<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Service; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\StageNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\ResubmissionNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\Resubmission\Exception\ViewNotFoundException; final class ResubmissionGateway { /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** * @param Database $database */ public function __construct(Database $database) { $this->db = $database; } /** * @param int $resubmissionId * * @return bool */ public function existsResubmission($resubmissionId) { $sql = 'SELECT w.id FROM `wiedervorlage` AS `w` WHERE w.id = :resubmission_id'; $check = $this->db->fetchValue($sql, ['resubmission_id' => (int)$resubmissionId]); return (int)$check === (int)$resubmissionId; } /** * @param int $resubmissionId * * @throws ResubmissionNotFoundException * * @return int */ public function getViewIdByResubmission($resubmissionId) { $sql = 'SELECT ws.view AS `view_id` FROM `wiedervorlage` AS `w` LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` ON w.stages = ws.id WHERE w.id = :resubmission_id'; $viewId = $this->db->fetchValue($sql, ['resubmission_id' => (int)$resubmissionId]); if ($viewId === false) { throw new ResubmissionNotFoundException(sprintf('Resubmission not found: ID%s', $resubmissionId)); } return (int)$viewId; } /** * @param int $stageId * * @throws StageNotFoundException * * @return int */ public function getViewIdByStage($stageId) { $sql = 'SELECT ws.view AS `view_id` FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` WHERE ws.id = :stage_id'; $viewId = $this->db->fetchValue($sql, ['stage_id' => (int)$stageId]); if ($viewId === false) { throw new StageNotFoundException(sprintf('Stage not found: ID%s', $stageId)); } return (int)$viewId; } /** * @param int $viewId * * @return array */ public function getStagesByView($viewId) { $sql = 'SELECT ws.id, IF(ws.kurzbezeichnung != \'\', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ws.name) AS `shortname`, ws.name AS `longname` FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` ON ws.view = wv.id AND wv.active = 1 WHERE ws.view = :view_id ORDER BY ws.sort, ws.id'; $stages = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, ['view_id' => (int)$viewId]); $rank = 1; foreach ($stages as &$stage) { $stage['rank'] = $rank; $rank++; } unset($stage); return $stages; } /** * Alle Geschwister-Stages ermitteln * * D.h. alle Stages ermitteln die sich in der gleichen View befinden wie die übergebene Stage * * @param int $stageId * * @return array */ public function getSiblingStages($stageId) { $viewId = $this->getViewIdByStage($stageId); return $this->getStagesByView($viewId); } /** * @param int $stageId * * @throws StageNotFoundException * * @return array */ public function getStage($stageId) { $sql = 'SELECT ws.id, IF(ws.kurzbezeichnung != \'\', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ws.name) AS `shortname`, ws.name AS `longname` FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` WHERE ws.id = :stage_id'; $stage = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['stage_id' => (int)$stageId]); if (empty($stage)) { throw new StageNotFoundException(sprintf('Stage ID "%s" not found', $stageId)); } return $stage; } /** * @param int $resubmissionId * * @throws ResubmissionNotFoundException * @throws StageNotFoundException * * @return array */ public function getStageByResubmission($resubmissionId) { $sql = 'SELECT w.id AS resubmission_id, ws.view AS view_id, ws.id, IF(ws.kurzbezeichnung != \'\', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ws.name) AS `shortname`, ws.name AS `longname` FROM `wiedervorlage` AS `w` LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` ON w.stages = ws.id WHERE w.id = :resubmissionId'; $result = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['resubmissionId' => (int)$resubmissionId]); if (empty($result['resubmission_id'])) { throw new ResubmissionNotFoundException( sprintf( 'Resubmission not found: ID%s', $resubmissionId ) ); } if (empty($result['id'])) { throw new StageNotFoundException( sprintf( 'Stage not found for resubmission: Resubmission-ID%s', $resubmissionId ) ); } unset($result['resubmission_id']); return $result; } /** * @param int $resubmissionId Wiedervorlagen-ID * * @return array */ public function getStagesByResubmission($resubmissionId) { // View-ID der aktuellen Stage ermitteln; View-ID darf 0 sein; 0 = Standard-View $viewId = $this->getViewIdByResubmission($resubmissionId); $sql = 'SELECT ws.id, IF(ws.kurzbezeichnung != \'\', ws.kurzbezeichnung, ws.name) AS `shortname`, ws.name AS `longname` FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` ON ws.view = wv.id AND wv.active = 1 WHERE ws.view = :view_id ORDER BY ws.sort, ws.id'; return $this->db->fetchAll($sql, ['view_id' => $viewId]); } /** * @return array */ public function getStagesWithViews() { $sql = 'SELECT ws.id, ws.name AS stage_name, wv.name AS view_name FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` LEFT JOIN `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` ON wv.id = ws.view ORDER BY ws.view, ws.sort '; $stages = $this->db->fetchAll($sql); $result = []; foreach ($stages as $stage) { $viewName = $stage['view_name'] !== null ? $stage['view_name'] : 'Standard'; $result[] = [ 'id' => (int)$stage['id'], 'label' => sprintf('%s > %s', $viewName, $stage['stage_name']), ]; } return $result; } /** * @param int $sourceStageId ID der Stage von der aus verschoben wird * @param int $targetStageId ID der Stage in die verschoben werden soll * * @throws StageNotFoundException * * @return int Positiver Wert = Target-Stage befindet sich in aufsteigender Position * Negativer Wert = Target-Stage befindet sich vor der Ursprungs-Stage * Null = Source- und Target-Stage sind identisch */ public function getDistanceBetweenStages($sourceStageId, $targetStageId) { $sourceStageId = (int)$sourceStageId; $targetStageId = (int)$targetStageId; $stages = $this->getSiblingStages($targetStageId); // Prüfen ob übergebene Stage-ID überhaupt valide ist; Muss in der selben Ansicht/View sein $validStageIds = array_column($stages, 'id'); $isTargetStageIdValid = in_array($targetStageId, $validStageIds, true); if ($isTargetStageIdValid === false) { throw new StageNotFoundException(sprintf('Target stage ID "%s" not found', $targetStageId)); } $targetStageRank = 0; $sourceStageRank = 0; $rank = 1; foreach ($stages as $stage) { if ((int)$stage['id'] === $sourceStageId) { $sourceStageRank = $rank; } if ((int)$stage['id'] === $targetStageId) { $targetStageRank = $rank; } $rank++; } return $targetStageRank - $sourceStageRank; } /** * @param int $resubmissionId * * @return array */ public function getById($resubmissionId) { if (!is_numeric($resubmissionId)) { throw new ResubmissionNotFoundException( sprintf( 'Resubmission not found: ID%s', $resubmissionId ) ); } $sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.adresse, w.projekt, w.parameter, w.abgeschlossen, w.action, w.adresse_mitarbeiter, w.bearbeiter, w.beschreibung, w.bezeichnung, w.betrag, w.ergebnis, w.erinnerung, w.erinnerung_empfaenger, w.datum_erinnerung, w.zeit_erinnerung, w.datum_status, w.datum_abschluss, w.datum_angelegt, w.stages, w.prio, w.color, w.chance, w.status, w.module, w.link, w.oeffentlich, w.erinnerung_per_mail, w.zeit_angelegt FROM `wiedervorlage` AS `w` WHERE w.id = :resubmission_id'; return $this->db->fetchRow($sql, ['resubmission_id' => (int)$resubmissionId]); } /** * @param string $name * @param string $description * * @throws ViewNotFoundException * * @return int */ public function getViewIdByNameAndDescription(string $name, string $description): int { $viewId = $this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT wv.id FROM `wiedervorlage_view` AS `wv` WHERE wv.name = :name AND wv.shortname = :desc AND wv.active = :active AND wv.project = 0', [ 'name' => $name, 'desc' => $description, 'active' => 1, ] ); if ($viewId === false) { throw new ViewNotFoundException(sprintf('View not found for name:%s and desc:%s', $name, $description)); } return (int)$viewId; } /** * @param int $viewId * * @return int */ public function getMaxSortByViewId(int $viewId): int { $maxPosition = $this->db->fetchValue( 'SELECT MAX(ws.sort) FROM `wiedervorlage_stages` AS `ws` WHERE ws.`view` = :id', ['id' => $viewId] ); return (int)$maxPosition; } }