<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Api\Validator; use Rakit\Validation\Validator as RakitValidator; class Validator extends RakitValidator { /** * @see ApiContainer::createValidatorService * * @param array $messages */ public function __construct(array $messages = []) { $messages = [ 'db_value' => "The attribute ':attribute' has to be present in database. " . "The value ':value' is not present in table ':table'.", 'between' => "The attribute :attribute must be between :min and :max.", 'boolean' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be a boolean value.", 'date' => "The attribute ':attribute' is not valid date format. Format ':format' is required.", 'time' => "The attribute ':attribute' is not valid time format. Format ':format' is required.", 'decimal' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be a decimal or integer value.", 'integer' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be an integer value.", 'length' => "The attribute ':attribute' must have the length :length.", 'lower' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be in lowercase letter.", 'in' => "The attribute ':attribute' is not allowing the value ':value'.", 'max' => "The attribute ':attribute' has a maximum value ':max'.", 'min' => "The attribute ':attribute' has a minimum value ':min'.", 'numeric' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be numeric.", 'not_present' => "The attribute ':attribute' is not allowed.", 'present' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be present", 'required' => "The attribute ':attribute' is required.", 'unique' => "The attribute ':attribute' has to be unique. The value ':value' is already in use.", 'upper' => "The attribute ':attribute' must be in uppercase letter.", ]; parent::__construct($messages); // Attribute nicht ucfirst-en $this->useHumanizedKeys = false; } }