift WHERE belegnr='$term'");
- $auftrag = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr='$term'");
- $internet = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE internet='$term'");
- $kunde = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,name FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer='$term'");
- }
- if(!empty($rechnung) && is_array($rechnung))
- {
- foreach($rechnung as $value){
- echo '
Rechnung '.$value['belegnr'].' SOLL:'.$value['soll'].' IST:'.$value['ist'].' |
- }
- }
- if(!empty($auftrag) && is_array($auftrag))
- {
- foreach($auftrag as $value){
- echo 'Auftrag '.$value['belegnr'];
- }
- }
- if(!empty($internet) && is_array($internet))
- {
- foreach($internet as $value){
- echo 'Internet Auftrag '.$value['belegnr'];
- }
- }
- /*if($internetnummer)
- echo "Internetnummer";*/
- if(!empty($kunde) && is_array($kunde))
- {
- foreach($kunde as $value){
- echo 'Kunde '.$value['name'];
- }
- }
- echo 'ENDE ';
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxAdresseStammdaten()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id <= 0)
- {
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
- $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($values)){
- foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
- $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
- }
- echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['email'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['telefon'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['telfax'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['anschreiben'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['gln']
- );
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxVerzolladresse()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id <= 0)
- {
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
- $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($values)){
- foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
- if($key !== 'zollinformationen') {
- $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
- }
- }
- echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . base64_encode($values[0]['zollinformationen']) . '#*#');
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxLieferadresse()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id <= 0)
- {
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
- $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferadressen WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($values)){
- foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
- $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
- }
- echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['gln'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ustid'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ust_befreit'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['lieferbedingung']. '#*#' . $values[0]['email']);
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxAnsprechpartner()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- if($id <= 0)
- {
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM ansprechpartner WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if(!empty($values[0])){
- foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
- $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
- }
- echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['email'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['telefon'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['telefax'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] .
- '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['typ'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['anschreiben'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id']);
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxAutoSaveKonfiguration()
- {
- $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue($name,base64_decode($value));
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxAutoSaveUserParameter()
- {
- $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
- $this->app->User->SetParameter($name,base64_decode($value));
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxGetUserParameter()
- {
- $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
- $names = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('names');
- if(!empty($names))
- {
- $names = explode(',', $names);
- $elems = explode(',',$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('elems'));
- $values = $this->app->User->GetParameter($names);
- if(!empty($values))
- {
- foreach($values as $k => $v)
- {
- $values[$k]['elem'] = $elems[$k];
- }
- }
- echo json_encode($values);
- }else{
- echo json_encode(array('name'=>$name,'elem'=>$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('elem'),'value'=>$this->app->User->GetParameter($name)));
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxFilterWhere($term, $fields)
- {
- if(empty($fields))
- {
- return '1';
- }
- while(strpos($term,' ') !== false)
- {
- $term = str_replace(' ',' ', $term);
- }
- $term = trim($term);
- $term2 = $term;
- $term3 = $term;
- $term2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
- $term3 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($term);
- $terma = explode( ' ', $term);
- $term2a = explode( ' ', $term2);
- $term3a = explode( ' ', $term3);
- if(count($terma) === 1)
- {
- $wherea = [];
- foreach($fields as $v) {
- $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term . "%'";
- if($term2 !== $term && $term2 !== ''){
- $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term2 . "%'";
- }
- if($term3 !== $term && $term3 !== $term2 && $term3!==''){
- $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term3 . "%'";
- }
- }
- return ' ('.implode(' OR ', $wherea).') ';
- }
- $wherea = [];
- foreach($fields as $v) {
- if(!empty($term2) && $term2 !== $term){
- $tmp = [];
- //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
- $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma, $term2a);
- //}
- $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
- }
- elseif(!empty($term3) && $term3 !== $term){
- $tmp = [];
- //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
- $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma, $term3a);
- //}
- $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
- }
- else{
- $tmp = [];
- //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
- $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma);
- //}
- $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
- }
- }
- return ' ('.implode(' OR ', $wherea).') ';
- }
- public function AjaxFilter()
- {
- //$term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("term");
- $term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('term');
- $termorig = $term;
- $rmodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('rmodule');
- $raction = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('raction');
- $rid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('rid');
- $pruefemodule = array('artikel','auftrag','angebot','rechnung','lieferschein','gutschrift','bestellung','produktion');
- $filter_projekt = 0;
- if($raction === 'edit' && $rid && in_array($rmodule, $pruefemodule))
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM $rmodule WHERE id = '$rid' LIMIT 1");
- if($projekt)
- {
- $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- //if($eigenernummernkreis)
- $filter_projekt = $projekt;
- }
- }
- $term2 = $term;
- $term3 = $term;
- $term = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
- $term2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($term2);
- if($term2=='') {
- $term2 = $term;
- }
- $term = str_replace(' ','%',$term);
- $term2 = str_replace(' ','%',$term2);
- $term3 = str_replace(' ','%',$term3);
- //$term = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
- //$term = str_replace(' ','%',$term);
- $filtername = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('filtername');
- $term = trim($term);
- $term2 = trim($term2);
- switch($filtername)
- {
- case "adressenamegruppe":
- $gruppe = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('gruppe');
- $gruppea = explode(',',$gruppe);
- $gruppenwhere = ' 0 ';
- foreach($gruppea as $v)
- {
- if($v){
- $gruppenw[] = " ar.parameter = '$v' ";
- }
- }
- if(!empty($gruppenw))
- {
- $gruppenwhere = ' ('.implode(' OR ', $gruppenw).') ';
- }
- $felder = array('','');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT concat(, ' ', as name2 FROM adresse a
- INNER JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse AND $gruppenwhere AND ar.objekt LIKE 'Gruppe' AND (bis = '0000-00-00' OR bis >= curdate())
- WHERE ($subwhere) AND a.geloescht <> 1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')."
- ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- }
- break;
- case "adressename":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT, (SELECT name FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.kundennummer = a.kundennummer ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a2.projekt')." order by ".($filter_projekt?" a2.projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1) as name2 FROM adresse a WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')." GROUP by email ORDER BY, name2 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- }
- break;
-select a.kundennummer, (SELECT name FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.kundennummer = a.kundennummer order by a2.projekt = 13 DESC, a2.projekt = 0 DESC, projekt LIMIT 1) as name FROM adresse a WHERE a.kundennummer like '10500' group by a.kundennummer
- case "arbeitspaket":
- if(trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt')) != ''){
- $checkprojekt = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt'));
- }else{
- $checkprojekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter("teilprojekt_filter");
- }
- if(is_numeric($checkprojekt) && $checkprojekt > 0){
- $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='" . $checkprojekt . "' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $limit = '';
- if($projektid <=0)
- {
- $checkprojekt = explode(' ',$checkprojekt);
- $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung='".$checkprojekt[0]."' AND abkuerzung!='' LIMIT 1");
- if($projektid <=0){
- $limit = ' LIMIT 20 ';
- }
- }
- if($projektid > 0){
- $subwhere = " AND'".$projektid."'";
- } else {
- $subwhere='';
- }
- $felder = array('p.abkuerzung', 'ap.aufgabe');
- $subwhere2 = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',p.abkuerzung,' ',ap.aufgabe) as name2 FROM arbeitspaket ap LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE ($subwhere2) AND ap.status!='abgeschlossen' AND ap.aufgabe!='' AND > 0 $subwhere ".$limit);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- }
- break;
- case "artikeleigenschaften":
- $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('e.projekt');
- $felder = array('name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM artikeleigenschaften e WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht <> 1 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
- }
- break;
- case "artikeleigenschaftenwerte":
- //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte WHERE wert LIKE '%$term%' OR wert LIKE '%$term2%' OR wert LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20");
- //$arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT property_value_from FROM article_property_translation WHERE (property_value_from LIKE '%$term%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term3') AND language_from = 'DE' LIMIT 20");
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte WHERE wert LIKE '%$term%' OR wert LIKE '%$term2%' OR wert LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20) UNION
- (SELECT DISTINCT property_value_from as wert FROM article_property_translation WHERE (property_value_from LIKE '%$term%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term3') AND language_from = 'DE' LIMIT 20) ORDER BY wert");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['wert']}";
- }
- break;
- case "matrixprodukt_uebersetzungen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT name_from AS name FROM matrix_article_translation WHERE name_from LIKE '%$term%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
- UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name_to AS name FROM matrix_article_translation WHERE name_to LIKE '%$term%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
- UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM matrixprodukt_eigenschaftengruppen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
- }
- break;
- case "matrixprodukt_optionen_uebersetzungen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT name_from AS name FROM matrix_article_options_translation WHERE name_from LIKE '%$term%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 10)
- UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name_to AS name FROM matrix_article_options_translation WHERE name_to LIKE '%$term%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
- UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM matrixprodukt_eigenschaftenoptionen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
- }
- break;
- case "drucker":
- $felder = array('name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM drucker WHERE $subwhere LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
- }
- break;
- case "wiedervorlage_stages":
- $felder = array('','ws.kurzbezeichnung');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT CONCAT(, ' ', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ' (', IFNULL(wv.shortname, 'Standard'), ' - ',, ')') AS `name2`
- FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws`
- LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` ON ws.view =
- WHERE $subwhere
- ORDER BY ws.view, ws.kurzbezeichnung LIMIT 20"
- );
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- }
- break;
- case "wiedervorlage_view":
- $felder = array('name', 'shortname');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig, $felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', shortname, ' (',name,')') AS name2 FROM wiedervorlage_view WHERE $subwhere ORDER BY shortname LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- }
- break;
- case "etiketten":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',name) as name2 FROM etiketten WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
- break;
- case "laender":
- $laender = $this->app->erp->GetSelectLaenderliste();
- $_term = explode(',',$term);
- $_term = $_term[count($_term)-1];
- if($laender){
- foreach($laender as $key => $value)
- {
- if(stripos($key, $_term) !== false || stripos($value, $_term) !== false)
- {
- $newarr[] = $key.' '.$value;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "artikelname":
- $felder = array('CONCAT(nummer,\' \',name_de)','nummer','name_de');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name_de FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($artikel_freitext1_suche) AND geloescht=0 ORDER by name_de LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name_de'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelgruppe":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelkategorienfull":
- $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
- $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
- if($anz)
- {
- $artikelbaum = array();
- $allekategorien = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, bezeichnung, parent FROM artikelkategorien WHERE geloescht = 0");
- foreach($allekategorien as $key=>$value){
- if($value['parent'] == 0){
- $artikelbaum[$value['id']] = $value['bezeichnung'];
- foreach($allekategorien as $key2=>$value2){
- if(array_key_exists($value2['parent'], $artikelbaum)){
- $artikelbaum[$value2['id']] = $artikelbaum[$value2['parent']]." / ".$value2['bezeichnung'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $arr = array();
- $i = 0;
- if($term == "" || $term == "%"){
- foreach($artikelbaum as $key=>$value){
- $arr[$i] = $key." ".$value;
- $i++;
- }
- }else{
- foreach($artikelbaum as $key=>$value){
- if(strpos(strtolower($value), strtolower($term)) !== false){
- $arr[$i] = $key.' '.$value;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- if($i<20){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i];
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "artikelkategorien":
- $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
- $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
- if($anz)
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT a.typ,ar.bezeichnung FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN artikelkategorien ar ON a.typ = concat(,'_kat') WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ar.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$subwhere." GROUP BY a.typ ORDER by ar.bezeichnung ");
- if($arr)
- {
- $typen = false;
- foreach($arr as $k => $a)
- {
- if($a['bezeichnung'])$arr[$k]['typ'] = $a['bezeichnung'];
- $typen = $arr[$k]['typ'];
- }
- array_multisort($typen, $arr);
- $last = false;
- foreach($arr as $k => $a)
- {
- if($last == $a['typ'])
- {
- unset($arr[$k]);
- } else {
- $last = $a['typ'];
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
- }
- break;
- case 'alleartikelkategorien':
- $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
- $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
- if($anz)
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ar.bezeichnung as typ FROM artikelkategorien ar WHERE ar.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$subwhere." AND ar.geloescht <> 1 ORDER by ar.bezeichnung ");
- } else {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
- }
- break;
- case 'xcs_tables':
- $felder = array('name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM xcs_table ORDER BY name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "artikeleanbeleg":
- $doctype = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype');
- $doctypeid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctypeid');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(if(art.ean <> '', art.ean, art.nummer),' ',art.name_de) as name FROM artikel art
- INNER JOIN $doctype"."_position ap ON ap.artikel = AND $doctype = '$doctypeid'
- WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND art.geloescht=0 AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummerbeleg":
- $doctype = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype');
- $doctypeid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctypeid');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) as name FROM artikel art
- INNER JOIN $doctype"."_position ap ON ap.artikel = AND $doctype = '$doctypeid'
- WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($artikel_freitext1_suche) AND art.geloescht=0 AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "spracheniso":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT iso FROM sprachen');
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['iso'];
- }
- break;
- case "geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',subjekt,' (',sprache,')') as name FROM geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikeleinheit":
- //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT einheit_de FROM artikeleinheit WHERE firma='".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."' AND einheit_de LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by einheit_de");
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT einheit_de FROM artikeleinheit WHERE einheit_de LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by einheit_de");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['einheit_de'];
- break;
- case "ihrebestellnummer":
- $adresse = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT ihrebestellnummer FROM auftrag WHERE ihrebestellnummer LIKE '%$term%' AND adresse='$adresse' ORDER by ihrebestellnummer ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['ihrebestellnummer'];
- }
- break;
- case "accountart":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT art FROM adresse_accounts WHERE art LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by art");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['art'];
- }
- break;
- case "ansprechpartneradresse":
- $adressId = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- if(is_numeric($adressId) && $adressId > 0){
- $adressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE id = '$adressId' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $limit = '';
- if($adressId <= 0){
- $adresse = explode(' ', $adressId);
- $adressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE name = '".$adresse[0]."' AND name != '' LIMIT 1");
- if($adressId <= 0){
- $limit = ' LIMIT 20 ';
- }
- }
- if($adressId > 0){
- $subwhere = " AND = '$adressId'";
- }else{
- $subwhere = '';
- }
- $felder = array('');
- $subwhere2 = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(, ' ',, ' ', IF(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT('(',, ', Kdr: ', a.kundennummer, ' Liefr: ', a.lieferantennummer, ')'), CONCAT('(',, ', Kdr: ', a.kundennummer, ')'))) AS name
- FROM ansprechpartner an
- LEFT JOIN adresse a ON an.adresse =
- WHERE ($subwhere2) AND > 0 AND a.geloescht = 0 $subwhere ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt').$limit);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
- }
- break;
- case "ansprechpartner":
- $adresse = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM ansprechpartner WHERE adresse='$adresse' AND name LIKE '%$term%' AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER by name");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "hersteller":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT hersteller FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND hersteller LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by hersteller");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['hersteller'];
- break;
- case "rmakategorien":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM rma_vorlagen_kategorien WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "spedition_einstellungen_feld":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT feld FROM spedition_einstellungen WHERE aktiv=1 AND feld LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by feld");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['feld'];
- }
- break;
- case "zeiterfassung_beschreibung":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT beschreibung FROM zeiterfassung_kosten WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by beschreibung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['beschreibung'];
- }
- break;
- case "eigenschaften_vorlagen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM eigenschaften_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "ticketnummer":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(t.schluessel, ' Name: ', t.kunde, ' Betr: ', t.betreff) as schluessel FROM ticket t WHERE t.schluessel LIKE '%$term%' OR t.kunde LIKE '%$term%' OR t.betreff LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY t.schluessel");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['schluessel'];
- }
- break;
- case "abosammelrechnungen":
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM adresse_abosammelrechnungen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND adresse = '$id' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "arbeitsplatzgruppe":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ',bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM arbeitsplatzgruppen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "fahrtenbuch_kennzeichen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT kennzeichen FROM fahrtenbuch_fahrzeuge WHERE kennzeichen LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY kennzeichen");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kennzeichen'];
- break;
- case "fahrtenbuch_strecke":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT strecke FROM fahrtenbuch_vorlagen WHERE (strecke LIKE '%$term%' OR strecke LIKE '%$term2%' OR strecke LIKE '%$term3%') AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY strecke");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['strecke'];
- break;
- case "verpackungsgruppe":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT verpackungsgruppe FROM verpackungen_details WHERE verpackungsgruppe LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by verpackungsgruppe");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['verpackungsgruppe'];
- break;
- case "dropshipping_gruppe":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM dropshipping_gruppe WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "layoutvorlage":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', name) AS name FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY name");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "uservorlage":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM uservorlage WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by bezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "lagergrund":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(referenz,'Umlagern fü :',''),'Differenz:','')) as ergebnis FROM lager_bewegung WHERE REPLACE(referenz,'Differenz:','') LIKE '%$term%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Inventur%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Charge%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Lieferschein%'
- AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Manuell%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Wareneingang%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Lieferungen%' LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['ergebnis'];
- break;
- case "auftrag_zahlungseingang":
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' ',REPLACE(,',',''),' ',r.internet,' GESAMT: ',r.gesamtsumme,' (Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status) as name
- FROM auftrag r LEFT JOIN adresse a ON WHERE r.belegnr!=''
- AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%' OR IFNULL(r.internet,'') LIKE '%$term%' ) ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "rechnung_zahlungseingang":
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' Soll:',r.soll,' Ist:',,' ',' Diff:',(*-1,' ',
- if(r.zahlungszielskonto > 0,if(isnull(r.skontobetrag),CONCAT('SK:',r.zahlungszielskonto,'%(',FORMAT((r.soll/100)*r.zahlungszielskonto,2),') '),concat('SK:',FORMAT(100*r.skontobetrag / r.soll,2),'%(',FORMAT(r.skontobetrag,2),')')),''),REPLACE(,',',''),'(Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status
- ,IF(IFNULL(ab.internet,'')!='',CONCAT(' Intenet: ',ab.internet),'')
- ) as name
- FROM rechnung r
- LEFT JOIN auftrag ab ON r.auftragid =
- LEFT JOIN adresse a ON
- WHERE r.belegnr!='' AND
- ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%'
- OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%'
- OR IFNULL(ab.internet,'') LIKE '%$term%'
- )
- AND r.zahlungsstatus!='bezahlt'
- ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "gutschrift_zahlungseingang":
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' SOLL: ',r.soll,' IST:',,' ',REPLACE(,',',''),' (Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status) as name
- FROM gutschrift r LEFT JOIN adresse a ON WHERE r.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') AND (r.manuell_vorabbezahlt IS NULL OR r.manuell_vorabbezahlt='0000-00-00') ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "gutschrift":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) AS name
- FROM gutschrift WHERE belegnr != '' AND belegnr != '0' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." ORDER BY belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "angebot":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM angebot WHERE belegnr!='' AND belegnr!='0' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "bestellung":
- $status = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('status');
- switch($status) {
- case 'freigegeben':
- case 'abgeschlossen':
- case 'versendet':
- case 'strorniert':
- break;
- default:
- $status = '';
- break;
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM bestellung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".($status != ''?" AND status = '".$status."' ":'').$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "preisanfrage":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM preisanfrage WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "bestellunggesamtsumme":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("gesamtsumme",2).",' ',waehrung,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM bestellung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "auftrag_position_dienstleistung":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ap.menge, as auftragspositionid,CONCAT(a.belegnr,'-',ap.sort,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' ',ap.bezeichnung) as name
- FROM auftrag_position ap LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON LEFT JOIN artikel art ON WHERE art.dienstleistung=1 AND a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- foreach($arr as $value){
- $sollzeit = number_format($value['menge'],2);
- $istzeit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(Time_to_sec(Timediff(z.von,z.bis))/3600) FROM zeiterfassung z WHERE z.auftragpositionid = '{$value['auftragspositionid']}'");
- $newarr[] = $value['name'] . " ( " . number_format(($istzeit*-1),2) . " von " . $sollzeit . ")";
- }
- break;
- case "alle_auftrag_positionen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ap.menge, as auftragspositionid,CONCAT(a.belegnr,'-',ap.sort,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' ',ap.bezeichnung) as name
- FROM auftrag_position ap LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- foreach($arr as $value){
- $sollzeit = number_format($value['menge'],2);
- $istzeit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(Time_to_sec(Timediff(z.von,z.bis))/3600) FROM zeiterfassung z WHERE z.auftragpositionid = '{$value['auftragspositionid']}'");
- $newarr[] = $value['name'] . " ( " . number_format(($istzeit*-1),2) . " von " . $sollzeit . ")";
- }
- break;
- case "auftragihrebestellnummer":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),
- if(ihrebestellnummer!='',CONCAT(' ',ihrebestellnummer),''),if(internebezeichnung!='',CONCAT(' ',internebezeichnung),'')) as name
- FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status!='angelegt' AND
- (name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' OR ihrebestellnummer LIKE '%$term%' OR internebezeichnung LIKE '%$term%'
- OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "auftrag":
- $status = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('status');
- switch($status) {
- case 'freigegeben':
- case 'abgeschlossen':
- case 'strorniert':
- break;
- default:
- $status = '';
- break;
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." ".($status != ''?" AND a.status = '".$status."' ":'')." ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "auftragmitrechnung":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM auftrag a
- INNER JOIN rechnung r ON = r.auftragid AND r.belegnr <> ''
- WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') GROUP BY ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "auftrag_freigegeben":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status='freigegeben' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "rechnung_freigegeben":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status='freigegeben' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "produktion":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM produktion WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "arbeitsnachweis":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM arbeitsnachweis WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "lieferschein":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM lieferschein WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case 'rechnung':
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case 'retoure':
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM retoure WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "rechnungmitauftrag":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
- FROM rechnung r
- INNER JOIN auftrag a ON r.auftragid =
- LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
- WHERE r.belegnr!='0' AND r.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." GROUP BY ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "vpeartikel":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT vpe FROM verkaufspreise WHERE geloescht=0 AND vpe LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by vpe");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['vpe'];
- break;
- case "herstellerlink":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT herstellerlink FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND herstellerlink LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by herstellerlink");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['herstellerlink'];
- break;
- case 'lagerplatz':
- case 'lagerplatzstandardlager':
- $onlyStdLager = $filtername === 'lagerplatzstandardlager';
- $stdLager = 0;
- if($rmodule === 'produktionszentrum' || $rmodule==='produktion') {
- if($onlyStdLager > 0 && $rid > 0) {
- $stdLager = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT standardlager FROM produktion WHERE id = %d',
- $rid
- )
- );
- }
- }
- $withzwischenlager = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('zwischenlager');
- $withstadardlager = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('withstandardlager');
- $sql = "SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
- FROM lager_platz AS lp
- LEFT JOIN lager AS l ON
- WHERE lp.geloescht=0 AND ('$stdLager' = '0' OR = '$stdLager')
- AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".
- $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('l.projekt').'
- ORDER BY lp.kurzbezeichnung';
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- if(empty($arr)) {
- $arr = [];
- }
- if($withzwischenlager) {
- $arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT 'Zwischenlager' AS kurzbezeichnung FROM (SELECT 1) a WHERE 'Zwischenlager' LIKE '%$term%' "
- );
- if(!empty($arr2)) {
- $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
- }
- }
- if($withstadardlager) {
- $arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT 'Standardlager' AS kurzbezeichnung FROM (SELECT 1) a WHERE 'Standardlager' LIKE '%$term%'"
- );
- if(!empty($arr2)) {
- $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
- }
- }
- if(!empty($arr)) {
- sort($arr);
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case 'artikelfremdnummern':
- $article = explode(' ', $this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel'));
- $article = reset($article);
- $articleId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikelid');
- $bezeichnung = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('bezeichnung');
- $shopid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('shopid');
- if(empty($articleId) && !empty($article)) {
- $articleId = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT id
- FROM artikel
- WHERE nummer = '%s' AND nummer <> '' AND geloescht <> 1
- ORDER BY intern_gesperrt
- LIMIT 1",
- $article
- )
- );
- }
- if(!empty($articleId)) {
- $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT DISTINCT af.nummer
- FROM artikelnummer_fremdnummern AS af
- WHERE af.artikel = %d AND af.aktiv = 1 AND (af.bezeichnung = '%s' OR '%s' = '')
- AND af.nummer LIKE '%%%s%%' AND af.shopid = %d",
- $articleId, $bezeichnung, $bezeichnung, $term, $shopid
- )
- );
- }
- break;
- case "bezeichnungfremdnr":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT DISTINCT af.bezeichnung FROM artikelnummer_fremdnummern af');
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- if(!in_array('ID', $newarr)){
- $newarr[] = 'ID';
- }
- if(!in_array('SKU', $newarr)){
- $newarr[] = 'SKU';
- }
- break;
- case "lagerplatzprojekt":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
- FROM lager_platz AS lp
- INNER JOIN lager l ON lp.lager = AND (l.projekt = 0 OR (1 '.$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('l.projekt')."))
- WHERE lp.geloescht=0 AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%'
- ORDER BY lp.kurzbezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "sperrlagerplatz":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT kurzbezeichnung FROM lager_platz WHERE geloescht=0 AND sperrlager = 1 AND kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by kurzbezeichnung");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
- break;
- case 'lagerplatzartikel':
- $artikel = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel');
- $pos = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('pos');
- $doctype = strtolower($this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype'));
- $join = '';
- if($pos > 0 && $doctype === 'lieferschein' && $artikel > 0) {
- $seriennummern = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT `seriennummern` FROM artikel WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
- $artikel
- )
- );
- if($seriennummern !== 'keine' && !empty($seriennummern)) {
- $cSn = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- sprintf(
- FROM `beleg_chargesnmhd`
- WHERE doctype = \'%s\' AND pos = %d AND type = \'sn\' AND wert <> \'\'
- ',
- $doctype, $pos
- )
- );
- $position = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf('SELECT menge, geliefert FROM lieferschein_position WHERE id = %d',
- $pos
- )
- );
- if($cSn == $position['menge']) {
- $join = sprintf(' INNER JOIN
- (
- SELECT lagerplatz
- FROM `beleg_chargesnmhd`
- WHERE doctype = \'%s\' AND parameter = %d
- GROUP BY lagerplatz
- ) AS bc ON = bc.lagerplatz ',
- $doctype, $pos
- );
- }
- }
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- sprintf('SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
- FROM lager_platz AS lp
- INNER JOIN lager_platz_inhalt AS lpi on = lpi.lager_platz
- %s
- WHERE lpi.artikel=%d AND lp.geloescht=0 AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE \'%%%s%%\'
- GROUP BY lp.kurzbezeichnung
- ORDER by lp.kurzbezeichnung',
- $join, $artikel, $term
- )
- );
- if(empty($arr)) {
- break;
- }
- foreach($arr as $row) {
- $newarr[] = $row['kurzbezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "lager":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." ORDER by 1");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case 'lager_produktion':
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l JOIN lager_platz lp ON = lp.lager WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." AND lp.allowproduction = 1 ORDER BY 1");
- if(empty($arr)){
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." ORDER by 1");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- break;
- case "aktionscode":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(code,' ',beschriftung) as name FROM aktionscode_liste
- WHERE (beschriftung LIKE '%$term%' OR code LIKE '%$term%' OR code LIKE '%$term2%' OR code LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 ORDER by code");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "waehrung":
- if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM waehrung_umrechnung LIMIT 1")) {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("
- (
- SELECT DISTINCT waehrung_nach as name FROM waehrung_umrechnung
- WHERE (waehrung_nach LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by waehrung_nach
- )
- (
- SELECT DISTINCT waehrung_von as name FROM waehrung_umrechnung
- WHERE (waehrung_von LIKE '%$term%')
- ORDER by waehrung_von
- )
- ORDER by name");
- }else{
- $waehrungen = $this->app->erp->GetWaehrung();
- if($waehrungen)
- {
- foreach($waehrungen as $v)
- {
- if($v) {
- $sqla[] = " (SELECT '$v' as name FROM (SELECT 1) AS X WHERE
- '$v' LIKE '%$term%'
- ) ";
- }
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT FROM ( ".implode(' UNION ', $sqla)." ) t ORDER BY name ");
- }
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "sachkonto":
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("cmd");
- if($cmd!="") $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($cmd)."' LIMIT 1");
- $checkprojekt = ($projekt > 0?$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM kontorahmen WHERE projekt='$projekt'"):0);
- $checkprojektnull = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM kontorahmen WHERE projekt=0 OR projekt IS NULL");
- if($checkprojekt > 0)
- {
- $andprojekt = "AND (projekt='$projekt' OR projekt = 0 OR projekt IS NULL)";
- } else {
- if($checkprojektnull>0)
- {
- $andprojekt = " AND (projekt=0 OR projekt IS NULL) ";
- } else {
- $andprojekt = "";
- }
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(sachkonto,' ',beschriftung) as name FROM kontorahmen
- WHERE (beschriftung LIKE '%$term%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term2%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term3%' OR beschriftung LIKE '%$term2%' OR beschriftung LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 $andprojekt ORDER by sachkonto");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "lieferbedingungen":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(lieferbedingungen) as name FROM lieferbedingungen
- WHERE (lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term%' OR lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term2%' OR lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term3%') ORDER by lieferbedingungen");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "zeiterfassungvorlage":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT vorlage as name FROM zeiterfassungvorlage
- WHERE (vorlage LIKE '%$term%' OR vorlage LIKE '%$term2%' OR vorlage LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 ORDER by vorlage");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "zeiterfassungvorlagedetail":
- $vorlage = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('vorlage');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT vorlagedetail as name, art, projekt, teilprojekt, kunde, abrechnen FROM zeiterfassungvorlage WHERE vorlage = '$vorlage' LIMIT 1");
- if($arr['projekt'] > 0){
- $arr['projekt'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(abkuerzung, ' ', name) FROM projekt WHERE id = '".$arr['projekt']."' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $arr['projekt'] = '';
- }
- if($arr['teilprojekt'] > 0){
- $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM arbeitspaket WHERE id = '".$arr['teilprojekt']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($projektid > 0){
- $projektabk = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id = '$projektid' LIMIT 1");
- if($projektabk != ""){
- $arr['teilprojekt'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT('".$arr['teilprojekt']."', ' ', '$projektabk', ' ', aufgabe) FROM arbeitspaket WHERE id = '".$arr['teilprojekt']."' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
- }
- }else{
- $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
- }
- }else{
- $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
- }
- if($arr['kunde'] > 0){
- $arr['kunde'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(kundennummer, ' ', name) FROM adresse WHERE id = '".$arr['kunde']."' LIMIT 1");
- }
- if($arr['art'] == ''){
- $arr['art'] = 'Arbeit';
- }
- $newarr[] = $arr['name'];
- $newarr[] = $arr['art'];
- $newarr[] = $arr['projekt'];
- $newarr[] = $arr['teilprojekt'];
- $newarr[] = $arr['kunde'];
- $newarr[] = $arr['abrechnen'];
- break;
- case "zeiterfassungprojektdetail":
- $projekt = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('projekt'));
- $projektkennung = $projekt[0];
- $kunde = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer,' ',,' (',a.ort,')') AS kunde FROM projekt p JOIN adresse a ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND p.abkuerzung='$projektkennung' LIMIT 1");
- $newarr[] = $kunde;
- break;
- case "zolltarifnummer":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM zolltarifnummer WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by nummer");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "kostenstelle":
- $felder = array('CONCAT(nummer,\' \',beschreibung)','nummer','beschreibung');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM kostenstellen WHERE $subwhere ORDER by nummer");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "verrechnungsart":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM verrechnungsart WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by nummer");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "kundenrechnung":
- case "kundenauftrag":
- case "kundenlieferschein":
- case "kundenangebot":
- case "kundenproformarechnung":
- $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- if(!$adresse)
- {
- $kunde = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kunde'));
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer = '".$kunde[0]."' AND kundennummer <> '' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $beleg = str_replace('kunden','',$filtername);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',if(belegnr <> '',belegnr,'ENTWURF'),' ',kundennummer,' ',name) as name FROM $beleg WHERE (belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term%' OR kundennummer LIKE '$%term%') AND (status = 'angelegt' OR status = 'freigegeben')
- ".($adresse?" AND adresse = '$adresse' ":'')." ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')."
- ORDER by belegnr LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- case "lieferantenpreisanfrage":
- case "lieferantenbestellung":
- $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- if(!$adresse)
- {
- $lieferant = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetGET('lieferant'));
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE lieferantennummer = '".$lieferant[0]."' AND lieferantennummer <> '' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $beleg = str_replace('lieferanten','',$filtername);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',if(belegnr <> '',belegnr,'ENTWURF'),' ',lieferantennummer,' ',name) as name FROM $beleg WHERE (belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term%' OR lieferantennummer LIKE '$%term%') AND (status = 'angelegt' OR status = 'freigegeben')
- ".($adresse?" AND adresse = '$adresse' ":'')." ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')."
- ORDER by belegnr LIMIT 20" );
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- break;
- // Suche nach einzelner Artikelnummer
- case 'artikelnummer':
- case 'artikelnummerseriennummer':
- $isSeriennummer = $filtername === 'artikelnummerseriennummer';
- $tmp_where = '';
- if($isSeriennummer) {
- $tmp_where = " AND seriennummern <> '' AND seriennummern <> 'keine' ";
- }
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- //$checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- //$eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
- //else $tmp_where = "";
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as `name`
- FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
- $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). ' LIMIT 20'
- );
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummerstueckliste":
- $tmp_where = '';
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
- if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
- $felder[] = 'e.bestellnummer';
- $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
- FROM artikel AS art
- LEFT JOIN einkaufspreise e ON = e.artikel AND e.bestellnummer != '' AND e.geloescht = 0 AND e.bestellnummer IS NOT NULL AND
- (IFNULL(e.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00') > NOW() OR IFNULL(e.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00')='0000-00-00')
- LEFT JOIN verkaufspreise v ON = v.artikel AND v.kundenartikelnummer != '' AND v.geloescht = 0 AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL AND
- (IFNULL(v.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00') > NOW() OR IFNULL(v.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00')='0000-00-00')
- WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
- $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). "LIMIT 20");
- }else{
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
- $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). "LIMIT 20");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummermitseriennummern":
- $tmp_where = '';
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND seriennummern<>'keine' $tmp_where ".
