app = $app; if ($intern) { return; } $this->gateway = $this->app->Container->get('ReportGateway'); $this->service = $this->app->Container->get('ReportService'); $this->template = $this->app->Tpl; $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this); $this->request = $this->app->Container->get('Request'); // ab hier alle Action Handler definieren die das Modul hat $this->app->ActionHandler('list', 'HandleActionList'); $this->app->ActionHandler('view', 'ReportTable'); $this->app->ActionHandler('edit', 'HandleActionEdit'); $this->app->ActionHandler('create', 'HandleActionCreate'); $this->app->ActionHandler('delete', 'HandleActionDelete'); $this->app->ActionHandler('download', 'ReportDownload'); $this->app->ActionHandler('transfer', 'ReportTransfer'); $this->app->ActionHandler('share', 'HandleActionShare'); $this->app->ActionHandler('export', 'ReportExport'); $this->app->ActionHandler('databaseview', 'DataBaseView'); $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app); $this->app->erp->Headlines('Berichte'); } /** * @param Application $app * @param string $name * @param array $erlaubtevars * * @return array */ public function TableSearch($app, $name, $erlaubtevars) { // in dieses switch alle lokalen Tabellen (diese Live Tabellen mit Suche etc.) für dieses Modul switch ($name) { case 'report_list': $allowed['report'] = ['list']; $heading = [ 'Name', 'Kategorie', 'Inhalt', 'Projekt', 'Öffentlich', 'Menü', ]; $aligncenter = [5]; $width = ['20%', '20%', '35%', '15%', '10%', '1%', '1']; $findcols = [ '', 'r.category', 'r.description', 'p.abkuerzung', "'ja' as public", '', ]; $searchsql = [ '', 'r.category', 'r.description', 'p.abkuerzung', "'ja' as public", ]; $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $orderby = ''; $uiTheme = $app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']; $menu = ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= '
'; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"ansicht\""; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"PDF"; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"CSV"; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"JSON"; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"edit"; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"delete"; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= ''; $menu .= "\"copy"; $menu .= ''; $menu .= '
'; $where = ' > 0'; $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,, r.category, r.description, p.abkuerzung, 'ja' AS `public`, FROM `report` AS `r` LEFT JOIN `projekt` AS `p` ON r.project ="; break; case 'report_table': $allowed['report'] = ['table']; /** @var Request $request */ $request = $this->app->Container->get('Request'); $id = $request->post->getInt('report_id'); if($id === 0) { $id = (int)$request->get->getInt('id'); } if($id === 0) { $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); } /** @var ReportGateway $gateway */ $gateway = $this->app->Container->get('ReportGateway'); /** @var ReportService $service */ $service = $this->app->Container->get('ReportService'); /** @var ReportColumnFormatter $columnFormatter */ $columnFormatter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportColumnFormatter'); try { $report = $gateway->getReportById($id); } catch (Exception $e) { $report = null; } if ($report === null) { $this->app->Tpl->Add('MESSAGE', '
Kein Bericht ausgewählt.
'); $report = new ReportData('empty'); $dummyColumns = new ReportColumnCollection([new ReportColumn('empty', 'undefined')]); $report->setColumns($dummyColumns); } $alignright = []; $aligncenter = []; $alignleft = []; $sumcolumns = []; $numbercols = []; $heading = []; $findcols = []; $findcols2 = []; $innerTabs = []; $weitereswhere = []; $width = []; $i = 1; $columns = $report->getColumns(); foreach ($columns as $col) { $heading[] = $col->getTitle(); $findcols[] = sprintf('', $i); $findcolName = sprintf('tab%s', $i); $formattedFindCol = $columnFormatter->formatColumnExpression($col, $findcolName); $findcols2[$col->getKey()] = $formattedFindCol; $dummy[] = sprintf("'' as tab%s", $i); $width[] = $col->getWidth(); $weitereswhere[] = sprintf("tab%s!=''", $i); if ($col->isSumColumn()) { $sumcolumns[] = $i; } if ($col->getSorting() !== ReportColumn::SORT_ALPHABETIC) { $numbercols[] = $i; $innerTabs[$col->getKey()] = sprintf('0 as tab%s', $i); } else { $innerTabs[$col->getKey()] = sprintf("'' as tab%s", $i); } switch ($col->getAlignment()) { case ReportColumn::ALIGN_RIGHT: $alignright[] = $i; break; case ReportColumn::ALIGN_LEFT: $alignleft[] = $i; break; default: $aligncenter[] = $i; } $i++; } $heading[] = ''; $width[] = '1%'; if ((!empty($sumcolumns)?count($sumcolumns):0)) { $sumcol = $sumcolumns; } $previousString = base64_decode($this->app->Secure->GetGET('postfix')); $previousData = json_decode($previousString, true); $currentData = []; $params = $report->getParameters(); if ($params !== null) { $getParams = $request->get->all(); $getParams = array_change_key_case($getParams, CASE_LOWER); foreach ($params as $param) { $varname = strtolower($param->getVarname()); if (array_key_exists($varname, $getParams)) { $currentData[$varname] = $getParams[$varname]; } else { $currentData[$varname] = $previousData[$varname]; } } } $currentString = base64_encode(json_encode($currentData)); $this->app->Secure->GET['postfix'] = $currentString; /** @var ReportResolveParameterService $resolver */ $resolver = $this->app->Container->get('ReportResolveParameterService'); $report = $resolver->resolveInputParameters($report, $currentData); $report = $resolver->resolveInputParameters($report, $request->get->all()); $queryString = $service->resolveParameters($report); //fix possible semicolon if (preg_match('/^([^;]+)(\s*;\s*)$/', $queryString, $parts) && (!empty($parts)?count($parts):0) > 1) { $queryString = $parts[1]; } if (!$service->isSqlStatementAllowed($queryString)) { $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'MESSAGE', '
Der Bericht enthält eine unerlaubte SQL-Abfrage.
' ); break; } /** @var Database $db */ $db = $this->app->Container->get('Database'); //make a pre-query to the database to get the order of returned fields $preQueryResult = $db->fetchRow($queryString); $resultKeys = array_keys($preQueryResult); $innerTabsSorted = []; //rearrange the findcols2 array so it will match the order in the live table view $areColumnsMatchable = true; foreach ($resultKeys as $resultKey) { if(isset($innerTabs[$resultKey])){ $innerTabsSorted[] = $innerTabs[$resultKey]; } else{ $areColumnsMatchable = false; } } if(!$areColumnsMatchable){ $msg = '{|Es ist war nicht möglich die Spalten aus dem SQL mit den konfigurierten Spaltennamen abzugleichen. Wurde das SQL Statement verändert ohne die Spalten anzupassen? Hilfreich könnte auch sein, den Spalten im SQL Statement Aliasse zu geben und anschließend die Spaltennamen neu zu erzeugen.|}'; $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'MESSAGE', '
' ); } $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ' . $findcols[0] . ',' . implode(',', $findcols2) . ',' . $findcols[0] . ' FROM ((SELECT ' . implode(',', $innerTabsSorted) . " LIMIT 0) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ($queryString) AS `content`) AS `reporttable`"; $findcols[] = $findcols[0]; $searchsql = $findcols; $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $weitereswhere) . ')'; $compiledQuery = sprintf('%s WHERE %s', $sql, $where); if (!$service->isSqlStatementAllowed($compiledQuery)) { $sql = ''; $where = ''; $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'MESSAGE', '
Der Bericht enthält eine unerlaubte SQL-Abfrage.
