= 2) { if (in_array('-v', $argv)) { $verbose = true; } else { $verbose = false; } if (in_array('-f', $argv)) { $force = true; } else { $force = false; } if (!str_starts_with($argv[1],'-')) { $module_name = $argv[1]; } else { info(); exit; } $module_class_name = ucfirst($module_name); $php_file_name = $module_name . ".php"; $php_template_file_name = "module_creator_php_template.txt"; $template_list_file_name = $module_name . "_list.tpl"; $template_edit_file_name = $module_name . "_edit.tpl"; $target_php_folder = "../../www/pages/"; $target_tpl_folder = "../../www/pages/content/"; $table_short_name = substr($module_name,0,1); if (!$force && file_exists($target_php_folder.$php_file_name)) { echo("File exists: ." .$target_php_folder.$php_file_name . "\n"); echo("Use -f to force overwrite.\n"); exit; } // First get the contents of the database table structure $mysqli = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $passwd, $schema); /* Check if the connection succeeded */ if (!$mysqli) { echo "Connection failed\n"; echo "Error number: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . "\n"; echo "Error message: " . mysqli_connect_error() . "\n"; exit; } echo "Successfully connected!\n"; $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $module_name; $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query); if (!$result) { echo "Query error: " . mysqli_error($mysqli); exit; } $columns = array(); $sql_columns = array(); $edit_form = ""; /* Iterate through the result set */ echo "FIELD\t\t\t\tType\t\tNull\tKey\tDefault\tExtra\n"; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { echo($value); switch ($key) { case 'Field': $colwidth = 32; if ($value != 'id') { $columns[] = $value; $sql_columns[] = $table_short_name.".".$value; } break; case 'Type': $colwidth = 16; break; default: $colwidth = 8; break; } for ($filler = strlen($value); $filler < $colwidth; $filler++) { echo(" "); } } // Build edit form // {|Bezeichnung|}:* if ($row['Field'] != 'id') { $edit_form = $edit_form . '{|' . ucfirst($row['Field']) . '|}:' . "\n"; } echo("\n"); } // Create php file $list_of_columns = implode(', ', $columns); $list_of_columns_in_quotes = "'" . implode('\', \'', $columns) . "'"; $sql_list_of_columns = implode(', ', $sql_columns); $sql_list_of_columns_in_quotes = "'" . implode('\', \'', $sql_columns) . "'"; $get_input = ""; $set_input = ""; foreach ($columns as $column) { $get_input = $get_input . "\$input['$column'] = \$this->app->Secure->GetPOST('$column');\n\t"; $set_input = $set_input . "\$this->app->Tpl->Set('" . strtoupper($column) . "', \$input['$column']);\n\t"; } $php_file_contents = file_get_contents($php_template_file_name); if (empty($php_file_contents)) { echo("Failed to load " . $php_template_file_name . "\n"); exit; } $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_MODULENAME', $module_name, $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_MODULECLASSNAME', $module_class_name, $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_LIST', $module_name . "_list", $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_EDIT', $module_name . "_edit", $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_DELETE', $module_name . "_delete", $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SQL_LIST', "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS $table_short_name.id, $sql_list_of_columns, $table_short_name.id FROM $module_name $table_short_name", $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SQL_EDIT', "INSERT INTO $module_name ($list_of_columns, id) values ('\".implode('\', \'',\$input).\"', \$id) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE SET ", $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_GET_INPUT', $get_input, $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SET_INPUT', $set_input, $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_COLUMNS', $list_of_columns_in_quotes, $php_file_contents); $php_file_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_SQL_COLUMNS', $sql_list_of_columns_in_quotes, $php_file_contents); $php_file = fopen($target_php_folder . $php_file_name, "w"); if (empty($php_file)) { echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_php_folder . $php_file_name); } $template_list_file = fopen($target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name, "w"); if (empty($template_list_file)) { echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name); } $template_edit_file = fopen($target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name, "w"); if (empty($template_edit_file)) { echo ("Failed to write to " . $target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name); } fwrite($php_file, $php_file_contents); fclose($php_file); $list_template_contents = file_get_contents("module_creator_list.tpl"); fwrite($template_list_file, $list_template_contents); fclose($template_list_file); $edit_template_contents = file_get_contents("module_creator_edit.tpl"); $edit_template_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_LEGEND', "".$module_name, $edit_template_contents); $edit_template_contents = str_replace('PLACEHOLDER_FIELDS', $edit_form, $edit_template_contents); fwrite($template_edit_file, $edit_template_contents); fclose($template_edit_file); echo("\n\nCreated module files: \n"); echo ($target_php_folder . $php_file_name . "\n"); if ($verbose) { echo("-----------\n\n"); echo($php_file_contents); echo("-----------\n\n"); } echo ($target_tpl_folder . $template_list_file_name . "\n"); if ($verbose) { echo("-----------\n\n"); echo($list_template_contents); echo("-----------\n\n"); } echo ($target_tpl_folder . $template_edit_file_name . "\n"); if ($verbose) { echo("-----------\n\n"); echo($edit_template_contents); echo("-----------\n\n"); } } else { info(); exit; } function info() { echo("\nOpenXE module creator\n"); echo("Copyright 2022 (c) OpenXE project\n\n"); echo("Create a module.php file, a template for listing and a template for editing, based on a SQL table\n"); echo("\n"); echo("arg1: SQL table name\n"); echo("Options\n"); echo("\t-v: verbose output\n"); echo("\n"); }