- $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). 'LIMIT 20');
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelmengeinbeleg":
- $beleg = $this->app->Secure->GetGet('beleg');
- $belegid = $this->app->Secure->GetGet('id');
- $artikel = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetPost('vorlage'));
- $artikelnummer = $artikel[0];
- $artikelid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer='$artikelnummer' AND geloescht=0 LIMIT 1");
- if($artikelid){
- $menge = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT '.$this->app->erp->FormatMenge('SUM(menge)').' FROM '.$beleg."_position WHERE artikel='$artikelid' AND $beleg='$belegid'");
- }
- if(!$menge){
- $menge='0';
- }
- $newarr[] = $menge;
- break;
- // Suche nach mehreren Artikelnummern (kommagetrennt)
- case "artikelnummer_multi":
- $tmp_where = '';
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false) {
- $term = substr($term, (strripos($term,',')+1));
- }
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "portoartikel":
- $tmp_where = '';
- //$projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- //$checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- //$eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
- //else $tmp_where = "";
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND porto = 1 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "juststuecklistenartikel":
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND stueckliste = 1 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "stuecklistenartikel":
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $tmp_where = '';
- if($projekt != '')
- {
- if(is_numeric($projekt))
- {
- $tmp_where = " AND projekt = '$projekt' ";
- }else{
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE ifnull(geloescht,0) = 0 AND abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($projekt){
- $tmp_where = " AND projekt = '$projekt' ";
- }
- }
- }
- $juststueckliste = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('juststueckliste');
- if($juststueckliste)
- {
- $swhere = '';
- }else{
- $swhere = ' AND juststueckliste = 0 ';
- }
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND stueckliste = 1 $swhere $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "artikelstueckliste":
- $stuecklistenartikel = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('stuecklistenartikel');
- $artikelID = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer = '$stuecklistenartikel'");
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) AS name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN stueckliste s ON WHERE s.stuecklistevonartikel='$artikelID' AND a.geloescht=0 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelinstueckliste":
- $stuecklistenartikel = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('art'));
- if($stuecklistenartikel != ''){
- $stuecklistenartikel = explode(' ', $stuecklistenartikel);
- $stuecklistenartikelnr = $stuecklistenartikel[0];
- $stuecklistenartikelid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer = '$stuecklistenartikelnr' LIMIT 1");
- if($stuecklistenartikelid != "" && $stuecklistenartikelid > 0){
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer, ' ', a.name_de) as name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN stueckliste s ON = s.artikel WHERE a.geloescht = 0 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%') AND a.intern_gesperrt != 1 AND s.stuecklistevonartikel = '$stuecklistenartikelid'");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case "partlistfrom":
- $article_id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('article_id');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("
- SELECT concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) as name
- FROM artikel art
- INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT stuecklistevonartikel FROM stueckliste WHERE artikel = '$article_id') s
- ON = s.stuecklistevonartikel
- WHERE (concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%')
- ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "artikelnummertagespreise":
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- $checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1')
- {
- $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
- }
- else {
- $tmp_where = '';
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND tagespreise = 1 AND (nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term2%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term3%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term3%' OR herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR ean LIKE '%$term%' ".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "keinelagerartikelnummer":
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
- FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND (lagerartikel!='1' OR dienstleistung=1) AND porto!=1 AND stueckliste!=1 LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lagerartikelnummer":
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
- FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND lagerartikel='1' LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lagerartikelnummerohnechargemhdseriennummer":
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
- FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND lagerartikel='1' AND chargenverwaltung = 0 AND mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum <> 1 AND (seriennummern = '' OR seriennummern = 'keine') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')." LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lagerartikelkategorie":
- $felder = array('bezeichnung');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT bezeichnung FROM artikelkategorien WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "chargenartikel":
- $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
- FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND chargenverwaltung > 0 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')." LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummerlager":
- $lager_platz = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('lager_platz');
- $lwhere = '';
- if($lager_platz){
- $lwhere = " and lpi.lager_platz = '$lager_platz' ";
- }
- $felder = array('ar.nummer','ar.name_de','ar.herstellernummer','ar.ean','CONCAT(ar.nummer,\' \',ar.name_de)');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'ar.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- // heute 13.07. das INNER zu einem LEFT gemacht
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(ar.nummer,' ',ar.name_de) as name
- FROM artikel ar LEFT JOIN lager_platz_inhalt lpi ON WHERE ($subwhere) AND ar.geloescht=0 AND ar.intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND ar.lagerartikel='1' $lwhere GROUP BY CONCAT(ar.nummer,' ',ar.name_de) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt')." LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummerprojektpos":
- $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche'))
- {
- $felder[] = 'a.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $projekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter('pos_list_projekt');
- $projekArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT id, pos_artikelnurausprojekt,eanherstellerscan
- FROM projekt WHERE id = %d
- LIMIT 1',
- (int)$projekt
- )
- );
- $checkprojekt = 0;
- $eigenernummernkreis = 0;
- $eanherstellerscan = 0;
- if(!empty($projekArr)){
- $checkprojekt = $projekArr['id'];
- $eigenernummernkreis = $projekArr['pos_artikelnurausprojekt'];
- $eanherstellerscan = $projekArr['eanherstellerscan'];
- }
- if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1') {
- $tmp_where = " AND a.projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
- }
- else {
- $tmp_where = '';
- }
- // besser ist wenn man die immer scannt da es oberflächen gibt wo das projekt nicht angegeben werden kann
- if(0)//$eanherstellerscan)
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name, FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%'".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
- }
- else {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name, FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- {
- $check_lagerartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lagerartikel FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($check_lagerartikel)
- {
- $summe_im_lager = (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(SUM(li.menge),0) FROM lager_platz_inhalt li LEFT JOIN lager_platz lp ON WHERE li.artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."'");
- if($summe_im_lager > 0)
- {
- $artikel_reserviert = (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(SUM(menge),0) FROM lager_reserviert WHERE artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."' AND (datum>=NOW() OR datum='0000-00-00')");
- }else $artikel_reserviert = 0;
- }
- if($check_lagerartikel && ($summe_im_lager - $artikel_reserviert) <= 0) {
- $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
- } else {
- $lager='';
- }
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'].$lager;
- }
- break;
- case "artikelnummerprojekt":
- $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $eanherstellerscan = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eanherstellerscan FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt'");
- if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1') {
- $tmp_where = " AND a.projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
- }
- else {
- $tmp_where = '';
- }
- // besser ist wenn man die immer scannt da es oberflächen gibt wo das projekt nicht angegeben werden kann
- if(0)//$eanherstellerscan)
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%'".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
- }
- else {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lagerartikelnummerprojekt":
- $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,' (',p.abkuerzung,')') as name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.porto=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND (
- $subwhere
- ) LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "verkaufartikelnummerprojekt":
- $letzte_menge = null;
- $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
- $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
- $projectRow = empty($projekt)?null: $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT `id`, `eigenernummernkreis`, `projektlager` FROM `projekt` WHERE `id` = %d', $projekt
- )
- );
- $checkprojekt = empty($projectRow)?null:$projectRow['id'];// $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $eigenernummernkreis = empty($projectRow)?null:$projectRow['eigenernummernkreis'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- $projectStorage = !empty($projectRow['projektlager'])?$checkprojekt:0;
- $smodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('smodule');
- $sid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sid');
- $document = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `id` = %d', $smodule, $sid));
- $adresse = $document['adresse'];// $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $waehrung = $document['waehrung'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $posanz = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM $smodule"."_position WHERE $smodule = '$sid'");
- if($posanz == 0)
- {
- $waehrung = '';
- }
- $anzeigebrutto = false;
- if($smodule == 'auftrag' || $smodule == 'rechnung' || $smodule == 'gutschrift' || $smodule == 'angebot' || $smodule == 'proformarechnung')
- {
- $_anrede = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT typ FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $_projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $funktion = ucfirst($smodule).'MitUmsatzeuer';
- if($this->app->erp->AnzeigePositionenBrutto($_anrede, $smodule, $_projekt, $adresse,$sid) && $this->app->erp->$funktion($sid))
- {
- $anzeigebrutto = true;
- }
- }
- $tmp_where = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('', true, '', array(0, $projekt));
- //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte();
- //else $tmp_where = "";
- $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.ean','a.herstellernummer','a.name_de','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)');
- if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
- {
- $felder[] = 'a.freifeld1';
- }
- $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
- if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
- $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
- $felder[] = 'e.bestellnummer';
- $artikelnummer_suche_join = "
- LEFT JOIN `einkaufspreise` AS `e` ON AND e.geloescht = 0
- AND e.bestellnummer IS NOT NULL AND (e.gueltig_bis IS NULL OR e.gueltig_bis = '0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis >= CURDATE())
- AND (e.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR e.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
- if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND (e.waehrung='EUR' OR e.waehrung = '') ";
- }
- elseif($waehrung != ''){
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND e.waehrung='{$waehrung}' ";
- }
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "LEFT JOIN `verkaufspreise` AS `v` ON AND v.geloescht = 0
- AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL
- AND (v.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR v.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR v.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
- if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND (v.waehrung='EUR' OR v.waehrung = '') ";
- }
- elseif($waehrung != ''){
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND v.waehrung = '{$waehrung}' ";
- }
- $artikelnummer_suche_where = '';
- }else{
- $artikelnummer_suche_join = "";
- $artikelnummer_suche_where = "";
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,' (',p.abkuerzung,if(a.lagerartikel=1,'',''),')',
- if(a.herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',a.herstellernummer,')'),'')
- ) as `name` , a.lagerartikel, a.porto, a.keinrabatterlaubt, a.juststueckliste, a.stueckliste
- FROM `artikel` AS `a`
- LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` ON
- ".$artikelnummer_suche_join."
- WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
- ".$artikelnummer_suche_where."
- AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
- $rabatt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT realrabatt FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $sql_erweiterung = '';
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
- $arr[$i]['name'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de,if(herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',herstellernummer,')'),'') ) FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $keinrabatterlaubt = $arr[$i]['keinrabatterlaubt'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT keinrabatterlaubt FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $checkporto = $arr[$i]['porto'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT porto FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $gruppenarray = $this->app->erp->GetGruppen($adresse);
- $cgruppenarray = !empty($gruppenarray)?count($gruppenarray):0;
- if($cgruppenarray >0)
- {
- $sql_erweiterung = ' OR ';
- }
- for($gi=0;$gi<$cgruppenarray;$gi++)
- {
- $sql_erweiterung .= " gruppe='".$gruppenarray[$gi]."' ";
- if($gi<$cgruppenarray-1){
- $sql_erweiterung .= ' OR ';
- }
- }
- $vkarr = $this->app->erp->GeneratePreisliste($arr[$i]['id'],$adresse,$rabatt, $waehrung);
- $check_lagerartikel = $arr[$i]['lagerartikel'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lagerartikel FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $isJit = $arr[$i]['juststueckliste'];
- //$newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name']." ($label Inkl. Rabatt ".$rabatt."%: ".$this->app->erp->Rabatt($arr[$i]['preis'],$rabatt).")";
- if($isJit) {
- $preproducedpartlist = $this->app->erp->getPreproducedPartlistFromArticle($arr[$i]['id']);
- if(!empty($preproducedpartlist)
- && ($partlistsellable = $this->app->erp->ArtikelAnzahlVerkaufbar($preproducedpartlist, $projektlager))
- ) {
- $lager = ' (Verfügbar: '.round($partlistsellable,4);
- }
- else {
- $lager = (float)$this->app->erp->ArtikelAnzahlLagerStueckliste($arr[$i]['id'], $projectStorage);
- if($lager == 0) {
- $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
- }
- else {
- $lager = ' (Verfügbar: '.round($lager,4);
- }
- }
- }
- elseif($this->app->erp->LagerFreieMenge($arr[$i]['id']) <= 0 && $check_lagerartikel){
- $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
- }
- else{
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('lagerbestand_in_auftragspositionen_anzeigen')){
- $artikel_reserviert = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT '.$this->app->erp->FormatMenge('SUM(menge)')." FROM lager_reserviert WHERE artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."' AND (datum>=NOW() OR datum='0000-00-00')");
- $lager=' (Verfügbar: '.$this->app->erp->LagerFreieMenge($arr[$i]['id']);
- if($artikel_reserviert)
- {
- $lager .= ' Reserviert: '.$artikel_reserviert;
- }
- else {
- $lager .= ' Reserviert: 0';
- }
- $lager .= ') ';
- }else{
- $lager='';
- }
- }
- $cvkarr = !empty($vkarr)?count($vkarr):0;
- $letzte_menge = null;
- for($vi=0;$vi<$cvkarr;$vi++)
- {
- if(isset($vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge']))
- {
- $vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'], 8);
- }
- $tmprabatt = $rabatt;
- if($vkarr[$vi]['art']=='Kunde' && ($vkarr[$vi]['adresse']<=0 || $vkarr[$vi]['adresse']=='')){
- $vkarr[$vi]['art'] = 'Standardpreis';
- }
- $preis = 0;
- if($letzte_menge !=$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'])
- {
- if($keinrabatterlaubt=='1' || $checkporto=='1')
- {
- $preis = $vkarr[$vi]['preis']; //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
- $newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name']." $lager ab Menge ".$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'].' | Preis: '.$preis.
- ' ('.$vkarr[$vi]['art'].' - Kein Rabatt erlaubt) ';
- } else {
- if($this->app->erp->IsSpezialVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse))
- {
- $tmprabatt=0;
- $rabatt_string = ' - Kein Rabatt auf Spezialpreis';
- $uvp_string = '(UVP: '.$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse).") ";
- } else {
- if($tmprabatt > 0) {
- $rabatt_string = ' Inkl. Rabatt '.$tmprabatt.'%';
- $uvp_string = '(UVP: '.$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse).") ";
- } else {
- $rabatt_string = '';
- $uvp_string = '';
- }
- }
- if($anzeigebrutto)
- {
- $umsatzsteuer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT umsatzsteuer FROM artikel WHERE id = '".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($umsatzsteuer == 'ermaessigt')
- {
- $vkarr[$vi]['preis'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['preis']* (1+ (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1")/100),8);
- }elseif($umsatzsteuer != 'befreit')
- {
- $vkarr[$vi]['preis'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['preis'] * (1+ (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT steuersatz_normal FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1")/100),8);
- }
- }
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('viernachkommastellen_belege')){
- $preis = number_format(rtrim($vkarr[$vi]['preis'], 0), 4, ',', '.'); //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
- }
- else{
- $preis = number_format(rtrim($vkarr[$vi]['preis'], 0), 2, ',', '.'); //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
- }
- $newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name'].($vkarr[$vi]['vpe']!=''?' (Menge in VPE: '.$vkarr[$vi]['vpe'].")":"")." $lager ab Menge ".$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge']." | Preis: ".$preis.
- " $uvp_string(".$vkarr[$vi]['art'].$rabatt_string.') ';
- }
- }
- }
- if($vi==0)
- {
- $rabattartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rabatt FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $rabattartikel_prozent = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rabatt_prozent FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- $arr[$i]['name'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de,if(herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',herstellernummer,')'),'')) FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
- if($rabattartikel=='1'){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: $rabattartikel_prozent% Rabatt auf Gesamtsumme ohne Porto";
- }
- else {
- $preis = $this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],1,$adresse,$waehrung);
- if($preis > 0){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: $preis";
- }
- else{
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: nicht vorhanden";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "einkaufartikelnummerprojekt":
- $smodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('smodule');
- $sid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sid');
- $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `waehrung` FROM `{$smodule}` WHERE `id`='{$sid}' LIMIT 1");
- $felder = [
- 'a.nummer',
- 'a.name_de',
- 'e.bezeichnunglieferant',
- 'e.bestellnummer',
- ];
- $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = (int)$this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
- if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche > 0){
- $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
- $artikelnummer_suche_join = 'LEFT JOIN `verkaufspreise` `v` ON'
- .' AND v.geloescht = 0 AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL '
- . " AND (v.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR v.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR v.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
- if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "AND (v.waehrung='EUR' OR v.waehrung = '')";
- }
- elseif($waehrung != ''){
- $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "AND v.waehrung='{$waehrung}'";
- }
- $artikelnummer_suche_where = '';
- }else{
- $artikelnummer_suche_join = "";
- $artikelnummer_suche_where = "";
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
- $sql = "SELECT
- a.nummer,
- ' ',
- a.name_de,
- ' | Bezeichnung bei Lieferant ',
- IFNULL(e.bestellnummer,'nicht vorhanden'),
- ' ',
- LEFT(IFNULL(e.bezeichnunglieferant,'nicht vorhanden'),50),
- ' | ',
- ' ab Menge ',
- ".$this->app->erp->FormatMenge("IFNULL(e.ab_menge,1)").",
- ' | Preis ',
- ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("IFNULL(e.preis,0)").",
- ' | VPE ',
- ".$this->app->erp->FormatMenge("IF(IFNULL(e.vpe,1)='',1,IFNULL(e.vpe,1))")."
- ) as `name`
- FROM `artikel` AS `a`
- LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` ON
- LEFT JOIN `einkaufspreise` AS `e` ON "
- .($waehrung!=""?"AND IFNULL(e.waehrung,'$waehrung')='$waehrung'":"").
- $artikelnummer_suche_join."
- WHERE a.tagespreise = 0 AND a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
- AND (e.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR e.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis IS NULL)".
- $artikelnummer_suche_where."
- AND (IFNULL(e.adresse,0)='$adresse' OR a.allelieferanten=1)
- AND $subwhere "
- .$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a.projekt")."
- GROUP BY a.nummer,a.name_de,e.bezeichnunglieferant,e.bestellnummer, e.preis, e.ab_menge, e.vpe LIMIT 20";
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lieferantname":
- $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','e.bezeichnunglieferant','e.bestellnummer');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM adresse
- WHERE geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND (
- name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%'
- ) order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "lieferant":
- //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.lieferantennummer,' ', as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND lieferantennummer!='0' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.lieferantennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." order by LIMIT 20");
- /*
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT a.lieferantennummer,
- CONCAT(a2.lieferantennummer, ' ',
- FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.lieferantennummer = a.lieferantennummer ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt")." ORDER BY
- ".($filter_projekt?" a2.projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." a2.projekt LIMIT 1
- )as name2
- FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND lieferantennummer!='0' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.lieferantennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20");
- */
- $felder = array("concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',, if(a.ort!='', CONCAT(' ',a.ort),''))");
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',, if(a.ort!='', CONCAT(' (',a.ort,')'),'')) as name2
- FROM adresse a INNER JOIN (SELECT a2.lieferantennummer, ".($filter_projekt?" min( if(a2.projekt = ".$filter_projekt.", -1,a2.projekt))":" min(a2.projekt) ")." as mprojekt FROM adresse a2
- LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar2 ON = ar2.adresse AND ar2.projekt > 0 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("ar2.projekt")."
- WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.lieferantennummer!='' AND a2.lieferantennummer!='0' AND (1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb')." OR not isnull( )
- group by a2.lieferantennummer) adr
- ON a.lieferantennummer = adr.lieferantennummer AND ".($filter_projekt?"(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)":"a.projekt = adr.mprojekt")."
- LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse AND ar.projekt > 0
- WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere)
- group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20
- ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name2'];
- }
- break;
- case "lieferantartikel":
- $felder = array("concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',");
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $artikel = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ', as name2
- FROM adresse a INNER JOIN (SELECT a2.lieferantennummer, ".($filter_projekt?" min( if(a2.projekt = ".$filter_projekt.", -1,a2.projekt))":" min(a2.projekt) ")." as mprojekt FROM adresse a2
- WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.lieferantennummer!='' AND a2.lieferantennummer!='0' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb')."
- group by a2.lieferantennummer) adr
- ON a.lieferantennummer = adr.lieferantennummer AND ".($filter_projekt?"(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)":"a.projekt = adr.mprojekt")."
- INNER JOIN einkaufspreise ep ON ep.adresse = AND ep.artikel = '$artikel'
- WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a.projekt")." group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20
- ");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name2'];
- }
- break;
- case "adressegruppevertriebbearbeiter":
- $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('typ');
- if($typ === 'vertrieb'){
- $gruppe = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('group_sales');
- }elseif($typ === 'bearbeiter'){
- $gruppe = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('group_employee');
- }else{
- $gruppe = '';
- }
- $gruppeJoin = '';
- $gruppeWhere = '';
- if($gruppe !== ''){
- $gruppeKennziffer = explode(' ', $gruppe);
- $gruppeKennziffer = $gruppeKennziffer[0];
- $gruppeId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM gruppen WHERE kennziffer = '$gruppeKennziffer' LIMIT 1");
- if($gruppeId > 0){
- $gruppeJoin =
- ' LEFT JOIN `adresse_rolle` AS `ar` ON = ar.adresse';
- $gruppeWhere =
- ' AND ar.subjekt = \'Mitglied\' AND ar.objekt = \'Gruppe\' AND ar.parameter = \''.$gruppeId.'\'
- AND ar.von <= CURDATE() AND (ar.bis = \'0000-00-00\' OR ar.bis >= CURDATE())';
- }
- }
- $felder =
- array(
- '(CASE
- WHEN a.lieferantennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\' Liefr: \',a.lieferantennummer,\')\')
- WHEN a.kundennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\')\')
- WHEN a.mitarbeiternummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Mitr: \',a.mitarbeiternummer,\')\')
- END)'
- );
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $sql =
- WHEN a.lieferantennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\' Liefr: \',a.lieferantennummer,\')\')
- WHEN a.kundennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\')\')
- WHEN a.mitarbeiternummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Mitr: \',a.mitarbeiternummer,\')\')
- END) AS `name`
- FROM `adresse` AS `a` '.$gruppeJoin.'
- WHERE a.geloescht=0
- AND ('.$subwhere.') '.$gruppeWhere.$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt').'
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "adresse":
- $felder = array("if(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT(,' ',a.kundennummer,' ',a.lieferantennummer,')'),CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,')'))");
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $sql = "SELECT if(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,' Liefr: ',a.lieferantennummer,')'),CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,')')) as `name`
- FROM adresse a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')."
- order by LIMIT 20";
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "adressemitvertrieb":
- $felder = array("concat(,
- if(a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '' OR a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',
- concat(if(a.kundennummer <> '',concat(' ',a.kundennummer),''), if(a.kundennummer <> '' AND a.lieferantennummer <> '',' ',''),if(a.lieferantennummer <> '',concat(' ',a.lieferantennummer),'')
- ,if((a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '') AND a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',' ',''),
- if(a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',concat(' ',a.mitarbeiternummer),'')
- )
- ,'')
- )");
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(, ' ',,
- if(a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '' OR a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',
- concat(' (',if(a.kundennummer <> '',concat('Kdr: ',a.kundennummer),''), if(a.kundennummer <> '' AND a.lieferantennummer <> '',' ',''),if(a.lieferantennummer <> '',concat('Liefr: ',a.lieferantennummer),'')
- ,if((a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '') AND a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',' ',''),
- if(a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',concat('Mitr: ',a.mitarbeiternummer),'')
- ,')')
- ,'')
- )
- as name
- FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND ((1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte().") OR = '".$this->app->User->GetAdresse()."') order by LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case 'kundepos':
- $aktprojekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter('pos_list_projekt');
- $felder = array("CONCAT(ifnull(a.kundennummer,''),' ',,if(a.projekt > 0,CONCAT(' (',p.abkuerzung,')'),''),if(ifnull(a.freifeld1,'')!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),''))");
- $swhere = '';
- if($aktprojekt && !$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT pos_kundenalleprojekte FROM projekt WHERE id = '$aktprojekt' LIMIT 1") && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id = '$aktprojekt' LIMIT 1")){
- $swhere = " AND = '$aktprojekt' ";
- }
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer,' ',,if(a.projekt > 0,CONCAT(' (',p.abkuerzung,')'),''),if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.kundennummer!='' AND a.kundennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) $swhere order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case 'kunde':
- $felder = array("CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(ifnull(a.freifeld1,'')!='',CONCAT(' (',ifnull(a.freifeld1,''),')'),''),' ',a.plz,' ',a.ort)");
- if($term2 === $term){
- $term2 = '';
- }
- if($term3 === $term){
- $term3 = '';
- }
- $terma = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term),'%'));
- $terma2 = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term2),'%'));
- $terma3 = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term3),'%'));
- foreach($felder as $v)
- {
- $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term%' ";
- if($term2 !== '')
- {
- $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term2%' ";
- }
- if($term3 !== '')
- {
- $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term3%' ";
- }
- }
- $terma21 = '';
- $terma22 = '';
- $terma31 = '';
- $terma32 = '';
- if(count($terma2) > 1)
- {
- $terma22 = $terma2[count($terma2)-1];
- unset($terma2[count($terma2)-1]);
- $terma21 = implode('%', $terma2);
- }
- if(count($terma3) > 1)
- {
- $terma32 = $terma3[count($terma3)-1];
- unset($terma3[count($terma3)-1]);
- $terma31 = implode('%', $terma3);
- }
- if(count($terma) > 1) {
- $terma12 = $terma[count($terma)-1];
- unset($terma[count($terma)-1]);
- $terma11 = implode('%', $terma);
- $subwheretmpa1 = null;
- $subwheretmpa2 = null;
- foreach($felder as $v) {
- if($v !== 'a.ort')
- {
- $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma11%' ";
- $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma12%' ";
- if($terma21 !== '')
- {
- $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma21%' ";
- $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma22%' ";
- }
- if($terma31 !== '')
- {
- $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma31%' ";
- $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma32%' ";
- }
- }
- }
- $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma12%' ";
- $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma11%' ";
- if($terma21 !== '')
- {
- $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma22%' ";
- $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma21%' ";
- }
- if($terma31 !== '')
- {
- $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma32%' ";
- $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma31%' ";
- }
- $subwherea[] = " ((".implode(' OR ', $subwheretmpa3).") AND (".implode(" OR ", $subwheretmpa1).") ) ";
- $subwherea[] = " ((".implode(' OR ', $subwheretmpa4).") AND (".implode(" OR ", $subwheretmpa2).") ) ";
- }
- //$subwhere = implode(' OR ', $subwherea);
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- if($this->app->DB->Select('SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE geloescht <> 1 AND eigenernummernkreis = 1 LIMIT 1')){
- $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name, a.ort
- FROM adresse AS a
- (
- SELECT a2.kundennummer, " . ($filter_projekt ? " min( if(a2.projekt = " . $filter_projekt . ", -1,a2.projekt))" : " min(a2.projekt) ") . " as mprojekt
- FROM adresse a2
- WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.kundennummer!='' AND a2.kundennummer!='0' " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb') . "
- group by a2.kundennummer
- ) AS adr
- ON a.kundennummer = adr.kundennummer AND " . ($filter_projekt ? "(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)" : "a.projekt = adr.mprojekt") . "
- WHERE ($subwhere)
- " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt', true, 'a.vertrieb') . '
- GROUP BY a.kundennummer,, a.ort
- ORDER BY `name` LIMIT 20
- ';
- }
- else {
- $sql = "
- SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name, a.ort
- FROM adresse AS a
- WHERE ($subwhere) AND kundennummer <> '' AND kundennummer <> '0' AND a.geloescht <> 1
- " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt', true, 'a.vertrieb') . '
- GROUP BY a.kundennummer,, a.ort
- ORDER BY `name` LIMIT 20
- ';
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- {
- if($arr[$i]['ort']!=''){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . ' (' . $arr[$i]['ort'] . ')';
- }
- else{
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- }
- break;
- case "mitarbeiter":
- $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(mitarbeiternummer,' ',name) as name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "mitarbeiterid":
- $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',name) as name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "mitarbeiteraktuell":
- $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.mitarbeiternummer,' ', as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.mitarbeiternummer!='' AND a.mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) AND ar.subjekt = 'Mitarbeiter' AND (ar.bis = '0000-00-00' OR ar.bis >= CURDATE()) ORDER BY name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "mitarbeitername":
- $felder = array('name','mitarbeiternummer');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "emailadresse":
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $subwhere1 = '';
- $subwhere2 = '';
- if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')!="")
- {
- //$adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')."' ".($filter_projekt?" AND (projekt = '$filter_projekt' or projekt = 0) ":"")." LIMIT 1");
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')."' AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?" projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
- if($adresse)
- {
- $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
- $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
- }
- }
- if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')!="")
- {
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE (kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."' OR lieferantennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."' OR mitarbeiternummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."') AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?" projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
- if($adresse)
- {
- $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
- $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
- }
- }
- if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_id')){
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE id = '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_id')."' AND geloescht != 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?"projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
- if($adresse){
- $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
- $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
- }
- }
- $limit = "LIMIT 20";
- if ($this->app->Secure->GetGET('limit')) {
- $limit = "LIMIT 1";
- }
- if($limit=="LIMIT 1")
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM ansprechpartner WHERE email <> '' $subwhere1 AND geloescht <> 1 order by name $limit");
- } else {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM ansprechpartner WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR email LIKE '%$term%') and email <> '' $subwhere1 AND geloescht <> 1 order by name $limit");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
- }
- if($limit=="LIMIT 1")
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE geloescht!='1' $subwhere2 order by name $limit");
- }
- else
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR email LIKE '%$term%') and email <> '' AND geloescht!='1' $subwhere2 order by name $limit");
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
- }
- $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
- sort($newarr);
- break;
- case "emailbackup":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM emailbackup");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
- }
- $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
- sort($newarr);
- break;
- case "emailname":
- $felder = array("CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-')",'name','email');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-') as name FROM ansprechpartner WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht <> 1 order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-') as name FROM adresse WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht!='1' order by name LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
- sort($newarr);
- $isChangeLtGt = true;
- break;
- case "shopname":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT s.bezeichnung FROM shopexport s LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE s.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("s.projekt"));
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "shopnameid":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM shopexport WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")."");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "gruppekennziffer":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
- WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "preisgruppekennziffer":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
- WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND = 'preisgruppe' AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "gruppe":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',g.kennziffer) as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g
- LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "verband":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' ',kennziffer) as bezeichnung FROM gruppen WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND aktiv=1 AND art='verband'");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "verbindlichkeit":
- $felder = array("CONCAT(v.belegnr, v.betrag,, v.rechnung, a.lieferantennummer, a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung, ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2).")",
- '','IFNULL(v.belegnr, \'\')','v.betrag','','v.rechnung','a.lieferantennummer','a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung',$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2));
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
- {
- $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
- $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
- }
- $sql =
- IF(IFNULL(v.belegnr, '') <> '' AND v.belegnr!,
- CONCAT(' Nr. ',v.belegnr),''),
- ' Betrag: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2).",
- if(v.skonto <> 0,CONCAT(' mit Skonto ',v.skonto,'% ',
- ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("v.betrag-((v.betrag/100.0)*v.skonto)",2)."),''),' ',
- ' Ist: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betragbezahlt',2).",
- ' Offen: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis(
- 'IF(v.betrag - v.betragbezahlt > ((v.betrag/100.0)*v.skonto),
- v.betrag - v.betragbezahlt,0)',2
- ).",
-,' (Lieferant ',a.lieferantennummer,if(a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung!='' AND a.lieferantennummer <> a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung,CONCAT(' ',a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung),''),') RE ',v.rechnung,' Rechnungsdatum ',DATE_FORMAT(v.rechnungsdatum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as bezeichnung
- FROM verbindlichkeit AS v
- LEFT JOIN adresse AS a ON
- WHERE ($subwhere) AND bezahlt!=1 AND status!='storniert'
- ORDER by DESC"; //AND v.status!='bezahlt' // heute wieder raus
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case "projektname":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(p.abkuerzung,' ', as name FROM projekt p WHERE p.geloescht=0 AND status <> 'abgeschlossen' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term2%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "uebertragung_account":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',u.bezeichnung) as name FROM uebertragungen_account u WHERE (u.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('u.projekt'));
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "api_account":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',u.bezeichnung) as name FROM api_account u WHERE (u.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('u.projekt'));
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "gruppen_kategorien":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',g.bezeichnung) as name FROM gruppen_kategorien g
- LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE (g.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- case "gruppenkategoriegruppen":
- $kategorie = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('gkid');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g
- LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE kategorie = '$kategorie' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- case 'steuersatz':
- $newarr[] = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('steuersatz_normal').' normal';
- $newarr[] = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('steuersatz_ermaessigt').' ermaessigt';
- $newarr = array_merge($newarr, $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
- "SELECT concat(
- `satz`,' ',`bezeichnung`, ' ',`country_code`,
- IF(`type` != '', CONCAT(' ',`type`),''),
- IF(
- `valid_from` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_from` IS NULL,
- '',
- CONCAT(' gültig ab: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_from,'%d.%m.%Y'))
- ),
- IF(
- `valid_to` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_to` IS NULL,
- '',
- CONCAT(' gültig bis: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_to,'%d.%m.%Y'))
- )
- ) as `name`
- FROM `steuersaetze` WHERE `aktiv` = 1
- AND concat(
- `satz`,' ',`bezeichnung`,' ',`country_code`,
- IF(`type` != '', CONCAT(' ',`type`),''),
- IF(
- `valid_from` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_from` IS NULL,
- '',
- CONCAT(' gültig ab: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_from,'%d.%m.%Y'))
- ),
- IF(
- `valid_to` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_to` IS NULL,
- '',
- CONCAT(' gültig bis: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_to,'%d.%m.%Y'))
- )
- ) LIKE '%$term%'"
- ));
- break;
- case "eigenschaftname":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM artikeleigenschaften WHERE geloescht != 1 AND name like '%$term%' ORDER BY name ");
- if($arr)
- {
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
- }
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "eigenschaftwert":
- $eigenschaftname = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(urldecode($this->app->Secure->GetGET('eigenschaftname')));
- if($eigenschaftname !== '')
- {
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT aw.wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte aw
- INNER JOIN artikeleigenschaften ae ON aw.artikeleigenschaften = AND ae.geloescht <> 1
- WHERE aw.wert like '%$term%' AND = '$eigenschaftname' ORDER BY aw.wert ");
- }else{
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT aw.wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte aw
- INNER JOIN artikeleigenschaften ae ON aw.artikeleigenschaften = AND ae.geloescht <> 1
- WHERE aw.wert like '%$term%' ORDER BY aw.wert");
- }
- if($arr)
- {
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['wert'];
- break;
- }
- break;
- case "angebot_position":
- $angebot = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('angebot');
- $angebotposition = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('angebotposition');
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(ap.sort,' ',ap.nummer) as bezeichnung FROM angebot_position ap INNER JOIN angebot a ON ap.angebot = AND = '$angebot'
- LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
- WHERE (ap.sort LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.nummer LIKE '%$term%') AND ap.explodiert_parent = 0 AND <> '$angebotposition' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "supportapp_gruppen":
- $suchbegriff = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->Secure->GetGET('term'));
- $suchbegriff = trim($suchbegriff);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT bezeichnung FROM supportapp_gruppen WHERE aktiv = '1' AND bezeichnung LIKE '%$suchbegriff%'");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case "datevkonto":
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto FROM
- ( (SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) as gegenkonto FROM konten WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1)
- UNION ALL (SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) as gegenkonto FROM kontorahmen WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1)
- ) t WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY t.gegenkonto");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['gegenkonto'];
- }
- break;
- case 'gegenkonto':
- $kontorahmenArr = $this->app->DB->SelectPairs(
- "SELECT concat(kr.sachkonto, ' ',kr.beschriftung) as a, kr.sachkonto
- FROM kontorahmen as kr
- WHERE kr.ausblenden <> 1"
- );
- $subwhere = ' ';
- if(!empty($kontorahmenArr)) {
- $kontorahmenArr = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($kontorahmenArr), array_values($kontorahmenArr)));
- $subwhere = sprintf(" AND ka.gegenkonto NOT IN ('%s') ", implode("','", $kontorahmenArr));
- }
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto
- (
- (
- SELECT concat(ka.gegenkonto,' ', as gegenkonto
- FROM (SELECT ka2.gegenkonto,
- FROM kontoauszuege ka2
- INNER JOIN adresse a ON ka2.gegenkonto = a.kundennummer OR ka2.gegenkonto = a.lieferantennummer
- WHERE ka2.gegenkonto <> ''
- GROUP BY ka2.gegenkonto,
- ) AS ka
- WHERE ka.gegenkonto <> '' $subwhere
- )
- SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung)
- FROM konten
- WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1
- AND concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) LIKE '%$term%'
- )
- SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung)
- FROM kontorahmen
- WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1
- AND concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) LIKE '%$term%'
- )
- ) t
- WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%'
- ORDER BY t.gegenkonto"
- );
- if($this->app->DB->error()){
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- "SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto
- (
- (
- SELECT concat(ka.gegenkonto,' ',(
- FROM adresse a
- WHERE (a.kundennummer=ka.gegenkonto OR a.lieferantennummer=ka.gegenkonto) AND ka.gegenkonto!='')
- ) as gegenkonto
- FROM kontoauszuege ka
- LEFT JOIN kontorahmen kr
- ON (ka.gegenkonto = kr.sachkonto OR ka.gegenkonto = concat(kr.sachkonto, ' ',kr.beschriftung))
- AND kr.ausblenden <> 1
- WHERE isnull( AND ka.gegenkonto <> ''
- GROUP BY ka.gegenkonto
- )
- SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung)
- FROM konten
- WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1
- AND concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) LIKE '%$term%'
- )
- SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung)
- FROM kontorahmen
- WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1
- AND concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) LIKE '%$term%'
- )
- ) t
- WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%'
- ORDER BY t.gegenkonto"
- );
- }
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['gegenkonto'];
- }
- break;
- break;
- case 'versand_klaergrund':
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT problemcase FROM
- delivery_problemcase WHERE problemcase LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY sort, problemcase");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['problemcase'];
- }
- break;
- case 'label_type':
- $felder = array('type');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT lt.type FROM label_type AS lt WHERE ($subwhere) ORDER BY type LIMIT 20");
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
- }
- break;
- case 'versandartentype':
- $felder = array('va.type');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- FROM versandarten AS va
- WHERE ($subwhere) AND va.geloescht <> 1 AND va.aktiv = 1
- ORDER BY va.type
- LIMIT 20"
- );
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
- }
- break;
- case 'zahlungsweisetype':
- $felder = array('va.type');
- $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
- $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
- FROM zahlungsweisen AS va
- WHERE ($subwhere) AND va.geloescht <> 1 AND va.aktiv = 1
- ORDER BY va.type
- LIMIT 20"
- );
- $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
- for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
- $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
- }
- break;
- case 'ticketcategory':
- $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT CONCAT(`id`,' ',`name`) FROM `ticket_category` WHERE (`name` LIKE '%%%s%%' OR `name` LIKE '%%%s%%') %s",
- $term, $term2, $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('project_id')
- )
- );
- break;
- case 'shopimport_auftraege':
- $shopId = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
- sprintf(
- "SELECT CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,''))
- FROM `shopimport_auftraege` AS `sa`
- CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,'')) LIKE '%%%s%%'
- OR CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,'')) LIKE '%%%s%%'
- ) AND (%d = 0 OR %d = sa.shopid) %s",
- $term, $term2, $shopId, $shopId, $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('sa.projekt')
- )
- );
- break;
- default:
- $newarr = null;
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('ajax_filter_hook1', 5,$filtername,$newarr, $term, $term2, $term3);
- }
- $tmp = null;
- //if(isset($this->app->stringcleaner) && false)
- if(false)
- {
- $cnewarr = $newarr?count($newarr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$cnewarr;$i++){
- $tmp[] = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($this->app->stringcleaner->CleanString(html_entity_decode( $this->app->stringcleaner->CleanString($newarr[$i], 'nojs'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'nojs'));
- }
- }else{
- $cnewarr = !empty($newarr)?count($newarr):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$cnewarr;$i++) {
- $tmp[] = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput(html_entity_decode($newarr[$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
- }
- }
- if(!empty($isChangeLtGt)){
- $ctmp = !empty($tmp)?count($tmp):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++){
- $tmp[$i] = str_replace('-gtrep-','>',str_replace('-ltrep-','<',$tmp[$i]));
- }
- }
- echo json_encode($tmp);
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- public function AjaxTablePosition()
- {
- $iDisplayStart = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayStart');
- $iDisplayLength = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayLength');
- $iSortCol_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_0');
- $iSortingCols = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortingCols');
- $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch');
- $sEcho = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sEcho');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $sLimit = '';
- if ( isset($iDisplayStart) )
- {
- $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. (int)$iDisplayStart .', '.