' ); } break; case 'report_shareduser': $allowed['report'] = ['share']; $heading = [ 'Benutzer', 'Graph', 'Datei', 'Akt.-Menü', 'Tab', 'Menü', ]; $width = ['30%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '1%']; $findcols = [ '', 'chart_enabled', 'file_enabled', 'menu_enabled', 'tab_enabled', ]; $searchsql = [ '', ]; $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $orderby = ''; $disablebuttons = true; $maxrows = 5; $aligncenter = [2,3,4,5]; $filtercols = ''; $filtercols2 =''; $uiTheme = $app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']; $menu = ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= '
'; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ""; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ""; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= '
'; $request = $app->Container->get('Request'); $where = sprintf(' ru.report_id = %s', $request->get->getInt('id', 0)); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,, IF(ru.chart_enabled = 1, 'Ja', 'Nein') as `chart_enabled`, IF(ru.file_enabled = 1, 'Ja', 'Nein') as `file_enabled`, IF(ru.menu_enabled = 1, 'Ja', 'Nein') as `menu_enabled`, IF(ru.tab_enabled = 1, 'Ja', 'Nein') as `tab_enabled`, FROM `report_user` AS `ru`"; break; case 'report_columns': $allowed['report'] = ['edit']; /** @var Request $request */ $request = $this->app->Container->get('Request'); $id = $request->get->getInt('id'); $heading = [ 'Spaltenname SQL', 'Bezeichnung', 'Spaltenbreite', 'Ausrichtung', 'Sortierung', 'Formatierung', 'Spalte summieren', 'Reihenfolge', '', ]; $width = ['10%', '10%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '5%', '1%']; $findcols = [ 'c.key_name', 'c.title', 'c.width', 'c.alignment', 'c.sorting', 'c.format_type', 'c.sum', 'c.sequence' ]; $searchsql = [ 'c.key_name', 'c.title', ]; $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $orderby = ''; $disablebuttons = true; $filtercols = ''; $filtercols2 =''; $uiTheme = $app->Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']; $menu = ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= '
'; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ""; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ''; $menu .= ""; $menu .= ' '; $menu .= '
'; $where = sprintf(' c.report_id = %s', $id); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, c.key_name, c.title, c.width, IF(c.alignment = 'center', 'Mitte', IF(c.alignment = 'left', 'Links', IF(c.alignment = 'right', 'Rechts', ''))) as `alignment`, IF(c.sorting = 'numeric', 'numerisch', IF(c.sorting = 'alphabetic', 'alphabetisch', 'numerisch') ) as `sorting`, CASE c.format_type WHEN 'sum_money_de' THEN 'Geldbetrag (DE)' WHEN 'sum_money_en' THEN 'Geldbetrag (EN)' WHEN 'date_dmy' THEN 'Datum (' WHEN 'date_ymd' THEN 'Datum (' WHEN 'date_dmyhis' THEN 'Datum und Uhrzeit ( HH:ii:ss)' WHEN 'date_ymdhis' THEN 'Datum und Uhrzeit ( HH:ii:ss)' WHEN 'custom' THEN c.format_statement ELSE 'Keine' END AS `format_type`, IF(c.sum = 1, 'Ja', 'Nein') as `sum`, c.sequence, FROM `report_column` AS `c`"; break; case 'databaseview': $selectedtable = $this->app->User->GetParameter('report_databaseview_selectedtable'); $selectedcolumns = $this->app->User->GetParameter('report_databaseview_selectedcolumns'); if (!empty($selectedcolumns)) { $columns = explode(',',$selectedcolumns); } else { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$selectedtable."`"; $columns = array_column($this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql),'Field'); $columns = array_slice($columns,0,10); } $heading = $columns; $findcols = $columns; $searchsql = $columns; $sql = "SELECT `".$columns[0]."`, `".implode("`,`",$columns)."` from `".$selectedtable."`"; break; } $erg = []; foreach ($erlaubtevars as $k => $v) { if (isset($$v)) { $erg[$v] = $$v; } } return $erg; } /** * @return void */ public function Install() { $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('name', 'varchar(255)', 'report', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('description', 'text', 'report', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('project', 'int(11)', 'report', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('sql_query', 'text', 'report', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('remark', 'text', 'report', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('category', 'varchar(255)', 'report', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('readonly', 'tinyint', 'report', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('csv_delimiter', 'varchar(32)', 'report'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('csv_enclosure', 'varchar(32)', 'report'); $this->app->erp->CheckAlterTable("ALTER TABLE `report` CHANGE `description` `description` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_column'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_column', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_column', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('key_name', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('title', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('width', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('alignment', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('sorting', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('sum', 'tinyint', 'report_column', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('sequence', 'int(11)', 'report_column', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('format_type', 'varchar(64)', 'report_column'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('format_statement', 'varchar(255)', 'report_column'); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_parameter'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_parameter', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_parameter', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('varname', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('displayname', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('description', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('default_value', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('options', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('control_type', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('editable', 'tinyint', 'report_parameter', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('variable_extern', 'varchar(255)', 'report_parameter', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_transfer'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_active', 'tinyint', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_type', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_host', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_port', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_user', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_password', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_interval_mode', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_interval_value', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_passive', 'tinyint', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_daytime', 'time', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_format', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_filename', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('ftp_last_transfer', 'datetime', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_active', 'tinyint', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_recipient', 'text', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_subject', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_interval_mode', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_interval_value', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_daytime', 'time', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_format', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_filename', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('email_last_transfer', 'datetime', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('url_format', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('url_begin', 'date', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('url_end', 'date', 'report_transfer', 'NULL'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('url_address', 'text', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('url_token', 'text', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('api_active', 'tinyint', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('api_account_id', 'int(11)', 'report_transfer', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('api_format', 'varchar(255)', 'report_transfer', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckAlterTable("ALTER TABLE `report_transfer` CHANGE `url_address` `url_address` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_share'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_public', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_axislabel', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_type', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_x_column', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('data_columns', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_group_column', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_dateformat', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_interval_value', 'int(11)', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_interval_mode', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('file_public', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('file_pdf_enabled', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('file_csv_enabled', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('file_xls_enabled', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('menu_public', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('menu_doctype', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('menu_label', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('menu_format', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_public', 'tinyint', 'report_share', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_module', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_action', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_label', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_position', 'varchar(255)', 'report_share', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_user'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('user_id', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('name', 'varchar(255)', 'report_user', "NOT NULL DEFAULT ''"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('chart_enabled', 'tinyint', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('file_enabled', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('menu_enabled', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('tab_enabled', 'int(11)', 'report_user', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckTable('report_favorite'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('id', 'int(11)', 'report_favorite', 'NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('report_id', 'int(11)', 'report_favorite', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn('user_id', 'int(11)', 'report_favorite', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT 0'); $this->installJsonReports(); $this->app->erp->CheckProzessstarter('Berichte FTP Übertragung (neues Modul)', 'periodisch', '1', '', 'cronjob', 'report_transfer_ftp', 1); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('ajax_filter_hook1','report','AjaxAutocompleteFilterUser'); //Hooks for Document Module's action menus $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Angebot_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Angebot_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Auftrag_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Auftrag_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Gutschrift_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Gutschrift_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Rechnung_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Rechnung_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Lieferschein_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Lieferschein_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Bestellung_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Bestellung_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Produktion_Aktion_option', 'report', 'addReportToDocumentActionMenu'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('Produktion_Aktion_case', 'report', 'addDocumentActionMenuCase'); $this->app->erp->removeHookRegister('parse_menu', 'report', 'parseMenuHook'); $this->app->erp->RegisterHook('player_run_before_include_js_css', 'report', 'beforeJsCssHook'); } public function beforeJsCssHook() { if(empty($this->app->erp->menuquery)) { return; } $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module'); if(empty($module) || $module === 'report') { return; } if(!$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('report', 'table')) { return; } $action = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('action'); $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); /** @var ReportGateway $gateway */ try { $gateway = $this->app->Container->get('ReportGateway'); if($gateway === null){ return; } $reports = $gateway->findShareByModuleAction($this->app->User->GetID(), $module, $action); } catch(Exception $e) { return; } if(empty($reports)) { return; } $nextInd = 0; foreach ($this->app->erp->menuquery as $menuItem) { if($menuItem['ind'] >= $nextInd){ $nextInd = $menuItem['ind'] + 1; } } $inserted = false; foreach ($reports as $report) { $link = 'index.php?module=report&action=view&id=' . $report['report_id'] .'&smodule=' .$module.'&saction='.$action. ($id > 0 ? '&sid=' . $id : ''); foreach ($this->app->erp->menuquery as $menuItem) { if($menuItem['_link'] === $link){ continue 2; } } $this->app->erp->menuquery[] = [ 'link' => '
