<?php /* $printer = new LabelPrinter(); $printer->Configure(203,50,18,3,0,6); $printer->Printpath("/dev/lp0"); $printer->Printamount(1); // mit Barcode (links), darunter 2 Zeilen: //$printer->Barcode(5,0,10,12345678); //$printer->Line(0,12,3,"Lager"); //$printer->Line(15,110,2,"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,"); //$printer->Qrcode(40,0,3,"123456"); */ $xmlconfig = ' <printer> <label width="50" height="80" /> <setting dpi="50" offsetx="0" offsety="0" /> </printer> '; $xml =' <label> <line x="5" y="0" size="3" rotation="1">Blabla</line> </label> '; $printer = new LabelPrinter(); $printer->ConfigureXML($xmlconfig); //$_POST['label'] = trim($_POST['label']); $printer->LoadXML($_POST['label']); //$printer->LoadXML($xml); $printer->Output($_POST['amount']); class LabelPrinter { private $ppath; // Print path private $pamount; // Print amount private $width; // Label width private $height; // Label height private $height_between; // Height between the labels private $variable; // "Variable" of the printer private $lines; // a line for the printer variable private $contents; // the content that should be printed /* 203 dpi oder 300 dpi GK420t hat 203 dpi dpi / 25.4 mm 8 punkte pro millimeter bei 203 */ function __construct($simulate=false) { $this->simulate=$simulate; $this->ppath="/dev/lp0"; $this->pamount=1; $this->max_line_chars = 99; // only for internal variables! } function ConfigureXML($xml) { $this->Configure(203,50,18,3,0,6); } function LoadXML($xml) { $xml_data = simplexml_load_string("<xml>".$xml."</xml>"); foreach($xml_data->children() as $label) { foreach($label->children() as $commands) { unset($parameter); foreach($commands->attributes() as $attribute => $value) $parameter[$attribute] = $value; $content = $commands; switch($commands->getName()) { case "line": $this->Line($parameter['x'],$parameter['y'],$parameter['rotation'],$parameter['size'],$content); break; case "barcode": $this->Barcode($parameter['x'],$parameter['y'],$parameter['rotation'],$parameter['size'],$content,$parameter['type']); break; case "qrcode": $this->Qrcode($parameter['x'],$parameter['y'],$parameter['type'],$content); break; default: // unkown } } } } // Laenge und Hoehe des Labels werden im Konstruktor initialisiert in mm function Configure($dpi,$qwidth, $qheight, $qheight_between,$offset_x=0,$offset_y=0) { $this->scale = ($dpi/25.4); // offset for real label in the real world $this->width = $this->ScaleValue($qwidth)+$offset_x; $this->height = $this->ScaleValue($qheight)+$offset_y; $this->height_between = $this->ScaleValue($qheight_between); } function ScaleValue($value) { $value = round($value*$this->scale); return $value; } // Label definieren: // erstellt einen Barcode // B<X-Wert_in_Px>,<Y-Wert_in_Px>,<Rotation>,<Bar Code Selection>,<duenner_Balken_Breite_in_Px>,<dicker_Balken_Breite_in_Px>,<Hoehe_in_Px>,<Lesbarer Code (B=yes, N=no)>,"Daten_als_String" function Barcode($pos_x, $pos_y, $rotation, $height,$text,$type="1") { $pos_x = $this->ScaleValue($pos_x); $pos_y = $this->ScaleValue($pos_y); $height = $this->ScaleValue($height); $rotation = $rotation + 0; if(!is_numeric($rotation)) $rotation=0; // 0 = rot (3.), 1 = typ (4.), 2.=blackwidth (5.), 8 whitewidth (6.) switch($type) { case 1: $barcode = 'B'.$pos_x.','.$pos_y.','.$rotation.',1,2,8,'.$height.',N,'; break; case 2: $barcode = 'B'.$pos_x.','.$pos_y.','.$rotation.',1,3,8,'.