- (int)$iDisplayLength ;
- }
- /* Ordering */
- if ( isset( $iSortCol_0 ) )
- {
- $sOrder = 'ORDER BY ';
- $ciSortingCols = (int)$iSortingCols;
- for ( $i=0 ; $i<$ciSortingCols ; $i++ )
- {
- $iSortingCols_tmp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_'.$i);
- $sSortDir_tmp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSortDir_'.$i);
- $sOrder .= $this->fnColumnToFieldPosition($iSortingCols_tmp ).'
- '. $sSortDir_tmp .', ';
- }
- $sOrder = substr_replace( $sOrder, '', -2 );
- }
- /* Filtering - NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it
- * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency
- * on very large tables, and MySQL's regex functionality is very limited
- */
- $sWhere = '';
- $where = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'where');
- if ( $sSearch != '' )
- {
- $searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'searchsql');
- if($where==''){
- $sWhere = ' WHERE (';
- }
- else
- {
- if(!empty($searchsql) && count($searchsql) >0){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where AND (";
- }
- else{
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
- }
- }
- for($i=0;$iapp->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ";
- }
- $sWhere .= $searchsql[$i]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%')";
- } else {
- if($where!=''){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
- }
- }
- $searchfulltext = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'searchfulltext');
- if($searchfulltext!='' && $sSearch!='')
- {
- $searchfulltext = ' MATCH('.$searchfulltext.") AGAINST ('$sSearch') ";
- if($sWhere==''){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $searchfulltext ";
- }
- else{
- $sWhere .= "AND $searchfulltext ";
- }
- }
- $tmp = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'sql');
- $sQuery = "
- $tmp
- $sWhere
- $sOrder
- $sLimit
- ";
- $rResult = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- $sQuery = '
- ';
- $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- if(!empty($rResultFilterTotal)){
- $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultFilterTotal);
- $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
- $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
- }else{
- $aResultFilterTotal = 0;
- $iFilteredTotal = 0;
- }
- /*
- $sQuery = "
- FROM artikel
- ";
- */
- $sQuery = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'count');
- $rResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultTotal);
- $this->app->DB->free($rResultTotal);
- $iTotal = $aResultTotal[0];
- $heading = count($this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'heading'));
- $menu = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'menu');
- $sOutput = '{';
- $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
- if($rResult){
- while ($aRow = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResult)) {
- $sOutput .= '[';
- for ($i = 1; $i < $heading; $i++) {
- $sOutput .= '"' . addslashes($aRow[$i]) . '",';
- }
- $sOutput .= '"' . addslashes(str_replace('%value%', $aRow[$i], $menu)) . '"';
- $sOutput .= '],';
- }
- $this->app->DB->free($rResult);
- }
- $sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, '', -1 );
- $sOutput .= '] }';
- $sOutput = str_replace("\t",'',$sOutput);
- echo json_encode(json_decode($this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($sOutput)));
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- protected function AjaxTableWhereBuilder($spalte, $sSearch, $datecol = false, $numbercol = false)
- {
- $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
- $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
- $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
- if($spalte == 'datum' || $datecol)
- {
- return ' ( DATE_FORMAT('.$spalte.",'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
- }
- if(strpos($spalte, 'datum')) {
- $spaltea = explode('.', $spalte);
- if(count($spaltea) === 2){
- return ' ( DATE_FORMAT('.$spalte.",'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
- }
- }elseif(($numbercol || $spalte === 'soll' || $spalte === 'gesamtsumme') && strpos($sSearch,','))
- {
- return ' ( '.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string(str_replace(',','.',$sSearch) )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
- }elseif((strpos($spalte, 'soll') || strpos($spalte, 'gesamtsumme')) && strpos($sSearch,','))
- {
- $spaltea = explode('.', $spalte);
- if(count($spaltea) === 2){
- return ' ( '.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string(str_replace(',','.',$sSearch) )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
- }
- }
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- return ' ('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($spalte, $sSearcha).')';
- }
- return ' ('.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%')";
- }
- protected function AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($column, $sSearcha, $sSearcha2 = null)
- {
- if(empty($column) || empty($sSearcha))
- {
- return '';
- }
- $csSearcha = count($sSearcha);
- $tmp = [];
- foreach($sSearcha as $v)
- {
- $tmp[strtolower($v)] = 1+(!empty($tmp[strtolower($v)])?$tmp[strtolower($v)]:0);
- }
- if(count($tmp) === 1)
- {
- $sSearch = implode('%', $sSearcha);
- $sSearch2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch);
- if($sSearch2 === '')
- {
- $sWhere = "({$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
- }else{
- $sWhere = "({$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
- {$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
- }
- return $sWhere;
- }
- if(!empty($sSearcha2))
- {
- $wherea = [];
- foreach($tmp as $v => $c) {
- if($c > 1)
- {
- $vold = $v;
- for($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++)
- {
- $v .= '%'.$vold;
- }
- }
- $vt = $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($v);
- if($vt === '' || $vt === $v)
- {
- $vt = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($v);
- }
- if($v === '')
- {
- $v = $vt;
- }
- if($v !== $vt && $vt !== ''){
- $wherea[] = ' (' . $column . " LIKE '%" . $v . "%' OR " . $column . " LIKE '%" . $vt . "%') ";
- }else{
- $wherea[] = ' (' . $column . " LIKE '%" . $v . "%') ";
- }
- }
- return '('.implode(' AND ',$wherea).')';
- }else{
- $wherea = [];
- foreach($tmp as $v => $c) {
- if($c > 1)
- {
- $vold = $v;
- for($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++)
- {
- $v .= '%'.$vold;
- }
- }
- $wherea[] = $column." LIKE '%".$v."%'";
- }
- return '('.implode(' AND ',$wherea).')';
- }
- }
- public function AjaxTable()
- {
- $iDisplayStart = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayStart');
- $iDisplayLength = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayLength');
- $iSortCol_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_0');
- $sSortDir_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSortDir_0');
- $iSortingCols = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortingCols');
- $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch');
- $sEcho = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sEcho');
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $frommodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('frommodule');
- $fromclass = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromclass');
- $sSearch = trim($sSearch);
- $sSearch = str_replace('%','\%',$sSearch);
- $sSearch2 = $sSearch;
- $sSearch3 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($sSearch);
- $sSearch = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($sSearch);
- if($this->app->Secure->GetGet('deferLoading')){
- echo '{"sEcho":'.(int)$sEcho.',"iTotalRecords":0,"iTotalDisplayRecords":0,"aaData":[]}';
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- $YUIs = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('',$cmd,'ALL','','',$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $starttime = microtime(true);
- $limiert = false;
- if(method_exists($this->app->erp, 'BegrenzungLivetabelle'))
- {
- $limiert = 2*$this->app->erp->BegrenzungLivetabelle($cmd, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $iDisplayLength ));
- }
- $maxrows = 0;
- if(isset($YUIs['maxrows']) && $YUIs['maxrows'] > 0)
- {
- $maxrows = $YUIs['maxrows'];
- }
- $sLimit = '';
- if($limiert)
- {
- $limiert += (int) $iDisplayStart ;
- $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength ;
- if(($maxrows > 0) && $iDisplayLength > $maxrows){
- $iDisplayLength = $maxrows;
- }
- $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. $iDisplayStart .', '. ( $limiert );
- }else{
- if ( isset($iDisplayStart) )
- {
- $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength ;
- if(($maxrows > 0) && $iDisplayLength > $maxrows)
- {
- $iDisplayLength = $maxrows;
- }
- $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. $iDisplayStart .', '. $iDisplayLength ;
- }
- }
- /* Ordering */
- // check if is allowed
- if(!$this->app->erp->TableSearchAllowed($cmd))
- {
- $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Nicht erlaubter Zugriff auf $cmd von Benutzer ".$this->app->User->GetName());
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- //$findcolstmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"findcols","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $findcolstmp = $YUIs['findcols'];
- //$moreinfo = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"moreinfo","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $moreinfo = $YUIs['moreinfo'];
- if (isset($iSortCol_0) || ($moreinfo && $iSortCol_0 < 1))
- {
- if($moreinfo){
- if(!($iSortCol_0 < 1)){
- $iSortCol_0++;
- }
- }else{
- $iSortCol_0++;
- }
- if($iSortCol_0 < 1){
- $iSortCol_0 = 1;
- }
- if(trim($findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1]) == 'belegnr' ||
- strpos($findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1], '.belegnr') !== false){
- if(preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.*)belegnr/', $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1], $ergebnis)){
- if(isset($ergebnis[1][0]) && !isset($ergebnis[1][1])){
- $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1] = $this->app->erp->BelegnummerSortierung($ergebnis[1][0]);
- }
- }
- }
- $sOrder = 'ORDER BY ' . $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1] . " $sSortDir_0";
- }
- else
- {
- //standard einstellung nach datum absteigend wenn datumsspalte vorhanden
- //$defaultorder = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"defaultorder","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $defaultorder = $YUIs['defaultorder'];
- //$defaultorderdesc = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"defaultorderdesc","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $defaultorderdesc = $YUIs['defaultorderdesc'];
- if($defaultorder<=0) {
- $defaultorder = count($findcolstmp);
- $defaultorderdesc = 1;
- }
- if($defaultorderdesc=='1') {
- $defaultorderdesc = ' DESC';
- } else {
- $defaultorderdesc='';
- }
- if($defaultorder >=0 && is_numeric($defaultorder))
- {
- $defaultorder++;
- //$findcolstmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"findcols","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $findcolstmp = $YUIs['findcols'];
- if($defaultorder < 2)
- {
- $defaultorder = 2;
- }
- $sOrder = 'ORDER BY '.$findcolstmp[$defaultorder-2]." $defaultorderdesc";
- }else
- {
- $sOrder = 'ORDER BY '.$findcolstmp[0]." $defaultorderdesc";
- }
- }
- /* Filtering - NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it
- * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency
- * on very large tables, and MySQL's regex functionality is very limited
- */
- $sWhere = '';
- //$where = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"where","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $where = $YUIs['where'];
- //echo $where;
- $matchesql = !empty($YUIs['matchesql'])?$YUIs['matchesql']:'';
- if ($sSearch != '' && !empty($matchesql) && !empty($matchesql['sqlpre']))
- {
- while(strpos($sSearch,' ') !== false)
- {
- $sSearch = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch);
- }
- while(strpos($sSearch2,' ') !== false)
- {
- $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch2);
- }
- $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
- $sSearch2 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch2);
- $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
- $sSearcha2 = explode(' ', $sSearch2);
- $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
- $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch2);
- $YUIs['sql'] = $matchesql['sqlpre'];
- $unions = [];
- foreach($matchesql['elements'] as $keyEl => $SqlElement)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery = $SqlElement['sql'].' WHERE ';
- $whereArr = [];
- $firstsubwhere = true;
- if(!empty($SqlElement['where']))
- {
- foreach($SqlElement['where'] as $keyWhere => $valWhere)
- {
- if(!$firstsubwhere)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ';
- }
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
- {
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha, $sSearcha2);
- }else{
- $SqlElementQuery .= "({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
- {$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
- }
- }else{
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha);
- }else{
- $SqlElementQuery .= "({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
- }
- }
- if($sSearch2!='' && ($sSearch2 !== $sSearch))
- {
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 ))
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .=" OR ({$valWhere} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 )."%' OR {$valWhere} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 )."%' ) ";
- }else{
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ('. $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha2).') ';
- }else{
- $SqlElementQuery .= " OR ({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch2) . "%') ";
- }
- }
- }
- $firstsubwhere = false;
- }
- }
- if(!empty($SqlElement['match']))
- {
- if(!$firstsubwhere)
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ';
- }
- $sSearchArr = explode('%', str_replace(['+','-','*','~'],['%','','%','%'], $sSearch));
- foreach($sSearchArr as $keyS => $keyv)
- {
- if(strlen($keyv) === 0)
- {
- unset($sSearchArr[$keyS]);
- }
- }
- $sSearchMatch = '';
- foreach ($sSearchArr as $sSearchItem) {
- // $sSearchItem enthält einzelne Wörter evtl. mit HTML-Entities
- // Problem 1: Das Ampersand-Zeichen der HTML-Entities wird im BOOLEAN MODE als Worttrenner gesehen.
- // Problem 2: Das Ampersand-Zeichen kann im BOOLEAN MODE nicht escaped werden.
- // Die einzige Lösung ist das Suchwort mit doppelten Anführungszeichen zu umschließen,
- // die Worttrenner-Eigenschaft des Ampersandzeichens wird damit aufgehoben.
- // Der Nachteil bei dieser Lösung: Es werden nur noch ganze Wörter gefunden.
- $sSearchMatch .= sprintf('+%s* ', $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearchItem));
- }
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$sSearchMatch.'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
- {
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearchMatch).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
- }
- elseif(!empty($sSearch2) && $sSearch2 !== $sSearch) {
- $sSearchArr2 = explode('%', str_replace(['+','-','*','~'],['%','','%','%'], $sSearch2));
- foreach($sSearchArr2 as $keyS => $keyv)
- {
- if(strlen($keyv) === 0) {
- unset($sSearchArr2[$keyS]);
- }
- }
- $sSearchMatch2 = '+'.implode('* +', $sSearchArr2).'*';
- $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearchMatch2).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
- }
- }
- $SqlElementQuery .= implode(' OR ', $whereArr);
- $unions[] = $SqlElementQuery;
- }
- $YUIs['sql'] .= implode('
- ', $unions);
- $YUIs['sql'] .= $matchesql['sqlpost'];
- if($where!=''){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
- }
- }
- elseif ( $sSearch != '' ) {
- /*
- $sWhere = "WHERE a.nummer LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%' OR ".
- "p.abkuerzung LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%' OR ".
- "a.name_de LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
- */
- //$searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchsql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $searchsql = $YUIs['searchsql'];
- $searchsql2 = null;
- $datesearchcol2 = null;
- $datesearchcol = $YUIs['datesearchsols'];
- if(is_array($searchsql))
- {
- foreach($searchsql as $k => $v)
- {
- if(is_array($v))
- {
- foreach($v as $k2 => $v2)
- {
- $searchsql2[] = $v2;
- if($datesearchcol && in_array($k, $datesearchcol)) {
- $datesearchcol2[] = count($searchsql2)-1;
- }
- }
- }else{
- $searchsql2[] = $v;
- if($datesearchcol && in_array($k, $datesearchcol))
- {
- $datesearchcol2[] = count($searchsql2)-1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if($where==''){
- $sWhere = ' WHERE (';
- }
- else
- {
- if(count($searchsql) > 0){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where AND (";
- }
- else{
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
- }
- }
- // Prozent austauschen da dies mysql wildcat ist
- while(strpos($sSearch,' ') !== false)
- {
- $sSearch = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch);
- }
- while(strpos($sSearch2,' ') !== false)
- {
- $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch2);
- }
- $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
- $sSearch2 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch2);
- //$sSearch3 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch3);
- //$sSearch3 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch3);
- $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
- $sSearcha2 = explode(' ', $sSearch2);
- //$sSearcha = [];
- //$sSearcha2 = [];
- $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
- $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch2);
- $csearchsql2 = $searchsql2?count($searchsql2):0;
- for($i=0;$i<$csearchsql2;$i++)
- {
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
- {
- if($datesearchcol2 && in_array($i, $datesearchcol2))
- {
- $sWhere .= '('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $sSearch, true, false).' OR '.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ), true, false).")";
- }else{
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha, $sSearcha2);
- }else{
- $sWhere .= "({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
- {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
- }
- }
- }else{
- if($datesearchcol2 && in_array($i, $datesearchcol2)) {
- $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $sSearch, true, false);
- }else{
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha);
- }else{
- $sWhere .= "({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
- }
- }
- }
- if($sSearch2!='' && ($sSearch2 !== $sSearch))
- {
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 ))
- {
- $sWhere .=" OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 )."%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 )."%' ) ";
- }else{
- if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
- {
- $sWhere .= ' OR ('. $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha2).') ';
- }else{
- $sWhere .= " OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch2) . "%') ";
- }
- }
- }
- if($sSearch3!='' && ($sSearch3 !== $sSearch || $sSearch3 !== $sSearch2))
- {
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch3 ))
- {
- $sWhere .= "OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 )."%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch3 )."%' ) OR ";
- }else{
- $sWhere .= "OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 )."%') OR ";
- }
- }
- else {
- $sWhere .= ' OR ';
- }
- }
- //$searchfulltext = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchfulltext","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $searchfulltext = $YUIs['searchfulltext'];
- if($searchfulltext!='' && $sSearch!='')
- {
- $sSearch = str_replace('"','"',$sSearch);
- $sSearch .= '*';
- $searchfulltext = ' MATCH(e.subject,e.sender,e.action,e.action_html) AGAINST (\''.$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ';
- }
- if(count($searchsql2) > 0){
- if($searchfulltext == '')
- {
- $sWhere .= ' 0)';
- }else{
- $sWhere .= ' '.$searchfulltext.')';
- /*$i--;
- if($searchfulltext != ''){
- $searchfulltext = ' OR ' . $searchfulltext;
- }
- if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch)){
- $sWhere .= "( {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%') $searchfulltext )";
- }else{
- $sWhere .= "( {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') $searchfulltext )";
- }*/
- }
- } else {
- $sWhere .= " AND $searchfulltext";
- }
- } else {
- if($where!=''){
- $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
- }
- }
- //$searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchsql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $searchsql = $YUIs['searchsql'];
- //$moreinfo = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"moreinfo","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $moreinfo = $YUIs['moreinfo'];
- if($moreinfo) {
- $offset = 1;
- } else {
- $offset=0;
- }
- if(!$YUIs['columnfilter'])
- {
- $searchsql = $YUIs['findcols'];
- $offset = 0;
- }
- $csearchsql = $searchsql?count($searchsql):0;
- for($isearch=0;$isearch<$csearchsql;$isearch++)
- {
- $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch_'.$isearch);
- if($sSearch!='' && $sSearch!='A')
- {
- if(isset($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]) && is_array($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]))
- {
- $gef = false;
- foreach($searchsql[$isearch-$offset] as $v)
- {
- if($v != '')
- {
- if($sWhere == '')
- {
- //$sWhere = "WHERE (".$v." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
- $sWhere = 'WHERE ('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($v, $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
- $gef = true;
- }else{
- $sWhere = "$sWhere ";
- if(!$gef)
- {
- $sWhere .= ' AND (';
- }else{
- $sWhere .= ' OR ';
- }
- //$sWhere .= " (".$v." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%')";
- $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($v, $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
- $gef = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if($gef){
- $sWhere .= ' ) ';
- }
- }else{
- if($sWhere=='')
- {
- if($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]!='')
- {
- //$sWhere = "WHERE ".$searchsql[$isearch-$offset]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
- $sWhere = 'WHERE '.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql[$isearch-$offset], $sSearch ,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]!='')
- {
- //$sWhere = "$sWhere AND (".$searchsql[$isearch-$offset]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%')";
- $sWhere = "$sWhere AND (".$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql[$isearch-$offset], $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false ).")";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //$tmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"sql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $tmp = $YUIs['sql'];
- //$groupby = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"groupby","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $groupby = $YUIs['groupby'];
- //$orderby = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"orderby","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $orderby = $YUIs['orderby'];
- $fastcount = isset($YUIs['fastcount'])?$YUIs['fastcount']:'';
- if($orderby){
- $sOrder = $orderby;
- }
- $uid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('uid');
- $pid = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
- if(!empty($pid)) {
- $pid = explode('|',$pid);
- $sEchoCheck = !empty($pid[1])?(int)$pid[1]:0;
- $pid = reset($pid);
- if($sEchoCheck < $sEcho && $pid != $this->app->DB->connection->thread_id){
- $this->app->DB->kill($pid);
- }
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
- }
- //$sQuery = $sWhere." ".$sOrder." ". $sLimit;
- //$rResult = $this->app->DB->Query( $sQuery);
- $sQuery = "
- $tmp
- $sWhere
- $groupby
- $sOrder
- $sLimit
- ";
- if($fastcount || $limiert){
- $sQuery = str_replace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS','',$sQuery);
- }
- $jsarray = null;
- if(isset($this->app->stringcleaner)) {
- $jsarray = $this->app->stringcleaner->CheckSQLHtml($sQuery);
- }
- if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schnellsuchecount') && strpos($sQuery, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')){
- $YUIs['count'] = '';
- }
- if(isset($YUIs['onequeryperuser']) && $YUIs['onequeryperuser']) {
- $killId = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
- $killId = explode('|',$killId);
- $sEchoCheck = !empty($killId[1])?(int)$killId[1]:0;
- $killId = reset($killId);
- if(!empty($killId) && $sEchoCheck < $sEcho) {
- $this->app->DB->kill($killId);
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
- }
- $killId = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
- $killId = explode('|',$killId);
- $sEchoCheck = !empty($killId[1])?(int)$killId[1]:0;
- $killId = reset($killId);
- if(!empty($killId) && $sEchoCheck < $sEcho) {
- $this->app->DB->kill($killId);
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
- }
- //TODO Alte Prozesse killen
- $_sql = substr($this->app->YUI->CodiereSQLForOneQuery($tmp, $cmd),0, 100);
- $processlist = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW PROCESSLIST');
- if(count($processlist) > 1) {
- foreach($processlist as $v) {
- if($v['Time'] > 1 && $v['db'] == $this->app->Conf->WFdbname && $v['User'] == $this->app->Conf->WFdbuser && substr($v['Info'], 0, 100) == $_sql) {
- $this->app->DB->kill($v['Id']);
- }
- }
- }
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id', $this->app->DB->connection->thread_id);
- }
- $maxExecutionTime = 300;
- if($cmd === 'report_table') {
- $maxExecutionTime = 30;
- }
- $useasync = function_exists('mysqli_poll');
- if($useasync) {
- ignore_user_abort(true);
- $db2 = $this->app->DB->getClone();
- $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid, $threadid.'|'.$sEcho);
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
- }
- $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
- $rResult = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
- $all_links = array($db2->connection);
- $processed = 0;
- do {
- echo ' ';
- flush();
- ob_flush();
- if(connection_aborted() == 1
- || ($maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
- ) {
- $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
- if((int)$this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid) == $threadid) {
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
- }
- exit;
- }
- $links = $errors = $reject = array();
- foreach ($all_links as $link) {
- $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
- }
- if (!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0,50000)) {
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($links as $link) {
- if ($rResult = $link->reap_async_query()) {
- break 2;
- };
- $processed++;
- }
- } while ($processed < count($all_links));
- }
- else{
- $rResult = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- }
- if($cmd === 'adresse_brief' && $this->app->DB->error() && strpos($this->app->DB->error(), 'COLLATION \'utf8_general_ci\' is not valid for CHARACTER') !== false)
- {
- if((String)$this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('adresse_crm_collateerror') === ''){
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('adresse_crm_collateerror', 1);
- }
- }elseif($cmd === 'adresse_brief' && $this->app->DB->error() && $this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('adresse_crm_collateerror'))
- {
- $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('adresse_crm_collateerror', 0);
- }
- $iTotal = 0;
- if(!$limiert) {
- if($fastcount) {
- $sQuery = "$fastcount $sWhere";
- if($useasync) {
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
- }
- $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
- $rResultFilterTotal = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
- $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
- $all_links = array($db2->connection);
- $processed = 0;
- do {
- echo ' ';
- flush();
- ob_flush();
- if(connection_aborted() == 1 || (
- $maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
- ){
- $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
- exit;
- }
- $links = $errors = $reject = array();
- foreach ($all_links as $link) {
- $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
- }
- if(!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 50000)){
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($links as $link) {
- if($rResultFilterTotal = $link->reap_async_query()){
- break 2;
- };
- $processed++;
- }
- } while ($processed < count($all_links));
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
- }
- }
- else {
- $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- }
- $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResultFilterTotal);
- $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
- $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
- }
- else {
- $sQuery = '
- ';
- if($useasync) {
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
- }
- $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
- $rResultFilterTotal = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
- $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
- $all_links = array($db2->connection);
- $processed = 0;
- do {
- echo ' ';
- flush();
- ob_flush();
- if(connection_aborted() == 1 || (
- $maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
- ) {
- $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
- exit;
- }
- $links = $errors = $reject = array();
- foreach ($all_links as $link) {
- $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
- }
- if(!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 50000)){
- continue;
- }
- foreach ($links as $link) {
- if($rResultFilterTotal = $link->reap_async_query()){
- break 2;
- };
- $processed++;
- }
- } while ($processed < count($all_links));
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
- }
- }
- else {
- $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
- }
- $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResultFilterTotal);
- $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
- $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
- }
- }
- if($useasync) {
- echo ' ';
- flush();
- ob_flush();
- if(connection_aborted() == 1) {
- if(!empty($db2)) {
- $db2->Close();
- }
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
- }
- $this->app->DB->Close();
- exit;
- }
- }
- /*
- $sQuery = "
- FROM artikel
- ";
- */
- //$sQuery = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"count","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- if(!$limiert){
- $sQuery = $YUIs['count'];
- if((String)$sQuery !== '') {
- $rResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Query( $sQuery);
- $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultTotal);
- $this->app->DB->free($rResultTotal);
- $iTotal = (int)$aResultTotal[0];
- }
- else {
- $iTotal = !empty($iFilteredTotal)?(int)$iFilteredTotal:0;
- }
- $this->app->erp->CheckBegrenzungLiveTabelle($cmd, $iTotal, microtime(true)-$starttime);
- }
- elseif(!empty($YUIs['cached_count'])) {
- $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->SelectArrCache($YUIs['cached_count'], 180, 'tablesearch_count');
- if(!empty($aResultTotal)) {
- $iTotal = reset($aResultTotal);
- $iTotal = reset($iTotal);
- }
- }
- if(method_exists($this->app->erp,'CheckSchnellsuche')) {
- $this->app->erp->CheckSchnellsuche($cmd, $iTotal, microtime(true) - $starttime);
- }
- //$heading = count($this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"heading","","",$frommodule, $fromclass));
- $heading = count($YUIs['heading']);
- //$menu = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"menu","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
- $menu = $this->app->Tpl->ParseTranslation($YUIs['menu']);
- $sOutput2 = '';
- $rowc = 0;
- while ( $aRow = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row( $rResult )) {
- $rowc++;
- if(!$limiert || ($rowc <= $iDisplayLength)) {
- $sOutput2 .= '[';
- for($i=1;$i<$heading;$i++) {
- /*if(strpos($aRow[$i],'<') !== false) //30.07.2018 Bruno Entfernt wegen fehlerhaften Entfernen von Tags
- {
- if($jsarray && isset($jsarray[$i]) && !$jsarray[$i])
- {
- $aRow[$i] = strip_tags($aRow[$i]);
- }elseif(isset($jsarray[$i]) && 1 == $jsarray[$i])
- {
- $aRow[$i] = $this->app->stringcleaner->xss_clean($aRow[$i], false);
- }
- }*/
- $aRow[$i] = $this->EntferneSteuerzeichen(trim(str_replace("'",''',$aRow[$i])));
- $aRow[$i] = str_replace("\r",'',$aRow[$i]);
- $aRow[$i] = str_replace("\n",'',$aRow[$i]);
- $sOutput2 .= '"'.addslashes($aRow[$i]).'",';
- }
- $sOutput2 .= '"'.addslashes(str_replace('%value%',$aRow[$i],$menu)).'"';
- $sOutput2 .= '],';
- }
- }
- if($limiert) {
- $sOutput = '{';
- $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.(!empty($iTotal)?$iTotal:$rowc+(int)$iDisplayStart).', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.($rowc+(int)$iDisplayStart).', ';
- $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
- }
- else{
- $sOutput = '{';
- $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
- $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
- }
- $sOutput .= $sOutput2;
- $sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
- $sOutput .= '] }';
- $sOutput = str_replace("\t",'',$sOutput);
- // Eventuell deutsches Datumsformat in allen Tabellen und sortieren geht auch
- //$repl = preg_replace('~\"([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\"~', '" $3.$2.$1"', $sOutput);
- //$repl = preg_replace('~\"([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+~', '" $3.$2.$1 ', $repl);
- //$repl = preg_replace('~\s+([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+~', ' $3.$2.$1 ', $repl);
- //$repl = preg_replace('~\"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\"~', '"$3.$2.$1"', $sOutput);
- $repl = $sOutput;
- $repl = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($repl);
- $repl = json_encode(json_decode($repl));
- echo $repl;
- if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
- $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
- }
- $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
- }
- /**
- * @return void
- */
- public function AjaxLiveTable(): void
- {
- /** @var Request request */
- $request = $this->app->Container->get('Request');
- $tableName = $request->get->get('srctable', '');
- $module = $request->get->get('srcmodule', '');
- $className = $request->get->get('srcclass', '');
- $className = StringUtil::toTitleCase($className, '-');
- $this->app->BuildNavigation=false;
- if (empty($tableName)) {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set(
- 'Fehler: Tabelle ist nicht spezifiziert.