  • ' . htmlspecialchars($report['tab_label']) . '
  • ', '_link' => $link, 'ind' => $nextInd, ]; $nextInd++; $inserted = true; } if(!$inserted) { return; } $this->app->ModuleScriptCache->IncludeJavascriptFiles( $module, [ 'body' => ['./classes/Modules/Report/www/js/report_menu_popup.js'] ] ); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'report_menupopup.tpl'); } /** * @param array $menu */ public function parseMenuHook(&$menu, $backlink) { } /** * Hook for Autocomplete of shared users * * @param string $filtername * @param array $newarr * @param string $term * @param string $term2 * @param string $term3 */ public function AjaxAutocompleteFilterUser($filtername, &$newarr, $term, $term2, $term3) { if($filtername === 'user_share'){ $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(,': ', as `name` FROM `user` AS `u` JOIN `adresse` AS `a` ON = u.adresse WHERE u.activ = 1 AND (u.username LIKE '%%%1\$s%%' OR LIKE '%%%1\$s%%') ", $term); $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql); if(empty($arr)) { return; } foreach($arr as $row) { $newarr[] = $row['name']; } } if($filtername === 'report_category'){ $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT r.category as `category` FROM `report` AS `r` WHERE r.category LIKE '%%%1\$s%%'", $term); $arr = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql); if(empty($arr)) { return; } foreach($arr as $row) { $newarr[] = $row['category']; } } } /** * @param $id * @param $projectStatus * @param $option */ public function addReportToDocumentActionMenu($id, $projectStatus, &$option) { //if(!$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('berichte','csv') && !$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('berichte','pdf')){ // return; //} if (!$this->app->Container->has('ReportGateway')) { return; } /** @var ReportGateway $gateway */ $gateway = $this->app->Container->get('ReportGateway'); $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module'); $data = $gateway->getDocumentAddActionMenuData($module, $this->app->User->GetID()); if(empty($data)) { return; } foreach($data as $row) { $name = $row['menu_label']; if ($name === '') { $name = $row['name']; } $newOption = sprintf('', $row['id'], $name); $option .= $newOption; } } /** * @param $id * @param $projectStatus * @param $case */ public function addDocumentActionMenuCase($id, $projectStatus, &$case) { //if(!$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('berichte','csv') && !$this->app->erp->RechteVorhanden('berichte','pdf')){ // return; //} if (!$this->app->Container->has('ReportGateway')) { return; } /** @var ReportGateway $gateway */ $gateway = $this->app->Container->get('ReportGateway'); $module = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('module'); $data = $gateway->getDocumentAddActionMenuData($module, $this->app->User->GetID()); if(empty($data)) { return; } foreach($data as $row) { $newCase = sprintf( 'case \'report_%s\': window.location.href=\'index.php?module=report&action=download&format=%s&id=%s&doctype=%s&docid=%%value%%\'; break;', $row['id'], $row['menu_format'], $row['id'], $module ); $case .= $newCase; } } /** * Actionhandler for all List like action */ public function HandleActionList() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); switch ($cmd) { case '': $this->ReportTiles(); break; case 'ajaxTiles': $this->ajaxGetTiles(); break; case 'ajaxGetInputParameters': $this->ajaxGetInputParameters(); break; case 'getchart': $chart = $this->ajaxGetChart(); $response = new JsonResponse($chart); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'ajaxGetFavorite': case 'ajaxSetFavorite': $this->ajaxFavorite(); break; default: throw new BadRequestException(sprintf('Bad request command "%s', $cmd)); } } /** * Actionhandler for all Edit like action */ public function HandleActionEdit() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); switch ($cmd) { case '': $this->ReportEdit(); break; case 'ajaxGetParam': $this->ajaxGetParameter(); break; case 'ajaxSaveParam': $this->ajaxSaveParameter(); break; case 'ajaxDeleteParam': $this->ajaxDeleteParam(); break; case 'ajaxGetColumn': $this->ajaxGetColumn(); break; case 'ajaxSaveColumn': $this->ajaxSaveColumn(); break; case 'ajaxDeleteColumn': $this->ajaxDeleteColumn(); break; case 'ajaxTryQuery': $this->ajaxTryQuery(); break; case 'ajaxAutoCreateColumns': $this->ajaxAutoCreateColumns(); break; case 'ajaxCopyReport': $this->copyReport(); break; default: throw new BadRequestException(sprintf('Bad request command "%s', $cmd)); } } /** * Actionhandler for all Delete like action */ public function HandleActionDelete() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); switch ($cmd) { case '': $this->ReportDelete(); break; case 'ajaxDeleteReport': $this->ajaxReportDelete(); break; default: throw new BadRequestException(sprintf('Bad request command "%s"', $cmd)); } } /** * Actionhandler for all share like action */ public function HandleActionShare() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); switch ($cmd) { case '': $this->ReportShare(); break; case 'ajaxGetShareUser': case 'ajaxSaveShareUser': case 'ajaxDeleteShareUser': $this->ajaxReportUser(); break; default: throw new BadRequestException(sprintf('Bad request command "%s"', $cmd)); } } /** * Actionhandler for all create like action */ public function HandleActionCreate() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); switch ($cmd) { case '': case 'getreport': case 'savereport': case 'deletereport': $this->ajaxReportLivetable(); break; case 'ajaxCopyReport': $this->ajaxReportCopy(); break; default: throw new BadRequestException(sprintf('Bad request command "%s"', $cmd)); } } /** * @param $formatType * * @param string $columnName * @param string $alias * * @return string */ protected function createColumnFormat($formatType, $columnName, $alias) { switch ($formatType) { case 'sum_money_de': $template = 'FORMAT(%1$s, 2, \'de_DE\') AS `%2$s`'; break; case 'sum_money_en': $template = 'FORMAT(%1$s, 2, \'en_EN\') AS `%2$s`'; break; case 'date_dmy': $template = 'DATE_FORMAT(%1$s, \'%%d.%%m.%%Y\') AS `%2$s`'; break; case 'date_ymd': $template = 'DATE_FORMAT(%1$s, \'%%Y.%%m.%%d\') AS `%2$s`'; break; case 'date_dmyhis': $template = 'DATE_FORMAT(%1$s, \'%%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%i:%%s\') AS `%2$s`'; break; case 'date_ymdhis': $template = 'DATE_FORMAT(%1$s, \'%%Y.%%m.%%d %%H:%%i:%%s\') AS `%2$s`'; break; default: $template = '`%2$s`'; } $formattedColumn = sprintf($template, $columnName, $alias); return $formattedColumn; } /** * @return array */ protected function ajaxGetChart() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); try{ $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($id); /** @var \Xentral\Modules\Report\ReportChartService $service */ $service = $this->app->Container->get('ReportChartService'); $this->app->Tpl->Add('PAGE', $service->renderChartByReport($report)); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages([$e->getMessage()], $this->app->Tpl, 'PAGE'); } return ['html' => $this->app->Tpl->OutputAsString('report_menupopuptable.tpl')]; } /** * @return void */ public function ReportList() { $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TAB1', 'report_list', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); $this->renderReportList(); } /** * @param string $message */ public function showFailPage($message = '') { $this->createMenu(); if ($message !== '') { $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'MESSAGE', sprintf('
    ', $message) ); } $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_fail.tpl'); } /** * @return void */ public function ReportTiles() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd'); if($cmd === 'getchart') { $json = $this->ajaxGetChart(); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($json); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $this->template->Set('TAB1', $this->getTileView()); $this->renderReportList(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxGetTiles() { $filterCategory = $this->request->getPost('filter_category', ''); $filterTerm = $this->request->getPost('filter_term', ''); $filterexcludeReadOnly = $this->request->post->getBool('filter_own', false); $filterOnlyFavorites = $this->request->post->getBool('filter_favorites', false); try { $html= $this->getTileView($filterCategory, $filterTerm, !$filterexcludeReadOnly, $filterOnlyFavorites); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true, 'html' => $html]); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxFavorite() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $setFavorite = $this->request->post->getBool('set_favorite', false); $userId = $this->app->User->GetID(); switch ($cmd) { case 'ajaxSetFavorite': if ($setFavorite === true) { $success = $this->service->addReportFavorite($reportId, $userId); } else { $success = $this->service->removeReportFavorite($reportId, $userId); } //no break; case 'ajaxGetFavorite': if (!isset($success)) { $success = true; } $isfavorite = $this->gateway->isFavoriteReportOfUser($reportId, $userId); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => $success, 'is_favorite' => $isfavorite]); $response->send(); break; default: $response = new Response( 'Unknown Server Error', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); $response->send(); break; } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @param string $category * @param string $searchTerm * * @return string tiles html */ protected function getTileView($category = '', $searchTerm = '', $excludeReadOnly = true, $onlyFavs = false) { try { $reportList = $this->gateway->getReportList( $category, $searchTerm, $this->app->User->GetID(), $excludeReadOnly, $onlyFavs ); } catch (Exception $e) { $reportList = []; } $tiles = $this->app->Container->get('Template'); $tiles->setDefaultNamespace('Modules/Report'); $tiles->assign('reportList', $reportList); $tiles->assign('theme', 'new'); return $tiles->fetch('tile_list.tpl'); } protected function renderReportList() { $this->createMenu(); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', 'Berichte'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('reportListFilterCategory', 'report_category'); if ($this->isUpdateMessageNeedet()) { $this->template->Add( 'MESSAGE', '
    Willkommen in der neuen Berichte App. Sie können jetzt Ihre Berichte aus der alten App übertragen um die neuen Features für Ihre Berichte zu nutzen. Zu meinen alten Berichten. Sie können im Bericht den Button "Jetzt übertragen" klicken um den Bericht zu übernehmen.
