<?php namespace Xentral\Modules\ShippingTaxSplit\Service; use function Sabre\Xml\Deserializer\keyValue; use Xentral\Components\Database\Database; use Xentral\Modules\ShippingTaxSplit\Gateway\ShippingTaxSplitGateway; use Xentral\Modules\ShippingTaxSplit\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use erpAPI; final class ShippingTaxSplitService implements ShippingTaxSplitServiceInterface { /** @var Database $db */ private $db; /** @var ShippingTaxSplitGateway $gateway */ private $gateway; /** @var erpAPI $erp */ private $erp; /** * ShippingTaxSplitService constructor. * * @param Database $database * @param ShippingTaxSplitGateway $gateway * @param erpAPI $erp */ public function __construct(Database $database, ShippingTaxSplitGateway $gateway, erpAPI $erp) { $this->db = $database; $this->gateway = $gateway; $this->erp = $erp; } /** * @param int $orderId * * @return bool */ public function deleteShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId) { $numRows = (int)$this->db->fetchAffected( 'DELETE ap FROM auftrag_position AS ap INNER JOIN artikel AS art ON ap.artikel = art.id AND art.porto = 1 WHERE ap.auftrag = :order_id', ['order_id' => (int)$orderId] ); return $numRows > 0; } /** * @param array $nonShippingPositions * * @return array */ private function getShippingAmountsByTax($nonShippingPositions) { $grossPerTax = []; $discountsPerTax = []; foreach ($nonShippingPositions as $position) { if ($position['gross'] < 0) { if (empty($discountsPerTax[$position['tax']])) { $discountsPerTax[$position['tax']] = 0; } $discountsPerTax[$position['tax']] -= (float)$position['net']; } elseif ($position['gross'] > 0) { if (empty($grossPerTax[$position['tax']])) { $grossPerTax[$position['tax']] = 0; } $grossPerTax[$position['tax']] += (float)$position['net']; } } $grossPerTaxFallBack = $grossPerTax; $useGrossPerTax = false; foreach ($grossPerTax as $tax => $gross) { if (!empty($discountsPerTax[$tax])) { if ($discountsPerTax[$tax] <= $gross) { $grossPerTax[$tax] -= $discountsPerTax[$tax]; $useGrossPerTax = true; } else { $grossPerTax[$tax] = 0; } } else { $useGrossPerTax = true; } } if (!$useGrossPerTax) { $grossPerTax = $grossPerTaxFallBack; } return $grossPerTax; } /** * @param array $nonShippingPositions * @param float $tax * * @return array */ private function getTaxNameByPosition($nonShippingPositions, $tax) { if ($tax === 0) { return ['befreit', -1]; } if (empty($nonShippingPositions)) { return ['normal', -1]; } foreach ($nonShippingPositions as $nonShippingPosition) { if ($nonShippingPosition['tax'] == $tax) { if ($nonShippingPosition['tax_normal'] == $tax) { return ['normal', -1]; } if ($nonShippingPosition['tax_reduced'] == $tax) { return ['ermaessigt', -1]; } } } return ['normal', $tax]; } /** * @param int $articleId * @param int $orderId * * @return string */ private function getArticleNameByOrder($articleId, $orderId) { $name = $this->db->fetchRow( 'SELECT name_de, name_en FROM artikel WHERE id = :article_id LIMIT 1', ['article_id' => (int)$articleId] ); $language = $this->db->fetchValue('SELECT sprache FROM auftrag WHERE id = :order_id', ['order_id' => (int)$orderId]); $languageLower = strtolower($language); if ($language != '' && $languageLower !== 'de' && $languageLower !== 'deutsch' && $languageLower !== 'german') { return !empty($name['name_en']) ? (String)$name['name_en'] : (String)$name['name_de']; } return (String)$name['name_de']; } /** * @param array $nonShippingPositions * * @return string */ public function getCurrencyByNonSippingPositions($nonShippingPositions) { $position = reset($nonShippingPositions); return !empty($position['currency']) ? $position['currency'] : 'EUR'; } /** * @param array $grossPerTax * * @return float */ private function getMaxTax($grossPerTax) { if (count($grossPerTax) <= 1) { $returnTax = array_keys($grossPerTax); return reset($returnTax); } foreach($grossPerTax as $tax => $value) { $grossPerTax[$tax] = round($value, 4); } arsort($grossPerTax); $returnAmount = false; $returnTax = array_keys($grossPerTax); $returnTax = reset($returnTax); foreach ($grossPerTax as $tax => $amount) { if ($tax == 0) { continue; } if ($returnAmount === false) { $returnAmount = $amount; $returnTax = $tax; } elseif ($amount < $returnAmount) { return $returnTax; } if ($tax > $returnTax) { $returnTax = $tax; } } return $returnTax; } /** * @param int $orderId * @param int $articleId * @param float $amount * * @return bool */ public function addOrReplaceShippingPositionByMaxTaxToOrder($orderId, $articleId, $amount) { if (!is_numeric($orderId) || $orderId <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('OrderId is not valid'); } if (!$this->db->fetchCol('SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE porto = 1 AND id = :article_id', ['article_id' => $articleId])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Article %d has no Shipping-Attribute', $articleId)); } $withTax = $this->erp->AuftragMitUmsatzsteuer($orderId); if ($withTax) { $shippingPositions = $this->gateway->getShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } else { $shippingPositions = $this->gateway->getShippingPositionsWithoutTaxByOrderId($orderId); } if ($amount == 0 && !empty($shippingPositions)) { return $this->deleteShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } if ($withTax) { $nonShippingPositions = $this->gateway->getNonShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } else { $nonShippingPositions = $this->gateway->getNonShippingPositionsWithoutTaxByOrderId($orderId); } if (empty($nonShippingPositions)) { if (empty($shippingPositions)) { return true; } return $this->deleteShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } $tax = 0; if ($withTax) { $grossPerTax = $this->getShippingAmountsByTax($nonShippingPositions); //arsort($grossPerTax); //$tax = array_keys($grossPerTax); $tax = $this->getMaxTax($grossPerTax); /*if ($tax[0] == 0 && count($tax) > 1) { $tax = $tax[1]; } else { $tax = reset($tax); }*/ } $articleName = $this->getArticleNameByOrder($articleId, $orderId); $net = $amount / (1 + $tax / 100); list($taxName, $taxPosition) = $this->getTaxNameByPosition($nonShippingPositions, $tax); if (!$withTax) { $taxPosition = 0; } $currency = $this->getCurrencyByNonSippingPositions($nonShippingPositions); if (empty($shippingPositions)) { $orderPositionId = $this->erp->AddPositionManuellPreis( 'auftrag', $orderId, $articleId, 1, $articleName, $net, $taxName ); $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET umsatzsteuer = :tax_name, waehrung = :currency WHERE id = :order_position_id', [ 'tax_name' => $taxName, 'order_position_id' => $orderPositionId, 'currency' => $currency, ] ); return true; } $first = true; foreach ($shippingPositions as $position) { if ($first) { $first = false; $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET preis = :net, steuersatz = :tax, waehrung = :currency, menge = :quantity, rabatt = 0, umsatzsteuer = :tax_name WHERE id = :order_position_id', [ 'quantity' => $position['amount'], 'net' => $net / $position['amount'], 'tax' => $taxPosition, 'currency' => $currency, 'tax_name' => $taxName, 'order_position_id' => $position['order_position_id'], ] ); } else { $this->deleteOrderPosition($position['order_position_id']); } } return true; } /** * @param array $grossPerTax * @param float $amount * @param float $factor * @param float $taxNormal * @param float $taxReduced * * @return array */ private function getNetShippingFromGrossPerTax($grossPerTax, $amount, $factor, $taxNormal, $taxReduced) { $netShipping = []; foreach ($grossPerTax as $tax => $gross) { if ($gross > 0) { $taxPosition = $tax; $taxname = 'normal'; if ($tax == 0) { $taxPosition = -1; $taxname = 'befreit'; } elseif ($tax == $taxReduced) { $taxname = 'ermaessigt'; $taxPosition = -1; } elseif ($tax == $taxNormal) { $taxPosition = -1; } $netShipping[$tax] = [ 'gross' => $amount * $gross / $factor, 'net' => $amount * ($gross / $factor) / (1 + $tax / 100), 'tax' => $taxPosition, 'tax_name' => $taxname, ]; } } return $netShipping; } /** * @param array $grossPerTax * * @return array */ private function getTaxFactors($grossPerTax) { $grossPerTaxFallBack = $grossPerTax; $useGrossPerTax = false; $factorFallback = 0; $factor = 0; foreach ($grossPerTax as $tax => $gross) { if (count($grossPerTax) > 1 && $tax == 0) { continue; } $factorFallback += $gross; if (!empty($discountsPerTax[$tax])) { if ($discountsPerTax[$tax] <= $gross) { $grossPerTax[$tax] -= $discountsPerTax[$tax]; $useGrossPerTax = true; } else { $grossPerTax[$tax] = 0; } } else { $useGrossPerTax = true; } $factor += $gross; } if (!$useGrossPerTax) { $grossPerTax = $grossPerTaxFallBack; $factor = $factorFallback; } return [$grossPerTax, $factor]; } /** * @param array $shippingPositions * * @return array */ public function deleteTaxDoubletes($shippingPositions) { if (empty($shippingPositions)) { return $shippingPositions; } $taxes = []; foreach ($shippingPositions as $shippingPositionKey => $shippingPosition) { if (in_array($shippingPosition['tax'], $taxes)) { $this->deleteOrderPosition($shippingPosition['order_position_id']); unset($shippingPositions[$shippingPositionKey]); } else { $taxes[] = $shippingPosition['tax']; } } return $shippingPositions; } /** * @param array $shippingPositions * @param array $taxes * * @return array */ public function deleteTaxesNotInArray($shippingPositions, $taxes) { if (empty($shippingPositions)) { return $shippingPositions; } foreach ($shippingPositions as $shippingPositionKey => $shippingPosition) { if (!in_array($shippingPosition['tax'], $taxes, false)) { $this->deleteOrderPosition($shippingPosition['order_position_id']); unset($shippingPositions[$shippingPositionKey]); } } return $shippingPositions; } /** * @param array $shippingPositions * * @return array */ public function getShippingPositionTaxes($shippingPositions) { $taxes = []; if (empty($shippingPositions)) { return $taxes; } foreach ($shippingPositions as $shippingPosition) { $taxes[] = (float)$shippingPosition['tax']; } return $taxes; } /** * @param int $orderId * @param int $articleId * @param float $amount * * @return bool */ public function addOrReplaceShippingPositionToOrder($orderId, $articleId, $amount) { if (!is_numeric($orderId) || $orderId <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('OrderId is not valid'); } if (!$this->db->fetchCol('SELECT id FROM artikel WHERE porto = 1 AND id = :article_id', ['article_id' => $articleId])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Article has no Shipping-Attribute'); } $withTax = $this->erp->AuftragMitUmsatzsteuer($orderId); if ($withTax) { $shippingPositions = $this->gateway->getShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } else { $shippingPositions = $this->gateway->getShippingPositionsWithoutTaxByOrderId($orderId); } if ($amount == 0 && !empty($shippingPositions)) { return $this->deleteShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } if ($withTax) { $nonShippingPositions = $this->gateway->getNonShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } else { $nonShippingPositions = $this->gateway->getNonShippingPositionsWithoutTaxByOrderId($orderId); } if (empty($nonShippingPositions)) { if (empty($shippingPositions)) { return true; } return $this->deleteShippingPositionsByOrderId($orderId); } $grossPerTax = []; $discountsPerTax = []; $taxReduced = false; $taxNormal = false; foreach ($nonShippingPositions as $position) { $taxReduced = $position['tax_reduced']; $taxNormal = $position['tax_normal']; if ($position['gross'] < 0) { if (empty($discountsPerTax[$position['tax']])) { $discountsPerTax[$position['tax']] = 0; } $discountsPerTax[$position['tax']] -= (float)$position['gross']; } elseif ($position['gross'] > 