<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Xentral\Modules\FiskalyApi\Data\CashPointClosing; use Xentral\Modules\FiskalyApi\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; class AmountPerVatId { /** @var int $vatDefinitionExportId */ private $vatDefinitionExportId; /** @var float|null $inclVat */ private $inclVat; /** @var float|null $exclVat */ private $exclVat; /** @var float|null $vat */ private $vat; /** * AmountPerVatId constructor. * * @param int $vatDefinitionExportId * @param float|null $inclVat * @param float|null $exclVat * @param float|null $vat */ public function __construct(int $vatDefinitionExportId, ?float $inclVat, ?float $exclVat = null, ?float $vat = null) { $this->setVatDefinitionExportId($vatDefinitionExportId); $this->setAmounts($inclVat, $exclVat, $vat); } /** * @param $apiResult * * @return static */ public static function fromApiResult(object $apiResult): self { return new self( (int)$apiResult->vat_definition_export_id, $apiResult->incl_vat === null ? null : (float)$apiResult->incl_vat, $apiResult->excl_vat === null ? null : (float)$apiResult->excl_vat, $apiResult->vat === null ? null : (float)$apiResult->vat ); } /** * @param array $dbState * * @return static */ public static function fromDbState(array $dbState): self { return new self( (int)$dbState['vat_definition_export_id'], $dbState['incl_vat'] === null ? null : (float)$dbState['incl_vat'], $dbState['excl_vat'] === null ? null : (float)$dbState['excl_vat'], $dbState['vat'] === null ? null : (float)$dbState['vat'] ); } /** * @return array */ public function toArray(): array { return [ 'vat_definition_export_id' => $this->getVatDefinitionExportId(), 'incl_vat' => $this->getInclVat(), 'excl_vat' => $this->getExclVat(), 'vat' => $this->getVat(), ]; } /** * @return int */ public function getVatDefinitionExportId(): int { return $this->vatDefinitionExportId; } /** * @param int $vatDefinitionExportId */ public function setVatDefinitionExportId(int $vatDefinitionExportId): void { if ($vatDefinitionExportId <= 0 || $vatDefinitionExportId > 9999999999) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "{$vatDefinitionExportId} is an invalid vat_definition_export_id. [1 .. 9999999999]" ); } if ($vatDefinitionExportId >= 8 && $vatDefinitionExportId > 999) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "{$vatDefinitionExportId} is an invalid vat_definition_export_id. [8 - 999] are reserved" ); } $this->vatDefinitionExportId = $vatDefinitionExportId; } /** * @return float */ public function getInclVat(): float { return (float)number_format($this->inclVat, 5, '.', ''); } /** * @param float|null $inclVat * @param float|null $exclVat * @param float|null $vat */ public function setAmounts(?float $inclVat, ?float $exclVat, ?float $vat = null): void { $isInclVatNull = $inclVat === null; $isExclVatNull = $exclVat === null; $isVatNull = $vat === null; if (!$isInclVatNull) { $inclVat = (float)number_format(round($inclVat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } if (!$isExclVatNull) { $exclVat = (float)number_format(round($exclVat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } if (!$isVatNull) { $vat = (float)number_format(round($vat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } if ($isInclVatNull) { if ($isExclVatNull || $isVatNull) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("VatInfos: two or three Values must not be null"); } $inclVat = (float)number_format(round($vat + $exclVat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } elseif ($isExclVatNull) { if ($isVatNull) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("VatInfos: two or three Values must not be null"); } $exclVat = (float)number_format(round($inclVat - $vat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } elseif ($isVatNull) { $vat = (float)number_format(round($inclVat - $exclVat, 5), 5, '.', ''); } elseif (round($inclVat, 5) !== round(round($exclVat, 5) + round($vat, 5), 5)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("VatInfos: {$inclVat} is not {$exclVat} + {$vat}"); } if ( ($inclVat > 0 && $exclVat <= 0) || ($inclVat > 0 && $exclVat > $inclVat) || ($inclVat < 0 && $exclVat >= 0) || ($inclVat < 0 && $exclVat < $inclVat) || ($inclVat === 0 && $exclVat !== 0) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("inclVat '{$inclVat}' is not matching to exclVat {$exclVat}"); } $this->inclVat = $inclVat; $this->exclVat = $exclVat; $this->vat = $vat; } /** * @return float|null */ public function getExclVat(): ?float { return (float)number_format($this->exclVat, 5, '.', ''); } /** * @return float|null */ public function getVat(): ?float { return (float)number_format($this->vat, 5, '.', ''); } }