<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Hubspot; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Modules\Hubspot\Exception\HubspotException; final class HubspotContactPropertyService { /** @var HubspotClientService $client */ private $client; /** @var HubspotContactPropertyGateway $gateway */ private $gateway; /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** * @param HubspotClientService $client * @param HubspotContactPropertyGateway $gateway * @param Database $db */ public function __construct(HubspotClientService $client, HubspotContactPropertyGateway $gateway, Database $db) { $this->client = $client; $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->db = $db; } /** * @return HubspotHttpResponseService */ public function getProperties() { return $this->client->setResource('getAllContactProperties')->read(); } /** * @param string $name * @param string $type * * @throws HubspotException * * @return HubspotHttpResponseService */ public function getProperty(string $name, string $type = 'contact') { if (empty($name)) { throw new HubspotException('Property name is missing'); } $resource = 'getContactProperty'; if ($type === 'company') { $resource = 'getCompanyProperty'; } return $this->client->setResource($resource)->read([], [$name]); } /** * @param string $type * @param bool $withLabel * * @throws HubspotException * * @return array */ public function getHsLeadStatus(string $type = 'contact', bool $withLabel = true) { $response = $this->getProperty('hs_lead_status', $type); if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw new HubspotException($response->getError()); } if (($data = $response->getJson()) && array_key_exists('options', $data)) { if ($withLabel === false) { return array_column($data['options'], 'value'); } $response = []; $options = $data['options']; foreach ($options as $option) { $response[$option['value']] = $option['label']; } return $response; } return []; } public function getHsLeadRating() { $response = $this->getProperty('lifecyclestage'); if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { throw new HubspotException($response->getError()); } if (($data = $response->getJson()) && array_key_exists('options', $data)) { return array_column($data['options'], 'value'); } return []; } /** * @param string $scope * * @throws HubspotException * * @return array */ public function getUpdatedLeadStatuses(string $scope): array { $customFreeFieldValue = []; $leadStatus = $this->gateway->getLeadsByType('status', false, $scope); $dbStatuses = array_column($leadStatus, 'value'); $remoteStatusContact = $this->getHsLeadStatus($scope); $remoteStatusContactKey = array_keys($remoteStatusContact); $statusContactGone = array_diff($dbStatuses, $remoteStatusContactKey); if (!empty($statusContactGone)) { foreach ($statusContactGone as $valueGone) { $delGone = "DELETE FROM hs_mapping_leads WHERE value = :value AND type = 'status' AND setting_scope = 'contact'"; $this->db->perform($delGone, ['value' => $valueGone]); } } $statusContactNew = array_diff($remoteStatusContactKey, $dbStatuses); if (!empty($statusContactNew)) { foreach ($remoteStatusContact as $status => $label) { if (!in_array($status, $statusContactNew, true)) { continue; } $customFreeFieldValue[] = sprintf('%s=>%s', $label, $status); $newStatus = 'INSERT INTO hs_mapping_leads (label, value, type, setting_scope) VALUES(:label, :value, "status", :scope)'; $this->db->perform( $newStatus, [ 'label' => $label, 'value' => $status, 'scope' => $scope, ] ); } } return $customFreeFieldValue; } /** * @param string $propertyName * @param string|null $type * * @return array|null */ public function getCustomPropertyByName(string $propertyName, ?string $type = null): ?array { try { $type = $type ?? 'company'; $response = $this->getProperty(strtolower($propertyName), $type); } catch (HubspotException $e) { // Do nothing } if (!isset($response)) { try { $response = $this->getProperty(strtolower($propertyName)); } catch (HubspotException $e) { return null; } } if ($response->getStatusCode() !== 200) { return null; } $data = $response->getJson(); $options = []; $fieldType = $data['fieldType']; $fieldLabel = $data['label']; $name = $data['name']; if (array_key_exists('options', $data)) { $options = !empty($data['options'])? array_column($data['options'], 'value') : []; } return ['fieldName' => $name, 'fieldType' => $fieldType, 'label' => $fieldLabel, 'options' => $options]; } }