<?php namespace Sabre\Event; use Generator; use Exception; /** * Turn asynchronous promise-based code into something that looks synchronous * again, through the use of generators. * * Example without coroutines: * * $promise = $httpClient->request('GET', '/foo'); * $promise->then(function($value) { * * return $httpClient->request('DELETE','/foo'); * * })->then(function($value) { * * return $httpClient->request('PUT', '/foo'); * * })->error(function($reason) { * * echo "Failed because: $reason\n"; * * }); * * Example with coroutines: * * coroutine(function() { * * try { * yield $httpClient->request('GET', '/foo'); * yield $httpClient->request('DELETE', /foo'); * yield $httpClient->request('PUT', '/foo'); * } catch(\Exception $reason) { * echo "Failed because: $reason\n"; * } * * }); * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2013-2015 fruux GmbH. All rights reserved. * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/) * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ function coroutine(callable $gen) { $generator = $gen(); if (!$generator instanceof Generator) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must pass a generator function'); } // This is the value we're returning. $promise = new Promise(); $lastYieldResult = null; /** * So tempted to use the mythical y-combinator here, but it's not needed in * PHP. */ $advanceGenerator = function() use (&$advanceGenerator, $generator, $promise, &$lastYieldResult) { while ($generator->valid()) { $yieldedValue = $generator->current(); if ($yieldedValue instanceof Promise) { $yieldedValue->then( function($value) use ($generator, &$advanceGenerator, &$lastYieldResult) { $lastYieldResult = $value; $generator->send($value); $advanceGenerator(); }, function($reason) use ($generator, $advanceGenerator) { if ($reason instanceof Exception) { $generator->throw($reason); } elseif (is_scalar($reason)) { $generator->throw(new Exception($reason)); } else { $type = is_object($reason) ? get_class($reason) : gettype($reason); $generator->throw(new Exception('Promise was rejected with reason of type: ' . $type)); } $advanceGenerator(); } )->error(function($reason) use ($promise) { // This error handler would be called, if something in the // generator throws an exception, and it's not caught // locally. $promise->reject($reason); }); // We need to break out of the loop, because $advanceGenerator // will be called asynchronously when the promise has a result. break; } else { // If the value was not a promise, we'll just let it pass through. $lastYieldResult = $yieldedValue; $generator->send($yieldedValue); } } // If the generator is at the end, and we didn't run into an exception, // we can fullfill the promise with the last thing that was yielded to // us. if (!$generator->valid() && $promise->state === Promise::PENDING) { $promise->fulfill($lastYieldResult); } }; try { $advanceGenerator(); } catch (Exception $e) { $promise->reject($e); } return $promise; }