    ' ); } $fields = [ 'name' => ['bezeichnung' => 'Name', 'notempty' => 1], ]; $options = [ 'module' => 'report', 'action' => 'create', 'livetabelle' => 'report_list', 'title' => 'Neuer Bericht', 'legend' => '', 'functionaftersave' => '', 'functionbeforedelete' => '', 'nobearbeiter' => true, 'btntarget' => 'NEWBTN', 'btnclass' => 'btnGreenNew', 'width' => '600', 'minwidth' => '600', 'onsave' => 'TileView.reload();' ]; $this->app->YUI->AddSimpleForm('report', $fields, $options, $this); $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_list.tpl'); } /** * @return array */ protected function ajaxGetReportpopup() { $reportId = $this->request->getPost('report_id'); $this->app->Secure->GET['id'] = (int)$reportId; try { $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('PAGE', 'report_table', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages([$e->getMessage()], $this->app->Tpl, 'PAGE'); } return ['html' => $this->app->Tpl->OutputAsString('report_menupopuptable.tpl')]; } /** * View Report result as table * * @return void */ public function ReportTable() { $this->createMenu(); $this->app->erp->Headlines('Berichte'); $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); if($cmd === 'getreportpopup') { $json = $this->ajaxGetReportpopup(); header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($json); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $id = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $this->app->Tpl->Add('REPORT_ID', $id); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', '[NAME]'); $queryId = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $report = $this->gateway->getOnlyReportById($queryId); if ($report === null) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', 'BERICHTE'); } else { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', $report->getName()); } if ($this->request->getPost('submit_parameters', '') !== '') { $params = $this->request->post->all(); unset($params['submit_parameters']); //$url = $this->request->getBaseUrl(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if ($value === null || $value === '') { unset($params[$key]); } } $url = sprintf('?module=report&action=view&%s', http_build_query($params)); $this->redirectTo($url); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TABLEVIEW', 'report_table', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); } catch (ColumnDefinitionException $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages(['Die Spaltendefinition in diesem Bericht ist fehlerhaft.'], $this->app->Tpl); } catch (ReportNoDataException $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages(['Keine Daten gefunden.'], $this->app->Tpl); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->app->erp->LogFile('Exception while creating report', $e); $this->renderErrorMessages(['Fehler beim Abrufen des Berichts.'], $this->app->Tpl); } $this->app->Tpl->Add('LOADSCRIPT', '' ); $report = $this->gateway->getReportById((int)$id); if($report !== null) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2', $report->getName()); } $this->renderParameterInputFields($id, $this->request->get->all()); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'report_view.tpl'); } /** * @return void */ public function ReportEdit() { $this->createMenu(); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', '[NAME]'); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT1', 'Bearbeiten'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('reportEditProject', 'projektname'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('reportEditCategory', 'report_category'); //get posted form data $form = $this->getReportFormData($this->request); $formErrors = $this->getFormErrorMessage($form); $readonly = false; /** @var FileUpload $upload */ $upload = $this->request->getFile('submit_import'); $isUpload = $upload !== null; if ($isUpload) { $importToId = 0; if (isset($form['id']) && $form['id'] > 0) { $importToId = $form['id']; } /** @var ReportJsonImportService $importService */ $importService = $this->app->Container->get('ReportJsonImportService'); try { $importedId = $importService->importJsonUpload($upload, $importToId); $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=edit&id=%s', $importedId)); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages( ['Bitte laden Sie nur Dateien vom Typ JSON hoch.'], $this->template ); } catch (JsonParseException $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages( ['Die Struktur in der hochgeladenen Datei ist ungültig.'], $this->template ); } catch (ReportReadonlyException $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages( ['Dieser Bericht ist schreibgeschützt und darf nicht überschrieben werden.'], $this->template ); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->renderErrorMessages( ['Fehler beim laden des Berichts'], $this->template ); } } //in case of submit -> save form if (!empty($form) && empty($formErrors) && !$isUpload) { if ($form['id'] === 0) { $form['name'] = $this->service->generateIncrementedReportName($form['name']); } else { $existingReport = $this->gateway->getOnlyReportById($form['id']); if ($existingReport !== null && $form['name'] !== $existingReport->getName()) { $form['name'] = $this->service->generateIncrementedReportName($form['name'], $form['id']); } } $report = ReportData::fromFormData($form); if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($report->getId())) { $this->renderErrorMessages(['Dieser Bericht ist schreibgeschützt'], $this->template); $readonly = true; } else { $newId = $this->service->saveReport($report); if ($newId > 0) { $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=edit&id=%s', $newId)); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } } } $columnArray = []; $paramArray = []; //in case of get -> display report $queryId = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); if ($queryId > 0 && (empty($form) || $this->gateway->isReportReadonly($queryId) === true)) { $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($queryId); if ($report !== null && $report->isReadonly()) { $this->template->Add( 'MESSAGE', sprintf('
    Dieser Bericht ist schreibgeschützt. Zum Bearbeiten bitte Kopie anlegen.
    ', $queryId ) ); $this->template->Set('READONLY', 'readonly'); $this->template->Set('DISABLED', 'disabled'); } if ($report !== null) { $form = $report->getFormData(); $columns = $report->getColumns(); $parameters = $report->getParameters(); } else { $this->template->Add( 'MESSAGE', sprintf( '
    Ein Bericht Mit der Id "%s" wurde nicht gefunden.
    ', $queryId ) ); $form = []; $columns = null; $parameters = null; } if ($columns === null) { $columnArray = []; } else { $columnArray = $columns->toArray(); } $paramArray = []; if ($parameters !== null) { foreach ($report->getParameters() as $param) { $paramArray[] = $param->toArray(); } } } $this->renderForm($form, $this->template); $this->renderFormErrors($formErrors, $this->template); //$this->renderColumnView($columnArray, $this->template); $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('COLUMNTABLE', 'report_columns', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); $this->renderParameterView($paramArray, $this->template); $this->template->Set('THEME', 'new'); $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_edit.tpl'); } public function ReportTransfer() { $this->createMenu(); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', '[NAME]'); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT1', 'Übertragen'); $submitSave = '' !== $this->request->getPost('submit', ''); $submitCreateUrl = '' !== $this->request->getPost('create_url', ''); $form = $this->getTransferFormData($this->request); if (!empty($form) && $submitSave) { $newId = $this->service->saveTransferArray($form); if ($newId > 0) { $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=transfer&id=%s', $form['report_id'])); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } } if (!empty($form) && $submitCreateUrl) { $newId = $this->service->saveTransferArray($form); $this->createUrl($form['id'], $form['report_id']); if ($form['id'] > 0 || $newId > 0) { $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=transfer&id=%s', $form['report_id'])); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } } $queryId = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $report = $this->gateway->getOnlyReportById($queryId); if ($report === null) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', 'BERICHTE'); } else { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', $report->getName()); } if (empty($form) && $queryId > 0) { $form = $this->gateway->findTransferArrayByReportId($queryId); } if (empty($form)) { $form = ['id' => 0]; } $this->renderTransferForm($form, $this->template); $this->app->YUI->DatePicker('transferUrlBegin'); $this->app->YUI->DatePicker('transferUrlEnd'); $this->app->YUI->TimePicker('transferFtpTime'); $this->app->YUI->TimePicker('transferEmailTime'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('transferApiAccount', 'api_account'); $this->app->erp->checkActiveCronjob('report_transfer_ftp'); $this->template->Set('THEME', 'new'); $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_transfer.tpl'); } public function ReportShare() { $this->createMenu(); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', '[NAME]'); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT1', 'FREIGABEN'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('sharedUserFind', 'api_account'); $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('USERTABLE', 'report_shareduser', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); $form = $this->getShareFormData($this->request); if (!empty($form)) { $newId = $this->service->saveShareArray($form); if ($newId > 0) { $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=share&id=%s', $form['report_id'])); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } } $queryId = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $report = $this->gateway->getOnlyReportById($queryId); if ($report === null) { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', 'BERICHTE'); } else { $this->app->Tpl->Set('NAME', $report->getName()); } if (empty($form) && $queryId > 0) { $form = $this->gateway->findShareArrayByReportId($queryId); } if (empty($form)) { $form = ['id' => 0]; } $this->renderShareForm($form, $this->template); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('sharedUserFind', 'user_share'); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete('inputDialogUser', 'user_share'); //$this->template->Set('ID', $queryId); $this->template->Set('THEME', 