app = $app; if ($intern) return; $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this); $this->app->ActionHandler("list", "artikel_texte_list"); $this->app->ActionHandler("create", "artikel_texte_edit"); // This automatically adds a "New" button $this->app->ActionHandler("edit", "artikel_texte_edit"); $this->app->ActionHandler("delete", "artikel_texte_delete"); $this->app->DefaultActionHandler("list"); $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app); } public function Install() { /* Fill out manually later */ } static function TableSearch(&$app, $name, $erlaubtevars) { switch ($name) { case "artikel_texte_list": $allowed['artikel_texte_list'] = array('list'); $heading = array('','','Nummer','Artikel','Sprache', 'Name', 'Kurztext', 'Beschreibung', 'Beschreibung_online', 'Meta title', 'Meta description', 'Meta keywords', 'Katalogartikel', 'Katalogbezeichnung', 'Katalogtext', 'Shop', 'Aktiv', 'Menü'); $width = array('1%','1%','1%'); // Fill out manually later $artikel = $app->User->GetParameter('artikeltexte_artikel'); // columns that are aligned right (numbers etc) // $alignright = array(4,5,6,7,8); $findcols = array('','','art.nummer', 'art.name_de', 'a.sprache', '', 'a.kurztext', 'a.beschreibung', 'a.beschreibung_online', 'a.meta_title', 'a.meta_description', 'a.meta_keywords', 'a.katalogartikel', 'a.katalog_bezeichnung', 'a.katalog_text', '', 'a.aktiv'); $searchsql = array('a.artikel', 'a.sprache', '', 'a.kurztext', 'a.beschreibung', 'a.beschreibung_online', 'a.meta_title', 'a.meta_description', 'a.meta_keywords', 'a.katalogartikel', 'a.katalog_bezeichnung', 'a.katalog_text', '', 'a.aktiv'); $defaultorder = 1; $defaultorderdesc = 0; $aligncenter = array(); $alignright = array(); $numbercols = array(); $sumcol = array(); $dropnbox = "'' AS `open`, CONCAT('') AS `auswahl`"; // $moreinfo = true; // Allow drop down details // $moreinfoaction = "lieferschein"; // specify suffix for minidetail-URL to allow different minidetails // $mencol = 11; // Set id col for moredata/menu $menu = "
" . "Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/edit.svg\" border=\"0\"> " . "Conf->WFconf['defaulttheme']}/images/delete.svg\" border=\"0\">" . "
"; $sql = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, $dropnbox, art.nummer, art.name_de, a.sprache,, a.kurztext, a.beschreibung, a.beschreibung_online, a.meta_title, a.meta_description, a.meta_keywords, a.katalogartikel, a.katalog_bezeichnung, a.katalog_text,, a.aktiv, FROM artikel_texte a INNER JOIN artikel art ON = a.artikel "; $where = "1"; if ($artikel) { // $where .= " AND a.artikel = '".$artikel."'"; } $count = "SELECT count(DISTINCT id) FROM artikel_texte a WHERE $where"; // $groupby = ""; break; } $erg = false; foreach ($erlaubtevars as $k => $v) { if (isset($$v)) { $erg[$v] = $$v; } } return $erg; } function artikel_texte_list() { $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=artikeltexte&action=list", "Übersicht"); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=artikeltexte&action=create", "Neu anlegen"); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php", "Zurück"); $artikel = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('artikel'); $this->app->User->SetParameter('artikeltexte_artikel', $artikel); $this->app->YUI->TableSearch('TAB1', 'artikel_texte_list', "show", "", "", basename(__FILE__), __CLASS__); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', "artikeltexte_list.tpl"); } public function artikel_texte_delete() { $id = (int) $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); $this->app->DB->Delete("DELETE FROM `artikel_texte` WHERE `id` = '{$id}'"); $this->app->Tpl->addMessage('error', 'Der Eintrag wurde gelöscht'); $this->artikel_texte_list(); } /* * Edit artikel_texte item * If id is empty, create a new one */ function artikel_texte_edit() { $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); // Check if other users are editing this id /* if($this->app->erp->DisableModul('artikel_texte',$id)) { return; } */ $this->app->Tpl->Set('ID', $id); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=artikeltexte&action=edit&id=$id", "Details"); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag("index.php?module=artikeltexte&action=list", "Zurück zur Übersicht"); $id = $this->app->Secure->GetGET('id'); $input = $this->GetInput(); $submit = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('submit'); if (empty($id)) { // New item $id = 'NULL'; } if ($submit != '') { // Write to database // Add checks here // $input['projekt'] = $this->app->erp->ReplaceProjekt(true,$input['projekt'],true); // Parameters: Target db?, value, from form? $columns = "id, "; $values = "$id, "; $update = ""; $fix = ""; foreach ($input as $key => $value) { $columns = $columns.$fix.$key; $values = $values.$fix."'".$value."'"; $update = $update.$fix.$key." = '$value'"; $fix = ", "; } // echo($columns."
"); // echo($values."
"); // echo($update."
"); $sql = "INSERT INTO artikel_texte (".$columns.") VALUES (".$values.") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".$update; // echo($sql); $this->app->DB->Update($sql); if ($id == 'NULL') { $msg = $this->app->erp->base64_url_encode("
Das Element wurde erfolgreich angelegt.
"); header("Location: index.php?module=artikeltexte&action=list&msg=$msg"); } else { $this->app->Tpl->addMessage('success', 'Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich übernommen.'); } } // Load values again from database if ($id != 'NULL') { $dropnbox = "'' AS `open`, CONCAT('') AS `auswahl`"; $result = $this->app->DB->SelectArr(" SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, $dropnbox, art.name_de, a.sprache,, a.kurztext, a.beschreibung, a.beschreibung_online, a.meta_title, a.meta_description, a.meta_keywords, a.katalogartikel, a.katalog_bezeichnung, a.katalog_text,, a.aktiv, FROM artikel_texte a INNER JOIN artikel art ON a.artikel = WHERE$id "); foreach ($result[0] as $key => $value) { $this->app->Tpl->Set(strtoupper($key), $value); } if (!empty($result)) { $artikel_texte_from_db = $result[0]; } else { return; } } /* * Add displayed items later * $this->app->Tpl->Add('EMAIL', $email); $this->app->Tpl->Add('ANGEZEIGTERNAME', $angezeigtername); $this->app->YUI->AutoComplete("artikel", "artikelnummer"); */ $sprachenOptions = $this->app->erp->GetSprachenSelect(); $this->app->Tpl->Set('SPRACHE', $this->app->erp->GetSelectAsso($sprachenOptions, $artikel_texte_from_db['sprache'])); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', "artikeltexte_edit.tpl"); } /** * Get all paramters from html form and save into $input */ public function GetInput(): array { $input = array(); //$input['EMAIL'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('email'); $input['sprache'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('sprache'); $input['name'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('name'); $input['kurztext'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('kurztext'); $input['beschreibung'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung'); $input['beschreibung_online'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('beschreibung_online'); $input['meta_title'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('meta_title'); $input['meta_description'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('meta_description'); $input['meta_keywords'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('meta_keywords'); $input['katalogartikel'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('katalogartikel'); $input['katalog_bezeichnung'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('katalog_bezeichnung'); $input['katalog_text'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('katalog_text'); $input['shop'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('shop'); $input['aktiv'] = $this->app->Secure->GetPOST('aktiv')?'1':'0'; return $input; } }