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} #sidebar .sidebar-toggle{ position: absolute; left: 160px; top: 23px; z-index: 904; cursor: pointer; transition: all .3s; } #sidebar .sidebar-toggle #sidebar-toogle-arrow{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; transform: rotate(180deg); } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-toggle{ left: 90px; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-toggle #sidebar-toogle-arrow{ transform: rotate(0deg); } #sidebar .logo-index{ display: block; width: 150px; overflow: hidden; transition: all .3s; padding-left: 25px; } #sidebar .logo-index .sidebar_icon_logo{ display: none; } #sidebar.collapsed .logo-index{ width: 55px; text-align: left; } #sidebar.collapsed .logo-index .sidebar_logo { display: none; } #sidebar.collapsed .logo-index .sidebar_icon_logo { display: block; } #sidebar .sidebar-list{ padding: 15px 0; } #sidebar .sidebar-list.bottom{ margin-top: auto; width: var(--sidebar-not-collapsed-width); } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list.bottom{ width: var(--sidebar-collapsed-width); } #sidebar .sidebar-list.separator-bottom{ border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.2); } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item{ display: block; width: 100%; padding: 0 25px; white-space: nowrap; box-sizing: border-box; transition: all .3s; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; border-left: 2px solid transparent; } #sidebar .list-item .item-counter{ position: absolute; min-width: 23px; height: 16px; line-height: 16px; padding: 0 5px; text-align: center; border-radius: 30px; right: 13px; top: 7px; color: white; font-size: 11px; background-color: #EF8567; } #sidebar.collapsed .list-item .item-counter{ overflow: hidden; min-width: auto; padding: 0; width: 6px; height: 6px; color: #EF8567; right: 23px; top: 5px; } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.button{ margin: 15px 8px 0 8px; width: calc(100% - 16px); padding-left: 20px; border: 1px solid; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list .list-item.button{ padding-left: 25px; } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.button .title{ color: var(--button-secondary-color); } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.button svg path{ stroke: var(--button-secondary-color); } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.current-module .title{ color: white; } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.current-module svg path{ stroke: var(--secondary-color); } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.active:not(.button){ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08); border-left-color: var(--secondary-color); } #sidebar .sidebar-list .list-item.active .sidebar-submenu div{ display: block; } #sidebar .sidebar-list.small-items .list-item { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list .list-item { padding-left: 27px; } #sidebar .sidebar-list svg{ display: inline-block; width: 14px; height: 14px; transition: all .3s; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list svg{ margin-top: 8px; width: 20px; height: 20px; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list.small-items svg{ margin-top: 3px; } #sidebar .sidebar-list .title{ display: inline-block; pointer-events: all; opacity: 1; transition: all .3s; color: var(--sidebar-secondary-color); font-size: 14px; padding-left: 15px; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-list .title{ pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; width: 0; } #sidebar .sidebar-submenu div{ display: none; border: 1px solid var(--sidebar-secondary-color); position: absolute; background: white; width: 200px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; z-index: 951; overflow: auto; white-space: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis; box-shadow: 0 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); margin-bottom: 50px; } #sidebar .sidebar-submenu:before{ position: absolute; content: ""; display: block; right: 10px; top: 10px; width: 20px; height: 20px; background-image: url('../images/dots.svg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; transition: all .3s; } #sidebar .list-item.active .sidebar-submenu:before{ transform: rotate(90deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); } #sidebar.collapsed .list-item .sidebar-submenu:before{ display: none; } #sidebar .sidebar-submenu a{ display: inline-block; color: var(--grey); height: 40px; width: 100%; padding: 0 15px 0 15px; } #sidebar .sidebar-submenu a:hover{ background-color: rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.5); } #sidebar .sidebar-submenu a:not(:last-child){ border-bottom: 1px solid var(--sidebar-secondary-color); } #sidebar .sidebar-software-version{ font-size: 9px; line-height: 12px; color: #FAFBFD; opacity: 0.3; position: absolute; padding: 0 25px; bottom: 8px; transition: all .3s; } #sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-software-version{ padding: 0 10px; text-align: center; } #sidebar > a.logo-index > img.development { position: relative; top: -28px; width: 26px; height: 26px; border: none; } /* Main - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #main { padding-left: var(--sidebar-not-collapsed-width);; width: 100%; min-height: calc(100vh - 150px); overflow: hidden; transition: padding-left .3s; z-index: 1; } @media screen and (max-height: 880px) { #main { min-height: 100vh; } } #main #page_container { -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; } /* Header - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #header { position: relative; height: 60px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; padding: 0; margin: 0; background: white; } /* Logo + Menu Opener */ #header .logo-wrapper { display: none; max-width: 22%; min-width: 15%; float: left; align-items: center; margin-top: 16px; } #header .menu-opener { float: left; margin-left: 16px; } #header .menu-opener > span { background: var(--mainmenu-color); height: 4px; width: 31px; display: block; } #header .menu-opener > span + span { margin-top: 4px; } #header .logo { margin: 0; float: left; } #header .logo > img { display: block; max-width: 300px; max-height: 33px; padding: 1px 0; margin: 0; border: none; border-radius: 0; } #header .search-wrapper { padding: 0 16px; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1; transition: all .3s; align-self: center; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px){ #header .search-wrapper { display: none; } #header .logo-wrapper{ display: flex; } } input[type=text].search-input { width: 100%; padding: 4px 10px 4px 30px; border-radius: 4px; color: var(--textfield-color); border: 1px solid #E7E7E7; background-color: #FAFBFD; background-image: url('../images/search.svg'); background-size: 14px 14px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px center; height: 32px; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 14px; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px){ #header .search-wrapper input { width: 10%; } } #header .info-wrapper { display: inline; } /* Status */ #header #header-status, #header #user-box { float: left; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.5em; margin-top: -6px; text-align: left; max-width: 21%; min-width: 15%; padding: 6px 1% 0; color: var(--header-color); } #header #header-status { max-width: 25%; min-width: 20%; } #header #header-status > #clock { color: var(--header-color); } #header #header-status > #clock .clockdate > span:after { content: " | "; } #header #header-status .status { font-weight: bold; } #header #header-status > .green > a, #header #header-status > .status > a { color: #a2d624; } #header #header-status > .red > a { color: #fd5653; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > span.counter:empty { display: none; } /* User / Company */ #header #user-box .user { font-weight: bold; } #header #topmenu > li span.nachrichtenboxzahl_red { background-color: #fd5653 !important; } /* Topmenu */ #header #topmenu { align-self: center; text-align: right; height: 38px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 16px; list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } #header #topmenu > li { position: relative; float: left; display: block; margin: 0; width: 40px; height: 38px; list-style-type: none; } #header #topmenu > li:first-child { margin-left: 0; } #header #topmenu > li.mobile-counter { display: none; } #header #topmenu > li > a { position: relative; top: 4px; display: block; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; } #header #topmenu > li .profile-box, #header #topmenu > li .icon-box { background: var(--header-icon-background, transparent); border-radius: 50%; height: 30px; width: 30px; display: inline-block; position: relative; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box svg { stroke: var(--header-icon-color, #76899F); } #header #topmenu > li:hover .icon-box { background: var(--header-icon-background-active, transparent); } #header #topmenu > li:hover .icon-box > .icon > svg { stroke: var(--header-icon-color-active, #76899F); } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > .icon:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > .icon > svg { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } #header #topmenu > li .profile-box > .icon > img { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; transform: scale(1.0); transition: transform 300ms; margin-top: -4px; border-radius: 50%; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > .counter { border-radius: 9px; background: var(--header-counter-background); color: var(--header-counter-color); font-size: 9px; padding: 5px 4px; font-weight: bold; min-width: 16px; height: 16px; line-height: 8px; text-align: center; display: block; position: absolute; left: 12px; top: 2px; z-index: 90; white-space: nowrap; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > .countererror { color: var(--header-counter-error-color, #FFF); background: var(--header-counter-error-background, #FF8665); } #header #topmenu > li .icon-box > .counterwarning { color: var(--header-counter-warning-color, #FFF); background: var(--header-counter-warning-background, #F0A631); } #header #topmenu > li .label { display: block; color: var(--header-color); margin-top: 4px; font-size: 9px; } #header #topmenu > li .icon-boxbig { background: var(--header-icon-background); height: 29px !important; line-height: 13px !important; } /** Upgrade licence button */ #header #topmenu > li#upgrade-licence { width: 95px; margin-right: 16px; display: flex; } #header #topmenu #upgrade-licence a{ text-decoration: none; display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%; justify-content: space-between; flex-direction: row; height: 26px; padding: 4px 10px; line-height: 26px; color: white; border: none; background: var(--xentral-gradient-violet-pink); border-radius: 3px; } #upgrade-licence button svg{ margin-right: 7px; } /** Profile picture **/ #header li#profile-picture-wrapper { position: relative; height: 38px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0 3px 0 9px; } #header #profile-info-wrapper, #header #profile-picture-wrapper{ cursor: pointer; } #header #profile-picture { position: relative; top: 4px; width: 30px; height: 30px; background-color: rgba(44, 229, 162, .5); border-radius: 50%; } #header #profile-picture div{ position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px; display: block; width: 28px; height: 28px; line-height: 28px; text-align: center; border-radius: 50%; overflow: hidden; color: white; font-size: 13px; text-transform: uppercase; } #header #profile-picture img { width: 28px; height: 28px; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; border-radius: 0; object-fit: cover; object-position: top center; } #header li#profile-info-wrapper { position: relative; width: auto; height: 38px; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 3px; } #header #profile-info-name { max-width: 186px; color: #646464; display: block; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; font-size: 14px; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding: 11px 0 0 0; } #header #profile-info-name svg{ margin-bottom: 3px; margin-left: 5px; transform: rotate(180deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); } #header #profile-info-name.menu-visible svg{ transform: rotate(0deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } /** Profile Menu */ #profile-menu{ display: none; position: absolute; right: 16px; top: 55px; z-index: 1000; border: 0.4px solid #D9D9D9; box-shadow: 0 9px 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06); border-radius: 2px; background-color: white; } #profile-menu.visible{ display: block; } #profile-menu a{ display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 10px 15px; width: 100%; text-align: left; color: #25233A; font-size: 14px; } #profile-menu a svg{ margin-right: 10px; } #profile-menu a:hover{ background: #FAFBFD; } #profile-menu a:last-child{ border-top: 1px solid rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.26); } /* Menu Default - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ ul.menu, ul.submenu { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } ul.menu > li { float: left; position: relative; } ul.menu > li:hover { z-index: 990; } ul.menu > li > a { text-decoration: none; color: var(--mainmenu-active-color); display: block; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 0; } /* Menue Wrapper - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .menu-wrapper { position: relative; } .menu-wrapper > .close-mobile { display: none; } #main.fixed { padding-top: 63px; } #main.fixed .menu-wrapper { width: calc(100% - var(--sidebar-not-collapsed-width)); z-index: 950; position: fixed; top: 0; border-bottom: 3px solid #2DCA73; } #sidebar.collapsed + #main.fixed .menu-wrapper { width: calc(100% - var(--sidebar-collapsed-width)); } #main.fixed .menu-wrapper #current{ padding-top: 10px; } /* Mainmenu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #mainmenu { position: relative; display: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style-type: none; background: var(--mainmenu-background); border-top: 0 solid var(--mainmenu-background); border-bottom: 0 solid var(--mainmenu-background); } #mainmenu > li { float: left; min-height: 1px; } #mainmenu > li.close-mobile { display: none; } #mainmenu > li > a { position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 7px 22px 7px 16px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: normal; color: var(--mainmenu-color); background-color: var(--mainmenu-background); border-top: 3px solid var(--mainmenu-background); border-bottom: 3px solid var(--mainmenu-background); } #mainmenu > li > a:hover, #mainmenu > li:hover > a, #mainmenu > li.active > a { color: var(--mainmenu-active-color); background-color: var(--mainmenu-active-background); z-index: 911; } #mainmenu > li:hover > a, #mainmenu > li.active > a { border-bottom-color: var(--mainmenu-active-bottom); } #mainmenu > li.active > a { font-weight: normal; } #mainmenu > li:hover > ul.submenu { max-height: 9000px; opacity: 1; padding: 5px 0 8px; z-index: 910; } #mainmenu > li > ul.submenu { position: absolute; box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 1, 0.39); background-color: var(--mainmenu-active-background); padding: 0; z-index: 903; opacity: 0; max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; min-width: 100%; transition: max-height 200ms, opacity 200ms, padding 200ms; } #mainmenu > li > ul.submenu > li { display: block; float: none; } #mainmenu > li > ul.submenu > li > a { color: var(--submenu-color); text-decoration: none; padding: 8px 20px; display: block; transition: background-color 200ms; white-space: nowrap; } #mainmenu > li > ul.submenu > li > a:hover, #mainmenu > li > ul.submenu > li.active > a { background-color: #f0f0f0; color: #3b3b3b; } /* Mainmenu merged Version - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #mainmenu.merged { position: relative; } #mainmenu.merged:before { content: ""; background: #f0f0f0; position: absolute; width: 100%; bottom: -6px; height: 5px; left: 0; z-index: 1; } #submenu.merged > li, #mainmenu.merged > li { margin-right: 5px; } #mainmenu.merged > li > a { box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(109, 109, 111, 0.61); padding-top: 11px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: var(--mainmenu-background); color: var(--mainmenu-color); margin-bottom: 0; min-width: 100%; text-align: center; } #mainmenu.merged > li.active > a { box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(109, 109, 111, 0.61); padding-top: 11px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: var(--mainmenu-merged-background-active); color: var(--mainmenu-merged-color-active); margin-bottom: 0; min-width: 100%; text-align: center; } #mainmenu.merged > li.active > a, #submenu.merged > li.active > a { z-index: inherit; margin-top: 0; } #mainmenu.merged > li > a:hover, #mainmenu.merged > li:hover > a { box-shadow: 0 0 6px rgba(109, 109, 111, 0.61); padding-top: 11px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: var(--mainmenu-merged-background-active); color: var(--mainmenu-merged-color-active); margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } #submenu.merged > li > a { font-weight: normal; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; min-width: 100%; } #submenu.merged > li.back, #submenu.merged > li.new, #submenu.merged > li.buttons { width: auto !important; margin-right: 9px; } #submenu.merged > li.back:hover > a, #submenu.merged > li.new:hover > a, #submenu.merged > li.buttons:hover > a, #submenu.merged > li.back > a:hover, #submenu.merged > li.new > a:hover, #submenu.merged > li.buttons > a:hover { position: relative; } #submenu.merged > li.buttons { margin-right: 0; } #mainmenu.merged > li, #submenu.merged > li { margin-right: 0; } #submenu.merged > li > a:hover, #submenu.merged > li:hover > a, #mainmenu.merged > li > a:hover, #mainmenu.merged > li:hover > a { position: absolute; } #mainmenu.merged > li:hover > ul.submenu { margin-top: 34px; background-color: var(--mainmenu-merged-background-active); } ul.menu.merged[data-items='2'] > li { width: 50%;} ul.menu.merged[data-items='3'] > li { width: 33.3333333333333%;} ul.menu.merged[data-items='4'] > li { width: 25%;} ul.menu.merged[data-items='5'] > li { width: 20%;} ul.menu.merged[data-items='6'] > li { width: 16.6666666666667%;} ul.menu.merged[data-items='7'] > li { width: 14.2857142857143%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='8'] > li { width: 12.5%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='9'] > li { width: 11.1111111111111%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='10'] > li { width: 10%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='11'] > li { width: 9.09090909090909%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='12'] > li { width: 8.33333333333333%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='13'] > li { width: 7.69230769230769%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='14'] > li { width: 7.14285714285714%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='15'] > li { width: 6.66666666666667%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='16'] > li { width: 6.25%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='17'] > li { width: 5.88235294117647%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='18'] > li { width: 5.55555555555556%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='19'] > li { width: 5.26315789473684%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='20'] > li { width: 5%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='21'] > li { width: 4.76190476190476%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='22'] > li { width: 4.54545454545455%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='23'] > li { width: 4.34782608695652%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='24'] > li { width: 4.16666666666667%; } ul.menu.merged[data-items='25'] > li { width: 4%; } /* Back to Overview - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #back-to-overview{ width: 44px; height: 30px; display: block; position: relative; background: rgba(55, 64, 81, 0.1); border-radius: 3px; margin: 10px 10px 10px 16px; text-align: center; line-height: 36px; } #back-to-overview:before{ content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 21px; height: 15px; background-image: url('../images/icon-dots.svg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } /* Currently Open - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #current { position: relative; z-index: 2; padding: 8px 16px; font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--header-color); background-color: var(--header-background); } #current .headline-1 { margin-right: 5px; } #current .headline-1 > a { color: var(--mainmenu-active-color); } #current .headline-2 { font-weight: normal; margin-right: 5px; } #current .headline-3 { font-size: 11px; margin-right: 5px; } /* Submenu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #submenu-wrapper { position: relative; padding: 0 0 3px 16px; background: var(--submenu-background); } #submenu-wrapper .current-headlines{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 32px; } #submenu { left: 120px; right: 128px; border-bottom: none; z-index: 3; position: absolute; top: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } #submenu > li { float: left; min-height: 1px; } #submenu > li > a { font-weight: normal; color: var(--submenu-color); font-size: 12px; padding: 10px 10px 8px 10px; position: relative; } #submenu > li.active > a, #submenu.merged > li.active > a, #submenu > li > a:hover { z-index: 901; font-weight: normal; color: var(--tabs-color); background: var(--tabs-background); border-top-left-radius: 7px; border-top-right-radius: 7px; } #submenu > li.active > a:hover { font-weight: normal; } #submenu > li > a:hover { font-weight: normal; } /* publish button */ #submenu > li.publish { padding-left: 5px; } #submenu > li.publish > a, #submenu > li.publish > a:link, #submenu > li.publish > a:visited, #submenu > li.publish > a:hover, #submenu > li.publish > a:active { border-color: var(--important); background: var(--important); color: #fff; font-weight: normal; padding: 7px 7px 5px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; margin-top: 4px; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0; } /* New Button */ #submenu-wrapper > .new { padding-right: 15px; float: left; } #submenu-wrapper > .new input { color: var(--button-primary-color); background: var(--button-primary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); font-weight: normal; padding: 5px 7px 4px 7px; border-radius: 4px; margin-top: 4px; cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: 0; } /* Back Button */ #submenu-wrapper > .back { padding: 4px 10px 0 0; float: left; } #submenu-wrapper > .back > a { float: left; width: 28px; height: 25px; padding: 0; text-align: center; background-color: var(--body-background); border: 1px solid var(--text-color); border-radius: 3px; } #submenu-wrapper > .back > a > svg { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 5px 10px 5px 9px; } /* More Buttons */ #submenu-wrapper > .buttons { float: right; position: relative; padding: 4px 15px 0 0; } #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > input { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; opacity: 0; } #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label { width: 25px; height: 25px; border-radius: 4px; display: inline-block; position: relative; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; } #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label > .icon { } #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label > .icon:before { content: ''; display: inline-block; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; } #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label > .icon > svg, #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label > .icon > a > svg, #submenu-wrapper > .buttons > label > .icon > img { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } /* Tabs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #tabs { position: relative; z-index: 902; padding: 0; border: none; } #tabs .ui-tabs-nav { padding: 0; margin-left: 6px; border-radius: 0; border: none; background-color: var(--tabs-background); } @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px){ #tabs .ui-tabs-nav { margin-left: 3px; } } #tabs .ui-tabs-nav > li { border-radius: 0; background: none; border: none } #tabs .ui-tabs-nav > li > a { background: none; color: var(--tabs-color); font-size: 12px; padding: 10px; } #tabs .ui-widget-content { background: var(--body-background); } /* Dialog/Popup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .ui-dialog { max-width: 98vw; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content { padding: 0 15px; box-sizing: border-box; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content .row-height { display: table; table-layout: fixed; height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px 7px; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content.ui-widget-content .row-height > :nth-child(n) { padding-right: 0; padding-left: 0; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { margin: 5px 10px 0 10px; } /* Tabs im Dialog - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav { padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-state-default { color: var(--grey); background: #FFF; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; border-bottom-left-radius: unset; border-bottom-right-radius: unset; } .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-state-default.ui-state-active { border-bottom-color: transparent; } .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-state-active a, .