'new'); $this->template->Set('REPORT_ID', $queryId); $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_share.tpl'); } /** * @param Request $request * * @return array */ protected function getShareFormData(Request $request) { if ($request->getPost('submit', null) === null) { return []; } $data = [ 'id' => $request->post->getInt('id', 0), 'report_id' => $request->get->getInt('id', 0), 'chart_public' => $request->getPost('chart_public', 0), 'chart_axislabel' => $request->getPost('chart_axislabel', ''), 'chart_dateformat' => $request->getPost('chart_dateformat', 'line'), 'chart_type' => $request->getPost('chart_type', ''), 'chart_x_column' => $request->getPost('chart_x_column', ''), 'data_columns' => $request->getPost('data_columns', ''), 'chart_group_column' => $request->getPost('chart_group_column', ''), 'chart_interval_value' => (int)$request->getPost('chart_interval_value', 0), 'chart_interval_mode' => $request->getPost('chart_interval_mode', ''), 'file_public' => $request->getPost('file_public', 0), 'file_pdf_enabled' => $request->getPost('file_pdf_enabled', 0), 'file_csv_enabled' => $request->getPost('file_csv_enabled', 0), 'file_xls_enabled' => $request->getPost('file_xls_enabled', 0), 'menu_public' => $request->getPost('menu_public', 0), 'menu_doctype' => $request->getPost('menu_doctype', ''), 'menu_label' => $request->getPost('menu_label', ''), 'menu_format' => $request->getPost('menu_format', ''), 'tab_public' => $request->getPost('tab_public', 0), 'tab_module' => $request->getPost('tab_module', ''), 'tab_action' => $request->getPost('tab_action', ''), 'tab_label' => $request->getPost('tab_label', ''), 'tab_position' => $request->getPost('tab_position', ''), ]; $checkboxes = [ 'chart_public', 'file_public', 'file_pdf_enabled', 'file_csv_enabled', 'file_xls_enabled', 'menu_public', 'tab_public', ]; foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) { if (isset($data[$checkbox]) && $data[$checkbox] === 'on') { $data[$checkbox] = 1; } } return $data; } /** * @param array $form * @param TemplateParser $template */ protected function renderShareForm($form, TemplateParser $template) { $report = $this->gateway->getReportById((int)$form['report_id']); if($report !== null) { $template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2', $report->getName()); } foreach ($form as $key => $value) { $template->Set(strtoupper($key), $value); } $checkboxes = [ 'chart_public', 'file_public', 'file_pdf_enabled', 'file_csv_enabled', 'file_xls_enabled', 'menu_public', 'tab_public', ]; foreach ($checkboxes as $checkbox) { if (isset($form[$checkbox]) && $form[$checkbox] === 1) { $template->Set(sprintf('%s_CHECKED', strtoupper($checkbox)), 'checked'); } } $template->Set( 'CHART_TYPE_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ 'line' => 'Liniendiagramm', 'bar' => 'Balkendiagramm', 'pie' => 'Tortendiagramm', 'donought' => 'Donought', 'radar' => 'Radar', 'polarArea' => 'Polar', ], $form['chart_type']) ); // Document types where an action menu can be added $template->Set( 'CHART_DATEFORMAT_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ 'Y-m-d H:i:s' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'd.m.Y H:i:s' => 'd.m.Y H:i:s', ], $form['chart_dateformat']) ); //file format for output $formatValues = ['csv' => 'CSV', 'pdf' => 'PDF']; $template->Set('MENU_FORMAT_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions($formatValues, $form['menu_format'])); // Document types where an action menu can be added $template->Set( 'DOCTYPE_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ '' => '{|Keiner|}', 'angebot' => '{|Angebot|}', 'auftrag' => '{|Auftrag|}', 'rechnung' => '{|Rechnung|}', 'gutschrift' => '{|Gutschrift|}', 'lieferschein' => '{|Lieferschein|}', 'bestellung' => '{|Bestellung|}', 'produktion' => '{|Produktion|}', ], $form['menu_doctype']) ); // Interval mode for drawing a chart $template->Set( 'CHART_INTERVAL_MODE_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ 'day' => '{|Tage|}', 'week' => '{|Wochen|}', 'month' => '{|Monate|}', ], $form['chart_interval_mode']) ); // Modules where a tab can be added $template->Set( 'TAB_MODULE_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ '' => '{|Keines|}', 'angebot' => '{|Angebot|}', 'auftrag' => '{|Auftrag|}', 'rechnung' => '{|Rechnung|}', 'gutschrift' => '{|Gutschrift|}', 'lieferschein' => '{|Lieferschein|}', 'bestellung' => '{|Bestellung|}', 'produktion' => '{|Produktion|}', ], $form['tab_module']) ); // Positions where tabs can be added $template->Set( 'TAB_POSITION_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ 'nach_freifeld' => '{|nach Freifeld|}', 'vor_freifeld' => '{|vor Freifeld|}', ], $form['tab_position']) ); } /** * @return void */ public function ReportDelete() { $reportId = $this->request->get->getInt('id'); if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response('Report is readonly.', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $this->service->deleteReportById($reportId); $this->redirectTo('index.php?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * */ public function ajaxReportLivetable() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); $userId = $this->app->User->GetID(); switch ($cmd) { case 'getreport': $response = new JsonResponse([]); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'savereport': $postName = $this->request->getPost('name', ''); if ($postName === '') { $response = new Response('Name is required.', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $name = $this->service->generateIncrementedReportName($postName); $report = ReportData::fromFormData(['id' => $id, 'name' => $name]); $newId = $this->service->saveReport($report); $this->service->saveReportUserArray([ 'report_id' => $newId, 'user_id' => $userId, 'name' => $this->app->User->GetName(), 'chart_enabled' => 0, 'file_enabled' => 0, 'menu_enabled' => 0, 'tab_enabled' => 0, ]); if ($newId > 0) { $response = new JsonResponse(['id' => $newId]); } else { $response = new Response( 'Unknown Server error.', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'deletereport': break; } $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => false]); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxReportDelete() { $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response('Report is readonly.', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $this->service->deleteReportById($reportId); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true]); $response->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); $response->send(); } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ReportDownload() { $this->createMenu(); $id = $this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $format = $this->request->getGet('format', ''); $documentId = $this->request->get->getInt('docid', 0); $doctype = $this->request->getGet('doctype', ''); $userId = $this->app->User->GetID(); $params = $this->request->get->all(); unset($params['id'], $params['format'], $params['module'], $params['action'], $params['cmd']); try { $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($id); } catch (Exception $e) { $report = null; } if ($report === null) { $errorResponse = new Response('report not found', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); $errorResponse->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if (!$this->service->isSqlStatementAllowed($report->getSqlQuery())) { $errorResponse = new Response( 'sql statement incorrect', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); $errorResponse->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { switch ($format) { case 'csv': if (!$this->gateway->userCanDownloadCsv($report->getId(), $userId)) { throw new ReportUserAccessException('No permission for this report.'); } /** @var ReportCsvExportService $csvExporter */ $csvExporter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportCsvExportService'); $filename = $csvExporter->generateFileName($report); $filePath = $csvExporter->createCsvFileFromReport($report, $params); $download = FileResponse::createForcedDownload($filePath, $filename, true); $download->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'pdf': if (!$this->gateway->userCanDownloadPdf($report->getId(), $userId)) { throw new ReportUserAccessException('No permission for this report.'); } /** @var ReportPdfExportService $pdfExporter */ $pdfExporter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportPdfExportService'); $filename = $pdfExporter->generateFileName($report); $filePath = $pdfExporter->createPdfFileFromReport($report, $params); $download = FileResponse::createForcedDownload($filePath, $filename, true); $download->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'json': /** @var ReportJsonExportService $jsonExporter */ $jsonExporter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportJsonExportService'); $filename = $jsonExporter->generateFileName($report); $filePath = $jsonExporter->createJsonFileFromReport($report, $filename); $download = FileResponse::createForcedDownload($filePath, $filename, true); $download->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; default: $errorResponse = new Response('invalid format', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); $errorResponse->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } } catch (ReportUserAccessException $e) { $this->showFailPage('Keine Zugriffsberechtigung auf diesen Bericht.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->showFailPage('Dieser Bericht ist fehlerhaft.'); } } /** * Demo mode only! */ public function ReportExport() { $id = (int)$this->request->get->getInt('id', 0); $token = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); $transferData = $this->app->DB->SelectRow( sprintf( 'SELECT rt.url_format, rt.url_begin, rt.url_end, rt.url_token, rt.url_address FROM `report_transfer` AS `rt` JOIN `report` AS `r` ON = rt.report_id WHERE', $id ) ); if(empty($transferData)) { $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if (empty($transferData['url_address'])) { $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if ($token !== $transferData['url_token']) { $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $now = date('Y-m-d'); $beginDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($transferData['url_begin'])); $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($transferData['url_end'])); $checkbegin = true; if(!empty($beginDate) && $transferData['url_begin'] !== null && $now < $beginDate) { $checkbegin = false; } $checkend = true; if(!empty($endDate) && $transferData['url_end'] !== null && $now > $endDate) { $checkend = false; } if ($checkbegin !== true || $checkend !