- );
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
- return;
- }
- if ((empty($module) xor empty($className))) {
- $this->app->Tpl->Set(
- 'Fehler: Tabelle kann nicht gefunden werden.
- );
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
- return;
- }
- if (!empty($module) && !str_ends_with(strtolower($module), '.php')) {
- $module .= '.php';
- }
- $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('LIVETABLE', $tableName, 'show', '', '', $module, $className);
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
- }
- protected function EntferneSteuerzeichen($string)
- {
- $len = strlen($string);
- $out = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
- $ord = ord($string[$i]);
- if($ord != 127 && ($ord > 31 || $ord == 13 || $ord == 10 || $ord == 9)) {
- $out .= $string[$i];
- }
- }
- return $out;
- }
- protected function fnColumnToFieldPosition( $i )
- {
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $findcols = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'findcols');
- return !empty($findcols[$i])?$findcols[$i]:0;
- }
- protected function fnColumnToField( $i )
- {
- $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
- $frommodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('frommodule');
- $fromclass = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromclass');
- $findcols = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('',$cmd,'findcols','','',$frommodule, $fromclass);
- return $findcols[$i];
- }
+ if($intern) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("filter","AjaxFilter");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("table","AjaxTable");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("labels","AjaxLabels");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("validator","AjaxValidator");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("ansprechpartner","AjaxAnsprechpartner");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("lieferadresse","AjaxLieferadresse");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("verzolladresse","AjaxVerzolladresse");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("adressestammdaten","AjaxAdresseStammdaten");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("tooltipsuche","AjaxTooltipSuche");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("tableposition","AjaxTablePosition");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("tablefilter", "AjaxTableFilter");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("articlematrixselection", "AjaxArticleMatrixSelection");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("moduleunlock", "AjaxModuleUnlock");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("thumbnail", "AjaxThumbnail");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("autosavekonfiguration", "AjaxAutoSaveKonfiguration");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("autosaveuserparameter", "AjaxAutoSaveUserParameter");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("getuserparameter","AjaxGetUserParameter");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("getdateititel","AjaxGetDateiTitel");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("editdateititel","AjaxEditDateiTitel");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("profilbild","AjaxProfilbild");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("getgewicht","AjaxGetGewicht");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("upload","AjaxUpload");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("sidebar","AjaxSidebar");
+ $this->app->ActionHandler("livetable","AjaxLiveTable");
+ $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return JsonResponse
+ */
+ public function AjaxSidebar(): JsonResponse
+ {
+ $userId = $this->app->User->GetID();
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ switch ($cmd) {
+ case 'set_collapsed':
+ $state = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('value') === 'true';
+ /** @var Xentral\Modules\User\Service\UserConfigService $userConfig */
+ $userConfig = $this->app->Container->get('UserConfigService');
+ $userConfig->set('sidebar_collapsed', $state,$userId);
+ $data = ['success' => true, 'collapsed' => $state];
+ break;
+ default:
+ $data = ['success' => false, 'error' => 'Incomplete request'];
+ break;
+ }
+ return new JsonResponse(
+ $data,
+ $data['success'] === false ? JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST : JsonResponse::HTTP_OK
+ );
+ }
+ public function AjaxUpload()
+ {
+ $fromUrl = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromurl');
+ $fromUrl = pathinfo($fromUrl);
+ $fromUrl = $fromUrl['basename'];
+ if(strpos($fromUrl, 'index.php?') === 0) {
+ $fromUrl = substr($fromUrl, 10);
+ }
+ $fromUrl = explode('&', $fromUrl);
+ $parts = [];
+ foreach($fromUrl as $urlpart) {
+ $urlpartA = explode('=', $urlpart);
+ $parts[$urlpartA[0]] = isset($urlpartA[1])?$urlpartA[1]:'';
+ }
+ if(!empty($_FILES)) {
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('ajaxupload', 1, $parts);
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode([]);
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function AjaxGetGewicht()
+ {
+ $seriennummer = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('seriennummer');
+ ///$mindestgewicht = (float)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('mindestgewicht');
+ $gewicht = str_replace(',','.',$this->app->erp->GetAdapterboxAPIWaage($seriennummer));
+ if(!is_numeric($gewicht)) {
+ $gewicht = 0;
+ }
+ //if($gewicht < $mindestgewicht)$gewicht = $mindestgewicht;
+ echo json_encode(array('gewicht'=>number_format($gewicht ,1,'.','')));
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function AjaxLabels()
+ {
+ /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
+ $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ switch ($cmd) {
+ case 'collect':
+ // Aktive Labels für eine DataTable-Seite abrufen
+ $collection = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('collection');
+ $data = $this->FindLabelsByCollection($collection);
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ break;
+ case 'list':
+ // Label-Typen auflisten + Zugewiesene Typen markieren
+ $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
+ $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
+ $labelTypes = $this->FindLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($labelTypes);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ break;
+ case 'assign':
+ // Label-Zuweisung erstellen
+ $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
+ $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
+ $labelType = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('type');
+ try {
+ $labelModule->assignLabel($referenceTable, $referenceId, $labelType);
+ } catch (LabelExceptionInterface $exception) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Zuweisung nicht möglich. Fehler: ' . $exception->getMessage()]);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ausgabe
+ $data = $this->FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ break;
+ case 'unassign':
+ // Label-Zuweisung löschen
+ $referenceId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_id');
+ $referenceTable = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('reference_table');
+ $labelType = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('type');
+ try {
+ $labelModule->unassignLabel($referenceTable, $referenceId, $labelType);
+ } catch (LabelExceptionInterface $exception) {
+ header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode(['success' => false, 'error' => 'Zuweisung löschen nicht möglich. Fehler: ' . $exception->getMessage()]);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ausgabe
+ $data = $this->FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode(['success' => true, 'data' => $data]);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $referenceTable
+ * @param int $referenceId
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function FindLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId)
+ {
+ /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
+ $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
+ $labels = $labelModule->findLabelsByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ $result = [$target => []];
+ foreach ($labels as $item) {
+ $item['target'] = $target;
+ $item['title'] = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
+ $item['bgcolor'] = $item['hexcolor'];
+ unset($item['hexcolor']);
+ unset($item['id']);
+ $result[$target][] = $item;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $collection
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function FindLabelsByCollection($collection)
+ {
+ /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
+ $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
+ $result = [];
+ foreach ($collection as $referenceTable => $referenceIds) {
+ $referenceTable = (string)$referenceTable;
+ if (empty($referenceTable)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Für jede angefragte Referenz ein Ergebnis liefern; Leeres Ergebnis als Default
+ foreach ($referenceIds as $referenceId) {
+ $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ $result[$target] = [];
+ }
+ // Label-Gruppen anlegen
+ $labelGroupId = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ "SELECT FROM label_group AS lg WHERE lg.group_table = '{$referenceTable}'"
+ );
+ if (empty($labelGroupId)) {
+ $groupTitle = ucwords($referenceTable);
+ $this->app->DB->Insert(
+ "INSERT INTO label_group (id, group_table, title, created_at)
+ VALUES (NULL, '{$referenceTable}', '{$groupTitle}', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)"
+ );
+ }
+ $labels = $labelModule->findLabelsByReferences($referenceTable, $referenceIds);
+ foreach ($labels as $item) {
+ $target = sprintf('labels-%s-%s', $item['reference_table'], $item['reference_id']);
+ if (!isset($result[$target])) {
+ $result[$target] = [];
+ }
+ $item['target'] = $target;
+ $item['title'] = htmlspecialchars($item['title']);
+ $item['bgcolor'] = $item['hexcolor'];
+ $item['referenceTable'] = $item['reference_table'];
+ $item['referenceId'] = $item['reference_id'];
+ unset($item['reference_table']);
+ unset($item['reference_id']);
+ unset($item['hexcolor']);
+ unset($item['id']);
+ $result[$target][] = $item;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $referenceTable
+ * @param int $referenceId
+ *
+ * @return array
+ */
+ protected function FindLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId)
+ {
+ /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Label\LabelModule $labelModule */
+ $labelModule = $this->app->Container->get('LabelModule');
+ $labelTypes = $labelModule->findLabelTypesByReference($referenceTable, $referenceId);
+ foreach ($labelTypes as &$labelType) {
+ $labelType['id'] = (int)$labelType['id'];
+ $labelType['target'] = 'labels-' . $referenceTable . '-' . $referenceId;
+ $labelType['selected'] = !empty($labelType['label_id']);
+ if ((int)$labelType['label_id'] > 0) {
+ $labelType['key'] = 'label-' . (int)$labelType['label_id'];
+ }
+ $labelType['bgcolor'] = $labelType['hexcolor'];
+ $labelType['referenceTable'] = $referenceTable;
+ $labelType['referenceId'] = $referenceId;
+ unset($labelType['hexcolor']);
+ }
+ return $labelTypes;
+ }
+ public function AjaxValidator()
+ {
+ $rule = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('rule');
+ $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
+ $mandatoryId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('mandatoryid');
+ /** @var \Xentral\Modules\MandatoryFields\MandatoryFieldsModule $mandatoryFields */
+ $mandatoryFields = $this->app->Container->get('MandatoryFieldsModule');
+ try{
+ $data = $mandatoryFields->validate($rule,$value,$mandatoryId)->toArray();
+ } catch(UnknownTypeException $e){
+ $data = ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Validatorregel nicht gültig.'];
+ } catch(MandatoryFieldNotFoundException $e){
+ $data = ['error' => true, 'message' => 'Die Validierungsregel konnte nicht gefunden werden.'];
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($data);
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ public function AjaxGetDateiTitel()
+ {
+ $status = 0;
+ $cmds = $this->CmdList();
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $data = null;
+ if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd, 'dateien'))
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
+ $objekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $parameter = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('parameter');
+ if($objekt === 'adresse'){
+ $objekt = 'Adressen';
+ }
+ $data = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ "SELECT d.*, s.subjekt
+ FROM datei AS d
+ LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter AS s ON
+ LEFT JOIN datei_version AS v ON
+ WHERE s.objekt LIKE '$objekt' AND s.parameter='$parameter' AND d.geloescht=0 AND = '$id'
+ LIMIT 1"
+ );
+ $module = strtolower($objekt);
+ if($module === 'adressen'){
+ $module = 'adresse';
+ }
+ $typen = $this->app->erp->getDateiTypen($module);
+ $found = false;
+ foreach($typen as $typ) {
+ if($typ['wert'] === $data['subjekt']) {
+ $found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $subjekthtml = '';
+ if(!$found) {
+ $subjekthtml = '';
+ }
+ foreach($typen as $typ) {
+ $subjekthtml .= '';
+ }
+ /*
+ $subjekthtml = '';
+ if($module==='adresse')
+ {
+ $subjekthtml .= '';
+ }
+ if($module!='')
+ {
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM datei_stichwortvorlagen WHERE modul='$module' ORDER by beschriftung");
+ $ctmp = $tmp?count($tmp):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++) {
+ $subjekthtml .= '';
+ }
+ }
+ $tmp = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM datei_stichwortvorlagen WHERE modul='' ORDER by beschriftung");
+ $ctmp = $tmp?count($tmp):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++) {
+ $subjekthtml .= '';
+ }
+ */
+ if($data){
+ $data['subjekthtml'] = $subjekthtml;
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode($data);
+ exit;
+ }
+ public function AjaxEditDateiTitel()
+ {
+ $status = 0;
+ $cmds = $this->CmdList();
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $data = null;
+ if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd, 'dateien'))
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('id');
+ $objekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('typ');
+ $parameter = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('parameter');
+ $titel = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('titel');
+ $beschreibung = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung');
+ $subjekt = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('subjekt');
+ if($objekt == 'adresse')
+ {
+ $objekt = 'Adressen';
+ }
+ $ersteller = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->User->GetName());
+ $datei = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT, as sid FROM datei d LEFT JOIN datei_stichwoerter s ON LEFT JOIN datei_version v ON WHERE s.objekt LIKE '$objekt' AND s.parameter='$parameter' AND d.geloescht=0 AND = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if($datei)
+ {
+ $sid = $datei[0]['sid'];
+ if($subjekt && $sid)
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei_stichwoerter SET subjekt = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($subjekt)."' WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE datei SET titel = '$titel', beschreibung = '$beschreibung' WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($_FILES['datei']) && $_FILES['datei']['tmp_name']!='')
+ {
+ $dateiname = $_FILES['datei']['name'];
+ $this->app->erp->AddDateiVersion($id,$ersteller,$dateiname, $beschreibung,$_FILES['datei']['tmp_name']);
+ }
+ $status = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode(array('status'=>$status));
+ exit;
+ }
+ protected function CmdList()
+ {
+ return array('artikel','adresse','angebot','auftrag','rechnung','gutschrift','lieferschein','bestellung','projekt','produktion','anfrage','reisekosten','kalkulation','serviceauftrag','verbindlichkeit','kasse','geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen','wiedervorlage','wiki');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $userId
+ * @param string|null $alt
+ * @param string|null $imgClass
+ * @param int|null $widthHeight
+ *
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getProfileHtml($userId, $alt = null, $imgClass=null, $widthHeight = null): string
+ {
+ $userId = (int)$userId;
+ $addressId = 0;
+ $shortUserName = '';
+ $user = $userId <= 0?null:$this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT u.adresse, u.`username`
+ FROM `user` AS `u`
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $userId
+ )
+ );
+ if(!empty($user)) {
+ $addressId = $user['adresse'];
+ $shortUserName = substr($user['username'],0,2);
+ }
+ $fileId = $this->getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId);
+ if($this->getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($fileId) !== null) {
+ $imgString = sprintf(
+ '';
+ }
+ return sprintf('%s', $shortUserName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $addressId
+ *
+ * @return int|null
+ */
+ public function getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId): ?int
+ {
+ $addressId = (int)$addressId;
+ if($addressId <= 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $fileVersionId = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ FROM `datei_stichwoerter` AS `ds`
+ INNER JOIN `datei` AS `d` ON ds.datei =
+ INNER JOIN `datei_version` AS `dv` ON dv.datei =
+ WHERE d.geloescht = 0 AND objekt LIKE 'Adressen' AND parameter = '%d' AND subjekt LIKE 'Profilbild'
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $addressId
+ )
+ );
+ if($fileVersionId <= 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $fileVersionId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param int $fileVersionId
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($fileVersionId): ?array
+ {
+ $fileVersionId = (int)$fileVersionId;
+ if($fileVersionId <= 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $userdata = isset($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata)?$this->app->Conf->WFuserdata:str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])."../userdata";
+ $path = $userdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
+ $cachefolder = $path.'/cache';
+ $path = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($fileVersionId, $path);
+ $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($fileVersionId.'_100_100', $cachefolder, true);
+ if(!file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$fileVersionId.'_100_100')) {
+ if(file_exists($path.'/'.$fileVersionId)) {
+ $type = mime_content_type($path.'/'.$fileVersionId);
+ switch($type) {
+ case 'image/jpg':
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
+ if((string)$str === '') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'header' => 'Content-type: image/jpg',
+ 'image' => $str,
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'image/png':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
+ if((string)$str === '') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'header' => 'Content-type: image/png',
+ 'image' => $str,
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'image/gif':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($fileVersionId, 100, 100);
+ if((string)$str === '') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'header' => 'Content-type: image/gif',
+ 'image' => $str,
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'application/pdf':
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
+ if((string)$str === '') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'header' => 'Content-type: image/svg',
+ 'picture' => $str,
+ ];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$fileVersionId.'_100_100')){
+ $type = mime_content_type($cachefolder . '/' . $fileVersionId . '_100_100');
+ if(strpos($type, 'image') !== false){
+ $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder . '/' . $fileVersionId . '_100_100');
+ if((string)$str === '') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'header' => 'Content-type: ' . $type,
+ 'picture' => $str,
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public function AjaxProfilbild()
+ {
+ $userId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $addressId = $userId === $this->app->User->GetID()
+ ?$this->app->User->GetAdresse():
+ (int)$this->app->DB->Select(sprintf('SELECT `adresse` FROM `user` WHERE `id` = %d', $userId));
+ $dateiversion = $this->getFileVersionFromProfileImage($addressId);
+ $picture = $this->getProfilePictureFromFileVersionId($dateiversion);
+ if($picture !== null) {
+ header($picture['header']);
+ echo $picture['picture'];
+ exit;
+ }
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/profil.png');
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ public function AjaxThumbnail()
+ {
+ $cmds = $this->CmdList();
+ $cmd = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd'));
+ $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if(!empty($cmd) && $id
+ && (!in_array($cmd, $cmds) || (in_array($cmd, $cmds) && $this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden($cmd,'dateien')))) {
+ $datei = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT, ds.parameter, dv.dateiname
+ FROM datei_version AS dv
+ INNER JOIN datei_stichwoerter ds ON ds.datei = dv.datei
+ WHERE dv.datei = %d AND (ds.objekt like '%s'".($cmd === 'adresse'?" OR ds.objekt like 'Adressen' ":'').")
+ ORDER BY dv.datei DESC, dv.version DESC
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $id, $cmd
+ )
+ );
+ if(empty($datei)) {
+ if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
+ } else {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
+ }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(!empty($datei['parameter'])) {
+ if($cmd === 'projekt') {
+ if(!$this->app->erp->UserProjektRecht($datei['parameter'])) {
+ if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
+ } else {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
+ }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT `projekt` FROM `%s` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1',
+ $cmd, $datei[0]['parameter']
+ )
+ );
+ if(!$this->app->erp->UserProjektRecht($projekt)) {
+ if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
+ }
+ else {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
+ }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Rechte prüfen
+ $userdata = isset($this->app->Conf->WFuserdata)
+ ?$this->app->Conf->WFuserdata
+ :(str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']).'../userdata');
+ $path = $userdata.'/dms/'.$this->app->Conf->WFdbname;
+ $cachefolder = $path.'/cache';
+ $_cachefolder = $cachefolder;
+ $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->GetDMSPath($datei['id'].'_100_100', $cachefolder, true);
+ if(!file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100')) {
+ $cachefolder = $this->app->erp->CreateDMSPath($_cachefolder, $datei['id']);
+ $datei_orig = $this->app->erp->GetDateiPfadVersion($datei['id']);
+ if(file_exists($datei_orig)) {
+ $type = mime_content_type($datei_orig);
+ switch($type)
+ {
+ case 'image/jpg':
+ case 'image/jpeg':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
+ header('Content-type: image/jpg');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ break;
+ case 'image/png':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ break;
+ case 'image/gif':
+ $img = new image($this->app);
+ $str = $img->scaledPicByFileId($datei['id'], 100, 100);
+ header('Content-type: image/gif');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ break;
+ case 'application/pdf':
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/pdf.svg');
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.gif'){
+ header('Content-type: image/gif');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.png'){
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.jpg'
+ || substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === 'jpeg'){
+ header('Content-type: image/jpg');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(file_exists($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100')) {
+ $type = is_file($path.'/'.$datei['id'])? false : mime_content_type($path.'/'.$datei['id']);
+ if($type === false) {
+ $type = mime_content_type($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
+ }
+ if(strpos($type,'image') !== false) {
+ header('Content-type: '.$type);
+ $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ $str = file_get_contents($cachefolder.'/'.$datei['id'].'_100_100');
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.gif') {
+ header('Content-type: image/gif');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.png') {
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ if(substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-4) === '.jpg'
+ || substr(strtolower($datei['dateiname']),-5) === '.jpeg') {
+ header('Content-type: image/jpg');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
+ } else {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
+ }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ if ($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('iconset_dunkel')) {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_dunkel.png');
+ } else {
+ $str = file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/themes/new/images/keinbild_hell.png');
+ }
+ header('Content-type: image/png');
+ echo $str;
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ public function AjaxModuleUnlock() {
+ if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('welcome','unlock') &&
+ ($salt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('salt')))
+ {
+ $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE from module_lock where salt = '".$salt."'");
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxTableFilter() {
+ /*header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");*/
+ $do = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('do');
+ $filter = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('filter');
+ switch ($do) {
+ case 'getParameters':
+ $params = $this->app->User->GetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter);
+ echo base64_decode($params);
+ break;
+ case 'setParameters':
+ $params = base64_encode(json_encode($_GET));
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter, $params);
+ break;
+ case 'clearParameters':
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('table_filter_' . $filter,'');
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxArticleMatrixSelection()
+ {
+ $menge = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('menge');
+ $auswahl = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('auswahl');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $vorgangsId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $vorgangsTyp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('typ');
+ if ($vorgangsId === 0) {
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ if ($cmd === 'get') {
+ $articleMatrixSelection = $this->GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId);
+ header('Content-Type: application/json');
+ echo json_encode($articleMatrixSelection);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ if ($cmd === 'set') {
+ // Vorhandene Auswahl laden und aktuelle Auswahl hinzufügen
+ // Notwendig, da sich der Auswahlprozess über mehrere Seiten erstrecken kann.
+ $articleMatrix = $this->GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId);
+ foreach ($menge as $artikelId => $artikelAnzahl) {
+ // Nur Mengen größer Null merken
+ if (!empty($artikelAnzahl)) {
+ $articleMatrix['menge'][(int)$artikelId] = (int)$artikelAnzahl;
+ }
+ // Auswahl wurde entfernt > Menge ebenfalls leeren
+ if (isset($menge[$artikelId]) && !isset($auswahl[$artikelId])) {
+ unset($articleMatrix['auswahl'][(int)$artikelId],$articleMatrix['menge'][(int)$artikelId]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Nur aktive Checkboxen merken
+ foreach ($auswahl as $artikelId => $artikelAuswahl) {
+ if ($artikelAuswahl === 'on') {
+ $articleMatrix['auswahl'][(int)$artikelId] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, $articleMatrix);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ // Artikelmatrix-Auswahl zurücksetzen
+ if ($cmd === "reset") {
+ $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, []);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ }
+ protected function GetArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId)
+ {
+ if (empty($vorgangsTyp) || (int)$vorgangsId === 0) {
+ return [
+ 'auswahl' => [],
+ 'menge' => [],
+ ];
+ }
+ $selection = $this->app->User->GetParameter("article_matrix_selection_{$vorgangsTyp}_{$vorgangsId}");
+ $matrix = json_decode($selection, true);
+ if (empty($matrix)) {
+ $matrix = [];
+ }
+ // Alter des Eintrags kontrollieren; nach 24 Stunden ohne Änderung > Eintrag verwerfen
+ $yesterday = time() - (60 * 60 * 24);
+ if (empty($matrix['time']) || (int)$matrix['time'] < $yesterday) {
+ $this->SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, []);
+ $matrix = [];
+ }
+ if (empty($matrix['auswahl'])) {
+ $matrix['auswahl'] = [];
+ }
+ if (empty($matrix['menge'])) {
+ $matrix['menge'] = [];
+ }
+ return $matrix;
+ }
+ protected function SaveArticleMatrixSelection($vorgangsTyp, $vorgangsId, $data = [])
+ {
+ if ((int)$vorgangsId === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (empty($vorgangsTyp)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!is_array($data)) {
+ $data = [];
+ }
+ // Aktuellen Timestamp hinzufügen/überschreiben
+ $data['time'] = time();
+ // Auswahl pro User und Vorgang merken
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter("article_matrix_selection_{$vorgangsTyp}_{$vorgangsId}", json_encode($data));
+ }
+ public function AjaxTooltipSuche()
+ {
+ $term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('term');
+ if(is_numeric($term))
+ {
+ $rechnung = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr,soll,ist FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr='$term'");
+ $gutschrift = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr,soll,ist FROM gutschrift WHERE belegnr='$term'");
+ $auftrag = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr='$term'");
+ $internet = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,belegnr FROM auftrag WHERE internet='$term'");
+ $kunde = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id,name FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer='$term'");
+ }
+ if(!empty($rechnung) && is_array($rechnung))
+ {
+ foreach($rechnung as $value){
+ echo 'Rechnung '.$value['belegnr'].' SOLL:'.$value['soll'].' IST:'.$value['ist'].' |
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($auftrag) && is_array($auftrag))
+ {
+ foreach($auftrag as $value){
+ echo 'Auftrag '.$value['belegnr'];
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($internet) && is_array($internet))
+ {
+ foreach($internet as $value){
+ echo 'Internet Auftrag '.$value['belegnr'];
+ }
+ }
+ /*if($internetnummer)
+ echo "Internetnummer";*/
+ if(!empty($kunde) && is_array($kunde))
+ {
+ foreach($kunde as $value){
+ echo 'Kunde '.$value['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ echo 'ENDE ';
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxAdresseStammdaten()
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id <= 0)
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
+ $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($values)){
+ foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
+ $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
+ }
+ echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['email'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['telefon'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['telfax'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['anschreiben'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['gln']
+ );
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxVerzolladresse()
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id <= 0)
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
+ $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM adresse WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($values)){
+ foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
+ if($key !== 'zollinformationen') {
+ $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
+ }
+ }
+ echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . base64_encode($values[0]['zollinformationen']) . '#*#');
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxLieferadresse()
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id <= 0)
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ //name abteilung unterabteilung land strasse ort plz
+ $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferadressen WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($values)){
+ foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
+ $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
+ }
+ echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ansprechpartner'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['gln'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ustid'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ust_befreit'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['lieferbedingung']. '#*#' . $values[0]['email']);
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxAnsprechpartner()
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ if($id <= 0)
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ $values = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM ansprechpartner WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if(!empty($values[0])){
+ foreach ($values[0] as $key => $value) {
+ $values[0][$key] = $this->app->erp->ReadyForPDF($value);
+ }
+ echo $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($values[0]['name'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['email'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['telefon'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['telefax'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['abteilung'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['unterabteilung'] .
+ '#*#' . $values[0]['land'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['strasse'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['plz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['ort'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['adresszusatz'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['typ'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['anschreiben'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['titel'] . '#*#' . $values[0]['id']);
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxAutoSaveKonfiguration()
+ {
+ $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
+ $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue($name,base64_decode($value));
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxAutoSaveUserParameter()
+ {
+ $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ $value = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('value');
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter($name,base64_decode($value));
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxGetUserParameter()
+ {
+ $name = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name');
+ $names = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('names');
+ if(!empty($names))
+ {
+ $names = explode(',', $names);
+ $elems = explode(',',$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('elems'));
+ $values = $this->app->User->GetParameter($names);
+ if(!empty($values))
+ {
+ foreach($values as $k => $v)
+ {
+ $values[$k]['elem'] = $elems[$k];
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode($values);
+ }else{
+ echo json_encode(array('name'=>$name,'elem'=>$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('elem'),'value'=>$this->app->User->GetParameter($name)));
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxFilterWhere($term, $fields)
+ {
+ if(empty($fields))
+ {
+ return '1';
+ }
+ while(strpos($term,' ') !== false)
+ {
+ $term = str_replace(' ',' ', $term);
+ }
+ $term = trim($term);
+ $term2 = $term;
+ $term3 = $term;
+ $term2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
+ $term3 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($term);
+ $terma = explode( ' ', $term);
+ $term2a = explode( ' ', $term2);
+ $term3a = explode( ' ', $term3);
+ if(count($terma) === 1)
+ {
+ $wherea = [];
+ foreach($fields as $v) {
+ $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term . "%'";
+ if($term2 !== $term && $term2 !== ''){
+ $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term2 . "%'";
+ }
+ if($term3 !== $term && $term3 !== $term2 && $term3!==''){
+ $wherea[] = $v . " LIKE '%" . $term3 . "%'";
+ }
+ }
+ return ' ('.implode(' OR ', $wherea).') ';
+ }
+ $wherea = [];
+ foreach($fields as $v) {
+ if(!empty($term2) && $term2 !== $term){
+ $tmp = [];
+ //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
+ $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma, $term2a);
+ //}
+ $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($term3) && $term3 !== $term){
+ $tmp = [];
+ //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
+ $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma, $term3a);
+ //}
+ $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
+ }
+ else{
+ $tmp = [];
+ //foreach ($terma as $v2) {
+ $tmp[] = $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($v, $terma);
+ //}
+ $wherea[] = implode(' AND ', $tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ return ' ('.implode(' OR ', $wherea).') ';
+ }
+ public function AjaxFilter()
+ {
+ //$term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("term");
+ $term = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('term');
+ $termorig = $term;
+ $rmodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('rmodule');
+ $raction = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('raction');
+ $rid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('rid');
+ $pruefemodule = array('artikel','auftrag','angebot','rechnung','lieferschein','gutschrift','bestellung','produktion');
+ $filter_projekt = 0;
+ if($raction === 'edit' && $rid && in_array($rmodule, $pruefemodule))
+ {
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM $rmodule WHERE id = '$rid' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projekt)
+ {
+ $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ //if($eigenernummernkreis)
+ $filter_projekt = $projekt;
+ }
+ }
+ $term2 = $term;
+ $term3 = $term;
+ $term = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
+ $term2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($term2);
+ if($term2=='') {
+ $term2 = $term;
+ }
+ $term = str_replace(' ','%',$term);
+ $term2 = str_replace(' ','%',$term2);
+ $term3 = str_replace(' ','%',$term3);
+ //$term = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($term);
+ //$term = str_replace(' ','%',$term);
+ $filtername = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('filtername');
+ $term = trim($term);
+ $term2 = trim($term2);
+ switch($filtername)
+ {
+ case "adressenamegruppe":
+ $gruppe = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('gruppe');
+ $gruppea = explode(',',$gruppe);
+ $gruppenwhere = ' 0 ';
+ foreach($gruppea as $v)
+ {
+ if($v){
+ $gruppenw[] = " ar.parameter = '$v' ";
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($gruppenw))
+ {
+ $gruppenwhere = ' ('.implode(' OR ', $gruppenw).') ';
+ }
+ $felder = array('','');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT concat(, ' ', as name2 FROM adresse a
+ INNER JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse AND $gruppenwhere AND ar.objekt LIKE 'Gruppe' AND (bis = '0000-00-00' OR bis >= curdate())
+ WHERE ($subwhere) AND a.geloescht <> 1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')."
+ ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "adressename":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT, (SELECT name FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.kundennummer = a.kundennummer ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a2.projekt')." order by ".($filter_projekt?" a2.projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1) as name2 FROM adresse a WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')." GROUP by email ORDER BY, name2 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ }
+ break;
+select a.kundennummer, (SELECT name FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.kundennummer = a.kundennummer order by a2.projekt = 13 DESC, a2.projekt = 0 DESC, projekt LIMIT 1) as name FROM adresse a WHERE a.kundennummer like '10500' group by a.kundennummer
+ case "arbeitspaket":
+ if(trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt')) != ''){
+ $checkprojekt = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt'));
+ }else{
+ $checkprojekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter("teilprojekt_filter");
+ }
+ if(is_numeric($checkprojekt) && $checkprojekt > 0){
+ $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='" . $checkprojekt . "' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $limit = '';
+ if($projektid <=0)
+ {
+ $checkprojekt = explode(' ',$checkprojekt);
+ $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung='".$checkprojekt[0]."' AND abkuerzung!='' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projektid <=0){
+ $limit = ' LIMIT 20 ';
+ }
+ }
+ if($projektid > 0){
+ $subwhere = " AND'".$projektid."'";
+ } else {
+ $subwhere='';
+ }
+ $felder = array('p.abkuerzung', 'ap.aufgabe');
+ $subwhere2 = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',p.abkuerzung,' ',ap.aufgabe) as name2 FROM arbeitspaket ap LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE ($subwhere2) AND ap.status!='abgeschlossen' AND ap.aufgabe!='' AND > 0 $subwhere ".$limit);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikeleigenschaften":
+ $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('e.projekt');
+ $felder = array('name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM artikeleigenschaften e WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht <> 1 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikeleigenschaftenwerte":
+ //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte WHERE wert LIKE '%$term%' OR wert LIKE '%$term2%' OR wert LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20");
+ //$arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT property_value_from FROM article_property_translation WHERE (property_value_from LIKE '%$term%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term3') AND language_from = 'DE' LIMIT 20");
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte WHERE wert LIKE '%$term%' OR wert LIKE '%$term2%' OR wert LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20) UNION
+ (SELECT DISTINCT property_value_from as wert FROM article_property_translation WHERE (property_value_from LIKE '%$term%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR property_value_from LIKE '%$term3') AND language_from = 'DE' LIMIT 20) ORDER BY wert");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['wert']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "matrixprodukt_uebersetzungen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT name_from AS name FROM matrix_article_translation WHERE name_from LIKE '%$term%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
+ UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name_to AS name FROM matrix_article_translation WHERE name_to LIKE '%$term%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
+ UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM matrixprodukt_eigenschaftengruppen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "matrixprodukt_optionen_uebersetzungen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("(SELECT DISTINCT name_from AS name FROM matrix_article_options_translation WHERE name_from LIKE '%$term%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_from LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 10)
+ UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name_to AS name FROM matrix_article_options_translation WHERE name_to LIKE '%$term%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_to LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)
+ UNION (SELECT DISTINCT name FROM matrixprodukt_eigenschaftenoptionen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20)");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "drucker":
+ $felder = array('name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM drucker WHERE $subwhere LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "wiedervorlage_stages":
+ $felder = array('','ws.kurzbezeichnung');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT CONCAT(, ' ', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ' (', IFNULL(wv.shortname, 'Standard'), ' - ',, ')') AS `name2`
+ FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws`
+ LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` ON ws.view =
+ WHERE $subwhere
+ ORDER BY ws.view, ws.kurzbezeichnung LIMIT 20"
+ );
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "wiedervorlage_view":
+ $felder = array('name', 'shortname');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig, $felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', shortname, ' (',name,')') AS name2 FROM wiedervorlage_view WHERE $subwhere ORDER BY shortname LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "etiketten":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',name) as name2 FROM etiketten WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name2']}";
+ break;
+ case "laender":
+ $laender = $this->app->erp->GetSelectLaenderliste();
+ $_term = explode(',',$term);
+ $_term = $_term[count($_term)-1];
+ if($laender){
+ foreach($laender as $key => $value)
+ {
+ if(stripos($key, $_term) !== false || stripos($value, $_term) !== false)
+ {
+ $newarr[] = $key.' '.$value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelname":
+ $felder = array('CONCAT(nummer,\' \',name_de)','nummer','name_de');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name_de FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($artikel_freitext1_suche) AND geloescht=0 ORDER by name_de LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name_de'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelgruppe":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelkategorienfull":
+ $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
+ $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
+ if($anz)
+ {
+ $artikelbaum = array();
+ $allekategorien = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, bezeichnung, parent FROM artikelkategorien WHERE geloescht = 0");
+ foreach($allekategorien as $key=>$value){
+ if($value['parent'] == 0){
+ $artikelbaum[$value['id']] = $value['bezeichnung'];
+ foreach($allekategorien as $key2=>$value2){
+ if(array_key_exists($value2['parent'], $artikelbaum)){
+ $artikelbaum[$value2['id']] = $artikelbaum[$value2['parent']]." / ".$value2['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $arr = array();
+ $i = 0;
+ if($term == "" || $term == "%"){
+ foreach($artikelbaum as $key=>$value){
+ $arr[$i] = $key." ".$value;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }else{
+ foreach($artikelbaum as $key=>$value){
+ if(strpos(strtolower($value), strtolower($term)) !== false){
+ $arr[$i] = $key.' '.$value;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ if($i<20){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i];
+ }else{
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelkategorien":
+ $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
+ $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
+ if($anz)
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT a.typ,ar.bezeichnung FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN artikelkategorien ar ON a.typ = concat(,'_kat') WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ar.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$subwhere." GROUP BY a.typ ORDER by ar.bezeichnung ");
+ if($arr)
+ {
+ $typen = false;
+ foreach($arr as $k => $a)
+ {
+ if($a['bezeichnung'])$arr[$k]['typ'] = $a['bezeichnung'];
+ $typen = $arr[$k]['typ'];
+ }
+ array_multisort($typen, $arr);
+ $last = false;
+ foreach($arr as $k => $a)
+ {
+ if($last == $a['typ'])
+ {
+ unset($arr[$k]);
+ } else {
+ $last = $a['typ'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'alleartikelkategorien':
+ $anz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(*) FROM artikelkategorien");
+ $subwhere = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt');
+ if($anz)
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ar.bezeichnung as typ FROM artikelkategorien ar WHERE ar.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$subwhere." AND ar.geloescht <> 1 ORDER by ar.bezeichnung ");
+ } else {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT typ FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND typ LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by typ");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['typ'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'xcs_tables':
+ $felder = array('name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM xcs_table ORDER BY name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "artikeleanbeleg":
+ $doctype = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype');
+ $doctypeid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctypeid');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(if(art.ean <> '', art.ean, art.nummer),' ',art.name_de) as name FROM artikel art
+ INNER JOIN $doctype"."_position ap ON ap.artikel = AND $doctype = '$doctypeid'
+ WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND art.geloescht=0 AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummerbeleg":
+ $doctype = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype');
+ $doctypeid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctypeid');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) as name FROM artikel art
+ INNER JOIN $doctype"."_position ap ON ap.artikel = AND $doctype = '$doctypeid'
+ WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($artikel_freitext1_suche) AND art.geloescht=0 AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "spracheniso":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT iso FROM sprachen');
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['iso'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',subjekt,' (',sprache,')') as name FROM geschaeftsbrief_vorlagen");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikeleinheit":
+ //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT einheit_de FROM artikeleinheit WHERE firma='".$this->app->User->GetFirma()."' AND einheit_de LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by einheit_de");
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT einheit_de FROM artikeleinheit WHERE einheit_de LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by einheit_de");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['einheit_de'];
+ break;
+ case "ihrebestellnummer":
+ $adresse = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT ihrebestellnummer FROM auftrag WHERE ihrebestellnummer LIKE '%$term%' AND adresse='$adresse' ORDER by ihrebestellnummer ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['ihrebestellnummer'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "accountart":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT art FROM adresse_accounts WHERE art LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by art");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['art'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "ansprechpartneradresse":
+ $adressId = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ if(is_numeric($adressId) && $adressId > 0){
+ $adressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE id = '$adressId' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $limit = '';
+ if($adressId <= 0){
+ $adresse = explode(' ', $adressId);
+ $adressId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE name = '".$adresse[0]."' AND name != '' LIMIT 1");
+ if($adressId <= 0){
+ $limit = ' LIMIT 20 ';
+ }
+ }
+ if($adressId > 0){
+ $subwhere = " AND = '$adressId'";
+ }else{
+ $subwhere = '';
+ }
+ $felder = array('');
+ $subwhere2 = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(, ' ',, ' ', IF(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT('(',, ', Kdr: ', a.kundennummer, ' Liefr: ', a.lieferantennummer, ')'), CONCAT('(',, ', Kdr: ', a.kundennummer, ')'))) AS name
+ FROM ansprechpartner an
+ LEFT JOIN adresse a ON an.adresse =
+ WHERE ($subwhere2) AND > 0 AND a.geloescht = 0 $subwhere ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt').$limit);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = "{$arr[$i]['name']}";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "ansprechpartner":
+ $adresse = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM ansprechpartner WHERE adresse='$adresse' AND name LIKE '%$term%' AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER by name");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "hersteller":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT hersteller FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND hersteller LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by hersteller");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['hersteller'];
+ break;
+ case "rmakategorien":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM rma_vorlagen_kategorien WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "spedition_einstellungen_feld":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT feld FROM spedition_einstellungen WHERE aktiv=1 AND feld LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by feld");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['feld'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "zeiterfassung_beschreibung":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT beschreibung FROM zeiterfassung_kosten WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by beschreibung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['beschreibung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "eigenschaften_vorlagen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM eigenschaften_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "ticketnummer":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(t.schluessel, ' Name: ', t.kunde, ' Betr: ', t.betreff) as schluessel FROM ticket t WHERE t.schluessel LIKE '%$term%' OR t.kunde LIKE '%$term%' OR t.betreff LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY t.schluessel");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['schluessel'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "abosammelrechnungen":
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM adresse_abosammelrechnungen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND adresse = '$id' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "arbeitsplatzgruppe":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ',bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM arbeitsplatzgruppen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM artikelarbeitsanweisung_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM artikelfunktionsprotokoll_vorlagen WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "fahrtenbuch_kennzeichen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT kennzeichen FROM fahrtenbuch_fahrzeuge WHERE kennzeichen LIKE '%$term%' AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY kennzeichen");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kennzeichen'];
+ break;
+ case "fahrtenbuch_strecke":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT strecke FROM fahrtenbuch_vorlagen WHERE (strecke LIKE '%$term%' OR strecke LIKE '%$term2%' OR strecke LIKE '%$term3%') AND aktiv = 1 ORDER BY strecke");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['strecke'];
+ break;
+ case "verpackungsgruppe":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT verpackungsgruppe FROM verpackungen_details WHERE verpackungsgruppe LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by verpackungsgruppe");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['verpackungsgruppe'];
+ break;
+ case "dropshipping_gruppe":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM dropshipping_gruppe WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "layoutvorlage":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id, ' ', name) AS name FROM layoutvorlagen WHERE name LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY name");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "uservorlage":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT bezeichnung FROM uservorlage WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by bezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "lagergrund":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(referenz,'Umlagern fü :',''),'Differenz:','')) as ergebnis FROM lager_bewegung WHERE REPLACE(referenz,'Differenz:','') LIKE '%$term%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Inventur%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Charge%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Lieferschein%'
+ AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Manuell%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Wareneingang%' AND referenz NOT LIKE '%Lieferungen%' LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['ergebnis'];
+ break;
+ case "auftrag_zahlungseingang":
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' ',REPLACE(,',',''),' ',r.internet,' GESAMT: ',r.gesamtsumme,' (Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status) as name
+ FROM auftrag r LEFT JOIN adresse a ON WHERE r.belegnr!=''
+ AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%' OR IFNULL(r.internet,'') LIKE '%$term%' ) ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "rechnung_zahlungseingang":
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' Soll:',r.soll,' Ist:',,' ',' Diff:',(*-1,' ',
+ if(r.zahlungszielskonto > 0,if(isnull(r.skontobetrag),CONCAT('SK:',r.zahlungszielskonto,'%(',FORMAT((r.soll/100)*r.zahlungszielskonto,2),') '),concat('SK:',FORMAT(100*r.skontobetrag / r.soll,2),'%(',FORMAT(r.skontobetrag,2),')')),''),REPLACE(,',',''),'(Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status
+ ,IF(IFNULL(ab.internet,'')!='',CONCAT(' Intenet: ',ab.internet),'')
+ ) as name
+ FROM rechnung r
+ LEFT JOIN auftrag ab ON r.auftragid =
+ LEFT JOIN adresse a ON
+ WHERE r.belegnr!='' AND
+ ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%'
+ OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%'
+ OR IFNULL(ab.internet,'') LIKE '%$term%'
+ )
+ AND r.zahlungsstatus!='bezahlt'
+ ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "gutschrift_zahlungseingang":
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' SOLL: ',r.soll,' IST:',,' ',REPLACE(,',',''),' (Kunde ',a.kundennummer,') vom ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' Status: ',r.status) as name
+ FROM gutschrift r LEFT JOIN adresse a ON WHERE r.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR a.kundennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') AND (r.manuell_vorabbezahlt IS NULL OR r.manuell_vorabbezahlt='0000-00-00') ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "gutschrift":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) AS name
+ FROM gutschrift WHERE belegnr != '' AND belegnr != '0' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." ORDER BY belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "angebot":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM angebot WHERE belegnr!='' AND belegnr!='0' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "bestellung":
+ $status = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('status');
+ switch($status) {
+ case 'freigegeben':
+ case 'abgeschlossen':
+ case 'versendet':
+ case 'strorniert':
+ break;
+ default:
+ $status = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM bestellung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".($status != ''?" AND status = '".$status."' ":'').$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "preisanfrage":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM preisanfrage WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")." ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "bestellunggesamtsumme":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("gesamtsumme",2).",' ',waehrung,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM bestellung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "auftrag_position_dienstleistung":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ap.menge, as auftragspositionid,CONCAT(a.belegnr,'-',ap.sort,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' ',ap.bezeichnung) as name
+ FROM auftrag_position ap LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON LEFT JOIN artikel art ON WHERE art.dienstleistung=1 AND a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ foreach($arr as $value){
+ $sollzeit = number_format($value['menge'],2);
+ $istzeit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(Time_to_sec(Timediff(z.von,z.bis))/3600) FROM zeiterfassung z WHERE z.auftragpositionid = '{$value['auftragspositionid']}'");
+ $newarr[] = $value['name'] . " ( " . number_format(($istzeit*-1),2) . " von " . $sollzeit . ")";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "alle_auftrag_positionen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT ap.menge, as auftragspositionid,CONCAT(a.belegnr,'-',ap.sort,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),' ',ap.bezeichnung) as name
+ FROM auftrag_position ap LEFT JOIN auftrag a ON WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ foreach($arr as $value){
+ $sollzeit = number_format($value['menge'],2);
+ $istzeit = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT SUM(Time_to_sec(Timediff(z.von,z.bis))/3600) FROM zeiterfassung z WHERE z.auftragpositionid = '{$value['auftragspositionid']}'");
+ $newarr[] = $value['name'] . " ( " . number_format(($istzeit*-1),2) . " von " . $sollzeit . ")";
+ }
+ break;
+ case "auftragihrebestellnummer":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y'),
+ if(ihrebestellnummer!='',CONCAT(' ',ihrebestellnummer),''),if(internebezeichnung!='',CONCAT(' ',internebezeichnung),'')) as name
+ FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status!='angelegt' AND
+ (name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%' OR ihrebestellnummer LIKE '%$term%' OR internebezeichnung LIKE '%$term%'
+ OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "auftrag":
+ $status = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('status');
+ switch($status) {
+ case 'freigegeben':
+ case 'abgeschlossen':
+ case 'strorniert':
+ break;
+ default:
+ $status = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM auftrag a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." ".($status != ''?" AND a.status = '".$status."' ":'')." ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "auftragmitrechnung":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM auftrag a
+ INNER JOIN rechnung r ON = r.auftragid AND r.belegnr <> ''
+ WHERE a.belegnr!='0' AND a.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') GROUP BY ORDER by a.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "auftrag_freigegeben":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM auftrag WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status='freigegeben' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "rechnung_freigegeben":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND status='freigegeben' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "produktion":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM produktion WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "arbeitsnachweis":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM arbeitsnachweis WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "lieferschein":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM lieferschein WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case 'rechnung':
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM rechnung WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case 'retoure':
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(belegnr,' ',name,' ',DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM retoure WHERE belegnr!='0' AND belegnr!='' AND (name LIKE '%$term%' OR belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "rechnungmitauftrag":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(r.belegnr,' ',,' ',DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as name
+ FROM rechnung r
+ INNER JOIN auftrag a ON r.auftragid =
+ LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
+ WHERE r.belegnr!='0' AND r.belegnr!='' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR r.belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR DATE_FORMAT(r.datum,'%Y-%m-%d') LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." GROUP BY ORDER by r.belegnr DESC LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "vpeartikel":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT vpe FROM verkaufspreise WHERE geloescht=0 AND vpe LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by vpe");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['vpe'];
+ break;
+ case "herstellerlink":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT herstellerlink FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND herstellerlink LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by herstellerlink");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['herstellerlink'];
+ break;
+ case 'lagerplatz':
+ case 'lagerplatzstandardlager':
+ $onlyStdLager = $filtername === 'lagerplatzstandardlager';
+ $stdLager = 0;
+ if($rmodule === 'produktionszentrum' || $rmodule==='produktion') {
+ if($onlyStdLager > 0 && $rid > 0) {
+ $stdLager = (int)$this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT standardlager FROM produktion WHERE id = %d',
+ $rid
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ $withzwischenlager = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('zwischenlager');
+ $withstadardlager = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('withstandardlager');
+ $sql = "SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
+ FROM lager_platz AS lp
+ LEFT JOIN lager AS l ON
+ WHERE lp.geloescht=0 AND ('$stdLager' = '0' OR = '$stdLager')
+ AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".
+ $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('l.projekt').'
+ ORDER BY lp.kurzbezeichnung';
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ if(empty($arr)) {
+ $arr = [];
+ }
+ if($withzwischenlager) {
+ $arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT 'Zwischenlager' AS kurzbezeichnung FROM (SELECT 1) a WHERE 'Zwischenlager' LIKE '%$term%' "
+ );
+ if(!empty($arr2)) {
+ $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
+ }
+ }
+ if($withstadardlager) {
+ $arr2 = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT 'Standardlager' AS kurzbezeichnung FROM (SELECT 1) a WHERE 'Standardlager' LIKE '%$term%'"
+ );
+ if(!empty($arr2)) {
+ $arr = array_merge($arr, $arr2);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($arr)) {
+ sort($arr);
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'artikelfremdnummern':
+ $article = explode(' ', $this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel'));
+ $article = reset($article);
+ $articleId = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikelid');
+ $bezeichnung = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('bezeichnung');
+ $shopid = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('shopid');
+ if(empty($articleId) && !empty($article)) {
+ $articleId = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT id
+ FROM artikel
+ WHERE nummer = '%s' AND nummer <> '' AND geloescht <> 1
+ ORDER BY intern_gesperrt
+ LIMIT 1",
+ $article
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if(!empty($articleId)) {
+ $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT af.nummer
+ FROM artikelnummer_fremdnummern AS af
+ WHERE af.artikel = %d AND af.aktiv = 1 AND (af.bezeichnung = '%s' OR '%s' = '')
+ AND af.nummer LIKE '%%%s%%' AND af.shopid = %d",
+ $articleId, $bezeichnung, $bezeichnung, $term, $shopid
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ case "bezeichnungfremdnr":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT DISTINCT af.bezeichnung FROM artikelnummer_fremdnummern af');
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ if(!in_array('ID', $newarr)){
+ $newarr[] = 'ID';
+ }
+ if(!in_array('SKU', $newarr)){
+ $newarr[] = 'SKU';
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lagerplatzprojekt":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
+ FROM lager_platz AS lp
+ INNER JOIN lager l ON lp.lager = AND (l.projekt = 0 OR (1 '.$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('l.projekt')."))
+ WHERE lp.geloescht=0 AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%'
+ ORDER BY lp.kurzbezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "sperrlagerplatz":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT kurzbezeichnung FROM lager_platz WHERE geloescht=0 AND sperrlager = 1 AND kurzbezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by kurzbezeichnung");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['kurzbezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case 'lagerplatzartikel':
+ $artikel = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel');
+ $pos = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('pos');
+ $doctype = strtolower($this->app->Secure->GetGET('doctype'));
+ $join = '';
+ if($pos > 0 && $doctype === 'lieferschein' && $artikel > 0) {
+ $seriennummern = $this->app->DB->Select(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT `seriennummern` FROM artikel WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
+ $artikel
+ )
+ );
+ if($seriennummern !== 'keine' && !empty($seriennummern)) {
+ $cSn = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ sprintf(
+ FROM `beleg_chargesnmhd`
+ WHERE doctype = \'%s\' AND pos = %d AND type = \'sn\' AND wert <> \'\'
+ ',
+ $doctype, $pos
+ )
+ );
+ $position = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf('SELECT menge, geliefert FROM lieferschein_position WHERE id = %d',
+ $pos
+ )
+ );
+ if($cSn == $position['menge']) {
+ $join = sprintf(' INNER JOIN
+ (
+ SELECT lagerplatz
+ FROM `beleg_chargesnmhd`
+ WHERE doctype = \'%s\' AND parameter = %d
+ GROUP BY lagerplatz
+ ) AS bc ON = bc.lagerplatz ',
+ $doctype, $pos
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ sprintf('SELECT lp.kurzbezeichnung
+ FROM lager_platz AS lp
+ INNER JOIN lager_platz_inhalt AS lpi on = lpi.lager_platz
+ %s
+ WHERE lpi.artikel=%d AND lp.geloescht=0 AND lp.kurzbezeichnung LIKE \'%%%s%%\'
+ GROUP BY lp.kurzbezeichnung
+ ORDER by lp.kurzbezeichnung',
+ $join, $artikel, $term
+ )
+ );
+ if(empty($arr)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach($arr as $row) {
+ $newarr[] = $row['kurzbezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lager":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." ORDER by 1");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case 'lager_produktion':
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l JOIN lager_platz lp ON = lp.lager WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." AND lp.allowproduction = 1 ORDER BY 1");
+ if(empty($arr)){
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT l.bezeichnung FROM lager l WHERE l.geloescht=0 AND l.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("l.projekt")." ORDER by 1");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ break;
+ case "aktionscode":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(code,' ',beschriftung) as name FROM aktionscode_liste
+ WHERE (beschriftung LIKE '%$term%' OR code LIKE '%$term%' OR code LIKE '%$term2%' OR code LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 ORDER by code");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "waehrung":
+ if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM waehrung_umrechnung LIMIT 1")) {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("
+ (
+ SELECT DISTINCT waehrung_nach as name FROM waehrung_umrechnung
+ WHERE (waehrung_nach LIKE '%$term%') ORDER by waehrung_nach
+ )
+ (
+ SELECT DISTINCT waehrung_von as name FROM waehrung_umrechnung
+ WHERE (waehrung_von LIKE '%$term%')
+ ORDER by waehrung_von
+ )
+ ORDER by name");
+ }else{
+ $waehrungen = $this->app->erp->GetWaehrung();
+ if($waehrungen)
+ {
+ foreach($waehrungen as $v)
+ {
+ if($v) {
+ $sqla[] = " (SELECT '$v' as name FROM (SELECT 1) AS X WHERE
+ '$v' LIKE '%$term%'
+ ) ";
+ }
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT FROM ( ".implode(' UNION ', $sqla)." ) t ORDER BY name ");
+ }
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "sachkonto":
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("cmd");
+ if($cmd!="") $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE abkuerzung='".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($cmd)."' LIMIT 1");
+ $checkprojekt = ($projekt > 0?$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM kontorahmen WHERE projekt='$projekt'"):0);
+ $checkprojektnull = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM kontorahmen WHERE projekt=0 OR projekt IS NULL");
+ if($checkprojekt > 0)
+ {
+ $andprojekt = "AND (projekt='$projekt' OR projekt = 0 OR projekt IS NULL)";
+ } else {
+ if($checkprojektnull>0)
+ {
+ $andprojekt = " AND (projekt=0 OR projekt IS NULL) ";
+ } else {
+ $andprojekt = "";
+ }
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(sachkonto,' ',beschriftung) as name FROM kontorahmen
+ WHERE (beschriftung LIKE '%$term%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term2%' OR sachkonto LIKE '%$term3%' OR beschriftung LIKE '%$term2%' OR beschriftung LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 $andprojekt ORDER by sachkonto");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "lieferbedingungen":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(lieferbedingungen) as name FROM lieferbedingungen
+ WHERE (lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term%' OR lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term2%' OR lieferbedingungen LIKE '%$term3%') ORDER by lieferbedingungen");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "zeiterfassungvorlage":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT vorlage as name FROM zeiterfassungvorlage
+ WHERE (vorlage LIKE '%$term%' OR vorlage LIKE '%$term2%' OR vorlage LIKE '%$term3%') AND ausblenden!=1 ORDER by vorlage");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "zeiterfassungvorlagedetail":
+ $vorlage = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('vorlage');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow("SELECT vorlagedetail as name, art, projekt, teilprojekt, kunde, abrechnen FROM zeiterfassungvorlage WHERE vorlage = '$vorlage' LIMIT 1");
+ if($arr['projekt'] > 0){
+ $arr['projekt'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(abkuerzung, ' ', name) FROM projekt WHERE id = '".$arr['projekt']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }else{
+ $arr['projekt'] = '';
+ }
+ if($arr['teilprojekt'] > 0){
+ $projektid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM arbeitspaket WHERE id = '".$arr['teilprojekt']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projektid > 0){
+ $projektabk = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id = '$projektid' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projektabk != ""){
+ $arr['teilprojekt'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT('".$arr['teilprojekt']."', ' ', '$projektabk', ' ', aufgabe) FROM arbeitspaket WHERE id = '".$arr['teilprojekt']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }else{
+ $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
+ }
+ }else{
+ $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
+ }
+ }else{
+ $arr['teilprojekt'] = '';
+ }
+ if($arr['kunde'] > 0){
+ $arr['kunde'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(kundennummer, ' ', name) FROM adresse WHERE id = '".$arr['kunde']."' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ if($arr['art'] == ''){
+ $arr['art'] = 'Arbeit';
+ }
+ $newarr[] = $arr['name'];
+ $newarr[] = $arr['art'];
+ $newarr[] = $arr['projekt'];
+ $newarr[] = $arr['teilprojekt'];
+ $newarr[] = $arr['kunde'];
+ $newarr[] = $arr['abrechnen'];
+ break;
+ case "zeiterfassungprojektdetail":
+ $projekt = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('projekt'));
+ $projektkennung = $projekt[0];
+ $kunde = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer,' ',,' (',a.ort,')') AS kunde FROM projekt p JOIN adresse a ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND p.abkuerzung='$projektkennung' LIMIT 1");
+ $newarr[] = $kunde;
+ break;
+ case "zolltarifnummer":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM zolltarifnummer WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by nummer");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "kostenstelle":
+ $felder = array('CONCAT(nummer,\' \',beschreibung)','nummer','beschreibung');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM kostenstellen WHERE $subwhere ORDER by nummer");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "verrechnungsart":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',beschreibung) as name FROM verrechnungsart WHERE beschreibung LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term%' ORDER by nummer");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "kundenrechnung":
+ case "kundenauftrag":
+ case "kundenlieferschein":
+ case "kundenangebot":
+ case "kundenproformarechnung":
+ $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ if(!$adresse)
+ {
+ $kunde = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kunde'));
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer = '".$kunde[0]."' AND kundennummer <> '' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $beleg = str_replace('kunden','',$filtername);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',if(belegnr <> '',belegnr,'ENTWURF'),' ',kundennummer,' ',name) as name FROM $beleg WHERE (belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term%' OR kundennummer LIKE '$%term%') AND (status = 'angelegt' OR status = 'freigegeben')
+ ".($adresse?" AND adresse = '$adresse' ":'')." ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')."
+ ORDER by belegnr LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ case "lieferantenpreisanfrage":
+ case "lieferantenbestellung":
+ $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ if(!$adresse)
+ {
+ $lieferant = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetGET('lieferant'));
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE lieferantennummer = '".$lieferant[0]."' AND lieferantennummer <> '' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $beleg = str_replace('lieferanten','',$filtername);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',if(belegnr <> '',belegnr,'ENTWURF'),' ',lieferantennummer,' ',name) as name FROM $beleg WHERE (belegnr LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term%' OR lieferantennummer LIKE '$%term%') AND (status = 'angelegt' OR status = 'freigegeben')
+ ".($adresse?" AND adresse = '$adresse' ":'')." ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')."
+ ORDER by belegnr LIMIT 20" );
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ break;
+ // Suche nach einzelner Artikelnummer
+ case 'artikelnummer':
+ case 'artikelnummerseriennummer':
+ $isSeriennummer = $filtername === 'artikelnummerseriennummer';
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ if($isSeriennummer) {
+ $tmp_where = " AND seriennummern <> '' AND seriennummern <> 'keine' ";
+ }
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ //$checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ //$eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
+ //else $tmp_where = "";
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as `name`
+ FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
+ $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). ' LIMIT 20'
+ );
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummerstueckliste":
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
+ if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
+ $felder[] = 'e.bestellnummer';
+ $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel AS art
+ LEFT JOIN einkaufspreise e ON = e.artikel AND e.bestellnummer != '' AND e.geloescht = 0 AND e.bestellnummer IS NOT NULL AND
+ (IFNULL(e.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00') > NOW() OR IFNULL(e.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00')='0000-00-00')
+ LEFT JOIN verkaufspreise v ON = v.artikel AND v.kundenartikelnummer != '' AND v.geloescht = 0 AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL AND
+ (IFNULL(v.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00') > NOW() OR IFNULL(v.gueltig_bis,'0000-00-00')='0000-00-00')
+ WHERE art.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND art.intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
+ $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). "LIMIT 20");
+ }else{
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where ".
+ $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). "LIMIT 20");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummermitseriennummern":
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND seriennummern<>'keine' $tmp_where ".
+ $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('art.projekt'). 'LIMIT 20');
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelmengeinbeleg":
+ $beleg = $this->app->Secure->GetGet('beleg');
+ $belegid = $this->app->Secure->GetGet('id');
+ $artikel = explode(' ',$this->app->Secure->GetPost('vorlage'));
+ $artikelnummer = $artikel[0];
+ $artikelid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer='$artikelnummer' AND geloescht=0 LIMIT 1");
+ if($artikelid){
+ $menge = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT '.$this->app->erp->FormatMenge('SUM(menge)').' FROM '.$beleg."_position WHERE artikel='$artikelid' AND $beleg='$belegid'");
+ }
+ if(!$menge){
+ $menge='0';
+ }
+ $newarr[] = $menge;
+ break;
+ // Suche nach mehreren Artikelnummern (kommagetrennt)
+ case "artikelnummer_multi":
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false) {
+ $term = substr($term, (strripos($term,',')+1));
+ }
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "portoartikel":
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ //$projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ //$checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ //$eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
+ //else $tmp_where = "";
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND porto = 1 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "juststuecklistenartikel":
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND stueckliste = 1 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "stuecklistenartikel":
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ if($projekt != '')
+ {
+ if(is_numeric($projekt))
+ {
+ $tmp_where = " AND projekt = '$projekt' ";
+ }else{
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE ifnull(geloescht,0) = 0 AND abkuerzung = '$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if($projekt){
+ $tmp_where = " AND projekt = '$projekt' ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $juststueckliste = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('juststueckliste');
+ if($juststueckliste)
+ {
+ $swhere = '';
+ }else{
+ $swhere = ' AND juststueckliste = 0 ';
+ }
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel AS art WHERE geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 AND stueckliste = 1 $swhere $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "artikelstueckliste":
+ $stuecklistenartikel = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('stuecklistenartikel');
+ $artikelID = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer = '$stuecklistenartikel'");
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) AS name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN stueckliste s ON WHERE s.stuecklistevonartikel='$artikelID' AND a.geloescht=0 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelinstueckliste":
+ $stuecklistenartikel = trim($this->app->Secure->GetGET('art'));
+ if($stuecklistenartikel != ''){
+ $stuecklistenartikel = explode(' ', $stuecklistenartikel);
+ $stuecklistenartikelnr = $stuecklistenartikel[0];
+ $stuecklistenartikelid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer = '$stuecklistenartikelnr' LIMIT 1");
+ if($stuecklistenartikelid != "" && $stuecklistenartikelid > 0){
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer, ' ', a.name_de) as name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN stueckliste s ON = s.artikel WHERE a.geloescht = 0 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%') AND a.intern_gesperrt != 1 AND s.stuecklistevonartikel = '$stuecklistenartikelid'");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "partlistfrom":
+ $article_id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('article_id');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("
+ SELECT concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel art
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT stuecklistevonartikel FROM stueckliste WHERE artikel = '$article_id') s
+ ON = s.stuecklistevonartikel
+ WHERE (concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR concat(art.nummer,' ',art.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%')
+ ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummertagespreise":
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ $checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1')
+ {
+ $tmp_where = " AND projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name FROM artikel WHERE geloescht=0 AND tagespreise = 1 AND (nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term2%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term2%' OR nummer LIKE '%$term3%' OR name_de LIKE '%$term3%' OR herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR ean LIKE '%$term%' ".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1 $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "keinelagerartikelnummer":
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND (lagerartikel!='1' OR dienstleistung=1) AND porto!=1 AND stueckliste!=1 LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lagerartikelnummer":
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND lagerartikel='1' LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lagerartikelnummerohnechargemhdseriennummer":
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND lagerartikel='1' AND chargenverwaltung = 0 AND mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum <> 1 AND (seriennummern = '' OR seriennummern = 'keine') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')." LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lagerartikelkategorie":
+ $felder = array('bezeichnung');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT bezeichnung FROM artikelkategorien WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "chargenartikel":
+ $felder = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','art.herstellernummer','art.ean','CONCAT(art.nummer,\' \',art.name_de)');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel AS art WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht=0 AND intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND chargenverwaltung > 0 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('projekt')." LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummerlager":
+ $lager_platz = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('lager_platz');
+ $lwhere = '';
+ if($lager_platz){
+ $lwhere = " and lpi.lager_platz = '$lager_platz' ";
+ }
+ $felder = array('ar.nummer','ar.name_de','ar.herstellernummer','ar.ean','CONCAT(ar.nummer,\' \',ar.name_de)');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'ar.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ // heute 13.07. das INNER zu einem LEFT gemacht
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(ar.nummer,' ',ar.name_de) as name
+ FROM artikel ar LEFT JOIN lager_platz_inhalt lpi ON WHERE ($subwhere) AND ar.geloescht=0 AND ar.intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND ar.lagerartikel='1' $lwhere GROUP BY CONCAT(ar.nummer,' ',ar.name_de) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('ar.projekt')." LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummerprojektpos":
+ $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
+ if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche'))
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'a.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $projekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter('pos_list_projekt');
+ $projekArr = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT id, pos_artikelnurausprojekt,eanherstellerscan
+ FROM projekt WHERE id = %d
+ LIMIT 1',
+ (int)$projekt
+ )
+ );
+ $checkprojekt = 0;
+ $eigenernummernkreis = 0;
+ $eanherstellerscan = 0;
+ if(!empty($projekArr)){
+ $checkprojekt = $projekArr['id'];
+ $eigenernummernkreis = $projekArr['pos_artikelnurausprojekt'];
+ $eanherstellerscan = $projekArr['eanherstellerscan'];
+ }
+ if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1') {
+ $tmp_where = " AND a.projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ }
+ // besser ist wenn man die immer scannt da es oberflächen gibt wo das projekt nicht angegeben werden kann
+ if(0)//$eanherstellerscan)
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name, FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%'".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
+ }
+ else {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name, FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ {
+ $check_lagerartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lagerartikel FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($check_lagerartikel)
+ {
+ $summe_im_lager = (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(SUM(li.menge),0) FROM lager_platz_inhalt li LEFT JOIN lager_platz lp ON WHERE li.artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."'");
+ if($summe_im_lager > 0)
+ {
+ $artikel_reserviert = (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(SUM(menge),0) FROM lager_reserviert WHERE artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."' AND (datum>=NOW() OR datum='0000-00-00')");
+ }else $artikel_reserviert = 0;
+ }
+ if($check_lagerartikel && ($summe_im_lager - $artikel_reserviert) <= 0) {
+ $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
+ } else {
+ $lager='';
+ }
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'].$lager;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "artikelnummerprojekt":
+ $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $checkprojekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $eigenernummernkreis = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $eanherstellerscan = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eanherstellerscan FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt'");
+ if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=='1') {
+ $tmp_where = " AND a.projekt='$checkprojekt' ";
+ }
+ else {
+ $tmp_where = '';
+ }
+ // besser ist wenn man die immer scannt da es oberflächen gibt wo das projekt nicht angegeben werden kann
+ if(0)//$eanherstellerscan)
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND (a.nummer LIKE '%$term%' OR a.name_de LIKE '%$term%' OR a.herstellernummer LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term2%' OR CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de) LIKE '%$term3%' OR a.ean LIKE '%$term%'".($artikel_freitext1_suche?" OR freifeld1 LIKE '%$term%' ":"").") $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
+ }
+ else {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,if(a.herstellernummer IS NULL OR a.herstellernummer='','',CONCAT(' PN: ',a.herstellernummer))) as name FROM artikel a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1 AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where ORDER by DESC LIMIT 20");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lagerartikelnummerprojekt":
+ $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.herstellernummer','a.ean','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)','a.herstellernummer');
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'art.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,' (',p.abkuerzung,')') as name FROM artikel a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.porto=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND (
+ $subwhere
+ ) LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "verkaufartikelnummerprojekt":
+ $letzte_menge = null;
+ $artikel_freitext1_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_freitext1_suche');
+ $projekt = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('projekt');
+ $projectRow = empty($projekt)?null: $this->app->DB->SelectRow(
+ sprintf(
+ 'SELECT `id`, `eigenernummernkreis`, `projektlager` FROM `projekt` WHERE `id` = %d', $projekt
+ )
+ );
+ $checkprojekt = empty($projectRow)?null:$projectRow['id'];// $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $eigenernummernkreis = empty($projectRow)?null:$projectRow['eigenernummernkreis'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
+ $projectStorage = !empty($projectRow['projektlager'])?$checkprojekt:0;
+ $smodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('smodule');
+ $sid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sid');
+ $document = $this->app->DB->SelectRow(sprintf('SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `id` = %d', $smodule, $sid));
+ $adresse = $document['adresse'];// $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ $waehrung = $document['waehrung'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ $posanz = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM $smodule"."_position WHERE $smodule = '$sid'");
+ if($posanz == 0)
+ {
+ $waehrung = '';
+ }
+ $anzeigebrutto = false;
+ if($smodule == 'auftrag' || $smodule == 'rechnung' || $smodule == 'gutschrift' || $smodule == 'angebot' || $smodule == 'proformarechnung')
+ {
+ $_anrede = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT typ FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ $_projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ $funktion = ucfirst($smodule).'MitUmsatzeuer';
+ if($this->app->erp->AnzeigePositionenBrutto($_anrede, $smodule, $_projekt, $adresse,$sid) && $this->app->erp->$funktion($sid))
+ {
+ $anzeigebrutto = true;
+ }
+ }
+ $tmp_where = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('', true, '', array(0, $projekt));
+ //if($checkprojekt > 0 && $eigenernummernkreis=="1") $tmp_where = $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte();
+ //else $tmp_where = "";
+ $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','a.ean','a.herstellernummer','a.name_de','CONCAT(a.nummer,\' \',a.name_de)');
+ if($artikel_freitext1_suche)
+ {
+ $felder[] = 'a.freifeld1';
+ }
+ $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
+ if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche){
+ $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
+ $felder[] = 'e.bestellnummer';
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join = "
+ LEFT JOIN `einkaufspreise` AS `e` ON AND e.geloescht = 0
+ AND e.bestellnummer IS NOT NULL AND (e.gueltig_bis IS NULL OR e.gueltig_bis = '0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis >= CURDATE())
+ AND (e.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR e.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
+ if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND (e.waehrung='EUR' OR e.waehrung = '') ";
+ }
+ elseif($waehrung != ''){
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND e.waehrung='{$waehrung}' ";
+ }
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "LEFT JOIN `verkaufspreise` AS `v` ON AND v.geloescht = 0
+ AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL
+ AND (v.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR v.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR v.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
+ if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND (v.waehrung='EUR' OR v.waehrung = '') ";
+ }
+ elseif($waehrung != ''){
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= " AND v.waehrung = '{$waehrung}' ";
+ }
+ $artikelnummer_suche_where = '';
+ }else{
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join = "";
+ $artikelnummer_suche_where = "";
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ a.nummer,' ',a.name_de,' (',p.abkuerzung,if(a.lagerartikel=1,'',''),')',
+ if(a.herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',a.herstellernummer,')'),'')
+ ) as `name` , a.lagerartikel, a.porto, a.keinrabatterlaubt, a.juststueckliste, a.stueckliste
+ FROM `artikel` AS `a`
+ LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` ON
+ ".$artikelnummer_suche_join."
+ WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
+ ".$artikelnummer_suche_where."
+ AND ($subwhere) $tmp_where LIMIT 20");
+ if ($module != "") {
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$module` LIKE 'realrabatt'")) {
+ $rabatt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT realrabatt FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_erweiterung = '';
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
+ $arr[$i]['name'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de,if(herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',herstellernummer,')'),'') ) FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $keinrabatterlaubt = $arr[$i]['keinrabatterlaubt'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT keinrabatterlaubt FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $checkporto = $arr[$i]['porto'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT porto FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $gruppenarray = $this->app->erp->GetGruppen($adresse);
+ $cgruppenarray = !empty($gruppenarray)?count($gruppenarray):0;
+ if($cgruppenarray >0)
+ {
+ $sql_erweiterung = ' OR ';
+ }
+ for($gi=0;$gi<$cgruppenarray;$gi++)
+ {
+ $sql_erweiterung .= " gruppe='".$gruppenarray[$gi]."' ";
+ if($gi<$cgruppenarray-1){
+ $sql_erweiterung .= ' OR ';
+ }
+ }
+ $vkarr = $this->app->erp->GeneratePreisliste($arr[$i]['id'],$adresse,$rabatt, $waehrung);
+ $check_lagerartikel = $arr[$i]['lagerartikel'];//$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lagerartikel FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $isJit = $arr[$i]['juststueckliste'];
+ //$newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name']." ($label Inkl. Rabatt ".$rabatt."%: ".$this->app->erp->Rabatt($arr[$i]['preis'],$rabatt).")";
+ if($isJit) {
+ $preproducedpartlist = $this->app->erp->getPreproducedPartlistFromArticle($arr[$i]['id']);
+ if(!empty($preproducedpartlist)
+ && ($partlistsellable = $this->app->erp->ArtikelAnzahlVerkaufbar($preproducedpartlist, $projektlager))
+ ) {
+ $lager = ' (Verfügbar: '.round($partlistsellable,4);
+ }
+ else {
+ $lager = (float)$this->app->erp->ArtikelAnzahlLagerStueckliste($arr[$i]['id'], $projectStorage);
+ if($lager == 0) {
+ $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $lager = ' (Verfügbar: '.round($lager,4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif($this->app->erp->LagerFreieMenge($arr[$i]['id']) <= 0 && $check_lagerartikel){
+ $lager=' (Aktuell kein Lagerbestand bzw. durch Aufträge reserviert) ';
+ }
+ else{
+ if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('lagerbestand_in_auftragspositionen_anzeigen')){
+ $artikel_reserviert = $this->app->DB->Select('SELECT '.$this->app->erp->FormatMenge('SUM(menge)')." FROM lager_reserviert WHERE artikel='".$arr[$i]['id']."' AND (datum>=NOW() OR datum='0000-00-00')");
+ $lager=' (Verfügbar: '.$this->app->erp->LagerFreieMenge($arr[$i]['id']);
+ if($artikel_reserviert)
+ {
+ $lager .= ' Reserviert: '.$artikel_reserviert;
+ }
+ else {
+ $lager .= ' Reserviert: 0';
+ }
+ $lager .= ') ';
+ }else{
+ $lager='';
+ }
+ }
+ $cvkarr = !empty($vkarr)?count($vkarr):0;
+ $letzte_menge = null;
+ for($vi=0;$vi<$cvkarr;$vi++)
+ {
+ if(isset($vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge']))
+ {
+ $vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'], 8);
+ }
+ $tmprabatt = $rabatt;
+ if($vkarr[$vi]['art']=='Kunde' && ($vkarr[$vi]['adresse']<=0 || $vkarr[$vi]['adresse']=='')){
+ $vkarr[$vi]['art'] = 'Standardpreis';
+ }
+ $preis = 0;
+ if($letzte_menge !=$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'])
+ {
+ if($keinrabatterlaubt=='1' || $checkporto=='1')
+ {
+ $preis = $vkarr[$vi]['preis']; //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
+ $newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name']." $lager ab Menge ".$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'].' | Preis: '.$preis.
+ ' ('.$vkarr[$vi]['art'].' - Kein Rabatt erlaubt) ';
+ } else {
+ if($this->app->erp->IsSpezialVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse))
+ {
+ $tmprabatt=0;
+ $rabatt_string = ' - Kein Rabatt auf Spezialpreis';
+ $uvp_string = '(UVP: '.$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse).") ";
+ } else {
+ if($tmprabatt > 0) {
+ $rabatt_string = ' Inkl. Rabatt '.$tmprabatt.'%';
+ $uvp_string = '(UVP: '.$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge'],$adresse).") ";
+ } else {
+ $rabatt_string = '';
+ $uvp_string = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if($anzeigebrutto)
+ {
+ $umsatzsteuer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT umsatzsteuer FROM artikel WHERE id = '".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($umsatzsteuer == 'ermaessigt')
+ {
+ $vkarr[$vi]['preis'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['preis']* (1+ (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT steuersatz_ermaessigt FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1")/100),8);
+ }elseif($umsatzsteuer != 'befreit')
+ {
+ $vkarr[$vi]['preis'] = round($vkarr[$vi]['preis'] * (1+ (float)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT steuersatz_normal FROM $smodule WHERE id = '$sid' LIMIT 1")/100),8);
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('viernachkommastellen_belege')){
+ $preis = number_format(rtrim($vkarr[$vi]['preis'], 0), 4, ',', '.'); //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
+ }
+ else{
+ $preis = number_format(rtrim($vkarr[$vi]['preis'], 0), 2, ',', '.'); //$this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],$vkarr[$vi][ab_menge],$adresse);
+ }
+ $newarr[]=$arr[$i]['name'].($vkarr[$vi]['vpe']!=''?' (Menge in VPE: '.$vkarr[$vi]['vpe'].")":"")." $lager ab Menge ".$vkarr[$vi]['ab_menge']." | Preis: ".$preis.
+ " $uvp_string(".$vkarr[$vi]['art'].$rabatt_string.') ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($vi==0)
+ {
+ $rabattartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rabatt FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $rabattartikel_prozent = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT rabatt_prozent FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ $arr[$i]['name'] = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT CONCAT(nummer,' ',name_de,if(herstellernummer!='',CONCAT(' (PN: ',herstellernummer,')'),'')) FROM artikel WHERE id='".$arr[$i]['id']."' LIMIT 1");
+ if($rabattartikel=='1'){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: $rabattartikel_prozent% Rabatt auf Gesamtsumme ohne Porto";
+ }
+ else {
+ $preis = $this->app->erp->GetVerkaufspreis($arr[$i]['id'],1,$adresse,$waehrung);
+ if($preis > 0){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: $preis";
+ }
+ else{
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . " $lager ab Menge 1 | Preis: nicht vorhanden";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "einkaufartikelnummerprojekt":
+ $smodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('smodule');
+ $sid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sid');
+ $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT `waehrung` FROM `{$smodule}` WHERE `id`='{$sid}' LIMIT 1");
+ $felder = [
+ 'a.nummer',
+ 'a.name_de',
+ 'e.bezeichnunglieferant',
+ 'e.bestellnummer',
+ ];
+ $artikel_artikelnummer_suche = (int)$this->app->erp->Firmendaten('artikel_artikelnummer_suche');
+ if($artikel_artikelnummer_suche > 0){
+ $felder[] = 'v.kundenartikelnummer';
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join = 'LEFT JOIN `verkaufspreise` `v` ON'
+ .' AND v.geloescht = 0 AND v.kundenartikelnummer IS NOT NULL '
+ . " AND (v.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR v.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR v.gueltig_bis IS NULL) ";
+ if($waehrung === 'EUR') {
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "AND (v.waehrung='EUR' OR v.waehrung = '')";
+ }
+ elseif($waehrung != ''){
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join .= "AND v.waehrung='{$waehrung}'";
+ }
+ $artikelnummer_suche_where = '';
+ }else{
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join = "";
+ $artikelnummer_suche_where = "";
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $adresse = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('adresse');
+ $sql = "SELECT
+ a.nummer,
+ ' ',
+ a.name_de,
+ ' | Bezeichnung bei Lieferant ',
+ IFNULL(e.bestellnummer,'nicht vorhanden'),
+ ' ',
+ LEFT(IFNULL(e.bezeichnunglieferant,'nicht vorhanden'),50),
+ ' | ',
+ ' ab Menge ',
+ ".$this->app->erp->FormatMenge("IFNULL(e.ab_menge,1)").",
+ ' | Preis ',
+ ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("IFNULL(e.preis,0)").",
+ ' | VPE ',
+ ".$this->app->erp->FormatMenge("IF(IFNULL(e.vpe,1)='',1,IFNULL(e.vpe,1))")."
+ ) as `name`
+ FROM `artikel` AS `a`
+ LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` ON
+ LEFT JOIN `einkaufspreise` AS `e` ON "
+ .($waehrung!=""?"AND IFNULL(e.waehrung,'$waehrung')='$waehrung'":"").
+ $artikelnummer_suche_join."
+ WHERE a.tagespreise = 0 AND a.geloescht=0 AND a.intern_gesperrt!=1
+ AND (e.gueltig_bis > NOW() OR e.gueltig_bis='0000-00-00' OR e.gueltig_bis IS NULL)".
+ $artikelnummer_suche_where."
+ AND (IFNULL(e.adresse,0)='$adresse' OR a.allelieferanten=1)
+ AND $subwhere "
+ .$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a.projekt")."
+ GROUP BY a.nummer,a.name_de,e.bezeichnunglieferant,e.bestellnummer, e.preis, e.ab_menge, e.vpe LIMIT 20";
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lieferantname":
+ $felder = array('a.nummer','a.name_de','e.bezeichnunglieferant','e.bestellnummer');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM adresse
+ WHERE geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND (
+ name LIKE '%$term%' OR name LIKE '%$term2%' OR name LIKE '%$term3%'
+ ) order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lieferant":
+ //$arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.lieferantennummer,' ', as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND lieferantennummer!='0' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.lieferantennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." order by LIMIT 20");
+ /*
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT a.lieferantennummer,
+ CONCAT(a2.lieferantennummer, ' ',
+ FROM adresse a2 WHERE a2.lieferantennummer = a.lieferantennummer ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt")." ORDER BY
+ ".($filter_projekt?" a2.projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." a2.projekt LIMIT 1
+ )as name2
+ FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND lieferantennummer!='0' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR a.lieferantennummer LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte()." group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20");
+ */
+ $felder = array("concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',, if(a.ort!='', CONCAT(' ',a.ort),''))");
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',, if(a.ort!='', CONCAT(' (',a.ort,')'),'')) as name2
+ FROM adresse a INNER JOIN (SELECT a2.lieferantennummer, ".($filter_projekt?" min( if(a2.projekt = ".$filter_projekt.", -1,a2.projekt))":" min(a2.projekt) ")." as mprojekt FROM adresse a2
+ LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar2 ON = ar2.adresse AND ar2.projekt > 0 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("ar2.projekt")."
+ WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.lieferantennummer!='' AND a2.lieferantennummer!='0' AND (1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb')." OR not isnull( )
+ group by a2.lieferantennummer) adr
+ ON a.lieferantennummer = adr.lieferantennummer AND ".($filter_projekt?"(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)":"a.projekt = adr.mprojekt")."
+ LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse AND ar.projekt > 0
+ WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere)
+ group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20
+ ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name2'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "lieferantartikel":
+ $felder = array("concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ',");
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $artikel = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(a.lieferantennummer,' ', as name2
+ FROM adresse a INNER JOIN (SELECT a2.lieferantennummer, ".($filter_projekt?" min( if(a2.projekt = ".$filter_projekt.", -1,a2.projekt))":" min(a2.projekt) ")." as mprojekt FROM adresse a2
+ WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.lieferantennummer!='' AND a2.lieferantennummer!='0' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb')."
+ group by a2.lieferantennummer) adr
+ ON a.lieferantennummer = adr.lieferantennummer AND ".($filter_projekt?"(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)":"a.projekt = adr.mprojekt")."
+ INNER JOIN einkaufspreise ep ON ep.adresse = AND ep.artikel = '$artikel'
+ WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.lieferantennummer!='' AND a.lieferantennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a.projekt")." group by a.lieferantennummer order by name2 LIMIT 20
+ ");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name2'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "adressegruppevertriebbearbeiter":
+ $typ = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('typ');
+ if($typ === 'vertrieb'){
+ $gruppe = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('group_sales');
+ }elseif($typ === 'bearbeiter'){
+ $gruppe = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('group_employee');
+ }else{
+ $gruppe = '';
+ }
+ $gruppeJoin = '';
+ $gruppeWhere = '';
+ if($gruppe !== ''){
+ $gruppeKennziffer = explode(' ', $gruppe);
+ $gruppeKennziffer = $gruppeKennziffer[0];
+ $gruppeId = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM gruppen WHERE kennziffer = '$gruppeKennziffer' LIMIT 1");
+ if($gruppeId > 0){
+ $gruppeJoin =
+ ' LEFT JOIN `adresse_rolle` AS `ar` ON = ar.adresse';
+ $gruppeWhere =
+ ' AND ar.subjekt = \'Mitglied\' AND ar.objekt = \'Gruppe\' AND ar.parameter = \''.$gruppeId.'\'
+ AND ar.von <= CURDATE() AND (ar.bis = \'0000-00-00\' OR ar.bis >= CURDATE())';
+ }
+ }
+ $felder =
+ array(
+ '(CASE
+ WHEN a.lieferantennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\' Liefr: \',a.lieferantennummer,\')\')
+ WHEN a.kundennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\')\')
+ WHEN a.mitarbeiternummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Mitr: \',a.mitarbeiternummer,\')\')
+ END)'
+ );
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $sql =
+ WHEN a.lieferantennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\' Liefr: \',a.lieferantennummer,\')\')
+ WHEN a.kundennummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Kdr: \',a.kundennummer,\')\')
+ WHEN a.mitarbeiternummer != \'\' THEN CONCAT(,\' \',,\' (Mitr: \',a.mitarbeiternummer,\')\')
+ END) AS `name`
+ FROM `adresse` AS `a` '.$gruppeJoin.'
+ WHERE a.geloescht=0
+ AND ('.$subwhere.') '.$gruppeWhere.$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt').'
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "adresse":
+ $felder = array("if(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT(,' ',a.kundennummer,' ',a.lieferantennummer,')'),CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,')'))");
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $sql = "SELECT if(a.lieferantennummer,CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,' Liefr: ',a.lieferantennummer,')'),CONCAT(,' ',,' (Kdr: ',a.kundennummer,')')) as `name`
+ FROM adresse a WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt')."
+ order by LIMIT 20";
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "adressemitvertrieb":
+ $felder = array("concat(,
+ if(a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '' OR a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',
+ concat(if(a.kundennummer <> '',concat(' ',a.kundennummer),''), if(a.kundennummer <> '' AND a.lieferantennummer <> '',' ',''),if(a.lieferantennummer <> '',concat(' ',a.lieferantennummer),'')
+ ,if((a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '') AND a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',' ',''),
+ if(a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',concat(' ',a.mitarbeiternummer),'')
+ )
+ ,'')
+ )");
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT concat(, ' ',,
+ if(a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '' OR a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',
+ concat(' (',if(a.kundennummer <> '',concat('Kdr: ',a.kundennummer),''), if(a.kundennummer <> '' AND a.lieferantennummer <> '',' ',''),if(a.lieferantennummer <> '',concat('Liefr: ',a.lieferantennummer),'')
+ ,if((a.kundennummer <> '' OR a.lieferantennummer <> '') AND a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',' ',''),
+ if(a.mitarbeiternummer <> '',concat('Mitr: ',a.mitarbeiternummer),'')
+ ,')')
+ ,'')
+ )
+ as name
+ FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND ($subwhere) AND ((1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte().") OR = '".$this->app->User->GetAdresse()."') order by LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'kundepos':
+ $aktprojekt = $this->app->User->GetParameter('pos_list_projekt');
+ $felder = array("CONCAT(ifnull(a.kundennummer,''),' ',,if(a.projekt > 0,CONCAT(' (',p.abkuerzung,')'),''),if(ifnull(a.freifeld1,'')!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),''))");
+ $swhere = '';
+ if($aktprojekt && !$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT pos_kundenalleprojekte FROM projekt WHERE id = '$aktprojekt' LIMIT 1") && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT eigenernummernkreis FROM projekt WHERE id = '$aktprojekt' LIMIT 1")){
+ $swhere = " AND = '$aktprojekt' ";
+ }
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer,' ',,if(a.projekt > 0,CONCAT(' (',p.abkuerzung,')'),''),if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.kundennummer!='' AND a.kundennummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) $swhere order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'kunde':
+ $felder = array("CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(ifnull(a.freifeld1,'')!='',CONCAT(' (',ifnull(a.freifeld1,''),')'),''),' ',a.plz,' ',a.ort)");
+ if($term2 === $term){
+ $term2 = '';
+ }
+ if($term3 === $term){
+ $term3 = '';
+ }
+ $terma = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term),'%'));
+ $terma2 = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term2),'%'));
+ $terma3 = explode('%', trim(str_replace('%%','%',$term3),'%'));
+ foreach($felder as $v)
+ {
+ $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term%' ";
+ if($term2 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term2%' ";
+ }
+ if($term3 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwherea[] = " $v LIKE '%$term3%' ";
+ }
+ }
+ $terma21 = '';
+ $terma22 = '';
+ $terma31 = '';
+ $terma32 = '';
+ if(count($terma2) > 1)
+ {
+ $terma22 = $terma2[count($terma2)-1];
+ unset($terma2[count($terma2)-1]);
+ $terma21 = implode('%', $terma2);
+ }
+ if(count($terma3) > 1)
+ {
+ $terma32 = $terma3[count($terma3)-1];
+ unset($terma3[count($terma3)-1]);
+ $terma31 = implode('%', $terma3);
+ }
+ if(count($terma) > 1) {
+ $terma12 = $terma[count($terma)-1];
+ unset($terma[count($terma)-1]);
+ $terma11 = implode('%', $terma);
+ $subwheretmpa1 = null;
+ $subwheretmpa2 = null;
+ foreach($felder as $v) {
+ if($v !== 'a.ort')
+ {
+ $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma11%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma12%' ";
+ if($terma21 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma21%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma22%' ";
+ }
+ if($terma31 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwheretmpa1[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma31%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa2[] = " $v LIKE '%$terma32%' ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma12%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma11%' ";
+ if($terma21 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma22%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma21%' ";
+ }
+ if($terma31 !== '')
+ {
+ $subwheretmpa3[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma32%' ";
+ $subwheretmpa4[] = " a.ort LIKE '%$terma31%' ";
+ }
+ $subwherea[] = " ((".implode(' OR ', $subwheretmpa3).") AND (".implode(" OR ", $subwheretmpa1).") ) ";
+ $subwherea[] = " ((".implode(' OR ', $subwheretmpa4).") AND (".implode(" OR ", $subwheretmpa2).") ) ";
+ }
+ //$subwhere = implode(' OR ', $subwherea);
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ if($this->app->DB->Select('SELECT id FROM projekt WHERE geloescht <> 1 AND eigenernummernkreis = 1 LIMIT 1')){
+ $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name, a.ort
+ FROM adresse AS a
+ (
+ SELECT a2.kundennummer, " . ($filter_projekt ? " min( if(a2.projekt = " . $filter_projekt . ", -1,a2.projekt))" : " min(a2.projekt) ") . " as mprojekt
+ FROM adresse a2
+ WHERE (a2.geloescht = 0 or isnull(a2.geloescht)) AND a2.kundennummer!='' AND a2.kundennummer!='0' " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("a2.projekt", true, 'a2.vertrieb') . "
+ group by a2.kundennummer
+ ) AS adr
+ ON a.kundennummer = adr.kundennummer AND " . ($filter_projekt ? "(a.projekt = adr.mprojekt OR a.projekt = $filter_projekt AND adr.mprojekt = -1)" : "a.projekt = adr.mprojekt") . "
+ WHERE ($subwhere)
+ " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt', true, 'a.vertrieb') . '
+ GROUP BY a.kundennummer,, a.ort
+ ORDER BY `name` LIMIT 20
+ ';
+ }
+ else {
+ $sql = "
+ SELECT CONCAT(a.kundennummer, ' ',,if(a.freifeld1!='',CONCAT(' (',a.freifeld1,')'),'')) as name, a.ort
+ FROM adresse AS a
+ WHERE ($subwhere) AND kundennummer <> '' AND kundennummer <> '0' AND a.geloescht <> 1
+ " . $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('a.projekt', true, 'a.vertrieb') . '
+ GROUP BY a.kundennummer,, a.ort
+ ORDER BY `name` LIMIT 20
+ ';
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ {
+ if($arr[$i]['ort']!=''){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'] . ' (' . $arr[$i]['ort'] . ')';
+ }
+ else{
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case "mitarbeiter":
+ $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(mitarbeiternummer,' ',name) as name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "mitarbeiterid":
+ $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',name) as name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "mitarbeiteraktuell":
+ $felder = array('mitarbeiternummer','name');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(a.mitarbeiternummer,' ', as name FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN adresse_rolle ar ON = ar.adresse WHERE a.geloescht=0 AND a.mitarbeiternummer!='' AND a.mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) AND ar.subjekt = 'Mitarbeiter' AND (ar.bis = '0000-00-00' OR ar.bis >= CURDATE()) ORDER BY name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "mitarbeitername":
+ $felder = array('name','mitarbeiternummer');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE geloescht=0 AND mitarbeiternummer!='' AND mitarbeiternummer!='0' AND ($subwhere) order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "emailadresse":
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $subwhere1 = '';
+ $subwhere2 = '';
+ if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')!="")
+ {
+ //$adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')."' ".($filter_projekt?" AND (projekt = '$filter_projekt' or projekt = 0) ":"")." LIMIT 1");
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kundennummer')."' AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?" projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
+ if($adresse)
+ {
+ $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
+ $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')!="")
+ {
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE (kundennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."' OR lieferantennummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."' OR mitarbeiternummer like '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_lf_ma_nummer')."') AND geloescht <> 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?" projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
+ if($adresse)
+ {
+ $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
+ $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
+ }
+ }
+ if($this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_id')){
+ $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM adresse WHERE id = '".$this->app->Secure->GetGET('kd_id')."' AND geloescht != 1 ORDER BY ".($filter_projekt?"projekt = '$filter_projekt' DESC, ":"")." projekt LIMIT 1");
+ if($adresse){
+ $subwhere1 .= " AND adresse = '$adresse' ";
+ $subwhere2 .= " AND id = '$adresse' ";
+ }
+ }
+ $limit = "LIMIT 20";
+ if ($this->app->Secure->GetGET('limit')) {
+ $limit = "LIMIT 1";
+ }
+ if($limit=="LIMIT 1")
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM ansprechpartner WHERE email <> '' $subwhere1 AND geloescht <> 1 order by name $limit");
+ } else {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM ansprechpartner WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR email LIKE '%$term%') and email <> '' $subwhere1 AND geloescht <> 1 order by name $limit");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
+ }
+ if($limit=="LIMIT 1")
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE geloescht!='1' $subwhere2 order by name $limit");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM adresse WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR email LIKE '%$term%') and email <> '' AND geloescht!='1' $subwhere2 order by name $limit");
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
+ }
+ $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
+ sort($newarr);
+ break;
+ case "emailbackup":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT email FROM emailbackup");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['email'];
+ }
+ $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
+ sort($newarr);
+ break;
+ case "emailname":
+ $felder = array("CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-')",'name','email');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-') as name FROM ansprechpartner WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht <> 1 order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' -ltrep-',email,'-gtrep-') as name FROM adresse WHERE ($subwhere) AND geloescht!='1' order by name LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++){
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ $newarr = array_unique($newarr);
+ sort($newarr);
+ $isChangeLtGt = true;
+ break;
+ case "shopname":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT s.bezeichnung FROM shopexport s LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE s.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("s.projekt"));
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "shopnameid":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(id,' ',bezeichnung) as bezeichnung FROM shopexport WHERE bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte("projekt")."");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "gruppekennziffer":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
+ WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "preisgruppekennziffer":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
+ WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND = 'preisgruppe' AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "gruppe":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',g.kennziffer) as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g
+ LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "verband":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(name,' ',kennziffer) as bezeichnung FROM gruppen WHERE (name LIKE '%$term%' OR kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND aktiv=1 AND art='verband'");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "verbindlichkeit":
+ $felder = array("CONCAT(v.belegnr, v.betrag,, v.rechnung, a.lieferantennummer, a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung, ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2).")",
+ '','IFNULL(v.belegnr, \'\')','v.betrag','','v.rechnung','a.lieferantennummer','a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung',$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2));
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ if(strpos($term,',')!==false)
+ {
+ $term = substr($term,strripos($term,','));
+ $term = str_replace(',','',$term);
+ }
+ $sql =
+ IF(IFNULL(v.belegnr, '') <> '' AND v.belegnr!,
+ CONCAT(' Nr. ',v.belegnr),''),
+ ' Betrag: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betrag',2).",
+ if(v.skonto <> 0,CONCAT(' mit Skonto ',v.skonto,'% ',
+ ".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis("v.betrag-((v.betrag/100.0)*v.skonto)",2)."),''),' ',
+ ' Ist: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis('v.betragbezahlt',2).",
+ ' Offen: ',".$this->app->erp->FormatPreis(
+ 'IF(v.betrag - v.betragbezahlt > ((v.betrag/100.0)*v.skonto),
+ v.betrag - v.betragbezahlt,0)',2
+ ).",
+,' (Lieferant ',a.lieferantennummer,if(a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung!='' AND a.lieferantennummer <> a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung,CONCAT(' ',a.lieferantennummer_buchhaltung),''),') RE ',v.rechnung,' Rechnungsdatum ',DATE_FORMAT(v.rechnungsdatum,'%d.%m.%Y')) as bezeichnung
+ FROM verbindlichkeit AS v
+ LEFT JOIN adresse AS a ON
+ WHERE ($subwhere) AND bezahlt!=1 AND status!='storniert'
+ ORDER by DESC"; //AND v.status!='bezahlt' // heute wieder raus
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql);
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "projektname":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(p.abkuerzung,' ', as name FROM projekt p WHERE p.geloescht=0 AND status <> 'abgeschlossen' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR LIKE '%$term2%' OR LIKE '%$term3%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term2%' OR p.abkuerzung LIKE '%$term3%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "uebertragung_account":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',u.bezeichnung) as name FROM uebertragungen_account u WHERE (u.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('u.projekt'));
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "api_account":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',u.bezeichnung) as name FROM api_account u WHERE (u.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%') ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('u.projekt'));
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "gruppen_kategorien":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(,' ',g.bezeichnung) as name FROM gruppen_kategorien g
+ LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE (g.bezeichnung LIKE '%$term%' ) ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "gruppenkategoriegruppen":
+ $kategorie = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('gkid');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(g.kennziffer,' ', as bezeichnung FROM gruppen g
+ LEFT JOIN projekt p ON WHERE kategorie = '$kategorie' AND ( LIKE '%$term%' OR g.kennziffer LIKE '%$term%') AND g.aktiv=1 ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'steuersatz':
+ $newarr[] = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('steuersatz_normal').' normal';
+ $newarr[] = $this->app->erp->Firmendaten('steuersatz_ermaessigt').' ermaessigt';
+ $newarr = array_merge($newarr, $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
+ "SELECT concat(
+ `satz`,' ',`bezeichnung`, ' ',`country_code`,
+ IF(`type` != '', CONCAT(' ',`type`),''),
+ IF(
+ `valid_from` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_from` IS NULL,
+ '',
+ CONCAT(' gültig ab: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_from,'%d.%m.%Y'))
+ ),
+ IF(
+ `valid_to` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_to` IS NULL,
+ '',
+ CONCAT(' gültig bis: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_to,'%d.%m.%Y'))
+ )
+ ) as `name`
+ FROM `steuersaetze` WHERE `aktiv` = 1
+ AND concat(
+ `satz`,' ',`bezeichnung`,' ',`country_code`,
+ IF(`type` != '', CONCAT(' ',`type`),''),
+ IF(
+ `valid_from` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_from` IS NULL,
+ '',
+ CONCAT(' gültig ab: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_from,'%d.%m.%Y'))
+ ),
+ IF(
+ `valid_to` = '0000-00-00' OR `valid_to` IS NULL,
+ '',
+ CONCAT(' gültig bis: ',DATE_FORMAT(valid_to,'%d.%m.%Y'))
+ )
+ ) LIKE '%$term%'"
+ ));
+ break;
+ case "eigenschaftname":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT name FROM artikeleigenschaften WHERE geloescht != 1 AND name like '%$term%' ORDER BY name ");
+ if($arr)
+ {
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['name'];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "eigenschaftwert":
+ $eigenschaftname = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(urldecode($this->app->Secure->GetGET('eigenschaftname')));
+ if($eigenschaftname !== '')
+ {
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT aw.wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte aw
+ INNER JOIN artikeleigenschaften ae ON aw.artikeleigenschaften = AND ae.geloescht <> 1
+ WHERE aw.wert like '%$term%' AND = '$eigenschaftname' ORDER BY aw.wert ");
+ }else{
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT aw.wert FROM artikeleigenschaftenwerte aw
+ INNER JOIN artikeleigenschaften ae ON aw.artikeleigenschaften = AND ae.geloescht <> 1
+ WHERE aw.wert like '%$term%' ORDER BY aw.wert");
+ }
+ if($arr)
+ {
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++)
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['wert'];
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "angebot_position":
+ $angebot = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('angebot');
+ $angebotposition = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('angebotposition');
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT CONCAT(ap.sort,' ',ap.nummer) as bezeichnung FROM angebot_position ap INNER JOIN angebot a ON ap.angebot = AND = '$angebot'
+ LEFT JOIN projekt p ON
+ WHERE (ap.sort LIKE '%$term%' OR ap.nummer LIKE '%$term%') AND ap.explodiert_parent = 0 AND <> '$angebotposition' ".$this->app->erp->ProjektRechte());
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "supportapp_gruppen":
+ $suchbegriff = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->app->Secure->GetGET('term'));
+ $suchbegriff = trim($suchbegriff);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT bezeichnung FROM supportapp_gruppen WHERE aktiv = '1' AND bezeichnung LIKE '%$suchbegriff%'");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['bezeichnung'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case "datevkonto":
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto FROM
+ ( (SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) as gegenkonto FROM konten WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1)
+ UNION ALL (SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) as gegenkonto FROM kontorahmen WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1)
+ ) t WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY t.gegenkonto");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$carr;$i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['gegenkonto'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'gegenkonto':
+ $kontorahmenArr = $this->app->DB->SelectPairs(
+ "SELECT concat(kr.sachkonto, ' ',kr.beschriftung) as a, kr.sachkonto
+ FROM kontorahmen as kr
+ WHERE kr.ausblenden <> 1"
+ );
+ $subwhere = ' ';
+ if(!empty($kontorahmenArr)) {
+ $kontorahmenArr = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($kontorahmenArr), array_values($kontorahmenArr)));
+ $subwhere = sprintf(" AND ka.gegenkonto NOT IN ('%s') ", implode("','", $kontorahmenArr));
+ }
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto
+ (
+ (
+ SELECT concat(ka.gegenkonto,' ', as gegenkonto
+ FROM (SELECT ka2.gegenkonto,
+ FROM kontoauszuege ka2
+ INNER JOIN adresse a ON ka2.gegenkonto = a.kundennummer OR ka2.gegenkonto = a.lieferantennummer
+ WHERE ka2.gegenkonto <> ''
+ GROUP BY ka2.gegenkonto,
+ ) AS ka
+ WHERE ka.gegenkonto <> '' $subwhere
+ )
+ SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung)
+ FROM konten
+ WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1
+ AND concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) LIKE '%$term%'
+ )
+ SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung)
+ FROM kontorahmen
+ WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1
+ AND concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) LIKE '%$term%'
+ )
+ ) t
+ WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%'
+ ORDER BY t.gegenkonto"
+ );
+ if($this->app->DB->error()){
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT t.gegenkonto
+ (
+ (
+ SELECT concat(ka.gegenkonto,' ',(
+ FROM adresse a
+ WHERE (a.kundennummer=ka.gegenkonto OR a.lieferantennummer=ka.gegenkonto) AND ka.gegenkonto!='')
+ ) as gegenkonto
+ FROM kontoauszuege ka
+ LEFT JOIN kontorahmen kr
+ ON (ka.gegenkonto = kr.sachkonto OR ka.gegenkonto = concat(kr.sachkonto, ' ',kr.beschriftung))
+ AND kr.ausblenden <> 1
+ WHERE isnull( AND ka.gegenkonto <> ''
+ GROUP BY ka.gegenkonto
+ )
+ SELECT concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung)
+ FROM konten
+ WHERE datevkonto <> 0 AND datevkonto <> '' AND aktiv = 1
+ AND concat(datevkonto, ' ',bezeichnung) LIKE '%$term%'
+ )
+ SELECT concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung)
+ FROM kontorahmen
+ WHERE sachkonto <> 0 AND sachkonto <> '' AND ausblenden <> 1
+ AND concat(sachkonto, ' ',beschriftung) LIKE '%$term%'
+ )
+ ) t
+ WHERE t.gegenkonto <> '' AND t.gegenkonto LIKE '%$term%'
+ ORDER BY t.gegenkonto"
+ );
+ }
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['gegenkonto'];
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ case 'versand_klaergrund':
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT problemcase FROM
+ delivery_problemcase WHERE problemcase LIKE '%$term%' ORDER BY sort, problemcase");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['problemcase'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'label_type':
+ $felder = array('type');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT DISTINCT lt.type FROM label_type AS lt WHERE ($subwhere) ORDER BY type LIMIT 20");
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'versandartentype':
+ $felder = array('va.type');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ FROM versandarten AS va
+ WHERE ($subwhere) AND va.geloescht <> 1 AND va.aktiv = 1
+ ORDER BY va.type
+ LIMIT 20"
+ );
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'zahlungsweisetype':
+ $felder = array('va.type');
+ $subwhere = $this->AjaxFilterWhere($termorig,$felder);
+ $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(
+ FROM zahlungsweisen AS va
+ WHERE ($subwhere) AND va.geloescht <> 1 AND va.aktiv = 1
+ ORDER BY va.type
+ LIMIT 20"
+ );
+ $carr = !empty($arr)?count($arr):0;
+ for($i = 0; $i < $carr; $i++) {
+ $newarr[] = $arr[$i]['type'];
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ticketcategory':
+ $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT CONCAT(`id`,' ',`name`) FROM `ticket_category` WHERE (`name` LIKE '%%%s%%' OR `name` LIKE '%%%s%%') %s",
+ $term, $term2, $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('project_id')
+ )
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'shopimport_auftraege':
+ $shopId = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
+ $newarr = $this->app->DB->SelectFirstCols(
+ sprintf(
+ "SELECT CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,''))
+ FROM `shopimport_auftraege` AS `sa`
+ CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,'')) LIKE '%%%s%%'
+ OR CONCAT(sa.`extid`,' ',IFNULL(sa.`bestellnummer`,'')) LIKE '%%%s%%'
+ ) AND (%d = 0 OR %d = sa.shopid) %s",
+ $term, $term2, $shopId, $shopId, $this->app->erp->ProjektRechte('sa.projekt')
+ )
+ );
+ break;
+ default:
+ $newarr = null;
+ $this->app->erp->RunHook('ajax_filter_hook1', 5,$filtername,$newarr, $term, $term2, $term3);
+ }
+ $tmp = null;
+ //if(isset($this->app->stringcleaner) && false)
+ if(false)
+ {
+ $cnewarr = $newarr?count($newarr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$cnewarr;$i++){
+ $tmp[] = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($this->app->stringcleaner->CleanString(html_entity_decode( $this->app->stringcleaner->CleanString($newarr[$i], 'nojs'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'nojs'));
+ }
+ }else{
+ $cnewarr = !empty($newarr)?count($newarr):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$cnewarr;$i++) {
+ $tmp[] = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput(html_entity_decode($newarr[$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($isChangeLtGt)){
+ $ctmp = !empty($tmp)?count($tmp):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$ctmp;$i++){
+ $tmp[$i] = str_replace('-gtrep-','>',str_replace('-ltrep-','<',$tmp[$i]));
+ }
+ }
+ echo json_encode($tmp);
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ public function AjaxTablePosition()
+ {
+ $iDisplayStart = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayStart');
+ $iDisplayLength = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayLength');
+ $iSortCol_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_0');
+ $iSortingCols = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortingCols');
+ $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch');
+ $sEcho = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sEcho');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $sLimit = '';
+ if ( isset($iDisplayStart) )
+ {
+ $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. (int)$iDisplayStart .', '.
