$value) { if ($found_column[$key] != $value) { if ($key != 'Key') { // Keys will be handled separately $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['type'] = "Column definition"; $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name']; $compare_difference['column'] = $column['Field']; $compare_difference['property'] = $key; $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $value; $compare_difference[$actual_name] = $found_column[$key]; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; } } } unset($value); } // $check_column_definitions } else { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['type'] = "Column existence"; $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name']; $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $column['Field']; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; } } unset($column); // Check keys $compare_table_sql_indexs = array_column($found_table['keys'],'Key_name'); foreach ($database_table['keys'] as $sql_index) { $sql_index_name_to_find = $sql_index['Key_name']; $sql_index_key = array_search($sql_index_name_to_find,$compare_table_sql_indexs,true); if ($sql_index_key !== false) { // Compare the properties of the sql_indexs if ($check_column_definitions) { $found_sql_index = $found_table['keys'][$sql_index_key]; foreach ($sql_index as $key => $value) { if ($found_sql_index[$key] != $value) { // if ($key != 'permissions') { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['type'] = "Key definition"; $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name']; $compare_difference['key'] = $sql_index['Key_name']; $compare_difference['property'] = $key; $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = implode(',',$value); $compare_difference[$actual_name] = implode(',',$found_sql_index[$key]); $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; // } } } unset($value); } // $check_sql_index_definitions } else { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['type'] = "Key existence"; $compare_difference['table'] = $database_table['name']; $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $sql_index['Key_name']; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; } } unset($sql_index); } else { $compare_difference = array(); $compare_difference['type'] = "Table existence"; $compare_difference[$nominal_name] = $database_table['name']; $compare_differences[] = $compare_difference; } } unset($database_table); return($compare_differences); } // Generate SQL to create or modify column function mustal_column_sql_definition(string $table_name, array $column, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string { foreach($column as $key => &$value) { $value = (string) $value; $value = mustal_column_sql_create_property_definition($key,$value,$reserved_words_without_quote); } // Default handling here if ($column['Default'] == " DEFAULT ''") { $column['Default'] = ""; } $sql = $column['Type']. $column['Null']. $column['Default']. $column['Extra']. $column['Collation']; return($sql); } // Generate SQL to modify a single column property function mustal_column_sql_create_property_definition(string $property, string $property_value, array $reserved_words_without_quote) : string { switch ($property) { case 'Type': break; case 'Null': if ($property_value == "NO") { $property_value = " NOT NULL"; // Idiotic... } if ($property_value == "YES") { $property_value = " NULL"; // Also Idiotic... } break; case 'Default': // Check for MYSQL function mustal_call as default if (in_array(strtolower($property_value),$reserved_words_without_quote)) { $quote = ""; } else { // Remove quotes if there are $property_value = trim($property_value,"'"); $quote = "'"; } $property_value = " DEFAULT $quote".$property_value."$quote"; break; case 'Extra': if ($property_value != '') { $property_value = " ".$property_value; } break; case 'Collation': if ($property_value != '') { $property_value = " COLLATE ".$property_value; } break; default: $property_value = ""; break; } return($property_value); } // Replaces different variants of the same function mustal_to allow comparison function mustal_sql_replace_reserved_functions(array &$column, array $replacers) { $result = strtolower($column['Default']); foreach ($replacers as $replace) { if ($result == $replace[0]) { $result = $replace[1]; } } $column['Default'] = $result; $result = strtolower($column['Extra']); foreach ($replacers as $replace) { if ($result == $replace[0]) { $result = $replace[1]; } } $column['Extra'] = $result; } // Is it a text type? -> Use quotes then function mustal_mysql_put_text_type_in_quotes(string $checktype, string $value) : string { $types = array('char','varchar','tinytext','text','mediumtext','longtext'); foreach($types as $type) { if (stripos($checktype, $type) !== false) { return("'".$value."'"); } } return($value); } function mustal_implode_with_quote(string $quote, string $delimiter, array $array_to_implode) : string { return($quote.implode($quote.$delimiter.$quote, $array_to_implode).$quote); } // Calculate the sql neccessary to update the database // returns array(code,text) // Error codes: // 0 ok // 1 Upgrade type of table not supported // 2 Error on table upgrade // 3 Error on column existence upgrade // 4 Error on column existence upgrade // 5 Error on column definition upgrade // 6 Error on column definition upgrade // 7 Error on key existence upgrade // 8 Error on key existence upgrade // 9 Error on key definition upgrade // 10 Error on key definition upgrade // 11 Table type upgrade not supported // 12 Upgrade type not supported function mustal_calculate_db_upgrade(array $compare_def, array $db_def, array &$upgrade_sql, array $replacers) : array { $result = array(); $upgrade_sql = array(); $compare_differences = mustal_compare_table_array($compare_def,"in JSON",$db_def,"in DB",true); if (count($compare_differences) > 0) { $upgrade_sql[] = ("SET SQL_MODE='ALLOW_INVALID_DATES';"); $upgrade_sql[] = ("SET SESSION innodb_strict_mode=OFF;"); } foreach ($compare_differences as $compare_difference) { switch ($compare_difference['type']) { case 'Table existence': // Get table definition from JSON $table_name = $compare_difference['in JSON']; $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name')); if ($table_key !