0) { if (empty($grossPerTax[$position['tax']])) { $grossPerTax[$position['tax']] = 0; } $grossPerTax[$position['tax']] += (float)$position['gross']; } } list($grossPerTax, $factor) = $this->getTaxFactors($grossPerTax); $netShipping = $this->getNetShippingFromGrossPerTax($grossPerTax, $amount, $factor, $taxNormal, $taxReduced); $name = $this->getArticleNameByOrder($articleId, $orderId); $shippingPositions = $this->deleteTaxDoubletes($shippingPositions); $netShippingTaxes = array_keys($netShipping); $shippingPositions = $this->deleteTaxesNotInArray($shippingPositions, $netShippingTaxes); $shippingPositionsTaxes = $this->getShippingPositionTaxes($shippingPositions); $currency = $this->getCurrencyByNonSippingPositions($nonShippingPositions); foreach ($netShipping as $tax => $shippingArticle) { if (!in_array((float)$tax, $shippingPositionsTaxes)) { $orderPositionId = $this->erp->AddPositionManuellPreis( 'auftrag', $orderId, $articleId, 1, $name, $shippingArticle['net'], $shippingArticle['tax_name'] ); $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET umsatzsteuer = :tax_name, waehrung = :currency WHERE id = :order_position_id', [ 'tax_name' => $shippingArticle['tax_name'], 'order_position_id' => $orderPositionId, 'currency' => $currency, ] ); if (!$withTax) { $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET steuersatz = :tax WHERE id = :order_position_id', [ 'tax' => 0, 'order_position_id' => $orderPositionId, ] ); } } } foreach ($shippingPositions as $shippingKey => $shippingPosition) { $shippingPositionTax = $shippingPosition['tax']; if (!empty($netShipping[$shippingPositionTax]) && $shippingPosition['net'] != $netShipping[$shippingPosition['tax']]['net']) { $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET menge = 1, rabatt = 0, preis = :net, waehrung = :currency WHERE id = :order_position_id LIMIT 1', [ 'net' => (float)$netShipping[$shippingPositionTax]['net'], 'order_position_id' => (int)$shippingPosition['order_position_id'], 'currency' => $currency, ] ); } if (!$withTax) { $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET steuersatz = :tax WHERE id = :order_position_id', [ 'tax' => 0, 'order_position_id' => (int)$shippingPosition['order_position_id'], ] ); } } return true; } /** * @param int $orderPositionId */ private function deleteOrderPosition($orderPositionId) { $this->db->perform( 'DELETE lr FROM lager_reserviert AS lr INNER JOIN auftrag_position AS ap ON lr.objekt = \'auftrag\' AND lr.parameter = ap.auftrag WHERE ap.id = :order_position_id', ['order_position_id' => $orderPositionId] ); $posArr = $this->db->fetchRow( 'SELECT sort, auftrag FROM auftrag_position WHERE id = :order_position_id', ['order_position_id' => $orderPositionId] ); $sort = $posArr['sort']; $orderId = $posArr['auftrag']; $this->db->perform( 'DELETE FROM auftrag_position WHERE id = :order_position_id', ['order_position_id' => $orderPositionId] ); $this->db->perform( 'UPDATE auftrag_position SET sort = sort - 1 WHERE auftrag = :order_id AND sort > :sort', ['order_id' => $orderId, 'sort' => $sort] ); $beleg_zwischenpositionensort = $this->db->fetchRow( "SELECT id, sort FROM beleg_zwischenpositionen WHERE doctype = 'auftrag' AND doctypeid = :order_id AND pos = :sort ORDER BY sort DESC LIMIT 1", ['order_id' => $orderId, 'sort' => $sort] ); $offset = 0; if (!empty($beleg_zwischenpositionensort)) { $offset = 1 + $beleg_zwischenpositionensort['sort']; } $this->db->perform( "UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos = pos - 1, sort = sort + :sort_offset WHERE doctype = 'auftrag' AND doctypeid = :order_id AND pos = :sort", ['sort_offset' => $offset, 'order_id' => $orderId, 'sort' => $sort] ); $this->db->perform( "UPDATE beleg_zwischenpositionen SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE doctype = 'auftrag' AND doctypeid = :order_id AND pos > :sort", ['order_id' => $orderId, 'sort' => $sort] ); } }