+ (int)$iDisplayLength ;
+ }
+ /* Ordering */
+ if ( isset( $iSortCol_0 ) )
+ {
+ $sOrder = 'ORDER BY ';
+ $ciSortingCols = (int)$iSortingCols;
+ for ( $i=0 ; $i<$ciSortingCols ; $i++ )
+ {
+ $iSortingCols_tmp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_'.$i);
+ $sSortDir_tmp = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSortDir_'.$i);
+ $sOrder .= $this->fnColumnToFieldPosition($iSortingCols_tmp ).'
+ '. $sSortDir_tmp .', ';
+ }
+ $sOrder = substr_replace( $sOrder, '', -2 );
+ }
+ /* Filtering - NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it
+ * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency
+ * on very large tables, and MySQL's regex functionality is very limited
+ */
+ $sWhere = '';
+ $where = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'where');
+ if ( $sSearch != '' )
+ {
+ $searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'searchsql');
+ if($where==''){
+ $sWhere = ' WHERE (';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!empty($searchsql) && count($searchsql) >0){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where AND (";
+ }
+ else{
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
+ }
+ }
+ for($i=0;$iapp->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ";
+ }
+ $sWhere .= $searchsql[$i]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%')";
+ } else {
+ if($where!=''){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
+ }
+ }
+ $searchfulltext = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'searchfulltext');
+ if($searchfulltext!='' && $sSearch!='')
+ {
+ $searchfulltext = ' MATCH('.$searchfulltext.") AGAINST ('$sSearch') ";
+ if($sWhere==''){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $searchfulltext ";
+ }
+ else{
+ $sWhere .= "AND $searchfulltext ";
+ }
+ }
+ $tmp = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'sql');
+ $sQuery = "
+ $tmp
+ $sWhere
+ $sOrder
+ $sLimit
+ ";
+ $rResult = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ $sQuery = '
+ ';
+ $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ if(!empty($rResultFilterTotal)){
+ $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
+ }else{
+ $aResultFilterTotal = 0;
+ $iFilteredTotal = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ $sQuery = "
+ FROM artikel
+ ";
+ */
+ $sQuery = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'count');
+ $rResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultTotal);
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResultTotal);
+ $iTotal = $aResultTotal[0];
+ $heading = count($this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'heading'));
+ $menu = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'menu');
+ $sOutput = '{';
+ $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
+ if($rResult){
+ while ($aRow = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResult)) {
+ $sOutput .= '[';
+ for ($i = 1; $i < $heading; $i++) {
+ $sOutput .= '"' . addslashes($aRow[$i]) . '",';
+ }
+ $sOutput .= '"' . addslashes(str_replace('%value%', $aRow[$i], $menu)) . '"';
+ $sOutput .= '],';
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResult);
+ }
+ $sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, '', -1 );
+ $sOutput .= '] }';
+ $sOutput = str_replace("\t",'',$sOutput);
+ echo json_encode(json_decode($this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($sOutput)));
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ protected function AjaxTableWhereBuilder($spalte, $sSearch, $datecol = false, $numbercol = false)
+ {
+ $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
+ $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
+ if($spalte == 'datum' || $datecol)
+ {
+ return ' ( DATE_FORMAT('.$spalte.",'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
+ }
+ if(strpos($spalte, 'datum')) {
+ $spaltea = explode('.', $spalte);
+ if(count($spaltea) === 2){
+ return ' ( DATE_FORMAT('.$spalte.",'%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s') LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
+ }
+ }elseif(($numbercol || $spalte === 'soll' || $spalte === 'gesamtsumme') && strpos($sSearch,','))
+ {
+ return ' ( '.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string(str_replace(',','.',$sSearch) )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
+ }elseif((strpos($spalte, 'soll') || strpos($spalte, 'gesamtsumme')) && strpos($sSearch,','))
+ {
+ $spaltea = explode('.', $spalte);
+ if(count($spaltea) === 2){
+ return ' ( '.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string(str_replace(',','.',$sSearch) )."%' OR ".$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ return ' ('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($spalte, $sSearcha).')';
+ }
+ return ' ('.$spalte." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch )."%')";
+ }
+ protected function AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($column, $sSearcha, $sSearcha2 = null)
+ {
+ if(empty($column) || empty($sSearcha))
+ {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $csSearcha = count($sSearcha);
+ $tmp = [];
+ foreach($sSearcha as $v)
+ {
+ $tmp[strtolower($v)] = 1+(!empty($tmp[strtolower($v)])?$tmp[strtolower($v)]:0);
+ }
+ if(count($tmp) === 1)
+ {
+ $sSearch = implode('%', $sSearcha);
+ $sSearch2 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch);
+ if($sSearch2 === '')
+ {
+ $sWhere = "({$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
+ }else{
+ $sWhere = "({$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
+ {$column} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
+ }
+ return $sWhere;
+ }
+ if(!empty($sSearcha2))
+ {
+ $wherea = [];
+ foreach($tmp as $v => $c) {
+ if($c > 1)
+ {
+ $vold = $v;
+ for($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++)
+ {
+ $v .= '%'.$vold;
+ }
+ }
+ $vt = $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($v);
+ if($vt === '' || $vt === $v)
+ {
+ $vt = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($v);
+ }
+ if($v === '')
+ {
+ $v = $vt;
+ }
+ if($v !== $vt && $vt !== ''){
+ $wherea[] = ' (' . $column . " LIKE '%" . $v . "%' OR " . $column . " LIKE '%" . $vt . "%') ";
+ }else{
+ $wherea[] = ' (' . $column . " LIKE '%" . $v . "%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ return '('.implode(' AND ',$wherea).')';
+ }else{
+ $wherea = [];
+ foreach($tmp as $v => $c) {
+ if($c > 1)
+ {
+ $vold = $v;
+ for($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++)
+ {
+ $v .= '%'.$vold;
+ }
+ }
+ $wherea[] = $column." LIKE '%".$v."%'";
+ }
+ return '('.implode(' AND ',$wherea).')';
+ }
+ }
+ public function AjaxTable()
+ {
+ $iDisplayStart = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayStart');
+ $iDisplayLength = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iDisplayLength');
+ $iSortCol_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortCol_0');
+ $sSortDir_0 = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSortDir_0');
+ $iSortingCols = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('iSortingCols');
+ $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch');
+ $sEcho = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sEcho');
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $frommodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('frommodule');
+ $fromclass = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromclass');
+ $sSearch = trim($sSearch);
+ $sSearch = str_replace('%','\%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch2 = $sSearch;
+ $sSearch3 = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDB($sSearch);
+ $sSearch = $this->app->erp->ConvertForDBUTF8($sSearch);
+ if($this->app->Secure->GetGet('deferLoading')){
+ echo '{"sEcho":'.(int)$sEcho.',"iTotalRecords":0,"iTotalDisplayRecords":0,"aaData":[]}';
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ $YUIs = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('',$cmd,'ALL','','',$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $starttime = microtime(true);
+ $limiert = false;
+ if(method_exists($this->app->erp, 'BegrenzungLivetabelle'))
+ {
+ $limiert = 2*$this->app->erp->BegrenzungLivetabelle($cmd, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $iDisplayLength ));
+ }
+ $maxrows = 0;
+ if(isset($YUIs['maxrows']) && $YUIs['maxrows'] > 0)
+ {
+ $maxrows = $YUIs['maxrows'];
+ }
+ $sLimit = '';
+ if($limiert)
+ {
+ $limiert += (int) $iDisplayStart ;
+ $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength ;
+ if(($maxrows > 0) && $iDisplayLength > $maxrows){
+ $iDisplayLength = $maxrows;
+ }
+ $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. $iDisplayStart .', '. ( $limiert );
+ }else{
+ if ( isset($iDisplayStart) )
+ {
+ $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength ;
+ if(($maxrows > 0) && $iDisplayLength > $maxrows)
+ {
+ $iDisplayLength = $maxrows;
+ }
+ $sLimit = 'LIMIT '. $iDisplayStart .', '. $iDisplayLength ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Ordering */
+ // check if is allowed
+ if(!$this->app->erp->TableSearchAllowed($cmd))
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->Protokoll("Nicht erlaubter Zugriff auf $cmd von Benutzer ".$this->app->User->GetName());
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ //$findcolstmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"findcols","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $findcolstmp = $YUIs['findcols'];
+ //$moreinfo = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"moreinfo","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $moreinfo = $YUIs['moreinfo'];
+ if (isset($iSortCol_0) || ($moreinfo && $iSortCol_0 < 1))
+ {
+ if($moreinfo){
+ if(!($iSortCol_0 < 1)){
+ $iSortCol_0++;
+ }
+ }else{
+ $iSortCol_0++;
+ }
+ if($iSortCol_0 < 1){
+ $iSortCol_0 = 1;
+ }
+ if(trim($findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1]) == 'belegnr' ||
+ strpos($findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1], '.belegnr') !== false){
+ if(preg_match_all('/([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.*)belegnr/', $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1], $ergebnis)){
+ if(isset($ergebnis[1][0]) && !isset($ergebnis[1][1])){
+ $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1] = $this->app->erp->BelegnummerSortierung($ergebnis[1][0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sOrder = 'ORDER BY ' . $findcolstmp[$iSortCol_0 - 1] . " $sSortDir_0";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //standard einstellung nach datum absteigend wenn datumsspalte vorhanden
+ //$defaultorder = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"defaultorder","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $defaultorder = $YUIs['defaultorder'];
+ //$defaultorderdesc = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"defaultorderdesc","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $defaultorderdesc = $YUIs['defaultorderdesc'];
+ if($defaultorder<=0) {
+ $defaultorder = count($findcolstmp);
+ $defaultorderdesc = 1;
+ }
+ if($defaultorderdesc=='1') {
+ $defaultorderdesc = ' DESC';
+ } else {
+ $defaultorderdesc='';
+ }
+ if($defaultorder >=0 && is_numeric($defaultorder))
+ {
+ $defaultorder++;
+ //$findcolstmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"findcols","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $findcolstmp = $YUIs['findcols'];
+ if($defaultorder < 2)
+ {
+ $defaultorder = 2;
+ }
+ $sOrder = 'ORDER BY '.$findcolstmp[$defaultorder-2]." $defaultorderdesc";
+ }else
+ {
+ $sOrder = 'ORDER BY '.$findcolstmp[0]." $defaultorderdesc";
+ }
+ }
+ /* Filtering - NOTE this does not match the built-in DataTables filtering which does it
+ * word by word on any field. It's possible to do here, but concerned about efficiency
+ * on very large tables, and MySQL's regex functionality is very limited
+ */
+ $sWhere = '';
+ //$where = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"where","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $where = $YUIs['where'];
+ //echo $where;
+ $matchesql = !empty($YUIs['matchesql'])?$YUIs['matchesql']:'';
+ if ($sSearch != '' && !empty($matchesql) && !empty($matchesql['sqlpre']))
+ {
+ while(strpos($sSearch,' ') !== false)
+ {
+ $sSearch = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch);
+ }
+ while(strpos($sSearch2,' ') !== false)
+ {
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch2);
+ }
+ $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch2);
+ $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
+ $sSearcha2 = explode(' ', $sSearch2);
+ $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch2);
+ $YUIs['sql'] = $matchesql['sqlpre'];
+ $unions = [];
+ foreach($matchesql['elements'] as $keyEl => $SqlElement)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery = $SqlElement['sql'].' WHERE ';
+ $whereArr = [];
+ $firstsubwhere = true;
+ if(!empty($SqlElement['where']))
+ {
+ foreach($SqlElement['where'] as $keyWhere => $valWhere)
+ {
+ if(!$firstsubwhere)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ';
+ }
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
+ {
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha, $sSearcha2);
+ }else{
+ $SqlElementQuery .= "({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
+ {$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha);
+ }else{
+ $SqlElementQuery .= "({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ if($sSearch2!='' && ($sSearch2 !== $sSearch))
+ {
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 ))
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .=" OR ({$valWhere} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 )."%' OR {$valWhere} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 )."%' ) ";
+ }else{
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ('. $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($valWhere, $sSearcha2).') ';
+ }else{
+ $SqlElementQuery .= " OR ({$valWhere} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch2) . "%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $firstsubwhere = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($SqlElement['match']))
+ {
+ if(!$firstsubwhere)
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR ';
+ }
+ $sSearchArr = explode('%', str_replace(['+','-','*','~'],['%','','%','%'], $sSearch));
+ foreach($sSearchArr as $keyS => $keyv)
+ {
+ if(strlen($keyv) === 0)
+ {
+ unset($sSearchArr[$keyS]);
+ }
+ }
+ $sSearchMatch = '';
+ foreach ($sSearchArr as $sSearchItem) {
+ // $sSearchItem enthält einzelne Wörter evtl. mit HTML-Entities
+ // Problem 1: Das Ampersand-Zeichen der HTML-Entities wird im BOOLEAN MODE als Worttrenner gesehen.
+ // Problem 2: Das Ampersand-Zeichen kann im BOOLEAN MODE nicht escaped werden.
+ // Die einzige Lösung ist das Suchwort mit doppelten Anführungszeichen zu umschließen,
+ // die Worttrenner-Eigenschaft des Ampersandzeichens wird damit aufgehoben.
+ // Der Nachteil bei dieser Lösung: Es werden nur noch ganze Wörter gefunden.
+ $sSearchMatch .= sprintf('+%s* ', $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearchItem));
+ }
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$sSearchMatch.'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
+ {
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearchMatch).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($sSearch2) && $sSearch2 !== $sSearch) {
+ $sSearchArr2 = explode('%', str_replace(['+','-','*','~'],['%','','%','%'], $sSearch2));
+ foreach($sSearchArr2 as $keyS => $keyv)
+ {
+ if(strlen($keyv) === 0) {
+ unset($sSearchArr2[$keyS]);
+ }
+ }
+ $sSearchMatch2 = '+'.implode('* +', $sSearchArr2).'*';
+ $SqlElementQuery .= ' OR MATCH('.implode(',',$SqlElement['match']).') AGAINST (\''.$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearchMatch2).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ';
+ }
+ }
+ $SqlElementQuery .= implode(' OR ', $whereArr);
+ $unions[] = $SqlElementQuery;
+ }
+ $YUIs['sql'] .= implode('
+ ', $unions);
+ $YUIs['sql'] .= $matchesql['sqlpost'];
+ if($where!=''){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ( $sSearch != '' ) {
+ /*
+ $sWhere = "WHERE a.nummer LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%' OR ".
+ "p.abkuerzung LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%' OR ".
+ "a.name_de LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
+ */
+ //$searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchsql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $searchsql = $YUIs['searchsql'];
+ $searchsql2 = null;
+ $datesearchcol2 = null;
+ $datesearchcol = $YUIs['datesearchsols'];
+ if(is_array($searchsql))
+ {
+ foreach($searchsql as $k => $v)
+ {
+ if(is_array($v))
+ {
+ foreach($v as $k2 => $v2)
+ {
+ $searchsql2[] = $v2;
+ if($datesearchcol && in_array($k, $datesearchcol)) {
+ $datesearchcol2[] = count($searchsql2)-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ $searchsql2[] = $v;
+ if($datesearchcol && in_array($k, $datesearchcol))
+ {
+ $datesearchcol2[] = count($searchsql2)-1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($where==''){
+ $sWhere = ' WHERE (';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(count($searchsql) > 0){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where AND (";
+ }
+ else{
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
+ }
+ }
+ // Prozent austauschen da dies mysql wildcat ist
+ while(strpos($sSearch,' ') !== false)
+ {
+ $sSearch = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch);
+ }
+ while(strpos($sSearch2,' ') !== false)
+ {
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ',' ', $sSearch2);
+ }
+ $sSearch = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch2);
+ //$sSearch3 = str_replace('%','%',$sSearch3);
+ //$sSearch3 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch3);
+ $sSearcha = explode(' ', $sSearch);
+ $sSearcha2 = explode(' ', $sSearch2);
+ //$sSearcha = [];
+ //$sSearcha2 = [];
+ $sSearch = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch2 = str_replace(' ','%',$sSearch2);
+ $csearchsql2 = $searchsql2?count($searchsql2):0;
+ for($i=0;$i<$csearchsql2;$i++)
+ {
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ))
+ {
+ if($datesearchcol2 && in_array($i, $datesearchcol2))
+ {
+ $sWhere .= '('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $sSearch, true, false).' OR '.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch ), true, false).")";
+ }else{
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha, $sSearcha2);
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= "({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR
+ {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%' ) ";
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if($datesearchcol2 && in_array($i, $datesearchcol2)) {
+ $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql2[$i], $sSearch, true, false);
+ }else{
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha);
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= "({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($sSearch2!='' && ($sSearch2 !== $sSearch))
+ {
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 ))
+ {
+ $sWhere .=" OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch2 )."%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch2 )."%' ) ";
+ }else{
+ if(count($sSearcha) > 1)
+ {
+ $sWhere .= ' OR ('. $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilderArray($searchsql2[$i], $sSearcha2).') ';
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= " OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch2) . "%') ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($sSearch3!='' && ($sSearch3 !== $sSearch || $sSearch3 !== $sSearch2))
+ {
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 ) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch3 ))
+ {
+ $sWhere .= "OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 )."%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch( $sSearch3 )."%' ) OR ";
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= "OR ({$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch3 )."%') OR ";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $sWhere .= ' OR ';
+ }
+ }
+ //$searchfulltext = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchfulltext","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $searchfulltext = $YUIs['searchfulltext'];
+ if($searchfulltext!='' && $sSearch!='')
+ {
+ $sSearch = str_replace('"','"',$sSearch);
+ $sSearch .= '*';
+ $searchfulltext = ' MATCH(e.subject,e.sender,e.action,e.action_html) AGAINST (\''.$this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ';
+ }
+ if(count($searchsql2) > 0){
+ if($searchfulltext == '')
+ {
+ $sWhere .= ' 0)';
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= ' '.$searchfulltext.')';
+ /*$i--;
+ if($searchfulltext != ''){
+ $searchfulltext = ' OR ' . $searchfulltext;
+ }
+ if($this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) !== $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch)){
+ $sWhere .= "( {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%' OR {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->erp->ConvertForTableSearch($sSearch) . "%') $searchfulltext )";
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= "( {$searchsql2[$i]} LIKE '%" . $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($sSearch) . "%') $searchfulltext )";
+ }*/
+ }
+ } else {
+ $sWhere .= " AND $searchfulltext";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($where!=''){
+ $sWhere = " WHERE $where ";
+ }
+ }
+ //$searchsql = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"searchsql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $searchsql = $YUIs['searchsql'];
+ //$moreinfo = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"moreinfo","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $moreinfo = $YUIs['moreinfo'];
+ if($moreinfo) {
+ $offset = 1;
+ } else {
+ $offset=0;
+ }
+ if(!$YUIs['columnfilter'])
+ {
+ $searchsql = $YUIs['findcols'];
+ $offset = 0;
+ }
+ $csearchsql = $searchsql?count($searchsql):0;
+ for($isearch=0;$isearch<$csearchsql;$isearch++)
+ {
+ $sSearch = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('sSearch_'.$isearch);
+ if($sSearch!='' && $sSearch!='A')
+ {
+ if(isset($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]) && is_array($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]))
+ {
+ $gef = false;
+ foreach($searchsql[$isearch-$offset] as $v)
+ {
+ if($v != '')
+ {
+ if($sWhere == '')
+ {
+ //$sWhere = "WHERE (".$v." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
+ $sWhere = 'WHERE ('.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($v, $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
+ $gef = true;
+ }else{
+ $sWhere = "$sWhere ";
+ if(!$gef)
+ {
+ $sWhere .= ' AND (';
+ }else{
+ $sWhere .= ' OR ';
+ }
+ //$sWhere .= " (".$v." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%')";
+ $sWhere .= $this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($v, $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
+ $gef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($gef){
+ $sWhere .= ' ) ';
+ }
+ }else{
+ if($sWhere=='')
+ {
+ if($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]!='')
+ {
+ //$sWhere = "WHERE ".$searchsql[$isearch-$offset]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%'";
+ $sWhere = 'WHERE '.$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql[$isearch-$offset], $sSearch ,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($searchsql[$isearch-$offset]!='')
+ {
+ //$sWhere = "$sWhere AND (".$searchsql[$isearch-$offset]." LIKE '%".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string( $sSearch )."%')";
+ $sWhere = "$sWhere AND (".$this->AjaxTableWhereBuilder($searchsql[$isearch-$offset], $sSearch,isset($YUIs['datecols']) && is_array($YUIs['datecols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['datecols'])?true:false,isset($YUIs['numbercols']) && is_array($YUIs['numbercols']) && in_array($isearch-$offset,$YUIs['numbercols'])?true:false ).")";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //$tmp = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"sql","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $tmp = $YUIs['sql'];
+ //$groupby = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"groupby","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $groupby = $YUIs['groupby'];
+ //$orderby = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"orderby","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $orderby = $YUIs['orderby'];
+ $fastcount = isset($YUIs['fastcount'])?$YUIs['fastcount']:'';
+ if($orderby){
+ $sOrder = $orderby;
+ }
+ $uid = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('uid');
+ $pid = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
+ if(!empty($pid)) {
+ $pid = explode('|',$pid);
+ $sEchoCheck = !empty($pid[1])?(int)$pid[1]:0;
+ $pid = reset($pid);
+ if($sEchoCheck < $sEcho && $pid != $this->app->DB->connection->thread_id){
+ $this->app->DB->kill($pid);
+ }
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
+ }
+ //$sQuery = $sWhere." ".$sOrder." ". $sLimit;
+ //$rResult = $this->app->DB->Query( $sQuery);
+ $sQuery = "
+ $tmp
+ $sWhere
+ $groupby
+ $sOrder
+ $sLimit
+ ";
+ if($fastcount || $limiert){
+ $sQuery = str_replace('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS','',$sQuery);
+ }
+ $jsarray = null;
+ if(isset($this->app->stringcleaner)) {
+ $jsarray = $this->app->stringcleaner->CheckSQLHtml($sQuery);
+ }
+ if($this->app->erp->Firmendaten('schnellsuchecount') && strpos($sQuery, 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')){
+ $YUIs['count'] = '';
+ }
+ if(isset($YUIs['onequeryperuser']) && $YUIs['onequeryperuser']) {
+ $killId = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
+ $killId = explode('|',$killId);
+ $sEchoCheck = !empty($killId[1])?(int)$killId[1]:0;
+ $killId = reset($killId);
+ if(!empty($killId) && $sEchoCheck < $sEcho) {
+ $this->app->DB->kill($killId);
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
+ }
+ $killId = $this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
+ $killId = explode('|',$killId);
+ $sEchoCheck = !empty($killId[1])?(int)$killId[1]:0;
+ $killId = reset($killId);
+ if(!empty($killId) && $sEchoCheck < $sEcho) {
+ $this->app->DB->kill($killId);
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
+ }
+ //TODO Alte Prozesse killen
+ $_sql = substr($this->app->YUI->CodiereSQLForOneQuery($tmp, $cmd),0, 100);
+ $processlist = $this->app->DB->SelectArr('SHOW PROCESSLIST');
+ if(count($processlist) > 1) {
+ foreach($processlist as $v) {
+ if($v['Time'] > 1 && $v['db'] == $this->app->Conf->WFdbname && $v['User'] == $this->app->Conf->WFdbuser && substr($v['Info'], 0, 100) == $_sql) {
+ $this->app->DB->kill($v['Id']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id', $this->app->DB->connection->thread_id);
+ }
+ $maxExecutionTime = 300;
+ if($cmd === 'report_table') {
+ $maxExecutionTime = 30;
+ }
+ $useasync = function_exists('mysqli_poll');
+ if($useasync) {
+ ignore_user_abort(true);
+ $db2 = $this->app->DB->getClone();
+ $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid, $threadid.'|'.$sEcho);
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
+ }
+ $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
+ $rResult = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
+ $all_links = array($db2->connection);
+ $processed = 0;
+ do {
+ echo ' ';
+ flush();
+ ob_flush();
+ if(connection_aborted() == 1
+ || ($maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
+ ) {
+ $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
+ if((int)$this->app->User->GetParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid) == $threadid) {
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$uid);
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+ $links = $errors = $reject = array();
+ foreach ($all_links as $link) {
+ $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
+ }
+ if (!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0,50000)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ if ($rResult = $link->reap_async_query()) {
+ break 2;
+ };
+ $processed++;
+ }
+ } while ($processed < count($all_links));
+ }
+ else{
+ $rResult = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ }
+ if($cmd === 'adresse_brief' && $this->app->DB->error() && strpos($this->app->DB->error(), 'COLLATION \'utf8_general_ci\' is not valid for CHARACTER') !== false)
+ {
+ if((String)$this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('adresse_crm_collateerror') === ''){
+ $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('adresse_crm_collateerror', 1);
+ }
+ }elseif($cmd === 'adresse_brief' && $this->app->DB->error() && $this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('adresse_crm_collateerror'))
+ {
+ $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('adresse_crm_collateerror', 0);
+ }
+ $iTotal = 0;
+ if(!$limiert) {
+ if($fastcount) {
+ $sQuery = "$fastcount $sWhere";
+ if($useasync) {
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
+ }
+ $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
+ $rResultFilterTotal = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
+ $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
+ $all_links = array($db2->connection);
+ $processed = 0;
+ do {
+ echo ' ';
+ flush();
+ ob_flush();
+ if(connection_aborted() == 1 || (
+ $maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
+ ){
+ $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
+ exit;
+ }
+ $links = $errors = $reject = array();
+ foreach ($all_links as $link) {
+ $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
+ }
+ if(!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 50000)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ if($rResultFilterTotal = $link->reap_async_query()){
+ break 2;
+ };
+ $processed++;
+ }
+ } while ($processed < count($all_links));
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ }
+ $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $sQuery = '
+ ';
+ if($useasync) {
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->SetParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2', $db2->connection->thread_id.'|'.$sEcho);
+ }
+ $startExecutionTime = microtime(true);
+ $rResultFilterTotal = $db2->Query($sQuery, true);
+ $threadid = $db2->connection->thread_id;
+ $all_links = array($db2->connection);
+ $processed = 0;
+ do {
+ echo ' ';
+ flush();
+ ob_flush();
+ if(connection_aborted() == 1 || (
+ $maxExecutionTime > 0 && microtime(true) - $startExecutionTime > $maxExecutionTime)
+ ) {
+ $this->app->DB->kill($threadid);
+ exit;
+ }
+ $links = $errors = $reject = array();
+ foreach ($all_links as $link) {
+ $links[] = $errors[] = $reject[] = $link;
+ }
+ if(!mysqli_poll($links, $errors, $reject, 0, 50000)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ foreach ($links as $link) {
+ if($rResultFilterTotal = $link->reap_async_query()){
+ break 2;
+ };
+ $processed++;
+ }
+ } while ($processed < count($all_links));
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id2');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $rResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Query($sQuery);
+ }
+ $aResultFilterTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResultFilterTotal);
+ $iFilteredTotal = $aResultFilterTotal[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if($useasync) {
+ echo ' ';
+ flush();
+ ob_flush();
+ if(connection_aborted() == 1) {
+ if(!empty($db2)) {
+ $db2->Close();
+ }
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
+ }
+ $this->app->DB->Close();
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ $sQuery = "
+ FROM artikel
+ ";
+ */
+ //$sQuery = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"count","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ if(!$limiert){
+ $sQuery = $YUIs['count'];
+ if((String)$sQuery !== '') {
+ $rResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Query( $sQuery);
+ $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Array($rResultTotal);
+ $this->app->DB->free($rResultTotal);
+ $iTotal = (int)$aResultTotal[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $iTotal = !empty($iFilteredTotal)?(int)$iFilteredTotal:0;
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->CheckBegrenzungLiveTabelle($cmd, $iTotal, microtime(true)-$starttime);
+ }
+ elseif(!empty($YUIs['cached_count'])) {
+ $aResultTotal = $this->app->DB->SelectArrCache($YUIs['cached_count'], 180, 'tablesearch_count');
+ if(!empty($aResultTotal)) {
+ $iTotal = reset($aResultTotal);
+ $iTotal = reset($iTotal);
+ }
+ }
+ if(method_exists($this->app->erp,'CheckSchnellsuche')) {
+ $this->app->erp->CheckSchnellsuche($cmd, $iTotal, microtime(true) - $starttime);
+ }
+ //$heading = count($this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"heading","","",$frommodule, $fromclass));
+ $heading = count($YUIs['heading']);
+ //$menu = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch("",$cmd,"menu","","",$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ $menu = $this->app->Tpl->ParseTranslation($YUIs['menu']);
+ $sOutput2 = '';
+ $rowc = 0;
+ while ( $aRow = $this->app->DB->Fetch_Row( $rResult )) {
+ $rowc++;
+ if(!$limiert || ($rowc <= $iDisplayLength)) {
+ $sOutput2 .= '[';
+ for($i=1;$i<$heading;$i++) {
+ /*if(strpos($aRow[$i],'<') !== false) //30.07.2018 Bruno Entfernt wegen fehlerhaften Entfernen von Tags
+ {
+ if($jsarray && isset($jsarray[$i]) && !$jsarray[$i])
+ {
+ $aRow[$i] = strip_tags($aRow[$i]);
+ }elseif(isset($jsarray[$i]) && 1 == $jsarray[$i])
+ {
+ $aRow[$i] = $this->app->stringcleaner->xss_clean($aRow[$i], false);
+ }
+ }*/
+ $aRow[$i] = $this->EntferneSteuerzeichen(trim(str_replace("'",''',$aRow[$i])));
+ $aRow[$i] = str_replace("\r",'',$aRow[$i]);
+ $aRow[$i] = str_replace("\n",'',$aRow[$i]);
+ $sOutput2 .= '"'.addslashes($aRow[$i]).'",';
+ }
+ $sOutput2 .= '"'.addslashes(str_replace('%value%',$aRow[$i],$menu)).'"';
+ $sOutput2 .= '],';
+ }
+ }
+ if($limiert) {
+ $sOutput = '{';
+ $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.(!empty($iTotal)?$iTotal:$rowc+(int)$iDisplayStart).', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.($rowc+(int)$iDisplayStart).', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
+ }
+ else{
+ $sOutput = '{';
+ $sOutput .= '"sEcho": '.(int)$sEcho.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalRecords": '.$iTotal.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": '.$iFilteredTotal.', ';
+ $sOutput .= '"aaData": [ ';
+ }
+ $sOutput .= $sOutput2;
+ $sOutput = substr_replace( $sOutput, "", -1 );
+ $sOutput .= '] }';
+ $sOutput = str_replace("\t",'',$sOutput);
+ // Eventuell deutsches Datumsformat in allen Tabellen und sortieren geht auch
+ //$repl = preg_replace('~\"([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\"~', '" $3.$2.$1"', $sOutput);
+ //$repl = preg_replace('~\"([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+~', '" $3.$2.$1 ', $repl);
+ //$repl = preg_replace('~\s+([1-2]{1}\d{3})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s+~', ' $3.$2.$1 ', $repl);
+ //$repl = preg_replace('~\"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\"~', '"$3.$2.$1"', $sOutput);
+ $repl = $sOutput;
+ $repl = $this->app->erp->ClearDataBeforeOutput($repl);
+ $repl = json_encode(json_decode($repl));
+ echo $repl;
+ if(!empty($YUIs['onequeryperuser'])) {
+ $this->app->User->deleteParameter('tablesearch_'.$cmd.'_id');
+ }
+ $this->app->erp->ExitWawi();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function AjaxLiveTable(): void
+ {
+ /** @var Request request */
+ $request = $this->app->Container->get('Request');
+ $tableName = $request->get->get('srctable', '');
+ $module = $request->get->get('srcmodule', '');
+ $className = $request->get->get('srcclass', '');
+ $className = StringUtil::toTitleCase($className, '-');
+ $this->app->BuildNavigation=false;
+ if (empty($tableName)) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set(
+ 'Fehler: Tabelle ist nicht spezifiziert.
