<?php /* **** COPYRIGHT & LICENSE NOTICE *** DO NOT REMOVE **** * * Xentral (c) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH, Fuggerstrasse 11, D-86150 Augsburg, * Germany 2019 * * This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License *Version 3.1. * * You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and/or *along with this file; If not, please visit www.wawision.de/Lizenzhinweis * to obtain the text of the corresponding license version. * **** END OF COPYRIGHT & LICENSE NOTICE *** DO NOT REMOVE **** */ ?> <?php class Vatreduction2020 { /** @var Application $app */ var $app; /** * Vatreduction2020List constructor. * * @param Application $app * @param bool $intern */ public function __construct($app, $intern = false) { $this->app=$app; if($intern) { return; } $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this); $this->app->ActionHandler("list","Vatreduction2020List"); $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app); $this->app->erp->Headlines('Auftragsblocker'); } public function Install() { $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('BelegFreigabe', 'vatreduction2020', 'HookBelegFreigabe'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('ANABREGSNeuberechnen_1', 'vatreduction2020', 'HookRecalcDoctype'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Shopimport', 'vatreduction2020', 'HookShopimport'); } /** * @param string $doctype * @param int $doctypeId */ public function HookRecalcDoctype($doctype, $doctypeId) { $this->HookBelegFreigabe($doctype, $doctypeId); } /** * @param string $doctype * @param int $tmpauftragid * @param int $shopid */ public function HookShopimport($doctype, $tmpauftragid, $shopid) { if($doctype !== 'auftrag' || empty($tmpauftragid) || empty($this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_active')) ) { return; } $this->HookBelegFreigabe($doctype, $tmpauftragid); $date = (string)$this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_date'); if($date === '') { $date = '2020-07-01'; } if(strpos($date,'.') !== false) { $date = $this->app->String->Convert($date, '%1.%2.%3', '%3-%2-%1'); } $date = (new DateTime($date))->format('Y-m-d'); $this->app->DB->Update( sprintf( "UPDATE `auftrag` SET `autoversand` = 0 WHERE `id` = %d AND `autoversand` = 1 AND `datum` < '%s' AND `status` = 'freigegeben'", $tmpauftragid, $date ) ); } /** * @param string $doctype * @param int $doctypeId */ public function HookBelegFreigabe($doctype, $doctypeId) { if( $doctype !== 'auftrag' || $doctypeId <= 0 || empty($this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_active')) ) { return; } if($this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT `auftrag` FROM `auftrag_protokoll` WHERE `auftrag` = %d AND `grund` = 'Autoversandfreigabe durch Auftragsblocker entfernt' LIMIT 1", $doctypeId ) ) ) { return; } $date = (string)$this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_date'); if($date === '') { $date = '2020-07-01'; } if(strpos($date,'.') !== false) { $date = $this->app->String->Convert($date, '%1.%2.%3', '%3-%2-%1'); } $date = (new DateTime($date))->format('Y-m-d'); $this->app->DB->Update( sprintf( "UPDATE `auftrag` SET `autoversand` = 0 WHERE `id` = %d AND `autoversand` = 1 AND `datum` < '%s' AND `status` = 'freigegeben'", $doctypeId, $date ) ); if($this->app->DB->affected_rows() > 0) { $this->app->erp->AuftragProtokoll($doctypeId, 'Autoversandfreigabe durch Auftragsblocker entfernt'); } } /** * @param null|bool $hasSpecialTaxes */ public function displayTaxMessageIfNeeded($hasSpecialTaxes = null) { $hasSpecialTaxes = $hasSpecialTaxes !== null?$hasSpecialTaxes:$this->hasSpecialTaxes(); if($hasSpecialTaxes) { return; } $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'MESSAGE', '<div class="warning"> <form id="frmsubmit" method="post">{|Es extistieren noch keine Steuereinträge|} <input type="submit" value="Steuersätze für 2020 laden" name="createtaxes" /> </form> </div>' ); } /** * @return bool */ public function hasSpecialTaxes() { return $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT `id` FROM `steuersaetze` WHERE `set_data` = 1 AND `satz` = 16 AND `type` = 'normal' AND (`country_code` = '' OR `country_code` = 'DE') LIMIT 1" ) ) || $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( "SELECT `id` FROM `steuersaetze` WHERE `set_data` = 1 AND `satz` = 5 AND `type` = 'ermaessigt' AND (`country_code` = '' OR `country_code` = 'DE') LIMIT 1" ) ); } /** * @param null|bool $hasSpecialTaxes */ public function createTaxes($hasSpecialTaxes = null) { $hasSpecialTaxes = $hasSpecialTaxes !== null?$hasSpecialTaxes:$this->hasSpecialTaxes(); if($hasSpecialTaxes) { return; } $this->app->DB->Insert( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `steuersaetze` (`bezeichnung`, `satz`, `aktiv`, `bearbeiter`, `zeitstempel`, `project_id`, `valid_from`, `valid_to`, `type`, `set_data`, `country_code`) VALUES ('2020 normal', 16, 1, '', NOW(), 0, '2020-07-01', '2020-12-31', 'normal', 1, 'DE')" ) ); $this->app->DB->Insert( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `steuersaetze` (`bezeichnung`, `satz`, `aktiv`, `bearbeiter`, `zeitstempel`, `project_id`, `valid_from`, `valid_to`, `type`, `set_data`, `country_code`) VALUES ('normal', 19, 1, '', NOW(), 0, '2021-01-01', NULL, 'normal', 1, 'DE')" ) ); $this->app->DB->Insert( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `steuersaetze` (`bezeichnung`, `satz`, `aktiv`, `bearbeiter`, `zeitstempel`, `project_id`, `valid_from`, `valid_to`, `type`, `set_data`, `country_code`) VALUES ('2020 ermäßigt', 5, 1, '', NOW(), 0, '2020-07-01', '2020-12-31', 'ermaessigt', 1, 'DE')" ) ); $this->app->DB->Insert( sprintf( "INSERT INTO `steuersaetze` (`bezeichnung`, `satz`, `aktiv`, `bearbeiter`, `zeitstempel`, `project_id`, `valid_from`, `valid_to`, `type`, `set_data`, `country_code`) VALUES ('ermäßigt', 7, 1, '', NOW(), 0, '2021-01-01', NULL, 'ermaessigt', 1, 'DE')" ) ); } public function Vatreduction2020List() { $createTaxes = !empty($this->app->Secure->GetPOST('createtaxes')); $hasTaxes = $this->hasSpecialTaxes(); if($createTaxes) { $this->createTaxes($hasTaxes); $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=vatreduction2020&action=list'); } $isActive = !empty($this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_active')); $date = (string)$this->app->erp->GetKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_date'); if($date === '') { $date = '2020-07-01'; $this->app->erp->SetKonfigurationValue('vatreduction2020_date', $date); } if(strpos($date, '-') !== false) { $date = $this->app->String->Convert($date, '%1-%2-%3', '%3.%2.%1'); } $this->app->Tpl->Set('VATREDUCTION2020_DATE', $date); $this->app->YUI->DatePicker('vatreduction2020_date'); if($isActive) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('ISACTIVE', ' checked="checked" '); } $this->app->YUI->AutoSaveKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_active', 'vatreduction2020_active'); $this->app->YUI->AutoSaveKonfiguration('vatreduction2020_date', 'vatreduction2020_date'); $this->displayTaxMessageIfNeeded($hasTaxes); $this->app->erp->Headlines('Auftragsblocker'); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=vatreduction2020&action=list', 'Übersicht'); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'vatreduction2020_list.tpl'); } }