<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\Api\Controller\Legacy; use Xentral\Components\Http\Request; use Xentral\Components\Http\Response; use Xentral\Modules\Api\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException; use Xentral\Modules\Api\LegacyBridge\LegacyApplication; class ShopimportController { /** @var Request $request */ protected $request; /** @var LegacyApplication $app */ protected $app; /** @var int $accountId */ protected $accountId; /** * @param LegacyApplication $app * @param Request $request */ public function __construct(LegacyApplication $app, Request $request, $accountId) { $this->request = $request; $this->app = $app; $this->accountId = $accountId; } /** * @param bool $onlyActive * * @return array */ private function getShopFromApi($onlyActive = true) { $shop = $this->app->DB->SelectRow( sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM `shopexport` WHERE `api_account_id` = %d LIMIT 1', $this->accountId ) ); if (empty($shop)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Shop not found'); } if($onlyActive && empty($shop['aktiv'])) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Shop not connected'); } return $shop; } /** * @return Response */ public function auth() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $pageContents = $this->app->remote->RemoteConnection($shop['id'], true); if (strpos($pageContents, 'success') !== 0) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Auth Error ' . $pageContents); } /*$this->app->DB->Update( sprintf( "UPDATE `shopexport` SET `api_account_token` = '' WHERE `id` = %d", $shop['id'] ) );*/ return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return string */ public function getOrderByRequest() { $orderNumber = $this->request->attributes->get('ordernumber'); $orderNumber = base64_decode($orderNumber); if (empty($orderNumber)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( 'Ordernumber is empty' ); } return $orderNumber; } /** * @param int $shopId * @param bool $withDbCheck */ public function getArticleByRequest($shopId, $withDbCheck = true) { $articlenumber = $this->request->attributes->get('articlenumber'); $articlenumber = base64_decode($articlenumber); if (empty($articlenumber)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( 'Articlenumber is empty' ); } $article = $this->app->DB->SelectRow( sprintf( "SELECT art.id, art.projekt FROM `artikel` AS art LEFT JOIN `artikelnummer_fremdnummern` AS af on art.id = af.artikel AND af.aktiv = 1 AND af.shopid = %d WHERE (art.nummer = '%s' OR af.nummer = '%s') AND (art.geloescht = 0 OR art.geloescht IS NULL) ORDER BY af.id DESC LIMIT 1", $shopId, $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($articlenumber), $this->app->DB->real_escape_string($articlenumber) ) ); if (empty($article)) { if($withDbCheck) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException( sprintf('Articlenumber %s not found', $articlenumber) ); } $article = []; } $article['number'] = $articlenumber; return $article; } /** * @return Response */ public function putArticleToShop() { $this->auth(); $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $article = $this->getArticleByRequest($shop['id']); $ret = $this->app->remote->RemoteSendArticleList($shop['id'],[$article['id']], $article['number'], false); if (empty($ret) || !is_array($ret) || isset($ret['error'])) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode(['success' => false]), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return Response */ public function getStatus() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(false); $status = !empty($shop['aktiv']); if($status) { $this->auth(); } return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true, 'connected' => $status]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return Response */ public function postDisconnect() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(false); $status = !empty($shop['aktiv']); if(!$status) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => false,'error'=>'shop allready disconnected'] ), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } $this->app->DB->Update(sprintf("UPDATE `shopexport` SET `aktiv` = 0 WHERE `id` = %d", $shop['id'])); return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => true,'message'=>'shop disconnected'] ), Response::HTTP_OK ); } /** * @return Response */ public function postReconnect() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(false); $status = !empty($shop['aktiv']); if($status) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => false,'error'=>'shop allready connected'] ), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } $this->app->DB->Update(sprintf("UPDATE `shopexport` SET `aktiv` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d", $shop['id'])); return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => true,'message'=>'shop reconnected'] ), Response::HTTP_OK ); } /** * @return Response */ public function putOrderToXentral() { $this->auth(); $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $orderNumber = $this->getOrderByRequest(); /** @var \Shopimport $shopimport */ $shopimport = $this->app->loadModule('shopimport'); $res = $shopimport->importSingleOrder( $shop['id'], $orderNumber, empty($shop['demomodus']), $shop['projekt'], true ); if(empty($res['status'])) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => false,'error'=>$res['error']] ), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } if($shop['auftraegeaufspaeter']) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( [ 'success' => true, 'message'=>$res['info'], ] ), Response::HTTP_OK ); } $cart = $this->app->DB->SelectRow( sprintf('SELECT * FROM `shopimport_auftraege` WHERE `id` = %d', $res['id']) ); [$customerNumber, $customerNumberImported] = $shopimport->getCustomerNumberFromShopCart($cart); $res = $shopimport->importShopOrder( $res['id'], $shop['utf8codierung'], $customerNumber, $customerNumberImported, $unknownPaymentTypes ); return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( [ 'success' => true, 'message'=>$res['info'], ] ), Response::HTTP_OK ); } /** * @return Response */ public function putArticleToXentral() { $this->auth(); $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $article = $this->getArticleByRequest($shop['id'], false); $ret = $this->app->remote->RemoteGetArticle($shop['id'], $article['number'], true); if (empty($ret) || !is_array($ret) || isset($ret['error'])) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode(['success' => false]), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } if(empty($article['id'])) { $article = $this->getArticleByRequest($shop['id'], false); } if(!empty($article['id'])) { /** @var \Artikel $articleObj */ $articleObj = $this->app->loadModule('artikel'); $articleObj->updateShopArticle($article['id'], $ret); } return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return Response */ public function syncStorage() { //$this->auth(); $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $article = $this->getArticleByRequest($shop['id']); $ret = $this->app->remote->RemoteSendArticleList($shop['id'], [$article['id']],$article['number'], true); if (empty($ret) || (!is_array($ret) && $ret !== 1) || isset($ret['error'])) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode(['success' => false]), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return Response */ public function getArticleSyncState() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $count = $this->app->DB->Select( sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(`ao`.`id`) FROM `artikel_onlineshops` AS `ao` INNER JOIN `artikel` AS `art` ON `ao`.artikel = `art`.`id` AND `art`.geloescht = 0 WHERE `ao`.shop = %d AND `ao`.`aktiv` = 1', $shop['id'] ) ); return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true, 'count' => $count]), Response::HTTP_OK); } public function postDistconnect() { //postReconnect } /** * @return Response */ public function getModulelinks() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $shopId = $shop['id']; /** @var \Onlineshops $onlineShop */ $onlineShop = $this->app->loadModule('onlineshops'); $moduleList = $onlineShop->getModulelinks($shopId); return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( ['success' => true, 'modulelist' => $moduleList] ), Response::HTTP_OK ); } /** * @return Response */ public function getStatistics() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $shopId = $shop['id']; $stats = []; /** @var \Verkaufszahlen $verkaufszahlen */ $verkaufszahlen = $this->app->loadModule('verkaufszahlen'); [$stats['orders_in_shipment'], $stats['orders_open']] = $verkaufszahlen->getVersandStats( sprintf(' AND a.shop = %d ', $shopId) ); $stats['packages_yesterday'] = $verkaufszahlen->getPackages( " v.versendet_am=DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day),'%Y-%m-%d') '", sprintf('INNER JOIN `auftrag` AS `a` ON l.auftragid = a.id AND a.shop = %d', $shopId) ); $stats['packages_today'] = $verkaufszahlen->getPackages( " v.versendet_am=DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d') '", sprintf('INNER JOIN `auftrag` AS `a` ON l.auftragid = a.id AND a.shop = %d', $shopId) ); [ $stats['order_income_yesterday'], $stats['contribution_margin_yesterday'], $stats['contribution_margin_perc_yesterday'] ] = $verkaufszahlen->getOrderStats( sprintf( " AND `datum` = DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day),'%%Y-%%m-%%d') AND `shop` = %d ", $shopId ) ); [ $stats['order_income_today'], $stats['contribution_margin_today'], $stats['contribution_margin_perc_today'] ] = $verkaufszahlen->getOrderStats( sprintf( " AND `datum` = DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%%Y-%%m-%%d') AND `shop` = %d ", $shopId ) ); return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true, 'stats' => $stats]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @return Response */ public function postRefund() { $shop = $this->getShopFromApi(); $shopId = $shop['id']; $post = $this->request->getContent(); if(empty($post)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('Data is empty'); } $contentType = $this->request->getContentType(); $data = null; if ($contentType === 'json' || $contentType === null) { $data = json_decode($post); } if ($data === null && ($contentType === 'xml' || $contentType === null)) { $data = simplexml_load_string($post); } if(empty($post)) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException('could not parse Data'); } /** @var \Shopimport $shopimport */ $shopimport = $this->app->loadModule('shopimport'); if($shopimport === null || !method_exists($shopimport, 'Refund')) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( [ 'success' => false, 'error'=>'not implemented' ] ), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } try { $ret = $shopimport->Refund($shopId, $data); } catch(\Exception $e) { return $this->sendResponse( json_encode( [ 'success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage(), ] ), Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST ); } return $this->sendResponse(json_encode(['success' => true,'creditnote_id' => $ret]), Response::HTTP_OK); } /** * @param string $data * @param string $contentType [xml|json] * @param int $statusCode HTTP-Statuscode * * @return Response */ protected function sendResponse($data, $contentType, $statusCode = Response::HTTP_OK) { return new Response( $data, $statusCode, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'] ); } }