<?php /* **** COPYRIGHT & LICENSE NOTICE *** DO NOT REMOVE **** * * Xentral (c) Xentral ERP Sorftware GmbH, Fuggerstrasse 11, D-86150 Augsburg, * Germany 2019 * * This file is licensed under the Embedded Projects General Public License *Version 3.1. * * You should have received a copy of this license from your vendor and/or *along with this file; If not, please visit www.wawision.de/Lizenzhinweis * to obtain the text of the corresponding license version. * **** END OF COPYRIGHT & LICENSE NOTICE *** DO NOT REMOVE **** */ ?> <?php use Xentral\Widgets\Chart\Chart; use Xentral\Widgets\Chart\Dataset; use Xentral\Widgets\Chart\HtmlRenderer; use Xentral\Widgets\Chart\PeriodMatcher; use Xentral\Widgets\Chart\PieDataset; class Dashboard { /** @var Application $app */ protected $app; const MODULE_NAME = 'Dashboard'; /** @var array $javascript */ public $javascript = [ './classes/Modules/Dashboard/www/js/hammer.js-2.0.8/hammer.min.js', './classes/Modules/Dashboard/www/js/muuri-0.7.1/muuri.min.js', './classes/Modules/Dashboard/www/js/jquery.fittext.js', './classes/Modules/Dashboard/www/js/dashboard.js', ]; /** @var array $stylesheet */ public $stylesheet = [ './classes/Modules/Dashboard/www/css/dashboard-relative.css', ]; /** * Dashboard constructor. * * @param Application $app * @param bool $intern */ public function __construct($app, $intern = false) { $this->app = $app; if($intern){ return; } $this->app->ActionHandlerInit($this); $this->app->ActionHandler('list', 'DashboardList'); $this->app->DefaultActionHandler('list'); $this->app->ActionHandlerListen($app); } public function Install() { /*$this->app->erp->CheckTable("chat"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("id", "int(11)", "chat", "NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("user_from", "INT(11)", "chat", "DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("user_to", "INT(11)", "chat", "DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("message", "TEXT", "chat", "DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("prio", "TINYINT(1)", "chat", "DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL"); $this->app->erp->CheckColumn("zeitstempel", "DATETIME", "chat"); $this->app->erp->CheckIndex("chat", "user_from"); $this->app->erp->CheckIndex("chat", "user_to");*/ } protected function DashboardMenu() { $this->app->erp->Headlines('Dashboard'); $this->app->erp->MenuEintrag('index.php?module=dashboard&action=list', 'Übersicht'); } public function DashboardList() { // Top 5 Artikel (90 Tage) $articlesRenderer = new HtmlRenderer($this->GetArticlesChart(), 'Top 5 Artikel (90 Tage)', 400, 400); $this->app->Tpl->Set('ARTICLECHART', $articlesRenderer->render()); $orderChartRenderer = new HtmlRenderer($this->GetExampleChartRenderer(), 'Aufträge', 400, 400); $this->app->Tpl->Set('ORDERCHART', $orderChartRenderer->render()); $this->DashboardMenu(); $this->app->Tpl->Parse('PAGE', 'dashboard_list.tpl'); } /** * @return Chart * @throws Exception */ protected function GetExampleChartRenderer() { $orderCount = [ ['month' => '02/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '03/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '04/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '05/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '06/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '07/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '08/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '09/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '10/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '11/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '12/2018', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ['month' => '01/2019', 'count' => mt_rand(0, 15)], ]; // Daten auf Zeitachse matchen; Leere Monate werden aufgefüllt $begin = new DateTime(sprintf('01.01.2018')); $end = new DateTime('28.02.2019'); $interval = new DateInterval('P1M'); $period = new PeriodMatcher($begin, $end, $interval, 'm/Y'); $labels = $period->getDates(); $orderCountData = $period->matchData($orderCount, 'month', 'count'); // Diagramm zusammenbauen $chart = new Chart('line', [], [], ['aspectRatio' => 1]); $chart->addLabels($labels); $chart->addDataset(new Dataset('Aufträge', $orderCountData)); return $chart; } protected function GetArticlesChart() { $chartData = $this->app->DB->SelectArr( "SELECT CONCAT(art.nummer, ' ', SUBSTRING(art.name_de, 1, 30)) AS artikel, ROUND(SUM(rp.menge * rp.preis), 2) AS menge FROM artikel AS art INNER JOIN rechnung_position AS rp ON art.id = rp.artikel INNER JOIN rechnung AS r ON r.id = rp.rechnung WHERE r.status != 'angelegt' AND r.status <> 'storniert' AND r.status != 'angelegt' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), r.datum) <= 90 GROUP BY art.id ORDER BY SUM(rp.menge * rp.preis) DESC LIMIT 5" ); if ($chartData === null) { $chartData = []; } $labels = array_column($chartData, 'artikel'); $data = array_column($chartData, 'menge'); $data = array_map('floatVal', $data); $dataset = new PieDataset(date('Y'), $data); $dataset->setColorByName(Dataset::COLOR_BLUE); return new Chart('doughnut', $labels, [$dataset]); } }