<?php namespace Xentral\Widgets\ChunkedUpload; use Xentral\Components\Http\JsonResponse; use Xentral\Components\Http\Request; use Xentral\Components\Util\StringUtil; use Xentral\Widgets\ChunkedUpload\Exception\ChunkedUploadExceptionInterface; use Xentral\Widgets\ChunkedUpload\Exception\DecodingFailedException; use Xentral\Widgets\ChunkedUpload\Exception\FilesystemErrorException; final class ChunkedUploadRequestHandler { /** * @param Request $request * * @return bool */ public function canHandleRequest(Request $request) { if ($request->isCli() || !$request->isAjax()) { return false; } if (!$request->post->has('file_id') || !$request->post->has('file_name') || !$request->post->has('file_data') || !$request->post->has('file_size')) { return false; } return strtolower($request->getHeader('Content-Type')) === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'; } /** * @param Request $request * @param string $tempDir Absolute path to directory, where the unfinished file will be stored * @param string $saveDir Absolute path to directory, where the final upload will be stored * * @return JsonResponse */ public function handleRequest(Request $request, $tempDir, $saveDir, $newFilename = null) { try { $bytesWritten = $this->handleUpload($request, $tempDir, $saveDir, $newFilename); } catch (ChunkedUploadExceptionInterface $exception) { return new JsonResponse([ 'success' => false, 'error' => $exception->getMessage(), ], JsonResponse::HTTP_NOT_FOUND); } // Antwort zusammenbauen $responseData = [ 'success' => true, 'file' => [ 'id' => $request->getPost('file_id'), 'bytes' => $bytesWritten, ], ]; // Beim ersten Request das Upload-Limit von PHP in der Antwort mitschicken // Erklärung: // Der erste Chunk ist bewusst klein gewählt (100KB), damit auf keinen Fall das Upload-Limit von PHP greift. // Die Antwort nach dem Upload des ersten Chunks enthält das Upload-Limit von PHP. // Der Uploader passt die Chunk-Size an, falls diese über dem Upload-Limit von PHP liegt. $fileOffset = $request->getPost('file_offset', null); if ($fileOffset !== null && (int)$fileOffset === 0) { $responseData['uploadLimit'] = $this->determineMaxUploadSize(); } return new JsonResponse($responseData); } /** * @param Request $request * @param string $tempDir Absolute path to directory, where the unfinished file will be stored * @param string $saveDir Absolute path to directory, where the final upload will be stored * @param string|null $newFileName * * @FilesystemErrorException * * @return int Bytes written */ private function handleUpload(Request $request, $tempDir, $saveDir, $newFileName = null) { if (!is_dir($tempDir)) { throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf('Temporary upload directory does not exist: %s', $tempDir)); } if (!is_dir($saveDir)) { throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf('Final storage directory does not exist: %s', $saveDir)); } $fileId = $request->getPost('file_id'); $fileName = $request->getPost('file_name'); $fileData = $request->getPost('file_data'); $fileSize = (int)$request->getPost('file_size'); $fileHash = sha1(json_encode(['id' => $fileId, 'name' => $newFileName ?? $fileName, 'size' => $fileSize])); $tempPath = realpath($tempDir) . '/' . $fileHash; $savePath = realpath($saveDir) . '/' . ($newFileName ?? $fileName); $bytesWritten = $this->writeChunkData($tempPath, $fileData, $fileName); $tempSize = (int)@filesize($tempPath); if (file_exists($savePath)) { @unlink($tempPath); throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf( 'Pre check failed. Final file already exists: %s', $savePath )); } if ($tempSize > $fileSize) { @unlink($tempPath); throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf( 'Unknown Error: Temporary file is larger than uploaded file: %s', $tempPath )); } if ($tempSize === $fileSize) { $this->moveFinishedFile($tempPath, $savePath); } return $bytesWritten; } /** * @param string $tempPath Absolute path to temp file * @param string $savePath Absolute path to final file * * @throws FilesystemErrorException * * @return void */ private function moveFinishedFile($tempPath, $savePath) { if (!file_exists($tempPath)) { throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf( 'Failed to move temporary file to final location. Temp file is missing: %s', $tempPath )); } if (!@rename($tempPath, $savePath)) { @unlink($tempPath); throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf( 'Failed to move temporary file to final location: %s', $savePath )); } @unlink($tempPath); } /** * @param string $tempPath Absolute path to temp file; chunk data will be appended * @param string $fileData Base64 encoded chunk data * @param string $fileName File name; without directory; Only needed for debugging * * @throws FilesystemErrorException * * @return int Bytes written */ private function writeChunkData($tempPath, $fileData, $fileName) { $resource = @fopen($tempPath, 'a+b'); if ($resource === false) { throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf('Can not open file for writing: %s', $tempPath)); } $binaryData = $this->decodeChunkData($fileData, $fileName); $bytesWritten = @fwrite($resource, $binaryData); if ($bytesWritten === false) { @unlink($tempPath); throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf('Can not write to file: %s', $tempPath)); } if (@fclose($resource) === false) { @unlink($tempPath); throw new FilesystemErrorException(sprintf('Could not close file pointer: %s', $tempPath)); } return (int)$bytesWritten; } /** * @param string $data Example 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,S0cJXKqx01pYOVeXbdtv...' * @param string $fileName File name; without directory; Only needed for debugging * * @throws DecodingFailedException * * @return string Decoded binary data chunk */ private function decodeChunkData($data, $fileName) { $parts = explode(';base64,', $data); if (!is_array($parts) || !isset($parts[1])) { throw new DecodingFailedException(sprintf('Could not decode file upload #1. File name: %s', $fileName)); } $binaryData = base64_decode($parts[1]); if ($binaryData === false) { throw new DecodingFailedException(sprintf('Could not decode file upload #2. File name: %s', $fileName)); } return $binaryData; } /** * @return int Max upload size per file in bytes */ private function determineMaxUploadSize() { $fileLimit = StringUtil::parsePhpByteSize(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); $postLimit = StringUtil::parsePhpByteSize(ini_get('post_max_size')); $memLimit = StringUtil::parsePhpByteSize(ini_get('memory_limit')); return min($fileLimit, $postLimit, $memLimit); } }