+ );
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((empty($module) xor empty($className))) {
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set(
+ 'Fehler: Tabelle kann nicht gefunden werden.
+ );
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!empty($module) && !str_ends_with(strtolower($module), '.php')) {
+ $module .= '.php';
+ }
+ $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('LIVETABLE', $tableName, 'show', '', '', $module, $className);
+ $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'livetable_async.tpl');
+ }
+ protected function EntferneSteuerzeichen($string)
+ {
+ $len = strlen($string);
+ $out = '';
+ for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
+ $ord = ord($string[$i]);
+ if($ord != 127 && ($ord > 31 || $ord == 13 || $ord == 10 || $ord == 9)) {
+ $out .= $string[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ protected function fnColumnToFieldPosition( $i )
+ {
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $findcols = $this->app->YUI->TablePositionSearch('',$cmd,'findcols');
+ return !empty($findcols[$i])?$findcols[$i]:0;
+ }
+ protected function fnColumnToField( $i )
+ {
+ $cmd = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('cmd');
+ $frommodule = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('frommodule');
+ $fromclass = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('fromclass');
+ $findcols = $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('',$cmd,'findcols','','',$frommodule, $fromclass);
+ return $findcols[$i];
+ }
diff --git a/www/pages/artikel.php b/www/pages/artikel.php
index 1274d722..54d5bdee 100644
--- a/www/pages/artikel.php
+++ b/www/pages/artikel.php
@@ -3678,7 +3678,14 @@ class Artikel extends GenArtikel {
$id = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE nummer='$id' AND intern_gesperrt!=1 LIMIT 1");
$warnung = 1-(int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT if(rabatt=1,1,vkmeldungunterdruecken) FROM artikel WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
$adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT adresse FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
- $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ if (!is_null($module)) {
+ if ($this->app->DB->Select("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$module` LIKE 'waehrung'")) {
+ $waehrung = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT waehrung FROM $smodule WHERE id='$sid' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ }
$posanz = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM $smodule"."_position WHERE $smodule = '$sid'");
//if($posanz == 0){
// $waehrung = '';
diff --git a/www/pages/lieferschein.php b/www/pages/lieferschein.php
index 7bc49b54..d3a0791e 100644
--- a/www/pages/lieferschein.php
+++ b/www/pages/lieferschein.php
@@ -1,2569 +1,2573 @@
- $projectCol = 'p.abkuerzung';
- $abJoin = '';
- if($useProjectAb) {
- $projectCol = 'IFNULL(pab.abkuerzung ,p.abkuerzung)';
- $abJoin = ' LEFT JOIN auftrag AS ab ON l.auftragid =
- LEFT JOIN projekt AS pab ON ab.projekt = ';
- }
- switch($name)
- {
- case 'lieferscheineinbearbeitung':
- $allowed['lieferschein'] = array('create', 'list');
- // headings
- $heading = array('', 'Lieferschein', 'Vom', 'Kd-Nr./Lf-Nr.', 'Kunde/Lieferant', 'Land', 'Projekt', 'Versand', 'Art', 'Status', 'Menü');
- $width = array('1%', '10%', '10%', '10%', '35%', '5%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%');
- $findcols = array('open', 'l.belegnr', 'l.datum', 'if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer)', '', '', $projectCol, 'l.versandart', 'l.lieferscheinart', 'l.status', 'id');
- $searchsql = array('', 'DATE_FORMAT(l.datum,\'%d.%m.%Y\')', 'l.belegnr', 'if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer)', '', '', $projectCol, 'l.status', 'l.plz', '', 'adr.freifeld1', 'l.ihrebestellnummer','l.internebezeichnung','l.versandart');
- $defaultorder = 11; //Optional wenn andere Reihenfolge gewuenscht
- $defaultorderdesc = 1;
- $menu = "";
- $menucol = 10;
- // SQL statement
- $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,'Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/details_open.png class=details>' as open, 'ENTWURF' as belegnr, DATE_FORMAT(l.datum,'%d.%m.%Y') as vom, if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer) as kundennummer,
- CONCAT(" . $app->erp->MarkerUseredit("", "l.useredittimestamp") . ", if(l.internebezeichnung!='',CONCAT('
',l.internebezeichnung,''),'')) as kunde,
- as land, $projectCol as projekt, l.versandart as versandart,
- l.lieferscheinart as art, UPPER(l.status) as status,
- FROM lieferschein AS l
- LEFT JOIN projekt AS p ON
- LEFT JOIN adresse AS lfr ON
- LEFT JOIN adresse AS adr ON ".$abJoin;
- $where = " ( l.status='angelegt') " . $app->erp->ProjektRechte('', true, 'l.vertriebid');
- // gesamt anzahl
- $count = "SELECT COUNT( FROM lieferschein l WHERE ( l.status='angelegt')";
- $moreinfo = true;
- break;
- case 'lieferscheineoffene':
- $allowed['lieferschein'] = array('list');
- // headings
- $heading = array('', 'Lieferschein', 'Vom', 'Kd-Nr.', 'Kunde', 'Land', 'Projekt', 'Versand', 'Art', 'Status', 'Menü');
- $width = array('1%', '10%', '10%', '10%', '35%', '5%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%', '1%');
- $findcols = array('open', 'l.belegnr', 'l.datum', 'if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer)', '', '',$projectCol, 'l.versandart', 'l.lieferscheinart', 'l.status', 'id');
- $searchsql = array('', 'DATE_FORMAT(l.datum,\'%d.%m.%Y\')', 'l.belegnr', 'if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer)', '', '', $projectCol, 'l.status', 'l.plz', '', 'adr.freifeld1', 'l.ihrebestellnummer','l.internebezeichnung','l.versandart');
- $defaultorder = 11; //Optional wenn andere Reihenfolge gewuenscht
- $defaultorderdesc = 1;
- $menu = "";
- $menucol = 10;
- // SQL statement
- $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,'Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/details_open.png class=details>' as open, l.belegnr, DATE_FORMAT(l.datum,'%d.%m.%Y') as vom, if(l.lieferantenretoure=1,lfr.lieferantennummer,adr.kundennummer) as kundennummer,
- CONCAT(" . $app->erp->MarkerUseredit("", "l.useredittimestamp") . ", if(l.internebezeichnung!='',CONCAT('
',l.internebezeichnung,''),'')) as kunde,
- as land, $projectCol as projekt, l.versandart as versandart,
- l.lieferscheinart as art, UPPER(l.status) as status,
- FROM lieferschein AS l
- LEFT JOIN projekt AS p ON
- LEFT JOIN adresse AS lfr ON
- LEFT JOIN adresse AS adr ON ".$abJoin;
- $where = "!='' AND l.status='freigegeben' " . $app->erp->ProjektRechte('', true, 'l.vertriebid');
- // gesamt anzahl
- $count = "SELECT COUNT( FROM lieferschein l WHERE l.status='freigegeben'";
- $moreinfo = true;
- break;
- case "lieferschein_seriennummern_assistent":
- $id = $app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $heading = array('Artikel-Nr.','Artikel','Lagerplatz','Seriennummer','Menü');
- $width = array('10%','10%','10%','10%', '1%');
- $findcols = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','t2.seriennummer','lag.kurzbezeichnung','');
- $searchsql = array('art.nummer','art.name_de','t2.seriennummer','lag.kurzbezeichnung' );
- $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, art.nummer, art.name_de, lag.kurzbezeichnung, t2.seriennummer ,CONCAT('this,',t2.menge)
- FROM (
- SELECT, t.artikel, t.menge, count( as co, ls.seriennummer, ls.lager_platz
- FROM lager_seriennummern AS ls
- (
- SELECT lp.artikel, sum(menge) as menge
- FROM lieferschein_position AS lp
- WHERE lp.lieferschein = '$id'
- GROUP BY lp.artikel
- ) AS t ON ls.artikel = t.artikel
- LEFT JOIN seriennummern s ON s.artikel = t.artikel AND s.lieferschein = '$id' AND s.seriennummer <> ''
- GROUP BY, t.artikel
- ) AS t2
- INNER JOIN artikel AS art ON t2.artikel =
- INNER JOIN lager_platz AS lag ON t2.lager_platz =
- ";
- $menu = "Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/forward.svg border=\"0\">";
- $where = "t2.menge > ";
- $count = "SELECT count(
- FROM (SELECT, t.artikel, t.menge, count( as co, ls.seriennummer, ls.lager_platz
- FROM lager_seriennummern ls
- (SELECT lp.artikel, sum(menge) as menge
- FROM lieferschein_position lp WHERE lp.lieferschein = '$id') t
- ON ls.artikel = lp.artikel LEFT JOIN seriennummern s ON s.artikel = t.artikel AND s.lieferschein = '$id' AND s.seriennummer <> ''
- GROUP BY, t.artikel) t2
- INNER JOIN artikel art ON t2.artikel =
- INNER JOIN lager_platz lag ON t2.lager_platz =
- WHERE $where";
- break;
- }
- $erg = [];
- foreach($erlaubtevars as $k => $v)
- {
- if(isset($$v)){
- $erg[$v] = $$v;
- }
- }
- return $erg;
- }
- /** @var Application $app */
- function __construct($app, $intern = false)
- {
- $this->app=$app;
- if($intern)return;
- $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this);
- $this->app->ActionHandler("list","LieferscheinList");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("create","LieferscheinCreate");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("paketmarke","LieferscheinPaketmarke");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("positionen","LieferscheinPositionen");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("uplieferscheinposition","UpLieferscheinPosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("dellieferscheinposition","DelLieferscheinPosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("copylieferscheinposition","CopyLieferscheinPosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("downlieferscheinposition","DownLieferscheinPosition");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("positioneneditpopup","LieferscheinPositionenEditPopup");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("edit","LieferscheinEdit");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("copy","LieferscheinCopy");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("delete","LieferscheinDelete");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("freigabe","LieferscheinFreigabe");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("abschicken","LieferscheinAbschicken");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("abschliessen","LieferscheinAbschliessen");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("auslagern","LieferscheinAuslagern");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("pdf","LieferscheinPDF");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("inlinepdf","LieferscheinInlinePDF");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("protokoll","LieferscheinProtokoll");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("minidetail","LieferscheinMiniDetail");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("minidetailkommissionierung","LieferscheinMiniDetailkommissionierung");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("editable","LieferscheinEditable");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("livetabelle","LieferscheinLiveTabelle");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("schreibschutz","LieferscheinSchreibschutz");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("positionenetiketten","LieferscheinPositionenEtiketten");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("rechnung","LieferscheinRechnung");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("proformarechnung","LieferscheinProformarechnung");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("dateien","LieferscheinDateien");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("pdffromarchive","LieferscheinPDFfromArchiv");
- $this->app->ActionHandler("archivierepdf","LieferscheinArchivierePDF");
- $this->app->DefaultActionHandler("list");
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $nummer = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST("adresse");
- if($nummer==''){
- if($id > 0){
- $adresse = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM lieferschein b INNER JOIN adresse a ON WHERE'$id' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $adresse = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- $adresse = $nummer;
- }
- if($id > 0){
- $nummer = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT b.belegnr FROM lieferschein b LEFT JOIN adresse a ON WHERE'$id' LIMIT 1");
- }else{
- $nummer = '';
- }
- if($nummer=="" || $nummer==0) $nummer="ohne Nummer";
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('UEBERSCHRIFT',"Lieferschein: ".$adresse." (".$nummer.")");
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('FARBE',"[FARBE3]");
- $this->app->erp->Headlines('Lieferschein');
- $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app);
- }
- public function Install(){
- $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('supersearch_detail', 'lieferschein', 'LieferscheinSupersearchDetail');
- }
- /**
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Query\DetailQuery $detailQuery
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Result\ResultDetail $detailResult
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function LieferscheinSupersearchDetail($detailQuery, $detailResult)
- {
- if($detailQuery->getGroupKey() === 'deliverynote'){
- $this->LieferscheinSupersearchDetailDeliveryNote($detailQuery, $detailResult);
- }
- if ($detailQuery->getGroupKey() === 'trackingnumber') {
- $this->LieferscheinSupersearchDetailTrackingNumber($detailQuery, $detailResult);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Query\DetailQuery $detailQuery
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Result\ResultDetail $detailResult
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function LieferscheinSupersearchDetailDeliveryNote($detailQuery, $detailResult)
- {
- if ($detailQuery->getGroupKey() !== 'deliverynote') {
- return;
- }
- $lieferscheinId = $detailQuery->getItemIdentifier();
- $sql = sprintf(
- "SELECT, l.belegnr, l.datum FROM `lieferschein` AS `l` WHERE = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($lieferscheinId)
- );
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->SelectRow($sql);
- if (empty($lieferschein)) {
- return;
- }
- $datum = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($lieferschein['datum']));
- $detailResult->setTitle(sprintf('Lieferschein %s vom %s', $lieferschein['belegnr'], $datum));
- $detailResult->addButton('Lieferschein Details', sprintf('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id=%s', $lieferschein['id']));
- $detailResult->setMiniDetailUrl(sprintf('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=minidetail&id=%s', $lieferschein['id']));
- }
- /**
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Query\DetailQuery $detailQuery
- * @param \Xentral\Widgets\SuperSearch\Result\ResultDetail $detailResult
- *
- * @return void
- */
- public function LieferscheinSupersearchDetailTrackingNumber($detailQuery, $detailResult)
- {
- if ($detailQuery->getGroupKey() !== 'trackingnumber') {
- return;
- }
- $versandId = $detailQuery->getItemIdentifier();
- $sql = sprintf(
- "SELECT v.lieferschein FROM `versand` AS `v` WHERE = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($versandId)
- );
- $lieferscheinId = $this->app->DB->Select($sql);
- $sql = sprintf(
- "SELECT, l.belegnr, l.datum FROM `lieferschein` AS `l` WHERE = '%s' LIMIT 1",
- $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($lieferscheinId)
- );
- $lieferschein = $this->app->DB->SelectRow($sql);
- if (empty($lieferschein)) {
- return;
- }
- $datum = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($lieferschein['datum']));
- $detailResult->setTitle(sprintf('Lieferschein %s vom %s', $lieferschein['belegnr'], $datum));
- $detailResult->addButton('Lieferschein Details', sprintf('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id=%s', $lieferschein['id']));
- $detailResult->setMiniDetailUrl(sprintf('index.php?module=lieferschein&action=minidetail&id=%s', $lieferschein['id']));
- }
- function LieferscheinMiniDetailkommissionierung()
- {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $table = new EasyTable($this->app);
- $table->Query("SELECT date_format(datum,'%d.%m.%Y') as Datum,belegnr as Lieferschein FROM lieferschein WHERE kommissionierung = '$id' ORDER BY id");
- echo $table->DisplayNew('return', 'Lieferschein', 'noAction');
- exit;
- }
- /**
- * @param int $deliveryNoteId
- */
- public function archivePdf($deliveryNoteId)
- {
- if($deliveryNoteId <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- $projectId = $this->app->DB->Select(
- sprintf(
- 'SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1',
- $deliveryNoteId
- )
- );
- if(class_exists('LieferscheinPDFCustom')) {
- $Brief = new LieferscheinPDFCustom($this->app, $projectId);
- }
- else{
- $Brief = new LieferscheinPDF($this->app, $projectId);
- }
- $Brief->GetLieferschein($deliveryNoteId);
- $tmpfile = $Brief->displayTMP();
- $Brief->ArchiviereDocument(1);
- unlink($tmpfile);
- $this->app->DB->Update(
- sprintf(
- 'UPDATE lieferschein SET schreibschutz=1 WHERE id = %d',
- $deliveryNoteId
- )
- );
- }
- function LieferscheinArchivierePDF()
- {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id');
- $this->archivePdf($id);
- header('Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id='.$id);
- exit;
- }
- function LieferscheinAbschliessen() {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- if($id > 0)
- {
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE lieferschein SET status='abgeschlossen' WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->app->erp->LieferscheinProtokoll($id,"Lieferschein abgeschlossen");
- $auftragid = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT auftragid FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($auftragid && $this->app->erp->ModulVorhanden('produktion') && method_exists($this->app->erp, 'ProduktionEinzelnBerechnen'))
- {
- $produktionen = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id FROM produktion WHERE auftragid = '$auftragid'");
- if($produktionen)
- {
- foreach($produktionen as $v)$this->app->erp->ProduktionEinzelnBerechnen($v['id']);
- }
- }
- }
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Der Lieferschein wurde als abgeschlossen markiert!
- header("Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=list&msg=$msg");
- exit;
- }
- function LieferscheinAuslagern()
- {
- $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- if($id > 0)
- {
- if($this->LieferscheinCheck($id))
- {
- // wenn alles lagernd ist und nicht ausgelagert ist
- $standardlager = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardlager FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($standardlager && $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) FROM lager") <= 1)$standardlager = 0;
- $this->app->erp->LieferscheinAuslagern($id, true, $standardlager, 'lieferschein', 0, true);
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('lieferschein_auslagern', 1, $id);
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Der Lieferschein wurde ausgelagert!
- } else {
- if($this->LieferscheinCheck($id, true)) {
- $article = $this->LieferscheinCheck($id, 'article');
- $typ = '';
- if(!empty($article)) {
- $mhd = $article['mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum'] > 0;
- $charge = $article['chargenverwaltung'] > 0;
- $sn = $article['seriennummern'] != '' && $article['seriennummern'] !== 'keine';
- if($mhd && $charge) {
- $typ = 'MHD/Chargen';
- }
- elseif($mhd) {
- $typ = 'MHDs';
- }
- elseif($charge) {
- $typ = 'Chargen';
- }
- elseif($sn) {
- $typ = 'Seriennummern';
- }
- }
- if(!empty($typ)) {
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode(
- "Der Lieferschein kann nicht ausgelagert werden da zu wenig ".$typ." im Artikel ".$article['nummer']." vorhanden sind!
- );
- }
- else {
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode(
- "Der Lieferschein kann nicht ausgelagert werden da zu wenig MHD/Chargen/Seriennummern in einem Artikel vorhanden sind!
- );
- }
- }
- else{
- // wenn nur teilmenge ausgelagert werden konnte
- $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("Der Lieferschein kann nicht ausgelagert werden da nicht alle Artikel vorhanden sind!
- }
- }
- header("Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id=$id&msg=$msg");
- }
- exit;
- }
- function LieferscheinPaketmarke()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $versandart = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT versandart FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- $this->LieferscheinMenu();
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('TABTEXT',"Paketmarke");
- $versandart = strtolower($versandart);
- $versandartenmodul = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT id, modul FROM versandarten WHERE aktiv = 1 AND ausprojekt = 0 AND modul != '' AND type = '".$this->app->DB->real_escape_string($versandart)."' AND (projekt = '$projekt' || projekt = 0) ORDER BY projekt DESC LIMIT 1");
- if($versandartenmodul && is_file(dirname(__DIR__).'/lib/versandarten/'.$versandartenmodul[0]['modul'].'.php'))
- {
- $this->app->erp->Paketmarke('TAB1','lieferschein',"",$versandart);
- }else{
- if($versandart=="dpd")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeDPDEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein");
- else if($versandart=="express_dpd")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeDPDEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein","express");
- else if($versandart=="export_dpd")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeDPDEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein","export");
- else if($versandart=="ups")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeUPSEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein");
- else if($versandart=="fedex")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeFEDEXEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein");
- else if($versandart=="go")
- $this->app->erp->PaketmarkeGo('TAB1',"lieferschein");
- else {
- $this->app->erp->Paketmarke('TAB1','lieferschein',"","");
- }
- //$this->app->erp->PaketmarkeDHLEmbedded('TAB1',"lieferschein");
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE',"tabview.tpl");
- }
- function LieferscheinEditable()
- {
- $this->app->YUI->AARLGEditable();
- }
- function LieferscheinSchreibschutz()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE lieferschein SET zuarchivieren='1' WHERE id='$id'");
- $this->app->DB->Update("UPDATE lieferschein SET schreibschutz='0' WHERE id='$id'");
- header("Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id=$id");
- exit;
- }
- function LieferscheinLiveTabelle()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $status = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT status FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $table = new EasyTable($this->app);
- if($status=="freigegeben")
- {
- $table->Query("SELECT SUBSTRING(ap.bezeichnung,1,20) as artikel, ap.nummer as Nummer, ap.menge as M,
- if(a.porto,'-',if((SELECT SUM(l.menge) FROM lager_platz_inhalt l WHERE l.artikel=ap.artikel) > ap.menge,(SELECT SUM(l.menge) FROM lager_platz_inhalt l WHERE l.artikel=ap.artikel),
- if((SELECT SUM(l.menge) FROM lager_platz_inhalt l WHERE l.artikel=ap.artikel)>0,CONCAT('',(SELECT SUM(l.menge) FROM lager_platz_inhalt l WHERE l.artikel=ap.artikel),''),
- if(a.lagerartikel=1,'aus','kein Lagerartikel' ))) as L
- FROM lieferschein_position ap, artikel a WHERE ap.lieferschein='$id' AND");
- $artikel = $table->DisplayNew("return","A","noAction");
- } else {
- $table->Query("SELECT SUBSTRING(ap.bezeichnung,1,20) as artikel, ap.nummer as Nummer, ap.menge as M
- FROM lieferschein_position ap, artikel a WHERE ap.lieferschein='$id' AND");
- $artikel = $table->DisplayNew("return","Menge","noAction");
- }
- echo $artikel;
- exit;
- }
- function LieferscheinCopy()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $newid = $this->CopyLieferschein($id);
- header("Location: index.php?module=lieferschein&action=edit&id=$newid");
- exit;
- }
- function Custom($typ)
- {
- return '';
- }
- function LieferscheinIconMenu($id,$prefix="")
- {
- $status = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT status FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $lieferantenretoure = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT lieferantenretoure FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($status=="angelegt" || $status=="")
- $freigabe = "";
- if(($status=="versendet" || $status=="freigegeben") && $lieferantenretoure=="1")
- $abschliessen = "";
- $checkifrgexists = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM rechnung WHERE lieferschein='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $optioncustom = $this->Custom('option');
- $casecustom = $this->Custom('case');
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $auslagern = '';
- $erneut = '';
- $casehook = '';
- $optionhook = '';
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('lieferscheiniconmenu_option', 5, $id, $casehook, $optionhook, $status, $prefix);
- $hookoption = '';
- $hookcase = '';
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('Lieferschein_Aktion_option',3, $id, $status, $hookoption);
- $this->app->erp->RunHook('Lieferschein_Aktion_case',3, $id, $status, $hookcase);
- $bestellmengelagerartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sum(lp.menge) as bestellmenge from lieferschein_position lp INNER JOIN artikel a on where a.lagerartikel=1 AND lp.lieferschein = '$id'");
- $liefermengelagerartikel = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sum(lp.geliefert) as liefermenge from lieferschein_position lp INNER JOIN artikel a on where a.lagerartikel=1 AND lp.lieferschein = '$id'");
- $liefermengelagerartikel2 = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT sum(olp.menge) as liefermenge from lieferschein_position lp INNER JOIN objekt_lager_platz olp ON olp.objekt='lieferschein' AND INNER JOIN artikel a on where a.lagerartikel=1 AND lp.lieferschein = '$id'");
- $lieferscheinpositionen = (int)$this->app->DB->Select("SELECT count(id) from lieferschein_position where lieferschein = '$id'");
- $mengegeliefert = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(sum(geliefert),0) from lieferschein_position where lieferschein = '$id'");
- $schreibschutz = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT schreibschutz FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- $mengegeliefert = $mengegeliefert + $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT ifnull(sum(olp.menge),0)+0 FROM objekt_lager_platz olp INNER JOIN lieferschein_position lp ON olp.objekt='lieferschein' AND AND lp.lieferschein = '$id'");
- if($mengegeliefert <= 0 && $liefermengelagerartikel > 0 && $schreibschutz=="1" && $status!='angelegt' && $status!='storniert') {
- $auslagern = '';
- }else{
- //12.07.19 LG lieferscheinlager als kommissionierverfahren zum if hinzugefuegt
- $projektkommissionierverfahren = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT kommissionierverfahren FROM projekt where id = '$projekt'");
- if($projekt && ($projektkommissionierverfahren == "" || $projektkommissionierverfahren == "rechnungsmail" || $projektkommissionierverfahren == "lieferschein" || $projektkommissionierverfahren == "lieferscheinscan" || $projektkommissionierverfahren == "lieferscheinlager" || $projektkommissionierverfahren == "lieferscheinlagerscan"))
- {
- if(($bestellmengelagerartikel != $liefermengelagerartikel && $bestellmengelagerartikel != $liefermengelagerartikel2) && $status!='angelegt' && $status!='storniert') {
- $auslagern = '';
- }
- }
- }
- if($status!="angelegt" && $lieferantenretoure!="1")
- {
- $alsrechnung = "";
- if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('lieferschein', 'proformarechnung') && $this->app->erp->ModulVorhanden('proformarechnung'))
- {
- $alsrechnung .= "";
- }
- }
- if($this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('belegeimport', 'belegcsvexport'))
- {
- $casebelegeimport = "case 'belegeimport': window.location.href='index.php?module=belegeimport&action=belegcsvexport&cmd=lieferschein&id=%value%'; break;";
- $optionbelegeimport = "";
- }
- $etiketten_positionen = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT etiketten_positionen FROM projekt WHERE id='$projekt' LIMIT 1");
- if($etiketten_positionen > 0)
- $etiketten = "";
- $casestorno = "case 'storno': if(!confirm('Wirklich stornieren?')) return document.getElementById('aktion$prefix').selectedIndex = 0; else window.location.href='index.php?module=lieferschein&action=delete&id=%value%'; break;";
- if($this->app->DB->Select("SELECT FROM objekt_lager_platz olp INNER JOIN lieferschein_position pos ON olp.parameter = AND olp.objekt = 'lieferschein' WHERE pos.lieferschein = '$id' LIMIT 1"))$casestorno = "case 'storno': if(!confirm('Wirklich stornieren?')) return document.getElementById('aktion$prefix').selectedIndex = 0; else if(!confirm('Artikel wieder einlagern?')) window.location.href='index.php?module=lieferschein&action=delete&id=%value%';else window.location.href='index.php?module=lieferschein&action=delete&cmd=einlagern&id=%value%'; break;";
- if($checkifrgexists>0) $extendtext = "HINWEIS: Es existiert bereits eine Rechnung zu diesem Lieferschein! "; else $extendtext="";
- $menu ="
- Aktion:
- ";
- //$tracking = $this->AuftragTrackingTabelle($id);
- $menu = str_replace('%value%',$id,$menu);
- return $menu;
- }
- function LieferscheinPDFfromArchiv()
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- $archiv = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT table_id from pdfarchiv where id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
- if($archiv)
- {
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt from lieferschein where id = '".(int)$archiv."'");
- }
- if(class_exists('LieferscheinPDFCustom'))
- {
- if($archiv)$Brief = new LieferscheinPDFCustom($this->app,$projekt);
- }else{
- if($archiv)$Brief = new LieferscheinPDF($this->app,$projekt);
- }
- if($archiv && $content = $Brief->getArchivByID($id))
- {
- header('Content-type: application/pdf');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$content['belegnr'].'.pdf"');
- echo $content['file'];
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- header('Content-type: application/pdf');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fehler.pdf"');
- $this->app->ExitXentral();
- }
- function LieferscheinMiniDetail($parsetarget="",$menu=true)
- {
- $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
- if($id > 0){
- $auftragArr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $kundennummer = '';
- $projekt = 0;
- $kundenname = '';
- $lieferantenretoure = '';
- $lieferantenretoureinfo = '';
- if(!empty($auftragArr)) {
- $kundennummer = $auftragArr[0]['kundennummer'];
- $projektid = $auftragArr[0]['projekt'];
- $projekt = '';
- if($projektid){
- $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='{$auftragArr[0]['projekt']}' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $kundenname = '';
- if($auftragArr[0]['adresse'] > 0){
- $kundenname = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE id='{$auftragArr[0]['adresse']}' LIMIT 1");
- }
- $lieferantenretoure = $auftragArr[0]['lieferantenretoure'];
- $lieferantenretoureinfo = $auftragArr[0]['lieferantenretoureinfo'];
- }
- $this->app->Tpl->Set('LIEFERANTENRETOUREINFO',$lieferantenretoureinfo);
- if($lieferantenretoure!='1') {
+ //$tracking = $this->AuftragTrackingTabelle($id);
+ $menu = str_replace('%value%',$id,$menu);
+ return $menu;
+ }
+ function LieferscheinPDFfromArchiv()
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
+ $archiv = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT table_id from pdfarchiv where id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
+ if($archiv)
+ {
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT projekt from lieferschein where id = '".(int)$archiv."'");
+ }
+ if(class_exists('LieferscheinPDFCustom'))
+ {
+ if($archiv)$Brief = new LieferscheinPDFCustom($this->app,$projekt);
+ }else{
+ if($archiv)$Brief = new LieferscheinPDF($this->app,$projekt);
+ }
+ if($archiv && $content = $Brief->getArchivByID($id))
+ {
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$content['belegnr'].'.pdf"');
+ echo $content['file'];
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ header('Content-type: application/pdf');
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Fehler.pdf"');
+ $this->app->ExitXentral();
+ }
+ function LieferscheinMiniDetail($parsetarget="",$menu=true)
+ {
+ $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET("id");
+ if($id > 0){
+ $auftragArr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT * FROM lieferschein WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $kundennummer = '';
+ $projekt = 0;
+ $kundenname = '';
+ $lieferantenretoure = '';
+ $lieferantenretoureinfo = '';
+ if(!empty($auftragArr)) {
+ $kundennummer = $auftragArr[0]['kundennummer'];
+ $projektid = $auftragArr[0]['projekt'];
+ $projekt = '';
+ if($projektid){
+ $projekt = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT abkuerzung FROM projekt WHERE id='{$auftragArr[0]['projekt']}' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $kundenname = '';
+ if($auftragArr[0]['adresse'] > 0){
+ $kundenname = $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT name FROM adresse WHERE id='{$auftragArr[0]['adresse']}' LIMIT 1");
+ }
+ $lieferantenretoure = $auftragArr[0]['lieferantenretoure'];
+ $lieferantenretoureinfo = $auftragArr[0]['lieferantenretoureinfo'];
+ }
+ $this->app->Tpl->Set('LIEFERANTENRETOUREINFO',$lieferantenretoureinfo);
+ if($lieferantenretoure!='1') {