<?php /** * Automatische FTP-Backups * * Prozessstarter erzeugt jeden Tag ein Backup von * - userdata-Verzeichnis (gezippt) * - SQL-Dump der Datenbank (gezippt) * und lädt diese Backups auf den hinterlegten FTP-Server hoch. * * FTP-Zugangsdaten pflegen über Ftpbackup-Modul * (index.php?module=ftpbackup&action=list) */ use Xentral\Components\Filesystem\Adapter\FtpConfig; use Xentral\Components\Filesystem\FilesystemFactory; use Xentral\Components\Filesystem\FilesystemInterface; try { $ftpHost = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('ftpbackup_list_server'); $ftpPort = (int)$app->erp->GetKonfiguration('ftpbackup_list_port'); $ftpUser = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('ftpbackup_list_benutzer'); $ftpPass = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('ftpbackup_list_passwort'); $ftpDir = $app->erp->GetKonfiguration('ftpbackup_list_verzeichnis'); if(empty($ftpHost)){ throw new RuntimeException('FTP hostname is missing or empty.'); } if(empty($ftpUser)){ throw new RuntimeException('FTP username is missing or empty.'); } if(empty($ftpPass)){ throw new RuntimeException('FTP password is missing or empty.'); } if(empty($ftpDir)){ $ftpDir = '/'; } if(empty($ftpPort) || $ftpPort <= 0){ $ftpPort = 21; } /** @var FilesystemFactory $factory */ $factory = $app->Container->get('FilesystemFactory'); $ftpConfig = new FtpConfig($ftpHost, $ftpUser, $ftpPass, $ftpDir, $ftpPort); $ftpFs = $factory->createFtp($ftpConfig); $ftpBackup = new FtpBackupCronjob($app->Conf, $ftpFs); $ftpBackup->execute(); $ftpBackup->cleanup(); } catch (Exception $exception) { if (isset($ftpBackup) && $ftpBackup !== null) { $ftpBackup->cleanup(); } throw $exception; } final class FtpBackupCronjob { /** @var Config $config */ private $config; /** @var FilesystemInterface $ftp */ private $ftp; /** @var string $tmpUserdataFilePath */ private $tmpUserdataFilePath; /** @var string $tmpMysqlDumpFilePath */ private $tmpMysqlDumpFilePath; /** * @param Config $config * @param FilesystemInterface $ftp */ public function __construct(Config $config, FilesystemInterface $ftp) { $this->ftp = $ftp; $this->config = $config; $this->tmpUserdataFilePath = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'xentral_userdata_backup'); $this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'xentral_mysql_backup'); if(!is_file($this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath)){ throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not create temp file: %s', $this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath)); } if(!is_file($this->tmpUserdataFilePath)){ throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not create temp file: %s', $this->tmpUserdataFilePath)); } } /** */ public function __destruct() { $this->cleanup(); } /** * @return void */ public function cleanup() { $this->deleteFile($this->tmpUserdataFilePath); $this->deleteFile($this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath); } /** * @return void */ public function execute() { $this->createMysqlBackup($this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath); $this->createUserdataBackup($this->tmpUserdataFilePath); // d =Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; Excaple: 01 to 31 $this->copyFileToFtp($this->tmpUserdataFilePath, 'userdata_' . date('d') . '.tar.gz'); $this->copyFileToFtp($this->tmpMysqlDumpFilePath, 'mysqldump_' . date('d') . '.gz'); } /** * @param string $dumpFilePath Absolute path to mysqldump * * @return void * @throws RuntimeException * */ private function createMysqlBackup($dumpFilePath) { $dbHost = property_exists($this->config, 'WFdbhost') ? $this->config->WFdbhost : 'localhost'; $dbPort = property_exists($this->config, 'WFdbport') ? (int)$this->config->WFdbport : 3306; $dbName = property_exists($this->config, 'WFdbname') ? $this->config->WFdbname : null; $dbUser = property_exists($this->config, 'WFdbuser') ? $this->config->WFdbuser : null; $dbPass = property_exists($this->config, 'WFdbpass') ? $this->config->WFdbpass : null; if(empty($dbName)){ throw new RuntimeException('Database name is missing or empty.'); } if(empty($dbUser)){ throw new RuntimeException('Database user is missing or empty.'); } if(empty($dbPass)){ throw new RuntimeException('Database password is missing or empty.'); } $dumpCmd = sprintf( 'mysqldump --no-tablespaces --host=%s --port=%s --user=%s --password=%s --databases %s', escapeshellarg($dbHost), $dbPort, escapeshellarg($dbUser), escapeshellarg($dbPass), escapeshellarg($dbName) ); $zipCmd = sprintf('gzip > %s', escapeshellarg($dumpFilePath)); $command = $dumpCmd . ' | ' . $zipCmd; @exec($command, $output, $returnVar); $output = implode("\n", $output); if($returnVar !== 0){ throw new RuntimeException('Mysql dump command failed. ' . $output); } } /** * @param string $backupFilePath Absolute path to archive file * * @return void * @throws RuntimeException * */ private function createUserdataBackup($backupFilePath) { $userdataDir = property_exists($this->config, 'WFuserdata') ? $this->config->WFuserdata : dirname(__DIR__) . '/userdata'; // 2>&1 = Fehlerausgabe-Kanal in Standardausgabe-Kanal schreiben $command = sprintf( 'tar cfz %s %s 2>&1', escapeshellarg($backupFilePath), escapeshellarg($userdataDir) ); @exec($command, $output, $returnVar); $output = implode("\n", $output); if($returnVar !== 0){ throw new RuntimeException('Userdata backup command failed. ' . $output); } } /** * @param string $sourceFilePath Absolute path * @param string $targetFilename File name; without dir * * @return void * @throws RuntimeException If operation fails * */ private function copyFileToFtp($sourceFilePath, $targetFilename) { if(!is_file($sourceFilePath)){ throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Source file not found: %s', $sourceFilePath)); } $resource = @fopen($sourceFilePath, 'rb'); if(!is_resource($resource)){ throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Source file not readable: %s', $sourceFilePath)); } // Datei anlegen oder überschreiben $success = $this->ftp->putStream($targetFilename, $resource); if(!$success){ throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not write file to FTP: %s', $targetFilename)); } } /** * @param string $filePath * * @return void */ private function deleteFile($filePath) { if(is_file($filePath)){ @unlink($filePath); } } }