== true) { $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($id); if ($report === null) { $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } switch ($transferData['url_format']) { case 'csv': /** @var ReportCsvExportService $csvExporter */ $csvExporter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportCsvExportService'); $filename = $csvExporter->generateFileName($report); $filePath = $csvExporter->createCsvFileFromReport($report); $download = FileResponse::createForcedDownload($filePath, $filename, true); $download->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; case 'pdf': /** @var ReportPdfExportService $pdfExporter */ $pdfExporter = $this->app->Container->get('ReportPdfExportService'); $filename = $pdfExporter->generateFileName($report); $filePath = $pdfExporter->createPdfFileFromReport($report); $download = FileResponse::createForcedDownload($filePath, $filename, true); $download->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; default: $this->redirectTo('?module=report&action=list'); $this->app->ExitXentral(); break; } } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxReportCopy() { $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $isUi = $this->request->post->has('copy'); /** @var Response $response */ try { $newId = $this->service->copyReport($reportId); $this->service->saveReportUserArray([ 'report_id' => $newId, 'user_id' => $this->app->User->GetID(), 'name' => $this->app->User->GetName(), 'chart_enabled' => 0, 'file_enabled' => 0, 'menu_enabled' => 0, 'tab_enabled' => 0, ]); if ($isUi) { $this->redirectTo(sprintf('?module=report&action=edit&id=%s', $newId)); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true, 'id' => $newId]); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $response = new Response('Report not Found', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } catch (DatabaseTransactionException $e) { $response = new Response('Database transaction error.', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response('Unknown server error.', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxGetInputParameters() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); try { $params = $this->gateway->getParametersByReportId($id); $data = ['success' => true, 'params' => $params]; $response = new JsonResponse($data, JsonResponse::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), 500); $response->send(); } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxGetParameter() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $data = []; if ($id > 0) { $parameter = $this->gateway->getParameterById($id); $data = $parameter->toArray(); } $response = new JsonResponse($data, Response::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxSaveParameter() { $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('reportId', 0); if ($reportId < 1) { $response = new Response( 'Parameter not associated to a report.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response( 'Der Bericht ist schreibgeschützt.', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $varname = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('varname', '')); if ($varname === '') { $response = new Response('Variablenname wird benötigt.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $varname = mb_strtoupper($varname); if (in_array($varname, $this->parameterNameBlacklist, true)) { $response = new Response( sprintf('Der Variablenname "%s" ist nicht erlaubt.', $varname), Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $defaultValue = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('value', '')); if ($defaultValue === '') { $response = new Response('Standardwert wird benötigt.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $optionsString = $this->request->getPost('options', ''); $options = []; if ($optionsString !== '') { $options = ReportParameter::parseOptions($optionsString); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response('Falsche formatierung in Werteauswahl.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $parameter = new ReportParameter( $varname, $defaultValue, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('label', '')), $options, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('description', '')), $this->request->post->getInt('editable', 0), $this->request->post->getInt('paramId', 0), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('control_type', '')) ); $newId = $this->service->saveParameter($parameter, $reportId); $data = ['success' => true, 'id' => $newId]; $response = new JsonResponse($data, 200); $response->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), 500); $response->send(); } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxDeleteParam() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); if ($id < 1) { $response = new Response('Parameter not found.', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $reportId = $this->gateway->getReportIdByParameter($id); if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response('Report is readonly', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $this->service->deleteParamById($id); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true], Response::HTTP_OK); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxGetColumn() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $data = []; if ($id > 0) { $column = $this->gateway->getColumnById($id); $data = $column->toArray(); } $response = new JsonResponse($data, Response::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } public function copyReport() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { try { $newId = $this->service->copyReport($id); $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=report&action=edit&id='.$newId); } catch(Exception $e) { } } $this->app->Location->execute('index.php?module=report&action=edit&id='.$id); } public function ajaxAutoCreateColumns() { $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($id); if($report === null) { $response = new Response('Report not found.', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $newReport = $this->service->autoCreateColumns($report); $newId = $this->service->saveReport($newReport); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true, 'message' => '']); } catch (ReportSqlQueryException $e) { $response = new JsonResponse([ 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Bitte erstellen und speichern Sie zuerst ein funktionsfähiges SQL Statement.' ]); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } public function ajaxSaveColumn() { $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('reportId', 0); if ($reportId < 1) { $response = new Response( 'Column not associated to a report.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response( 'Report is readonly.', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $key = trim($this->request->getPost('key_name', '')); if ($key === '') { $response = new Response('Column key is required.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } $title = trim($this->request->getPost('title', '')); if ($title === '') { $response = new Response('Column name is required.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $formatType = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('format_type', null)); if ($formatType === '') { $formatType = null; } $formatStatement = trim($this->request->getPost('format_statement', null)); if ($formatType === ReportColumn::FORMAT_CUSTOM) { $this->service->validateCustomColumnFormat($formatStatement); } if ($formatStatement === '') { $formatStatement = null; } $column = new ReportColumn( $key, $title, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('width', '')), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('alignment', 'center')), $this->request->post->getBool('sum', false), $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0), $this->request->post->getInt('sequence', 0), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($this->request->getPost('sorting', 'numeric')), $formatType, $formatStatement ); $newId = $this->service->saveColumn($column, $reportId); $newCol = $this->gateway->getColumnById($newId); $data = ['success' => true, 'column' => $newCol, 'id' => $newId]; $response = new JsonResponse($data, 200); $response->send(); } catch (ColumnFormatException $e) { $response = new Response('Format expression invalid.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), 500); $response->send(); } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxDeleteColumn() { $reportId = $this->request->post->getInt('report_id', 0); $id = $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0); $deleteAll = $this->request->post->getBool('delete_all', false); if ($id < 1 && $deleteAll === false) { $response = new Response('Column not found.', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if ($this->gateway->isReportReadonly($reportId)) { $response = new Response('Report is readonly', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { if ($deleteAll === true) { $deleted = $this->service->deleteAllColumnsByReportId($reportId); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => $deleted > 0], Response::HTTP_OK); } else { $this->service->deleteColumnById($id); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => true], Response::HTTP_OK); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxTryQuery() { $statement = $this->request->post->get('statement', ''); $parameters = $this->request->post->get('parameters', []); if (empty($statement)) { $data = ['success' => true, 'messagetype' => 'info', 'message' => '']; } else { try { $data = $this->service->testSqlStatement($statement, $parameters); $data['success'] = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $data = ['success' => true, 'messagetype' => 'error', 'message' => $e->getMessage()]; } } $response = new JsonResponse($data, Response::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return void */ public function ajaxReportUser() { $cmd = $this->request->getGet('cmd', ''); $postData = [ 'id' => $this->request->post->getInt('id', 0), 'report_id' => $this->request->post->getInt('report_id', 0), 'user_id' => $this->request->post->getInt('user_id', 0), 'chart_enabled' => $this->request->post->getInt('chart_enabled', 0), 'file_enabled' => $this->request->post->getInt('file_enabled', 0), 'menu_enabled' => $this->request->post->getInt('menu_enabled', 0), 'tab_enabled' => $this->request->post->getInt('tab_enabled', 0), 'name' => $this->request->getPost('name', ''), ]; if (isset($postData['name']) && !empty($postData['name'] && empty($postData['user_id']))) { $nameparts = explode(':', $postData['name']); $postData['user_id'] = (int)$nameparts[0]; $postData['name'] = trim($nameparts[1]); } switch ($cmd) { case 'ajaxGetShareUser': $data = $this->gateway->findSharedUserById($postData['id']); $response = new JsonResponse($data, Response::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); break; case 'ajaxSaveShareUser': if ($postData['report_id'] < 1 || $postData['user_id'] < 1) { $response = new Response('Failed to share to user.