== false) { $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key]; switch ($table['type']) { case 'BASE TABLE': // Create table in DB $sql = ""; $sql = "CREATE TABLE `".$table['name']."` ("; $comma = ""; foreach ($table['columns'] as $column) { $sql .= $comma."`".$column['Field']."` ".mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1)); $comma = ", "; } // Add keys $comma = ", "; foreach ($table['keys'] as $key) { if ($key['Key_name'] == 'PRIMARY') { $keystring = "PRIMARY KEY "; } else { if(array_key_exists('Index_type', $key)) { $index_type = $key['Index_type']; } else { $index_type = ""; } $keystring = $index_type." KEY `".$key['Key_name']."` "; } $sql .= $comma.$keystring."(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`) "; } $sql .= ")"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; break; default: $result[] = array(1,"Upgrade type '".$table['type']."' on table '".$table['name']."' not supported."); break; } } else { $result[] = array(2,"Error table_key while creating upgrade for table existence `$table_name`."); } break; case 'Column existence': $table_name = $compare_difference['table']; $column_name = $compare_difference['in JSON']; $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name')); if ($table_key !== false) { $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key]; $columns = $table['columns']; $column_key = array_search($column_name,array_column($columns,'Field')); if ($column_key !== false) { $column = $table['columns'][$column_key]; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD COLUMN `".$column_name."` "; $sql .= mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column, array_column($replacers,1)); $sql .= ";"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; } else { $result[] = array(3,"Error column_key while creating column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'."); } } else { $result[] = array(4,"Error table_key while creating upgrade for column existence '$column_name' in table '$table_name'."); } // Add Column in DB break; case 'Column definition': $table_name = $compare_difference['table']; $column_name = $compare_difference['column']; $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name')); if ($table_key !== false) { $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key]; $columns = $table['columns']; $column_names = array_column($columns,'Field'); $column_key = array_search($column_name,$column_names); if ($column_key !== false) { $column = $table['columns'][$column_key]; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` MODIFY COLUMN `".$column_name."` "; $sql .= mustal_column_sql_definition($table_name, $column,array_column($replacers,1)); $sql .= ";"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; } else { $result[] = array(5,"Error column_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '".$table['name']."'."); } } else { $result[] = array(6,"Error table_key while modifying column '$column_name' in table '$table_name'."); return(6); } // Modify Column in DB break; case 'Key existence': $table_name = $compare_difference['table']; $key_name = $compare_difference['in JSON']; $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name')); if ($table_key !== false) { $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key]; $keys = $table['keys']; $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name'); $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names); if ($key_key !== false) { $key = $table['keys'][$key_key]; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` "; $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)"; $sql .= ";"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; } else { $result[] = array(7,"Error key_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'."); } } else { $result[] = array(8,"Error table_key while adding key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'."); } break; case "Key definition": $table_name = $compare_difference['table']; $key_name = $compare_difference['key']; $table_key = array_search($table_name,array_column($compare_def['tables'],'name')); if ($table_key !== false) { $table = $compare_def['tables'][$table_key]; $keys = $table['keys']; $key_names = array_column($keys,'Key_name'); $key_key = array_search($key_name,$key_names); if ($key_key !== false) { $key = $table['keys'][$key_key]; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` DROP KEY `".$key_name."`;"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table_name` ADD KEY `".$key_name."` "; $sql .= "(`".implode("`,`",$key['columns'])."`)"; $sql .= ";"; $upgrade_sql[] = $sql; } else { $result[] = array(9, "Error key_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '".$table['name']."'."); } } else { $result[] = array(10,"Error table_key while changing key '$key_name' in table '$table_name'."); } break; case 'Table count': // Nothing to do break; case 'Table type': $result[] = array(11,"Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' on table '".$compare_difference['table']."' not supported."); break; default: $result[] = array(12,"Upgrade type '".$compare_difference['type']."' not supported."); break; } } $upgrade_sql = array_unique($upgrade_sql); return($result); }