<?php if(!class_exists('erpAPICustom') && file_exists(dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php')) { include_once(dirname(__DIR__).'/www/lib/class.erpapi_custom.php'); } if(empty($app)) { $app = new app_t(); } if(empty($app->Conf)){ $conf = new Config(); $app->Conf = $conf; } if(empty($app->DB)){ $app->DB = new DB($app->Conf->WFdbhost,$app->Conf->WFdbname,$app->Conf->WFdbuser,$app->Conf->WFdbpass, $app, $app->Conf->WFdbport); } if(class_exists('erpAPICustom')) { $erp = new erpAPICustom($app); }else{ $erp = new erpAPI($app); } $app->erp = $erp; $remote = new Remote($app); $app->remote = $remote; $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutexcounter = mutexcounter + 1 WHERE mutex = 1 AND parameter = 'bestellungabschliessen' AND aktiv = 1"); if(!$app->erp->Firmendaten('bestellungabschliessen') || !$app->DB->Select("SELECT id FROM prozessstarter WHERE mutex = 0 AND parameter = 'bestellungabschliessen' AND aktiv = 1")){ return; } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 1 , mutexcounter = 0, letzteausfuerhung = NOW() WHERE parameter = 'bestellungabschliessen' AND aktiv = 1"); $offene = $app->DB->Query("SELECT id FROM bestellung WHERE status='freigegeben' OR status='versendet'"); if(!empty($offene)) { /** @var Bestellung $obj */ $obj = $app->erp->LoadModul('bestellung'); if(!empty($obj)) { while($order = $app->DB->Fetch_Assoc($offene)){ $obj->checkAbschliessen($order['id']); } } $app->DB->free($offene); } $app->DB->Update("UPDATE prozessstarter SET mutex = 0 , mutexcounter = 0 WHERE parameter = 'bestellungabschliessen' AND aktiv = 1");