$height.',N,'; break; default: $barcode = 'B'.$pos_x.','.$pos_y.','.$rotation.',1,2,8,'.$height.',N,'; break; } $this->AddLabel($barcode, $text); } // erstellt einen 2D Bar Code // b<X-Wert_in_Px>,<Y-Wert_in_Px>,Q (fuer QR Code),s<1-99> (Groesse des QR-Codes (s = scale)),[optional p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9],"Daten_als_String" function Qrcode($pos_x, $pos_y, $type, $text) { $pos_x = $this->ScaleValue($pos_x); $pos_y = $this->ScaleValue($pos_y); $qrcode = 'b'.$pos_x.','.$pos_y.',Q,s'.$type.','; $this->AddLabel($qrcode, $text); //$this->errprint($errcode); } // erstellt eine Zeile mit Inhalt (ohne Angabe der Schriftgroesse, diese wird automatisch auf "2" gesetzt) function Line($pos_x, $pos_y, $rotation, $size,$text) { $pos_x = $this->ScaleValue($pos_x); $pos_y = $this->ScaleValue($pos_y); $rotation = $rotation + 0; if(!is_numeric($rotation)) $rotation=0; $size = $size + 0; if(!is_numeric($size)) $size=0; if(!is_numeric($size)) { $size = 2; } else if($size <= 1) { $size = 1; } else if($size >= 5) { $size = 5; // alle schriftgroessen >= 5 sind immer grossbuchstaben $text = strtoupper($text); } $line = 'A'.$pos_x.','.$pos_y.','.$rotation.','.$size.',1,1,N,'; $this->AddLabel($line, $text); } // setzt die Labelvariablen fuer den Drucker /* es wird zuerst die zu erstellende Druckervariable in definiert ($this->variable[]), anschliessend die Variable selbst ($this->lines[]) in $this->contents[] wird der Text abgespeichert, der spaeter in den Output-Funktionen hinzugefuegt wird */ function AddLabel($vartext, $linetext) { $varcounter = 0; $varcounter = (!empty($this->variable)?count($this->variable):0); $varnumber = "V".str_pad($varcounter, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $this->variable[] = $varnumber.','.$this->max_line_chars.',N,"Var'.$varnumber.'"'; $this->lines[] = $vartext.''.$varnumber; $this->contents[] = $linetext; } // gibt das zusammengebaute Label zurueck function OutputLabel() { $label = 'FK"Label1"'."\r\n" .'FK"Label1"'."\r\n" .'FS"Label1"'."\r\n"; for($i=0; $i<(!empty($this->variable)?count($this->variable):0); $i++) { $label .= $this->variable[$i]."\r\n"; } // label breite und hoehe + abstand zwischen labels $label .= 'q'.$this->width."\r\n" .'Q'.$this->height.','.$this->height_between."\r\n"; for($i=0; $i<(!empty($this->lines)?count($this->lines):0); $i++) { $label .= $this->lines[$i]."\r\n"; } // label form end $label .= "FE"; return $label; } // gibt den zu druckenden Inhalt zur�ck function OutputContent() { $inhalt = 'FR"Label1"'."\r\n" .'?'."\r\n"; for($i=0; $i<(!empty($this->lines)?count($this->lines):0); $i++) { $inhalt .= $this->contents[$i]."\r\n"; } $inhalt .="P1"; return $inhalt; } function Output($amount) { if(!is_numeric($amount)) $amount=1; $this->pamount = $amount; $label = $this->OutputLabel(); $inhalt = $this->OutputContent(); if(!$this->simulate) { system("echo '$label' > $this->ppath"); for($i=0;$i<$this->pamount;$i++) system("echo '$inhalt' > $this->ppath"); } else { echo "\r\n-->$label<--\r\n"; echo "\r\n-->$inhalt<--\r\n"; } } // Error ausgeben function errPrint($text) { //echo "<p>$text</p>"; } // Error des Array ausgeben function errprintarr($text) { //echo "<pre>$text</pre>"; } // Predruckvariablen definieren: // Druckerpfad definieren: function Printpath($path) { $this->ppath = $path; } // Druckanzahl definieren: function Printamount($amount) { $this->pamount = $amount; } }