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } if ( $postData['id'] < 1 && $this->gateway->isSharedUserOfReport($postData['user_id'], $postData['report_id']) ) { $response = new Response( 'Report already shared to user.', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); $response->send(); $this->app->ExitXentral(); } try { $newId = $this->service->saveReportUserArray($postData); if ($newId > 0) { $response = new JsonResponse(['id' => $newId], Response::HTTP_OK); } else { $response = new Response( 'Failed to share to user.', Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = new Response($e->getMessage(), Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } $response->send(); break; case 'ajaxDeleteShareUser': $removed = $this->service->tryDeleteUserShare($postData['id']); $response = new JsonResponse(['success' => $removed], Response::HTTP_OK); $response->send(); break; default: $response = new Response('Unrecognized Command.', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); $response->send(); break; } $this->app->ExitXentral(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isUpdateMessageNeedet() { $sqlFindNewReports = 'SELECT COUNT( as `count` FROM `report` as `r` WHERE r.readonly = 0'; $newReports = (int)$this->app->DB->Select($sqlFindNewReports); $sqlFindOldReports = 'SELECT COUNT( as `count` FROM `berichte` as `b`'; $oldReports = (int)$this->app->DB->Select($sqlFindOldReports); $hasNewReports = ($newReports !== 0); $hasOldReports = ($oldReports !== 0); return $hasOldReports && !$hasNewReports; } protected function renderParameterInputFields($reportId, $paramValues = []) { $report = $this->gateway->getReportById($reportId); if ($report === null) { return; } $parameters = $report->getParameters(); if ($parameters === null) { return; } $hasEditableParams = false; foreach ($parameters as $param) { if ($param->isEditable()) { $hasEditableParams = true; break; } } $userId = (int)$this->app->User->GetID(); $doRenderCsvExport = $this->gateway->userCanDownloadCsv($report->getId(), $userId); $doRenderPdfExport = $this->gateway->userCanDownloadPdf($report->getId(), $userId); if (!$doRenderCsvExport && !$doRenderPdfExport && !$hasEditableParams) { return; } $paramsHtml = ''; if ($hasEditableParams) { foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if (isset($paramValues[$parameter->getVarname()]) && $paramValues[$parameter->getVarname()] !== '') { $parameter->setTemporaryValue($paramValues[$parameter->getVarname()]); } $paramsHtml .= $this->getParameterHtml($parameter); } $paramsHtml = sprintf( '
    ', $paramsHtml ); } $exportHtml = ''; if ($doRenderPdfExport || $doRenderCsvExport) { $paramKeysForLink = array_diff(array_keys($paramValues), ['module', 'action', 'id']); $paramsForLink = []; foreach($paramKeysForLink as $paramKey) { $paramsForLink[$paramKey] = $paramValues[$paramKey]; } if ($doRenderCsvExport) { $exportHtml .= sprintf( '
    {|Export CSV|}
    ', $reportId, http_build_query($paramsForLink)); } if ($doRenderPdfExport) { $exportHtml .= sprintf( '
    {|Export PDF|}
    ', $reportId, http_build_query($paramsForLink)); } $exportHtml = sprintf( '
    ', $exportHtml ); } $html = sprintf( '
    %s %s
    ', $paramsHtml, $exportHtml ); $this->app->Tpl->Set('INPUT_PARAMETERS', $html); } protected function getParameterHtml(ReportParameter $parameter) { if (!$parameter->isEditable()) { return ''; } $name = $parameter->getVarname(); $display = $parameter->getDisplayname(); $description = $parameter->getDescription(); $value = $parameter->getValue(); if (empty($value)) { $value = ''; } $id = sprintf('report-view-input-param-%s', $parameter->getId()); $element = ''; switch ($parameter->getControlType()) { case 'combobox': $element = sprintf( ' '; break; default: $element = sprintf( ' ', $id, $display, $name, $value ); } switch ($parameter->getControlType()) { case 'date': $this->app->Tpl->Add( 'JQUERY', '$( "#' . $id . '" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: \'yy-mm-dd\', dayNamesMin: [\'SO\', \'MO\', \'DI\', \'MI\', \'DO\', \'FR\', \'SA\'], firstDay:1, showWeek: true, monthNames: [ \'Januar\', \'Februar\', \'März\', \'April\', \'Mai\', \'Juni\', \'Juli\', \'August\', \'September\', \'Oktober\', \'November\', \'Dezember\' ], });' ); break; case 'autocomplete_project': $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete($id, 'projektname'); break; case 'autocomplete_group': $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete($id, 'gruppe'); break; case 'autocomplete_address': $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete($id, 'adresse'); break; case 'autocomplete_article': $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete($id, 'artikelnummer'); break; default: } $element = sprintf( '
    ', $element ); return $element; } protected function drawTooltipHtml($content) { if ($content === '') { return ''; } return ' ' .$content. ' '; // Beschreibung: } /** * @param Request $request * * @return array */ protected function getReportFormData(Request $request) { if ($request->getPost('submit', null) === null) { return []; } $name = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(trim($request->getPost('name', ''))); $description = strip_tags( $this->app->DB->real_escape_string(trim($request->getPost('description', ''))) ); $description = mb_str_replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n", $description); $project = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($request->getPost('project', '')); $query = trim($request->getPost('sql_query', '')); $id = $request->post->getInt('reportId', 0); $projectId = $this->getProjectIdByName($project); $remarks = trim($request->getPost('remark', '')); $csvDelimiter = $request->getPost('csv_delimiter', ''); $csvEnclosure = trim($request->getPost('csv_enclosure', '')); $category = $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($request->getPost('category', '')); return [ 'name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'project' => $projectId, 'sql_query' => $query, 'id' => $id, 'remark' => $remarks, 'csv_delimiter' => $csvDelimiter, 'csv_enclosure' => $csvEnclosure, 'category' => $category, ]; } /** * @param array $formData * * @return array */ protected function getFormErrorMessage($formData) { if (empty($formData)) { return []; } $errors = []; if (empty($formData['name'])) { $errors['MSGNAME'] = 'Pflichtfeld'; } return $errors; } /** * @param Request $request * * @return array */ protected function getTransferFormData(Request $request) { if ( $request->getPost('submit', null) === null && $request->getPost('create_url', null) === null ) { return []; } $data = [ 'id' => $request->post->getInt('id', 0), 'report_id' => $request->get->getInt('id', 0), 'ftp_active' => $request->getPost('ftp_active', 0), 'ftp_passive' => $request->getPost('ftp_passive', 0), 'ftp_type' => $request->getPost('ftp_type', ''), 'ftp_host' => $request->getPost('ftp_host', ''), 'ftp_port' => $request->getPost('ftp_port', ''), 'ftp_user' => $request->getPost('ftp_user', ''), 'ftp_password' => $request->getPost('ftp_password', ''), 'ftp_interval_mode' => $request->getPost('ftp_interval_mode', ''), 'ftp_interval_value' => $request->post->getInt('ftp_interval_value', 0), 'ftp_daytime' => $request->getPost('ftp_daytime', ''), 'ftp_format' => $request->getPost('ftp_format', ''), 'ftp_filename' => $request->getPost('ftp_filename', ''), 'email_active' => $request->getPost('email_active', 0), 'email_recipient' => $request->getPost('email_recipient', ''), 'email_subject' => $request->getPost('email_subject', ''), 'email_interval_mode' => $request->getPost('email_interval_mode', ''), 'email_interval_value' => $request->post->getInt('email_interval_value', 0), 'email_daytime' => $request->getPost('email_daytime', ''), 'email_format' => $request->getPost('email_format', ''), 'email_filename' => $request->getPost('email_filename', ''), 'url_format' => $request->getPost('url_format', ''), 'url_begin' => $this->formatDateTime($request->getPost('url_begin', ''),'d.m.Y', 'Y-m-d'), 'url_end' => $this->formatDateTime($request->getPost('url_end', ''),'d.m.Y', 'Y-m-d'), 'url_address' => $request->getPost('url_address', ''), 'api_active' => $request->getPost('api_active', 0), 'api_account_id' => $this->getApiIdByName($request->getPost('api_account_name', '')), 'api_format' => $request->getPost('api_format', ''), ]; if ($data['ftp_active'] === 'on') { $data['ftp_active'] = 1; } if ($data['ftp_passive'] === 'on') { $data['ftp_passive'] = 1; } if ($data['email_active'] === 'on') { $data['email_active'] = 1; } if ($data['api_active'] === 'on') { $data['api_active'] = 1; } return $data; } /** * @param array $form * @param TemplateParser $template */ protected function renderForm($form, TemplateParser $template) { $template->Set('NAME', $form['name']); $template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2', $form['name']); $template->Set('CATEGORY', $form['category']); $template->Set('DESCRIPTION', $form['description']); $projectName = $this->getProjectNameById($form['project']); $template->Set('PROJECT', $projectName); $template->Set('SQLQUERY', $form['sql_query']); $template->Set('REMARK', $form['remark']); $template->Set( 'CSV_DELIMITER_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ ',' => ',', ';' => ';', ':' => ':', "\t" => "Tabulator", ' ' => 'Leerzeichen' ], $form['csv_delimiter']) ); $enclosure = $form['csv_enclosure']; if ($enclosure === '"') { $enclosure = '"'; } $template->Set( 'CSV_ENCLOSURE_OPTIONS', $this->renderOptions([ '\'' => '\'', '"' => '"', '' => 'keiner', ], $enclosure) ); $template->Set('ID', $form['id']); if (isset($form['id']) && $form['id'] > 0) { $template->Set( 'JSON_EXPORT_BUTTON', '{|Definitionsdatei|}' ); } } /** * @param $form * @param TemplateParser $template */ protected function renderTransferForm($form, TemplateParser $template) { $report = $this->gateway->getReportById((int)$form['report_id']); if($report !