<?php namespace Sabre\DAV\Xml\Element; use Sabre\DAV\Xml\Property\Complex; use Sabre\Xml\Reader; use Sabre\Xml\XmlDeserializable; /** * This class is responsible for decoding the {DAV:}prop element as it appears * in {DAV:}property-update. * * This class doesn't return an instance of itself. It just returns a * key->value array. * * @copyright Copyright (C) fruux GmbH (https://fruux.com/) * @author Evert Pot (http://evertpot.com/) * @license http://sabre.io/license/ Modified BSD License */ class Prop implements XmlDeserializable { /** * The deserialize method is called during xml parsing. * * This method is called statically, this is because in theory this method * may be used as a type of constructor, or factory method. * * Often you want to return an instance of the current class, but you are * free to return other data as well. * * You are responsible for advancing the reader to the next element. Not * doing anything will result in a never-ending loop. * * If you just want to skip parsing for this element altogether, you can * just call $reader->next(); * * $reader->parseInnerTree() will parse the entire sub-tree, and advance to * the next element. * * @param Reader $reader * @return mixed */ static function xmlDeserialize(Reader $reader) { // If there's no children, we don't do anything. if ($reader->isEmptyElement) { $reader->next(); return []; } $values = []; $reader->read(); do { if ($reader->nodeType === Reader::ELEMENT) { $clark = $reader->getClark(); $values[$clark] = self::parseCurrentElement($reader)['value']; } else { $reader->read(); } } while ($reader->nodeType !== Reader::END_ELEMENT); $reader->read(); return $values; } /** * This function behaves similar to Sabre\Xml\Reader::parseCurrentElement, * but instead of creating deep xml array structures, it will turn any * top-level element it doesn't recognize into either a string, or an * XmlFragment class. * * This method returns arn array with 2 properties: * * name - A clark-notation XML element name. * * value - The parsed value. * * @param Reader $reader * @return array */ private static function parseCurrentElement(Reader $reader) { $name = $reader->getClark(); if (array_key_exists($name, $reader->elementMap)) { $deserializer = $reader->elementMap[$name]; if (is_subclass_of($deserializer, 'Sabre\\Xml\\XmlDeserializable')) { $value = call_user_func([$deserializer, 'xmlDeserialize'], $reader); } elseif (is_callable($deserializer)) { $value = call_user_func($deserializer, $reader); } else { $type = gettype($deserializer); if ($type === 'string') { $type .= ' (' . $deserializer . ')'; } elseif ($type === 'object') { $type .= ' (' . get_class($deserializer) . ')'; } throw new \LogicException('Could not use this type as a deserializer: ' . $type); } } else { $value = Complex::xmlDeserialize($reader); } return [ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, ]; } }