Conf)){ $conf = new Config(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB)) { $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost,$app->Conf->WFdbname,$app->Conf->WFdbuser,$app->Conf->WFdbpass,null,$app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) { $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); }else{ $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; $remote = new Remote($app); $app->remote = $remote; $apikey = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('umkreissuche_einstellungen_apikey'); if($apikey==''){ $apikey = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('fahrtenbuch_einstellungen_apikey'); } if($apikey == '') { return; } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutexcounter = mutexcounter + 1 WHERE mutex = 1 AND parameter = 'openstreetmap' AND aktiv = 1"); if(!$app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE mutex = 0 AND parameter = 'openstreetmap' AND aktiv = 1")){ return; } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = NOW() WHERE parameter = 'openstreetmap' AND aktiv = 1"); $adressen = $app->DB->SelectArr("SELECT,a.plz, a.ort,, a.strasse FROM adresse a LEFT JOIN openstreetmap_status os ON WHERE ( = 0 OR IS NULL) AND (a.lng = 0 OR a.lng IS NULL) AND a.geloescht!=1 AND a.ort!='' AND a.plz!='' AND (os.status IS NULL OR os.status<=0) ORDER by DESC"); if(empty($adressen)) { $app->DB->Delete('DELETE FROM openstreetmap_status'); } else{ $cAdressen = count($adressen); $laender = $app->erp->GetSelectLaenderlisteEN(); for ($ij = 0; $ij < $cAdressen; $ij++) { $land = $laender[$adressen[$ij]['land']]; $query1 = trim($adressen[$ij]['strasse']) . ',' . trim($adressen[$ij]['plz']) . ' ' . trim($adressen[$ij]['ort']) . ',' . $land; $result1 = $app->erp->OpenstreetmapGetLangLat($apikey, $query1); if($result1[0] <> 0 && $result1[1] <> 0) { $app->DB->Update("UPDATE adresse SET lat='" . $result1[1] . "',lng='" . $result1[0] . "' WHERE id='" . $adressen[$ij]['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); }else{ $app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM openstreetmap_status WHERE adresse='" . $adressen[$ij]['id'] . "'"); $app->DB->Insert("INSERT INTO openstreetmap_status (adresse,`status`) VALUES ('" . $adressen[$ij]['id'] . "','1')"); } sleep(2); } } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 0 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = NOW() WHERE parameter = 'openstreetmap' AND aktiv = 1");