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-state-active a:link, .ui-dialog .ui-tabs .ui-state-active a:visited { color: var(--grey); font-weight: normal; } /* Clear Floated Elements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .clear { clear: both; display: block; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 0; } .clearfix:after { clear: both; content: ' '; display: block; font-size: 0; line-height: 0; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 0; } .clearfix { display: inline-block; } * html .clearfix { height: 1%; } .clearfix { display: block; } /** FILTER-BOX */ .filter-box { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: nowrap; align-items: stretch; margin: 0; padding: 5px 0 0 0; } .filter-block { position: relative; margin-right: 20px; } /** FILTER-TITLE */ .filter-title { display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: middle; } .filter-title .filter-icon { display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px; padding: 0; margin: 0; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: middle; background-image: url('../images/filter_list.svg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right center; background-size: 24px 24px; } .filter-title .filter-counter { display: inline-block; min-width: 16px; height: 16px; padding: 1px; margin: 2px 0; line-height: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; text-align: center; border-radius: 100%; color: #FFF; background: #7EAC56; font-size: .8em; font-weight: bold; } .filter-title .filter-icon, .filter-title .filter-counter { margin-left: 5px; } /** FILTER-COMMON */ .filter-block ul.filter-list { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .filter-block li.filter-item { margin: 3px 0; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } .filter-block li.filter-item label, .filter-block li.filter-item input { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .filter-block li.filter-item label { cursor: pointer; } /** FILTER-INLINE */ .filter-block.filter-inline .filter-title, .filter-block.filter-inline ul.filter-list, .filter-block.filter-inline li.filter-item { display: inline-block; } .filter-block.filter-inline .filter-title, .filter-block.filter-inline li.filter-item { margin-right: 10px; white-space: nowrap; } .filter-block.filter-inline li.filter-item label { white-space: normal; } /** FILTER-REVEAL */ .filter-block.filter-reveal ul.filter-list { display: none; z-index: 1; position: absolute; top: 22px; left: 0; width: 200px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: var(--fieldset); box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .33); } .filter-block.filter-reveal:hover ul.filter-list { display: block; } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item { display: block; width: 200px; } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item label { display: inline-block; width: 150px; margin: 4px 0; padding: 0; color: var(--textfield-color); } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label { color: var(--grey); } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item label.switch, .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item input[type="checkbox"] { display: inline-block; box-sizing: border-box; width: 40px; padding: 0; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; line-height: normal; } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item input[type="checkbox"] { width: 20px; margin: 0 10px; } .filter-block.filter-reveal li.filter-item label.switch { width: 30px; margin: 0 2px 0 7px; } /** FILTER-AUFTRAGSAMPEL */ .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel .filter-title, .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel ul.filter-list, .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item { display: inline-block; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel .filter-title, .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item { white-space: nowrap; line-height: 20px; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel .filter-title { margin: 0 8px 0 0; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; margin: 0 4px 0 0; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item input[type="checkbox"] { visibility: hidden; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item img { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; text-align: left; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .filter-block.filter-auftragsampel li.filter-item .iconlayer { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: inline-block; width: 20px; height: 20px; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); } /* Filter Usersave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .usersave-box { background-color: var(--filter); margin: 5px 0; display: block; display: flex; flex-direction: row; } fieldset.usersave { border: none; position: relative; padding: 8px 12px 2px 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 0 !important; } fieldset.usersave legend { float: left; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 700; color: var(--fieldset-legend-color, #4D4D4D); margin-bottom: 8px; } fieldset.usersave div.filter-item { float: left; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; } fieldset.usersave div.filter-item > label { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 0 0 0; cursor: pointer; color: #6d6d6f; transition: background-color 300ms, color 300ms; } /* Info Button Right - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ .show-info-button { position: fixed; top: 20%; z-index: 9000; right: 0; background: #2e919c; color: #fff; opacity: 1; cursor: pointer; padding: 14px 14px 12px 10px; text-align: center; } .show-info-button:hover { color: #fff; } .show-info-button > svg { display: inline-block; } .show-info-button .text { text-align: left; margin: 8px 0 0 3px; line-height: 1.4em; } /* Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #tabs td.fc-day.ui-widget-content { padding-left: 0; } /* Wawision - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ fieldset { position: relative; margin: 0; /* margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; border: 0 solid transparent; border-top: 25px solid transparent; border-bottom: 5px solid transparent; border-width: 24px 5px 0;*/ border-color: transparent; background-color: transparent; } legend { font-weight: normal; color: var(--fieldset-legend-color, #4D4D4D); text-transform: none; font-size: 11pt; margin-top: 7px; margin-bottom: 2px; padding-top: 7px; } a.startpage:hover { color: #6d6d6f;; text-decoration: underline; } a.startpage { color: #6d6d6f;; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; } .iconininput { position: relative; top: 6px; left: -31px; } .dataTable input.text_filter { font-size: 11px; border: 1px solid transparent; text-align: center; margin-left: -5px; padding: 5px; } .dataTable input.text_filter:focus { background-color: var(--green-light); border: 1px solid var(--green); color: var(--textfield-color); } ::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* Old Webkit */ color: #BBB; opacity: 1; } ::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox */ color: #BBB; } :-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10-11 */ color: #BBB; } ::-ms-input-placeholder { /* Microsoft Edge */ color: #BBB; } :placeholder { /* Modern Browser */ color: #F00; opacity: 1; /* Firefox */ } input.ui-autocomplete-input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #999; opacity: 1; } input.ui-autocomplete-input::-moz-placeholder { color: #999; } input.ui-autocomplete-input:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #999; } input.ui-autocomplete-input::-ms-input-placeholder { color: #999; } input.ui-autocomplete-input::placeholder { color: #999; opacity: 1; } /***********************************************/ /* COMMON STYLES */ /***********************************************/ .size-3 { width: 36px; } .size-5 { width: 50px; } .size-40 { width: 295px; } .size-30 { width: 225px; } .size-20 { width: 155px; } .size-10 { width: 85px; } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) and (min-width: 321px) { input { max-width: 450px; } .cke { max-width: 450px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 481px) { input { max-width: 720px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 321px) { .cke { max-width: 720px; } .size-40 { max-width: 250px; } .size-30 { max-width: 195px; } .size-40.relative { max-width: 190px; } .size-30.relative { max-width: 160px; } .size-20.relative { max-width: 140px; } .size-10.relative { max-width: 70px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-40 { max-width: 210px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-30 { max-width: 165px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-20 { max-width: 125px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-10 { max-width: 60px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-40.relative { max-width: 160px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-30.relative { max-width: 130px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-20.relative { max-width: 110px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-10.relative { max-width: 60px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 320px) { input { max-width: 300px; } .cke { max-width: 300px; } .size-40 { max-width: 160px; } .size-30 { max-width: 120px; } .size-40.relative { max-width: 100px; } .size-30.relative { max-width: 90px; } .size-20 { max-width: 80px; } .size-10 { max-width: 70px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-40 { max-width: 140px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-30 { max-width: 100px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-40.relative { max-width: 70px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-30.relative { max-width: 60px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-20 { max-width: 60px; } .ui-autocomplete-input.size-10 { max-width: 60px; } } a { color: var(--link-color); text-decoration: none; } .ui-tabs-anchor { text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; } hr { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; border: 0; } p { margin: 8px 3px 8px 0; padding: 0; } * HTML #hack { width: 955px; w\idth: 906px; } /* with n height HACK (neccessary for margin n padding */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } H1 { padding: 13px 8px 6px 8px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.8em; } H1.first { font-size: 1em; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 0; } H2 { padding: 13px 8px 6px 8px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.4em; } div.ui-accordion > div > h2 { font-size: 9pt; color: white; } H3 { padding: 13px 8px 6px 8px; color: #646464; font-size: 1.2em; } .bgJournal { background-color: #f2b005; color: #fff; } .bgCompany { background-color: #43bbd1; } .bgShop { background-color: #b1c800; } .bgStudents { background-color: #934c94; } .borderGrey { border: 1px solid #d4d4d4; } .borderJournal { border: 1px solid #f2b005; } img { border: 0; } img { border: none; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; /* padding-top: 2px;*/ } .imgCenter { text-align: center; } .uc { text-transform: uppercase; } .iconbar_icon { padding-left: 5px; } .iconbar { font-size: 6pt; color: #c9c9cb; font-weight: normal; padding-left: 8px; } /***********************************************/ /* Component Divs */ /***********************************************/ /************* #teaser styles ************************/ DIV#teaser { } DIV#teaser.bgJournal { background-color: #FCE7C1; } DIV#teaser H1 { padding: 4px 8px 3px 8px; } DIV#teaserContent { padding: 13px 0; text-align: center; font-size: 0.9em; color: #6d6d6f;; } DIV#teaserContent HR { border-top: 1px solid #f2b005; } DIV#teaser a { color: #6d6d6f;; } DIV#teaser a:hover { color: #53bed0; } /************* #search styles ************************/ DIV#simpleForm { padding: 5px 4px 7px 5px; margin-bottom: 6px; background-color: #d5ecf2; border: 1px solid #63c3d3; font-size: 0.9em; } DIV.tabsbutton A { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } DIV#simpleForm H2 { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 1.4em; } DIV#simpleForm HR { border-top: 1px solid #017e92; } DIV#simpleForm input[type=text], DIV#simpleForm input[type=password] { width: 120px; } DIV#simpleForm input[type=image] { margin-bottom: 1px; } /************* #topNav styles ************************/ DIV#topNav { height: 33px; margin-bottom: 34px; background-color: #6d6d6f;; color: #fff; } DIV#topNav ul { margin: 0; padding: 8px 0 0 13px; font-size: 1.2em; } DIV#topNav ul li { display: inline; padding: 0 8px 0 23px; background: url(../images/topNav_arrow.gif) top left no-repeat; } DIV#topNav A { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } DIV#topNav A:HOVER { color: #acdd4a; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } /************* #bottomNav styles ************************/ DIV#footer ul { margin: 8px 0 0 0; padding: 0; } DIV#footer ul li { display: inline; padding-right: 8px; list-style: none; font-size: 0.9em; } DIV#footer A { color: #c9c9cb; text-decoration: none; } DIV#footer A:hover { color: #c9c9cb; text-decoration: underline; } /***********************************************/ /* CONTENT Divs */ /***********************************************/ /************* #box styles ************************/ .box { height: 190px; overflow: hidden; } .box ul, .container ul { padding: 5px 0 20px 0; list-style: none outside; line-height: 1.1; } .box li, .container li { margin: 4px 0; padding: 0 0 0 22px; background: url(../images/menue_arrow.png) center left no-repeat; } .box A, .container A { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } .box A:HOVER, .container A:HOVER { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } /************* #claim styles ************************/ DIV#claim { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 10px; width: 180px; } * HTML #claim { width: 190px; w\idth: 180px; } /************* #bodyText styles ************************/ DIV#bodyText H1 { padding: 20px 0 10px 0; color: #53bed0; font-size: 1.3em; } DIV#bodyText H2 { padding: 17px 0 6px 0; color: #53bed0; font-size: 1.1em; } DIV#bodyText .shortText { margin: 13px 0 20px 0; color: #53bed0; font-weight: bold; } DIV#bodyText .shortText a { color: #6d6d6f; text-decoration: underline; } DIV#bodyText .shortText a:hover { color: #53bed0; text-decoration: underline; } DIV#tabs a { text-decoration: none; } /***********************************************/ /* Table Styles */ /***********************************************/ DIV#bodyText TABLE.tableJournal { border: 1px solid #f2b005; margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-size: 1em; } DIV#bodyText TABLE.tableJournal-1 { margin: 5px 0 10px 0; font-size: 1em; } DIV#bodyText TABLE TR TD { vertical-align: top; } /* erste Spalte, erste Zeile */ DIV#bodyText TABLE TR.tr-0 TD, TABLE.contenttable TR TD.td-0 { padding: 6px 8px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; background-color: #f2b005; text-align: left; } DIV#bodyText TABLE TD { padding: 2px 8px; margin: 0; } DIV#bodyText TABLE TR.tr-odd { background-color: #FCE7C1; } DIV#bodyText TABLE TR.tr-even { background-color: #fff4de; } H2.ui-accordion-header { background: var(--tabs-background) !important; color: var(--tabs-color) !important; font-size: 9pt; } div.filter-item img, div.filter-item span { cursor: pointer; } table#paketmarketab { min-width: 60%; max-width: 700px; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } table#paketmarketab h1 { color: rgb(101, 101, 101); } /***********************************************/ /* Form Divs */ /***********************************************/ form { display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; } input[type=text], input[type=password], textarea, select { font-size: 11px; color: #6d6d6f;; padding: 3px 5px; } input[type=text].error, input[type=password].error { border: 1px solid #63c3d3; } input[type=text].long, input[type=password].long { width: 220px; } input[type=text].small { width: 40px; } input[type=text].medium { width: 162px; } .error { font-weight: normal; } .inputField { border: 1px solid #c7cdcd; } input[type=text], input[type=password], select, textarea { font-size: 11px; border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--textfield-background); } input[type=text].pflicht, textarea.pflicht { background-color: var(--textfield-background); } input[type=text], input[type=password], select, textarea { font-size: 11px; border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: #FFF; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px; } ul.tag-editor { font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: #FFF; padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; } .ticketoffene ul.tag-editor { width: 200px; border: 0 solid transparent; background-color: transparent; } .ticketoffene .tag-editor-tag { padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; } .ticketoffene input.tageditor { visibility: hidden; } .ticket_nachricht_box { border: solid 1px; border-color: var(--textfield-border); border-radius: 7px; padding: 0px !important; min-height: 300px; height: 300px; resize: vertical; overflow: hidden; } .ticket_nachricht_box fieldset { padding: 0px !important; } .ticket_text { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; } .ui-button-icon, .ui-button:not(.ui-dialog-titlebar-close):not(.button-secondary), input[type=submit]:not(.button-secondary) { padding: 6px; margin: 3px; font-weight: normal; color: white; background-color: var(--button-primary-background) !important; /* is necessary to override jquery ui */ -moz-border-radius: 3px !important; -webkit-border-radius: 3px !important; border-radius: 3px !important; border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); } button, input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=button] { cursor: pointer; } button[disabled], input[disabled][type=submit], input[disabled][type=button], input[disabled][type=reset] { cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--button-primary-color-disabled); background-color: var(--button-primary-background-disabled); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color-disabled); } input[type=reset], input[type=button] { padding: 6px; margin: 3px; font-weight: normal; color: #FFF; background-color: var(--button-primary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; } input[type=reset]:hover, input[type=button]:hover { color: var(--button-primary-color); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } input[type=button][value=übernehmen] { padding: 5px 10px; margin-right: 0.333em; color: white; font-weight: normal; background-color: var(--button-primary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; } /** BUTTON (DEFAULT) */ a.button:link, a.button:visited, a.button:hover, a.button:active, a.button, button.button, input[type="button"].button, input[type="submit"].button, input[type="reset"].button, label.button{ cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 6px 12px; margin: 3px 3px 3px 0; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.15em; text-decoration: none; color: var(--button-primary-color); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); border-radius: 3px; outline: none; appearance: none; text-align: center; } input[type="button"].button:hover, input[type="submit"].button:hover, input[type="reset"].button:hover, button.button:hover, a.button:hover { background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } /** DISABLED */ button[disabled].button, input[disabled][type="submit"].button, input[disabled][type="button"].button, input[disabled][type="reset"].button { cursor: not-allowed; color: var(--button-primary-color-disabled); border-color: var(--button-primary-border-color-disabled); background-color: var(--button-primary-background-disabled); } button[disabled].button.button-primary, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-primary, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-primary, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-primary, button[disabled].button.button-primary:hover, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-primary:hover, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-primary:hover, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-primary:hover { color: var(--button-primary-color-disabled); border-color: var(--button-primary-border-color-disabled); background-color: var(--button-primary-background-disabled); } button[disabled].button.button-secondary, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-secondary, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-secondary, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-secondary, button[disabled].button.button-secondary:hover, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-secondary:hover, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-secondary:hover, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-secondary:hover { color: var(--button-secondary-color-disabled); border-color: var(--button-secondary-border-color-disabled); background-color: var(--button-secondary-background-disabled); } .button.button-tertiary.button-disabled, button[disabled].button.button-tertiary, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-tertiary, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-tertiary, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-tertiary, button[disabled].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[disabled][type="submit"].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[disabled][type="button"].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[disabled][type="reset"].button.button-tertiary:hover { color: var(--button-tertiary-color-disabled); border-color: var(--button-tertiary-border-color-disabled); background-color: var(--button-tertiary-background-disabled); } /** BLOCK-BUTTON */ .button.button-block { width: 100% !important; display: block !important; text-align: center !important; } /** BUTTON-PRIMARY */ a.button.button-primary:link, a.button.button-primary:visited, a.button.button-primary:hover, a.button.button-primary:active , button.button.button-primary, input[type="button"].button.button-primary, input[type="submit"].button.button-primary, input[type="reset"].button.button-primary { color: #FFF; border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } a.button.button-primary:hover, button.button.button-primary:hover, input[type="button"].button.button-primary:hover, input[type="submit"].button.button-primary:hover, input[type="reset"].button.button-primary:hover { color: var(--button-primary-color); border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } /** BUTTON-SECONDARY */ a.button.button-secondary:link, a.button.button-secondary:visited, a.button.button-secondary:hover, a.button.button-secondary:active , button.button.button-secondary, input[type="button"].button.button-secondary, input[type="submit"].button.button-secondary, input[type="reset"].button.button-secondary, label.button.button-secondary { color: var(--button-secondary-color); background-color: var(--button-secondary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-secondary-border-color); } a.button.button-secondary:hover, button.button.button-secondary:hover, input[type="button"].button.button-secondary:hover, input[type="submit"].button.button-secondary:hover, input[type="reset"].button.button-secondary:hover, input[type="radio"]:checked + label.button.button-secondary, label.button.button-secondary:hover { color: var(--button-secondary-color); background-color: var(--button-secondary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-secondary-border-color); } /** BUTTON TERTIARY */ .button.button-tertiary, a.button.button-tertiary:link, a.button.button-tertiary:visited, a.button.button-tertiary:hover, a.button.button-tertiary:active , button.button.button-tertiary, input[type="button"].button.button-tertiary, input[type="submit"].button.button-tertiary, input[type="reset"].button.button-tertiary, label.button.button-tertiary { color: var(--button-tertiary-color); background-color: var(--button-tertiary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-tertiary-border-color); } a.button.button-tertiary:hover, button.button.button-tertiary:hover, input[type="button"].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[type="submit"].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[type="reset"].button.button-tertiary:hover, input[type="radio"]:checked + label.button.button-tertiary, label.button.button-tertiary:hover { color: var(--button-tertiary-color); background-color: var(--button-tertiary-background); border: 1px solid var(--button-tertiary-border-color); } /** BUTTON NEUTRAL */ a.button.button-neutral:link, a.button.button-neutral:visited, a.button.button-neutral:hover, a.button.button-neutral:active , button.button.button-neutral, input[type="button"].button.button-neutral, input[type="submit"].button.button-neutral, input[type="reset"].button.button-neutral, label.button.button-neutral{ color: var(--text-color); border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--body-background); } a.button.button-neutral:hover, button.button.button-neutral:hover, input[type="button"].button.button-neutral:hover, input[type="submit"].button.button-neutral:hover, input[type="reset"].button.button-neutral:hover, label.button.button-neutral{ color: var(--text-color); border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--textfield-border); } .alert { padding: 15px; margin-bottom: 20px; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 4px; } .alert .alert-link { font-weight: bold; } .alert > p, .alert > ul { margin-bottom: 0; } .alert > p + p { margin-top: 5px; } .alert-warning { color: #8a6d3b; background-color: #fcf8e3; border-color: #faebcc; } .alert-warning hr { border-top-color: #f7e1b5; } .alert-warning .alert-link { color: #66512c; } .btnSubmit { background-color: var(--button-primary-background); color: var(--button-primary-color); font-weight: normal; padding: 3px 12px; border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-border-color); cursor: pointer; } .btnGreen { border-color: var(--button-primary-background) !important; } input[type=button].btnGreenBig, input[type=submit].btnGreenBig, input[type=reset].btnGreenBig { border-color: var(--button-primary-background); padding: 10px; min-width: 150px; } input[type=button].btnGreenBig:hover, input[type=submit].btnGreenBig:hover, input[type=reset].btnGreenBig:hover { color: var(--button-primary-color); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } input[type=button].btnGreenBig.disabled, input[type=submit].btnGreenBig.disabled, input[type=reset].btnGreenBig.disabled { background-color: var(--button-primary-background-disabled); padding: 10px; min-width: 150px; cursor: default; } .btnGreenNew { border-color: var(--button-primary-background) !important; padding-top: 10px !important; padding-bottom: 10px !important; padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; width: 100%; } .btnBlueBig { padding: 10px !important; min-width: 150px; } .btnImportantLarge { color: #FFF !important; border-color: var(--important) !important; background-color: var(--important) !important; } .btnBlueNew { padding-top: 10px !important; padding-bottom: 10px !important; padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0 !important; width: 100%; } .btnRed { background-color: var(--red) !important; } .btnRedBig { background-color: var(--red) !important; padding: 10px !important; min-width: 150px; } .btnFloating { position: fixed; z-index: 999; right: 5px; bottom: 10px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2) 0 5px 5px; background-color: var(--button-primary-background); font-size: 110% !important; padding: 10px; min-width: 100px; } .btnFloating:focus { outline: none; } a.btnGreen { background-color: var(--button-primary-background) !important; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px; color: #FFF; padding: 10px 14px; text-decoration: none; } /* TOGGLE SWITCH Alternative (Input+Label getrennt): */ .switch { cursor: pointer; position: relative; display: inline-block; min-height: 16px; } .switch input { width: 28px; height: 16px; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; margin-right: 5px; margin-top: -4px; } .switch .slider { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: block; width: 28px; height: 16px; background-color: var(--info); -webkit-transition: 0.35s; transition: 0.35s; } .switch .slider:before { position: absolute; top: 3px; left: 3px; content: ""; display: block; width: 10px; height: 10px; background-color: #FFF; -webkit-transition: 0.35s; transition: 0.35s; } .switch input:checked + .slider { background-color: var(--turquoise); } .switch input:checked + .slider:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(12px); -ms-transform: translateX(12px); transform: translateX(12px); } .switch .slider.round { border-radius: 15px; } .switch .slider.round:before { border-radius: 50%; } /* ENDE TOGGLE SWITCH */ /*.ui-autocomplete-loading { background: white url('../images/ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif') right center no-repeat; }*/ input.ui-autocomplete-input { border-radius: 3px; background: var(--textfield-background) url("../images/suche-icon.png") calc(100% - 5px) center no-repeat; } textarea.ui-autocomplete-input { background: var(--textfield-background) url("../images/suche-icon.png") calc(100% - 5px) calc(100% - 5px) no-repeat; } .ui-autocomplete { font-size: 8pt; z-index: 100000 !important; position: absolute; top: 0; cursor: default; max-height: 50vh; overflow-y: auto; } .ui-widget-header { border: 0; } div.info > a.button, div.success > a.button, div.warning > a.button, div.error > a.button, div.error2 > a.button, div.validation > a.button, div.important > a.button { float: right; margin-top: -5px; } div.info > input[type=button], div.warning > input[type=button], div.error > input[type=button], div.info > input[type=submit], div.warning > input[type=submit], div.error > input[type=submit] { float: right; margin-top: -7px; } .info, .success, .warning, .error, .validation, .error2, .important { padding: 15px 10px 15px 50px; margin: 0 0 10px 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px center; border-radius: 3px; color: #fff; font-size: 13px; } .info, .error2 { background-color: var(--info); color: var(--info-color); background-image: url('../images/info.png'); background-size: 30px 30px; } .warning { background-color: var(--warning); color: var(--warning-color); background-image: url('../images/warning.png'); background-size: 30px 30px; } .success { background-color: var(--success); color: var(--info-color); background-image: url('../images/info.png'); background-size: 30px 30px; } .pull-right { float: right !important; } .pull-left { float: left !important; } .hide { display: none; } @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) { .mobilehide { display: none !important; } } .noselect { -webkit-touch-callout: none; /* iOS Safari */ -webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */ -khtml-user-select: none; /* Konqueror HTML */ -moz-user-select: none; /* Old versions of Firefox */ -ms-user-select: none; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */ user-select: none; /* Non-prefixed version, currently supported by Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox */ } #headererroricon { min-width: 30px; min-height: 30px; position: relative; float: left; display: inline-block; background: no-repeat; background-size: 30px 30px; } #headererroricon:empty { display: none !important; } .error, .important { background-color: var(--error); color: var(--error-color); background-image: url('../images/error.png'); background-size: 30px 30px; } #header div.headererror { background-color: var(--error); color: var(--error-color); height: 50px; max-width: 200px; font-size: 12px; padding: 4px; margin-right: 4px; float: left; border-radius: 3px; text-align: left; } #header div.headererror > input { padding: 5px; margin: 3px; background-color: var(--success); color: var(--info-color); } #header div.headerinfo { background-color: var(--info); color: var(--info-color); height: 50px; max-width: 200px; font-size: 12px; padding: 4px; margin-right: 4px; float: left; border-radius: 3px; text-align: left; } input[readonly] { border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--fieldset-dark); } input[disabled] { border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--fieldset-dark); } select[disabled] { border: 1px solid var(--textfield-border); background-color: var(--fieldset-dark); } textarea.cols3 { height: 200px; width: 98%; } .mybox { margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 3px 3px; width: 99%; display: inline-block; } .mybox a { display: inline-block; color: #027D8D; border: 1px solid #A6C9E2; background: #D5ECF2; padding: 3px 5px; margin: 2px 2px; } .mybox a:hover { color: #6d6d6f;; } .mybox a.active { color: #71BFC9; } .rules { color: #FFF; font-weight: 700; background-color: #6EB6D5; border: 1px solid #4297D7; text-align: left; padding: 3px 0 3px 10px; font-size: 14px; margin-top: 15px; } tr.tablefooter td { padding: 3px 2px; background-color: #6EB6D5; text-align: center; } table.linkedit { text-align: left; } table.linkedit td { padding: 2px 5px; } h2.fieldheader { float: left; } span.found { background-color: #F78181; border: 1px solid red; } span.replaced { background-color: #64FE2E; border: 1px solid green; } ul.home_termine { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ul.home_termine li { list-style-type: none; margin: 3px; padding: 2px 5px; background-color: #3A87AD; color: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid #3A87AD; border-radius: 5px; cursor: pointer; } ul.home_termine li span.description { display: inline-block; width: 160px; } a#wiki_startseite_edit { display: inline-block; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; float: right; padding: 2px 5px; color: #0645AD; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; } a#wiki_startseite_edit:hover, a#wiki_startseite_edit:focus { text-decoration: underline; } div.noteit { font-family: Helvetica, Helv, sans-serif; font-size: 100%; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; width: 95%; border: 1px solid #ccc; -moz-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; -webkit-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; } div.noteit_prio { background-color: #E5F5D2; font-family: Helvetica, Helv, sans-serif; font-size: 100%; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; width: 95%; border: 1px solid #ccc; -moz-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; -webkit-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; } div.noteit_highprio { background-color: #FFE6D5; font-family: Helvetica, Helv, sans-serif; font-size: 100%; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; width: 95%; border: 1px solid #ccc; -moz-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; -webkit-box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #888; } .ui-button-text { color: white; background-color: var(--button-primary-background); -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; border: 0; font-size: 14px; } .ui-button-text-only .ui-button-text{ padding: 0 !important; } /* css for timepicker */ .ui-timepicker-div .ui-widget-header { margin-bottom: 8px; } .ui-timepicker-div dl { text-align: left; 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top: 28px; } /* @media screen and (min-width: 320px) { .mkTableFormular tr td:first-child { padding-top: 7px; width: 150px; } .mkTableFormular tr td:nth-child(4) { width: 150px; } } .mkTableFormular tr td { vertical-align: top; }*/ @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .hide768 { display: none; } } @media screen and (max-width: 320px) { .hide320 { display: none; } } .mkTableFormular { float: left; } .mkTable { border-top: 1px solid #FFF; border-left: 1px solid #FFF; width: 99.9%; } .mkTable tr td, .mkTable tr th { border-right: 1px solid #FFF; border-bottom: 1px solid #FFF; padding: 2px 0; } .mkTable tr th { font-weight: bold; text-align: left; background: #e0e0e0; } .mkTable tr:nth-child(odd) td { background: #e0e0e0; } .mkTable tr:nth-child(even) td { background: #FFF; } .mkTableFormular tr td.vtop { vertical-align: top; } .mkTableFormular tr td.vmiddle { vertical-align: middle; } .mkTableFormular tr td.vbottom { vertical-align: bottom; } /** CKEditor: Innere Rahmen entfernen */ .mkTableFormular .cke_inner .cke_top { border-bottom: none; } .mkTableFormular .cke_inner .cke_bottom { border-top: none; } @media print { #header { display: none; } #scroller2 { display: none; } .ui-tabs-nav { display: none; } .bgstyle > table > tr:first-child > td:first-child { display: none; } .mce-btn-group { display: none !important; } .toolbarleft { display: none; } } .rTabs { position: relative; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } .rTabs ul, .rTabs ul li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } .rTabs ul { border-bottom: 5px solid #d7d7d7; overflow: auto; } .rTabs ul li { float: left; padding: 5px 0 0 0; } .rTabs ul li a { display: block; padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; border-bottom: 0; } .rTabs ul li.aktiv { } .rTabs ul li.aktiv a { background: #d7d7d7; } .rTabSelect { position: absolute; right: 2px; top: 1px; } i.chat_own { color: #999; font-size: 8pt; } i.chat_other { color: #6DA033; font-size: 8pt; } .chat_circle { width: 12px; height: 12px; background: #53bed0; -moz-border-radius: 6px; -webkit-border-radius: 6px; border-radius: 6px; color: #fff; font-size: 6pt; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; line-height: 12px; display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; } .dashbox { padding: 1px; margin: 3px; float: left; display: table; } .dashbox_light { background-color: #35b1c7; } .dashbox_grey { /* background-color:#dadbdd; */ } .dashbox_dark { background-color: #03758a; } .dashbox_header { margin-top: 5px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt; color: #656565; text-transform: uppercase; height: 20px; display: table-row; } .dashbox_content { background-color: white; padding: 0; display: table-row; } .tabsbutton a span { background-color: var(--button-primary-background) !important; } .tabsbutton > span > a.ui-button, .tabsbutton > a.ui-button { background-color: transparent; } fieldset.filter { background-color: #ececec; border: 0 solid #ececec; position: relative; margin: 0; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 5px; } fieldset.filter > img { float: right; } fieldset.filter > div { float: left; background: #ddd; padding: 4px; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; margin: 3px; border-radius: 5px; } fieldset.filter > div:first-child { width: 100px; background: transparent; } .bigarrowdown { width: 0; height: 0; border-style: solid; border-width: 50px 100px 0 100px; border-color: #cfcfd1 transparent transparent transparent; margin: 10px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .waage { font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold; width: 100%; height: 40px; background-color: #ccc; padding: 10px; text-align: center; } .button_waage { width: 100%; height: 150px; color: red; } input[name="speichern"], input[value="Speichern"], input.buttonsave { padding: 6px; margin: 3px; min-width: 100px; border-radius: 3px; color: #FFF; border: 1px solid var(--button-primary-background); background-color: var(--button-primary-background); } .schaetzung { background: #ffffcc !important; } .validator_message { background-color: var(--error); color: white; padding: 3px; border-radius: 5px; margin-top: 3px; display:inline-block; } .validator_field_error { border-color: var(--error) !important; } .validator_field_warning { border-color: var(--header-counter-background) !important; } span.red, b.red { color: var(--error); } .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_processing { background: url('../images/loading.gif') no-repeat !important; background-position: 50% 0 !important; background-size: 150px !important; padding-top: 90px !important; } a.ui-tabs-anchor:hover { color: #6d6d6f; !important; } .greybox { background-color: lightgrey; padding: 10px; font-size: 1.2em; text-align: right; } .textfeld_icon { top: 6px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; } /* AARLG-TOOLBAR */ .aarlg-toolbar { width: 100%; display: table; } .aarlg-toolbar-left, .aarlg-toolbar-right { display: table-cell; vertical-align: baseline; padding-top: 5px; } .aarlg-toolbar-left { width: 25%; text-align: left; } .aarlg-toolbar-right { width: 75%; text-align: center; } /* Home Start Site */ .home-bookmarks a.edit { display: inline-block; 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... */ .tile-container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: flex-start; align-content: flex-start; align-items: stretch; padding: 0; margin: 0; margin-top: 5px; margin-left: -10px; } .tile-container .tile { flex-basis: auto; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 1; margin-left: 10px; } .tile-container.tile-columns-3 .tile { width: calc(33.3% - 10px); } .tile-container.tile-columns-4 .tile { width: calc(25.0% - 10px); } @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .tile-container.tile-columns-3 .tile { width: calc(50% - 10px); } .tile-container.tile-columns-4 .tile { width: calc(50% - 10px); } } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { .tile-container.tile-columns-3 .tile { width: calc(100% - 10px); } .tile-container.tile-columns-4 .tile { width: calc(100% - 10px); } } .tile-container .tile { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch; } .tile-container .tile .tile-header { flex-grow: 0; } .tile-container .tile .tile-body { flex-grow: 1; } .tile-container .tile .tile-footer { flex-grow: 0; } /** HTML-Markup:
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background: var(--button-primary-background); color: white; font-size: .8em; padding: 2px 5px; min-width: 18px; height: 18px; line-height: 18px; text-align: center; } code.redirect-url { font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; padding: 2px 4px; color: #c7254e; background-color: var(--body-background); border-radius: 4px; word-break: break-all; } /* VORLAGE BUTTONS/BADGES */ .load-template-badge { display: inline-block; padding: .25em .4em; font-weight: 700; line-height: 1; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; border-radius: .25rem; cursor: pointer; transition: color .15s ease-in-out,background-color .15s ease-in-out,border-color .15s ease-in-out,box-shadow .15s ease-in-out; } .st-float-right { float: right !important; } .st-badge-secondary { color: var(--info-color); background-color: var(--header-icon-background); } a.tile-icon img.img-info{background: var(--grey);} /** TOOLTIPS HTML-Markup: Headline Lorem ipsum dolor */ .icon.icon-tooltip { display: inline-block; 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background-color: var(--xentral-signature-blue-transparent); } .app-category-icon-payment { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/payment.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-pink-transparent); } .app-category-icon-team-functions { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/team.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-pink-transparent); } .app-category-icon-documents { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/task-list-multiple.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-petrol-transparent); } .app-category-icon-general { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/general.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-orange-transparent); } .app-category-icon-marketing { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/marketing.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-orange-transparent); } .app-category-icon-misc { background-image: url('../images/einstellungen/misc.svg'); background-color: var(--xentral-signature-green-transparent); } .dataprotectionlist, .dataprotectionservices { line-height: 22px; } .dataprotectionservices{ height: 100%; } .dataprotectionlist fieldset, .dataprotectionservices fieldset { border: none; padding: 17px 30px; } .dataprotectionlist fieldset ul, .dataprotectionlist fieldset ol { padding-left: 15px; } .dataprotectionservices h1, .dataprotectionservices h2, .dataprotectionservices h3, .dataprotectionlist h1, .dataprotectionlist h2, .dataprotectionlist h3 { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .dataprotectionservices table { border-collapse: collapse; } .dataprotectionservices table tr{ height: 38px; } .dataprotectionservices table td { padding: 0 30px; } .dataprotectionservices table input { width: 15px; height: 15px; } .dataprotectionservices input[type=submit] { margin-top: 10px; } .dataprotectionservices table tr:first-child{ background-color: #FAFAFA; } .dataprotectionservices .dataprotection-hint{ font-size: 14px; } .dataprotectionservices table tr.border-bottom { border-bottom: 1px solid #EBEFF2; } /*For the search field at onlineshops, shipping methods, payment methods and payment accounts*/ #searchdiv { width:100%; text-align:center; padding:15px; } #searchdiv #suche { width:300px; } .tilegrid-container .tilegrid-tile { padding-bottom: 20px; } .tilegrid-container .tilegrid-tile div { text-align: center; } .tilegrid-container .tilegrid-tile-title { font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px; display: inline-block; text-align: center; } .tilegrid-container .tilegrid-tile-title.large-font{ font-size: 16px; } .tilegrid-container .buy-interface-button { margin-top: auto; } .lazy-load-component iframe{ width: 100%; border: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } input:placeholder-shown.placeholder_warning { background-color: var(--warning); }