== null) { $template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT2', $report->getName()); } $form['url_begin'] = $this->formatDateTime($form['url_begin'],'Y-m-d', 'd.m.Y'); $form['url_end'] = $this->formatDateTime($form['url_end'],'Y-m-d', 'd.m.Y'); $form['ftp_daytime'] = $this->formatDateTime($form['ftp_daytime'],'H:i:s', 'H:i'); $form['email_daytime'] = $this->formatDateTime($form['email_daytime'],'H:i:s', 'H:i'); $form['api_account_name'] = $this->getApiNameById($form['api_account_id']); foreach ($form as $key => $value) { $template->Set(strtoupper($key), $value); } if ($form['ftp_active'] === 1) { $template->Set('FTP_ACTIVE_CHECKED', 'checked'); } if ($form['ftp_passive'] === 1) { $template->Set('FTP_PASSIVE_CHECKED', 'checked'); } if ($form['email_active'] === 1) { $template->Set('EMAIL_ACTIVE_CHECKED', 'checked'); } if ($form['api_active'] === 1) { $template->Set('API_ACTIVE_CHECKED', 'checked'); } $template->Set(sprintf('FTP_TYPE_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['ftp_type'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('FTP_FORMAT_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['ftp_format'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('FTP_INTERVAL_MODE_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['ftp_interval_mode'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('EMAIL_FORMAT_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['email_format'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('EMAIL_INTERVAL_MODE_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['email_interval_mode'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('URL_FORMAT_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['url_format'])), 'selected'); $template->Set(sprintf('API_FORMAT_%s_SELECTED', strtoupper($form['api_format'])), 'selected'); } /** * @param array $columnForm * @param TemplateParser $template */ protected function renderColumnView($columnForm, TemplateParser $template) { /** @var Template $subTemplate */ $subTemplate = $this->app->Container->get('Template'); $subTemplate->setDefaultNamespace('Modules/Report'); $subTemplate->assign('columns', $columnForm); $table = $subTemplate->fetch('columns.tpl'); $template->Set('COLUMNTABLE', $table); } /** * @param array $parameterData * @param TemplateParser $template */ protected function renderParameterView($parameterData, TemplateParser $template) { /** @var Template $subTemplate */ $subTemplate = $this->app->Container->get('Template'); $subTemplate->setDefaultNamespace('Modules/Report'); $subTemplate->assign('parameters', $parameterData); $table = $subTemplate->fetch('parameter.tpl'); $template->Set('PARAMTABLE', $table); } /** * @param array $errors * @param TemplateParser $template * * @return void */ protected function renderFormErrors($errors, TemplateParser $template) { if (!empty($errors)) { $this->renderErrorMessages(['Bitte alle Pflichtfelder ausfüllen!'], $template, 'FORMMESSAGE'); } foreach ($errors as $error => $message) { $template->Set($error, $message); } } /** * @param array $errors * @param TemplateParser $template * @param string $varname */ protected function renderErrorMessages($errors, TemplateParser $template, $varname = 'MESSAGE') { foreach ($errors as $error) { $template->Add($varname, sprintf('
    ', $error)); } } /** * @param array $options * @param string $preselectedValue * * @return string */ protected function renderOptions($options, $preselectedValue = '') { $optionsHtml = ''; foreach ($options as $value => $display) { $selected = ''; if ($value === $preselectedValue) { $selected = ' selected'; } $optionsHtml .= sprintf('', $value, $selected, $display); } return $optionsHtml; } /** * @param int $transferId * @param int $reportId * * @return bool */ protected function createUrl($transferId, $reportId) { $token = StringUtil::random(256, true); $url = sprintf( '%s/index.php?module=report&action=export&id=%s&cmd=%s', $this->request->getBaseUrl(), $reportId, $token ); /** @var Database $db */ $db = $this->app->Container->get('Database'); $sql = 'UPDATE report_transfer SET url_address=:url, url_token=:token WHERE id=:transferId'; $values = ['url' => $url, 'token' => $token, 'transferId' => $transferId]; $affected = $db->fetchAffected($sql, $values); return $affected > 0; } /** * @param string $dateTime * @param string $formatFrom * @param string $formatTo * * @return string */ private function formatDateTime($dateTime, $formatFrom, $formatTo) { $dateObject = DateTime::createFromFormat($formatFrom, $dateTime); if ($dateObject === false) { return ''; } $dateString = $dateObject->format($formatTo); if ($dateString === false) { return ''; } return $dateString; } /** * @param string $apiName * * @return int */ private function getApiIdByName($apiName) { if (empty($apiName)) { return 0; } $nameParts = explode(' ', $apiName); if ((!empty($nameParts)?count($nameParts):0) < 2) { return 0; } $id = $nameParts[0]; $sql = sprintf("SELECT FROM `api_account` AS `p` WHERE = '%s' LIMIT 1", $id); $idValue = $this->app->DB->Select($sql); return (int)$idValue; } /** * @param int $apiId * * @return string */ private function getApiNameById($apiId) { if ($apiId < 1) { return ''; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT p.bezeichnung FROM `api_account` AS `p` WHERE = %s LIMIT 1', (int)$apiId ); $name = $this->app->DB->Select($sql); return sprintf('%s %s', $apiId, $name); } /** * @param string $projectName * * @return int */ private function getProjectIdByName($projectName) { if (empty($projectName)) { return 0; } $nameParts = explode(' ', $projectName); if ((!empty($nameParts)?count($nameParts):0) < 2) { return 0; } $shortName = $nameParts[0]; $sql = sprintf("SELECT FROM projekt AS p WHERE p.abkuerzung = '%s' LIMIT 1", $shortName); $idValue = $this->app->DB->Select($sql); return (int)$idValue; } /** * @param int $projectId * * @return string */ private function getProjectNameById($projectId) { if ($projectId < 1) { return ''; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT p.abkuerzung, FROM projekt AS p WHERE = %s LIMIT 1', (int)$projectId ); $row = $this->app->DB->SelectRow($sql); return sprintf('%s %s', $row['abkuerzung'], $row['name']); } /** * @param string $url */ private function redirectTo($url) { $redirect = RedirectResponse::createFromUrl($url); $redirect->send(); } /** * @return void */ private function createMenu() { $id = (int)$this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); $action = $this->request->getGet('action', 'list'); $idParam = sprintf('&id=%s', $id); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag( 'index.php?module=report&action=list', 'Zurück zur Übersicht' ); if ($action === 'list' or $action == 'databaseview') { $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=report&action=list', 'Übersicht'); } else { $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag( sprintf('index.php?module=report&action=view%s', $idParam), 'Ansicht' ); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag( sprintf('index.php?module=report&action=edit%s', $idParam), 'Details' ); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag( sprintf('index.php?module=report&action=share%s', $idParam), 'Freigaben' ); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag( sprintf('index.php?module=report&action=transfer%s', $idParam), 'Übertragung' ); } $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=report&action=databaseview', 'Datenbankansicht'); } /** * @return void */ private function installJsonReports() { $importDir = dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/classes/Modules/Report/files'; if (!is_dir($importDir)) { $this->app->erp->LogFile('Importverzeichnis kann nicht gefunden werden.', $importDir); return; } $allFiles =scandir($importDir); $importPaths = []; foreach ($allFiles as $filename) { if (StringUtil::endsWith($filename, '.json')) { $importPaths[] = sprintf('%s/%s', $importDir, $filename); } } if ((!empty($importPaths)?count($importPaths):0) === 0) { $this->app->erp->LogFile('No files available for import.', $importDir); return; } if (!$this->app->Container->has('ReportJsonImportService')) { $this->app->erp->LogFile('Service ReportJsonImportService not available.'); return; } $importedReportNames = []; /** @var ReportJsonImportService $importer */ $importer = $this->app->Container->get('ReportJsonImportService'); foreach ($importPaths as $filePath) { try { $content = file_get_contents($filePath); $data = json_decode($content, true); $errors = $importer->findJsonStructureErrors($data); if ((!empty($errors)?count($errors):0) > 0) { $this->app->erp->Logfile( sprintf( 'Json parse error in File %s.', $filePath), implode("\n", $errors) ); throw new JsonParseException(sprintf('Json parse error in File %s', $filePath)); } $data['readonly'] = true; $importer->importReport($data); $importedReportNames[] = $data['name']; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->app->erp->LogFile(sprintf('Import of json file failed %s', $filePath),$e); } } $sqlFindinstalled = 'SELECT, FROM `report` AS `r` WHERE r.readonly = 1'; $installedreports = $this->app->DB->SelectPairs($sqlFindinstalled); /** @var ReportService $service */ $service = $this->app->Container->get('ReportService'); foreach ($installedreports as $id => $name) { if (!in_array($name, $importedReportNames, true)) { $service->deleteReportById($id); } } } function DataBaseView() { $this->createMenu(); $this->template->Set('KURZUEBERSCHRIFT', 'Datenbank'); $sql = "SHOW TABLES"; $tables = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql); $table_easytable = new EasyTable($this->app); $table_easytable->headings = array('Tabelle'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $table = reset($table); $row = array( ''.$table.'' ); $table_easytable->AddRow($row); } $table_easytable->DisplayNew('TAB1'); $selectedtable = $this->app->Secure->GetGet('table'); if (!empty($selectedtable)) { $this->app->User->SetParameter('report_databaseview_selectedtable',$selectedtable); $selectedcolumns = $this->app->Secure->GetPost('auswahl'); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `".$selectedtable."`"; $columns = $this->app->DB->SelectArr($sql); $column_easytable = new EasyTable($this->app); $column_easytable->headings = array_merge(['Auswahl'],array_keys(reset($columns))); foreach ($columns as $column) { $checked = ''; if (!empty($selectedcolumns)) { if (in_array($column['Field'],$selectedcolumns)) { $checked = 'checked'; } } $row = array(); $row[] = ''; $row = array_merge($row,$column); $column_easytable->AddRow($row); } $column_easytable->DisplayNew('TAB2'); $this->app->Tpl->Set('TABLENAME',ucfirst($selectedtable)); if (!empty($selectedcolumns)) { $this->app->User->SetParameter('report_databaseview_selectedcolumns',implode(',',$selectedcolumns)); } $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TAB3', 'databaseview', 'show', '', '', basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); } else { $this->app->YUI->Message('warning','Tabelle wählen'); } $this->template->Parse('PAGE', 'report_databaseview.tpl'); } }