<?php /* include_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/conf/main.conf.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf/plugins/class.mysql.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/imap.inc.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/phpwf/class.application_core.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.erpapi.php'; //include(dirname(__FILE__)."/../www/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php"); include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.remote.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.httpclient.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.aes.php'; include_once dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/ShopimporterBase.php'; $app = new ApplicationCore(); */ //ENDE if(!class_exists('User')) { class User { public $app; public function __construct($app) { $this->app = $app; } public function GetName() { return 'Cronjob'; } public function GetID() { return 0; } public function GetFirma() { return 1; } public function GetType() { return 'admin'; } public function DefaultProjekt() { return $this->app->DB->Select("SELECT standardprojekt FROM firma WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1"); } public function GetAdresse() { return 0; } public function GetUsername() { return 'Cronjob'; } } } if(empty($app->Conf)){ $conf = new Config(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB)){ $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost, $app->Conf->WFdbname, $app->Conf->WFdbuser, $app->Conf->WFdbpass, $app, $app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(empty($app->erp)) { if (class_exists('erpAPICustom')) { $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); } else { $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; //$remote = new Remote($app); //$app->remote= $remote; } if(empty($app->User)){ $app->User = new User($app); } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutexcounter` = `mutexcounter`+1 WHERE `mutex`=1 AND `parameter`='onlineshops_tasks' AND `aktiv`=1" ); $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `mutexcounter` = 0, `mutex` = 0 WHERE `mutex`=1 AND `parameter`='onlineshops_tasks' AND `aktiv`=1 AND `mutexcounter` > 5" ); if( $app->DB->Select( "SELECT `mutex` FROM `prozessstarter` WHERE `parameter` = 'onlineshops_tasks' AND `aktiv` = 1 LIMIT 1" ) == 1 ) { return; } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `letzteausfuerhung`=NOW(), `mutex` = 1,`mutexcounter`=0 WHERE `parameter` = 'onlineshops_tasks' AND `aktiv` = 1" ); $onlineShopTask = $app->DB->SelectRow( "SELECT * FROM `onlineshops_tasks` WHERE `counter` < 5 AND `status`<> 'stalled' AND `command` <> '' ORDER BY `counter` LIMIT 1" ); if(!empty($onlineShopTask)){ $app->DB->Update( sprintf('UPDATE `onlineshops_tasks` SET `counter`=`counter`+1 WHERE `id`= %d', $onlineShopTask['id']) ); $module = $app->DB->Select( sprintf('SELECT `modulename` FROM `shopexport` WHERE `id`= %d LIMIT 1', $onlineShopTask['shop_id']) ); $command = $onlineShopTask['command']; if(!empty($module) && $onlineShopTask['status'] === 'inactive' && $app->erp->ModulVorhanden($module)) { $app->DB->Update( sprintf("UPDATE `onlineshops_tasks` SET `status`= 'running' WHERE `id` = %d", $onlineShopTask['id']) ); try { $app->remote->RemoteCommand($onlineShopTask['shop_id'], $command); } catch (Exception $e) { $app->erp->LogFile(['error'=>$e->getMessage()]); } } if($onlineShopTask['counter'] >= 4){ $app->DB->Update( sprintf("UPDATE `onlineshops_tasks` SET `status`= 'stalled' WHERE `id` = %d", $onlineShopTask['id']) ); } else{ $app->DB->Update(sprintf('DELETE FROM `onlineshops_tasks` WHERE `id` = %d', $onlineShopTask['id'])); } } $app->DB->Update( "UPDATE `prozessstarter` SET `letzteausfuerhung`=NOW(), `mutex` = 0,`mutexcounter`=0 WHERE `parameter` = 'onlineshops_tasks'" );